Sectian L
Chapter 200. Animals
1 Sec. 200.01. Definitions.
2 As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates:
3 Animal sha11 mean any individual member of any of the species of birds, fish, amphibians, repfiles,
4 insects, arachnids, crustaceans or mammals except homo sapiens.
5 Animal control supervisor shall mean the animal control supervisor of the City of Saint Paul or
6 designee.
7 Dog shall mean any male or female of any breed of domesticated dog.
8 Environmental health of�'zcer shall mean the environmental health officer or inspector of the City of
9 Saint Paul.
10 Owner shall mean the license holder or any other person or persons, firm, association or corporafion
11 owning, keeping or hazboring an aniinal. Any person keeping or harboring an animal for five (5)
12 consecu6ve days shall, for the purposes of this chapter, be deemed to be an owner thereof.
13 Running at large shall mean any animal which is not either:
14 (1) Effectively contained within a fenced area on private property; or
15 (2) Effecrively restrained, by chain or leash, to private property with the consent of the property
16 owner; or
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17 (3) Effectively restrained by a chain or leash not exceeding six (6) feet in length.
18 Sec. 200.02. License required.
19 No person shall own, hazbor, keep or maintain in the City of Saint Paul any dog over three (3)
20 months of age without a license. Such license shall be available for purchase at the Saint Paul Animal
21 Control Facility and at the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protecfion (LIEP).
22 Veterinarians who provide a service for dogs may also act as deputy license vendors. Procedures for the
23 issuance of such licenses shall be established by LIEP. Such establishments shall be required to inform
24 their clients that the City of Saint Paul requires that a11 dogs be licensed. A license is required if the dog
25 is owned, hazbored, kept or maintained for three (3) consecutive days or more, except that no license
26 shall be required for dogs whose owners are temporarily withiu the city, nor to dogs brought into the
27 city for the purpose of participafing in any dog show. Owners of impounded does found to be
28 unlicensed shall be chazged an administrative fee of fiftv dollazs ($50). Any properly idenrified service
29 dog which aids persons who aze totally or partially blind or deaf or haue physical or sensory disabilities
30 shall be issued a dog license at no chazge upon providing proof of certification of training as a service
31 dog.
32 Sec. 200.03. Fee.
33 The annual license fees required for each dog, whether it be male or female, spayed or unspayed
34 shall be established by ordinance as specified in section 310.09(b) of the Legislative Code. If the owner
35 of the dog is sixty-two (62) yeazs of age or older, the annual license fee payable for each dog shall be
36 fifty (50) percent less than the standard fee. A liferime dog license shall be available to those owners
37 who have their dog(s) tagged with a microclup. Fees for such licenses shall be established by ordinance
38 as specified in section 310.09 (b) of the Legislative Code. Any owner with a lifetime dog license shall
39 vaccinate the dog against rabies according to the requirements in section 199.02 and must be prepazed to
40 provide proof of rabies vaccination as identified in section 199.03.
41 Sec. 200.04. Application.
42 Application for such license shall be made to the animal control supervisor. Said applicarion shall
43 require the owner, among other informarion required by the az�imal control supervisor, to supply the
44 name, age, breed, sex, color and mazkings, and rabies vaccination shots, if any, of each dog sought to be
45 licensed. In addi6on, when the owner has been convicted of a violarion of section 200.12(a), relative to
46 the dog sought to be licensed, the applicafion shall require proof of public liability insurance in the
47 minimum amount of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00).
48 Sec. 200.05. Dog tags; duplicates; records, etc.
49 Upon payment of the license fee, the animal control supervisor shall issue to the owner a license
50 certificate and a metallic tag for each dog so licensed. The tag sha11 have stamped thereon the year for
51 which it was issued and the number corresponding with the number on the license certificate. Every
52 owner of a dog requued to be licensed shall be required to provide such dog with a collaz to which the
53 license tag must be affixed, and the collaz with tag attached must be worn by such dog at all times. In
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54 the event a dog tag is lost or destroyed, a duplicate shall be issued by the animal control supervisor upon
55 presentarion of the receipt for the license fee paid for the current yeaz and the payment of a fee as
56 specified in section 310.18 of the Legislarive Code. Dog tags shall not be transferred from one (1) dog
57 to another, and no refunds shall be made on any dog license fee for any reason. The animal control
58 supervisor shall keep a record of all dog licenses issued, with the name and residence of the person to
59 whom issued and the number designated upon ffie metal tag furnished therewith.
60 Sec. 200.06. Running at large.
The license holder, owner or keeper of any canine shall be responsible for the effecrive restraint of
such canine and shall not permit the canine to run at lazge. Any canine which is not effectively
contained within a fenced area, or any canine which is on any unfenced azea or lot abutting a street,
alley, public pazk, public place or upon any other private land without being effecfively restrained by
chain ar leash from moving beyond such unfenced azea or lot, or any canine on any street, public pazk,
school grounds or public place without being effectively restrained by chain or leash not exceeding six
(6) feet in length, shall be deemed to be running at large. A second violation of this section within one
(1) year shall be punishable by a fine of at least fifty dollazs ($50.00), but not more than three hundred
dollazs ($300.00). The first violariott of this section for a canine that has been declazed to be a
dangerous do�shall be a misdemeanor punishable bv a fine of three hundred dollazs ($300.001.
Invisible (underground electric) fences may be used as a secondary restraint only, and is not an
acceptable replacement for a chain, leash or properly fenced in area.
Sec. 200.07. Impoundment; release.
74 It shall be the duty of the environmental health officer or any of his duly authorized assistants, or
75 any peace officer, or any person duly authorized in writing by the environmental health officer, to
76 capture, seize and deliver to the emironmental health officer, or the keeper of a public pound, or to any
77 suitable place to be approved by the environmental health officer, any dog found rnnning at large within
78 the City of Saint Paul contrary to the provisions of this chapter and any dog found within the City of
79 Saint Paul unlicensed or not wearing the metal tag provided for in ttus chapter in violation of the
80 provisions of this chapter. Owners of im�ounded does found to be unlicensed shall be charQed an
81 adtninistrafive fee of fifly dollars ($501. All dogs conveyed to the dog pound shall be kept, with kind
82 treatment and sufficient food and water for their comfort, at least five (5) days after the impounding
83 thereof, unless sooner reclaimed by their owners as herein provided. In case the owner of any dog shall
84 desire to reclaim him from the dog pound, such dog may be released from the dog pound upon payment
85 by such owner of the sums required by secrion 200.08. Said payments shall be made to the animal
86 control supervisor, in rehuu for which the owner shall receive from the animal control supervisor a
87 receipt showing that the license fee has been paid, and a regular license and tag for such dog shall be
88 issued upon presentation of such receipt to the license inspector. If the owner of the dog seized or
89 impounded under the provisions of this chapter does not resume possession of said dog by compliance
90 with the foregoing provisions within five (5) days after the seizure or impounding thereof, said owner
91 shall forfeit a11 right of properry in such dog.
92 Sec. 200.08. Pound fee, etc.
93 Any dog captured and impounded under the provisions of this chapter shall be released only on the
94 payment of a pound fee, plus an additional boazd chazge for each day or fracrion of a day during which
95 the dog is impounded. If the impounded dog is unlicensed, in addirion to the impounding and boazding
96 fee, the dog shall not be released without the payment of the prescribed license fee. The designated fees
97 under this chapter shall be established by ordinance as provided in section 310.09(b) of the Legislative
98 Code.
99 Sec. 200.09. No interference with officer, etc.
100 It shall be unlawful for any person to molest or in any way interfere with any peace officer, animal
101 control supervisor, Ramsey County humane officer, pazk ranger, or any duly authorized assistants, or
102 with any duly authorized agent or any person authorized by the environmental health officer, while
103 engaged in performing work under the provisions of this chapter.
104 Sec. 200.10. Seizure; presumption.
105 (a) Any unlicensed dog and any dog rnnning at lazge is hereby declazed to be a public nuisance. The
106 environmental health officer is authorized to employ, subject to the approval of the council, such
107 additional temporary animal wntrol officers as necessary to capture and hold such dogs and to pay
108 temporary animal control officers on a fee basis.
109 (b) Any person may seize, impound or restrain any dog which he may fmd running at lazge in the
110 City of Saint Paul and hold such dog for the animal control supervisor or deliver such dog to the city
111 pound.
112 (cl Any dog that is found to be in circumstances. such as the do�eachibitine fresh wounds. scarring,
113 or is observed in a fight, or other indica6ons which to a reasonable �erson evidence that animal has been
114 or will be used, trained or encouraeed to fight with another animal, or the owner of such animal has in
115 custody or possession any training apnaratus, pazaphernalia or drues used to nrenare such animal to be
116 foueht with another animal is hereby declazed to be a public nuisance and sha11 be immediatel seized
117 and taken to the city's pound nursuant to secrion 200.07.
118 Sec. 200.11. Cleaning up litter.
119 (a) The owner of any dog or any person having the custody or control of any dog shall be
120 responsible for cleaning up any feces of the animal and disposing of such feces in a sanitary manner.
121 (b) It is unlawful for any person owning, keeping or hazboring a dog to cause or permit said dog to
122 be on property, public or private, not owned or possessed by such person without having in his/her
123 immediate possession a device for the removal of feces and depository for the transmission of
124 excrement to a proper receptacle located on the property owned or possessed by such person.
125 (c) It is unlawful for any person in control of, causing or permitting any dog to be on any property,
126 public or private, not owned or possessed by such person to fail to remove feces left by such dog to a
127 proper receptacle located on properiy owned or possessed by such person.
128 (d) The provisions of this secrion shall not apply to the ownership or use of any properly identified
129 service dog which aids persons who are totally or partially blind or deaf or have physical or sensory
130 disabiliries, dogs when used in police acrivifies by the city, or tracking dogs when used by or with the
131 permission of the city.
132 (e) Any person violating this section shall be punished by a fine of ten dollars ($10.00) or five (5)
133 hours of public lands fecal clean-up. Any person who is found guilty of subsequent violations of this
134 section shall be punished by a fine of at least twenty-five dollazs ($25.00) but not more than fifty dollazs
135 ($50.00).
(� Any peace officer, animal control officer, park ranger, or any duly authorized assistant, or any
duly authorized agent, or any person authorized by the environmental health officer should be
responsible for issuing the tags.
Sec. 200.12. Daugerous animals.
140 (a) A#ack by an animal. It shall be unlawful for an owner to fail to restrain an animal from inflicting
141 or attempring to inflict bodily injury to any person or other animal whether or not the owner is present.
142 Violation of this secrion shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed seven hundred
143 dollars ($700.00) or imprisonment for not to exceed ninety (90) days, or both. This secrion shall not
144 apply to an attack by a dog under the control of an on-duty law enforcement officer or to an attack upon
145 an uninvited intruder who has entered the owner's home with criminal intent.
(b) Destruction of dangerous animals. The environmental health officer shall have the authority to
order the destrucrion of dangerous animals.
(c) Definitions.
(1) A dangerous animal is an animal which has:
a Caused bodily injury or disfigurement to any person on public or private properiy; or
b. Engaged in any attack on any person under circumstances wluch would indicate danger to
personal safety; or
c. E�ibited unusually aggressive behauior, such as an attack on another animal; or
d. Bitten one (1) or more persons on hvo (2) or more occasions; or
e. Been found to be potentially dangerous and/or the owner has personal Irnowledge of the
same, the animal aggressively bites, attacks, or endangers the safety of humans or domestic
animals; or
f. E�ibits fresh wounds, scarring, or is observed in a fisht, or other indicarions which to a
reasonable person evidence that the animal has been or will be used. trained or encoura e� d to
fi¢ht with another animal: or
g. That the owner of such animal has in custody or possession anv trainine appazatus.
�zraphernalia or dtugs used to�repaze such animal to be foueht with another animal.
(2) A potentially dangerous animat is an animal wtrich has:
a Bitten a human or a domesric animal on public or private properly; or
b. When unprovoked, chased or approached a person upon the streets, sidewalks, or any public
property in an appazent attitude of attack; or
c. Has the Irnown history of propensity, tendency or disposirion to attack while unprovoked,
causing injury or otherwise threatening the safety of humans or domestic animals.
(3) Proper enclosure. Proper enclosure means securely confined indoors or in a securely locked pen
or structure suitable to prevent the animal from escaping and to provide protection for the animal
from the elements. A proper enclosure does not include a porch, patio, or any part of a house,
garage, or other struchxre that would a11ow the animal to exit of its own volifion, or any house or
structure in which windows aze open or in which door or window screens are the only barriers
which prevent the animal from exiting. Such enclosure shall not a11ow the egress of the animal in
any manner without human assistance. A pen or kennel shall meet the following minimum
a. Haue a minnnum overall floor size of thirty-two (32) square feet.
178 b. Sidewalls shall have a minunum height of five (5) feet and be constructed of 11-gauge or
179 heavier wire. Openings in ttte wire shall not exceed two (2) inches, support posts shall be
180 one-and-one-quarter-inch or larger steel pipe buried in the ground eighteen (18) inches or
181 more. When a concrete floor is not provided, the sidewalls shall be buried a minimum of
182 eighteen (18)inchesin the ground.
c. A cover over the entire pen or kennel shall be provided. The cover shall be constrttcted of the
same gauge wire or heavier as the sidewalls and shall also have no openlnas in the wire
greater than two (2) inches.
d. An entrance/exit gate shall be provided and be constructed of the same material as the
sidewalls and shall also have no openings in the wire greater than two (2) inches. The gate
shall be equipped with a device capable of being locked and shall be locked at all rimes when
the animal is in the pen or kennel.
(4) Unprovoked. Unprovoked shall mean the condition in which the animal is not purposely excited,
srimulated, agitated or disturbed. It shall be a rebuttable presumption that anv attack on a child
14 yeazs of aee or youneer for which a reasonable person connotes an intent to inflict bodilv
hazm shall be considered to be unprovoked unless the child is en�aged in the commission of a
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crime or ille2al acrivitv, includin2 acrivities classified Minnesota Statute 343 as cruel � to
196 (d) Designation as potentially dangerous animal. The court or environmental health officer shall
197 designate any animal as a potenrially dangerous animal upon receiving such evidence that such
198 potentially dangerous animal has, when unprovoked, then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
199 person or a domesric auimal as stated in subpazagraph (c)(2). When an animal is declared potentially
200 dangerous, the environmental health officer shall cause one (1) owner of the potentially dangerous
201 animal to be notified in writing that such animal is potentially dangerous.
202 (e) Evidence justifying designation. The court or envuonmental health officer shall have the
203 authority to designate any animal as a dangerous animal upon receiving evidence of the following:
(1) That such an animal has when unprovoked, then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
person or domesric animal as stated in subpazagraph (c)(1}; or
(2) That such animal has been declared potentially dangerous and/or the owner has personal
lmowledge of the same and such animal has then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
person or domestic animal as stated in subparagraph (c)(1}; or
That such animal has exhibited unusually ag_�zessive behavior, such as an attack on another
animal; or
That such animal has caused bodily injury or disfigurement to any�erson on public or
private �rouerty; or
That such animal has bitten one (1� or more nersons on two [21 or more occasions: or
215 (6) That such an animal exhibits fresh wounds, scarrina, or is observed in a fisht, or other
216 indicarions which to a reasonable person evidence that the animal has been or will be used,
217 trained or encouraged to fi�ht with another animal; or
219 (7) That the owner of such animal has in custody or possession anv training appazatus,
220 paraphernalia or drugs used to preuare such animal to be fought with another animal.
221 ( fl Authority to order destruction. The court or environmental health officer, upon finding that an
222 animal is dangerous hereunder, is authorized to order, as part of the disposifion of the case, that the
223 animal be destroyed based on a written order conta.ining one (1) or more of the following findings of
224 fact:
(1) The animal is dangerous as demonstrated by a vicious attack, an unprovoked attack, an attack
without warning or multiple attacks; or
(2) The owner of the animal has demonstrated an inability or unwillingness to control the animal in
order to prevent injury to persons or other animals.
229 (g) Procedure. The court or environmental health officer, after having determined that an animal is
230 dangerous, may proceed in the following manner:
231 (1) The environmental health officer shall cause one (1) owner of the animal to be notified in
232 writing or in person that the animal is dangerous and may order the animal seized or make such
233 orders as deemed proper. Ttus owner shall be notified as to dates, times, places and parties
234 bitten, and shall be given fourteen (14) days to appeal this order by requesting a hearing before
235 the environxnental health officer for a review of this determinarion.
a. If no appeal is filed, the orders issued will stand or the environmental health officer may
order the animal destroyed.
b. If an owner requests a hearing for determination as to the dangerous nature of the animal, the
hearing shall be held before the environmental health officer, who shall set a date for hearing
not more than three (3) weeks after demand for said hearing. The records of the Office of
License, Inspecrions and Environxnental Protection shall be admissible for considerarion by
the environmental health officer without further foundation. After considering all evidence
pertaining to the temperament of the animal, the environmental health officer shall make
such order as hefshe deems pxoper. The environmental health officer may order that the
az�imal control supervisor take the azumal into custody for destruction, if smch animal is not
currently in custody. If the animal is ordered into custody for destruction, the owner sha11
immediately make the animal available to the animal control supervisor and failure to do so
shall be a misdemeanor.
(2) Nothing in this section shall prevent the environmental health officer from ordering the
immediate destruction of a rabies-suspected animal pursuant to secfion 200.11 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code.
(3) Any person who hazbors an aziimal a8er it has been found by the environmental health officer to
be dangerous and ordered into custody for destrucrion sha11 be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(4) The environmental health officer may apply to the district court of Ramsey County far
subpoenas for hearings under paragraph (1)b. above.
256 (h) Stopping an attack. If any police officer or animal control officer is witness to an attack by an
257 animal upon a person or another animal, the officer may take whatever means the officer deems
258 appropriate to bring the attack to an end and prevent fitrther injury to the vicrim.
(i) Notification of new address. The owner of an auimal which has been idenrified as dangerous or
potentially dangerous must notify the environmental health officer in writing if the animal has died or is
to be relocated from its current address or given or sold to another person. The notification must be
given in writing at least fourteen (14) days prior to the relocation or transfer of ownership. ff the animal
has died. norification must given no later than fourteen (141 davs after the animals death. The
norification must include the current owner's name and address, the relocarion address, and the name of
the new owner, if any.
266 Sec. 200.121. Dangerous animal requiremeats.
267 (a) Requirements. If the court or environmental health officer does not order the destruction of an
268 animal that has been declared dangerous, the court or environmental health officer shall, as an
269 alternarive, order any or all of the following, exceotin fg or dogs, in which case all shall be applicable
270 and which will be reviewed on an annual basis bv the animal control officer:
271 (1) That the owner provide and maintain a proper enclosure for the dangerous animal as specified in
272 secrion 200.12(c)(3); and
273 (2) Post the front and the rear of the premises with clearly visible warning signs, including a
274 warning symbol to inform children, that there is a dangerous animal on the properry as specified
275 in Minnesota Statute 347.51; and
276 (3) Provides and shows proof annually of public liability insurance paid in full in the minimum
277 amount of three hundred thousand ($300,000.00). If the animal is impounded proof of
278 insttrance must be demonstrated prior to the animal's release; and
279 (4) If the animal is a dog and is outside the proper enclosure, the dog must be muzzled and
280 restrained by a substantial chain or leash (not to exceed six (6) feet in length) and under the
281 physical restraint of a person si��een{�6j ei teen (18) years of age or older. The muzzle must
282 be of such design as to prevent the dog from biring any person or animal, but will not cause
283 injury to the dog or interfere with its vision or respiration; and
284 (5) If the anunal is a dog, it must have an easily identifiable, standardized tag identifying the dog as
285 dangerous affixed to the dog's collar at a11 times as specified in Mimiesota Statute 347.51; and
286 (6) Provides and shows proof of microchip identification as required in section 20016; and
28� (7} All animals deemed dangerous by the environmental health officer shall be registered with
288 Ramsey County within fourteen (14) days after the date the animal was so deemed and provide
289 satisfactory proof thereof to the environmental health officer.
290 (8) If the animal is a dog, the dog must be licensed and up to date on rabies vaccination. ff the
291 animal is a cat or ferret, it must be up to date with rabies vaccinarion.
292 (b) Seizure. Animal control shall ixnmediately seize any dangerous animal if the owner does not
293 meet each of the above requirements within fourteen (14) days after the date notice is sent to the owner
294 that the animal is dangerous. Seizure may be appealed to district court.
295 (c) Reclaiming animals. A dangerous animal seized under subsection 200.121(b) may be reclaimed
296 by the owner of the animal upon payment of impounding and boazding fees, and presenting proof to
297 animal control that each of the requirements under subsection 20Q.121(b) is fixlfilled. An animal not
298 reclaimed under trris section within fourteen (14) days may be disposed of as provided under section
299 200.12( fl, and the owner is liable to animal control for costs incurred in confming the animal,
300 (d) Subsequent offerrses. If an owner of an animal has subsequently violated the provisions under
301 section 200.12 with the same animal, the animal must be seized by animal control. The owner may
302 request a hearing as defined in secrion 200.12( fl. If the owner is found to have violated the provisions
303 for which the anunal was seized, the environmental health officer shall order the animal destroyed in a
304 proper and humane manner and the owner shall pay the costs of confining the animal. If the person is
305 found not to have violated the provisions for wluch the animal was seized, the owner may reclaim the
306 animal under the provisions of subsecrion 200.121(c). If the animal is not yet reclaimed by the owner
307 within fourteen (14) days after the date the owner is notified that the animal may be reclauned, the
308 animal may be disposed of as provided under secrion 200.12( fl and the owner is liable to the animal
309 control for the costs incurred in confining, impounding and disposing of the animal.
310 (el Registration fee. An owner of an animal that has been declazed dangerous shall�av an annual
311 re�istrafion fee of seventy five dollars ($75). If the animal has been impounded, the fee shall be paid
312 prior to the animal's release.
313 Sec. 200.13. Destruction of unclaimed dogs.
314 At the expiration of the time a dog is impounded as provided for in this chapter, if said dog has not
315 been reclaimed in accordance with the provisions hereof, it shall be the duty of the environmental health
316 officer to cause such dog to be ldlled according to the most humane and approved methods, or otherwise
317 disposed of, as directed by the environmental health officer.
318 Sec. 200.14. Dogs; disturbing the peace; euforcement.
319 It sha11 be unlawful for any person to own, keep, have in possession or hazbor any dog wluch howls,
320 yelps ar bazks to the reasonable annoyance of another person or persons. Any person violating this
321 secfion, who upon first request by a peace officer, or the animal control supervisor to stop or prevent the
322 annoyance, and refuses to comply with the request, will be issued a cita6on or arrested in accordance
323 with the Minnesota Rules of Criminal Procedure, and, if the officer deems it necessary to stop the
324 annoyance, may haue the dog taken to the city animal pound. Any dog placed in the pound may be
325 reclaimed by the owner upon payment of the fee prescribed in section 200.08, and if not reclaimed may
326 be disposed of in the manner provided in section 200.13.
Sec. 200.15. Maximum number of dogs.
No more than three (3) dogs of over the age of three (3) months shall be kept, harbored or
maintained within any individual dwelling unit or on any lot or other pazcel of property in the city
without a permit. The number of dogs permitted above may be increased by obtainiug a permit issued
by the environmental health officer. Such pernut shall specify any restrictions, limitations, conditions or
prohibitions which the environmental health officer deems reasonably necessary to protect any person or
neighboring use from unsanitary conditions, unreasonable noise or odors, or annoyance, or to protect the
public health or safety. Such pernut may be modified from time to fime or revoked by the
environmental health officer for failure to conform to such restrictions, limitarions or prohibitions. Such
modification or revocation shall be effecrive from and after ten (10) days following the mailing of
written notice thereof by certified mail to the person or persons keeping or maintaining such dogs.
338 Sec. 200.16. Microchip idenfi6caHon required.
339 The owner of a dangerous dog is required to have a microchip installed or injected on the animal.
340 The microchip shall be installed in ar inj ected under the sldn of the animal by a licensed veterinarian
341 and shall be designed so that, when scanned by an electronic reader, it is capable of providing the
342 idenrificarion of the dog's owner. An appropriate fee shall be paid by the owner to the licensed
343 veterinarian for the microchip and the registration of the dangerous dog. The identification of the owner
344 and residence shall be maintained on file at the city pound
345 Sec. 200.17. Collars, leashes, tie outs.
346 Collars. Collars may not exceed two (2) pounds in weight and must be made of durable material
347 strong enough to hold the dog it is intended for. Collazs may not be equipped with any type of prongs on
348 the inside of the collaz that may cause injury or discomfort to the animal's neck.
349 Leashes. Leashes must not exceed six (6) feet in length and may not exceed four (4) pounds in total
350 weight.
351 Tie outs. Tie outs must be at least three (3) times the length of the animal secured to it and may not
352 exceed ten (10) pounds in total weight. Tie outs must be of durable material, strong enough to hold the
353 animal it is intended for. Any animal secured with a fie out must be so in an area that would not allow
354 the animal to become tangled around objects while allowing access to shelter and water. Tie outs must
355 be placed in such a location as to inhibit the animal secured from reaching a public sidewalk, sh�eet or
356 a11ey. Also, the 6e out must not allow the secured animal access to any neighboring property unless
357 written permission has been obtained from the property owner.
Section II.
This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and
�� y ��'
Date /
Requested by Department of:
Apprwed by Mayor for Submission to Council
Daze !
City Council � 10-7-98
Councilmember Blakey 6-8510
Councilmember Ben.anav 6-8540
10-14-98 �
xuweo� wrs
ov�ut�r owFCto¢
No 62300
❑ arcwnoarr ❑ arccuac_
❑ wuxrx�aErtuicrson ❑ wwcw�mn�ccrn
❑ WruelaeKatsrwrtl ❑
Amend Chapter 200 entitled "Animals" of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to provide for
particular penalties in various situations and establishing various conditions in the
disposition of dangerous animals.
Has this persoNfrm everwwked under a contrad tor this departmerit?
Has this peraonlfirm ever been a City empbyee7
Does this person/frm possess a sidll not narmalypossesseJ by anY a� city emPlrn/ce7
Is this persoNGnn a tarpetetl vendo(t
Perceived increase in dangerous dogs and dangerous dog attacks on people and domestic
animals in the City of Saint Paul.
If approved, dangerous dogs will be more closely monitored, greater penalties will encourage
compliance with.City Code, and the evidence that can be used to designate a dog as dangerous
will be consistent with the City Code's definition of a dangerous dog.
Increase monitoring of dangerous dogs will require a higher level of scrutiny by the Animal
If not approved, dangerous dogs will not be more closely monitored, compliance with City Cod
will not be increased, and the Code's definition of a dangerous dog and the evidence used to
dangerous wi11 remain incon���
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Presented by
Refesed To
Council File # � $ -� �} a ...
Green Sheet #
Committee Date
Section L
Chapter 200. Animals
Sec. 200.01. Defiuitions.
2 As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates:
3 Anzmal shall mean any individual member of any of the species of birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles,
4 insects, arac}uuds, crustaceans or mamxnals except homo sapiens.
5 Animal control supervisor shall mean the animal control supervisor of the City of Saint Paul or
6 designee.
Dog shall mean any male or female of any breed of domesticated dog.
Errvironmental health officer shall mean the environmental health officer or inspector of the City of
Saint Paul.
10 Owner shall mean the license holder ox any other person or persons, firm, association or corporation
11 owning, keeping or hazboring an aziimal. Any person keeping or harboring an animal for five (5)
12 consecufive days shall, for the purposes of this chapter, be deemed to be an owner thereof.
Running at large shall mean any animal which is not either:
(1) Effectively contained within a fenced area on private properiy; or
(2) Effectively restrained, by chain or leash, to private property with the consent of the property
owner; or
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17 (3) Effectively restrained by a chain or leash not exceeding six (6) feet in length.
18 Sec. 200.02. License required.
19 No person shall own, harbor, keep or maintain in the City of Saint Paul any dog over three (3)
20 months of age without a license. Such license shall be available for purchase at the Saint Paul Animal
21 Control Facility and at the Office of License, Inspecrions and Environmental Protec6on (LIEP).
22 Veterinazians who provide a service for dogs may also act as deputy license vendors. Procedures for the
23 issuance of such licenses shall be established by LIEP. Such establishments shall be required to inform
24 their clients that the City of Saint Paul requires that all dogs be licensed. A license is required if the dog
25 is owned, harbored, kept or maintained for three (3) consecutive days or more, except that no license
26 shall be required for dogs whose owners are temporarily within the city, nor to dogs brought into the
27 city for the purpose of participating in any dog show. Owners of imnounded does found to be
28 unlicensed shall be charged an administrative fee of fifly dollazs ($501. Any properly identified service
29 dog which aids persons who are totally or partially blind or deaf or have physical or sensory disabilities
30 shall be issued a dog license at no charge upon providing proof of certification of training as a service
31 dog.
32 Sec. 200.03. Fee.
33 The annual license fees required for each dog, whether it be male or female, spayed or unspayed
34 shall be established by ordinance as specified in section 310.09(b) of the Legislarive Code. If the owner
35 of the dog is sixty-two (62) yeazs of age or older, the annual license fee payable for each dog shall be
36 fifty (50) percent less than the standard fee. A liferime dog license shall be available to those owners
37 who have their dog(s) tagged with a microchip. Fees for such licenses shall be established by ordinance
38 as specified in section 310.09 (b) of the Legislative Code. Any owner with a lifetime dog license shall
39 vaccinate the dog against rabies according to the requirements in section 199.02 and must be prepazed to
40 provide proof of rabies vaccination as idenfified in section 199.03.
41 Sec. 200.04. Application.
42 Application for such license sha11 be made to the animal control supervisor. Said application shall
43 require the owner, among other informarion required by the animal control supervisor, to supply the
44 name, age, breed, se� color and markings, and rabies vaccination shots, if any, of each dog sought to be
45 licensed. In addition, when the owner has been convicted of a violation of section 200.12(a), relative to
46 the dog sought to be licensed, the applicarion shall require proof of public liability insurance in the
47 muumum amount of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00).
48 Sec. 200.05. Dog tags; dupGcates; records, etc.
49 Upon payment of the license fee, the animal control supervisor shall issue to the owner a license
50 certificate and a metallic tag for each dog so licensed. The tag sha11 have stamped thereon the yeaz for
51 which it was issued and the number corresponding with the number on the license certificate. Every
52 owner of a dog required to be licensed shall be required to provide such dog with a collar to which the
53 license tag must be affixed, and the collar with tag attached must be worn by such dog at all times. In
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54 the event a dog tag is lost or destroyed, a duplicate shall be issued by the animal control supervisor upon
55 presentarion of the receipt for the license fee paid for the current yeaz and the payment of a fee as
56 specified in secrion 310.18 of the Legislative Code. Dog tags shall not be transfened from one (1} dog
57 to another, and no refunds shall be made on any dog license fee for any reason. The animal control
58 supervisor shall keep a record of all dog licenses issued, with the name and residence of the person to
59 whom issued and the number designated upon the metal tag fiunished therewith.
60 Sec. 200.06. Running at large.
61 The license holder, owner or keeper of any canine shall be responsible for the effecrive restraint of
62 such canine and shall not permit the canine to run at lazge. Any canine which is not effectively
63 contained within a fenced azea, or any canine which is on any unfenced azea or lot abutting a street,
64 alley, public pazk, public place or upon any other private land without being effectively restrained by
65 chain or leash from moving beyond such unfenced area or lot, or any canine on any street, public park,
66 school grounds or public place without being effec6vely restrained by chain or leash not exceeding six
67 (6) feet in length, shall be deemed to be rutming at large. A second violation of this secfion within one
68 (1) year shall be punishable by a fine of at least fifty dollazs ($50.00), but not more than three hundred
69 dollazs ($300.00). The first violation of this section far a canine that has been declazed to be a
70 dangerous dogshall be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of three hundred dollars ($300.001.
71 Invisible (underground electric) fences may be used as a secondary restraint only, and is not an
72 acceptable replacexnent for a chain, leash or properly fenced in area.
73 Sec. 200.07. Impoundment; release.
74 It shall be the duty of the environmental health officer or any of his duly authorized assistants, or
75 any peace officer, or any person duly authorized in writing by the environmental health officer, to
76 capture, seize and deliver to the environmental health officer, or the keeper of a public pound, or to any
77 suitable place to be approved by the environmental health officer, any dog found running at lazge within
78 the City of Saint Paul contrary to the provisions of this chapter and any dog found within the City of
79 Saint Paul unlicensed or not wearing the metal tag provided for in this chapter in violarion of the
80 provisions of this chapter. Owners of imuounded does found to be unlicensed shall be chareed an
81 administrafive fee of fifty dollars ($501. All dogs conveyed to the dog pound shall be kept, with kind
82 treatment and sufficient food and water for their comfort, at least five (5) days after the impounding
83 thereof, unless sooner reclaimed by their owners as herein provided. In case the owner of any dog shall
84 desire to reclaim him from the dog pound, such dog may be released from the dog pound upon payment
85 by such owner of the sums required by section 200.08. Said payxnents shall be made to the animai
86 control supervisor, in rehun for which the owner shall receive from the auimal control supervisor a
87 receipt showing that the license fee has been paid, and a regulaz license and tag for such dog shall be
88 issued upon presentarion of such receipt to the license inspector. If the owner of the dog seized or
89 impounded under the provisions of this chapter does not resume possession of said dog by compliance
90 with the foregoing provisions within five (5) days after the seizure or impounding thereof, said owner
91 shall forfeit a11 right of properiy in such dog.
92 Sec. 200.08. Pound fee, etc.
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93 Any dog captured and impounded under the provisions of this chapter shall be released only on the
94 payment of a pound fee, plus an additional boazd chazge for each day or fraction of a day during which
95 the dog is impounded. If the impounded dog is unlicensed, in addition to the impounding and boazding
96 fee, the dog shall not be released without the payment of the prescribed license fee. The designated fees
97 under this chapter shall be established by ordinazice as provided in secrion 310.09(b) of the Legislarive
98 Code.
99 Sec. 200.09. No interference with officer, etc.
100 It shall be unlawful for any person to molest or in any way interfere with any peace officer, animal
101 control supervisor, Ramsey County humane officer, pazk ranger, or any duly authorized assistants, or
102 with any duly authorized agent or any person authorized by the environmental health officer, while
103 engaged in perforxning work under the provisions of this chapter.
104 Sec. 200.10. Seizure; presumption.
105 (a) Any unlicensed dog and any dog n,nning at lazge is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. The
106 environmental health officer is authorized to employ, subject to the approval of the council, such
107 addi6onal temporary animal control officers as necessary to capture and hold such dogs and to pay
108 temporary animal control officers on a fee basis.
109 (b) Any person may seize, impound or restrain any dog which he may find running at lazge in the
110 City of Saint Paul and hold such dog for the animal control supervisor or deliver such dog to the city
111 pound.
112 (c�y doe that is found to be in circumstances, such as the doQ e�chibiting fresh wounds or old
113 scarrinQ or is observed in a fieht, that indicate to a reasonable nerson the animal has been, or is about to
114 be fought with another animal or the owner of such animal has in custod� or possession any training
115 apnaratus, �azaphernalia or drues used to krepaze such animal to be fou�ht with another animal is
116 hereby_ declazed to be a nublic nuisance and shall be immediately seized and taken to the city's nound
117 nursuant to section 200.07.
Sec. 200.11. Cleaning up litter.
(a) The owner of any dog or any person hauing the custody or control of any dog shall be
responsible for cleannig up any feces of the animal and disposing of such feces in a sanitary manner.
121 (b) It is unlawful for any person owning, keeping or hazboring a dog to cause or permit said dog to
122 be on property, public or private, not owned or possessed by such person without having in his/her
123 immediate possession a device for the removal of feces and depository for the transmission of
124 excrement to a proper receptacle located on the property owned or possessed by such person.
125 (c) It is unlawful for any person in control of, causing or permitting any dog to be on any property,
126 public or private, not owned or possessed by such person to fail to remove feces left by such dog to a
127 properreceptacle located on property owned or possessed by such person.
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128 (d) The provisions of this secfion shall not apply to the ownership or use of any properly idenfified
129 service dog which aids persons who are totally or partially blind or deaf or have physical or sensory
130 disabilities, dogs when used in police activities by the city, or tracking dogs when used by or with the
131 permission of the city.
132 (e) Any person violating this section shall be punished by a fine of ten dollazs ($10.00) or five (5)
133 hours of public lands fecal clean-up. Any person who is found guilty of subsequent violations of this
134 secrion shall be punished by a fine of at least twenty-five dollazs ($25.00) but not more than fifly dollars
135 ($50.00).
( fl Any peace officer, animal control officer, pazk ranger, or any duly authorized assistant, or any
duly authorized agent, or any person authorized by the environmental health officer should be
responsible for issuing the tags.
Sec. 200.12. Dangerous animals.
140 (a) Attack by an animal. It sha11 be unlawful for an owner to fail to resirain an animal from inflicting
141 ar attempting to inflict bodily injury to any person or other animal whether or not the owner is present.
142 Violation of this section shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed seven hundred
143 dollazs ($700.00) or imprisonment for not to exceed ninety (90) days, or both. This secrion shall not
144 apply to an attack by a dog under the control of an on-duty law enforcement officer or to an attack upon
145 an uninvited 'mtruder who has entered the owner's home with criminal intent.
146 (b) Destruction of dangerous animals. The environmental health officer shall have the authority to
147 order the destruction of dangerous animals.
(c) Definitions.
(1) A dangerous animal is an animal which has:
a. Caused bodily injury or disfigurement to any person on public or private property; or
b. Engaged in any attack on any person under circumstances which would indicate danger to
personal safety; or
c. Eachibited unusually aggressive behauior, such as an attack on another aniival; or
d. Bitten one (1) or more persons on two (2) or more occasions; or
e. Been found to be potenrially dangerous and/or the owner has personal knowledge of the
same, the aniinal aggressively bites, attacks, or endangers the safety of humans or domestic
animals; or
f. Exhibits fresh wounds or old scarring, or is observed in a fight that indicates to a reasonable
person that the animal has been foueht or is about to be fouQht with another animal; or
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g. That the owner of such animal has in custody or possession anv trainin¢ annazatus.
�phemalia or drues used to�repare such animal to be foueht with another animal.
(2) A potentially dangerous animal is an animal which has:
a Bitten a human or a domestic animal on public or private properiy; or
b. When unprovoked, chased or approached a person upon the streets, sidewalks, or any public
property in an appazent attitude of attack; or
c. Has the lrnown history of propensity, tendency or disposirion to attack while unprovoked,
causing injury or otherwise threatening the safety of humans or domestic animals.
168 (3) Proper enclosure. Proper enclosure means securely confined indoors or in a securely locked pen
169 or structure suitable to prevent the animal from escaping and to provide protection for the animal
170 from the elements. A proper enclosure does not include a porch, patio, or any part of a house,
171 gazage, or other struchue that would allow the animal to exit of its own volition, or any house or
172 structure in which windows are open or in which door or window screens aze the only barriers
173 which prevent the animal from exiting. Such enclosure shall not allow the egress of the animal in
174 any manner without human assistance. A pen or kennel shall meet the following minimum
a. Have a minimum overall floor size of thirty-two (32) square feet.
b. Sidewalls shall have a minimum height of Five (5) feet and be constructed of 11-gauge or
heavier wire. Openings in the wire sha11 not exceed two (2) inches, support posts shall be
one-and-one-quarter-inch or lazger steel pipe buried in the ground eighteen (18) inches or
more. When a concrete floor is not provided, the sidewalls sha11 be buried a minimum of
eighteen (18) inches in the ground.
c. A cover over the entire pen or kennel shall be provided. The cover shall be constzucted of the
same gauge wire or heavier as the sidewalls and shall also have no openings in the wire
greater than two (2) inches.
d. An entrance/eJCit gate shall be provided and be constntcted of the same material as the
sidewalls and shall also bave no openings in the wire greater than two (2) inches. The gate
shall be equipped with a device capable of being locked and sha11 be locked at all times when
the animal is in the pen or kennel.
189 (4) Unprovoked. Unprovoked shall mean the condition in which the aziiinal is not purposely excited,
190 stimulated, agitated or disturbed. Anv attack on a child 14 years of a¢e or vouneer for which a
191 reasonable nerson connotes an intent to inflict bodily harm shall be considered to be
192 unprovoked unless the child is en�aged in the commission of a crime or ille� activitv.
193 (d) Designation as potentially dangerous animal. The court or environmental health officer shall
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194 designate any animal as a potenrially dangerous animal upon receiving such evidence that such
195 potenrially dangerous animal has, when unprovoked, then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
196 person or a domestic animal as stated in subpazagraph (c)(2). When an animal is declazed potentially
197 dangerous, the environmental health officer shall cause one (1) owner of the potenrially dangerous
198 animal to be norified in writing that such animal is potentially dangerous.
(e) Evidence just�ing designarion. The court or environmental health officer shall have the
authority to designate any animal as a dangerous animal upon receiving evidence of the following:
(1) That such an animal has when unprovoked, then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
person or domestic animal as stated in subparagraph (c)(1}: or
(2) That such animal has been declazed potenrially dangerous and/or the owner has personal
lmowledge of the same and such aniinal has then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
person or domestic animal as stated in subpazagraph (c)(1}; or
That such auimal has exhibited unusuallv aggressive behavior, such as an attack on another
animal: or
That such animal has caused bodily injury or disfi�urement to any person onpublic or
nrivate property; or
That such animal has bitten one (11 or more �ersons on two (21 or more occasions; or
(6) That such animal is found to be in circumstances that indicate to a reasonable person that the
animal has been. or is about to be fou¢ht with another animal and such circumstances mav be
fresh wounds, old scarring, or observation of a fieht in pro�ess: or
(7) That the owner of such animal has in custody or possession anv trainine ap azp atus•
pazaphernalia or drugs used to prepaze such animal to be fought with another animal.
218 ( fl Authority to order destruction. The court or environmental health officer, upon finding that an
219 animal is dangerous hereunder, is authorized to order, as part of the disposition of the case, that the
220 animal be destroyed based on a written order containing one (1) or more of the following findings of
221 fact:
(1) The animal is dangerous as demonstrated by a vicious attack, an unprovoked attack, an attack
without warning or multiple attacks; or
(2) The owner of the animal has demonstrated an inability or unwillingness to control the auimal in
order to prevent injury to persons or other animals.
(g) Procedure. The court or environmental health officer, after having determined that an animal is
dangerous, may proceed in the following manner:
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228 (1) The environmental health officer shall cause one (1) owner of the animal to be norified in
229 writing or in person that the animal is dangerous and may order the auimal seized or make such
230 orders as deemed proper. This owner shall be notified as to dates, times, places and parties
231 bitten, and shall be given fourteen (14) days to appeal this order by requesting a hearing before
232 the environmental health officer for a review of this determination.
a If no appeal is filed, the orders issued will stand or the environmental health officer may
orderthe animal destroyed.
b. If an owner requests a hearing for determinarion as to the dangerous nature of the animal, the
hearing shall be held before the environmental health officer, who shall set a date for hearing
not more than three (3) weeks after demand for said hearing. The records of the Office of
License, Inspections and Environmental Protection shall be admissible for considerarion by
the environmental health officer without further foundation. After considering all evidence
pertaining to the temperament of the animal, the environmental health officer shall make
such order as he/she deems proper. The environmental health officer may order that the
animal control supervisor take the animal into custody for destruction, if such animal is not
currently in custody. If the animal is ordered into custody for destruction, the owner shall
immediately make the animal available to the animal control supervisor and failure to do so
shall be a misdemeanor.
(2) Nothing in this section shall prevent the environmental health o�cer from ordering the
immediate deshuction of a rabies-suspected animal pursuant to section 200.11 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code.
(3) Any person who hazbors an animal after it has been found by the environmental health officer to
be dangerous and ordered into custody for destruction shall be guilty of a misdemeanrn.
(4) The environmental health officer may apply to the district court of Ramsey County for
subpoenas for hearings under pazagraph (1)b. above.
253 (h) Stopping an attack. If any police officer or animal control officer is wimess to an attack by an
254 animal upon a person or another animal, the officer may take whatever means the officer deems
255 appropriate to bring the attack to an end and prevent fiirther injury to the victim.
