99-384Council File # � 3g� � V.�Q S�\�v� C• -•' ' - A0.v� � �o � \ "��, Ordinance # �� Green Sheet #� 4 p 33 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA ���� _ ��, �-, 3 1 PresentedBy /� %�%�/��l�i��C'� �ja� � Referred To Section 2 1 An ordinance designating 2 the Seventh Place Buildings 3 as a Heritage Preservation Site. 4 5 THE COUNCTL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 6 7 Section 1 9 Pursuant to the authority contained in Chapter 73 of the Legislative Code, upon the 10 request and recommendation of the Heritage Preservation Commission of the City of Saint Paul 11 (°HPC"), and after having duly considered the matter at a public hearing in accordance with 12 Section 73.05( fl of said Code, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby designate the 13 following described buildings and structures as a heritage preservation site: 14 15 The New Palace Theatre and St. Francis Hotel, now known as the Orpheum 16 Theater and Seventh Place Residence, located at 1-33 West Seventh Place and 17 435334-37 North Wabasha Street, collectively known as the Seventh Place 18 Buildings. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 The preservation program for this heritage preservation site is as stated in Resolution 99- 2 of the HPC, adopted January 21, 1999, in the first Resolved clause as follows: The exterior of the building should be preserved in a manner consistent with Buechner and Orth's original design intent. The federal Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings shall be used in this regard. The following are particulazly important to consider in any future work on the buildings: Committee Date : Brick: Tuckpointing should match the composition, color and tooling of the original mortar. Brick should be cleaned, if necessary, by the gentlest means possible and should not be sandbiasted. Cornice: The pressed metal cornice should be retained and repaired as necessary. It should be kept painted to prevent deterioration. Theater Entrance: If the theater doors and entry azea are modified, it should be done in a �5���.RR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 manner similaz to or compatible with the original design. Section 3 �1°I -3�`{ This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the thir[ieth day following its passage, approval and publication. Aequested by Department of: F� By: Form Approved by City Attorney B �. � 5'i3- � �� by Council: Date �\ l�� � 1 �i� tified by Council ecretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ��1.-.U`RC �/ 'yI �� By: 1 \ � �..�) By, Approved by Mayor: Date By: ►r � . DFPARTMINT/OFFICECOUNCIL DATE INtnArm � c�t caun��� 4/28/99 GREEN SHEET No 64033 COMACT PERSON 8 PFiONE InXWlDa1e InXiaYDate Council President Bostrom , a ,,.�� MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (OATE) •ssicx rureotFOrt arc�no�Y arrcuxK ROUfulG � ❑ feuwwtsmu¢esmt rxuxutaErsvncerc ❑ WYOR(ORA85�8lAM1� ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION RE�UESTED An ordinance designating the Seventh Place Buildings as a Heritage Preservation Site. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERViCE CONTKACTS MUSTANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has fhis perso�rm ever woriced under a wMract for this department? PLANNMGCOMMISSION vES No CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has Mis pereoNfirm ever been a city employce7 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a sidll not rwrmaltypossessed by any curteM cdy employee� YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirm a farpeted vendaT � YES NO E�lain all yes answe�s on sepa2te sheH aM attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPoRTUNITV (WM, What, When, Where, Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OP TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUD6ETm (GRCLE ON� YES NO FUNOING SOURCE ACTMTY NUMBER FlNANCWL INFORMATION (IXPLAIN) Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL �, . __ . _. �. DATE: May 14, 1999 MAY 1 i 199� TO: