99-274ORIG�NAL Presented By , 1 � , �v� � �� ;��\�� �yl 3� ORDINANGE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To Committee: Date �,� ' An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 310.18; adjusting Automated Pawn System License fees to reflect enforcement costs. T'HE COUNCII., OF T'HE CTTY O� SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 1 Section 31018 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 2 3 Sec.310.18. License fee schedule. 4 5 Notwithstanding the provision of any other ordinance or law to the contrary, the following fees are hereby 6 provided for all the licenses listed herein. These fees supersede all inconsistent provisions, including, but not limited 7 to, graduated fee provisions, in these chapters and in other ordinances and laws, and include the fee for the license 8 application as part of the license fee; provided, however, that this section does not amend or modify sections 9 310, 09(a) or 310.09(d) of the Legislative Code with respect to exempt organizations or late fees. Pursuant to 10 section 310.09(b) of the Legislative Code, these schedules shall be posted in the office of the D'uector of the Office 11 ofLicense, Inspections and Environmental Protection. These fees shall be effective for license renewals and new 12 license applications occurring on and after 7anuary 1, 1995, or on the effective date of this section, whichever is 13 later; provided, however, that with respect to all licenses whose renewal dates occur after the effective date of this 14 new schedule, there shall be no increases in, nor offsets or refunds of, the e�risting fees paid, or due and owing. (fl ENFORCEMENT LEVEL 6 1 2 Chapter/Section 3 No. License Description Fee 4 344 Pawn Shop Billable 2.00 Transaction Fee Council File �_�,�� Ordinance # 9� m7 �h� Green Sheet #_63217 Section 2 1 2 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force (30) E'���`*^� Colemme Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secietary its passage, of 99 ��� publication. Police By: ��' License, Inspections d Environmental Protection By: Form Approved City Attorney n_ , �ll.n..�.r �� l� / e � Nlayor to CounCil ApprovedByMayor: Date BY: �� ���� n�r+anrMOrrror�rcouNa� on� wmnreo PoliceDepamnent vzsr9s GREEN SHEET No. 63217 INRIAIlDA V�RWWA7E ChiefFi7rney 292-3588 1 �ue�rowecra� 4 caNrn. MUST BE ON COU AG BY DA'iE) P1e8SEprocessASAP �enonar �CCmc�nK �w.smncesu� �wHCUSQevueere �rorttaa�amsr -' �a�w+�+rts TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAOES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) r�nuESr� An increase in the Automated Pawn SystemTM user fee &om the current $1.50 per item to $2.00 pez item. A.50¢ per item increase. RECOMMENDATION APORIVC (A) of RE(2CC (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLON7NG WESTIONS 1. Has this perso�mi everworked under a contract forihis departmeM? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Fias this pe�so�rm ever been a ciry employee? � CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Do� this persoNfirtn possess a s1611 no[ normally possessetl by any cutrent city employee7 YES NO 4.Is fhis persoNfmn a Wrgeted ve�xloR �. YES NO Explain al� yes answers on separele shest and aCach to green shee[ INITIATNG PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WFiO, WHAT, WNEN, WfiERE, WMY) Automated Pawn SystemT� (APS) curreut user fee of $1.50 dces not reflect the administrative and enforcement costs needed to support the system. The user fee of $1.50 was based on 65,000 to 70,000 pawned item per year prior to the intcoduction of APS. Once the system came on line the number of billable pawn transactioas actually was 47,000 to 50,000 items pei yeaz. Tlris drop is attn'buted to inereased secutiny of ptoperiy by policefL.I.E.P. via the APS program, the eriminal element I�as likely sought other outlets for their stolen goods. , novnrrrnoesiFnPwxoveo k�ti� _ . �^����-��;'�„'°" ,. User fee will support the costs of the APS program thereby allowing the City of 5t Paul to maintain its participation in the program and to continue its close monitoring of pawn adivities. ��� �, �'� DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED An increase in the user fee of pawned items. - +�� DISApVANTAGESIF NOT APPROVED The currem user fee is � uate to su ort the APS o eration and without the r uested �` y :� M p „A-rt� made4 