98-941n �� Sv►bS��+4�C.+ "' ��'�y � \B' Council File # '� ` ' � ^ ` O �`�l Ordinance # ��SG ` v Green Sheet #� �M� �� ORDf NANCE ry�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MlNNESOTA �� �� ,99 jp / �_ 7 Presented By Referred To � ` Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereo£ g� 10 11 WI�REAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, Lower Afton Seniars L.L.C. duly petitioned to rezone the property at Lower Afton Road 201 feet west of McKnight Road being legally described as: EX the W 172 FT, Lot 1 Block I; Shamrock Plaza, from B-2 to RM-2 to allow construction of 56 units of senior housing, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on July 20, 1998 as having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the azea of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one yeaz proceeding the date of the petition; and 12 WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on August 20, 1998, held a public hearing 13 for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administrative Code, 14 submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and 15 16 WHEREAS, The Pianning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on August 28, 17 1998 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petiuon was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on August 11, 1998 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and properiy situated wholly or partiy within 350 feet of the properry sought to be rezoned;and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on September 23, 1998 where ail interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. 32 That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 201, as incorporated by reference in §60.301 of 33 the Saint Paul Legisiative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: 34 35 That property at the intersection of Lower Afton Road and McKnight Road (201 feet west of McKnight 36 Road), being more particularly described as: 37 38 EX the W 172 FT, Lot 1 Block 1; Shamrock Plaza, be and is hereby rezoned from B-2 to RM-2. 39 40 41 42 Section 2. a�"q�` This ordinance shall take effect and be in force tl�irty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. 4RlGlNAL Requested by Department of: Coleman Harris Lantry Reiter Adopted by i Adopcion C� By: Approved by By: � Planniri &� o miC Develo ment ✓ / ✓ BY: / ✓ � _ � Form Approved by Ci[y Attorney : DaLe < � c`, �(//� C ( � � C unci] . e ry By: _� /..YA- //� • " y ^ �/ q Approved by Mayo for mi io to Council a e L , 0 {/ \ By: sor.ct�easf ! ef�'1'yl �'1L[t� �-t�+C1- �tt�(S� �F�, .� /}S56D» CLS �pg� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �_, I £s ; GREEN � D£PARTMENT DIRECTOR � FOR Q CITV ASTOANEV a,G � BU�GET DIRECTOF � � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT) (CLiP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) N_° 5200� �I�''q� INRIAVDATE — pTY COUNCIL GIN C�ER1C FIN.B MGT SEFVICES �IR t a.h g�r��-rz,r�c2 i�o -f-�HaL��e C�ri-y'ccel (Oiy,3prflv�'u��`�t�rroF l,�u�-�'t�r ��;i� -tro v`C�ane ps��'# L�7t.uE({,�kFr'v,�3 fY0`�,-D �aot � u-z�'3-o�-,' A/�K.n�l�a- I�ocfL(� �r�rn -T -r-p �/ti{- � {�wb li c �j�2nry ;^'� Ic� �viPa'n b2v Z?, l�R��N REGOMMENDATIONS:lWpmve (A1 or R¢ject (R) A P�qNNiNG COMMISS�ON _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICTCOVRT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCll08JECTVE� PERSONAL S£RViCE CON7RACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING OUESTiONS: 1. Has Mis persoMlirm ever worketl under a contrect tor Ihis department> YES NO 2. Has tfiis person7firm ever been a city empioyee� YES NO 3. Does this personlfirm possess s skill'rot normafly poss�ssed Dy any cuaent c+ty employee� YES NO Explaln eli yes enawers on seperate sheet nnd attach to gree� aheet INI'fiATIN6 PflOeLEM. ISSUE, OPPOqTUNITY (Who. Whffi. When. Where. Why) (' C�t�i (�i�'�'Y�V� g� c� �3°�� ,77L` � dl��/��'-�FZ�AISEJ��ta�..S Lt�- Y� . (��-rre �r�1��. a.=� GEJLU�F{�, r/l{ 1�/�-C) �� }-('eeG� 9,(1P-G.��,,`✓'rc��niol�c��� -�r�m Q' L(�inrnuru:F-� �v�rYre� ) r€� (�M -2 Cl�! i-r'�le Fc�°nz`(,v�._ I�`�`�� i� ( T.�', e-v� c�,� ��Fruc� �r, � S�� tO�,fZ 6� �i,ir r�` �2�-.� �'r1�+_� - AOVANTAGES IF APPROVED: OISADVANTAGES AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION 5 FUNDItdG SOURCE FINANGpI INFOqMAT10N (EXPLAIN) ���� ������� ����?� F' 5 S�� 2 � 1988 QCT � 219�9 ����� �� ���r��Y�:;� �.' _ COST7REVENUE BUDGETEO (CIRCIE OPiE) YES NO ACTIVITY NUMBER Council File # 9P- 94 1 Ordinance # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # J z � � %' ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee : An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaini to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps there� � f ���fi �j oC� � i �rn�a] J � WHEREAS, Pursuant to M�sota Statutes 462357 and §64. 0 of the Legis ative Code, Lower Afton Seniors L.L.C. duly petitiqned to rezone th properiy at Low Afton Road 2 feet west of McKnight Road bemg legally described as�X the W 172 F, Lot 1 Block Shamrock Plaza�from B-2 to RM-2 to allow construction of 56 units of senior housin the petition h ing been certifiec�by the Planning Division on July 20, 1998 as having been consented to by at least 67% f the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and fiu•ther having been consented to by at least tw -thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within on ear proceeding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning mmission on August 20, 1998, held a public hearing far the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, d pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administtative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Co ission that the perition be granted; and WHEREAS, The Pianning Commission consid ed the rezoning petition at its meeting held on August 28, 1998 and recommended that the City Counci pprove the petition; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing bef e the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of e City on August 11, 1998 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and prop situated wholly ar parfly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned;and WHEREAS, a public hearin efore the City Council having been conducted on September 23, 1998 where all interested parties were ard, the Council having considered all the facts and recoxnmendations concerning the petition; now, theref e THE COUNCIL O HE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 201, as incorporated by reference in §60301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That property at the intersection of Lower Afton Road and McKnight Road (201 feet west of McKnight Road), being more particularly described as: �[��j Co�Vtr/ulc�� EX the W 172 FT, Lot 1 Block 1; Shamrock Plaza�be and is hereby rezoned from B-2 to 12M-2. l DEPART'�NT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CTTY OF SAIN'T PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor September I, 1998 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: Division of Pt�mning 25 West Fourth Sbeet Saint Paul, MNSSI01 �1 i�� y�. Telephone: 672-266-656� Facsimile: 672-228-3314 M �„ �r.y? � ��ep?. .. �� � ;� � ���� I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled far Wednesday September 23, 1498, for the following zoning case: Applicant LOWER AFTON SENiORS LLC File Number: #98-191 Purpose: Rezone property from B-2 (Community Business) to RM-2 (Multiple Family) to allow construction of 56 units of senior housing on the currently vacant site. Address: LOWER AFTON ROAD (201 feet west of McKnight Road) Legal Description of Property: EX the W 172 FT, Lot 1 Block 1; Shamrock Plaza Previous Action: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval; vote: 6-0; August 20, 1998 Planning Commission Decision: Approval; unanimous vote; August 28, 1998 My understanding is that this public heazing request will appeaz on the agenda for the September 23, 1998 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6572 if you have any questions. Sincerely, � ;��;���� c;�� Martha Faust City Planner cc: File #98-191 Geri Boyd Paul Dubruiel Wendy Lane Lany Soderholm .��. . xortes ot� raBZio-asenn�r� - ; The S2inY PaUI City Covncil will conduct a public hearing on Wednesd�y, September 23, 1995 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Third F7oor CityHall-Court House, to consider tfie application of Lomer Afton Seniors LLC tb rewne�propeity from B-21Eommunity Business) to RM-2 (Multiple Family) to allow construction of 56 units of senior housing on the currenfly vacant site on Lower Afton� Road [20] feet west of McKnight Road). ' . � - -- - Dated:-SepYember3, 1998 �- , � _ : _ . , ' NANCY i1F1DERSON - - � . � . _ . . Assistant City Covncii Secre[ary - � - � � , ' - " ' 'lSepYember 5. 19981 = . . � - DEPARTbtEYi OF PLANiVPIG & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT q�-9�t1 CTTY OF SAII�TI' PAUL Norm Cofeman. blayor �r September 1, 1998 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: Division oJP[anning 15 West Fourth St�eet Sairst Pau1, ,4f.�' S5101 Tefephone� 611-266-6565 Facsimile: 6! 2-128-33! 