Jan Anderson Council President Bostrom's O�c �A�IEL �OSTR�M FROM: Phil Byrne � RE: HPC Ordinances These are ordinances that should be subsututed for the Coney Island ordinance and the Seventh Place ordinance at the hearing on May 26"'. Aaron Rubinstein alertly discovered three technical errors in the originals, and these correct the errors. The errors (and corrections) are located at: Coney Island — lines 27 and 28. Seventh Place — lines 17 and 24. Please give these to Dan for his signature and then send them to Nancy Anderson for the file for May 26. Call if you have any questions. cc: Nancy Anderson (w/ att.) Pete Warner (w/ att.) Pete McCall (w/ att.) Aaron Rubinstein (w/ att.) Council File # 99 _ 3 8y Ordinance # Green Sheet # �e 3 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee Date : An ordinance designating the Seventh Place Buildings as a Heritage Preservation Site. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Pwsuant to the authority contained in Chapter 73 of the,L/'egislative Code, upon the request and recommendation of the Heritage Preservation Co `� ission of the City of Saint Paul ("HPC'), and after having duly considered the matter at a p lic hearing in accordance with Section 73.05( fl of said Code, the Council of the City of 'nt Paul does hereby designate the following described buildings and structures as a herita�preservation site: The New Pa1ace Theatre and St. Francis Ho , now known as the Orpheum Theater and Seventh Place Residence, loc ed at 1-33 West Seventh Place and 534-37 North Wabasha Street, collective known as the Seventh Place Buildings. Section 2 The preservation program for s heritage preservation site is as stated in Resolution 99- of the HPC, adopted January 21, 199 , in the first Resolved clause as follows: The exterior of the and Orth's original Rehabilitation and regard. The followi buildings: � ld' g should be preserved in a manner consistent with Buechner �' n intent. The federal Secretary of the Interior's Standards for �delines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings shall be used in this aze particularly important to consider in any future work on the Brick: Tuc mring should match the composirion, color and tooling of the original mortaz. Br' _ should be cleaned, if necessary, by the gentlest means possible and should not be sandblasted. Cornice: The pressed metal cornice should be retained and repaired as necessary. It should be kept painted to prevent deterioration. Theater Entrance: If the theater doars and entry area are modified, it should be done in a manner similaz to or compatible with the original design. ��a ��. Qq.3g� Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the thirtieth day following its passag approval and publication. i r' �" Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Co f By: Approved by Mayor: Date Secretary By: Form Ap roved by City Attorney BY= • /ia 7�'Z� 7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: By: MH'Y.2b.25S9 2�SSFM MN HISTOP.ICPL SOC , N0.220 P.22 -� q� - 3� y �II�\L5UT3 HI9T0ffiC.�L SQGIETY May 26, 1999 Steve Buetow, Chau Saint Paul �Teritage Pteservation Commission 1283 East Como Boulevazd St. Paul, MN 5� 1 J.7 Deaz Mr. Buetow, RE: Local designation of: New Palace TheacceJSt, Francis Hotel, 1-33 W. '7` Piace, 435-437 N. WaUasha St„ MHS Refertal File No. 99-1474 Angust Botzet/Minnesata State Arsenat Building and City Hotal, 4q�8 and 444 St. Peter St., MT�S Referral Flle No. 99-1477 This letter is to affum our previous letter of February 9, 1999 regarding che proposed local designation of che abova refereneed propezties, In our earlier correspondence, we stated that the New Palaca TheatrelSt. Francis �Totel is arctutecturally, culturally, and histozically significant and cherefore a good candidate for local designation under criteria 1, 4, and 5 of Section 73.05(a) oF the Saint Paul LegislaGve Code. In addition, we stated that the August Botzet/Minnesota State Arsenai Building is architectuzally and historically significanz, and rhe City Hotei