99-1036SuBSY► �,. ���,�� �� li I3��� � e`('S � o � Council File # 7 7' f d ora��� a Green Sheet # �d�52� � ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee Date : An ordinance to amend Chapter 85 and Section 86.11 of the St. Paul Administrative Code to allow waivers for certain contracts. 4 , 5 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: �i i . : ..., 6 ' 7 Section 1 9 A new Section 8513 is hereby added to the recently-enacted Chapter 85 of the St. Paul 10 Administrative Code to read as follows: il 12 13 14 15 16 17 ig 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Section 85.13. (a) Waivers. Upon request of the mayor, the council may by resolution waive one or more of the requirements of this Chapter 85 for invitations to bid, requests for proposals and contracts for city services resul6ng from such invitations or requests (hereafter collectively referred to as "contracts") ' r._.� Such waivers may be granted (i) where appropriate to prevent the imposi6on of unnecessary regulations and procedures on contracts which are useful and necessary for the orderly fixnctioning of the city, and which are not a part of the managed competition process involving performance plans, requests for proposals, and contracts, and (ii) where the city does not have and cannot reasonably develop on a timely basis the capacity or expertise to perform the city service or services proposed to be contracted out. In granting waivers hereunder, the council may place reasonable conditions on any such waiver, which conditions may include, but are not innited to, requirements that: (a) no city employee or employees will be laid off, reduced in hours. benefits or oav. demoted. or transferred involuntarily as a result of such contracts; and/or � 32 (b) the position of any city employee or employees who, within the six months preceding 33 the request for the waiver (i) had been performing the city service or services which aze to 34 be performed under the contracts and (ii) were laid off, reduced in hours, benefits or nav. 35 demoted or transferred involuntarily, shall be filled before the contract services are to be � 36 performed. � l�'�' 1 �b YVaivers,for water utilit�contracts. Upon request of the ¢eneral manager. the Board ofqq .�b3� 2 Water Commissioners may by resolution waive one or more of the rec�uirements of this Chapter 3 85 for contracts relating to the operations and functions of the water utility in the same manner 4 and upon the same arounds and criteria as provided in Section 8513(a� above. including the 5 imposition of reasonable conditions on such waivers. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3? 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 �c) Exemption. Notwithstandine the foreeoing. a contract for the performance of a citv service otherwise covered by this chanter is exempt from its requirements. and does not need a waiver, if: (11 no citv em l�oXee who had been perfomvng all or any�art of the cit�service which is to be provided under such contract will be laid off. reduced in hours. benefits or �av, demoted, or transferred involuntarily as a result of such contract; and (2) befare the contract services aze to be performed, the position of anv citv emplovee who, within the six months precedine the �rovision of service under the contract. (i� had been performing the citv service which is to be performed under the contract and (ii) was laid off, reduced in hours, benefits or roav, demoted, or transferred involuntarilv, shall be re-filled in accordance with appiicable civil service rules and collective bargaining contract provisions; and !31 the city does not have and cannot reasonably develop on a timelv basis the ca�aci or e�ertise to roerform the citv service�r000sed to be contracted out: and (4Lthe contract is necessarv for the orderly and efficient functionine of the city, and its execution will not impair the nolicies and eoals of this chapter. Section 2 Section 86.11 of the Administrative Code is herebv amended to add the following new subsection (cl: (c) Exemption for certain civic center contracts. A contract which orovides for the manatement or operation of the civic center Wilkins Auditorium and parking facilities is exem�t from the requirements of this section i£ (1) no city emplovee who had been doin¢ a11 or an�nart of the work which is to be nrovided under such contract will be laid off; reduced in hours. benefits or pay, demoted, or transferred involuntarily as a result of such contract: and �Zbefore the contract services aze to be performed. the uosition of any citv emplovee who, within the six months preceding the provision of service under the contract. (il had been doing the work which is to be done under the contract and (iil was laid off. reduced in hours, benefits or �av. demoted, or transferred involuntarily, shall be re-filled in accordance with applicable civil service rules and collecrive bareainint? contract nrovisions;and �3 the citv does not haue and cannot reasonablv develou on a timely basis the capacitv or _ expertise to �erform the work proposed to be contracted out: and �� � 11'3� q q,1� 3 �e (41 the contract is necessary for the orderlv and efficient functionin¢ of the civic center Wilkins Auditorium and related �� facilities, and its execution will not impair the policies and goals of this section. Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days following its passage, approval and publication. � .' ` ..� Requested by Department of: By: By Appr By: Fosm Approved by City Attorney B l� � �. , N-3- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council '� � � ,-,�..�.. -- � � v"`° vV �� �� \ S � a Adopted by Council: Date � !o \�qo� Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretaxy qq-�o3�0 a��� GREEN SHEET No, Z}��28 E:..:-.: � TO7AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ��� ��. ❑ /�IYATICAEY ❑ tl1YCtall ❑ N1YId1LiQYCFiOt ❑ q1�IdL�lWCiQ ❑ NYORI�AfMIIlR) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ��� G � , �u� L�'�� � b'"s' �� P� �� ' � L� � �:E� �-��� � ��� c�n�� PLANNING CAMMISSION CB CAMMITfEE CNIL SERVICE COMMIS: �����.��.e���.� YES NO tms uwc c�� ewrman e a7v emnM�� VFS NO Ooec tlNS P�� O�eas a eldll nat � M' �Y ��� �Y �W�Y� YE3 NO Is tAin peraoMmm a mrpeted oaMOR YES NO Ir7_�.a:.�.�� AMOUNTOFTRANSACTIONf COST/itEVQ1UE BUDOEfED (qRCLE ON� YES NO _.�S111IIT`' �l'.Ir"�.? _?=�1 iNFOaManoq �ow�NM SuBSY�� ���31�y ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By Refened To Council File # ��' �� Ordinance # Green Sheet # ��� J ZO An ordinance to amend Chapter 85 Section 86.11 of the St. Paul Admiuistr ve Code to allow waivers for certain co acts. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL D ES ORDAIN: 1 A new Section 85.13 is hereby added)6 the recently-enacted Chapter 85 of the St. Paul Admnustrative Code to read as follows: / Section 85.13. (a) Waivers. Up request of the mayor, the council may by resolution waive one or more of the requirement of this Chapter 85 for invitations to bid, requests for proposals and contracts for city se ' es resulting from such invitations or requests (hereafter collectively referred to as "contrac ") ' .n�!.a�w ...�,..�•.�....�., Such waivers may b granted (i) where appropriate to prevent the imposition of unnecessary regulations procedures on contracts which are usefuland necessary forthe orderly functioning of city, and which are not a part of the managed competition process involving performance lans, requests for proposals, and contracts, and (ii) where the city does not have and cannot r asonably develop on a rimely basis the capacity or expertise to perform the city service or servi s proposed to be contracted out. In gran waiver, which (a) waivers hereunder, the council may place reasonable conditions on any such iitions may include, but are not lunited to, requirements that: � employee or employees will be laid off, reduced in hours, benefits or nav. or transferred involuntarily as a result of such contracts; and/or (� the position of any city emgloyee or employees who, within the six months preceding the request for the waiver (i) had been perfornung the city service or services which aze to be performed under the contracts and (ii) were laid off. reduced in hours. benefits or roav. demoted, or transferred involuntarily, shall be filled before the contract services are to be � performed. � 1�'�" (b) Exemption. Notwithstanding the fore¢oing, a coniract for the performance of a citv 0� �ro service otherwise covered by this chapter is exemkt from its requirements. and does not need a waiver, i£: �i a�l ,�.ti uolicies and goals of this section. � 2 3 4 5 6 7 � Section 3 This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force thiriy days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Hy: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by C By: Approved by Mayor: Date Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney BY: � !�"�i'�� Approved by Mayor for 5 ission to Council By: By' Council File # q— I O 36 Green eet # / � °�a� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a 5 Presented By Referred To An ordinance to ame d Chapter 85 of the St. Paul Admi ' trative Code to a11ow waivers for cert n contracts. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PA OES ORDAIN: Se �on 1 A new Section 85.13 is hereby adde to the recently-enacted Chapter 85 of the St. Paul Administrative Code to read as follows: waiver. -� � 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days following its and publication. Requested by Department of: Ey: Adopted by Counfiil: Date Adoption Cest £ie2 By: Approve by Mayor: By: by Conncil Secretary Date i• . Form Approved by City Attorney BY: � ' / !o - 20' y Appsoved by Mayor for S mission to Covncil syc SuBSY► �,. ���,�� �� li I3��� � e`('S � o � Council File # 7 7' f d ora��� a Green Sheet # �d�52� � ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee Date : An ordinance to amend Chapter 85 and Section 86.11 of the St. Paul Administrative Code to allow waivers for certain contracts. 