99-19�� ORIGINAL • �.�, : 'a ._� � P����a� - � (� f�� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� An Administrative Ordinance placing the z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 position entitled Parks and Recreation Director, fom�erly entided Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, in the unclassified service pursuant to Sedion 12.03.2(Fl) of the Ciiy of Saint Paul Ckiarter. Tf� COUNCIL OF TI� CTfY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Council File # q9 — � 9 Green Sheet # 62389 Committee Date oi�Ri ieuen h�AR 6 1999 Section 1. That it is appropriate and desirable to place the position entifled Pazks and Recreation D'uector in the unclassified service. Section 2. That pursuant to Section 12.03.2(I-� of the City cl�arter, such position st�all be established in the unclassified service of the City of Saint Paul. Secrion 3. That appoinhnents to such position shall be made by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council. Section 4. 17us ordinance sUall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its �ission as -; er Requested by Department of: Office of Human Resources �: f���/t. � ' �iu�� �� ��ff Form Approved by City Attomey !, ,_�>c � By: x ° l2�23 �au Adoptio Certified by Council Secretary �: �� ��� Approved by Ma or: Date i�' �7 ��'L �c/ �: �� ��� � ion, and eonsent th b� Approved b o for Sub �'on to ' / F:�CLASSVOEIN�SUPTORD2. WPD Adopted by Cauncil: Date � 4`� Dx8AR1'�arcroFF[cF/COUxcII.: DATE IN1TiATEB xuNrarrxESOUxcES �z-z�-9s GREENSHEET xa:62389 qq q wrrrncr r�tsox a raoxE: n�a,�rmw�rs �� IIarurm.a JOHN HAMII,TON 266-6470 or ,�e„s�n�rr me. 'Z " s cm auxco. 70HN SHOCKI.EY 266-6482 � z �,.�„ a „� /I�'�� � ��g � �a3�" MLRIBaYW@P�.AC�ASY�A7� YOITDIYC 3PINANCfAL�V � FWANQALB�[WACCIG OR71� �� _ � \ \ Q � ILAYOY(06ASbT.) 6 BVII.�VECECOiQLLffiQ7 \ l TOTAL # OF ffiGNATCTRE PAGFS 1 (CLiPALL IACATIONS FOB ffiGNATURL� wcnoxnx�vFSrso: Request approval of an �: " placing the position eatitled Parks and Recreation Director, formerly emitled Superintendent of Parks and Recxeation, in the unclassified service pursuant to Section 12.03.2(I� of the City Charter. xacona,�roaxior�s:appa<(a)Qa�aB) r�sox.v.ssavicecoxraecc�ssu�usr�uvsw�a�rou.ownvc�resaorus: 1. x.sddap�evr.oaaraa,eac.�faamaep.�Y PIANHINGWt�fISSION Ya No CIDCOI.4�TIH6 2 HrWispesm/Evmevcbemadly�IdyeeY C1VII.SSItVIC6COML�9SSION Ya No 3. Ibn this pmm/F� poees � aloll mt m�lh' Powec� bY mY c�aeaet cilY �P�3'a� Yn No 4. LWispaamYumategkdvmdrd! . Ya No S�tie YI yes aeswm a� aeprtaie aLeN IDd atheh W peen aheet INITIATINGFAOBLEM,ISS[SE, OYPORTUNCI'Y (WLq WMt, Wheo, Whe*q VYhyy �th the establishment of the Office of LIEP, former divisions of the Department of Community Services, have, in effect, become Offices of the Mayor. The heads of such offices now report directly to the Mayor. Off►cs Ditector positions aze usuatiy in the unclassified service. The Parks and Recreation Director posirion is currently in the classified service, however, by mutual agreement with the SPSO, the position was removed from that bargaining unit it and made non-represented. It was recognized that the confidential nature of the position had increased. The next step is to place it in the unciassified service. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Approval of this ordinance will allow the Parks and Recteation Director position to become unclassified and appointed directly by the Mayor. The position will have minimum qualification requirements and incumbents woutd serve at the will and pleasure of the Mayor. DISADVANfAGESIFAPPROVED: None. n�wv.uvzacxsu+xararritovsn: -,- Cp G�: A cabinet level Office head position responsible for cazrying out the iniriatives of the Mayor wou13 no� a unclassified and appointed direcHy by the Mayor. Most cabinet level positions are in the uncla�fied � c� �—�; r°' _ N [,, TOTALAMOUNlOFTRAN3ACiTON: sone COSt/REVENUEBUDGETBD: — ���-- FUNDINGSOURCE: ACf1ViTYNUMBER: � ? r 0 � �aivct,v,uu+oxManox:�a�au� ��E;R�',�`� .���£?�°�;;: i ,`,��� ° FIUSERS9tIRCOMMONIGRNSH'ffIR.WPD ��Ss G ���.6s� (ADVISORY SPECIFICATIOl� Q� � � � Title of Class: DIItECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION Code: 557 BU: 17 E$ective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK Generai Statemem of Duties: Performs Irighly responsible administrative work piannjno, o*oa„ ?