99-396II ORiG1NAL Presented co���� File # �f9�=____3q� Ordinance # Green Sheet # b 3 5�9 CITY OF 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Q��at�cucn JUN l� 1999 ORDINANCE PAUL, MINNESOTA � Re£erred To [ / // Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertainina to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MINNESOTA duly petitioned to rezone properry at 1365 ENGLEWOOD AVEN[JE, being legally described as: Except the south 67 ft. the following; south 1f2 of vacated Hubbard Ave. accruing & the west 124 ft. of Lot 2, Block 16 College Place, East Division from RM-3 (high-density multi-family residential) to OS-1 (office-service) for the purpose of permitting expansion of the school, the petition having been certified by the Plauniilg staf£ on August 17, 1998, as having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year proceeding the date of the petition; and' 14 WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on September 17, 1998, held a public 15 hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administrative 16 Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on September 25, 1998, and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, notice of public heazing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on October 3, 1998, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned;and WI3EREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on October 28, 1998, where all interested parties were heazd, the Council having considered a11 the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Secrion 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 10, as incorporated by reference in §60301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby furthex amended as follows: That properiy with the address of 1365 ENGLEWOOD AVENUE, being more particulazly described as: 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 qq-3q� Except the south 67 ft. the following; south 1/2 of vacated Hubbazd Ave, accruing & the west 124 ft. of Lot 2, Block 16 College Place, East Division be and is hereby rezoned from RM-3 to OS-1. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force tturiy (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. ORIGi�IAL Requested by Department of: Plannin & Economic velo ment BY: � 7� Form Approved by Ci to y / BY: g cr . .�rrzz �.�AB ] L��� F'PProved by MaYOr f�5ubmission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date p � $y. By: ./ .; PtIAtISRC� �.o� 19�9 Adopted by Council: Date ���_ r ` \q�9 Adoption Certifief� by Council SeCre�ry , PED-230RTHWEST TEAM Donna Drummond (ext_ 6-6556) As soon as poss : :1 9 GREEN SHEET mx�suoa� ■ OF�AR11�IfGnEtiM _ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES al° , ��4 No s35� NXIaW#e a'rcoinca ❑ G1VAii0R1EY ❑ p1YpEP1I � ❑ p141cl�I.aF0.YlcFSael ❑ aN4CLl8EawsLCro ❑ WvoRlaRYmT/w!� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� Adopt ordinance to finalize previous City Council approval of a rezoning petition for FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MSNNESOTA Co rezone property at 1365 ENGLEWOOD AVENUE from RM-3 to OS-1 to allow expansion of the existing school. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has this persoNfirm ever xrorketl urMer a contract for this departmeM'! YES SJO Has tha P���rtn ever heen a city empbyee7 YES NO Dces this peisan/frtn possess a slall not nwmaltypossessetl by any cuirent dry employee? YES NO 4ethis P�� a fargeietl ve'MOfl VES NO ilain all v� answeis on seoarate sheet and attach to areen sheet Finalize previous City Council approval of rezoning petition £or FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MINNESOTA to rezone property at 1365 SNGLEWOOD AVENUE from RM-3 to OS-1 to allow expansion of the existing school. ��iJ.'�s•;� �'r..�,,,�o,_.p, .� _(, :�i��w `� � ��r� OF TRANSACTION S SOURCE COST/REVENUE BUGCEiED (CIRCLE ON� ACTNIT'NUMBER YES NO INFORMATION (IXPWN) DEPARTA�NT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DF.VEIAPMENT Pamel¢ R'heelock, Director CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor September 28, 1998 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: �/y 39� Telephone: 611-266-6655 Facsim iJe: 61 Z-228-3261 h U[i�`*.� �P_<5��:�'; �J2":;°f' OCT 9 � i�9E I wouid like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday October 28, 1998 for the following zoning case: Applicant: FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MINNESOTA File Number: #98-221 Purpose: Rezone properiy from RM-3 (high density multi-family residential) to OS-1 (office-service) for the purpose of constructing an addition to the existing Friends School building. Address: Legal Description of Properiy: Previous Action: 1365 Englewood Ave., on the southeast corner of N. Albert St. and vacated Hubbard Ave. Except the south 67 ft. the following; south %z of vacated Hubbard Ave. accruing and the west 124 ft. of Lot 2, Block 16 College Place, East Division. Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, vote: unanimous, Sept. 25, 1998 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, vote: 5-0, Sept. 17, 1998 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the October 28, 1998 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal L,edger. Please call me at 266-6556 if you have any questions. Sincerely, �Eh'""��/Ln."r'`� Donna Drummond 25 Wesi Founh Sbeet SaintPaul, MNSSIO2 - . . - •F7RST _ . M0110E.OFPVBiiCE Clty Plannei The gain� paul �City Council will cunduct a public heacing on Wednesday, �OcWber 28., 1998 at�5:$0 p;m. in khe City Council Chambers. Third Floon CiYy,Hali-Court cc: File #98-221 House, to consider the appli,cation of b7iends School of Minnesota to rezone propercy froxn I2M-3 (high density mvlti-family residenGal) Yo OS-i- (office-service) for the pur- P2u1 DllbiUiCl pose of'construcYing an�addition to the eatisting Friends-Schooi building-at 1365 GeTi Boyd Engiewood Avenve (suuffieast comer of N. A16erc Street and vacated Hnbbsrd Avenue). _ , DatedOctober2.1998_ - " _ � _ NANCY�NDERSON _ _� - - . � , - Assistant CfLy.�Govxtcli Secretary . , _ . _ ... ., , . _. . {October 3. 19387 � - . e DEPAR'MENT OF PLANNING � �_�� � & ECO�IOMIC DEVELOPME.'N7 Pamela i�heelack Director CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mqyor � October 19, 1998 Ms. Idancy Anderson Secretary to the CiTy Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 25 Wesr Fourlh Street Telephone: 612-266-6655 SointPaul,�'S5102 Fncsimile:612-228-316f RE: Zoning File #98-221 FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MINNESOTA City Council Hearing: October 28, 1998, 530 p.m. City Council Chambers PURPOSE: To consider rezoning propeRy at 1365 Englewood Ave., on the southeast corner of N. Albert St. and vacated Hubbard Ave., from RM-3 (high density multi-family residential) to OS-1 (office- service) for the purpose of constructing an addition to the existing Friends School building. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL vote: unanimous ZONING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL vote: 5-0 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL SUPPORT: No one spoke. The Hamline Midway Coalition voted unanimously to support the rezoning. OPPOSITION: One person appeared in opposition. Dear Ms. Anderson: FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MINNESOTA submitted a petition to rezone properry at 1365 Englewood Ave., on the southeast corner of N. Albert St. and vacated Hubbard Ave. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public 6earing on the proposed rezoning on September 17, 1998. The applicant's representative addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing, the committee voted 5-0 [o recommend approval to rezone to OS-1. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning ' Committee's recommendation for approval on a unanimous vote on September 25, TxJ98. This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on October 28, 1998. Please notify me if any member of the Ciry Council wishes to have siides of the site presented at the pub3ic hearing. Sincerely, �vr+✓�C'� G' �v Donna Arummond City Planner i Attachments =< cc: City Councilmembers city .of saint paul pianning commissian resolution file number 98-64 �' te September 25, 1998 WHEREAS, FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MIN�IESOTA, File # 98-22I has petitioned to rezone property at 1365 Euglewood Avenue located on the southeast comer of vacated Hubbazd Avenue and North Albert Street from RM-3 (high-density multi-family residentiat} to OS-1 (office- service); and �VHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on September 17, 1998, held a :��public hearing at which ail persons present were given an oppomuuty fo be heazd pursuant fo -' said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legistative Code; and _WHEREAS, ihe 5aint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public heazing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following fcndings of fact: 1. Friends School of Minnesota has apptied to rezone the lot directly north of their existing school building at 1365 Englewood Ave. to construct an addiYion to the building. The addition would include classrooms, a gymnasium, science Iab, and sforage. Grounds would be ]andscaped, and include a parking lot and playground. The school currently enrolls 111 students in grades K- 7 and employs 20 staff (totaling 15 full-fime equivatent positions). An eighth grade class will be added in the fall of 1999. ToYal planned enrollment after construcrion of the addition is 160 studenfs, with 18 futl-time equivalent staff. Constzucdon of the addition is planned to begin anywhere from spring 1999 to fall 2000 depending upon the success of the school's fundraising efforts. 2. Section 60.514(5) of the Zoning Code permits conversion or reuse of non-residentiat „ structures with confomung uses, including expansion of such structure�, subject to special conditions in the OS-1 zoning district. The proposed site for expansion of the Friends School of Minnesota building has the potential of ineeting all of the required conditions retated to: originat construction as a non-residential use; consistency with the comprehensive plan; compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood; required pazking; and a petition signed by two-thirds of properly owners within 100 feet supporting the proposed use. If the rezoning is approved by the City Council, a modification of the moved by Wencl seconded by in favor Unanimous ' �� � � against �f 9'�39�0 � Zoning File #98-221 Page Two of Resolution school's existing special condition use permit, issued under provisions of Section 60.514(5), will be zequired to incorporate the expanded area. Under the Planning Commission's rules of procedure (Resolution 84-23), authority to approve special condition use permits is delegated to the planning administrator in cases where public hearings have been held in which the Commission has recommended, and the City Council has approved, a rezoning specifically for a special condition use. If the City Council approves this rezoning, the planning administrator will be authorized to modify the Friends School's existing permit, provided it meets all the required conditions. 3. The rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The most relevant references are found in plans currently in drafr form and under review. The Hamline Midway Community Plan; a summary of �vhich is intended to be adopted as part of the comprehensive plan in late 1998, identifies the Friends School as a neighborhood resource that could potentially provide more indoor space for community use (p. 21). The Saint Paul Land Use Plan - Draft for Community Review, supports development of neighborhoods as urban villages, �vith a mixture of land uses that have commercial, civic, and institutional activity embedded within them, not isolated in remote, single-use complexes (p. 21). The Friends School's location fits this definition. * 4. The rezoiung, which is an expansion of the area cunently zoned OS-1, is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed. The property to the north is a semi- institutional use, Juel Fairbanks Chemical DeQendency Services. A 190 unit Public Housing Agency high-rise building is directly east of the school property. The school building addition and playground will serve as a good transition to the single-family and duplex homes to the west. In addition, the school properiy is only one block from both Minnehaha and Hamline Avenues, collector streets with 5,200 and 3,300 vehicles per day respectively. The four buses that serve the school will have good access to the property. 5. The rezoning will not have an adverse impact on adjacent property. The new playground " will be available for children living nearby when school is not in sessioti; providing a recreational opportunity for the neighborhood that is not available in Horton Park, which is a passive park. Also, the parking lot wiii be required to have appropriate landscaping and screening to sofren the visual impact on the residences to the north and west. 6. The applicant has submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the properiy owners within one hundred (100) feet of the property stating support for the rezoning (15 pazcels eligible, 10 required, and 12 signed). � Zoning File #98-221 Page Three of ResoluYion NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that the petition of FRIENbS SCHOOL OF MINNESOTA to rezone property at 1365 ENGLEWOOD AVENLTE, more particularly described as except the south 67 ft. fhe following; south 1/2 of vacated Hubbard Ave. accruing & the west 124 ft. of Lot 2, Block 16 College Place, East Division from a RM-3 zoning classification to an OS-1 zoning classification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the Cify; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the Council of the City of Saint Paui that property located at I365 ENGLEWOOD AVENiTE be rezoned from RM-3 to OS-1 in accordance with the petition for rezoning on file wiTh the Saint Paul planning administrator. � � � � Saint Paul Planning Commission � City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg Boulevard `Vest l9 A meeting of the Ptanning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, September 25,1998, at 830 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Mmes. &ngh, Geisser, Morton, Nordin, Treichel, and �Venc( and Messrs. Gervais, Gordon, Johnson, Kong, Kramer, Mardell, Margulies, McDonell and Vaught. Mmes. *Duarte, *Faricy and Messrs. *Field, *Nowlin and Sharpe *Excused Also Present; Ken Ford, Planning Administrator; Jean Birkholz, Tom Harren, Nancy Homans, Gary Peltier, Larry Soderholm, and Allan Torstenson, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff. I. Approval of Minutes of August 28,1998 and September 11,1998 � MOTION: Commissianer Xramer moved �pproval of tlre n:inutes ofAugust 28, I998 and September Il, 1998; Commissioner yYenc! seconded the motion, wl�icl� carried unani»:ously on a voice vole. Commissioner Kramer mentioned that the September I 1 minutes did not have a date (11) on them. II. Chair's Announcements Chair Morton announced that the Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee will not be meeting in the month of September. III. Planning Administrator's An¢ouncements Mr. Ford announced that Monday evening the League of Women Voters is sponsoring a forum to discuss potential new housing policy for the City of Saint Paul; Nancy Homans, chief author, is on the pane] for discussion. It will be held at 7 p.m. at the Martin Luther ICing Center. Mr. Ford also noted that there is currently a process underway to select a new Planning Director for fhe City of Minneagolis. The two final candidates are: 1) Chuck Ballentine, currently a planner with the Metropo]itan Council; and 2) Dan Cornejo, former Director of the Department of Planning and Economic Development for the City of Saint Paul. ` � N. Zoning Committee In Commissioner Field's absence, Commissioner Wencl gave the Zoning Committee report. #98-Zll Mark Pacheco - Special condition use permit to allow a used auto sales, leasing, -. #98-221 Friends School of NIN - Rezone a parcel adjoining the school from RM-3 to OS-1 to allow an expansion of the existing school building at 1365 Englewood Avenue (Donna � Drummond, 266-6556). 