(i) Notifzcation of new address. The owner of an animal wluch has been identified as dangerous or
potentially dangerous must notify the environmental health officer in writing if the aniuial has died or is
to be relocated from its current address or given or sold to another person. The notificarion must be
given in writing at least fourteen (14) days prior to the relocarion or transfer of ownership. If the animal
has died. norification must p_iven no later than fourteen (1, days after the animals death. 'The
notificarion must include the current owner's name and address, the reloca6on address, and the name of
the new owner, if any.
263 Sec. 200.121. Dangerous animal requirements.
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264 (a) Requirements. If the court or environmental health officer does not order the destrucrion of an
265 animal that has been declazed dangerous, the court or environmental health officer shall, as an
266 alternarive, order any or all of the following, excentine for does in which case all shall be applicable
267 and which will be reviewed on an annual basis bv the auimal control officer:
(1) That the owner provide and maintain a proper enclosure for the dangerous auimal as specified in
section 200.12(c)(3);and
(2) Post the front and the reaz of the premises with clearly visible warning signs, including a
waming symbol to inform children, that there is a dangerous animal on the property as specified
in Minnesota Statute 347.51; and
(3) Provides and shows proof annually of public liability insurance naid in full in the minimum
amount of three hundred thousand ($300,000.00). If the animal is impounded, nroof of
insurance must be demonstrated prior to the animal's release; and
276 (4) If the animal is a dog and is outside the proper enclosure, the dog must be muzzled and
277 restrained by a substanrial chain or leash (not to exceed six (6) feet in length) and under the
278 physical restraint of a person s�teen-(�Gj eighteen (18� years of age or older. The muzzle must
279 be of such design as to prevent the dog from biting any person or aniinal, but will not cause
280 injury to the dog or interfere with its vision or respiration; and
(5) If the animal is a dog, it must have an easily identifiable, standardized tag identifying the dog as
dangerous affixed to the dog's collaz at a11 times as specified in Minnesota Statute 347.51; and
(6) Provides and shows proof of xxucrochip identificarion as required in secfion 200.16; and
284 (7) All animals deemed dangerous by the environmental health officer shall be registered with
285 Ramsey County within fourteen (14) days after the date the animal was so deemed and provide
286 satisfactory proof thereof to the environxnental health officer.
287 (8) If the anunal is a dog, the dog must be licensed and up to date on rabies vaccination. If the
288 animal is a cat or ferret, it must be up to daYe with rabies vaccination.
289 (b) Seizure. Auimal control shall immediately seize any dangerous animal if the owner does not
290 meet each of the above requirements within fourteen (14) days after the date norice is sent to the owner
291 that the animal is dangerous. Seizure may be appealed to district court.
292 (c) Reclaiming animals. A dangerous animal seized under subsecrion 200.121(b) may be reclaimed
293 by the owner of the animal upon payment of impounding and boarding fees, and presenting proof to
294 animal control that each of the requirements under subsection 200.121(b) is fixlfilled. An animal not
295 reclaimed under this secrion within fourteen (14) days may be disposed of as provided under secrion
296 200.12( fl, and the owner is liable to animal control for costs incurred in confining the animal.
297 (d) Subsequent offenses. If an owner of an animal has subsequently violated the provisions under
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298 secrion 200.12 with the same animal, the animal must be seized by animal control. The owner may
299 request a hearing as defined in secfion 200.12(�. If the owner is found to have violated the provisions
300 for which the animal was seized, the environmental health officer shall order the animal destroyed in a
301 proper and humane manner and the owner shall pay the costs of confiuing the animal. If the person is
302 found not to have violated the provisions for which the animal was seized, the owner may reclaim the
303 animal under the provisions of subsection 200.121(c). If the animal is not yet reclaimed by the owner
304 within fourteen (14) days after the date the owner is notified that the animal may be reclaimed, the
305 animal may be disposed of as provided under secrion 200.12(� and the owner is liable to the animal
306 control for the costs incurred in confining, impounding and disposing of the animal.
307 [e) Registration fee. An owner of an animal that has been declared daneerous shall �a,v an annual
308 registration fee of seventv five dollars ($751. If the animal has been impounded. the fee shall be paid
309 prior to the aziimal's release.
310 Sec. 200.13. Destruction of unclaimed dogs.
311 At the expiration of the time a dog is impounded as provided for in this chapter, if said dog has not
312 been reclaimed in accordance with the provisions hereof, it shall be the duty of the environmental health
313 officer to cause such dog to be killed according to the most humane and approved methods, or otherwise
314 disposed of, as directed by the environmental health officer.
315 Sec. 200.14. Dogs; disturbing the peace; enforcement.
316 It shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep, have in possession or harbor any dog which howls,
317 yelps or barks to the reasonable annoyance of another person or persons. Any person violating this
318 section, who upon first request by a peace officer, or the animal control supervisor to stop or prevent the
319 annoyance, and refuses to comply with the request, will be issued a citation or arrested in accordance
320 with the Minnesota Rules of Criminal Procedure, and, if the officer deems it necessary to stop the
321 annoyance, may have the dog taken to the city animal pound. Any dog placed in the pound may be
322 reclaimed by the owner upon payment of the fee prescribed in section 200.08, and if not reclaimed may
323 be disposed of in the manner provided in section 200.13.
324 Sec. 200.15. Ma%imum number of dogs.
325 No more than three (3) dogs of over the age of three (3) months sha11 be kept, harbored or
326 maintained within any individual dwelling unit or on any lot or other parcel of property in the city
327 without a permit. The number of dogs permitted above may be increased by obtainiug a pernut issued
328 by the environmental health officer. Such permit shall specify any restrictions, limitations, conditions or
329 prohibitions which the environmental health officer deems reasonably necessary to protect any person or
330 neighboring use from unsanitary conditions, unreasonable noise or odors, or annoyance, or to protect the
331 public health or safety. Such permit may be modified from time to rime or revoked by the
332 environmental health officer for failure to conform to such restric6ons, lunitations or prolubitions. Such
333 modificarion or revocarion shall be effective from and after ten (10) days following the mailing of
334 written notice thereof by certified mail to the person or persons keeping or maintaining such dogs.
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335 Sec. 200.16. Microchip identification required. ��,c� y�
336 The owner of a dangerous dog is required to have a microchip ivstalled or injected on the animal.
337 The microchip shall be installed in or injected under the skin of the animal by a licensed veterinarian
338 and sha11 be designed so that, when scanned by an electronic reader, it is capable of providing the
339 idenrification of the dog's owner. An appropriate fee shall be paid by the owner to the licensed
340 veterinarian for the microchip and the registrarion of the dangerous dog. The idenrificarion of the owner
341 and residence shall be maintained on file at the city pound.
342 Sec. 200.17. Collars, leashes, tie outs.
343 Collars. Collars may not exceed two (2) pounds in weight and must be made of durable material
344 strong enough to hold the dog it is intended for. Collars may not be equipped with anp type of prongs on
345 the inside of the collar that may cause injury or discomfort to the animal's neck.
346 Leashes. Leashes must not exceed six (6) feet in length and may not exceed four (4) pounds in total
347 weight.
348 Tie outs. Tie outs must be at least three (3) tixnes the length of the animal secured to it and may not
349 exceed ten (10) pounds in total weight. Tie outs must be of durable material, strong enough to hold the
350 animal it is intended for. Any animal secured with a tie out must be so in an area that would not allow
351 the animal to become tangled azound objects while allowing access to shelter and water. Tie outs must
352 be placed in such a location as to inhibit the auimal secured from reaching a public sidewalk, street or
353 alley. Also, the tie out must not allow the secured animal access to any neighboring property unless
354 written permission has been obtained from the properiy owner.
Section II.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirfy (30) days a8er its passage, approval and
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Adopted by Council:
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Reqixested by Department of:
Approved by Mayor:
Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Commcil
y' �
q' °tRS
Dist�ict 7 Plannzng Council
689 North Dale Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55103-I644
651/298-5068 (office) 65I/298-5072 (fax)
October 26, 1998
Council President Dan Bostrum
St. Paui City Council
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Council President Bostrum:
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At our October 22, 1998 board of directors meeting, the District 7 Planning Council passed the foilowing
motion regarding the proposed changes to the dangerous animal ordinance for the city of St. Paul:
Motion: That the District 7 Planning Councii support changes to the Dangerous Animal Ordinance and
further we request that a�y changes be reviewed by the St. Paul Police Department to ensure that these
changes would be both enforceabie and wouid allow city officials the necessary tools to keep probiem
animats off our streets.
This position was taken by our community group because we would like to see something done to help us to
rid probiem animais, particutariy dangerous and fight trained dogs, from our neighborhoods. While we feel
that this ordinance goes along way to meet this goal, we are concerned that there is not enough enforcement
of the currerrt ordinance as it is already written. We are also concerned that our police and animal controi
departments do not have adequate statf and resousces ta both hunt down and take potentially dangerous
animals from their irresponsibie owners.
As you may know, severaV residents of the Thomas Dafe community have be seveeely injured by pit buli
attacks during the last few months. One such attack spurred our district council and our partner organization,
the Thomas Dale Block Ciub, into action this summer. Neighbors have stepped forward to say that this type
of abuse wiif no fonger be toferated. We have taken steps to make this issue a top priority so that we can feei
safe on our streets and in our back yards and not fear an attack form a dangerous animai. We respectfully
request that the City Council make the necessary changes to our laws so that our goals can be realized.
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Keith Walker, Chair
District 7 Planning Council
Serving the neighborhoods of Mt. Airy, Capitol Heights,
Lower Rice Street, Frogtown and East Midway"
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October 21, 1998
Additional Revisions to Chapter 200: Animal Ordivance
Council Agenda Item #23 for Today
Attached is a revised version of the Animal Ordinance. Council Reseazch staff
haue consulted with LIEP staff and the City Attorney's Office and have come up
with some addirional changes which are technical and administrarive in nature.
These aze being introduced at today's meeting as "friendly amendments."
Additionally, we have added a provision that would establish a$75 dangerous
dog registrarion fee which would offset addifional administration expenses that
may result from the proposed ordinance changes. Finally, we have also attached
a stafFmemo from Council Research outlining all additional text changes and
noting their locarion in the ordinance.
c: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary
Phil Byrne, Assistant City Attorney
Paul McClosky, Assistant City Attomey
Gerry Strathman, Council Secretary
pnnted on recycled paper
�a a� �
City of Saint Paul
City Council Research Center
Room 310 City Hafl
Saint Paul, MN 55102
612 266-8570
DATE: October 21, 1998
TO: Councilmembers �
FROM: David Godfrey and Marcia' Moermond, Policy Analysts
RE: Summary of Additional Dangerous Dog Ordinance Revisions
Outlined below aze a number of new amendments proposed by Councilmembers Benanav and
Blakey for "Chapter 200. Animals" of the Saint Paul City Code. The ordinance had its first
reading on October 14, 1998. None of the revisions below significantly change the substance of
the ordinance that has already been introduced and are considered to be "friendly amendments"
by the authors.
Registration fee for dangerous dogs
The amendments include a provision for a annual dangerous annnal registration fee. The fee of
$75 could be used to defray the additional costs of associated increased enforcement of
dangerous animals.
Sec. 200.121 Dangerous Animal Requirements, (e) Registration Fee. Includes a$75 annual
registration fee for owners of dangerous animals. If the auimal has been impounded, the fee
must be paid prior to the animal's release from the city pound; lines 312-314.
Outline of other dangerous animal ordinance amendments introduced October 21, 1998
The remainder of the amendments address technical and administrative concerns expressed by
LIEP. The changes are found in sections of the attached draft ordinance.
■ Sec. 200.02. Licerrsed required. Reduces the proposed fine of $100 for owners of dogs who
aze unlicensed to a$50 administrative fee; lines 27-28.
Sec. 200.04. Application. Increases the minimum amount of public liability insurance
required of the dangerous dog owner $300,000 to $500,000. Revision makes wording
consistent with the revision already introduced in sea 200.121 (a) (3); lines 46-47.
■ Sec. 200.06. Running at large. Removes the words "at IeasY' before the fine amount of
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$300; line 7Q.
■ Sec. 200.07. Impozendment; release. Reduces the proposed fine of $100 for owners of dogs
who are unlicensed to a$50 administrative fee. This makes language in this secrion
consistent with language found in secrion 200.02; lines 80-81.
■ Sec. 200.10. Seizure; presumption. Clarifies that any dog seized and impounded because it
demonstrates evidence of dog fighting (i.e. wounds, scarring or owner's possession training
appazatuses or drugs) will be subject to procedures for impoundment outlined in secrion
200.07; lines 112-117.
■ Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (c) Definitiorts. Applies a"reasonable person standard" to
determination of whether a dog demonstrates evidence of involvement in dog fighting; lines
■ Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animats, (c) Defznitions. Defines a dog as dangerous if dog owner
has in custody or possession any traiuing apparatus, pazaphernalia or drugs used for dog
fighting or training. The language found in this section is the same as that in Sec. 200.12.
Dangerous Animals (e) Evidence justifying designation (lines 209-210); lines 160-161.
■ Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (c) Defznitions. Clarifies that an attack is considered to be
an event in which a reasonable person connotes the animal has the intent to cause bodily
harni. Also clazifies what is meant by the word "crime;" lines 140-192.
■ Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animads, (e) Evidence justifying designation. Adds the word "or"
after lines 209 and 213. This makes cleaz that a11 seven types of evidence may be considered
by wurt or environmental health officer when designating a dog as dangerous; lines 210 and
■ Sea 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (e) Evidence justifying designation. Applies a"reasonable
person standard" to the determination of whether a dog demonstrates evidence of
involvement in dog fighting; line 212.
■ Sec.20Q.12 Dangerous Animals, (i) Notification of new address. Establishes a requirement
for owners of potenrially dangerous and dangerous animals to notify the environmental
health officer in the event of the animal's death. Notification must take place within 14 days
of the animal's death; lines 257, 259-260.
■ Sec. 200121. Dangerous Animal Requirements, (a) Requirements. Allows court or the
environxnental health officer to continue ordering any or all of requirements for dangerous
animals, other than dogs (i.e. cats, roosters and horses), specified in the City Code. The
ordinance srill mandates that all requirements stated in the City Code be applied to all
dangerous dog owners; lines 269-270.
Sec. 200.121 Dangerous Animal Requirements, (a) Requirements. Clarifies that proof of
public liability insurance needs to be demonstrated prior to the animal's release applies if
aniinal has been impounded; lines 279-280.
Other concerns egpressed by LIEP about the ordinance
LIEP staff raised the following three issues not included in the revisions:
1) LIEP believes the revisions which increase the amount of public liability insurance from
$300,000 to $SOQ,OQQ may haue adverse effects. The revisions are found in Section 200.04
and Section 200.121 (a) (3) [lines 46-47 & 277-278]. Because most Saint Paul residents do
not currently have $500,000 worth of public liability insurance', owners of dangerous
atumals will have to reapply for additional home owner's or renter's insurance. The re-
applicarion process will require dangerous dog owner to declaze the presence of the animal.
After notifying the insurance company about the animal, many owners will be denied
coverage or the will be forced to get rid of the animal. LLEP is concerned the requirement
may lead to an increase in the unnecessary destruction of dangerous animals and create an
unreasonable hardship for responsible owners of dangerous animals.
2) In 5ection 200.12 (c) (4) [lines 190-191], LIEP was seeking to reduce the age at which an
attack on a child would be considered unprovoked from age 14 as it is currently proposed to
a substantially younger age. This change was not made because it also appears to be a
legitimate policy question for the council to decide.
3) In Secrion 200.121 (a) (4) [line 281], LIEP was seeking to include language which would
require someone restraining a dangerous dog to have a certain level of physical ability. After
speaking with the City Attorney's office, we concluded that this standard would be too
subjective to enforce. Therefore, it was not incorporated into the new amendments.
Please call either of us with any questions you have on tYus or related matters (Marcia: x6-8570
or David: x6-8571).
cc: Gerty Strathman, Council Research Director
Paul McCloskey, Assistant City Attorney
chron file
�Our reseazch on public liability insurance indicates the standard amount of coverage for a homeowner
was $30Q000 and $1OQ000 for renters. For more information on the subject ofpublic liabiliry insurance see
memo entitled, "Dangerous Dog Ordinance Revisions," dated September 18, 1998.
C'dy of Saini Paul
City Council Research Center
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, MN 55102
612 266-8570
DATE: October 5, 1998
TO: Councilmembers
FROM: David Godfrey and MarEia Mo� , Policy Analysts
RE: Summary of Dangerous Dog Ordinance Revisions
Outlined below are the revisions proposed by Councilmembers Benanav and Blalcey to "Chapter
200. Animals" of the Saint Paul City Code. The changes are found in sections of the attached
draft ordinance.
■ Sec. 200. 02. Licensed required. Establish fine of $100 for owners of dogs who are
unlicensed. Note that the City Code can only suggest fine levels to the district court and that
judges have discretion over fine levels for misdemeanors; lines 27-28.
■ Sec. 200.06. Running at darge. Establish fine of at least $300 for owners of dangerous dogs
found to be running at lazge; lines 68-69.
■ Sea 200.07. Impoundment; release. Establish fine of $100 for owners of dogs who are
unlicensed; line 79.
■ Sec. 200.10. Seizzrre; presumption. Any dog found that demonstrates evidence of dog
fighting (i.e. wounds, scarring or owner's possession training apparatuses or drugs) will be
immediately declared a public nuisance and seized; lines 110-113.
■ Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (c) Defznitions. Animal wluch eachibits evidence of dog
fighting (i.e. wounds, scatring or observation of fight in progress) is defined as a dangerous
animal; lines 154-155.
■ Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (c) Defznitions. Includes in the definition of the word
`�anprovoked" a clarification that any attack on a child 14 yeazs of age or younger is
considered to be unprovoked unless the child is engaged in a crime; lines 184-185.
■ Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (e) Evidence justifying designation. Makes consistent the
chazacteristics that define a dog as dangerous in the City Code and the evidence that can be
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used to designate a dog to be dangerous. The ordinance currently idenfifies certain
chazacteristics or activiries (i.e. the e�ibition of aggressive behavior) that define a dog as
dangerous which cannot be used as evidence to declaze a dog dangerous. T'hese
inconsistencies aze eliminated by the proposed revisions; lines 195-210.
■ Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (j) Community Notification. Requires Animal Control
Office to norify neighbors who reside within appro�mately a one block diameter of the
dangerous dog's residence in writing of the presence of the dangerous dog and the
requirements placed on the owner of the dangerous dog; lines 255-258.
■ Sec. 200.121. Dangerous Animal Requirements, (a) Requirements. Mandates all
requirements stated in code to be applied to all dangerous dog owners. 'fhis reflects the
current pracrice of the Animal Control Office; line 262.
■ Sec. 200.121. Dangerous Animal Requirements, (a) Requirements. Requires the animal
control officer to perform an annual review to ensure owners of dangerous dogs continue to
meet the requirements set forth by the court or the environmental health officer; lines 262-
■ Sec. 200.121 Dangerous Animal Requirements, (a) Requirements. Increases the minimum
amount of public liability insurance required of the owner of a dangerous dog from $300,000
to $500,000. This secrion also requires the dangerous dog owner provide_ proof the insurance
has been paid in full for a year; lines 269-271.
■ Sec. 2000.121 Dangerous Animal Requirements, (a) Requirements. Increases the age
required for a person to physically restrain a dog that has been declazed dangerous $om age
sixteen to eighteen; line 273.
ca Gerry Strathman, Council Research D'uector
Paul McCloskey, Assistant City Attorney
chron file
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Summary of Dangerous Dogs Ordinance Revisions
1. Sec. 200.02. License reguired. Owners of unlicensed impounded dogs aze charged a$50
administrative fee; lines 27-28. This language is also found in Sec. 200.07Impoundment,
release;lines 80-81.
2. Sec. 200.06. Running at large. Establishes fine of at least $300 for owners of dangerous
dogs found to be mnning at lazge; lines 69-70.
3. Sec. 200.10. Seizure; presumption. Any dog found that demonstrates to a"reasonable
person" evidence of dog fighting (i.e. wounds, scarriug or owner's possession training
apparatuses or drugs) will be immediately declared a public nuisance, seized, and
impounded pursuant to secrion 200.07; lines 112-117.
4. Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (c) Defznitions. Animal which eachibits to a
"reasonable person" evidence of dog fighting (i.e. wounds, scarring or observation of
fight in progress) is defined as a dangerous animai; lines 158-159.
5. Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (c) Definitions. Defines a dog as dangerous if dog
owner has in custody or possession any training apparatus, paraphernalia or drugs used
for dog fighting or training. The language found in this section is the same as that in Sec.
200.12. Dangerous Animals (e) Evidence justifying designation (lines 212-214); lines
6. Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (c) Def nitions. Includes in the definition of the word
"unprovoked" a clarificarion that any attack on a child 14 years of age or younger is
considered to be unprovoked uniess the child is engaged in a crime; lines 190-192.
Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (e) Evidence justifying designation. Makes consistent
the chazacteristics that define a dog as dangerous in the City Code and the evidence that
can be used to designate a dog to be dangerous. The ordinance currently idenrifies certain
chazacteristics or activities (i.e. the exhibition of aggressive behavior) that define a dog as
dangerous which cannot be used as evidence to declare a dog dangerous. These
inconsistencies are eliminated by the proposed revisions; lines 201-217.
8. Sec. 200.121. Dangerous Animal Requirements. (a) Requirements. Mandates all
requirements stated in code to be applied to all dangerous dog owners. This reflects the
current practice of the Animal Control Office; line 266.
9. Sec. 200.121. Dangerous Animal Requirements, (a) Requirements. Requires the animal
control officer to perform an annual review to ensure owners of dangerous dogs continue
to meet the requirements set forth by the court or the environmental health officer; line
10. See. 200.121 Dangerous Animal Requirements, (a) Requirements. Requires the
dangerous dog owner provide proof the insurance has been paid in full for a year and
clarifies that proof of public liability insurance needs to be demonstrated prior to the
animal's release applies if animal has been impounded; lines 273-275.
11. Sec. 2000.121 Dangerous Animal Requirements, (a) Requirements. Increases the age
required for a person to physically restrain a dog that has been declared dangerous from
age sixteen to eighteen; line 278.
12. Sec. 200.121 Dangerous Animal Requirements, (e) Registration Fee. Includes a$75
annual registration fee for owners of dangerous animals. If the animal has been
impounded, the fee must be paid prior to the animal's release from the city pound; lines
13. Sec.200.12 Dangerous Animals, (i) Notification of new address. EstaUlishes a
requirement for owners of potentially dangerous and dangerous animals to notify the
environmental health officer in the event of the animal's death, Notification must take
place within 14 days of the animal's death; lines 257, 259-260.
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October 28, 1998
To: Councilmembers
From: Councilmember
Re: Additional Revisions to Cbapter 200: Animal Ordinance
Council Agenda Item #31 for Today
Attached is another, and hopefully the final, revised version of the Animal
Ordinance. Council Reseazch staff have consulted with LIEP staff and the City
Attozney's Office on the outstanding issues LIEP staff had on liabIlity insurance
coverage and community notification. We are introducing these changes as
friendly amendments and they aze outlined in the attached stafF memo from
Council Reseazch.
c: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary
Phil Byrne, Assistant City Attorney
Paul McClosky, Assistant City Attorney
Gerry Strathman, Council Secretary
pnntetl on recyded paper
City of Saint Paul
City Council Research Center
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, MN 551U2
612 266-8570
DATE: October 28, 1998
TO: Councilmembers ',^, �
FROM: David Godfrey�and Marc'i�M ond, Policy Analysts
RE: Additional Dangerous Dog Ordinance Revisions: Liability Insurance, Community
Notification, and License Fees
Outlined below are several new amendments proposed by Councilmembers Benanav and Blakey
for "Chapter 200. Animals" of the Saint Paul City Code. The ordinance had its first reading on
October 14, 1998. The amendments address the unresolved concerns expressed by LIEP staff. A
number of these concerns were detailed in the memo entitled "Suimnary of Additional Dog
Ordinance Revisions," dated October 21, 1998. The amendments are considered to be "friendly
amendments" by the authars.
■ Sec. 200.04. Application. Removes the increase in the minimum amount of public liability
insurance from $500,000 to $300,000. Three hundred thousand dollazs is currently the
amount of insurance required by City Code. There was concerns expressed by LIEP and
Council Reseazch that this requirement would place an undue burden on responsible pet
owners who are attempting to comply with City's requirements. Although pet owners would
have little difficulty in meeting most of dangerous dog requirements, attempting to obtain
$500,000 in public liability insurance may result in home owners and renters losing their
insurance. The requirement may force owners to euthanize their dogs despite the City
allowing them to return to the community.
■ Sec. 200.12. Dangerous animals. Removes the provision requiring community notificarion
of dangerous dogs and the requirements placed on dangerous dog owners. LIEP staff aze
concerned that notifica6on may not be necessary if it can be demonstrated that dogs that
have been declazed dangerous do not pose a substanfial public safety threat. The authors
have agreed to remove this provision to give LIEP staf'f the opportunity research this
question and to implement a community notificarion pilot project. A resolurion will be
introduced by the authors at today's meeting to direct LIEP to undertake the research and to
perforzn the pilot pro}ect.
■ Sec. 200121. Dangerous animal requirements. Removes the increase in the minimum
amount of public liability insurance from $500,000 to $30Q000. Three hundred thousand
dollars is currently the amount of insurance required by City Code. This makes language in
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this secrion consistent with language found in section 200.04.; line 274.
■ Sec. 200.02. License required. Adds word "impounded" to clarify the administrative fee
chazged to owners of unlicensed dogs applies only to dogs that aze impounded; line 27.
■ Sec. 200.07. Impoundment; release. Adds word "impounded" to clarify the administrative
fee chazged to owners of unlicensed dogs applies only to dogs that are impounded. This
makes language in this section consistent with language found in secrion 200.02; line 80.
Please call either of us with any questions you have on this or related matters (Marcia: x6-8570
or x6-8571).
cc: Gerry Strathman, Council Research Director
Paul McCloskey, City Attorney
Bob Kessler, Director of LIEP
chron file
Council File # f0 -9y 3-
Presented by
Refesed To
Green Sheet #
Section I.
Chapter 200. Animals
Sec. 200A1. Definirions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates:
Animal shall mean any individual member of any of the species of birds, fish, amphibians, repriles,
insects, arachnids, crustaceans or matmuals except homo sapiens.
Animal control supervisor shall mean the animal control supervisor of the City of Saint Paul or
Dog shall mean any male or female of any breed of domesticated dog.
Environmental health o�cer shall mean the environmental health officer or inspector of the City of
Saint Paul.
10 Owner sha11 mean the license holder or any other person or persons, firm, association or corporation
11 owning, keeping or hazboring an az�imal. Any person keeping or hazboring an animal for five (5)
12 consecutive days shall, for the purposes of this chapter, be deemed to be an owner thereof.
Running at large shall mean any animal which is not either:
(1) Effectively contained within a fenced azea on private properiy; or
(2) Effectively restrained, by chain or leash, to private property with the consent of the property
owner; or
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17 (3) Effecrively restrained by a chain or leash not exceeding siac (6) feet in length.
18 Sec. 200.02. License required.
19 No person shall own, hazbor, keep or maintain in the City of Saint Paul any dog over three (3)
20 months of age without a license. Such license shall be available for purchase at the Saint Paul Animal
21 Control Facility and at the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protecrion (LIEP).
22 Veterinarians who provide a service for dogs may also act as deputy license vendors. Procedures for the
23 issuance of such licenses shall be established by LIEP. Such establishments shall be required to inform
24 their clients that the City of Saint Paul requires that all dogs be licensed. A license is required if the dog
25 is owned, harbored, kept or maintained for three (3) consecutive days or more, except that no license
26 shall be required for dogs whose owners aze temporarily within the city, nor to dogs brought into the
27 city for the purpose of participating in any dog show. Owners of does found to be unlicensed shall be
28 charged an administrative fee of fifly dollazs ($50). Any properly identified service dog which aids
29 persons who aze totally or partially blind or deaf or have physical or sensory disabiliries shall be issued a
30 dog license at no charge upon providing proof of certification of training as a service dog.
31 Sec. 200.03. Fee.
32 The annual license fees required for each dog, whether it be male or female, spayed or unspayed
33 shall be established by ordinance as specified in secfion 310.09(b) of the Legislative Code. If the owner
34 of the dog is sixty-two (62) years of age or older, the annuallicense fee payable for each dog shall be
35 fi8y (50) percent less than the standard fee. A liferime dog license shall be available to those owners
36 who have their dog(s) tagged with a microchip. Fees for such licenses shall be established by ordinance
37 as specified in secfion 310.09 (b) of the Legislative Code. Any owner with a lifetime dog license shall
38 vaccinate the dog against rabies according to the requirements in secfion 199.02 and must be prepazed to
39 provide proof of rabies vaccinarion as identified in secrion 199.03.
40 Sec. 200.04. App6cation.
41 Applicarion for such license shall be made to the animal control supervisor. 5aid application sha11
42 require the owner, among other informarion required by the animal control supervisor, to supply the
43 name, age, breed, sex, color and mazkings, and rabies vaccination shots, if any, of each dog sought to be
44 licensed. In addition, when the owner has been convicted of a violation of secrion 200.12(a), rela6ve to
45 the dog sought to be licensed, the application shall require proof of public liability insurance in the
46 minimum amount of five hundred thousand dollars (�3AA�9A:99
47 $500.000.00).
48 Sec. 200.05. Dog tags; duplicates; records, etc.
49 Upon payment of the license fee, the animal conh supervisor shall issue to the owner a license
50 certificate and a metallic tag for each dog so licensed. The tag shall have stamped thereon the year for
51 which it was issued and the number corresponding with the number on the license certificate. Every
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52 owner of a dog required to be licensed shall be required to provide such dog with a collaz to which the
53 license tag must be affixed, and the collar with tag attached must be wom by such dog at all times. In
54 the event a dog tag is lost or destroyed, a duplicate shall be issued by the animal control supervisor upon
55 presentarion of the receipt for the license fee paid for the current yeaz and the payment of a fee as
56 specified in section 31018 of the Legislarive Code. Dog tags shall not be transferred from one (1) dog
57 to another, and no refunds shall be made on any dog license fee for any reason. T'he animal control
58 supervisor shall keep a record of all dog licenses issued, with the name and residence of the person to
59 whom issued and the number designated upon the metal tag fiunished therewith.
60 Sec. 200.06. Running at large.
61 The license holder, owner or keeper of any canine shall be responsible for the effective restraint of
62 such canine and shall not permit the canine to run at large. Any canine which is not effectively
63 contained within a fenced azea, or any canine which is on any unfenced area or lot abutting a street,
64 alley, public park, public place or upon any other private land without being effecfively restrained by
65 chain or leash from moving beyond such unfenced azea or lot, or any canine on any street, public park,
66 school grounds or public place without being effectively restrained by chain or leash not exceeding six
67 (6) feet in length, shall be deemed to be rumiing at large. A second violation of this section within one
68 (1) yeaz shall be punishable by a fine of at least fifty dollazs ($50.00), but not more than three hundred
69 dollazs ($300.00). The first violation of this secrion for a canine that has been declared to be a
70 dan�erous doe shall be a misdemeanor punishable bv a fine of three hundred dollazs ($300 001
71 Invisible (underground electric) fences may be used as a secondary restraint only, and is not an
72 acceptable replacement for a chain, leash or properly fenced in area.
73 Sec. 200.07. Impoundment; release.
74 It shall be the duTy of the environmental health officer or any of his duly authorized assistants, or
75 any peace officer, or any person duly authorized in writing by the environmental health officer, to
76 capture, seize and deliver to the environmental health officer, or the keeper of a public pound, or to any
77 suitable place to be approved by the environmental health officer, any dog found mm�ing at large within
78 the City of Saint Paul contrary to the provisions of this chapter and any dog found within the City of
79 Saint Paul unlicensed or not wearing the metal tag provided for in this chapter in violation of the
80 provisions of this chapter. Owners of dogs found to be unlicensed shall be charged an administrative fee
81 of fiftv dollars ($50�. All dogs conveyed to the dog pound shall be kept, with kind treatment and
82 sufficient food and water for their comfort, at least five (5) days after the impounding thereof, unless
83 sooner reclaimed by their owners as herein provided In case the owner of any dog shall desire to
84 reclaim him from the dog pound, such dog may be released from the dog pound upon payment by such
85 owner of the stuns reguired by section 200.08. Said payments shall be made to the animal control
86 supervisor, in return for which the owner shall receive from the animal control supervisor a receipt
87 showing that the license fee has been paid, and a regular license and tag for such dog shall be issued
88 upon presentation of such receipt to the license inspector. If the owner of the dog seized or impounded
89 under the provisions of this chapter does not resume possession of said dog by compliance with the
90 foregoing provisions within five (5) days after the seizure or impounding thereof, said owner shall
91 forfeit all right of properiy in such dog.
92 Sec. 200.08. Pound fee, etc.
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93 Any dog captured and impounded under the provisions of this chapter shall be released only on the
94 payment of a pound fee, plus an additional board chazge for each day or fracrion of a day during wluch
95 the dog is impounded. If the unpounded dog is unlicensed, in addition to the impounding and boazding
96 fee, the dog shall not be released without the payment of the prescribed license fee. The designated fees
97 under this chapter shall be established by ordinance as provided in section 310.09(b} of the Legislarive
98 Code.
99 Sec. 200.09. No interference with ofticer, etc.
100 It shall be unlawful for any person to molest or in any way interfere with any peace officer, animal
101 control supervisor, Ramsey County humane officer, park ranger, or any duly authorized assistants, or
102 with any duly authorized agent or any person authorized by the environmental health officer, while
103 engaged in performing work under the provisions of this chapter.
104 Sec. 200.10. Seizure; presumption.
105 (a) Any unlicensed dog and any dog running at lazge is hereby declazed to be a public nuisance. The
106 environmental health officer is authorized to employ, subject to the approval of the council, such
107 addirional temporary animal control officers as necessary to capture and hold such dogs and to pay
108 temporary aziiinal control officers on a fee basis.
109 (b) Any person may seize, impound or restrain any dog which he may find running at lazge in the
110 City of Saint Paul and hold such dog for the animal control supervisor or deliver such dog to the city
111 pound.
112 (cl AnY do� that is found to be in circumstances such as the dog eachibitin¢ fresh wounds or old
113 scarrinQ or is observed in a fi�ht that indicate to a reasonable person the animal has been or is about to
114 be fou¢ht with another animal or the owner of such animal has in custod�or possession anv training
115 �pazatus, pazaphernalia or drugs used to �repare such animal to be fot��it with another animal is
116 herebv declazed to be a public nuisance and shall be immediatelkseized and taken to the citv'spound
117 nursuant to section 200.07.
Sec. 200.11. Cleaning up litter.
(a) The owner of any dog or any person having the custody or control of any dog shall be
responsible for cleaning up any feces of the animal and disposing of such feces in a sanitary manner.
121 (b) It is unlawful for any person owning, keeping or harboring a dog to cause or permit said dog to
122 be on property, public or private, not owned or possessed by such person without having in his/her
123 immediate possession a device for the removal of feces and depository for the transmission of
124 excrement to a proper receptacle located on the property owned or possessed by such person.
125 (c) It is unlawful for any person in control of, causing or permitting any dog to be on any properiy,
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126 public or private, not owned or possessed by such person to fail to remove feces left by such dog to a
127 proper receptacle located on property owned or possessed by such person.
128 (d) The provisions of this section shall not apply to the ownership or use of any properly idenrified
129 service dog which aids persons who aze totally or partially blind or deaf or have physical or sensory
130 disabiliries, dogs when used in police acrivities by the city, or tracking dogs when used by or with the
131 pernussion of the city.
132 (e) Any person violating this section shall be punished by a fine of ten dollazs ($10.00) or five (5)
133 hours of public lands fecal clean-up. Any person who is found guilty of subsequent violations of this
134 secrion shall be punished by a fine of at least riventy-five dollazs ($25.00) but not more than fifty dollazs
135 ($50.00).
(fl Any peace officer, animal control officer, patk ranger, or any duly authorized assistant, or any
duly authorized agent, ar any person authorized by the environxnental health officer should be
responsible for issuing the tags.
Sec. 200.12. Dangerous animals.
140 (a) Anack by an animal. It shall be unlawful for an owner to fail to restrain an animal from inflicting
141 or attempting to inflict bodily injury to any person or other animal whether or not the owner is present.
142 Violation of this section sha11 be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed seven hundred
143 dollars ($700.00) or imprisonment for not to exceed ninety (90) days, or both. This secrion sha11 not
144 apply to an attack by a dog under the control of an on-duty law enforcement o�cer or to an attack upon
145 an uninvited intruder who has entered the owner's home with criminal intent.
146 (b) Destruction of dangerous animals. The environmental health officer shall have the authority to
147 order the destrucfion of dangerous animals.
(c) Deftnitions.
(1) A dangerous animal is an animal which has:
a. Caused bodily injury or disfigurement to any person on public or private property; or
b. Engaged in any attack on any person under circumstances wlrich would indicate danger to
personal safety; or
c. E�ibited unusually aggressive behavior, such as an attack on another animal; or
d. Bitten one (1) or more persons on two (2) or more occasions; or
e. Been found to be potentially dangerous and/or the owner has personal knowledge of the
same, the animal aggressively bites, attacks, or endangers the safety of humans or domesric
animals; or
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f. Ezchibits fresh wounds or old scarrin¢, or is observed in a fight that indicates to a reasonable
person that the animal has been fou�ht or is about to be foug,ht with another animal• or
g. That the owner of such animal has in custodv or nossession any training appazatus
paranhernalia or drngs used to prepaze such animal to be foug_ht with another animal
(2) A potentially dangerous animal is an animal which has:
a Bitten a human or a domestic animal on public or private properiy; or
b. When unprovoked, chased or approached a person upon the streets, sidewalks, or any public
properiy in an appazent attitude of attack; or
a Has the known history of propensity, tendency or disposition to attack while unprovoked,
causing injury or otherwise threatening the safety of humans or domestic animals.
(3) Proper enclosure. Proger enclosure means securely confined indoors or in a securely locked pen
or structure suitable to prevent the animal from escaping and to provide protection for the animal
from the elements. A proper enclosure does not include a porch, pario, or any part of a house,
gazage, or other structure that would allow the animal to exit of its own volirion, or any house or
structure in which windows are open or in which door or window screens aze the only barriers
which prevent the animal from exiting. Such enclosure shall not allow the egress of the animal in
any manner without human assistance. A pen or kennel shall meet the following minimum
a. Have a minimum overall floor size of thirry-two (32) square feet.
b. Sidewalls shall have a minimum height of five (5) feet and be conshucted of 11-gauge or
heavier wire. Openings in the wire shall not exceed two (2) inches, support posts shail be
one-and-one-quarter-inch or larger steel pipe buried in the ground eighteen (18) inches or
more. When a concrete floor is not provided, the sidewalls shall be buried a minimum of
eighteen (18)inchesin the ground.
c. A cover over the entire pen or kennel shall be provided. Ttte cover shall be constructed of the
same gauge wire or heavier as the sidewalls and shall also have no openings in the wire
greater than two (2) inches.
d. An entrance/exit gate shall be provided and be constructed of the same material as the
sidewalls and shall also have no openings in the wire greater than rivo (2) inches. The gate
shall be equipped with a device capable of being locked and shall be locked at all rimes when
the animal is in the pen or kennel.
(4) Unprovoked. Unprovoked shall mean the condition in which the animal is not purposely excited,
stimulated, agitated or disturbed. Any attack on a child 14 years of ase or youneer for which a
reasonable person connotes an intent to inflict bodily harm shall be considered to be
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(e) Evidence justifying designation. The court or environmental health officer shall have the
authority to designate any animal as a dangerous animal upon receiving evidence of the following:
193 (d) Designation as potentially dangerous animal. The court or environmental health officer sha11 .
194 designate any animal as a potenrially dangerous animal upon receiving such evidence that such
195 potentially dangerous animal has, when unprovoked, then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
196 person or a domestic animal as stated in subpazagraph (c)(2). When an animal is declazed potentially
197 dangerous, the environmental health officer shall cause one (1) owner of the potentially dangerous
198 animal to be norified in writing that such animal is potenrially dangerous.
(1) That such an animal has when unprovoked, then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
person or domesfic animal as stated in subparagraph (c)(1}; or
(2) That such animal has been declazed potenrially dangerous and/or the owner has ersonal
knowled¢e of the same and such animal has then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
person or domestic animal as stated in subpazagraph (c)(1}: or
unnrovoked unless the child is e�ged in the commission of a crime or illeeal activit�
That such animal has exhibited unusuallv agt�ressive behavior such as an attack on another
animal: or
That such animal has caused bodily inj or disfi ement to any nerson on�ublic or
private �ro ep rtv; or
That such animal has bitten one ill ar more persons on two (2) or more occasions• or
(6) That such animal is found to be in circumstances that indicate to a reasonable nerson that the
animal has been, or is about to be fou�ht with another animal and such circumstances mav be
fresh wounds, old scazrine, or observation of a fig�it in proeress or
(7) That the owner of such animal has in custody or nossession an�trainin�apparatus
paranhernalia or dru¢s used to prepaze such auimal to be fought with another animal
218 ( fl Authority to order desmsction. The court or environmental health officer, upon finding that an
219 animal is dangerous hereunder, is authorized to order, as part of the disposirion of the case, that the
220 animal be destroyed based on a written order containing one (1) or more of the following findings of
221 fact:
(1) The animal is dangerous as demonstrated by a vicious attack, an unprovoked attack, an attack
without warning or multiple attacks; or
(2) The owner of the animal has demonstrated an inability or unwillingness to control the animal in
order to prevent injury to persons or other animals.
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(g) Procedure. T'he court or environmental health officer, after having determined that an animal is
dangerous, may proceed in the following manner:
228 (1) The environmental health officer shall cause one (1) owner of the animal to be notified in
229 writing or in person that the animal is dangerous and may order the animal seized or make such
230 orders as deemed proper. This owner shall be norified as to dates, times, places and parties
231 bitten, and shall be given fourteen (14) days to appeal this order by requesting a hearing before
232 the environmental health officer for a review of this determinarion.
a. If no appeal is filed, the orders issued will stand or the environmental health o�cer may
order the animal destroyed.
b. If an owner requests a hearing for deternunarion as to the dangerous nature of the animal, the
hearing shall be held before the environmental health officer, who sha11 set a date far hearing
not more than three (3) weeks after demand for said hearing. The records of the Office of
License, Inspections and Environmental Protection shall be adtnissible for consideration by
the environmental health officer without further foundation. After considering all evidence
pertaining to the temperament of the animal, the environmental health officer shall make
such order as he/she deems proper. The environmental health officer may order that the
animal control supervisor take the animal into custody for destrucrion, if such animal is not
currently in custody. If the animal is ordered into custody for destruction, the owner shall
immediately make the animal available to the animal control supervisor and failure to do so
shall be a misdemeanor.
246 (2) Nothing in this section shall prevent the environmental health officer from ordering the
247 immediate deshucrion of a rabies-suspected animal pursuant to secrion 200.11 of the Saint Paul
248 Legislative Code.
249 (3) Any person who harbors an anunal after it has been found by the environmental health officer to
250 be dangerous and ordered into custody for destruction shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
251 (4) The environmental health officer may apply to the district court of Ramsey County for
252 subpoenas for hearings under pazagraph (1)b. above.
253 (h) Stopping an attack. If any police officer or animal control officer is witness to an attack by an
254 animal upon a person or another animal, the officer may take whatever means the officer deems
255 appropriate to bring the attack to an end and prevent further injury to the victim.
(i) Notification of new address. The owner of an animal which has been idenfified as dangerous or
potentially dangerous must norify the environxnental health officer in writing if the animal has died or is
to be relocated from its current address or given or sold to another person. The notification must be
given in writing at least fourteen (14) days prior to the relocation or transfer of ownership. ff the animal
has died, notification must piven no later than fourteen ! 14) davs after the animals death The
notification must include the current owner's name and address, the relocation address, and the name of
the new owner, if any.
� t �
263 (jl Communitv Noti�icarion. The environmental health officer shall norifv in writin� all owners and
264 occupants who own or reside within three hundred fiftv (3501 feet of the residence of the dangerous dog
265 of the presence of the do¢ and the rec�u'uements ulaced on the daneerous do� owner. T`he notice shall be
266 sent bv 1�` class mail.
