�� �:,
Refemed To
Committee Date
MAR 27 1999
Section 1. That it is appropriate to establish minimum qualifications for
the Parks and Recreation Director position..
Section 2. That Chapter 21 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby
amended by adding ihe following section to read:
21.08. Pazks and Recreation Director
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Couucil File # I �'1�
Green Sheet # 62413
— ��o �4 .i��t°I
An Adu�inistrative Ordinance amending Chapter 21 of
the Administrative Cade, entitled Officer's Qualifications
by establic� minimum qualifications for the unclassified
position of Parks and Recreation Director.
The Pazks and Recreation Director shall tiave a bachelor's degree and
five (5) years of public or private sector leadership or management
eacperience working in or with large muUifaceted service oriented organizations.
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Section , be in force 30 days from and after its
passage,3a�approv3l, and publication.
Requested by Department of:
Office of Auman Resources
�,: ���- ���� �
Fornt Approved by City Attomey
By: k ��� lc'3 �`` � 12 �Z
Adoption Certified by Councii Secretary
Appmved or: Date ( ✓�L�1-(S 1 �Z'q�
to Council
Adopted by Council: Date . L.�n \O �q�`�
D�r"x'�r"°�'`�c'°"'v�'` aA'� n�r`"'�° GREEN SHEET xo. 62413 a � �
Human Resources 12-23-98
corrracrrESSOx�raort�: y � �A'�
Jolm Hamilton 266-6470 , na,�a�n� na, L � s cnrcanrcu,
Jolm Shockley 266-6482 � z �, u ,� � �
flfAfB�FOH Z�� fV
J �.�. _ � , \°���
Request approved of an �� minimum qualifications for the unclassified Parks and Recreation
Director positian.
1. FLat6uP�evaankedimdcacmertfal6isdepmtmmt7
— CIDCOMlATfHH 2 HndrisP��evabemaeaY�P��
— s. noumi.n�P�aakiunoeaamdbv�Mmr��r�e�^Y��
Ye No
4. Lthiapc�m�6rmaWgaW�+mdoC!
Ya No
B:pIW a0 ye amwas w�ryanfe �Led aBd atfatL fo peea sLret
M'inimum requirements need to be established in order to enhance the selection of a quatified Parks
and Recreation Director.
Parks and Recrearion Director selection process will have established minimum qualifications for candidates.
No staadazd qualifications wili be established.
FUNDING90URCE: AGTIViTYNUhIBER: �U�31�.�:,�,Ri:."�'`s:a�iT�"�
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RAMSSY CovNTY Title of Class_
����99 ���t-�
To direct, manage and administer the Ramsey County Parks and
Recreation Department; to plan, develop and manage a comprehensive
system of County and regional parks, open space, trails, and
recreation facilities and programs that address the leisure needs of
Ramsey County residents; to secure and manage fiscal resources for
acquisition, development, and operations and maintenance for the
parka and recreation system; to formulate recommendations and
implement polieies and ordinances of the Ramsey County Board of
Commissioners; and to perform related duties as assigned.
Directs the formulation of all goals, objectives, priorities and
work programs for the Parks and Recreation Department.
Serves as the principal ataff liaison to the Ramsey County Parks and
Recreation Commiesion; prepares agendas and corresponding
documentation for policy consideration and recomtnendation to the
Ramsey County Board af Commissioners.
Analyzes the leisure needs and interests of Ramsey County reeidents
identified through applied research and reCOmmends strategies to
� address identified deficiencies.
Directa the preparation of the annual operating budget for the Parks
and Recreation Department; presents the proposed budget to the
Ramsey County Manager and the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners;
directs management and control of the operating budget expenditures
and revenues.
Represents Ramsey County on various boards, committees and task
Directs preparation of the five-year Capital Improvement Program
(updated annually) for the department; preaenta the Capital
Zmprovement Program to the Ramsey County Capital Improvement Program
Advisory Committee and the Ramsey County Board of Commissionera;
directs implementation and budget management of approved projects.
Directs the preparation of grant applications to the Metropolitan
Council, state departments, federal agencies and private sponsora
foz acquisition, development, operations, maintenance and program
services; directs the administration of grant contracts in
compliance with applicable rules, regulations and laws.
Directa the preparation ot
support documentation for
of Cammissioners; presents
policy recommendations with appropriate
consideration by the Ramsey County Board
recommendations to the Board for
�� Organizes and directs the administrative, financial and accounting
£unctions of the department to assure timely and accurate reporting
in compliance with the County�s administrative code and appZicable
Represents the department at public meetings and hearings involving
city councils, city appointed commissions, regional councils and
legislative committees.
Meets with buainess agents and labor representatives to address
mutual interests and concerns.
Participates in the preparation of Requests for Proposal and in the
selsction of consultants to plan, design and engineer capital
improvement projects; negotiates contracts with selected consulting
Interprets and administers parks and recreation policies in
ordinances as adopted by the Ramsey County Board of Commissionera_
Directly supervises four division heads and an administrative
secretary. Responsible for the work activity of over ninety FTEs
and approximately 15o seasonal employees assigned to the
department's fifteen divisions.
Daily contact with County residents, customers and apecial interest
group representatives regarding services and activitiea of the Parks
and Recreation Department. Daily to weekly contact with members of
the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners, County Commissioner
Assistants and the County Manager to discuas policy matters
pertaining to parks and recreation services. Weekly contact with
news media to discuss program servicea and other initiativea
involving the Parks and Recreation Department; and with elected and
appointed municipal and special district officials to discuss
matters of mutual interest. Monthly contact with state legislators
to enliet their support for legislative initiatives that advance or
affect parks and recreation services; and with othez state and
national parks and recreation professionals to share information of
mutual interest and concern.
impacts the quality of areas, £acilities and aervices provided by
the department (five regional parks, five regional trail corridors,
eleven county parks, nine protection open space sites, eleven indoor
ice arenas, four golf courses, a nature center, ten beaches and
other apecial use facilities). Proper performance results in
satisfied customers, safe and aesthetically attractive areas and
faeilitiea, high quality natural resources and in sound management
of financial resources. Improper performance would zesult in
� deterioration of areas and facilities, loss of custamers, possible
violations of OSHA safety standards and inappropriate use of County
Eighty percent of the time is spent in an o£fice environment with
daily automobile travel to and from meetinga outside of the office.
Ten percent of the time is spent in public meetings presenting
documentation and testimony to elected officials. Ten percent oP
the time involves site visits and inspections at parks, trail
corridors, arenas and golf courses.
County government.
Knowledge of rules, regulations and laws affectinq
the delivery of parks and recreation services.
Knowledge of the Ramsey County Home Rule Charter,
Code, and County Board policies and ordinances.
Skill in communicating both orally and in writing
of individuals and organi2ations.
Knowledge of the £ield of parks, recreation and leisure services.
Knowledge of the principles and practices of management and
Knowledge of the laws, rules and regulations governing provision of
pazka and recreation services and the availability of £unding
sources. •
Knowledge of the political and organizational atructure of Ramsey
Ram9ey County in
to a varied number
Skill in dealing with the media and making presentations.
Ability to organize, assign work and supervise a large number of
� staff inembers.
Ability to coordinate activities and deal effectively with public
officials, County Manager, Board of Commissioners, the media and
the general public.
Ability to analyze complex data.
Ability to make decisions and prioritize work.
Ability to plan anfl manage a major County department.
Ability to identify major trends in leisure services, prioritize
objectives and allocate resources effectively to address those
Education: A Bachelor•e Degree in parks and recreation, public
administration or a closely relatsd field. (Ntaster's Degree
Experience: Ten years of progressively responaible experience in
the management and administration of a public parks and recreation
department, inciuding four years 3n a manageriai capacity.
.. { ��
• P�sition Title:
Reoorts to:
qa �a�
Superintendent }��IU�PIA! �f}Rl�S
Office of ihe Boord of Commissioners
and Superintendent
Dotg: Revised Jan 1999
FLSA Status: Exempt
Board of Commissioners
� Prrcnarv Obiectives
Pov Level: 15
A. To provide pos�tive ond effective leatlership for the Pork Reserve �istrict wifhin me pokcies
estobiished by me Boartl and oppiicoble Ipws and regulations in o monner that wc11
achieve o sound development ond management progrom to serve the besf interest of the
B. 7o manoge c stoff of 240 plus professional, administrotNe, cierical, low enforcement, ond
mointenpnCe personnel.
V�toior Areas of Accountobiliiv
Board Retat(ons
5erves as Chief Atlministrative Officer ond Secretary to the Boord. Advises the Board on
policy matters and formuiotes recommendation for the Boord to consider in estoblishing
gu;delines. objectives, ond goals for ihe District. Serves as liaison beiween the stoff and the
Boord, keeping both groups well informed. Corries out Boord decaions. profiecfiing ond
implementing policy.
Staff Leatlership and Adminisiration
Provides o pos'rtive personnel framework which serves to othact, deveiop and mointoin o
competent, moiivoted stoff. Appiies personnel policies consafienfily, keeping siaff informed
of iheir occountobilify for pertormonce. Encouroges employees to work cooperative�y
towortl common gools and provides me direction to reach those goots. Administers the
per5onnei, financial ond orgon2otionol needs of the Disfrict.
C. Future Vision/Stroteaic Direction
Provides overaii direction and guidance for the Pork Reserve Dishict by creating long ronge
and strategic pians to meet the changing needs af the pubfic for recreationai senrices�
Focuses on program deveiopment which will increase public owpreness ond use of the
Park Reserve D'atricYs geographicoly aiverse sites.
D. Interaovemmentai Relations
Buiids ond sustoins cooperotive re�otionships with intergovernmental agencies. Serves os
representotive with others of the Pork Reserve Dist►ict Devetops on otmosphere of trust
and cooperation with various governmentol bodies including local, municipoi, state and
federal jufsdictions. Mointcins up-tadote information regording tegislative activities wnich
offect the functioning of the Park Reserve Dishict.
E. PubGc Relofions
. Promotes activey the District antl its programs by serving ot times as spokesperson to
encouroge increased utif¢otion of the park system. Represents tne District and its exce-�lent
facilities to the generol public, communifies, corporotions, orgon¢ations, speciol interest
�oups, and the legi5ipt�re.
F• Butloet Pre�orotion and Adm;nistration
Is accountobte for the budget. Prov;tles fiscat direction. Monoges annuoi operoting
budget ond Copitnl improvement buclget to aChieve tlesired resutts. Assures fhot a11
budgetnry and monagement controls ore mainioined. Initiotes cr�tive fundraising efforrs
by thg DiSfriCt.
A. Statutorv
Minnesoto Statute 398.10 requires thot the Superintendent have had ot leost ten yeors
experience in business or in public adminisirotion, at least five years of which sholl hove
been in o responsible administrotive capacity ond ai leost three yecars in the administration
of parks or recreCltion.
B. Educafional
• Etlucotionaty, at teast a Bachelor's Oegree in Recreaiion ond Porks, eusines�
Administration, Public Adminishation or reiated field from an accredited coilege or
university is requ'ved.
C. Knowiedges and Exr�eriences
Adtlitionoly, knowletlge of or experience in such oreos os the fotlowing is preferced:
outqoor and indoos recreotion planning: private seetor management; public finance;
budgeting; witdlife mpnogement: operdting both cost ond profit centers within the some
orgon¢otion; plonning of natural resource programs for public use: program promotion
ond marketing; development of progroms for use by o brood base of ine general public.
D. Skitis ond Abilities
BroodfDiverqent Thinkino. fiinks in possibilities; generofies tliverse ideos; understonds
the magnitude ond scope of programming ond poGCy decisions: sees the big
picture; offers creative, innovofive and imnginative idetis and ihoughts for review by
Boord ond Staff; suggests non-trotlitionoi programs or uses of ihe Pprk D'atricYs
resources; cnanenges others to ihink e�ansively and non-parochiolly: demonstrotes
inteilectual curiosity.
2. Problem AnoNzinp. Gathers complete information for probtem solving; solicits
actively ideas, anayses ond recommendofions Bom staff; solicits opinions ond
differing poinh of view; requests others to chaNenge oszumptions, recommendotions
antl tlireCtions; fosters an environment for open ond hank tliscussion of issuer,
bolonces legitimate d�ersify of opinions: perceives relationships within comp4ex
� issues; synthes¢es ideas and details: copes w'rth complex'iy and ombiguity: outlmes
options ond choices wailable to the Boord, staff and ofhea.
3. Makina ecisions. Accepts respons�b�6ty tor ddficult decisions; mnkes decisions under
� conditions of pressure ond risk; considecs o broad range of perspectives before
making decisions; tlisplays decisiveness; ?okes actions to reSONe immediote issues;
explains rotionaie for decisons to staff ond others: incorporates staff input into
decisions: mokes onry mose decisions oppropriote to the Superinfentlent antl defers
or delegates other tlecaions: mokes unpopulor decisions if believes strongy in the
decision; sfonds behind decisions: occepfs criticam ond difficutties wifih equanimity:
reevaluates decisions or recommendofions when appropriote•
4. Planning ond Oraan¢inq. Develops shortond tong-ronge pions; coordinates
resources effectivey; estabiishes goais and priorities; structures own ond othen'
octiviiies: creates pdministrative sysiems anri procedures; creotes ste�by-step
project plans; sets up ontl schedules future activities; deve�ops oi�ernate pians or
go/no go decision points; develops D"istricYS budgeY; constructs plans to continue
and expond sources of revenue: understands limrtotions of budgetory constroints.
5. Stroteqic Plonninp. Envisions what the Park Reserve Oatrict con ond should be in �10
years; sets generol plans for accomplishing those objectives: conceives of future
directions for the Park Reserve District; recogn¢es ond evaluates what is significant for
the D�strict; listens closety to tliverse views on what the Distsict wants and shoutd be:
minks of the future without being constroined by the present.
6. Delegatina and Controlling. Deiegates respo�sibiGty ond quthoriiy to stoff for
decision making and plonning; invoNes staff in tlecisions which offeCt them; provides
input and guidelines when delegoting key ossignments; sets up objective ond
measurable controi systems; holtls subordinates occountoble for pertormance ond
delegotetl assignments; emphosizes responsiblity ond authoriiy ot oll levets of Pork
� Reserve District management.
7. Showinq Consideration for Others. Shows appreciation for the efforts of others;
praisea employees for a job weti done; iespects stoff pntl self; ottentls to ontl shows
accurate c�woreness of the needs and feelings of others: deols with staff in a
consistent and toir manner; disploys no fovoritism; encouroges input from employees
ond others: conveys willingness to consider seriously the ideos ond suggestions of
others; lisiens courteously and respecffuily to others' opinions ond ideas: iakes
personol intere5t in stoff; resoNes differences diplomoticoay while mointoining positive
8. Demonstratinq Diolomocv and Neaot;atin4 SkiA. Knows the structure ot the Po�k
Reserve District as well as its relotionship to other ogencies and works effectivey
within those networks; recogn¢es thot no unit functions in isolotion and that the
needs and concerns of other units must be considered; demonshotes an owareness
antl appreciation of the pressures impinging upon aU porties invoived: works with
mony diverse factions and ensures fair ploy ontl equity omong those foctions:
understands ond accepts the politicai nature of the job: presents positions cogenty
while building support for those positions: knows when and how to work through, fo
defer to, to represent, or to press the Bocrd of Commissioners.