1VIOTION: Comniissioner Wencl moved approvnl of the request to rezone a parcel adjoining the schoo[ from RiYl-3 to OS-1 to allow an expansion of the existing school buildixg at 1365 EnglewoodAvenree, svlricl+ carried unanimously on a voice vote. rental and repair business at 801 East Seventh Street (Atlan Torstenson, 266-6579). MOTION: Commissioner Wenc1 moved npproval of 1he requested special condition use perniit to al[ow a used auto sales, leasing, rental anrl repair business at 801 Etrst Seventl: Street, whick carried unanimously on a voice vote s �98-244 Greeorv and Biane Menke - Special condition use permit to atlow a ctuster housing development to expand a single-fami[y home and create a side-by side double house at 2135 Margaret Stree[ (beriveen Pedersen and �Vinthrop), Allan Torstenson, 266-6579. V. MOTIOY: Commissioner iYencl moved approval oJtlre special condition use permit to a!!ow a two-unit cluster housing development witlr the condition that at least one of tlre units be owner occupied at 2I35 Marga�et Street, which carried unanimously on a voice vote. Commissioner Wencl read the agenda for the upcoming Zoning Committee meeting, Thursday, Ociober 1, 1998, at 330 p.m. in the Ciry Council Chambers. GaryPeltier, Northeast Quadrant Reporf, PED � Mr. Peltier briefly named many of the projects going on in the Northeast Quadrant. As he did, he noted that the meetings he has attended recently in the Northeast Quadrant are teally about "quaiity of life" issues meetine . Safety, crime, code enforcement, physical condition, owner occupancy -- qua[ity of life issues. And never before has there been such a sease of argency - urgency to improve the quality of life in these neighborhoods. t Mr. Peltier stated ihat the Northeast Quadrant Team is preparing a development strategy document for the Phalen Corridor - a document that wi(1 guide the development of the Phalen Corridor. He provided a map that colorcoded suggested deveiopment of Phaten Corridor. Mr. Peltier noted that the Housing Chapter presents some major challenges."i2� the Northeast Quadrant. VI. Comprehensive Planning Commiffee Comurehensive Plan: The Land Use Plan, Draft for Planning Commission Action; Resolution approving the plan and recomineading it for adoption. (Ken Ford) MOTION: Commissioner Geisser moved to recommend approval of The Land Use Plan, A Chtrpter of tl�e Saint Pau! Comprehensive Plan contingent on review by adjacent communities and the Metropolitan Council and completion of the Housing Plan and Comprehensive P[an summary; and ihat ihe Saint Pau1 Land Use Plan be recommended 10 the 1Ylayor and to the St�inf Paul City Councilfor preliminary adoption and for inclusian in the drajt Saint Paul Comprehensive P[an to be forwarded to the Metropolitan Caunci(. � �1 �1-39lc � MINUTES OF 7HE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, September 17, 1998 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hali and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, Vaught and Wencl EXCUSED: Fieid and Motton ABSENT: OTHERS PRESEN7: Faricy Pete� Warner, Assistant City Attorney, Geri Boyd, Donna Drummond, Larry Soderholm and Ailan Torstenson of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Wend. FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MINNESOTA -Zoning File 98 - 22i - Rezone property from RM-3 to OS-1 to allow Friends School of Minnesota to build an addition to its curre�t school building. � Donna Drummond, PED, gave a slide presentation and reviewed the staff report. Ms. Drummond stated staff recommended approvai of the rezoning. She further stated that the Hamiine Midway Coalition voted unanimousiy to support the rezoning. � Upon question of Commissioner Gordon, Ms. Drummond explained that the Friends School of Minnesota is the same one that had appiied for and received a STAR grant. Mark Niedermier, 85 Clarence Avenue SE, appeared. Mr. Niedermier stated that he has been the head of the school for eight years. He further stated that currently there are 111 students at the school, and their board's strategic plan expects that they will grow to a maximum student size of 160 kindergarten through grade 8 students. Mr. Niedermier expiained that the schoo'fs mission is to serve a racially, economically, and religiously diverse student body. Their plans include adding primarily a gymnasium, 2 additionai classrooms, a science lab, some general,t�se space, elevator, appropriate storage and hailways. He a(so stated that the plans include adding a new parking lot and the p{ayground, funded in part by the STAR Program. It is intended to be a joint schooi community playground with open and ready access to the community. Mr. Dale Freeman, 819 North Hamiine Avenue appeared. Mr. Freeman expressed his concem regarding the vacated iiubbard street, and stated his zoning concerns. Mr. Niedermier reappeared, affirming the schooi's interest in being a good neighbor. He further stated that during their planning meetings issues are brought up that would affect the adjoining neighbors, such as, how the playground should be p(aced so iYs easily accessible to the community. Addressing the vacated Hubbard street, N1r. Niedermier .expfained that his understanding was that when that street was vacated, the north half became the property of Juels Fairbanks, and the south half of it became the property of 1365 Englewood. Zoning Commiftee Minufes September '17, 1998 Friends Schooi of Minnesota 98-221 Page 2 No one else spoke. The public hearing was closed. There was no further discussion, and fhe motion by Commissioner Vaugfit was ca(ied recommending approval of the rezoning. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Gordon. Adopted Yeas - 5 Nays - 0 Drafted by: Geri Boyd Recording Secrefary Submifted by: i � � i'--' ( . � Donna Drummond Northwest Team l_ J Approved by; . � Barbara Wencf Vice Chair � �V � � �/q' 39�2 � ZON24IG COMMITTEE STAEF REPORT FZLE # 98-221 u � 1 2 APPI.ZCANT: FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MINNESOTA DATE OF HEARIN6: CLASSI£ICATZON: Rezoning 09J17/98 3. LOCATION: 1365 Englewood Ave. isoutheast corner of vacated Hubbard Ave. and N. Albert St.) 4 5 6 7 PLANNING DISTRICT: 11 (Hamline Midway Coalition) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Except the south 67 ft. the £ollowing; south 1/2 of vacated Hubbard Ave. accruing & the west 124 ft. of Lot 2, Block 16� College Place, East Division. � PRESENT ZONING: RM-3 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §64.400 STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 09/09/98 BY: Donna Drwnmond 8. DATE RECEIVED: OS/17/98 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 10/16/98 C� B West: Single-family homes in a RT-1 zone. E. 20NING CODE CITATION: Section 64.900(a) states in part that "the council may, Erom time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed." PURPOSE; Rezoning from RM-3 (high-density multi-family zesidential) to OS-1 (office-service) to a11ow Friends School of Minnesota to build an addition to its current school building. PP.RCEL SzZE: The property to be rezoned has 155 feet of frontaqe on N. Albert St. and is 124 ft. deep for a total area of 19,220 sq. ft. C. EXISTI23G LAND tSSE: Vacant. D. Si3RROUNDZNG LA13P USE: North: A group home for chemical dependency and one and two-family homes beyond in RM-3 and RT-1 zones. East: A 190 unit Public Housing Agency high-rise in a RM-3 zone. South: Existing Friends school building in an OS-1 zone and Horton Park beyond in a RT-1 zone. Section 64.400(b) states in part that "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67) percent of the area of the property to be rezoned." ._ Zoning File #48-221 Page Two F. HZSTORY/DISCVSSION: There are no previous zoning cases concerning the property to he rezoned. However, the property directly soath, which contains the existing Friends School of Minnesota building, received a special condition use permit in October 1996 to allow conversion of an office building to a school. At the tiiae that permit was appraved, the school had indicated its intention to expand onto its property on the north, and the need to have this property rezoned when that occurred was noted in the staff report. G H DISTRICT COUNCIL RECObP2ENDATION: The Hamline Midway Coal.ition had not taken a position on the rezoning at the time the staff report was written. FINDINGS: 1. Friends School of Minnesota has applied to rezone the lot directly north of their existing school building at 1365 Englewood Ave. to constzuct an addition to the building. The addition would inclufle classrooms, a gymnasium, science lab, and storage. Grounds would be landscaped, and include a parking lot and playground. The school currently enrolls 111 students in grades K- 7 and employs 20 staff (totaling 15 full-time equivalent positions). An eighth grade class wi11 be added in the fall of 1999. Total planned enrollment after construction of the addition is 160 students, with 18 full-time equivalent staff. Construction of the addition is planned to begin anywhere from spring 1999 to fa11 2000 depending upon the success of the school's fundraising efforts. 2. Section 60.514(5) of the Zoning Code peimits conversion or reuse of non- residential stxuctures with confozming uses, including expansion of such structures, subject to special conditions in the OS-1 zoning district. The proposed site for expansion of the Friends School of Minnesota building has the potential of ineeting all of the required conditions related to: original construction as a non-residential use; consistency with the comprehensive plan; compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood; required parking; and a petition signed by two-thirds of property owners within 100 feet supporting the proposed use. If the rezoning is approved by the City Council, a modification of the school's existing special condition use permit, issued under provisions of Section 60.514(5), will be required to incorporate the expanded area. , Under the Planning Commission's rules of procedure (Resolution 84-23), authority to approve special condition use permits is de].`egated to the planning administrator in cases where public hearings have been held in which the Commission has recommended, and the City Council has approved, a rezoning specifically for a special condition use. If the City Council appzoves this rezoning, the planning administrator wi11 be authorized to modify the Eriends $chool's existing permit, provided it meets al1 the required conditions. 3. The rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The most zelevant zeferences are found in plans currently in draft form and under review. The Hamline Midway Community Plan, a summary of which is intended to be adopted as part of the comprehensive plan in late 1998, identifies the Friends School as a neighborhood resource that could potentially provide more indoor space for community use (-p. 21).� The Saint Paul land Use Plan - Draft for Community Review, supports development o£ neighborhoods as urban villages, with a mixture of land s � � 49�3G� � Zoning File �98-221 Page Three uses that have commercial, civic, and institutional activity embedd=d within them, not isolated in remote, single-use complexes (p. 21). The Friends School's location fits this definition. 4. The rezoning, which is an expansion of the area currently zoned OS-1, is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed. The property to the north is a semi-institutional use, Juel Fairbanks Chemical Dependency Services. A 190 unit Public Aousing Agency high- rise building is directly east of the school propezty. The school building addition and playground will serve as a good transition to the single-family and duplex homes to the west. In addition, the school property is only one block from both Minnehaha and Hamline Avenues, collector streets with 5,200 and 3,300 vehicles per day respectively. The four buses that serve the school will have good access to the property. 5. The rezoning will not have an adverse impact on adjacent property. The new playground will be available for children living nearby when school is not in session, providing a recreational opportunity for the neighborhood that is not available in Horton Park, which is a passive park. A1so,,the parking lot will be zequired to have appropriate landscaping and screening to soften the visual impact on the residences to the north and west. 6. The applicant has submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the � property owners within one hundred (100) feet o£ the property stating support for the rezoning (15 parcels eligible, 10 required, and 10 signed). 2. STAFF RECOt�NDATIOx: Based on findings 1 through 6, staff zecommends appzoval of the proposed rezoning from RM-3 to OS-1 to allow construction of an addition, parking lot and playground £or the Friends School of Minnesota. � PET(T(ON TO AMEND THE ZONING CQDE Departmrent oj Planning and Economic Development Zaning Section II00 City Ha1! Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Pau1, MN 55102 266-6589 APPLICANT � Property Owner�� s PROPERTY LOCATION City JT t'aUl Contact person (if � � phone �11 � Lega! description_ P'(eose Se� 0.Z'ta�hcd --� --�7 Pl� a �aqa 3 3�0 /3.� � (attach additrona! sheet if necessary) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND C1TY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of tfie Saint Pau( Zoniny Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5} of Minnesota Statues, , the owner of ali the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions yau to rezone the above described property from a �M — 3 zoning district to a C) S' 1 zorting district, for the purpose of: — En��;rc� �rrer�s Sc.hea� a\ �t�nnesal "f"o �+;�� ati ac���tov. �"o j`S �l�t'fC�� SC�'loLl JuitQir\q . 1�t a�����ah Wok�� �r1�4� ( C�liSSroomS, a c�ymn�siuw�,� sc�c,�ct `�J' � G�nGI S�orq G tou.,��s Wokld �r �an�SC4�rd Qn� �n�kdt � AQ�inG ld� and' ' / J (atfach additional sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required site p(an ❑ Consent petition ❑ 5ubscribed and sworn to before �me fhis Bf day of `.� c. . , 1 g� f .i'�Mti� �,-� xornqvaq� KASSt�,t N Public � ' Mrco °B UC - rnrr,:+,es a;a � �. �pires Jart. 37. 2COp '��wv� Affidavit � � � sy: v//(�-�1�.� ' F�e owner of property Title: { S e�. a � �Gl�laa \ � Page 1 of qq-39�o � ZONII\'G PETITIOI�' SUFFICIEI\'CY CHECEi SHEET REZ0�1L�iG SCUP NCUP � FIR3T SUBMITTED DATE PETITION SUBVIITTED: �� � 1 � DATE OFFICIALLY RECENED: " 1 `�� U � PARCELS ELIGIBLE: I PARCELS REQUIRED: � � PARCELS ELIGIBLE: � PARCELS SIGNED: I � RESUBMTTTED DATE PETITION RESUB�,fITTED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED; PARCHLS REQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: CHECKED BY; �W�" ' � � DATE: ':� � � � �� � ZC�NING FILE �"2�� PETITION TO REZONE AFFIDAVIT OF PETITIONER STATE OF MINNESOTA) SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The petitioner, ��p,��,y Sch�n��� , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that the consent petition contains signatures from at least two-thirds ( of all eligible properties �vithin 100 feet of all property ocvned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one (1) year precedin� the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must contain signatures from each and all owners of jointly-o��ned property in order to constitute consent from thai property and that failure to obtain consent from each and ail owners could invaIidate the consent petition; petitioner believes that the consent petition was signed by each of said owners and that the signatures are the true and cortect signatures of each and all of the parties so described. � � � NAME F��.,�sS��,o� ��/''����sa'�'� 1365 �o��cwoo��ucau� S.S/(y�. ADDRESS �5! - 9r1-o6 �� TELEPHONE NUMBER Subscribed and swom to be ore me this .26'i�day of �J✓ 19 9?`3 FIZAL KASS!;;i NOTqpY pUBLIC—hIlV:vcSOTA Page � of __�___ � 1/31/97 �9-39� � STATE OF MINNESOTA) OF PERSON CIRCULATING TAE CONSENT PETITION � COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) AFFTDAVIT SS � I�t S N��-D flK� , being first duly s�vom, deposes and states that he/she is the person �vho circulated the consent petition consisting of� pages; that affiant represents that the parties described on the consent petition ate all the respective owners of the properties placed immediately before each name; that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described on the consent petition is an owner of the properiy which is within 100 feet of any property owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner Gvithin one (i) yeaz precedin� the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that none of the parties described in the consent petition has purchased or is purchasing property from the petitioner that is contiguous to the property described on the consent getition within one (1) year of the date of the petition; that this consent was signed by each of said o�vners in che presence of tMs affiant, and that ihe signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. riy� s�.�t�o,� NAME � � 0 `� �Cw oo� �1�.2 ADDRESS 6�z -G�3� �-� � TELEPHONE I�UMBER `; � Subscribed and s�vom to before me ihis /S� day of r,�/ ,] 9� �� \ ^ � � n�-�'--�- �} �- � �- NOTARY PUB IC � .........�...»