PP P �1 �� �„W 5 �,� ., -� . increase the APS system will have to be closed. �`;`: °". •� ����. a � � ���� T07AI. AMOUNT OF TRANSAC'f10N S COST/REVENUE BUDGETFD IqRCLE ONE) YES NO -- FUNDING SDURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER 436 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (IXPLAI[� ��-a�� From: Ginger Palmer To: CCouncil.COUNCIL.danb, CCounciLCOUNCIL.nancya Date: 3/22l99 3:07pm Subject: ftems 34 and 35 on the March 24th council agenda Councif President Bostrom: Items 34 and 35 are bofh ordinance changes which deal with increasing the billable transaction fee for pawnshops. They actually duplicate the requested, and I believe that Item 35 is on in error. The history is that when the draft of the change in Item 35 was presented to me, I indicated that the form was wro�g and prepared Item 34 instead, and signed that ardinance. The person responsible for obtaining signatures apparently brought Item 35 back to me, thinking that I had forgotten to sign it. I signed it the second time through (apparently not paying as much attention as the first time!). Both items increase the biliable transaction fee, but item 34 correctly reflects all the pawn shop fees, which have not yet been added to Chapter 310. i have asked Nancy Anderson ifi it is possible to pull Item 35 off but include the materials included with that item in Item 34. If you have questions, please feel free to call me at ext 68719 Ginger Palmer CC: mccormic ORIG�NAL Presented By , 1 � , �v� � �� ;��\�� �yl 3� ORDINANGE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To Committee: Date �,� ' An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 310.18; adjusting Automated Pawn System License fees to reflect enforcement costs. T'HE COUNCII., OF T'HE CTTY O� SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 1 Section 31018 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 2 3 Sec.310.18. License fee schedule. 4 5 Notwithstanding the provision of any other ordinance or law to the contrary, the following fees are hereby 6 provided for all the licenses listed herein. These fees supersede all inconsistent provisions, including, but not limited 7 to, graduated fee provisions, in these chapters and in other ordinances and laws, and include the fee for the license 8 application as part of the license fee; provided, however, that this section does not amend or modify sections 9 310, 09(a) or 310.09(d) of the Legislative Code with respect to exempt organizations or late fees. Pursuant to 10 section 310.09(b) of the Legislative Code, these schedules shall be posted in the office of the D'uector of the Office 11 ofLicense, Inspections and Environmental Protection. These fees shall be effective for license renewals and new 12 license applications occurring on and after 7anuary 1, 1995, or on the effective date of this section, whichever is 13 later; provided, however, that with respect to all licenses whose renewal dates occur after the effective date of this 14 new schedule, there shall be no increases in, nor offsets or refunds of, the e�risting fees paid, or due and owing. (fl ENFORCEMENT LEVEL 6 1 2 Chapter/Section 3 No. License Description Fee 4 344 Pawn Shop Billable 2.00 Transaction Fee Council File �_�,�� Ordinance # 9� m7 �h� Green Sheet #_63217 Section 2 1 2 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force (30) E'���`*^� Colemme Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secietary its passage, of 99 ��� publication. Police By: ��' License, Inspections d Environmental Protection By: Form Approved City Attorney n_ , �ll.n..�.r �� l� / e � Nlayor to CounCil ApprovedByMayor: Date BY: �� ���� n�r+anrMOrrror�rcouNa� on� wmnreo PoliceDepamnent vzsr9s GREEN SHEET No. 63217 INRIAIlDA V�RWWA7E ChiefFi7rney 292-3588 1 �ue�rowecra� 4 caNrn. MUST BE ON COU AG BY DA'iE) P1e8SEprocessASAP �enonar �CCmc�nK �w.smncesu� �wHCUSQevueere �rorttaa�amsr -' �a�w+�+rts TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAOES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) r�nuESr� An increase in the Automated Pawn SystemTM user fee &om the current $1.50 per item to $2.00 pez item. A.50¢ per item increase. RECOMMENDATION APORIVC (A) of RE(2CC (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLON7NG WESTIONS 1. Has this perso�mi everworked under a contract forihis departmeM? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Fias this pe�so�rm ever been a ciry employee? � CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Do� this persoNfirtn possess a s1611 no[ normally possessetl by any cutrent city employee7 YES NO 4.Is fhis persoNfmn a Wrgeted ve�xloR �. YES NO Explain al� yes answers on separele shest and aCach to green shee[ INITIATNG PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WFiO, WHAT, WNEN, WfiERE, WMY) Automated Pawn SystemT� (APS) curreut user fee of $1.50 dces not reflect the administrative and enforcement costs needed to support the system. The user fee of $1.50 was based on 65,000 to 70,000 pawned item per year prior to the intcoduction of APS. Once the system came on line the number of billable pawn transactioas actually was 47,000 to 50,000 items pei yeaz. Tlris drop is attn'buted to inereased secutiny of ptoperiy by policefL.I.E.P. via the APS program, the eriminal element I�as likely sought other outlets for their stolen goods. , novnrrrnoesiFnPwxoveo k�ti� _ . �^����-��;'�„'°" ,. User fee will support the costs of the APS program thereby allowing the City of 5t Paul to maintain its participation in the program and to continue its close monitoring of pawn adivities. ��� �, �'� DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED An increase in the user fee of pawned items. - +�� DISApVANTAGESIF NOT APPROVED The currem user fee is � uate to su ort the APS o eration and without the r uested �` y :� M p „A-rt� made4 PP P �1 �� �„W 5 �,� ., -� . increase the APS system will have to be closed. �`;`: °". •� ����. a � � ���� T07AI. AMOUNT OF TRANSAC'f10N S COST/REVENUE BUDGETFD IqRCLE ONE) YES NO -- FUNDING SDURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER 436 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (IXPLAI[� ��-a�� From: Ginger Palmer To: CCouncil.COUNCIL.danb, CCounciLCOUNCIL.nancya Date: 3/22l99 3:07pm Subject: ftems 34 and 35 on the March 24th council agenda Councif President Bostrom: Items 34 and 35 are bofh ordinance changes which deal with increasing the billable transaction fee for pawnshops. They actually duplicate the requested, and I believe that Item 35 is on in error. The history is that when the draft of the change in Item 35 was presented to me, I indicated that the form was wro�g and prepared Item 34 instead, and signed that ardinance. The person responsible for obtaining signatures apparently brought Item 35 back to me, thinking that I had forgotten to sign it. I signed it the second time through (apparently not paying as much attention as the first time!). Both items increase the biliable transaction fee, but item 34 correctly reflects all the pawn shop fees, which have not yet been added to Chapter 310. i have asked Nancy Anderson ifi it is possible to pull Item 35 off but include the materials included with that item in Item 34. If you have questions, please feel free to call me at ext 68719 Ginger Palmer CC: mccormic ORIG�NAL Presented By , 1 � , �v� � �� ;��\�� �yl 3� ORDINANGE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To Committee: Date �,� ' An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 310.18; adjusting Automated Pawn System License fees to reflect enforcement costs. T'HE COUNCII., OF T'HE CTTY O� SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 1 Section 31018 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 2 3 Sec.310.18. License fee schedule. 4 5 Notwithstanding the provision of any other ordinance or law to the contrary, the following fees are hereby 6 provided for all the licenses listed herein. These fees supersede all inconsistent provisions, including, but not limited 7 to, graduated fee provisions, in these chapters and in other ordinances and laws, and include the fee for the license 8 application as part of the license fee; provided, however, that this section does not amend or modify sections 9 310, 09(a) or 310.09(d) of the Legislative Code with respect to exempt organizations or late fees. Pursuant to 10 section 310.09(b) of the Legislative Code, these schedules shall be posted in the office of the D'uector of the Office 11 ofLicense, Inspections and Environmental Protection. These fees shall be effective for license renewals and new 12 license applications occurring on and after 7anuary 1, 1995, or on the effective date of this section, whichever is 13 later; provided, however, that with respect to all