267 Sec. 200.121. Dangerous animal requirements.
268 (a) Requirements. If the court or environmental health officer does not order the destruction of an
269 animal that has been declared dangerous, the court or environmental health officer shall, as an
270 alternarive, order any or all of the following, exceptinQ for does, in which case all shall be applicable
271 and which will be reviewed on an annual basis bv the animal control officer:
(1) That the owner provide and maintain a proper enclosure for the dangerous animal as specified in
secrion 200.12(c)(3); and
(2) Post the front and the rear of the premises with cleazly visible warning signs, including a
warning symbol to inform children, that there is a dangerous animal on the property as specified
in Minnesota Statute 347.51; and
(3) Provides and shows proof annually of public liability insurance naid in full in the minimum
amount of five hundred thousand dollars (�3A8 $500,000.00). If
the animal is impounded, nroof of insurance must be demonstratedprior to the animal's release;
281 (4) If the aziimal is a dog and is outside the proper enclosure, the dog must be muzzled and
282 restrained by a substantial chain or leash (not to exceed six (6) feet in length) and under the
283 physical restraint of a person si�Neetr (�Hj eiehteen (182 yeazs of age or older. The muzzle must
284 be of such design as to prevent the dog from biting any person or animal, but will not cause
285 injury to the dog or interfere with its vision or respiration; and
(5) If the animal is a dog, it must have an easily identifiable, standardized tag identifying the dog as
dangerous affixed to the dog's collar at all times as specified in Minnesota Statute 347.51; and
(6) Provides and shows proof of microchip idenrificarion as required in section 200.16; and
289 (7) All animals deemed dangerous by the environmental health officer shall be registered with
290 Ramsey County within fourteen (14) days after the date the animal was so deemed and provide
291 satisfactory proof thereof to the environmental health officer.
292 (8) If the animal is a dog, the dog must be licensed and up to date on rabies vaccination. If the
293 animal is a cat or ferret, it must be up to date with rabies vaccination.
294 (b) Seizure. Animal control shall immediately seize any dangerous animal if the owner does not
295 meet each of the above requirements within fourteen (14) days after the date notice is sent to the owner
296 that the animal is dangerous. Seizure may be appealed to district court.
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297 (c) Reclaiming animals. A dangerous animal seized under subsection 200.121(b) may be reclaimed
298 by the owner of the animal upon payment of impounding and boarding fees, and presenting proof to
299 animal control that each of the requirements under subsection 200.121(b) is fulfilled. An animal not
300 reclaimed under this secrion withixt fourteen (14) days may be disposed of as provided under section
301 200.12(�, and the owner is liable to animal control for costs incurred in confining the animal.
(d) Subsequent offerrses. If an owner of an animal has subsequently violated the provisions under
section 200.12 with the same animal, the aziimal must be seized by animal control. The owner may
request a hearing as defined in section 200.12(�. If the owner is found to have violated the provisions
for which the animal was seized, the environmental health officer shall order the animal destroyed in a
proper and humane manner and the owner shall pay the costs of confining the animal. If the person is
found not to have violated the provisions for which the animal was seized, the owner may reclaim the
animal under the provisions of subsection 200.121(c). If the aniinal is not yet reclaimed by the owner
within fourteen (14) days after the date the owner is norified that the animal may be reclaimed, the
animal may be disposed of as provided under section 200.12( fl and the owner is liable to the animal
control for the costs incurred in confming, impounding and disposing of the animal.
312 (el ReQistration fee. An owner of an animal that has been declazed dangerous shall �ay an annual
313 reeistration fee of seventy five dollars ($751. If the animal has been impounded the fee shall be paid
314 prior to the animal's release.
315 Sec. 200.13. Destruction of unclaimed dogs.
316 At the expiration of the time a dog is impounded as provided for in this chapter, if said dog has not
317 been reclaimed in accorc}ance with the provisions hereof, it shall be the duty of the environmental health
318 officer to cause such dog to be killed according to the most humane and approved methods, or otherwise
319 disposed of, as directed by the environmental health officer.
320 Sec. 200.14. Dogs; disturbing the peace; enforcement.
321 It shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep, have in possession or harbor any dog which howls,
322 yelps or barks to the reasonable annoyance of another person or persons. Any person violating this
323 section, who upon first request by a peace officer, or the animal control supervisor to stop or prevent the
324 annoyance, and refuses to comply with the request, wi31 be issued a citation or arrested in accordance
325 with the Mivuesota Rules of Crixninal Procedure, and, if the officer deems it necessary to stop the
326 annoyance, may have the dog taken to the city animal pound. Any dog placed in the pound may be
327 reclaimed by the owner upon payment of the fee prescribed in secrion 200.08, and if not reclaimed may
328 be disposed of in the manner provided in secrion 200.13.
329 Sec. 200.15. Maicimum number of dogs.
330 No more than three (3) dogs of over the age of three (3) months shall be kept, hazbored or
331 maintained within any individual dwelling unit or on any lot or other pazcel of property in the city
332 without a permit. The number of dogs permitted above may be increased by obtaining a permit issued
333 by the environmental health officer. Such permit shall specify any restrictions, limitations, conditions or
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334 prohibitions which the environmental health officer deems reasonably necessary to protect any person or
335 neighboring use from �mcan;tary condirions, unreasonable noise or odors, or annoyance, or to protect the
336 public health or safety. Such permit may be modified from rime to time or revoked by the
337 environmental health officer for failure to conform to such restrictions, limitarions or prohibirions. Such
338 modificarion or revocation shall be effective from and after ten (10) days following the mailing of
339 written notice thereof by certified mail to the person or persons keeping or maintaining such dogs.
340 Sea 200.16. Microchip idenrificarion required.
341 The owner of a dangerous dog is required to have a microchip installed or injected on the animal.
342 The microchip shall be installed in or injected under the skin of the animal by a licensed veterinarian
343 and shall be designed so that, when scanned by an electronic reader, it is capable of providing the
344 identification of the dog's owner. An appropriate fee shall be paid by the owner to the licensed
345 veterinarian for the microchip and the registration of the dangerous dog. The identificarion of the owner
346 and residence shall be maintained on file at the city pound.
347 Sec. 200.17. Collars, leashes, tie outs.
348 Collars. Collars may not exceed two (2) pounds in weight and must be made of durable material
349 strong enough to hold the dog it is intended for. Collars may not be equipped with any type of prongs on
350 the inside of the collar that may cause injury or discomfort to the animal's neck.
351 Leashes. Leashes must not exceed six (6) feet in length and may not exceed four (4) pounds in total
352 weight.
353 Tie outs. Tie outs must be at least three (3) times the length of the animal secured to it and may not
354 exceed ten (10) pounds in total weight. Tie outs must be of durable material, strong enough to hold the
355 animal it is intended for. Any animal secured with a tie out must be so in an area that would not a11ow
356 the animal to become tangled azound objects while allowing access to shelter and water. Tie outs must
357 be placed in such a location as to inhibit the animal secured from reaching a public sidewalk, street or
358 alley. Also, the fie out must not allow the secured animal access to any neighboring property unless
359 written pernussion has been obtained from the properiy owner.
Section II.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and
� �, (a�� �� �,,��
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Approved by Mayor:
Requested by Department of:
Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
(3) Effectively restrained by a chain or leash not exceeding six (6) feet in length.
Sec. 200.02. License required.
19 No person shall own, harbor, keep or maintain in the City of Saint Paul any dog
20 months of age without a license. Such license shall be available for purchase at the f
21 Control Facility and at the Office of License, Inspecrions and Environmental Prot�
�three (3)
Paul Animal
Veterinarians who provide a service for dogs may also act as deputy license ve ors. Procedures for the
issuance of such licenses sha11 be established by LIEP. Such establishments all be required to inform
their clients that the City of Saint Paul requires that all dogs be licensed. license is required if the dog
is owned, harbored, kept or maintained for thtee (3) consecutive days more, except that no license
shall be required for dogs whose owners are temporarily within the ty, nor to dogs brought into the
city for the purpose of participating in any dog show. Owners of o s found to be unlicensed shall be
fined $100. Any properly identified service dog which aids pe ons who are totally or partially blind or
deaf or have physical or sensory disabilities shall be issued dog license at no chazge upon providing
proof of certification of training as a service dog.
Sec. 200.03. Fee.
32 The annual license fees required for each do , whether it be male or female, spayed or unspayed
33 sha11 be established by ordinance as specified � section 310.09(b) of the Legislative Code. If the owner
34 of the dog is sizty-two (62) yeazs of age or der, the annual license fee payable for each dog sha11 be
35 fifty (50) percent less than the standard fe . A lifetime dog license shall be available to those owners
36 who have their dog(s) tagged with a mi ochip. Fees for such licenses shall be established by ordinance
37 as specified in secrion 310.09 (b) of Legislative Code. Any owner with a lifetime dog license shall
vaccinafe the dog against rabies
provide proof of rabies vaccinal
Sec. 200.04. Application.
Applicadon for such
to the requirements in section 199.02 and must be prepazed to
as identified in secfion 199.03.
shall be made to the animal control supervisor. Said application shall
42 require the owner, amo g other information required by the animal control supervisor, to supply the
43 name, age, breed, se color and markings, and rabies vaccinarion shots, if any, of each dog sought to be
44 licensed. In additio , when the owner has been convicted of a violarion of secrion 200.12(a), relarive to
45 the dog sought to e licensed, the applicarion shall require proof of public liability insurance in the
46 minimum amo t of three hundred thousand dollazs ($300,000.00).
47 Sec.
tags; duplicates; records, etc.
�n payment of the license fee, the animal control supervisor shall issue to the owner a license
;ate and a metallic tag for each dog so licensed. The tag shall have stamped thereon the year for
it was issued and the number corresponding with the nuxnber on the license certificate. Every
of a dog required to be licensed shall be required to provide such dog with a collaz to which the
license tag must be affixed, and the collar with tag attached must be worn by such dog at all time
the event a dog tag is lost or destroyed, a duplicate shall be issued by the animal control supe sor upon
presentation of the receipt for the license fee paid for the current yeaz and the payment of fee as
specified in secrion 310.18 of the Legislative Code. Dog tags shall not be transferred m one (1) dog
to another, and no refunds shall be made on any dog license fee for any reason.
supervisor shall keep a record of all dog licenses issued, with the name and resi
whom issued and the number designated upon the metal tag fiirnished therew�
Sec. 200.06. Running at large.
nimal control
of the person to
The license holder, owner or keeper of any canine shall be resp nsible for the effective restraint of
such canine and sha11 not permit the canine to run at lazge. Any c� e which is not effectively
contained within a fenced area, or any canine which is on any enced azea or lot abutting a street,
alley, public pazk, public place or upon any other private lan without being effectively restrained by
chain or leash from moving beyond such unfenced area or t, or any canine on any street, public park,
school grounds or public place without being effectively strained by chain or leash not exceeding siz
(6) feet in length, shall be deemed to be running at larg . A second violarion of this section within one
(1) yeaz shall be punishable by a fine of at least fifry llazs ($50.00), but not more than three hundred
dollars ($300.00). The first violation of this sectio or a canine that has been declazed to be a
Invisible (underground electric) fences may be
acceptable replacement for a chain, leash or pn
Sec. 200.07. Impoundment; release.
It sha11 be the duty of the
any peace officer, or any person duly
capture, seize and deliver to the end
suitable place to be approved by th
the City of Saint Pau1 contraiy to e
Saint Paul unlicensed or not we 'n�
as a secondary restraint only, and is not an
� fenced in azea.
me ta1 health officer or any of his duly authorized assistants, or
thorized in writing by the environmental health officer, to
nmental health officer, or the keeper of a public pound, or to any
environmental health officer, any dog found running at large withixi
provisions of this chapter and any dog found within the City of
the metal tag provided for in this chapter in violafion of the
provisions of this chapter. O'ers of do s found to be unlicensed shall be fined 100. All dogs
conveyed to the dog pound s all be kept, with kind treatment and sufficient food and water for their
comfort, at least five (5) da s after the impounding thereof, unless sooner reclaimed by their owners as
herein provided. In case e owner of any dog sha11 desue to reclaun him from the dog pound, such dog
may be released from dog pound upon payment by such owner of the sums required by section
200.08. Said payment shall be made to the animal control supervisor, in return for which the owner
shall receive from animal control supervisor a receipt showing that the license fee has been paid, and
a regulaz ficense d tag for such dog shall be issued upon presentation of such receipt to the license
inspector. If the wner of the dog seized or impounded under the provisions of this chapter does not
resume po:
the seizure
�1on of said dog by compliance with the foregoing provisions within five (5) days after
impounding thereof, said owner shall forfeit all right of property in such dog.
90 Sec. 7,8"0.08. Pound fee, etc.
91 Any dog captured and impounded under the provisions of this chapter shall be zeleased o y on the
92 payment of a pound fee, plus an additional boazd chazge for each day or fracrion of a day � g which
93 the dog is impounded if the impounded dog is unlicensed, in addirion to the impoundi and boazding
94 fee, the dog shall not be released without the payment of the prescribed license fee. e designated fees
95 under this chapter shall be established by ordinance as provided in section 310.04 of the Legislative
96 Code.
97 Sec. 200.09. No interfereoce with of£cer, etc.
98 It shall be unlawful for any person to molest or in any way interfere 'th any peace officer, animal
99 control supervisor, Ramsey County humane officer, park ranger, or duly authorized assistants, or
100 with any duly authorized agent or any person authorized by the en � onmental healttt officer, while
101 engaged in performing work under the provisions of this chapter.
102 Sec. 200.10. Seizure; presumption.
103 (a) Any unlicensed dog and any dog running at large 's hereby declared to be a public nuisance. The
104 environmental health officer is authorized to employ, s ject to the approval of the council, such
105 additional temporary animal control officers as nece to capture and hold such dogs and to pay
106 temporary aniinal control officers on a fee basis.
107 (b) Any person may seize, unpound or r�
108 City of Saint Paul and hold such dog for the
109 pound.
any dog which he may fmd running at lazge in the
1 control supervisor or deliver such dog to the city
114 Sec. 200.11. Cleaning up litter.
115 (a) The owner of any dog any person having the custody or control of any dog shall be
116 responsible for cleaning up feces of the animal and disposing of such feces in a sanitary manner.
117 (b) It is unlawful for y person owning, keeping or harboring a dog to cause or permit said dog to
118 be on property, public or rivate, not owned or possessed by such person without having in his/her
119 immediate possession a evice for the removal of feces and depository for the transmission of
120 excrement to a proper eceptacle located on the property owned or possessed by such person.
121 (c) It is unla for any person in control of, causing or permitting any dog to be on any property,
122 public or private, ot owned or possessed by such person to fail to remove feces left by such dog to a
123 proper recepta e located on property owned or possessed by such person.
124 (d} Th�provisions of this secrion shall not apply to the ownership or use of any properly identified
125 service dog which aids persons who aze totally or partially blind or deaf or have physical or sensory
126 disabiliries, dogs when used in police activities by the city, or tracking dogs when used by or with the
127 pemussion of the city.
128 (e) Any person violating this secrion shall be punished by a fine of ten dollazs ($10.00) or e(5)
129 hours of public lands fecal clean-up. Any person who is found guilty of subsequent violatio of this
130 section shall be punished by a fine of at least twenty-five dollazs ($25.00) but not more fifty dollazs
131 ($50.00).
( fl Any peace officer, animal control officer, park ranger, or any duly au
duly authorized agent, or any person authorized by the environmental health
responsible for issuing the tags. �
Sec. 200.12. Daugerous aaimals.
I assistant, or any
should be
(a) Attack by an animal. It shall be unlawful for an owner to f to restrain an animal from inflicting
or attempting to inflict bodily injury to any person or other ani whether or not the owner is present.
Violation of this secfion shall be a misdemeanor punishable b a fine not to exceed seven hundred
dollars ($700.00) or imprisonment for not to exceed ninety 0) days, or both. This section shall not
apply to an attack by a dog under the control of an on-du law enforcement officer or to an attack upon
an uninvited intruder who has entered the owner's hom 'th criminal intent.
(b) Destruction of dangerous animals. The
order the deshuction of dangerous animals.
(c) Defanitions.
(1) A dangerous animal is an animal
a. Caused bodily injury or
b. Engaged in any ati
personal safety; or
c. E�ibited unusuakl
d. Bitten one (1
e. Been foun t
same, th ani
animal , or
f. E ibits fres
health officer sha11 have the authority to
to any person on public or private property; or
any person under circumstances which would indicate danger to
aggressive behavior, such as an attack on another animal; or
more persons on two (2) or more occasions; or
be potenrially dangerous and/or the owner has personal lmowledge of the
ia1 aggressively bites, attacks, or endangers the safety of humans or domestic
(2) A potentially dangerous animal is an animal which has:
a Bitten a human or a domestic animal on public or private propeyEy; or
158 b. When unprovoked, chased or approached a person upon th streets, sidewalks, or any public
159 property in an apparent attitude of attack; or
160 c. Has the lrnown history of propensity, tendency or di osirion to attack while unprovoked,
161 causing injury or otherwise tt�reatening the safety o humans or domestic auimals.
162 (3) Proper enclosure. Proper enclosure means securely confined indoors or in a securely locked pen
163 or structure suitable to prevent the animal from e aping and to provide protecrion for the axiimal
164 from the elements. A proper enclosure does
165 garage, or other shucture that would allow t
166 shucture in which windows aze open or in v
167 which prevent the animal from exiting. Su�l
168 any manner without human assistance. t�lpe
169 specifications: �
�o clude a porch, pario, or any part of a house,
animal to exit of its own volition, or any house or
rich door or window screens aze the only barriers
enclosure shall not a11ow the egress of the uiimal in
or kennel shall meet the following minimum
170 a. Have a minimum overall floor s� of thirty-two (32) square feet.
171 b. Sidewalls shall have a mini height of five (5) feet and be constructed of 11-gauge or
172 heauier wire. Openings in e wire shall not exceed two (2) inches, support posts shall be
173 one-and-one-quarter-inch r larger steel pipe buried in the ground eighteen (18) inches or
174 more. When a concrete oor is not provided, the sidewalls shall be buried a minimum of
175 eighteen (18) inches in e ground.
176 c. A cover over the
177 same gauge wire
178 greater than two
{re pen or kennel shall be provided. The cover shall be constructed of the
heavier as the sidewalls and shall also have no openings in the wire
d. An entrance/e t gate shall be provided and be consiructed of the same material as the
sidewalls an shall also have no openings in the wire greater than two (2) inches. The gate
sha11 be eq pped with a device capable of being locked and shall be locked at a11 times when
the anima�/is in the pen or kennel.
183 (4) Unprovoke . Unprovoked shall mean the condition in which the animal is not purposely excited,
184 stimulate agitated or disturbed. Any attack on a child 14 years of age or youneer shall be
185 consid d to be un rovoked unless the child is en a ed in a crime.
186 (d) Desi ation as potentially dangerous animal. The court or environmental health officer shall
187 designate y animal as a potentially dangerous animal upon receiving such evidence that such
188 potentiall dangerous animal has, when unprovoked, then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
189 person a domestic animal as stated in subpazagraph (c)(2). When an animal is declared potentially
190 dang ous, the environmental health officer shall cause one (1) owner of the potentially dangerous
animal to be notified in writing that such animal is potentially dangerous.
(e) Evidence justifying designation. The court or environmental health officer shall ave the
authority to designate any animal as a dangerous aniinal upon receiving evidence of e following:
194 (1) That such an animal has -when unprovoked, then- bitten, attacked, or thr atened the safety of a
195 person or domestic animal as stated in subpazagraph (c)(1}: or
196 (2) That such animal has been declazed potenrially dangerous and/or e owner has ersonal
197 laiowledee of the same and such animal has then bitten, attacke or threatened the safety of a
198 person or domestic animal as stated in subpazagraph (c)(1}• o
199 (3)
201 (4)
203 (5)
205 (6)
209 (7)
animal• or
private �ronertv; or
211 ( fl Authority to order destruction. e court or environmental health officer, upon finding that an
212 animal is dangerous hereunder, is au orized to order, as part of the disposirion of the case, that the
213 animal be destroyed based on a ' en order containing one (1) or more of the following findings of
214 fact:
215 (1) The aniinal is dangero as demonstrated by a vicious attack, an unprovoked attack, an attack
216 without warning or ultiple attacks; or
217 (2) The owner of th animal has demonstrated an inability or unwillingness to control the aniinal in
218 order to preve injury to persons or other animals.
219 (g) Procedure. �he court or environmental health officer, after having determined that an animal is
220 dangerous, may pt�oceed in the following manner:
(1) The e ironmental health o�cer shall cause one (1) owner of the animal to be notified in
wri ' g or in person that the animal is dangerous and may order the animal seized or make such
or ers as deemed proper. This owner shall be notified as to dates, rimes, places and parties
itten, and shall be given fourteen (14) days to appeal this order by requesting a hearing before
a �. '9 " ' "
the environmental health officer for a review of this determination.
a If no appeal is filed, the orders issued will stand or the environmental h th officer may
order the animal destroyed
b. If an owner requests a hearing for determinafion as to the danger nature of the animal, the
hearing shall be held before the environmental health officer, o shall set a date for hearing
not more than three (3) weeks after demand for said hearing. e records of the Office of
License, Inspecrions and Environmental Protection shall b admissible for considerarion by
the environmental health officer without further foundati After considering all evidence
pe�ra;n;ng to the temperament of the animal, the i
such order as he/she deems proper. The environff
animal control supervisor take the animal into cu�
currently in custody. If the animal is ordered into
immediately make the anixnal available to the any
shall be a misdemeanor. �
(2) Nothing in this secfion sha11 prevent the env
immediate destruction of a rabies-suspected
Legislative Code.
ro ental health officer shall make
health officer may order that the
y for destrucrion, if such animal is not
tody for destruction, the owner shall
control supervisor and failure to do so
xtal health officer from ardering the
pursuant to section 200.11 of the Saint Paul
(3) Any person who hazbors an animal after " has been found by the environxnental health officer to
be dangerous and ordered into custody or destnxction shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
244 (4) The environmental health officer m apply to the district court of Ramsey County for
245 subpoenas for hearings under paz aph (1)b. above.
246 (h) Stopping an attack If any poli e offic@r or animal control officer is witness to an attack by an
247 animal upon a person or another ani a1, the officer may take whatever means the officer deems
248 appropriate to bring the attack to end and prevent further injury to the victim.
(i) Notification of new �
potentially dangerous must
relocated from its current a
writing at least fourteen ( �
include the current own 's
�ddr s. The owner of an animal which has been identified as dangerous or
n'fy the environmental health officer in writing if the anunal is to be
dress or given or sold to another person. The nofification must be given in
4) days prior to the relocafion or transfer of ownership. The norificafion must
name and address, the relocarion address, and the name of the new owner, if
259 Sec. 20(yl. 21. Dangerous animal requirements.
a �„ q � ' "
260 (a) Requirements. If the court or environmental health officer does not order the dest
261 animal that has been declazed dangerous, the court or environmental health officer shall,
262 alternative, order any-e� all of the following which will be reviewed on an annual basis
263 control officer:
(1) That the owner provide and maintain a proper enclosure for the
section 200.12(c)(3); and
(2) Post the front and the reaz of the premises with clearly visible
wazning symbol to inform children, that there is a dangerous :
in Minnesota Statute 347.51; and
of an
auimal as specified in
ig signs, including a
on the property as specified
269 (3) Provides and shows proof annually of public liability insur ce paid in full in the minimum
270 axnount of five hundred thousand ollazs (5308,�88:98 $500,000.00).
271 Proof of insurance must be demonstrated rior to the do 's release; and
272 (4) If the animal is a dog and is outside the proper enclo e, the dog must be muzzled and
273 restrained by a substantial chain or leash (not to ex ed six (6) feet in length) and under the
274 physical restraint of a person si�c�een-(-l�Fij ei tee 18 yeazs of age or older. The muzzle must
275 be of such design as to prevent the dog from bi ' g any person or animal, but will not cause
276 injury to the dog or interfere with its vision or espiration; and
277 (5) If the animal is a dog, it must have an easil idenrifiable, standardized tag idenrifying the dog as
278 dangerous affixed to the dog's collar at al times as specified in Minnesota Statute 347.51; and
279 (6) Provides and shows proof of microc ' identification as required in secrion 200.16; and
280 (7) All animals deemed dangerous by e environmental health officer shall be registered with
281 Ramsey County within fourteen 14) days after the date the animal was so deemed and provide
282 satisfactory proof thereof to t environmental health officer.
283 (8) If the animal is a dog, the g must be licensed and up to date on rabies vaccinarion. If the
284 animal is a cat or ferret, ' must be up to date with rabies vaccinarion.
285 (b) Seizure. Animal con 1 shall immediately seize any dangerous animal if the owner does not
286 meet each of the above re ements within fourteen (14) days after the date norice is sent to the owner
287 that the animal is danger . Seizure may be appealed to district court.
(c) Reclaiming
by the owner of the�nimal upon payment of impounding and boazding fees, and presenting proof to
animal control thaiteach of the requirements under subsecrion 200.121(b) is fixlfilled. An animal not
� s section within fourteen (14) days may be disposed of as provided under section
owner is liable to animal control for costs incurred in confining the animal.
reclaimed under
2Q012(�, and e
A dangerous animal seized under subsection 200.121(b) may be reclaimed
293 (d) Sul�equent offenses. If an owner of an animal has subsequently violated the provisions under
ar �q`��
section 200.12 with the same aziimal, the animal must be seized by animal control. The owner may
request a hearing as defined in secrion 20012( fl. If the owner is found to have violated the provisions
for which the animal was seized, the environtnental health officer shall order the animal destr e in a
proper and humane manner and the owner shall pay the costs of confining the animal. If person is
found not to have violated the provisions for wtrich the animal was seized, the owner y reclaim the
animai under the provisions of subsection 200.121(c). If the animal is not yet reclai d by the owner
within fourteen (14) days after the date the owner is norified that the animal may e reclaimed, the
animal may be disposed of as provided under section 200.12( fl and the owner � liable to the animal
control for the costs incurred in confining, impounding and disposing of the ' al.
Sec. 200.13. Destruction of unclaimed dogs.
304 At the expiration of the time a dog is impounded as provided fo in this chapter, if said dog has not
305 been reclaimed in accordance with the provisions hereof, it shall e the duty of the environmental health
306 officer to cause such dog to be killed according to the most h ane and approved methods, or otherwise
307 disposed of, as directed by the environmental health officer.
308 Sec. 200.14. Dogs; disturbing the peace;
309 It shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep, ave in possession or harbor any dog which howls,
310 yelps or bazks to the reasonable annoyance of ano person or persons. Any person violating this
311 section, who upon first request by a peace officer or the animal control supervisor to stop or grevent the
312 annoyance, and refuses to comply with the req st, will be issued a citafion or arrested in accordance
313 with the Minnesota Rules of Criminal Proced e, and, if the officer deems it necessary to stop the
314 annoyance, may bave the dog taken to the c' animal pound Any dog placed in the pound may be
315 reclaimed by the owner upon payment of e fee prescribed in secrion 200.08, and if not reclaimed may
316 be disposed of in the manner provided ' secrion 200.13.
317 Sec. 200.15. Maaimum number o dogs.
318 No more than three (3) dog of over the age of three (3) months shall be kept, harbored or
319 maintained within any indivi 1 dwelling unit or on any lot or other parcel of property in the city
320 without a pemut. The num of dogs pernutted above may be increased by obtaiuiug a permit issued
321 by the environmental hea officer. Such permit shall specify any restricrions, limitarions, condirions or
322 prohibifions which the vironmental health officer deems reasonably necessary to protect any person or
neighboring use
public health or
environmental h
sanitary conditions, unreasonable noise or odors, or annoyance, or to protect the
+. Such permit may be modified from time to time or revoked by the
officer for failure to conform to such restrictions, limitations or prohibitions. Such
modificafion or evocafion shall be effecrive from and after ten (10) days following the mailing of
written notice ereof by certified mail to the person or persons keeping or mainta.ining such dogs.
Sec. 200. . Microchip identificarion required.
owner of a dangerous dog is required to have a microchip installed or injected on the animal.
rochip shall be installed in or injected under the skin of the animal by a licensed veterinarian
a �-�r�c�
331 and shall be designed so that, when scanned by an electronic reader, it is capable of providing the
332 identificarion of the dog's owner. An appropriate fee shall be paid by the owner to the licensed
333 veterinarian for the microchip and the registrarion of the dangerous dog. The identification of the owner
334 and residence shall be maintained on file at the city pound
335 Sec. 200.17. Collars, leashes, fie outs.
336 Collars. Collars may not exceed two (2) pounds in weight and must be made o dwable material
337 strong enough to hold the dog it is intended for. Collazs may not be equipped ' any type of prongs on
338 the inside of the collar that may cause injury or discomfort to the animal's nec .
339 Leashes. Leashes must not exceed six (6) feet in length and may not ceed four (4) pounds in total
340 weight.
Tie outs. Tie outs must be at least three (3) times the lengkh of e animal secured to it and may not
exceed ten (10) pounds in total weight. Tie outs must be of dura e material, strong enough to hold the
animal it is intended for. Any animal secured with a 6e out m t be so in an area that would not allow
the animal to become tangled around objects while allowing cess to shelter and water. Tie outs must
be placed in such a locafion as to inbibit the animal secure from reaching a public sidewalk, street or
alley. Also, the rie out must not a11ow the secured anim access to any neighboring property unless
written pernussion has been obtained from the prc
This ordinance shall take effect and be in for� thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and
publication. �
Adopted by
Adoption CertXfied by Council Secretary
Requested by Department of:
Form d by ity A om �
B : � l!, ��'-�'fC't
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Sectian L
Chapter 200. Animals
1 Sec. 200.01. Definitions.
2 As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates:
3 Animal sha11 mean any individual member of any of the species of birds, fish, amphibians, repfiles,
4 insects, arachnids, crustaceans or mammals except homo sapiens.
5 Animal control supervisor shall mean the animal control supervisor of the City of Saint Paul or
6 designee.
7 Dog shall mean any male or female of any breed of domesticated dog.
8 Environmental health of�'zcer shall mean the environmental health officer or inspector of the City of
9 Saint Paul.
10 Owner shall mean the license holder or any other person or persons, firm, association or corporafion
11 owning, keeping or hazboring an aniinal. Any person keeping or harboring an animal for five (5)
12 consecu6ve days shall, for the purposes of this chapter, be deemed to be an owner thereof.
13 Running at large shall mean any animal which is not either:
14 (1) Effectively contained within a fenced area on private property; or
15 (2) Effecrively restrained, by chain or leash, to private property with the consent of the property
16 owner; or
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17 (3) Effectively restrained by a chain or leash not exceeding six (6) feet in length.
18 Sec. 200.02. License required.
19 No person shall own, hazbor, keep or maintain in the City of Saint Paul any dog over three (3)
20 months of age without a license. Such license shall be available for purchase at the Saint Paul Animal
21 Control Facility and at the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protecfion (LIEP).
22 Veterinarians who provide a service for dogs may also act as deputy license vendors. Procedures for the
23 issuance of such licenses shall be established by LIEP. Such establishments shall be required to inform
24 their clients that the City of Saint Paul requires that a11 dogs be licensed. A license is required if the dog
25 is owned, hazbored, kept or maintained for three (3) consecutive days or more, except that no license
26 shall be required for dogs whose owners are temporarily withiu the city, nor to dogs brought into the
27 city for the purpose of participafing in any dog show. Owners of impounded does found to be
28 unlicensed shall be chazged an administrative fee of fiftv dollazs ($50). Any properly idenrified service
29 dog which aids persons who aze totally or partially blind or deaf or haue physical or sensory disabilities
30 shall be issued a dog license at no chazge upon providing proof of certification of training as a service
31 dog.
32 Sec. 200.03. Fee.
33 The annual license fees required for each dog, whether it be male or female, spayed or unspayed
34 shall be established by ordinance as specified in section 310.09(b) of the Legislative Code. If the owner
35 of the dog is sixty-two (62) yeazs of age or older, the annual license fee payable for each dog shall be
36 fifty (50) percent less than the standard fee. A liferime dog license shall be available to those owners
37 who have their dog(s) tagged with a microclup. Fees for such licenses shall be established by ordinance
38 as specified in section 310.09 (b) of the Legislative Code. Any owner with a lifetime dog license shall
39 vaccinate the dog against rabies according to the requirements in section 199.02 and must be prepazed to
40 provide proof of rabies vaccination as identified in section 199.03.
41 Sec. 200.04. Application.
42 Application for such license shall be made to the animal control supervisor. Said applicarion shall
43 require the owner, among other informarion required by the az�imal control supervisor, to supply the
44 name, age, breed, sex, color and mazkings, and rabies vaccination shots, if any, of each dog sought to be
45 licensed. In addi6on, when the owner has been convicted of a violarion of section 200.12(a), relative to
46 the dog sought to be licensed, the applicafion shall require proof of public liability insurance in the
47 minimum amount of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00).
48 Sec. 200.05. Dog tags; duplicates; records, etc.
49 Upon payment of the license fee, the animal control supervisor shall issue to the owner a license
50 certificate and a metallic tag for each dog so licensed. The tag sha11 have stamped thereon the year for
51 which it was issued and the number corresponding with the number on the license certificate. Every
52 owner of a dog requued to be licensed shall be required to provide such dog with a collaz to which the
53 license tag must be affixed, and the collaz with tag attached must be worn by such dog at all times. In
c�� , `� �t �-
54 the event a dog tag is lost or destroyed, a duplicate shall be issued by the animal control supervisor upon
55 presentarion of the receipt for the license fee paid for the current yeaz and the payment of a fee as
56 specified in section 310.18 of the Legislarive Code. Dog tags shall not be transferred from one (1) dog
57 to another, and no refunds shall be made on any dog license fee for any reason. The animal control
58 supervisor shall keep a record of all dog licenses issued, with the name and residence of the person to
59 whom issued and the number designated upon ffie metal tag furnished therewith.
60 Sec. 200.06. Running at large.
The license holder, owner or keeper of any canine shall be responsible for the effecrive restraint of
such canine and shall not permit the canine to run at lazge. Any canine which is not effectively
contained within a fenced area, or any canine which is on any unfenced azea or lot abutting a street,
alley, public pazk, public place or upon any other private land without being effecfively restrained by
chain ar leash from moving beyond such unfenced azea or lot, or any canine on any street, public pazk,
school grounds or public place without being effectively restrained by chain or leash not exceeding six
(6) feet in length, shall be deemed to be running at large. A second violation of this section within one
(1) year shall be punishable by a fine of at least fifty dollazs ($50.00), but not more than three hundred
dollazs ($300.00). The first violariott of this section for a canine that has been declazed to be a
dangerous do�shall be a misdemeanor punishable bv a fine of three hundred dollazs ($300.001.
Invisible (underground electric) fences may be used as a secondary restraint only, and is not an
acceptable replacement for a chain, leash or properly fenced in area.
Sec. 200.07. Impoundment; release.
74 It shall be the duty of the environmental health officer or any of his duly authorized assistants, or
75 any peace officer, or any person duly authorized in writing by the environmental health officer, to
76 capture, seize and deliver to the emironmental health officer, or the keeper of a public pound, or to any
77 suitable place to be approved by the environmental health officer, any dog found rnnning at large within
78 the City of Saint Paul contrary to the provisions of this chapter and any dog found within the City of
79 Saint Paul unlicensed or not wearing the metal tag provided for in ttus chapter in violation of the
80 provisions of this chapter. Owners of im�ounded does found to be unlicensed shall be charQed an
81 adtninistrafive fee of fifly dollars ($501. All dogs conveyed to the dog pound shall be kept, with kind
82 treatment and sufficient food and water for their comfort, at least five (5) days after the impounding
83 thereof, unless sooner reclaimed by their owners as herein provided. In case the owner of any dog shall
84 desire to reclaim him from the dog pound, such dog may be released from the dog pound upon payment
85 by such owner of the sums required by secrion 200.08. Said payments shall be made to the animal
86 control supervisor, in rehuu for which the owner shall receive from the animal control supervisor a
87 receipt showing that the license fee has been paid, and a regular license and tag for such dog shall be
88 issued upon presentation of such receipt to the license inspector. If the owner of the dog seized or
89 impounded under the provisions of this chapter does not resume possession of said dog by compliance
90 with the foregoing provisions within five (5) days after the seizure or impounding thereof, said owner
91 shall forfeit a11 right of properry in such dog.
92 Sec. 200.08. Pound fee, etc.
93 Any dog captured and impounded under the provisions of this chapter shall be released only on the
94 payment of a pound fee, plus an additional boazd chazge for each day or fracrion of a day during which
95 the dog is impounded. If the impounded dog is unlicensed, in addirion to the impounding and boazding
96 fee, the dog shall not be released without the payment of the prescribed license fee. The designated fees
97 under this chapter shall be established by ordinance as provided in section 310.09(b) of the Legislative
98 Code.
99 Sec. 200.09. No interference with officer, etc.
100 It shall be unlawful for any person to molest or in any way interfere with any peace officer, animal
101 control supervisor, Ramsey County humane officer, pazk ranger, or any duly authorized assistants, or
102 with any duly authorized agent or any person authorized by the environmental health officer, while
103 engaged in performing work under the provisions of this chapter.
104 Sec. 200.10. Seizure; presumption.
105 (a) Any unlicensed dog and any dog rnnning at lazge is hereby declazed to be a public nuisance. The
106 environmental health officer is authorized to employ, subject to the approval of the council, such
107 additional temporary animal wntrol officers as necessary to capture and hold such dogs and to pay
108 temporary animal control officers on a fee basis.
109 (b) Any person may seize, impound or restrain any dog which he may fmd running at lazge in the
110 City of Saint Paul and hold such dog for the animal control supervisor or deliver such dog to the city
111 pound.
112 (cl Any dog that is found to be in circumstances. such as the do�eachibitine fresh wounds. scarring,
113 or is observed in a fight, or other indica6ons which to a reasonable �erson evidence that animal has been
114 or will be used, trained or encouraeed to fight with another animal, or the owner of such animal has in
115 custody or possession any training apnaratus, pazaphernalia or drues used to nrenare such animal to be
116 foueht with another animal is hereby declazed to be a public nuisance and sha11 be immediatel seized
117 and taken to the city's pound nursuant to secrion 200.07.
118 Sec. 200.11. Cleaning up litter.
119 (a) The owner of any dog or any person having the custody or control of any dog shall be
120 responsible for cleaning up any feces of the animal and disposing of such feces in a sanitary manner.
121 (b) It is unlawful for any person owning, keeping or hazboring a dog to cause or permit said dog to
122 be on property, public or private, not owned or possessed by such person without having in his/her
123 immediate possession a device for the removal of feces and depository for the transmission of
124 excrement to a proper receptacle located on the property owned or possessed by such person.
125 (c) It is unlawful for any person in control of, causing or permitting any dog to be on any property,
126 public or private, not owned or possessed by such person to fail to remove feces left by such dog to a
127 proper receptacle located on properiy owned or possessed by such person.
128 (d) The provisions of this secrion shall not apply to the ownership or use of any properly identified
129 service dog which aids persons who are totally or partially blind or deaf or have physical or sensory
130 disabiliries, dogs when used in police acrivifies by the city, or tracking dogs when used by or with the
131 permission of the city.
132 (e) Any person violating this section shall be punished by a fine of ten dollars ($10.00) or five (5)
133 hours of public lands fecal clean-up. Any person who is found guilty of subsequent violations of this
134 section shall be punished by a fine of at least twenty-five dollazs ($25.00) but not more than fifty dollazs
135 ($50.00).
(� Any peace officer, animal control officer, park ranger, or any duly authorized assistant, or any
duly authorized agent, or any person authorized by the environmental health officer should be
responsible for issuing the tags.
Sec. 200.12. Daugerous animals.
140 (a) A#ack by an animal. It shall be unlawful for an owner to fail to restrain an animal from inflicting
141 or attempring to inflict bodily injury to any person or other animal whether or not the owner is present.
142 Violation of this secrion shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed seven hundred
143 dollars ($700.00) or imprisonment for not to exceed ninety (90) days, or both. This secrion shall not
144 apply to an attack by a dog under the control of an on-duty law enforcement officer or to an attack upon
145 an uninvited intruder who has entered the owner's home with criminal intent.
(b) Destruction of dangerous animals. The environmental health officer shall have the authority to
order the destrucrion of dangerous animals.
(c) Definitions.
(1) A dangerous animal is an animal which has:
a Caused bodily injury or disfigurement to any person on public or private properiy; or
b. Engaged in any attack on any person under circumstances wluch would indicate danger to
personal safety; or
c. E�ibited unusually aggressive behauior, such as an attack on another animal; or
d. Bitten one (1) or more persons on hvo (2) or more occasions; or
e. Been found to be potentially dangerous and/or the owner has personal Irnowledge of the
same, the animal aggressively bites, attacks, or endangers the safety of humans or domestic
animals; or
f. E�ibits fresh wounds, scarring, or is observed in a fisht, or other indicarions which to a
reasonable person evidence that the animal has been or will be used. trained or encoura e� d to
fi¢ht with another animal: or
g. That the owner of such animal has in custody or possession anv trainine appazatus.
�zraphernalia or dtugs used to�repaze such animal to be foueht with another animal.
(2) A potentially dangerous animat is an animal wtrich has:
a Bitten a human or a domesric animal on public or private properly; or
b. When unprovoked, chased or approached a person upon the streets, sidewalks, or any public
property in an appazent attitude of attack; or
c. Has the Irnown history of propensity, tendency or disposirion to attack while unprovoked,
causing injury or otherwise threatening the safety of humans or domestic animals.
(3) Proper enclosure. Proper enclosure means securely confined indoors or in a securely locked pen
or structure suitable to prevent the animal from escaping and to provide protection for the animal
from the elements. A proper enclosure does not include a porch, patio, or any part of a house,
garage, or other struchxre that would a11ow the animal to exit of its own volifion, or any house or
structure in which windows aze open or in which door or window screens are the only barriers
which prevent the animal from exiting. Such enclosure shall not a11ow the egress of the animal in
any manner without human assistance. A pen or kennel shall meet the following minimum
a. Haue a minnnum overall floor size of thirty-two (32) square feet.
178 b. Sidewalls shall have a minunum height of five (5) feet and be constructed of 11-gauge or
179 heavier wire. Openings in ttte wire shall not exceed two (2) inches, support posts shall be
180 one-and-one-quarter-inch or larger steel pipe buried in the ground eighteen (18) inches or
181 more. When a concrete floor is not provided, the sidewalls shall be buried a minimum of
182 eighteen (18)inchesin the ground.
c. A cover over the entire pen or kennel shall be provided. The cover shall be constrttcted of the
same gauge wire or heavier as the sidewalls and shall also have no openlnas in the wire
greater than two (2) inches.
d. An entrance/exit gate shall be provided and be constructed of the same material as the
sidewalls and shall also have no openings in the wire greater than two (2) inches. The gate
shall be equipped with a device capable of being locked and shall be locked at all rimes when
the animal is in the pen or kennel.
(4) Unprovoked. Unprovoked shall mean the condition in which the animal is not purposely excited,
srimulated, agitated or disturbed. It shall be a rebuttable presumption that anv attack on a child
14 yeazs of aee or youneer for which a reasonable person connotes an intent to inflict bodilv
hazm shall be considered to be unprovoked unless the child is en�aged in the commission of a
��,� ��-
crime or ille2al acrivitv, includin2 acrivities classified Minnesota Statute 343 as cruel � to
196 (d) Designation as potentially dangerous animal. The court or environmental health officer shall
197 designate any animal as a potenrially dangerous animal upon receiving such evidence that such
198 potentially dangerous animal has, when unprovoked, then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
199 person or a domesric auimal as stated in subpazagraph (c)(2). When an animal is declared potentially
200 dangerous, the environmental health officer shall cause one (1) owner of the potentially dangerous
201 animal to be notified in writing that such animal is potentially dangerous.
202 (e) Evidence justifying designation. The court or envuonmental health officer shall have the
203 authority to designate any animal as a dangerous animal upon receiving evidence of the following:
(1) That such an animal has when unprovoked, then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
person or domesric animal as stated in subpazagraph (c)(1}; or
(2) That such animal has been declared potentially dangerous and/or the owner has personal
lmowledge of the same and such animal has then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
person or domestic animal as stated in subparagraph (c)(1}; or
That such animal has exhibited unusually ag_�zessive behavior, such as an attack on another
animal; or
That such animal has caused bodily injury or disfigurement to any�erson on public or
private �rouerty; or
That such animal has bitten one (1� or more nersons on two [21 or more occasions: or
215 (6) That such an animal exhibits fresh wounds, scarrina, or is observed in a fisht, or other
216 indicarions which to a reasonable person evidence that the animal has been or will be used,
217 trained or encouraged to fi�ht with another animal; or
219 (7) That the owner of such animal has in custody or possession anv training appazatus,
220 paraphernalia or drugs used to preuare such animal to be fought with another animal.