Building is historicallq sienificant, Both huildings ate eligible for local designation under criteria 1 and 4 of Section 73.05(a) of the Saint Paul T,egislauve Code. Sineerely, ��-� �ti�,�... Britta L. Bloomherg DepuCy State Historic Preservation OfEicer cc: Aazon Rubenstein, Herirage Preaervation Planaer, City of Saiut Paul 145ISELLOCC }iOLLBV'dRl1 a'GST! w1INT 1'SUL, MINNIitif)TA G;102-1904 f TP1.tMlONT: G51-20�tft2( MfiY.cE.1959 2�58Fh1 MN HISTORICRL SOC . N0.220 P.22 �9- ��y b'IT\��50TA $ISTORIC_�.I, SOGi�TY May 26, 1999 Steve Buetow, Cbau Saint Paul T-Teritage Preservarion Commission 1288 East Como Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55J.17 Dear Mr. Buetow, RE: Local designation of: New Palace Theatre/St. Francis Hotel, 1-33 W. T`' T'lace, 435-437 N. Wabasha St„ MHS Referral File No. 99-147b August Botzet/Minnesota State Arsenal Building and Citq Hotel, 4A�8 and 444 St. Peter St., M�TS Referral File No. 99-1477 This letter is to affum our previous letter of Februacy 9, 1999 regarding the proposed local designation of the above referenced propezties, In our earlier correspondence, we stated that the New Palaee TheatreiSt. Franeis FTotel is arclureeturally, culturally, and historicallp significant and thezefore a good eandidate for local designation under criteria 1, 4, and 5 oF Secaon 73.05(a) of the Saint Paul T.egislative Code. In addi6on, we stated that the August Bolzet/Minnesota Srate Arsenal Building is architectuzally and historicallq significant, and rhe City Hotel $uilding is lustoricallp s 4°nifican4, Both buildings are eligible for local designation under criteria 1 and 4 of Section 73.05(a) of the Saint Paul Legislauve Code. Sincarely, �A^-� � Britta L. Bloomberg Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer ee: Aazon Rubeustein, Heritage Preservation Planuer, Ciry of Saint Paul 135IiGLLOCC Lt)LII.k: V'AHI) R'G9T f.C,.1P.VT Y�UL.IVIINNI{ti()TA CxS102.1906 / TP:LfiPIIONP.: G51:29f�ti72fi �t' 9 � � � � �!� � , .� � �� �S� � -� � � �.�`- p �.. .�° a• .;•� � � _ !!g �u, � �: § �.��'«A�p �e� � � ..� �� 1 . , te� 6°•'��� _ r �i s a ` �'. � �'r`�� � , ,` ° �► a � �;�� �.� ,. F �� ' ^ � � r � � � � �� ���� � � �� �i � s� ; , �. _ � �� ' T � R' � A✓ � ♦ m .., . ��$§ e��: , �p �%!" °,�; �. 1 E� 8: � ` I� � + ",..- � :�� � � ` �e � , �� '���i�liil��� -'''' ,�: � �' ��4 ,,�,� �. ��� ���� � , � ,._ . I� �p , r � � ��� �^� -� �� � _ � R 4 f '•� d �a i � �i� � � � , � a ��� � i�� ��' � � � � � � �i �o � ` - � � � � � � �ii� .. ��� a� „'�� �� �' _. ,Y$ 1 ((( yyy / i9� �` / a� � y.. � 1 + ' ����� i � y ���,�,� 0� .�; ° �� \ ,� E , .°> °`�r� � 2� � f \ „s ��� h ♦ 8 � t � ��� . .�`:. �' \ � � 'v � V �� �'� �� � ! �� aGa �. �� d `s". ;�,� �,' f � }, P� � �' �e�'�R@ "``'��� `� `� y �� � � T .,� 'i1\a ^•-.� � '�" y x • r . ��� ` � '�' � � � c V �� y a� � � � �"�� '� � ' ' . . 'tn� �\ � ~ . . - I . � 5 � ." � b f � . � � � �� s���� v �� � ��u� � �' ' ary�a ' � / a 7 �i' i �� � �q� �� . > � � � � � �� \.J� .��� �3R �� � ;�� �� � E_m � � �� I �j r �'i ....� � / �a� : G � / f � � �� � � Council File # � 3g� � V.�Q S�\�v� C• -•' ' - A0.v� � �o � \ "��, Ordinance # �� Green Sheet #� 4 p 33 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA ���� _ ��, �-, 3 1 PresentedBy /� %�%�/��l�i��C'� �ja� � Referred To Section 2 1 An ordinance designating 2 the Seventh Place Buildings 3 as a Heritage Preservation Site. 4 5 THE COUNCTL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 6 7 Section 1 9 Pursuant to the authority contained in Chapter 73 of the Legislative Code, upon the 10 request and recommendation of the Heritage Preservation Commission of the City of Saint Paul 11 (°HPC"), and after having duly considered the matter at a public hearing in accordance with 12 Section 73.05( fl of said Code, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby designate the 13 following described buildings and structures as a heritage preservation site: 14 15 The New Palace Theatre and St. Francis Hotel, now known as the Orpheum 16 Theater and Seventh Place Residence, located at 1-33 West Seventh Place and 17 435334-37 North Wabasha Street, collectively known as the Seventh Place 18 Buildings. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 The preservation program for this heritage preservation site is as stated in Resolution 99- 2 of the HPC, adopted January 21, 1999, in the first Resolved clause as follows: The exterior of the building should be preserved in a manner consistent with Buechner and Orth's original design intent. The federal Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings shall be used in this regard. The following are particulazly important to consider in any future work on the buildings: Committee Date : Brick: Tuckpointing should match the composition, color and tooling of the original mortar. Brick should be cleaned, if necessary, by the gentlest means possible and should not be sandbiasted. Cornice: The pressed metal cornice should be retained and repaired as necessary. It should be kept painted to prevent deterioration. Theater Entrance: If the theater doors and entry azea are modified, it should be done in a �5���.RR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 manner similaz to or compatible with the original design. Section 3 �1°I -3�`{ This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the thir[ieth day following its passage, approval and publication. Aequested by Department of: F� By: Form Approved by City Attorney B �. � 5'i3- � �� by Council: Date �\ l�� � 1 �i� tified by Council ecretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ��1.-.U`RC �/ 'yI �� By: 1 \ � �..�) By, Approved by Mayor: Date By: ►r � . DFPARTMINT/OFFICECOUNCIL DATE INtnArm � c�t caun��� 4/28/99 GREEN SHEET No 64033 COMACT PERSON 8 PFiONE InXWlDa1e InXiaYDate Council President Bostrom , a ,,.�� MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (OATE) •ssicx rureotFOrt arc�no�Y arrcuxK ROUfulG � ❑ feuwwtsmu¢esmt rxuxutaErsvncerc ❑ WYOR(ORA85�8lAM1� ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION RE�UESTED An ordinance designating the Seventh Place Buildings as a Heritage Preservation Site. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERViCE CONTKACTS MUSTANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has fhis perso�rm ever woriced under a wMract for this department? PLANNMGCOMMISSION vES No CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has Mis pereoNfirm ever been a city employce7 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a sidll not rwrmaltypossessed by any curteM cdy employee� YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirm a farpeted vendaT � YES NO E�lain all yes answe�s on sepa2te sheH aM attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPoRTUNITV (WM, What, When, Where, Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OP TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUD6ETm (GRCLE ON� YES NO FUNOING SOURCE ACTMTY NUMBER FlNANCWL INFORMATION (IXPLAIN) Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL �, . __ . _. �. DATE: May 14, 1999 MAY 1 i 199� TO: Jan Anderson Council President Bostrom's O�c �A�IEL �OSTR�M FROM: Phil Byrne � RE: HPC Ordinances These are ordinances that should be subsututed for the Coney Island ordinance and the Seventh Place ordinance at the hearing on May 26"'. Aaron Rubinstein alertly discovered three technical errors in the originals, and these correct the errors. The errors (and corrections) are located at: Coney Island — lines 27 and 28. Seventh Place — lines 17 and 24. Please give these to Dan for his signature and then send them to Nancy Anderson for the file for May 26. Call if you have any questions. cc: Nancy Anderson (w/ att.) Pete Warner (w/ att.) Pete McCall (w/ att.) Aaron Rubinstein (w/ att.) Council File # 99 _ 3 8y Ordinance # Green Sheet # �e 3 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee Date : An ordinance designating the Seventh Place Buildings as a Heritage Preservation Site. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Pwsuant to the authority contained in Chapter 73 of the,L/'egislative Code, upon the request and recommendation of the Heritage Preservation Co `� ission of the City of Saint Paul ("HPC'), and after having duly considered the matter at a p lic hearing in accordance with Section 73.05( fl of said Code, the Council of the City of 'nt Paul does hereby designate the following described buildings and structures as a herita�preservation site: The New Pa1ace Theatre and St. Francis Ho , now known as the Orpheum Theater and Seventh Place Residence, loc ed at 1-33 West Seventh Place and 534-37 North Wabasha Street, collective known as the Seventh Place Buildings. Section 2 The preservation program for s heritage preservation site is as stated in Resolution 99- of the HPC, adopted January 21, 199 , in the first Resolved clause as follows: The exterior of the and Orth's original Rehabilitation and regard. The followi buildings: � ld' g should be preserved in a manner consistent with Buechner �' n intent. The federal Secretary of the Interior's Standards for �delines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings shall be used in this aze particularly important to consider in any future work on the Brick: Tuc mring should match the composirion, color and tooling of the original mortaz. Br' _ should be cleaned, if necessary, by the gentlest means possible and should not be sandblasted. Cornice: The pressed metal cornice should be retained and repaired as necessary. It should be kept painted to prevent deterioration. Theater Entrance: If the theater doars and entry area are modified, it should be done in a manner similaz to or compatible with the original design. ��a ��. Qq.3g� Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the thirtieth day following its passag approval and publication. i r' �" Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Co f By: Approved by Mayor: Date Secretary By: Form Ap roved by City Attorney BY= • /ia 7�'Z� 7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: By: MH'Y.2b.25S9 2�SSFM MN HISTOP.ICPL SOC , N0.220 P.22 -� q� - 3� y �II�\L5UT3 HI9T0ffiC.�L SQGIETY May 26, 1999 Steve Buetow, Chau Saint Paul �Teritage Pteservation Commission 1283 East Como Boulevazd St. Paul, MN 5� 1 J.7 Deaz Mr. Buetow, RE: Local designation of: New Palace TheacceJSt, Francis Hotel, 1-33 W. '7` Piace, 435-437 N. WaUasha St„ MHS Refertal File No. 99-1474 Angust Botzet/Minnesata State Arsenat Building and City Hotal, 4q�8 and 444 St. Peter St., MT�S Referral Flle No. 99-1477 This letter is to affum our previous letter of February 9, 1999 regarding che proposed local designation of che abova refereneed propezties, In our earlier correspondence, we stated that the New Palaca TheatrelSt. Francis �Totel is arctutecturally, culturally, and histozically significant and cherefore a good candidate for local designation under criteria 1, 4, and 5 of Section 73.05(a) oF the Saint Paul LegislaGve Code. In addition, we stated that the August Botzet/Minnesota State Arsenai Building is architectuzally and historically significanz, and rhe City Hotei Building is historicallq sienificant, Both huildings ate eligible for local designation under criteria 1 and 4 of Section 73.05(a) of the Saint Paul T,egislauve Code. Sineerely, ��-� �ti�,�... Britta L. Bloomherg DepuCy State Historic Preservation OfEicer cc: Aazon Rubenstein, Herirage Preaervation Planaer, City of Saiut Paul 145ISELLOCC }iOLLBV'dRl1 a'GST! w1INT 1'SUL, MINNIitif)TA G;102-1904 f TP1.tMlONT: G51-20�tft2( MfiY.cE.1959 2�58Fh1 MN HISTORICRL SOC . N0.220 P.22 �9- ��y b'IT\��50TA $ISTORIC_�.I, SOGi�TY May 26, 1999 Steve Buetow, Cbau Saint Paul T-Teritage Preservarion Commission 1288 East Como Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55J.17 Dear Mr. Buetow, RE: Local designation of: New Palace Theatre/St. Francis Hotel, 1-33 W. T`' T'lace, 435-437 N. Wabasha St„ MHS Referral File No. 99-147b August Botzet/Minnesota State Arsenal Building and Citq Hotel, 4A�8 and 444 St. Peter St., M�TS Referral File No. 99-1477 This letter is to affum our previous letter of Februacy 