..N "; . NADIA SABRI — Y� NOTMYWBLIC•MINIffSOTA MJ Cannlssian E�pYSS kn St, 2 W � T� b��- Pa�e l of � iri� CITI' OI' SATNT PAUL CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY O�VN�RS FOR A REZONING �Ve, thc undersigned, owncrs of the property �vithin 100 feet ofthe totat contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by TEIG PETIT[O�IB2 within one year precedin� the date of Ihis pe[ition acknowledgc that tirc havc bccn presented with tlie followino: 1. A copy of the petition of to rezone the propeRy Ioeated at C from a RM ' 3 zoning distric[ to a QS^.�.. zoning district. 2. A co�ry of sec[ions �i�..5� � tlirough G� $� , inc�usive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge diat �tie are ati�•arc otall of the uses permitted in a �s , 1 zoning district and we are lware that nny of tl�ese e�ses can be est�Ulislied i�pon City Coi�ncil Zpproval of the rezoning. �Ve hereUy coasent to the rczoning of tlie property in d�e petition oF, F i'iM�S ��-�Oa� D� ��1�ntSL�Q ton 0 zoningdistricf. (Name oPpetitioner) �'VC COIISCiIt t0 tI1C A�(11'OVRI Of t�1IS CCTOri[II�T i1S [t �V exptainecl Eo us by tiic �pplicant or his/hcr representative. /388 F,n�kr� �vc. ( �.� µ ��� �/� 7b�s Hv <aL$eR�s� � �a �7: i2v� � �l-� - 0��-�, /'3 '98 �-�f-48 ' (��{•s$ . .� �, �.� r-�-�� ' i-i� -�F' � �, 1- �. ;5��/',c. �t9—� � a-�� y� � . _ .�'.� ,� /_ 9,P 797 !� �'c.-�S�i� l"�v-r�.��s V � �s�.� i �=�c��. �, � (�-a-/-�r�' NOT�: This petition shall not be considered as officially fi[e�until the lapse of seven (7) working days after iY is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw hislher name therefrom by wTitten request within that time. ��iu � � r� L� qy-39� CZ�'Y OI+' SATNT PAUL �� � n LJ CONSENT' OF ADJOINING PROPEI2TY O�VNERS FOR A ,�EZONrNc �Ve, the undersigned, owners of the property �vithin 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate otivned, purchased, or sold b}' TEIG PETI�CIONGR tvithin one year preceding the date of this pztition acl:no���ledge that �ti•e havc bcen presented with the follo�vina: 1. A copy of thc petitioii of �f i C to rezone tite property 1oc11ed at � from a R/°1- 3 zoning district to a ds_� zoning district. 2. A copy of sections ��,.5/ � through ��I , inclusive of thc Saint Paul Zoning Code; and ncknowlcdge that �ve are n�vare of 1I1 of the uses perniitted in a �S —�.. zoning district and we are awnre t6at nny of tliese uses can be established upon City Council approval of tlic ruoning. �Ve hereUy con�ent to the rczoning of the property in the petition of; F C�MdS ��-►toe� C� / li►1ntSD�q toa �S zoningdistrict. (Name of pctitioncr) '4Vc consent to tlie npprovnl of tl�is rezoning as it �vas expl�ined to.us by tiie np��licnnt or his/hcr representative. C * of Saint Pau�l * to enable the p titioner to receive a co�sxrued as ei her approval or denial �� �z /z�-f4 blic hearing, and is not� to be f sub.iect petition. � :- I 7-,��'- q� NOTE: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his(her name therefrom by written request within that time. CITY OT SAXN'T PA.UL CONSENT OF ADJOII�IING PROPERTY O�VN�RS FOR A � REZONING \Ve, the wtdersigned, o�vners of the property �ti�ithin 100 feet oftlie total contiguous description of real estatc o�vned, purchased, or so(d by THE PET[TIONBR �vi[hin one year preceding the date of this petition BCICIlOWI2d that ���e havc bcen presented �eith the foUo�vino: 1. A copy of the petition oF J('iM�S ��ee� d� /►i Nn eS�C� , - (nameoFnetitiqner� , . to rezoae d�e propeRy located at from a/.�'3 zoning district to a �S �- zoning district. 2. A copy of section; 60, St 1 [hrough S�S , inclusive of the Saint Paid Zoning Codz; and neknowledge t6�t �ce are 1�varz of 11( of tfie uses permitted in 1 ns `�- zoning district and tve are nware tha[ any oF [hesc uses can be estabfishzd upon City Comuil approval of the rezoning. �Ve hereby con�ent to thc rczoning of the property in tlie petition of; F i cv�! S��odt 0� /� iv�v1�5��Q to n � S"'-�- zoning district. (t�tame of petitioner) �Vc consecit to f[ic npproval of fhis rezoning as if was expIaincd fo us by ftic � �PPlicant or his/her rcpresentnfivc.*x �� � AIOTE: This petition shall not be considered as oFficially filed until the Iapse of seven (7) working days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by «ritten request within that fime. _ 99-3�ih � CITY OF SAII�I'Z' PAUL CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWN�RS FOR A REZONING �Ve, the undersigned, otvncrs of the property witliin 100 feet ofthc total contiguous description oE reaf estate owned, purcliased, or sold by THE PET[T[OstGR within onc year precedin� ihe date of this pztitian ackno���ledge tliat ��•c have bcen presenced with the fol(owino: A cop}' of the petition oF (�ti Cvv�S Jc.11oDt DT /�i`MtCSO (name oFoetiUoner) . . to rezone the property locnted at from ���' 3 zoning district to 1 QS'.�.. zoning district. 2. A copy of sections �,.5/ � tlirough �Q SI ,'snclusive of dic Saint Paul Zoning Code; and ncknowledge tliat tve 1re nwnre of 111 of the uses permitted in a �S -.�. zoning district and we are �a-arc that nny oP thesc uses can bc established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. \Ve hereUy con�ent to tl�e re2oning oF the property in the petition of; F fiM�S ��noel d� �j nnCSa�q to 1 �S'� zoning district. (Name of pctitioncr) � We consent fo thc approval of this rezoning �s it �vas expl�ined to us by fhc �pplic�nt or his/hcr renresentativc. � 1�IOTE: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request within that time. �-� .,•:�, fR1C�vUJ Jl,(IUUL I'l1Y �CL•OLL �VVJV / � -!()t � m � r1uL:1VLlJ SCHOOL OF MINNESOW FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MINNESOTA Mission Stafement Friends SchooI of Minnesata prepares Twin Cities children in grades K-8 to face life with hope, skitt, understanding, creativiEy, and a commitment to peace, justice, and conununity well-being. Statement of Philosophy and Practice Friends School is grnunded in the values and practices of the Religious Society of Friends, induding community, simplicity, equality, non-violence, jusHee, and silent reflection. Quakers believe that there is within each individua] "that of Gud," an inner )ight or divine seed, a center from which each of uc gmws tn reach our highest potenfial. ?he school provides a holisYic education, nvrturing the physical, intellectual, spiritual, and sncia] development of childten. With the eentra] gnaJ of promoting academk excellence in our students, Friends School is suided by the principles of pre�gressive education, which recognize that chifdren ]eam brst as active partieipants, eollabnrators, and pr�blem-solvers, ln the progresseve classroom, children learn to knnw the wodd and to achieve a fuller understanding of themselves. Rich projects enable children to acquire the skills and eoneeptua] i�nderstandings that ]ie at the heart of the fwma] disciplines. The elassroom community is nf central importance, designed to prepare children to be active participants in a democracy. In the words of American pbilnsopher)ohn Dewey, progressive edueation is "not preparation for life, but is life itself." Friends SchooJ is committed to respecting ihe worth oE each person. Children 2earn that individuals possess freedom of cnnscience and civi! and emnomic zights and responsibilities. We teach accep[ance of differences among individuals and addrecs differences in ]earning styles. Friends School is commitfcd to tcaching peace. Children learn non-violent means of msolving conflicts as part of normal schoo! life, often carrying these methods into their famiTies and the wider community. Children ]earn how social injustice can be overrnme n�nviolentty. Friends School is committed to bi�ilding community. Children tearn to take responsibi)ity for their own actions and develop empathy, compassion, and a commiYment to the well-being of all. We prac[ice and teach conperative decision-making. Fricnds, parenks, staff, and students all have roles in thc life of fhe schooJ. • Friends School is rnmmitted to equality. Children leam to understand and vaiue differences among caltures. We teach that a multi-caltural society is stronger for its diversity. We teach gender equity. We are dedicated to a schoo] rnmmunity that draws from the Twin Cities' diversity in teligious beliefs, ethnicity, econom3c status, culture, and sexual orientation. Friends School is committed tn devetoping iife-iong tearning skitts, We nurture each child's desire to ezplore and nnderstand the world and teach him or her fhe skills needed to enable continued lcarning. 7hese include aitica] thinking, creativity, decision-making, and fechnological competence. JGr �+0. �O lti •.�v �vu .��.� i � � Friends Schoot is committed to nurturing f6e spirifuai awareness of children. In silent refIection, in ctass or wifh t6e whofe school, childien Iearn to listen to their own inner.voice. Children iearn about people who have bcen spirit-led, past and present. The school provides many � opportunities for children to enhance thcir spiritual life through creative expression. � � tJ _ � anuanb pooma�6u3 �.. . _. ._ � Z � ! � � N � Q q O W u' � � � � � � J O O� s� U '`t � �. n� � O �^, O � ^ �,_ G C G 6 U G � V O 6 Y u m a 'a u 0 z � 0 � d E '� v c m s \ o � S � V !C L V C v c u u � m e d i. � � C � o.�. N X C. O V 6 C N y O^ m O N N N m E E. F � C y a � s u` ` u E E m V V � O �p X V s s C V C 4 m � O T'� � 3 e o P U x m p o � Y � N � � � - o r l`I ... E _ d ci a J � .: � � � � � n w �� ���m " ° C ° o i' L �; U N{� U P V� � O�+ N f7 V IA G F U Z � � y § � � � 0 �� � U1 � O zN � �o J y �� = a U N N N n �^' � � � a N C 4 � Y tl a V � Ma N N G O a C � G O � ° E � q C W i � � �s� � - ���m ° i. u = C � �' � d o m` z z`o v a$ Yn �..�� � 0 r � H N N � E E � C C C . g u �. � � e u e ? o •; �;,�.. `= Q 4 d A T -°. ,g F'O A �S m o o ��� Y Q O F ` ^ Y � �m ;;z S��,z, r� e ��"' � e G tl o 4 C � O � N E�J b U .'J C� Z"' N Cl Y O Yl F � -.�;,:. -.. � �[ f .' � m v N � 9 Q Q r �. Z � � � n' � � v � � 'o ..�� � `� -a E r a m � m 0 0 � °-' Z Q c • � O � � fL UZ � awanq pooma�6u3. . � 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. � 23. 14. 15. 16. 17. SUNRAY-BATTZECREEK-HIGFIW OOD HAZEL PARK HADEN-PROSPERITY HILLCREST WEST SIDE DAYTON'S BLLTFF PAYNE-PHAI.EN ' NORTH END � THO�fAS-DALE SUMMIT-iTISIVERSITY WEST SEVENTH COMO � HAMLINE-MIDWAY ST. A2`ITHONY PARK MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNbLLING HAMLINE MACALESTER GROVELANU HIGHIAND SUMMTI' HILL DOWNTOWN ZONING FtLE �•ZZ � CITTZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNING DISTRICIS 99 � . HAMLINE—MIDWAY DISTRICT 11 SI �.Tr-rr'�344f- s000 .000 e000 SUIE �n fER + ������� ����Q� � , . . . • ��� • • ���Q � . . � � • � � • � � � • • � • • • • • • ��� • • • • • i ��• • • •�� - �! � ���� �� . . . . . .' � � . . . . ���� � t� � �a r� � ' � �'� t'"� . ;� , o � o � . .u�o �� �� - l . . � �1....p � ; ; / '• � o o =-- • 0 • " • • � • • • • • s • � � � • .� - • • •_! • •�•• ••a� I ' / � • � � • �. � . � ��� • • • • • • f • • E o...... .. �� ..���� _ _ _— �. .............. ....�,.,a....... APPLICAN7 j't'(P�'n� S �= ���,c)� \ �'�� �R LEG�NO PURPOSE �<.F �i.0� �(` :.t �-^� zoning districl boundary FILE � � b � � , DATE C � � � � � � subjed property PWG. DIST� MAP r �`-' � one family �,.,, �„ _ hvo fami!y n "��, �`)�' �`_ _ �-Q multiple larnily . � , r ( '�����I � ���C►�'�� �� ::, in���1 SEMiNAR �•! �'�'�t� a n orth� • � ^ comm= cia' � ...... ir.d��sl; �a' ; V v=�a^ II ORiG1NAL Presented co���� File # �f9�=____3q� Ordinance # Green Sheet # b 3 5�9 CITY OF 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Q��at�cucn JUN l� 1999 ORDINANCE PAUL, MINNESOTA � Re£erred To [ / // Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertainina to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MINNESOTA duly petitioned to rezone properry at 1365 ENGLEWOOD AVEN[JE, being legally described as: Except the south 67 ft. the following; south 1f2 of vacated Hubbard Ave. accruing & the west 124 ft. of Lot 2, Block 16 College Place, East Division from RM-3 (high-density multi-family residential) to OS-1 (office-service) for the purpose of permitting expansion of the school, the petition having been certified by the Plauniilg staf£ on August 17, 1998, as having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year proceeding the date of the petition; and' 14 WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on September 17, 1998, held a public 15 hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administrative 16 Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on September 25, 1998, and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, notice of public heazing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on October 3, 1998, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned;and WI3EREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on October 28, 1998, where all interested parties were heazd, the Council having considered a11 the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Secrion 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 10, as incorporated by reference in §60301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby furthex amended as follows: That properiy with the address of 1365 ENGLEWOOD AVENUE, being more particulazly described as: 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 qq-3q� Except the south 67 ft. the following; south 1/2 of vacated Hubbazd Ave, accruing & the west 124 ft. of Lot 2, Block 16 College Place, East Division be and is hereby rezoned from RM-3 to OS-1. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force tturiy (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. ORIGi�IAL Requested by Department of: Plannin & Economic velo ment BY: � 7� Form Approved by Ci to y / BY: g cr . .�rrzz �.�AB ] L��� F'PProved by MaYOr f�5ubmission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date p � $y. By: ./ .; PtIAtISRC� �.o� 19�9 Adopted by Council: Date ���_ r ` \q�9 Adoption Certifief� by Council SeCre�ry , PED-230RTHWEST TEAM Donna Drummond (ext_ 6-6556) As soon as poss : :1 9 GREEN SHEET mx�suoa� ■ OF�AR11�IfGnEtiM _ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES al° , ��4 No s35� NXIaW#e a'rcoinca ❑ G1VAii0R1EY ❑ p1YpEP1I � ❑ p141cl�I.aF0.YlcFSael ❑ aN4CLl8EawsLCro ❑ WvoRlaRYmT/w!� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� Adopt ordinance to finalize previous City Council approval of a rezoning petition for FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MSNNESOTA Co rezone property at 1365 ENGLEWOOD AVENUE from RM-3 to OS-1 to allow expansion of the existing school. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has this persoNfirm ever xrorketl urMer a contract for this departmeM'! YES SJO Has tha P���rtn ever heen a city empbyee7 YES NO Dces this peisan/frtn possess a slall not nwmaltypossessetl by any cuirent dry employee? YES NO 4ethis P�� a fargeietl ve'MOfl VES NO ilain all v� answeis on seoarate sheet and attach to areen sheet Finalize previous City Council approval of rezoning petition £or FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MINNESOTA to rezone property at 1365 SNGLEWOOD AVENUE from RM-3 to OS-1 to allow expansion of the existing school. ��iJ.'�s•;� �'r..�,,,�o,_.p, .� _(, :�i��w `� � ��r� OF TRANSACTION S SOURCE COST/REVENUE BUGCEiED (CIRCLE ON� ACTNIT'NUMBER YES NO INFORMATION (IXPWN) DEPARTA�NT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DF.VEIAPMENT Pamel¢ R'heelock, Director CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor September 28, 1998 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: �/y 39� Telephone: 611-266-6655 Facsim iJe: 61 Z-228-3261 h U[i�`*.� �P_<5��:�'; �J2":;°f' OCT 9 � i�9E I wouid like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday October 28, 1998 for the following zoning case: Applicant: FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MINNESOTA File Number: #98-221 Purpose: Rezone properiy from RM-3 (high density multi-family residential) to OS-1 (office-service) for the purpose of constructing an addition to the existing Friends School building. Address: Legal Description of Properiy: Previous Action: 1365 Englewood Ave., on the southeast corner of N. Albert St. and vacated Hubbard Ave. Except the south 67 ft. the following; south %z of vacated Hubbard Ave. accruing and the west 124 ft. of Lot 2, Block 16 College Place, East Division. Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, vote: unanimous, Sept. 25, 1998 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, vote: 5-0, Sept. 17, 1998 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the October 28, 1998 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal L,edger. Please call me at 266-6556 if you have any questions. Sincerely, �Eh'""��/Ln."r'`� Donna Drummond 25 Wesi Founh Sbeet SaintPaul, MNSSIO2 - . . - •F7RST _ . M0110E.OFPVBiiCE Clty Plannei The gain� paul �City Council will cunduct a public heacing on Wednesday, �OcWber 28., 1998 at�5:$0 p;m. in khe City Council Chambers. Third Floon CiYy,Hali-Court cc: File #98-221 House, to consider the appli,cation of b7iends School of Minnesota to rezone propercy froxn I2M-3 (high density mvlti-family residenGal) Yo OS-i- (office-service) for the pur- P2u1 DllbiUiCl pose of'construcYing an�addition to the eatisting Friends-Schooi building-at 1365 GeTi Boyd Engiewood Avenve (suuffieast comer of N. A16erc Street and vacated Hnbbsrd Avenue). _ , DatedOctober2.1998_ - " _ � _ NANCY�NDERSON _ _� - - . � , - Assistant CfLy.