JRN-13-1999 09�00 HENNEPIN PFlRKS HQ
612 559 3287 P.05i06
9. Demonstrofin Leodershio Comoetence. Disploys a keen desire for leodership: takes
charge in o wide variety of situations: tokes the initiative in group ocfivities; expreues
ossertiveN views ond opinions to othea: influences others; insp'ves confidence;
idenfifies issues for action; provitles consistent direction; untlerstonds and knows
when fo use different leadership styles: encourages oihers to reach high standards of
peAormance: works to estobi'ah a sense of team within #he Pork Reserve D'atrici:
ensu�es that employees know exocty whot is expected of ihem; corrects
unsatisfocton/ stoff work pefiormonce and tlisciplines stpSf pppropriateN.
10. Communicatinq. Presents ideos in on orTiculote, understondabie monner: Gonveys
credibility, sinceriiy, ond enthus[asm; uses appropriate format, style and verbioge:
creotes an environment in which others ore expected to provide input: encourages
antl attends corefuly to the input of omers; ottends to others non-verbol behavror;
Clorifies or summor�es whot others hove said: uses octive iistening skills such as
poropnrasing ond restoting; projec�s a positive, forcefu! ond controlled imoge when
speoking; expresses self fluenty, cogently ond influentiaiy.
11. Keeoinq Others Informed. Tronsmits policy decisions antl underlying rotionale to
subortlinotes in o timely monner; stays aware of legislative initiotives effecting the
Park Reserve D'atrict ond approises Boartl of Commiuioners about such matfers;
maintpins frequent contacts with Boord members to exChonge informotion ontl
shore ideos: keeps staff owore of mission, g0ols ond operoting pions of the Park
Reserve District: knows how ond when to use verbol or written communications Yo
keep others informed of important tlecaions, octions or events: uses the M!S system to
communicate to oil statf; maintains Contocts with other legislative bodies to stoy
obreosi of importpnt developments ontl to exchange informotion; keeps
communicotions flowinA in ali directions.
12. Professionolism. Hos continued to pursue etlucotionoi ontl developmentol octivities
since cessation ot formoi etlucational troining; hos well defined goals for work ond
nonwork pursuits: desires responsibilily pnd authoriry; pursues career gools
aggressivey: maintoins strong commitment to me profsssion ond service to me
people: occepts ihe feoliiy of long days and working on weekends os the need
ori�e�: persists with gools ond projects despifie obstocles; maintains highest
professionol, ethical ond morol integrity; stoys current with developments in the
profession; shives to beCOme o�ecogn¢ed leoder within ihe professional communily.
13. Sel� Assuronce. Commonds respect from others while simuttoneousry respecting
othets; projeCts o confitlent and secure im�ge: i5 comfortable with self; orticulates
own strengths and weakneues in a reatistic manner; knows shortcomings and how to
deal effectively with them; acknowledges mistakes ond takes responsibuity for mem:
volues idiosyncrosies of stoff and others: wonts stoff to be visible and to toke credit for
occomplishments; stoys open to feedbock and to C��iCism from stoff, Boord and
others; fakes risks withoufi feor of being wrong, displaced or Critic¢ed: sees value in
me diversiiy of staff backgrounds and oppreciotes the significance of everyone's
14. Adaptabilitv. Mointo'ms consiructNe behw�or in stressfu4 s+tuotions: expresses
� emotwns approprioteN: displaYS sense of humor: anticipates chonge and responds
adaptivety to rt; keeps emotions under conhol when sudden chonges occur or when
tlecisions seem to be overtumed withouf good reason; demonstra'tes c will'�ngness to
revise plans and P��o�� �n light of pohcy chonges: operates effechvely in
bureoucratic environments: is Comfortable with ombiguihr i� Conflict ond dec+sion
rtaking; modifies beYsavior ond style to t`rt the socio� se��9� encouroges diversity of
opinions, siY�es cind ideas: staYs oP� antl flexibte to non-tradifional id2os or
prog�ams: staYs P�ent and cooperotive in stressfui situations.
E. P rsonol Choro er 'cs
Condidates meeting me above requisite knowledges, skills ond obil'rties should o{so: be
obte to make strong initial impoct; maintain oppropriate personol oppearonce: disPloYs
vibrance, energy ond enthusiasm: enjoy the profeuion of wiidi'de, porks and recreation
monagement; be outgoing and enjoy interacfin9 wim diverse iypes of people: enjoy
working with an e�ected Boord of Commiss+oners: posseu o zea� for moking tne Hennepin
County Park Rese�ve ��ict the poragon of such programs.
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Minneapolis Park and Recreation Baard
Park Superintendent
Posetion Profile
Background .
� `��
Ia 1883, the Minneapolis Board of Trade resolved to creace the finesc aad most beautifu! system of
public pazks and boulevazds of any city in Amaica. Some of the City Councilmembers baltced,
iasisYmg rhe City of MInneapolis boundaries would nevu extend very far and nature would always
be a short walk away. Forwnacely, �he fazsighced prevailed and today the Minneapolis Park
Syscem hu been wuted as the besr [ocared, bes financed, besr designed, besi mainrained pteblic
open space in America. "
The Minneapolu Pazk and Recreacion Boazd is responsibie for maintaining and developing the
Minneapolis Pazk System and for pzoviding recreazional opporcunides for iu cicizens. The Pazk
System is comprised of 170 pazks saetching across aearly 6,000 arses, of which more than 1,400
acres are water resources. Within the City's Park System ue 50 miles of desi;na�ed walking [rails
and 50 miles of biking uails. Pazkways encwine through the Ciry and trails conneaing the
Minneapolis Chxin of Lakes accommodace bicycle, skacing, and waiking traffic. The landscaped
waiking trails encircling downtown aze known as the Grand Rpunds. The Ciry's lakes are stocked
with walleyes and provide year around fishing
as well as abundant watez recreation
opportunities. By design, every home in
Minneapolis is wishin six blocks vf planned
green space from small neighborhood pazks to
che gsand Minnehaha Fails. Recreacion cemers
throughout the City offer programs for all age
groups from pre-school to seniors as wcli as
programs for people with specie! interests or
l\�'E.'�TORI' OVER�'llil�'
Propenies within the Minneapnlis Park System
� Regi0nal, city, and neighbvnc��od park5
feacuring playgrounds, todo�c, and picnic
• Gardens and nature sanctuaries
• 5 goSf courses and a Gotf Learning Cencer
• 49 neeghbvrhood recreation centers
• 396 baseball and softball diamonds
• 183 tennis wnres
• 11 supervised beaches
• 4 swimming pools
• 3'I outdoor ice rinks and 1 indoor ice siwcing
and hockey complex
� Wirth Winter Recreation Area
Minnehaha FaZls
In addition, many Minneapo]is cvlaual and historic
amenities are located on park land or are
administered by the Park Boazd induding:
Spoo,ibrulge a��d Ckerry ut the
�Iinne�pnlis Sculpture Carden
• Menneapolis Sculpture Gazden �
• Minneapolis Iastitnu of Arn
• Historic �ort Snelling (on a lease arrangement)
• Suven's Iiouse, God&ey F�use, and Longfeltow
House .
The Minneapolis PazY System's ]akes and
riverfronu have been feacured in many publicazions
including World ?Y�aveler Magazine, Desrinarion
Misnesora, and Urban Pa�kt and Open Space,
which featured Cedaz Lake Pazk and Trail as an
ouusanding example of urban pazk planni�g and
Qa� & R P�
,11 � ! R
� ����00 .
.. rW e ,e/
1'he Organization
TRe Perk and Recrea�ion Sys�em ;s governed by an eleaed nine-member Boazd with Commissionus
serving four-year term5. Six Commissionen are electrd from designated pazk d'uuicts and thrce aze
eleCted from the Ciry ac-large.
Park tiuperin�c�dcnt
Ass't Saperiat. Asz't Superint. Ass't Superint. Ass't Suycriae
for Recreatioo kr Openciuns Wr Plaaning for ACewiuntion
�he Recrertion Divis;nn jK� �e aeighborhood and community reereazion.centers, piaygrounds,
pools, b�aches, cvimcai/artsleavironmeatal programs, youth sports leagues, adult athletic leagues and
accivicies, special evenrs, and specialized services for ceenage youth. Over 8,000 yaung people
• pazucipated ia the I997 Yoath Sports Program which offen backetba]l, bazeball, sofrball, gymnastics,
hockey, football, soccer, volieybalt, wrestiing and team tnnnic. ��rion, 2,500 youngsters ages
6-8 pazticipated in spoits fundamentai pzogass at the local pazk 1eve1.
The bncrutinnc pivisinn
• The Maintenence S%�*;�r provides regular maintenance to ovn 100 buildings. Over 3,100 acres of
Nrf receive maintenance and care. Ali batl fields, wurts, swimming pools, and ice skating rinks
aze maintained.
� T_he Foresm+ Se�tion plants and maintains uees on city and public properties. Over 4,500 crees
were planteQ on boulevazQs and in pazks in 1997. Since 1992, over 7,500 trces have been planted
with funds from the Cery's Neighborhood Revitalization Pcogram.
• The Environmental Section oversees the implementation of an EPA Cleanwater partnership gcant
and is responsible for the improvement of wa[er quality in Minneapolis' lakes, rivers, and streams.
This section provides environmental education and awareness programs on a city-wide buis.
The Planninr Div4sitm pveneES the design and construction of patk facilities, plans for fucure
projecrs, and facilitates citizen involvement in the planning process. Projec[s require exteasive
colIaboration between the scaff of Planning and other divisions, cicizens, and Commissioners.
7'he Administrative Div�sion Provides integrated suppott services for the delivery of pazk and
� rrcreacion program services to alt users of ehe system, These support services include personnel,
informatioa and technology, finance, park police, and spccial services.
To�ai Tax Supponed Funds for 1997 were 537.7 million. The Total Entezprise Fund waz 39.4
million and Other Fund Totals were $4.8K. The Park and Recreation System receives funding from
fr,�eral, sta�e, and local sourers including federal granu, tegulaiive appropriuions, and funding from
the Mectopolican Coancil. People for Parks is a private funding resource which acsists �he Park and
Recreacion Board in special projeca.
1'he Position
The Perk Superintendent is the Chief Fxecutive Officu and oversees the planning, direction, and
implemen�etion of all programs and pol;c(rs af the Pazk and Recreation System toward the mission,
goals, and objeaiva atablishad under the Pazk and Recrea[ion Board. Specific duties include:
• Develop, recommend, and implement policies and procedures m the Board for their approval.
• Prepare the annual budgec and documencacion for funding purposes.
• Hire and supervise suff; plan staff assignmenu and review progress.
• Work within the political framework of the City goveroment. Work with City staff, City Councii,
• Councy, legislacon, and the Maropoliran Council.
�rv� tc op 10•tiG
/ ' , �
• Assure that the mission, pJans, and direetion of rhe Pazk and Recreation Boazd is communicated to
thc staff and d�e public.
� • Prepaze reports and represent die Pazk and Recreation Boazd ac mcetings of the Ciry Counc�l and
various state, fedecal and regional agencies,
•�aluace and recommead new progcarac and initiatives.
• Assist the Board in settinS S� �d P�ities and make modificatioas as needed.
Bactcground and Experience
Qualified caadidates for the Park Superintendeac will possess a four yar degree in business or pubtic
administrarion, architecture, landscape azchitecture, planning, or a related field plus 10-15 years of
progressive management experieace in a dirator or senior staff position. Executive Development
Programs for Pazk and Recreacional Professionals.edncation is a plus. Preferred expueence includes:
• Background in govemment or relazed field and euperience wprking with eletted officials.
• Good working Icnowledge of pazk operacions, recreation programming, environmenta! rescoracion,
and the provision of cultural and arts activives.
• Suong prodiviry for operations and maintenance praaices.
� � Significam euperience in labor negodations.
• Supenrisory expecience within a large organiaation.
• Experience in idencifying revenue sources and obtaining fundiag.
• Knowledge of the principles of urban planning and an undersranding of the importance of parks
and recreacion planning and programming.
• E�perience working wi�ti a culNrally diverse population. �
• Knowiedge of constsuccion practices retated io recreational fuilities� pta�elds, etc,
L _J
Q & Re �
• y ���� V
� O
G ����
\�hr Q'e/
Manaaement Capabilities
� • Have a high energy level and eajoy the chatlengc of accomplishing what may seem "impossibie" to
• Be s�epportive of workiag with neighborhood organ'szations aad advisory boards.
• Reach out w the ciry's diversified population and incorporate therc in all programs.
• Eacourage scaff development and acconn�ability and acknowledge scaff achievemenu.
• Be visible and approachable. Listen. �
• Possess high pzofessional int�ity. �
• Be visionary and see beyond the icnmediace.
Chalienges and Priorities
• Review [he Board's long range goals and objec[ives. Assisc the Board in establishing a clear vision
for che Park and Recreation System for the 21st Cenrury.
• Assisc the Board in implemen�ing their Work Plan, which is developed annually in December.
i • Identify add;tionai sources of funding such as corporace parcnering, philanshropic organizaaons,
and foundacions.
• Identify s[rategies to provide desired services wi[hin a mature System, which con[inues to eapand.
• Continue coopera[ive workine relaiionships with federal agencies, state agencies, the Metropolitan
Council, and City agencies.
JHfV 1Z '99 16�43
P. 7
/ ' � �
City of Minneapolis, Pazk and Recrearion Board
Park Superintendent
Yhe 'besr located, ben,hnanced, besr desig,red, ben mainrained,
prrbl'u open sp¢ce in 1lmerica.' .
- Alexander Garvin in U.S. News & R'odd Report,
� lune 8, 1998
The Mi�eapolis puk and Recreation Boazd seeks applicants for a Parks Sliperintendeni to o4e�see iu
internationally rceognized, Nazioaal Gold Meda] awazd-winning park syscem. Kaown as The City of
Lakes, Minneapolis bouts over 6,000 acrts of beau[ifully maintained parY land and a citizenry
(popula�ion 370,000) thac enjoys iu parks. Wirh feanues such az the historic Minnehaha Falls, the
Mississippi River, the Chain oi Lakes, 50 retreation centecs, five municipffi golf couna, and
numerous savannahs and wetlands, the park syscem.meets a hoss of recreationa! needs and employs
cutting edge environmenul prolection strategies.