9, 1999 regarding the proposed local designation of the above referenced propezties, In our earlier correspondence, we stated that the New Palaee TheatreiSt. Franeis FTotel is arclureeturally, culturally, and historicallp significant and thezefore a good eandidate for local designation under criteria 1, 4, and 5 oF Secaon 73.05(a) of the Saint Paul T.egislative Code. In addi6on, we stated that the August Bolzet/Minnesota Srate Arsenal Building is architectuzally and historicallq significant, and rhe City Hotel $uilding is lustoricallp s 4°nifican4, Both buildings are eligible for local designation under criteria 1 and 4 of Section 73.05(a) of the Saint Paul Legislauve Code. Sincarely, �A^-� � Britta L. Bloomberg Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer ee: Aazon Rubeustein, Heritage Preservation Planuer, Ciry of Saint Paul 135IiGLLOCC Lt)LII.k: V'AHI) R'G9T f.C,.1P.VT Y�UL.IVIINNI{ti()TA CxS102.1906 / TP:LfiPIIONP.: G51:29f�ti72fi �t' 9 � � � � �!� � , .� � �� �S� � -� � � �.�`- p �.. .�° a• .;•� � � _ !!g �u, � �: § �.��'«A�p �e� � � ..� �� 1 . , te� 6°•'��� _ r �i s a ` �'. � �'r`�� � , ,` ° �► a � �;�� �.� ,. F �� ' ^ � � r � � � � �� ���� � � �� �i � s� ; , �. _ � �� ' T � R' � A✓ � ♦ m .., . ��$§ e��: , �p �%!" °,�; �. 1 E� 8: � ` I� � + ",..- � :�� � � ` �e � , �� '���i�liil��� -'''' ,�: � �' ��4 ,,�,� �. ��� ���� � , � ,._ . 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'tn� �\ � ~ . . - I . � 5 � ." � b f � . � � � �� s���� v �� � ��u� � �' ' ary�a ' � / a 7 �i' i �� � �q� �� . > � � � � � �� \.J� .��� �3R �� � ;�� �� � E_m � � �� I �j r �'i ....� � / �a� : G � / f � � �� � � Council File # � 3g� � V.�Q S�\�v� C• -•' ' - A0.v� � �o � \ "��, Ordinance # �� Green Sheet #� 4 p 33 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA ���� _ ��, �-, 3 1 PresentedBy /� %�%�/��l�i��C'� �ja� � Referred To Section 2 1 An ordinance designating 2 the Seventh Place Buildings 3 as a Heritage Preservation Site. 4 5 THE COUNCTL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 6 7 Section 1 9 Pursuant to the authority contained in Chapter 73 of the Legislative Code, upon the 10 request and recommendation of the Heritage Preservation Commission of the City of Saint Paul 11 (°HPC"), and after having duly considered the matter at a public hearing in accordance with 12 Section 73.05( fl of said Code, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby designate the 13 following described buildings and structures as a heritage preservation site: 14 15 The New Palace Theatre and St. Francis Hotel, now known as the Orpheum 16 Theater and Seventh Place Residence, located at 1-33 West Seventh Place and 17 435334-37 North Wabasha Street, collectively known as the Seventh Place 18 Buildings. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 The preservation program for this heritage preservation site is as stated in Resolution 99- 2 of the HPC, adopted January 21, 1999, in the first Resolved clause as follows: The exterior of the building should be preserved in a manner consistent with Buechner and Orth's original design intent. The federal Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings shall be used in this regard. The following are particulazly important to consider in any future work on the buildings: Committee Date : Brick: Tuckpointing should match the composition, color and tooling of the original mortar. Brick should be cleaned, if necessary, by the gentlest means possible and should not be sandbiasted. Cornice: The pressed metal cornice should be retained and repaired as necessary. It should be kept painted to prevent deterioration. Theater Entrance: If the theater doors and entry azea are modified, it should be done in a �5���.RR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 manner similaz to or compatible with the original design. Section 3 �1°I -3�`{ This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the thir[ieth day following its passage, approval and publication. Aequested by Department of: F� By: Form Approved by City Attorney B �. � 5'i3- � �� by Council: Date �\ l�� � 1 �i� tified by Council ecretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ��1.