99-1142ORIGINAL COUnCil File # 9q � Y,�O� Ordinance # Green Sheet # 1�{�. lL's Presented By Referred To Committee: Date ��o An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereo£ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes {462357 and 64.400 of the Legislative Code, Sherman R. Rutzick duly petitioned to rezone properiy northwest of Grace and Toronto Streets and southeast of Osceola being legally described as (see file), from RT-2 (residential townhouse) to RM-2 (residential apartment) to allow development of a housing complex for seniors age 55 and over, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on 8/16/99 as having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the azea of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous properry within one yeaz proceeding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 9/16/99, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to { 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recoxnmendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and 17 WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on 9/24/99 and 18 recommended that the City Counc3l approve the petition; and 19 20 WI3EREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly 21 published in the official newspaper of the City on 10/7/99 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of 22 affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the properry sought to be rezoned; 23 and 24 25 WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on 10/27/99, where a11 26 interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning 27 the petition; now, therefore 28 29 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 30 31 32 Section 1. 33 That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 27, as incorporated by reference in {60.301 of 34 the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby fixrther amended as follows: 35 36 37 38 39 That property located northwest of Grace and Toronto Streets and southeast of Osceola being more particulazly described as: PUBLIS�" See file ORDINANCE CITY Of SAINT,PAUL,,MINNESOTA / ,�: i : / �-� � ' -c/ L — / ".J �p� 15 �889 40 be anfl is heieby rezoned from RT-2 to RM-2. 4i q,9 - i t 4�. 42 Section 2. 43 44 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirry (30) days from and after its passage, approval and 45 publication. 46 -� o�����A� Adopted by Council: Date �LS,°{ \ ) Adoption Certified by Council Secretaxy B y : U \�` �'�-- � r __ Approved by May Date � / � l LT/ 6��/ BY: /�.� Requested by Department of: Plannin & ^conomic Develooment By: '� Fox'm Ap r e by C't torney By: - Appro ��by Mayor for S is' n to Council By: ��� �ey�D �': . ;p,� ����� James Zdon 266-6559 ' BE ON COUNCILAGENM BY (Dl1Tq TOTAL # OF V '�9-11��- GREEN SH ET No 1 U2967 �� � t�.,,�,�.� p�,.� � rnr�naeEr t � � ❑ anacu ❑ wuwc�uaEnv�cFaon. ❑ wuwcr�aenn�ccra �..,��,,.�.�„ . � (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� CiTy Council adoption of a rezoning ordinance PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION . Has uas ae��m ever wor�ced mwer a conhact rwtnis depanmenn YES NO Has mie pe�aoMrm ever been a aty empbyceT YES NO „ Daes dtis Pe�sonlfirtn P� a Sldl not �a,mellYP�� bY anY cutreM CdY emObYee4 YES NO Is ihis pereoNfrm a tarpeted �endoYt YES NO dain all ves answers on seoarate sheet and attach to areen sheet Ordinance that allows the rezoning of property from RT-2 to RM-2 to to permit the development of a housing projectfor seniors. NTAGES�FAPPROVFD Housing project will proceed JVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None �VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Housing project will be stopped. AMOUNT OF TRANSACT{ON S (IXPWN) ���Y 1 t�' dJJJ .s�r� ���`� �� � AH -j �� �x ������� COETIREYENUE BUDQETED (CIRCLE ONE� YES NO ACTIVI7Y NUMBER � n V��'�51� �1�����4�i�. �;�i� �r .'.. '? . 1 ��. DEPARTMENTOFPLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT �t°l.�i��! 2- �•7 crrY oF sa�rr Pavi, Norm Coleman, Mayor October 1, 1999 Ms Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: Division of Planning 25 Wes! Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Te(ephone: 612-266-6565 Facsimile: 672-228-3374 lia.�;rnSt D ^'� ^ :,.-.. ! EY:S � tCv.�i�....�. � !' � . ." � I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday October 27, 1999 for the purpose of rezoning property northwest of Grace and Toronto Streets and southeast of Osceola Street from Rt-2 to RM-2 to allow development of a housing complex for seniors age 55 and over. Applicant: File Number: Purpose: Address: Legal Description of Property: Previous Action: Sherman Rutzick #99-227 Rezoning of property from Rt-2 to RM-2 to allow development of housing complex for seniors age 55 and over. Property northwest of Grace and Toronto Streets and southeast of Osceola Street See file. Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, vote: 12-0 (Mazgulies abstained) September 24, 1999 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, vote: 3-0 September 16, 1999 My understanding is that this public heazing request will appeaz on the agenda for the October 27, 1999 City Council meeting and you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6559 if you have any questions. S� cerely, � � � ames City P er cc: File #99-227 Paul Dubruiel Carol Martineau '�'T�• NOTlCEOFPUBLIC'*nrwnb.a• - The SaintPapl City Council wlll conduct a public h'*+ g on Wednesclay, OMbber 27, 1999, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Councii Cl�ambers, Third Floor, City Hall-� Coi�rtliouse, to consider the appl3cattonof Sher.man Rutzi€k to rezone pro;perty northwest of Grace and Toronto Streets and bf Osceola Street frum RT- 2£o RM-2 to allow development of a� housing complex for seriiors age 55 and over. - Dated:Actober 5,1999 - � � NAiVCYANDERSON . " -- . Assis't�nbCily Council SecreCary �' � , � � (Oct. 7J � �� - _ _ —$T�PAULIEGA[.��`x--- � � CTTY OF SAIN"I' PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor October 14, 1999 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #99-227 City Council Hearing: Sherman R. Rutzick DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVHLOPMENT Division of Plarsnrng 25 West Fourlh Streel Saint Pau[ � 5� 102 �� — l l`t 2— Telephone: 612-266-6565 Facsimile: 612-228-3374 October 27, 1999, 530 p.m. to 630 p.m., City Council Chambers PURPOSE: Rezoning property northwest of Grace and Toronto Streets and southeast of Osceola from RT-2 to RM-2 to allow development of a housing complex for seniors age 55 and over. PLANNING COMMISSION 9/24/99 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL vote: 12-0 (Margulies abstained) ZONING COMMITTEE 9/16/99 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL vote: 3-0. STAFF RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL SUPPORT: The West 7`� Fort Road Federation supported the rezoning. OPPOSITION: Eight residents sent tetters in opposition. Dear Ms. Anderson: This rezoning is schedu(ed to be heard by the City Council on October 27, 1999. Please notify me if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the property presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, ;7 ' ��-���� %James Zd ✓ City PI� ner cc City Council members �� �.�, � l d'�� � city of saint paul planning commission resolution �le number 99-63 date Septem6er 24, 1999 WHEREAS, Sherman R. Rutzick (File 99-227) has applied to rezone property northwest of Grace and Toronto Streets and southeast of Osceola Street, legally described as (see file), from RT-2 (residential townhouse) to RM-2 (residential multiple family) to develop a housing complex for seniors age 55 and over; and � WHBREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 9/16/99 held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and - WfiEREAS, Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its 2oning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: � 1. The applicant has purchased the property and is proposing to develop a cooperative housing complex for seniors age 55 and over. Current plans are for 75 units consisting of 60 two bedroom units and 15 one bedroom units in a three story structure. Underground and surface parking would be provided to meet code. Tota1 development costs are an estimated $8 million. In assembling the site, the applicant has reauested the city to vacate Daly and Toronto Streets. The street vacation request in now under consideration by the city. 2. The rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive p1an. The District 9 plan, under its land use recommendations p.5, states, x7 "In many cases, special sites should be developed £or higher zesidential densities." ,' "The city should take advantage of the high housing demand and West Seventh's vacant land to add housing opportunities in the district." The 1999 City Land Use P1an (5.4.4) states, "HOUSing sit>_s along major transportation corridors and near commercial centers should meet the demand for townhouses, condominiums and apartments."p3 moved by Kramer seconded by in favor 12 (Mar gulies abstained) � against Planning Commission Resolution File �99-227 Page Two � 3. The rezoning is compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact. This site is relatively isolated from lower density residential uses. Across Osceola street to the west and north is 2andscaped open space that borders the Pleasant Avenue I-35E Parkway and St C1air Avenue. To the east is a city playground and community center. To the immediate south are railroad tracks and Grace street. This portion of St. CZair Avenue is a designated Metro Transit bus route and is used by approximately 6,975 vehicles a day._The I-35E Parkway carries approximately 62,600 vehicles a day. 4. The proposed development wi11 require site plan review approval. This review rias been delegated from the Planning Commission to the Zoning Administrator. Tt is likely that final site pZan approval wil2 be contingent upon the final vacation of Daly and Toronto Streets. 5. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the property stating support for the rezoning (3 parcels eligible, 2 parcels required, and 2 parcels signed). Therefore, Be It Resolved, based on findings 1 through 5, the Planning Commission recommends to the Saint Paul City Council approval of the � application to rezone property northwest of Grace and Toronto streets and southeast of Osceola Street from RT-2 to RM-2. � ��.�1��E2� � MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, September 17, 7999 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3i° Ffoor City Hall and Court House 15 West Keilogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: Gordon, Kramer, Morton Field, Engh, Faricy, Gervais, Nowlin Peter Warner, City Attorney Laurie Kaplan, Allan Torstenson and James Zdon of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Kramer. Sherman R. Rutzick (99-227) - Rezoning from RT-2 to RM-2 to allow for a medium density housing project. James Zdon made a slide presentation and staff report with a recommendatio� for approvai. The zoning committee has received a letter from the West Seventh Street Federation recommending approvai of the rezoning contingent that it remain a cooperative housing project � for seniors. StafF also handed out several letters from residences in the area; there are 8 property owners who have written in opposed to the rezoning. The applicant, Sherman R. Rutzick, explained that the development will consist of 75 apartments with underground parking and 30 off-street parking spots on the site. Residents wiil pay a$25,000 down-payment and become part of a blanket mortgage that each has a share in. Monthly charges include the mortgage and all maintenance. The oniy additional expense the tenant has to pay is the telephone. If a tenant chooses to move out, the unit is automaticaily purchased by the Board of the Osceoia Park Apartments. If the tenant wishes to sell it themselves, they can. The units will increase a minimum of 1% per year. In order to start developing, 90% of the units must be sold. A one bedroom unit wiil cost about $135,000 and two bedrooms will cost about $155,000. There were no other peopie present to speak so Commissioner Kramer ciosed the public hearing. Commissioner Gordon moved to approve and Commissioner Morton seconded. Adopted Yeas - 3 Drafted by: � �.� l w taurie Kaplan Recording Secretary Backup Nays - 0 Submitted by: ApQraved by: � J�-, ) �, ��,�� !,�-� ,�,u,�� AAa� Tors , nson �c L(tt n Field Zoning Section Chair a ZONING FILE �# 99-227 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 APPLICANT: RUTZICK, SHERMAN R. CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning LOCATION: North_west of Toronto and Grace Streets; southeast of O5ceo2a Street. PLANNING DISTRZCT: 9 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: see £ile PRESENT ZONING: RT-2 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: Section 64.400(a) STAFF INVESTZGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 9/08/99 BY: James Zdon DATE OF HEARING: 9/16/99 8. DATE RECEIVED: OS/16/99 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 10/15/99 A, PIIRPOSE: Rezoning from RT-2 to RM-2 to allow for a medium density housing project S. PARCEL SIZE: The rezoning involves two parcels separated by the unimproved Daly Street right of way. The first parcel is a triangular shaped property having approximately 240 feet of frontage north of Grace Street, 110 feet of frontage along Daly Street and 260 feet along Osceola Street for a total of 15,224 square feet. The second parcel has approximately 250 feet of frontage nozth o£ Grace Street, 240 feet along Toronto Street, 270 feet along Osceola Street and 140 feet along Daly street for a total of 47,200 square feet. C. EXISTING LAND USE: Both parcels are vacant. D. SIIRROIINDING LAND IISE: North: Landscaped open space adjacent to the Pleasant Avenue Parkway and St Clair Avenue in a RT-2 district. East: St. Clair municipal playground in a RT-2 district. South: Railroad right of way in a RT-2 district. West: Landscaped open space adjacent to the Pleasant Avenue Parkway in a RT-2 district. E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Section 64.400(a) states in part, "the council may from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning commission may from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines � � � �,�1_�� � should be changed. Section 64.400(b) states in part that "an amendment to the zoning code may b< initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners o£ sixty-seven (67) percent of the area of the property to be rezoned." F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: None. G DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMLfENDATION: To date the Fort Road West 7th Street Federation has not taken a position of the proposed rezoning. Three neighbors have telephoned in opposition to the rezoning. H FINDINGS: 1. 'i'he applicant has purchased the property and is proposing to develop a cooperative housing complex for seniors age 55 and over. Current plans are for 75 units consisting of 60 two bedroom units and 15 one bedroom units in a three story structure. Und=_rground and surface parking would be provided to meet code. Total development costs are an estimated $8 million. In assembling the site, the applicant has requested the city to vacate Da1y and Toronto Streets. The street vacation request in now under consideration by the city. 2. The rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The District 9 plan, under its land use recommendations p.5, states, #7 "In many cases, special sites should be developed for higher residential � densities." tt10. "The city should take advantage of the high housing demand and West Seventh's vacant land to add housing opportunities in the district." The 1999 City Land Use Plan (5.4.4) states, "HOUSing sites along major transportation corridors and near commercial centers should meet the demand for townhouses, condominiums and apartments."p31. 3. The rezoning is compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact. This site is relatively isolated from lower density residential uses. Across Osceola street to the west and north is landscaped open space that borders the Pleasant Avenue I-35E Parkway and St C1air Avenue. To the east is a city playground and community center. To the immediate south are railroad tracks and Grace street. This portion of St. Clair Avenue is a designated Metro Transit bus route and is used by approximately 6,975 vehicles a day. The I-35E Parkway carries approximately 62,600 vehicles a day. 4. The proposed development will require site plan review approval. This review has been delegated from the Planning Commission to the Zoning Administrator. It is likely that final site plan approval will be contingent upon the final vacation of Daly and Toronto Streets. 5. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the property stating support for the rezoning (3 parcels eligible, 2 parcels required, and 2 parcels signed). � I STAFF RECOAIISENDATION: Based of findings 1 through 5, staff recommends approval of the petition to rezone the property northwest o£ Grace and Toronto Streets; southeast of Osceola street, from RT-2 to RM-2. PET(710N TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE Department oJPfanning and Economic Development Zoning Section II00 City Ha!! Annez 25 West Fourtlt Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 166-6589 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION Property Owner, Addres C- Zoning ce ccse on{y Fiie no. �� �Z` :.: � �� � Fee � �----=-_ . T�� �-°�..._. ; Tsntative hearing -clafe -- J � City ��YiQJC St._Zip-SS/bT7Daytimephon.eCos���QZ��7' � Contact person (if different) S�1e �mc�� -K �-� �-, c,� Legal (attach additional sheet if S �,O C' �- �o TO THE HONOftABLE MItYO�t ANQ CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint P�au� �ing Or inance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, ,�H�'!2/���d /�. ���Z./e�-- the owner of all the land proposed for rezonin hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a � �� � zoning district to a_ p�.m- � zoning district, forthe purpose of: (attach additronal sheet(sJ 'rf necessary) Attachments: Required site plan ❑ Consent petition � Subscribed and swom to before me this �_ day of �+�n�.� , 19�. Affidavit ❑ sharon !. Peterson �°•� NQfMY PIfBIIC - NINNESOTA ' MY COMMISS�ON EXPIpES JANUpRY 37. 2000 ^, 1 . o.o-o-o-e.•�c -o. �C.lSi..[.�n1�-+-�4_J . � �U A �M�l. `_ ��� G�L 8y: ���-t _.� / ��x__� Fee owner-o praperty � / � TiYle: r, i i _,.�_. Page 1 of Notary Public pvCniiECTUPE ENGirvEEAiHG �� � SMMA �, Symmes Maini s McKee Associates n /5o Pb�+c � .�.�_ � 5'a��EGiC vLwNN�MG RESOVRCES �� � ���� Pro�ectName (//(�.(�/� �O�f^�N6 Prolect No. ��� Subject (�G_�"r, Sheet No. o` Prepared by � Date — ���, Checked bv Date � � � �A � � , , _ f2(o � c � G � � ,. , , _!/b- �o _ _ , �� . /oro� 9ro . _.___. � � tGR _ v .� � P � I , � ■ B01 NicolletMall,Su�tetc�JO,Minneapoiis,Minnesota 55402 Tei672.332.3654 Faz332.3626 0 n �-99 12c57P THE GAUGNAN COMPANY 786 9320 p-05 1 ' .� : - — _ _ � __.. ,. .:= �AiR AVE: , � ,�...._.-...__._- �.,_- � ..._. , ,.r-.._ ---____ ._: . .. . _ ., _.___�_ ..... _. � _... ... _� '� . .. �.. .... . f , ... i i �� : .... � � . �' . ' .�.;--._-.�. � � . � �__,_� � , : _, . , , ,. � � � ; � ..�� � . �= �:�: ;.��-� . . .. . � � : : �:: � ^' �',� l ��_- �- .'�' ��' . ��. � .: � � . .. ,- , �� � ... .._ ¢ , ... � � , u# �_ �. � � . - l � � � • �.� � ' . 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I� � St. Paul Townhouse/Apartment Sita �- ----- m ' i ::; 3:.t Size: �Z acras �. � � Zoning: R T -2 Agsidential (Permits up to 43 townho�ses) i 1---�--�•-- J9 ..utiX'�t�es: Available t4_ 6�te � �_ � TERMS AVAlLABLE . R. �• - � �=�� �,.� PRtCE--$1U0� m� I' as. ry � � s..2 5' � "� ��.�...�. Y ����_� ''° .� a ` i.._-- �i _._ I - ` ���h -- ti:; -- •�_ ... � �."}:� , ��, I�� ? ? _—... F--- � ,�";-'--: � v .>> :� i s' J L � .. _, � �-- -., ; : �. ' I � '� - - -� ' ;� q � - I ,-. F� � r �: • .. _._ ' � ---- - .. i�'� } - - c ; u : `----'17 6l � � -- - ± . � _ �� �_ l � . . -- = > -- : • �y � �i o i' • - 2 O , ) � - :•.���. �. .7 _ �--... .— � = { . . �, ---�'-� a . , , F ��,�.� - . _ '-'-" `v �t'3o n � �.._-__. � �� I� � � . ;r• .._.. 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CH£Cf�ED BY: o�� DATE: 6 ��(� � `�J _ �OIV'i�iA.� ���� � , � . scu� nTcvr RFSUBMITTED DATE PETITION RESUB�fITTED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVEA: PARCELS ELTGIBLE: PARCL•iS REQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: ZONING PETITION LIST As requested, attached is a list of all property owners within 100 feet of the property which you are requesting a zoning applica[ion. As a condition of your application, you are required to submit with your application a consent petition signed by a minunum two-thirds of all the property owners within 100 feet on the attached list, Only persons listed as "fee oFVner" or "homesteader" are eligible to si�n your petition. Persons listed as "taxpayer" are not eligible to sian your petition since they do not have full o�vnership of the property. A property owner may sign the petition as many times as chey are listed as an owner within 100 feet. Only one signature per property is counted as an eli�ible si�ner of the petition. Also attached are the peti[ion form, affidavit, and application materials. < � total properties are within 100 feet of the property for zonin� action and eligible to sign your pe[ition. � � � _ total signatures are required for a minimum two-thirds consent and a sufficient petition to proceed with your zoning application. Please return this list along with the original petition form, affidavit, applicacion and any additional supporting information and material that is part of your application. * Rezoning petitions must be received and held in the Zonin� office 7 working days prior to any applica[ion cut-off date. If you have questions about this list or any questions regarding this process, please calt the Zoning off'ice at 266-6589. C_� �` � �`• � � �t�t,- l � �, a-- � CZ'Z'Y OlE' SA.ZI� PA.TJL CONSENT OF AD70INING PROPERTY O��N�RS FOR A ,lZ.�'ZON.7NG �Ve, the undersigned, owncrs oFth� property ivithin 100 feet of tlic total contiguous description of real estate o�vned, purchased, or sold by THE PETITION6R within one year precedin� the date oF this petition ackno�vledge that we havc bcen presented «�ith the follol�•in�: A copy oPthe peti[ion of k'�ir.�� � (nameofpetitione�) ' � to rezone the property focated at kJzs�" S,dz v-� te�c.,'l� (�ef�a,'� S( ,�'�a.i� a.� ��j+�4 � � front a!'�T zonin� district to 1 � m Z zoning dislrict. � �i z� � z z� 12 Z& � 2. A copy of sections .�iU.'-�J`� through �vC) s 3, inciusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and flCnIlOR'IC(I diat �ve nrc �ti��are of nll oF the uses permitted in a R.{'n- Z zonin� district and we arz nware that nny of these uses cnn be esWblished upon Ciry Council approvll o(tlie rzzoning. We hereby consent to the r oi ' f ro erty i the ition o• toa I`� zoninodistrict. (i�ame o petitioner \Vc consent fo flic aPpi of ttiis i•ezoninb as it �vas expl�ined to us by ttie npplic�nt or his/hcr re�resentative. �(�1/J 5 C� 7�OTT: T}iis petition shall not be considered as o�cially filed until the lapse of seyen (7) working days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw hislher name fherefrom by written request �vithin fhat time. `, . o � � i � i � F i �o ok i ; � � 1 ��� ;OE �� � O �` i i ` ', b ; i �'� � � t � �i :v !J , ,� `� , �:1 .� , , -"'; l- .. .. _ �''= � � �- � f:=.: ., ti�: - ' � ,, f �. � � � � i t . �.� ;�� �.� e�' / v � � GR / a o , o � o � . . -o- c d ° t� ° J � o f; o o � o ;, o � U O � O �, O � o 0 0� o� �� a O � C {}- O O O O O O _� p O � � � O-- � � �- E-- � O 1— O � � � � �� � ��-- o 0 0 0 � a ofo o� {� 0 � ,T'�'#�CrS���_. � � �- � O o O F O n � " � r � � . � �� 0 �� • `� �� [s� ,� Q �� c.� If O �.� i� � j ��,���� ' : h � , t ` ����. r ��i �� 0 � l/3 �,`° rg : ` : � ' - ' .� -� -� �� � v' �.� � � K . ; "> . '.5' �,,, ; �-:� ,� g', ,• i ,-�� � �=� �� � � @;� �; � �c.-�r�r�� �, .� �. .,, . y .a :. �.� � �`� f ��? �� � � < - . APPUCF�NT KK I�s I GF v� R�( � w�� LEGENO �,Z�IN � py� � � ����••°+ Zoniny distri•�! L`ouridary PURPOS�� � � � ��i7T�T.�li1 subjed propert� •�� � .. FIIE :. _ DATE PLNG. DIST � N1AP K � � � � 0 one famiiy � Cxo tamily A-�i Q multipl? t�mil� A V E. ,. � �� �� _ r� - 1 L�,�.�,�:o ^ • � con �' p .v..�_ ir,:u��.,. .. V v2��n, – —.-,. - � . t -� . ST. � i 1_ �._ _ i . - _ , e, � i _C_'. _— . i. _n i' —' '::�` -7_ .� ...- -__'I_ =f_,_ _ �-'---_ :\ . ..._ _ =yT'—:: ` � _ \ ` � � ._�.�_ � .=-11.=-.........!_ _z _��- _� '-' ._ : -` __.—��::�._.,.._ � �,_ �,—���� �`_.��L� ,`� _' - - �-�-� = --:--�----�.. - ,:_� -r---�-- - -:'_r--_ - . ----- -- _`._ - . — _.� -___- -_-- - _ ;_-':_;_�::-�- --_-.±' -_ -�c . .� w --J ._�r_ " _"- - . -_" __" _' __–�= =_�::_:-- =? i = �:�� - � _ _ � � . . ...,; ��—.� _ -�—`(— G_`__i -_°_ . ��:,°. — � :. . = 1; , flT�; _ - - ---_�•. :T �� 11 _ - °- ___- =_ � .`;i � j � __- � _�•_-�';�.•.�� ___-;�.�_ /r °� �_�-_�L ��� � ' ' �_ =... �.� t. �-=---- : � � ����i%� : -__ . - . . .-- --��.._ _ _ � ,: � 0 l�t, �y�'l% � �` ; l ,�� / ,�+ . � i � i• -�i��: f,� / ��/;.� ,,/ I1 / � 1 -- �// . : c �_ r� - - ' ; '� =�. %." �- ��!i.� . 'G_ '�-_ % l . __ ' _ _ _ —T ��..r. .. ../ ! _ " � ' _ � • L_ • � ��� ..%✓� . ':. =r`�'J�-�—..�D� .� ;>, ;='.. .,� r -� aiv i : � �'��.7�`�=C. ,�. :.: : , ; � - _+ .'il 1 Ll:� I �'i �r �I����_,( � � . _� ��i. '�. J' "� __:. . :_.;:. ,. , �� • - J"=— � r - -_?�` rt. _ ' ,,' i _ '���:;7^I-i:-'-- � q� ����� �, . S? . � -" �� = ' _ ''i,::?� �- .. _ a`��' . . ' ^�� �.�� , j :�/ _- - ��[ ,'� / . -`�/ / �� �- , • --y-- J . ����..a! �_k . � a ..; _ i` J ' ��'+ � 1'i. � 1-.-�L?���_�_=" ,/ i i .� .. ��j ' "' __ri/ ' _ � � - � �.� __.' i� los_..>..�.,.. " % .. �' , •• ,i .:' -" S. � L/ i —_ �:����-� �_� �- . ��� �–��—_— --- i. — � i : __�_. :_�, —�,=�=- _ - � ::;',i�.�s:. Ti�L1'; - --��; =---��-,. � DISTRICT 9 ON —� � rt '°°° '"° • ������ ���� a_� � _—__ __' :�`:°_` _ ° _ ��_ =" ' _ _ —�`'— _– — – � � p � n 's a G � ' 4 � C � ^� � � � . � . , s ��'� � =1 � ,. , . . I �� ' I..�_ 14 � � F c � S � � p �'�S . v < '�� �� .-�.� N6 ; `�a . � ' f � .. i � �s; �'�'� _ ,� P 3 �. � S t } 2� � f � ��` � � \ �� ,�. � �., � . CITTZEN PARTICTPATION PLANNING DISTRICTS 1. SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HIGHWOOD 2. HAZEL PARFC HADEN-PROSPERITY HILLCREST 3. ti3'EST SIDE 4. DAXT023'S BLLTFF 5. PAl'NE-PFIALEN 6. Iv'ORTH END 7. THOMAS-DALE �� SUMMIT-iJNIVERSITY � 79.) �VESTSEVENT�I �� COMO 11. HAMLINE-MIDWAY � 12. ST. ANTHONY PARK 13. MERRIAM PARK-LEXTNGTON HAMLINE-SNELLING HAMLIhTE 14. MACALESTER GROVELARTD 15. HIGHLAND 16. SUMMI"I' HT( 7 " 17. DOWNTOWN � � � _ 2�� � i0_d 1tl101� ..��� r v. c ro(� 1 (, I , _ y,[�rw 1 = k G �++'� �a�,A � � ? z `8 - 3 a- CF ( ,��. � �_ � Septcmber I5, I999 � � To: Saint Pavl Planning Commission Zoning Commitcee Fr. West 7'"/Fort Road Federation Rc: Shcrman R. Ru¢ick 99•227 Dear Membtn, At its board meetingofSeptember 13, t949, the FedereCOn approved the rezoning requtst to RM-2 for thi: site for chc purpose of a cooperalive housing complex for seniois age 55 or over. If the purpose of the dcveIopment changes from senior housing we oppose the rezoning. Sincerel , r � etry Mo m e _ . - - " . c rm ara�z ( Tzb�'zam n�w ' . - � `` q sw} (� , ,� ' ��'"_ 1 `'L O� W, �^ e � ��r-�� �^7�r sy..x�_� '� a-�.v _ . . . C7' �� �� �� a5'�- �c��r �� ; �2 ❑a �� ❑���� . West 7th/Fort Road PederaHoa 9Y4 West 7th Street Saint Paul, blinnesota 55102 (612) 29&fi599 Cooperating F�nd Drive Member Affirmative ActianlLqual ppportuxdry Employer ...�......�R� � 7f`.cA cGCT�GT�.J�JC .JOI[N I2. & MAI2ILYN I,. I3I�UCL 30C So. Osceola Ave. Saint Paul, MN 55102 R: 651I298-1038 Scptcmbcr 7, 1999 7uning Comtuiltcc of lhc St. Patd 1'lanning Cnmmistion 25 Wcsl Four(h 5ticcl 1400 Cily Etall l�nncx St. Paul, MN 55102 Itii: Kcs� lo Public I[caring Nolicc Itc-zoni�ig Crun� It'1'-2 to KM-2 (o allow for a mcdium density housing projccl Lacation: Northwest uC Toruntu & Gracc slrccl; southcast of Oscco]a 11vc. [[caring llate &"Cimc: Scptcmhcr 16, 1�J9 �'3:30 p.m. '1'his Icticr is in respousc to the "Public Hcaring Nolice" �vc rcccivcd regarding the abovo-refercnced icqucst Cur ro-zoning by applicantShcrman R. RuV'.ick. � �Vc arc unahlc to attcnc( thc hcaring bccausc oC our work schcdulcs and arc responding in writing to c�ur oppositiun of Mr. Rut applicalion. lf you arc not a�varc, thc housing wiil be rigl�l on top ol thc railroad tracks and slcam piping. 111sa, lhe access to this housing would definitcly causc serious lraf(ic prublcm5. � �Vc "c�pposc" such a ridiculous rcq�rost by applicanl Mr. Itt+tzick 1'or thc lollowi�tg rcasons: First, a housin�� projcct would dcCinitclv clirninatc any furthcr apprcciation of our homcs. Sccond, we oppose any typc oC "low incumc" housing in our ncighUorhood or for lhat maticr in any neighborhood. If you rcvicw any slalislics �vhere "low incomc" housing is located, a) lhc tcnants are "noP' working low income tcnanGS, tticy are 4vctCarc(seclion R reci{�icnts wilh poor records of taking carc of lhcir properly; h) lhc crimc ra(c is highcr, c) thc apprccialion of othcr homcs wilhin ihc arca oC thc this type of housing dccrcases ralher tlian incrcascs; and, d) lhis type ut housing within a very short period of _ timc from crcction is an cycsorc lo Lhc communily. �Ve �vant our oppnsiliou notcct and reyucst thal Mr. Rulzick's application bc "denicJ" IC you 6avc L'urthcr qucstions, do not hcsitate to contact us. Yours vcry truly, � � � �,2� �.�, �,a ��i�� � Birs. Jeanette M. Koeck 318 So. Osceola Ave. Saint Paul, MN 55102 R: 65]/222-4027 Scptcmhcr 7, 1999 7oning Committcc o[ thc SL Paul Planuin�, Commission 25 �Vcst Fourth Slrcct 1400 Cily Hall �lnnex Sl. Paul, MN SSJU2 ILE: I<cspunsc tu i'ublic Hcaring Noticc Rc-zoning Irum R`I'-2 to RM-2 to allow fur a mcdiwn dcnsily housing projcct I�c�cation: Northwesl of Toronlo & Gracc strccl; southc�st ol Osccola Avc. Ilcaring Dalc & 7'imc: Scptcmbcr 16, 1999 rr3:30 p.m. 'I'his lcucr is in responsc to lhc "Public f Iceuing Nolicc" I rcceivcd regarding thc abovc-rcfcrcnced rcyucsl 1or rc-zoning by applicant Shcrman R. KuVick. I'm unahlc to aucnd thc hcaring bcca�usc I'm rccuvcry from rcccnl surgcry �nd I am responding in wriling t�i my opposilion of Ntr. Rutzick's application. � I"uppc,sc° lu sucli a ridiculuus rcqucsl hy applicant Mr. Rulzick for lhc following rcasons: First, a housing projecL ��uuld elcfinitcly climinale any furlhcr aippreciation of our homes. Second, I oppose any typc of « low income° housing in our ncighhorhood or for lhat mattcr in any ��eigliborhood. If you rcview any statislics whcrc `9ow incomd' housing is located, a) the tenanls are "not" working low incomc tcnants, thcy arc �vclfarc/scclion 8 rccipicnts wiUi poor rccords �f taking carc of their property; b) lhe crime ralc is higher; c) the apprcciation oC othcr homes wilhin lhe area of the this type of housing dccrcascs rathcr than incrcascs; and, d) this typc of housing �vithin a vcry short period of limc from crcclion is an cycsorc lo lhc commiinity. I want my opposition tu this projcct noted anct rcyucsl lhat Mr. Ruvick's applicalion be "denied". iI yuu ha� furihcr qucstions, do aot hesi!atc to centact me. Xou�:s vcry truly, Mrs. Jeancltc M. Kocck �_ � �,��-°e-� ,� ! Mrs. .Iohn ii. FlolzschuL 319 So. Osceola Ave. Saint Yatd, MN 55102 (G51) 224-8427 Scp(cmbcr 7, 19J9 Zonins,* Conintittcc oC thc SL Paul Planning Commission 25 �Vcsl Pourth Stroct 1400 CiR� Halt t�nnex St. PauI,�NIN 55102 RE: Rcspansc lo Public I-[c�iring Nolice Kc-roning fram RT-2 to KM-2 Lo allo�v for a mcdium dcnsity housing projcct Lucatiun: Nurth�vest of Toronlo & Grace slrcet; southeasl of Osccola Ave. Hcaring Ualc & Timc: Scplcmbcr 16, 1I99 C3:30 p.m. Tl�is lcltcr is in responsc lo lhc "Public [-Iearing Notice" I ree;cived regardin� the above-retcre�tced rcyucsL Cor rc-zoning by applicanl Shcrman R. KuVick. � 1'm wiahlc to aucnd thc hcaring and [ am responding in writing lo my opposition of Mc Rutzick's applicaliun. ["o�,posc" lo such a ridiculous rcqucsl by applicant Mr. Rulzick Cor tiie folfowing reasons: First, a � housing p�o woidd dcfinilcly climinatc any furthcr apprcciatiun oC our homcs. Sccond, I opposc �iny typc c,C `9ow incomc" housing in our noighborhood or for that mattcr in any neighborhood. If you rcvic�v any slatislics whcrc "low incomc" housing is locatcd, a) the tcna�ris arc "noP' working low income lenants, tltey arc wclCarc/section S recipicnts with poor records of taking care of their property; b) thc crimc rate is higher; c) lhe appreciation of other homes within the area oC ihe this lype of housinu_ dccrcascs rathcr lhan incrcascs; and, d) lhis typc of housing within a vcry short period of timc from crcction is an cycs�rc tc> thc community. I want my oppositiou to tl�is prqjcct notcd and ccyucst that Mr. Ruvick's application bc "denied". I[ you havc furthcr questions, do noi hesitate to contact me. Yours very trul,v, `71�-, �������-�-�� t9 S, �,a.e,z-c�1�— �.. ��--.. -�—.��� Mrs. Jack Hol�scliuh G ' /� �— ��-' � � ' � � ���� � p � �Jd � �L"�.r� " _ � Z (J �S(`l�0 �Q A I� •� _ �t`)�CP �V )lf-�Sc.��C ���. S ���- 3/� � ���-�'� �. � , C� �--� � �;'✓�.�� `� `�° �° � � �-�`-� ��`�- ��� �'� ��i�'�- ���-�v�-F, , � , � � � - - � _� -! ��-�7 ---- , � Q �� a -_. � `` ` , � � `_ � , � -; � , � � ,.,� --� - v , ,� �� - � � � � �� � �� � � � . �, �- � O ,_,:. .� 0 �1�1��1�a- ` �, i � �1 � �� �� � .; _�--_ , � �� � ,�� . � �� : ��� �t� ; �, t � ��. `�� � � � �`� i C� - � � - _- — , % -- ��� - � -�.,�;- r���� �-�z.� �: .; :�. _ a , ; � . c, ��CCz�?�.t>,_<z�_(� ;�-e��-�-_���� �._-:z -- --- - - -- --- � �-'= ��� -v'� � , „ l _ J �% �'✓n� - �� t�-��l .�-cv�j�C� —..-=--.�r-s..,�v� cc%_L_[.GC=-c��� ._� �,i _L<c 1'— L1.vri(,: ti� l Q� f � A / -- ---- ��Gt�'�'(/—"�-I.-•�/-�!�.'.l%`J._-`�1,-- L �"=Z_�.'�7't,� U - __.__— _. __ C> c �- �s �`� -- --- � sus�_,_ '�� �i� /��1 -- �� , , . i�i� , _>-�; �u=r�--��� � c^ s�.� � ,l ;, . � -- -- �ci�.— — -- — — -- - ----- -- — ---- - ------ � ------ — --�-�'}--, � ` ��— / _ _ !�.�riL"�� c.�-,!Z�'�� , , .\ -- ____-�' —�' 1- -��� `, -_ �_ � ���ex�?��. --�-�-�v�!J _c�w . �2�cn:-� ��--Cc, /�.��,_,�c-c3'�,,� . � --- — ---t �-L� � _ _ -��z�� ��t=��.e� � 4 -- Q� — (�' � �cs; G��� '/ � j: � � � �.�/ "'. 