'I'he Superintendent is responsibSe for a siaff of 600 fu11 t�me and 1,500 pazt time �mployees and a
budg�t of S50 miilion. Candida�es must have a degree ia Pazks/Retteation, Urban Planning,
Landscape Architecture, or a related fieid plus 3aI5 yeazs management expetience in a d'ueews or
senior s�aff posicion. Familiariry and comfon with a large, uhnicaliy and cultnral(y diverse urban
seaing is a mnst. Candidates should have a working knowledge of the budget piocess, facliues
maincenance, park operations, recreation programmins, youch/adult athletics, mvizonmental
res�oration, open spacc/uaiS developmenc and �e provision of cuimral and ans activities.
The Part Superiatendent repotu to an independently eleaed Boazd of nine m�anbers. Expttience
working with public and semi-public organizations, wirh elected and appointed officials, as well ac a
vack record af conseucus building is highly desirable. Staning safazy 585,000 w 595,000.
Residency in Minneapolis required within six months. SenQ resume by 11/20/98 to:
The Brimeyer Gruup Executive Search
904 Mainstreec, Suice 205
Hopkins, MN 55343
(612) 945-0246 - phoae
(612) 945-0102 - fax
E-mail: Briss�Gtoup�aoi.com
Week of 1l4/99
Macch, 1999
Deadline for Applications
Presem Candidazes
Stazting Bate
Tne Brimeyer Group, ��.
904 Mainsveet q205
Hopkins, MN 55343
�r�ra� �oaanc�a �cer�ic �tOtaar�
� an p
s� r�n ar,a
Bamse� Cou
1621 Beechwood Ave.
Sc Paul, MN 55116
�wrva.fi endsoftheparl¢org
Pary R. Bolin
Vice Presidents
7eanne Weigum
7ames R. Bricher
Craig Mdresen
Liz Anderson
Ann Cieslak
Dan Collins
Thomas T. Dwight
Neil Franey
William Frank
Elaine 7ohnson
Marilyn Lundberg
Robett Nethercut
Mazk M. Nolan
Janet Olson
Scott Ramsay
Pierre Regnier
Jerry Seck
Mazsha Soucheray
Vice President Emeritus
Samuel H. Morgan
D'uectoa Emeritus
David Lilly
Truznan W. Porter
Ex Officia
Dennis Asmussen
Thomas Eggum
Marc Goess
Paul L. Kirkwold
Greg Mack
Vic Wi[tgenstein
Executive Director
and Secretary
Peggy Lynch
February 3, 1999
Members of the City Council:
Thank you for this opportunity to address placing the position of Parks
and Recreation Director in the unclassified service and the
description of work, typical duties performed; knowledge, skills and
abilities; and minimum qualifications of the Director of Parks and
The Friends have long supported the Division of Parks and
Recreation elevation to department status. This would also
necessitate that the Director of Parks position be unclassified, on the
same level as other departments.
After reviewing job descriptions for the Parks Superintendent position
for Ramsey County, Hennepin County artd the Ciry of Minneapolis, we
have some suggestions regarding the qualifications for the position.
Qualified candidates for the Park Superintendent will possess a four
year degree in park administration, business or public
administration, landscape architecture, or a related field (Master's
Degree preferred) plus 10 to 15 years of progressively responsible
experience in management/administrative capacity and at least ten
years in the administration of parks and recreation.
Knowledge of or experience in such areas as the iollowing is
preferred; outdoor and indoor recreation planning; finance;
budgeting; planning of natural resource programs for public use;
program promotion and marketing; and development of programs for
use by a diverse general public.
The superintendent should have the ability to create a long range
vision of what the park system should be
He or she needs the ability to sell ideas and stand strong in promoting
the needs of the park system.
The new superintendent must have strong communication skills .
We hope you will consider our suggestions.
Refemed To
Section 1. That it is appropriate to establish minimum qualifications for
the Parks and Recreation Director position..
Council File # ��'1
Green Sheet # 62413
Committee Date
1 An Administrative Ordinance amending Cfiapter 21 of � �
2 the AdminisGative Code, artitled Officer's Qualifications \� C� ,�
3 by establishing minimmun qualifiptions for the unclassified ���,\�
4 positi� of Parks and R�on Director. �J,�_ �
Sectioa 2. That Chapter 21 of the Saim Paul Administrative Code is hereby
amended by adding the following section to read:
21.08. Pazks and Recreation Director
��� �� �� - � �� ��`�
,'�— marc, ec� — �� �o (q�
The Pazks and Recreation Director shall have a bachelor's degree and
five (5) years of public or private sector leadership or management
ercperience worldng in or with large multifaceted service oriented organizations.
Section . -- � d be in force 30 days from and after
passage,ae�approval, and publication.
Requested by Department of:
Office of Human Resources
�: �'I���. �ti�-� h
Fo:m Approved by Ciry Attorney
By: � ��v� �� � 1 L IZ
Adoption Certified by Council Secretazy
APPro�ed bY Mayor: Date
Approved lr r for� mission to Council
Adopted by Council: Date
�`'x�"°�"�"'+�°""""�` D"r� n'°'7"� GREEN SHEET xo.: 62413 a � �
Iiuman Resources 12-23-98
ooxrwcrrESaoxtraoxg: '� 9 � �'8
7olm Hamihon 266-6470 ,�,n�rr nm �'� s mroo�,
7ohn Shockley 266-6482 � ,�� , �
MIIBf BE ON COUNCII.AGFd�IDA BY (DATEj �Vln�G� )y¢ret�aec�V IZ "� `! O namut�tls�m�xlc
� _ � ` \ � S � uuraaloe.�ar�
Request approved of an ordinance establishing minimum qualificarions for the unclassiSed Parks and Recrearion
Director posirion -
saeaa�mnrcors:nyaweU>aay�e(a� rasorur.�vicecoxrnwers�sr�x�tou.ownvc�aoms:
L x..misymml5�e,a.aaraa�easar�o�tta�isdep.tm�t
CID �4AT� 2 Hetlrispmmlf�aa6ema a9'mp�cCt
3. Doat
Ys No
4 bth'speamlf�amRldvmdor!
Ys No
2y V I� a� 7s rwws N�pewe aLee! d aNael to pen aleet
n�nxinxnvcrseos�,isscr�,orroaTmvrrsr �w�ro,wrr.wr `
Mln�mum requirements need to be established in order to enhance the selection of a qualified Parks
and Recreation Director.
anvniv�rwcES � �►rrxos�n:
Parks and Recreation Director selection process will have established minimum qualifications for candidates.
ar&wv.uv�r�s rn �rrxovuo:
None _ -
ntawv.u�*r�crs u+ NoT ereAOVEU:
No standard qualifications wilI be established.
F[iNDING80IIRCE: ACfiViTYN[1MBER: CiOURG'�'� �25��-'r.�T E �` ,, `°'�^•r
0�� � �_'3:g
��.� �� �� - � �� ���
� �-�r-i
Referred To
Council File # _I 1 �'�
Green Sheet # 62413
Cammitte� Date
1 An Adminishative Ordinance amending Cha / � p , t ' e � r 1' � 21 of
'Z �C � minictrgt'VC �.OdO� CAtI�Cd ��CCI'S .tuuuaaC3t1011S
3 by Cstablis}ling minim„m q�jj$qtip� fpT ihe unc]asgified
4 pcuition of Padcs and Recreation Director.
. ye �
'��\ \ ��
6 Section 1. That it is appropriate to establish min'unum qualifications for
7 ihe Parks and Recreation Director posifion..
� Z
Section 2. That Chapter 21 ofthe Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby
aznended by adding the following section to read: �
21.08. Pazks and Recrearion Director On[ y+PCU � 1 �
�uks and Recreaiion D'uector shall have a b lor's degee and
3� rS � �j�(�✓) � years of public or private sector leaders p or management
�,_ e�perience working in or with large mul ' service oriented organirations.
15 'Qeppc+s✓ �7 - - -
.�� y� s
16 Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its
17 passage,aa�-approval, and publication.
Requested by Depactment of:
Office of Human Resources
s �u,��' ���� �
Form Approved try City Attorney
�y.: l ���_�` � i d_ �Z
Adoption Certified by Council Secreqry
Approved by Mayor: Date
� � � � . � ,. .. � �� �� . . . �
/ s.�t� /� /
Adopted hy Council: Date
n�r�xxa�xp�c�covn,cu.. a�►xg n�a�.,.xsn aq ' �
Auman Resources 12-23-98 GREEN SHEET No.: 62413
coxrecrrsesoxtrgor�: 9 � $�un�ts
7ohn Hamilton 266-6470 ,n�ean�,r na Z'� s ac.aw�a,
Jolm Shockley 266-6482 ,� ,� a-23 � surrcr�e
r�mmnt� (2 •� �$
MOSPBEONCODNCII.AGENDA BY(DA'IL� =OV1II�G sPaauttant.�cv mtewczta�vii�0.'m
��r _ � � ��q�
Request approved of an ardinance establisivng minimum quatifications for the unclsssified Parks and Recxestion
Director position.
nac�mnzcors:n��(e)Qa�ea(� rsesox,�r.�vicecorr►sucraasosr�sw�r�pou.ownvc�r�s:
t. }L.misye�a.awtmamav,emsxs�thedma9�7
CID � 2 HsdmpeamlL�asbama�mploym7
C1VII.�ViC80�53ION Ys No
3. Doatluspmm/l�Po�es�alaLmt�IlYP�MnI��'��
Ya No
♦ BWispasmlSrm�t�tledvmdo[l _
Ys No
2yhi� w 7saww� w�p�nfe �1ed a�tatlrlb psm aleet
Mmimum requirements need to be established in order to enhance the selection of a qualified Parks
and Recreation Ditector.
nnverrrnc�s � �rraovEn:
Parks and Recreation Director selection process will have established minimum q�alifications for candidates.
None —
DISADVANTAGFSIFNOTAYPBOVFh.-- - -- - -- _ _.-- - -- ---- - -
No standard quatifications w�l be established.
FONDING80URCE: ACT1ViTYNUMBER: C+OUl1G,'� R`�So�"'� ��"'�•r
��� `� � i�:�°
�� �:,
Refemed To
Committee Date
MAR 27 1999
Section 1. That it is appropriate to establish minimum qualifications for
the Parks and Recreation Director position..
Section 2. That Chapter 21 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby
amended by adding ihe following section to read:
21.08. Pazks and Recreation Director
��� �� � -�, r �� ���
g�.e�.� �� _ - � a�� �o j�,°�,
Couucil File # I �'1�
Green Sheet # 62413
— ��o �4 .i��t°I
An Adu�inistrative Ordinance amending Chapter 21 of
the Administrative Cade, entitled Officer's Qualifications
by establic� minimum qualifications for the unclassified
position of Parks and Recreation Director.
The Pazks and Recreation Director shall tiave a bachelor's degree and
five (5) years of public or private sector leadership or management
eacperience working in or with large muUifaceted service oriented organizations.
����B7f�0fi0H8B �-�-f9��1C-C�ilC3t701131Swm�rrmP.nt
nn� rme-vear-rtF�cncricrRr.�nrntrca�atirnrbaeis- '�
Section , be in force 30 days from and after its
passage,3a�approv3l, and publication.
Requested by Department of:
Office of Auman Resources
�,: ���- ���� �
Fornt Approved by City Attomey
By: k ��� lc'3 �`` � 12 �Z
Adoption Certified by Councii Secretary
Appmved or: Date ( ✓�L�1-(S 1 �Z'q�
to Council
Adopted by Council: Date . L.�n \O �q�`�
D�r"x'�r"°�'`�c'°"'v�'` aA'� n�r`"'�° GREEN SHEET xo. 62413 a � �
Human Resources 12-23-98
corrracrrESSOx�raort�: y � �A'�
Jolm Hamilton 266-6470 , na,�a�n� na, L � s cnrcanrcu,
Jolm Shockley 266-6482 � z �, u ,� � �
flfAfB�FOH Z�� fV
J �.�. _ � , \°���
Request approved of an �� minimum qualifications for the unclassified Parks and Recreation
Director positian.
1. FLat6uP�evaankedimdcacmertfal6isdepmtmmt7
— CIDCOMlATfHH 2 HndrisP��evabemaeaY�P��
— s. noumi.n�P�aakiunoeaamdbv�Mmr��r�e�^Y��
Ye No
4. Lthiapc�m�6rmaWgaW�+mdoC!
Ya No
B:pIW a0 ye amwas w�ryanfe �Led aBd atfatL fo peea sLret
M'inimum requirements need to be established in order to enhance the selection of a quatified Parks
and Recreation Director.
Parks and Recrearion Director selection process will have established minimum qualifications for candidates.
No staadazd qualifications wili be established.
FUNDING90URCE: AGTIViTYNUhIBER: �U�31�.�:,�,Ri:."�'`s:a�iT�"�
D�� � � ����
RAMSSY CovNTY Title of Class_
����99 ���t-�
To direct, manage and administer the Ramsey County Parks and
Recreation Department; to plan, develop and manage a comprehensive
system of County and regional parks, open space, trails, and
recreation facilities and programs that address the leisure needs of
Ramsey County residents; to secure and manage fiscal resources for
acquisition, development, and operations and maintenance for the
parka and recreation system; to formulate recommendations and
implement polieies and ordinances of the Ramsey County Board of
Commissioners; and to perform related duties as assigned.
Directs the formulation of all goals, objectives, priorities and
work programs for the Parks and Recreation Department.
Serves as the principal ataff liaison to the Ramsey County Parks and
Recreation Commiesion; prepares agendas and corresponding
documentation for policy consideration and recomtnendation to the
Ramsey County Board af Commissioners.
Analyzes the leisure needs and interests of Ramsey County reeidents
identified through applied research and reCOmmends strategies to
� address identified deficiencies.
Directa the preparation of the annual operating budget for the Parks
and Recreation Department; presents the proposed budget to the
Ramsey County Manager and the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners;
directs management and control of the operating budget expenditures
and revenues.
Represents Ramsey County on various boards, committees and task
Directs preparation of the five-year Capital Improvement Program
(updated annually) for the department; preaenta the Capital
Zmprovement Program to the Ramsey County Capital Improvement Program
Advisory Committee and the Ramsey County Board of Commissionera;
directs implementation and budget management of approved projects.
Directs the preparation of grant applications to the Metropolitan
Council, state departments, federal agencies and private sponsora
foz acquisition, development, operations, maintenance and program
services; directs the administration of grant contracts in
compliance with applicable rules, regulations and laws.
Directa the preparation ot
support documentation for
of Cammissioners; presents
policy recommendations with appropriate
consideration by the Ramsey County Board
recommendations to the Board for
�� Organizes and directs the administrative, financial and accounting
£unctions of the department to assure timely and accurate reporting
in compliance with the County�s administrative code and appZicable
Represents the department at public meetings and hearings involving
city councils, city appointed commissions, regional councils and
legislative committees.
Meets with buainess agents and labor representatives to address
mutual interests and concerns.