-.U`RC �/ 'yI �� By: 1 \ � �..�) By, Approved by Mayor: Date By: ►r � . DFPARTMINT/OFFICECOUNCIL DATE INtnArm � c�t caun��� 4/28/99 GREEN SHEET No 64033 COMACT PERSON 8 PFiONE InXWlDa1e InXiaYDate Council President Bostrom , a ,,.�� MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (OATE) •ssicx rureotFOrt arc�no�Y arrcuxK ROUfulG � ❑ feuwwtsmu¢esmt rxuxutaErsvncerc ❑ WYOR(ORA85�8lAM1� ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION RE�UESTED An ordinance designating the Seventh Place Buildings as a Heritage Preservation Site. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERViCE CONTKACTS MUSTANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has fhis perso�rm ever woriced under a wMract for this department? PLANNMGCOMMISSION vES No CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has Mis pereoNfirm ever been a city employce7 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a sidll not rwrmaltypossessed by any curteM cdy employee� YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirm a farpeted vendaT � YES NO E�lain all yes answe�s on sepa2te sheH aM attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPoRTUNITV (WM, What, When, Where, Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OP TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUD6ETm (GRCLE ON� YES NO FUNOING SOURCE ACTMTY NUMBER FlNANCWL INFORMATION (IXPLAIN) Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL �, . __ . _. �. DATE: May 14, 1999 MAY 1 i 199� TO: Jan Anderson Council President Bostrom's O�c �A�IEL �OSTR�M FROM: Phil Byrne � RE: HPC Ordinances These are ordinances that should be subsututed for the Coney Island ordinance and the Seventh Place ordinance at the hearing on May 26"'. Aaron Rubinstein alertly discovered three technical errors in the originals, and these correct the errors. The errors (and corrections) are located at: Coney Island — lines 27 and 28. Seventh Place — lines 17 and 24. Please give these to Dan for his signature and then send them to Nancy Anderson for the file for May 26. Call if you have any questions. cc: Nancy Anderson (w/ att.) Pete Warner (w/ att.) Pete McCall (w/ att.) Aaron Rubinstein (w/ att.) Council File # 99 _ 3 8y Ordinance # Green Sheet # �e 3 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee Date : An ordinance designating the Seventh Place Buildings as a Heritage Preservation Site. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Pwsuant to the authority contained in Chapter 73 of the,L/'egislative Code, upon the request and recommendation of the Heritage Preservation Co `� ission of the City of Saint Paul ("HPC'), and after having duly considered the matter at a p lic hearing in accordance with Section 73.05( fl of said Code, the Council of the City of 'nt Paul does hereby designate the following described buildings and structures as a herita�preservation site: The New Pa1ace Theatre and St. Francis Ho , now known as the Orpheum Theater and Seventh Place Residence, loc ed at 1-33 West Seventh Place and 534-37 North Wabasha Street, collective known as the Seventh Place Buildings. Section 2 The preservation program for s heritage preservation site is as stated in Resolution 99- of the HPC, adopted January 21, 199 , in the first Resolved clause as follows: The exterior of the and Orth's original Rehabilitation and regard. The followi buildings: � ld' g should be preserved in a manner consistent with Buechner �' n intent. The federal Secretary of the Interior's Standards for �delines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings shall be used in this aze particularly important to consider in any future work on the Brick: Tuc mring should match the composirion, color and tooling of the original mortaz. Br' _ should be cleaned, if necessary, by the gentlest means possible and should not be sandblasted. Cornice: The pressed metal cornice should be retained and repaired as