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Osceola Avenue � St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 September 10, 1999 Zoning Committee 25 West Fourth Street 1400 City Hall Annex St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File Number: 99-227 Zoning File Name: Sherman R. Rutzick This is in response to the rezoning of the property Northwest of Toronto and Grace Streets; southeast of Osceola. As a family we are concerned about the construction of a medium density housing project on this piece of land. of land. The following are issues which we feel need to be considered before approving this use The railroad tracks. How close can a building be constructed next to the raiiroad tracks? Grass fires are very common along these railroad tracks. When trains pass, it is very noisey, windows rattle, buildings shake. � The steam line. There have been times over the years when this pipe has sprung a leak. We're not sure if it is safe for a building to be too ciose to this. Tra�c. There is a problem with traffic on this road with the freeway entrance, piayground activities, and the curves on this road. During basebail season it is quite congested on this road. Parkina. Off street parking is a necessity. With the curves and playground parking the road can become very narrow, especially in the winter. Environment. Our skyline will change with the building towering over our homes. Our privacy will be invaded. This land is home to many small wildlife. If you walk through this property you wili see snakes, rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, many birds, and occasionally a raccoon. On a rare occasion we have even had a deer appear. � -� Soil. A soil test should be made of this land. The soil quality in the neighborhood is not consistent. Some areas are very hard rock, others are soft clay. Many yards have problems with sinking and unlevel yards. We are not in favor of the construction of inedium density housing on this property. We feel this is a very poor use of this land. . KathieernPoucher & Family � �� � �g � Re: Zoning File Number: 99-227 Zoning File Name: Sherman R. Rutzick I am a homeowner on the comer of Osceola and Grace. I have opposition to a medium density housing project if current traffic management is not improved. Osceola Ave. has become a heavily travelled access route to 35E at St.Clair Ave. The intersection of Crrace and Osceola has very limited visibility and being a bike route crossway the intersection has become very dangerous. More traffic resulting from the new project will increase chauces ior more accidents. The intersection of St. Clair, Usceola, and "35� has also become a very difficult intersection to get through because of St. Clair and Osceola traffic entering 35F,. Additional traffic resulting from the housing project can only inerease the problem. Safety concerns for bikers on the bike path must also be addressed as this path is heavily used by adults and children as well. It is already a dangerous crossing for the bikers and safety must be considered. I appreciate this traffic safety matter being considered while addressicig the request for a medium density housing project. � Sincerely, �il� � �GC2�� Maureen Murphy 301 Osceola Ave. S St. Paul, MN. 55102 � : :_�::�_- a f; -. - � r, r_.. �. � t � i � h � � U, � ,_ .. . ! _ Ara�t_. � ,.,.+. � .. ...�.:.- . �t°I -1 l �2- i What is Cooperative Housing? Cooperative Housing means cooperative orjoint operation of a housing development by those who live in it. The not-for profit cooperative corporation's "Articies of Incorporation" and "by-laws" are specificaily designed so the cooperative corporation wili be owned and operated by its membc;rs. Financing of Osceola Park Cooperatives is provided by members; equity (through fheir Share purchases), along with a 40-year blanket mortgage or conventional mortgage insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). Cooperative members are in effect their own landlord, thereby enabling the cooperative to be built and operated at an affordable cost. Because of the requirements of the mortgage program, each project must conform to quality, approval and operational standards established by the FHA. A cooperative is a unique form of home ownership in that corporation hold title to the dwelling units and directly assumes the mortgage, tax, and other obligations necessary to finance and operate the development, thereby relieving the members of any direct liability for those items. � Members support the cooperative through their occupancy agreements, which eliminate the need for each member to be an individual mortgagor under an FHA insured mortgage or conventional mortgage contract. The cooperative approach to housing has been successful largely because it provides a housing alternative for living, which is very much like continuing home ownership. In cooperative ownership, pride is instilled within its members, which results in a deeper interest in maintaining the property and participating in shared government. A cooperative is managed and operated on a democratic basis. Each shareholder gets one vote in electing the cooperative's Board of Directors, who will control and direct the operations of the cooperative. The firsf senior cooperative housing project in tfie state was "7500 York" in Edina. Occupancy of " 7500 York" was in October 1978. Seventeen years later, many of the original residents still reside at "7500 York." Cooperative housing residents normally occupy their apartments longer than renters do; therefore, members become better acquainted with their neighbors, and learn to work together for the general good of the people and the building. This arrangement leads to better understanding and growth of an active, viable community. � • Advantaaes of Membershi AS A MEMBER of Cooperative, your Share purchase entitles you to own a membership certificate in corporation. This entitles you to the exclusive right to occupy a dwelling unit and to participate in the operation of the corporation, directly as an elected board member or indirectfy as a voter. Members pay their portion of an operating budget, which is adopted annually by the Board of Directors in monthly charges. A cooperative is operated on a not-for-profit basis thus, any increase in the monthly housing costs is limited to actual increase in operating costs. Members are entitied to deduct the proportionate amount of the real estate taxes and mortgage interest paid by the corporation on their personal income tax statements. Monthly charges are allocated to each member to cover the cost of each member's portion of the mortgage payment, real estate taxes, building insurance, common area utilities and professional management, as well as � a"service package", which makes Osceola Park Cooperative living so desirable. By sharing costs cooperative members have an attractive hedge against inflation. lf a member decides to leave the cooperative, the membership cerfificate can be sold in accordance with a transfer value and rules set forth in the by-laws. The original share purchase price, plus any equity accrued, is returned to the member (or member's estate in the event of death) upon resale of the share. Generally, cooperative ownership allows for easy and inexpensive transfer, investment return, and considerable tax benefits. The purpose and goais of OSCEOLA PARK Cooperative program is to provide housing facilities and programs which support and foster independence, and provide a physical and social environment which enables and promotes a productive and fulfilling life for all residents. The physical and environmental needs of older persons constantly change. Its is the plan of OSCEOLA PARK TOWNHOMES to provide a facility and program that can efficiently respond to these changing needs — with innovation and flexibility. � q,� -1 l � � � Osceola Park Cooperative Apartments Offer: ♦ Patios or Balconies ♦ Spacious One and Two Bedroom or One Bedroom with Den Units — several attractive types to choose from ♦ Individually controlled forced air heating and central air conditioning ♦ All appliances —self defrost refrigerator; disposal; self-cleaning electric oven; range/range hood; dishwasher; carpet throughout; no-wax vinyf in Kitchen and Bath(s) ♦ Energy efficient window, 6" exterior wall and 12" ceili�g insulation � ♦ Individual decorator choices of carpet, vinyl flooring, countertops, and vertical blinds; prior to construction start, selection of tub-shower or shower. ♦ Spacious, well-planned closets and ample storage ♦ Central TV antenna system; cable-ready, telephone outlets in kitchen, living room and bedroom(s) ♦ Sarrier-free access throughout; 34" wide doors with lever handle lock set and lever faucet controls in kitchen and bath ♦ Easy and secure windows and doors, closing and locking design ♦ Emergency-call system, individually monitored � Osceola Park Cooperative of St. Paul � Amenities include the following: ♦ Spacious Great Room for dining, parties, lounging and special events ♦ Serving Kitchen for use be members for private parties or by a food service staff for group eve�ts ♦ Exercise Center and Craft Room ♦ Guest Rooms; for a nominal fee which is determined by the Board of Directors ♦ Fully equipped Laundry Rooms for use by residents; cost included in monthly charges ♦ Heated Parking Garage Space for lease at $40 per month ♦ Library/Computer Center � ♦ Central Mailboxes and "While You're Away° Service ♦ Elevators; barrier-free access throughout ♦ Woodworking shop ♦ Well-kept lawns and planting areas ♦ Garden plots for residents with a"Green Thumb" ♦ Additional Storage Rooms within building ♦ Mini-Bus Transportation included in monthly fee � �_ • 302 So. Osceola Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 October 16, 1999 Zoning Committee 25 West Fourth Street 1400 City Hal! Annex St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File Number: 99-227 Zoning File Name: Sherman R. Ru�ick Zoning Hearing Date: October 27, 1999 This is in response to the rezoning of the property Northwest of Toronto and Grace Streets; southeast of Osceola. As a family we are concerned about the construction of a housing complex for seniors age 55 and over on this piece of land. As stated in our Ietter dated September 10, 1999, we are not in favor of deveiopment of this property. We still feel that the following are issues which need to be considered: The railroad tracks. How close can a building be constructed next to the railroad tracks? Grass fires are very common along these railroad tracks. When trains pass, it is very noisey, windows rattle, � buildings shake. The steam line.. There have been times over the years when this pipe has sprung a �eak. We're not sure if it is safe for a building io be close to this. Tra�c. There is a problem with traffic on this road with the freeway entrance, playground activities, and the curves on this road. During baseball season it is quite congested on this road. Parkina. Off street parking is a necessity. With the curves and playground parking the road can become very narrow, especially in the winter. Environment. Our skyline will change with the building towering over our homes. Our privacy will be invaded. This land is home to many small wildlife. If you walk through this property you will see snakes, rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, many birds, and occasionally a raccoon. On a rare occasion we have even had a deer appear. Sojl. A soil test should be made of this land. The soil quality in the neighborhood is not consistent. Some areas are very hard rock, others are soft clay. Many yards have problems with sinking and unlevel yards. We are not in favor of the construction of a housing complex for seniors age 55 and over on ffiis property. We feel this is a very poor use of this land. If this land is privately owned, why does the cify plow the sidewalk and cut most of the grass on Osceola Avenue? We have always thought this was city or state property. Why are taxpayers cutting their grass and plowing their sidewalks? • Kathleen Poucher & Facxi ;������� ORIGINAL COUnCil File # 9q � Y,�O� Ordinance # Green Sheet # 1�{�. lL's Presented By Referred To Committee: Date ��o An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereo£ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes {462357 and 64.400 of the Legislative Code, Sherman R. Rutzick duly petitioned to rezone properiy northwest of Grace and Toronto Streets and southeast of Osceola being legally described as (see file), from RT-2 (residential townhouse) to RM-2 (residential apartment) to allow development of a housing complex for seniors age 55 and over, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on 8/16/99 as having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the azea of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous properry within one yeaz proceeding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 9/16/99, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to { 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recoxnmendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and 17 WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on 9/24/99 and 18 recommended that the City Counc3l approve the petition; and 19 20 WI3EREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly 21 published in the official newspaper of the City on 10/7/99 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of 22 affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the properry sought to be rezoned; 23 and 24 25 WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on 10/27/99, where a11 26 interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning 27 the petition; now, therefore 28 29 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 30 31 32 Section 1. 33 That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 27, as incorporated by reference in {60.301 of 34 the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby fixrther amended as follows: 35 36 37 38 39 That property located northwest of Grace and Toronto Streets and southeast of Osceola being more particulazly described as: PUBLIS�" See file ORDINANCE CITY Of SAINT,PAUL,,MINNESOTA / ,�: i : / �-� � ' -c/ L — / ".J �p� 15 �889 40 be anfl is heieby rezoned from RT-2 to RM-2. 4i q,9 - i t 4�. 42 Section 2. 43 44 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirry (30) days from and after its passage, approval and 45 publication. 46 -� o�����A� Adopted by Council: Date �LS,°{ \ ) Adoption Certified by Council Secretaxy B y : U \�` �'�-- � r __ Approved by May Date � / � l LT/ 6��/ BY: /�.� Requested by Department of: Plannin & ^conomic Develooment By: '� Fox'm Ap r e by C't torney By: - Appro ��by Mayor for S is' n to Council By: ��� �ey�D �': . ;p,� ����� James Zdon 266-6559 ' BE ON COUNCILAGENM BY (Dl1Tq TOTAL # OF V '�9-11��- GREEN SH ET No 1 U2967 �� � t�.,,�,�.� p�,.� � rnr�naeEr t � � ❑ anacu ❑ wuwc�uaEnv�cFaon. ❑ wuwcr�aenn�ccra �..,��,,.�.�„ . � (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� CiTy Council adoption of a rezoning ordinance PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION . Has uas ae��m ever wor�ced mwer a conhact rwtnis depanmenn YES NO Has mie pe�aoMrm ever been a aty empbyceT YES NO „ Daes dtis Pe�sonlfirtn P� a Sldl not �a,mellYP�� bY anY cutreM CdY emObYee4 YES NO Is ihis pereoNfrm a tarpeted �endoYt YES NO dain all ves answers on seoarate sheet and attach to areen sheet Ordinance that allows the rezoning of property from RT-2 to RM-2 to to permit the development of a housing projectfor seniors. NTAGES�FAPPROVFD Housing project will proceed JVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None �VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Housing project will be stopped. AMOUNT OF TRANSACT{ON S (IXPWN) ���Y 1 t�' dJJJ .s�r� ���`� �� � AH -j �� �x ������� COETIREYENUE BUDQETED (CIRCLE ONE� YES NO ACTIVI7Y NUMBER � n V��'�51� �1�����4�i�. �;�i� �r .'.. '? . 1 ��. DEPARTMENTOFPLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT �t°l.�i��! 2- �•7 crrY oF sa�rr Pavi, Norm Coleman, Mayor October 1, 1999 Ms Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: Division of Planning 25 Wes! Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Te(ephone: 612-266-6565 Facsimile: 672-228-3374 lia.�;rnSt D ^'� ^ :,.-.. ! EY:S � tCv.�i�....�. � !' � . ." � I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday October 27, 1999 for the purpose of rezoning property northwest of Grace and Toronto Streets and southeast of Osceola Street from Rt-2 to RM-2 to allow development of a housing complex for seniors age 55 and over. Applicant: File Number: Purpose: Address: Legal Description of Property: Previous Action: Sherman Rutzick #99-227 Rezoning of property from Rt-2 to RM-2 to allow development of housing complex for seniors age 55 and over. Property northwest of Grace and Toronto Streets and southeast of Osceola Street See file. Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, vote: 12-0 (Mazgulies abstained) September 24, 1999 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, vote: 3-0 September 16, 1999 My understanding is that this public heazing request will appeaz on the agenda for the October 27, 1999 City Council meeting and you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6559 if you have any questions. S� cerely, � � � ames City P er cc: File #99-227 Paul Dubruiel Carol Martineau '�'T�• NOTlCEOFPUBLIC'*nrwnb.a• - The SaintPapl City Council wlll conduct a public h'*+ g on Wednesclay, OMbber 27, 1999, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Councii Cl�ambers, Third Floor, City Hall-� Coi�rtliouse, to consider the appl3cattonof Sher.man Rutzi€k to rezone pro;perty northwest of Grace and Toronto Streets and bf Osceola Street frum RT- 2£o RM-2 to allow development of a� housing complex for seriiors age 55 and over. - Dated:Actober 5,1999 - � � NAiVCYANDERSON . " -- . Assis't�nbCily Council SecreCary �' � , � � (Oct. 7J � �� - _ _ —$T�PAULIEGA[.��`x--- � � CTTY OF SAIN"I' PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor October 14, 1999 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #99-227 City Council Hearing: Sherman R. Rutzick DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVHLOPMENT Division of Plarsnrng 25 West Fourlh Streel Saint Pau[ � 5� 102 �� — l l`t 2— Telephone: 612-266-6565 Facsimile: 612-228-3374 October 27, 1999, 530 p.m. to 630 p.m., City Council Chambers PURPOSE: Rezoning property northwest of Grace and Toronto Streets and southeast of Osceola from RT-2 to RM-2 to allow development of a housing complex for seniors age 55 and over. PLANNING COMMISSION 9/24/99 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL vote: 12-0 (Margulies abstained) ZONING COMMITTEE 9/16/99 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL vote: 3-0. STAFF RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL SUPPORT: The West 7`� Fort Road Federation supported the rezoning. OPPOSITION: Eight residents sent tetters in opposition. Dear Ms. Anderson: This rezoning is schedu(ed to be heard by the City Council on October 27, 1999. Please notify me if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the property presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, ;7 ' ��-���� %James Zd ✓ City PI� ner cc City Council members �� �.�, � l d'�� � city of saint paul planning commission resolution �le number 99-63 date Septem6er 24, 1999 WHEREAS, Sherman R. Rutzick (File 99-227) has applied to rezone property northwest of Grace and Toronto Streets and southeast of Osceola Street, legally described as (see file), from RT-2 (residential townhouse) to RM-2 (residential multiple family) to develop a housing complex for seniors age 55 and over; and � WHBREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 9/16/99 held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and - WfiEREAS, Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its 2oning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: � 1. The applicant has purchased the property and is proposing to develop a cooperative housing complex for seniors age 55 and over. Current plans are for 75 units consisting of 60 two bedroom units and 15 one bedroom units in a three story structure. Underground and surface parking would be provided to meet code. Tota1 development costs are an estimated $8 million. In assembling the site, the applicant has reauested the city to vacate Daly and Toronto Streets. The street vacation request in now under consideration by the city. 2. The rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive p1an. The District 9 plan, under its land use recommendations p.5, states, x7 "In many cases, special sites should be developed £or higher zesidential densities." ,' "The city should take advantage of the high housing demand and West Seventh's vacant land to add housing opportunities in the district." The 1999 City Land Use P1an (5.4.4) states, "HOUSing sit>_s along major transportation corridors and near commercial centers should meet the demand for townhouses, condominiums and apartments."p3 moved by Kramer seconded by in favor 12 (Mar gulies abstained) � against Planning Commission Resolution File �99-227 Page Two � 3. The rezoning is compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact. This site is relatively isolated from lower density residential uses. Across Osceola street to the west and north is 2andscaped open space that borders the Pleasant Avenue I-35E Parkway and St C1air Avenue. To the east is a city playground and community center. To the immediate south are railroad tracks and Grace street. This portion of St. CZair Avenue is a designated Metro Transit bus route and is used by approximately 6,975 vehicles a day._The I-35E Parkway carries approximately 62,600 vehicles a day. 4. The proposed development wi11 require site plan review approval. This review rias been delegated from the Planning Commission to the Zoning Administrator. Tt is likely that final site pZan approval wil2 be contingent upon the final vacation of Daly and Toronto Streets. 5. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the property stating support for the rezoning (3 parcels eligible, 2 parcels required, and 2 parcels signed). Therefore, Be It Resolved, based on findings 1 through 5, the Planning Commission recommends to the Saint Paul City Council approval of the � application to rezone property northwest of Grace and Toronto streets and southeast of Osceola Street from RT-2 to RM-2. � ��.�1��E2� � MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, September 17, 7999 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3i° Ffoor City Hall and Court House 15 West Keilogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: Gordon, Kramer, Morton Field, Engh, Faricy, Gervais, Nowlin Peter Warner, City Attorney Laurie Kaplan, Allan Torstenson and James Zdon of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Kramer. Sherman R. Rutzick (99-227) - Rezoning from RT-2 to RM-2 to allow for a medium density housing project. James Zdon made a slide presentation and staff report with a recommendatio� for approvai. The zoning committee has received a letter from the West Seventh Street Federation recommending approvai of the rezoning contingent that it remain a cooperative housing project � for seniors. StafF also handed out several letters from residences in the area; there are 8 property owners who have written in opposed to the rezoning. The applicant, Sherman R. Rutzick, explained that the development will consist of 75 apartments with underground parking and 30 off-street parking spots on the site. Residents wiil pay a$25,000 down-payment and become part of a blanket mortgage that each has a share in. Monthly charges include the mortgage and all maintenance. The oniy additional expense the tenant has to pay is the telephone. If a tenant chooses to move out, the unit is automaticaily purchased by the Board of the Osceoia Park Apartments. If the tenant wishes to sell it themselves, they can. The units will increase a minimum of 1% per year. In order to start developing, 90% of the units must be sold. A one bedroom unit wiil cost about $135,000 and two bedrooms will cost about $155,000. There were no other peopie present to speak so Commissioner Kramer ciosed the public hearing. Commissioner Gordon moved to approve and Commissioner Morton seconded. Adopted Yeas - 3 Drafted by: � �.� l w taurie Kaplan Recording Secretary Backup Nays - 0 Submitted by: ApQraved by: � J�-, ) �, ��,�� !,�-� ,�,u,�� AAa� Tors , nson �c L(tt n Field Zoning Section Chair a ZONING FILE �# 99-227 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 APPLICANT: RUTZICK, SHERMAN R. CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning LOCATION: North_west of Toronto and Grace Streets; southeast of O5ceo2a Street. PLANNING DISTRZCT: 9 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: see £ile PRESENT ZONING: RT-2 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: Section 64.400(a) STAFF INVESTZGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 9/08/99 BY: James Zdon DATE OF HEARING: 9/16/99 8. DATE RECEIVED: OS/16/99 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 10/15/99 A, PIIRPOSE: Rezoning from RT-2 to RM-2 to allow for a medium density housing project S. PARCEL SIZE: The rezoning involves two parcels separated by the unimproved Daly Street right of way. The first parcel is a triangular shaped property having approximately 240 feet of frontage north of Grace Street, 110 feet of frontage along Daly Street and 260 feet along Osceola Street for a total of 15,224 square feet. The second parcel has approximately 250 feet of frontage nozth o£ Grace Street, 240 feet along Toronto Street, 270 feet along Osceola Street and 140 feet along Daly street for a total of 47,200 square feet. C. EXISTING LAND USE: Both parcels are vacant. D. SIIRROIINDING LAND IISE: North: Landscaped open space adjacent to the Pleasant Avenue Parkway and St Clair Avenue in a RT-2 district. East: St. Clair municipal playground in a RT-2 district. South: Railroad right of way in a RT-2 district. West: Landscaped open space adjacent to the Pleasant Avenue Parkway in a RT-2 district. E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Section 64.400(a) states in part, "the council may from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning commission may from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines � � � �,�1_�� � should be changed. Section 64.400(b) states in part that "an amendment to the zoning code may b< initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners o£ sixty-seven (67) percent of the area of the property to be rezoned." F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: None. G DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMLfENDATION: To date the Fort Road West 7th Street Federation has not taken a position of the proposed rezoning. Three neighbors have telephoned in opposition to the rezoning. H FINDINGS: 1. 'i'he applicant has purchased the property and is proposing to develop a cooperative housing complex for seniors age 55 and over. Current plans are for 75 units consisting of 60 two bedroom units and 15 one bedroom units in a three story structure. Und=_rground and surface parking would be provided to meet code. Total development costs are an estimated $8 million. In assembling the site, the applicant has requested the city to vacate Da1y and Toronto Streets. The street vacation request in now under consideration by the city. 2. The rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The District 9 plan, under its land use recommendations p.5, states, #7 "In many cases, special sites should be developed for higher residential � densities." tt10. "The city should take advantage of the high housing demand and West Seventh's vacant land to add housing opportunities in the district." The 1999 City Land Use Plan (5.4.4) states, "HOUSing sites along major transportation corridors and near commercial centers should meet the demand for townhouses, condominiums and apartments."p31. 3. The rezoning is compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact. This site is relatively isolated from lower density residential uses. Across Osceola street to the west and north is landscaped open space that borders the Pleasant Avenue I-35E Parkway and St C1air Avenue. To the east is a city playground and community center. To the immediate south are railroad tracks and Grace street. This portion of St. Clair Avenue is a designated Metro Transit bus route and is used by approximately 6,975 vehicles a day. The I-35E Parkway carries approximately 62,600 vehicles a day. 4. The proposed development will require site plan review approval. This review has been delegated from the Planning Commission to the Zoning Administrator. It is likely that final site plan approval will be contingent upon the final vacation of Daly and Toronto Streets. 5. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the property stating support for the rezoning (3 parcels eligible, 2 parcels required, and 2 parcels signed). � I STAFF RECOAIISENDATION: Based of findings 1 through 5, staff recommends approval of the petition to rezone the property northwest o£ Grace and Toronto Streets; southeast of Osceola street, from RT-2 to RM-2. PET(710N TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE Department oJPfanning and Economic Development Zoning Section II00 City Ha!! Annez 25 West Fourtlt Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 166-6589 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION Property Owner, Addres C- Zoning ce ccse on{y Fiie no. �� �Z` :.: � �� � Fee � �----=-_ . T�� �-°�..._. ; Tsntative hearing -clafe -- J � City ��YiQJC St._Zip-SS/bT7Daytimephon.eCos���QZ��7' � Contact person (if different) S�1e �mc�� -K �-� �-, c,� Legal (attach additional sheet if S �,O C' �- �o TO THE HONOftABLE MItYO�t ANQ CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint P�au� �ing Or inance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, ,�H�'!2/���d /�. ���Z./e�-- the owner of all the land proposed for rezonin hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a � �� � zoning district to a_ p�.m- � zoning district, forthe purpose of: (attach additronal sheet(sJ 'rf necessary) Attachments: Required site plan ❑ Consent petition � Subscribed and swom to before me this �_ day of �+�n�.� , 19�. Affidavit ❑ sharon !. Peterson �°•� NQfMY PIfBIIC - NINNESOTA ' MY COMMISS�ON EXPIpES JANUpRY 37. 2000 ^, 1 . o.o-o-o-e.•�c -o. �C.lSi..[.�n1�-+-�4_J . � �U A �M�l. `_ ��� G�L 8y: ���-t _.� / ��x__� Fee owner-o praperty � / � TiYle: r, i i _,.�_. Page 1 of Notary Public pvCniiECTUPE ENGirvEEAiHG �� � SMMA �, Symmes Maini s McKee Associates n /5o Pb�+c � .�.�_ � 5'a��EGiC vLwNN�MG RESOVRCES �� � ���� Pro�ectName (//(�.(�/� �O�f^�N6 Prolect No. ��� Subject (�G_�"r, Sheet No. o` Prepared by � Date — ���, Checked bv Date � � � �A � � , , _ f2(o � c � G � � ,. , , _!/b- �o _ _ , �� . /oro� 9ro . _.___. � � tGR _ v .� � P � I , � ■ B01 NicolletMall,Su�tetc�JO,Minneapoiis,Minnesota 55402 Tei672.332.3654 Faz332.3626 0 n �-99 12c57P THE GAUGNAN COMPANY 786 9320 p-05 1 ' .� : - — _ _ � __.. ,. .:= �AiR AVE: , � ,�...._.-...__._- �.,_- � ..._. , ,.r-.._ ---____ ._: . .. . _ ., _.___�_ ..... _. � _... ... _� '� . .. �.. .... . f , ... i i �� : .... � � . �' . ' .�.;--._-.�. � � . � �__,_� � , : _, . , , ,. � � � ; � ..�� � . �= �:�: ;.��-� . . .. . � � : : �:: � ^' �',� l ��_- �- .'�' ��' . ��. � .: � � . .. ,- , �� � ... .._ ¢ , ... � � , u# �_ �. � � . - l � � � • �.� � ' . 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I� � St. Paul Townhouse/Apartment Sita �- ----- m ' i ::; 3:.t Size: �Z acras �. � � Zoning: R T -2 Agsidential (Permits up to 43 townho�ses) i 1---�--�•-- J9 ..utiX'�t�es: Available t4_ 6�te � �_ � TERMS AVAlLABLE . R. �• - � �=�� �,.� PRtCE--$1U0� m� I' as. ry � � s..2 5' � "� ��.�...�. Y ����_� ''° .� a ` i.._-- �i _._ I - ` ���h -- ti:; -- •�_ ... � �."}:� , ��, I�� ? ? _—... F--- � ,�";-'--: � v .>> :� i s' J L � .. _, � �-- -., ; : �. ' I � '� - - -� ' ;� q � - I ,-. F� � r �: • .. _._ ' � ---- - .. i�'� } - - c ; u : `----'17 6l � � -- - ± . � _ �� �_ l � . . -- = > -- : • �y � �i o i' • - 2 O , ) � - :•.���. �. .7 _ �--... .— � = { . . �, ---�'-� a . , , F ��,�.� - . _ '-'-" `v �t'3o n � �.._-__. � �� I� � � . ;r• .._.. 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CH£Cf�ED BY: o�� DATE: 6 ��(� � `�J _ �OIV'i�iA.� ���� � , � . scu� nTcvr RFSUBMITTED DATE PETITION RESUB�fITTED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVEA: PARCELS ELTGIBLE: PARCL•iS REQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: ZONING PETITION LIST As requested, attached is a list of all property owners within 100 feet of the property which you are requesting a zoning applica[ion. As a condition of your application, you are required to submit with your application a consent petition signed by a minunum two-thirds of all the property owners within 100 feet on the attached list, Only persons listed as "fee oFVner" or "homesteader" are eligible to si�n your petition. Persons listed as "taxpayer" are not eligible to sian your petition since they do not have full o�vnership of the property. A property owner may sign the petition as many times as chey are listed as an owner within 100 feet. Only one signature per property is counted as an eli�ible si�ner of the petition. Also attached are the peti[ion form, affidavit, and application materials. < � total properties are within 100 feet of the property for zonin� action and eligible to sign your pe[ition. � � � _ total signatures are required for a minimum two-thirds consent and a sufficient petition to proceed with your zoning application. Please return this list along with the original petition form, affidavit, applicacion and any additional supporting information and material that is part of your application. * Rezoning petitions must be received and held in the Zonin� office 7 working days prior to any applica[ion cut-off date. If you have questions about this list or any questions regarding this process, please calt the Zoning off'ice at 266-6589. C_� �` � �`• � � �t�t,- l � �, a-- � CZ'Z'Y OlE' SA.ZI� PA.TJL CONSENT OF AD70INING PROPERTY O��N�RS FOR A ,lZ.