� and directing, the operation of the Parks and Recreation system; and performs related daties as zequued. Supervision Received: Works under the administrstive supervision of the Mayor. Sunervision Exercised: Exercises general, technical, and adminispative supervision direcHy or t}uough subordinaYe supervisors and over all Parks and Recreation persoffiel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by the incumbent in tSvs class. Establishes and implements goals, objecdves, policies and procedure for the Pazks and Recreation System. D'uects the prepatation, impiementation, and administrxtion of the Pazks and Recreation System operating budget. D'uects the development of rules and regulations for the safe operation of the Parks and Recreation System. D'uects the planning of programs regarding pazk development and use, landscaping and plant disease co�ol, and zoo and greenhouse use and eapansion. D'uects the development of the master plans for pazk development. Analyzes operaiing reports and advises on methods to improve pazk land use and efficiency. Directs the maintenance and repair of pazk and recreation buildings, facilities, equipment, veiricles and grounds. Directs opeiarions, maintenance, and educational functions aY the zoo, greenhouse, and conservatory. Airects ihe development and administration of a broad recreationai program of activities and services fot children, youth, and adults. Dizects the development of gtant applicarions and preparation of £unding requests. c�q - iq Page 2 Conduets staff meetings, intetprets citywide and deparnnental policies and procedures, and directs the supervisory staff in theu appliprion. Represents the department at various citywide and civic a�ctivities where public presentation is necessary. D'uects studies and makes recommendations on property acquisitions and system improvements. Develops and directs collaborative approaches in determining citywide parks and r�reation objectives and in implementing programs; and coordinates the work of the unit with other governmental or private agencies engaged in the field of recreation. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Knowlege of current management and leaders}rip theories and techniques, organizational pracrices, and business administration. Ability to identify community nceds, develop Pazks and Recreation programs and develop the necessary policies for Mayor, City Council and eitizen review. Ability to develop strategies promoting Pazks and Recreation goals and objectives and to implement policies and procedures. Ability to develop and maintain cooperative relationslups with community leaders and organizations. Ability to demonstrate a commitment to the ethics, values and legal requirements. Ability to establish respectfui relationslups with customers, employees, and co-workers, and to demonstrate a sensitivity to diversity. Ability to demonstrate faimess and equity in dealing with employces. Ability to speak, write and listen effectively. Demonshated sldll in fiscal management. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS The D'uector of Parks and Recreation shall have a bachelor's degree and five (5) years of responsible public or private sector leadership or management e�erience worldng in or with large multifaceted service oriented organizations. Additional �perience may be substituted for the educational requirement on a one year of experience for ane year of education basis. F:\USERS�IiRCOMMON�SUPTSPEC.WPD Q� � ��. TITLE OF CIASS_ SUPERI2TfII1DENT �F PARKS AHD RECREATION DESCRIYTIO21 OF GTORK CODE: 557 ��l \ BU: 09 E££ECTIVE: 12/17/73 �eneral Statement of Duties: Under administrative appYOVal, plans, organizes and administers the City's Yark and Reezeation Programs; directs budgeting, personnel, public relations and related administrative policies; and performs related vork as assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all Lhe duties performed by all positions in this class. To direct the operation of the Recreation Section. To direct the operation of the Forestry Section. To direct the Section vhich opex:-�es the revenue-producing programs, such ss golfing, swimming, akiing, refectories, etc. To direct the opezation of the Athletics Section. To direct the operation of the Maintenance Section. To plan programs regarding park development and use, landscaping and plant disease control, and zoo and greenhouse use and expansion. To coordinate the fut�ctions of all park and recTeation operations and to a administer the expenditure of funds. To develop master plans for park development. To analyze operating reports and advise on methods to improve park land use and efficiency. To direct the maintenance and repair of park and zecreation buildings, facilities, equipment, oehicles, and grounds. To direct the operations of the soo and greenhouse. To develop and administer a broad recreational pzogYam of activities and sarvices for children, youth, and adults, Laking into consideration the resources and needs of the City. To plan and superintend construction, maintenance, and operation of play aYeas, and such other facilities as gymnasia,.community