99-520"" ' �i Council File # 99 � S�� ORIGINAL Ordinance # Green Sheet # G�gS.S Presented Referred To Committee: Date 1 An ordinance to amend Saint Paul Legislative Z Code Chapter 377; citing the fee for a lawn 3 fertilizer and pesticide application to Chapter 4 310 5 6 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 7 8 Section 1 9 10 Section 377.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is amended to read as follows: 11 12Sec. 377.03. Fee. 13 14 . . The fee for a license shall be established by ardinance as s�ecified in 15 section 310.09(bl of the Le�islafive Code. 16 17 18 19 Secidon 2 20 This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Prot ct'on BY� � r ss 34AdopCed by Council: Date r} �� 35 36Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 37 9 38 sy: _���� '��// 39 � V �7 � � 40Approved by Ma or: Date 41 E:z��� �/ �7Z�7lG� 42ay: ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 77 Fo By: rm Approve by City Atto _� ��� oved by ayor f�r Submission to JUL 2 41g99 {�. OFFICE OF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET Robert Kessler February 17, 1990 266-9112 No. 64855 '�'� �UXE � ��/�//� EPARIMElTf DIRBCTOR ITY COUNCIL � Z ITY A1IVRNEY ITY Q.ERR �� ust be on Council Ag2nd8 by: � DIRSCTOR IN. E MGP. SVC. DIR. SAP YOR (OR ASSIST OTAL # OF SIGNATIIRS PAGSS 1 (CLIP ALL OCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: ordinance to amend Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 377; citing the fee for a lawn fertilizer and pesticide application to Chapter 310. O�lR�i6NDATIONS: APPROVB (A) OA REJ&CT (R) 8RS02AL 8ffi24IC8 CONTRAGTS ffiff3T AHSWBR T86 FOr.LO➢GIIiG: PLANNING CO�MSISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has the pereon/firm ever worked under a ContraCt for this depaYtment? CIS COMMIITEE BUSINESS RBVIEW tl�UNCIL YSS NO STAPF _ Has thia pezson/firm ever been a City employee? DISIRICT COURT _ YES NO Does thia peraon/firm poeaesa a aki11 not normally possessed by any SUPPORTS WHZCH COUNCIL OBJECPIVE? Q�rrent City employeel YES NO laia all Y83 aasvera oa a aepasate aheet and aitach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Currently the fee for lawn fertilizer and pesticide application licenses are cited in both Chapters 310 and 377. This may lead to an inconsistency in the future when charging the license fee. Having one point of reference for the license fee will eliminate any discrepancy for the cost of the license. VANTAGES IF APPROVEDo There will be one point of reference for the lawn fertilizer and pesticide application license fee. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one apparent. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: There will be more than one point of reference for the lawn fertilizer and esticide application license fee. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TItANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL "INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Cs�lefK:� {�/�-'S��fGs? «�iBfEt@f a.ak � .__ .,,:�x,.:;�3i��;;:: OF'FICE OF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET Robert Kessler April 19, 1999 266-9112 � No . 64871 `�4 So. PARTMIIYr DIIiHCPOR ITY COUNCIL s uX E 9 ��,� ,� � 2 =� �� �� � �� ust be on Council Agenda by: �^ �T a�xscmx IN. E MGT. SVC. DIR. � SAP � YOA (OR ASSISTANP) OTAL # OF SIGNATIIRS PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIOI35 FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: ordinance to amend Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 341; adding °Plant/Service" to the title of the chapter to accurately describe the chapter & licenses and including the proper title of the department of public health ithin the chapter's text. COFAfENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECP (R) 8R30tAL SSRVICS CONTFtACf3 MIJST ANSNSR THS POWA➢PING: PLAN.�iING COCMtISSZON CIVIL SERVICE COIMIIS6IO4I 1. Has the personJfixm evez worked undes a con[sact for this depastment? CIH COMMITTEE BUSINSSS REVIEW COUNCIL YSS NO �FF _ Has this peraon/firm ever been a C3ty employee? DI51RIC1' Q�URT YES NO 3. Doea this person/fixm possess a skill not normally possessed by any SUPPOATS tVHICH C1�UNCIL OHSfiCTIVE? (]txYent City employee? YES NO lain all x8s ansaera oa a saparaxe sheet and attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The current title of the chapter, "Milk," inadequately describes the content of the chapter and the licenses found within the chapter; the department of public health is referred to as the division of public health which is inaccurate. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: The title will accurately reflect the content of the chapter and the licenses cited in the chapter; the department of public health will be accurately titled in the chapter. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: , one apparent. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The title of the chapter will remain inadequate in describing the content of the chapter and the licenses it describes; the title of the department of ublic health will remain inaccurate. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COSTfREVENUE BUDG&TED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) R �s h� C'. &rsP ,-�.��,.