99-1063Council File # qg - (0�3 � �� U � - I��g�a� m� e_�'s , o � a �� o � � Ordinance # �, �- � ,� .� � ( `t � � o � Ca � Green Sheet # � �a � ORDINANCE �4 V��� e�e,rr:��'e- CITY OF SAINT PAUL� MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To 35 Coxnxnittee Date : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 An interim ordinance enacted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 462.355, Subd. 4. preserving the status quo with respect to the use of property within the City of Saint Paul pending the completion of studies of possible amendments to city zoning regulations relating to trucking facilities. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Seetion 1 9IIRI ISHCp �AN 1 5�g88 The Saint Paul City Council, in Council File 99-649, directed the Department of Planning and Economic Development to undertake a study of the City's zoning regulations relating to trucking uses. The Saint Paul Planning Commission was to study these matters and submit a report and recommendations to the Council. Section 2 Pending the completion of the study and for the purposes of prohibiting the establishment of any "trucking facilities" or other similar uses as a permitted use in I-1, I-2 and I-3 industrial districts within the City of Saint Paul, and until such time as the study has been completed and the Council of the City of Saint Pau1 has taken action on any recommendations contained therein or has requested additional information, no permit or license for the establishment of any trucking facilities or other similar uses shall be issued or approved by the City, its officers, employees, agents or commissions. The prohibition is enacted for the purposes of protecting the City's planning process and the health, welfare and safety of its citizens in addition to the other purposes expressed herein or in an accompanying resolution. Section 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 For a period of time not to extend past March 1,2000, and for the purposes of prohibiting any development that might be inconsistent with the pending study and any amendments to the City's zoning regulations, the prohibitions shall continue in full force until a comprehensive policy for the City can be adopted. t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 li 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 21 22 Section 4 That the use approved in P.C. No. 99-27 and as modified in C.F. No. 99-524 for property commonly known as 685 Fairview and which is the subject o£ litigation in District Court File No. C7-99-7679 is exempt from the restrictions in this interim ordinance and accompanying resolution. Section 5 For the purpose of any use affected by this interim ordinance, a trucking facility is defined as a motor freight terminal: A building or area in which Preight is assembled or stored for routing in intrastate or interstate shipment primarily involving truck tractors and semitrailers, except for facilities affiliated with a manufacturing use on site. Seetion 6 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. � � � 6Y� i S � O �� 4 Q � �� k� f Byc Requested by Department o£: By: Form Approved by City Attorney ---��- � BY� ,�..�'1✓�/�,�---- � Adopted by Council: Date U 9� � a \�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B y : ��` � L� � — By; Approved by Mayor: Date B _ ��,� � ► " o �- � — l���C5��0 �It�IISHE� �AN 15 a98$ Adopted by Coimcil: Date Q Adoptio�ified by Caimcil retary By: �, � ��.�,--<—__._ Approved by Mayw: Date CiCy Council Jay Benanav 266-8640 10-27-99 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET oa.rt,�r owFC,oR ag -►o� No � o�, �G � � arrtnanEV � O•'Ll• h ❑ cmraaa ❑ wuxcuLLamurESOrt ❑ wwcF�� �r�YOntaearafrwm ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approve Interim Ordinance regulating trucking facilities pending recommendations to amend city zoning regulations. a PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION Has mfs a�� eae.wakea under a coM�act fo.fhis departmenn YES NO Has this P��Trm rm been e dlY emDloYee7 YES NO Dces thic PelsoMrtn V� a skA not namalryP�eU bY airy arreM ciy' emP�%'ee? YES NO �s mis pe'sorYfirm a taraetea venaor+ YES I� Nain aU ves answe�s an aeoarate st�& ard att�h W atcen sl�et Cvrrent City zoning regulaY.€ons permit trucking facilities in areas adjacent to residential neighborhoods. Current zoninq regulations may be insufficient to protect residential uses. IANTAGES IF APPROVFD Allows City time to determine where truck faciliCies should be located and how they should be regulated to protect more restrictive use zones. Truck facilities may be located in areas incompatible with adjacent residential uses. COST/REVENUE BUDfiEfED (CIRCLE ON� VES NO SOURCE _ — _ ACTIVT'NUMBER `(q- �e�3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor January 4, 2000 390 Ciry Hall Te[ephane: 65I-266-8510 IS West Kellogg Boulward Facsimile: 651-266-85I3 Saint Paul, MN 55102 33 �enbn?n,!°.. Ca�*�R ��.�,.- . � .,. _ . a ��ge ; . ��.�:�, Council President Dan Bostrom and Members of the City Council 320B City Hall Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102 Dear Council President Bostrom and Members of the City Council: I am returning Council File 99-1063 with my veto. The City Council believes, wrongly, that it is their role to restrict owners of property from being able to develop their property in a way that produces benefit for the City, as well as for the property owner. Furthermore, the City Council's continued insistence that governance by moratorium is somehow or another forward-looking does not speak well of our legislative process. This is the fourth proposed moratorium in Saint Paul in less than two years. Moratoriums should be reserved for those times in wMch serious problems may threaten the life, safety and livability of Saint Paul and its residents. I am vetoing this message because depriving ]and owners of their constitutional right to develop their land, consistent