1 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Councif is scheduled for Wednesday September 23, 1998, for the following zoning case: Applicant: LOWERAFTON SENIORS LLC FileNumber: �`98-191 Purpose: Rezone property from B-2 (Community Business) to RM-2 (Multiple Family) to • al(ow construction of 56 units of senior housing on the currently vacant site. Address: LOWER AFTON ROAD (201 feet west of McKnight Road) Legal Description of Property: EX the W 172 FT, Lot 1 Block 1; Shamrock Plaza Previous Action: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval; vote: 6-0; August 20, 1998 Planning Commission Decision: Approvat; unanimous vote; August 28, 1998 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the September 23, 1998 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6572 if you have any questions. Sincerely, �j�z�1�;t ���� MaRha Faust City Ptanner � cc: File #98-191 Geri Boyd Paul Dubmiel Wendy Lane Larry Soderholm city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 98-49 date Au 28 1998 WHEREAS, LOWER AFTON SENIORS L.L.C., file # 98-191, has applied for a Rezoning under the provisions of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, for the purpose of Application to rezone from B-2 to RM-2. on property located at LOWER AFTON ROAD 201 feet west of Mcknight Road , legally described as EX the W 172 FT, Ldt 1 Block 1; Shamrock Plaza; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 08/20/1998, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and � WHEREAS, Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the £ollowing findings of fact: 1. Holiday Station Stores, Inc. owns the properiy, and Lower Afton Seniors, LLC holds an • option to purchase the property contingent on city approval of their rezoning request. The applicant proposes a 57-unit structure if the request for rezoning is approved. The site plans show a 3-story structure with 42 1-bedroom units, 15 2-bedroom units, an underground gazage with 52 spaces, and an at grade pazking lot with 20 spaces. The applicants are currently working through the site plan review process for the project with the LIEP o�ce. The site plan submitted for I29 rooms conforms is weIl betow the maximum densiry permitted on the site according to Chapter 61.101 of the zoning code. 2. The proposed rezoning to RM-2 is in conformance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. The land use plan of record (1980: "A Plan for Land Use") states that "the city's housing goal is to provide opportunities for every stage of a person's life cycle, from childhood to young adult, to family, to retired empty nester. To do this, the city must increase the housing stock. The combined effects of rising costs and smaller household sizes will create increased demand for smaller, one and two bedroom dwelling units foi both ownership and rental purposes. In addition, transportation-related energy costs and consumption can be reduced by locating the new housing in close proximity to shopping and with good access to transit". The properiy in question is served by Bus Routes #3 and #350 serving downtown St. Paul, Sun Ray shoppine mOV �ap�l� `/ dbury. �� Wencl 7 seconded by in favor Unanimous � against �� 1 1� • The District 1 Plan (1985) provides mixed support for the property in question. It states that it "supports the westwazd expansion of the Shamrock Plaza commercial area, but only to fill the land currently zoned B-2". The Shamrock Plaza commercial did not expand west to the applicanYs property, but a new small commercial use has been developed direcily east of the Shamrock Plaza shopping strip, in the city of Maplewood. The District 1 Plan refers to the fact in general, rezonings to multi-family densities were not desired, however, it is believed that the statement refers to the issue of rezoning property zoned single family residential to multi-family housing, thereby increasing density. In this case, the rezoning request is to change from commercial to residential. The Plan does state that "the District 1 Council will support additional senior housing opportunities in the District (with social activities and support services located on-site)". 3. The proposed rezoning to RM-2 is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact on the surrounding area. The area has developed with a diversity of uses: single family, two family, and multiple family housing, commercial and service uses, and open space. The combination of services and amenities in close proximity make the site a desirable location for senior housing. 4. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition signed by two-thirds of the proper[y within one � hundred (100) feet of the properry to be rezoned (3 pazcels eligible, 2 parcels needed, and 2 pazcels signed). 5. The intent of the B-2 zoning district states: "to serve the needs of a consumer population larger than that served by the `Local Business DistricY and is generally chazacterized by a cluster of establishments generating lazge volumes of vehiculaz and pedestrian traffid'. The intent of the RM-2 zoning district states: "to provide for more extensive azeas of mnitiple- family residential development as well as uses related to the multiple-family residential districts, or uses which serve one-family residential needs and require more ea�tensive sites. The RM-2 district is further provided to permiY comprehensive development of a muitiple-family pro}ect so as to establish a balance of population concentration as related to major thoroughfares and transit, and related facilities". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, that under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, the application for a Rezoning to allow Application to rezone from B-2 to RM-2. at LOWER AFTON ROAD 201 feet west of Mcknight Road is hereby approved. ►�.I Saint Paui Planaing Commission City Hafl Conference Center 15 TCellogg Boulevard West A meeting of the Planning Commission of the Ciry of Saint Paul was he(d Friday, Augast 28, 1998, at 83d a.m. in the Conference Center of City Halt. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Mmes. Duacte, Engh, Faricy, Geisser, MoROn, Nordin, Treichel, and Wencl and Messrs. Geroais, Gordon, Johnson, Kong, Kramer, McDonell, and Nowlin. Mmes.' and Messrs. *Field, *Mardel[, *Margulies, Sharpe, and *Vaught *Excused Also Present: Ken Ford, Planning Administrator; Jean Birkholz, Tom Harren, Nancy Homans, Larry Soderholm, Joel Spoonheim, and Allan Torstenson, Department of Planning and Economic Developrccent staff. I. Appraval of Minutes of August 14, 1998 MOTION: Commissioner Kramer moved approva! of the minutes ofAugust 14, 1998; Commissianer Wencl seconded the molion which ca�ried unanimously on a vnice vote. II. Chair's Announcements Chair Morton thanked commissioners for being present, She mentioned that rivo wee[cs ago, the meeting was delayed until9 a.m. because there was not a quorum until then. She emphasized the importance of callin� Jean when commissioners know they wili not be able ta make a meeting. She would rather cancel a meeting when it appears that quorum will not be reached rather than have everyone else come to a meeting ihat results in a non-meetina. Chair Morton pointed to the monitors where a picture of ttie Dadlez triplets was being d[splayed: one boy, Peter (5 (bs. l i oz.) and two girls, Zoe (416s. 5 oz} and MoI(y (4 Ibs. I4 oz.), born August 20 at 9 p.m. Mom, dad and babies are all heaithy and happy. III. Planning Administrator's Announcements Mr. Ford anaounced that the APA has sent communication about their Audio Trainiag Conference Program. Ftyers are on the tabte oat front. These conferences are set up on the telephone. Registration is possib[e ifthere is enough interest in participating. Piease let Chair Morton or Mr. Ford know if you are interested. An upcoming conference available is cafled "The Character of Community" havin� to do with the heightened interest in cities and the physical quality of communities. • �� L � � q�� � At City Council there will be a hearing on September 9, 1998 on the Port Authority's replatting of land on William's Hill for the new plan and a business. But it raises an interesting issue. A clear positive recommendation on the replatting will be difficult to make because iYs in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan because of the ECBD bypass right-of-way. It means that there will probably need to be an amendment to tfie p(an which will need to be approved by the Metropolitan Council which could raise some issues about the overall transportation system. Scenic Minnesota has appealed the decision on the storm dama�ed biltboards on Grand Avenue and in Highland V illage. The City Council is discussing the request of a study of pawn shops, smoke shops and currency exchanges, and the zoning for them. Commissioner Geisser asked if the Planning Commission had not done such a study in the not too distant past. Mr. Ford replied that thece had been a study done on pawn shops, but there is sti(t some concern about the whole cluster of these kinds of uses that come together, and concem about the increase in these uses in some paRs of the city. Chair MortoR refersed to a letter on the table to Gerald SVathmann at Council Research from the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce regarding billboards. The Chamber asks that the Planning Commission co�duct a survey or public input process specifically for the users of billboards and the hospitality industry to see how they feel about outdoor signage and its usefulness, as well as the aesthetics of them in the communities. � N. Zoning Committee In Commissioner Field's abse�ce, Commissioner Wencl gave the Zoning Committee report. #98-192 WestwaYHoldings Comgany - River corridor special condition use permit to allow Westway to add an 840,000 gallon storage tank to present facility not elevated on fill within the Flood Fringe at 2175 Childs Road (Martha Faust, 266-6572). MOTION: Commissioner Wencl �noved approval ojthe•requested river corridor special condition use permit with five conditions, to altow Westway to add an 840,Od0 gatlon storage tank to present facility not elevated on fi[! wit�in the Flood Fringe at 2175 Childs Road, whic/i carried unanimous[y on a voice vote. #98-191 Lower Afton Seniors L.L.C. - Rezone property from B-2 (Community Business) to M-2 (Medium-density, low-rise multiple-family residential) at the south side of Lower Afton Road 201 feet west of McKnight Road (Martha Faust, 266-6572). MOTION: Commissioner Wencl moved approval of the request to rezone property from B-2 (communiry business) ta RM-2 (medium-density, low-rise multiple family residential) at the south side of Lower Ajton Road 201 feet west af McKnight Road to allow a senior citizens' limited corporatior: ta build a 56-unit housing faci(ity, which carried unattimous[y an a voice vote. � Commissioner Engh asked if this buildina could be characterized as an assisted living facility, Commissioner Wencl answered that it could not. She added that there are community rooms � and some communiTy dining. #98-193 River Town Homes. LLC - Special condition use permit to altow a ciuster developmeat of two units at 435 Idaho Avea�e West (Donna Drammond, 266-6556), Commissioner Wenc( informed commissioners that this special condition use permit will add two town homes to a development that was approved for 28 town homes in October, 1997. This parcel of [and