Participates in the preparation of Requests for Proposal and in the
selsction of consultants to plan, design and engineer capital
improvement projects; negotiates contracts with selected consulting
Interprets and administers parks and recreation policies in
ordinances as adopted by the Ramsey County Board of Commissionera_
Directly supervises four division heads and an administrative
secretary. Responsible for the work activity of over ninety FTEs
and approximately 15o seasonal employees assigned to the
department's fifteen divisions.
Daily contact with County residents, customers and apecial interest
group representatives regarding services and activitiea of the Parks
and Recreation Department. Daily to weekly contact with members of
the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners, County Commissioner
Assistants and the County Manager to discuas policy matters
pertaining to parks and recreation services. Weekly contact with
news media to discuss program servicea and other initiativea
involving the Parks and Recreation Department; and with elected and
appointed municipal and special district officials to discuss
matters of mutual interest. Monthly contact with state legislators
to enliet their support for legislative initiatives that advance or
affect parks and recreation services; and with othez state and
national parks and recreation professionals to share information of
mutual interest and concern.
impacts the quality of areas, £acilities and aervices provided by
the department (five regional parks, five regional trail corridors,
eleven county parks, nine protection open space sites, eleven indoor
ice arenas, four golf courses, a nature center, ten beaches and
other apecial use facilities). Proper performance results in
satisfied customers, safe and aesthetically attractive areas and
faeilitiea, high quality natural resources and in sound management
of financial resources. Improper performance would zesult in
� deterioration of areas and facilities, loss of custamers, possible
violations of OSHA safety standards and inappropriate use of County
Eighty percent of the time is spent in an o£fice environment with
daily automobile travel to and from meetinga outside of the office.
Ten percent of the time is spent in public meetings presenting
documentation and testimony to elected officials. Ten percent oP
the time involves site visits and inspections at parks, trail
corridors, arenas and golf courses.
County government.
Knowledge of rules, regulations and laws affectinq
the delivery of parks and recreation services.
Knowledge of the Ramsey County Home Rule Charter,
Code, and County Board policies and ordinances.
Skill in communicating both orally and in writing
of individuals and organi2ations.
Knowledge of the £ield of parks, recreation and leisure services.
Knowledge of the principles and practices of management and
Knowledge of the laws, rules and regulations governing provision of
pazka and recreation services and the availability of £unding
sources. •
Knowledge of the political and organizational atructure of Ramsey
Ram9ey County in
to a varied number
Skill in dealing with the media and making presentations.
Ability to organize, assign work and supervise a large number of
� staff inembers.
Ability to coordinate activities and deal effectively with public
officials, County Manager, Board of Commissioners, the media and
the general public.
Ability to analyze complex data.
Ability to make decisions and prioritize work.
Ability to plan anfl manage a major County department.
Ability to identify major trends in leisure services, prioritize
objectives and allocate resources effectively to address those
Education: A Bachelor•e Degree in parks and recreation, public
administration or a closely relatsd field. (Ntaster's Degree
Experience: Ten years of progressively responaible experience in
the management and administration of a public parks and recreation
department, inciuding four years 3n a manageriai capacity.
.. { ��
• P�sition Title:
Reoorts to:
qa �a�
Superintendent }��IU�PIA! �f}Rl�S
Office of ihe Boord of Commissioners
and Superintendent
Dotg: Revised Jan 1999
FLSA Status: Exempt
Board of Commissioners
� Prrcnarv Obiectives
Pov Level: 15
A. To provide pos�tive ond effective leatlership for the Pork Reserve �istrict wifhin me pokcies
estobiished by me Boartl and oppiicoble Ipws and regulations in o monner that wc11
achieve o sound development ond management progrom to serve the besf interest of the
B. 7o manoge c stoff of 240 plus professional, administrotNe, cierical, low enforcement, ond
mointenpnCe personnel.
V�toior Areas of Accountobiliiv
Board Retat(ons
5erves as Chief Atlministrative Officer ond Secretary to the Boord. Advises the Board on
policy matters and formuiotes recommendation for the Boord to consider in estoblishing
gu;delines. objectives, ond goals for ihe District. Serves as liaison beiween the stoff and the
Boord, keeping both groups well informed. Corries out Boord decaions. profiecfiing ond
implementing policy.
Staff Leatlership and Adminisiration
Provides o pos'rtive personnel framework which serves to othact, deveiop and mointoin o
competent, moiivoted stoff. Appiies personnel policies consafienfily, keeping siaff informed
of iheir occountobilify for pertormonce. Encouroges employees to work cooperative�y
towortl common gools and provides me direction to reach those goots. Administers the
per5onnei, financial ond orgon2otionol needs of the Disfrict.
C. Future Vision/Stroteaic Direction
Provides overaii direction and guidance for the Pork Reserve Dishict by creating long ronge
and strategic pians to meet the changing needs af the pubfic for recreationai senrices�
Focuses on program deveiopment which will increase public owpreness ond use of the
Park Reserve D'atricYs geographicoly aiverse sites.
D. Interaovemmentai Relations
Buiids ond sustoins cooperotive re�otionships with intergovernmental agencies. Serves os
representotive with others of the Pork Reserve Dist►ict Devetops on otmosphere of trust
and cooperation with various governmentol bodies including local, municipoi, state and
federal jufsdictions. Mointcins up-tadote information regording tegislative activities wnich
offect the functioning of the Park Reserve Dishict.
E. PubGc Relofions
. Promotes activey the District antl its programs by serving ot times as spokesperson to
encouroge increased utif¢otion of the park system. Represents tne District and its exce-�lent
facilities to the generol public, communifies, corporotions, orgon¢ations, speciol interest
�oups, and the legi5ipt�re.
F• Butloet Pre�orotion and Adm;nistration
Is accountobte for the budget. Prov;tles fiscat direction. Monoges annuoi operoting
budget ond Copitnl improvement buclget to aChieve tlesired resutts. Assures fhot a11
budgetnry and monagement controls ore mainioined. Initiotes cr�tive fundraising efforrs
by thg DiSfriCt.
A. Statutorv
Minnesoto Statute 398.10 requires thot the Superintendent have had ot leost ten yeors
experience in business or in public adminisirotion, at least five years of which sholl hove
been in o responsible administrotive capacity ond ai leost three yecars in the administration
of parks or recreCltion.
B. Educafional
• Etlucotionaty, at teast a Bachelor's Oegree in Recreaiion ond Porks, eusines�
Administration, Public Adminishation or reiated field from an accredited coilege or
university is requ'ved.
C. Knowiedges and Exr�eriences
Adtlitionoly, knowletlge of or experience in such oreos os the fotlowing is preferced:
outqoor and indoos recreotion planning: private seetor management; public finance;
budgeting; witdlife mpnogement: operdting both cost ond profit centers within the some
orgon¢otion; plonning of natural resource programs for public use: program promotion
ond marketing; development of progroms for use by o brood base of ine general public.
D. Skitis ond Abilities
BroodfDiverqent Thinkino. fiinks in possibilities; generofies tliverse ideos; understonds
the magnitude ond scope of programming ond poGCy decisions: sees the big
picture; offers creative, innovofive and imnginative idetis and ihoughts for review by
Boord ond Staff; suggests non-trotlitionoi programs or uses of ihe Pprk D'atricYs
resources; cnanenges others to ihink e�ansively and non-parochiolly: demonstrotes
inteilectual curiosity.
2. Problem AnoNzinp. Gathers complete information for probtem solving; solicits
actively ideas, anayses ond recommendofions Bom staff; solicits opinions ond
differing poinh of view; requests others to chaNenge oszumptions, recommendotions
antl tlireCtions; fosters an environment for open ond hank tliscussion of issuer,
bolonces legitimate d�ersify of opinions: perceives relationships within comp4ex
� issues; synthes¢es ideas and details: copes w'rth complex'iy and ombiguity: outlmes
options ond choices wailable to the Boord, staff and ofhea.
3. Makina ecisions. Accepts respons�b�6ty tor ddficult decisions; mnkes decisions under
� conditions of pressure ond risk; considecs o broad range of perspectives before
making decisions; tlisplays decisiveness; ?okes actions to reSONe immediote issues;
explains rotionaie for decisons to staff ond others: incorporates staff input into
decisions: mokes onry mose decisions oppropriote to the Superinfentlent antl defers
or delegates other tlecaions: mokes unpopulor decisions if believes strongy in the
decision; sfonds behind decisions: occepfs criticam ond difficutties wifih equanimity:
reevaluates decisions or recommendofions when appropriote•
4. Planning ond Oraan¢inq. Develops shortond tong-ronge pions; coordinates
resources effectivey; estabiishes goais and priorities; structures own ond othen'
octiviiies: creates pdministrative sysiems anri procedures; creotes ste�by-step
project plans; sets up ontl schedules future activities; deve�ops oi�ernate pians or
go/no go decision points; develops D"istricYS budgeY; constructs plans to continue
and expond sources of revenue: understands limrtotions of budgetory constroints.
5. Stroteqic Plonninp. Envisions what the Park Reserve Oatrict con ond should be in �10
years; sets generol plans for accomplishing those objectives: conceives of future
directions for the Park Reserve District; recogn¢es ond evaluates what is significant for
the D�strict; listens closety to tliverse views on what the Distsict wants and shoutd be:
minks of the future without being constroined by the present.
6. Delegatina and Controlling. Deiegates respo�sibiGty ond quthoriiy to stoff for
decision making and plonning; invoNes staff in tlecisions which offeCt them; provides
input and guidelines when delegoting key ossignments; sets up objective ond
measurable controi systems; holtls subordinates occountoble for pertormance ond
delegotetl assignments; emphosizes responsiblity ond authoriiy ot oll levets of Pork
� Reserve District management.
7. Showinq Consideration for Others. Shows appreciation for the efforts of others;
praisea employees for a job weti done; iespects stoff pntl self; ottentls to ontl shows
accurate c�woreness of the needs and feelings of others: deols with staff in a
consistent and toir manner; disploys no fovoritism; encouroges input from employees
ond others: conveys willingness to consider seriously the ideos ond suggestions of
others; lisiens courteously and respecffuily to others' opinions ond ideas: iakes
personol intere5t in stoff; resoNes differences diplomoticoay while mointoining positive
8. Demonstratinq Diolomocv and Neaot;atin4 SkiA. Knows the structure ot the Po�k
Reserve District as well as its relotionship to other ogencies and works effectivey
within those networks; recogn¢es thot no unit functions in isolotion and that the
needs and concerns of other units must be considered; demonshotes an owareness
antl appreciation of the pressures impinging upon aU porties invoived: works with
mony diverse factions and ensures fair ploy ontl equity omong those foctions:
understands ond accepts the politicai nature of the job: presents positions cogenty
while building support for those positions: knows when and how to work through, fo
defer to, to represent, or to press the Bocrd of Commissioners.
JRN-13-1999 09�00 HENNEPIN PFlRKS HQ
612 559 3287 P.05i06
9. Demonstrofin Leodershio Comoetence. Disploys a keen desire for leodership: takes
charge in o wide variety of situations: tokes the initiative in group ocfivities; expreues
ossertiveN views ond opinions to othea: influences others; insp'ves confidence;
idenfifies issues for action; provitles consistent direction; untlerstonds and knows
when fo use different leadership styles: encourages oihers to reach high standards of
peAormance: works to estobi'ah a sense of team within #he Pork Reserve D'atrici:
ensu�es that employees know exocty whot is expected of ihem; corrects
unsatisfocton/ stoff work pefiormonce and tlisciplines stpSf pppropriateN.
10. Communicatinq. Presents ideos in on orTiculote, understondabie monner: Gonveys
credibility, sinceriiy, ond enthus[asm; uses appropriate format, style and verbioge:
creotes an environment in which others ore expected to provide input: encourages
antl attends corefuly to the input of omers; ottends to others non-verbol behavror;
Clorifies or summor�es whot others hove said: uses octive iistening skills such as
poropnrasing ond restoting; projec�s a positive, forcefu! ond controlled imoge when
speoking; expresses self fluenty, cogently ond influentiaiy.
11. Keeoinq Others Informed. Tronsmits policy decisions antl underlying rotionale to
subortlinotes in o timely monner; stays aware of legislative initiotives effecting the
Park Reserve D'atrict ond approises Boartl of Commiuioners about such matfers;
maintpins frequent contacts with Boord members to exChonge informotion ontl
shore ideos: keeps staff owore of mission, g0ols ond operoting pions of the Park
Reserve District: knows how ond when to use verbol or written communications Yo
keep others informed of important tlecaions, octions or events: uses the M!S system to
communicate to oil statf; maintains Contocts with other legislative bodies to stoy
obreosi of importpnt developments ontl to exchange informotion; keeps
communicotions flowinA in ali directions.
12. Professionolism. Hos continued to pursue etlucotionoi ontl developmentol octivities
since cessation ot formoi etlucational troining; hos well defined goals for work ond
nonwork pursuits: desires responsibilily pnd authoriry; pursues career gools
aggressivey: maintoins strong commitment to me profsssion ond service to me
people: occepts ihe feoliiy of long days and working on weekends os the need
ori�e�: persists with gools ond projects despifie obstocles; maintains highest
professionol, ethical ond morol integrity; stoys current with developments in the
profession; shives to beCOme o�ecogn¢ed leoder within ihe professional communily.
13. Sel� Assuronce. Commonds respect from others while simuttoneousry respecting
othets; projeCts o confitlent and secure im�ge: i5 comfortable with self; orticulates
own strengths and weakneues in a reatistic manner; knows shortcomings and how to
deal effectively with them; acknowledges mistakes ond takes responsibuity for mem:
volues idiosyncrosies of stoff and others: wonts stoff to be visible and to toke credit for
occomplishments; stoys open to feedbock and to C��iCism from stoff, Boord and
others; fakes risks withoufi feor of being wrong, displaced or Critic¢ed: sees value in
me diversiiy of staff backgrounds and oppreciotes the significance of everyone's
14. Adaptabilitv. Mointo'ms consiructNe behw�or in stressfu4 s+tuotions: expresses
� emotwns approprioteN: displaYS sense of humor: anticipates chonge and responds
adaptivety to rt; keeps emotions under conhol when sudden chonges occur or when
tlecisions seem to be overtumed withouf good reason; demonstra'tes c will'�ngness to
revise plans and P��o�� �n light of pohcy chonges: operates effechvely in
bureoucratic environments: is Comfortable with ombiguihr i� Conflict ond dec+sion
rtaking; modifies beYsavior ond style to t`rt the socio� se��9� encouroges diversity of
opinions, siY�es cind ideas: staYs oP� antl flexibte to non-tradifional id2os or
prog�ams: staYs P�ent and cooperotive in stressfui situations.
E. P rsonol Choro er 'cs
Condidates meeting me above requisite knowledges, skills ond obil'rties should o{so: be
obte to make strong initial impoct; maintain oppropriate personol oppearonce: disPloYs
vibrance, energy ond enthusiasm: enjoy the profeuion of wiidi'de, porks and recreation
monagement; be outgoing and enjoy interacfin9 wim diverse iypes of people: enjoy
working with an e�ected Boord of Commiss+oners: posseu o zea� for moking tne Hennepin
County Park Rese�ve ��ict the poragon of such programs.