necessary. It should be kept painted to prevent deterioration. Theater Entrance: If the theater doars and entry area are modified, it should be done in a manner similaz to or compatible with the original design. ��a ��. Qq.3g� Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the thirtieth day following its passag approval and publication. i r' �" Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Co f By: Approved by Mayor: Date Secretary By: Form Ap roved by City Attorney BY= • /ia 7�'Z� 7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: By: MH'Y.2b.25S9 2�SSFM MN HISTOP.ICPL SOC , N0.220 P.22 -� q� - 3� y �II�\L5UT3 HI9T0ffiC.�L SQGIETY May 26, 1999 Steve Buetow, Chau Saint Paul �Teritage Pteservation Commission 1283 East Como Boulevazd St. Paul, MN 5� 1 J.7 Deaz Mr. Buetow, RE: Local designation of: New Palace TheacceJSt, Francis Hotel, 1-33 W. '7` Piace, 435-437 N. WaUasha St„ MHS Refertal File No. 99-1474 Angust Botzet/Minnesata State Arsenat Building and City Hotal, 4q�8 and 444 St. Peter St., MT�S Referral Flle No. 99-1477 This letter is to affum our previous letter of February 9, 1999 regarding che proposed local designation of che abova refereneed propezties, In our earlier correspondence, we stated that the New Palaca TheatrelSt. Francis �Totel is arctutecturally, culturally, and histozically significant and cherefore a good candidate for local designation under criteria 1, 4, and 5 of Section 73.05(a) oF the Saint Paul LegislaGve Code. In addition, we stated that the August Botzet/Minnesota State Arsenai Building is architectuzally and historically significanz, and rhe City Hotei Building is historicallq sienificant, Both huildings ate eligible for local designation under criteria 1 and 4 of Section 73.05(a) of the Saint Paul T,egislauve Code. Sineerely, ��-� �ti�,�... Britta L. Bloomherg DepuCy State Historic Preservation OfEicer cc: Aazon Rubenstein, Herirage Preaervation Planaer, City of Saiut Paul 145ISELLOCC }iOLLBV'dRl1 a'GST! w1INT 1'SUL, MINNIitif)TA G;102-1904 f TP1.tMlONT: G51-20�tft2( MfiY.cE.1959 2�58Fh1 MN HISTORICRL SOC . N0.220 P.22 �9- ��y b'IT\��50TA $ISTORIC_�.I, SOGi�TY May 26, 1999 Steve Buetow, Cbau Saint Paul T-Teritage Preservarion Commission 1288 East Como Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55J.17 Dear Mr. Buetow, RE: Local designation of: New Palace Theatre/St. Francis Hotel, 1-33 W. T`' T'lace, 435-437 N. Wabasha St„ MHS Referral File No. 99-147b August Botzet/Minnesota State Arsenal Building and Citq Hotel, 4A�8 and 444 St. Peter St., M�TS Referral File No. 99-1477 This letter is to affum our previous letter of Februacy 9, 1999 regarding the proposed local designation of the above referenced propezties, In our earlier correspondence, we stated that the New Palaee TheatreiSt. Franeis FTotel is arclureeturally, culturally, and historicallp significant and thezefore a good eandidate for local designation under criteria 1, 4, and 5 oF Secaon 73.05(a) of the Saint Paul T.egislative Code. In addi6on, we stated that the August Bolzet/Minnesota Srate Arsenal Building is architectuzally and historicallq significant, and rhe City Hotel $uilding is lustoricallp s 4°nifican4, Both buildings are eligible for local designation under criteria 1 and 4 of Section 73.05(a) of the Saint Paul Legislauve Code. Sincarely, �A^-� � Britta L. Bloomberg Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer ee: Aazon Rubeustein, Heritage Preservation Planuer, Ciry of Saint Paul 135IiGLLOCC Lt)LII.k: V'AHI) R'G9T f.C,.1P.VT Y�UL.IVIINNI{ti()TA CxS102.1906 / TP:LfiPIIONP.: G51:29f�ti72fi �t' 9 � � � � �!� � , .� � �� �S� � -� � � �.�`- p �.. .�° a• .;•� � � _ !!g �u, � �: § �.��'«A�p �e� � � ..� �� 1 . , te� 6°•'��� _ r �i s a ` �'. � �'r`�� � , ,` ° �► a � �;�� �.� ,. F �� ' ^ � � r � � � � �� ���� � � �� �i � s� ; , �. _ � �� ' T � R' � A✓ � ♦ m .., . ��$§ e��: , �p �%!" °,�; �. 1 E� 8: � ` I� � + ",..- � :�� � � ` �e � , �� '���i�liil��� -'''' ,�: � �' ��4 ,,�,� �. ��� ���� � , � ,._ . 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