centers, and other recreation facilities. � To give direction to the staff by defining atandazds and principles of operation and by establishing program objectives. (eontinued on reverse side) OF PARKS AND RECREATION Page 2 SUPERINTENDENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION � 1�� 1 To prepare and present the annual budget, including support of proposed staffing pattern and other expenditures. To conduct staff ineetings, to instruct in policies and procedures, and to direct the supervisory staff in this activity. To represent the depattment in various civic activities where public presentation is necessary. To develop and direct public relations, bureau persoimel, and other administration policies. To prepare zeports, maauals, and other doc�ents and to revise and edit the minutes of ineetings. ?o have general supervision over the employees of the division. To study and make recommendations on property acquisitions and other expansions. To confer with other community officials in the interest of cooperative, vide objectives of youth serving or recreational agencies, and to eoordinate the work of the Division with other governmental or private agencies engaged in the field of recreation. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation and ten years' expezience in professional public recreation wozk or professional park management work, at least three years of vhich must have been as a Recreation Director III, Arborist ZZI, or equivalent level position in public recreation or park management. (No substitut3on for education.) OF PARKS AND RECREATION �� ORIGINAL • �.�, : 'a ._� � P����a� - � (� f�� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� An Administrative Ordinance placing the z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 position entitled Parks and Recreation Director, fom�erly entided Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, in the unclassified service pursuant to Sedion 12.03.2(Fl) of the Ciiy of Saint Paul Ckiarter. Tf� COUNCIL OF TI� CTfY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Council File # q9 — � 9 Green Sheet # 62389 Committee Date oi�Ri ieuen h�AR 6 1999 Section 1. That it is appropriate and desirable to place the position entifled Pazks and Recreation D'uector in the unclassified service. Section 2. That pursuant to Section 12.03.2(I-� of the City cl�arter, such position st�all be established in the unclassified service of the City of Saint Paul. Secrion 3. That appoinhnents to such position shall be made by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council. Section 4. 17us ordinance sUall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its �ission as -; er Requested by Department of: Office of Human Resources �: f���/t. � ' �iu�� �� ��ff Form Approved by City Attomey !, ,_�>c � By: x ° l2�23 �au Adoptio Certified by Council Secretary �: �� ��� Approved by Ma or: Date i�' �7 ��'L �c/ �: �� ��� � ion, and eonsent th b� Approved b o for Sub �'on to ' / F:�CLASSVOEIN�SUPTORD2. WPD Adopted by Cauncil: Date � 4`� Dx8AR1'�arcroFF[cF/COUxcII.: DATE IN1TiATEB xuNrarrxESOUxcES �z-z�-9s GREENSHEET xa:62389 qq q wrrrncr r�tsox a raoxE: n�a,�rmw�rs �� IIarurm.a JOHN HAMII,TON 266-6470 or ,�e„s�n�rr me. 'Z " s cm auxco. 70HN SHOCKI.EY 266-6482 � z �,.�„ a „� /I�'�� � ��g � �a3�" MLRIBaYW@P�.AC�ASY�A7� YOITDIYC 3PINANCfAL�V � FWANQALB�[WACCIG OR71� �� _ � \ \ Q � ILAYOY(06ASbT.) 6 BVII.�VECECOiQLLffiQ7 \ l TOTAL # OF ffiGNATCTRE PAGFS 1 (CLiPALL IACATIONS FOB ffiGNATURL� wcnoxnx�vFSrso: Request approval of an �: " placing the position eatitled Parks and Recreation Director, formerly emitled Superintendent of Parks and Recxeation, in the unclassified service pursuant to Section 12.03.2(I� of the City Charter. xacona,�roaxior�s:appa<(a)Qa�aB) r�sox.v.ssavicecoxraecc�ssu�usr�uvsw�a�rou.ownvc�resaorus: 1. x.sddap�evr.oaaraa,eac.�faamaep.�Y PIANHINGWt�fISSION Ya No CIDCOI.4�TIH6 2 HrWispesm/Evmevcbemadly�IdyeeY C1VII.SSItVIC6COML�9SSION Ya No 3. Ibn this pmm/F� poees � aloll mt m�lh' Powec� bY mY c�aeaet cilY �P�3'a� Yn No 4. LWispaamYumategkdvmdrd! . Ya No S�tie YI yes aeswm a� aeprtaie aLeN IDd atheh W peen aheet INITIATINGFAOBLEM,ISS[SE, OYPORTUNCI'Y (WLq WMt, Wheo, Whe*q VYhyy �th the establishment of the Office of LIEP, former divisions of the Department of Community Services, have, in effect, become Offices of the Mayor. The heads of such offices now report directly to the Mayor. Off►cs Ditector positions aze usuatiy in the unclassified service. The Parks and Recreation Director posirion is currently in the classified service, however, by mutual agreement with the SPSO, the position was removed from that bargaining unit it and made non-represented. It was recognized that the confidential nature of the position had increased. The next step is to place it in the unciassified service. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Approval of this ordinance will allow the Parks and Recteation Director position to become unclassified and appointed directly by the Mayor. The position will have minimum qualification requirements and incumbents woutd serve at the will and pleasure of the Mayor. DISADVANfAGESIFAPPROVED: None. n�wv.uvzacxsu+xararritovsn: -,- Cp G�: A cabinet level Office head position responsible for cazrying out the iniriatives of the Mayor wou13 no� a unclassified and appointed direcHy by the Mayor. Most cabinet level positions are in the uncla�fied � c� �—�; r°' _ N [,, TOTALAMOUNlOFTRAN3ACiTON: sone COSt/REVENUEBUDGETBD: — ���-- FUNDINGSOURCE: ACf1ViTYNUMBER: � ? r 0 � �aivct,v,uu+oxManox:�a�au� ��E;R�',�`� .���£?�°�;;: i ,`,��� ° FIUSERS9tIRCOMMONIGRNSH'ffIR.WPD ��Ss G ���.6s� (ADVISORY SPECIFICATIOl� Q� � � � Title of Class: DIItECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION Code: 557 BU: 17 E$ective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK Generai Statemem of Duties: Performs Irighly responsible administrative work piannjno, o*oa„ ?� and directing, the operation of the Parks and Recreation system; and performs related daties as zequued. Supervision Received: Works under the administrstive supervision of the Mayor. Sunervision Exercised: Exercises general, technical, and adminispative supervision direcHy or t}uough subordinaYe supervisors and over all Parks and Recreation persoffiel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by the incumbent in tSvs class. Establishes and implements goals, objecdves, policies and procedure for the Pazks and Recreation System. D'uects the prepatation, impiementation, and administrxtion of the Pazks and Recreation System operating budget. D'uects the development of rules and regulations for the safe operation of the Parks and Recreation System. D'uects the planning of programs regarding pazk development and use, landscaping and plant disease co�ol, and zoo and greenhouse use and eapansion. D'uects the development of the master plans for pazk development. Analyzes operaiing reports and advises on methods to improve pazk land use and efficiency. Directs the maintenance and repair of pazk and recreation buildings, facilities, equipment, veiricles and grounds. Directs opeiarions, maintenance, and educational functions aY the zoo, greenhouse, and conservatory. Airects ihe development and administration of a broad recreationai program of activities and services fot children, youth, and adults. Dizects the development of gtant applicarions and preparation of £unding requests. c�q - iq Page 2 Conduets staff meetings, intetprets citywide and deparnnental policies and procedures, and directs the supervisory staff in theu appliprion. Represents the department at various citywide and civic a�ctivities where public presentation is necessary. D'uects studies and makes recommendations on property acquisitions and system improvements. Develops and directs collaborative approaches in determining citywide parks and r�reation objectives and in implementing programs; and coordinates the work of the unit with other governmental or private agencies engaged in the field of recreation. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Knowlege of current management and leaders}rip theories and techniques, organizational pracrices, and business administration. Ability to identify community nceds, develop Pazks and Recreation programs and develop the necessary policies for Mayor, City Council and eitizen review. Ability to develop strategies promoting Pazks and Recreation goals and objectives and to implement policies and procedures. Ability to develop and maintain cooperative relationslups with community leaders and organizations. Ability to demonstrate a commitment to the ethics, values and legal requirements. Ability to establish respectfui relationslups with customers, employees, and co-workers, and to demonstrate a sensitivity to diversity. Ability to demonstrate faimess and equity in dealing with employces. Ability to speak, write and listen effectively. Demonshated sldll in fiscal management. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS The D'uector of Parks and Recreation shall have a bachelor's degree and five (5) years of responsible public or private sector leadership or management e�erience worldng in or with large multifaceted service oriented organizations. Additional �perience may be substituted for the educational requirement on a one year of experience for ane year of education basis. F:\USERS�IiRCOMMON�SUPTSPEC.WPD Q� � ��. TITLE OF CIASS_ SUPERI2TfII1DENT �F PARKS AHD RECREATION DESCRIYTIO21 OF GTORK CODE: 557 ��l \ BU: 09 E££ECTIVE: 12/17/73 �eneral Statement of Duties: Under administrative appYOVal, plans, organizes and administers the City's Yark and Reezeation Programs; directs budgeting, personnel, public relations and related administrative policies; and performs related vork as assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all Lhe duties performed by all positions in this class. To direct the operation of the Recreation Section. To direct the operation of the Forestry Section. To direct the Section vhich opex:-�es the revenue-producing programs, such ss golfing, swimming, akiing, refectories, etc. To direct the opezation of the Athletics Section. To direct the operation of the Maintenance Section. To plan programs regarding park development and use, landscaping and plant disease control, and zoo and greenhouse use and expansion. To coordinate the fut�ctions of all park and recTeation operations and to a administer the expenditure of funds. To develop master plans for park development. To analyze operating reports and advise on methods to improve park land use and efficiency. To direct the maintenance and repair of park and zecreation buildings, facilities, equipment, oehicles, and grounds. To direct the operations of the soo and greenhouse. To develop and administer a broad recreational pzogYam of activities and sarvices for children, youth, and adults, Laking into consideration the resources and needs of the City. To plan and superintend construction, maintenance, and operation of play aYeas, and such other facilities as gymnasia,.community centers, and other recreation facilities. � To give direction to the staff by defining atandazds and principles of operation and by establishing program objectives. (eontinued on reverse side) OF PARKS AND RECREATION Page 2 SUPERINTENDENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION � 1�� 1 To prepare and present the annual budget, including support of proposed staffing pattern and other expenditures. To conduct staff ineetings, to instruct in policies and procedures, and to direct the supervisory staff in this activity. To represent the depattment in various civic activities where public presentation is necessary. To develop and direct public relations, bureau persoimel, and other administration policies. To prepare zeports, maauals, and other doc�ents and to revise and edit the minutes of ineetings. ?o have general supervision over the employees of the division. To study and make recommendations on property acquisitions and other expansions. To confer with other community officials in the interest of cooperative, vide objectives of youth serving or recreational agencies, and to eoordinate the work of the Division with other governmental or private agencies engaged in the field of recreation. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation and ten years' expezience in professional public recreation wozk or professional park management work, at least three years of vhich must have been as a Recreation Director III, Arborist ZZI, or equivalent level position in public recreation or park management. (No substitut3on for education.) OF PARKS AND RECREATION �� ORIGINAL • �.�, : 'a ._� � P����a� - � (� f�� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� An Administrative Ordinance placing the z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 position entitled Parks and Recreation Director, fom�erly entided Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, in the unclassified service pursuant to Sedion 12.03.2(Fl) of the Ciiy of Saint Paul Ckiarter. Tf� COUNCIL OF TI� CTfY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Council File # q9 — � 9 Green Sheet # 62389 Committee Date oi�Ri ieuen h�AR 6 1999 Section 1. That it is appropriate and desirable to place the position entifled Pazks and Recreation D'uector in the unclassified service. Section 2. That pursuant to Section 12.03.2(I-� of the City cl�arter, such position st�all be established in the unclassified service of the City of Saint Paul. Secrion 3. That appoinhnents to such position shall be made by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council. Section 4. 17us ordinance sUall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its �ission as -; er Requested by Department of: Office of Human Resources �: f���/t. � ' �iu�� �� ��ff Form Approved by City Attomey !, ,_�>c � By: x ° l2�23 �au Adoptio Certified by Council Secretary �: �� ��� Approved by Ma or: Date i�' �7 ��'L �c/ �: �� ��� � ion, and eonsent th b� Approved b o for Sub �'on to ' / F:�CLASSVOEIN�SUPTORD2. WPD Adopted by Cauncil: Date � 4`� Dx8AR1'�arcroFF[cF/COUxcII.: DATE IN1TiATEB xuNrarrxESOUxcES �z-z�-9s GREENSHEET xa:62389 qq q wrrrncr r�tsox a raoxE: n�a,�rmw�rs �� IIarurm.a JOHN HAMII,TON 266-6470 or ,�e„s�n�rr me. 