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Minneapolis Park and Recreation Baard
Park Superintendent
Posetion Profile
Background .
� `��
Ia 1883, the Minneapolis Board of Trade resolved to creace the finesc aad most beautifu! system of
public pazks and boulevazds of any city in Amaica. Some of the City Councilmembers baltced,
iasisYmg rhe City of MInneapolis boundaries would nevu extend very far and nature would always
be a short walk away. Forwnacely, �he fazsighced prevailed and today the Minneapolis Park
Syscem hu been wuted as the besr [ocared, bes financed, besr designed, besi mainrained pteblic
open space in America. "
The Minneapolu Pazk and Recreacion Boazd is responsibie for maintaining and developing the
Minneapolis Pazk System and for pzoviding recreazional opporcunides for iu cicizens. The Pazk
System is comprised of 170 pazks saetching across aearly 6,000 arses, of which more than 1,400
acres are water resources. Within the City's Park System ue 50 miles of desi;na�ed walking [rails
and 50 miles of biking uails. Pazkways encwine through the Ciry and trails conneaing the
Minneapolis Chxin of Lakes accommodace bicycle, skacing, and waiking traffic. The landscaped
waiking trails encircling downtown aze known as the Grand Rpunds. The Ciry's lakes are stocked
with walleyes and provide year around fishing
as well as abundant watez recreation
opportunities. By design, every home in
Minneapolis is wishin six blocks vf planned
green space from small neighborhood pazks to
che gsand Minnehaha Fails. Recreacion cemers
throughout the City offer programs for all age
groups from pre-school to seniors as wcli as
programs for people with specie! interests or
l\�'E.'�TORI' OVER�'llil�'
Propenies within the Minneapnlis Park System
� Regi0nal, city, and neighbvnc��od park5
feacuring playgrounds, todo�c, and picnic
• Gardens and nature sanctuaries
• 5 goSf courses and a Gotf Learning Cencer
• 49 neeghbvrhood recreation centers
• 396 baseball and softball diamonds
• 183 tennis wnres
• 11 supervised beaches
• 4 swimming pools
• 3'I outdoor ice rinks and 1 indoor ice siwcing
and hockey complex
� Wirth Winter Recreation Area
Minnehaha FaZls
In addition, many Minneapo]is cvlaual and historic
amenities are located on park land or are
administered by the Park Boazd induding:
Spoo,ibrulge a��d Ckerry ut the
�Iinne�pnlis Sculpture Carden
• Menneapolis Sculpture Gazden �
• Minneapolis Iastitnu of Arn
• Historic �ort Snelling (on a lease arrangement)
• Suven's Iiouse, God&ey F�use, and Longfeltow
House .
The Minneapolis PazY System's ]akes and
riverfronu have been feacured in many publicazions
including World ?Y�aveler Magazine, Desrinarion
Misnesora, and Urban Pa�kt and Open Space,
which featured Cedaz Lake Pazk and Trail as an
ouusanding example of urban pazk planni�g and
Qa� & R P�
,11 � ! R
� ����00 .
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1'he Organization
TRe Perk and Recrea�ion Sys�em ;s governed by an eleaed nine-member Boazd with Commissionus
serving four-year term5. Six Commissionen are electrd from designated pazk d'uuicts and thrce aze
eleCted from the Ciry ac-large.
Park tiuperin�c�dcnt
Ass't Saperiat. Asz't Superint. Ass't Superint. Ass't Suycriae
for Recreatioo kr Openciuns Wr Plaaning for ACewiuntion
�he Recrertion Divis;nn jK� �e aeighborhood and community reereazion.centers, piaygrounds,
pools, b�aches, cvimcai/artsleavironmeatal programs, youth sports leagues, adult athletic leagues and
accivicies, special evenrs, and specialized services for ceenage youth. Over 8,000 yaung people
• pazucipated ia the I997 Yoath Sports Program which offen backetba]l, bazeball, sofrball, gymnastics,
hockey, football, soccer, volieybalt, wrestiing and team tnnnic. ��rion, 2,500 youngsters ages
6-8 pazticipated in spoits fundamentai pzogass at the local pazk 1eve1.
The bncrutinnc pivisinn
• The Maintenence S%�*;�r provides regular maintenance to ovn 100 buildings. Over 3,100 acres of
Nrf receive maintenance and care. Ali batl fields, wurts, swimming pools, and ice skating rinks
aze maintained.
� T_he Foresm+ Se�tion plants and maintains uees on city and public properties. Over 4,500 crees
were planteQ on boulevazQs and in pazks in 1997. Since 1992, over 7,500 trces have been planted
with funds from the Cery's Neighborhood Revitalization Pcogram.
• The Environmental Section oversees the implementation of an EPA Cleanwater partnership gcant
and is responsible for the improvement of wa[er quality in Minneapolis' lakes, rivers, and streams.
This section provides environmental education and awareness programs on a city-wide buis.
The Planninr Div4sitm pveneES the design and construction of patk facilities, plans for fucure
projecrs, and facilitates citizen involvement in the planning process. Projec[s require exteasive
colIaboration between the scaff of Planning and other divisions, cicizens, and Commissioners.
7'he Administrative Div�sion Provides integrated suppott services for the delivery of pazk and
� rrcreacion program services to alt users of ehe system, These support services include personnel,
informatioa and technology, finance, park police, and spccial services.
To�ai Tax Supponed Funds for 1997 were 537.7 million. The Total Entezprise Fund waz 39.4
million and Other Fund Totals were $4.8K. The Park and Recreation System receives funding from
fr,�eral, sta�e, and local sourers including federal granu, tegulaiive appropriuions, and funding from
the Mectopolican Coancil. People for Parks is a private funding resource which acsists �he Park and
Recreacion Board in special projeca.
1'he Position
The Perk Superintendent is the Chief Fxecutive Officu and oversees the planning, direction, and
implemen�etion of all programs and pol;c(rs af the Pazk and Recreation System toward the mission,
goals, and objeaiva atablishad under the Pazk and Recrea[ion Board. Specific duties include:
• Develop, recommend, and implement policies and procedures m the Board for their approval.
• Prepare the annual budgec and documencacion for funding purposes.
• Hire and supervise suff; plan staff assignmenu and review progress.
• Work within the political framework of the City goveroment. Work with City staff, City Councii,
• Councy, legislacon, and the Maropoliran Council.
�rv� tc op 10•tiG
/ ' , �
• Assure that the mission, pJans, and direetion of rhe Pazk and Recreation Boazd is communicated to
thc staff and d�e public.
� • Prepaze reports and represent die Pazk and Recreation Boazd ac mcetings of the Ciry Counc�l and
various state, fedecal and regional agencies,
•�aluace and recommead new progcarac and initiatives.
• Assist the Board in settinS S� �d P�ities and make modificatioas as needed.
Bactcground and Experience
Qualified caadidates for the Park Superintendeac will possess a four yar degree in business or pubtic
administrarion, architecture, landscape azchitecture, planning, or a related field plus 10-15 years of
progressive management experieace in a dirator or senior staff position. Executive Development
Programs for Pazk and Recreacional Professionals.edncation is a plus. Preferred expueence includes:
• Background in govemment or relazed field and euperience wprking with eletted officials.
• Good working Icnowledge of pazk operacions, recreation programming, environmenta! rescoracion,
and the provision of cultural and arts activives.
• Suong prodiviry for operations and maintenance praaices.
� � Significam euperience in labor negodations.
• Supenrisory expecience within a large organiaation.
• Experience in idencifying revenue sources and obtaining fundiag.
• Knowledge of the principles of urban planning and an undersranding of the importance of parks
and recreacion planning and programming.
• E�perience working wi�ti a culNrally diverse population. �
• Knowiedge of constsuccion practices retated io recreational fuilities� pta�elds, etc,
L _J
Q & Re �
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Manaaement Capabilities
� • Have a high energy level and eajoy the chatlengc of accomplishing what may seem "impossibie" to
• Be s�epportive of workiag with neighborhood organ'szations aad advisory boards.
• Reach out w the ciry's diversified population and incorporate therc in all programs.
• Eacourage scaff development and acconn�ability and acknowledge scaff achievemenu.
• Be visible and approachable. Listen. �
• Possess high pzofessional int�ity. �
• Be visionary and see beyond the icnmediace.
Chalienges and Priorities
• Review [he Board's long range goals and objec[ives. Assisc the Board in establishing a clear vision
for che Park and Recreation System for the 21st Cenrury.
• Assisc the Board in implemen�ing their Work Plan, which is developed annually in December.
i • Identify add;tionai sources of funding such as corporace parcnering, philanshropic organizaaons,
and foundacions.
• Identify s[rategies to provide desired services wi[hin a mature System, which con[inues to eapand.
• Continue coopera[ive workine relaiionships with federal agencies, state agencies, the Metropolitan
Council, and City agencies.
JHfV 1Z '99 16�43
P. 7
/ ' � �
City of Minneapolis, Pazk and Recrearion Board
Park Superintendent
Yhe 'besr located, ben,hnanced, besr desig,red, ben mainrained,
prrbl'u open sp¢ce in 1lmerica.' .
- Alexander Garvin in U.S. News & R'odd Report,
� lune 8, 1998
The Mi�eapolis puk and Recreation Boazd seeks applicants for a Parks Sliperintendeni to o4e�see iu
internationally rceognized, Nazioaal Gold Meda] awazd-winning park syscem. Kaown as The City of
Lakes, Minneapolis bouts over 6,000 acrts of beau[ifully maintained parY land and a citizenry
(popula�ion 370,000) thac enjoys iu parks. Wirh feanues such az the historic Minnehaha Falls, the
Mississippi River, the Chain oi Lakes, 50 retreation centecs, five municipffi golf couna, and
numerous savannahs and wetlands, the park syscem.meets a hoss of recreationa! needs and employs
cutting edge environmenul prolection strategies.
'I'he Superintendent is responsibSe for a siaff of 600 fu11 t�me and 1,500 pazt time �mployees and a
budg�t of S50 miilion. Candida�es must have a degree ia Pazks/Retteation, Urban Planning,
Landscape Architecture, or a related fieid plus 3aI5 yeazs management expetience in a d'ueews or
senior s�aff posicion. Familiariry and comfon with a large, uhnicaliy and cultnral(y diverse urban
seaing is a mnst. Candidates should have a working knowledge of the budget piocess, facliues
maincenance, park operations, recreation programmins, youch/adult athletics, mvizonmental
res�oration, open spacc/uaiS developmenc and �e provision of cuimral and ans activities.
The Part Superiatendent repotu to an independently eleaed Boazd of nine m�anbers. Expttience
working with public and semi-public organizations, wirh elected and appointed officials, as well ac a
vack record af conseucus building is highly desirable. Staning safazy 585,000 w 595,000.
Residency in Minneapolis required within six months. SenQ resume by 11/20/98 to:
The Brimeyer Gruup Executive Search
904 Mainstreec, Suice 205
Hopkins, MN 55343
(612) 945-0246 - phoae
(612) 945-0102 - fax
E-mail: Briss�Gtoup�aoi.com
Week of 1l4/99
Macch, 1999
Deadline for Applications
Presem Candidazes
Stazting Bate
Tne Brimeyer Group, ��.
904 Mainsveet q205
Hopkins, MN 55343
�r�ra� �oaanc�a �cer�ic �tOtaar�
� an p
s� r�n ar,a
Bamse� Cou
1621 Beechwood Ave.
Sc Paul, MN 55116
�wrva.fi endsoftheparl¢org
Pary R. Bolin
Vice Presidents
7eanne Weigum
7ames R. Bricher
Craig Mdresen
Liz Anderson
Ann Cieslak
Dan Collins
Thomas T. Dwight
Neil Franey
William Frank
Elaine 7ohnson
Marilyn Lundberg
Robett Nethercut
Mazk M. Nolan
Janet Olson
Scott Ramsay
Pierre Regnier
Jerry Seck
Mazsha Soucheray
Vice President Emeritus
Samuel H. Morgan
D'uectoa Emeritus
David Lilly
Truznan W. Porter
Ex Officia
Dennis Asmussen
Thomas Eggum
Marc Goess
Paul L. Kirkwold
Greg Mack
Vic Wi[tgenstein
Executive Director
and Secretary
Peggy Lynch
February 3, 1999
Members of the City Council:
Thank you for this opportunity to address placing the position of Parks
and Recreation Director in the unclassified service and the
description of work, typical duties performed; knowledge, skills and
abilities; and minimum qualifications of the Director of Parks and
The Friends have long supported the Division of Parks and
Recreation elevation to department status. This would also
necessitate that the Director of Parks position be unclassified, on the
same level as other departments.
After reviewing job descriptions for the Parks Superintendent position
for Ramsey County, Hennepin County artd the Ciry of Minneapolis, we
have some suggestions regarding the qualifications for the position.
Qualified candidates for the Park Superintendent will possess a four
year degree in park administration, business or public
administration, landscape architecture, or a related field (Master's
Degree preferred) plus 10 to 15 years of progressively responsible
experience in management/administrative capacity and at least ten
years in the administration of parks and recreation.
Knowledge of or experience in such areas as the iollowing is
preferred; outdoor and indoor recreation planning; finance;
budgeting; planning of natural resource programs for public use;
program promotion and marketing; and development of programs for
use by a diverse general public.
The superintendent should have the ability to create a long range
vision of what the park system should be
He or she needs the ability to sell ideas and stand strong in promoting
the needs of the park system.
The new superintendent must have strong communication skills .
We hope you will consider our suggestions.
Refemed To
Section 1. That it is appropriate to establish minimum qualifications for
the Parks and Recreation Director position..
Council File # ��'1
Green Sheet # 62413
Committee Date
1 An Administrative Ordinance amending Cfiapter 21 of � �
2 the AdminisGative Code, artitled Officer's Qualifications \� C� ,�
3 by establishing minimmun qualifiptions for the unclassified ���,\�
4 positi� of Parks and R�on Director. �J,�_ �
Sectioa 2. That Chapter 21 of the Saim Paul Administrative Code is hereby
amended by adding the following section to read:
21.08. Pazks and Recreation Director
��� �� �� - � �� ��`�
,'�— marc, ec� — �� �o (q�
The Pazks and Recreation Director shall have a bachelor's degree and
five (5) years of public or private sector leadership or management
ercperience worldng in or with large multifaceted service oriented organizations.
Section . -- � d be in force 30 days from and after
passage,ae�approval, and publication.