221 ( fl Authority to order destruction. The court or environmental health officer, upon finding that an
222 animal is dangerous hereunder, is authorized to order, as part of the disposifion of the case, that the
223 animal be destroyed based on a written order conta.ining one (1) or more of the following findings of
224 fact:
(1) The animal is dangerous as demonstrated by a vicious attack, an unprovoked attack, an attack
without warning or multiple attacks; or
(2) The owner of the animal has demonstrated an inability or unwillingness to control the animal in
order to prevent injury to persons or other animals.
229 (g) Procedure. The court or environmental health officer, after having determined that an animal is
230 dangerous, may proceed in the following manner:
231 (1) The environmental health officer shall cause one (1) owner of the animal to be notified in
232 writing or in person that the animal is dangerous and may order the animal seized or make such
233 orders as deemed proper. Ttus owner shall be notified as to dates, times, places and parties
234 bitten, and shall be given fourteen (14) days to appeal this order by requesting a hearing before
235 the environxnental health officer for a review of this determinarion.
a. If no appeal is filed, the orders issued will stand or the environmental health officer may
order the animal destroyed.
b. If an owner requests a hearing for determination as to the dangerous nature of the animal, the
hearing shall be held before the environmental health officer, who shall set a date for hearing
not more than three (3) weeks after demand for said hearing. The records of the Office of
License, Inspecrions and Environxnental Protection shall be admissible for considerarion by
the environmental health officer without further foundation. After considering all evidence
pertaining to the temperament of the animal, the environmental health officer shall make
such order as hefshe deems pxoper. The environmental health officer may order that the
az�imal control supervisor take the azumal into custody for destruction, if smch animal is not
currently in custody. If the animal is ordered into custody for destruction, the owner sha11
immediately make the animal available to the animal control supervisor and failure to do so
shall be a misdemeanor.
(2) Nothing in this section shall prevent the environmental health officer from ordering the
immediate destruction of a rabies-suspected animal pursuant to secfion 200.11 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code.
(3) Any person who hazbors an aziimal a8er it has been found by the environmental health officer to
be dangerous and ordered into custody for destrucrion sha11 be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(4) The environmental health officer may apply to the district court of Ramsey County far
subpoenas for hearings under paragraph (1)b. above.
256 (h) Stopping an attack. If any police officer or animal control officer is witness to an attack by an
257 animal upon a person or another animal, the officer may take whatever means the officer deems
258 appropriate to bring the attack to an end and prevent fitrther injury to the vicrim.
(i) Notification of new address. The owner of an auimal which has been idenrified as dangerous or
potentially dangerous must notify the environmental health officer in writing if the animal has died or is
to be relocated from its current address or given or sold to another person. The notification must be
given in writing at least fourteen (14) days prior to the relocation or transfer of ownership. ff the animal
has died. norification must given no later than fourteen (141 davs after the animals death. The
norification must include the current owner's name and address, the relocarion address, and the name of
the new owner, if any.
266 Sec. 200.121. Dangerous animal requiremeats.
267 (a) Requirements. If the court or environmental health officer does not order the destruction of an
268 animal that has been declared dangerous, the court or environmental health officer shall, as an
269 alternarive, order any or all of the following, exceotin fg or dogs, in which case all shall be applicable
270 and which will be reviewed on an annual basis bv the animal control officer:
271 (1) That the owner provide and maintain a proper enclosure for the dangerous animal as specified in
272 secrion 200.12(c)(3); and
273 (2) Post the front and the rear of the premises with clearly visible warning signs, including a
274 warning symbol to inform children, that there is a dangerous animal on the properry as specified
275 in Minnesota Statute 347.51; and
276 (3) Provides and shows proof annually of public liability insurance paid in full in the minimum
277 amount of three hundred thousand ($300,000.00). If the animal is impounded proof of
278 insttrance must be demonstrated prior to the animal's release; and
279 (4) If the animal is a dog and is outside the proper enclosure, the dog must be muzzled and
280 restrained by a substantial chain or leash (not to exceed six (6) feet in length) and under the
281 physical restraint of a person si��een{�6j ei teen (18) years of age or older. The muzzle must
282 be of such design as to prevent the dog from biring any person or animal, but will not cause
283 injury to the dog or interfere with its vision or respiration; and
284 (5) If the anunal is a dog, it must have an easily identifiable, standardized tag identifying the dog as
285 dangerous affixed to the dog's collar at a11 times as specified in Mimiesota Statute 347.51; and
286 (6) Provides and shows proof of microchip identification as required in section 20016; and
28� (7} All animals deemed dangerous by the environmental health officer shall be registered with
288 Ramsey County within fourteen (14) days after the date the animal was so deemed and provide
289 satisfactory proof thereof to the environmental health officer.
290 (8) If the animal is a dog, the dog must be licensed and up to date on rabies vaccination. ff the
291 animal is a cat or ferret, it must be up to date with rabies vaccinarion.
292 (b) Seizure. Animal control shall ixnmediately seize any dangerous animal if the owner does not
293 meet each of the above requirements within fourteen (14) days after the date notice is sent to the owner
294 that the animal is dangerous. Seizure may be appealed to district court.
295 (c) Reclaiming animals. A dangerous animal seized under subsection 200.121(b) may be reclaimed
296 by the owner of the animal upon payment of impounding and boazding fees, and presenting proof to
297 animal control that each of the requirements under subsection 20Q.121(b) is fixlfilled. An animal not
298 reclaimed under trris section within fourteen (14) days may be disposed of as provided under section
299 200.12( fl, and the owner is liable to animal control for costs incurred in confming the animal,
300 (d) Subsequent offerrses. If an owner of an animal has subsequently violated the provisions under
301 section 200.12 with the same animal, the animal must be seized by animal control. The owner may
302 request a hearing as defined in secrion 200.12( fl. If the owner is found to have violated the provisions
303 for which the anunal was seized, the environmental health officer shall order the animal destroyed in a
304 proper and humane manner and the owner shall pay the costs of confining the animal. If the person is
305 found not to have violated the provisions for wluch the animal was seized, the owner may reclaim the
306 animal under the provisions of subsecrion 200.121(c). If the animal is not yet reclaimed by the owner
307 within fourteen (14) days after the date the owner is notified that the animal may be reclauned, the
308 animal may be disposed of as provided under secrion 200.12( fl and the owner is liable to the animal
309 control for the costs incurred in confining, impounding and disposing of the animal.
310 (el Registration fee. An owner of an animal that has been declazed dangerous shall�av an annual
311 re�istrafion fee of seventy five dollars ($75). If the animal has been impounded, the fee shall be paid
312 prior to the animal's release.
313 Sec. 200.13. Destruction of unclaimed dogs.
314 At the expiration of the time a dog is impounded as provided for in this chapter, if said dog has not
315 been reclaimed in accordance with the provisions hereof, it shall be the duty of the environmental health
316 officer to cause such dog to be ldlled according to the most humane and approved methods, or otherwise
317 disposed of, as directed by the environmental health officer.
318 Sec. 200.14. Dogs; disturbing the peace; euforcement.
319 It sha11 be unlawful for any person to own, keep, have in possession or hazbor any dog wluch howls,
320 yelps ar bazks to the reasonable annoyance of another person or persons. Any person violating this
321 secfion, who upon first request by a peace officer, or the animal control supervisor to stop or prevent the
322 annoyance, and refuses to comply with the request, will be issued a cita6on or arrested in accordance
323 with the Minnesota Rules of Criminal Procedure, and, if the officer deems it necessary to stop the
324 annoyance, may haue the dog taken to the city animal pound. Any dog placed in the pound may be
325 reclaimed by the owner upon payment of the fee prescribed in section 200.08, and if not reclaimed may
326 be disposed of in the manner provided in section 200.13.
Sec. 200.15. Maximum number of dogs.
No more than three (3) dogs of over the age of three (3) months shall be kept, harbored or
maintained within any individual dwelling unit or on any lot or other pazcel of property in the city
without a permit. The number of dogs permitted above may be increased by obtainiug a permit issued
by the environmental health officer. Such pernut shall specify any restrictions, limitations, conditions or
prohibitions which the environmental health officer deems reasonably necessary to protect any person or
neighboring use from unsanitary conditions, unreasonable noise or odors, or annoyance, or to protect the
public health or safety. Such pernut may be modified from time to fime or revoked by the
environmental health officer for failure to conform to such restrictions, limitarions or prohibitions. Such
modification or revocation shall be effecrive from and after ten (10) days following the mailing of
written notice thereof by certified mail to the person or persons keeping or maintaining such dogs.
338 Sec. 200.16. Microchip idenfi6caHon required.
339 The owner of a dangerous dog is required to have a microchip installed or injected on the animal.
340 The microchip shall be installed in ar inj ected under the sldn of the animal by a licensed veterinarian
341 and shall be designed so that, when scanned by an electronic reader, it is capable of providing the
342 idenrificarion of the dog's owner. An appropriate fee shall be paid by the owner to the licensed
343 veterinarian for the microchip and the registration of the dangerous dog. The identification of the owner
344 and residence shall be maintained on file at the city pound
345 Sec. 200.17. Collars, leashes, tie outs.
346 Collars. Collars may not exceed two (2) pounds in weight and must be made of durable material
347 strong enough to hold the dog it is intended for. Collazs may not be equipped with any type of prongs on
348 the inside of the collaz that may cause injury or discomfort to the animal's neck.
349 Leashes. Leashes must not exceed six (6) feet in length and may not exceed four (4) pounds in total
350 weight.
351 Tie outs. Tie outs must be at least three (3) times the length of the animal secured to it and may not
352 exceed ten (10) pounds in total weight. Tie outs must be of durable material, strong enough to hold the
353 animal it is intended for. Any animal secured with a fie out must be so in an area that would not allow
354 the animal to become tangled around objects while allowing access to shelter and water. Tie outs must
355 be placed in such a location as to inhibit the animal secured from reaching a public sidewalk, sh�eet or
356 a11ey. Also, the 6e out must not allow the secured animal access to any neighboring property unless
357 written permission has been obtained from the property owner.
Section II.
This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and
�� y ��'
Date /
Requested by Department of:
Apprwed by Mayor for Submission to Council
Daze !
City Council � 10-7-98
Councilmember Blakey 6-8510
Councilmember Ben.anav 6-8540
10-14-98 �
xuweo� wrs
ov�ut�r owFCto¢
No 62300
❑ arcwnoarr ❑ arccuac_
❑ wuxrx�aErtuicrson ❑ wwcw�mn�ccrn
❑ WruelaeKatsrwrtl ❑
Amend Chapter 200 entitled "Animals" of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to provide for
particular penalties in various situations and establishing various conditions in the
disposition of dangerous animals.
Has this persoNfrm everwwked under a contrad tor this departmerit?
Has this peraonlfirm ever been a City empbyee7
Does this person/frm possess a sidll not narmalypossesseJ by anY a� city emPlrn/ce7
Is this persoNGnn a tarpetetl vendo(t
Perceived increase in dangerous dogs and dangerous dog attacks on people and domestic
animals in the City of Saint Paul.
If approved, dangerous dogs will be more closely monitored, greater penalties will encourage
compliance with.City Code, and the evidence that can be used to designate a dog as dangerous
will be consistent with the City Code's definition of a dangerous dog.
Increase monitoring of dangerous dogs will require a higher level of scrutiny by the Animal
If not approved, dangerous dogs will not be more closely monitored, compliance with City Cod
will not be increased, and the Code's definition of a dangerous dog and the evidence used to
dangerous wi11 remain incon���
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Presented by
Refesed To
Council File # � $ -� �} a ...
Green Sheet #
Committee Date
Section L
Chapter 200. Animals
Sec. 200.01. Defiuitions.
2 As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates:
3 Anzmal shall mean any individual member of any of the species of birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles,
4 insects, arac}uuds, crustaceans or mamxnals except homo sapiens.
5 Animal control supervisor shall mean the animal control supervisor of the City of Saint Paul or
6 designee.
Dog shall mean any male or female of any breed of domesticated dog.
Errvironmental health officer shall mean the environmental health officer or inspector of the City of
Saint Paul.
10 Owner shall mean the license holder ox any other person or persons, firm, association or corporation
11 owning, keeping or hazboring an aziimal. Any person keeping or harboring an animal for five (5)
12 consecufive days shall, for the purposes of this chapter, be deemed to be an owner thereof.
Running at large shall mean any animal which is not either:
(1) Effectively contained within a fenced area on private properiy; or
(2) Effectively restrained, by chain or leash, to private property with the consent of the property
owner; or
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17 (3) Effectively restrained by a chain or leash not exceeding six (6) feet in length.
18 Sec. 200.02. License required.
19 No person shall own, harbor, keep or maintain in the City of Saint Paul any dog over three (3)
20 months of age without a license. Such license shall be available for purchase at the Saint Paul Animal
21 Control Facility and at the Office of License, Inspecrions and Environmental Protec6on (LIEP).
22 Veterinazians who provide a service for dogs may also act as deputy license vendors. Procedures for the
23 issuance of such licenses shall be established by LIEP. Such establishments shall be required to inform
24 their clients that the City of Saint Paul requires that all dogs be licensed. A license is required if the dog
25 is owned, harbored, kept or maintained for three (3) consecutive days or more, except that no license
26 shall be required for dogs whose owners are temporarily within the city, nor to dogs brought into the
27 city for the purpose of participating in any dog show. Owners of imnounded does found to be
28 unlicensed shall be charged an administrative fee of fifly dollazs ($501. Any properly identified service
29 dog which aids persons who are totally or partially blind or deaf or have physical or sensory disabilities
30 shall be issued a dog license at no charge upon providing proof of certification of training as a service
31 dog.
32 Sec. 200.03. Fee.
33 The annual license fees required for each dog, whether it be male or female, spayed or unspayed
34 shall be established by ordinance as specified in section 310.09(b) of the Legislarive Code. If the owner
35 of the dog is sixty-two (62) yeazs of age or older, the annual license fee payable for each dog shall be
36 fifty (50) percent less than the standard fee. A liferime dog license shall be available to those owners
37 who have their dog(s) tagged with a microchip. Fees for such licenses shall be established by ordinance
38 as specified in section 310.09 (b) of the Legislative Code. Any owner with a lifetime dog license shall
39 vaccinate the dog against rabies according to the requirements in section 199.02 and must be prepazed to
40 provide proof of rabies vaccination as idenfified in section 199.03.
41 Sec. 200.04. Application.
42 Application for such license sha11 be made to the animal control supervisor. Said application shall
43 require the owner, among other informarion required by the animal control supervisor, to supply the
44 name, age, breed, se� color and markings, and rabies vaccination shots, if any, of each dog sought to be
45 licensed. In addition, when the owner has been convicted of a violation of section 200.12(a), relative to
46 the dog sought to be licensed, the applicarion shall require proof of public liability insurance in the
47 muumum amount of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00).
48 Sec. 200.05. Dog tags; dupGcates; records, etc.
49 Upon payment of the license fee, the animal control supervisor shall issue to the owner a license
50 certificate and a metallic tag for each dog so licensed. The tag sha11 have stamped thereon the yeaz for
51 which it was issued and the number corresponding with the number on the license certificate. Every
52 owner of a dog required to be licensed shall be required to provide such dog with a collar to which the
53 license tag must be affixed, and the collar with tag attached must be worn by such dog at all times. In
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54 the event a dog tag is lost or destroyed, a duplicate shall be issued by the animal control supervisor upon
55 presentarion of the receipt for the license fee paid for the current yeaz and the payment of a fee as
56 specified in secrion 310.18 of the Legislative Code. Dog tags shall not be transfened from one (1} dog
57 to another, and no refunds shall be made on any dog license fee for any reason. The animal control
58 supervisor shall keep a record of all dog licenses issued, with the name and residence of the person to
59 whom issued and the number designated upon the metal tag fiunished therewith.
60 Sec. 200.06. Running at large.
61 The license holder, owner or keeper of any canine shall be responsible for the effecrive restraint of
62 such canine and shall not permit the canine to run at lazge. Any canine which is not effectively
63 contained within a fenced azea, or any canine which is on any unfenced azea or lot abutting a street,
64 alley, public pazk, public place or upon any other private land without being effectively restrained by
65 chain or leash from moving beyond such unfenced area or lot, or any canine on any street, public park,
66 school grounds or public place without being effec6vely restrained by chain or leash not exceeding six
67 (6) feet in length, shall be deemed to be rutming at large. A second violation of this secfion within one
68 (1) year shall be punishable by a fine of at least fifty dollazs ($50.00), but not more than three hundred
69 dollazs ($300.00). The first violation of this section far a canine that has been declazed to be a
70 dangerous dogshall be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of three hundred dollars ($300.001.
71 Invisible (underground electric) fences may be used as a secondary restraint only, and is not an
72 acceptable replacexnent for a chain, leash or properly fenced in area.
73 Sec. 200.07. Impoundment; release.
74 It shall be the duty of the environmental health officer or any of his duly authorized assistants, or
75 any peace officer, or any person duly authorized in writing by the environmental health officer, to
76 capture, seize and deliver to the environmental health officer, or the keeper of a public pound, or to any
77 suitable place to be approved by the environmental health officer, any dog found running at lazge within
78 the City of Saint Paul contrary to the provisions of this chapter and any dog found within the City of
79 Saint Paul unlicensed or not wearing the metal tag provided for in this chapter in violarion of the
80 provisions of this chapter. Owners of imuounded does found to be unlicensed shall be chareed an
81 administrafive fee of fifty dollars ($501. All dogs conveyed to the dog pound shall be kept, with kind
82 treatment and sufficient food and water for their comfort, at least five (5) days after the impounding
83 thereof, unless sooner reclaimed by their owners as herein provided. In case the owner of any dog shall
84 desire to reclaim him from the dog pound, such dog may be released from the dog pound upon payment
85 by such owner of the sums required by section 200.08. Said payxnents shall be made to the animai
86 control supervisor, in rehun for which the owner shall receive from the auimal control supervisor a
87 receipt showing that the license fee has been paid, and a regulaz license and tag for such dog shall be
88 issued upon presentarion of such receipt to the license inspector. If the owner of the dog seized or
89 impounded under the provisions of this chapter does not resume possession of said dog by compliance
90 with the foregoing provisions within five (5) days after the seizure or impounding thereof, said owner
91 shall forfeit a11 right of properiy in such dog.
92 Sec. 200.08. Pound fee, etc.
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93 Any dog captured and impounded under the provisions of this chapter shall be released only on the
94 payment of a pound fee, plus an additional boazd chazge for each day or fraction of a day during which
95 the dog is impounded. If the impounded dog is unlicensed, in addition to the impounding and boazding
96 fee, the dog shall not be released without the payment of the prescribed license fee. The designated fees
97 under this chapter shall be established by ordinazice as provided in secrion 310.09(b) of the Legislarive
98 Code.
99 Sec. 200.09. No interference with officer, etc.
100 It shall be unlawful for any person to molest or in any way interfere with any peace officer, animal
101 control supervisor, Ramsey County humane officer, pazk ranger, or any duly authorized assistants, or
102 with any duly authorized agent or any person authorized by the environmental health officer, while
103 engaged in perforxning work under the provisions of this chapter.
104 Sec. 200.10. Seizure; presumption.
105 (a) Any unlicensed dog and any dog n,nning at lazge is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. The
106 environmental health officer is authorized to employ, subject to the approval of the council, such
107 addi6onal temporary animal control officers as necessary to capture and hold such dogs and to pay
108 temporary animal control officers on a fee basis.
109 (b) Any person may seize, impound or restrain any dog which he may find running at lazge in the
110 City of Saint Paul and hold such dog for the animal control supervisor or deliver such dog to the city
111 pound.
112 (c�y doe that is found to be in circumstances, such as the doQ e�chibiting fresh wounds or old
113 scarrinQ or is observed in a fieht, that indicate to a reasonable nerson the animal has been, or is about to
114 be fought with another animal or the owner of such animal has in custod� or possession any training
115 apnaratus, �azaphernalia or drues used to krepaze such animal to be fou�ht with another animal is
116 hereby_ declazed to be a nublic nuisance and shall be immediately seized and taken to the city's nound
117 nursuant to section 200.07.
Sec. 200.11. Cleaning up litter.
(a) The owner of any dog or any person hauing the custody or control of any dog shall be
responsible for cleannig up any feces of the animal and disposing of such feces in a sanitary manner.
121 (b) It is unlawful for any person owning, keeping or hazboring a dog to cause or permit said dog to
122 be on property, public or private, not owned or possessed by such person without having in his/her
123 immediate possession a device for the removal of feces and depository for the transmission of
124 excrement to a proper receptacle located on the property owned or possessed by such person.
125 (c) It is unlawful for any person in control of, causing or permitting any dog to be on any property,
126 public or private, not owned or possessed by such person to fail to remove feces left by such dog to a
127 properreceptacle located on property owned or possessed by such person.
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128 (d) The provisions of this secfion shall not apply to the ownership or use of any properly idenfified
129 service dog which aids persons who are totally or partially blind or deaf or have physical or sensory
130 disabilities, dogs when used in police activities by the city, or tracking dogs when used by or with the
131 permission of the city.
132 (e) Any person violating this section shall be punished by a fine of ten dollazs ($10.00) or five (5)
133 hours of public lands fecal clean-up. Any person who is found guilty of subsequent violations of this
134 secrion shall be punished by a fine of at least twenty-five dollazs ($25.00) but not more than fifly dollars
135 ($50.00).
( fl Any peace officer, animal control officer, pazk ranger, or any duly authorized assistant, or any
duly authorized agent, or any person authorized by the environmental health officer should be
responsible for issuing the tags.
Sec. 200.12. Dangerous animals.
140 (a) Attack by an animal. It sha11 be unlawful for an owner to fail to resirain an animal from inflicting
141 ar attempting to inflict bodily injury to any person or other animal whether or not the owner is present.
142 Violation of this section shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed seven hundred
143 dollazs ($700.00) or imprisonment for not to exceed ninety (90) days, or both. This secrion shall not
144 apply to an attack by a dog under the control of an on-duty law enforcement officer or to an attack upon
145 an uninvited 'mtruder who has entered the owner's home with criminal intent.
146 (b) Destruction of dangerous animals. The environmental health officer shall have the authority to
147 order the destruction of dangerous animals.
(c) Definitions.
(1) A dangerous animal is an animal which has:
a. Caused bodily injury or disfigurement to any person on public or private property; or
b. Engaged in any attack on any person under circumstances which would indicate danger to
personal safety; or
c. Eachibited unusually aggressive behauior, such as an attack on another aniival; or
d. Bitten one (1) or more persons on two (2) or more occasions; or
e. Been found to be potenrially dangerous and/or the owner has personal knowledge of the
same, the aniinal aggressively bites, attacks, or endangers the safety of humans or domestic
animals; or
f. Exhibits fresh wounds or old scarring, or is observed in a fight that indicates to a reasonable
person that the animal has been foueht or is about to be fouQht with another animal; or
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g. That the owner of such animal has in custody or possession anv trainin¢ annazatus.
�phemalia or drues used to�repare such animal to be foueht with another animal.
(2) A potentially dangerous animal is an animal which has:
a Bitten a human or a domestic animal on public or private properiy; or
b. When unprovoked, chased or approached a person upon the streets, sidewalks, or any public
property in an appazent attitude of attack; or
c. Has the lrnown history of propensity, tendency or disposirion to attack while unprovoked,
causing injury or otherwise threatening the safety of humans or domestic animals.
168 (3) Proper enclosure. Proper enclosure means securely confined indoors or in a securely locked pen
169 or structure suitable to prevent the animal from escaping and to provide protection for the animal
170 from the elements. A proper enclosure does not include a porch, patio, or any part of a house,
171 gazage, or other struchue that would allow the animal to exit of its own volition, or any house or
172 structure in which windows are open or in which door or window screens aze the only barriers
173 which prevent the animal from exiting. Such enclosure shall not allow the egress of the animal in
174 any manner without human assistance. A pen or kennel shall meet the following minimum
a. Have a minimum overall floor size of thirty-two (32) square feet.
b. Sidewalls shall have a minimum height of Five (5) feet and be constructed of 11-gauge or
heavier wire. Openings in the wire sha11 not exceed two (2) inches, support posts shall be
one-and-one-quarter-inch or lazger steel pipe buried in the ground eighteen (18) inches or
more. When a concrete floor is not provided, the sidewalls sha11 be buried a minimum of
eighteen (18) inches in the ground.
c. A cover over the entire pen or kennel shall be provided. The cover shall be constzucted of the
same gauge wire or heavier as the sidewalls and shall also have no openings in the wire
greater than two (2) inches.
d. An entrance/eJCit gate shall be provided and be constntcted of the same material as the
sidewalls and shall also bave no openings in the wire greater than two (2) inches. The gate
shall be equipped with a device capable of being locked and sha11 be locked at all times when
the animal is in the pen or kennel.
189 (4) Unprovoked. Unprovoked shall mean the condition in which the aziiinal is not purposely excited,
190 stimulated, agitated or disturbed. Anv attack on a child 14 years of a¢e or vouneer for which a
191 reasonable nerson connotes an intent to inflict bodily harm shall be considered to be
192 unprovoked unless the child is en�aged in the commission of a crime or ille� activitv.
193 (d) Designation as potentially dangerous animal. The court or environmental health officer shall
S ..bs-�:-��..�� — �o I ae�t�
194 designate any animal as a potenrially dangerous animal upon receiving such evidence that such
195 potenrially dangerous animal has, when unprovoked, then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
196 person or a domestic animal as stated in subpazagraph (c)(2). When an animal is declazed potentially
197 dangerous, the environmental health officer shall cause one (1) owner of the potenrially dangerous
198 animal to be norified in writing that such animal is potentially dangerous.
(e) Evidence just�ing designarion. The court or environmental health officer shall have the
authority to designate any animal as a dangerous animal upon receiving evidence of the following:
(1) That such an animal has when unprovoked, then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
person or domestic animal as stated in subparagraph (c)(1}: or
(2) That such animal has been declazed potenrially dangerous and/or the owner has personal
lmowledge of the same and such aniinal has then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
person or domestic animal as stated in subpazagraph (c)(1}; or
That such auimal has exhibited unusuallv aggressive behavior, such as an attack on another
animal: or
That such animal has caused bodily injury or disfi�urement to any person onpublic or
nrivate property; or
That such animal has bitten one (11 or more �ersons on two (21 or more occasions; or
(6) That such animal is found to be in circumstances that indicate to a reasonable person that the
animal has been. or is about to be fou¢ht with another animal and such circumstances mav be
fresh wounds, old scarring, or observation of a fieht in pro�ess: or
(7) That the owner of such animal has in custody or possession anv trainine ap azp atus•
pazaphernalia or drugs used to prepaze such animal to be fought with another animal.
218 ( fl Authority to order destruction. The court or environmental health officer, upon finding that an
219 animal is dangerous hereunder, is authorized to order, as part of the disposition of the case, that the
220 animal be destroyed based on a written order containing one (1) or more of the following findings of
221 fact:
(1) The animal is dangerous as demonstrated by a vicious attack, an unprovoked attack, an attack
without warning or multiple attacks; or
(2) The owner of the animal has demonstrated an inability or unwillingness to control the auimal in
order to prevent injury to persons or other animals.
(g) Procedure. The court or environmental health officer, after having determined that an animal is
dangerous, may proceed in the following manner:
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228 (1) The environmental health officer shall cause one (1) owner of the animal to be norified in
229 writing or in person that the animal is dangerous and may order the auimal seized or make such
230 orders as deemed proper. This owner shall be notified as to dates, times, places and parties
231 bitten, and shall be given fourteen (14) days to appeal this order by requesting a hearing before
232 the environmental health officer for a review of this determination.
a If no appeal is filed, the orders issued will stand or the environmental health officer may
orderthe animal destroyed.
b. If an owner requests a hearing for determinarion as to the dangerous nature of the animal, the
hearing shall be held before the environmental health officer, who shall set a date for hearing
not more than three (3) weeks after demand for said hearing. The records of the Office of
License, Inspections and Environmental Protection shall be admissible for considerarion by
the environmental health officer without further foundation. After considering all evidence
pertaining to the temperament of the animal, the environmental health officer shall make
such order as he/she deems proper. The environmental health officer may order that the
animal control supervisor take the animal into custody for destruction, if such animal is not
currently in custody. If the animal is ordered into custody for destruction, the owner shall
immediately make the animal available to the animal control supervisor and failure to do so
shall be a misdemeanor.
(2) Nothing in this section shall prevent the environmental health o�cer from ordering the
immediate deshuction of a rabies-suspected animal pursuant to section 200.11 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code.
(3) Any person who hazbors an animal after it has been found by the environmental health officer to
be dangerous and ordered into custody for destruction shall be guilty of a misdemeanrn.
(4) The environmental health officer may apply to the district court of Ramsey County for
subpoenas for hearings under pazagraph (1)b. above.
253 (h) Stopping an attack. If any police officer or animal control officer is wimess to an attack by an
254 animal upon a person or another animal, the officer may take whatever means the officer deems
255 appropriate to bring the attack to an end and prevent fiirther injury to the victim.
(i) Notifzcation of new address. The owner of an animal wluch has been identified as dangerous or
potentially dangerous must notify the environmental health officer in writing if the aniuial has died or is
to be relocated from its current address or given or sold to another person. The notificarion must be
given in writing at least fourteen (14) days prior to the relocarion or transfer of ownership. If the animal
has died. norification must p_iven no later than fourteen (1, days after the animals death. 'The
notificarion must include the current owner's name and address, the reloca6on address, and the name of
the new owner, if any.
263 Sec. 200.121. Dangerous animal requirements.
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264 (a) Requirements. If the court or environmental health officer does not order the destrucrion of an
265 animal that has been declazed dangerous, the court or environmental health officer shall, as an
266 alternarive, order any or all of the following, excentine for does in which case all shall be applicable
267 and which will be reviewed on an annual basis bv the auimal control officer:
(1) That the owner provide and maintain a proper enclosure for the dangerous auimal as specified in
section 200.12(c)(3);and
(2) Post the front and the reaz of the premises with clearly visible warning signs, including a
waming symbol to inform children, that there is a dangerous animal on the property as specified
in Minnesota Statute 347.51; and
(3) Provides and shows proof annually of public liability insurance naid in full in the minimum
amount of three hundred thousand ($300,000.00). If the animal is impounded, nroof of
insurance must be demonstrated prior to the animal's release; and
276 (4) If the animal is a dog and is outside the proper enclosure, the dog must be muzzled and
277 restrained by a substanrial chain or leash (not to exceed six (6) feet in length) and under the
278 physical restraint of a person s�teen-(�Gj eighteen (18� years of age or older. The muzzle must
279 be of such design as to prevent the dog from biting any person or aniinal, but will not cause
280 injury to the dog or interfere with its vision or respiration; and
(5) If the animal is a dog, it must have an easily identifiable, standardized tag identifying the dog as
dangerous affixed to the dog's collaz at a11 times as specified in Minnesota Statute 347.51; and
(6) Provides and shows proof of xxucrochip identificarion as required in secfion 200.16; and
284 (7) All animals deemed dangerous by the environmental health officer shall be registered with
285 Ramsey County within fourteen (14) days after the date the animal was so deemed and provide
286 satisfactory proof thereof to the environxnental health officer.
287 (8) If the anunal is a dog, the dog must be licensed and up to date on rabies vaccination. If the
288 animal is a cat or ferret, it must be up to daYe with rabies vaccination.
289 (b) Seizure. Auimal control shall immediately seize any dangerous animal if the owner does not
290 meet each of the above requirements within fourteen (14) days after the date norice is sent to the owner
291 that the animal is dangerous. Seizure may be appealed to district court.
292 (c) Reclaiming animals. A dangerous animal seized under subsecrion 200.121(b) may be reclaimed
293 by the owner of the animal upon payment of impounding and boarding fees, and presenting proof to
294 animal control that each of the requirements under subsection 200.121(b) is fixlfilled. An animal not
295 reclaimed under this secrion within fourteen (14) days may be disposed of as provided under secrion
296 200.12( fl, and the owner is liable to animal control for costs incurred in confining the animal.
297 (d) Subsequent offenses. If an owner of an animal has subsequently violated the provisions under
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298 secrion 200.12 with the same animal, the animal must be seized by animal control. The owner may
299 request a hearing as defined in secfion 200.12(�. If the owner is found to have violated the provisions
300 for which the animal was seized, the environmental health officer shall order the animal destroyed in a
301 proper and humane manner and the owner shall pay the costs of confiuing the animal. If the person is
302 found not to have violated the provisions for which the animal was seized, the owner may reclaim the
303 animal under the provisions of subsection 200.121(c). If the animal is not yet reclaimed by the owner
304 within fourteen (14) days after the date the owner is notified that the animal may be reclaimed, the
305 animal may be disposed of as provided under secrion 200.12(� and the owner is liable to the animal
306 control for the costs incurred in confining, impounding and disposing of the animal.
307 [e) Registration fee. An owner of an animal that has been declared daneerous shall �a,v an annual
308 registration fee of seventv five dollars ($751. If the animal has been impounded. the fee shall be paid
309 prior to the aziimal's release.
310 Sec. 200.13. Destruction of unclaimed dogs.
311 At the expiration of the time a dog is impounded as provided for in this chapter, if said dog has not
312 been reclaimed in accordance with the provisions hereof, it shall be the duty of the environmental health
313 officer to cause such dog to be killed according to the most humane and approved methods, or otherwise
314 disposed of, as directed by the environmental health officer.
315 Sec. 200.14. Dogs; disturbing the peace; enforcement.
316 It shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep, have in possession or harbor any dog which howls,
317 yelps or barks to the reasonable annoyance of another person or persons. Any person violating this
318 section, who upon first request by a peace officer, or the animal control supervisor to stop or prevent the
319 annoyance, and refuses to comply with the request, will be issued a citation or arrested in accordance
320 with the Minnesota Rules of Criminal Procedure, and, if the officer deems it necessary to stop the
321 annoyance, may have the dog taken to the city animal pound. Any dog placed in the pound may be
322 reclaimed by the owner upon payment of the fee prescribed in section 200.08, and if not reclaimed may
323 be disposed of in the manner provided in section 200.13.
324 Sec. 200.15. Ma%imum number of dogs.
325 No more than three (3) dogs of over the age of three (3) months sha11 be kept, harbored or
326 maintained within any individual dwelling unit or on any lot or other parcel of property in the city
327 without a permit. The number of dogs permitted above may be increased by obtainiug a pernut issued
328 by the environmental health officer. Such permit shall specify any restrictions, limitations, conditions or
329 prohibitions which the environmental health officer deems reasonably necessary to protect any person or
330 neighboring use from unsanitary conditions, unreasonable noise or odors, or annoyance, or to protect the
331 public health or safety. Such permit may be modified from time to rime or revoked by the
332 environmental health officer for failure to conform to such restric6ons, lunitations or prolubitions. Such
333 modificarion or revocarion shall be effective from and after ten (10) days following the mailing of
334 written notice thereof by certified mail to the person or persons keeping or maintaining such dogs.
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335 Sec. 200.16. Microchip identification required. ��,c� y�
336 The owner of a dangerous dog is required to have a microchip ivstalled or injected on the animal.
337 The microchip shall be installed in or injected under the skin of the animal by a licensed veterinarian
338 and sha11 be designed so that, when scanned by an electronic reader, it is capable of providing the
339 idenrification of the dog's owner. An appropriate fee shall be paid by the owner to the licensed
340 veterinarian for the microchip and the registrarion of the dangerous dog. The idenrificarion of the owner
341 and residence shall be maintained on file at the city pound.
342 Sec. 200.17. Collars, leashes, tie outs.
343 Collars. Collars may not exceed two (2) pounds in weight and must be made of durable material
344 strong enough to hold the dog it is intended for. Collars may not be equipped with anp type of prongs on
345 the inside of the collar that may cause injury or discomfort to the animal's neck.
346 Leashes. Leashes must not exceed six (6) feet in length and may not exceed four (4) pounds in total
347 weight.
348 Tie outs. Tie outs must be at least three (3) tixnes the length of the animal secured to it and may not
349 exceed ten (10) pounds in total weight. Tie outs must be of durable material, strong enough to hold the
350 animal it is intended for. Any animal secured with a tie out must be so in an area that would not allow
351 the animal to become tangled azound objects while allowing access to shelter and water. Tie outs must
352 be placed in such a location as to inhibit the auimal secured from reaching a public sidewalk, street or
353 alley. Also, the tie out must not allow the secured animal access to any neighboring property unless
354 written permission has been obtained from the properiy owner.
Section II.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirfy (30) days a8er its passage, approval and
5.,..bs�;�.���. -t��a���tY
Adopted by Council:
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Reqixested by Department of:
Approved by Mayor:
Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Commcil
y' �
q' °tRS
Dist�ict 7 Plannzng Council
689 North Dale Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55103-I644
651/298-5068 (office) 65I/298-5072 (fax)
October 26, 1998
Council President Dan Bostrum
St. Paui City Council
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Council President Bostrum:
��, �`��
At our October 22, 1998 board of directors meeting, the District 7 Planning Council passed the foilowing
motion regarding the proposed changes to the dangerous animal ordinance for the city of St. Paul:
Motion: That the District 7 Planning Councii support changes to the Dangerous Animal Ordinance and
further we request that a�y changes be reviewed by the St. Paul Police Department to ensure that these
changes would be both enforceabie and wouid allow city officials the necessary tools to keep probiem
animats off our streets.
This position was taken by our community group because we would like to see something done to help us to
rid probiem animais, particutariy dangerous and fight trained dogs, from our neighborhoods. While we feel
that this ordinance goes along way to meet this goal, we are concerned that there is not enough enforcement
of the currerrt ordinance as it is already written. We are also concerned that our police and animal controi
departments do not have adequate statf and resousces ta both hunt down and take potentially dangerous
animals from their irresponsibie owners.
As you may know, severaV residents of the Thomas Dafe community have be seveeely injured by pit buli
attacks during the last few months. One such attack spurred our district council and our partner organization,
the Thomas Dale Block Ciub, into action this summer. Neighbors have stepped forward to say that this type
of abuse wiif no fonger be toferated. We have taken steps to make this issue a top priority so that we can feei
safe on our streets and in our back yards and not fear an attack form a dangerous animai. We respectfully
request that the City Council make the necessary changes to our laws so that our goals can be realized.
� ���
Keith Walker, Chair
District 7 Planning Council
Serving the neighborhoods of Mt. Airy, Capitol Heights,
Lower Rice Street, Frogtown and East Midway"
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October 21, 1998
Additional Revisions to Chapter 200: Animal Ordivance
Council Agenda Item #23 for Today
Attached is a revised version of the Animal Ordinance. Council Reseazch staff
haue consulted with LIEP staff and the City Attorney's Office and have come up
with some addirional changes which are technical and administrarive in nature.
These aze being introduced at today's meeting as "friendly amendments."
Additionally, we have added a provision that would establish a$75 dangerous
dog registrarion fee which would offset addifional administration expenses that
may result from the proposed ordinance changes. Finally, we have also attached
a stafFmemo from Council Research outlining all additional text changes and
noting their locarion in the ordinance.
c: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary
Phil Byrne, Assistant City Attorney
Paul McClosky, Assistant City Attomey
Gerry Strathman, Council Secretary
pnnted on recycled paper
�a a� �
City of Saint Paul
City Council Research Center
Room 310 City Hafl
Saint Paul, MN 55102
612 266-8570
DATE: October 21, 1998
TO: Councilmembers �
FROM: David Godfrey and Marcia' Moermond, Policy Analysts
RE: Summary of Additional Dangerous Dog Ordinance Revisions
Outlined below aze a number of new amendments proposed by Councilmembers Benanav and
Blakey for "Chapter 200. Animals" of the Saint Paul City Code. The ordinance had its first
reading on October 14, 1998. None of the revisions below significantly change the substance of
the ordinance that has already been introduced and are considered to be "friendly amendments"
by the authors.
Registration fee for dangerous dogs
The amendments include a provision for a annual dangerous annnal registration fee. The fee of
$75 could be used to defray the additional costs of associated increased enforcement of
dangerous animals.
Sec. 200.121 Dangerous Animal Requirements, (e) Registration Fee. Includes a$75 annual
registration fee for owners of dangerous animals. If the auimal has been impounded, the fee
must be paid prior to the animal's release from the city pound; lines 312-314.
Outline of other dangerous animal ordinance amendments introduced October 21, 1998
The remainder of the amendments address technical and administrative concerns expressed by
LIEP. The changes are found in sections of the attached draft ordinance.
■ Sec. 200.02. Licerrsed required. Reduces the proposed fine of $100 for owners of dogs who
aze unlicensed to a$50 administrative fee; lines 27-28.
Sec. 200.04. Application. Increases the minimum amount of public liability insurance
required of the dangerous dog owner $300,000 to $500,000. Revision makes wording
consistent with the revision already introduced in sea 200.121 (a) (3); lines 46-47.
■ Sec. 200.06. Running at large. Removes the words "at IeasY' before the fine amount of
d18 ��t''
$300; line 7Q.
■ Sec. 200.07. Impozendment; release. Reduces the proposed fine of $100 for owners of dogs
who are unlicensed to a$50 administrative fee. This makes language in this secrion
consistent with language found in secrion 200.02; lines 80-81.
■ Sec. 200.10. Seizure; presumption. Clarifies that any dog seized and impounded because it
demonstrates evidence of dog fighting (i.e. wounds, scarring or owner's possession training
appazatuses or drugs) will be subject to procedures for impoundment outlined in secrion
200.07; lines 112-117.
■ Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (c) Definitiorts. Applies a"reasonable person standard" to
determination of whether a dog demonstrates evidence of involvement in dog fighting; lines
■ Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animats, (c) Defznitions. Defines a dog as dangerous if dog owner
has in custody or possession any traiuing apparatus, pazaphernalia or drugs used for dog
fighting or training. The language found in this section is the same as that in Sec. 200.12.
Dangerous Animals (e) Evidence justifying designation (lines 209-210); lines 160-161.
■ Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (c) Defznitions. Clarifies that an attack is considered to be
an event in which a reasonable person connotes the animal has the intent to cause bodily
harni. Also clazifies what is meant by the word "crime;" lines 140-192.
■ Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animads, (e) Evidence justifying designation. Adds the word "or"
after lines 209 and 213. This makes cleaz that a11 seven types of evidence may be considered
by wurt or environmental health officer when designating a dog as dangerous; lines 210 and
■ Sea 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (e) Evidence justifying designation. Applies a"reasonable
person standard" to the determination of whether a dog demonstrates evidence of
involvement in dog fighting; line 212.
■ Sec.20Q.12 Dangerous Animals, (i) Notification of new address. Establishes a requirement
for owners of potenrially dangerous and dangerous animals to notify the environmental
health officer in the event of the animal's death. Notification must take place within 14 days
of the animal's death; lines 257, 259-260.
■ Sec. 200121. Dangerous Animal Requirements, (a) Requirements. Allows court or the
environxnental health officer to continue ordering any or all of requirements for dangerous
animals, other than dogs (i.e. cats, roosters and horses), specified in the City Code. The
ordinance srill mandates that all requirements stated in the City Code be applied to all
dangerous dog owners; lines 269-270.
Sec. 200.121 Dangerous Animal Requirements, (a) Requirements. Clarifies that proof of
public liability insurance needs to be demonstrated prior to the animal's release applies if
aniinal has been impounded; lines 279-280.
Other concerns egpressed by LIEP about the ordinance
LIEP staff raised the following three issues not included in the revisions:
1) LIEP believes the revisions which increase the amount of public liability insurance from
$300,000 to $SOQ,OQQ may haue adverse effects. The revisions are found in Section 200.04
and Section 200.121 (a) (3) [lines 46-47 & 277-278]. Because most Saint Paul residents do
not currently have $500,000 worth of public liability insurance', owners of dangerous
atumals will have to reapply for additional home owner's or renter's insurance. The re-
applicarion process will require dangerous dog owner to declaze the presence of the animal.