�Govxtcli Secretary . , _ . _ ... ., , . _. . {October 3. 19387 � - . e DEPAR'MENT OF PLANNING � �_�� � & ECO�IOMIC DEVELOPME.'N7 Pamela i�heelack Director CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mqyor � October 19, 1998 Ms. Idancy Anderson Secretary to the CiTy Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 25 Wesr Fourlh Street Telephone: 612-266-6655 SointPaul,�'S5102 Fncsimile:612-228-316f RE: Zoning File #98-221 FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MINNESOTA City Council Hearing: October 28, 1998, 530 p.m. City Council Chambers PURPOSE: To consider rezoning propeRy at 1365 Englewood Ave., on the southeast corner of N. Albert St. and vacated Hubbard Ave., from RM-3 (high density multi-family residential) to OS-1 (office- service) for the purpose of constructing an addition to the existing Friends School building. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL vote: unanimous ZONING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL vote: 5-0 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL SUPPORT: No one spoke. The Hamline Midway Coalition voted unanimously to support the rezoning. OPPOSITION: One person appeared in opposition. Dear Ms. Anderson: FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MINNESOTA submitted a petition to rezone properry at 1365 Englewood Ave., on the southeast corner of N. Albert St. and vacated Hubbard Ave. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public 6earing on the proposed rezoning on September 17, 1998. The applicant's representative addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing, the committee voted 5-0 [o recommend approval to rezone to OS-1. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning ' Committee's recommendation for approval on a unanimous vote on September 25, TxJ98. This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on October 28, 1998. Please notify me if any member of the Ciry Council wishes to have siides of the site presented at the pub3ic hearing. Sincerely, �vr+✓�C'� G' �v Donna Arummond City Planner i Attachments =< cc: City Councilmembers city .of saint paul pianning commissian resolution file number 98-64 �' te September 25, 1998 WHEREAS, FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MIN�IESOTA, File # 98-22I has petitioned to rezone property at 1365 Euglewood Avenue located on the southeast comer of vacated Hubbazd Avenue and North Albert Street from RM-3 (high-density multi-family residentiat} to OS-1 (office- service); and �VHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on September 17, 1998, held a :��public hearing at which ail persons present were given an oppomuuty fo be heazd pursuant fo -' said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legistative Code; and _WHEREAS, ihe 5aint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public heazing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following fcndings of fact: 1. Friends School of Minnesota has apptied to rezone the lot directly north of their existing school building at 1365 Englewood Ave. to construct an addiYion to the building. The addition would include classrooms, a gymnasium, science Iab, and sforage. Grounds would be ]andscaped, and include a parking lot and playground. The school currently enrolls 111 students in grades K- 7 and employs 20 staff (totaling 15 full-fime equivatent positions). An eighth grade class will be added in the fall of 1999. ToYal planned enrollment after construcrion of the addition is 160 studenfs, with 18 futl-time equivalent staff. Constzucdon of the addition is planned to begin anywhere from spring 1999 to fall 2000 depending upon the success of the school's fundraising efforts. 2. Section 60.514(5) of the Zoning Code permits conversion or reuse of non-residentiat „ structures with confomung uses, including expansion of such structure�, subject to special conditions in the OS-1 zoning district. The proposed site for expansion of the Friends School of Minnesota building has the potential of ineeting all of the required conditions retated to: originat construction as a non-residential use; consistency with the comprehensive plan; compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood; required pazking; and a petition signed by two-thirds of properly owners within 100 feet supporting the proposed use. If the rezoning is approved by the City Council, a modification of the moved by Wencl seconded by in favor Unanimous ' �� � � against �f 9'�39�0 � Zoning File #98-221 Page Two of Resolution school's existing special condition use permit, issued under provisions of Section 60.514(5), will be zequired to incorporate the expanded area. Under the Planning Commission's rules of procedure (Resolution 84-23), authority to approve special condition use permits is delegated to the planning administrator in cases where public hearings have been held in which the Commission has recommended, and the City Council has approved, a rezoning specifically for a special condition use. If the City Council approves this rezoning, the planning administrator will be authorized to modify the Friends School's existing permit, provided it meets all the required conditions. 3. The rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The most relevant references are found in plans currently in drafr form and under review. The Hamline Midway Community Plan; a summary of �vhich is intended to be adopted as part of the comprehensive plan in late 1998, identifies the Friends School as a neighborhood resource that could potentially provide more indoor space for community use (p. 21). The Saint Paul Land Use Plan - Draft for Community Review, supports development of neighborhoods as urban villages, �vith a mixture of land uses that have commercial, civic, and institutional activity embedded within them, not isolated in remote, single-use complexes (p. 21). The Friends School's location fits this definition. * 4. The rezoiung, which is an expansion of the area cunently zoned OS-1, is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed. The property to the north is a semi- institutional use, Juel Fairbanks Chemical DeQendency Services. A 190 unit Public Housing Agency high-rise building is directly east of the school property. The school building addition and playground will serve as a good transition to the single-family and duplex homes to the west. In addition, the school properiy is only one block from both Minnehaha and Hamline Avenues, collector streets with 5,200 and 3,300 vehicles per day respectively. The four buses that serve the school will have good access to the property. 5. The rezoning will not have an adverse impact on adjacent property. The new playground " will be available for children living nearby when school is not in sessioti; providing a recreational opportunity for the neighborhood that is not available in Horton Park, which is a passive park. Also, the parking lot wiii be required to have appropriate landscaping and screening to sofren the visual impact on the residences to the north and west. 6. The applicant has submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the properiy owners within one hundred (100) feet of the property stating support for the rezoning (15 pazcels eligible, 10 required, and 12 signed). � Zoning File #98-221 Page Three of ResoluYion NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that the petition of FRIENbS SCHOOL OF MINNESOTA to rezone property at 1365 ENGLEWOOD AVENLTE, more particularly described as except the south 67 ft. fhe following; south 1/2 of vacated Hubbard Ave. accruing & the west 124 ft. of Lot 2, Block 16 College Place, East Division from a RM-3 zoning classification to an OS-1 zoning classification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the Cify; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the Council of the City of Saint Paui that property located at I365 ENGLEWOOD AVENiTE be rezoned from RM-3 to OS-1 in accordance with the petition for rezoning on file wiTh the Saint Paul planning administrator. � � � � Saint Paul Planning Commission � City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg Boulevard `Vest l9 A meeting of the Ptanning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, September 25,1998, at 830 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Mmes. &ngh, Geisser, Morton, Nordin, Treichel, and �Venc( and Messrs. Gervais, Gordon, Johnson, Kong, Kramer, Mardell, Margulies, McDonell and Vaught. Mmes. *Duarte, *Faricy and Messrs. *Field, *Nowlin and Sharpe *Excused Also Present; Ken Ford, Planning Administrator; Jean Birkholz, Tom Harren, Nancy Homans, Gary Peltier, Larry Soderholm, and Allan Torstenson, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff. I. Approval of Minutes of August 28,1998 and September 11,1998 � MOTION: Commissianer Xramer moved �pproval of tlre n:inutes ofAugust 28, I998 and September Il, 1998; Commissioner yYenc! seconded the motion, wl�icl� carried unani»:ously on a voice vole. Commissioner Kramer mentioned that the September I 1 minutes did not have a date (11) on them. II. Chair's Announcements Chair Morton announced that the Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee will not be meeting in the month of September. III. Planning Administrator's An¢ouncements Mr. Ford announced that Monday evening the League of Women Voters is sponsoring a forum to discuss potential new housing policy for the City of Saint Paul; Nancy Homans, chief author, is on the pane] for discussion. It will be held at 7 p.m. at the Martin Luther ICing Center. Mr. Ford also noted that there is currently a process underway to select a new Planning Director for fhe City of Minneagolis. The two final candidates are: 1) Chuck Ballentine, currently a planner with the Metropo]itan Council; and 2) Dan Cornejo, former Director of the Department of Planning and Economic Development for the City of Saint Paul. ` � N. Zoning Committee In Commissioner Field's absence, Commissioner Wencl gave the Zoning Committee report. #98-Zll Mark Pacheco - Special condition use permit to allow a used auto sales, leasing, -. #98-221 Friends School of NIN - Rezone a parcel adjoining the school from RM-3 to OS-1 to allow an expansion of the existing school building at 1365 Englewood Avenue (Donna � Drummond, 266-6556). 1VIOTION: Comniissioner Wencl moved approvnl of the request to rezone a parcel adjoining the schoo[ from RiYl-3 to OS-1 to allow an expansion of the existing school buildixg at 1365 EnglewoodAvenree, svlricl+ carried unanimously on a voice vote. rental and repair business at 801 East Seventh Street (Atlan Torstenson, 266-6579). MOTION: Commissioner Wenc1 moved npproval of 1he requested special condition use perniit to al[ow a used auto sales, leasing, rental anrl repair business at 801 Etrst Seventl: Street, whick carried unanimously on a voice vote s �98-244 Greeorv and Biane Menke - Special condition use permit to atlow a ctuster housing development to expand a single-fami[y home and create a side-by side double house at 2135 Margaret Stree[ (beriveen Pedersen and �Vinthrop), Allan Torstenson, 266-6579. V. MOTIOY: Commissioner iYencl moved approval oJtlre special condition use permit to a!!ow a two-unit cluster housing development witlr the condition that at least one of tlre units be owner occupied at 2I35 Marga�et Street, which carried unanimously on a voice vote. Commissioner Wencl read the agenda for the upcoming Zoning Committee meeting, Thursday, Ociober 1, 1998, at 330 p.m. in the Ciry Council Chambers. GaryPeltier, Northeast Quadrant Reporf, PED � Mr. Peltier briefly named many of the projects going on in the Northeast Quadrant. As he did, he noted that the meetings he has attended recently in the Northeast Quadrant are teally about "quaiity of life" issues meetine . Safety, crime, code enforcement, physical condition, owner occupancy -- qua[ity of life issues. And never before has there been such a sease of argency - urgency to improve the quality of life in these neighborhoods. t Mr. Peltier stated ihat the Northeast Quadrant Team is preparing a development strategy document for the Phalen Corridor - a document that wi(1 guide the development of the Phalen Corridor. He provided a map that colorcoded suggested deveiopment of Phaten Corridor. Mr. Peltier noted that the Housing Chapter presents some major challenges."i2� the Northeast Quadrant. VI. Comprehensive Planning Commiffee Comurehensive Plan: The Land Use Plan, Draft for Planning Commission Action; Resolution approving the plan and recomineading it for adoption. (Ken Ford) MOTION: Commissioner Geisser moved to recommend approval of The Land Use Plan, A Chtrpter of tl�e Saint Pau! Comprehensive Plan contingent on review by adjacent communities and the Metropolitan Council and completion of the Housing Plan and Comprehensive P[an summary; and ihat ihe Saint Pau1 Land Use Plan be recommended 10 the 1Ylayor and to the St�inf Paul City Councilfor preliminary adoption and for inclusian in the drajt Saint Paul Comprehensive P[an to be forwarded to the Metropolitan Caunci(. � �1 �1-39lc � MINUTES OF 7HE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, September 17, 1998 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hali and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, Vaught and Wencl EXCUSED: Fieid and Motton ABSENT: OTHERS PRESEN7: Faricy Pete� Warner, Assistant City Attorney, Geri Boyd, Donna Drummond, Larry Soderholm and Ailan Torstenson of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Wend. FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MINNESOTA -Zoning File 98 - 22i - Rezone property from RM-3 to OS-1 to allow Friends School of Minnesota to build an addition to its curre�t school building. � Donna Drummond, PED, gave a slide presentation and reviewed the staff report. Ms. Drummond stated staff recommended approvai of the rezoning. She further stated that the Hamiine Midway Coalition voted unanimousiy to support the rezoning. � Upon question of Commissioner Gordon, Ms. Drummond explained that the Friends School of Minnesota is the same one that had appiied for and received a STAR grant. Mark Niedermier, 85 Clarence Avenue SE, appeared. Mr. Niedermier stated that he has been the head of the school for eight years. He further stated that currently there are 111 students at the school, and their board's strategic plan expects that they will grow to a maximum student size of 160 kindergarten through grade 8 students. Mr. Niedermier expiained that the schoo'fs mission is to serve a racially, economically, and religiously diverse student body. Their plans include adding primarily a gymnasium, 2 additionai classrooms, a science lab, some general,t�se space, elevator, appropriate storage and hailways. He a(so stated that the plans include adding a new parking lot and the p{ayground, funded in part by the STAR Program. It is intended to be a joint schooi community playground with open and ready access to the community. Mr. Dale Freeman, 819 North Hamiine Avenue appeared. Mr. Freeman expressed his concem regarding the vacated iiubbard street, and stated his zoning concerns. Mr. Niedermier reappeared, affirming the schooi's interest in being a good neighbor. He further stated that during their planning meetings issues are brought up that would affect the adjoining neighbors, such as, how the playground should be p(aced so iYs easily accessible to the community. Addressing the vacated Hubbard street, N1r. Niedermier .expfained that his understanding was that when that street was vacated, the north half became the property of Juels Fairbanks, and the south half of it became the property of 1365 Englewood. Zoning Commiftee Minufes September '17, 1998 Friends Schooi of Minnesota 98-221 Page 2 No one else spoke. The public hearing was closed. There was no further discussion, and fhe motion by Commissioner Vaugfit was ca(ied recommending approval of the rezoning. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Gordon. Adopted Yeas - 5 Nays - 0 Drafted by: Geri Boyd Recording Secrefary Submifted by: i � � i'--' ( . � Donna Drummond Northwest Team l_ J Approved by; . � Barbara Wencf Vice Chair � �V � � �/q' 39�2 � ZON24IG COMMITTEE STAEF REPORT FZLE # 98-221 u � 1 2 APPI.ZCANT: FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MINNESOTA DATE OF HEARIN6: CLASSI£ICATZON: Rezoning 09J17/98 3. LOCATION: 1365 Englewood Ave. isoutheast corner of vacated Hubbard Ave. and N. Albert St.) 4 5 6 7 PLANNING DISTRICT: 11 (Hamline Midway Coalition) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Except the south 67 ft. the £ollowing; south 1/2 of vacated Hubbard Ave. accruing & the west 124 ft. of Lot 2, Block 16� College Place, East Division. � PRESENT ZONING: RM-3 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §64.400 STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 09/09/98 BY: Donna Drwnmond 8. DATE RECEIVED: OS/17/98 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 10/16/98 C� B West: Single-family homes in a RT-1 zone. E. 20NING CODE CITATION: Section 64.900(a) states in part that "the council may, Erom time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed." PURPOSE; Rezoning from RM-3 (high-density multi-family zesidential) to OS-1 (office-service) to a11ow Friends School of Minnesota to build an addition to its current school building. PP.RCEL SzZE: The property to be rezoned has 155 feet of frontaqe on N. Albert St. and is 124 ft. deep for a total area of 19,220 sq. ft. C. EXISTI23G LAND tSSE: Vacant. D. Si3RROUNDZNG LA13P USE: North: A group home for chemical dependency and one and two-family homes beyond in RM-3 and RT-1 zones. East: A 190 unit Public Housing Agency high-rise in a RM-3 zone. South: Existing Friends school building in an OS-1 zone and Horton Park beyond in a RT-1 zone. Section 64.400(b) states in part that "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67) percent of the area of the property to be rezoned." ._ Zoning File #48-221 Page Two F. HZSTORY/DISCVSSION: There are no previous zoning cases concerning the property to he rezoned. However, the property directly soath, which contains the existing Friends School of Minnesota building, received a special condition use permit in October 1996 to allow conversion of an office building to a school. At the tiiae that permit was appraved, the school had indicated its intention to expand onto its property on the north, and the need to have this property rezoned when that occurred was noted in the staff report. G H DISTRICT COUNCIL RECObP2ENDATION: The Hamline Midway Coal.ition had not taken a position on the rezoning at the time the staff report was written. FINDINGS: 1. Friends School of Minnesota has applied to rezone the lot directly north of their existing school building at 1365 Englewood Ave. to constzuct an addition to the building. The addition would inclufle classrooms, a gymnasium, science lab, and storage. Grounds would be landscaped, and include a parking lot and playground. The school currently enrolls 111 students in grades K- 7 and employs 20 staff (totaling 15 full-time equivalent positions). An eighth grade class wi11 be added in the fall of 1999. Total planned enrollment after construction of the addition is 160 students, with 18 full-time equivalent staff. Construction of the addition is planned to begin anywhere from spring 1999 to fa11 2000 depending upon the success of the school's fundraising efforts. 2. Section 60.514(5) of the Zoning Code peimits conversion or reuse of non- residential stxuctures with confozming uses, including expansion of such structures, subject to special conditions in the OS-1 zoning district. The proposed site for expansion of the Friends School of Minnesota building has the potential of ineeting all of the required conditions related to: original construction as a non-residential use; consistency with the comprehensive plan; compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood; required parking; and a petition signed by two-thirds of property owners within 100 feet supporting the proposed use. If the rezoning is approved by the City Council, a modification of the school's existing special condition use permit, issued under provisions of Section 60.514(5), will be required to incorporate the expanded area. , Under the Planning Commission's rules of procedure (Resolution 84-23), authority to approve special condition use permits is de].`egated to the planning administrator in cases where public hearings have been held in which the Commission has recommended, and the City Council has approved, a rezoning specifically for a special condition use. If the City Council appzoves this rezoning, the planning administrator wi11 be authorized to modify the Eriends $chool's existing permit, provided it meets al1 the required conditions. 3. The rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The most zelevant zeferences are found in plans currently in draft form and under review. The Hamline Midway Community Plan, a summary of which is intended to be adopted as part of the comprehensive plan in late 1998, identifies the Friends School as a neighborhood resource that could potentially provide more indoor space for community use (-p. 21).� The Saint Paul land Use Plan - Draft for Community Review, supports development o£ neighborhoods as urban villages, with a mixture of land s � � 49�3G� � Zoning File �98-221 Page Three uses that have commercial, civic, and institutional activity embedd=d within them, not isolated in remote, single-use complexes (p. 21). The Friends School's location fits this definition. 4. The rezoning, which is an expansion of the area currently zoned OS-1, is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed. The property to the north is a semi-institutional use, Juel Fairbanks Chemical Dependency Services. A 190 unit Public Aousing Agency high- rise building is directly east of the school propezty. The school building addition and playground will serve as a good transition to the single-family and duplex homes to the west. In addition, the school property is only one block from both Minnehaha and Hamline Avenues, collector streets with 5,200 and 3,300 vehicles per day respectively. The four buses that serve the school will have good access to the property. 5. The rezoning will not have an adverse impact on adjacent property. The new playground will be available for children living nearby when school is not in session, providing a recreational opportunity for the neighborhood that is not available in Horton Park, which is a passive park. A1so,,the parking lot will be zequired to have appropriate landscaping and screening to soften the visual impact on the residences to the north and west. 6. The applicant has submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the � property owners within one hundred (100) feet o£ the property stating support for the rezoning (15 parcels eligible, 10 required, and 10 signed). 2. STAFF RECOt�NDATIOx: Based on findings 1 through 6, staff zecommends appzoval of the proposed rezoning from RM-3 to OS-1 to allow construction of an addition, parking lot and playground £or the Friends School of Minnesota. � PET(T(ON TO AMEND THE ZONING CQDE Departmrent oj Planning and Economic Development Zaning Section II00 City Ha1! Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Pau1, MN 55102 266-6589 APPLICANT � Property Owner�� s PROPERTY LOCATION City JT t'aUl Contact person (if � � phone �11 � Lega! description_ P'(eose Se� 0.Z'ta�hcd --� --�7 Pl� a �aqa 3 3�0 /3.� � (attach additrona! sheet if necessary) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND C1TY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of tfie Saint Pau( Zoniny Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5} of Minnesota Statues, , the owner of ali the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions yau to rezone the above described property from a �M — 3 zoning district to a C) S' 1 zorting district, for the purpose of: — En��;rc� �rrer�s Sc.hea� a\ �t�nnesal "f"o �+;�� ati ac���tov. �"o j`S �l�t'fC�� SC�'loLl JuitQir\q . 1�t a�����ah Wok�� �r1�4� ( C�liSSroomS, a c�ymn�siuw�,� sc�c,�ct `�J' � G�nGI S�orq G tou.,��s Wokld �r �an�SC4�rd Qn� �n�kdt � AQ�inG ld� and' ' / J (atfach additional sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required site p(an ❑ Consent petition ❑ 5ubscribed and sworn to before �me fhis Bf day of `.� c. . , 1 g� f .i'�Mti� �,-� xornqvaq� KASSt�,t N Public � ' Mrco °B UC - rnrr,:+,es a;a � �. �pires Jart. 37. 2COp '��wv� Affidavit � � � sy: v//(�-�1�.� ' F�e owner of property Title: { S e�. a � �Gl�laa \ � Page 1 of qq-39�o � ZONII\'G PETITIOI�' SUFFICIEI\'CY CHECEi SHEET REZ0�1L�iG SCUP NCUP � FIR3T SUBMITTED DATE PETITION SUBVIITTED: �� � 1 � DATE OFFICIALLY RECENED: " 1 `�� U � PARCELS ELIGIBLE: I PARCELS REQUIRED: � � PARCELS ELIGIBLE: � PARCELS SIGNED: I � RESUBMTTTED DATE PETITION RESUB�,fITTED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED; PARCHLS REQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: CHECKED BY; �W�" ' � � DATE: ':� � � � �� � ZC�NING FILE �"2�� PETITION TO REZONE AFFIDAVIT OF PETITIONER STATE OF MINNESOTA) SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The petitioner, ��p,��,y Sch�n��� , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that the consent petition contains signatures from at least two-thirds ( of all eligible properties �vithin 100 feet of all property ocvned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one (1) year precedin� the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must contain signatures from each and all owners of jointly-o��ned property in order to constitute consent from thai property and that failure to obtain consent from each and ail owners could invaIidate the consent petition; petitioner believes that the consent petition was signed by each of said owners and that the signatures are the true and cortect signatures of each and all of the parties so described. � � � NAME F��.,�sS��,o� ��/''����sa'�'� 1365 �o��cwoo��ucau� S.S/(y�. ADDRESS �5! - 9r1-o6 �� TELEPHONE NUMBER Subscribed and swom to be ore me this .26'i�day of �J✓ 19 9?`3 FIZAL KASS!;;i NOTqpY pUBLIC—hIlV:vcSOTA Page � of __�___ � 1/31/97 �9-39� � STATE OF MINNESOTA) OF PERSON CIRCULATING TAE CONSENT PETITION � COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) AFFTDAVIT SS � I�t S N��-D flK� , being first duly s�vom, deposes and states that he/she is the person �vho circulated the consent petition consisting of� pages; that affiant represents that the parties described on the consent petition ate all the respective owners of the properties placed immediately before each name; that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described on the consent petition is an owner of the properiy which is within 100 feet of any property owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner Gvithin one (i) yeaz precedin� the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that none of the parties described in the consent petition has purchased or is purchasing property from the petitioner that is contiguous to the property described on the consent getition within one (1) year of the date of the petition; that this consent was signed by each of said o�vners in che presence of tMs affiant, and that ihe signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. riy� s�.�t�o,� NAME � � 0 `� �Cw oo� �1�.2 ADDRESS 6�z -G�3� �-� � TELEPHONE I�UMBER `; � Subscribed and s�vom to before me ihis /S� day of r,�/ ,] 9� �� \ ^ � � n�-�'--�- �} �- � �- NOTARY PUB IC � .........�...»..N "; . NADIA SABRI — Y� NOTMYWBLIC•MINIffSOTA MJ Cannlssian E�pYSS kn St, 2 W � T� b��- Pa�e l of � iri� CITI' OI' SATNT PAUL CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY O�VN�RS FOR A REZONING �Ve, thc undersigned, owncrs of the property �vithin 100 feet ofthe totat contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by TEIG PETIT[O�IB2 within one year precedin� the date of Ihis pe[ition acknowledgc that tirc havc bccn presented with tlie followino: 1. A copy of the petition of to rezone the propeRy Ioeated at C from a RM ' 3 zoning distric[ to a QS^.�.. zoning district. 2. A co�ry of sec[ions �i�..5� � tlirough G� $� , inc�usive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge diat �tie are ati�•arc otall of the uses permitted in a �s , 1 zoning district and we are lware that nny of tl�ese e�ses can be est�Ulislied i�pon City Coi�ncil Zpproval of the rezoning. �Ve hereUy coasent to the rczoning of tlie property in d�e petition oF, F i'iM�S ��-�Oa� D� ��1�ntSL�Q ton 0 zoningdistricf. (Name oPpetitioner) �'VC COIISCiIt t0 tI1C A�(11'OVRI Of t�1IS CCTOri[II�T i1S [t �V exptainecl Eo us by tiic �pplicant or his/hcr representative. /388 F,n�kr� �vc. ( �.� µ ��� �/� 7b�s Hv <aL$eR�s� � �a �7: i2v� � �l-� - 0��-�, /'3 '98 �-�f-48 ' (��{•s$ . .� �, �.� r-�-�� ' i-i� -�F' � �, 1- �. ;5��/',c. �t9—� � a-�� y� � . _ .�'.� ,� /_ 9,P 797 !� �'c.-�S�i� l"�v-r�.��s V � �s�.� i �=�c��. �, � (�-a-/-�r�' NOT�: This petition shall not be considered as officially fi[e�until the lapse of seven (7) working days after iY is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw hislher name therefrom by wTitten request within that time. ��iu � � r� L� qy-39� CZ�'Y OI+' SATNT PAUL �� � n LJ CONSENT' OF ADJOINING PROPEI2TY O�VNERS FOR A ,�EZONrNc �Ve, the undersigned, owners of the property �vithin 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate otivned, purchased, or sold b}' TEIG PETI�CIONGR tvithin one year preceding the date of this pztition acl:no���ledge that �ti•e havc bcen presented with the follo�vina: 1. A copy of thc petitioii of �f i C to rezone tite property 1oc11ed at � from a R/°1- 3 zoning district to a ds_� zoning district. 2. A copy of sections ��,.5/ � through ��I , inclusive of thc Saint Paul Zoning Code; and ncknowlcdge that �ve are n�vare of 1I1 of the uses perniitted in a �S —�.. zoning district and we are awnre t6at nny of tliese uses can be established upon City Council approval of tlic ruoning. �Ve hereUy con�ent to the rczoning of the property in the petition of; F C�MdS ��-►toe� C� / li►1ntSD�q toa �S zoningdistrict. (Name of pctitioncr) '4Vc consent to tlie npprovnl of tl�is rezoning as it �vas expl�ined to.us by tiie np��licnnt or his/hcr representative. C * of Saint Pau�l * to enable the p titioner to receive a co�sxrued as ei her approval or denial �� �z /z�-f4 blic hearing, and is not� to be f sub.iect petition. � :- I 7-,��'- q� NOTE: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his(her name therefrom by written request within that time. CITY OT SAXN'T PA.UL CONSENT OF ADJOII�IING PROPERTY O�VN�RS FOR A � REZONING \Ve, the wtdersigned, o�vners of the property �ti�ithin 100 feet oftlie total contiguous description of real estatc o�vned, purchased, or so(d by THE PET[TIONBR �vi[hin one year preceding the date of this petition BCICIlOWI2d that ���e havc bcen presented �eith the foUo�vino: 1. A copy of the petition oF J('iM�S ��ee� d� /►i Nn eS�C� , - (nameoFnetitiqner� , . to rezoae d�e propeRy located at from a/.�'3 zoning district to a �S �- zoning district. 2. A copy of section; 60, St 1 [hrough S�S , inclusive of the Saint Paid Zoning Codz; and neknowledge t6�t �ce are 1�varz of 11( of tfie uses permitted in 1 ns `�- zoning district and tve are nware tha[ any oF [hesc uses can be estabfishzd upon City Comuil approval of the rezoning. �Ve hereby con�ent to thc rczoning of the property in tlie petition of; F i cv�! S��odt 0� /� iv�v1�5��Q to n � S"'-�- zoning district. (t�tame of petitioner) �Vc consecit to f[ic npproval of fhis rezoning as if was expIaincd fo us by ftic � �PPlicant or his/her rcpresentnfivc.*x �� � AIOTE: This petition shall not be considered as oFficially filed until the Iapse of seven (7) working days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by «ritten request within that fime. _ 99-3�ih � CITY OF SAII�I'Z' PAUL CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWN�RS FOR A REZONING �Ve, the undersigned, otvncrs of the property witliin 100 feet ofthc total contiguous description oE reaf estate owned, purcliased, or sold by THE PET[T[OstGR within onc year precedin� ihe date of this pztitian ackno���ledge tliat ��•c have bcen presenced with the fol(owino: A cop}' of the petition oF (�ti Cvv�S Jc.11oDt DT /�i`MtCSO (name oFoetiUoner) . . to rezone the property locnted at from ���' 3 zoning district to 1 QS'.�.. zoning district. 2. A copy of sections �,.5/ � tlirough �Q SI ,'snclusive of dic Saint Paul Zoning Code; and ncknowledge tliat tve 1re nwnre of 111 of the uses permitted in a �S -.�. zoning district and we are �a-arc that nny oP thesc uses can bc established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. \Ve hereUy con�ent to tl�e re2oning oF the property in the petition of; F fiM�S ��noel d� �j nnCSa�q to 1 �S'� zoning district. (Name of pctitioncr) � We consent fo thc approval of this rezoning �s it �vas expl�ined to us by fhc �pplic�nt or his/hcr renresentativc. � 1�IOTE: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request within that time. �-� .,•:�, fR1C�vUJ Jl,(IUUL I'l1Y �CL•OLL �VVJV / � -!