99-232��� ORIGINAL Council File # ���a3� Ordinance # Green Sheet # G yg � � ORDINANCE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL, NDNNESOTA Presented By Refeaed To Committee Date : ° ol� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 39 40 41 42 43 An ordinance to amend Chapter 381 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to conform the process for review of currency exchange license applications with other Class III licenses THE COUNCIL OF TI3E CITY OF SAINT PAT7L DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Ptlwr�sucn �fAY 1 199g Section 318.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 381.02. Procedures; hearing; fee. (a) Procedures. Upon receipt of a completed application from the commissioner of commerce for P--"�r a new license or , the matter shall be referred to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection for investigation of the application. . Published notice shall be �ven of the receipt of the a�lication and notice shall also be aiven to the affected nei�hborhood grougs, giving them fifteen days to respond with anv objections to issuance of the license. , , . . If no ob�ections are received to the issuance of the license. LIEP shall recommend issuance of the license to the commissioner of commerce In the event ob�ections are raised to the issuance of the license the a�licant is entitled to a hearin�as set forth below. (b) Hearing. The hearing shall be held before an independent hearing examiner in conformity with the provisions of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Legislative Code, and the rules of the office of administrative hearings, to the extent such rules are not in conflict with sections 310.05 and 310.06. (cl Renewal anplications. The director of LIEP shall in �9 � s'�3a" writing notify the council, and the affected neighborhood or�anization(sl established for citizen participation ���oses. within five days of receipt of a renewal a�glication, and shall publish notice of intention to consider the possible renewal apDlication. If an a�plication for renewal of a currencv exchange license is received and no �rounds for objection have been raised (c�) Fee; costs. The applicant shall pay, within fifteen (15) days £ollowing receipt of the application by the city, a£ee covering the costs of administering and processing the application in an amount to be established in con£ormity with the procedures in section 310.09(b) of the Legislative Code. The applicant shall also reimburse the city, within fifteen (15) days following action by the city council on the application, for its costs in conducting the hearing or hearings prescribed by state law, including publication costs and the cost of the administrative proceedings and hearing before an independent hearing examiner. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. �msireuen ORIGII�AL W6AY 1 199� Requested by Department of: AdopCed by Council : Date �.r� _ 1__��\ `�� j_..� 1 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY:� �_� 1' Approved by May Date � $Y: �.l�,u /l�u� � ���� �Y the matCer shall be scheduled for a hearing before an administrative law judge. and the hearing reauirements of Saint Paul Leaislative Code section 310.05 shall a�plv. Form Approved by City Attorney OFF�CE oF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET Christine Rozek February a, 1999 266-9108 No . 64 8 3 6 qq'� 1 &PARRTI6!]T DIRECPOR 3 ITY C1�UNCIL � 'z ZTY ATPORNEY ITY Q.ERR •�swe ust be on Council Agenda by: � �� DIRBCPDR IN. & MGT. SVC DIR. � SAP sox roa nsszs2atrr) OTAI, # OF SIGNATIIRE PAGBS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: ordinance to amend Chapter 381 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to conform the process for review of currency exchange license applications with other Class III licenses. ECOMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJfiCT (A) HRSOIAL 58RPLCB CONTRALTS Mf7ST AN391BR TH8 FOLLO➢SING: PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SSRVICE COMMISSION 1. Ha8 the pesSOn/fixm ever woik2d undei d CORtiact fOY this depditment? CIB COFAfITT&E HUSSNESS REVIE{4 COUNCZL YES NO STAFF _ Has [hie person/firm eVer Leen a City employee? DISTAICT COURT Yfi5 NO Does this person/firm possesa a skill not normally possessed by any SUPPORTS WHICH CpUNCIL OBJSCTIVS? Current City employee? YES NO laia all Y85 aaswere on a aeparate aheet asd attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): This ordinance change will conform the process for review of currency exchange license applications with other Class III licenses. This will allow affected neighborhood organizations to be notified in order for any objections regarding the issuance of the license. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: ffected neighborhood groups will be notified of any new currency exchange establishments in their community. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one apparent. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ffected neighborhood groups will not be notified of any new currency exchange establishments in their community. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED I'ES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �iL�:1?��'� �'?5��ufC�1 ���tPf '' .'" ��� ORIGINAL Council File # ���a3� Ordinance # Green Sheet # G yg � � ORDINANCE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL, NDNNESOTA Presented By Refeaed To Committee Date : ° ol� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 39 40 41 42 43 An ordinance to amend Chapter 381 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to conform the process for review of currency exchange license applications with other Class III licenses THE COUNCIL OF TI3E CITY OF SAINT PAT7L DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Ptlwr�sucn �fAY 1 199g Section 318.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 381.02. Procedures; hearing; fee. (a) Procedures. Upon receipt of a completed application from the commissioner of commerce for P--"�r a new license or , the matter shall be referred to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection for investigation of the application. . Published notice shall be �ven of the receipt of the a�lication and notice shall also be aiven to the affected nei�hborhood grougs, giving them fifteen days to respond with anv objections to issuance of the license. , , . . If no ob�ections are received to the issuance of the license. LIEP shall recommend issuance of the license to the commissioner of commerce In the event ob�ections are raised to the issuance of the license the a�licant is entitled to a hearin�as set forth below. (b) Hearing. The hearing shall be held before an independent hearing examiner in conformity with the provisions of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Legislative Code, and the rules of the office of administrative hearings, to the extent such rules are not in conflict with sections 310.05 and 310.06. (cl Renewal anplications. The director of LIEP shall in �9 � s'�3a" writing notify the council, and the affected neighborhood or�anization(sl established for citizen participation ���oses. within five days of receipt of a renewal a�glication, and shall publish notice of intention to consider the possible renewal apDlication. If an a�plication for renewal of a currencv exchange license is received and no �rounds for objection have been raised (c�) Fee; costs. The applicant shall pay, within fifteen (15) days £ollowing receipt of the application by the city, a£ee covering the costs of administering and processing the application in an amount to be established in con£ormity with the procedures in section 310.09(b) of the Legislative Code. The applicant shall also reimburse the city, within fifteen (15) days following action by the city council on the application, for its costs in conducting the hearing or hearings prescribed by state law, including publication costs and the cost of the administrative proceedings and hearing before an independent hearing examiner. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. �msireuen ORIGII�AL W6AY 1 199� Requested by Department of: AdopCed by Council : Date �.r� _ 1__��\ `�� j_..� 1 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY:� �_� 1' Approved by May Date � $Y: �.l�,u /l�u� � ���� �Y the matCer shall be scheduled for a hearing before an administrative law judge. and the hearing reauirements of Saint Paul Leaislative Code section 310.05 shall a�plv. Form Approved by City Attorney OFF�CE oF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET Christine Rozek February a, 1999 266-9108 No . 64 8 3 6 qq'� 1 &PARRTI6!]T DIRECPOR 3 ITY C1�UNCIL � 'z ZTY ATPORNEY ITY Q.ERR •�swe ust be on Council Agenda by: � �� DIRBCPDR IN. & MGT. SVC DIR. � SAP sox roa nsszs2atrr) OTAI, # OF SIGNATIIRE PAGBS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: ordinance to amend Chapter 381 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to conform the process for review of currency exchange license applications with other Class III licenses. ECOMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJfiCT (A) HRSOIAL 58RPLCB CONTRALTS Mf7ST AN391BR TH8 FOLLO➢SING: PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SSRVICE COMMISSION 1. Ha8 the pesSOn/fixm ever woik2d undei d CORtiact fOY this depditment? CIB COFAfITT&E HUSSNESS REVIE{4 COUNCZL YES NO STAFF _ Has [hie person/firm eVer Leen a City employee? DISTAICT COURT Yfi5 NO Does this person/firm possesa a skill not normally possessed by any SUPPORTS WHICH CpUNCIL OBJSCTIVS? Current City employee? YES NO laia all Y85 aaswere on a aeparate aheet asd attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): This ordinance change will conform the process for review of currency exchange license applications with other Class III licenses. This will allow affected neighborhood organizations to be notified in order for any objections regarding the issuance of the license. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: ffected neighborhood groups will be notified of any new currency exchange establishments in their community. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one apparent. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ffected neighborhood groups will not be notified of any new currency exchange establishments in their community. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED I'ES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �iL�:1?��'� �'?5��ufC�1 ���tPf '' .'" ��� ORIGINAL Council File # ���a3� Ordinance # Green Sheet # G yg � � ORDINANCE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL, NDNNESOTA Presented By Refeaed To Committee Date : ° ol� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 39 40 41 42 43 An ordinance to amend Chapter 381 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to conform the process for review of currency exchange license applications with other Class III licenses THE COUNCIL OF TI3E CITY OF SAINT PAT7L DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Ptlwr�sucn �fAY 1 199g Section 318.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 381.02. Procedures; hearing; fee. (a) Procedures. Upon receipt of a completed application from the commissioner of commerce for P--"�r a new license or , the matter shall be referred to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection for investigation of the application. . Published notice shall be �ven of the receipt of the a�lication and notice shall also be aiven to the affected nei�hborhood grougs, giving them fifteen days to respond with anv objections to issuance of the license. , , . . If no ob�ections are received to the issuance of the license. LIEP shall recommend issuance of the license to the commissioner of commerce In the event ob�ections are raised to the issuance of the license the a�licant is entitled to a hearin�as set forth below. (b) Hearing. The hearing shall be held before an independent hearing examiner in conformity with the provisions of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Legislative Code, and the rules of the office of administrative hearings, to the extent such rules are not in conflict with sections 310.05 and 310.06. (cl Renewal anplications. The director of LIEP shall in �9 � s'�3a" writing notify the council, and the affected neighborhood or�anization(sl established for citizen participation ���oses. within five days of receipt of a renewal a�glication, and shall publish notice of intention to consider the possible renewal apDlication. If an a�plication for renewal of a currencv exchange license is received and no �rounds for objection have been raised (c�) Fee; costs. The applicant shall pay, within fifteen (15) days £ollowing receipt of the application by the city, a£ee covering the costs of administering and processing the application in an amount to be established in con£ormity with the procedures in section 310.09(b) of the Legislative Code. The applicant shall also reimburse the city, within fifteen (15) days following action by the city council on the application, for its costs in conducting the hearing or hearings prescribed by state law, including publication costs and the cost of the administrative proceedings and hearing before an independent hearing examiner. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. �msireuen ORIGII�AL W6AY 1 199� Requested by Department of: AdopCed by Council : Date �.r� _ 1__��\ `�� j_..� 1 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY:� �_� 1' Approved by May Date � $Y: �.l�,u /l�u� � ���� �Y the matCer shall be scheduled for a hearing before an administrative law judge. and the hearing reauirements of Saint Paul Leaislative Code section 310.05 shall a�plv. Form Approved by City Attorney OFF�CE oF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET Christine Rozek February a, 1999 266-9108 No . 64 8 3 6 qq'� 1 &PARRTI6!]T DIRECPOR 3 ITY C1�UNCIL � 'z ZTY ATPORNEY ITY Q.ERR •�swe ust be on Council Agenda by: � �� DIRBCPDR IN. & MGT. SVC DIR. � SAP sox roa nsszs2atrr) OTAI, # OF SIGNATIIRE PAGBS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: ordinance to amend Chapter 381 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to conform the process for review of currency exchange license applications with other Class III licenses. ECOMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJfiCT (A) HRSOIAL 58RPLCB CONTRALTS Mf7ST AN391BR TH8 FOLLO➢SING: PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SSRVICE COMMISSION 1. Ha8 the pesSOn/fixm ever woik2d undei d CORtiact fOY this depditment? CIB COFAfITT&E HUSSNESS REVIE{4 COUNCZL YES NO STAFF _ Has [hie person/firm eVer Leen a City employee? DISTAICT COURT Yfi5 NO Does this person/firm possesa a skill not normally possessed by any SUPPORTS WHICH CpUNCIL OBJSCTIVS? Current City employee? YES NO laia all Y85 aaswere on a aeparate aheet asd attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): This ordinance change will conform the process for review of currency exchange license applications with other Class III licenses. This will allow affected neighborhood organizations to be notified in order for any objections regarding the issuance of the license. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: ffected neighborhood groups will be notified of any new currency exchange establishments in their community. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one apparent. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ffected neighborhood groups will not be notified of any new currency exchange establishments in their community. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED I'ES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �iL�:1?��'� �'?5��ufC�1 ���tPf '' .'"