�'ZON.7NG �Ve, the undersigned, owncrs oFth� property ivithin 100 feet of tlic total contiguous description of real estate o�vned, purchased, or sold by THE PETITION6R within one year precedin� the date oF this petition ackno�vledge that we havc bcen presented «�ith the follol�•in�: A copy oPthe peti[ion of k'�ir.�� � (nameofpetitione�) ' � to rezone the property focated at kJzs�" S,dz v-� te�c.,'l� (�ef�a,'� S( ,�'�a.i� a.� ��j+�4 � � front a!'�T zonin� district to 1 � m Z zoning dislrict. � �i z� � z z� 12 Z& � 2. A copy of sections .�iU.'-�J`� through �vC) s 3, inciusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and flCnIlOR'IC(I diat �ve nrc �ti��are of nll oF the uses permitted in a R.{'n- Z zonin� district and we arz nware that nny of these uses cnn be esWblished upon Ciry Council approvll o(tlie rzzoning. We hereby consent to the r oi ' f ro erty i the ition o• toa I`� zoninodistrict. (i�ame o petitioner \Vc consent fo flic aPpi of ttiis i•ezoninb as it �vas expl�ined to us by ttie npplic�nt or his/hcr re�resentative. �(�1/J 5 C� 7�OTT: T}iis petition shall not be considered as o�cially filed until the lapse of seyen (7) working days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw hislher name fherefrom by written request �vithin fhat time. `, . o � � i � i � F i �o ok i ; � � 1 ��� ;OE �� � O �` i i ` ', b ; i �'� � � t � �i :v !J , ,� `� , �:1 .� , , -"'; l- .. .. _ �''= � � �- � f:=.: ., ti�: - ' � ,, f �. � � � � i t . �.� ;�� �.� e�' / v � � GR / a o , o � o � . . -o- c d ° t� ° J � o f; o o � o ;, o � U O � O �, O � o 0 0� o� �� a O � C {}- O O O O O O _� p O � � � O-- � � �- E-- � O 1— O � � � � �� � ��-- o 0 0 0 � a ofo o� {� 0 � ,T'�'#�CrS���_. � � �- � O o O F O n � " � r � � . � �� 0 �� • `� �� [s� ,� Q �� c.� If O �.� i� � j ��,���� ' : h � , t ` ����. r ��i �� 0 � l/3 �,`° rg : ` : � ' - ' .� -� -� �� � v' �.� � � K . ; "> . '.5' �,,, ; �-:� ,� g', ,• i ,-�� � �=� �� � � @;� �; � �c.-�r�r�� �, .� �. .,, . y .a :. �.� � �`� f ��? �� � � < - . APPUCF�NT KK I�s I GF v� R�( � w�� LEGENO �,Z�IN � py� � � ����••°+ Zoniny distri•�! L`ouridary PURPOS�� � � � ��i7T�T.�li1 subjed propert� •�� � .. 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SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HIGHWOOD 2. HAZEL PARFC HADEN-PROSPERITY HILLCREST 3. ti3'EST SIDE 4. DAXT023'S BLLTFF 5. PAl'NE-PFIALEN 6. Iv'ORTH END 7. THOMAS-DALE �� SUMMIT-iJNIVERSITY � 79.) �VESTSEVENT�I �� COMO 11. HAMLINE-MIDWAY � 12. ST. ANTHONY PARK 13. MERRIAM PARK-LEXTNGTON HAMLINE-SNELLING HAMLIhTE 14. MACALESTER GROVELARTD 15. HIGHLAND 16. SUMMI"I' HT( 7 " 17. DOWNTOWN � � � _ 2�� � i0_d 1tl101� ..��� r v. c ro(� 1 (, I , _ y,[�rw 1 = k G �++'� �a�,A � � ? z `8 - 3 a- CF ( ,��. � �_ � Septcmber I5, I999 � � To: Saint Pavl Planning Commission Zoning Commitcee Fr. West 7'"/Fort Road Federation Rc: Shcrman R. Ru¢ick 99•227 Dear Membtn, At its board meetingofSeptember 13, t949, the FedereCOn approved the rezoning requtst to RM-2 for thi: site for chc purpose of a cooperalive housing complex for seniois age 55 or over. If the purpose of the dcveIopment changes from senior housing we oppose the rezoning. Sincerel , r � etry Mo m e _ . - - " . c rm ara�z ( Tzb�'zam n�w ' . - � `` q sw} (� , ,� ' ��'"_ 1 `'L O� W, �^ e � ��r-�� �^7�r sy..x�_� '� a-�.v _ . . . C7' �� �� �� a5'�- �c��r �� ; �2 ❑a �� ❑���� . West 7th/Fort Road PederaHoa 9Y4 West 7th Street Saint Paul, blinnesota 55102 (612) 29&fi599 Cooperating F�nd Drive Member Affirmative ActianlLqual ppportuxdry Employer ...�......�R� � 7f`.cA cGCT�GT�.J�JC .JOI[N I2. & MAI2ILYN I,. I3I�UCL 30C So. Osceola Ave. Saint Paul, MN 55102 R: 651I298-1038 Scptcmbcr 7, 1999 7uning Comtuiltcc of lhc St. Patd 1'lanning Cnmmistion 25 Wcsl Four(h 5ticcl 1400 Cily Etall l�nncx St. Paul, MN 55102 Itii: Kcs� lo Public I[caring Nolicc Itc-zoni�ig Crun� It'1'-2 to KM-2 (o allow for a mcdium density housing projccl Lacation: Northwest uC Toruntu & Gracc slrccl; southcast of Oscco]a 11vc. [[caring llate &"Cimc: Scptcmhcr 16, 1�J9 �'3:30 p.m. '1'his Icticr is in respousc to the "Public Hcaring Nolice" �vc rcccivcd regarding the abovo-refercnced icqucst Cur ro-zoning by applicantShcrman R. RuV'.ick. � �Vc arc unahlc to attcnc( thc hcaring bccausc oC our work schcdulcs and arc responding in writing to c�ur oppositiun of Mr. Rut applicalion. lf you arc not a�varc, thc housing wiil be rigl�l on top ol thc railroad tracks and slcam piping. 111sa, lhe access to this housing would definitcly causc serious lraf(ic prublcm5. � �Vc "c�pposc" such a ridiculous rcq�rost by applicanl Mr. Itt+tzick 1'or thc lollowi�tg rcasons: First, a housin�� projcct would dcCinitclv clirninatc any furthcr apprcciation of our homcs. Sccond, we oppose any typc oC "low incumc" housing in our ncighUorhood or for lhat maticr in any neighborhood. If you rcvicw any slalislics �vhere "low incomc" housing is located, a) lhc tcnants are "noP' working low income tcnanGS, tticy are 4vctCarc(seclion R reci{�icnts wilh poor records of taking carc of lhcir properly; h) lhc crimc ra(c is highcr, c) thc apprccialion of othcr homcs wilhin ihc arca oC thc this type of housing dccrcases ralher tlian incrcascs; and, d) lhis type ut housing within a very short period of _ timc from crcction is an cycsorc lo Lhc communily. �Ve �vant our oppnsiliou notcct and reyucst thal Mr. Rulzick's application bc "denicJ" IC you 6avc L'urthcr qucstions, do not hcsitate to contact us. Yours vcry truly, � � � �,2� �.�, �,a ��i�� � Birs. Jeanette M. Koeck 318 So. Osceola Ave. Saint Paul, MN 55102 R: 65]/222-4027 Scptcmhcr 7, 1999 7oning Committcc o[ thc SL Paul Planuin�, Commission 25 �Vcst Fourth Slrcct 1400 Cily Hall �lnnex Sl. Paul, MN SSJU2 ILE: I<cspunsc tu i'ublic Hcaring Noticc Rc-zoning Irum R`I'-2 to RM-2 to allow fur a mcdiwn dcnsily housing projcct I�c�cation: Northwesl of Toronlo & Gracc strccl; southc�st ol Osccola Avc. Ilcaring Dalc & 7'imc: Scptcmbcr 16, 1999 rr3:30 p.m. 'I'his lcucr is in responsc to lhc "Public f Iceuing Nolicc" I rcceivcd regarding thc abovc-rcfcrcnced rcyucsl 1or rc-zoning by applicant Shcrman R. KuVick. I'm unahlc to aucnd thc hcaring bcca�usc I'm rccuvcry from rcccnl surgcry �nd I am responding in wriling t�i my opposilion of Ntr. Rutzick's application. � I"uppc,sc° lu sucli a ridiculuus rcqucsl hy applicant Mr. Rulzick for lhc following rcasons: First, a housing projecL ��uuld elcfinitcly climinale any furlhcr aippreciation of our homes. Second, I oppose any typc of « low income° housing in our ncighhorhood or for lhat mattcr in any ��eigliborhood. If you rcview any statislics whcrc `9ow incomd' housing is located, a) the tenanls are "not" working low incomc tcnants, thcy arc �vclfarc/scclion 8 rccipicnts wiUi poor rccords �f taking carc of their property; b) lhe crime ralc is higher; c) the apprcciation oC othcr homes wilhin lhe area of the this type of housing dccrcascs rathcr than incrcascs; and, d) this typc of housing �vithin a vcry short period of limc from crcclion is an cycsorc lo lhc commiinity. I want my opposition tu this projcct noted anct rcyucsl lhat Mr. Ruvick's applicalion be "denied". iI yuu ha� furihcr qucstions, do aot hesi!atc to centact me. Xou�:s vcry truly, Mrs. Jeancltc M. Kocck �_ � �,��-°e-� ,� ! Mrs. .Iohn ii. FlolzschuL 319 So. Osceola Ave. Saint Yatd, MN 55102 (G51) 224-8427 Scp(cmbcr 7, 19J9 Zonins,* Conintittcc oC thc SL Paul Planning Commission 25 �Vcsl Pourth Stroct 1400 CiR� Halt t�nnex St. PauI,�NIN 55102 RE: Rcspansc lo Public I-[c�iring Nolice Kc-roning fram RT-2 to KM-2 Lo allo�v for a mcdium dcnsity housing projcct Lucatiun: Nurth�vest of Toronlo & Grace slrcet; southeasl of Osccola Ave. Hcaring Ualc & Timc: Scplcmbcr 16, 1I99 C3:30 p.m. Tl�is lcltcr is in responsc lo lhc "Public [-Iearing Notice" I ree;cived regardin� the above-retcre�tced rcyucsL Cor rc-zoning by applicanl Shcrman R. KuVick. � 1'm wiahlc to aucnd thc hcaring and [ am responding in writing lo my opposition of Mc Rutzick's applicaliun. ["o�,posc" lo such a ridiculous rcqucsl by applicant Mr. Rulzick Cor tiie folfowing reasons: First, a � housing p�o woidd dcfinilcly climinatc any furthcr apprcciatiun oC our homcs. Sccond, I opposc �iny typc c,C `9ow incomc" housing in our noighborhood or for that mattcr in any neighborhood. If you rcvic�v any slatislics whcrc "low incomc" housing is locatcd, a) the tcna�ris arc "noP' working low income lenants, tltey arc wclCarc/section S recipicnts with poor records of taking care of their property; b) thc crimc rate is higher; c) lhe appreciation of other homes within the area oC ihe this lype of housinu_ dccrcascs rathcr lhan incrcascs; and, d) lhis typc of housing within a vcry short period of timc from crcction is an cycs�rc tc> thc community. I want my oppositiou to tl�is prqjcct notcd and ccyucst that Mr. Ruvick's application bc "denied". I[ you havc furthcr questions, do noi hesitate to contact me. Yours very trul,v, `71�-, �������-�-�� t9 S, �,a.e,z-c�1�— �.. ��--.. -�—.��� Mrs. Jack Hol�scliuh G ' /� �— ��-' � � ' � � ���� � p � �Jd � �L"�.r� " _ � Z (J �S(`l�0 �Q A I� •� _ �t`)�CP �V )lf-�Sc.��C ���. S ���- 3/� � ���-�'� �. � , C� �--� � �;'✓�.�� `� `�° �° � � �-�`-� ��`�- ��� �'� ��i�'�- ���-�v�-F, , � , � � � - - � _� -! ��-�7 ---- , � Q �� a -_. � `` ` , � � `_ � , � -; � , � � ,.,� --� - v , ,� �� - � � � � �� � �� � � � . �, �- � O ,_,:. .� 0 �1�1��1�a- ` �, i � �1 � �� �� � .; _�--_ , � �� � ,�� . � �� : ��� �t� ; �, t � ��. `�� � � � �`� i C� - � � - _- — , % -- ��� - � -�.,�;- r���� �-�z.� �: .; :�. _ a , ; � . c, ��CCz�?�.t>,_<z�_(� ;�-e��-�-_���� �._-:z -- --- - - -- --- � �-'= ��� -v'� � , „ l _ J �% �'✓n� - �� t�-��l .�-cv�j�C� —..-=--.�r-s..,�v� cc%_L_[.GC=-c��� ._� �,i _L<c 1'— L1.vri(,: ti� l Q� f � A / -- ---- ��Gt�'�'(/—"�-I.-•�/-�!�.'.l%`J._-`�1,-- L �"=Z_�.'�7't,� U - __.__— _. __ C> c �- �s �`� -- --- � sus�_,_ '�� �i� /��1 -- �� , , . i�i� , _>-�; �u=r�--��� � c^ s�.� � ,l ;, . � -- -- �ci�.— — -- — — -- - ----- -- — ---- - ------ � ------ — --�-�'}--, � ` ��— / _ _ !�.�riL"�� c.�-,!Z�'�� , , .\ -- ____-�' —�' 1- -��� `, -_ �_ � ���ex�?��. --�-�-�v�!J _c�w . �2�cn:-� ��--Cc, /�.��,_,�c-c3'�,,� . � --- — ---t �-L� � _ _ -��z�� ��t=��.e� � 4 -- Q� — (�' � �cs; G��� '/ � j: � � � �.�/ "'. ',-- 'J/ �, � (F �� J — �i L.ii�'� �, ..�Ci.�l.'�,�,� /�JL.'L(n._r -.'� , 7 , ���12ij '��' ._ ,�..u-�� .GLti' �C�"� %� ��GL,L�'LlL �j � `Ca-�t�ta- ,, , 7 �� � t;% ✓t \ � _ f � - ---- �( ; l_L`�L�L��'.�L�iC�.O �C�C;'Q-1-G�. "�J�. . -�� - : � Y'\, / -u-�J_ ✓ `z�l�L_-��i'-`v_ ��-'Cy � � . 1����y .. - - - - -- i '� , -- - -t' Ji�, - - ._i � ' � �;/�e'�2�iL��� �Y : /Y.iZC.G�Ct���I- h//Z:'/�./,�L/Z i .__ ':_�i�1L},l_ �'�� G�±C < a �� �� �.�u�.��.,�- � /�'/ )I � / ` � _'`/ _ _. _�____ . . � -/V �/'�`�U.._ .J\��. ___. � . . ���.�-e� r,�.�,- �� r�J����.�.�� _- -7- � � .. �� �j , � � , ____ � � - ��- . . , - :�1��� �'__. �✓ ,��/�,- � �- y- - - ------ �� � '/, � __ --%/�'�.��. ��-���-��J ��.�1--� _`'__�_ �-- - � - -- -- - - - - �2��--� - - - -- - - - - --- _ ,' � -�� ' ! - .- - - -�-� -_ _ - ��-�'-- - --- - f ,� � r � j'� . -- --- J t- -------- - ----- - ='id�er�%�— � � a � � 302 So. Osceola Avenue � St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 September 10, 1999 Zoning Committee 25 West Fourth Street 1400 City Hall Annex St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File Number: 99-227 Zoning File Name: Sherman R. Rutzick This is in response to the rezoning of the property Northwest of Toronto and Grace Streets; southeast of Osceola. As a family we are concerned about the construction of a medium density housing project on this piece of land. of land. The following are issues which we feel need to be considered before approving this use The railroad tracks. How close can a building be constructed next to the raiiroad tracks? Grass fires are very common along these railroad tracks. When trains pass, it is very noisey, windows rattle, buildings shake. � The steam line. There have been times over the years when this pipe has sprung a leak. We're not sure if it is safe for a building to be too ciose to this. Tra�c. There is a problem with traffic on this road with the freeway entrance, piayground activities, and the curves on this road. During basebail season it is quite congested on this road. Parkina. Off street parking is a necessity. With the curves and playground parking the road can become very narrow, especially in the winter. Environment. Our skyline will change with the building towering over our homes. Our privacy will be invaded. This land is home to many small wildlife. If you walk through this property you wili see snakes, rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, many birds, and occasionally a raccoon. On a rare occasion we have even had a deer appear. � -� Soil. A soil test should be made of this land. The soil quality in the neighborhood is not consistent. Some areas are very hard rock, others are soft clay. Many yards have problems with sinking and unlevel yards. We are not in favor of the construction of inedium density housing on this property. We feel this is a very poor use of this land. . KathieernPoucher & Family � �� � �g � Re: Zoning File Number: 99-227 Zoning File Name: Sherman R. Rutzick I am a homeowner on the comer of Osceola and Grace. I have opposition to a medium density housing project if current traffic management is not improved. Osceola Ave. has become a heavily travelled access route to 35E at St.Clair Ave. The intersection of Crrace and Osceola has very limited visibility and being a bike route crossway the intersection has become very dangerous. More traffic resulting from the new project will increase chauces ior more accidents. The intersection of St. Clair, Usceola, and "35� has also become a very difficult intersection to get through because of St. Clair and Osceola traffic entering 35F,. Additional traffic resulting from the housing project can only inerease the problem. Safety concerns for bikers on the bike path must also be addressed as this path is heavily used by adults and children as well. It is already a dangerous crossing for the bikers and safety must be considered. I appreciate this traffic safety matter being considered while addressicig the request for a medium density housing project. � Sincerely, �il� � �GC2�� Maureen Murphy 301 Osceola Ave. S St. Paul, MN. 55102 � : :_�::�_- a f; -. - � r, r_.. �. � t � i � h � � U, � ,_ .. . ! _ Ara�t_. � ,.,.+. � .. ...�.:.- . �t°I -1 l �2- i What is Cooperative Housing? Cooperative Housing means cooperative orjoint operation of a housing development by those who live in it. The not-for profit cooperative corporation's "Articies of Incorporation" and "by-laws" are specificaily designed so the cooperative corporation wili be owned and operated by its membc;rs. Financing of Osceola Park Cooperatives is provided by members; equity (through fheir Share purchases), along with a 40-year blanket mortgage or conventional mortgage insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). Cooperative members are in effect their own landlord, thereby enabling the cooperative to be built and operated at an affordable cost. Because of the requirements of the mortgage program, each project must conform to quality, approval and operational standards established by the FHA. A cooperative is a unique form of home ownership in that corporation hold title to the dwelling units and directly assumes the mortgage, tax, and other obligations necessary to finance and operate the development, thereby relieving the members of any direct liability for those items. � Members support the cooperative through their occupancy agreements, which eliminate the need for each member to be an individual mortgagor under an FHA insured mortgage or conventional mortgage contract. The cooperative approach to housing has been successful largely because it provides a housing alternative for living, which is very much like continuing home ownership. In cooperative ownership, pride is instilled within its members, which results in a deeper interest in maintaining the property and participating in shared government. A cooperative is managed and operated on a democratic basis. Each shareholder gets one vote in electing the cooperative's Board of Directors, who will control and direct the operations of the cooperative. The firsf senior cooperative housing project in tfie state was "7500 York" in Edina. Occupancy of " 7500 York" was in October 1978. Seventeen years later, many of the original residents still reside at "7500 York." Cooperative housing residents normally occupy their apartments longer than renters do; therefore, members become better acquainted with their neighbors, and learn to work together for the general good of the people and the building. This arrangement leads to better understanding and growth of an active, viable community. � • Advantaaes of Membershi AS A MEMBER of Cooperative, your Share purchase entitles you to own a membership certificate in corporation. This entitles you to the exclusive right to occupy a dwelling unit and to participate in the operation of the corporation, directly as an elected board member or indirectfy as a voter. Members pay their portion of an operating budget, which is adopted annually by the Board of Directors in monthly charges. A cooperative is operated on a not-for-profit basis thus, any increase in the monthly housing costs is limited