with City land use provisions, is shortsighted and ill-advised. Since 1994, this City has done everything in its power to reverse the image of a City that undernunes private development through over-regulation and counterproductive politics. This Administration will continue to do what it can to promote Saint Paul as a good place to live, work, raise a family — and to own and build a business. I believe strongiy in the need to speak with, and ]isten to, our constituents. I aiso believe strongly in the need to exercise political courage. � ° �g-�c�3 City Councilmembers Page Two January 4, 2000 I veto this legislation because I do not believe that the City Council has exercised the polirical courage necessary to protect the basic constiturional rights of homeowners, landowners and business owners to decide on how to best use their own property. I cannot support precedents such as this when it threatens to undernune everything Saint Paul has done to remove the "Closed for Business" sign that hung at our border for far too many years. People who own property in Saint Paul should not fear that City government will deprive them oftheir rights to develop that property. Ifwe do not stop this poorly devised strategy to secure political advantage today, I am concemed about the message we are sending to businesses and residents tomorrow. Si cerely, �•_._ �Pi� -�.,� Norm Coleman Mayor Second Substitute: 11-24-99 Council File # Ordinance # �q- ID1�� Green Sheet # ORDINANCE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee a� 1 Second Substitute dated 11-24-99 amends First ubstitute dated 11- 2 17-99. First Substitute additions are in cated by underline; 3 deletions by strrkeocxt. Second Substitute dditions are indicated 4 by underline and ���',�;w„,�"'."�; deletions by and -.�' `� ****�*******�*****x*�******x******:r*:��* An interim ordinance Minnesota StaCutes � preserving the status c use of property within pending the completio amendments to city z i� to trueking facilit'es. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 e cted pursuant to 462.355, Subd. 4. o with respect to the the City of Saint Paul of studies of possible ig regulations relating THE COUNCIL OF THE TY OF SAIIdT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 The Saint Paul Cit Council, in Council File 99-649, directed the Department of Plan ing and Economic Development to undertake a study of the City's z ning regulations relating to trucking uses. The Saint Paul Plann'ng Commission was to study these matters and submit a report and ecommendations to the Council. Section 2 Pending th completion of the study and for the purposes of prohibiting the establishment of any "trucking facilities" or other similar uses a permitted use in I-1, I-2 and I-3 industrial districts wit in the City of Saint Paul, and until such time as the study has be completed and the Council of the City of Saint Paul has taken a ion on any recommendations contained therein or has requested ditional information, no permit or license for the establish nt of any trucking facilities or other similar uses shall be ssued or approved by the City, its officers, employees, agents o commissions. The prohibition is enacted £or the purposes of prot cting the City's planning process and the health, welfare and s fety of its citizens in addition to the other purposes expressed herein or in an accompanying resolution. q q.�Q�3 Section 3 For a period of time not to �t__�.___ _,_�_ _t ,_______��______ extend past Marc: the purposes of prohibiting any development inconsistent with the pending study and any at City's zoning regulations, the prohibitions shall force until a comprehensive policy for the City c� - ����waa.��t:��ui.��..r�s . . • - • • � Section 4 commonly known as 685 Fairview litigation in District Court Fi1e restrictions in this interim ordi�i 1 2�000, and for at might be �dments to the ontinue in full be adopted. 3zz �'�,�'���`��r3��5� for property i which is the subject of C7-99-7679 is exempt from the and accompanying resolution. E Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Coun 1 Adoption Certi ied Bye Approved Mayor: By: . Date by Council Secretary Date Form Approv by City Attorney B .� �/�/.w�---,. Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: OR1G;;�nL p � \� i`q council File # ° �9 - 10 �e � . m�r�c�.e� - �vov. Ordinance # Green Sheet # - I � �{,',',,$� Presented Referred To ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA ° e� � An interim ordinance enacted pursuant to N�innesota Statutes § 462.355, Subd. 4. preserving the status quo w�' respect to the use of property within the City of Saint Paul p ding the completion of studies ofpossible amendments to city z ng regulafions relating to trucking facilities. � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY (�' SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 1 The Saint Paul City Council, in ouncil File 99-649, directed the Department of Planning and Economic Development to unde a study ofthe City's zoning regulations relating to trucking uses. The Saint Paul Planning Co 'ssion was to study these matters and submit a report and recommendations to the Council. Section 2 Pending the complef on of the study and for the purposes of prohibiring the establishment of any "trucking facilities" or other similar uses as a permitted use in I-1, I-2 and I-3 industrial districts within the City Saint Paul, and until such time as the study has been completed and the Council of the CiTy of S'nt Paul has taken action on any recommendations contained therein or has requestedadditionali ormation, nopermitorlicensefartheestablishmentofanytruckingfacilities or other similar use shall be issued or approved by the City, its officers, employees, agents or commissions. The rohibirion is enacted for the purposes ofprotecting the City's plamiing process and the health, w faze and safety of its citizens in addition to the other purposes expressed herein or in