became available for t6e devetoper to purchase after that time. MOTION: Commissioner Wenc[ moved approval of the requested special condition use permit with one condition to a[low a cluster development of two units at 435ldaho Avenue YVest, which carried unanimously on a voice vate. #98-288 Mark Fuhr- Rezone Lot 2 from OS-I (Office Service) to B-3 (General Business) and RM-2 (Medium-density, low-rise multiple-family residential), and a portion of Lot 2 from P-1 (Vehicular Pazking) to B-3 (General Business) at 399 Ruth Street & 0 Wilson Avenue to altow construction and operation of an auto repair station (Allan Torstenson, 266-6579). MOTION: Comrrrissioner Wenc! moved approva[ af the request to rezone Lot i from OS 1 (office service) to B-3 (general business) and RiYI-2 (medium-density, low-rise multiple family residential), and a portion ofLot Z from P-I (vehicular parkin� to B-3 (generat business) at Ruth Streei and 0 Wi[son Avenue, which carried unanimausly on a voice vote. #98-187 Zhuoling Ren - Sign variance to ailow two free standing signs within a reqaired frunt � yard; to allow a perpendicular sign to The street and height variance for an archway sign at 1033 Grand Avenue (Jim Zdon, 266-6559). Commissioner Wencl reported that this case �vas laid over to the September 3, 1998 Zoning Committee meeting. #98-183 Daniel T. Flvnn - Revocation of a nonconforming use permit (97-056) which allowed a welding shop and residence in a property previous(y occupied by a motorcycle sales�and repair shop at 841 Hudson Rd (Allan Torstenson, 266-6579). Commissioner Wencl explained that the issue of revocation was whether the applicanY had adhered to the conditions that had been placed on the property when the special conditeon use permit was issued. He was notified of the violations in approximately January, February of this year and he told the licensing division that he was not going to comp(y. He appeazed at the Zoning Committee meeting saying that he now understood all of the conditions. MOTION: Conxmissioner A'encl moved denial of the revocation of a nanconforming use permit and revise the nonconforming use permit to require improvements by October 20, 1998. Commissioner Nordin no[ed that she was troubied by some of the wordiag of the conditions. She feels that since he has been delinquent, the conditions should specify that not only that • plans be submitted and approved by a certain date, but the conditions should also specify that a �.�4� � construction be completed by a certain date. Commissioner Kramer noted that the intent of the Zoning Committee was that the work should actually be completed by October 20, 1998. Commissionec Wencl agreed. Mr. Torstenson added that a site p(an needs to be su6mitted to LIEP where stafFwould appcove it. Commissioner Engh expressed that clearer language be used in the resolution. MOTION: Commissioner Gordon moved that the language "be sabmilted jor approval and cossiruction completed by October 20, 1998" be used for both numbers 1 and 2 nf the condi[ions. The mation was seconded by Commissioner Nowlin and carried unanimous/y on a voice vote. The motion on the floor to deny revocation of a nonconforming use permit and revise it to require improvements be completed by October 20, 1998 carried unanimously on a voice vote. #98-175 R& R Books - Nonconforming Use Permit appiication to allow extension of a nonconforming adu(t use at 674 University Avenue (Markha Faust, 266-6572). MOTION: Commissioner Wencl moved to deny the request to allow an extension oja nonconjorming adult use at 674 University Avenue. Commissioner Wencl informed commissioners that this estabiishment has a month to month � lease for their business and has two Types of uses. There is no case of hardship. The motion on the floor to deny the �equested extension of a nonconforming adu[t use at 674 C7niversity Avenue carried unanimously on a voice vote. Commissioner Wencl read the agenda (7 cases) for the next Zoning Committee meeting on Thursday, September 3, 1998. C(lair MoRon announced that 7oe Chavez has sent a letter of resignation to the Planning Commission; and that Dennis Gervais will be repiacing Joe on.the Zoning Committee. V. Northwest Quadrant Report: Tom Harrea Mr. Harren spent a few minutes expiaining some sta�ng changes that have taken place within PED. Jim O'Leary has become the Executive Director of RiverCenter. As a result of that, there were some staffing needs in the Director's Office that Ms. Wheelock needed to filt. She decided that A1 Lovejoy, team leader of the Southwest Quadrant, wil( become part of the Director's staff with some overall responsi6ilities for coordinating some intergovemmental relationships that PED has with the federal govemment, state government and agencies like the Metropolitan Council. He will continue to have the overall leadership responsibility for the zoning activities within the department. He will also be responsible for the development of the Capital Allocation Plan and Phase II of the MNRRA Plan. Susan Kimberly, team leader for the Southtvest Quadrant will replace Al as team leader for the Southeast Quadrant and the � downtown area. Mr. Harren announced that, on an interim basis, he will be serving as the team leader for the Southwest Quadrant during the time PED is looking for a new team leader; and at the same time, he wil! continue to serve as team leader for Yhe Northwest Quadrant. Mr. Harren then introduced a new staff member, Joel Spoonheim, who has been hired as a planner. Joel is learning about the many things PED is doing in the Northwest Quadrant, and zeroing in on the things that he can be most helpful with in meeting some of PED's needs. Joel is a recent graduate of the Humphry Instit�te and is expected to be a great asset to PED as well as to the Planning Commission. Mr. Harren handed out a progress report of the 1998 priorities for the Northwest Quadrant Team. He drew attention to those priorities that have changed some: - Oakland Village Initially, this was a very ambitious project; it has been scaled back. - University Avenue Opportunities keep popping up; more is happening than was initially Midway expected. Re-development of the bus bam site is major. The Home Developaeent Depot is negotiating for the Lexina on/LJniversiry site. Dale and University may be the site of a community design workshop. - West Midway Parking for the Specialty Building; a parking study is being completed for the rest of this azea. - Great Northern/ Legislators are becoming interested in the development of that area and Central Corridor how it is connected Yo the Phalen Corridor. They aze looking to the City for some guidance in determining the priorities in development along that stretch. - Snel(ing Avenue The Hamline-Midway Community Plan is expected to be compieted Hamline-Midway some time in October and come before the Planning Commission for review. A very good housing strategy has come out of that pracess. Joel Spoonheim will work with the community to develop an action plan for commercial development along Snelling. - Capitol Heights A new project area for the Northwes[ Quadrant. A planning process has begun there to look at what the ppYentials aze for some redevelopment in that area, emphasizing fiousing. A p[an will be compieted some time before the end of the yeac The coordination of housing activities wiih the potential for some commercial developmenTS is key. Commissioner McDonell, referring to the Specialty Buiiding on page 5 of the handout, asked Mr. Harren to help him understand 100 pazking spaces per floor and how that number is determined. Mr. Harren responded that the building is anticipated to be used as office space and so the requirements are 100 parking spaces per floor. Commissioner McDoneli reminded commissioners that the question about Yhe current bus barn site has come up before, and it probably should have been included in previous plans. Given that site's significance, Commissioner McDonell hopes that the Planning Commission will 6e given an opportunity to review and comment on redevelopment possibilities. � � With regard to the Specialty Bui(ding, Commissioner Kramer asked Mr. Harren about the big � a �.�� � parcel of land that was to become available through ta�c forfeiture and used for parking. Mr. Harren noted that the City is still negotiating on that piece of property. Commissioner Faricy asked whether there has been positive progress made in the relocation of the bus barn. Mr. Harren reptied that Metropolitan Transit wifi be making a decision on one of the four sites at the end of October. Part of making that decision is dependent upon the Minnesota Department of Transportation's rerouting of Interstate 35E. Commissioner Nowlin noted that he was impressed with the list of projects and commended everyone working on it. In order to stimulate projecu and amact private sector money, he suggested that the City might consider putting down dollar amount ranges for City assistance in connection with troubied or difficult to develop property. Mr. Harren responded that, in some cases, the City does have dotlar figures on how much the ctean-ap of these azeas woutd be. He noted that if such a list wouid 6e put toaether, it would indicate many more resources than are available. As developers express their interests, the City has generalfy relied on state and Metropolitan Council money for the clean-up portions of these areas. Saint Paul has been very successful in tapping those funds. In almost afl cases where the City is looking at major development, there is some clean-up cost associated with the assembly of the site. Commissioner Geisser asked if Mr. Harren had any idea who was going into the Wards site. He answered that he did not. She then asked, referring to the Specialty Bui(ding, why there has been no incentive given to employees, like bus passes or subsidized bus passes, by the employers, especialty since Raymond and University is very transit accessible? She sees this • as a perfect oppoRunity to experiment with this incentive. Commissioner Geisser does not find providing 100 parking spaces per floor encouraging to any type of alternative travel modes. She asked why in this area is it required to have 100 parking spaces per floor while there is no parking requirement in downtown? Mr. Harren