Requested by Department of:
Office of Human Resources
�: �'I���. �ti�-� h
Fo:m Approved by Ciry Attorney
By: � ��v� �� � 1 L IZ
Adoption Certified by Council Secretazy
APPro�ed bY Mayor: Date
Approved lr r for� mission to Council
Adopted by Council: Date
�`'x�"°�"�"'+�°""""�` D"r� n'°'7"� GREEN SHEET xo.: 62413 a � �
Iiuman Resources 12-23-98
ooxrwcrrESaoxtraoxg: '� 9 � �'8
7olm Hamihon 266-6470 ,�,n�rr nm �'� s mroo�,
7ohn Shockley 266-6482 � ,�� , �
MIIBf BE ON COUNCII.AGFd�IDA BY (DATEj �Vln�G� )y¢ret�aec�V IZ "� `! O namut�tls�m�xlc
� _ � ` \ � S � uuraaloe.�ar�
Request approved of an ordinance establishing minimum qualificarions for the unclassiSed Parks and Recrearion
Director posirion -
saeaa�mnrcors:nyaweU>aay�e(a� rasorur.�vicecoxrnwers�sr�x�tou.ownvc�aoms:
L x..misymml5�e,a.aaraa�easar�o�tta�isdep.tm�t
CID �4AT� 2 Hetlrispmmlf�aa6ema a9'mp�cCt
3. Doat
Ys No
4 bth'speamlf�amRldvmdor!
Ys No
2y V I� a� 7s rwws N�pewe aLee! d aNael to pen aleet
n�nxinxnvcrseos�,isscr�,orroaTmvrrsr �w�ro,wrr.wr `
Mln�mum requirements need to be established in order to enhance the selection of a qualified Parks
and Recreation Director.
anvniv�rwcES � �►rrxos�n:
Parks and Recreation Director selection process will have established minimum qualifications for candidates.
ar&wv.uv�r�s rn �rrxovuo:
None _ -
ntawv.u�*r�crs u+ NoT ereAOVEU:
No standard qualifications wilI be established.
F[iNDING80IIRCE: ACfiViTYN[1MBER: CiOURG'�'� �25��-'r.�T E �` ,, `°'�^•r
0�� � �_'3:g
��.� �� �� - � �� ���
� �-�r-i
Referred To
Council File # _I 1 �'�
Green Sheet # 62413
Cammitte� Date
1 An Adminishative Ordinance amending Cha / � p , t ' e � r 1' � 21 of
'Z �C � minictrgt'VC �.OdO� CAtI�Cd ��CCI'S .tuuuaaC3t1011S
3 by Cstablis}ling minim„m q�jj$qtip� fpT ihe unc]asgified
4 pcuition of Padcs and Recreation Director.
. ye �
'��\ \ ��
6 Section 1. That it is appropriate to establish min'unum qualifications for
7 ihe Parks and Recreation Director posifion..
� Z
Section 2. That Chapter 21 ofthe Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby
aznended by adding the following section to read: �
21.08. Pazks and Recrearion Director On[ y+PCU � 1 �
�uks and Recreaiion D'uector shall have a b lor's degee and
3� rS � �j�(�✓) � years of public or private sector leaders p or management
�,_ e�perience working in or with large mul ' service oriented organirations.
15 'Qeppc+s✓ �7 - - -
.�� y� s
16 Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its
17 passage,aa�-approval, and publication.
Requested by Depactment of:
Office of Human Resources
s �u,��' ���� �
Form Approved try City Attorney
�y.: l ���_�` � i d_ �Z
Adoption Certified by Council Secreqry
Approved by Mayor: Date
� � � � . � ,. .. � �� �� . . . �
/ s.�t� /� /
Adopted hy Council: Date
n�r�xxa�xp�c�covn,cu.. a�►xg n�a�.,.xsn aq ' �
Auman Resources 12-23-98 GREEN SHEET No.: 62413
coxrecrrsesoxtrgor�: 9 � $�un�ts
7ohn Hamilton 266-6470 ,n�ean�,r na Z'� s ac.aw�a,
Jolm Shockley 266-6482 ,� ,� a-23 � surrcr�e
r�mmnt� (2 •� �$
MOSPBEONCODNCII.AGENDA BY(DA'IL� =OV1II�G sPaauttant.�cv mtewczta�vii�0.'m
��r _ � � ��q�
Request approved of an ardinance establisivng minimum quatifications for the unclsssified Parks and Recxestion
Director position.
nac�mnzcors:n��(e)Qa�ea(� rsesox,�r.�vicecorr►sucraasosr�sw�r�pou.ownvc�r�s:
t. }L.misye�a.awtmamav,emsxs�thedma9�7
CID � 2 HsdmpeamlL�asbama�mploym7
C1VII.�ViC80�53ION Ys No
3. Doatluspmm/l�Po�es�alaLmt�IlYP�MnI��'��
Ya No
♦ BWispasmlSrm�t�tledvmdo[l _
Ys No
2yhi� w 7saww� w�p�nfe �1ed a�tatlrlb psm aleet
Mmimum requirements need to be established in order to enhance the selection of a qualified Parks
and Recreation Ditector.
nnverrrnc�s � �rraovEn:
Parks and Recreation Director selection process will have established minimum q�alifications for candidates.
None —
DISADVANTAGFSIFNOTAYPBOVFh.-- - -- - -- _ _.-- - -- ---- - -
No standard quatifications w�l be established.
FONDING80URCE: ACT1ViTYNUMBER: C+OUl1G,'� R`�So�"'� ��"'�•r
��� `� � i�:�°
�� �:,
Refemed To
Committee Date
MAR 27 1999
Section 1. That it is appropriate to establish minimum qualifications for
the Parks and Recreation Director position..
Section 2. That Chapter 21 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby
amended by adding ihe following section to read:
21.08. Pazks and Recreation Director
��� �� � -�, r �� ���
g�.e�.� �� _ - � a�� �o j�,°�,
Couucil File # I �'1�
Green Sheet # 62413
— ��o �4 .i��t°I
An Adu�inistrative Ordinance amending Chapter 21 of
the Administrative Cade, entitled Officer's Qualifications
by establic� minimum qualifications for the unclassified
position of Parks and Recreation Director.
The Pazks and Recreation Director shall tiave a bachelor's degree and
five (5) years of public or private sector leadership or management
eacperience working in or with large muUifaceted service oriented organizations.
����B7f�0fi0H8B �-�-f9��1C-C�ilC3t701131Swm�rrmP.nt
nn� rme-vear-rtF�cncricrRr.�nrntrca�atirnrbaeis- '�
Section , be in force 30 days from and after its
passage,3a�approv3l, and publication.
Requested by Department of:
Office of Auman Resources
�,: ���- ���� �
Fornt Approved by City Attomey
By: k ��� lc'3 �`` � 12 �Z
Adoption Certified by Councii Secretary
Appmved or: Date ( ✓�L�1-(S 1 �Z'q�
to Council
Adopted by Council: Date . L.�n \O �q�`�
D�r"x'�r"°�'`�c'°"'v�'` aA'� n�r`"'�° GREEN SHEET xo. 62413 a � �
Human Resources 12-23-98
corrracrrESSOx�raort�: y � �A'�
Jolm Hamilton 266-6470 , na,�a�n� na, L � s cnrcanrcu,
Jolm Shockley 266-6482 � z �, u ,� � �
flfAfB�FOH Z�� fV
J �.�. _ � , \°���
Request approved of an �� minimum qualifications for the unclassified Parks and Recreation
Director positian.
1. FLat6uP�evaankedimdcacmertfal6isdepmtmmt7
— CIDCOMlATfHH 2 HndrisP��evabemaeaY�P��
— s. noumi.n�P�aakiunoeaamdbv�Mmr��r�e�^Y��
Ye No
4. Lthiapc�m�6rmaWgaW�+mdoC!
Ya No
B:pIW a0 ye amwas w�ryanfe �Led aBd atfatL fo peea sLret
M'inimum requirements need to be established in order to enhance the selection of a quatified Parks
and Recreation Director.
Parks and Recrearion Director selection process will have established minimum qualifications for candidates.
No staadazd qualifications wili be established.
FUNDING90URCE: AGTIViTYNUhIBER: �U�31�.�:,�,Ri:."�'`s:a�iT�"�
D�� � � ����
RAMSSY CovNTY Title of Class_
����99 ���t-�
To direct, manage and administer the Ramsey County Parks and
Recreation Department; to plan, develop and manage a comprehensive
system of County and regional parks, open space, trails, and
recreation facilities and programs that address the leisure needs of
Ramsey County residents; to secure and manage fiscal resources for
acquisition, development, and operations and maintenance for the
parka and recreation system; to formulate recommendations and
implement polieies and ordinances of the Ramsey County Board of
Commissioners; and to perform related duties as assigned.
Directs the formulation of all goals, objectives, priorities and
work programs for the Parks and Recreation Department.
Serves as the principal ataff liaison to the Ramsey County Parks and
Recreation Commiesion; prepares agendas and corresponding
documentation for policy consideration and recomtnendation to the
Ramsey County Board af Commissioners.
Analyzes the leisure needs and interests of Ramsey County reeidents
identified through applied research and reCOmmends strategies to
� address identified deficiencies.
Directa the preparation of the annual operating budget for the Parks
and Recreation Department; presents the proposed budget to the
Ramsey County Manager and the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners;
directs management and control of the operating budget expenditures
and revenues.
Represents Ramsey County on various boards, committees and task
Directs preparation of the five-year Capital Improvement Program
(updated annually) for the department; preaenta the Capital
Zmprovement Program to the Ramsey County Capital Improvement Program
Advisory Committee and the Ramsey County Board of Commissionera;
directs implementation and budget management of approved projects.
Directs the preparation of grant applications to the Metropolitan
Council, state departments, federal agencies and private sponsora
foz acquisition, development, operations, maintenance and program
services; directs the administration of grant contracts in
compliance with applicable rules, regulations and laws.
Directa the preparation ot
support documentation for
of Cammissioners; presents
policy recommendations with appropriate
consideration by the Ramsey County Board
recommendations to the Board for
�� Organizes and directs the administrative, financial and accounting
£unctions of the department to assure timely and accurate reporting
in compliance with the County�s administrative code and appZicable
Represents the department at public meetings and hearings involving
city councils, city appointed commissions, regional councils and
legislative committees.
Meets with buainess agents and labor representatives to address
mutual interests and concerns.
Participates in the preparation of Requests for Proposal and in the
selsction of consultants to plan, design and engineer capital
improvement projects; negotiates contracts with selected consulting
Interprets and administers parks and recreation policies in
ordinances as adopted by the Ramsey County Board of Commissionera_
Directly supervises four division heads and an administrative
secretary. Responsible for the work activity of over ninety FTEs
and approximately 15o seasonal employees assigned to the
department's fifteen divisions.
Daily contact with County residents, customers and apecial interest
group representatives regarding services and activitiea of the Parks
and Recreation Department. Daily to weekly contact with members of
the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners, County Commissioner
Assistants and the County Manager to discuas policy matters
pertaining to parks and recreation services. Weekly contact with
news media to discuss program servicea and other initiativea
involving the Parks and Recreation Department; and with elected and
appointed municipal and special district officials to discuss
matters of mutual interest. Monthly contact with state legislators
to enliet their support for legislative initiatives that advance or
affect parks and recreation services; and with othez state and
national parks and recreation professionals to share information of
mutual interest and concern.
impacts the quality of areas, £acilities and aervices provided by
the department (five regional parks, five regional trail corridors,
eleven county parks, nine protection open space sites, eleven indoor
ice arenas, four golf courses, a nature center, ten beaches and
other apecial use facilities). Proper performance results in
satisfied customers, safe and aesthetically attractive areas and
faeilitiea, high quality natural resources and in sound management
of financial resources. Improper performance would zesult in
� deterioration of areas and facilities, loss of custamers, possible
violations of OSHA safety standards and inappropriate use of County
Eighty percent of the time is spent in an o£fice environment with
daily automobile travel to and from meetinga outside of the office.
Ten percent of the time is spent in public meetings presenting
documentation and testimony to elected officials. Ten percent oP
the time involves site visits and inspections at parks, trail
corridors, arenas and golf courses.
County government.
Knowledge of rules, regulations and laws affectinq
the delivery of parks and recreation services.
Knowledge of the Ramsey County Home Rule Charter,
Code, and County Board policies and ordinances.
Skill in communicating both orally and in writing
of individuals and organi2ations.
Knowledge of the £ield of parks, recreation and leisure services.
Knowledge of the principles and practices of management and
Knowledge of the laws, rules and regulations governing provision of
pazka and recreation services and the availability of £unding
sources. •
Knowledge of the political and organizational atructure of Ramsey
Ram9ey County in
to a varied number
Skill in dealing with the media and making presentations.
Ability to organize, assign work and supervise a large number of
� staff inembers.
Ability to coordinate activities and deal effectively with public
officials, County Manager, Board of Commissioners, the media and
the general public.
Ability to analyze complex data.
Ability to make decisions and prioritize work.
Ability to plan anfl manage a major County department.
Ability to identify major trends in leisure services, prioritize
objectives and allocate resources effectively to address those
Education: A Bachelor•e Degree in parks and recreation, public
administration or a closely relatsd field. (Ntaster's Degree
Experience: Ten years of progressively responaible experience in
the management and administration of a public parks and recreation
department, inciuding four years 3n a manageriai capacity.
.. { ��
• P�sition Title:
Reoorts to:
qa �a�
Superintendent }��IU�PIA! �f}Rl�S
Office of ihe Boord of Commissioners
and Superintendent
Dotg: Revised Jan 1999
FLSA Status: Exempt
Board of Commissioners
� Prrcnarv Obiectives
Pov Level: 15
A. To provide pos�tive ond effective leatlership for the Pork Reserve �istrict wifhin me pokcies
estobiished by me Boartl and oppiicoble Ipws and regulations in o monner that wc11
achieve o sound development ond management progrom to serve the besf interest of the
B. 7o manoge c stoff of 240 plus professional, administrotNe, cierical, low enforcement, ond
mointenpnCe personnel.
V�toior Areas of Accountobiliiv
Board Retat(ons
5erves as Chief Atlministrative Officer ond Secretary to the Boord. Advises the Board on
policy matters and formuiotes recommendation for the Boord to consider in estoblishing
gu;delines. objectives, ond goals for ihe District. Serves as liaison beiween the stoff and the
Boord, keeping both groups well informed. Corries out Boord decaions. profiecfiing ond
implementing policy.
Staff Leatlership and Adminisiration
Provides o pos'rtive personnel framework which serves to othact, deveiop and mointoin o
competent, moiivoted stoff. Appiies personnel policies consafienfily, keeping siaff informed
of iheir occountobilify for pertormonce. Encouroges employees to work cooperative�y
towortl common gools and provides me direction to reach those goots. Administers the
per5onnei, financial ond orgon2otionol needs of the Disfrict.
C. Future Vision/Stroteaic Direction
Provides overaii direction and guidance for the Pork Reserve Dishict by creating long ronge
and strategic pians to meet the changing needs af the pubfic for recreationai senrices�
Focuses on program deveiopment which will increase public owpreness ond use of the
Park Reserve D'atricYs geographicoly aiverse sites.