an accomp ying resolution. G in Section 3 1 �a period of tune not to� °^°= ��l ^�^�Fl,� �.,,„, fl,o oFFArA..o a�+A .,f th;� and for the purposes of prohibiting any development that might be inconsistent with the idy and any amendments to the City's zoning regulations, the prohibitions shail continue � until a comprehensive policy for the City can be adopted. T"-- --� �l_ �_�_ �_ __ .._a i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Section 4 a�, . to �3 The hucking facility presently approved for properiy commonly known as 685 Fairview and which is the subject of litigation in District Court File No. C7-99-7679 is exempt fro�the restrictions in this interim ordinance and accompanying resolution. Section 5 This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force thuty (30) days from and a$er its passage, approval and publication. f OR�GI�AL ftequested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: . Adoption Certified by By: Approved by Mayo�: Date Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney sr: ��l✓L✓�yr�.+-, / Approved by Mayox fos SuL�mission to Council By: By: council File # �9 - 10 �.3 ORfc;;��L � Ordinance # Green Sheet # l O t{ �'S,$� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIIl�TNESOTA Presented Refeaed To An interim ordinance enacted pursuant to Minnesota S tes § 462355, Subd. 4. preserving the stazus quo with respect t e use of property within the City of Saint Paul pending the c mpletion of studies of possible amendments to city zoning regul ons relating to trucking facilities. � 3a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il � 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 � 5 36 37 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Section 1 The Saint Paul City Council, in Council and Economic Development to undertake a study uses. The Saint Paul Planning Commission� recommendations to the Council. Committee Date : AiiL DOES ORDAIN: �e 94-649, directed the Depaztment of Planning fthe City's zoning regulations relating to truck�* � to study these matters and submit a report and Section 2 Pending the completion of study and for the purposes of prohibiting the establishment of any "trucking facilities" or oth similaz uses as a permitted use in I-1, I-2 and I-3 industrial districts within the City of Saint aul, and until such tnne as the study has been completed and the Council of the City of Saint Pa has taken action on any recommendations contained therein or r �s requested additionai informa � n, no permit or license for the establishment of any trucking fac;'+ties or other similaz uses sha11 e issued or approved by the City, its officers, employees, agents or commissions. The prohib' on is enacted for the purposes of protecting the City's planning process and the health, welfare d safety of its citizens in addiUOn to the other purposes expressed herein or in an accomnanvin esolution. For a �er�fleaed, an pending stu in full forc� Section 3 tX� ' I�iiG�t� � of time not to et�eeee /£or the purposes of prohibiting any development that might be inconsistent with the and any amendments to the City's zoning regulations, the prohibitions sha11 continue itii a comprehensive policy for the City can be adopted. '- •� *'� *� a• � --- - .- - - - "- - . - . -• - - - - - - - i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Section 4 aq .►o G 3 The trucking facility presently approved for properry oxnmonly known as 685 Fairview and which is the subject of litigation in District Court Fil No. C7-99-7679 is exempt from the restricfions in this interim ordinance and accompanying esolution. � Section This ordinance shall take effect and be in approval and publication. � ORIGINAL thirry (30) days from and after its passage, Adopted by Council: T/ate Adoption Certified �} Council Secretary Requested by Department of: Syc Form Approved by City Attorney s,•: .�-,l�/6✓oyw.... /a�Z Approved by Mayor for SuSmission to Council $Y' $y: � Approved by *✓,ayor: Date Hy' Council File # qg - (0�3 � �� U � - I��g�a� m� e_�'s , o � a �� o � � Ordinance # �, �- � ,� .� � ( `t � � o � Ca � Green Sheet # � �a � ORDINANCE �4 V��� e�e,rr:��'e- CITY OF SAINT PAUL� MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To 35 Coxnxnittee Date : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 An interim ordinance enacted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 462.355, Subd. 4. preserving the status quo with respect to the use of property within the City of Saint Paul pending the completion of studies of possible amendments to city zoning regulations relating to trucking facilities. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Seetion 1 9IIRI ISHCp �AN 1 5�g88 The Saint Paul City Council, in Council File 99-649, directed the Department of Planning and Economic Development to undertake a study of the City's zoning regulations relating to trucking uses. The Saint Paul Planning Commission was to study these matters and submit a report and recommendations to the Council. Section 2 Pending the completion of the study and for the purposes of prohibiting the establishment of any "trucking facilities" or other similar uses as a permitted use in I-1, I-2 and I-3 industrial districts within the City of Saint Paul, and until such time as the study has been completed and the Council of the City of Saint Pau1 has taken action on any recommendations contained therein or has requested additional information, no permit or license for the establishment of any trucking facilities or other similar uses shall be issued or approved by the City, its officers, employees, agents or commissions. The prohibition is enacted for the purposes of protecting the City's planning process and the health, welfare and safety of its citizens in addition to the other purposes expressed herein or in an accompanying resolution. Section 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 For a period of time not to extend past March 1,2000, and for