'Z " s cm auxco. 70HN SHOCKI.EY 266-6482 � z �,.�„ a „� /I�'�� � ��g � �a3�" MLRIBaYW@P�.AC�ASY�A7� YOITDIYC 3PINANCfAL�V � FWANQALB�[WACCIG OR71� �� _ � \ \ Q � ILAYOY(06ASbT.) 6 BVII.�VECECOiQLLffiQ7 \ l TOTAL # OF ffiGNATCTRE PAGFS 1 (CLiPALL IACATIONS FOB ffiGNATURL� wcnoxnx�vFSrso: Request approval of an �: " placing the position eatitled Parks and Recreation Director, formerly emitled Superintendent of Parks and Recxeation, in the unclassified service pursuant to Section 12.03.2(I� of the City Charter. xacona,�roaxior�s:appa<(a)Qa�aB) r�sox.v.ssavicecoxraecc�ssu�usr�uvsw�a�rou.ownvc�resaorus: 1. x.sddap�evr.oaaraa,eac.�faamaep.�Y PIANHINGWt�fISSION Ya No CIDCOI.4�TIH6 2 HrWispesm/Evmevcbemadly�IdyeeY C1VII.SSItVIC6COML�9SSION Ya No 3. Ibn this pmm/F� poees � aloll mt m�lh' Powec� bY mY c�aeaet cilY �P�3'a� Yn No 4. LWispaamYumategkdvmdrd! . Ya No S�tie YI yes aeswm a� aeprtaie aLeN IDd atheh W peen aheet INITIATINGFAOBLEM,ISS[SE, OYPORTUNCI'Y (WLq WMt, Wheo, Whe*q VYhyy �th the establishment of the Office of LIEP, former divisions of the Department of Community Services, have, in effect, become Offices of the Mayor. The heads of such offices now report directly to the Mayor. Off►cs Ditector positions aze usuatiy in the unclassified service. The Parks and Recreation Director posirion is currently in the classified service, however, by mutual agreement with the SPSO, the position was removed from that bargaining unit it and made non-represented. It was recognized that the confidential nature of the position had increased. The next step is to place it in the unciassified service. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Approval of this ordinance will allow the Parks and Recteation Director position to become unclassified and appointed directly by the Mayor. The position will have minimum qualification requirements and incumbents woutd serve at the will and pleasure of the Mayor. DISADVANfAGESIFAPPROVED: None. n�wv.uvzacxsu+xararritovsn: -,- Cp G�: A cabinet level Office head position responsible for cazrying out the iniriatives of the Mayor wou13 no� a unclassified and appointed direcHy by the Mayor. Most cabinet level positions are in the uncla�fied � c� �—�; r°' _ N [,, TOTALAMOUNlOFTRAN3ACiTON: sone COSt/REVENUEBUDGETBD: — ���-- FUNDINGSOURCE: ACf1ViTYNUMBER: � ? r 0 � �aivct,v,uu+oxManox:�a�au� ��E;R�',�`� .���£?�°�;;: i ,`,��� ° FIUSERS9tIRCOMMONIGRNSH'ffIR.WPD ��Ss G ���.6s� (ADVISORY SPECIFICATIOl� Q� � � � Title of Class: DIItECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION Code: 557 BU: 17 E$ective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK Generai Statemem of Duties: Performs Irighly responsible administrative work piannjno, o*oa„ ?� and directing, the operation of the Parks and Recreation system; and performs related daties as zequued. Supervision Received: Works under the administrstive supervision of the Mayor. Sunervision Exercised: Exercises general, technical, and adminispative supervision direcHy or t}uough subordinaYe supervisors and over all Parks and Recreation persoffiel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by the incumbent in tSvs class. Establishes and implements goals, objecdves, policies and procedure for the Pazks and Recreation System. D'uects the prepatation, impiementation, and administrxtion of the Pazks and Recreation System operating budget. D'uects the development of rules and regulations for the safe operation of the Parks and Recreation System. D'uects the planning of programs regarding pazk development and use, landscaping and plant disease co�ol, and zoo and greenhouse use and eapansion. D'uects the development of the master plans for pazk development. Analyzes operaiing reports and advises on methods to improve pazk land use and efficiency. Directs the maintenance and repair of pazk and recreation buildings, facilities, equipment, veiricles and grounds. Directs opeiarions, maintenance, and educational functions aY the zoo, greenhouse, and conservatory. Airects ihe development and administration of a broad recreationai program of activities and services fot children, youth, and adults. Dizects the development of gtant applicarions and preparation of £unding requests. c�q - iq Page 2 Conduets staff meetings, intetprets citywide and deparnnental policies and procedures, and directs the supervisory staff in theu appliprion. Represents the department at various citywide and civic a�ctivities where public presentation is necessary. D'uects studies and makes recommendations on property acquisitions and system improvements. Develops and directs collaborative approaches in determining citywide parks and r�reation objectives and in implementing programs; and coordinates the work of the unit with other governmental or private agencies engaged in the field of recreation. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Knowlege of current management and leaders}rip theories and techniques, organizational pracrices, and business administration. Ability to identify community nceds, develop Pazks and Recreation programs and develop the necessary policies for Mayor, City Council and eitizen review. Ability to develop strategies promoting Pazks and Recreation goals and objectives and to implement policies and procedures. Ability to develop and maintain cooperative relationslups with community leaders and organizations. Ability to demonstrate a commitment to the ethics, values and legal requirements. Ability to establish respectfui relationslups with customers, employees, and co-workers, and to demonstrate a sensitivity to diversity. Ability to demonstrate faimess and equity in dealing with employces. Ability to speak, write and listen effectively. Demonshated sldll in fiscal management. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS The D'uector of Parks and Recreation shall have a bachelor's degree and five (5) years of responsible public or private sector leadership or management e�erience worldng in or with large multifaceted service oriented organizations. Additional �perience may be substituted for the educational requirement on a one year of experience for ane year of education basis. F:\USERS�IiRCOMMON�SUPTSPEC.WPD Q� � ��. TITLE OF CIASS_ SUPERI2TfII1DENT �F PARKS AHD RECREATION DESCRIYTIO21 OF GTORK CODE: 557 ��l \ BU: 09 E££ECTIVE: 12/17/73 �eneral Statement of Duties: Under administrative appYOVal, plans, organizes and administers the City's Yark and Reezeation Programs; directs budgeting, personnel, public relations and related administrative policies; and performs related vork as assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all Lhe duties performed by all positions in this class. To direct the operation of the Recreation Section. To direct the operation of the Forestry Section. To direct the Section vhich opex:-�es the revenue-producing programs, such ss golfing, swimming, akiing, refectories, etc. To direct the opezation of the Athletics Section. To direct the operation of the Maintenance Section. To plan programs regarding park development and use, landscaping and plant disease control, and zoo and greenhouse use and expansion. To coordinate the fut�ctions of all park and recTeation operations and to a administer the expenditure of funds. To develop master plans for park development. To analyze operating reports and advise on methods to improve park land use and efficiency. To direct the maintenance and repair of park and zecreation buildings, facilities, equipment, oehicles, and grounds. To direct the operations of the soo and greenhouse. To develop and administer a broad recreational pzogYam of activities and sarvices for children, youth, and adults, Laking into consideration the resources and needs of the City. To plan and superintend construction, maintenance, and operation of play aYeas, and such other facilities as gymnasia,.community centers, and other recreation facilities. � To give direction to the staff by defining atandazds and principles of operation and by establishing program objectives. (eontinued on reverse side) OF PARKS AND RECREATION Page 2 SUPERINTENDENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION � 1�� 1 To prepare and present the annual budget, including support of proposed staffing pattern and other expenditures. To conduct staff ineetings, to instruct in policies and procedures, and to direct the supervisory staff in this activity. To represent the depattment in various civic activities where public presentation is necessary. To develop and direct public relations, bureau persoimel, and other administration policies. To prepare zeports, maauals, and other doc�ents and to revise and edit the minutes of ineetings. ?o have general supervision over the employees of the division. To study and make recommendations on property acquisitions and other expansions. To confer with other community officials in the interest of cooperative, vide objectives of youth serving or recreational agencies, and to eoordinate the work of the Division with other governmental or private agencies engaged in the field of recreation. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation and ten years' expezience in professional public recreation wozk or professional park management work, at least three years of vhich must have been as a Recreation Director III, Arborist ZZI, or equivalent level position in public recreation or park management. (No substitut3on for education.) OF PARKS AND RECREATION