After notifying the insurance company about the animal, many owners will be denied
coverage or the will be forced to get rid of the animal. LLEP is concerned the requirement
may lead to an increase in the unnecessary destruction of dangerous animals and create an
unreasonable hardship for responsible owners of dangerous animals.
2) In 5ection 200.12 (c) (4) [lines 190-191], LIEP was seeking to reduce the age at which an
attack on a child would be considered unprovoked from age 14 as it is currently proposed to
a substantially younger age. This change was not made because it also appears to be a
legitimate policy question for the council to decide.
3) In Secrion 200.121 (a) (4) [line 281], LIEP was seeking to include language which would
require someone restraining a dangerous dog to have a certain level of physical ability. After
speaking with the City Attorney's office, we concluded that this standard would be too
subjective to enforce. Therefore, it was not incorporated into the new amendments.
Please call either of us with any questions you have on tYus or related matters (Marcia: x6-8570
or David: x6-8571).
cc: Gerty Strathman, Council Research Director
Paul McCloskey, Assistant City Attorney
chron file
�Our reseazch on public liability insurance indicates the standard amount of coverage for a homeowner
was $30Q000 and $1OQ000 for renters. For more information on the subject ofpublic liabiliry insurance see
memo entitled, "Dangerous Dog Ordinance Revisions," dated September 18, 1998.
C'dy of Saini Paul
City Council Research Center
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, MN 55102
612 266-8570
DATE: October 5, 1998
TO: Councilmembers
FROM: David Godfrey and MarEia Mo� , Policy Analysts
RE: Summary of Dangerous Dog Ordinance Revisions
Outlined below are the revisions proposed by Councilmembers Benanav and Blalcey to "Chapter
200. Animals" of the Saint Paul City Code. The changes are found in sections of the attached
draft ordinance.
■ Sec. 200. 02. Licensed required. Establish fine of $100 for owners of dogs who are
unlicensed. Note that the City Code can only suggest fine levels to the district court and that
judges have discretion over fine levels for misdemeanors; lines 27-28.
■ Sec. 200.06. Running at darge. Establish fine of at least $300 for owners of dangerous dogs
found to be running at lazge; lines 68-69.
■ Sea 200.07. Impoundment; release. Establish fine of $100 for owners of dogs who are
unlicensed; line 79.
■ Sec. 200.10. Seizzrre; presumption. Any dog found that demonstrates evidence of dog
fighting (i.e. wounds, scarring or owner's possession training apparatuses or drugs) will be
immediately declared a public nuisance and seized; lines 110-113.
■ Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (c) Defznitions. Animal wluch eachibits evidence of dog
fighting (i.e. wounds, scatring or observation of fight in progress) is defined as a dangerous
animal; lines 154-155.
■ Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (c) Defznitions. Includes in the definition of the word
`�anprovoked" a clarification that any attack on a child 14 yeazs of age or younger is
considered to be unprovoked unless the child is engaged in a crime; lines 184-185.
■ Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (e) Evidence justifying designation. Makes consistent the
chazacteristics that define a dog as dangerous in the City Code and the evidence that can be
qr -94�
used to designate a dog to be dangerous. The ordinance currently idenfifies certain
chazacteristics or activiries (i.e. the e�ibition of aggressive behavior) that define a dog as
dangerous which cannot be used as evidence to declaze a dog dangerous. T'hese
inconsistencies aze eliminated by the proposed revisions; lines 195-210.
■ Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (j) Community Notification. Requires Animal Control
Office to norify neighbors who reside within appro�mately a one block diameter of the
dangerous dog's residence in writing of the presence of the dangerous dog and the
requirements placed on the owner of the dangerous dog; lines 255-258.
■ Sec. 200.121. Dangerous Animal Requirements, (a) Requirements. Mandates all
requirements stated in code to be applied to all dangerous dog owners. 'fhis reflects the
current pracrice of the Animal Control Office; line 262.
■ Sec. 200.121. Dangerous Animal Requirements, (a) Requirements. Requires the animal
control officer to perform an annual review to ensure owners of dangerous dogs continue to
meet the requirements set forth by the court or the environmental health officer; lines 262-
■ Sec. 200.121 Dangerous Animal Requirements, (a) Requirements. Increases the minimum
amount of public liability insurance required of the owner of a dangerous dog from $300,000
to $500,000. This secrion also requires the dangerous dog owner provide_ proof the insurance
has been paid in full for a year; lines 269-271.
■ Sec. 2000.121 Dangerous Animal Requirements, (a) Requirements. Increases the age
required for a person to physically restrain a dog that has been declazed dangerous $om age
sixteen to eighteen; line 273.
ca Gerry Strathman, Council Research D'uector
Paul McCloskey, Assistant City Attorney
chron file
a � -���--
Summary of Dangerous Dogs Ordinance Revisions
1. Sec. 200.02. License reguired. Owners of unlicensed impounded dogs aze charged a$50
administrative fee; lines 27-28. This language is also found in Sec. 200.07Impoundment,
release;lines 80-81.
2. Sec. 200.06. Running at large. Establishes fine of at least $300 for owners of dangerous
dogs found to be mnning at lazge; lines 69-70.
3. Sec. 200.10. Seizure; presumption. Any dog found that demonstrates to a"reasonable
person" evidence of dog fighting (i.e. wounds, scarriug or owner's possession training
apparatuses or drugs) will be immediately declared a public nuisance, seized, and
impounded pursuant to secrion 200.07; lines 112-117.
4. Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (c) Defznitions. Animal which eachibits to a
"reasonable person" evidence of dog fighting (i.e. wounds, scarring or observation of
fight in progress) is defined as a dangerous animai; lines 158-159.
5. Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (c) Definitions. Defines a dog as dangerous if dog
owner has in custody or possession any training apparatus, paraphernalia or drugs used
for dog fighting or training. The language found in this section is the same as that in Sec.
200.12. Dangerous Animals (e) Evidence justifying designation (lines 212-214); lines
6. Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (c) Def nitions. Includes in the definition of the word
"unprovoked" a clarificarion that any attack on a child 14 years of age or younger is
considered to be unprovoked uniess the child is engaged in a crime; lines 190-192.
Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (e) Evidence justifying designation. Makes consistent
the chazacteristics that define a dog as dangerous in the City Code and the evidence that
can be used to designate a dog to be dangerous. The ordinance currently idenrifies certain
chazacteristics or activities (i.e. the exhibition of aggressive behavior) that define a dog as
dangerous which cannot be used as evidence to declare a dog dangerous. These
inconsistencies are eliminated by the proposed revisions; lines 201-217.
8. Sec. 200.121. Dangerous Animal Requirements. (a) Requirements. Mandates all
requirements stated in code to be applied to all dangerous dog owners. This reflects the
current practice of the Animal Control Office; line 266.
9. Sec. 200.121. Dangerous Animal Requirements, (a) Requirements. Requires the animal
control officer to perform an annual review to ensure owners of dangerous dogs continue
to meet the requirements set forth by the court or the environmental health officer; line
10. See. 200.121 Dangerous Animal Requirements, (a) Requirements. Requires the
dangerous dog owner provide proof the insurance has been paid in full for a year and
clarifies that proof of public liability insurance needs to be demonstrated prior to the
animal's release applies if animal has been impounded; lines 273-275.
11. Sec. 2000.121 Dangerous Animal Requirements, (a) Requirements. Increases the age
required for a person to physically restrain a dog that has been declared dangerous from
age sixteen to eighteen; line 278.
12. Sec. 200.121 Dangerous Animal Requirements, (e) Registration Fee. Includes a$75
annual registration fee for owners of dangerous animals. If the animal has been
impounded, the fee must be paid prior to the animal's release from the city pound; lines
13. Sec.200.12 Dangerous Animals, (i) Notification of new address. EstaUlishes a
requirement for owners of potentially dangerous and dangerous animals to notify the
environmental health officer in the event of the animal's death, Notification must take
place within 14 days of the animal's death; lines 257, 259-260.
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October 28, 1998
To: Councilmembers
From: Councilmember
Re: Additional Revisions to Cbapter 200: Animal Ordinance
Council Agenda Item #31 for Today
Attached is another, and hopefully the final, revised version of the Animal
Ordinance. Council Reseazch staff have consulted with LIEP staff and the City
Attozney's Office on the outstanding issues LIEP staff had on liabIlity insurance
coverage and community notification. We are introducing these changes as
friendly amendments and they aze outlined in the attached stafF memo from
Council Reseazch.
c: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary
Phil Byrne, Assistant City Attorney
Paul McClosky, Assistant City Attorney
Gerry Strathman, Council Secretary
pnntetl on recyded paper
City of Saint Paul
City Council Research Center
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, MN 551U2
612 266-8570
DATE: October 28, 1998
TO: Councilmembers ',^, �
FROM: David Godfrey�and Marc'i�M ond, Policy Analysts
RE: Additional Dangerous Dog Ordinance Revisions: Liability Insurance, Community
Notification, and License Fees
Outlined below are several new amendments proposed by Councilmembers Benanav and Blakey
for "Chapter 200. Animals" of the Saint Paul City Code. The ordinance had its first reading on
October 14, 1998. The amendments address the unresolved concerns expressed by LIEP staff. A
number of these concerns were detailed in the memo entitled "Suimnary of Additional Dog
Ordinance Revisions," dated October 21, 1998. The amendments are considered to be "friendly
amendments" by the authars.
■ Sec. 200.04. Application. Removes the increase in the minimum amount of public liability
insurance from $500,000 to $300,000. Three hundred thousand dollazs is currently the
amount of insurance required by City Code. There was concerns expressed by LIEP and
Council Reseazch that this requirement would place an undue burden on responsible pet
owners who are attempting to comply with City's requirements. Although pet owners would
have little difficulty in meeting most of dangerous dog requirements, attempting to obtain
$500,000 in public liability insurance may result in home owners and renters losing their
insurance. The requirement may force owners to euthanize their dogs despite the City
allowing them to return to the community.
■ Sec. 200.12. Dangerous animals. Removes the provision requiring community notificarion
of dangerous dogs and the requirements placed on dangerous dog owners. LIEP staff aze
concerned that notifica6on may not be necessary if it can be demonstrated that dogs that
have been declazed dangerous do not pose a substanfial public safety threat. The authors
have agreed to remove this provision to give LIEP staf'f the opportunity research this
question and to implement a community notificarion pilot project. A resolurion will be
introduced by the authors at today's meeting to direct LIEP to undertake the research and to
perforzn the pilot pro}ect.
■ Sec. 200121. Dangerous animal requirements. Removes the increase in the minimum
amount of public liability insurance from $500,000 to $30Q000. Three hundred thousand
dollars is currently the amount of insurance required by City Code. This makes language in
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this secrion consistent with language found in section 200.04.; line 274.
■ Sec. 200.02. License required. Adds word "impounded" to clarify the administrative fee
chazged to owners of unlicensed dogs applies only to dogs that aze impounded; line 27.
■ Sec. 200.07. Impoundment; release. Adds word "impounded" to clarify the administrative
fee chazged to owners of unlicensed dogs applies only to dogs that are impounded. This
makes language in this section consistent with language found in secrion 200.02; line 80.
Please call either of us with any questions you have on this or related matters (Marcia: x6-8570
or x6-8571).
cc: Gerry Strathman, Council Research Director
Paul McCloskey, City Attorney
Bob Kessler, Director of LIEP
chron file
Council File # f0 -9y 3-
Presented by
Refesed To
Green Sheet #
Section I.
Chapter 200. Animals
Sec. 200A1. Definirions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates:
Animal shall mean any individual member of any of the species of birds, fish, amphibians, repriles,
insects, arachnids, crustaceans or matmuals except homo sapiens.
Animal control supervisor shall mean the animal control supervisor of the City of Saint Paul or
Dog shall mean any male or female of any breed of domesticated dog.
Environmental health o�cer shall mean the environmental health officer or inspector of the City of
Saint Paul.
10 Owner sha11 mean the license holder or any other person or persons, firm, association or corporation
11 owning, keeping or hazboring an az�imal. Any person keeping or hazboring an animal for five (5)
12 consecutive days shall, for the purposes of this chapter, be deemed to be an owner thereof.
Running at large shall mean any animal which is not either:
(1) Effectively contained within a fenced azea on private properiy; or
(2) Effectively restrained, by chain or leash, to private property with the consent of the property
owner; or
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17 (3) Effecrively restrained by a chain or leash not exceeding siac (6) feet in length.
18 Sec. 200.02. License required.
19 No person shall own, hazbor, keep or maintain in the City of Saint Paul any dog over three (3)
20 months of age without a license. Such license shall be available for purchase at the Saint Paul Animal
21 Control Facility and at the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protecrion (LIEP).
22 Veterinarians who provide a service for dogs may also act as deputy license vendors. Procedures for the
23 issuance of such licenses shall be established by LIEP. Such establishments shall be required to inform
24 their clients that the City of Saint Paul requires that all dogs be licensed. A license is required if the dog
25 is owned, harbored, kept or maintained for three (3) consecutive days or more, except that no license
26 shall be required for dogs whose owners aze temporarily within the city, nor to dogs brought into the
27 city for the purpose of participating in any dog show. Owners of does found to be unlicensed shall be
28 charged an administrative fee of fifly dollazs ($50). Any properly identified service dog which aids
29 persons who aze totally or partially blind or deaf or have physical or sensory disabiliries shall be issued a
30 dog license at no charge upon providing proof of certification of training as a service dog.
31 Sec. 200.03. Fee.
32 The annual license fees required for each dog, whether it be male or female, spayed or unspayed
33 shall be established by ordinance as specified in secfion 310.09(b) of the Legislative Code. If the owner
34 of the dog is sixty-two (62) years of age or older, the annuallicense fee payable for each dog shall be
35 fi8y (50) percent less than the standard fee. A liferime dog license shall be available to those owners
36 who have their dog(s) tagged with a microchip. Fees for such licenses shall be established by ordinance
37 as specified in secfion 310.09 (b) of the Legislative Code. Any owner with a lifetime dog license shall
38 vaccinate the dog against rabies according to the requirements in secfion 199.02 and must be prepazed to
39 provide proof of rabies vaccinarion as identified in secrion 199.03.
40 Sec. 200.04. App6cation.
41 Applicarion for such license shall be made to the animal control supervisor. 5aid application sha11
42 require the owner, among other informarion required by the animal control supervisor, to supply the
43 name, age, breed, sex, color and mazkings, and rabies vaccination shots, if any, of each dog sought to be
44 licensed. In addition, when the owner has been convicted of a violation of secrion 200.12(a), rela6ve to
45 the dog sought to be licensed, the application shall require proof of public liability insurance in the
46 minimum amount of five hundred thousand dollars (�3AA�9A:99
47 $500.000.00).
48 Sec. 200.05. Dog tags; duplicates; records, etc.
49 Upon payment of the license fee, the animal conh supervisor shall issue to the owner a license
50 certificate and a metallic tag for each dog so licensed. The tag shall have stamped thereon the year for
51 which it was issued and the number corresponding with the number on the license certificate. Every
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52 owner of a dog required to be licensed shall be required to provide such dog with a collaz to which the
53 license tag must be affixed, and the collar with tag attached must be wom by such dog at all times. In
54 the event a dog tag is lost or destroyed, a duplicate shall be issued by the animal control supervisor upon
55 presentarion of the receipt for the license fee paid for the current yeaz and the payment of a fee as
56 specified in section 31018 of the Legislarive Code. Dog tags shall not be transferred from one (1) dog
57 to another, and no refunds shall be made on any dog license fee for any reason. T'he animal control
58 supervisor shall keep a record of all dog licenses issued, with the name and residence of the person to
59 whom issued and the number designated upon the metal tag fiunished therewith.
60 Sec. 200.06. Running at large.
61 The license holder, owner or keeper of any canine shall be responsible for the effective restraint of
62 such canine and shall not permit the canine to run at large. Any canine which is not effectively
63 contained within a fenced azea, or any canine which is on any unfenced area or lot abutting a street,
64 alley, public park, public place or upon any other private land without being effecfively restrained by
65 chain or leash from moving beyond such unfenced azea or lot, or any canine on any street, public park,
66 school grounds or public place without being effectively restrained by chain or leash not exceeding six
67 (6) feet in length, shall be deemed to be rumiing at large. A second violation of this section within one
68 (1) yeaz shall be punishable by a fine of at least fifty dollazs ($50.00), but not more than three hundred
69 dollazs ($300.00). The first violation of this secrion for a canine that has been declared to be a
70 dan�erous doe shall be a misdemeanor punishable bv a fine of three hundred dollazs ($300 001
71 Invisible (underground electric) fences may be used as a secondary restraint only, and is not an
72 acceptable replacement for a chain, leash or properly fenced in area.
73 Sec. 200.07. Impoundment; release.
74 It shall be the duTy of the environmental health officer or any of his duly authorized assistants, or
75 any peace officer, or any person duly authorized in writing by the environmental health officer, to
76 capture, seize and deliver to the environmental health officer, or the keeper of a public pound, or to any
77 suitable place to be approved by the environmental health officer, any dog found mm�ing at large within
78 the City of Saint Paul contrary to the provisions of this chapter and any dog found within the City of
79 Saint Paul unlicensed or not wearing the metal tag provided for in this chapter in violation of the
80 provisions of this chapter. Owners of dogs found to be unlicensed shall be charged an administrative fee
81 of fiftv dollars ($50�. All dogs conveyed to the dog pound shall be kept, with kind treatment and
82 sufficient food and water for their comfort, at least five (5) days after the impounding thereof, unless
83 sooner reclaimed by their owners as herein provided In case the owner of any dog shall desire to
84 reclaim him from the dog pound, such dog may be released from the dog pound upon payment by such
85 owner of the stuns reguired by section 200.08. Said payments shall be made to the animal control
86 supervisor, in return for which the owner shall receive from the animal control supervisor a receipt
87 showing that the license fee has been paid, and a regular license and tag for such dog shall be issued
88 upon presentation of such receipt to the license inspector. If the owner of the dog seized or impounded
89 under the provisions of this chapter does not resume possession of said dog by compliance with the
90 foregoing provisions within five (5) days after the seizure or impounding thereof, said owner shall
91 forfeit all right of properiy in such dog.
92 Sec. 200.08. Pound fee, etc.
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93 Any dog captured and impounded under the provisions of this chapter shall be released only on the
94 payment of a pound fee, plus an additional board chazge for each day or fracrion of a day during wluch
95 the dog is impounded. If the unpounded dog is unlicensed, in addition to the impounding and boazding
96 fee, the dog shall not be released without the payment of the prescribed license fee. The designated fees
97 under this chapter shall be established by ordinance as provided in section 310.09(b} of the Legislarive
98 Code.
99 Sec. 200.09. No interference with ofticer, etc.
100 It shall be unlawful for any person to molest or in any way interfere with any peace officer, animal
101 control supervisor, Ramsey County humane officer, park ranger, or any duly authorized assistants, or
102 with any duly authorized agent or any person authorized by the environmental health officer, while
103 engaged in performing work under the provisions of this chapter.
104 Sec. 200.10. Seizure; presumption.
105 (a) Any unlicensed dog and any dog running at lazge is hereby declazed to be a public nuisance. The
106 environmental health officer is authorized to employ, subject to the approval of the council, such
107 addirional temporary animal control officers as necessary to capture and hold such dogs and to pay
108 temporary aziiinal control officers on a fee basis.
109 (b) Any person may seize, impound or restrain any dog which he may find running at lazge in the
110 City of Saint Paul and hold such dog for the animal control supervisor or deliver such dog to the city
111 pound.
112 (cl AnY do� that is found to be in circumstances such as the dog eachibitin¢ fresh wounds or old
113 scarrinQ or is observed in a fi�ht that indicate to a reasonable person the animal has been or is about to
114 be fou¢ht with another animal or the owner of such animal has in custod�or possession anv training
115 �pazatus, pazaphernalia or drugs used to �repare such animal to be fot��it with another animal is
116 herebv declazed to be a public nuisance and shall be immediatelkseized and taken to the citv'spound
117 nursuant to section 200.07.
Sec. 200.11. Cleaning up litter.
(a) The owner of any dog or any person having the custody or control of any dog shall be
responsible for cleaning up any feces of the animal and disposing of such feces in a sanitary manner.
121 (b) It is unlawful for any person owning, keeping or harboring a dog to cause or permit said dog to
122 be on property, public or private, not owned or possessed by such person without having in his/her
123 immediate possession a device for the removal of feces and depository for the transmission of
124 excrement to a proper receptacle located on the property owned or possessed by such person.
125 (c) It is unlawful for any person in control of, causing or permitting any dog to be on any properiy,
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126 public or private, not owned or possessed by such person to fail to remove feces left by such dog to a
127 proper receptacle located on property owned or possessed by such person.
128 (d) The provisions of this section shall not apply to the ownership or use of any properly idenrified
129 service dog which aids persons who aze totally or partially blind or deaf or have physical or sensory
130 disabiliries, dogs when used in police acrivities by the city, or tracking dogs when used by or with the
131 pernussion of the city.
132 (e) Any person violating this section shall be punished by a fine of ten dollazs ($10.00) or five (5)
133 hours of public lands fecal clean-up. Any person who is found guilty of subsequent violations of this
134 secrion shall be punished by a fine of at least riventy-five dollazs ($25.00) but not more than fifty dollazs
135 ($50.00).
(fl Any peace officer, animal control officer, patk ranger, or any duly authorized assistant, or any
duly authorized agent, ar any person authorized by the environxnental health officer should be
responsible for issuing the tags.
Sec. 200.12. Dangerous animals.
140 (a) Anack by an animal. It shall be unlawful for an owner to fail to restrain an animal from inflicting
141 or attempting to inflict bodily injury to any person or other animal whether or not the owner is present.
142 Violation of this section sha11 be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed seven hundred
143 dollars ($700.00) or imprisonment for not to exceed ninety (90) days, or both. This secrion sha11 not
144 apply to an attack by a dog under the control of an on-duty law enforcement o�cer or to an attack upon
145 an uninvited intruder who has entered the owner's home with criminal intent.
146 (b) Destruction of dangerous animals. The environmental health officer shall have the authority to
147 order the destrucfion of dangerous animals.
(c) Deftnitions.
(1) A dangerous animal is an animal which has:
a. Caused bodily injury or disfigurement to any person on public or private property; or
b. Engaged in any attack on any person under circumstances wlrich would indicate danger to
personal safety; or
c. E�ibited unusually aggressive behavior, such as an attack on another animal; or
d. Bitten one (1) or more persons on two (2) or more occasions; or
e. Been found to be potentially dangerous and/or the owner has personal knowledge of the
same, the animal aggressively bites, attacks, or endangers the safety of humans or domesric
animals; or
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f. Ezchibits fresh wounds or old scarrin¢, or is observed in a fight that indicates to a reasonable
person that the animal has been fou�ht or is about to be foug,ht with another animal• or
g. That the owner of such animal has in custodv or nossession any training appazatus
paranhernalia or drngs used to prepaze such animal to be foug_ht with another animal
(2) A potentially dangerous animal is an animal which has:
a Bitten a human or a domestic animal on public or private properiy; or
b. When unprovoked, chased or approached a person upon the streets, sidewalks, or any public
properiy in an appazent attitude of attack; or
a Has the known history of propensity, tendency or disposition to attack while unprovoked,
causing injury or otherwise threatening the safety of humans or domestic animals.
(3) Proper enclosure. Proger enclosure means securely confined indoors or in a securely locked pen
or structure suitable to prevent the animal from escaping and to provide protection for the animal
from the elements. A proper enclosure does not include a porch, pario, or any part of a house,
gazage, or other structure that would allow the animal to exit of its own volirion, or any house or
structure in which windows are open or in which door or window screens aze the only barriers
which prevent the animal from exiting. Such enclosure shall not allow the egress of the animal in
any manner without human assistance. A pen or kennel shall meet the following minimum
a. Have a minimum overall floor size of thirry-two (32) square feet.
b. Sidewalls shall have a minimum height of five (5) feet and be conshucted of 11-gauge or
heavier wire. Openings in the wire shall not exceed two (2) inches, support posts shail be
one-and-one-quarter-inch or larger steel pipe buried in the ground eighteen (18) inches or
more. When a concrete floor is not provided, the sidewalls shall be buried a minimum of
eighteen (18)inchesin the ground.
c. A cover over the entire pen or kennel shall be provided. Ttte cover shall be constructed of the
same gauge wire or heavier as the sidewalls and shall also have no openings in the wire
greater than two (2) inches.
d. An entrance/exit gate shall be provided and be constructed of the same material as the
sidewalls and shall also have no openings in the wire greater than rivo (2) inches. The gate
shall be equipped with a device capable of being locked and shall be locked at all rimes when
the animal is in the pen or kennel.
(4) Unprovoked. Unprovoked shall mean the condition in which the animal is not purposely excited,
stimulated, agitated or disturbed. Any attack on a child 14 years of ase or youneer for which a
reasonable person connotes an intent to inflict bodily harm shall be considered to be
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(e) Evidence justifying designation. The court or environmental health officer shall have the
authority to designate any animal as a dangerous animal upon receiving evidence of the following:
193 (d) Designation as potentially dangerous animal. The court or environmental health officer sha11 .
194 designate any animal as a potenrially dangerous animal upon receiving such evidence that such
195 potentially dangerous animal has, when unprovoked, then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
196 person or a domestic animal as stated in subpazagraph (c)(2). When an animal is declazed potentially
197 dangerous, the environmental health officer shall cause one (1) owner of the potentially dangerous
198 animal to be norified in writing that such animal is potenrially dangerous.
(1) That such an animal has when unprovoked, then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
person or domesfic animal as stated in subparagraph (c)(1}; or
(2) That such animal has been declazed potenrially dangerous and/or the owner has ersonal
knowled¢e of the same and such animal has then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
person or domestic animal as stated in subpazagraph (c)(1}: or
unnrovoked unless the child is e�ged in the commission of a crime or illeeal activit�
That such animal has exhibited unusuallv agt�ressive behavior such as an attack on another
animal: or
That such animal has caused bodily inj or disfi ement to any nerson on�ublic or
private �ro ep rtv; or
That such animal has bitten one ill ar more persons on two (2) or more occasions• or
(6) That such animal is found to be in circumstances that indicate to a reasonable nerson that the
animal has been, or is about to be fou�ht with another animal and such circumstances mav be
fresh wounds, old scazrine, or observation of a fig�it in proeress or
(7) That the owner of such animal has in custody or nossession an�trainin�apparatus
paranhernalia or dru¢s used to prepaze such auimal to be fought with another animal
218 ( fl Authority to order desmsction. The court or environmental health officer, upon finding that an
219 animal is dangerous hereunder, is authorized to order, as part of the disposirion of the case, that the
220 animal be destroyed based on a written order containing one (1) or more of the following findings of
221 fact:
(1) The animal is dangerous as demonstrated by a vicious attack, an unprovoked attack, an attack
without warning or multiple attacks; or
(2) The owner of the animal has demonstrated an inability or unwillingness to control the animal in
order to prevent injury to persons or other animals.
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(g) Procedure. T'he court or environmental health officer, after having determined that an animal is
dangerous, may proceed in the following manner:
228 (1) The environmental health officer shall cause one (1) owner of the animal to be notified in
229 writing or in person that the animal is dangerous and may order the animal seized or make such
230 orders as deemed proper. This owner shall be norified as to dates, times, places and parties
231 bitten, and shall be given fourteen (14) days to appeal this order by requesting a hearing before
232 the environmental health officer for a review of this determinarion.
a. If no appeal is filed, the orders issued will stand or the environmental health o�cer may
order the animal destroyed.
b. If an owner requests a hearing for deternunarion as to the dangerous nature of the animal, the
hearing shall be held before the environmental health officer, who sha11 set a date far hearing
not more than three (3) weeks after demand for said hearing. The records of the Office of
License, Inspections and Environmental Protection shall be adtnissible for consideration by
the environmental health officer without further foundation. After considering all evidence
pertaining to the temperament of the animal, the environmental health officer shall make
such order as he/she deems proper. The environmental health officer may order that the
animal control supervisor take the animal into custody for destrucrion, if such animal is not
currently in custody. If the animal is ordered into custody for destruction, the owner shall
immediately make the animal available to the animal control supervisor and failure to do so
shall be a misdemeanor.
246 (2) Nothing in this section shall prevent the environmental health officer from ordering the
247 immediate deshucrion of a rabies-suspected animal pursuant to secrion 200.11 of the Saint Paul
248 Legislative Code.
249 (3) Any person who harbors an anunal after it has been found by the environmental health officer to
250 be dangerous and ordered into custody for destruction shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
251 (4) The environmental health officer may apply to the district court of Ramsey County for
252 subpoenas for hearings under pazagraph (1)b. above.
253 (h) Stopping an attack. If any police officer or animal control officer is witness to an attack by an
254 animal upon a person or another animal, the officer may take whatever means the officer deems
255 appropriate to bring the attack to an end and prevent further injury to the victim.
(i) Notification of new address. The owner of an animal which has been idenfified as dangerous or
potentially dangerous must norify the environxnental health officer in writing if the animal has died or is
to be relocated from its current address or given or sold to another person. The notification must be
given in writing at least fourteen (14) days prior to the relocation or transfer of ownership. ff the animal
has died, notification must piven no later than fourteen ! 14) davs after the animals death The
notification must include the current owner's name and address, the relocation address, and the name of
the new owner, if any.
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263 (jl Communitv Noti�icarion. The environmental health officer shall norifv in writin� all owners and
264 occupants who own or reside within three hundred fiftv (3501 feet of the residence of the dangerous dog
265 of the presence of the do¢ and the rec�u'uements ulaced on the daneerous do� owner. T`he notice shall be
266 sent bv 1�` class mail.
267 Sec. 200.121. Dangerous animal requirements.
268 (a) Requirements. If the court or environmental health officer does not order the destruction of an
269 animal that has been declared dangerous, the court or environmental health officer shall, as an
270 alternarive, order any or all of the following, exceptinQ for does, in which case all shall be applicable
271 and which will be reviewed on an annual basis bv the animal control officer:
(1) That the owner provide and maintain a proper enclosure for the dangerous animal as specified in
secrion 200.12(c)(3); and
(2) Post the front and the rear of the premises with cleazly visible warning signs, including a
warning symbol to inform children, that there is a dangerous animal on the property as specified
in Minnesota Statute 347.51; and
(3) Provides and shows proof annually of public liability insurance naid in full in the minimum
amount of five hundred thousand dollars (�3A8 $500,000.00). If
the animal is impounded, nroof of insurance must be demonstratedprior to the animal's release;
281 (4) If the aziimal is a dog and is outside the proper enclosure, the dog must be muzzled and
282 restrained by a substantial chain or leash (not to exceed six (6) feet in length) and under the
283 physical restraint of a person si�Neetr (�Hj eiehteen (182 yeazs of age or older. The muzzle must
284 be of such design as to prevent the dog from biting any person or animal, but will not cause
285 injury to the dog or interfere with its vision or respiration; and
(5) If the animal is a dog, it must have an easily identifiable, standardized tag identifying the dog as
dangerous affixed to the dog's collar at all times as specified in Minnesota Statute 347.51; and
(6) Provides and shows proof of microchip idenrificarion as required in section 200.16; and
289 (7) All animals deemed dangerous by the environmental health officer shall be registered with
290 Ramsey County within fourteen (14) days after the date the animal was so deemed and provide
291 satisfactory proof thereof to the environmental health officer.
292 (8) If the animal is a dog, the dog must be licensed and up to date on rabies vaccination. If the
293 animal is a cat or ferret, it must be up to date with rabies vaccination.
294 (b) Seizure. Animal control shall immediately seize any dangerous animal if the owner does not
295 meet each of the above requirements within fourteen (14) days after the date notice is sent to the owner
296 that the animal is dangerous. Seizure may be appealed to district court.
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297 (c) Reclaiming animals. A dangerous animal seized under subsection 200.121(b) may be reclaimed
298 by the owner of the animal upon payment of impounding and boarding fees, and presenting proof to
299 animal control that each of the requirements under subsection 200.121(b) is fulfilled. An animal not
300 reclaimed under this secrion withixt fourteen (14) days may be disposed of as provided under section
301 200.12(�, and the owner is liable to animal control for costs incurred in confining the animal.
(d) Subsequent offerrses. If an owner of an animal has subsequently violated the provisions under
section 200.12 with the same animal, the aziimal must be seized by animal control. The owner may
request a hearing as defined in section 200.12(�. If the owner is found to have violated the provisions
for which the animal was seized, the environmental health officer shall order the animal destroyed in a
proper and humane manner and the owner shall pay the costs of confining the animal. If the person is
found not to have violated the provisions for which the animal was seized, the owner may reclaim the
animal under the provisions of subsection 200.121(c). If the aniinal is not yet reclaimed by the owner
within fourteen (14) days after the date the owner is norified that the animal may be reclaimed, the
animal may be disposed of as provided under section 200.12( fl and the owner is liable to the animal
control for the costs incurred in confming, impounding and disposing of the animal.
312 (el ReQistration fee. An owner of an animal that has been declazed dangerous shall �ay an annual
313 reeistration fee of seventy five dollars ($751. If the animal has been impounded the fee shall be paid
314 prior to the animal's release.
315 Sec. 200.13. Destruction of unclaimed dogs.
316 At the expiration of the time a dog is impounded as provided for in this chapter, if said dog has not
317 been reclaimed in accorc}ance with the provisions hereof, it shall be the duty of the environmental health
318 officer to cause such dog to be killed according to the most humane and approved methods, or otherwise
319 disposed of, as directed by the environmental health officer.
320 Sec. 200.14. Dogs; disturbing the peace; enforcement.
321 It shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep, have in possession or harbor any dog which howls,
322 yelps or barks to the reasonable annoyance of another person or persons. Any person violating this
323 section, who upon first request by a peace officer, or the animal control supervisor to stop or prevent the
324 annoyance, and refuses to comply with the request, wi31 be issued a citation or arrested in accordance
325 with the Mivuesota Rules of Crixninal Procedure, and, if the officer deems it necessary to stop the
326 annoyance, may have the dog taken to the city animal pound. Any dog placed in the pound may be
327 reclaimed by the owner upon payment of the fee prescribed in secrion 200.08, and if not reclaimed may
328 be disposed of in the manner provided in secrion 200.13.
329 Sec. 200.15. Maicimum number of dogs.
330 No more than three (3) dogs of over the age of three (3) months shall be kept, hazbored or
331 maintained within any individual dwelling unit or on any lot or other pazcel of property in the city
332 without a permit. The number of dogs permitted above may be increased by obtaining a permit issued
333 by the environmental health officer. Such permit shall specify any restrictions, limitations, conditions or
�����e �
�fl(�� �� q �
334 prohibitions which the environmental health officer deems reasonably necessary to protect any person or
335 neighboring use from �mcan;tary condirions, unreasonable noise or odors, or annoyance, or to protect the
336 public health or safety. Such permit may be modified from rime to time or revoked by the
337 environmental health officer for failure to conform to such restrictions, limitarions or prohibirions. Such
338 modificarion or revocation shall be effective from and after ten (10) days following the mailing of
339 written notice thereof by certified mail to the person or persons keeping or maintaining such dogs.
340 Sea 200.16. Microchip idenrificarion required.
341 The owner of a dangerous dog is required to have a microchip installed or injected on the animal.
342 The microchip shall be installed in or injected under the skin of the animal by a licensed veterinarian
343 and shall be designed so that, when scanned by an electronic reader, it is capable of providing the
344 identification of the dog's owner. An appropriate fee shall be paid by the owner to the licensed
345 veterinarian for the microchip and the registration of the dangerous dog. The identificarion of the owner
346 and residence shall be maintained on file at the city pound.
347 Sec. 200.17. Collars, leashes, tie outs.
348 Collars. Collars may not exceed two (2) pounds in weight and must be made of durable material
349 strong enough to hold the dog it is intended for. Collars may not be equipped with any type of prongs on
350 the inside of the collar that may cause injury or discomfort to the animal's neck.
351 Leashes. Leashes must not exceed six (6) feet in length and may not exceed four (4) pounds in total
352 weight.
353 Tie outs. Tie outs must be at least three (3) times the length of the animal secured to it and may not
354 exceed ten (10) pounds in total weight. Tie outs must be of durable material, strong enough to hold the
355 animal it is intended for. Any animal secured with a tie out must be so in an area that would not a11ow
356 the animal to become tangled azound objects while allowing access to shelter and water. Tie outs must
357 be placed in such a location as to inhibit the animal secured from reaching a public sidewalk, street or
358 alley. Also, the fie out must not allow the secured animal access to any neighboring property unless
359 written pernussion has been obtained from the properiy owner.
Section II.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and
� �, (a�� �� �,,��
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Approved by Mayor:
Requested by Department of:
Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
(3) Effectively restrained by a chain or leash not exceeding six (6) feet in length.
Sec. 200.02. License required.
19 No person shall own, harbor, keep or maintain in the City of Saint Paul any dog
20 months of age without a license. Such license shall be available for purchase at the f
21 Control Facility and at the Office of License, Inspecrions and Environmental Prot�
�three (3)
Paul Animal
Veterinarians who provide a service for dogs may also act as deputy license ve ors. Procedures for the
issuance of such licenses sha11 be established by LIEP. Such establishments all be required to inform
their clients that the City of Saint Paul requires that all dogs be licensed. license is required if the dog
is owned, harbored, kept or maintained for thtee (3) consecutive days more, except that no license
shall be required for dogs whose owners are temporarily within the ty, nor to dogs brought into the
city for the purpose of participating in any dog show. Owners of o s found to be unlicensed shall be
fined $100. Any properly identified service dog which aids pe ons who are totally or partially blind or
deaf or have physical or sensory disabilities shall be issued dog license at no chazge upon providing
proof of certification of training as a service dog.
Sec. 200.03. Fee.
32 The annual license fees required for each do , whether it be male or female, spayed or unspayed
33 sha11 be established by ordinance as specified � section 310.09(b) of the Legislative Code. If the owner
34 of the dog is sizty-two (62) yeazs of age or der, the annual license fee payable for each dog sha11 be
35 fifty (50) percent less than the standard fe . A lifetime dog license shall be available to those owners
36 who have their dog(s) tagged with a mi ochip. Fees for such licenses shall be established by ordinance
37 as specified in secrion 310.09 (b) of Legislative Code. Any owner with a lifetime dog license shall
vaccinafe the dog against rabies
provide proof of rabies vaccinal
Sec. 200.04. Application.
Applicadon for such
to the requirements in section 199.02 and must be prepazed to
as identified in secfion 199.03.
shall be made to the animal control supervisor. Said application shall
42 require the owner, amo g other information required by the animal control supervisor, to supply the
43 name, age, breed, se color and markings, and rabies vaccinarion shots, if any, of each dog sought to be
44 licensed. In additio , when the owner has been convicted of a violarion of secrion 200.12(a), relarive to
45 the dog sought to e licensed, the applicarion shall require proof of public liability insurance in the
46 minimum amo t of three hundred thousand dollazs ($300,000.00).
47 Sec.
tags; duplicates; records, etc.
�n payment of the license fee, the animal control supervisor shall issue to the owner a license
;ate and a metallic tag for each dog so licensed. The tag shall have stamped thereon the year for
it was issued and the number corresponding with the nuxnber on the license certificate. Every
of a dog required to be licensed shall be required to provide such dog with a collaz to which the
license tag must be affixed, and the collar with tag attached must be worn by such dog at all time
the event a dog tag is lost or destroyed, a duplicate shall be issued by the animal control supe sor upon
presentation of the receipt for the license fee paid for the current yeaz and the payment of fee as
specified in secrion 310.18 of the Legislative Code. Dog tags shall not be transferred m one (1) dog
to another, and no refunds shall be made on any dog license fee for any reason.
supervisor shall keep a record of all dog licenses issued, with the name and resi
whom issued and the number designated upon the metal tag fiirnished therew�
Sec. 200.06. Running at large.
nimal control
of the person to
The license holder, owner or keeper of any canine shall be resp nsible for the effective restraint of
such canine and sha11 not permit the canine to run at lazge. Any c� e which is not effectively
contained within a fenced area, or any canine which is on any enced azea or lot abutting a street,
alley, public pazk, public place or upon any other private lan without being effectively restrained by
chain or leash from moving beyond such unfenced area or t, or any canine on any street, public park,
school grounds or public place without being effectively strained by chain or leash not exceeding siz
(6) feet in length, shall be deemed to be running at larg . A second violarion of this section within one
(1) yeaz shall be punishable by a fine of at least fifry llazs ($50.00), but not more than three hundred
dollars ($300.00). The first violation of this sectio or a canine that has been declazed to be a
Invisible (underground electric) fences may be
acceptable replacement for a chain, leash or pn
Sec. 200.07. Impoundment; release.
It sha11 be the duty of the
any peace officer, or any person duly
capture, seize and deliver to the end
suitable place to be approved by th
the City of Saint Pau1 contraiy to e
Saint Paul unlicensed or not we 'n�
as a secondary restraint only, and is not an
� fenced in azea.
me ta1 health officer or any of his duly authorized assistants, or
thorized in writing by the environmental health officer, to
nmental health officer, or the keeper of a public pound, or to any
environmental health officer, any dog found running at large withixi
provisions of this chapter and any dog found within the City of
the metal tag provided for in this chapter in violafion of the
provisions of this chapter. O'ers of do s found to be unlicensed shall be fined 100. All dogs
conveyed to the dog pound s all be kept, with kind treatment and sufficient food and water for their
comfort, at least five (5) da s after the impounding thereof, unless sooner reclaimed by their owners as
herein provided. In case e owner of any dog sha11 desue to reclaun him from the dog pound, such dog
may be released from dog pound upon payment by such owner of the sums required by section
200.08. Said payment shall be made to the animal control supervisor, in return for which the owner
shall receive from animal control supervisor a receipt showing that the license fee has been paid, and
a regulaz ficense d tag for such dog shall be issued upon presentation of such receipt to the license
inspector. If the wner of the dog seized or impounded under the provisions of this chapter does not
resume po:
the seizure
�1on of said dog by compliance with the foregoing provisions within five (5) days after
impounding thereof, said owner shall forfeit all right of property in such dog.
90 Sec. 7,8"0.08. Pound fee, etc.
91 Any dog captured and impounded under the provisions of this chapter shall be zeleased o y on the
92 payment of a pound fee, plus an additional boazd chazge for each day or fracrion of a day � g which
93 the dog is impounded if the impounded dog is unlicensed, in addirion to the impoundi and boazding
94 fee, the dog shall not be released without the payment of the prescribed license fee. e designated fees
95 under this chapter shall be established by ordinance as provided in section 310.04 of the Legislative
96 Code.
97 Sec. 200.09. No interfereoce with of£cer, etc.
98 It shall be unlawful for any person to molest or in any way interfere 'th any peace officer, animal
99 control supervisor, Ramsey County humane officer, park ranger, or duly authorized assistants, or
100 with any duly authorized agent or any person authorized by the en � onmental healttt officer, while
101 engaged in performing work under the provisions of this chapter.
102 Sec. 200.10. Seizure; presumption.
103 (a) Any unlicensed dog and any dog running at large 's hereby declared to be a public nuisance. The
104 environmental health officer is authorized to employ, s ject to the approval of the council, such
105 additional temporary animal control officers as nece to capture and hold such dogs and to pay
106 temporary aniinal control officers on a fee basis.
107 (b) Any person may seize, unpound or r�
108 City of Saint Paul and hold such dog for the
109 pound.
any dog which he may fmd running at lazge in the
1 control supervisor or deliver such dog to the city
114 Sec. 200.11. Cleaning up litter.
115 (a) The owner of any dog any person having the custody or control of any dog shall be
116 responsible for cleaning up feces of the animal and disposing of such feces in a sanitary manner.
117 (b) It is unlawful for y person owning, keeping or harboring a dog to cause or permit said dog to
118 be on property, public or rivate, not owned or possessed by such person without having in his/her
119 immediate possession a evice for the removal of feces and depository for the transmission of
120 excrement to a proper eceptacle located on the property owned or possessed by such person.
121 (c) It is unla for any person in control of, causing or permitting any dog to be on any property,
122 public or private, ot owned or possessed by such person to fail to remove feces left by such dog to a
123 proper recepta e located on property owned or possessed by such person.
124 (d} Th�provisions of this secrion shall not apply to the ownership or use of any properly identified
125 service dog which aids persons who aze totally or partially blind or deaf or have physical or sensory
126 disabiliries, dogs when used in police activities by the city, or tracking dogs when used by or with the
127 pemussion of the city.