the purposes of prohibiting any development that might be inconsistent with the pending study and any amendments to the City's zoning regulations, the prohibitions shall continue in full force until a comprehensive policy for the City can be adopted. t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 li 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 21 22 Section 4 That the use approved in P.C. No. 99-27 and as modified in C.F. No. 99-524 for property commonly known as 685 Fairview and which is the subject o£ litigation in District Court File No. C7-99-7679 is exempt from the restrictions in this interim ordinance and accompanying resolution. Section 5 For the purpose of any use affected by this interim ordinance, a trucking facility is defined as a motor freight terminal: A building or area in which Preight is assembled or stored for routing in intrastate or interstate shipment primarily involving truck tractors and semitrailers, except for facilities affiliated with a manufacturing use on site. Seetion 6 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. � � � 6Y� i S � O �� 4 Q � �� k� f Byc Requested by Department o£: By: Form Approved by City Attorney ---��- � BY� ,�..�'1✓�/�,�---- � Adopted by Council: Date U 9� � a \�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B y : ��` � L� � — By; Approved by Mayor: Date B _ ��,� � ► " o �- � — l���C5��0 �It�IISHE� �AN 15 a98$ Adopted by Coimcil: Date Q Adoptio�ified by Caimcil retary By: �, � ��.�,--<—__._ Approved by Mayw: Date CiCy Council Jay Benanav 266-8640 10-27-99 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET oa.rt,�r owFC,oR ag -►o� No � o�, �G � � arrtnanEV � O•'Ll• h ❑ cmraaa ❑ wuxcuLLamurESOrt ❑ wwcF�� �r�YOntaearafrwm ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approve Interim Ordinance regulating trucking facilities pending recommendations to amend city zoning regulations. a PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION Has mfs a�� eae.wakea under a coM�act fo.fhis departmenn YES NO Has this P��Trm rm been e dlY emDloYee7 YES NO Dces thic PelsoMrtn V� a skA not namalryP�eU bY airy arreM ciy' emP�%'ee? YES NO �s mis pe'sorYfirm a taraetea venaor+ YES I� Nain aU ves answe�s an aeoarate st�& ard att�h W atcen sl�et Cvrrent City zoning regulaY.€ons permit trucking facilities in areas adjacent to residential neighborhoods. Current zoninq regulations may be insufficient to protect residential uses. IANTAGES IF APPROVFD Allows City time to determine where truck faciliCies should be located and how they should be regulated to protect more restrictive use zones. Truck facilities may be located in areas incompatible with adjacent residential uses. COST/REVENUE BUDfiEfED (CIRCLE ON� VES NO SOURCE _ — _ ACTIVT'NUMBER `(q- �e�3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor January 4, 2000 390 Ciry Hall Te[ephane: 65I-266-8510 IS West Kellogg Boulward Facsimile: 651-266-85I3 Saint Paul, MN 55102 33 �enbn?n,!°.. Ca�*�R ��.�,.- . � .,. _ . a ��ge ; . ��.�:�, Council President Dan Bostrom and Members of the City Council 320B City Hall Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102 Dear Council President Bostrom and Members of the City Council: I am returning Council File 99-1063 with my veto. The City Council believes, wrongly, that it is their role to restrict owners of property from being able to develop their property in a way that produces benefit for the City, as well as for the property owner. Furthermore, the City Council's continued insistence that governance by moratorium is somehow or another forward-looking does not speak well of our legislative process. This is the fourth proposed moratorium in Saint Paul in less than two years. Moratoriums should be reserved for those times in wMch serious problems may threaten the life, safety and livability of Saint Paul and its residents. I am vetoing this message because depriving ]and owners of their constitutional right to develop their land, consistent with City land use provisions, is shortsighted and ill-advised. Since 1994, this City has done everything in its power to reverse the image of a City that undernunes private development through over-regulation and counterproductive politics. This Administration will continue to do what it can to promote Saint Paul as a good place to live, work, raise a family — and to own and build a business. I believe strongiy in the need to speak with, and ]isten to, our constituents. I aiso believe strongly in the need to exercise political courage. � ° �g-�c�3 City Councilmembers Page Two January 4, 2000 I veto this legislation because I do not believe that the City Council has exercised the polirical courage necessary to protect the basic constiturional rights of homeowners, landowners and business owners to decide on how to best use their own property. I cannot support precedents such as this when it threatens to undernune everything Saint Paul has done to remove the "Closed for Business" sign that hung at our border for far too many years. People who own property in Saint Paul should not fear that City government will deprive them oftheir rights to develop that property. Ifwe do not stop this poorly devised strategy to secure political advantage today, I am concemed about the message we are sending to businesses and residents tomorrow. Si cerely, �•_._ �Pi� -�.,� Norm Coleman Mayor Second Substitute: 11-24-99 Council File # Ordinance # �q- ID1�� Green Sheet # ORDINANCE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee a� 1 Second Substitute dated 11-24-99 amends First ubstitute dated 11- 2 17-99. First Substitute additions are in cated by underline; 3 deletions by strrkeocxt. Second Substitute dditions are indicated 4 by underline and ���',�;w„,�"'."�; deletions by and -.�' `� ****�*******�*****x*�******x******:r*:��* An interim ordinance Minnesota StaCutes � preserving the status c use of property within pending the completio amendments to city z i� to trueking facilit'es. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 e cted pursuant to 462.355, Subd. 4. o with respect to the the City of Saint Paul of studies of possible ig regulations relating THE COUNCIL OF THE TY OF SAIIdT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 The Saint Paul Cit Council, in Council File 99-649, directed the Department of Plan ing and Economic Development to undertake a study of the City's z ning regulations relating to trucking uses. The Saint Paul Plann'ng Commission was to study these matters and submit a report and ecommendations to the Council. Section 2 Pending th completion of the study and for the purposes of prohibiting the establishment of any "trucking facilities" or other similar uses a permitted use in I-1, I-2 and I-3 industrial districts wit in the City of Saint Paul, and until such time as the study has be completed and the Council of the City of Saint Paul has taken a ion on any recommendations contained therein or has requested ditional information, no permit or license for the establish nt of any trucking facilities or other similar uses shall be ssued or approved by the City, its officers, employees, agents o commissions. The prohibition is enacted £or the purposes of prot cting the City's planning process and the health, welfare and s fety of its citizens in addition to the other purposes expressed herein or in an accompanying resolution. q q.�Q�3 Section 3 For a period of time not to �t__�.___ _,_�_ _t ,_______��______ extend past Marc: the purposes of prohibiting any development inconsistent with the pending study and any at City's zoning regulations, the prohibitions shall force until a comprehensive policy for the City c� - ����waa.��t:��ui.��..r�s . . • - • • � Section 4 commonly known as 685 Fairview litigation in District Court Fi1e restrictions in this interim ordi�i 1 2�000, and for at might be �dments to the ontinue in full be adopted. 3zz �'�,�'���`��r3��5� for property i which is the subject of C7-99-7679 is exempt from the and accompanying resolution. E Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Coun 1 Adoption Certi ied Bye Approved Mayor: By: . Date by Council Secretary Date Form Approv by City Attorney B .� �/�/.w�---,. Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: OR1G;;�nL p � \� i`q council File # ° �9 - 10 �e � . m�r�c�.e� - �vov. Ordinance # Green Sheet # - I � �{,',',,$� Presented Referred To ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA ° e� � An interim ordinance enacted pursuant to N�innesota Statutes § 462.355, Subd. 4. preserving the status quo w�' respect to the use of property within the City of Saint Paul p ding the completion of studies ofpossible amendments to city z ng regulafions relating to trucking facilities. � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY (�' SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 1 The Saint Paul City Council, in ouncil File 99-649, directed the Department of Planning and Economic Development to unde a study ofthe City's zoning regulations relating to trucking uses. The Saint Paul Planning Co 'ssion was to study these matters and submit a report and recommendations to the Council. Section 2 Pending the complef on of the study and for the purposes of prohibiring the establishment of any "trucking facilities" or other similar uses as a permitted use in I-1, I-2 and I-3 industrial districts within the City Saint Paul, and until such time as the study has been completed and the Council of the CiTy of S'nt Paul has taken action on any recommendations contained therein or has requestedadditionali ormation, nopermitorlicensefartheestablishmentofanytruckingfacilities or other similar use shall be issued or approved by the City, its officers, employees, agents or commissions. The rohibirion is enacted for the purposes ofprotecting the City's plamiing process and the health, w faze and safety of its citizens in addition to the other purposes expressed herein or in an accomp ying resolution. G in Section 3 1 �a period of tune not to� °^°= ��l ^�^�Fl,� �.,,„, fl,o oFFArA..o a�+A .,f th;� and for the purposes of prohibiting any development that might be inconsistent with the idy and any amendments to the City's zoning regulations, the prohibitions shail continue � until a comprehensive policy for the City can be adopted. T"-- --� �l_ �_�_ �_ __ .._a i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Section 4 a�, . to �3 The hucking facility presently approved for properiy commonly known as 685 Fairview and which is the subject of litigation in District Court File No. C7-99-7679 is exempt fro�the restrictions in this interim ordinance and accompanying resolution. Section 5 This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force thuty (30) days from and a$er its passage, approval and publication. f OR�GI�AL ftequested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: . Adoption Certified by By: Approved by Mayo�: Date Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney sr: ��l✓L✓�yr�.+-, / Approved by Mayox fos SuL�mission to Council By: By: council File # �9 - 10 �.3 ORfc;;��L � Ordinance # Green Sheet # l O t{ �'S,$� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIIl�TNESOTA Presented Refeaed To An interim ordinance enacted pursuant to Minnesota S tes § 462355, Subd. 4. preserving the stazus quo with respect t e use of property within the City of Saint Paul pending the c mpletion of studies of possible amendments to city zoning regul ons relating to trucking facilities. � 3a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il � 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 � 5 36 37 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Section 1 The Saint Paul City Council, in Council and Economic Development to undertake a study uses. The Saint Paul Planning Commission� recommendations to the Council. Committee Date : AiiL DOES ORDAIN: �e 94-649, directed the Depaztment of Planning fthe