to actual increase in operating costs. Members are entitied to deduct the proportionate amount of the real estate taxes and mortgage interest paid by the corporation on their personal income tax statements. Monthly charges are allocated to each member to cover the cost of each member's portion of the mortgage payment, real estate taxes, building insurance, common area utilities and professional management, as well as � a"service package", which makes Osceola Park Cooperative living so desirable. By sharing costs cooperative members have an attractive hedge against inflation. lf a member decides to leave the cooperative, the membership cerfificate can be sold in accordance with a transfer value and rules set forth in the by-laws. The original share purchase price, plus any equity accrued, is returned to the member (or member's estate in the event of death) upon resale of the share. Generally, cooperative ownership allows for easy and inexpensive transfer, investment return, and considerable tax benefits. The purpose and goais of OSCEOLA PARK Cooperative program is to provide housing facilities and programs which support and foster independence, and provide a physical and social environment which enables and promotes a productive and fulfilling life for all residents. The physical and environmental needs of older persons constantly change. Its is the plan of OSCEOLA PARK TOWNHOMES to provide a facility and program that can efficiently respond to these changing needs — with innovation and flexibility. � q,� -1 l � � � Osceola Park Cooperative Apartments Offer: ♦ Patios or Balconies ♦ Spacious One and Two Bedroom or One Bedroom with Den Units — several attractive types to choose from ♦ Individually controlled forced air heating and central air conditioning ♦ All appliances —self defrost refrigerator; disposal; self-cleaning electric oven; range/range hood; dishwasher; carpet throughout; no-wax vinyf in Kitchen and Bath(s) ♦ Energy efficient window, 6" exterior wall and 12" ceili�g insulation � ♦ Individual decorator choices of carpet, vinyl flooring, countertops, and vertical blinds; prior to construction start, selection of tub-shower or shower. ♦ Spacious, well-planned closets and ample storage ♦ Central TV antenna system; cable-ready, telephone outlets in kitchen, living room and bedroom(s) ♦ Sarrier-free access throughout; 34" wide doors with lever handle lock set and lever faucet controls in kitchen and bath ♦ Easy and secure windows and doors, closing and locking design ♦ Emergency-call system, individually monitored � Osceola Park Cooperative of St. Paul � Amenities include the following: ♦ Spacious Great Room for dining, parties, lounging and special events ♦ Serving Kitchen for use be members for private parties or by a food service staff for group eve�ts ♦ Exercise Center and Craft Room ♦ Guest Rooms; for a nominal fee which is determined by the Board of Directors ♦ Fully equipped Laundry Rooms for use by residents; cost included in monthly charges ♦ Heated Parking Garage Space for lease at $40 per month ♦ Library/Computer Center � ♦ Central Mailboxes and "While You're Away° Service ♦ Elevators; barrier-free access throughout ♦ Woodworking shop ♦ Well-kept lawns and planting areas ♦ Garden plots for residents with a"Green Thumb" ♦ Additional Storage Rooms within building ♦ Mini-Bus Transportation included in monthly fee � �_ • 302 So. Osceola Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 October 16, 1999 Zoning Committee 25 West Fourth Street 1400 City Hal! Annex St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File Number: 99-227 Zoning File Name: Sherman R. Ru�ick Zoning Hearing Date: October 27, 1999 This is in response to the rezoning of the property Northwest of Toronto and Grace Streets; southeast of Osceola. As a family we are concerned about the construction of a housing complex for seniors age 55 and over on this piece of land. As stated in our Ietter dated September 10, 1999, we are not in favor of deveiopment of this property. We still feel that the following are issues which need to be considered: The railroad tracks. How close can a building be constructed next to the railroad tracks? Grass fires are very common along these railroad tracks. When trains pass, it is very noisey, windows rattle, � buildings shake. The steam line.. There have been times over the years when this pipe has sprung a �eak. We're not sure if it is safe for a building io be close to this. Tra�c. There is a problem with traffic on this road with the freeway entrance, playground activities, and the curves on this road. During baseball season it is quite congested on this road. Parkina. Off street parking is a necessity. With the curves and playground parking the road can become very narrow, especially in the winter. Environment. Our skyline will change with the building towering over our homes. Our privacy will be invaded. This land is home to many small wildlife. If you walk through this property you will see snakes, rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, many birds, and occasionally a raccoon. On a rare occasion we have even had a deer appear. Sojl. A soil test should be made of this land. The soil quality in the neighborhood is not consistent. Some areas are very hard rock, others are soft clay. Many yards have problems with sinking and unlevel yards. We are not in favor of the construction of a housing complex for seniors age 55 and over on ffiis property. We feel this is a very poor use of this land. If this land is privately owned, why does the cify plow the sidewalk and cut most of the grass on Osceola Avenue? We have always thought this was city or state property. Why are taxpayers cutting their grass and plowing their sidewalks? • Kathleen Poucher & Facxi ;������� ORIGINAL COUnCil File # 9q � Y,�O� Ordinance # Green Sheet # 1�{�. lL's Presented By Referred To Committee: Date ��o An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereo£ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes {462357 and 64.400 of the Legislative Code, Sherman R. Rutzick duly petitioned to rezone properiy northwest of Grace and Toronto Streets and southeast of Osceola being legally described as (see file), from RT-2 (residential townhouse) to RM-2 (residential apartment) to allow development of a housing complex for seniors age 55 and over, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on 8/16/99 as having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the azea of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous properry within one yeaz proceeding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 9/16/99, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to { 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recoxnmendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and 17 WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on 9/24/99 and 18 recommended that the City Counc3l approve the petition; and 19 20 WI3EREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly 21 published in the official newspaper of the City on 10/7/99 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of 22 affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the properry sought to be rezoned; 23 and 24 25 WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on 10/27/99, where a11 26 interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning 27 the petition; now, therefore 28 29 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 30 31 32 Section 1. 33 That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 27, as incorporated by reference in {60.301 of 34 the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby fixrther amended as follows: 35 36 37 38 39 That property located northwest of Grace and Toronto Streets and southeast of Osceola being more particulazly described as: PUBLIS�" See file ORDINANCE CITY Of SAINT,PAUL,,MINNESOTA / ,�: i : / �-� � ' -c/ L — / ".J �p� 15 �889 40 be anfl is heieby rezoned from RT-2 to RM-2. 4i q,9 - i t 4�. 42 Section 2. 43 44 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirry (30) days from and after its passage, approval and 45 publication. 46 -� o�����A� Adopted by Council: Date �LS,°{ \ ) Adoption Certified by Council Secretaxy B y : U \�` �'�-- � r __ Approved by May Date � / � l LT/ 6��/ BY: /�.� Requested by Department of: Plannin & ^conomic Develooment By: '� Fox'm Ap r e by C't torney By: - Appro ��by Mayor for S is' n to Council By: ��� �ey�D �': . ;p,� ����� James Zdon 266-6559 ' BE ON COUNCILAGENM BY (Dl1Tq TOTAL # OF V '�9-11��- GREEN SH ET No 1 U2967 �� � t�.,,�,�.� p�,.� � rnr�naeEr t � � ❑ anacu ❑ wuwc�uaEnv�cFaon. ❑ wuwcr�aenn�ccra �..,��,,.�.�„ . � (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� CiTy Council adoption of a rezoning ordinance PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION . Has uas ae��m ever wor�ced mwer a conhact rwtnis depanmenn YES NO Has mie pe�aoMrm ever been a aty empbyceT YES NO „ Daes dtis Pe�sonlfirtn P� a Sldl not �a,mellYP�� bY anY cutreM CdY emObYee4 YES NO Is ihis pereoNfrm a tarpeted �endoYt YES NO dain all ves answers on seoarate sheet and attach to areen sheet Ordinance that allows the rezoning of property from RT-2 to RM-2 to to permit the development of a housing projectfor seniors. NTAGES�FAPPROVFD Housing project will proceed JVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None �VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Housing project will be stopped. AMOUNT OF TRANSACT{ON S (IXPWN) ���Y 1 t�' dJJJ .s�r� ���`� �� � AH -j �� �x ������� COETIREYENUE BUDQETED (CIRCLE ONE� YES NO ACTIVI7Y NUMBER � n V��'�51� �1�����4�i�. �;�i� �r .'.. '? . 1 ��. DEPARTMENTOFPLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT �t°l.�i��! 2- �•7 crrY oF sa�rr Pavi, Norm Coleman, Mayor October 1, 1999 Ms Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: Division of Planning 25 Wes! Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Te(ephone: 612-266-6565 Facsimile: 672-228-3374 lia.�;rnSt D ^'� ^ :,.-.. ! EY:S � tCv.�i�....�. � !' � . ." � I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday October 27, 1999 for the purpose of rezoning property northwest of Grace and Toronto Streets and southeast of Osceola Street from Rt-2 to RM-2 to allow development of a housing complex for seniors age 55 and over. Applicant: File Number: Purpose: Address: Legal Description of Property: Previous Action: Sherman Rutzick #99-227 Rezoning of property from Rt-2 to RM-2 to allow development of housing complex for seniors age 55 and over. Property northwest of Grace and Toronto Streets and southeast of Osceola Street See file. Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, vote: 12-0 (Mazgulies abstained) September 24, 1999 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, vote: 3-0 September 16, 1999 My understanding is that this public heazing request will appeaz on the agenda for the October 27, 1999 City Council meeting and you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6559 if you have any questions. S� cerely, � � � ames City P er cc: File #99-227 Paul Dubruiel Carol Martineau '�'T�• NOTlCEOFPUBLIC'*nrwnb.a• - The SaintPapl City Council wlll conduct a public h'*+ g on Wednesclay, OMbber 27, 1999, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Councii Cl�ambers, Third Floor, City Hall-� Coi�rtliouse, to consider the appl3cattonof Sher.man Rutzi€k to rezone pro;perty northwest of Grace and Toronto Streets and bf Osceola Street frum RT- 2£o RM-2 to allow development of a� housing complex for seriiors age 55 and over. - Dated:Actober 5,1999 - � � NAiVCYANDERSON . " -- . Assis't�nbCily Council SecreCary �' � , � � (Oct. 7J � �� - _ _ —$T�PAULIEGA[.��`x--- � � CTTY OF SAIN"I' PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor October 14, 1999 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #99-227 City Council Hearing: Sherman R. Rutzick DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVHLOPMENT Division of Plarsnrng 25 West Fourlh Streel Saint Pau[ � 5� 102 �� — l l`t 2— Telephone: 612-266-6565 Facsimile: 612-228-3374 October 27, 1999, 530 p.m. to 630 p.m., City Council Chambers PURPOSE: Rezoning property northwest of Grace and Toronto Streets and southeast of Osceola from RT-2 to RM-2 to allow development of a housing complex for seniors age 55 and over. PLANNING COMMISSION 9/24/99 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL vote: 12-0 (Margulies abstained) ZONING COMMITTEE 9/16/99 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL vote: 3-0. STAFF RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL SUPPORT: The West 7`� Fort Road Federation supported the rezoning. OPPOSITION: Eight residents sent tetters in opposition. Dear Ms. Anderson: This rezoning is schedu(ed to be heard by the City Council on October 27, 1999. Please notify me if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the property presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, ;7 ' ��-���� %James Zd ✓ City PI� ner cc City Council members �� �.�, � l d'�� � city of saint paul planning commission resolution �le number 99-63 date Septem6er 24, 1999 WHEREAS, Sherman R. Rutzick (File 99-227) has applied to rezone property northwest of Grace and Toronto Streets and southeast of Osceola Street, legally described as (see file), from RT-2 (residential townhouse) to RM-2 (residential multiple family) to develop a housing complex for seniors age 55 and over; and � WHBREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 9/16/99 held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and - WfiEREAS, Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its 2oning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: � 1. The applicant has purchased the property and is proposing to develop a cooperative housing complex for seniors age 55 and over. Current plans are for 75 units consisting of 60 two bedroom units and 15 one bedroom units in a three story structure. Underground and surface parking would be provided to meet code. Tota1 development costs are an estimated $8 million. In assembling the site, the applicant has reauested the city to vacate Daly and Toronto Streets. The street vacation request in now under consideration by the city. 2. The rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive p1an. The District 9 plan, under its land use recommendations p.5, states, x7 "In many cases, special sites should be developed £or higher zesidential densities." ,' "The city should take advantage of the high housing demand and West Seventh's vacant land to add housing opportunities in the district." The 1999 City Land Use P1an (5.4.4) states, "HOUSing sit>_s along major transportation corridors and near commercial centers should meet the demand for townhouses, condominiums and apartments."p3 moved by Kramer seconded by in favor 12 (Mar gulies abstained) � against Planning Commission Resolution File �99-227 Page Two � 3. The rezoning is compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact. This site is relatively isolated from lower density residential uses. Across Osceola street to the west and north is 2andscaped open space that borders the Pleasant Avenue I-35E Parkway and St C1air Avenue. To the east is a city playground and community center. To the immediate south are railroad tracks and Grace street. This portion of St. CZair Avenue is a designated Metro Transit bus route and is used by approximately 6,975 vehicles a day._The I-35E Parkway carries approximately 62,600 vehicles a day. 4. The proposed development wi11 require site plan review approval. This review rias been delegated from the Planning Commission to the Zoning Administrator. Tt is likely that final site pZan approval wil2 be contingent upon the final vacation of Daly and Toronto Streets. 5. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the property stating support for the rezoning (3 parcels eligible, 2 parcels required, and 2 parcels signed). Therefore, Be It Resolved, based on findings 1 through 5, the Planning Commission recommends to the Saint Paul City Council approval of the � application to rezone property northwest of Grace and Toronto streets and southeast of Osceola Street from RT-2 to RM-2. � ��.�1��E2� � MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, September 17, 7999 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3i° Ffoor City Hall and Court House 15 West Keilogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: Gordon, Kramer, Morton Field, Engh, Faricy, Gervais, Nowlin Peter Warner, City Attorney Laurie Kaplan, Allan Torstenson and James Zdon of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Kramer. Sherman R. Rutzick (99-227) - Rezoning from RT-2 to RM-2 to allow for a medium density housing project. James Zdon made a slide presentation and staff report with a recommendatio� for approvai. The zoning committee has received a letter from the West Seventh Street Federation recommending approvai of the rezoning contingent that it remain a cooperative housing project � for seniors. StafF also handed out several letters from residences in the area; there are 8 property owners who have written in opposed to the rezoning. The applicant, Sherman R. Rutzick, explained that the development will consist of 75 apartments with underground parking and 30 off-street parking spots on the site. Residents wiil pay a$25,000 down-payment and become part of a blanket mortgage that each has a share in. Monthly charges include the mortgage and all maintenance. The oniy additional expense the tenant has to pay is the telephone. If a tenant chooses to move out, the unit is automaticaily purchased by the Board of the Osceoia Park Apartments. If the tenant wishes to sell it themselves, they can. The units will increase a minimum of 1% per year. In order to start developing, 90% of the units must be sold. A one bedroom unit wiil cost about $135,000 and two bedrooms will cost about $155,000. There were no other peopie present to speak so Commissioner Kramer ciosed the public hearing. Commissioner Gordon moved to approve and Commissioner Morton seconded. Adopted Yeas - 3 Drafted by: � �.