128 (e) Any person violating this secrion shall be punished by a fine of ten dollazs ($10.00) or e(5)
129 hours of public lands fecal clean-up. Any person who is found guilty of subsequent violatio of this
130 section shall be punished by a fine of at least twenty-five dollazs ($25.00) but not more fifty dollazs
131 ($50.00).
( fl Any peace officer, animal control officer, park ranger, or any duly au
duly authorized agent, or any person authorized by the environmental health
responsible for issuing the tags. �
Sec. 200.12. Daugerous aaimals.
I assistant, or any
should be
(a) Attack by an animal. It shall be unlawful for an owner to f to restrain an animal from inflicting
or attempting to inflict bodily injury to any person or other ani whether or not the owner is present.
Violation of this secfion shall be a misdemeanor punishable b a fine not to exceed seven hundred
dollars ($700.00) or imprisonment for not to exceed ninety 0) days, or both. This section shall not
apply to an attack by a dog under the control of an on-du law enforcement officer or to an attack upon
an uninvited intruder who has entered the owner's hom 'th criminal intent.
(b) Destruction of dangerous animals. The
order the deshuction of dangerous animals.
(c) Defanitions.
(1) A dangerous animal is an animal
a. Caused bodily injury or
b. Engaged in any ati
personal safety; or
c. E�ibited unusuakl
d. Bitten one (1
e. Been foun t
same, th ani
animal , or
f. E ibits fres
health officer sha11 have the authority to
to any person on public or private property; or
any person under circumstances which would indicate danger to
aggressive behavior, such as an attack on another animal; or
more persons on two (2) or more occasions; or
be potenrially dangerous and/or the owner has personal lmowledge of the
ia1 aggressively bites, attacks, or endangers the safety of humans or domestic
(2) A potentially dangerous animal is an animal which has:
a Bitten a human or a domestic animal on public or private propeyEy; or
158 b. When unprovoked, chased or approached a person upon th streets, sidewalks, or any public
159 property in an apparent attitude of attack; or
160 c. Has the lrnown history of propensity, tendency or di osirion to attack while unprovoked,
161 causing injury or otherwise tt�reatening the safety o humans or domestic auimals.
162 (3) Proper enclosure. Proper enclosure means securely confined indoors or in a securely locked pen
163 or structure suitable to prevent the animal from e aping and to provide protecrion for the axiimal
164 from the elements. A proper enclosure does
165 garage, or other shucture that would allow t
166 shucture in which windows aze open or in v
167 which prevent the animal from exiting. Su�l
168 any manner without human assistance. t�lpe
169 specifications: �
�o clude a porch, pario, or any part of a house,
animal to exit of its own volition, or any house or
rich door or window screens aze the only barriers
enclosure shall not a11ow the egress of the uiimal in
or kennel shall meet the following minimum
170 a. Have a minimum overall floor s� of thirty-two (32) square feet.
171 b. Sidewalls shall have a mini height of five (5) feet and be constructed of 11-gauge or
172 heauier wire. Openings in e wire shall not exceed two (2) inches, support posts shall be
173 one-and-one-quarter-inch r larger steel pipe buried in the ground eighteen (18) inches or
174 more. When a concrete oor is not provided, the sidewalls shall be buried a minimum of
175 eighteen (18) inches in e ground.
176 c. A cover over the
177 same gauge wire
178 greater than two
{re pen or kennel shall be provided. The cover shall be constructed of the
heavier as the sidewalls and shall also have no openings in the wire
d. An entrance/e t gate shall be provided and be consiructed of the same material as the
sidewalls an shall also have no openings in the wire greater than two (2) inches. The gate
sha11 be eq pped with a device capable of being locked and shall be locked at a11 times when
the anima�/is in the pen or kennel.
183 (4) Unprovoke . Unprovoked shall mean the condition in which the animal is not purposely excited,
184 stimulate agitated or disturbed. Any attack on a child 14 years of age or youneer shall be
185 consid d to be un rovoked unless the child is en a ed in a crime.
186 (d) Desi ation as potentially dangerous animal. The court or environmental health officer shall
187 designate y animal as a potentially dangerous animal upon receiving such evidence that such
188 potentiall dangerous animal has, when unprovoked, then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
189 person a domestic animal as stated in subpazagraph (c)(2). When an animal is declared potentially
190 dang ous, the environmental health officer shall cause one (1) owner of the potentially dangerous
animal to be notified in writing that such animal is potentially dangerous.
(e) Evidence justifying designation. The court or environmental health officer shall ave the
authority to designate any animal as a dangerous aniinal upon receiving evidence of e following:
194 (1) That such an animal has -when unprovoked, then- bitten, attacked, or thr atened the safety of a
195 person or domestic animal as stated in subpazagraph (c)(1}: or
196 (2) That such animal has been declazed potenrially dangerous and/or e owner has ersonal
197 laiowledee of the same and such animal has then bitten, attacke or threatened the safety of a
198 person or domestic animal as stated in subpazagraph (c)(1}• o
199 (3)
201 (4)
203 (5)
205 (6)
209 (7)
animal• or
private �ronertv; or
211 ( fl Authority to order destruction. e court or environmental health officer, upon finding that an
212 animal is dangerous hereunder, is au orized to order, as part of the disposirion of the case, that the
213 animal be destroyed based on a ' en order containing one (1) or more of the following findings of
214 fact:
215 (1) The aniinal is dangero as demonstrated by a vicious attack, an unprovoked attack, an attack
216 without warning or ultiple attacks; or
217 (2) The owner of th animal has demonstrated an inability or unwillingness to control the aniinal in
218 order to preve injury to persons or other animals.
219 (g) Procedure. �he court or environmental health officer, after having determined that an animal is
220 dangerous, may pt�oceed in the following manner:
(1) The e ironmental health o�cer shall cause one (1) owner of the animal to be notified in
wri ' g or in person that the animal is dangerous and may order the animal seized or make such
or ers as deemed proper. This owner shall be notified as to dates, rimes, places and parties
itten, and shall be given fourteen (14) days to appeal this order by requesting a hearing before
a �. '9 " ' "
the environmental health officer for a review of this determination.
a If no appeal is filed, the orders issued will stand or the environmental h th officer may
order the animal destroyed
b. If an owner requests a hearing for determinafion as to the danger nature of the animal, the
hearing shall be held before the environmental health officer, o shall set a date for hearing
not more than three (3) weeks after demand for said hearing. e records of the Office of
License, Inspecrions and Environmental Protection shall b admissible for considerarion by
the environmental health officer without further foundati After considering all evidence
pe�ra;n;ng to the temperament of the animal, the i
such order as he/she deems proper. The environff
animal control supervisor take the animal into cu�
currently in custody. If the animal is ordered into
immediately make the anixnal available to the any
shall be a misdemeanor. �
(2) Nothing in this secfion sha11 prevent the env
immediate destruction of a rabies-suspected
Legislative Code.
ro ental health officer shall make
health officer may order that the
y for destrucrion, if such animal is not
tody for destruction, the owner shall
control supervisor and failure to do so
xtal health officer from ardering the
pursuant to section 200.11 of the Saint Paul
(3) Any person who hazbors an animal after " has been found by the environxnental health officer to
be dangerous and ordered into custody or destnxction shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
244 (4) The environmental health officer m apply to the district court of Ramsey County for
245 subpoenas for hearings under paz aph (1)b. above.
246 (h) Stopping an attack If any poli e offic@r or animal control officer is witness to an attack by an
247 animal upon a person or another ani a1, the officer may take whatever means the officer deems
248 appropriate to bring the attack to end and prevent further injury to the victim.
(i) Notification of new �
potentially dangerous must
relocated from its current a
writing at least fourteen ( �
include the current own 's
�ddr s. The owner of an animal which has been identified as dangerous or
n'fy the environmental health officer in writing if the anunal is to be
dress or given or sold to another person. The nofification must be given in
4) days prior to the relocafion or transfer of ownership. The norificafion must
name and address, the relocarion address, and the name of the new owner, if
259 Sec. 20(yl. 21. Dangerous animal requirements.
a �„ q � ' "
260 (a) Requirements. If the court or environmental health officer does not order the dest
261 animal that has been declazed dangerous, the court or environmental health officer shall,
262 alternative, order any-e� all of the following which will be reviewed on an annual basis
263 control officer:
(1) That the owner provide and maintain a proper enclosure for the
section 200.12(c)(3); and
(2) Post the front and the reaz of the premises with clearly visible
wazning symbol to inform children, that there is a dangerous :
in Minnesota Statute 347.51; and
of an
auimal as specified in
ig signs, including a
on the property as specified
269 (3) Provides and shows proof annually of public liability insur ce paid in full in the minimum
270 axnount of five hundred thousand ollazs (5308,�88:98 $500,000.00).
271 Proof of insurance must be demonstrated rior to the do 's release; and
272 (4) If the animal is a dog and is outside the proper enclo e, the dog must be muzzled and
273 restrained by a substantial chain or leash (not to ex ed six (6) feet in length) and under the
274 physical restraint of a person si�c�een-(-l�Fij ei tee 18 yeazs of age or older. The muzzle must
275 be of such design as to prevent the dog from bi ' g any person or animal, but will not cause
276 injury to the dog or interfere with its vision or espiration; and
277 (5) If the animal is a dog, it must have an easil idenrifiable, standardized tag idenrifying the dog as
278 dangerous affixed to the dog's collar at al times as specified in Minnesota Statute 347.51; and
279 (6) Provides and shows proof of microc ' identification as required in secrion 200.16; and
280 (7) All animals deemed dangerous by e environmental health officer shall be registered with
281 Ramsey County within fourteen 14) days after the date the animal was so deemed and provide
282 satisfactory proof thereof to t environmental health officer.
283 (8) If the animal is a dog, the g must be licensed and up to date on rabies vaccinarion. If the
284 animal is a cat or ferret, ' must be up to date with rabies vaccinarion.
285 (b) Seizure. Animal con 1 shall immediately seize any dangerous animal if the owner does not
286 meet each of the above re ements within fourteen (14) days after the date norice is sent to the owner
287 that the animal is danger . Seizure may be appealed to district court.
(c) Reclaiming
by the owner of the�nimal upon payment of impounding and boazding fees, and presenting proof to
animal control thaiteach of the requirements under subsecrion 200.121(b) is fixlfilled. An animal not
� s section within fourteen (14) days may be disposed of as provided under section
owner is liable to animal control for costs incurred in confining the animal.
reclaimed under
2Q012(�, and e
A dangerous animal seized under subsection 200.121(b) may be reclaimed
293 (d) Sul�equent offenses. If an owner of an animal has subsequently violated the provisions under
ar �q`��
section 200.12 with the same aziimal, the animal must be seized by animal control. The owner may
request a hearing as defined in secrion 20012( fl. If the owner is found to have violated the provisions
for which the animal was seized, the environtnental health officer shall order the animal destr e in a
proper and humane manner and the owner shall pay the costs of confining the animal. If person is
found not to have violated the provisions for wtrich the animal was seized, the owner y reclaim the
animai under the provisions of subsection 200.121(c). If the animal is not yet reclai d by the owner
within fourteen (14) days after the date the owner is norified that the animal may e reclaimed, the
animal may be disposed of as provided under section 200.12( fl and the owner � liable to the animal
control for the costs incurred in confining, impounding and disposing of the ' al.
Sec. 200.13. Destruction of unclaimed dogs.
304 At the expiration of the time a dog is impounded as provided fo in this chapter, if said dog has not
305 been reclaimed in accordance with the provisions hereof, it shall e the duty of the environmental health
306 officer to cause such dog to be killed according to the most h ane and approved methods, or otherwise
307 disposed of, as directed by the environmental health officer.
308 Sec. 200.14. Dogs; disturbing the peace;
309 It shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep, ave in possession or harbor any dog which howls,
310 yelps or bazks to the reasonable annoyance of ano person or persons. Any person violating this
311 section, who upon first request by a peace officer or the animal control supervisor to stop or grevent the
312 annoyance, and refuses to comply with the req st, will be issued a citafion or arrested in accordance
313 with the Minnesota Rules of Criminal Proced e, and, if the officer deems it necessary to stop the
314 annoyance, may bave the dog taken to the c' animal pound Any dog placed in the pound may be
315 reclaimed by the owner upon payment of e fee prescribed in secrion 200.08, and if not reclaimed may
316 be disposed of in the manner provided ' secrion 200.13.
317 Sec. 200.15. Maaimum number o dogs.
318 No more than three (3) dog of over the age of three (3) months shall be kept, harbored or
319 maintained within any indivi 1 dwelling unit or on any lot or other parcel of property in the city
320 without a pemut. The num of dogs pernutted above may be increased by obtaiuiug a permit issued
321 by the environmental hea officer. Such permit shall specify any restricrions, limitarions, condirions or
322 prohibifions which the vironmental health officer deems reasonably necessary to protect any person or
neighboring use
public health or
environmental h
sanitary conditions, unreasonable noise or odors, or annoyance, or to protect the
+. Such permit may be modified from time to time or revoked by the
officer for failure to conform to such restrictions, limitations or prohibitions. Such
modificafion or evocafion shall be effecrive from and after ten (10) days following the mailing of
written notice ereof by certified mail to the person or persons keeping or mainta.ining such dogs.
Sec. 200. . Microchip identificarion required.
owner of a dangerous dog is required to have a microchip installed or injected on the animal.
rochip shall be installed in or injected under the skin of the animal by a licensed veterinarian
a �-�r�c�
331 and shall be designed so that, when scanned by an electronic reader, it is capable of providing the
332 identificarion of the dog's owner. An appropriate fee shall be paid by the owner to the licensed
333 veterinarian for the microchip and the registrarion of the dangerous dog. The identification of the owner
334 and residence shall be maintained on file at the city pound
335 Sec. 200.17. Collars, leashes, fie outs.
336 Collars. Collars may not exceed two (2) pounds in weight and must be made o dwable material
337 strong enough to hold the dog it is intended for. Collazs may not be equipped ' any type of prongs on
338 the inside of the collar that may cause injury or discomfort to the animal's nec .
339 Leashes. Leashes must not exceed six (6) feet in length and may not ceed four (4) pounds in total
340 weight.
Tie outs. Tie outs must be at least three (3) times the lengkh of e animal secured to it and may not
exceed ten (10) pounds in total weight. Tie outs must be of dura e material, strong enough to hold the
animal it is intended for. Any animal secured with a 6e out m t be so in an area that would not allow
the animal to become tangled around objects while allowing cess to shelter and water. Tie outs must
be placed in such a locafion as to inbibit the animal secure from reaching a public sidewalk, street or
alley. Also, the rie out must not a11ow the secured anim access to any neighboring property unless
written pernussion has been obtained from the prc
This ordinance shall take effect and be in for� thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and
publication. �
Adopted by
Adoption CertXfied by Council Secretary
Requested by Department of:
Form d by ity A om �
B : � l!, ��'-�'fC't
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Sectian L
Chapter 200. Animals
1 Sec. 200.01. Definitions.
2 As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates:
3 Animal sha11 mean any individual member of any of the species of birds, fish, amphibians, repfiles,
4 insects, arachnids, crustaceans or mammals except homo sapiens.
5 Animal control supervisor shall mean the animal control supervisor of the City of Saint Paul or
6 designee.
7 Dog shall mean any male or female of any breed of domesticated dog.
8 Environmental health of�'zcer shall mean the environmental health officer or inspector of the City of
9 Saint Paul.
10 Owner shall mean the license holder or any other person or persons, firm, association or corporafion
11 owning, keeping or hazboring an aniinal. Any person keeping or harboring an animal for five (5)
12 consecu6ve days shall, for the purposes of this chapter, be deemed to be an owner thereof.
13 Running at large shall mean any animal which is not either:
14 (1) Effectively contained within a fenced area on private property; or
15 (2) Effecrively restrained, by chain or leash, to private property with the consent of the property
16 owner; or
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17 (3) Effectively restrained by a chain or leash not exceeding six (6) feet in length.
18 Sec. 200.02. License required.
19 No person shall own, hazbor, keep or maintain in the City of Saint Paul any dog over three (3)
20 months of age without a license. Such license shall be available for purchase at the Saint Paul Animal
21 Control Facility and at the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protecfion (LIEP).
22 Veterinarians who provide a service for dogs may also act as deputy license vendors. Procedures for the
23 issuance of such licenses shall be established by LIEP. Such establishments shall be required to inform
24 their clients that the City of Saint Paul requires that a11 dogs be licensed. A license is required if the dog
25 is owned, hazbored, kept or maintained for three (3) consecutive days or more, except that no license
26 shall be required for dogs whose owners are temporarily withiu the city, nor to dogs brought into the
27 city for the purpose of participafing in any dog show. Owners of impounded does found to be
28 unlicensed shall be chazged an administrative fee of fiftv dollazs ($50). Any properly idenrified service
29 dog which aids persons who aze totally or partially blind or deaf or haue physical or sensory disabilities
30 shall be issued a dog license at no chazge upon providing proof of certification of training as a service
31 dog.
32 Sec. 200.03. Fee.
33 The annual license fees required for each dog, whether it be male or female, spayed or unspayed
34 shall be established by ordinance as specified in section 310.09(b) of the Legislative Code. If the owner
35 of the dog is sixty-two (62) yeazs of age or older, the annual license fee payable for each dog shall be
36 fifty (50) percent less than the standard fee. A liferime dog license shall be available to those owners
37 who have their dog(s) tagged with a microclup. Fees for such licenses shall be established by ordinance
38 as specified in section 310.09 (b) of the Legislative Code. Any owner with a lifetime dog license shall
39 vaccinate the dog against rabies according to the requirements in section 199.02 and must be prepazed to
40 provide proof of rabies vaccination as identified in section 199.03.
41 Sec. 200.04. Application.
42 Application for such license shall be made to the animal control supervisor. Said applicarion shall
43 require the owner, among other informarion required by the az�imal control supervisor, to supply the
44 name, age, breed, sex, color and mazkings, and rabies vaccination shots, if any, of each dog sought to be
45 licensed. In addi6on, when the owner has been convicted of a violarion of section 200.12(a), relative to
46 the dog sought to be licensed, the applicafion shall require proof of public liability insurance in the
47 minimum amount of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00).
48 Sec. 200.05. Dog tags; duplicates; records, etc.
49 Upon payment of the license fee, the animal control supervisor shall issue to the owner a license
50 certificate and a metallic tag for each dog so licensed. The tag sha11 have stamped thereon the year for
51 which it was issued and the number corresponding with the number on the license certificate. Every
52 owner of a dog requued to be licensed shall be required to provide such dog with a collaz to which the
53 license tag must be affixed, and the collaz with tag attached must be worn by such dog at all times. In
c�� , `� �t �-
54 the event a dog tag is lost or destroyed, a duplicate shall be issued by the animal control supervisor upon
55 presentarion of the receipt for the license fee paid for the current yeaz and the payment of a fee as
56 specified in section 310.18 of the Legislarive Code. Dog tags shall not be transferred from one (1) dog
57 to another, and no refunds shall be made on any dog license fee for any reason. The animal control
58 supervisor shall keep a record of all dog licenses issued, with the name and residence of the person to
59 whom issued and the number designated upon ffie metal tag furnished therewith.
60 Sec. 200.06. Running at large.
The license holder, owner or keeper of any canine shall be responsible for the effecrive restraint of
such canine and shall not permit the canine to run at lazge. Any canine which is not effectively
contained within a fenced area, or any canine which is on any unfenced azea or lot abutting a street,
alley, public pazk, public place or upon any other private land without being effecfively restrained by
chain ar leash from moving beyond such unfenced azea or lot, or any canine on any street, public pazk,
school grounds or public place without being effectively restrained by chain or leash not exceeding six
(6) feet in length, shall be deemed to be running at large. A second violation of this section within one
(1) year shall be punishable by a fine of at least fifty dollazs ($50.00), but not more than three hundred
dollazs ($300.00). The first violariott of this section for a canine that has been declazed to be a
dangerous do�shall be a misdemeanor punishable bv a fine of three hundred dollazs ($300.001.
Invisible (underground electric) fences may be used as a secondary restraint only, and is not an
acceptable replacement for a chain, leash or properly fenced in area.
Sec. 200.07. Impoundment; release.
74 It shall be the duty of the environmental health officer or any of his duly authorized assistants, or
75 any peace officer, or any person duly authorized in writing by the environmental health officer, to
76 capture, seize and deliver to the emironmental health officer, or the keeper of a public pound, or to any
77 suitable place to be approved by the environmental health officer, any dog found rnnning at large within
78 the City of Saint Paul contrary to the provisions of this chapter and any dog found within the City of
79 Saint Paul unlicensed or not wearing the metal tag provided for in ttus chapter in violation of the
80 provisions of this chapter. Owners of im�ounded does found to be unlicensed shall be charQed an
81 adtninistrafive fee of fifly dollars ($501. All dogs conveyed to the dog pound shall be kept, with kind
82 treatment and sufficient food and water for their comfort, at least five (5) days after the impounding
83 thereof, unless sooner reclaimed by their owners as herein provided. In case the owner of any dog shall
84 desire to reclaim him from the dog pound, such dog may be released from the dog pound upon payment
85 by such owner of the sums required by secrion 200.08. Said payments shall be made to the animal
86 control supervisor, in rehuu for which the owner shall receive from the animal control supervisor a
87 receipt showing that the license fee has been paid, and a regular license and tag for such dog shall be
88 issued upon presentation of such receipt to the license inspector. If the owner of the dog seized or
89 impounded under the provisions of this chapter does not resume possession of said dog by compliance
90 with the foregoing provisions within five (5) days after the seizure or impounding thereof, said owner
91 shall forfeit a11 right of properry in such dog.
92 Sec. 200.08. Pound fee, etc.
93 Any dog captured and impounded under the provisions of this chapter shall be released only on the
94 payment of a pound fee, plus an additional boazd chazge for each day or fracrion of a day during which
95 the dog is impounded. If the impounded dog is unlicensed, in addirion to the impounding and boazding
96 fee, the dog shall not be released without the payment of the prescribed license fee. The designated fees
97 under this chapter shall be established by ordinance as provided in section 310.09(b) of the Legislative
98 Code.
99 Sec. 200.09. No interference with officer, etc.
100 It shall be unlawful for any person to molest or in any way interfere with any peace officer, animal
101 control supervisor, Ramsey County humane officer, pazk ranger, or any duly authorized assistants, or
102 with any duly authorized agent or any person authorized by the environmental health officer, while
103 engaged in performing work under the provisions of this chapter.
104 Sec. 200.10. Seizure; presumption.
105 (a) Any unlicensed dog and any dog rnnning at lazge is hereby declazed to be a public nuisance. The
106 environmental health officer is authorized to employ, subject to the approval of the council, such
107 additional temporary animal wntrol officers as necessary to capture and hold such dogs and to pay
108 temporary animal control officers on a fee basis.
109 (b) Any person may seize, impound or restrain any dog which he may fmd running at lazge in the
110 City of Saint Paul and hold such dog for the animal control supervisor or deliver such dog to the city
111 pound.
112 (cl Any dog that is found to be in circumstances. such as the do�eachibitine fresh wounds. scarring,
113 or is observed in a fight, or other indica6ons which to a reasonable �erson evidence that animal has been
114 or will be used, trained or encouraeed to fight with another animal, or the owner of such animal has in
115 custody or possession any training apnaratus, pazaphernalia or drues used to nrenare such animal to be
116 foueht with another animal is hereby declazed to be a public nuisance and sha11 be immediatel seized
117 and taken to the city's pound nursuant to secrion 200.07.
118 Sec. 200.11. Cleaning up litter.
119 (a) The owner of any dog or any person having the custody or control of any dog shall be
120 responsible for cleaning up any feces of the animal and disposing of such feces in a sanitary manner.
121 (b) It is unlawful for any person owning, keeping or hazboring a dog to cause or permit said dog to
122 be on property, public or private, not owned or possessed by such person without having in his/her
123 immediate possession a device for the removal of feces and depository for the transmission of
124 excrement to a proper receptacle located on the property owned or possessed by such person.
125 (c) It is unlawful for any person in control of, causing or permitting any dog to be on any property,
126 public or private, not owned or possessed by such person to fail to remove feces left by such dog to a
127 proper receptacle located on properiy owned or possessed by such person.
128 (d) The provisions of this secrion shall not apply to the ownership or use of any properly identified
129 service dog which aids persons who are totally or partially blind or deaf or have physical or sensory
130 disabiliries, dogs when used in police acrivifies by the city, or tracking dogs when used by or with the
131 permission of the city.
132 (e) Any person violating this section shall be punished by a fine of ten dollars ($10.00) or five (5)
133 hours of public lands fecal clean-up. Any person who is found guilty of subsequent violations of this
134 section shall be punished by a fine of at least twenty-five dollazs ($25.00) but not more than fifty dollazs
135 ($50.00).
(� Any peace officer, animal control officer, park ranger, or any duly authorized assistant, or any
duly authorized agent, or any person authorized by the environmental health officer should be
responsible for issuing the tags.
Sec. 200.12. Daugerous animals.
140 (a) A#ack by an animal. It shall be unlawful for an owner to fail to restrain an animal from inflicting
141 or attempring to inflict bodily injury to any person or other animal whether or not the owner is present.
142 Violation of this secrion shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed seven hundred
143 dollars ($700.00) or imprisonment for not to exceed ninety (90) days, or both. This secrion shall not
144 apply to an attack by a dog under the control of an on-duty law enforcement officer or to an attack upon
145 an uninvited intruder who has entered the owner's home with criminal intent.
(b) Destruction of dangerous animals. The environmental health officer shall have the authority to
order the destrucrion of dangerous animals.
(c) Definitions.
(1) A dangerous animal is an animal which has:
a Caused bodily injury or disfigurement to any person on public or private properiy; or
b. Engaged in any attack on any person under circumstances wluch would indicate danger to
personal safety; or
c. E�ibited unusually aggressive behauior, such as an attack on another animal; or
d. Bitten one (1) or more persons on hvo (2) or more occasions; or
e. Been found to be potentially dangerous and/or the owner has personal Irnowledge of the
same, the animal aggressively bites, attacks, or endangers the safety of humans or domestic
animals; or
f. E�ibits fresh wounds, scarring, or is observed in a fisht, or other indicarions which to a
reasonable person evidence that the animal has been or will be used. trained or encoura e� d to
fi¢ht with another animal: or
g. That the owner of such animal has in custody or possession anv trainine appazatus.
�zraphernalia or dtugs used to�repaze such animal to be foueht with another animal.
(2) A potentially dangerous animat is an animal wtrich has:
a Bitten a human or a domesric animal on public or private properly; or
b. When unprovoked, chased or approached a person upon the streets, sidewalks, or any public
property in an appazent attitude of attack; or
c. Has the Irnown history of propensity, tendency or disposirion to attack while unprovoked,
causing injury or otherwise threatening the safety of humans or domestic animals.
(3) Proper enclosure. Proper enclosure means securely confined indoors or in a securely locked pen
or structure suitable to prevent the animal from escaping and to provide protection for the animal
from the elements. A proper enclosure does not include a porch, patio, or any part of a house,
garage, or other struchxre that would a11ow the animal to exit of its own volifion, or any house or
structure in which windows aze open or in which door or window screens are the only barriers
which prevent the animal from exiting. Such enclosure shall not a11ow the egress of the animal in
any manner without human assistance. A pen or kennel shall meet the following minimum
a. Haue a minnnum overall floor size of thirty-two (32) square feet.
178 b. Sidewalls shall have a minunum height of five (5) feet and be constructed of 11-gauge or
179 heavier wire. Openings in ttte wire shall not exceed two (2) inches, support posts shall be
180 one-and-one-quarter-inch or larger steel pipe buried in the ground eighteen (18) inches or
181 more. When a concrete floor is not provided, the sidewalls shall be buried a minimum of
182 eighteen (18)inchesin the ground.
c. A cover over the entire pen or kennel shall be provided. The cover shall be constrttcted of the
same gauge wire or heavier as the sidewalls and shall also have no openlnas in the wire
greater than two (2) inches.
d. An entrance/exit gate shall be provided and be constructed of the same material as the
sidewalls and shall also have no openings in the wire greater than two (2) inches. The gate
shall be equipped with a device capable of being locked and shall be locked at all rimes when
the animal is in the pen or kennel.
(4) Unprovoked. Unprovoked shall mean the condition in which the animal is not purposely excited,
srimulated, agitated or disturbed. It shall be a rebuttable presumption that anv attack on a child
14 yeazs of aee or youneer for which a reasonable person connotes an intent to inflict bodilv
hazm shall be considered to be unprovoked unless the child is en�aged in the commission of a
��,� ��-
crime or ille2al acrivitv, includin2 acrivities classified Minnesota Statute 343 as cruel � to
196 (d) Designation as potentially dangerous animal. The court or environmental health officer shall
197 designate any animal as a potenrially dangerous animal upon receiving such evidence that such
198 potentially dangerous animal has, when unprovoked, then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
199 person or a domesric auimal as stated in subpazagraph (c)(2). When an animal is declared potentially
200 dangerous, the environmental health officer shall cause one (1) owner of the potentially dangerous
201 animal to be notified in writing that such animal is potentially dangerous.
202 (e) Evidence justifying designation. The court or envuonmental health officer shall have the
203 authority to designate any animal as a dangerous animal upon receiving evidence of the following:
(1) That such an animal has when unprovoked, then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
person or domesric animal as stated in subpazagraph (c)(1}; or
(2) That such animal has been declared potentially dangerous and/or the owner has personal
lmowledge of the same and such animal has then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
person or domestic animal as stated in subparagraph (c)(1}; or
That such animal has exhibited unusually ag_�zessive behavior, such as an attack on another
animal; or
That such animal has caused bodily injury or disfigurement to any�erson on public or
private �rouerty; or
That such animal has bitten one (1� or more nersons on two [21 or more occasions: or
215 (6) That such an animal exhibits fresh wounds, scarrina, or is observed in a fisht, or other
216 indicarions which to a reasonable person evidence that the animal has been or will be used,
217 trained or encouraged to fi�ht with another animal; or
219 (7) That the owner of such animal has in custody or possession anv training appazatus,
220 paraphernalia or drugs used to preuare such animal to be fought with another animal.
221 ( fl Authority to order destruction. The court or environmental health officer, upon finding that an
222 animal is dangerous hereunder, is authorized to order, as part of the disposifion of the case, that the
223 animal be destroyed based on a written order conta.ining one (1) or more of the following findings of
224 fact:
(1) The animal is dangerous as demonstrated by a vicious attack, an unprovoked attack, an attack
without warning or multiple attacks; or
(2) The owner of the animal has demonstrated an inability or unwillingness to control the animal in
order to prevent injury to persons or other animals.
229 (g) Procedure. The court or environmental health officer, after having determined that an animal is
230 dangerous, may proceed in the following manner:
231 (1) The environmental health officer shall cause one (1) owner of the animal to be notified in
232 writing or in person that the animal is dangerous and may order the animal seized or make such
233 orders as deemed proper. Ttus owner shall be notified as to dates, times, places and parties
234 bitten, and shall be given fourteen (14) days to appeal this order by requesting a hearing before
235 the environxnental health officer for a review of this determinarion.
a. If no appeal is filed, the orders issued will stand or the environmental health officer may
order the animal destroyed.
b. If an owner requests a hearing for determination as to the dangerous nature of the animal, the
hearing shall be held before the environmental health officer, who shall set a date for hearing
not more than three (3) weeks after demand for said hearing. The records of the Office of
License, Inspecrions and Environxnental Protection shall be admissible for considerarion by
the environmental health officer without further foundation. After considering all evidence
pertaining to the temperament of the animal, the environmental health officer shall make
such order as hefshe deems pxoper. The environmental health officer may order that the
az�imal control supervisor take the azumal into custody for destruction, if smch animal is not
currently in custody. If the animal is ordered into custody for destruction, the owner sha11
immediately make the animal available to the animal control supervisor and failure to do so
shall be a misdemeanor.
(2) Nothing in this section shall prevent the environmental health officer from ordering the
immediate destruction of a rabies-suspected animal pursuant to secfion 200.11 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code.
(3) Any person who hazbors an aziimal a8er it has been found by the environmental health officer to
be dangerous and ordered into custody for destrucrion sha11 be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(4) The environmental health officer may apply to the district court of Ramsey County far
subpoenas for hearings under paragraph (1)b. above.
256 (h) Stopping an attack. If any police officer or animal control officer is witness to an attack by an
257 animal upon a person or another animal, the officer may take whatever means the officer deems
258 appropriate to bring the attack to an end and prevent fitrther injury to the vicrim.
(i) Notification of new address. The owner of an auimal which has been idenrified as dangerous or
potentially dangerous must notify the environmental health officer in writing if the animal has died or is
to be relocated from its current address or given or sold to another person. The notification must be
given in writing at least fourteen (14) days prior to the relocation or transfer of ownership. ff the animal
has died. norification must given no later than fourteen (141 davs after the animals death. The
norification must include the current owner's name and address, the relocarion address, and the name of
the new owner, if any.
266 Sec. 200.121. Dangerous animal requiremeats.
267 (a) Requirements. If the court or environmental health officer does not order the destruction of an
268 animal that has been declared dangerous, the court or environmental health officer shall, as an
269 alternarive, order any or all of the following, exceotin fg or dogs, in which case all shall be applicable
270 and which will be reviewed on an annual basis bv the animal control officer:
271 (1) That the owner provide and maintain a proper enclosure for the dangerous animal as specified in
272 secrion 200.12(c)(3); and
273 (2) Post the front and the rear of the premises with clearly visible warning signs, including a
274 warning symbol to inform children, that there is a dangerous animal on the properry as specified
275 in Minnesota Statute 347.51; and
276 (3) Provides and shows proof annually of public liability insurance paid in full in the minimum
277 amount of three hundred thousand ($300,000.00). If the animal is impounded proof of
278 insttrance must be demonstrated prior to the animal's release; and
279 (4) If the animal is a dog and is outside the proper enclosure, the dog must be muzzled and
280 restrained by a substantial chain or leash (not to exceed six (6) feet in length) and under the
281 physical restraint of a person si��een{�6j ei teen (18) years of age or older. The muzzle must
282 be of such design as to prevent the dog from biring any person or animal, but will not cause
283 injury to the dog or interfere with its vision or respiration; and
284 (5) If the anunal is a dog, it must have an easily identifiable, standardized tag identifying the dog as
285 dangerous affixed to the dog's collar at a11 times as specified in Mimiesota Statute 347.51; and
286 (6) Provides and shows proof of microchip identification as required in section 20016; and
28� (7} All animals deemed dangerous by the environmental health officer shall be registered with
288 Ramsey County within fourteen (14) days after the date the animal was so deemed and provide
289 satisfactory proof thereof to the environmental health officer.
290 (8) If the animal is a dog, the dog must be licensed and up to date on rabies vaccination. ff the
291 animal is a cat or ferret, it must be up to date with rabies vaccinarion.
292 (b) Seizure. Animal control shall ixnmediately seize any dangerous animal if the owner does not
293 meet each of the above requirements within fourteen (14) days after the date notice is sent to the owner
294 that the animal is dangerous. Seizure may be appealed to district court.
295 (c) Reclaiming animals. A dangerous animal seized under subsection 200.121(b) may be reclaimed
296 by the owner of the animal upon payment of impounding and boazding fees, and presenting proof to
297 animal control that each of the requirements under subsection 20Q.121(b) is fixlfilled. An animal not
298 reclaimed under trris section within fourteen (14) days may be disposed of as provided under section
299 200.12( fl, and the owner is liable to animal control for costs incurred in confming the animal,
300 (d) Subsequent offerrses. If an owner of an animal has subsequently violated the provisions under
301 section 200.12 with the same animal, the animal must be seized by animal control. The owner may
302 request a hearing as defined in secrion 200.12( fl. If the owner is found to have violated the provisions
303 for which the anunal was seized, the environmental health officer shall order the animal destroyed in a
304 proper and humane manner and the owner shall pay the costs of confining the animal. If the person is
305 found not to have violated the provisions for wluch the animal was seized, the owner may reclaim the
306 animal under the provisions of subsecrion 200.121(c). If the animal is not yet reclaimed by the owner
307 within fourteen (14) days after the date the owner is notified that the animal may be reclauned, the
308 animal may be disposed of as provided under secrion 200.12( fl and the owner is liable to the animal
309 control for the costs incurred in confining, impounding and disposing of the animal.
310 (el Registration fee. An owner of an animal that has been declazed dangerous shall�av an annual
311 re�istrafion fee of seventy five dollars ($75). If the animal has been impounded, the fee shall be paid
312 prior to the animal's release.
313 Sec. 200.13. Destruction of unclaimed dogs.
314 At the expiration of the time a dog is impounded as provided for in this chapter, if said dog has not
315 been reclaimed in accordance with the provisions hereof, it shall be the duty of the environmental health
316 officer to cause such dog to be ldlled according to the most humane and approved methods, or otherwise
317 disposed of, as directed by the environmental health officer.
318 Sec. 200.14. Dogs; disturbing the peace; euforcement.
319 It sha11 be unlawful for any person to own, keep, have in possession or hazbor any dog wluch howls,
320 yelps ar bazks to the reasonable annoyance of another person or persons. Any person violating this
321 secfion, who upon first request by a peace officer, or the animal control supervisor to stop or prevent the
322 annoyance, and refuses to comply with the request, will be issued a cita6on or arrested in accordance
323 with the Minnesota Rules of Criminal Procedure, and, if the officer deems it necessary to stop the
324 annoyance, may haue the dog taken to the city animal pound. Any dog placed in the pound may be
325 reclaimed by the owner upon payment of the fee prescribed in section 200.08, and if not reclaimed may
326 be disposed of in the manner provided in section 200.13.
Sec. 200.15. Maximum number of dogs.
No more than three (3) dogs of over the age of three (3) months shall be kept, harbored or
maintained within any individual dwelling unit or on any lot or other pazcel of property in the city
without a permit. The number of dogs permitted above may be increased by obtainiug a permit issued
by the environmental health officer. Such pernut shall specify any restrictions, limitations, conditions or
prohibitions which the environmental health officer deems reasonably necessary to protect any person or
neighboring use from unsanitary conditions, unreasonable noise or odors, or annoyance, or to protect the
public health or safety. Such pernut may be modified from time to fime or revoked by the
environmental health officer for failure to conform to such restrictions, limitarions or prohibitions. Such
modification or revocation shall be effecrive from and after ten (10) days following the mailing of
written notice thereof by certified mail to the person or persons keeping or maintaining such dogs.
338 Sec. 200.16. Microchip idenfi6caHon required.
339 The owner of a dangerous dog is required to have a microchip installed or injected on the animal.
340 The microchip shall be installed in ar inj ected under the sldn of the animal by a licensed veterinarian
341 and shall be designed so that, when scanned by an electronic reader, it is capable of providing the
342 idenrificarion of the dog's owner. An appropriate fee shall be paid by the owner to the licensed
343 veterinarian for the microchip and the registration of the dangerous dog. The identification of the owner
344 and residence shall be maintained on file at the city pound
345 Sec. 200.17. Collars, leashes, tie outs.
346 Collars. Collars may not exceed two (2) pounds in weight and must be made of durable material
347 strong enough to hold the dog it is intended for. Collazs may not be equipped with any type of prongs on
348 the inside of the collaz that may cause injury or discomfort to the animal's neck.
349 Leashes. Leashes must not exceed six (6) feet in length and may not exceed four (4) pounds in total
350 weight.
351 Tie outs. Tie outs must be at least three (3) times the length of the animal secured to it and may not
352 exceed ten (10) pounds in total weight. Tie outs must be of durable material, strong enough to hold the
353 animal it is intended for. Any animal secured with a fie out must be so in an area that would not allow
354 the animal to become tangled around objects while allowing access to shelter and water. Tie outs must
355 be placed in such a location as to inhibit the animal secured from reaching a public sidewalk, sh�eet or
356 a11ey. Also, the 6e out must not allow the secured animal access to any neighboring property unless
357 written permission has been obtained from the property owner.
Section II.
This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and
�� y ��'
Date /
Requested by Department of:
Apprwed by Mayor for Submission to Council
Daze !
City Council � 10-7-98
Councilmember Blakey 6-8510
Councilmember Ben.anav 6-8540
10-14-98 �
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No 62300
❑ arcwnoarr ❑ arccuac_
❑ wuxrx�aErtuicrson ❑ wwcw�mn�ccrn
❑ WruelaeKatsrwrtl ❑
Amend Chapter 200 entitled "Animals" of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to provide for
particular penalties in various situations and establishing various conditions in the
disposition of dangerous animals.
Has this persoNfrm everwwked under a contrad tor this departmerit?
Has this peraonlfirm ever been a City empbyee7
Does this person/frm possess a sidll not narmalypossesseJ by anY a� city emPlrn/ce7
Is this persoNGnn a tarpetetl vendo(t
Perceived increase in dangerous dogs and dangerous dog attacks on people and domestic
animals in the City of Saint Paul.
If approved, dangerous dogs will be more closely monitored, greater penalties will encourage
compliance with.City Code, and the evidence that can be used to designate a dog as dangerous
will be consistent with the City Code's definition of a dangerous dog.
Increase monitoring of dangerous dogs will require a higher level of scrutiny by the Animal
If not approved, dangerous dogs will not be more closely monitored, compliance with City Cod
will not be increased, and the Code's definition of a dangerous dog and the evidence used to
dangerous wi11 remain incon���
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Presented by
Refesed To
Council File # � $ -� �} a ...
Green Sheet #
Committee Date
Section L
Chapter 200. Animals
Sec. 200.01. Defiuitions.
2 As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates:
3 Anzmal shall mean any individual member of any of the species of birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles,
4 insects, arac}uuds, crustaceans or mamxnals except homo sapiens.
5 Animal control supervisor shall mean the animal control supervisor of the City of Saint Paul or
6 designee.
Dog shall mean any male or female of any breed of domesticated dog.
Errvironmental health officer shall mean the environmental health officer or inspector of the City of
Saint Paul.
10 Owner shall mean the license holder ox any other person or persons, firm, association or corporation
11 owning, keeping or hazboring an aziimal. Any person keeping or harboring an animal for five (5)
12 consecufive days shall, for the purposes of this chapter, be deemed to be an owner thereof.
Running at large shall mean any animal which is not either:
(1) Effectively contained within a fenced area on private properiy; or
(2) Effectively restrained, by chain or leash, to private property with the consent of the property
owner; or
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17 (3) Effectively restrained by a chain or leash not exceeding six (6) feet in length.
18 Sec. 200.02. License required.
19 No person shall own, harbor, keep or maintain in the City of Saint Paul any dog over three (3)
20 months of age without a license. Such license shall be available for purchase at the Saint Paul Animal
21 Control Facility and at the Office of License, Inspecrions and Environmental Protec6on (LIEP).
22 Veterinazians who provide a service for dogs may also act as deputy license vendors. Procedures for the
23 issuance of such licenses shall be established by LIEP. Such establishments shall be required to inform
24 their clients that the City of Saint Paul requires that all dogs be licensed. A license is required if the dog
25 is owned, harbored, kept or maintained for three (3) consecutive days or more, except that no license
26 shall be required for dogs whose owners are temporarily within the city, nor to dogs brought into the
27 city for the purpose of participating in any dog show. Owners of imnounded does found to be
28 unlicensed shall be charged an administrative fee of fifly dollazs ($501. Any properly identified service
29 dog which aids persons who are totally or partially blind or deaf or have physical or sensory disabilities
30 shall be issued a dog license at no charge upon providing proof of certification of training as a service
31 dog.
32 Sec. 200.03. Fee.
33 The annual license fees required for each dog, whether it be male or female, spayed or unspayed
34 shall be established by ordinance as specified in section 310.09(b) of the Legislarive Code. If the owner
35 of the dog is sixty-two (62) yeazs of age or older, the annual license fee payable for each dog shall be
36 fifty (50) percent less than the standard fee. A liferime dog license shall be available to those owners
37 who have their dog(s) tagged with a microchip. Fees for such licenses shall be established by ordinance
38 as specified in section 310.09 (b) of the Legislative Code. Any owner with a lifetime dog license shall
39 vaccinate the dog against rabies according to the requirements in section 199.02 and must be prepazed to
40 provide proof of rabies vaccination as idenfified in section 199.03.