licenses whose renewal dates occur after the effective date of this 14 new schedule, there shall be no increases in, nor offsets or refunds of, the e�risting fees paid, or due and owing. (fl ENFORCEMENT LEVEL 6 1 2 Chapter/Section 3 No. License Description Fee 4 344 Pawn Shop Billable 2.00 Transaction Fee Council File �_�,�� Ordinance # 9� m7 �h� Green Sheet #_63217 Section 2 1 2 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force (30) E'���`*^� Colemme Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secietary its passage, of 99 ��� publication. Police By: ��' License, Inspections d Environmental Protection By: Form Approved City Attorney n_ , �ll.n..�.r �� l� / e � Nlayor to CounCil ApprovedByMayor: Date BY: �� ���� n�r+anrMOrrror�rcouNa� on� wmnreo PoliceDepamnent vzsr9s GREEN SHEET No. 63217 INRIAIlDA V�RWWA7E ChiefFi7rney 292-3588 1 �ue�rowecra� 4 caNrn. MUST BE ON COU AG BY DA'iE) P1e8SEprocessASAP �enonar �CCmc�nK �w.smncesu� �wHCUSQevueere �rorttaa�amsr -' �a�w+�+rts TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAOES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) r�nuESr� An increase in the Automated Pawn SystemTM user fee &om the current $1.50 per item to $2.00 pez item. A.50¢ per item increase. RECOMMENDATION APORIVC (A) of RE(2CC (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLON7NG WESTIONS 1. Has this perso�mi everworked under a contract forihis departmeM? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Fias this pe�so�rm ever been a ciry employee? � CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Do� this persoNfirtn possess a s1611 no[ normally possessetl by any cutrent city employee7 YES NO 4.Is fhis persoNfmn a Wrgeted ve�xloR �. YES NO Explain al� yes answers on separele shest and aCach to green shee[ INITIATNG PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WFiO, WHAT, WNEN, WfiERE, WMY) Automated Pawn SystemT� (APS) curreut user fee of $1.50 dces not reflect the administrative and enforcement costs needed to support the system. The user fee of $1.50 was based on 65,000 to 70,000 pawned item per year prior to the intcoduction of APS. Once the system came on line the number of billable pawn transactioas actually was 47,000 to 50,000 items pei yeaz. Tlris drop is attn'buted to inereased secutiny of ptoperiy by policefL.I.E.P. via the APS program, the eriminal element I�as likely sought other outlets for their stolen goods. , novnrrrnoesiFnPwxoveo k�ti� _ . �^����-��;'�„'°" ,. User fee will support the costs of the APS program thereby allowing the City of 5t Paul to maintain its participation in the program and to continue its close monitoring of pawn adivities. ��� �, �'� DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED An increase in the user fee of pawned items. - +�� DISApVANTAGESIF NOT APPROVED The currem user fee is � uate to su ort the APS o eration and without the r uested �` y :� M p „A-rt� made4 PP P �1 �� �„W 5 �,� ., -� . increase the APS system will have to be closed. �`;`: °". •� ����. a � � ���� T07AI. AMOUNT OF TRANSAC'f10N S COST/REVENUE BUDGETFD IqRCLE ONE) YES NO -- FUNDING SDURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER 436 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (IXPLAI[� ��-a�� From: Ginger Palmer To: CCouncil.COUNCIL.danb, CCounciLCOUNCIL.nancya Date: 3/22l99 3:07pm Subject: ftems 34 and 35 on the March 24th council agenda Councif President Bostrom: Items 34 and 35 are bofh ordinance changes which deal with increasing the billable transaction fee for pawnshops. They actually duplicate the requested, and I believe that Item 35 is on in error. The history is that when the draft of the change in Item 35 was presented to me, I indicated that the form was wro�g and prepared Item 34 instead, and signed that ardinance. The person responsible for obtaining signatures apparently brought Item 35 back to me, thinking that I had forgotten to sign it. I signed it the second time through (apparently not paying as much attention as the first time!). Both items increase the biliable transaction fee, but item 34 correctly reflects all the pawn shop fees, which have not yet been added to Chapter 310. i have asked Nancy Anderson ifi it is possible to pull Item 35 off but include the materials included with that item in Item 34. If you have questions, please feel free to call me at ext 68719 Ginger Palmer CC: mccormic