City's zoning regulations relating to truck�* � to study these matters and submit a report and Section 2 Pending the completion of study and for the purposes of prohibiting the establishment of any "trucking facilities" or oth similaz uses as a permitted use in I-1, I-2 and I-3 industrial districts within the City of Saint aul, and until such tnne as the study has been completed and the Council of the City of Saint Pa has taken action on any recommendations contained therein or r �s requested additionai informa � n, no permit or license for the establishment of any trucking fac;'+ties or other similaz uses sha11 e issued or approved by the City, its officers, employees, agents or commissions. The prohib' on is enacted for the purposes of protecting the City's planning process and the health, welfare d safety of its citizens in addiUOn to the other purposes expressed herein or in an accomnanvin esolution. For a �er�fleaed, an pending stu in full forc� Section 3 tX� ' I�iiG�t� � of time not to et�eeee /£or the purposes of prohibiting any development that might be inconsistent with the and any amendments to the City's zoning regulations, the prohibitions sha11 continue itii a comprehensive policy for the City can be adopted. '- •� *'� *� a• � --- - .- - - - "- - . - . -• - - - - - - - i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Section 4 aq .►o G 3 The trucking facility presently approved for properry oxnmonly known as 685 Fairview and which is the subject of litigation in District Court Fil No. C7-99-7679 is exempt from the restricfions in this interim ordinance and accompanying esolution. � Section This ordinance shall take effect and be in approval and publication. � ORIGINAL thirry (30) days from and after its passage, Adopted by Council: T/ate Adoption Certified �} Council Secretary Requested by Department of: Syc Form Approved by City Attorney s,•: .�-,l�/6✓oyw.... /a�Z Approved by Mayor for SuSmission to Council $Y' $y: � Approved by *✓,ayor: Date Hy' Council File # qg - (0�3 � �� U � - I��g�a� m� e_�'s , o � a �� o � � Ordinance # �, �- � ,� .� � ( `t � � o � Ca � Green Sheet # � �a � ORDINANCE �4 V��� e�e,rr:��'e- CITY OF SAINT PAUL� MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To 35 Coxnxnittee Date : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 An interim ordinance enacted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 462.355, Subd. 4. preserving the status quo with respect to the use of property within the City of Saint Paul pending the completion of studies of possible amendments to city zoning regulations relating to trucking facilities. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Seetion 1 9IIRI ISHCp �AN 1 5�g88 The Saint Paul City Council, in Council File 99-649, directed the Department of Planning and Economic Development to undertake a study of the City's zoning regulations relating to trucking uses. The Saint Paul Planning Commission was to study these matters and submit a report and recommendations to the Council. Section 2 Pending the completion of the study and for the purposes of prohibiting the establishment of any "trucking facilities" or other similar uses as a permitted use in I-1, I-2 and I-3 industrial districts within the City of Saint Paul, and until such time as the study has been completed and the Council of the City of Saint Pau1 has taken action on any recommendations contained therein or has requested additional information, no permit or license for the establishment of any trucking facilities or other similar uses shall be issued or approved by the City, its officers, employees, agents or commissions. The prohibition is enacted for the purposes of protecting the City's planning process and the health, welfare and safety of its citizens in addition to the other purposes expressed herein or in an accompanying resolution. Section 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 For a period of time not to extend past March 1,2000, and for the purposes of prohibiting any development that might be inconsistent with the pending study and any amendments to the City's zoning regulations, the prohibitions shall continue in full force until a comprehensive policy for the City can be adopted. t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 li 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 21 22 Section 4 That the use approved in P.C. No. 99-27 and as modified in C.F. No. 99-524 for property commonly known as 685 Fairview and which is the subject o£ litigation in District Court File No. C7-99-7679 is exempt from the restrictions in this interim ordinance and accompanying resolution. Section 5 For the purpose of any use affected by this interim ordinance, a trucking facility is defined as a motor freight terminal: A building or area in which Preight is assembled or stored for routing in intrastate or interstate shipment primarily involving truck tractors and semitrailers, except for facilities affiliated with a manufacturing use on site. Seetion 6 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. � � � 6Y� i S � O �� 4 Q � �� k� f Byc Requested by Department o£: By: Form Approved by City Attorney ---��- � BY� ,�..�'1✓�/�,�---- � Adopted by Council: Date U 9� � a \�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B y : ��` � L� � — By; Approved by Mayor: Date B _ ��,� � ► " o �- � — l���C5��0 �It�IISHE� �AN 15 a98$ Adopted by Coimcil: Date Q Adoptio�ified by Caimcil retary By: �, � ��.�,--<—__._ Approved by Mayw: Date CiCy Council Jay Benanav 266-8640 10-27-99 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET oa.rt,�r owFC,oR ag -►o� No � o�, �G � � arrtnanEV � O•'Ll• h ❑ cmraaa ❑ wuxcuLLamurESOrt ❑ wwcF�� �r�YOntaearafrwm ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approve Interim Ordinance regulating trucking facilities pending recommendations to amend city zoning regulations. a PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION Has mfs a�� eae.wakea under a coM�act fo.fhis departmenn YES NO Has this P��Trm rm been e dlY emDloYee7 YES NO Dces thic PelsoMrtn V� a skA not namalryP�eU bY airy arreM ciy' emP�%'ee? YES NO �s mis pe'sorYfirm a taraetea venaor+ YES I� Nain aU ves answe�s an aeoarate st�& ard att�h W atcen sl�et Cvrrent City zoning regulaY.