D. Interaovemmentai Relations
Buiids ond sustoins cooperotive re�otionships with intergovernmental agencies. Serves os
representotive with others of the Pork Reserve Dist►ict Devetops on otmosphere of trust
and cooperation with various governmentol bodies including local, municipoi, state and
federal jufsdictions. Mointcins up-tadote information regording tegislative activities wnich
offect the functioning of the Park Reserve Dishict.
E. PubGc Relofions
. Promotes activey the District antl its programs by serving ot times as spokesperson to
encouroge increased utif¢otion of the park system. Represents tne District and its exce-�lent
facilities to the generol public, communifies, corporotions, orgon¢ations, speciol interest
�oups, and the legi5ipt�re.
F• Butloet Pre�orotion and Adm;nistration
Is accountobte for the budget. Prov;tles fiscat direction. Monoges annuoi operoting
budget ond Copitnl improvement buclget to aChieve tlesired resutts. Assures fhot a11
budgetnry and monagement controls ore mainioined. Initiotes cr�tive fundraising efforrs
by thg DiSfriCt.
A. Statutorv
Minnesoto Statute 398.10 requires thot the Superintendent have had ot leost ten yeors
experience in business or in public adminisirotion, at least five years of which sholl hove
been in o responsible administrotive capacity ond ai leost three yecars in the administration
of parks or recreCltion.
B. Educafional
• Etlucotionaty, at teast a Bachelor's Oegree in Recreaiion ond Porks, eusines�
Administration, Public Adminishation or reiated field from an accredited coilege or
university is requ'ved.
C. Knowiedges and Exr�eriences
Adtlitionoly, knowletlge of or experience in such oreos os the fotlowing is preferced:
outqoor and indoos recreotion planning: private seetor management; public finance;
budgeting; witdlife mpnogement: operdting both cost ond profit centers within the some
orgon¢otion; plonning of natural resource programs for public use: program promotion
ond marketing; development of progroms for use by o brood base of ine general public.
D. Skitis ond Abilities
BroodfDiverqent Thinkino. fiinks in possibilities; generofies tliverse ideos; understonds
the magnitude ond scope of programming ond poGCy decisions: sees the big
picture; offers creative, innovofive and imnginative idetis and ihoughts for review by
Boord ond Staff; suggests non-trotlitionoi programs or uses of ihe Pprk D'atricYs
resources; cnanenges others to ihink e�ansively and non-parochiolly: demonstrotes
inteilectual curiosity.
2. Problem AnoNzinp. Gathers complete information for probtem solving; solicits
actively ideas, anayses ond recommendofions Bom staff; solicits opinions ond
differing poinh of view; requests others to chaNenge oszumptions, recommendotions
antl tlireCtions; fosters an environment for open ond hank tliscussion of issuer,
bolonces legitimate d�ersify of opinions: perceives relationships within comp4ex
� issues; synthes¢es ideas and details: copes w'rth complex'iy and ombiguity: outlmes
options ond choices wailable to the Boord, staff and ofhea.
3. Makina ecisions. Accepts respons�b�6ty tor ddficult decisions; mnkes decisions under
� conditions of pressure ond risk; considecs o broad range of perspectives before
making decisions; tlisplays decisiveness; ?okes actions to reSONe immediote issues;
explains rotionaie for decisons to staff ond others: incorporates staff input into
decisions: mokes onry mose decisions oppropriote to the Superinfentlent antl defers
or delegates other tlecaions: mokes unpopulor decisions if believes strongy in the
decision; sfonds behind decisions: occepfs criticam ond difficutties wifih equanimity:
reevaluates decisions or recommendofions when appropriote•
4. Planning ond Oraan¢inq. Develops shortond tong-ronge pions; coordinates
resources effectivey; estabiishes goais and priorities; structures own ond othen'
octiviiies: creates pdministrative sysiems anri procedures; creotes ste�by-step
project plans; sets up ontl schedules future activities; deve�ops oi�ernate pians or
go/no go decision points; develops D"istricYS budgeY; constructs plans to continue
and expond sources of revenue: understands limrtotions of budgetory constroints.
5. Stroteqic Plonninp. Envisions what the Park Reserve Oatrict con ond should be in �10
years; sets generol plans for accomplishing those objectives: conceives of future
directions for the Park Reserve District; recogn¢es ond evaluates what is significant for
the D�strict; listens closety to tliverse views on what the Distsict wants and shoutd be:
minks of the future without being constroined by the present.
6. Delegatina and Controlling. Deiegates respo�sibiGty ond quthoriiy to stoff for
decision making and plonning; invoNes staff in tlecisions which offeCt them; provides
input and guidelines when delegoting key ossignments; sets up objective ond
measurable controi systems; holtls subordinates occountoble for pertormance ond
delegotetl assignments; emphosizes responsiblity ond authoriiy ot oll levets of Pork
� Reserve District management.
7. Showinq Consideration for Others. Shows appreciation for the efforts of others;
praisea employees for a job weti done; iespects stoff pntl self; ottentls to ontl shows
accurate c�woreness of the needs and feelings of others: deols with staff in a
consistent and toir manner; disploys no fovoritism; encouroges input from employees
ond others: conveys willingness to consider seriously the ideos ond suggestions of
others; lisiens courteously and respecffuily to others' opinions ond ideas: iakes
personol intere5t in stoff; resoNes differences diplomoticoay while mointoining positive
8. Demonstratinq Diolomocv and Neaot;atin4 SkiA. Knows the structure ot the Po�k
Reserve District as well as its relotionship to other ogencies and works effectivey
within those networks; recogn¢es thot no unit functions in isolotion and that the
needs and concerns of other units must be considered; demonshotes an owareness
antl appreciation of the pressures impinging upon aU porties invoived: works with
mony diverse factions and ensures fair ploy ontl equity omong those foctions:
understands ond accepts the politicai nature of the job: presents positions cogenty
while building support for those positions: knows when and how to work through, fo
defer to, to represent, or to press the Bocrd of Commissioners.
JRN-13-1999 09�00 HENNEPIN PFlRKS HQ
612 559 3287 P.05i06
9. Demonstrofin Leodershio Comoetence. Disploys a keen desire for leodership: takes
charge in o wide variety of situations: tokes the initiative in group ocfivities; expreues
ossertiveN views ond opinions to othea: influences others; insp'ves confidence;
idenfifies issues for action; provitles consistent direction; untlerstonds and knows
when fo use different leadership styles: encourages oihers to reach high standards of
peAormance: works to estobi'ah a sense of team within #he Pork Reserve D'atrici:
ensu�es that employees know exocty whot is expected of ihem; corrects
unsatisfocton/ stoff work pefiormonce and tlisciplines stpSf pppropriateN.
10. Communicatinq. Presents ideos in on orTiculote, understondabie monner: Gonveys
credibility, sinceriiy, ond enthus[asm; uses appropriate format, style and verbioge:
creotes an environment in which others ore expected to provide input: encourages
antl attends corefuly to the input of omers; ottends to others non-verbol behavror;
Clorifies or summor�es whot others hove said: uses octive iistening skills such as
poropnrasing ond restoting; projec�s a positive, forcefu! ond controlled imoge when
speoking; expresses self fluenty, cogently ond influentiaiy.
11. Keeoinq Others Informed. Tronsmits policy decisions antl underlying rotionale to
subortlinotes in o timely monner; stays aware of legislative initiotives effecting the
Park Reserve D'atrict ond approises Boartl of Commiuioners about such matfers;
maintpins frequent contacts with Boord members to exChonge informotion ontl
shore ideos: keeps staff owore of mission, g0ols ond operoting pions of the Park
Reserve District: knows how ond when to use verbol or written communications Yo
keep others informed of important tlecaions, octions or events: uses the M!S system to
communicate to oil statf; maintains Contocts with other legislative bodies to stoy
obreosi of importpnt developments ontl to exchange informotion; keeps
communicotions flowinA in ali directions.
12. Professionolism. Hos continued to pursue etlucotionoi ontl developmentol octivities
since cessation ot formoi etlucational troining; hos well defined goals for work ond
nonwork pursuits: desires responsibilily pnd authoriry; pursues career gools
aggressivey: maintoins strong commitment to me profsssion ond service to me
people: occepts ihe feoliiy of long days and working on weekends os the need
ori�e�: persists with gools ond projects despifie obstocles; maintains highest
professionol, ethical ond morol integrity; stoys current with developments in the
profession; shives to beCOme o�ecogn¢ed leoder within ihe professional communily.
13. Sel� Assuronce. Commonds respect from others while simuttoneousry respecting
othets; projeCts o confitlent and secure im�ge: i5 comfortable with self; orticulates
own strengths and weakneues in a reatistic manner; knows shortcomings and how to
deal effectively with them; acknowledges mistakes ond takes responsibuity for mem:
volues idiosyncrosies of stoff and others: wonts stoff to be visible and to toke credit for
occomplishments; stoys open to feedbock and to C��iCism from stoff, Boord and
others; fakes risks withoufi feor of being wrong, displaced or Critic¢ed: sees value in
me diversiiy of staff backgrounds and oppreciotes the significance of everyone's
14. Adaptabilitv. Mointo'ms consiructNe behw�or in stressfu4 s+tuotions: expresses
� emotwns approprioteN: displaYS sense of humor: anticipates chonge and responds
adaptivety to rt; keeps emotions under conhol when sudden chonges occur or when
tlecisions seem to be overtumed withouf good reason; demonstra'tes c will'�ngness to
revise plans and P��o�� �n light of pohcy chonges: operates effechvely in
bureoucratic environments: is Comfortable with ombiguihr i� Conflict ond dec+sion
rtaking; modifies beYsavior ond style to t`rt the socio� se��9� encouroges diversity of
opinions, siY�es cind ideas: staYs oP� antl flexibte to non-tradifional id2os or
prog�ams: staYs P�ent and cooperotive in stressfui situations.
E. P rsonol Choro er 'cs
Condidates meeting me above requisite knowledges, skills ond obil'rties should o{so: be
obte to make strong initial impoct; maintain oppropriate personol oppearonce: disPloYs
vibrance, energy ond enthusiasm: enjoy the profeuion of wiidi'de, porks and recreation
monagement; be outgoing and enjoy interacfin9 wim diverse iypes of people: enjoy
working with an e�ected Boord of Commiss+oners: posseu o zea� for moking tne Hennepin
County Park Rese�ve ��ict the poragon of such programs.
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Minneapolis Park and Recreation Baard
Park Superintendent
Posetion Profile
Background .
� `��
Ia 1883, the Minneapolis Board of Trade resolved to creace the finesc aad most beautifu! system of
public pazks and boulevazds of any city in Amaica. Some of the City Councilmembers baltced,
iasisYmg rhe City of MInneapolis boundaries would nevu extend very far and nature would always
be a short walk away. Forwnacely, �he fazsighced prevailed and today the Minneapolis Park
Syscem hu been wuted as the besr [ocared, bes financed, besr designed, besi mainrained pteblic
open space in America. "
The Minneapolu Pazk and Recreacion Boazd is responsibie for maintaining and developing the
Minneapolis Pazk System and for pzoviding recreazional opporcunides for iu cicizens. The Pazk
System is comprised of 170 pazks saetching across aearly 6,000 arses, of which more than 1,400
acres are water resources. Within the City's Park System ue 50 miles of desi;na�ed walking [rails
and 50 miles of biking uails. Pazkways encwine through the Ciry and trails conneaing the
Minneapolis Chxin of Lakes accommodace bicycle, skacing, and waiking traffic. The landscaped
waiking trails encircling downtown aze known as the Grand Rpunds. The Ciry's lakes are stocked
with walleyes and provide year around fishing
as well as abundant watez recreation
opportunities. By design, every home in
Minneapolis is wishin six blocks vf planned
green space from small neighborhood pazks to
che gsand Minnehaha Fails. Recreacion cemers
throughout the City offer programs for all age
groups from pre-school to seniors as wcli as
programs for people with specie! interests or
l\�'E.'�TORI' OVER�'llil�'
Propenies within the Minneapnlis Park System
� Regi0nal, city, and neighbvnc��od park5
feacuring playgrounds, todo�c, and picnic
• Gardens and nature sanctuaries
• 5 goSf courses and a Gotf Learning Cencer
• 49 neeghbvrhood recreation centers
• 396 baseball and softball diamonds
• 183 tennis wnres
• 11 supervised beaches
• 4 swimming pools
• 3'I outdoor ice rinks and 1 indoor ice siwcing
and hockey complex
� Wirth Winter Recreation Area
Minnehaha FaZls
In addition, many Minneapo]is cvlaual and historic
amenities are located on park land or are
administered by the Park Boazd induding:
Spoo,ibrulge a��d Ckerry ut the
�Iinne�pnlis Sculpture Carden
• Menneapolis Sculpture Gazden �
• Minneapolis Iastitnu of Arn
• Historic �ort Snelling (on a lease arrangement)
• Suven's Iiouse, God&ey F�use, and Longfeltow
House .
The Minneapolis PazY System's ]akes and
riverfronu have been feacured in many publicazions
including World ?Y�aveler Magazine, Desrinarion
Misnesora, and Urban Pa�kt and Open Space,
which featured Cedaz Lake Pazk and Trail as an
ouusanding example of urban pazk planni�g and
Qa� & R P�
,11 � ! R
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1'he Organization
TRe Perk and Recrea�ion Sys�em ;s governed by an eleaed nine-member Boazd with Commissionus
serving four-year term5. Six Commissionen are electrd from designated pazk d'uuicts and thrce aze
eleCted from the Ciry ac-large.
Park tiuperin�c�dcnt
Ass't Saperiat. Asz't Superint. Ass't Superint. Ass't Suycriae
for Recreatioo kr Openciuns Wr Plaaning for ACewiuntion
�he Recrertion Divis;nn jK� �e aeighborhood and community reereazion.centers, piaygrounds,
pools, b�aches, cvimcai/artsleavironmeatal programs, youth sports leagues, adult athletic leagues and
accivicies, special evenrs, and specialized services for ceenage youth. Over 8,000 yaung people
• pazucipated ia the I997 Yoath Sports Program which offen backetba]l, bazeball, sofrball, gymnastics,
hockey, football, soccer, volieybalt, wrestiing and team tnnnic. ��rion, 2,500 youngsters ages
6-8 pazticipated in spoits fundamentai pzogass at the local pazk 1eve1.
The bncrutinnc pivisinn
• The Maintenence S%�*;�r provides regular maintenance to ovn 100 buildings. Over 3,100 acres of
Nrf receive maintenance and care. Ali batl fields, wurts, swimming pools, and ice skating rinks
aze maintained.
� T_he Foresm+ Se�tion plants and maintains uees on city and public properties. Over 4,500 crees
were planteQ on boulevazQs and in pazks in 1997. Since 1992, over 7,500 trces have been planted
with funds from the Cery's Neighborhood Revitalization Pcogram.
• The Environmental Section oversees the implementation of an EPA Cleanwater partnership gcant
and is responsible for the improvement of wa[er quality in Minneapolis' lakes, rivers, and streams.
This section provides environmental education and awareness programs on a city-wide buis.