replied that he believes that 100 parking spaces per floor is consistent with the current requirement for parking spaces for office space. He noted that developers say that without the adequate parking spaces, they have trouble getting the tenants. While the City may believe that alternative transit might work, the developers are not convinced. Commissioner Nordin suggested that perhaps after the tenant is already in the building, the City could propose a bus package. Mr. Harren responded that as PED is looking at development principles for University Avenue and working with the Midway Chamber of Commerce and neighborhood organizations, PED does talk about creating pedestrian and transit friendly development along University Avenue. Parking does need to be reviewed in that uea even though University Avenue appears to be an ideal place to experiment with aitemative transit. Commissioner Gordon expressed that he, too, was impressed the number of quality projects in the works. With respect to Fairview and [3niversity, he asked if Mr. Harren knew fiow many 6usinesses would be taken out and Fvhether the City is making efforts to accommodate those businesses in getting them to relocate elsewhere in Saint Paul. Mr. Harren answered that there are 6-8 businesses located on that corner and PED has been working with them. There is frustration on the part of the tenants because right now the City is in a period of signing a memorandum on agreement on this project, but the City has not signed a development • agreement with the developer. Until that time, there is really no o�cial thing that can be done as far as relocation. City staff and a consultant has met with the tenants and have actually begun to take them through the steps of the process. In the future, it is hoped that the City can take � steps to be more sensitive about informing tenants of a redevelopment, Commissioner Nordin suggested that Saint Paui tatce advantage ofthe Minnesota Design Team to do design studies in areas considered for redevelopment such as Dale and University. Commissioner Wencl asked whether there has been any discussion about creating indoor tennis courts for the Great NorthemlCentra( Corridor azea? Mr. Harren replied that he did not know. Commissioner Treichel commented that residents around the azea of the Midway Mazket Place and Midway Center are a(ways concerned about the fact that p(ace is not kept as clean as it could be by the current tenants. She suggested that tenants might allocate a little more of their resources to clean-up. Mr. Harren responded that the Midway Cham6er has a project going to help keep sidewa(ks ciean on Universiry Avenue. He said that he wi(I bring it up with the Chamber. Commissioner Duarte asked whether some of the costs incuaed by redevelopment aze chazged to the pubiic under "special assessments." Mr. Harren answered that in most of projects that PED is involded with, there are public funds that ue in some way provided for these deveioprtents; a TIF district, some type of loan, in some cases, and grants. He stated that he did not kno�v whether there were any special assessments charged to the public. Mr. Ford commented further relating to Commissioner Geisser's question about parking and the Specialty Building and University Avenue. Going through the testimony received on the Draft � 90s Plan, there was quite a bit of comment about needing an increase in parking downtown as developmenY proceeds downtown. People felT that is highly inconsistenY with the Transportation Plan which says that we need to diversify our transportation and encourage much more reliance on transit. Mr. Ford doesn't know how Saint Paul is going to get out of this conundrum. Not too long ago, Mr, Ford stated that he answered the criticism from a City Council member about high parking requirements downtown as something that is not promoting transit. Commissioner Geisser is right. Saint Paul does not have parking requirements downtown, but transit downtown is much better than on University Avenue. The fact is that anyone who is going to build downtown will not do it untess they can be assured that they-can have a good deal of parking and it's probably going to be more pazking than if Saint Paui had pazking requirements downtown. Saint Paul has a pub[ic that does not accept tfie use of transit. Saint Paul does not ase it much downtown, and not many people are going to use it to go to the Specialty Offtce Building. What iYs going to take to overcome that is not known. A cfiange in Saint PauPs parking requirements is not going to do it because it's the developers who want the parking. The idea of experiments and the things that Metro Transit is trying to do to increase employers to encourage other modes of transit are good things to see. VI. Compreheusive Planning Committee Commissioner Geisser announced that the next few meetings wou(d begin at 3:30 p.m. There is a large agenda for the next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, September 9, in Room 41 of the City Hall Conference Centec Agenda items inciude the Minneapolis Ptan, the Housin� Plan and the Land Use Plan. • �1��9`� { • VII. Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee Commissioner Faricy announced that the next committee meeting will be next Tuesday, September 15, 1998. VIII. Communications Committee Commissioner Kramer said there was no committee report. He did however, report that Chair MoRon, Commissioner Johnson and he attended a presentation given by the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension to the District 2 Community Counci( about their proposal for a large buiiding in the Phalen Village azea — a$50 million office building at the intersection of Prosperity and Maryland Avenues, which was generally very well received by the community. IX. Task Force Reports Commissioner Gordon announced that the STAR Board has rated the applications which will be intemal(y reviewed at the September 2"" meeting. The applicants will be invited to meetings held September 14 and 15. Commissioner Gordon announced that the Ayd Mill Draft EIS should be ready any day. The task force will meet to discuss it September 14, 1998. • X. Old Business None. XI. New Business None. XIT. Adjournment The meeting adjourned aY 9:59 a.m. Recorded and prepared by Jean Birkholz, Planning Commission Secretary Planning and Economic Development Department City of Saint Pau1 Respectfully submitted, • Kenneth Ford Planning Administrator (Date) Esperanza Duarte Secretary of the Planning Commission MiNUTES OF THE ZONWG COMMITTEE Thursday, August 20, 1998 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Keilogg Boulevard PRESENT: Faricy, Field, Kramer, Morton, Vaught and Wencl EXCUSED: Chavez, Gordon OTHERS PRESENT: Peter Warner, Assistant City Attorney, Geri Boyd, Donna Drummond, Martha Faust, Larry Soderholm, Ailan Torstenson and Jim Zdon of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. LOWER AFTON SE(YIORS L.L.C. - Zoning File 98-194 - Rezone property from B-Z (Community Business to RM-2 (Medium-Density, Low-Rise Multiple-Family Residential). Martha Faust, PED, gave a slide presentation and reviewed the staff report. She stated staff recommends approval of the petition to rezone the property from B-2 to RM-2. In response to Commissioner Wencl, Ms. Fa�st explained that the 129 rooms are the calculated density according to the City's schedule of regulations. Since the proposed project incorporates underground parking, a density bonus was given. Loren Spande of 4515 Oak Chase Road, a member of the Lower Afton Seniors L.L.C. appeared. He stated that the proposed buiiding is to be a three story, 55 and oider buiiding. Upon question of Commissioner Kramer, Mr. Spande stated that the project is fully financed. No one appeared in opposition, and the public hearing was ciosed. Commissioner Faricy moved approval of the staff recommendation and the motion was seconded by Commissioner Wencl. There was no further discussion, and the motion was called recommending approval. Adopted Yeas - 6 Drafted hy: � � ^.� L ��'-� Geri Boyd ` Recording Secretary Nays - 0 Submitted by: �.z�� ,��.-� Martha Faust Southeast Team � Litton ieid Chair • C J C J �I�'" � • ZONING COMPffTTEE STAE'F REPORT FILE # 98-191 . 1 2 3 4 5 APPLICANT: LOWER AFTON SENIORS L.L.0 CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning DATE OF HEARING 08/20/98 LOCATION: South side of Lower A£ton Road, 201' wesc of McKaight Road. PLA2313I73G DIS2RICT: 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: EX the W 172 FT, Lot 1 Block 1; Shamrock P1aza 6. PRESENT ZONING: B-2 ZONZNG CODE REFERENCE: § 64.400 7 � STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 8J10/98 BY: Martha Faust DATE RECEIVED: 07/20/98 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 9/18/98 A. PURPOSE: Application to rezone from B-2 (COmmunity Business) to RM-2 (Multiple Family) to a11ow construction of 56 units o£ senior housing. The housing would be provided in a 3-story attached structure occupying the southern portion of the parcel. B C D PARCEL SIZE: The xectangulax shaped lot has approximately 235 £eet of Prontage on Lower Afton Road, and a lot area of 73,267 square feet. • EXISTZNG LAND U5E: The propexty is a vacant undeveloped lot. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Lower Afton Road; Ramsey County Open Space (17 acres running east-west alonq Lower Afton Road); further north, multiple family aparments with EtM-2 zoning. East: Shamrock Plaza strip shopping center with B-2 zoning; City of Maplewood. South: Shamrock Court Apartments, a 147-unit 3-story apartment complex with RM-2 zoning. West: A commercial daycare operation (New Horizons) zoned B-2; further west, residential property with two-family and single-family homes with Planned Development and R-1 zoning. E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Section 64.400(a) of the zoning code states in part, "the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed." Section 64.400{b) states in part, "an amendment to the zoning code may Zoning File #98-136 Page Two be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67) percent of the area of the property to be rezoned." F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: There are no previous zoning cases related to this property. G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOI�dENDATION: The District 1 Council held a meeting August 11, 1998 at which they voted to support the applicant's request. H. FINDINGS: 1. Holiday Station Stores, Inc. owns the property, and Lower Afton Seniors, LLC holds an option to purchase the property contingent on city approval o£ their rezoning request. Following this report is a copy of site plans for a proposed 57-unit structure that the applicants intend to construct if the request for rezoning is approved. The site plans show a 3-story structure with 42 1-bedroom units, 15 2-bedroom units, an underground garage with 52 spaces, and an at grade parking lot with 20 spaces. The applicants are currently working through the site plan review process for the project with the LIEP office. The site plan submitted for 129 rooms conforms is well below the maximum density permitted on the site according to Chapter 61.101 of the zoning code. • 2. The proposed rezoning to RM-2 is in conformance with the Saint Paul • Comprehensive Plan. The land use plan of record (198Q: "A Plan for Land Use") states that '�the city's housing goal is to provide opportunities for every stage o£ a person's life cycle, from childhood to young adult, to £amily, to retired empty nester. To do this, the city must increase the housing stock. The combined ef£ects of rising costs and smaller household sizes wi11 create increased demand for smaller, one and two bedroom dwelling units for both ownership and rental purposes. In addition, transportation-related energy costs and consumption can be reduced by locating the new housing in close proximity to shopping and with good access to transit". The property in question is served by Sus Routes #3 and ,�350 serving downtown St. Paul, Sun Ray shopping center, and Woodbury. The District 1 Plan (1985) provides mixed support for the property in question. It states that it "supports the westward expansion of the Shamrock Plaza commercial area, but only to fill the land currently zoned B-2". The Shamrock Plaza commercial did not expand west to the applicant's property, but a new sma11 commercial use has been developed directly east oE the Shamrock Plaza shoppinq strip, in the city of Maplewood. The District 1 Plan re£ers to the fact in general, rezonings to multi- family densities were not desired, however,it is believed that the statement refers to the issue of rezoning property zoned single family residential to multi-family housing, thereby increasing density. In this case, the rezoning request is to change from commercial to residential. The Plan does state that "the District 1 Council will support additional senior housing opportunities in the District (with • social activities and support services located on-site)". q�'�`� 1 • Zoning File �98-136 Page Three 3. The proposed rezoning to RM-2 is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have aa adverse impzct on the surrounding area. The area has developed with a diversity of uses: single family, two £amily, and multiple family nousing, commercial and service uses, and open space. The combination of services and amenities in close proximity make the site a desirable location for senior housing. 4. The applicant submitted a su££icient petition signed by two-thirds of the property within one hundred (100) feet of the property to be rezoned (3 parcels eligible, 2 parcels needed, and 2 parcels signed). 5. The intent oP the B-2 zoning district states: "to serve the needs of a consumer population larger than that served by the `Local Business District' and is qenerally characterized by a cluster of establishments generating large volumers of vehicular and pedestrian traffic". The intent of the RM-2 zoning district states: "to provide for more extensive areas of multiple-family residential development as we11 as uses related to the multiple-family residential districts, or uses which serve one-family residential needs and require more extensive sites. The RM-2 district is £urther provided to permit comprehensive development of a multiple-family project so as to establish a balance of population concentration as related to major thoroughfares and transit, and related facilities". • I. STAFF RECOhIl�tENDATZON: based on findings 1 through 5 staf£ recommends approval of the petition to rezone the property from B-2 to RM-2. • � PETITION TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE Department ojPlanning and Economic Development Zoning Section 1100 City Hal! Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55101 266-6589 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION Zeirt�rtg cffice • Property Owner Lower Afton Seniors L.L.C. Add�ess 9973 Valley View Road City Fden Prairie Stp1N Zip55344 Daytime phone 903-9260 ConTact persoR (if different) Address/Location st. Paul, r�mr Legat description r r� B� k i. sham,-��k piaza sec 12 �r7-28 Ranae '2 (attach additrona/ sheet if TO 7HE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, Lower Afton seniors L.L.C. , the owner of a!! the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a s-2 zoning district to a Rr1-2 zoning district, for the purpose of: (aftach additional sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required site plan � Consent petition � Affidavit � Subscribed and swom to before me this �_ day By:_ of c�l� , 1 g!J , F � Title.�j'� �iC. , e� ,�-�.i � Notary Public C�SOLL.FELINER NCT: ;}' PC?LlGtdINNESOTA e `�,: Y h.ES�I3WC0UNT`F �#4 CoR,�ss!cnFxD:raJan.31.2000 � �f v"' f��� , �� V �� � Page 1 of • • C� � � a � � 0 ,_ �� � m i � � � � � i � � � � � � 2 U N Q Q fl ,� J �v , m �� m 4 m V � �u �� aS N 4 o < 2 n i �� a_ � o J � JI / p � - 1 Q ip y 1 % L x Q ¢�� �� d � ui i � ?�� m ° U ) U. 1 (\ n �+ Q r z d d4 - i � d ' i nl m�,� � ni m ° m m � oo�„�a u u� �' o �1 �✓ T h 1 U JI � ) O ' �t � Ip U tn O � � f �n 4 m� nt �� Q � O i m ' 11 1111- U�QUN N Q J n 'U � �� d in n� tt�� '� fl y a 9 i'. % � 1- �V �R'IYry�S d � tll � i�y ?Q UV``"U V � CI �� ). 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( tzti L.� , bein� first duly sworn, d°poses and states that�ie she is ttie person �vho circula ed the consent petition consisting of � pa�es; that affiant represents that the parties described on the consent petition are ail the rzspectivz o«,ners of the properties placed immedia[el} before each namz; that affi� nt is informed and beli�ves that each of the parties described on the consent pz[ition is an oti�ner of the property �vhich is �rithin 100 feet of any property OWT12C1 purchased, or sold by pztitioner wi[hin one (1) year precedin� the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that none of the parties described in the consent petition has purchased or is purchasin� propzrty from the petitioner that is contiguous to the property described on the consent petition w�ithin one (1) year of the date of the petition; that this consent �vas si�ned by each of said o��ners in the presence of this affian[, and that the signatures are � the true and corrzct si�natures of each and all of the parties so describzd. � ��ri j �t1� �{ u„" C,7A�.t� I,+ L C_ NAtiIE Y.n�p�,., � •.7G�p� 44']�z I,�A�:M��y,,., (ZD> ADDRESS � �i2�q03-�126p TELEPHO�E NUMBER Subscribed and sworn to b fore me this /�°� da} of , 19 �1'� ��/YYU.r�t � - �� � ,/.inn . � 2�OTARY PUBLIC 7AMRq L MEpINA Pa�e of NOTAHI' PUBLIC--MINNESOTA � y WASHINGTON COUNTY Mrc«�r��es,bwsi,z000 ir 1/97 ----y-�—�----�* PETITTON TO REZOlV�E STATE OF MNNESOTA) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) :-Ii3�7� OF PETITIONER SS The petitioner, �ow._n. rt' "I' ��l ��„C first duly swom, deposes and staTes that the consent petiTion contains signatur s from at least two-thirds ('/a) of all eli�ible properties �vithin 100 feet of a11 property owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner �zthin one (1) year precedin� the date of this petition which is contiguous to thz property described in the petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must contain si�natures from each and all owners of jointly-owned property in order to constitute consent from that proper[y and that failure to obtain consent from each and ail owners could invalidate the consent petition; petitioner believes that the consent petition was signed by each of s i owners and that the sionatures are the true and correct si�natures of each and all of ies so described. � � tcxLt,.. � _ ��ia.�,1-e, QR � 3 uqGt '� _ ADD� 9o3-�Z�ao TELEPHONE NLTMBER Subscribed and sworn to before me this � day of 192 i 11La..: �. � , � .. . � ; �."�r, o� � � x:!'v � . . � r:c:... _ � iS`• � t�_ •� �. ►� , [_��'• Pa�e of 1l31/97 �� • CONSENT OF ADJOIHII:G FROP�RTY OWNL'R5 FOR A R�ZOA`ING P, 02 PAC£ B4 --��' . ��, We,ihe undasigntd, ownecs of the propertywithin 100 t<ct o[Lhe lalil tontigu0us descriptiott ot �q1 estalc oaned, purchascd, oi sold by TNB t6'iS710N5R �hthin one year p�aeding the dete of this petition eeknowledge that we have been preseated with the following: 1, A copy of the petition ot �Wer FA}{ P70, 6124041546 DESIGr� I tT,a f7 172 Ft, 2nt 1 BIk � fron: n a-2 toning distti�t to e xte-2 toningdistciat. z 61.101 2. Atopyotsections 60.451 through6 ,inclasiveoftheSaintpaulZoningCode; Rnd eckr.owledge tlsat We ere awsre of nll ot the usos ptrm ined in n�� toning disUict pnd we �tt A�rare thnt any Of these uses ten be estabti:hed upon Ciry Councit �pyrovil of the rezoning. WC hereby eanscnt to tht rezoning oF Ibe propeAy (n tAe petition oT; Lower Afton Seniors L.L.C. _toa �-2 zoningdistrict. (Name ot petitioner) � JUL-06-98 N��N 02:16 PM �7lD6/1999 13:51 6129�39292 crTY or s�xn�r ravL t0 rezone the propeAy locatcd ►t Wc cansent to the approvxl of this tezoning As tt was exptainCd to us by thc applicnnf or his/hcr representative. zzoa z,�.�r x�u� �a St�}u] 1�4i SS119 275 McXnight Rd 301 MCknl9ht Rd St. Paul. MN 55119 2196 lo«ez Afton Rd �� � INC. Court � � PIOTCt Thispetitif daya after it is recei+ name thece&om by notbe wnsidectd es oificially Qled unti) the lapsc of sevea � tsion. MysignaloroCthispeiitionmaywithdrawhfs/her ihat lime. . .. '''�' """"`��� • V � /�\ SI1Mien J. P�l�rMn ;e�=` MO�MYlIIRIC-Y9111ESOTA �� w wrr� a�nes u�u�arr n. �000 07l07/88 T'UE 14:22 f.4T 8126455957 SLTTIDE! COURT INT'L 06/2!l1938 14:1fl 612903929'1 DESIGN 1 CITY OT SAXNT PAUL CONSENT OF AD70INING PR�P�RTY OWI�BRS FOR A R�ZONING We,d�e �lidersigxd, o«mers of Ihc proputy �vithin 100 l«< of thc iolat conlignous desuiptwtt o� r�il eriatc owned, purcl�ased, or sold by THE P6TiT10NEK �Hthin ane year ptaedmg tUe date of @tiis petition acknowicdge that we have bem presented with the folk�rin6: 1. A copy aEthe petiGion oC - Lower Afton SeniQrs �, L.0 �. (name ofDed�ionvy to rczooe ti�e propeRy located a� S�OCk Yi°u Ex �he W 1�2 Ft, Lot 7. Bik J. f�om s s-2 zonioS disvicc �o a Rr}_y zoning distriet. 