- - u ; '.. � - "" ' �i Council File # 99 � S�� ORIGINAL Ordinance # Green Sheet # G�gS.S Presented Referred To Committee: Date 1 An ordinance to amend Saint Paul Legislative Z Code Chapter 377; citing the fee for a lawn 3 fertilizer and pesticide application to Chapter 4 310 5 6 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 7 8 Section 1 9 10 Section 377.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is amended to read as follows: 11 12Sec. 377.03. Fee. 13 14 . . The fee for a license shall be established by ardinance as s�ecified in 15 section 310.09(bl of the Le�islafive Code. 16 17 18 19 Secidon 2 20 This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Prot ct'on BY� � r ss 34AdopCed by Council: Date r} �� 35 36Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 37 9 38 sy: _���� '��// 39 � V �7 � � 40Approved by Ma or: Date 41 E:z��� �/ �7Z�7lG� 42ay: ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 77 Fo By: rm Approve by City Atto _� ��� oved by ayor f�r Submission to JUL 2 41g99 {�. OFFICE OF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET Robert Kessler February 17, 1990 266-9112 No. 64855 '�'� �UXE � ��/�//� EPARIMElTf DIRBCTOR ITY COUNCIL � Z ITY A1IVRNEY ITY Q.ERR �� ust be on Council Ag2nd8 by: � DIRSCTOR IN. E MGP. SVC. DIR. SAP YOR (OR ASSIST OTAL # OF SIGNATIIRS PAGSS 1 (CLIP ALL OCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: ordinance to amend Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 377; citing the fee for a lawn fertilizer and pesticide application to Chapter 310. O�lR�i6NDATIONS: APPROVB (A) OA REJ&CT (R) 8RS02AL 8ffi24IC8 CONTRAGTS ffiff3T AHSWBR T86 FOr.LO➢GIIiG: PLANNING CO�MSISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has the pereon/firm ever worked under a ContraCt for this depaYtment? CIS COMMIITEE BUSINESS RBVIEW tl�UNCIL YSS NO STAPF _ Has thia pezson/firm ever been a City employee? DISIRICT COURT _ YES NO Does thia peraon/firm poeaesa a aki11 not normally possessed by any SUPPORTS WHZCH COUNCIL OBJECPIVE? Q�rrent City employeel YES NO laia all Y83 aasvera oa a aepasate aheet and aitach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Currently the fee for lawn fertilizer and pesticide application licenses are cited in both Chapters 310 and 377. This may lead to an inconsistency in the future when charging the license fee. Having one point of reference for the license fee will eliminate any discrepancy for the cost of the license. VANTAGES IF APPROVEDo There will be one point of reference for the lawn fertilizer and pesticide application license fee. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one apparent. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: There will be more than one point of reference for the lawn fertilizer and esticide application license fee. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TItANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL "INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Cs�lefK:� {�/�-'S��fGs? «�iBfEt@f a.ak � .__ .,,:�x,.:;�3i��;;:: OF'FICE OF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET Robert Kessler April 19, 1999 266-9112 � No . 64871 `�4 So. PARTMIIYr DIIiHCPOR ITY COUNCIL s uX E 9 ��,� ,� � 2 =� �� �� � �� ust be on Council Agenda by: �^ �T a�xscmx IN. E MGT. SVC. DIR. � SAP � YOA (OR ASSISTANP) OTAL # OF SIGNATIIRS PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIOI35 FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: ordinance to amend Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 341; adding °Plant/Service" to the title of the chapter to accurately describe the chapter & licenses and including the proper title of the department of public health ithin the chapter's text. COFAfENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECP (R) 8R30tAL SSRVICS CONTFtACf3 MIJST ANSNSR THS POWA➢PING: PLAN.�iING COCMtISSZON CIVIL SERVICE COIMIIS6IO4I 1. Has the personJfixm evez worked undes a con[sact for this depastment? CIH COMMITTEE BUSINSSS REVIEW COUNCIL YSS NO �FF _ Has this peraon/firm ever been a C3ty employee? DI51RIC1' Q�URT YES NO 3. Doea this person/fixm possess a skill not normally possessed by any SUPPOATS tVHICH C1�UNCIL OHSfiCTIVE? (]txYent City employee? YES NO lain all x8s ansaera oa a saparaxe sheet and attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The current title of the chapter, "Milk," inadequately describes the content of the chapter and the licenses found within the chapter; the department of public health is referred to as the division of public health which is inaccurate. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: The title will accurately reflect the content of the chapter and the licenses cited in the chapter; the department of public health will be accurately titled in the chapter. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: , one apparent. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The title of the chapter will remain inadequate in describing the content of the chapter and the licenses it describes; the title of the department of ublic health will remain inaccurate. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COSTfREVENUE BUDG&TED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) R �s h� C'. &rsP ,-�.��,.