4 , 5 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: �i i . : ..., 6 ' 7 Section 1 9 A new Section 8513 is hereby added to the recently-enacted Chapter 85 of the St. Paul 10 Administrative Code to read as follows: il 12 13 14 15 16 17 ig 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Section 85.13. (a) Waivers. Upon request of the mayor, the council may by resolution waive one or more of the requirements of this Chapter 85 for invitations to bid, requests for proposals and contracts for city services resul6ng from such invitations or requests (hereafter collectively referred to as "contracts") ' r._.� Such waivers may be granted (i) where appropriate to prevent the imposi6on of unnecessary regulations and procedures on contracts which are useful and necessary for the orderly fixnctioning of the city, and which are not a part of the managed competition process involving performance plans, requests for proposals, and contracts, and (ii) where the city does not have and cannot reasonably develop on a timely basis the capacity or expertise to perform the city service or services proposed to be contracted out. In granting waivers hereunder, the council may place reasonable conditions on any such waiver, which conditions may include, but are not innited to, requirements that: (a) no city employee or employees will be laid off, reduced in hours. benefits or oav. demoted. or transferred involuntarily as a result of such contracts; and/or � 32 (b) the position of any city employee or employees who, within the six months preceding 33 the request for the waiver (i) had been performing the city service or services which aze to 34 be performed under the contracts and (ii) were laid off, reduced in hours, benefits or nav. 35 demoted or transferred involuntarily, shall be filled before the contract services are to be � 36 performed. � l�'�' 1 �b YVaivers,for water utilit�contracts. Upon request of the ¢eneral manager. the Board ofqq .�b3� 2 Water Commissioners may by resolution waive one or more of the rec�uirements of this Chapter 3 85 for contracts relating to the operations and functions of the water utility in the same manner 4 and upon the same arounds and criteria as provided in Section 8513(a� above. including the 5 imposition of reasonable conditions on such waivers. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3? 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 �c) Exemption. Notwithstandine the foreeoing. a contract for the performance of a citv service otherwise covered by this chanter is exempt from its requirements. and does not need a waiver, if: (11 no citv em l�oXee who had been perfomvng all or any�art of the cit�service which is to be provided under such contract will be laid off. reduced in hours. benefits or �av, demoted, or transferred involuntarily as a result of such contract; and (2) befare the contract services aze to be performed, the position of anv citv emplovee who, within the six months precedine the �rovision of service under the contract. (i� had been performing the citv service which is to be performed under the contract and (ii) was laid off, reduced in hours, benefits or roav, demoted, or transferred involuntarilv, shall be re-filled in accordance with appiicable civil service rules and collective bargaining contract provisions; and !31 the city does not have and cannot reasonably develop on a timelv basis the ca�aci or e�ertise to roerform the citv service�r000sed to be contracted out: and (4Lthe contract is necessarv for the orderly and efficient functionine of the city, and its execution will not impair the nolicies and eoals of this chapter. Section 2 Section 86.11 of the Administrative Code is herebv amended to add the following new subsection (cl: (c) Exemption for certain civic center contracts. A contract which orovides for the manatement or operation of the civic center Wilkins Auditorium and parking facilities is exem�t from the requirements of this section i£ (1) no city emplovee who had been doin¢ a11 or an�nart of the work which is to be nrovided under such contract will be laid off; reduced in hours. benefits or pay, demoted, or transferred involuntarily as a result of such contract: and �Zbefore the contract services aze to be performed. the uosition of any citv emplovee who, within the six months preceding the provision of service under the contract. (il had been doing the work which is to be done under the contract and (iil was laid off. reduced in hours, benefits or �av. demoted, or transferred involuntarily, shall be re-filled in accordance with applicable civil service rules and collecrive bareainint? contract nrovisions;and �3 the citv does not haue and cannot reasonablv develou on a timely basis the capacitv or _ expertise to �erform the work proposed to be contracted out: and �� � 11'3� q q,1� 3 �e (41 the contract is necessary for the orderlv and efficient functionin¢ of the civic center Wilkins Auditorium and related �� facilities, and its execution will not impair the policies and goals of this section. Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days following its passage, approval and publication. � .' ` ..� Requested by Department of: By: By Appr By: Fosm Approved by City Attorney B l� � �. , N-3- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council '� � � ,-,�..�.. -- � � v"`° vV �� �� \ S � a Adopted by Council: Date � !o \�qo� Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretaxy qq-�o3�0 a��� GREEN SHEET No, Z}��28 E:..:-.: � TO7AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ��� ��. ❑ /�IYATICAEY ❑ tl1YCtall ❑ N1YId1LiQYCFiOt ❑ q1�IdL�lWCiQ ❑ NYORI�AfMIIlR) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ��� G � , �u� L�'�� � b'"s' �� P� �� ' � L� � �:E� �-��� � ��� c�n�� PLANNING CAMMISSION CB CAMMITfEE CNIL SERVICE COMMIS: �����.��.e���.� YES NO tms uwc c�� ewrman e a7v emnM�� VFS NO Ooec tlNS P�� O�eas a eldll nat � M' �Y ��� �Y �W�Y� YE3 NO Is tAin peraoMmm a mrpeted oaMOR YES NO Ir7_�.a:.�.�� AMOUNTOFTRANSACTIONf COST/itEVQ1UE BUDOEfED (qRCLE ON� YES NO _.�S111IIT`' �l'.Ir"�.? _?=�1 iNFOaManoq �ow�NM SuBSY�� ���31�y ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By Refened To Council File # ��' �� Ordinance # Green Sheet # ��� J ZO An ordinance to amend Chapter 85 Section 86.11 of the St. Paul Admiuistr ve Code to allow waivers for certain co acts. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL D ES ORDAIN: 1 A new Section 85.13 is hereby added)6 the recently-enacted Chapter 85 of the St. Paul Admnustrative Code to read as follows: / Section 85.13. (a) Waivers. Up request of the mayor, the council may by resolution waive one or more of the requirement of this Chapter 85 for invitations to bid, requests for proposals and contracts for city se ' es resulting from such invitations or requests (hereafter collectively referred to as "contrac ") ' .n�!.a�w ...�,..�•.�....�., Such waivers may b granted (i) where appropriate to prevent the imposition of unnecessary regulations procedures on contracts which are usefuland necessary forthe orderly functioning of city, and which are not a part of the managed competition process involving performance lans, requests for proposals, and contracts, and (ii) where the city does not have and cannot r asonably develop on a rimely basis the capacity or expertise to perform the city service or servi s proposed to be contracted out. In gran waiver, which (a) waivers hereunder, the council may place reasonable conditions on any such iitions may include, but are not lunited to, requirements that: � employee or employees will be laid off, reduced in hours, benefits or nav. or transferred involuntarily as a result of such contracts; and/or (� the position of any city emgloyee or employees who, within the six months preceding the request for the waiver (i) had been perfornung the city service or services which aze to be performed under the contracts and (ii) were laid off. reduced in hours. benefits or roav. demoted, or transferred involuntarily, shall be filled before the contract services are to be � performed. � 1�'�" (b) Exemption. Notwithstanding the fore¢oing, a coniract for the performance of a citv 0� �ro service otherwise covered by this chapter is exemkt from its requirements. and does not need a waiver, i£: �i a�l ,�.ti uolicies and goals of this section. � 2 3 4 5 6 7 � Section 3 This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force thiriy days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Hy: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by C By: Approved by Mayor: Date Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney BY: � !�"�i'�� Approved by Mayor for 5 ission to Council By: By' Council File # q— I O 36 Green eet # / � °�a� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a 5 Presented By Referred To An ordinance to ame d Chapter 85 of the St. Paul Admi ' trative Code to a11ow waivers for cert n contracts. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PA OES ORDAIN: Se �on 1 A new Section 85.13 is hereby adde to the recently-enacted Chapter 85 of the St. Paul Administrative Code to read as follows: waiver. -� � 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days following its and publication. Requested by Department of: Ey: Adopted by Counfiil: Date Adoption Cest £ie2 By: Approve by Mayor: By: by Conncil Secretary Date i• . Form Approved by City Attorney BY: � ' / !o - 20' y Appsoved by Mayor for S mission to Covncil syc SuBSY► �,. ���,�� �� li I3��� � e`('S � o � Council File # 7 7' f d ora��� a Green Sheet # �d�52� � ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee Date : An ordinance to amend Chapter 85 and Section 86.11 of the St. Paul Administrative Code to allow waivers for certain contracts. 