()t � m � r1uL:1VLlJ SCHOOL OF MINNESOW FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MINNESOTA Mission Stafement Friends SchooI of Minnesata prepares Twin Cities children in grades K-8 to face life with hope, skitt, understanding, creativiEy, and a commitment to peace, justice, and conununity well-being. Statement of Philosophy and Practice Friends School is grnunded in the values and practices of the Religious Society of Friends, induding community, simplicity, equality, non-violence, jusHee, and silent reflection. Quakers believe that there is within each individua] "that of Gud," an inner )ight or divine seed, a center from which each of uc gmws tn reach our highest potenfial. ?he school provides a holisYic education, nvrturing the physical, intellectual, spiritual, and sncia] development of childten. With the eentra] gnaJ of promoting academk excellence in our students, Friends School is suided by the principles of pre�gressive education, which recognize that chifdren ]eam brst as active partieipants, eollabnrators, and pr�blem-solvers, ln the progresseve classroom, children learn to knnw the wodd and to achieve a fuller understanding of themselves. Rich projects enable children to acquire the skills and eoneeptua] i�nderstandings that ]ie at the heart of the fwma] disciplines. The elassroom community is nf central importance, designed to prepare children to be active participants in a democracy. In the words of American pbilnsopher)ohn Dewey, progressive edueation is "not preparation for life, but is life itself." Friends SchooJ is committed to respecting ihe worth oE each person. Children 2earn that individuals possess freedom of cnnscience and civi! and emnomic zights and responsibilities. We teach accep[ance of differences among individuals and addrecs differences in ]earning styles. Friends School is commitfcd to tcaching peace. Children learn non-violent means of msolving conflicts as part of normal schoo! life, often carrying these methods into their famiTies and the wider community. Children ]earn how social injustice can be overrnme n�nviolentty. Friends School is committed to bi�ilding community. Children tearn to take responsibi)ity for their own actions and develop empathy, compassion, and a commiYment to the well-being of all. We prac[ice and teach conperative decision-making. Fricnds, parenks, staff, and students all have roles in thc life of fhe schooJ. • Friends School is rnmmitted to equality. Children leam to understand and vaiue differences among caltures. We teach that a multi-caltural society is stronger for its diversity. We teach gender equity. We are dedicated to a schoo] rnmmunity that draws from the Twin Cities' diversity in teligious beliefs, ethnicity, econom3c status, culture, and sexual orientation. Friends School is committed tn devetoping iife-iong tearning skitts, We nurture each child's desire to ezplore and nnderstand the world and teach him or her fhe skills needed to enable continued lcarning. 7hese include aitica] thinking, creativity, decision-making, and fechnological competence. JGr �+0. �O lti •.�v �vu .��.� i � � Friends Schoot is committed to nurturing f6e spirifuai awareness of children. In silent refIection, in ctass or wifh t6e whofe school, childien Iearn to listen to their own inner.voice. Children iearn about people who have bcen spirit-led, past and present. The school provides many � opportunities for children to enhance thcir spiritual life through creative expression. � � tJ _ � anuanb pooma�6u3 �.. . _. ._ � Z � ! � � N � Q q O W u' � � � � � � J O O� s� U '`t � �. n� � O �^, O � ^ �,_ G C G 6 U G � V O 6 Y u m a 'a u 0 z � 0 � d E '� v c m s \ o � S � V !C L V C v c u u � m e d i. � � C � o.�. N X C. O V 6 C N y O^ m O N N N m E E. F � C y a � s u` ` u E E m V V � O �p X V s s C V C 4 m � O T'� � 3 e o P U x m p o � Y � N � � � - o r l`I ... E _ d ci a J � .: � � � � � n w �� ���m " ° C ° o i' L �; U N{� U P V� � O�+ N f7 V IA G F U Z � � y § � � � 0 �� � U1 � O zN � �o J y �� = a U N N N n �^' � � � a N C 4 � Y tl a V � Ma N N G O a C � G O � ° E � q C W i � � �s� � - ���m ° i. u = C � �' � d o m` z z`o v a$ Yn �..�� � 0 r � H N N � E E � C C C . g u �. � � e u e ? o •; �;,�.. `= Q 4 d A T -°. ,g F'O A �S m o o ��� Y Q O F ` ^ Y � �m ;;z S��,z, r� e ��"' � e G tl o 4 C � O � N E�J b U .'J C� Z"' N Cl Y O Yl F � -.�;,:. -.. � �[ f .' � m v N � 9 Q Q r �. Z � � � n' � � v � � 'o ..�� � `� -a E r a m � m 0 0 � °-' Z Q c • � O � � fL UZ � awanq pooma�6u3. . � 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. � 23. 14. 15. 16. 17. SUNRAY-BATTZECREEK-HIGFIW OOD HAZEL PARK HADEN-PROSPERITY HILLCREST WEST SIDE DAYTON'S BLLTFF PAYNE-PHAI.EN ' NORTH END � THO�fAS-DALE SUMMIT-iTISIVERSITY WEST SEVENTH COMO � HAMLINE-MIDWAY ST. A2`ITHONY PARK MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNbLLING HAMLINE MACALESTER GROVELANU HIGHIAND SUMMTI' HILL DOWNTOWN ZONING FtLE �•ZZ � CITTZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNING DISTRICIS 99 � . HAMLINE—MIDWAY DISTRICT 11 SI �.Tr-rr'�344f- s000 .000 e000 SUIE �n fER + ������� ����Q� � , . . . • ��� • • ���Q � . . � � • � � • � � � • • � • • • • • • ��� • • • • • i ��• • • •�� - �! � ���� �� . . . . . .' � � . . . . ���� � t� � �a r� � ' � �'� t'"� . ;� , o � o � . .u�o �� �� - l . . � �1....p � ; ; / '• � o o =-- • 0 • " • • � • • • • • s • � � � • .� - • • •_! • •�•• ••a� I ' / � • � � • �. � . � ��� • • • • • • f • • E o...... .. �� ..���� _ _ _— �. .............. ....�,.,a....... APPLICAN7 j't'(P�'n� S �= ���,c)� \ �'�� �R LEG�NO PURPOSE �<.F �i.0� �(` :.t �-^� zoning districl boundary FILE � � b � � , DATE C � � � � � � subjed property PWG. DIST� MAP r �`-' � one family �,.,, �„ _ hvo fami!y n "��, �`)�' �`_ _ �-Q multiple larnily . � , r ( '�����I � ���C►�'�� �� ::, in���1 SEMiNAR �•! �'�'�t� a n orth� • � ^ comm= cia' � ...... ir.d��sl; �a' ; V v=�a^ II ORiG1NAL Presented co���� File # �f9�=____3q� Ordinance # Green Sheet # b 3 5�9 CITY OF 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Q��at�cucn JUN l� 1999 ORDINANCE PAUL, MINNESOTA � Re£erred To [ / // Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertainina to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MINNESOTA duly petitioned to rezone properry at 1365 ENGLEWOOD AVEN[JE, being legally described as: Except the south 67 ft. the following; south 1f2 of vacated Hubbard Ave. accruing & the west 124 ft. of Lot 2, Block 16 College Place, East Division from RM-3 (high-density multi-family residential) to OS-1 (office-service) for the purpose of permitting expansion of the school, the petition having been certified by the Plauniilg staf£ on August 17, 1998, as having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year proceeding the date of the petition; and' 14 WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on September 17, 1998, held a public 15 hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administrative 16 Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on September 25, 1998, and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, notice of public heazing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on October 3, 1998, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned;and WI3EREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on October 28, 1998, where all interested parties were heazd, the Council having considered a11 the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Secrion 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 10, as incorporated by reference in §60301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby furthex amended as follows: That properiy with the address of 1365 ENGLEWOOD AVENUE, being more particulazly described as: 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 qq-3q� Except the south 67 ft. the following; south 1/2 of vacated Hubbazd Ave, accruing & the west 124 ft. of Lot 2, Block 16 College Place, East Division be and is hereby rezoned from RM-3 to OS-1. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force tturiy (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. ORIGi�IAL Requested by Department of: Plannin & Economic velo ment BY: � 7� Form Approved by Ci to y / BY: g cr . .�rrzz �.�AB ] L��� F'PProved by MaYOr f�5ubmission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date p � $y. By: ./ .; PtIAtISRC� �.o� 19�9 Adopted by Council: Date ���_ r ` \q�9 Adoption Certifief� by Council SeCre�ry , PED-230RTHWEST TEAM Donna Drummond (ext_ 6-6556) As soon as poss : :1 9 GREEN SHEET mx�suoa� ■ OF�AR11�IfGnEtiM _ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES al° , ��4 No s35� NXIaW#e a'rcoinca ❑ G1VAii0R1EY ❑ p1YpEP1I � ❑ p141cl�I.aF0.YlcFSael ❑ aN4CLl8EawsLCro ❑ WvoRlaRYmT/w!� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� Adopt ordinance to finalize previous City Council approval of a rezoning petition for FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MSNNESOTA Co rezone property at 1365 ENGLEWOOD AVENUE from RM-3 to OS-1 to allow expansion of the existing school. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has this persoNfirm ever xrorketl urMer a contract for this departmeM'! YES SJO Has tha P���rtn ever heen a city empbyee7 YES NO Dces this peisan/frtn possess a slall not nwmaltypossessetl by any cuirent dry employee? YES NO 4ethis P�� a fargeietl ve'MOfl VES NO ilain all v� answeis on seoarate sheet and attach to areen sheet Finalize previous City Council approval of rezoning petition £or FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MINNESOTA to rezone property at 1365 SNGLEWOOD AVENUE from RM-3 to OS-1 to allow expansion of the existing school. ��iJ.'�s•;� �'r..�,,,�o,_.p, .� _(, :�i��w `� � ��r� OF TRANSACTION S SOURCE COST/REVENUE BUGCEiED (CIRCLE ON� ACTNIT'NUMBER YES NO INFORMATION (IXPWN) DEPARTA�NT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DF.VEIAPMENT Pamel¢ R'heelock, Director CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor September 28, 1998 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: �/y 39� Telephone: 611-266-6655 Facsim iJe: 61 Z-228-3261 h U[i�`*.� �P_<5��:�'; �J2":;°f' OCT 9 � i�9E I wouid like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday October 28, 1998 for the following zoning case: Applicant: FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MINNESOTA File Number: #98-221 Purpose: Rezone properiy from RM-3 (high density multi-family residential) to OS-1 (office-service) for the purpose of constructing an addition to the existing Friends School building. Address: Legal Description of Properiy: Previous Action: 1365 Englewood Ave., on the southeast corner of N. Albert St. and vacated Hubbard Ave. Except the south 67 ft. the following; south %z of vacated Hubbard Ave. accruing and the west 124 ft. of Lot 2, Block 16 College Place, East Division. Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, vote: unanimous, Sept. 25, 1998 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, vote: 5-0, Sept. 17, 1998 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the October 28, 1998 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal L,edger. Please call me at 266-6556 if you have any questions. Sincerely, �Eh'""��/Ln."r'`� Donna Drummond 25 Wesi Founh Sbeet SaintPaul, MNSSIO2 - . . - •F7RST _ . M0110E.OFPVBiiCE Clty Plannei The gain� paul �City Council will cunduct a public heacing on Wednesday, �OcWber 28., 1998 at�5:$0 p;m. in khe City Council Chambers. Third Floon CiYy,Hali-Court cc: File #98-221 House, to consider the appli,cation of b7iends School of Minnesota to rezone propercy froxn I2M-3 (high density mvlti-family residenGal) Yo OS-i- (office-service) for the pur- P2u1 DllbiUiCl pose of'construcYing an�addition to the eatisting Friends-Schooi building-at 1365 GeTi Boyd Engiewood Avenve (suuffieast comer of N. A16erc Street and vacated Hnbbsrd Avenue). _ , DatedOctober2.1998_ - " _ � _ NANCY�NDERSON _ _� - - . � , - Assistant CfLy.�Govxtcli Secretary . , _ . _ ... ., , . _. . {October 3. 19387 � - . e DEPAR'MENT OF PLANNING � �_�� � & ECO�IOMIC DEVELOPME.'N7 Pamela i�heelack Director CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mqyor � October 19, 1998 Ms. Idancy Anderson Secretary to the CiTy Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 25 Wesr Fourlh Street Telephone: 612-266-6655 SointPaul,�'S5102 Fncsimile:612-228-316f RE: Zoning File #98-221 FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MINNESOTA City Council Hearing: October 28, 1998, 530 p.m. City Council Chambers PURPOSE: To consider rezoning propeRy at 1365 Englewood Ave., on the southeast corner of N. Albert St. and vacated Hubbard Ave., from RM-3 (high density multi-family residential) to OS-1 (office- service) for the purpose of constructing an addition to the existing Friends School building. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL vote: unanimous ZONING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL vote: 5-0 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL SUPPORT: No one spoke. The Hamline Midway Coalition voted unanimously to support the rezoning. OPPOSITION: One person appeared in opposition. Dear Ms. Anderson: FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MINNESOTA submitted a petition to rezone properry at 1365 Englewood Ave., on the southeast corner of N. Albert St. and vacated Hubbard Ave. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public 6earing on the proposed rezoning on September 17, 1998. The applicant's representative addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing, the committee voted 5-0 [o recommend approval to rezone to OS-1. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning ' Committee's recommendation for approval on a unanimous vote on September 25, TxJ98. This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on October 28, 1998. Please notify me if any member of the Ciry Council wishes to have siides of the site presented at the pub3ic hearing. Sincerely, �vr+✓�C'� G' �v Donna Arummond City Planner i Attachments =< cc: City Councilmembers city .of saint paul pianning commissian resolution file number 98-64 �' te September 25, 1998 WHEREAS, FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MIN�IESOTA, File # 98-22I has petitioned to rezone property at 1365 Euglewood Avenue located on the southeast comer of vacated Hubbazd Avenue and North Albert Street from RM-3 (high-density multi-family residentiat} to OS-1 (office- service); and �VHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on September 17, 1998, held a :��public hearing at which ail persons present were given an oppomuuty fo be heazd pursuant fo -' said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legistative Code; and _WHEREAS, ihe 5aint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public heazing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following fcndings of fact: 1. Friends School of Minnesota has apptied to rezone the lot directly north of their existing school building at 1365 Englewood Ave. to construct an addiYion to the building. The addition would include classrooms, a gymnasium, science Iab, and sforage. Grounds would be ]andscaped, and include a parking lot and playground. The school currently enrolls 111 students in grades K- 7 and employs 20 staff (totaling 15 full-fime equivatent positions). An eighth grade class will be added in the fall of 1999. ToYal planned enrollment after construcrion of the addition is 160 studenfs, with 18 futl-time equivalent staff. Constzucdon of the addition is planned to begin anywhere from spring 1999 to fall 2000 depending upon the success of the school's fundraising efforts. 2. Section 60.514(5) of the Zoning Code permits conversion or reuse of non-residentiat „ structures with confomung uses, including expansion of such structure�, subject to special conditions in the OS-1 zoning district. The proposed site for expansion of the Friends School of Minnesota building has the potential of ineeting all of the required conditions retated to: originat construction as a non-residential use; consistency with the comprehensive plan; compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood; required pazking; and a petition signed by two-thirds of properly owners within 100 feet supporting the proposed use. If the rezoning is approved by the City Council, a modification of the moved by Wencl seconded by in favor Unanimous ' �� � � against �f 9'�39�0 � Zoning File #98-221 Page Two of Resolution school's existing special condition use permit, issued under provisions of Section 60.514(5), will be zequired to incorporate the expanded area. Under the Planning Commission's rules of procedure (Resolution 84-23), authority to approve special condition use permits is delegated to the planning administrator in cases where public hearings have been held in which the Commission has recommended, and the City Council has approved, a rezoning specifically for a special condition use. If the City Council approves this rezoning, the planning administrator will be authorized to modify the Friends School's existing permit, provided it meets all the required conditions. 