D00229CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR C� Approved Copies to: — Ciry Clerk (Original) — Fnance DepYs Accounting Divisbn — Requesting Dept ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION No: �229 Date: - �31_� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authwiry granted to the Mayw in Seetion 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the DepartmeM of Fnance & ManagemeM Services to amend the 7994 budget of the General Fund fund, the Direct� Fnance and Management Services DeparimeM is at�ihwized in amend said budget in the following manner. DEPARTMENT&DIVISION: CURRENT APPROVED LEDGER, FUND, ACTIVlTY, OBJECT, PROJECT BUDGET CHANGES Finance & Management Services Citywide Information Services GL-001 01115-0282 Rental - Office GL-001 01115-0295 Moving GL-001 01 i 15-0554 Real Estate Tax GL-001 01115-0857 Data Processing Hardware All Other Spending • 82,500 7,703 3,415 95,445 1,493,469 1,682,532 Date $ 3 �l' Date � ��1�� Date AMENDED BUDGEf 3,415 85,915 (7,703) 0 (3,415) 0 7,703 103,148 0 1,493,469 0 1,682,532 � ��-~ h.,,2�Q proved by: Bu get Director J�(�zz9 DEPARTMENTlOPFICE/COUNqL DATE INfT1ATED FINANCEJCZTXFIIAE I�]F'0 S,ERVI s—�9—�a GREEN SHEE N_ 2 3 211 CANTACT PERSON & PHONE INRIAVDATE INRIAUDATE DEPARTMENTDIPECfOR �CITYCOUNpL Gregory J. Haupt � LQ(t) ASSIGN Q arvnrroan�v Q a'rvc�a�c T BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) � pp�� BUDGET DIRECTO � FlN. & MGT. SERVICES Dlfi. OROER O MqYOR (OR ASSISTA!!n � Greg Haup Cils TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION flE�UESTED: Signature on Administratabe Order approving 1994 Budget ReVision RECOMMEtaDA7loNS: Approva (A) or Raject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAC75 MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMIS310N �� Has this person/firtn ever worked under a conVact for this department? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this personrtrtn ever been a city employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ DISTRIC7 COUFii _ 3. Does this pereon/flrm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any curreM ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain ell yes answers on separeta sheet and attaeh to green aheet INITIATING PqOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOFTUNITV (Wlro, Whal, When. Where, Why): Money is currently assigned to object codes, which.will not be us.ed tfiis,yea�g:�v�=,,.. ��U 2 � °z �'�3��'�� y�; ;.i�� ANTAGESIFAPPROVEO: Money from the 0554 Rea3 Estate Tax will be transferred to the 0282 object code where it is actually being spent. Money from the 0295 Moving object code will be retnrned to tTie 08"57 bata Processing Hardware code from wfiicfi it was taken, DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED. None. 4�ECEIVEf9 RECEIVED �'�� 2 `� � g94 AUG 31 1994 pFF1Cti flf 7HE DIRECTOR �iTY CLERK D�PAR?NtENT 0� FI�IANCE � DISADVANTAGES iF NOTAPPROVED: Money wi1l not be appropriately spent, TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ � COST/HEVENUE 9UDGETED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO �/ FUNDINGSOURCE General Fund pp7ry�7yNUMBEp ��l��lils FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) _i r, � � �a ��(