� l w taurie Kaplan Recording Secretary Backup Nays - 0 Submitted by: ApQraved by: � J�-, ) �, ��,�� !,�-� ,�,u,�� AAa� Tors , nson �c L(tt n Field Zoning Section Chair a ZONING FILE �# 99-227 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 APPLICANT: RUTZICK, SHERMAN R. CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning LOCATION: North_west of Toronto and Grace Streets; southeast of O5ceo2a Street. PLANNING DISTRZCT: 9 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: see £ile PRESENT ZONING: RT-2 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: Section 64.400(a) STAFF INVESTZGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 9/08/99 BY: James Zdon DATE OF HEARING: 9/16/99 8. DATE RECEIVED: OS/16/99 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 10/15/99 A, PIIRPOSE: Rezoning from RT-2 to RM-2 to allow for a medium density housing project S. PARCEL SIZE: The rezoning involves two parcels separated by the unimproved Daly Street right of way. The first parcel is a triangular shaped property having approximately 240 feet of frontage north of Grace Street, 110 feet of frontage along Daly Street and 260 feet along Osceola Street for a total of 15,224 square feet. The second parcel has approximately 250 feet of frontage nozth o£ Grace Street, 240 feet along Toronto Street, 270 feet along Osceola Street and 140 feet along Daly street for a total of 47,200 square feet. C. EXISTING LAND USE: Both parcels are vacant. D. SIIRROIINDING LAND IISE: North: Landscaped open space adjacent to the Pleasant Avenue Parkway and St Clair Avenue in a RT-2 district. East: St. Clair municipal playground in a RT-2 district. South: Railroad right of way in a RT-2 district. West: Landscaped open space adjacent to the Pleasant Avenue Parkway in a RT-2 district. E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Section 64.400(a) states in part, "the council may from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning commission may from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines � � � �,�1_�� � should be changed. Section 64.400(b) states in part that "an amendment to the zoning code may b< initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners o£ sixty-seven (67) percent of the area of the property to be rezoned." F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: None. G DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMLfENDATION: To date the Fort Road West 7th Street Federation has not taken a position of the proposed rezoning. Three neighbors have telephoned in opposition to the rezoning. H FINDINGS: 1. 'i'he applicant has purchased the property and is proposing to develop a cooperative housing complex for seniors age 55 and over. Current plans are for 75 units consisting of 60 two bedroom units and 15 one bedroom units in a three story structure. Und=_rground and surface parking would be provided to meet code. Total development costs are an estimated $8 million. In assembling the site, the applicant has requested the city to vacate Da1y and Toronto Streets. The street vacation request in now under consideration by the city. 2. The rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The District 9 plan, under its land use recommendations p.5, states, #7 "In many cases, special sites should be developed for higher residential � densities." tt10. "The city should take advantage of the high housing demand and West Seventh's vacant land to add housing opportunities in the district." The 1999 City Land Use Plan (5.4.4) states, "HOUSing sites along major transportation corridors and near commercial centers should meet the demand for townhouses, condominiums and apartments."p31. 3. The rezoning is compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact. This site is relatively isolated from lower density residential uses. Across Osceola street to the west and north is landscaped open space that borders the Pleasant Avenue I-35E Parkway and St C1air Avenue. To the east is a city playground and community center. To the immediate south are railroad tracks and Grace street. This portion of St. Clair Avenue is a designated Metro Transit bus route and is used by approximately 6,975 vehicles a day. The I-35E Parkway carries approximately 62,600 vehicles a day. 4. The proposed development will require site plan review approval. This review has been delegated from the Planning Commission to the Zoning Administrator. It is likely that final site plan approval will be contingent upon the final vacation of Daly and Toronto Streets. 5. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the property stating support for the rezoning (3 parcels eligible, 2 parcels required, and 2 parcels signed). � I STAFF RECOAIISENDATION: Based of findings 1 through 5, staff recommends approval of the petition to rezone the property northwest o£ Grace and Toronto Streets; southeast of Osceola street, from RT-2 to RM-2. PET(710N TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE Department oJPfanning and Economic Development Zoning Section II00 City Ha!! Annez 25 West Fourtlt Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 166-6589 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION Property Owner, Addres C- Zoning ce ccse on{y Fiie no. �� �Z` :.: � �� � Fee � �----=-_ . T�� �-°�..._. ; Tsntative hearing -clafe -- J � City ��YiQJC St._Zip-SS/bT7Daytimephon.eCos���QZ��7' � Contact person (if different) S�1e �mc�� -K �-� �-, c,� Legal (attach additional sheet if S �,O C' �- �o TO THE HONOftABLE MItYO�t ANQ CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint P�au� �ing Or inance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, ,�H�'!2/���d /�. ���Z./e�-- the owner of all the land proposed for rezonin hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a � �� � zoning district to a_ p�.m- � zoning district, forthe purpose of: (attach additronal sheet(sJ 'rf necessary) Attachments: Required site plan ❑ Consent petition � Subscribed and swom to before me this �_ day of �+�n�.� , 19�. Affidavit ❑ sharon !. Peterson �°•� NQfMY PIfBIIC - NINNESOTA ' MY COMMISS�ON EXPIpES JANUpRY 37. 2000 ^, 1 . o.o-o-o-e.•�c -o. �C.lSi..[.�n1�-+-�4_J . � �U A �M�l. `_ ��� G�L 8y: ���-t _.� / ��x__� Fee owner-o praperty � / � TiYle: r, i i _,.�_. Page 1 of Notary Public pvCniiECTUPE ENGirvEEAiHG �� � SMMA �, Symmes Maini s McKee Associates n /5o Pb�+c � .�.�_ � 5'a��EGiC vLwNN�MG RESOVRCES �� � ���� Pro�ectName (//(�.(�/� �O�f^�N6 Prolect No. ��� Subject (�G_�"r, Sheet No. o` Prepared by � Date — ���, Checked bv Date � � � �A � � , , _ f2(o � c � G � � ,. , , _!/b- �o _ _ , �� . /oro� 9ro . _.___. � � tGR _ v .� � P � I , � ■ B01 NicolletMall,Su�tetc�JO,Minneapoiis,Minnesota 55402 Tei672.332.3654 Faz332.3626 0 n �-99 12c57P THE GAUGNAN COMPANY 786 9320 p-05 1 ' .� : - — _ _ � __.. ,. .:= �AiR AVE: , � ,�...._.-...__._- �.,_- � ..._. , ,.r-.._ ---____ ._: . .. . _ ., _.___�_ ..... _. � _... ... _� '� . .. �.. .... . f , ... i i �� : .... � � . �' . ' .�.;--._-.�. � � . � �__,_� � , : _, . , , ,. � � � ; � ..�� � . �= �:�: ;.��-� . . .. . � � : : �:: � ^' �',� l ��_- �- .'�' ��' . ��. � .: � � . .. ,- , �� � ... .._ ¢ , ... � � , u# �_ �. � � . - l � � � • �.� � ' . 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I� � St. Paul Townhouse/Apartment Sita �- ----- m ' i ::; 3:.t Size: �Z acras �. � � Zoning: R T -2 Agsidential (Permits up to 43 townho�ses) i 1---�--�•-- J9 ..utiX'�t�es: Available t4_ 6�te � �_ � TERMS AVAlLABLE . R. �• - � �=�� �,.� PRtCE--$1U0� m� I' as. ry � � s..2 5' � "� ��.�...�. Y ����_� ''° .� a ` i.._-- �i _._ I - ` ���h -- ti:; -- •�_ ... � �."}:� , ��, I�� ? ? _—... F--- � ,�";-'--: � v .>> :� i s' J L � .. _, � �-- -., ; : �. ' I � '� - - -� ' ;� q � - I ,-. F� � r �: • .. _._ ' � ---- - .. i�'� } - - c ; u : `----'17 6l � � -- - ± . � _ �� �_ l � . . -- = > -- : • �y � �i o i' • - 2 O , ) � - :•.���. �. .7 _ �--... .— � = { . . �, ---�'-� a . , , F ��,�.� - . _ '-'-" `v �t'3o n � �.._-__. � �� I� � � . ;r• .._.. I_ ( .. :' 1V.J �.-..� �.il �.�� ....-.� .��� .� .....:........ 6-59 12=57P THE GAUGHAN C�MPANY � 93Z0 s � � � f i l� ' — 3,A�fo.O S TO'tg9—^ N zi,t0,0 N B<'CSF Q31tl�VA 3H Ol—<� � Q �� a � O y �, -- "_'—'""_`-- �' -------_' � . .\ �,(.-, � '�� ; _� _ \ '�� P . 04 l V`���� ��� "_'___.' �__'—"_'� R � � ___. — — — �t o'9Q f I '�'� � aw , ' � ' � � 4 � I � � � . � I ,�,, '� ��,, I � W a, ' � -� L, �� w � I LL r � �. � � � � ,� � � I & � \ '��^ p c.�� , � 1 � f � �'� �� 4 Z � c� I 4. � w �_.. 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CH£Cf�ED BY: o�� DATE: 6 ��(� � `�J _ �OIV'i�iA.� ���� � , � . scu� nTcvr RFSUBMITTED DATE PETITION RESUB�fITTED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVEA: PARCELS ELTGIBLE: PARCL•iS REQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: ZONING PETITION LIST As requested, attached is a list of all property owners within 100 feet of the property which you are requesting a zoning applica[ion. As a condition of your application, you are required to submit with your application a consent petition signed by a minunum two-thirds of all the property owners within 100 feet on the attached list, Only persons listed as "fee oFVner" or "homesteader" are eligible to si�n your petition. Persons listed as "taxpayer" are not eligible to sian your petition since they do not have full o�vnership of the property. A property owner may sign the petition as many times as chey are listed as an owner within 100 feet. Only one signature per property is counted as an eli�ible si�ner of the petition. Also attached are the peti[ion form, affidavit, and application materials. < � total properties are within 100 feet of the property for zonin� action and eligible to sign your pe[ition. � � � _ total signatures are required for a minimum two-thirds consent and a sufficient petition to proceed with your zoning application. Please return this list along with the original petition form, affidavit, applicacion and any additional supporting information and material that is part of your application. * Rezoning petitions must be received and held in the Zonin� office 7 working days prior to any applica[ion cut-off date. If you have questions about this list or any questions regarding this process, please calt the Zoning off'ice at 266-6589. C_� �` � �`• � � �t�t,- l � �, a-- � CZ'Z'Y OlE' SA.ZI� PA.TJL CONSENT OF AD70INING PROPERTY O��N�RS FOR A ,lZ.�'ZON.7NG �Ve, the undersigned, owncrs oFth� property ivithin 100 feet of tlic total contiguous description of real estate o�vned, purchased, or sold by THE PETITION6R within one year precedin� the date oF this petition ackno�vledge that we havc bcen presented «�ith the follol�•in�: A copy oPthe peti[ion of k'�ir.�� � (nameofpetitione�) ' � to rezone the property focated at kJzs�" S,dz v-� te�c.,'l� (�ef�a,'� S( ,�'�a.i� a.� ��j+�4 � � front a!'�T zonin� district to 1 � m Z zoning dislrict. � �i z� � z z� 12 Z& � 2. A copy of sections .�iU.'-�J`� through �vC) s 3, inciusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and flCnIlOR'IC(I diat �ve nrc �ti��are of nll oF the uses permitted in a R.{'n- Z zonin� district and we arz nware that nny of these uses cnn be esWblished upon Ciry Council approvll o(tlie rzzoning. We hereby consent to the r oi ' f ro erty i the ition o• toa I`� zoninodistrict. (i�ame o petitioner \Vc consent fo flic aPpi of ttiis i•ezoninb as it �vas expl�ined to us by ttie npplic�nt or his/hcr re�resentative. �(�1/J 5 C� 7�OTT: T}iis petition shall not be considered as o�cially filed until the lapse of seyen (7) working days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw hislher name fherefrom by written request �vithin fhat time. `, . o � � i � i � F i �o ok i ; � � 1 ��� ;OE �� � O �` i i ` ', b ; i �'� � � t � �i :v !J , ,� `� , �:1 .� , , -"'; l- .. .. _ �''= � � �- � f:=.: ., ti�: - ' � ,, f �. � � � � i t . �.� ;�� �.� e�' / v � � GR / a o , o � o � . . -o- c d ° t� ° J � o f; o o � o ;, o � U O � O �, O � o 0 0� o� �� a O � C {}- O O O O O O _� p O � � � O-- � � �- E-- � O 1— O � � � � �� � ��-- o 0 0 0 � a ofo o� {� 0 � ,T'�'#�CrS���_. � � �- � O o O F O n � " � r � � . � �� 0 �� • `� �� [s� ,� Q �� c.� If O �.� i� � j ��,���� ' : h � , t ` ����. r ��i �� 0 � l/3 �,`° rg : ` : � ' - ' .� -� -� �� � v' �.� � � K . ; "> . '.5' �,,, ; �-:� ,� g', ,• i ,-�� � �=� �� � � @;� �; � �c.-�r�r�� �, .� �. .,, . y .a :. �.� � �`� f ��? �� � � < - . APPUCF�NT KK I�s I GF v� R�( � w�� LEGENO �,Z�IN � py� � � ����••°+ Zoniny distri•�! L`ouridary PURPOS�� � � � ��i7T�T.�li1 subjed propert� •�� � .. FIIE :. _ DATE PLNG. DIST � N1AP K � � � � 0 one famiiy � Cxo tamily A-�i Q multipl? t�mil� A V E. ,. � �� �� _ r� - 1 L�,�.�,�:o ^ • � con �' p .v..�_ ir,:u��.,. .. V v2��n, – —.-,. - � . t -� . ST. � i 1_ �._ _ i . - _ , e, � i _C_'. _— . i. _n i' —' '::�` -7_ .� ...- -__'I_ =f_,_ _ �-'---_ :\ . ..._ _ =yT'—:: ` � _ \ ` � � ._�.�_ � .=-11.=-.........!_ _z _��- _� '-' ._ : -` __.—��::�._.,.._ � �,_ �,—���� �`_.��L� ,`� _' - - �-�-� = --:--�----�.. - ,:_� -r---�-- - -:'_r--_ - . ----- -- _`._ - . — _.� -___- -_-- - _ ;_-':_;_�::-�- --_-.±' -_ -�c . .� w --J ._�r_ " _"- - . -_" __" _' __–�= =_�::_:-- =? i = �:�� - � _ _ � � . . ...,; ��—.� _ -�—`(— G_`__i -_°_ . ��:,°. — � :. . = 1; , flT�; _ - - ---_�•. :T �� 11 _ - °- ___- =_ � .`;i � j � __- � _�•_-�';�.•.�� ___-;�.�_ /r °� �_�-_�L ��� � ' ' �_ =... �.� t. �-=---- : � � ����i%� : -__ . - . . .-- --��.._ _ _ � ,: � 0 l�t, �y�'l% � �` ; l ,�� / ,�+ . � i � i• -�i��: f,� / ��/;.� ,,/ I1 / � 1 -- �// . : c �_ r� - - ' ; '� =�. %." �- ��!i.� . 'G_ '�-_ % l . __ ' _ _ _ —T ��..r. .. ../ ! _ " � ' _ � • L_ • � ��� ..%✓� . ':. =r`�'J�-�—..�D� .� ;>, ;='.. .,� r -� aiv i : � �'��.7�`�=C. ,�. :.: : , ; � - _+ .'il 1 Ll:� I �'i �r �I����_,( � � . _� ��i. '�. J' "� __:. . :_.;:. ,. , �� • - J"=— � r - -_?�` rt. _ ' ,,' i _ '���:;7^I-i:-'-- � q� ����� �, . S? . � -" �� = ' _ ''i,::?� �- .. _ a`��' . . ' ^�� �.�� , j :�/ _- - ��[ ,'� / . -`�/ / �� �- , • --y-- J . ����..a! �_k . � a ..; _ i` J ' ��'+ � 1'i. � 1-.-�L?���_�_=" ,/ i i .� .. ��j ' "' __ri/ ' _ � � - � �.� __.' i� los_..>..�.,.. " % .. �' , •• ,i .:' -" S. � L/ i —_ �:����-� �_� �- . ��� �–��—_— --- i. — � i : __�_. :_�, —�,=�=- _ - � ::;',i�.�s:. Ti�L1'; - --��; =---��-,. � DISTRICT 9 ON —� � rt '°°° '"° • ������ ���� a_� � _—__ __' :�`:°_` _ ° _ ��_ =" ' _ _ —�`'— _– — – � � p � n 's a G � ' 4 � C � ^� � � � . � . , s ��'� � =1 � ,. , . . I �� ' I..�_ 14 � � F c � S � � p �'�S . v < '�� �� .-�.� N6 ; `�a . � ' f � .. i � �s; �'�'� _ ,� P 3 �. � S t } 2� � f � ��` � � \ �� ,�. � �., � . CITTZEN PARTICTPATION PLANNING DISTRICTS 1. SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HIGHWOOD 2. HAZEL PARFC HADEN-PROSPERITY HILLCREST 3. ti3'EST SIDE 4. DAXT023'S BLLTFF 5. PAl'NE-PFIALEN 6. Iv'ORTH END 7. THOMAS-DALE �� SUMMIT-iJNIVERSITY � 79.) �VESTSEVENT�I �� COMO 11. HAMLINE-MIDWAY � 12. ST. ANTHONY PARK 13. MERRIAM PARK-LEXTNGTON HAMLINE-SNELLING HAMLIhTE 14. MACALESTER GROVELARTD 15. HIGHLAND 16. SUMMI"I' HT( 7 " 17. DOWNTOWN � � � _ 2�� � i0_d 1tl101� ..��� r v. c ro(� 1 (, I , _ y,[�rw 1 = k G �++'� �a�,A � � ? z `8 - 3 a- CF ( ,��. � �_ � Septcmber I5, I999 � � To: Saint Pavl Planning Commission Zoning Commitcee Fr. West 7'"/Fort Road Federation Rc: Shcrman R. Ru¢ick 99•227 Dear Membtn, At its board meetingofSeptember 13, t949, the FedereCOn approved the rezoning requtst to RM-2 for thi: site for chc purpose of a cooperalive housing complex for seniois age 55 or over. If the purpose of the dcveIopment changes from senior housing we oppose the rezoning. Sincerel , r � etry Mo m e _ . - - " . c rm ara�z ( Tzb�'zam n�w ' . - � `` q sw} (� , ,� ' ��'"_ 1 `'L O� W, �^ e � ��r-�� �^7�r sy..x�_� '� a-�.v _ . . . C7' �� �� �� a5'�- �c��r �� ; �2 ❑a �� ❑���� . West 7th/Fort Road PederaHoa 9Y4 West 7th Street Saint Paul, blinnesota 55102 (612) 29&fi599 Cooperating F�nd Drive Member Affirmative ActianlLqual ppportuxdry Employer ...�......