3. The rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The most relevant references are found in plans currently in drafr form and under review. The Hamline Midway Community Plan; a summary of �vhich is intended to be adopted as part of the comprehensive plan in late 1998, identifies the Friends School as a neighborhood resource that could potentially provide more indoor space for community use (p. 21). The Saint Paul Land Use Plan - Draft for Community Review, supports development of neighborhoods as urban villages, �vith a mixture of land uses that have commercial, civic, and institutional activity embedded within them, not isolated in remote, single-use complexes (p. 21). The Friends School's location fits this definition. * 4. The rezoiung, which is an expansion of the area cunently zoned OS-1, is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed. The property to the north is a semi- institutional use, Juel Fairbanks Chemical DeQendency Services. A 190 unit Public Housing Agency high-rise building is directly east of the school property. The school building addition and playground will serve as a good transition to the single-family and duplex homes to the west. In addition, the school properiy is only one block from both Minnehaha and Hamline Avenues, collector streets with 5,200 and 3,300 vehicles per day respectively. The four buses that serve the school will have good access to the property. 5. The rezoning will not have an adverse impact on adjacent property. The new playground " will be available for children living nearby when school is not in sessioti; providing a recreational opportunity for the neighborhood that is not available in Horton Park, which is a passive park. Also, the parking lot wiii be required to have appropriate landscaping and screening to sofren the visual impact on the residences to the north and west. 6. The applicant has submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the properiy owners within one hundred (100) feet of the property stating support for the rezoning (15 pazcels eligible, 10 required, and 12 signed). � Zoning File #98-221 Page Three of ResoluYion NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that the petition of FRIENbS SCHOOL OF MINNESOTA to rezone property at 1365 ENGLEWOOD AVENLTE, more particularly described as except the south 67 ft. fhe following; south 1/2 of vacated Hubbard Ave. accruing & the west 124 ft. of Lot 2, Block 16 College Place, East Division from a RM-3 zoning classification to an OS-1 zoning classification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the Cify; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the Council of the City of Saint Paui that property located at I365 ENGLEWOOD AVENiTE be rezoned from RM-3 to OS-1 in accordance with the petition for rezoning on file wiTh the Saint Paul planning administrator. � � � � Saint Paul Planning Commission � City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg Boulevard `Vest l9 A meeting of the Ptanning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, September 25,1998, at 830 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Mmes. &ngh, Geisser, Morton, Nordin, Treichel, and �Venc( and Messrs. Gervais, Gordon, Johnson, Kong, Kramer, Mardell, Margulies, McDonell and Vaught. Mmes. *Duarte, *Faricy and Messrs. *Field, *Nowlin and Sharpe *Excused Also Present; Ken Ford, Planning Administrator; Jean Birkholz, Tom Harren, Nancy Homans, Gary Peltier, Larry Soderholm, and Allan Torstenson, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff. I. Approval of Minutes of August 28,1998 and September 11,1998 � MOTION: Commissianer Xramer moved �pproval of tlre n:inutes ofAugust 28, I998 and September Il, 1998; Commissioner yYenc! seconded the motion, wl�icl� carried unani»:ously on a voice vole. Commissioner Kramer mentioned that the September I 1 minutes did not have a date (11) on them. II. Chair's Announcements Chair Morton announced that the Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee will not be meeting in the month of September. III. Planning Administrator's An¢ouncements Mr. Ford announced that Monday evening the League of Women Voters is sponsoring a forum to discuss potential new housing policy for the City of Saint Paul; Nancy Homans, chief author, is on the pane] for discussion. It will be held at 7 p.m. at the Martin Luther ICing Center. Mr. Ford also noted that there is currently a process underway to select a new Planning Director for fhe City of Minneagolis. The two final candidates are: 1) Chuck Ballentine, currently a planner with the Metropo]itan Council; and 2) Dan Cornejo, former Director of the Department of Planning and Economic Development for the City of Saint Paul. ` � N. Zoning Committee In Commissioner Field's absence, Commissioner Wencl gave the Zoning Committee report. #98-Zll Mark Pacheco - Special condition use permit to allow a used auto sales, leasing, -. #98-221 Friends School of NIN - Rezone a parcel adjoining the school from RM-3 to OS-1 to allow an expansion of the existing school building at 1365 Englewood Avenue (Donna � Drummond, 266-6556). 1VIOTION: Comniissioner Wencl moved approvnl of the request to rezone a parcel adjoining the schoo[ from RiYl-3 to OS-1 to allow an expansion of the existing school buildixg at 1365 EnglewoodAvenree, svlricl+ carried unanimously on a voice vote. rental and repair business at 801 East Seventh Street (Atlan Torstenson, 266-6579). MOTION: Commissioner Wenc1 moved npproval of 1he requested special condition use perniit to al[ow a used auto sales, leasing, rental anrl repair business at 801 Etrst Seventl: Street, whick carried unanimously on a voice vote s �98-244 Greeorv and Biane Menke - Special condition use permit to atlow a ctuster housing development to expand a single-fami[y home and create a side-by side double house at 2135 Margaret Stree[ (beriveen Pedersen and �Vinthrop), Allan Torstenson, 266-6579. V. MOTIOY: Commissioner iYencl moved approval oJtlre special condition use permit to a!!ow a two-unit cluster housing development witlr the condition that at least one of tlre units be owner occupied at 2I35 Marga�et Street, which carried unanimously on a voice vote. Commissioner Wencl read the agenda for the upcoming Zoning Committee meeting, Thursday, Ociober 1, 1998, at 330 p.m. in the Ciry Council Chambers. GaryPeltier, Northeast Quadrant Reporf, PED � Mr. Peltier briefly named many of the projects going on in the Northeast Quadrant. As he did, he noted that the meetings he has attended recently in the Northeast Quadrant are teally about "quaiity of life" issues meetine . Safety, crime, code enforcement, physical condition, owner occupancy -- qua[ity of life issues. And never before has there been such a sease of argency - urgency to improve the quality of life in these neighborhoods. t Mr. Peltier stated ihat the Northeast Quadrant Team is preparing a development strategy document for the Phalen Corridor - a document that wi(1 guide the development of the Phalen Corridor. He provided a map that colorcoded suggested deveiopment of Phaten Corridor. Mr. Peltier noted that the Housing Chapter presents some major challenges."i2� the Northeast Quadrant. VI. Comprehensive Planning Commiffee Comurehensive Plan: The Land Use Plan, Draft for Planning Commission Action; Resolution approving the plan and recomineading it for adoption. (Ken Ford) MOTION: Commissioner Geisser moved to recommend approval of The Land Use Plan, A Chtrpter of tl�e Saint Pau! Comprehensive Plan contingent on review by adjacent communities and the Metropolitan Council and completion of the Housing Plan and Comprehensive P[an summary; and ihat ihe Saint Pau1 Land Use Plan be recommended 10 the 1Ylayor and to the St�inf Paul City Councilfor preliminary adoption and for inclusian in the drajt Saint Paul Comprehensive P[an to be forwarded to the Metropolitan Caunci(. � �1 �1-39lc � MINUTES OF 7HE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, September 17, 1998 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hali and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, Vaught and Wencl EXCUSED: Fieid and Motton ABSENT: OTHERS PRESEN7: Faricy Pete� Warner, Assistant City Attorney, Geri Boyd, Donna Drummond, Larry Soderholm and Ailan Torstenson of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Wend. FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MINNESOTA -Zoning File 98 - 22i - Rezone property from RM-3 to OS-1 to allow Friends School of Minnesota to build an addition to its curre�t school building. � Donna Drummond, PED, gave a slide presentation and reviewed the staff report. Ms. Drummond stated staff recommended approvai of the rezoning. She further stated that the Hamiine Midway Coalition voted unanimousiy to support the rezoning. � Upon question of Commissioner Gordon, Ms. Drummond explained that the Friends School of Minnesota is the same one that had appiied for and received a STAR grant. Mark Niedermier, 85 Clarence Avenue SE, appeared. Mr. Niedermier stated that he has been the head of the school for eight years. He further stated that currently there are 111 students at the school, and their board's strategic plan expects that they will grow to a maximum student size of 160 kindergarten through grade 8 students. Mr. Niedermier expiained that the schoo'fs mission is to serve a racially, economically, and religiously diverse student body. Their plans include adding primarily a gymnasium, 2 additionai classrooms, a science lab, some general,t�se space, elevator, appropriate storage and hailways. He a(so stated that the plans include adding a new parking lot and the p{ayground, funded in part by the STAR Program. It is intended to be a joint schooi community playground with open and ready access to the community. Mr. Dale Freeman, 819 North Hamiine Avenue appeared. Mr. Freeman expressed his concem regarding the vacated iiubbard street, and stated his zoning concerns. Mr. Niedermier reappeared, affirming the schooi's interest in being a good neighbor. He further stated that during their planning meetings issues are brought up that would affect the adjoining neighbors, such as, how the playground should be p(aced so iYs easily accessible to the community. Addressing the vacated Hubbard street, N1r. Niedermier .expfained that his understanding was that when that street was vacated, the north half became the property of Juels Fairbanks, and the south half of it became the property of 1365 Englewood. Zoning Commiftee Minufes September '17, 1998 Friends Schooi of Minnesota 98-221 Page 2 No one else spoke. The public hearing was closed. There was no further discussion, and fhe motion by Commissioner Vaugfit was ca(ied recommending approval of the rezoning. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Gordon. Adopted Yeas - 5 Nays - 0 Drafted by: Geri Boyd Recording Secrefary Submifted by: i � � i'--' ( . � Donna Drummond Northwest Team l_ J Approved by; . � Barbara Wencf Vice Chair � �V � � �/q' 39�2 � ZON24IG COMMITTEE STAEF REPORT FZLE # 98-221 u � 1 2 APPI.ZCANT: FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MINNESOTA DATE OF HEARIN6: CLASSI£ICATZON: Rezoning 09J17/98 3. LOCATION: 1365 Englewood Ave. isoutheast corner of vacated Hubbard Ave. and N. Albert St.) 4 5 6 7 PLANNING DISTRICT: 11 (Hamline Midway Coalition) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Except the south 67 ft. the £ollowing; south 1/2 of vacated Hubbard Ave. accruing & the west 124 ft. of Lot 2, Block 16� College Place, East Division. � PRESENT ZONING: RM-3 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §64.400 STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 09/09/98 BY: Donna Drwnmond 8. DATE RECEIVED: OS/17/98 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 10/16/98 C� B West: Single-family homes in a RT-1 zone. E. 20NING CODE CITATION: Section 64.900(a) states in part that "the council may, Erom time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed." PURPOSE; Rezoning from RM-3 (high-density multi-family zesidential) to OS-1 (office-service) to a11ow Friends School of Minnesota to build an addition to its current school building. PP.RCEL SzZE: The property to be rezoned has 155 feet of frontaqe on N. Albert St. and is 124 ft. deep for a total area of 19,220 sq. ft. C. EXISTI23G LAND tSSE: Vacant. D. Si3RROUNDZNG LA13P USE: North: A group home for chemical dependency and one and two-family homes beyond in RM-3 and RT-1 zones. East: A 190 unit Public Housing Agency high-rise in a RM-3 zone. South: Existing Friends school building in an OS-1 zone and Horton Park beyond in a RT-1 zone. Section 64.400(b) states in part that "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67) percent of the area of the property to be rezoned." ._ Zoning File #48-221 Page Two F. HZSTORY/DISCVSSION: There are no previous zoning cases concerning the property to he rezoned. However, the property directly soath, which contains the existing Friends School of Minnesota building, received a special condition use permit in October 1996 to allow conversion of an office building to a school. At the tiiae that permit was appraved, the school had indicated its intention to expand onto its property on the north, and the need to have this property rezoned when that occurred was noted in the staff report. G H DISTRICT COUNCIL RECObP2ENDATION: The Hamline Midway Coal.ition had not taken a position on the rezoning at the time the staff report was written. FINDINGS: 1. Friends School of Minnesota has applied to rezone the lot directly north of their existing school building at 1365 Englewood Ave. to constzuct an addition to the building. The addition would inclufle classrooms, a gymnasium, science lab, and storage. Grounds would be landscaped, and include a parking lot and playground. The school currently enrolls 111 students in grades K- 7 and employs 20 staff (totaling 15 full-time equivalent positions). An eighth grade class wi11 be added in the fall of 1999. Total planned enrollment after construction of the addition is 160 students, with 18 full-time equivalent staff. Construction of the addition is planned to begin anywhere from spring 1999 to fa11 2000 depending upon the success of the school's fundraising efforts. 2. Section 60.514(5) of the Zoning Code peimits conversion or reuse of non- residential stxuctures with confozming uses, including expansion of such structures, subject to special conditions in the OS-1 zoning district. The proposed site for expansion of the Friends School of Minnesota building has the potential of ineeting all of the required conditions related to: original construction as a non-residential use; consistency with the comprehensive plan; compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood; required parking; and a petition signed by two-thirds of property owners within 100 feet supporting the proposed use. If the rezoning is approved by the City Council, a modification of the school's existing special condition use permit, issued under provisions of Section 60.514(5), will be required to incorporate the expanded area. , Under the Planning Commission's rules of procedure (Resolution 84-23), authority to approve special condition use permits is de].`egated to the planning administrator in cases where public hearings have been held in which the Commission has recommended, and the City Council has approved, a rezoning specifically for a special condition use. If the City Council appzoves this rezoning, the planning administrator wi11 be authorized to modify the Eriends $chool's existing permit, provided it meets al1 the required conditions. 3. The rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The most zelevant zeferences are found in plans currently in draft form and under review. The Hamline Midway Community Plan, a summary of which is intended to be adopted as part of the comprehensive plan in late 1998, identifies the Friends School as a neighborhood resource that could potentially provide more indoor space for community use (-p. 21).� The Saint Paul land Use Plan - Draft for Community Review, supports development o£ neighborhoods as urban villages, with a mixture of land s � � 49�3G� � Zoning File �98-221 Page Three uses that have commercial, civic, and institutional activity embedd=d within them, not isolated in remote, single-use complexes (p. 21). The Friends School's location fits this definition. 4. The rezoning, which is an expansion of the area currently zoned OS-1, is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed. The property to the north is a semi-institutional use, Juel Fairbanks Chemical Dependency Services. A 190 unit Public Aousing Agency high- rise building is directly east of the school propezty. The school building addition and playground will serve as a good transition to the single-family and duplex homes to the west. In addition, the school property is only one block from both Minnehaha and Hamline Avenues, collector streets with 5,200 and 3,300 vehicles per day respectively. The four buses that serve the school will have good access to the property. 