60.451 61.�0 2. A copy of eaCwns tArough , wc usive of tlu Saint Paul Zan'sng Code; snd nckrwwladge that wc am a.vare of n1l af the uxs permitted irt n� zaeins district and we are �wero that any oEtlxse usea can be established upon City Council aQproval ofthe rezoning. Wo hcreby consent W tke rezoning oElhe propeRy in the petition of; L�ower Afton Seniors L.L.C. to e FM-2 zoning district. (t3nme of petitianer) Wc cansent to the approvat of thys rezoning as it was exptatned Eo us by the applicant or his/her repXesentative. z2G4 IWwer A.fton Rd �La�ez Aftcn t� Z75 McKni9ht Rd — PAX Holding INC. 301 Mcl�nisht Fci 2196 Iqwer Aftnn Kd NOTE: This days eflcc� name the fn 0 � • 1 not be considcrcd as o�cially fited unti! the lapse of seven (7} working thep�anni ivision. At�yaignatoroflhispetitionmaywithdrawhislher � q r�#qucst tthin that timt_ ..,'•. _ ,�� �'�c , ��-¢,u,.�„-,� P..�;�L �ooz P�G= 93 � y J�ev� F � pQ�ARY PUK1C • YINNFSOTA .►. y IAY COYMI�11 EXPIRES JI1lIW1RY 81. 2000 �� "�� l • ZOIVING PETITION SUFFICIENCY CHECK SHEET REZONTIVG ! SCUP NCUP C J FIRST SUBMITTED DATE PETITION SUBMITTED: 7— �� 'U DATEOFFICIALLY.RECENED: � PARCELS ELIGIBLE: � PARCELSREQUIRED: � PARCELS ELIGIBLE: PARCELS SIGNED: � RESUBMITTED DATE PETITION RESUBMITTED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: PARCELS REQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: CHECKED BY: y c.:�nn� N"""� DATE: I l `� ZONitVG FILE ��'t5� �� ZONING PETITION LIST . As requested, attached is a list of all property owners within 100 feet of the property which you are requesting a zoning application. As a condition of your application, you are required to submit with your application a consent petition signed by a minnnum two-thirds of all the properry owners within 100 feet on the attached list. Only persons listed as "fee owner" or "homesteader" are eligible to sign your petition. Persons listed as "talcpayer" are not eligible to sign your petition since they do not have full ownership of the property. A properiy owner may sign the petition as many times as they are listed as an owner within 100 feet. Only one signature per property is counted as an eligible signer of the petition. Also attached are the petition form, affidavit, and application materials. � total properties are within 100 feet of the property for zoning action and eligible to sign your petition. • �� total signatures are required for a minimum two-thirds consent and a sufficient petition to proceed with your zoning application. , Piease return this list alon� with the original petition form, affidavit, application and any additional supporting information and material that is part of your application. '•` Rezoning petitions must be received and held in the Zoning office 7 workin; days prior to any application cut-off date. If you have questions about this list or any questions regazding this process, please call the Zoning office at 266-6589. • q�-9�t1 C� � 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. IZ. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. SLTNRAY-BATIT.ECREEK-HI GHW OOD HAZEL PARK HADEN-PROSPERITY HILLCREST WEST SIDE DAYTON'S BLUFF PAYNE-PHAI,EN NORTH END T'HOI�fAS-DALE SUMMTI'-UNIVERSITY WEST SEVENTH COMO HAMLINE-MIDWAY ST. ANTHONY PAKK MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNELLING HAMLINE MACALESTER GROVELAND HIGHLANIJ SUMMIT HILL DOWNTOWN ZONiNG FILE �' `� CI'ITZEN PARTICIPATION PZ.ANNING DISTRICTS BATTLE-CREEK DISTRICT 1 ON ---= �° ... _ „� _ �� � �;�� ���:��.,�� e -�� ��t� ., ,� r.a n� 3 `} c'7 � G� ca �� s cr �. c'�f c+r3��°c� � neor �,n�,E. �.� �ea`�+G�.� �1`�`�}�,'cl GUeBE'')c� G'� � G� E.'� � � o f•� n �� Q.�''cp EJ� E]� C>� oFa. �-�. . � � p � C �� F � � � � � � � 3 �� : =� �: .� ° �J o�r. n Ei � C�'` p� A C ��� f, G� p AG' F.j� e G c7 � a6`jG L� a n ��. 2 C� P •' � !'-i C 4 '� � C G��� c�� �: n t`�'.' 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C pa�e�3 3 � i�:G'� c c n G�G��C> �d co�' fic�f=��i�G�',�C+Cvc.��a�'�..e�_��� �;,wER � -a. -o- � O ` O � 0 0 0 ��� ��a� ��� � `�: ������ '��� P ,� , �a � ���.l.��.� �-� ��� .� �(1� xreNwaoo Hties . ��L� � � 5-696 � ����� s �� Q'vir.uw.v�n�.. � o�. o � ��_o �-�11.17 �i�tl��� • APPLICANT`�� �` '�'`��'S ���'�EGEND PURPOS Rezo�•�N� FILE #: � DATE � � 2 a '16 PWG. DIST • MAP,: � ` � � �GG�1���' ..._-°-- � zoning d�slrict boundary i%//////// ..�11 .1F!'!.TlT.�l1J 0 ona family ¢ rivo family �¢Q multiplefamily n.°f orh`a • � ^ comr�' ♦ .m,s indust�i=_t V v2ca�: n �� Sv►bS��+4�C.+ "' ��'�y � \B' Council File # '� ` ' � ^ ` O �`�l Ordinance # ��SG ` v Green Sheet #� �M� �� ORDf NANCE ry�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MlNNESOTA �� �� ,99 jp / �_ 7 Presented By Referred To � ` Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereo£ g� 10 11 WI�REAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, Lower Afton Seniars L.L.C. duly petitioned to rezone the property at Lower Afton Road 201 feet west of McKnight Road being legally described as: EX the W 172 FT, Lot 1 Block I; Shamrock Plaza, from B-2 to RM-2 to allow construction of 56 units of senior housing, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on July 20, 1998 as having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the azea of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one yeaz proceeding the date of the petition; and 12 WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on August 20, 1998, held a public hearing 13 for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administrative Code, 14 submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and 15 16 WHEREAS, The Pianning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on August 28, 17 1998 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petiuon was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on August 11, 1998 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and properiy situated wholly or partiy within 350 feet of the properry sought to be rezoned;and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on September 23, 1998 where ail interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. 32 That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 201, as incorporated by reference in §60.301 of 33 the Saint Paul Legisiative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: 34 35 That property at the intersection of Lower Afton Road and McKnight Road (201 feet west of McKnight 36 Road), being more particularly described as: 37 38 EX the W 172 FT, Lot 1 Block 1; Shamrock Plaza, be and is hereby rezoned from B-2 to RM-2. 39 40 41 42 Section 2. a�"q�` This ordinance shall take effect and be in force tl�irty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. 4RlGlNAL Requested by Department of: Coleman Harris Lantry Reiter Adopted by i Adopcion C� By: Approved by By: � Planniri &� o miC Develo ment ✓ / ✓ BY: / ✓ � _ � Form Approved by Ci[y Attorney : DaLe < � c`, �(//� C ( � � C unci] . e ry By: _� /..YA- //� • " y ^ �/ q Approved by Mayo for mi io to Council a e L , 0 {/ \ By: sor.ct�easf ! ef�'1'yl �'1L[t� �-t�+C1- �tt�(S� �F�, .� /}S56D» CLS �pg� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �_, I £s ; GREEN � D£PARTMENT DIRECTOR � FOR Q CITV ASTOANEV a,G � BU�GET DIRECTOF � � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT) (CLiP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) N_° 5200� �I�''q� INRIAVDATE — pTY COUNCIL GIN C�ER1C FIN.B MGT SEFVICES �IR t a.h g�r��-rz,r�c2 i�o -f-�HaL��e C�ri-y'ccel (Oiy,3prflv�'u��`�t�rroF l,�u�-�'t�r ��;i� -tro v`C�ane ps��'# L�7t.uE({,�kFr'v,�3 fY0`�,-D �aot � u-z�'3-o�-,' A/�K.n�l�a- I�ocfL(� �r�rn -T -r-p �/ti{- � {�wb li c �j�2nry ;^'� Ic� �viPa'n b2v Z?, l�R��N REGOMMENDATIONS:lWpmve (A1 or R¢ject (R) A P�qNNiNG COMMISS�ON _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICTCOVRT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCll08JECTVE� PERSONAL S£RViCE CON7RACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING OUESTiONS: 1. Has Mis persoMlirm ever worketl under a contrect tor Ihis department> YES NO 2. Has tfiis person7firm ever been a city empioyee� YES NO 3. Does this personlfirm possess s skill'rot normafly poss�ssed Dy any cuaent c+ty employee� YES NO Explaln eli yes enawers on seperate sheet nnd attach to gree� aheet INI'fiATIN6 PflOeLEM. ISSUE, OPPOqTUNITY (Who. Whffi. When. Where. Why) (' C�t�i (�i�'�'Y�V� g� c� �3°�� ,77L` � dl��/��'-�FZ�AISEJ��ta�..S Lt�- Y� . (��-rre �r�1��. a.=� GEJLU�F{�, r/l{ 1�/�-C) �� }-('eeG� 9,(1P-G.��,,`✓'rc��niol�c��� -�r�m Q' L(�inrnuru:F-� �v�rYre� ) r€� (�M -2 Cl�! i-r'�le Fc�°nz`(,v�._ I�`�`�� i� ( T.�', e-v� c�,� ��Fruc� �r, � S�� tO�,fZ 6� �i,ir r�` �2�-.� �'r1�+_� - AOVANTAGES IF APPROVED: OISADVANTAGES AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION 5 FUNDItdG SOURCE FINANGpI INFOqMAT10N (EXPLAIN) ���� ������� ����?� F' 5 S�� 2 � 1988 QCT � 219�9 ����� �� ���r��Y�:;� �.' _ COST7REVENUE BUDGETEO (CIRCIE OPiE) YES NO ACTIVITY NUMBER Council File # 9P- 94 1 Ordinance # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # J z � � %' ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee : An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaini to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps there� � f ���fi �j oC� � i �rn�a] J � WHEREAS, Pursuant to M�sota Statutes 462357 and §64. 