- - u ; '.. � - "" ' �i Council File # 99 � S�� ORIGINAL Ordinance # Green Sheet # G�gS.S Presented Referred To Committee: Date 1 An ordinance to amend Saint Paul Legislative Z Code Chapter 377; citing the fee for a lawn 3 fertilizer and pesticide application to Chapter 4 310 5 6 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 7 8 Section 1 9 10 Section 377.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is amended to read as follows: 11 12Sec. 377.03. Fee. 13 14 . . The fee for a license shall be established by ardinance as s�ecified in 15 section 310.09(bl of the Le�islafive Code. 16 17 18 19 Secidon 2 20 This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Prot ct'on BY� � r ss 34AdopCed by Council: Date r} �� 35 36Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 37 9 38 sy: _���� '��// 39 � V �7 � � 40Approved by Ma or: Date 41 E:z��� �/ �7Z�7lG� 42ay: ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 77 Fo By: rm Approve by City Atto _� ��� oved by ayor f�r Submission to JUL 2 41g99 {�. OFFICE OF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET Robert Kessler February 17, 1990 266-9112 No. 64855 '�'� �UXE � ��/�//� EPARIMElTf DIRBCTOR ITY COUNCIL � Z ITY A1IVRNEY ITY Q.ERR �� ust be on Council Ag2nd8 by: � DIRSCTOR IN. E MGP. SVC. DIR. SAP YOR (OR ASSIST OTAL # OF SIGNATIIRS PAGSS 1 (CLIP ALL OCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: ordinance to amend Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 377; citing the fee for a lawn fertilizer and pesticide application to Chapter 310. O�lR�i6NDATIONS: APPROVB (A) OA REJ&CT (R) 8RS02AL 8ffi24IC8 CONTRAGTS ffiff3T AHSWBR T86 FOr.LO➢GIIiG: PLANNING CO�MSISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has the pereon/firm ever worked under a ContraCt for this depaYtment? CIS COMMIITEE BUSINESS RBVIEW tl�UNCIL YSS NO STAPF _ Has thia pezson/firm ever been a City employee? DISIRICT COURT _ YES NO Does thia peraon/firm poeaesa a aki11 not normally possessed by any SUPPORTS WHZCH COUNCIL OBJECPIVE? Q�rrent City employeel YES NO laia all Y83 aasvera oa a aepasate aheet and aitach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Currently the fee for lawn fertilizer and pesticide application licenses are cited in both Chapters 310 and 377. This may lead to an inconsistency in the future when charging the license fee. Having one point of reference for the license fee will eliminate any discrepancy for the cost of the license. VANTAGES IF APPROVEDo There will be one point of reference for the lawn fertilizer and pesticide application license fee. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one apparent. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: There will be more than one point of reference for the lawn fertilizer and esticide application license fee. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TItANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL "INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Cs�lefK:� {�/�-'S��fGs? «�iBfEt@f a.ak � .__ .,,:�x,.:;�3i��;;:: OF'FICE OF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET Robert Kessler April 19, 1999 266-9112 � No . 64871 `�4 So. PARTMIIYr DIIiHCPOR ITY COUNCIL s uX E 9 ��,� ,� � 2 =� �� �� � �� ust be on Council Agenda by: �^ �T a�xscmx IN. E MGT. SVC. DIR. � SAP � YOA (OR ASSISTANP) OTAL # OF SIGNATIIRS PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIOI35 FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: ordinance to amend Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 341; adding °Plant/Service" to the title of the chapter to accurately describe the chapter & licenses and including the proper title of the department of public health ithin the chapter's text. COFAfENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECP (R) 8R30tAL SSRVICS CONTFtACf3 MIJST ANSNSR THS POWA➢PING: PLAN.�iING COCMtISSZON CIVIL SERVICE COIMIIS6IO4I 1. Has the personJfixm evez worked undes a con[sact for this depastment? CIH COMMITTEE BUSINSSS REVIEW COUNCIL YSS NO �FF _ Has this peraon/firm ever been a C3ty employee? DI51RIC1' Q�URT YES NO 3. Doea this person/fixm possess a skill not normally possessed by any SUPPOATS tVHICH C1�UNCIL OHSfiCTIVE? (]txYent City employee? YES NO lain all x8s ansaera oa a saparaxe sheet and attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The current title of the chapter, "Milk," inadequately describes the content of the chapter and the licenses found within the chapter; the department of public health is referred to as the division of public health which is inaccurate. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: The title will accurately reflect the content of the chapter and the licenses cited in the chapter; the department of public health will be accurately titled in the chapter. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: , one apparent. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The title of the chapter will remain inadequate in describing the content of the chapter and the licenses it describes; the title of the department of ublic health will remain inaccurate. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COSTfREVENUE BUDG&TED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) R �s h� C'. &rsP ,-�.��,.- - u ; '.. � -