41 Sec. 200.04. Application.
42 Application for such license sha11 be made to the animal control supervisor. Said application shall
43 require the owner, among other informarion required by the animal control supervisor, to supply the
44 name, age, breed, se� color and markings, and rabies vaccination shots, if any, of each dog sought to be
45 licensed. In addition, when the owner has been convicted of a violation of section 200.12(a), relative to
46 the dog sought to be licensed, the applicarion shall require proof of public liability insurance in the
47 muumum amount of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00).
48 Sec. 200.05. Dog tags; dupGcates; records, etc.
49 Upon payment of the license fee, the animal control supervisor shall issue to the owner a license
50 certificate and a metallic tag for each dog so licensed. The tag sha11 have stamped thereon the yeaz for
51 which it was issued and the number corresponding with the number on the license certificate. Every
52 owner of a dog required to be licensed shall be required to provide such dog with a collar to which the
53 license tag must be affixed, and the collar with tag attached must be worn by such dog at all times. In
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54 the event a dog tag is lost or destroyed, a duplicate shall be issued by the animal control supervisor upon
55 presentarion of the receipt for the license fee paid for the current yeaz and the payment of a fee as
56 specified in secrion 310.18 of the Legislative Code. Dog tags shall not be transfened from one (1} dog
57 to another, and no refunds shall be made on any dog license fee for any reason. The animal control
58 supervisor shall keep a record of all dog licenses issued, with the name and residence of the person to
59 whom issued and the number designated upon the metal tag fiunished therewith.
60 Sec. 200.06. Running at large.
61 The license holder, owner or keeper of any canine shall be responsible for the effecrive restraint of
62 such canine and shall not permit the canine to run at lazge. Any canine which is not effectively
63 contained within a fenced azea, or any canine which is on any unfenced azea or lot abutting a street,
64 alley, public pazk, public place or upon any other private land without being effectively restrained by
65 chain or leash from moving beyond such unfenced area or lot, or any canine on any street, public park,
66 school grounds or public place without being effec6vely restrained by chain or leash not exceeding six
67 (6) feet in length, shall be deemed to be rutming at large. A second violation of this secfion within one
68 (1) year shall be punishable by a fine of at least fifty dollazs ($50.00), but not more than three hundred
69 dollazs ($300.00). The first violation of this section far a canine that has been declazed to be a
70 dangerous dogshall be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of three hundred dollars ($300.001.
71 Invisible (underground electric) fences may be used as a secondary restraint only, and is not an
72 acceptable replacexnent for a chain, leash or properly fenced in area.
73 Sec. 200.07. Impoundment; release.
74 It shall be the duty of the environmental health officer or any of his duly authorized assistants, or
75 any peace officer, or any person duly authorized in writing by the environmental health officer, to
76 capture, seize and deliver to the environmental health officer, or the keeper of a public pound, or to any
77 suitable place to be approved by the environmental health officer, any dog found running at lazge within
78 the City of Saint Paul contrary to the provisions of this chapter and any dog found within the City of
79 Saint Paul unlicensed or not wearing the metal tag provided for in this chapter in violarion of the
80 provisions of this chapter. Owners of imuounded does found to be unlicensed shall be chareed an
81 administrafive fee of fifty dollars ($501. All dogs conveyed to the dog pound shall be kept, with kind
82 treatment and sufficient food and water for their comfort, at least five (5) days after the impounding
83 thereof, unless sooner reclaimed by their owners as herein provided. In case the owner of any dog shall
84 desire to reclaim him from the dog pound, such dog may be released from the dog pound upon payment
85 by such owner of the sums required by section 200.08. Said payxnents shall be made to the animai
86 control supervisor, in rehun for which the owner shall receive from the auimal control supervisor a
87 receipt showing that the license fee has been paid, and a regulaz license and tag for such dog shall be
88 issued upon presentarion of such receipt to the license inspector. If the owner of the dog seized or
89 impounded under the provisions of this chapter does not resume possession of said dog by compliance
90 with the foregoing provisions within five (5) days after the seizure or impounding thereof, said owner
91 shall forfeit a11 right of properiy in such dog.
92 Sec. 200.08. Pound fee, etc.
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93 Any dog captured and impounded under the provisions of this chapter shall be released only on the
94 payment of a pound fee, plus an additional boazd chazge for each day or fraction of a day during which
95 the dog is impounded. If the impounded dog is unlicensed, in addition to the impounding and boazding
96 fee, the dog shall not be released without the payment of the prescribed license fee. The designated fees
97 under this chapter shall be established by ordinazice as provided in secrion 310.09(b) of the Legislarive
98 Code.
99 Sec. 200.09. No interference with officer, etc.
100 It shall be unlawful for any person to molest or in any way interfere with any peace officer, animal
101 control supervisor, Ramsey County humane officer, pazk ranger, or any duly authorized assistants, or
102 with any duly authorized agent or any person authorized by the environmental health officer, while
103 engaged in perforxning work under the provisions of this chapter.
104 Sec. 200.10. Seizure; presumption.
105 (a) Any unlicensed dog and any dog n,nning at lazge is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. The
106 environmental health officer is authorized to employ, subject to the approval of the council, such
107 addi6onal temporary animal control officers as necessary to capture and hold such dogs and to pay
108 temporary animal control officers on a fee basis.
109 (b) Any person may seize, impound or restrain any dog which he may find running at lazge in the
110 City of Saint Paul and hold such dog for the animal control supervisor or deliver such dog to the city
111 pound.
112 (c�y doe that is found to be in circumstances, such as the doQ e�chibiting fresh wounds or old
113 scarrinQ or is observed in a fieht, that indicate to a reasonable nerson the animal has been, or is about to
114 be fought with another animal or the owner of such animal has in custod� or possession any training
115 apnaratus, �azaphernalia or drues used to krepaze such animal to be fou�ht with another animal is
116 hereby_ declazed to be a nublic nuisance and shall be immediately seized and taken to the city's nound
117 nursuant to section 200.07.
Sec. 200.11. Cleaning up litter.
(a) The owner of any dog or any person hauing the custody or control of any dog shall be
responsible for cleannig up any feces of the animal and disposing of such feces in a sanitary manner.
121 (b) It is unlawful for any person owning, keeping or hazboring a dog to cause or permit said dog to
122 be on property, public or private, not owned or possessed by such person without having in his/her
123 immediate possession a device for the removal of feces and depository for the transmission of
124 excrement to a proper receptacle located on the property owned or possessed by such person.
125 (c) It is unlawful for any person in control of, causing or permitting any dog to be on any property,
126 public or private, not owned or possessed by such person to fail to remove feces left by such dog to a
127 properreceptacle located on property owned or possessed by such person.
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128 (d) The provisions of this secfion shall not apply to the ownership or use of any properly idenfified
129 service dog which aids persons who are totally or partially blind or deaf or have physical or sensory
130 disabilities, dogs when used in police activities by the city, or tracking dogs when used by or with the
131 permission of the city.
132 (e) Any person violating this section shall be punished by a fine of ten dollazs ($10.00) or five (5)
133 hours of public lands fecal clean-up. Any person who is found guilty of subsequent violations of this
134 secrion shall be punished by a fine of at least twenty-five dollazs ($25.00) but not more than fifly dollars
135 ($50.00).
( fl Any peace officer, animal control officer, pazk ranger, or any duly authorized assistant, or any
duly authorized agent, or any person authorized by the environmental health officer should be
responsible for issuing the tags.
Sec. 200.12. Dangerous animals.
140 (a) Attack by an animal. It sha11 be unlawful for an owner to fail to resirain an animal from inflicting
141 ar attempting to inflict bodily injury to any person or other animal whether or not the owner is present.
142 Violation of this section shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed seven hundred
143 dollazs ($700.00) or imprisonment for not to exceed ninety (90) days, or both. This secrion shall not
144 apply to an attack by a dog under the control of an on-duty law enforcement officer or to an attack upon
145 an uninvited 'mtruder who has entered the owner's home with criminal intent.
146 (b) Destruction of dangerous animals. The environmental health officer shall have the authority to
147 order the destruction of dangerous animals.
(c) Definitions.
(1) A dangerous animal is an animal which has:
a. Caused bodily injury or disfigurement to any person on public or private property; or
b. Engaged in any attack on any person under circumstances which would indicate danger to
personal safety; or
c. Eachibited unusually aggressive behauior, such as an attack on another aniival; or
d. Bitten one (1) or more persons on two (2) or more occasions; or
e. Been found to be potenrially dangerous and/or the owner has personal knowledge of the
same, the aniinal aggressively bites, attacks, or endangers the safety of humans or domestic
animals; or
f. Exhibits fresh wounds or old scarring, or is observed in a fight that indicates to a reasonable
person that the animal has been foueht or is about to be fouQht with another animal; or
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g. That the owner of such animal has in custody or possession anv trainin¢ annazatus.
�phemalia or drues used to�repare such animal to be foueht with another animal.
(2) A potentially dangerous animal is an animal which has:
a Bitten a human or a domestic animal on public or private properiy; or
b. When unprovoked, chased or approached a person upon the streets, sidewalks, or any public
property in an appazent attitude of attack; or
c. Has the lrnown history of propensity, tendency or disposirion to attack while unprovoked,
causing injury or otherwise threatening the safety of humans or domestic animals.
168 (3) Proper enclosure. Proper enclosure means securely confined indoors or in a securely locked pen
169 or structure suitable to prevent the animal from escaping and to provide protection for the animal
170 from the elements. A proper enclosure does not include a porch, patio, or any part of a house,
171 gazage, or other struchue that would allow the animal to exit of its own volition, or any house or
172 structure in which windows are open or in which door or window screens aze the only barriers
173 which prevent the animal from exiting. Such enclosure shall not allow the egress of the animal in
174 any manner without human assistance. A pen or kennel shall meet the following minimum
a. Have a minimum overall floor size of thirty-two (32) square feet.
b. Sidewalls shall have a minimum height of Five (5) feet and be constructed of 11-gauge or
heavier wire. Openings in the wire sha11 not exceed two (2) inches, support posts shall be
one-and-one-quarter-inch or lazger steel pipe buried in the ground eighteen (18) inches or
more. When a concrete floor is not provided, the sidewalls sha11 be buried a minimum of
eighteen (18) inches in the ground.
c. A cover over the entire pen or kennel shall be provided. The cover shall be constzucted of the
same gauge wire or heavier as the sidewalls and shall also have no openings in the wire
greater than two (2) inches.
d. An entrance/eJCit gate shall be provided and be constntcted of the same material as the
sidewalls and shall also bave no openings in the wire greater than two (2) inches. The gate
shall be equipped with a device capable of being locked and sha11 be locked at all times when
the animal is in the pen or kennel.
189 (4) Unprovoked. Unprovoked shall mean the condition in which the aziiinal is not purposely excited,
190 stimulated, agitated or disturbed. Anv attack on a child 14 years of a¢e or vouneer for which a
191 reasonable nerson connotes an intent to inflict bodily harm shall be considered to be
192 unprovoked unless the child is en�aged in the commission of a crime or ille� activitv.
193 (d) Designation as potentially dangerous animal. The court or environmental health officer shall
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194 designate any animal as a potenrially dangerous animal upon receiving such evidence that such
195 potenrially dangerous animal has, when unprovoked, then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
196 person or a domestic animal as stated in subpazagraph (c)(2). When an animal is declazed potentially
197 dangerous, the environmental health officer shall cause one (1) owner of the potenrially dangerous
198 animal to be norified in writing that such animal is potentially dangerous.
(e) Evidence just�ing designarion. The court or environmental health officer shall have the
authority to designate any animal as a dangerous animal upon receiving evidence of the following:
(1) That such an animal has when unprovoked, then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
person or domestic animal as stated in subparagraph (c)(1}: or
(2) That such animal has been declazed potenrially dangerous and/or the owner has personal
lmowledge of the same and such aniinal has then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
person or domestic animal as stated in subpazagraph (c)(1}; or
That such auimal has exhibited unusuallv aggressive behavior, such as an attack on another
animal: or
That such animal has caused bodily injury or disfi�urement to any person onpublic or
nrivate property; or
That such animal has bitten one (11 or more �ersons on two (21 or more occasions; or
(6) That such animal is found to be in circumstances that indicate to a reasonable person that the
animal has been. or is about to be fou¢ht with another animal and such circumstances mav be
fresh wounds, old scarring, or observation of a fieht in pro�ess: or
(7) That the owner of such animal has in custody or possession anv trainine ap azp atus•
pazaphernalia or drugs used to prepaze such animal to be fought with another animal.
218 ( fl Authority to order destruction. The court or environmental health officer, upon finding that an
219 animal is dangerous hereunder, is authorized to order, as part of the disposition of the case, that the
220 animal be destroyed based on a written order containing one (1) or more of the following findings of
221 fact:
(1) The animal is dangerous as demonstrated by a vicious attack, an unprovoked attack, an attack
without warning or multiple attacks; or
(2) The owner of the animal has demonstrated an inability or unwillingness to control the auimal in
order to prevent injury to persons or other animals.
(g) Procedure. The court or environmental health officer, after having determined that an animal is
dangerous, may proceed in the following manner:
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228 (1) The environmental health officer shall cause one (1) owner of the animal to be norified in
229 writing or in person that the animal is dangerous and may order the auimal seized or make such
230 orders as deemed proper. This owner shall be notified as to dates, times, places and parties
231 bitten, and shall be given fourteen (14) days to appeal this order by requesting a hearing before
232 the environmental health officer for a review of this determination.
a If no appeal is filed, the orders issued will stand or the environmental health officer may
orderthe animal destroyed.
b. If an owner requests a hearing for determinarion as to the dangerous nature of the animal, the
hearing shall be held before the environmental health officer, who shall set a date for hearing
not more than three (3) weeks after demand for said hearing. The records of the Office of
License, Inspections and Environmental Protection shall be admissible for considerarion by
the environmental health officer without further foundation. After considering all evidence
pertaining to the temperament of the animal, the environmental health officer shall make
such order as he/she deems proper. The environmental health officer may order that the
animal control supervisor take the animal into custody for destruction, if such animal is not
currently in custody. If the animal is ordered into custody for destruction, the owner shall
immediately make the animal available to the animal control supervisor and failure to do so
shall be a misdemeanor.
(2) Nothing in this section shall prevent the environmental health o�cer from ordering the
immediate deshuction of a rabies-suspected animal pursuant to section 200.11 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code.
(3) Any person who hazbors an animal after it has been found by the environmental health officer to
be dangerous and ordered into custody for destruction shall be guilty of a misdemeanrn.
(4) The environmental health officer may apply to the district court of Ramsey County for
subpoenas for hearings under pazagraph (1)b. above.
253 (h) Stopping an attack. If any police officer or animal control officer is wimess to an attack by an
254 animal upon a person or another animal, the officer may take whatever means the officer deems
255 appropriate to bring the attack to an end and prevent fiirther injury to the victim.
(i) Notifzcation of new address. The owner of an animal wluch has been identified as dangerous or
potentially dangerous must notify the environmental health officer in writing if the aniuial has died or is
to be relocated from its current address or given or sold to another person. The notificarion must be
given in writing at least fourteen (14) days prior to the relocarion or transfer of ownership. If the animal
has died. norification must p_iven no later than fourteen (1, days after the animals death. 'The
notificarion must include the current owner's name and address, the reloca6on address, and the name of
the new owner, if any.
263 Sec. 200.121. Dangerous animal requirements.
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264 (a) Requirements. If the court or environmental health officer does not order the destrucrion of an
265 animal that has been declazed dangerous, the court or environmental health officer shall, as an
266 alternarive, order any or all of the following, excentine for does in which case all shall be applicable
267 and which will be reviewed on an annual basis bv the auimal control officer:
(1) That the owner provide and maintain a proper enclosure for the dangerous auimal as specified in
section 200.12(c)(3);and
(2) Post the front and the reaz of the premises with clearly visible warning signs, including a
waming symbol to inform children, that there is a dangerous animal on the property as specified
in Minnesota Statute 347.51; and
(3) Provides and shows proof annually of public liability insurance naid in full in the minimum
amount of three hundred thousand ($300,000.00). If the animal is impounded, nroof of
insurance must be demonstrated prior to the animal's release; and
276 (4) If the animal is a dog and is outside the proper enclosure, the dog must be muzzled and
277 restrained by a substanrial chain or leash (not to exceed six (6) feet in length) and under the
278 physical restraint of a person s�teen-(�Gj eighteen (18� years of age or older. The muzzle must
279 be of such design as to prevent the dog from biting any person or aniinal, but will not cause
280 injury to the dog or interfere with its vision or respiration; and
(5) If the animal is a dog, it must have an easily identifiable, standardized tag identifying the dog as
dangerous affixed to the dog's collaz at a11 times as specified in Minnesota Statute 347.51; and
(6) Provides and shows proof of xxucrochip identificarion as required in secfion 200.16; and
284 (7) All animals deemed dangerous by the environmental health officer shall be registered with
285 Ramsey County within fourteen (14) days after the date the animal was so deemed and provide
286 satisfactory proof thereof to the environxnental health officer.
287 (8) If the anunal is a dog, the dog must be licensed and up to date on rabies vaccination. If the
288 animal is a cat or ferret, it must be up to daYe with rabies vaccination.
289 (b) Seizure. Auimal control shall immediately seize any dangerous animal if the owner does not
290 meet each of the above requirements within fourteen (14) days after the date norice is sent to the owner
291 that the animal is dangerous. Seizure may be appealed to district court.
292 (c) Reclaiming animals. A dangerous animal seized under subsecrion 200.121(b) may be reclaimed
293 by the owner of the animal upon payment of impounding and boarding fees, and presenting proof to
294 animal control that each of the requirements under subsection 200.121(b) is fixlfilled. An animal not
295 reclaimed under this secrion within fourteen (14) days may be disposed of as provided under secrion
296 200.12( fl, and the owner is liable to animal control for costs incurred in confining the animal.
297 (d) Subsequent offenses. If an owner of an animal has subsequently violated the provisions under
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298 secrion 200.12 with the same animal, the animal must be seized by animal control. The owner may
299 request a hearing as defined in secfion 200.12(�. If the owner is found to have violated the provisions
300 for which the animal was seized, the environmental health officer shall order the animal destroyed in a
301 proper and humane manner and the owner shall pay the costs of confiuing the animal. If the person is
302 found not to have violated the provisions for which the animal was seized, the owner may reclaim the
303 animal under the provisions of subsection 200.121(c). If the animal is not yet reclaimed by the owner
304 within fourteen (14) days after the date the owner is notified that the animal may be reclaimed, the
305 animal may be disposed of as provided under secrion 200.12(� and the owner is liable to the animal
306 control for the costs incurred in confining, impounding and disposing of the animal.
307 [e) Registration fee. An owner of an animal that has been declared daneerous shall �a,v an annual
308 registration fee of seventv five dollars ($751. If the animal has been impounded. the fee shall be paid
309 prior to the aziimal's release.
310 Sec. 200.13. Destruction of unclaimed dogs.
311 At the expiration of the time a dog is impounded as provided for in this chapter, if said dog has not
312 been reclaimed in accordance with the provisions hereof, it shall be the duty of the environmental health
313 officer to cause such dog to be killed according to the most humane and approved methods, or otherwise
314 disposed of, as directed by the environmental health officer.
315 Sec. 200.14. Dogs; disturbing the peace; enforcement.
316 It shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep, have in possession or harbor any dog which howls,
317 yelps or barks to the reasonable annoyance of another person or persons. Any person violating this
318 section, who upon first request by a peace officer, or the animal control supervisor to stop or prevent the
319 annoyance, and refuses to comply with the request, will be issued a citation or arrested in accordance
320 with the Minnesota Rules of Criminal Procedure, and, if the officer deems it necessary to stop the
321 annoyance, may have the dog taken to the city animal pound. Any dog placed in the pound may be
322 reclaimed by the owner upon payment of the fee prescribed in section 200.08, and if not reclaimed may
323 be disposed of in the manner provided in section 200.13.
324 Sec. 200.15. Ma%imum number of dogs.
325 No more than three (3) dogs of over the age of three (3) months sha11 be kept, harbored or
326 maintained within any individual dwelling unit or on any lot or other parcel of property in the city
327 without a permit. The number of dogs permitted above may be increased by obtainiug a pernut issued
328 by the environmental health officer. Such permit shall specify any restrictions, limitations, conditions or
329 prohibitions which the environmental health officer deems reasonably necessary to protect any person or
330 neighboring use from unsanitary conditions, unreasonable noise or odors, or annoyance, or to protect the
331 public health or safety. Such permit may be modified from time to rime or revoked by the
332 environmental health officer for failure to conform to such restric6ons, lunitations or prolubitions. Such
333 modificarion or revocarion shall be effective from and after ten (10) days following the mailing of
334 written notice thereof by certified mail to the person or persons keeping or maintaining such dogs.
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335 Sec. 200.16. Microchip identification required. ��,c� y�
336 The owner of a dangerous dog is required to have a microchip ivstalled or injected on the animal.
337 The microchip shall be installed in or injected under the skin of the animal by a licensed veterinarian
338 and sha11 be designed so that, when scanned by an electronic reader, it is capable of providing the
339 idenrification of the dog's owner. An appropriate fee shall be paid by the owner to the licensed
340 veterinarian for the microchip and the registrarion of the dangerous dog. The idenrificarion of the owner
341 and residence shall be maintained on file at the city pound.
342 Sec. 200.17. Collars, leashes, tie outs.
343 Collars. Collars may not exceed two (2) pounds in weight and must be made of durable material
344 strong enough to hold the dog it is intended for. Collars may not be equipped with anp type of prongs on
345 the inside of the collar that may cause injury or discomfort to the animal's neck.
346 Leashes. Leashes must not exceed six (6) feet in length and may not exceed four (4) pounds in total
347 weight.
348 Tie outs. Tie outs must be at least three (3) tixnes the length of the animal secured to it and may not
349 exceed ten (10) pounds in total weight. Tie outs must be of durable material, strong enough to hold the
350 animal it is intended for. Any animal secured with a tie out must be so in an area that would not allow
351 the animal to become tangled azound objects while allowing access to shelter and water. Tie outs must
352 be placed in such a location as to inhibit the auimal secured from reaching a public sidewalk, street or
353 alley. Also, the tie out must not allow the secured animal access to any neighboring property unless
354 written permission has been obtained from the properiy owner.
Section II.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirfy (30) days a8er its passage, approval and
5.,..bs�;�.���. -t��a���tY
Adopted by Council:
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Reqixested by Department of:
Approved by Mayor:
Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Commcil
y' �
q' °tRS
Dist�ict 7 Plannzng Council
689 North Dale Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55103-I644
651/298-5068 (office) 65I/298-5072 (fax)
October 26, 1998
Council President Dan Bostrum
St. Paui City Council
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Council President Bostrum:
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At our October 22, 1998 board of directors meeting, the District 7 Planning Council passed the foilowing
motion regarding the proposed changes to the dangerous animal ordinance for the city of St. Paul:
Motion: That the District 7 Planning Councii support changes to the Dangerous Animal Ordinance and
further we request that a�y changes be reviewed by the St. Paul Police Department to ensure that these
changes would be both enforceabie and wouid allow city officials the necessary tools to keep probiem
animats off our streets.
This position was taken by our community group because we would like to see something done to help us to
rid probiem animais, particutariy dangerous and fight trained dogs, from our neighborhoods. While we feel
that this ordinance goes along way to meet this goal, we are concerned that there is not enough enforcement
of the currerrt ordinance as it is already written. We are also concerned that our police and animal controi
departments do not have adequate statf and resousces ta both hunt down and take potentially dangerous
animals from their irresponsibie owners.
As you may know, severaV residents of the Thomas Dafe community have be seveeely injured by pit buli
attacks during the last few months. One such attack spurred our district council and our partner organization,
the Thomas Dale Block Ciub, into action this summer. Neighbors have stepped forward to say that this type
of abuse wiif no fonger be toferated. We have taken steps to make this issue a top priority so that we can feei
safe on our streets and in our back yards and not fear an attack form a dangerous animai. We respectfully
request that the City Council make the necessary changes to our laws so that our goals can be realized.
� ���
Keith Walker, Chair
District 7 Planning Council
Serving the neighborhoods of Mt. Airy, Capitol Heights,
Lower Rice Street, Frogtown and East Midway"
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October 21, 1998
Additional Revisions to Chapter 200: Animal Ordivance
Council Agenda Item #23 for Today
Attached is a revised version of the Animal Ordinance. Council Reseazch staff
haue consulted with LIEP staff and the City Attorney's Office and have come up
with some addirional changes which are technical and administrarive in nature.
These aze being introduced at today's meeting as "friendly amendments."
Additionally, we have added a provision that would establish a$75 dangerous
dog registrarion fee which would offset addifional administration expenses that
may result from the proposed ordinance changes. Finally, we have also attached
a stafFmemo from Council Research outlining all additional text changes and
noting their locarion in the ordinance.
c: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary
Phil Byrne, Assistant City Attorney
Paul McClosky, Assistant City Attomey
Gerry Strathman, Council Secretary
pnnted on recycled paper
�a a� �
City of Saint Paul
City Council Research Center
Room 310 City Hafl
Saint Paul, MN 55102
612 266-8570
DATE: October 21, 1998
TO: Councilmembers �
FROM: David Godfrey and Marcia' Moermond, Policy Analysts
RE: Summary of Additional Dangerous Dog Ordinance Revisions
Outlined below aze a number of new amendments proposed by Councilmembers Benanav and
Blakey for "Chapter 200. Animals" of the Saint Paul City Code. The ordinance had its first
reading on October 14, 1998. None of the revisions below significantly change the substance of
the ordinance that has already been introduced and are considered to be "friendly amendments"
by the authors.
Registration fee for dangerous dogs
The amendments include a provision for a annual dangerous annnal registration fee. The fee of
$75 could be used to defray the additional costs of associated increased enforcement of
dangerous animals.
Sec. 200.121 Dangerous Animal Requirements, (e) Registration Fee. Includes a$75 annual
registration fee for owners of dangerous animals. If the auimal has been impounded, the fee
must be paid prior to the animal's release from the city pound; lines 312-314.
Outline of other dangerous animal ordinance amendments introduced October 21, 1998
The remainder of the amendments address technical and administrative concerns expressed by
LIEP. The changes are found in sections of the attached draft ordinance.
■ Sec. 200.02. Licerrsed required. Reduces the proposed fine of $100 for owners of dogs who
aze unlicensed to a$50 administrative fee; lines 27-28.
Sec. 200.04. Application. Increases the minimum amount of public liability insurance
required of the dangerous dog owner $300,000 to $500,000. Revision makes wording
consistent with the revision already introduced in sea 200.121 (a) (3); lines 46-47.
■ Sec. 200.06. Running at large. Removes the words "at IeasY' before the fine amount of
d18 ��t''
$300; line 7Q.
■ Sec. 200.07. Impozendment; release. Reduces the proposed fine of $100 for owners of dogs
who are unlicensed to a$50 administrative fee. This makes language in this secrion
consistent with language found in secrion 200.02; lines 80-81.
■ Sec. 200.10. Seizure; presumption. Clarifies that any dog seized and impounded because it
demonstrates evidence of dog fighting (i.e. wounds, scarring or owner's possession training
appazatuses or drugs) will be subject to procedures for impoundment outlined in secrion
200.07; lines 112-117.
■ Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (c) Definitiorts. Applies a"reasonable person standard" to
determination of whether a dog demonstrates evidence of involvement in dog fighting; lines
■ Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animats, (c) Defznitions. Defines a dog as dangerous if dog owner
has in custody or possession any traiuing apparatus, pazaphernalia or drugs used for dog
fighting or training. The language found in this section is the same as that in Sec. 200.12.
Dangerous Animals (e) Evidence justifying designation (lines 209-210); lines 160-161.
■ Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (c) Defznitions. Clarifies that an attack is considered to be
an event in which a reasonable person connotes the animal has the intent to cause bodily
harni. Also clazifies what is meant by the word "crime;" lines 140-192.
■ Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animads, (e) Evidence justifying designation. Adds the word "or"
after lines 209 and 213. This makes cleaz that a11 seven types of evidence may be considered
by wurt or environmental health officer when designating a dog as dangerous; lines 210 and
■ Sea 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (e) Evidence justifying designation. Applies a"reasonable
person standard" to the determination of whether a dog demonstrates evidence of
involvement in dog fighting; line 212.
■ Sec.20Q.12 Dangerous Animals, (i) Notification of new address. Establishes a requirement
for owners of potenrially dangerous and dangerous animals to notify the environmental
health officer in the event of the animal's death. Notification must take place within 14 days
of the animal's death; lines 257, 259-260.
■ Sec. 200121. Dangerous Animal Requirements, (a) Requirements. Allows court or the
environxnental health officer to continue ordering any or all of requirements for dangerous
animals, other than dogs (i.e. cats, roosters and horses), specified in the City Code. The
ordinance srill mandates that all requirements stated in the City Code be applied to all
dangerous dog owners; lines 269-270.
Sec. 200.121 Dangerous Animal Requirements, (a) Requirements. Clarifies that proof of
public liability insurance needs to be demonstrated prior to the animal's release applies if
aniinal has been impounded; lines 279-280.
Other concerns egpressed by LIEP about the ordinance
LIEP staff raised the following three issues not included in the revisions:
1) LIEP believes the revisions which increase the amount of public liability insurance from
$300,000 to $SOQ,OQQ may haue adverse effects. The revisions are found in Section 200.04
and Section 200.121 (a) (3) [lines 46-47 & 277-278]. Because most Saint Paul residents do
not currently have $500,000 worth of public liability insurance', owners of dangerous
atumals will have to reapply for additional home owner's or renter's insurance. The re-
applicarion process will require dangerous dog owner to declaze the presence of the animal.
After notifying the insurance company about the animal, many owners will be denied
coverage or the will be forced to get rid of the animal. LLEP is concerned the requirement
may lead to an increase in the unnecessary destruction of dangerous animals and create an
unreasonable hardship for responsible owners of dangerous animals.
2) In 5ection 200.12 (c) (4) [lines 190-191], LIEP was seeking to reduce the age at which an
attack on a child would be considered unprovoked from age 14 as it is currently proposed to
a substantially younger age. This change was not made because it also appears to be a
legitimate policy question for the council to decide.
3) In Secrion 200.121 (a) (4) [line 281], LIEP was seeking to include language which would
require someone restraining a dangerous dog to have a certain level of physical ability. After
speaking with the City Attorney's office, we concluded that this standard would be too
subjective to enforce. Therefore, it was not incorporated into the new amendments.
Please call either of us with any questions you have on tYus or related matters (Marcia: x6-8570
or David: x6-8571).
cc: Gerty Strathman, Council Research Director
Paul McCloskey, Assistant City Attorney
chron file
�Our reseazch on public liability insurance indicates the standard amount of coverage for a homeowner
was $30Q000 and $1OQ000 for renters. For more information on the subject ofpublic liabiliry insurance see
memo entitled, "Dangerous Dog Ordinance Revisions," dated September 18, 1998.
C'dy of Saini Paul
City Council Research Center
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, MN 55102
612 266-8570
DATE: October 5, 1998
TO: Councilmembers
FROM: David Godfrey and MarEia Mo� , Policy Analysts
RE: Summary of Dangerous Dog Ordinance Revisions
Outlined below are the revisions proposed by Councilmembers Benanav and Blalcey to "Chapter
200. Animals" of the Saint Paul City Code. The changes are found in sections of the attached
draft ordinance.
■ Sec. 200. 02. Licensed required. Establish fine of $100 for owners of dogs who are
unlicensed. Note that the City Code can only suggest fine levels to the district court and that
judges have discretion over fine levels for misdemeanors; lines 27-28.
■ Sec. 200.06. Running at darge. Establish fine of at least $300 for owners of dangerous dogs
found to be running at lazge; lines 68-69.
■ Sea 200.07. Impoundment; release. Establish fine of $100 for owners of dogs who are
unlicensed; line 79.
■ Sec. 200.10. Seizzrre; presumption. Any dog found that demonstrates evidence of dog
fighting (i.e. wounds, scarring or owner's possession training apparatuses or drugs) will be
immediately declared a public nuisance and seized; lines 110-113.
■ Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (c) Defznitions. Animal wluch eachibits evidence of dog
fighting (i.e. wounds, scatring or observation of fight in progress) is defined as a dangerous
animal; lines 154-155.
■ Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (c) Defznitions. Includes in the definition of the word
`�anprovoked" a clarification that any attack on a child 14 yeazs of age or younger is
considered to be unprovoked unless the child is engaged in a crime; lines 184-185.
■ Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (e) Evidence justifying designation. Makes consistent the
chazacteristics that define a dog as dangerous in the City Code and the evidence that can be
qr -94�
used to designate a dog to be dangerous. The ordinance currently idenfifies certain
chazacteristics or activiries (i.e. the e�ibition of aggressive behavior) that define a dog as
dangerous which cannot be used as evidence to declaze a dog dangerous. T'hese
inconsistencies aze eliminated by the proposed revisions; lines 195-210.
■ Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (j) Community Notification. Requires Animal Control
Office to norify neighbors who reside within appro�mately a one block diameter of the
dangerous dog's residence in writing of the presence of the dangerous dog and the
requirements placed on the owner of the dangerous dog; lines 255-258.
■ Sec. 200.121. Dangerous Animal Requirements, (a) Requirements. Mandates all
requirements stated in code to be applied to all dangerous dog owners. 'fhis reflects the
current pracrice of the Animal Control Office; line 262.
■ Sec. 200.121. Dangerous Animal Requirements, (a) Requirements. Requires the animal
control officer to perform an annual review to ensure owners of dangerous dogs continue to
meet the requirements set forth by the court or the environmental health officer; lines 262-
■ Sec. 200.121 Dangerous Animal Requirements, (a) Requirements. Increases the minimum
amount of public liability insurance required of the owner of a dangerous dog from $300,000
to $500,000. This secrion also requires the dangerous dog owner provide_ proof the insurance
has been paid in full for a year; lines 269-271.
■ Sec. 2000.121 Dangerous Animal Requirements, (a) Requirements. Increases the age
required for a person to physically restrain a dog that has been declazed dangerous $om age
sixteen to eighteen; line 273.
ca Gerry Strathman, Council Research D'uector
Paul McCloskey, Assistant City Attorney
chron file
a � -���--
Summary of Dangerous Dogs Ordinance Revisions
1. Sec. 200.02. License reguired. Owners of unlicensed impounded dogs aze charged a$50
administrative fee; lines 27-28. This language is also found in Sec. 200.07Impoundment,
release;lines 80-81.
2. Sec. 200.06. Running at large. Establishes fine of at least $300 for owners of dangerous
dogs found to be mnning at lazge; lines 69-70.
3. Sec. 200.10. Seizure; presumption. Any dog found that demonstrates to a"reasonable
person" evidence of dog fighting (i.e. wounds, scarriug or owner's possession training
apparatuses or drugs) will be immediately declared a public nuisance, seized, and
impounded pursuant to secrion 200.07; lines 112-117.
4. Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (c) Defznitions. Animal which eachibits to a
"reasonable person" evidence of dog fighting (i.e. wounds, scarring or observation of
fight in progress) is defined as a dangerous animai; lines 158-159.
5. Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (c) Definitions. Defines a dog as dangerous if dog
owner has in custody or possession any training apparatus, paraphernalia or drugs used
for dog fighting or training. The language found in this section is the same as that in Sec.
200.12. Dangerous Animals (e) Evidence justifying designation (lines 212-214); lines
6. Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (c) Def nitions. Includes in the definition of the word
"unprovoked" a clarificarion that any attack on a child 14 years of age or younger is
considered to be unprovoked uniess the child is engaged in a crime; lines 190-192.
Sec. 200.12. Dangerous Animals, (e) Evidence justifying designation. Makes consistent
the chazacteristics that define a dog as dangerous in the City Code and the evidence that
can be used to designate a dog to be dangerous. The ordinance currently idenrifies certain
chazacteristics or activities (i.e. the exhibition of aggressive behavior) that define a dog as
dangerous which cannot be used as evidence to declare a dog dangerous. These
inconsistencies are eliminated by the proposed revisions; lines 201-217.
8. Sec. 200.121. Dangerous Animal Requirements. (a) Requirements. Mandates all
requirements stated in code to be applied to all dangerous dog owners. This reflects the
current practice of the Animal Control Office; line 266.
9. Sec. 200.121. Dangerous Animal Requirements, (a) Requirements. Requires the animal
control officer to perform an annual review to ensure owners of dangerous dogs continue
to meet the requirements set forth by the court or the environmental health officer; line
10. See. 200.121 Dangerous Animal Requirements, (a) Requirements. Requires the
dangerous dog owner provide proof the insurance has been paid in full for a year and
clarifies that proof of public liability insurance needs to be demonstrated prior to the
animal's release applies if animal has been impounded; lines 273-275.
11. Sec. 2000.121 Dangerous Animal Requirements, (a) Requirements. Increases the age
required for a person to physically restrain a dog that has been declared dangerous from
age sixteen to eighteen; line 278.
12. Sec. 200.121 Dangerous Animal Requirements, (e) Registration Fee. Includes a$75
annual registration fee for owners of dangerous animals. If the animal has been
impounded, the fee must be paid prior to the animal's release from the city pound; lines
13. Sec.200.12 Dangerous Animals, (i) Notification of new address. EstaUlishes a
requirement for owners of potentially dangerous and dangerous animals to notify the
environmental health officer in the event of the animal's death, Notification must take
place within 14 days of the animal's death; lines 257, 259-260.
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October 28, 1998
To: Councilmembers
From: Councilmember
Re: Additional Revisions to Cbapter 200: Animal Ordinance
Council Agenda Item #31 for Today
Attached is another, and hopefully the final, revised version of the Animal
Ordinance. Council Reseazch staff have consulted with LIEP staff and the City
Attozney's Office on the outstanding issues LIEP staff had on liabIlity insurance
coverage and community notification. We are introducing these changes as
friendly amendments and they aze outlined in the attached stafF memo from
Council Reseazch.
c: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary
Phil Byrne, Assistant City Attorney
Paul McClosky, Assistant City Attorney
Gerry Strathman, Council Secretary
pnntetl on recyded paper
City of Saint Paul
City Council Research Center
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, MN 551U2
612 266-8570
DATE: October 28, 1998
TO: Councilmembers ',^, �
FROM: David Godfrey�and Marc'i�M ond, Policy Analysts
RE: Additional Dangerous Dog Ordinance Revisions: Liability Insurance, Community
Notification, and License Fees
Outlined below are several new amendments proposed by Councilmembers Benanav and Blakey
for "Chapter 200. Animals" of the Saint Paul City Code. The ordinance had its first reading on
October 14, 1998. The amendments address the unresolved concerns expressed by LIEP staff. A
number of these concerns were detailed in the memo entitled "Suimnary of Additional Dog
Ordinance Revisions," dated October 21, 1998. The amendments are considered to be "friendly
amendments" by the authars.
■ Sec. 200.04. Application. Removes the increase in the minimum amount of public liability
insurance from $500,000 to $300,000. Three hundred thousand dollazs is currently the
amount of insurance required by City Code. There was concerns expressed by LIEP and
Council Reseazch that this requirement would place an undue burden on responsible pet
owners who are attempting to comply with City's requirements. Although pet owners would
have little difficulty in meeting most of dangerous dog requirements, attempting to obtain
$500,000 in public liability insurance may result in home owners and renters losing their
insurance. The requirement may force owners to euthanize their dogs despite the City
allowing them to return to the community.
■ Sec. 200.12. Dangerous animals. Removes the provision requiring community notificarion
of dangerous dogs and the requirements placed on dangerous dog owners. LIEP staff aze
concerned that notifica6on may not be necessary if it can be demonstrated that dogs that
have been declazed dangerous do not pose a substanfial public safety threat. The authors
have agreed to remove this provision to give LIEP staf'f the opportunity research this
question and to implement a community notificarion pilot project. A resolurion will be
introduced by the authors at today's meeting to direct LIEP to undertake the research and to
perforzn the pilot pro}ect.
■ Sec. 200121. Dangerous animal requirements. Removes the increase in the minimum
amount of public liability insurance from $500,000 to $30Q000. Three hundred thousand
dollars is currently the amount of insurance required by City Code. This makes language in
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this secrion consistent with language found in section 200.04.; line 274.
■ Sec. 200.02. License required. Adds word "impounded" to clarify the administrative fee
chazged to owners of unlicensed dogs applies only to dogs that aze impounded; line 27.
■ Sec. 200.07. Impoundment; release. Adds word "impounded" to clarify the administrative
fee chazged to owners of unlicensed dogs applies only to dogs that are impounded. This
makes language in this section consistent with language found in secrion 200.02; line 80.
Please call either of us with any questions you have on this or related matters (Marcia: x6-8570
or x6-8571).
cc: Gerry Strathman, Council Research Director
Paul McCloskey, City Attorney
Bob Kessler, Director of LIEP
chron file
Council File # f0 -9y 3-
Presented by
Refesed To
Green Sheet #
Section I.
Chapter 200. Animals
Sec. 200A1. Definirions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates:
Animal shall mean any individual member of any of the species of birds, fish, amphibians, repriles,
insects, arachnids, crustaceans or matmuals except homo sapiens.
Animal control supervisor shall mean the animal control supervisor of the City of Saint Paul or
Dog shall mean any male or female of any breed of domesticated dog.
Environmental health o�cer shall mean the environmental health officer or inspector of the City of
Saint Paul.
10 Owner sha11 mean the license holder or any other person or persons, firm, association or corporation
11 owning, keeping or hazboring an az�imal. Any person keeping or hazboring an animal for five (5)
12 consecutive days shall, for the purposes of this chapter, be deemed to be an owner thereof.
Running at large shall mean any animal which is not either:
(1) Effectively contained within a fenced azea on private properiy; or
(2) Effectively restrained, by chain or leash, to private property with the consent of the property
owner; or
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17 (3) Effecrively restrained by a chain or leash not exceeding siac (6) feet in length.
18 Sec. 200.02. License required.
19 No person shall own, hazbor, keep or maintain in the City of Saint Paul any dog over three (3)
20 months of age without a license. Such license shall be available for purchase at the Saint Paul Animal
21 Control Facility and at the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protecrion (LIEP).
22 Veterinarians who provide a service for dogs may also act as deputy license vendors. Procedures for the
23 issuance of such licenses shall be established by LIEP. Such establishments shall be required to inform
24 their clients that the City of Saint Paul requires that all dogs be licensed. A license is required if the dog
25 is owned, harbored, kept or maintained for three (3) consecutive days or more, except that no license
26 shall be required for dogs whose owners aze temporarily within the city, nor to dogs brought into the
27 city for the purpose of participating in any dog show. Owners of does found to be unlicensed shall be
28 charged an administrative fee of fifly dollazs ($50). Any properly identified service dog which aids
29 persons who aze totally or partially blind or deaf or have physical or sensory disabiliries shall be issued a
30 dog license at no charge upon providing proof of certification of training as a service dog.
31 Sec. 200.03. Fee.
32 The annual license fees required for each dog, whether it be male or female, spayed or unspayed
33 shall be established by ordinance as specified in secfion 310.09(b) of the Legislative Code. If the owner
34 of the dog is sixty-two (62) years of age or older, the annuallicense fee payable for each dog shall be
35 fi8y (50) percent less than the standard fee. A liferime dog license shall be available to those owners
36 who have their dog(s) tagged with a microchip. Fees for such licenses shall be established by ordinance
37 as specified in secfion 310.09 (b) of the Legislative Code. Any owner with a lifetime dog license shall
38 vaccinate the dog against rabies according to the requirements in secfion 199.02 and must be prepazed to
39 provide proof of rabies vaccinarion as identified in secrion 199.03.
40 Sec. 200.04. App6cation.
41 Applicarion for such license shall be made to the animal control supervisor. 5aid application sha11
42 require the owner, among other informarion required by the animal control supervisor, to supply the
43 name, age, breed, sex, color and mazkings, and rabies vaccination shots, if any, of each dog sought to be
44 licensed. In addition, when the owner has been convicted of a violation of secrion 200.12(a), rela6ve to
45 the dog sought to be licensed, the application shall require proof of public liability insurance in the
46 minimum amount of five hundred thousand dollars (�3AA�9A:99
47 $500.000.00).