5. The rezoning will not have an adverse impact on adjacent property. The new playground will be available for children living nearby when school is not in session, providing a recreational opportunity for the neighborhood that is not available in Horton Park, which is a passive park. A1so,,the parking lot will be zequired to have appropriate landscaping and screening to soften the visual impact on the residences to the north and west. 6. The applicant has submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the � property owners within one hundred (100) feet o£ the property stating support for the rezoning (15 parcels eligible, 10 required, and 10 signed). 2. STAFF RECOt�NDATIOx: Based on findings 1 through 6, staff zecommends appzoval of the proposed rezoning from RM-3 to OS-1 to allow construction of an addition, parking lot and playground £or the Friends School of Minnesota. � PET(T(ON TO AMEND THE ZONING CQDE Departmrent oj Planning and Economic Development Zaning Section II00 City Ha1! Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Pau1, MN 55102 266-6589 APPLICANT � Property Owner�� s PROPERTY LOCATION City JT t'aUl Contact person (if � � phone �11 � Lega! description_ P'(eose Se� 0.Z'ta�hcd --� --�7 Pl� a �aqa 3 3�0 /3.� � (attach additrona! sheet if necessary) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND C1TY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of tfie Saint Pau( Zoniny Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5} of Minnesota Statues, , the owner of ali the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions yau to rezone the above described property from a �M — 3 zoning district to a C) S' 1 zorting district, for the purpose of: — En��;rc� �rrer�s Sc.hea� a\ �t�nnesal "f"o �+;�� ati ac���tov. �"o j`S �l�t'fC�� SC�'loLl JuitQir\q . 1�t a�����ah Wok�� �r1�4� ( C�liSSroomS, a c�ymn�siuw�,� sc�c,�ct `�J' � G�nGI S�orq G tou.,��s Wokld �r �an�SC4�rd Qn� �n�kdt � AQ�inG ld� and' ' / J (atfach additional sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required site p(an ❑ Consent petition ❑ 5ubscribed and sworn to before �me fhis Bf day of `.� c. . , 1 g� f .i'�Mti� �,-� xornqvaq� KASSt�,t N Public � ' Mrco °B UC - rnrr,:+,es a;a � �. �pires Jart. 37. 2COp '��wv� Affidavit � � � sy: v//(�-�1�.� ' F�e owner of property Title: { S e�. a � �Gl�laa \ � Page 1 of qq-39�o � ZONII\'G PETITIOI�' SUFFICIEI\'CY CHECEi SHEET REZ0�1L�iG SCUP NCUP � FIR3T SUBMITTED DATE PETITION SUBVIITTED: �� � 1 � DATE OFFICIALLY RECENED: " 1 `�� U � PARCELS ELIGIBLE: I PARCELS REQUIRED: � � PARCELS ELIGIBLE: � PARCELS SIGNED: I � RESUBMTTTED DATE PETITION RESUB�,fITTED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED; PARCHLS REQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: CHECKED BY; �W�" ' � � DATE: ':� � � � �� � ZC�NING FILE �"2�� PETITION TO REZONE AFFIDAVIT OF PETITIONER STATE OF MINNESOTA) SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The petitioner, ��p,��,y Sch�n��� , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that the consent petition contains signatures from at least two-thirds ( of all eligible properties �vithin 100 feet of all property ocvned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one (1) year precedin� the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must contain signatures from each and all owners of jointly-o��ned property in order to constitute consent from thai property and that failure to obtain consent from each and ail owners could invaIidate the consent petition; petitioner believes that the consent petition was signed by each of said owners and that the signatures are the true and cortect signatures of each and all of the parties so described. � � � NAME F��.,�sS��,o� ��/''����sa'�'� 1365 �o��cwoo��ucau� S.S/(y�. ADDRESS �5! - 9r1-o6 �� TELEPHONE NUMBER Subscribed and swom to be ore me this .26'i�day of �J✓ 19 9?`3 FIZAL KASS!;;i NOTqpY pUBLIC—hIlV:vcSOTA Page � of __�___ � 1/31/97 �9-39� � STATE OF MINNESOTA) OF PERSON CIRCULATING TAE CONSENT PETITION � COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) AFFTDAVIT SS � I�t S N��-D flK� , being first duly s�vom, deposes and states that he/she is the person �vho circulated the consent petition consisting of� pages; that affiant represents that the parties described on the consent petition ate all the respective owners of the properties placed immediately before each name; that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described on the consent petition is an owner of the properiy which is within 100 feet of any property owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner Gvithin one (i) yeaz precedin� the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that none of the parties described in the consent petition has purchased or is purchasing property from the petitioner that is contiguous to the property described on the consent getition within one (1) year of the date of the petition; that this consent was signed by each of said o�vners in che presence of tMs affiant, and that ihe signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. riy� s�.�t�o,� NAME � � 0 `� �Cw oo� �1�.2 ADDRESS 6�z -G�3� �-� � TELEPHONE I�UMBER `; � Subscribed and s�vom to before me ihis /S� day of r,�/ ,] 9� �� \ ^ � � n�-�'--�- �} �- � �- NOTARY PUB IC � .........�...»..N "; . NADIA SABRI — Y� NOTMYWBLIC•MINIffSOTA MJ Cannlssian E�pYSS kn St, 2 W � T� b��- Pa�e l of � iri� CITI' OI' SATNT PAUL CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY O�VN�RS FOR A REZONING �Ve, thc undersigned, owncrs of the property �vithin 100 feet ofthe totat contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by TEIG PETIT[O�IB2 within one year precedin� the date of Ihis pe[ition acknowledgc that tirc havc bccn presented with tlie followino: 1. A copy of the petition of to rezone the propeRy Ioeated at C from a RM ' 3 zoning distric[ to a QS^.�.. zoning district. 2. A co�ry of sec[ions �i�..5� � tlirough G� $� , inc�usive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge diat �tie are ati�•arc otall of the uses permitted in a �s , 1 zoning district and we are lware that nny of tl�ese e�ses can be est�Ulislied i�pon City Coi�ncil Zpproval of the rezoning. �Ve hereUy coasent to the rczoning of tlie property in d�e petition oF, F i'iM�S ��-�Oa� D� ��1�ntSL�Q ton 0 zoningdistricf. (Name oPpetitioner) �'VC COIISCiIt t0 tI1C A�(11'OVRI Of t�1IS CCTOri[II�T i1S [t �V exptainecl Eo us by tiic �pplicant or his/hcr representative. /388 F,n�kr� �vc. ( �.� µ ��� �/� 7b�s Hv <aL$eR�s� � �a �7: i2v� � �l-� - 0��-�, /'3 '98 �-�f-48 ' (��{•s$ . .� �, �.� r-�-�� ' i-i� -�F' � �, 1- �. ;5��/',c. �t9—� � a-�� y� � . _ .�'.� ,� /_ 9,P 797 !� �'c.-�S�i� l"�v-r�.��s V � �s�.� i �=�c��. �, � (�-a-/-�r�' NOT�: This petition shall not be considered as officially fi[e�until the lapse of seven (7) working days after iY is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw hislher name therefrom by wTitten request within that time. ��iu � � r� L� qy-39� CZ�'Y OI+' SATNT PAUL �� � n LJ CONSENT' OF ADJOINING PROPEI2TY O�VNERS FOR A ,�EZONrNc �Ve, the undersigned, owners of the property �vithin 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate otivned, purchased, or sold b}' TEIG PETI�CIONGR tvithin one year preceding the date of this pztition acl:no���ledge that �ti•e havc bcen presented with the follo�vina: 1. A copy of thc petitioii of �f i C to rezone tite property 1oc11ed at � from a R/°1- 3 zoning district to a ds_� zoning district. 2. A copy of sections ��,.5/ � through ��I , inclusive of thc Saint Paul Zoning Code; and ncknowlcdge that �ve are n�vare of 1I1 of the uses perniitted in a �S —�.. zoning district and we are awnre t6at nny of tliese uses can be established upon City Council approval of tlic ruoning. �Ve hereUy con�ent to the rczoning of the property in the petition of; F C�MdS ��-►toe� C� / li►1ntSD�q toa �S zoningdistrict. (Name of pctitioncr) '4Vc consent to tlie npprovnl of tl�is rezoning as it �vas expl�ined to.us by tiie np��licnnt or his/hcr representative. C * of Saint Pau�l * to enable the p titioner to receive a co�sxrued as ei her approval or denial �� �z /z�-f4 blic hearing, and is not� to be f sub.iect petition. � :- I 7-,��'- q� NOTE: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his(her name therefrom by written request within that time. CITY OT SAXN'T PA.UL CONSENT OF ADJOII�IING PROPERTY O�VN�RS FOR A � REZONING \Ve, the wtdersigned, o�vners of the property �ti�ithin 100 feet oftlie total contiguous description of real estatc o�vned, purchased, or so(d by THE PET[TIONBR �vi[hin one year preceding the date of this petition BCICIlOWI2d that ���e havc bcen presented �eith the foUo�vino: 1. A copy of the petition oF J('iM�S ��ee� d� /►i Nn eS�C� , - (nameoFnetitiqner� , . to rezoae d�e propeRy located at from a/.�'3 zoning district to a �S �- zoning district. 2. A copy of section; 60, St 1 [hrough S�S , inclusive of the Saint Paid Zoning Codz; and neknowledge t6�t �ce are 1�varz of 11( of tfie uses permitted in 1 ns `�- zoning district and tve are nware tha[ any oF [hesc uses can be estabfishzd upon City Comuil approval of the rezoning. �Ve hereby con�ent to thc rczoning of the property in tlie petition of; F i cv�! S��odt 0� /� iv�v1�5��Q to n � S"'-�- zoning district. (t�tame of petitioner) �Vc consecit to f[ic npproval of fhis rezoning as if was expIaincd fo us by ftic � �PPlicant or his/her rcpresentnfivc.*x �� � AIOTE: This petition shall not be considered as oFficially filed until the Iapse of seven (7) working days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by «ritten request within that fime. _ 99-3�ih � CITY OF SAII�I'Z' PAUL CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWN�RS FOR A REZONING �Ve, the undersigned, otvncrs of the property witliin 100 feet ofthc total contiguous description oE reaf estate owned, purcliased, or sold by THE PET[T[OstGR within onc year precedin� ihe date of this pztitian ackno���ledge tliat ��•c have bcen presenced with the fol(owino: A cop}' of the petition oF (�ti Cvv�S Jc.11oDt DT /�i`MtCSO (name oFoetiUoner) . . to rezone the property locnted at from ���' 3 zoning district to 1 QS'.�.. zoning district. 2. A copy of sections �,.5/ � tlirough �Q SI ,'snclusive of dic Saint Paul Zoning Code; and ncknowledge tliat tve 1re nwnre of 111 of the uses permitted in a �S -.�. zoning district and we are �a-arc that nny oP thesc uses can bc established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. \Ve hereUy con�ent to tl�e re2oning oF the property in the petition of; F fiM�S ��noel d� �j nnCSa�q to 1 �S'� zoning district. (Name of pctitioncr) � We consent fo thc approval of this rezoning �s it �vas expl�ined to us by fhc �pplic�nt or his/hcr renresentativc. � 1�IOTE: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request within that time. �-� .,•:�, fR1C�vUJ Jl,(IUUL I'l1Y �CL•OLL �VVJV / � -!()t � m � r1uL:1VLlJ SCHOOL OF MINNESOW FRIENDS SCHOOL OF MINNESOTA Mission Stafement Friends SchooI of Minnesata prepares Twin Cities children in grades K-8 to face life with hope, skitt, understanding, creativiEy, and a commitment to peace, justice, and conununity well-being. Statement of Philosophy and Practice Friends School is grnunded in the values and practices of the Religious Society of Friends, induding community, simplicity, equality, non-violence, jusHee, and silent reflection. Quakers believe that there is within each individua] "that of Gud," an inner )ight or divine seed, a center from which each of uc gmws tn reach our highest potenfial. ?he school provides a holisYic education, nvrturing the physical, intellectual, spiritual, and sncia] development of childten. With the eentra] gnaJ of promoting academk excellence in our students, Friends School is suided by the principles of pre�gressive education, which recognize that chifdren ]eam brst as active partieipants, eollabnrators, and pr�blem-solvers, ln the progresseve classroom, children learn to knnw the wodd and to achieve a fuller understanding of themselves. Rich projects enable children to acquire the skills and eoneeptua] i�nderstandings that ]ie at the heart of the fwma] disciplines. The elassroom community is nf central importance, designed to prepare children to be active participants in a democracy. In the words of American pbilnsopher)ohn Dewey, progressive edueation is "not preparation for life, but is life itself." Friends SchooJ is committed to respecting ihe worth oE each person. Children 2earn that individuals possess freedom of cnnscience and civi! and emnomic zights and responsibilities. We teach accep[ance of differences among individuals and addrecs differences in ]earning styles. Friends School is commitfcd to tcaching peace. Children learn non-violent means of msolving conflicts as part of normal schoo! life, often carrying these methods into their famiTies and the wider community. Children ]earn how social injustice can be overrnme n�nviolentty. Friends School is committed to bi�ilding community. Children tearn to take responsibi)ity for their own actions and develop empathy, compassion, and a commiYment to the well-being of all. We prac[ice and teach conperative decision-making. Fricnds, parenks, staff, and students all have roles in thc life of fhe schooJ. • Friends School is rnmmitted to equality. Children leam to understand and vaiue differences among caltures. We teach that a multi-caltural society is stronger for its diversity. We teach gender equity. We are dedicated to a schoo] rnmmunity that draws from the Twin Cities' diversity in teligious beliefs, ethnicity, econom3c status, culture, and sexual orientation. Friends School is committed tn devetoping iife-iong tearning skitts, We nurture each child's desire to ezplore and nnderstand the world and teach him or her fhe skills needed to enable continued lcarning. 7hese include aitica] thinking, creativity, decision-making, and fechnological competence. JGr �+0. �O lti •.�v �vu .��.� i � � Friends Schoot is committed to nurturing f6e spirifuai awareness of children. In silent refIection, in ctass or wifh t6e whofe school, childien Iearn to listen to their own inner.voice. Children iearn about people who have bcen spirit-led, past and present. The school provides many � opportunities for children to enhance thcir spiritual life through creative expression. � � tJ _ � anuanb pooma�6u3 �.. . _. ._ � Z � ! � � N � Q q O W u' � � � � � � J O O� s� U '`t � �. n� � O �^, O � ^ �,_ G C G 6 U G � V O 6 Y u m a 'a u 0 z � 0 � d E '� v c m s \ o � S � V !C L V C v c u u � m e d i. � � C � o.�. N X C. O V 6 C N y O^ m O N N N m E E. F � C y a � s u` ` u E E m V V � O �p X V s s C V C 4 m � O T'� � 3 e o P U x m p o � Y � N � � � - o r l`I ... E _ d ci a J � .: � � � � � n w �� ���m " ° C ° o i' L �; U N{� U P V� � O�+ N f7 V IA G F U Z � � y § � � � 0 �� � U1 � O zN � �o J y �� = a U N N N n �^' � � � a N C 4 � Y tl a V � Ma N N G O a C � G O � ° E � q C W i � � �s� � - ���m ° i. u = C � �' � d o m` z z`o v a$ Yn �..�� � 0 r � H N N � E E � C C C . g u �. � � e u e ? o •; �;,�.. `= Q 4 d A T -°. ,g F'O A �S m o o ��� Y Q O F ` ^ Y � �m ;;z S��,z, r� e ��"' � e G tl o 4 C � O � N E�J b U .'J C� Z"' N Cl Y O Yl F � -.�;,:. -.. � �[ f .' � m v N � 9 Q Q r �. Z � � � n' � � v � � 'o ..�� � `� -a E r a m � m 0 0 � °-' Z Q c • � O � � fL UZ � awanq pooma�6u3. . � 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. � 23. 14. 15. 16. 17. SUNRAY-BATTZECREEK-HIGFIW OOD HAZEL PARK HADEN-PROSPERITY HILLCREST WEST SIDE DAYTON'S BLLTFF PAYNE-PHAI.EN ' NORTH END � THO�fAS-DALE SUMMIT-iTISIVERSITY WEST SEVENTH COMO � HAMLINE-MIDWAY ST. A2`ITHONY PARK MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNbLLING HAMLINE MACALESTER GROVELANU HIGHIAND SUMMTI' HILL DOWNTOWN ZONING FtLE �•ZZ � CITTZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNING DISTRICIS 99 � . HAMLINE—MIDWAY DISTRICT 11 SI �.Tr-rr'�344f- s000 .000 e000 SUIE �n fER + ������� ����Q� � , . . . • ��� • • ���Q � . . � � • � � • � � � • • � • • • • • • ��� • • • • • i ��• • • •�� - �! � ���� �� . . . . . .' � � . . . . ���� � t� � �a r� � ' � �'� t'"� . ;� , o � o � . .u�o �� �� - l . . � �1....p � ; ; / '• � o o =-- • 0 • " • • � • • • • • s • � � � • .� - • • •_! • •�•• ••a� I ' / � • � � • �. � . � ��� • • • • • • f • • E o...... .. �� ..���� _ _ _— �. .............. ....�,.,a....... APPLICAN7 j't'(P�'n� S �= ���,c)� \ �'�� �R LEG�NO PURPOSE �<.F �i.0� �(` :.t �-^� zoning districl boundary FILE � � b � � , DATE C � � � � � � subjed property PWG. DIST� MAP r �`-' � one family �,.,, �„ _ hvo fami!y n "��, �`)�' �`_ _ �-Q multiple larnily . � , r ( '�����I � ���C►�'�� �� ::, in���1 SEMiNAR �•! �'�'�t� a n orth� • � ^ comm= cia' � ...... ir.d��sl; �a' ; V v=�a^