The Planninr Div4sitm pveneES the design and construction of patk facilities, plans for fucure
projecrs, and facilitates citizen involvement in the planning process. Projec[s require exteasive
colIaboration between the scaff of Planning and other divisions, cicizens, and Commissioners.
7'he Administrative Div�sion Provides integrated suppott services for the delivery of pazk and
� rrcreacion program services to alt users of ehe system, These support services include personnel,
informatioa and technology, finance, park police, and spccial services.
To�ai Tax Supponed Funds for 1997 were 537.7 million. The Total Entezprise Fund waz 39.4
million and Other Fund Totals were $4.8K. The Park and Recreation System receives funding from
fr,�eral, sta�e, and local sourers including federal granu, tegulaiive appropriuions, and funding from
the Mectopolican Coancil. People for Parks is a private funding resource which acsists �he Park and
Recreacion Board in special projeca.
1'he Position
The Perk Superintendent is the Chief Fxecutive Officu and oversees the planning, direction, and
implemen�etion of all programs and pol;c(rs af the Pazk and Recreation System toward the mission,
goals, and objeaiva atablishad under the Pazk and Recrea[ion Board. Specific duties include:
• Develop, recommend, and implement policies and procedures m the Board for their approval.
• Prepare the annual budgec and documencacion for funding purposes.
• Hire and supervise suff; plan staff assignmenu and review progress.
• Work within the political framework of the City goveroment. Work with City staff, City Councii,
• Councy, legislacon, and the Maropoliran Council.
�rv� tc op 10•tiG
/ ' , �
• Assure that the mission, pJans, and direetion of rhe Pazk and Recreation Boazd is communicated to
thc staff and d�e public.
� • Prepaze reports and represent die Pazk and Recreation Boazd ac mcetings of the Ciry Counc�l and
various state, fedecal and regional agencies,
•�aluace and recommead new progcarac and initiatives.
• Assist the Board in settinS S� �d P�ities and make modificatioas as needed.
Bactcground and Experience
Qualified caadidates for the Park Superintendeac will possess a four yar degree in business or pubtic
administrarion, architecture, landscape azchitecture, planning, or a related field plus 10-15 years of
progressive management experieace in a dirator or senior staff position. Executive Development
Programs for Pazk and Recreacional Professionals.edncation is a plus. Preferred expueence includes:
• Background in govemment or relazed field and euperience wprking with eletted officials.
• Good working Icnowledge of pazk operacions, recreation programming, environmenta! rescoracion,
and the provision of cultural and arts activives.
• Suong prodiviry for operations and maintenance praaices.
� � Significam euperience in labor negodations.
• Supenrisory expecience within a large organiaation.
• Experience in idencifying revenue sources and obtaining fundiag.
• Knowledge of the principles of urban planning and an undersranding of the importance of parks
and recreacion planning and programming.
• E�perience working wi�ti a culNrally diverse population. �
• Knowiedge of constsuccion practices retated io recreational fuilities� pta�elds, etc,
L _J
Q & Re �
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\�hr Q'e/
Manaaement Capabilities
� • Have a high energy level and eajoy the chatlengc of accomplishing what may seem "impossibie" to
• Be s�epportive of workiag with neighborhood organ'szations aad advisory boards.
• Reach out w the ciry's diversified population and incorporate therc in all programs.
• Eacourage scaff development and acconn�ability and acknowledge scaff achievemenu.
• Be visible and approachable. Listen. �
• Possess high pzofessional int�ity. �
• Be visionary and see beyond the icnmediace.
Chalienges and Priorities
• Review [he Board's long range goals and objec[ives. Assisc the Board in establishing a clear vision
for che Park and Recreation System for the 21st Cenrury.
• Assisc the Board in implemen�ing their Work Plan, which is developed annually in December.
i • Identify add;tionai sources of funding such as corporace parcnering, philanshropic organizaaons,
and foundacions.
• Identify s[rategies to provide desired services wi[hin a mature System, which con[inues to eapand.
• Continue coopera[ive workine relaiionships with federal agencies, state agencies, the Metropolitan
Council, and City agencies.
JHfV 1Z '99 16�43
P. 7
/ ' � �
City of Minneapolis, Pazk and Recrearion Board
Park Superintendent
Yhe 'besr located, ben,hnanced, besr desig,red, ben mainrained,
prrbl'u open sp¢ce in 1lmerica.' .
- Alexander Garvin in U.S. News & R'odd Report,
� lune 8, 1998
The Mi�eapolis puk and Recreation Boazd seeks applicants for a Parks Sliperintendeni to o4e�see iu
internationally rceognized, Nazioaal Gold Meda] awazd-winning park syscem. Kaown as The City of
Lakes, Minneapolis bouts over 6,000 acrts of beau[ifully maintained parY land and a citizenry
(popula�ion 370,000) thac enjoys iu parks. Wirh feanues such az the historic Minnehaha Falls, the
Mississippi River, the Chain oi Lakes, 50 retreation centecs, five municipffi golf couna, and
numerous savannahs and wetlands, the park syscem.meets a hoss of recreationa! needs and employs
cutting edge environmenul prolection strategies.
'I'he Superintendent is responsibSe for a siaff of 600 fu11 t�me and 1,500 pazt time �mployees and a
budg�t of S50 miilion. Candida�es must have a degree ia Pazks/Retteation, Urban Planning,
Landscape Architecture, or a related fieid plus 3aI5 yeazs management expetience in a d'ueews or
senior s�aff posicion. Familiariry and comfon with a large, uhnicaliy and cultnral(y diverse urban
seaing is a mnst. Candidates should have a working knowledge of the budget piocess, facliues
maincenance, park operations, recreation programmins, youch/adult athletics, mvizonmental
res�oration, open spacc/uaiS developmenc and �e provision of cuimral and ans activities.
The Part Superiatendent repotu to an independently eleaed Boazd of nine m�anbers. Expttience
working with public and semi-public organizations, wirh elected and appointed officials, as well ac a
vack record af conseucus building is highly desirable. Staning safazy 585,000 w 595,000.
Residency in Minneapolis required within six months. SenQ resume by 11/20/98 to:
The Brimeyer Gruup Executive Search
904 Mainstreec, Suice 205
Hopkins, MN 55343
(612) 945-0246 - phoae
(612) 945-0102 - fax
E-mail: Briss�Gtoup�aoi.com
Week of 1l4/99
Macch, 1999
Deadline for Applications
Presem Candidazes
Stazting Bate
Tne Brimeyer Group, ��.
904 Mainsveet q205
Hopkins, MN 55343
�r�ra� �oaanc�a �cer�ic �tOtaar�
� an p
s� r�n ar,a
Bamse� Cou
1621 Beechwood Ave.
Sc Paul, MN 55116
�wrva.fi endsoftheparl¢org
Pary R. Bolin
Vice Presidents
7eanne Weigum
7ames R. Bricher
Craig Mdresen
Liz Anderson
Ann Cieslak
Dan Collins
Thomas T. Dwight
Neil Franey
William Frank
Elaine 7ohnson
Marilyn Lundberg
Robett Nethercut
Mazk M. Nolan
Janet Olson
Scott Ramsay
Pierre Regnier
Jerry Seck
Mazsha Soucheray
Vice President Emeritus
Samuel H. Morgan
D'uectoa Emeritus
David Lilly
Truznan W. Porter
Ex Officia
Dennis Asmussen
Thomas Eggum
Marc Goess
Paul L. Kirkwold
Greg Mack
Vic Wi[tgenstein
Executive Director
and Secretary
Peggy Lynch
February 3, 1999
Members of the City Council:
Thank you for this opportunity to address placing the position of Parks
and Recreation Director in the unclassified service and the
description of work, typical duties performed; knowledge, skills and
abilities; and minimum qualifications of the Director of Parks and
The Friends have long supported the Division of Parks and
Recreation elevation to department status. This would also
necessitate that the Director of Parks position be unclassified, on the
same level as other departments.
After reviewing job descriptions for the Parks Superintendent position
for Ramsey County, Hennepin County artd the Ciry of Minneapolis, we
have some suggestions regarding the qualifications for the position.
Qualified candidates for the Park Superintendent will possess a four
year degree in park administration, business or public
administration, landscape architecture, or a related field (Master's
Degree preferred) plus 10 to 15 years of progressively responsible
experience in management/administrative capacity and at least ten
years in the administration of parks and recreation.
Knowledge of or experience in such areas as the iollowing is
preferred; outdoor and indoor recreation planning; finance;
budgeting; planning of natural resource programs for public use;
program promotion and marketing; and development of programs for
use by a diverse general public.
The superintendent should have the ability to create a long range
vision of what the park system should be
He or she needs the ability to sell ideas and stand strong in promoting
the needs of the park system.
The new superintendent must have strong communication skills .
We hope you will consider our suggestions.
Refemed To
Section 1. That it is appropriate to establish minimum qualifications for
the Parks and Recreation Director position..
Council File # ��'1
Green Sheet # 62413
Committee Date
1 An Administrative Ordinance amending Cfiapter 21 of � �
2 the AdminisGative Code, artitled Officer's Qualifications \� C� ,�
3 by establishing minimmun qualifiptions for the unclassified ���,\�
4 positi� of Parks and R�on Director. �J,�_ �
Sectioa 2. That Chapter 21 of the Saim Paul Administrative Code is hereby
amended by adding the following section to read:
21.08. Pazks and Recreation Director
��� �� �� - � �� ��`�
,'�— marc, ec� — �� �o (q�
The Pazks and Recreation Director shall have a bachelor's degree and
five (5) years of public or private sector leadership or management
ercperience worldng in or with large multifaceted service oriented organizations.
Section . -- � d be in force 30 days from and after
passage,ae�approval, and publication.
Requested by Department of:
Office of Human Resources
�: �'I���. �ti�-� h
Fo:m Approved by Ciry Attorney
By: � ��v� �� � 1 L IZ
Adoption Certified by Council Secretazy
APPro�ed bY Mayor: Date
Approved lr r for� mission to Council
Adopted by Council: Date
�`'x�"°�"�"'+�°""""�` D"r� n'°'7"� GREEN SHEET xo.: 62413 a � �
Iiuman Resources 12-23-98
ooxrwcrrESaoxtraoxg: '� 9 � �'8
7olm Hamihon 266-6470 ,�,n�rr nm �'� s mroo�,
7ohn Shockley 266-6482 � ,�� , �
MIIBf BE ON COUNCII.AGFd�IDA BY (DATEj �Vln�G� )y¢ret�aec�V IZ "� `! O namut�tls�m�xlc
� _ � ` \ � S � uuraaloe.�ar�
Request approved of an ordinance establishing minimum qualificarions for the unclassiSed Parks and Recrearion
Director posirion -
saeaa�mnrcors:nyaweU>aay�e(a� rasorur.�vicecoxrnwers�sr�x�tou.ownvc�aoms:
L x..misymml5�e,a.aaraa�easar�o�tta�isdep.tm�t
CID �4AT� 2 Hetlrispmmlf�aa6ema a9'mp�cCt
3. Doat
Ys No
4 bth'speamlf�amRldvmdor!
Ys No
2y V I� a� 7s rwws N�pewe aLee! d aNael to pen aleet
n�nxinxnvcrseos�,isscr�,orroaTmvrrsr �w�ro,wrr.wr `
Mln�mum requirements need to be established in order to enhance the selection of a qualified Parks
and Recreation Director.
anvniv�rwcES � �►rrxos�n:
Parks and Recreation Director selection process will have established minimum qualifications for candidates.
ar&wv.uv�r�s rn �rrxovuo:
None _ -
ntawv.u�*r�crs u+ NoT ereAOVEU:
No standard qualifications wilI be established.
F[iNDING80IIRCE: ACfiViTYN[1MBER: CiOURG'�'� �25��-'r.�T E �` ,, `°'�^•r
0�� � �_'3:g
��.� �� �� - � �� ���
� �-�r-i
Referred To
Council File # _I 1 �'�
Green Sheet # 62413
Cammitte� Date
1 An Adminishative Ordinance amending Cha / � p , t ' e � r 1' � 21 of
'Z �C � minictrgt'VC �.OdO� CAtI�Cd ��CCI'S .tuuuaaC3t1011S
3 by Cstablis}ling minim„m q�jj$qtip� fpT ihe unc]asgified
4 pcuition of Padcs and Recreation Director.
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6 Section 1. That it is appropriate to establish min'unum qualifications for
7 ihe Parks and Recreation Director posifion..
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Section 2. That Chapter 21 ofthe Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby
aznended by adding the following section to read: �
21.08. Pazks and Recrearion Director On[ y+PCU � 1 �
�uks and Recreaiion D'uector shall have a b lor's degee and
3� rS � �j�(�✓) � years of public or private sector leaders p or management
�,_ e�perience working in or with large mul ' service oriented organirations.
15 'Qeppc+s✓ �7 - - -
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16 Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its
17 passage,aa�-approval, and publication.
Requested by Depactment of:
Office of Human Resources
s �u,��' ���� �
Form Approved try City Attorney
�y.: l ���_�` � i d_ �Z
Adoption Certified by Council Secreqry
Approved by Mayor: Date
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/ s.�t� /� /
Adopted hy Council: Date
n�r�xxa�xp�c�covn,cu.. a�►xg n�a�.,.xsn aq ' �
Auman Resources 12-23-98 GREEN SHEET No.: 62413
coxrecrrsesoxtrgor�: 9 � $�un�ts
7ohn Hamilton 266-6470 ,n�ean�,r na Z'� s ac.aw�a,
Jolm Shockley 266-6482 ,� ,� a-23 � surrcr�e
r�mmnt� (2 •� �$
MOSPBEONCODNCII.AGENDA BY(DA'IL� =OV1II�G sPaauttant.�cv mtewczta�vii�0.'m
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Request approved of an ardinance establisivng minimum quatifications for the unclsssified Parks and Recxestion
Director position.
nac�mnzcors:n��(e)Qa�ea(� rsesox,�r.�vicecorr►sucraasosr�sw�r�pou.ownvc�r�s:
t. }L.misye�a.awtmamav,emsxs�thedma9�7
CID � 2 HsdmpeamlL�asbama�mploym7
C1VII.�ViC80�53ION Ys No
3. Doatluspmm/l�Po�es�alaLmt�IlYP�MnI��'��
Ya No
♦ BWispasmlSrm�t�tledvmdo[l _
Ys No
2yhi� w 7saww� w�p�nfe �1ed a�tatlrlb psm aleet
Mmimum requirements need to be established in order to enhance the selection of a qualified Parks
and Recreation Ditector.
nnverrrnc�s � �rraovEn:
Parks and Recreation Director selection process will have established minimum q�alifications for candidates.
None —
DISADVANTAGFSIFNOTAYPBOVFh.-- - -- - -- _ _.-- - -- ---- - -
No standard quatifications w�l be established.
FONDING80URCE: ACT1ViTYNUMBER: C+OUl1G,'� R`�So�"'� ��"'�•r
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