�R� � 7f`.cA cGCT�GT�.J�JC .JOI[N I2. & MAI2ILYN I,. I3I�UCL 30C So. Osceola Ave. Saint Paul, MN 55102 R: 651I298-1038 Scptcmbcr 7, 1999 7uning Comtuiltcc of lhc St. Patd 1'lanning Cnmmistion 25 Wcsl Four(h 5ticcl 1400 Cily Etall l�nncx St. Paul, MN 55102 Itii: Kcs� lo Public I[caring Nolicc Itc-zoni�ig Crun� It'1'-2 to KM-2 (o allow for a mcdium density housing projccl Lacation: Northwest uC Toruntu & Gracc slrccl; southcast of Oscco]a 11vc. [[caring llate &"Cimc: Scptcmhcr 16, 1�J9 �'3:30 p.m. '1'his Icticr is in respousc to the "Public Hcaring Nolice" �vc rcccivcd regarding the abovo-refercnced icqucst Cur ro-zoning by applicantShcrman R. RuV'.ick. � �Vc arc unahlc to attcnc( thc hcaring bccausc oC our work schcdulcs and arc responding in writing to c�ur oppositiun of Mr. Rut applicalion. lf you arc not a�varc, thc housing wiil be rigl�l on top ol thc railroad tracks and slcam piping. 111sa, lhe access to this housing would definitcly causc serious lraf(ic prublcm5. � �Vc "c�pposc" such a ridiculous rcq�rost by applicanl Mr. Itt+tzick 1'or thc lollowi�tg rcasons: First, a housin�� projcct would dcCinitclv clirninatc any furthcr apprcciation of our homcs. Sccond, we oppose any typc oC "low incumc" housing in our ncighUorhood or for lhat maticr in any neighborhood. If you rcvicw any slalislics �vhere "low incomc" housing is located, a) lhc tcnants are "noP' working low income tcnanGS, tticy are 4vctCarc(seclion R reci{�icnts wilh poor records of taking carc of lhcir properly; h) lhc crimc ra(c is highcr, c) thc apprccialion of othcr homcs wilhin ihc arca oC thc this type of housing dccrcases ralher tlian incrcascs; and, d) lhis type ut housing within a very short period of _ timc from crcction is an cycsorc lo Lhc communily. �Ve �vant our oppnsiliou notcct and reyucst thal Mr. Rulzick's application bc "denicJ" IC you 6avc L'urthcr qucstions, do not hcsitate to contact us. Yours vcry truly, � � � �,2� �.�, �,a ��i�� � Birs. Jeanette M. Koeck 318 So. Osceola Ave. Saint Paul, MN 55102 R: 65]/222-4027 Scptcmhcr 7, 1999 7oning Committcc o[ thc SL Paul Planuin�, Commission 25 �Vcst Fourth Slrcct 1400 Cily Hall �lnnex Sl. Paul, MN SSJU2 ILE: I<cspunsc tu i'ublic Hcaring Noticc Rc-zoning Irum R`I'-2 to RM-2 to allow fur a mcdiwn dcnsily housing projcct I�c�cation: Northwesl of Toronlo & Gracc strccl; southc�st ol Osccola Avc. Ilcaring Dalc & 7'imc: Scptcmbcr 16, 1999 rr3:30 p.m. 'I'his lcucr is in responsc to lhc "Public f Iceuing Nolicc" I rcceivcd regarding thc abovc-rcfcrcnced rcyucsl 1or rc-zoning by applicant Shcrman R. KuVick. I'm unahlc to aucnd thc hcaring bcca�usc I'm rccuvcry from rcccnl surgcry �nd I am responding in wriling t�i my opposilion of Ntr. Rutzick's application. � I"uppc,sc° lu sucli a ridiculuus rcqucsl hy applicant Mr. Rulzick for lhc following rcasons: First, a housing projecL ��uuld elcfinitcly climinale any furlhcr aippreciation of our homes. Second, I oppose any typc of « low income° housing in our ncighhorhood or for lhat mattcr in any ��eigliborhood. If you rcview any statislics whcrc `9ow incomd' housing is located, a) the tenanls are "not" working low incomc tcnants, thcy arc �vclfarc/scclion 8 rccipicnts wiUi poor rccords �f taking carc of their property; b) lhe crime ralc is higher; c) the apprcciation oC othcr homes wilhin lhe area of the this type of housing dccrcascs rathcr than incrcascs; and, d) this typc of housing �vithin a vcry short period of limc from crcclion is an cycsorc lo lhc commiinity. I want my opposition tu this projcct noted anct rcyucsl lhat Mr. Ruvick's applicalion be "denied". iI yuu ha� furihcr qucstions, do aot hesi!atc to centact me. Xou�:s vcry truly, Mrs. Jeancltc M. Kocck �_ � �,��-°e-� ,� ! Mrs. .Iohn ii. FlolzschuL 319 So. Osceola Ave. Saint Yatd, MN 55102 (G51) 224-8427 Scp(cmbcr 7, 19J9 Zonins,* Conintittcc oC thc SL Paul Planning Commission 25 �Vcsl Pourth Stroct 1400 CiR� Halt t�nnex St. PauI,�NIN 55102 RE: Rcspansc lo Public I-[c�iring Nolice Kc-roning fram RT-2 to KM-2 Lo allo�v for a mcdium dcnsity housing projcct Lucatiun: Nurth�vest of Toronlo & Grace slrcet; southeasl of Osccola Ave. Hcaring Ualc & Timc: Scplcmbcr 16, 1I99 C3:30 p.m. Tl�is lcltcr is in responsc lo lhc "Public [-Iearing Notice" I ree;cived regardin� the above-retcre�tced rcyucsL Cor rc-zoning by applicanl Shcrman R. KuVick. � 1'm wiahlc to aucnd thc hcaring and [ am responding in writing lo my opposition of Mc Rutzick's applicaliun. ["o�,posc" lo such a ridiculous rcqucsl by applicant Mr. Rulzick Cor tiie folfowing reasons: First, a � housing p�o woidd dcfinilcly climinatc any furthcr apprcciatiun oC our homcs. Sccond, I opposc �iny typc c,C `9ow incomc" housing in our noighborhood or for that mattcr in any neighborhood. If you rcvic�v any slatislics whcrc "low incomc" housing is locatcd, a) the tcna�ris arc "noP' working low income lenants, tltey arc wclCarc/section S recipicnts with poor records of taking care of their property; b) thc crimc rate is higher; c) lhe appreciation of other homes within the area oC ihe this lype of housinu_ dccrcascs rathcr lhan incrcascs; and, d) lhis typc of housing within a vcry short period of timc from crcction is an cycs�rc tc> thc community. I want my oppositiou to tl�is prqjcct notcd and ccyucst that Mr. Ruvick's application bc "denied". I[ you havc furthcr questions, do noi hesitate to contact me. Yours very trul,v, `71�-, �������-�-�� t9 S, �,a.e,z-c�1�— �.. ��--.. -�—.��� Mrs. Jack Hol�scliuh G ' /� �— ��-' � � ' � � ���� � p � �Jd � �L"�.r� " _ � Z (J �S(`l�0 �Q A I� •� _ �t`)�CP �V )lf-�Sc.��C ���. 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Osceola Avenue � St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 September 10, 1999 Zoning Committee 25 West Fourth Street 1400 City Hall Annex St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File Number: 99-227 Zoning File Name: Sherman R. Rutzick This is in response to the rezoning of the property Northwest of Toronto and Grace Streets; southeast of Osceola. As a family we are concerned about the construction of a medium density housing project on this piece of land. of land. The following are issues which we feel need to be considered before approving this use The railroad tracks. How close can a building be constructed next to the raiiroad tracks? Grass fires are very common along these railroad tracks. When trains pass, it is very noisey, windows rattle, buildings shake. � The steam line. There have been times over the years when this pipe has sprung a leak. We're not sure if it is safe for a building to be too ciose to this. Tra�c. There is a problem with traffic on this road with the freeway entrance, piayground activities, and the curves on this road. During basebail season it is quite congested on this road. Parkina. Off street parking is a necessity. With the curves and playground parking the road can become very narrow, especially in the winter. Environment. Our skyline will change with the building towering over our homes. Our privacy will be invaded. This land is home to many small wildlife. If you walk through this property you wili see snakes, rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, many birds, and occasionally a raccoon. On a rare occasion we have even had a deer appear. � -� Soil. A soil test should be made of this land. The soil quality in the neighborhood is not consistent. Some areas are very hard rock, others are soft clay. Many yards have problems with sinking and unlevel yards. We are not in favor of the construction of inedium density housing on this property. We feel this is a very poor use of this land. . KathieernPoucher & Family � �� � �g � Re: Zoning File Number: 99-227 Zoning File Name: Sherman R. Rutzick I am a homeowner on the comer of Osceola and Grace. I have opposition to a medium density housing project if current traffic management is not improved. Osceola Ave. has become a heavily travelled access route to 35E at St.Clair Ave. The intersection of Crrace and Osceola has very limited visibility and being a bike route crossway the intersection has become very dangerous. More traffic resulting from the new project will increase chauces ior more accidents. The intersection of St. Clair, Usceola, and "35� has also become a very difficult intersection to get through because of St. Clair and Osceola traffic entering 35F,. Additional traffic resulting from the housing project can only inerease the problem. Safety concerns for bikers on the bike path must also be addressed as this path is heavily used by adults and children as well. It is already a dangerous crossing for the bikers and safety must be considered. I appreciate this traffic safety matter being considered while addressicig the request for a medium density housing project. � Sincerely, �il� � �GC2�� Maureen Murphy 301 Osceola Ave. S St. Paul, MN. 55102 � : :_�::�_- a f; -. - � r, r_.. �. � t � i � h � � U, � ,_ .. . ! _ Ara�t_. � ,.,.+. � .. ...�.:.- . �t°I -1 l �2- i What is Cooperative Housing? Cooperative Housing means cooperative orjoint operation of a housing development by those who live in it. The not-for profit cooperative corporation's "Articies of Incorporation" and "by-laws" are specificaily designed so the cooperative corporation wili be owned and operated by its membc;rs. Financing of Osceola Park Cooperatives is provided by members; equity (through fheir Share purchases), along with a 40-year blanket mortgage or conventional mortgage insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). Cooperative members are in effect their own landlord, thereby enabling the cooperative to be built and operated at an affordable cost. Because of the requirements of the mortgage program, each project must conform to quality, approval and operational standards established by the FHA. A cooperative is a unique form of home ownership in that corporation hold title to the dwelling units and directly assumes the mortgage, tax, and other obligations necessary to finance and operate the development, thereby relieving the members of any direct liability for those items. � Members support the cooperative through their occupancy agreements, which eliminate the need for each member to be an individual mortgagor under an FHA insured mortgage or conventional mortgage contract. The cooperative approach to housing has been successful largely because it provides a housing alternative for living, which is very much like continuing home ownership. In cooperative ownership, pride is instilled within its members, which results in a deeper interest in maintaining the property and participating in shared government. A cooperative is managed and operated on a democratic basis. Each shareholder gets one vote in electing the cooperative's Board of Directors, who will control and direct the operations of the cooperative. The firsf senior cooperative housing project in tfie state was "7500 York" in Edina. Occupancy of " 7500 York" was in October 1978. Seventeen years later, many of the original residents still reside at "7500 York." Cooperative housing residents normally occupy their apartments longer than renters do; therefore, members become better acquainted with their neighbors, and learn to work together for the general good of the people and the building. This arrangement leads to better understanding and growth of an active, viable community. � • Advantaaes of Membershi AS A MEMBER of Cooperative, your Share purchase entitles you to own a membership certificate in corporation. This entitles you to the exclusive right to occupy a dwelling unit and to participate in the operation of the corporation, directly as an elected board member or indirectfy as a voter. Members pay their portion of an operating budget, which is adopted annually by the Board of Directors in monthly charges. A cooperative is operated on a not-for-profit basis thus, any increase in the monthly housing costs is limited to actual increase in operating costs. Members are entitied to deduct the proportionate amount of the real estate taxes and mortgage interest paid by the corporation on their personal income tax statements. Monthly charges are allocated to each member to cover the cost of each member's portion of the mortgage payment, real estate taxes, building insurance, common area utilities and professional management, as well as � a"service package", which makes Osceola Park Cooperative living so desirable. By sharing costs cooperative members have an attractive hedge against inflation. lf a member decides to leave the cooperative, the membership cerfificate can be sold in accordance with a transfer value and rules set forth in the by-laws. The original share purchase price, plus any equity accrued, is returned to the member (or member's estate in the event of death) upon resale of the share. Generally, cooperative ownership allows for easy and inexpensive transfer, investment return, and considerable tax benefits. The purpose and goais of OSCEOLA PARK Cooperative program is to provide housing facilities and programs which support and foster independence, and provide a physical and social environment which enables and promotes a productive and fulfilling life for all residents. The physical and environmental needs of older persons constantly change. Its is the plan of OSCEOLA PARK TOWNHOMES to provide a facility and program that can efficiently respond to these changing needs — with innovation and flexibility. � q,� -1 l � � � Osceola Park Cooperative Apartments Offer: ♦ Patios or Balconies ♦ Spacious One and Two Bedroom or One Bedroom with Den Units — several attractive types to choose from ♦ Individually controlled forced air heating and central air conditioning ♦ All appliances —self defrost refrigerator; disposal; self-cleaning electric oven; range/range hood; dishwasher; carpet throughout; no-wax vinyf in Kitchen and Bath(s) ♦ Energy efficient window, 6" exterior wall and 12" ceili�g insulation � ♦ Individual decorator choices of carpet, vinyl flooring, countertops, and vertical blinds; prior to construction start, selection of tub-shower or shower. ♦ Spacious, well-planned closets and ample storage ♦ Central TV antenna system; cable-ready, telephone outlets in kitchen, living room and bedroom(s) ♦ Sarrier-free access throughout; 34" wide doors with lever handle lock set and lever faucet controls in kitchen and bath ♦ Easy and secure windows and doors, closing and locking design ♦ Emergency-call system, individually monitored � Osceola Park Cooperative of St. Paul � Amenities include the following: ♦ Spacious Great Room for dining, parties, lounging and special events ♦ Serving Kitchen for use be members for private parties or by a food service staff for group eve�ts ♦ Exercise Center and Craft Room ♦ Guest Rooms; for a nominal fee which is determined by the Board of Directors ♦ Fully equipped Laundry Rooms for use by residents; cost included in monthly charges ♦ Heated Parking Garage Space for lease at $40 per month ♦ Library/Computer Center � ♦ Central Mailboxes and "While You're Away° Service ♦ Elevators; barrier-free access throughout ♦ Woodworking shop ♦ Well-kept lawns and planting areas ♦ Garden plots for residents with a"Green Thumb" ♦ Additional Storage Rooms within building ♦ Mini-Bus Transportation included in monthly fee � �_ • 302 So. Osceola Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 October 16, 1999 Zoning Committee 25 West Fourth Street 1400 City Hal! Annex St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File Number: 99-227 Zoning File Name: Sherman R. Ru�ick Zoning Hearing Date: October 27, 1999 This is in response to the rezoning of the property Northwest of Toronto and Grace Streets; southeast of Osceola. As a family we are concerned about the construction of a housing complex for seniors age 55 and over on this piece of land. As stated in our Ietter dated September 10, 1999, we are not in favor of deveiopment of this property. We still feel that the following are issues which need to be considered: The railroad tracks. How close can a building be constructed next to the railroad tracks? Grass fires are very common along these railroad tracks. When trains pass, it is very noisey, windows rattle, � buildings shake. The steam line.. There have been times over the years when this pipe has sprung a �eak. We're not sure if it is safe for a building io be close to this. Tra�c. There is a problem with traffic on this road with the freeway entrance, playground activities, and the curves on this road. During baseball season it is quite congested on this road. Parkina. Off street parking is a necessity. With the curves and playground parking the road can become very narrow, especially in the winter. Environment. Our skyline will change with the building towering over our homes. Our privacy will be invaded. This land is home to many small wildlife. If you walk through this property you will see snakes, rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, many birds, and occasionally a raccoon. On a rare occasion we have even had a deer appear. Sojl. A soil test should be made of this land. The soil quality in the neighborhood is not consistent. Some areas are very hard rock, others are soft clay. Many yards have problems with sinking and unlevel yards. We are not in favor of the construction of a housing complex for seniors age 55 and over on ffiis property. We feel this is a very poor use of this land. If this land is privately owned, why does the cify plow the sidewalk and cut most of the grass on Osceola Avenue? We have always thought this was city or state property. Why are taxpayers cutting their grass and plowing their sidewalks? • Kathleen Poucher & Facxi ;�������