48 Sec. 200.05. Dog tags; duplicates; records, etc.
49 Upon payment of the license fee, the animal conh supervisor shall issue to the owner a license
50 certificate and a metallic tag for each dog so licensed. The tag shall have stamped thereon the year for
51 which it was issued and the number corresponding with the number on the license certificate. Every
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52 owner of a dog required to be licensed shall be required to provide such dog with a collaz to which the
53 license tag must be affixed, and the collar with tag attached must be wom by such dog at all times. In
54 the event a dog tag is lost or destroyed, a duplicate shall be issued by the animal control supervisor upon
55 presentarion of the receipt for the license fee paid for the current yeaz and the payment of a fee as
56 specified in section 31018 of the Legislarive Code. Dog tags shall not be transferred from one (1) dog
57 to another, and no refunds shall be made on any dog license fee for any reason. T'he animal control
58 supervisor shall keep a record of all dog licenses issued, with the name and residence of the person to
59 whom issued and the number designated upon the metal tag fiunished therewith.
60 Sec. 200.06. Running at large.
61 The license holder, owner or keeper of any canine shall be responsible for the effective restraint of
62 such canine and shall not permit the canine to run at large. Any canine which is not effectively
63 contained within a fenced azea, or any canine which is on any unfenced area or lot abutting a street,
64 alley, public park, public place or upon any other private land without being effecfively restrained by
65 chain or leash from moving beyond such unfenced azea or lot, or any canine on any street, public park,
66 school grounds or public place without being effectively restrained by chain or leash not exceeding six
67 (6) feet in length, shall be deemed to be rumiing at large. A second violation of this section within one
68 (1) yeaz shall be punishable by a fine of at least fifty dollazs ($50.00), but not more than three hundred
69 dollazs ($300.00). The first violation of this secrion for a canine that has been declared to be a
70 dan�erous doe shall be a misdemeanor punishable bv a fine of three hundred dollazs ($300 001
71 Invisible (underground electric) fences may be used as a secondary restraint only, and is not an
72 acceptable replacement for a chain, leash or properly fenced in area.
73 Sec. 200.07. Impoundment; release.
74 It shall be the duTy of the environmental health officer or any of his duly authorized assistants, or
75 any peace officer, or any person duly authorized in writing by the environmental health officer, to
76 capture, seize and deliver to the environmental health officer, or the keeper of a public pound, or to any
77 suitable place to be approved by the environmental health officer, any dog found mm�ing at large within
78 the City of Saint Paul contrary to the provisions of this chapter and any dog found within the City of
79 Saint Paul unlicensed or not wearing the metal tag provided for in this chapter in violation of the
80 provisions of this chapter. Owners of dogs found to be unlicensed shall be charged an administrative fee
81 of fiftv dollars ($50�. All dogs conveyed to the dog pound shall be kept, with kind treatment and
82 sufficient food and water for their comfort, at least five (5) days after the impounding thereof, unless
83 sooner reclaimed by their owners as herein provided In case the owner of any dog shall desire to
84 reclaim him from the dog pound, such dog may be released from the dog pound upon payment by such
85 owner of the stuns reguired by section 200.08. Said payments shall be made to the animal control
86 supervisor, in return for which the owner shall receive from the animal control supervisor a receipt
87 showing that the license fee has been paid, and a regular license and tag for such dog shall be issued
88 upon presentation of such receipt to the license inspector. If the owner of the dog seized or impounded
89 under the provisions of this chapter does not resume possession of said dog by compliance with the
90 foregoing provisions within five (5) days after the seizure or impounding thereof, said owner shall
91 forfeit all right of properiy in such dog.
92 Sec. 200.08. Pound fee, etc.
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93 Any dog captured and impounded under the provisions of this chapter shall be released only on the
94 payment of a pound fee, plus an additional board chazge for each day or fracrion of a day during wluch
95 the dog is impounded. If the unpounded dog is unlicensed, in addition to the impounding and boazding
96 fee, the dog shall not be released without the payment of the prescribed license fee. The designated fees
97 under this chapter shall be established by ordinance as provided in section 310.09(b} of the Legislarive
98 Code.
99 Sec. 200.09. No interference with ofticer, etc.
100 It shall be unlawful for any person to molest or in any way interfere with any peace officer, animal
101 control supervisor, Ramsey County humane officer, park ranger, or any duly authorized assistants, or
102 with any duly authorized agent or any person authorized by the environmental health officer, while
103 engaged in performing work under the provisions of this chapter.
104 Sec. 200.10. Seizure; presumption.
105 (a) Any unlicensed dog and any dog running at lazge is hereby declazed to be a public nuisance. The
106 environmental health officer is authorized to employ, subject to the approval of the council, such
107 addirional temporary animal control officers as necessary to capture and hold such dogs and to pay
108 temporary aziiinal control officers on a fee basis.
109 (b) Any person may seize, impound or restrain any dog which he may find running at lazge in the
110 City of Saint Paul and hold such dog for the animal control supervisor or deliver such dog to the city
111 pound.
112 (cl AnY do� that is found to be in circumstances such as the dog eachibitin¢ fresh wounds or old
113 scarrinQ or is observed in a fi�ht that indicate to a reasonable person the animal has been or is about to
114 be fou¢ht with another animal or the owner of such animal has in custod�or possession anv training
115 �pazatus, pazaphernalia or drugs used to �repare such animal to be fot��it with another animal is
116 herebv declazed to be a public nuisance and shall be immediatelkseized and taken to the citv'spound
117 nursuant to section 200.07.
Sec. 200.11. Cleaning up litter.
(a) The owner of any dog or any person having the custody or control of any dog shall be
responsible for cleaning up any feces of the animal and disposing of such feces in a sanitary manner.
121 (b) It is unlawful for any person owning, keeping or harboring a dog to cause or permit said dog to
122 be on property, public or private, not owned or possessed by such person without having in his/her
123 immediate possession a device for the removal of feces and depository for the transmission of
124 excrement to a proper receptacle located on the property owned or possessed by such person.
125 (c) It is unlawful for any person in control of, causing or permitting any dog to be on any properiy,
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126 public or private, not owned or possessed by such person to fail to remove feces left by such dog to a
127 proper receptacle located on property owned or possessed by such person.
128 (d) The provisions of this section shall not apply to the ownership or use of any properly idenrified
129 service dog which aids persons who aze totally or partially blind or deaf or have physical or sensory
130 disabiliries, dogs when used in police acrivities by the city, or tracking dogs when used by or with the
131 pernussion of the city.
132 (e) Any person violating this section shall be punished by a fine of ten dollazs ($10.00) or five (5)
133 hours of public lands fecal clean-up. Any person who is found guilty of subsequent violations of this
134 secrion shall be punished by a fine of at least riventy-five dollazs ($25.00) but not more than fifty dollazs
135 ($50.00).
(fl Any peace officer, animal control officer, patk ranger, or any duly authorized assistant, or any
duly authorized agent, ar any person authorized by the environxnental health officer should be
responsible for issuing the tags.
Sec. 200.12. Dangerous animals.
140 (a) Anack by an animal. It shall be unlawful for an owner to fail to restrain an animal from inflicting
141 or attempting to inflict bodily injury to any person or other animal whether or not the owner is present.
142 Violation of this section sha11 be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed seven hundred
143 dollars ($700.00) or imprisonment for not to exceed ninety (90) days, or both. This secrion sha11 not
144 apply to an attack by a dog under the control of an on-duty law enforcement o�cer or to an attack upon
145 an uninvited intruder who has entered the owner's home with criminal intent.
146 (b) Destruction of dangerous animals. The environmental health officer shall have the authority to
147 order the destrucfion of dangerous animals.
(c) Deftnitions.
(1) A dangerous animal is an animal which has:
a. Caused bodily injury or disfigurement to any person on public or private property; or
b. Engaged in any attack on any person under circumstances wlrich would indicate danger to
personal safety; or
c. E�ibited unusually aggressive behavior, such as an attack on another animal; or
d. Bitten one (1) or more persons on two (2) or more occasions; or
e. Been found to be potentially dangerous and/or the owner has personal knowledge of the
same, the animal aggressively bites, attacks, or endangers the safety of humans or domesric
animals; or
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f. Ezchibits fresh wounds or old scarrin¢, or is observed in a fight that indicates to a reasonable
person that the animal has been fou�ht or is about to be foug,ht with another animal• or
g. That the owner of such animal has in custodv or nossession any training appazatus
paranhernalia or drngs used to prepaze such animal to be foug_ht with another animal
(2) A potentially dangerous animal is an animal which has:
a Bitten a human or a domestic animal on public or private properiy; or
b. When unprovoked, chased or approached a person upon the streets, sidewalks, or any public
properiy in an appazent attitude of attack; or
a Has the known history of propensity, tendency or disposition to attack while unprovoked,
causing injury or otherwise threatening the safety of humans or domestic animals.
(3) Proper enclosure. Proger enclosure means securely confined indoors or in a securely locked pen
or structure suitable to prevent the animal from escaping and to provide protection for the animal
from the elements. A proper enclosure does not include a porch, pario, or any part of a house,
gazage, or other structure that would allow the animal to exit of its own volirion, or any house or
structure in which windows are open or in which door or window screens aze the only barriers
which prevent the animal from exiting. Such enclosure shall not allow the egress of the animal in
any manner without human assistance. A pen or kennel shall meet the following minimum
a. Have a minimum overall floor size of thirry-two (32) square feet.
b. Sidewalls shall have a minimum height of five (5) feet and be conshucted of 11-gauge or
heavier wire. Openings in the wire shall not exceed two (2) inches, support posts shail be
one-and-one-quarter-inch or larger steel pipe buried in the ground eighteen (18) inches or
more. When a concrete floor is not provided, the sidewalls shall be buried a minimum of
eighteen (18)inchesin the ground.
c. A cover over the entire pen or kennel shall be provided. Ttte cover shall be constructed of the
same gauge wire or heavier as the sidewalls and shall also have no openings in the wire
greater than two (2) inches.
d. An entrance/exit gate shall be provided and be constructed of the same material as the
sidewalls and shall also have no openings in the wire greater than rivo (2) inches. The gate
shall be equipped with a device capable of being locked and shall be locked at all rimes when
the animal is in the pen or kennel.
(4) Unprovoked. Unprovoked shall mean the condition in which the animal is not purposely excited,
stimulated, agitated or disturbed. Any attack on a child 14 years of ase or youneer for which a
reasonable person connotes an intent to inflict bodily harm shall be considered to be
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(e) Evidence justifying designation. The court or environmental health officer shall have the
authority to designate any animal as a dangerous animal upon receiving evidence of the following:
193 (d) Designation as potentially dangerous animal. The court or environmental health officer sha11 .
194 designate any animal as a potenrially dangerous animal upon receiving such evidence that such
195 potentially dangerous animal has, when unprovoked, then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
196 person or a domestic animal as stated in subpazagraph (c)(2). When an animal is declazed potentially
197 dangerous, the environmental health officer shall cause one (1) owner of the potentially dangerous
198 animal to be norified in writing that such animal is potenrially dangerous.
(1) That such an animal has when unprovoked, then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
person or domesfic animal as stated in subparagraph (c)(1}; or
(2) That such animal has been declazed potenrially dangerous and/or the owner has ersonal
knowled¢e of the same and such animal has then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
person or domestic animal as stated in subpazagraph (c)(1}: or
unnrovoked unless the child is e�ged in the commission of a crime or illeeal activit�
That such animal has exhibited unusuallv agt�ressive behavior such as an attack on another
animal: or
That such animal has caused bodily inj or disfi ement to any nerson on�ublic or
private �ro ep rtv; or
That such animal has bitten one ill ar more persons on two (2) or more occasions• or
(6) That such animal is found to be in circumstances that indicate to a reasonable nerson that the
animal has been, or is about to be fou�ht with another animal and such circumstances mav be
fresh wounds, old scazrine, or observation of a fig�it in proeress or
(7) That the owner of such animal has in custody or nossession an�trainin�apparatus
paranhernalia or dru¢s used to prepaze such auimal to be fought with another animal
218 ( fl Authority to order desmsction. The court or environmental health officer, upon finding that an
219 animal is dangerous hereunder, is authorized to order, as part of the disposirion of the case, that the
220 animal be destroyed based on a written order containing one (1) or more of the following findings of
221 fact:
(1) The animal is dangerous as demonstrated by a vicious attack, an unprovoked attack, an attack
without warning or multiple attacks; or
(2) The owner of the animal has demonstrated an inability or unwillingness to control the animal in
order to prevent injury to persons or other animals.
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(g) Procedure. T'he court or environmental health officer, after having determined that an animal is
dangerous, may proceed in the following manner:
228 (1) The environmental health officer shall cause one (1) owner of the animal to be notified in
229 writing or in person that the animal is dangerous and may order the animal seized or make such
230 orders as deemed proper. This owner shall be norified as to dates, times, places and parties
231 bitten, and shall be given fourteen (14) days to appeal this order by requesting a hearing before
232 the environmental health officer for a review of this determinarion.
a. If no appeal is filed, the orders issued will stand or the environmental health o�cer may
order the animal destroyed.
b. If an owner requests a hearing for deternunarion as to the dangerous nature of the animal, the
hearing shall be held before the environmental health officer, who sha11 set a date far hearing
not more than three (3) weeks after demand for said hearing. The records of the Office of
License, Inspections and Environmental Protection shall be adtnissible for consideration by
the environmental health officer without further foundation. After considering all evidence
pertaining to the temperament of the animal, the environmental health officer shall make
such order as he/she deems proper. The environmental health officer may order that the
animal control supervisor take the animal into custody for destrucrion, if such animal is not
currently in custody. If the animal is ordered into custody for destruction, the owner shall
immediately make the animal available to the animal control supervisor and failure to do so
shall be a misdemeanor.
246 (2) Nothing in this section shall prevent the environmental health officer from ordering the
247 immediate deshucrion of a rabies-suspected animal pursuant to secrion 200.11 of the Saint Paul
248 Legislative Code.
249 (3) Any person who harbors an anunal after it has been found by the environmental health officer to
250 be dangerous and ordered into custody for destruction shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
251 (4) The environmental health officer may apply to the district court of Ramsey County for
252 subpoenas for hearings under pazagraph (1)b. above.
253 (h) Stopping an attack. If any police officer or animal control officer is witness to an attack by an
254 animal upon a person or another animal, the officer may take whatever means the officer deems
255 appropriate to bring the attack to an end and prevent further injury to the victim.
(i) Notification of new address. The owner of an animal which has been idenfified as dangerous or
potentially dangerous must norify the environxnental health officer in writing if the animal has died or is
to be relocated from its current address or given or sold to another person. The notification must be
given in writing at least fourteen (14) days prior to the relocation or transfer of ownership. ff the animal
has died, notification must piven no later than fourteen ! 14) davs after the animals death The
notification must include the current owner's name and address, the relocation address, and the name of
the new owner, if any.
� t �
263 (jl Communitv Noti�icarion. The environmental health officer shall norifv in writin� all owners and
264 occupants who own or reside within three hundred fiftv (3501 feet of the residence of the dangerous dog
265 of the presence of the do¢ and the rec�u'uements ulaced on the daneerous do� owner. T`he notice shall be
266 sent bv 1�` class mail.
267 Sec. 200.121. Dangerous animal requirements.
268 (a) Requirements. If the court or environmental health officer does not order the destruction of an
269 animal that has been declared dangerous, the court or environmental health officer shall, as an
270 alternarive, order any or all of the following, exceptinQ for does, in which case all shall be applicable
271 and which will be reviewed on an annual basis bv the animal control officer:
(1) That the owner provide and maintain a proper enclosure for the dangerous animal as specified in
secrion 200.12(c)(3); and
(2) Post the front and the rear of the premises with cleazly visible warning signs, including a
warning symbol to inform children, that there is a dangerous animal on the property as specified
in Minnesota Statute 347.51; and
(3) Provides and shows proof annually of public liability insurance naid in full in the minimum
amount of five hundred thousand dollars (�3A8 $500,000.00). If
the animal is impounded, nroof of insurance must be demonstratedprior to the animal's release;
281 (4) If the aziimal is a dog and is outside the proper enclosure, the dog must be muzzled and
282 restrained by a substantial chain or leash (not to exceed six (6) feet in length) and under the
283 physical restraint of a person si�Neetr (�Hj eiehteen (182 yeazs of age or older. The muzzle must
284 be of such design as to prevent the dog from biting any person or animal, but will not cause
285 injury to the dog or interfere with its vision or respiration; and
(5) If the animal is a dog, it must have an easily identifiable, standardized tag identifying the dog as
dangerous affixed to the dog's collar at all times as specified in Minnesota Statute 347.51; and
(6) Provides and shows proof of microchip idenrificarion as required in section 200.16; and
289 (7) All animals deemed dangerous by the environmental health officer shall be registered with
290 Ramsey County within fourteen (14) days after the date the animal was so deemed and provide
291 satisfactory proof thereof to the environmental health officer.
292 (8) If the animal is a dog, the dog must be licensed and up to date on rabies vaccination. If the
293 animal is a cat or ferret, it must be up to date with rabies vaccination.
294 (b) Seizure. Animal control shall immediately seize any dangerous animal if the owner does not
295 meet each of the above requirements within fourteen (14) days after the date notice is sent to the owner
296 that the animal is dangerous. Seizure may be appealed to district court.
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297 (c) Reclaiming animals. A dangerous animal seized under subsection 200.121(b) may be reclaimed
298 by the owner of the animal upon payment of impounding and boarding fees, and presenting proof to
299 animal control that each of the requirements under subsection 200.121(b) is fulfilled. An animal not
300 reclaimed under this secrion withixt fourteen (14) days may be disposed of as provided under section
301 200.12(�, and the owner is liable to animal control for costs incurred in confining the animal.
(d) Subsequent offerrses. If an owner of an animal has subsequently violated the provisions under
section 200.12 with the same animal, the aziimal must be seized by animal control. The owner may
request a hearing as defined in section 200.12(�. If the owner is found to have violated the provisions
for which the animal was seized, the environmental health officer shall order the animal destroyed in a
proper and humane manner and the owner shall pay the costs of confining the animal. If the person is
found not to have violated the provisions for which the animal was seized, the owner may reclaim the
animal under the provisions of subsection 200.121(c). If the aniinal is not yet reclaimed by the owner
within fourteen (14) days after the date the owner is norified that the animal may be reclaimed, the
animal may be disposed of as provided under section 200.12( fl and the owner is liable to the animal
control for the costs incurred in confming, impounding and disposing of the animal.
312 (el ReQistration fee. An owner of an animal that has been declazed dangerous shall �ay an annual
313 reeistration fee of seventy five dollars ($751. If the animal has been impounded the fee shall be paid
314 prior to the animal's release.
315 Sec. 200.13. Destruction of unclaimed dogs.
316 At the expiration of the time a dog is impounded as provided for in this chapter, if said dog has not
317 been reclaimed in accorc}ance with the provisions hereof, it shall be the duty of the environmental health
318 officer to cause such dog to be killed according to the most humane and approved methods, or otherwise
319 disposed of, as directed by the environmental health officer.
320 Sec. 200.14. Dogs; disturbing the peace; enforcement.
321 It shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep, have in possession or harbor any dog which howls,
322 yelps or barks to the reasonable annoyance of another person or persons. Any person violating this
323 section, who upon first request by a peace officer, or the animal control supervisor to stop or prevent the
324 annoyance, and refuses to comply with the request, wi31 be issued a citation or arrested in accordance
325 with the Mivuesota Rules of Crixninal Procedure, and, if the officer deems it necessary to stop the
326 annoyance, may have the dog taken to the city animal pound. Any dog placed in the pound may be
327 reclaimed by the owner upon payment of the fee prescribed in secrion 200.08, and if not reclaimed may
328 be disposed of in the manner provided in secrion 200.13.
329 Sec. 200.15. Maicimum number of dogs.
330 No more than three (3) dogs of over the age of three (3) months shall be kept, hazbored or
331 maintained within any individual dwelling unit or on any lot or other pazcel of property in the city
332 without a permit. The number of dogs permitted above may be increased by obtaining a permit issued
333 by the environmental health officer. Such permit shall specify any restrictions, limitations, conditions or
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334 prohibitions which the environmental health officer deems reasonably necessary to protect any person or
335 neighboring use from �mcan;tary condirions, unreasonable noise or odors, or annoyance, or to protect the
336 public health or safety. Such permit may be modified from rime to time or revoked by the
337 environmental health officer for failure to conform to such restrictions, limitarions or prohibirions. Such
338 modificarion or revocation shall be effective from and after ten (10) days following the mailing of
339 written notice thereof by certified mail to the person or persons keeping or maintaining such dogs.
340 Sea 200.16. Microchip idenrificarion required.
341 The owner of a dangerous dog is required to have a microchip installed or injected on the animal.
342 The microchip shall be installed in or injected under the skin of the animal by a licensed veterinarian
343 and shall be designed so that, when scanned by an electronic reader, it is capable of providing the
344 identification of the dog's owner. An appropriate fee shall be paid by the owner to the licensed
345 veterinarian for the microchip and the registration of the dangerous dog. The identificarion of the owner
346 and residence shall be maintained on file at the city pound.
347 Sec. 200.17. Collars, leashes, tie outs.
348 Collars. Collars may not exceed two (2) pounds in weight and must be made of durable material
349 strong enough to hold the dog it is intended for. Collars may not be equipped with any type of prongs on
350 the inside of the collar that may cause injury or discomfort to the animal's neck.
351 Leashes. Leashes must not exceed six (6) feet in length and may not exceed four (4) pounds in total
352 weight.
353 Tie outs. Tie outs must be at least three (3) times the length of the animal secured to it and may not
354 exceed ten (10) pounds in total weight. Tie outs must be of durable material, strong enough to hold the
355 animal it is intended for. Any animal secured with a tie out must be so in an area that would not a11ow
356 the animal to become tangled azound objects while allowing access to shelter and water. Tie outs must
357 be placed in such a location as to inhibit the animal secured from reaching a public sidewalk, street or
358 alley. Also, the fie out must not allow the secured animal access to any neighboring property unless
359 written pernussion has been obtained from the properiy owner.
Section II.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and
� �, (a�� �� �,,��
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Approved by Mayor:
Requested by Department of:
Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
(3) Effectively restrained by a chain or leash not exceeding six (6) feet in length.
Sec. 200.02. License required.
19 No person shall own, harbor, keep or maintain in the City of Saint Paul any dog
20 months of age without a license. Such license shall be available for purchase at the f
21 Control Facility and at the Office of License, Inspecrions and Environmental Prot�
�three (3)
Paul Animal
Veterinarians who provide a service for dogs may also act as deputy license ve ors. Procedures for the
issuance of such licenses sha11 be established by LIEP. Such establishments all be required to inform
their clients that the City of Saint Paul requires that all dogs be licensed. license is required if the dog
is owned, harbored, kept or maintained for thtee (3) consecutive days more, except that no license
shall be required for dogs whose owners are temporarily within the ty, nor to dogs brought into the
city for the purpose of participating in any dog show. Owners of o s found to be unlicensed shall be
fined $100. Any properly identified service dog which aids pe ons who are totally or partially blind or
deaf or have physical or sensory disabilities shall be issued dog license at no chazge upon providing
proof of certification of training as a service dog.
Sec. 200.03. Fee.
32 The annual license fees required for each do , whether it be male or female, spayed or unspayed
33 sha11 be established by ordinance as specified � section 310.09(b) of the Legislative Code. If the owner
34 of the dog is sizty-two (62) yeazs of age or der, the annual license fee payable for each dog sha11 be
35 fifty (50) percent less than the standard fe . A lifetime dog license shall be available to those owners
36 who have their dog(s) tagged with a mi ochip. Fees for such licenses shall be established by ordinance
37 as specified in secrion 310.09 (b) of Legislative Code. Any owner with a lifetime dog license shall
vaccinafe the dog against rabies
provide proof of rabies vaccinal
Sec. 200.04. Application.
Applicadon for such
to the requirements in section 199.02 and must be prepazed to
as identified in secfion 199.03.
shall be made to the animal control supervisor. Said application shall
42 require the owner, amo g other information required by the animal control supervisor, to supply the
43 name, age, breed, se color and markings, and rabies vaccinarion shots, if any, of each dog sought to be
44 licensed. In additio , when the owner has been convicted of a violarion of secrion 200.12(a), relarive to
45 the dog sought to e licensed, the applicarion shall require proof of public liability insurance in the
46 minimum amo t of three hundred thousand dollazs ($300,000.00).
47 Sec.
tags; duplicates; records, etc.
�n payment of the license fee, the animal control supervisor shall issue to the owner a license
;ate and a metallic tag for each dog so licensed. The tag shall have stamped thereon the year for
it was issued and the number corresponding with the nuxnber on the license certificate. Every
of a dog required to be licensed shall be required to provide such dog with a collaz to which the
license tag must be affixed, and the collar with tag attached must be worn by such dog at all time
the event a dog tag is lost or destroyed, a duplicate shall be issued by the animal control supe sor upon
presentation of the receipt for the license fee paid for the current yeaz and the payment of fee as
specified in secrion 310.18 of the Legislative Code. Dog tags shall not be transferred m one (1) dog
to another, and no refunds shall be made on any dog license fee for any reason.
supervisor shall keep a record of all dog licenses issued, with the name and resi
whom issued and the number designated upon the metal tag fiirnished therew�
Sec. 200.06. Running at large.
nimal control
of the person to
The license holder, owner or keeper of any canine shall be resp nsible for the effective restraint of
such canine and sha11 not permit the canine to run at lazge. Any c� e which is not effectively
contained within a fenced area, or any canine which is on any enced azea or lot abutting a street,
alley, public pazk, public place or upon any other private lan without being effectively restrained by
chain or leash from moving beyond such unfenced area or t, or any canine on any street, public park,
school grounds or public place without being effectively strained by chain or leash not exceeding siz
(6) feet in length, shall be deemed to be running at larg . A second violarion of this section within one
(1) yeaz shall be punishable by a fine of at least fifry llazs ($50.00), but not more than three hundred
dollars ($300.00). The first violation of this sectio or a canine that has been declazed to be a
Invisible (underground electric) fences may be
acceptable replacement for a chain, leash or pn
Sec. 200.07. Impoundment; release.
It sha11 be the duty of the
any peace officer, or any person duly
capture, seize and deliver to the end
suitable place to be approved by th
the City of Saint Pau1 contraiy to e
Saint Paul unlicensed or not we 'n�
as a secondary restraint only, and is not an
� fenced in azea.
me ta1 health officer or any of his duly authorized assistants, or
thorized in writing by the environmental health officer, to
nmental health officer, or the keeper of a public pound, or to any
environmental health officer, any dog found running at large withixi
provisions of this chapter and any dog found within the City of
the metal tag provided for in this chapter in violafion of the
provisions of this chapter. O'ers of do s found to be unlicensed shall be fined 100. All dogs
conveyed to the dog pound s all be kept, with kind treatment and sufficient food and water for their
comfort, at least five (5) da s after the impounding thereof, unless sooner reclaimed by their owners as
herein provided. In case e owner of any dog sha11 desue to reclaun him from the dog pound, such dog
may be released from dog pound upon payment by such owner of the sums required by section
200.08. Said payment shall be made to the animal control supervisor, in return for which the owner
shall receive from animal control supervisor a receipt showing that the license fee has been paid, and
a regulaz ficense d tag for such dog shall be issued upon presentation of such receipt to the license
inspector. If the wner of the dog seized or impounded under the provisions of this chapter does not
resume po:
the seizure
�1on of said dog by compliance with the foregoing provisions within five (5) days after
impounding thereof, said owner shall forfeit all right of property in such dog.
90 Sec. 7,8"0.08. Pound fee, etc.
91 Any dog captured and impounded under the provisions of this chapter shall be zeleased o y on the
92 payment of a pound fee, plus an additional boazd chazge for each day or fracrion of a day � g which
93 the dog is impounded if the impounded dog is unlicensed, in addirion to the impoundi and boazding
94 fee, the dog shall not be released without the payment of the prescribed license fee. e designated fees
95 under this chapter shall be established by ordinance as provided in section 310.04 of the Legislative
96 Code.
97 Sec. 200.09. No interfereoce with of£cer, etc.
98 It shall be unlawful for any person to molest or in any way interfere 'th any peace officer, animal
99 control supervisor, Ramsey County humane officer, park ranger, or duly authorized assistants, or
100 with any duly authorized agent or any person authorized by the en � onmental healttt officer, while
101 engaged in performing work under the provisions of this chapter.
102 Sec. 200.10. Seizure; presumption.
103 (a) Any unlicensed dog and any dog running at large 's hereby declared to be a public nuisance. The
104 environmental health officer is authorized to employ, s ject to the approval of the council, such
105 additional temporary animal control officers as nece to capture and hold such dogs and to pay
106 temporary aniinal control officers on a fee basis.
107 (b) Any person may seize, unpound or r�
108 City of Saint Paul and hold such dog for the
109 pound.
any dog which he may fmd running at lazge in the
1 control supervisor or deliver such dog to the city
114 Sec. 200.11. Cleaning up litter.
115 (a) The owner of any dog any person having the custody or control of any dog shall be
116 responsible for cleaning up feces of the animal and disposing of such feces in a sanitary manner.
117 (b) It is unlawful for y person owning, keeping or harboring a dog to cause or permit said dog to
118 be on property, public or rivate, not owned or possessed by such person without having in his/her
119 immediate possession a evice for the removal of feces and depository for the transmission of
120 excrement to a proper eceptacle located on the property owned or possessed by such person.
121 (c) It is unla for any person in control of, causing or permitting any dog to be on any property,
122 public or private, ot owned or possessed by such person to fail to remove feces left by such dog to a
123 proper recepta e located on property owned or possessed by such person.
124 (d} Th�provisions of this secrion shall not apply to the ownership or use of any properly identified
125 service dog which aids persons who aze totally or partially blind or deaf or have physical or sensory
126 disabiliries, dogs when used in police activities by the city, or tracking dogs when used by or with the
127 pemussion of the city.
128 (e) Any person violating this secrion shall be punished by a fine of ten dollazs ($10.00) or e(5)
129 hours of public lands fecal clean-up. Any person who is found guilty of subsequent violatio of this
130 section shall be punished by a fine of at least twenty-five dollazs ($25.00) but not more fifty dollazs
131 ($50.00).
( fl Any peace officer, animal control officer, park ranger, or any duly au
duly authorized agent, or any person authorized by the environmental health
responsible for issuing the tags. �
Sec. 200.12. Daugerous aaimals.
I assistant, or any
should be
(a) Attack by an animal. It shall be unlawful for an owner to f to restrain an animal from inflicting
or attempting to inflict bodily injury to any person or other ani whether or not the owner is present.
Violation of this secfion shall be a misdemeanor punishable b a fine not to exceed seven hundred
dollars ($700.00) or imprisonment for not to exceed ninety 0) days, or both. This section shall not
apply to an attack by a dog under the control of an on-du law enforcement officer or to an attack upon
an uninvited intruder who has entered the owner's hom 'th criminal intent.
(b) Destruction of dangerous animals. The
order the deshuction of dangerous animals.
(c) Defanitions.
(1) A dangerous animal is an animal
a. Caused bodily injury or
b. Engaged in any ati
personal safety; or
c. E�ibited unusuakl
d. Bitten one (1
e. Been foun t
same, th ani
animal , or
f. E ibits fres
health officer sha11 have the authority to
to any person on public or private property; or
any person under circumstances which would indicate danger to
aggressive behavior, such as an attack on another animal; or
more persons on two (2) or more occasions; or
be potenrially dangerous and/or the owner has personal lmowledge of the
ia1 aggressively bites, attacks, or endangers the safety of humans or domestic
(2) A potentially dangerous animal is an animal which has:
a Bitten a human or a domestic animal on public or private propeyEy; or
158 b. When unprovoked, chased or approached a person upon th streets, sidewalks, or any public
159 property in an apparent attitude of attack; or
160 c. Has the lrnown history of propensity, tendency or di osirion to attack while unprovoked,
161 causing injury or otherwise tt�reatening the safety o humans or domestic auimals.
162 (3) Proper enclosure. Proper enclosure means securely confined indoors or in a securely locked pen
163 or structure suitable to prevent the animal from e aping and to provide protecrion for the axiimal
164 from the elements. A proper enclosure does
165 garage, or other shucture that would allow t
166 shucture in which windows aze open or in v
167 which prevent the animal from exiting. Su�l
168 any manner without human assistance. t�lpe
169 specifications: �
�o clude a porch, pario, or any part of a house,
animal to exit of its own volition, or any house or
rich door or window screens aze the only barriers
enclosure shall not a11ow the egress of the uiimal in
or kennel shall meet the following minimum
170 a. Have a minimum overall floor s� of thirty-two (32) square feet.
171 b. Sidewalls shall have a mini height of five (5) feet and be constructed of 11-gauge or
172 heauier wire. Openings in e wire shall not exceed two (2) inches, support posts shall be
173 one-and-one-quarter-inch r larger steel pipe buried in the ground eighteen (18) inches or
174 more. When a concrete oor is not provided, the sidewalls shall be buried a minimum of
175 eighteen (18) inches in e ground.
176 c. A cover over the
177 same gauge wire
178 greater than two
{re pen or kennel shall be provided. The cover shall be constructed of the
heavier as the sidewalls and shall also have no openings in the wire
d. An entrance/e t gate shall be provided and be consiructed of the same material as the
sidewalls an shall also have no openings in the wire greater than two (2) inches. The gate
sha11 be eq pped with a device capable of being locked and shall be locked at a11 times when
the anima�/is in the pen or kennel.
183 (4) Unprovoke . Unprovoked shall mean the condition in which the animal is not purposely excited,
184 stimulate agitated or disturbed. Any attack on a child 14 years of age or youneer shall be
185 consid d to be un rovoked unless the child is en a ed in a crime.
186 (d) Desi ation as potentially dangerous animal. The court or environmental health officer shall
187 designate y animal as a potentially dangerous animal upon receiving such evidence that such
188 potentiall dangerous animal has, when unprovoked, then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a
189 person a domestic animal as stated in subpazagraph (c)(2). When an animal is declared potentially
190 dang ous, the environmental health officer shall cause one (1) owner of the potentially dangerous
animal to be notified in writing that such animal is potentially dangerous.
(e) Evidence justifying designation. The court or environmental health officer shall ave the
authority to designate any animal as a dangerous aniinal upon receiving evidence of e following:
194 (1) That such an animal has -when unprovoked, then- bitten, attacked, or thr atened the safety of a
195 person or domestic animal as stated in subpazagraph (c)(1}: or
196 (2) That such animal has been declazed potenrially dangerous and/or e owner has ersonal
197 laiowledee of the same and such animal has then bitten, attacke or threatened the safety of a
198 person or domestic animal as stated in subpazagraph (c)(1}• o
199 (3)
201 (4)
203 (5)
205 (6)
209 (7)
animal• or
private �ronertv; or
211 ( fl Authority to order destruction. e court or environmental health officer, upon finding that an
212 animal is dangerous hereunder, is au orized to order, as part of the disposirion of the case, that the
213 animal be destroyed based on a ' en order containing one (1) or more of the following findings of
214 fact:
215 (1) The aniinal is dangero as demonstrated by a vicious attack, an unprovoked attack, an attack
216 without warning or ultiple attacks; or
217 (2) The owner of th animal has demonstrated an inability or unwillingness to control the aniinal in
218 order to preve injury to persons or other animals.
219 (g) Procedure. �he court or environmental health officer, after having determined that an animal is
220 dangerous, may pt�oceed in the following manner:
(1) The e ironmental health o�cer shall cause one (1) owner of the animal to be notified in
wri ' g or in person that the animal is dangerous and may order the animal seized or make such
or ers as deemed proper. This owner shall be notified as to dates, rimes, places and parties
itten, and shall be given fourteen (14) days to appeal this order by requesting a hearing before
a �. '9 " ' "
the environmental health officer for a review of this determination.
a If no appeal is filed, the orders issued will stand or the environmental h th officer may
order the animal destroyed
b. If an owner requests a hearing for determinafion as to the danger nature of the animal, the
hearing shall be held before the environmental health officer, o shall set a date for hearing
not more than three (3) weeks after demand for said hearing. e records of the Office of
License, Inspecrions and Environmental Protection shall b admissible for considerarion by
the environmental health officer without further foundati After considering all evidence
pe�ra;n;ng to the temperament of the animal, the i
such order as he/she deems proper. The environff
animal control supervisor take the animal into cu�
currently in custody. If the animal is ordered into
immediately make the anixnal available to the any
shall be a misdemeanor. �
(2) Nothing in this secfion sha11 prevent the env
immediate destruction of a rabies-suspected
Legislative Code.
ro ental health officer shall make
health officer may order that the
y for destrucrion, if such animal is not
tody for destruction, the owner shall
control supervisor and failure to do so
xtal health officer from ardering the
pursuant to section 200.11 of the Saint Paul
(3) Any person who hazbors an animal after " has been found by the environxnental health officer to
be dangerous and ordered into custody or destnxction shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
244 (4) The environmental health officer m apply to the district court of Ramsey County for
245 subpoenas for hearings under paz aph (1)b. above.
246 (h) Stopping an attack If any poli e offic@r or animal control officer is witness to an attack by an
247 animal upon a person or another ani a1, the officer may take whatever means the officer deems
248 appropriate to bring the attack to end and prevent further injury to the victim.
(i) Notification of new �
potentially dangerous must
relocated from its current a
writing at least fourteen ( �
include the current own 's
�ddr s. The owner of an animal which has been identified as dangerous or
n'fy the environmental health officer in writing if the anunal is to be
dress or given or sold to another person. The nofification must be given in
4) days prior to the relocafion or transfer of ownership. The norificafion must
name and address, the relocarion address, and the name of the new owner, if
259 Sec. 20(yl. 21. Dangerous animal requirements.
a �„ q � ' "
260 (a) Requirements. If the court or environmental health officer does not order the dest
261 animal that has been declazed dangerous, the court or environmental health officer shall,
262 alternative, order any-e� all of the following which will be reviewed on an annual basis
263 control officer:
(1) That the owner provide and maintain a proper enclosure for the
section 200.12(c)(3); and
(2) Post the front and the reaz of the premises with clearly visible
wazning symbol to inform children, that there is a dangerous :
in Minnesota Statute 347.51; and
of an
auimal as specified in
ig signs, including a
on the property as specified
269 (3) Provides and shows proof annually of public liability insur ce paid in full in the minimum
270 axnount of five hundred thousand ollazs (5308,�88:98 $500,000.00).
271 Proof of insurance must be demonstrated rior to the do 's release; and
272 (4) If the animal is a dog and is outside the proper enclo e, the dog must be muzzled and
273 restrained by a substantial chain or leash (not to ex ed six (6) feet in length) and under the
274 physical restraint of a person si�c�een-(-l�Fij ei tee 18 yeazs of age or older. The muzzle must
275 be of such design as to prevent the dog from bi ' g any person or animal, but will not cause
276 injury to the dog or interfere with its vision or espiration; and
277 (5) If the animal is a dog, it must have an easil idenrifiable, standardized tag idenrifying the dog as
278 dangerous affixed to the dog's collar at al times as specified in Minnesota Statute 347.51; and
279 (6) Provides and shows proof of microc ' identification as required in secrion 200.16; and
280 (7) All animals deemed dangerous by e environmental health officer shall be registered with
281 Ramsey County within fourteen 14) days after the date the animal was so deemed and provide
282 satisfactory proof thereof to t environmental health officer.
283 (8) If the animal is a dog, the g must be licensed and up to date on rabies vaccinarion. If the
284 animal is a cat or ferret, ' must be up to date with rabies vaccinarion.
285 (b) Seizure. Animal con 1 shall immediately seize any dangerous animal if the owner does not
286 meet each of the above re ements within fourteen (14) days after the date norice is sent to the owner
287 that the animal is danger . Seizure may be appealed to district court.
(c) Reclaiming
by the owner of the�nimal upon payment of impounding and boazding fees, and presenting proof to
animal control thaiteach of the requirements under subsecrion 200.121(b) is fixlfilled. An animal not
� s section within fourteen (14) days may be disposed of as provided under section
owner is liable to animal control for costs incurred in confining the animal.
reclaimed under
2Q012(�, and e
A dangerous animal seized under subsection 200.121(b) may be reclaimed
293 (d) Sul�equent offenses. If an owner of an animal has subsequently violated the provisions under
ar �q`��
section 200.12 with the same aziimal, the animal must be seized by animal control. The owner may
request a hearing as defined in secrion 20012( fl. If the owner is found to have violated the provisions
for which the animal was seized, the environtnental health officer shall order the animal destr e in a
proper and humane manner and the owner shall pay the costs of confining the animal. If person is
found not to have violated the provisions for wtrich the animal was seized, the owner y reclaim the
animai under the provisions of subsection 200.121(c). If the animal is not yet reclai d by the owner
within fourteen (14) days after the date the owner is norified that the animal may e reclaimed, the
animal may be disposed of as provided under section 200.12( fl and the owner � liable to the animal
control for the costs incurred in confining, impounding and disposing of the ' al.
Sec. 200.13. Destruction of unclaimed dogs.
304 At the expiration of the time a dog is impounded as provided fo in this chapter, if said dog has not
305 been reclaimed in accordance with the provisions hereof, it shall e the duty of the environmental health
306 officer to cause such dog to be killed according to the most h ane and approved methods, or otherwise
307 disposed of, as directed by the environmental health officer.
308 Sec. 200.14. Dogs; disturbing the peace;
309 It shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep, ave in possession or harbor any dog which howls,
310 yelps or bazks to the reasonable annoyance of ano person or persons. Any person violating this
311 section, who upon first request by a peace officer or the animal control supervisor to stop or grevent the
312 annoyance, and refuses to comply with the req st, will be issued a citafion or arrested in accordance
313 with the Minnesota Rules of Criminal Proced e, and, if the officer deems it necessary to stop the
314 annoyance, may bave the dog taken to the c' animal pound Any dog placed in the pound may be
315 reclaimed by the owner upon payment of e fee prescribed in secrion 200.08, and if not reclaimed may
316 be disposed of in the manner provided ' secrion 200.13.
317 Sec. 200.15. Maaimum number o dogs.
318 No more than three (3) dog of over the age of three (3) months shall be kept, harbored or
319 maintained within any indivi 1 dwelling unit or on any lot or other parcel of property in the city
320 without a pemut. The num of dogs pernutted above may be increased by obtaiuiug a permit issued
321 by the environmental hea officer. Such permit shall specify any restricrions, limitarions, condirions or
322 prohibifions which the vironmental health officer deems reasonably necessary to protect any person or
neighboring use
public health or
environmental h
sanitary conditions, unreasonable noise or odors, or annoyance, or to protect the
+. Such permit may be modified from time to time or revoked by the
officer for failure to conform to such restrictions, limitations or prohibitions. Such
modificafion or evocafion shall be effecrive from and after ten (10) days following the mailing of
written notice ereof by certified mail to the person or persons keeping or mainta.ining such dogs.
Sec. 200. . Microchip identificarion required.
owner of a dangerous dog is required to have a microchip installed or injected on the animal.
rochip shall be installed in or injected under the skin of the animal by a licensed veterinarian
a �-�r�c�
331 and shall be designed so that, when scanned by an electronic reader, it is capable of providing the
332 identificarion of the dog's owner. An appropriate fee shall be paid by the owner to the licensed
333 veterinarian for the microchip and the registrarion of the dangerous dog. The identification of the owner
334 and residence shall be maintained on file at the city pound
335 Sec. 200.17. Collars, leashes, fie outs.
336 Collars. Collars may not exceed two (2) pounds in weight and must be made o dwable material
337 strong enough to hold the dog it is intended for. Collazs may not be equipped ' any type of prongs on
338 the inside of the collar that may cause injury or discomfort to the animal's nec .
339 Leashes. Leashes must not exceed six (6) feet in length and may not ceed four (4) pounds in total
340 weight.
Tie outs. Tie outs must be at least three (3) times the lengkh of e animal secured to it and may not
exceed ten (10) pounds in total weight. Tie outs must be of dura e material, strong enough to hold the
animal it is intended for. Any animal secured with a 6e out m t be so in an area that would not allow
the animal to become tangled around objects while allowing cess to shelter and water. Tie outs must
be placed in such a locafion as to inbibit the animal secure from reaching a public sidewalk, street or
alley. Also, the rie out must not a11ow the secured anim access to any neighboring property unless
written pernussion has been obtained from the prc
This ordinance shall take effect and be in for� thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and
publication. �
Adopted by
Adoption CertXfied by Council Secretary
Requested by Department of:
Form d by ity A om �
B : � l!, ��'-�'fC't
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council