4 , 5 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: �i i . : ..., 6 ' 7 Section 1 9 A new Section 8513 is hereby added to the recently-enacted Chapter 85 of the St. Paul 10 Administrative Code to read as follows: il 12 13 14 15 16 17 ig 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Section 85.13. (a) Waivers. Upon request of the mayor, the council may by resolution waive one or more of the requirements of this Chapter 85 for invitations to bid, requests for proposals and contracts for city services resul6ng from such invitations or requests (hereafter collectively referred to as "contracts") ' r._.� Such waivers may be granted (i) where appropriate to prevent the imposi6on of unnecessary regulations and procedures on contracts which are useful and necessary for the orderly fixnctioning of the city, and which are not a part of the managed competition process involving performance plans, requests for proposals, and contracts, and (ii) where the city does not have and cannot reasonably develop on a timely basis the capacity or expertise to perform the city service or services proposed to be contracted out. In granting waivers hereunder, the council may place reasonable conditions on any such waiver, which conditions may include, but are not innited to, requirements that: (a) no city employee or employees will be laid off, reduced in hours. benefits or oav. demoted. or transferred involuntarily as a result of such contracts; and/or � 32 (b) the position of any city employee or employees who, within the six months preceding 33 the request for the waiver (i) had been performing the city service or services which aze to 34 be performed under the contracts and (ii) were laid off, reduced in hours, benefits or nav. 35 demoted or transferred involuntarily, shall be filled before the contract services are to be � 36 performed. � l�'�' 1 �b YVaivers,for water utilit�contracts. Upon request of the ¢eneral manager. the Board ofqq .�b3� 2 Water Commissioners may by resolution waive one or more of the rec�uirements of this Chapter 3 85 for contracts relating to the operations and functions of the water utility in the same manner 4 and upon the same arounds and criteria as provided in Section 8513(a� above. including the 5 imposition of reasonable conditions on such waivers. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3? 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 �c) Exemption. Notwithstandine the foreeoing. a contract for the performance of a citv service otherwise covered by this chanter is exempt from its requirements. and does not need a waiver, if: (11 no citv em l�oXee who had been perfomvng all or any�art of the cit�service which is to be provided under such contract will be laid off. reduced in hours. benefits or �av, demoted, or transferred involuntarily as a result of such contract; and (2) befare the contract services aze to be performed, the position of anv citv emplovee who, within the six months precedine the �rovision of service under the contract. (i� had been performing the citv service which is to be performed under the contract and (ii) was laid off, reduced in hours, benefits or roav, demoted, or transferred involuntarilv, shall be re-filled in accordance with appiicable civil service rules and collective bargaining contract provisions; and !31 the city does not have and cannot reasonably develop on a timelv basis the ca�aci or e�ertise to roerform the citv service�r000sed to be contracted out: and (4Lthe contract is necessarv for the orderly and efficient functionine of the city, and its execution will not impair the nolicies and eoals of this chapter. Section 2 Section 86.11 of the Administrative Code is herebv amended to add the following new subsection (cl: (c) Exemption for certain civic center contracts. A contract which orovides for the manatement or operation of the civic center Wilkins Auditorium and parking facilities is exem�t from the requirements of this section i£ (1) no city emplovee who had been doin¢ a11 or an�nart of the work which is to be nrovided under such contract will be laid off; reduced in hours. benefits or pay, demoted, or transferred involuntarily as a result of such contract: and �Zbefore the contract services aze to be performed. the uosition of any citv emplovee who, within the six months preceding the provision of service under the contract. (il had been doing the work which is to be done under the contract and (iil was laid off. reduced in hours, benefits or �av. demoted, or transferred involuntarily, shall be re-filled in accordance with applicable civil service rules and collecrive bareainint? contract nrovisions;and �3 the citv does not haue and cannot reasonablv develou on a timely basis the capacitv or _ expertise to �erform the work proposed to be contracted out: and �� � 11'3� q q,1� 3 �e (41 the contract is necessary for the orderlv and efficient functionin¢ of the civic center Wilkins Auditorium and related �� facilities, and its execution will not impair the policies and goals of this section. Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days following its passage, approval and publication. � .' ` ..� Requested by Department of: By: By Appr By: Fosm Approved by City Attorney B l� � �. , N-3- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council '� � � ,-,�..�.. -- � � v"`° vV �� �� \ S � a Adopted by Council: Date � !o \�qo� Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretaxy qq-�o3�0 a��� GREEN SHEET No, Z}��28 E:..:-.: � TO7AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ��� ��. ❑ /�IYATICAEY ❑ tl1YCtall ❑ N1YId1LiQYCFiOt ❑ q1�IdL�lWCiQ ❑ NYORI�AfMIIlR) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ��� G � , �u� L�'�� � b'"s' �� P� �� ' � L� � �:E� �-��� � ��� c�n�� PLANNING CAMMISSION CB CAMMITfEE CNIL SERVICE COMMIS: �����.��.e���.� YES NO tms uwc c�� ewrman e a7v emnM�� VFS NO Ooec tlNS P�� O�eas a eldll nat � M' �Y ��� �Y �W�Y� YE3 NO Is tAin peraoMmm a mrpeted oaMOR YES NO Ir7_�.a:.�.�� AMOUNTOFTRANSACTIONf COST/itEVQ1UE BUDOEfED (qRCLE ON� YES NO _.�S111IIT`' �l'.Ir"�.? _?=�1 iNFOaManoq �ow�NM SuBSY�� ���31�y ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By Refened To Council File # ��' �� Ordinance # Green Sheet # ��� J ZO An ordinance to amend Chapter 85 Section 86.11 of the St. Paul Admiuistr ve Code to allow waivers for certain co acts. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL D ES ORDAIN: 1 A new Section 85.13 is hereby added)6 the recently-enacted Chapter 85 of the St. Paul Admnustrative Code to read as follows: / Section 85.13. (a) Waivers. Up request of the mayor, the council may by resolution waive one or more of the requirement of this Chapter 85 for invitations to bid, requests for proposals and contracts for city se ' es resulting from such invitations or requests (hereafter collectively referred to as "contrac ") ' .n�!.a�w ...�,..�•.�....�., Such waivers may b granted (i) where appropriate to prevent the imposition of unnecessary regulations procedures on contracts which are usefuland necessary forthe orderly functioning of city, and which are not a part of the managed competition process involving performance lans, requests for proposals, and contracts, and (ii) where the city does not have and cannot r asonably develop on a rimely basis the capacity or expertise to perform the city service or servi s proposed to be contracted out. In gran waiver, which (a) waivers hereunder, the council may place reasonable conditions on any such iitions may include, but are not lunited to, requirements that: � employee or employees will be laid off, reduced in hours, benefits or nav. or transferred involuntarily as a result of such contracts; and/or (� the position of any city emgloyee or employees who, within the six months preceding the request for the waiver (i) had been perfornung the city service or services which aze to be performed under the contracts and (ii) were laid off. reduced in hours. benefits or roav. demoted, or transferred involuntarily, shall be filled before the contract services are to be � performed. � 1�'�" (b) Exemption. Notwithstanding the fore¢oing, a coniract for the performance of a citv 0� �ro service otherwise covered by this chapter is exemkt from its requirements. and does not need a waiver, i£: �i a�l ,�.ti uolicies and goals of this section. � 2 3 4 5 6 7 � Section 3 This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force thiriy days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Hy: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by C By: Approved by Mayor: Date Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney BY: � !�"�i'�� Approved by Mayor for 5 ission to Council By: By' Council File # q— I O 36 Green eet # / � °�a� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a 5 Presented By Referred To An ordinance to ame d Chapter 85 of the St. Paul Admi ' trative Code to a11ow waivers for cert n contracts. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PA OES ORDAIN: Se �on 1 A new Section 85.13 is hereby adde to the recently-enacted Chapter 85 of the St. Paul Administrative Code to read as follows: waiver. -� � 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days following its and publication. Requested by Department of: Ey: Adopted by Counfiil: Date Adoption Cest £ie2 By: Approve by Mayor: By: by Conncil Secretary Date i• . Form Approved by City Attorney BY: � ' / !o - 20' y Appsoved by Mayor for S mission to Covncil syc