€ons permit trucking facilities in areas adjacent to residential neighborhoods. Current zoninq regulations may be insufficient to protect residential uses. IANTAGES IF APPROVFD Allows City time to determine where truck faciliCies should be located and how they should be regulated to protect more restrictive use zones. Truck facilities may be located in areas incompatible with adjacent residential uses. COST/REVENUE BUDfiEfED (CIRCLE ON� VES NO SOURCE _ — _ ACTIVT'NUMBER `(q- �e�3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor January 4, 2000 390 Ciry Hall Te[ephane: 65I-266-8510 IS West Kellogg Boulward Facsimile: 651-266-85I3 Saint Paul, MN 55102 33 �enbn?n,!°.. Ca�*�R ��.�,.- . � .,. _ . a ��ge ; . ��.�:�, Council President Dan Bostrom and Members of the City Council 320B City Hall Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102 Dear Council President Bostrom and Members of the City Council: I am returning Council File 99-1063 with my veto. The City Council believes, wrongly, that it is their role to restrict owners of property from being able to develop their property in a way that produces benefit for the City, as well as for the property owner. Furthermore, the City Council's continued insistence that governance by moratorium is somehow or another forward-looking does not speak well of our legislative process. This is the fourth proposed moratorium in Saint Paul in less than two years. Moratoriums should be reserved for those times in wMch serious problems may threaten the life, safety and livability of Saint Paul and its residents. I am vetoing this message because depriving ]and owners of their constitutional right to develop their land, consistent with City land use provisions, is shortsighted and ill-advised. Since 1994, this City has done everything in its power to reverse the image of a City that undernunes private development through over-regulation and counterproductive politics. This Administration will continue to do what it can to promote Saint Paul as a good place to live, work, raise a family — and to own and build a business. I believe strongiy in the need to speak with, and ]isten to, our constituents. I aiso believe strongly in the need to exercise political courage. � ° �g-�c�3 City Councilmembers Page Two January 4, 2000 I veto this legislation because I do not believe that the City Council has exercised the polirical courage necessary to protect the basic constiturional rights of homeowners, landowners and business owners to decide on how to best use their own property. I cannot support precedents such as this when it threatens to undernune everything Saint Paul has done to remove the "Closed for Business" sign that hung at our border for far too many years. People who own property in Saint Paul should not fear that City government will deprive them oftheir rights to develop that property. Ifwe do not stop this poorly devised strategy to secure political advantage today, I am concemed about the message we are sending to businesses and residents tomorrow. Si cerely, �•_._ �Pi� -�.,� Norm Coleman Mayor Second Substitute: 11-24-99 Council File # Ordinance # �q- ID1�� Green Sheet # ORDINANCE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee a� 1 Second Substitute dated 11-24-99 amends First ubstitute dated 11- 2 17-99. First Substitute additions are in cated by underline; 3 deletions by strrkeocxt. Second Substitute dditions are indicated 4 by underline and ���',�;w„,�"'."�; deletions by and -.�' `� ****�*******�*****x*�******x******:r*:��* An interim ordinance Minnesota StaCutes � preserving the status c use of property within pending the completio amendments to city z i� to trueking facilit'es. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 e cted pursuant to 462.355, Subd. 4. o with respect to the the City of Saint Paul of studies of possible ig regulations relating THE COUNCIL OF THE TY OF SAIIdT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 The Saint Paul Cit Council, in Council File 99-649, directed the Department of Plan ing and Economic Development to undertake a study of the City's z ning regulations relating to trucking uses. The Saint Paul Plann'ng Commission was to study these matters and submit a report and ecommendations to the Council. Section 2 Pending th completion of the study and for the purposes of prohibiting the establishment of any "trucking facilities" or other similar uses a permitted use in I-1, I-2 and I-3 industrial districts wit in the City of Saint Paul, and until such time as the study has be completed and the Council of the City of Saint Paul has taken a ion on any recommendations contained therein or has requested ditional information, no permit or license for the establish nt of any trucking facilities or other similar uses shall be ssued or approved by the City, its officers, employees, agents o commissions. The prohibition is enacted £or the purposes of prot cting the City's planning process and the health, welfare and s fety of its citizens in addition to the other purposes expressed herein or in an accompanying resolution. q q.�Q�3 Section 3 For a period of time not to �t__�.___ _,_�_ _t ,_______��______ extend past Marc: the purposes of prohibiting any development inconsistent with the pending study and any at City's zoning regulations, the prohibitions shall force until a comprehensive policy for the City c� - ����waa.��t:��ui.��..r�s . . • - • • � Section 4 commonly known as 685 Fairview litigation in District Court Fi1e restrictions in this interim ordi�i 1 2�000, and for at might be �dments to the ontinue in full be adopted. 3zz �'�,�'���`��r3��5� for property i which is the subject of C7-99-7679 is exempt from the and accompanying resolution. E Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Coun 1 Adoption Certi ied Bye Approved Mayor: By: . Date by Council Secretary Date Form Approv by City Attorney B .� �/�/.w�---,. Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: OR1G;;�nL p � \� i`q council File # ° �9 - 10 �e � . m�r�c�.e� - �vov. Ordinance # Green Sheet # - I � �{,',',,$� Presented Referred To ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA ° e� � An interim ordinance enacted pursuant to N�innesota Statutes § 462.355, Subd. 4. preserving the status quo w�' respect to the use of property within the City of Saint Paul p ding the completion of studies ofpossible amendments to city z ng regulafions relating to trucking facilities. � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY (�' SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 1 The Saint Paul City Council, in ouncil File 99-649, directed the Department of Planning and Economic Development to unde a study ofthe City's zoning regulations relating to trucking uses. The Saint Paul Planning Co 'ssion was to study these matters and submit a report and recommendations to the Council. Section 2 Pending the complef on of the study and for the purposes of prohibiring the establishment of any "trucking facilities" or other similar uses as a permitted use in I-1, I-2 and I-3 industrial districts within the City Saint Paul, and until such time as the study has been completed and the Council of the CiTy of S'nt Paul has taken action on any recommendations contained therein or has requestedadditionali ormation, nopermitorlicensefartheestablishmentofanytruckingfacilities or other similar use shall be issued or approved by the City, its officers, employees, agents or commissions. The rohibirion is enacted for the purposes ofprotecting the City's plamiing process and the health, w faze and safety of its citizens in addition to the other purposes expressed herein or in an accomp ying resolution. G in Section 3 1 �a period of tune not to� °^°= ��l ^�^�Fl,� �.,,„, fl,o oFFArA..o a�+A .,f th;� and for the purposes of prohibiting any development that might be inconsistent with the idy and any amendments to the City's zoning regulations, the prohibitions shail continue � until a comprehensive policy for the City can be adopted. T"-- --� �l_ �_�_ �_ __ .._a i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Section 4 a�, . to �3 The hucking facility presently approved for properiy commonly known as 685 Fairview and which is the subject of litigation in District Court File No. C7-99-7679 is exempt fro�the restrictions in this interim ordinance and accompanying resolution. Section 5 This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force thuty (30) days from and a$er its passage, approval and publication. f OR�GI�AL ftequested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: . Adoption Certified by By: Approved by Mayo�: Date Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney sr: ��l✓L✓�yr�.+-, / Approved by Mayox fos SuL�mission to Council By: By: council File # �9 - 10 �.3 ORfc;;��L � Ordinance # Green Sheet # l O t{ �'S,$� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIIl�TNESOTA Presented Refeaed To An interim ordinance enacted pursuant to Minnesota S tes § 462355, Subd. 4. preserving the stazus quo with respect t e use of property within the City of Saint Paul pending the c mpletion of studies of possible amendments to city zoning regul ons relating to trucking facilities. � 3a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il � 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 � 5 36 37 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Section 1 The Saint Paul City Council, in Council and Economic Development to undertake a study uses. The Saint Paul Planning Commission� recommendations to the Council. Committee Date : AiiL DOES ORDAIN: �e 94-649, directed the Depaztment of Planning fthe City's zoning regulations relating to truck�* � to study these matters and submit a report and Section 2 Pending the completion of study and for the purposes of prohibiting the establishment of any "trucking facilities" or oth similaz uses as a permitted use in I-1, I-2 and I-3 industrial districts within the City of Saint aul, and until such tnne as the study has been completed and the Council of the City of Saint Pa has taken action on any recommendations contained therein or r �s requested additionai informa � n, no permit or license for the establishment of any trucking fac;'+ties or other similaz uses sha11 e issued or approved by the City, its officers, employees, agents or commissions. The prohib' on is enacted for the purposes of protecting the City's planning process and the health, welfare d safety of its citizens in addiUOn to the other purposes expressed herein or in an accomnanvin esolution. For a �er�fleaed, an pending stu in full forc� Section 3 tX� ' I�iiG�t� � of time not to et�eeee /£or the purposes of prohibiting any development that might be inconsistent with the and any amendments to the City's zoning regulations, the prohibitions sha11 continue itii a comprehensive policy for the City can be adopted. '- •� *'� *� a• � --- - .- - - - "- - . - . -• - - - - - - - i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Section 4 aq .►o G 3 The trucking facility presently approved for properry oxnmonly known as 685 Fairview and which is the subject of litigation in District Court Fil No. C7-99-7679 is exempt from the restricfions in this interim ordinance and accompanying esolution. � Section This ordinance shall take effect and be in approval and publication. � ORIGINAL thirry (30) days from and after its passage, Adopted by Council: T/ate Adoption Certified �} Council Secretary Requested by Department of: Syc Form Approved by City Attorney s,•: .�-,l�/6✓oyw.... /a�Z Approved by Mayor for SuSmission to Council $Y' $y: � Approved by *✓,ayor: Date Hy'