0 of the Legis ative Code, Lower Afton Seniors L.L.C. duly petitiqned to rezone th properiy at Low Afton Road 2 feet west of McKnight Road bemg legally described as�X the W 172 F, Lot 1 Block Shamrock Plaza�from B-2 to RM-2 to allow construction of 56 units of senior housin the petition h ing been certifiec�by the Planning Division on July 20, 1998 as having been consented to by at least 67% f the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and fiu•ther having been consented to by at least tw -thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within on ear proceeding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning mmission on August 20, 1998, held a public hearing far the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, d pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administtative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Co ission that the perition be granted; and WHEREAS, The Pianning Commission consid ed the rezoning petition at its meeting held on August 28, 1998 and recommended that the City Counci pprove the petition; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing bef e the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of e City on August 11, 1998 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and prop situated wholly ar parfly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned;and WHEREAS, a public hearin efore the City Council having been conducted on September 23, 1998 where all interested parties were ard, the Council having considered all the facts and recoxnmendations concerning the petition; now, theref e THE COUNCIL O HE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 201, as incorporated by reference in §60301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That property at the intersection of Lower Afton Road and McKnight Road (201 feet west of McKnight Road), being more particularly described as: �[��j Co�Vtr/ulc�� EX the W 172 FT, Lot 1 Block 1; Shamrock Plaza�be and is hereby rezoned from B-2 to 12M-2. l DEPART'�NT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CTTY OF SAIN'T PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor September I, 1998 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: Division of Pt�mning 25 West Fourth Sbeet Saint Paul, MNSSI01 �1 i�� y�. Telephone: 672-266-656� Facsimile: 672-228-3314 M �„ �r.y? � ��ep?. .. �� � ;� � ���� I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled far Wednesday September 23, 1498, for the following zoning case: Applicant LOWER AFTON SENiORS LLC File Number: #98-191 Purpose: Rezone property from B-2 (Community Business) to RM-2 (Multiple Family) to allow construction of 56 units of senior housing on the currently vacant site. Address: LOWER AFTON ROAD (201 feet west of McKnight Road) Legal Description of Property: EX the W 172 FT, Lot 1 Block 1; Shamrock Plaza Previous Action: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval; vote: 6-0; August 20, 1998 Planning Commission Decision: Approval; unanimous vote; August 28, 1998 My understanding is that this public heazing request will appeaz on the agenda for the September 23, 1998 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6572 if you have any questions. Sincerely, � ;��;���� c;�� Martha Faust City Planner cc: File #98-191 Geri Boyd Paul Dubruiel Wendy Lane Lany Soderholm .��. . xortes ot� raBZio-asenn�r� - ; The S2inY PaUI City Covncil will conduct a public hearing on Wednesd�y, September 23, 1995 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Third F7oor CityHall-Court House, to consider tfie application of Lomer Afton Seniors LLC tb rewne�propeity from B-21Eommunity Business) to RM-2 (Multiple Family) to allow construction of 56 units of senior housing on the currenfly vacant site on Lower Afton� Road [20] feet west of McKnight Road). ' . � - -- - Dated:-SepYember3, 1998 �- , � _ : _ . , ' NANCY i1F1DERSON - - � . � . _ . . Assistant City Covncii Secre[ary - � - � � , ' - " ' 'lSepYember 5. 19981 = . . � - DEPARTbtEYi OF PLANiVPIG & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT q�-9�t1 CTTY OF SAII�TI' PAUL Norm Cofeman. blayor �r September 1, 1998 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: Division oJP[anning 15 West Fourth St�eet Sairst Pau1, ,4f.�' S5101 Tefephone� 611-266-6565 Facsimile: 6! 2-128-33! 1 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Councif is scheduled for Wednesday September 23, 1998, for the following zoning case: Applicant: LOWERAFTON SENIORS LLC FileNumber: �`98-191 Purpose: Rezone property from B-2 (Community Business) to RM-2 (Multiple Family) to • al(ow construction of 56 units of senior housing on the currently vacant site. Address: LOWER AFTON ROAD (201 feet west of McKnight Road) Legal Description of Property: EX the W 172 FT, Lot 1 Block 1; Shamrock Plaza Previous Action: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval; vote: 6-0; August 20, 1998 Planning Commission Decision: Approvat; unanimous vote; August 28, 1998 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the September 23, 1998 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6572 if you have any questions. Sincerely, �j�z�1�;t ���� MaRha Faust City Ptanner � cc: File #98-191 Geri Boyd Paul Dubmiel Wendy Lane Larry Soderholm city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 98-49 date Au 28 1998 WHEREAS, LOWER AFTON SENIORS L.L.C., file # 98-191, has applied for a Rezoning under the provisions of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, for the purpose of Application to rezone from B-2 to RM-2. on property located at LOWER AFTON ROAD 201 feet west of Mcknight Road , legally described as EX the W 172 FT, Ldt 1 Block 1; Shamrock Plaza; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 08/20/1998, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and � WHEREAS, Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the £ollowing findings of fact: 1. Holiday Station Stores, Inc. owns the properiy, and Lower Afton Seniors, LLC holds an • option to purchase the property contingent on city approval of their rezoning request. The applicant proposes a 57-unit structure if the request for rezoning is approved. The site plans show a 3-story structure with 42 1-bedroom units, 15 2-bedroom units, an underground gazage with 52 spaces, and an at grade pazking lot with 20 spaces. The applicants are currently working through the site plan review process for the project with the LIEP o�ce. The site plan submitted for I29 rooms conforms is weIl betow the maximum densiry permitted on the site according to Chapter 61.101 of the zoning code. 2. The proposed rezoning to RM-2 is in conformance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. The land use plan of record (1980: "A Plan for Land Use") states that "the city's housing goal is to provide opportunities for every stage of a person's life cycle, from childhood to young adult, to family, to retired empty nester. To do this, the city must increase the housing stock. The combined effects of rising costs and smaller household sizes will create increased demand for smaller, one and two bedroom dwelling units foi both ownership and rental purposes. In addition, transportation-related energy costs and consumption can be reduced by locating the new housing in close proximity to shopping and with good access to transit". The properiy in question is served by Bus Routes #3 and #350 serving downtown St. Paul, Sun Ray shoppine mOV �ap�l� `/ dbury. �� Wencl 7 seconded by in favor Unanimous � against �� 1 1� • The District 1 Plan (1985) provides mixed support for the property in question. It states that it "supports the westwazd expansion of the Shamrock Plaza commercial area, but only to fill the land currently zoned B-2". The Shamrock Plaza commercial did not expand west to the applicanYs property, but a new small commercial use has been developed direcily east of the Shamrock Plaza shopping strip, in the city of Maplewood. The District 1 Plan refers to the fact in general, rezonings to multi-family densities were not desired, however, it is believed that the statement refers to the issue of rezoning property zoned single family residential to multi-family housing, thereby increasing density. In this case, the rezoning request is to change from commercial to residential. The Plan does state that "the District 1 Council will support additional senior housing opportunities in the District (with social activities and support services located on-site)". 3. The proposed rezoning to RM-2 is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact on the surrounding area. The area has developed with a diversity of uses: single family, two family, and multiple family housing, commercial and service uses, and open space. The combination of services and amenities in close proximity make the site a desirable location for senior housing. 4. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition signed by two-thirds of the proper[y within one � hundred (100) feet of the properry to be rezoned (3 pazcels eligible, 2 parcels needed, and 2 pazcels signed). 5. The intent of the B-2 zoning district states: "to serve the needs of a consumer population larger than that served by the `Local Business DistricY and is generally chazacterized by a cluster of establishments generating lazge volumes of vehiculaz and pedestrian traffid'. The intent of the RM-2 zoning district states: "to provide for more extensive azeas of mnitiple- family residential development as well as uses related to the multiple-family residential districts, or uses which serve one-family residential needs and require more ea�tensive sites. The RM-2 district is further provided to permiY comprehensive development of a muitiple-family pro}ect so as to establish a balance of population concentration as related to major thoroughfares and transit, and related facilities". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, that under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, the application for a Rezoning to allow Application to rezone from B-2 to RM-2. at LOWER AFTON ROAD 201 feet west of Mcknight Road is hereby approved. ►�.I Saint Paui Planaing Commission City Hafl Conference Center 15 TCellogg Boulevard West A meeting of the Planning Commission of the Ciry of Saint Paul was he(d Friday, Augast 28, 1998, at 83d a.m. in the Conference Center of City Halt. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Mmes. Duacte, Engh, Faricy, Geisser, MoROn, Nordin, Treichel, and Wencl and Messrs. Geroais, Gordon, Johnson, Kong, Kramer, McDonell, and Nowlin. Mmes.' and Messrs. *Field, *Mardel[, *Margulies, Sharpe, and *Vaught *Excused Also Present: Ken Ford, Planning Administrator; Jean Birkholz, Tom Harren, Nancy Homans, Larry Soderholm, Joel Spoonheim, and Allan Torstenson, Department of Planning and Economic Developrccent staff. I. Appraval of Minutes of August 14, 1998 MOTION: Commissioner Kramer moved approva! of the minutes ofAugust 14, 1998; Commissianer Wencl seconded the molion which ca�ried unanimously on a vnice vote. II. Chair's Announcements Chair Morton thanked commissioners for being present, She mentioned that rivo wee[cs ago, the meeting was delayed until9 a.m. because there was not a quorum until then. She emphasized the importance of callin� Jean when commissioners know they wili not be able ta make a meeting. She would rather cancel a meeting when it appears that quorum will not be reached rather than have everyone else come to a meeting ihat results in a non-meetina. Chair Morton pointed to the monitors where a picture of ttie Dadlez triplets was being d[splayed: one boy, Peter (5 (bs. l i oz.) and two girls, Zoe (416s. 5 oz} and MoI(y (4 Ibs. I4 oz.), born August 20 at 9 p.m. Mom, dad and babies are all heaithy and happy. III. Planning Administrator's Announcements Mr. Ford anaounced that the APA has sent communication about their Audio Trainiag Conference Program. Ftyers are on the tabte oat front. These conferences are set up on the telephone. Registration is possib[e ifthere is enough interest in participating. Piease let Chair Morton or Mr. Ford know if you are interested. An upcoming conference available is cafled "The Character of Community" havin� to do with the heightened interest in cities and the physical quality of communities. • �� L � � q�� � At City Council there will be a hearing on September 9, 1998 on the Port Authority's replatting of land on William's Hill for the new plan and a business. But it raises an interesting issue. A clear positive recommendation on the replatting will be difficult to make because iYs in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan because of the ECBD bypass right-of-way. It means that there will probably need to be an amendment to tfie p(an which will need to be approved by the Metropolitan Council which could raise some issues about the overall transportation system. Scenic Minnesota has appealed the decision on the storm dama�ed biltboards on Grand Avenue and in Highland V illage. The City Council is discussing the request of a study of pawn shops, smoke shops and currency exchanges, and the zoning for them. Commissioner Geisser asked if the Planning Commission had not done such a study in the not too distant past. Mr. Ford replied that thece had been a study done on pawn shops, but there is sti(t some concern about the whole cluster of these kinds of uses that come together, and concem about the increase in these uses in some paRs of the city. Chair MortoR refersed to a letter on the table to Gerald SVathmann at Council Research from the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce regarding billboards. The Chamber asks that the Planning Commission co�duct a survey or public input process specifically for the users of billboards and the hospitality industry to see how they feel about outdoor signage and its usefulness, as well as the aesthetics of them in the communities. � N. Zoning Committee In Commissioner Field's abse�ce, Commissioner Wencl gave the Zoning Committee report. #98-192 WestwaYHoldings Comgany - River corridor special condition use permit to allow Westway to add an 840,000 gallon storage tank to present facility not elevated on fill within the Flood Fringe at 2175 Childs Road (Martha Faust, 266-6572). MOTION: Commissioner Wencl �noved approval ojthe•requested river corridor special condition use permit with five conditions, to altow Westway to add an 840,Od0 gatlon storage tank to present facility not elevated on fi[! wit�in the Flood Fringe at 2175 Childs Road, whic/i carried unanimous[y on a voice vote. #98-191 Lower Afton Seniors L.L.C. - Rezone property from B-2 (Community Business) to M-2 (Medium-density, low-rise multiple-family residential) at the south side of Lower Afton Road 201 feet west of McKnight Road (Martha Faust, 266-6572). MOTION: Commissioner Wencl moved approval of the request to rezone property from B-2 (communiry business) ta RM-2 (medium-density, low-rise multiple family residential) at the south side of Lower Ajton Road 201 feet west af McKnight Road to allow a senior citizens' limited corporatior: ta build a 56-unit housing faci(ity, which carried unattimous[y an a voice vote. � Commissioner Engh asked if this buildina could be characterized as an assisted living facility, Commissioner Wencl answered that it could not. She added that there are community rooms � and some communiTy dining. #98-193 River Town Homes. LLC - Special condition use permit to altow a ciuster developmeat of two units at 435 Idaho Avea�e West (Donna Drammond, 266-6556), Commissioner Wenc( informed commissioners that this special condition use permit will add two town homes to a development that was approved for 28 town homes in October, 1997. This parcel of [and became available for t6e devetoper to purchase after that time. MOTION: Commissioner Wenc[ moved approval of the requested special condition use permit with one condition to a[low a cluster development of two units at 435ldaho Avenue YVest, which carried unanimously on a voice vate. #98-288 Mark Fuhr- Rezone Lot 2 from OS-I (Office Service) to B-3 (General Business) and RM-2 (Medium-density, low-rise multiple-family residential), and a portion of Lot 2 from P-1 (Vehicular Pazking) to B-3 (General Business) at 399 Ruth Street & 0 Wilson Avenue to altow construction and operation of an auto repair station (Allan Torstenson, 266-6579). MOTION: Comrrrissioner Wenc! moved approva[ af the request to rezone Lot i from OS 1 (office service) to B-3 (general business) and RiYI-2 (medium-density, low-rise multiple family residential), and a portion ofLot Z from P-I (vehicular parkin� to B-3 (generat business) at Ruth Streei and 0 Wi[son Avenue, which carried unanimausly on a voice vote. #98-187 Zhuoling Ren - Sign variance to ailow two free standing signs within a reqaired frunt � yard; to allow a perpendicular sign to The street and height variance for an archway sign at 1033 Grand Avenue (Jim Zdon, 266-6559). Commissioner Wencl reported that this case �vas laid over to the September 3, 1998 Zoning Committee meeting. #98-183 Daniel T. Flvnn - Revocation of a nonconforming use permit (97-056) which allowed a welding shop and residence in a property previous(y occupied by a motorcycle sales�and repair shop at 841 Hudson Rd (Allan Torstenson, 266-6579). Commissioner Wencl explained that the issue of revocation was whether the applicanY had adhered to the conditions that had been placed on the property when the special conditeon use permit was issued. He was notified of the violations in approximately January, February of this year and he told the licensing division that he was not going to comp(y. He appeazed at the Zoning Committee meeting saying that he now understood all of the conditions. MOTION: Conxmissioner A'encl moved denial of the revocation of a nanconforming use permit and revise the nonconforming use permit to require improvements by October 20, 1998. Commissioner Nordin no[ed that she was troubied by some of the wordiag of the conditions. She feels that since he has been delinquent, the conditions should specify that not only that • plans be submitted and approved by a certain date, but the conditions should also specify that a �.�4� � construction be completed by a certain date. Commissioner Kramer noted that the intent of the Zoning Committee was that the work should actually be completed by October 20, 1998. Commissionec Wencl agreed. Mr. Torstenson added that a site p(an needs to be su6mitted to LIEP where stafFwould appcove it. Commissioner Engh expressed that clearer language be used in the resolution. MOTION: Commissioner Gordon moved that the language "be sabmilted jor approval and cossiruction completed by October 20, 1998" be used for both numbers 1 and 2 nf the condi[ions. The mation was seconded by Commissioner Nowlin and carried unanimous/y on a voice vote. The motion on the floor to deny revocation of a nonconforming use permit and revise it to require improvements be completed by October 20, 1998 carried unanimously on a voice vote. #98-175 R& R Books - Nonconforming Use Permit appiication to allow extension of a nonconforming adu(t use at 674 University Avenue (Markha Faust, 266-6572). MOTION: Commissioner Wencl moved to deny the request to allow an extension oja nonconjorming adult use at 674 University Avenue. Commissioner Wencl informed commissioners that this estabiishment has a month to month � lease for their business and has two Types of uses. There is no case of hardship. The motion on the floor to deny the �equested extension of a nonconforming adu[t use at 674 C7niversity Avenue carried unanimously on a voice vote. Commissioner Wencl read the agenda (7 cases) for the next Zoning Committee meeting on Thursday, September 3, 1998. C(lair MoRon announced that 7oe Chavez has sent a letter of resignation to the Planning Commission; and that Dennis Gervais will be repiacing Joe on.the Zoning Committee. V. Northwest Quadrant Report: Tom Harrea Mr. Harren spent a few minutes expiaining some sta�ng changes that have taken place within PED. Jim O'Leary has become the Executive Director of RiverCenter. As a result of that, there were some staffing needs in the Director's Office that Ms. Wheelock needed to filt. She decided that A1 Lovejoy, team leader of the Southwest Quadrant, wil( become part of the Director's staff with some overall responsi6ilities for coordinating some intergovemmental relationships that PED has with the federal govemment, state government and agencies like the Metropolitan Council. He will continue to have the overall leadership responsibility for the zoning activities within the department. He will also be responsible for the development of the Capital Allocation Plan and Phase II of the MNRRA Plan. Susan Kimberly, team leader for the Southtvest Quadrant will replace Al as team leader for the Southeast Quadrant and the � downtown area. Mr. Harren announced that, on an interim basis, he will be serving as the team leader for the Southwest Quadrant during the time PED is looking for a new team leader; and at the same time, he wil! continue to serve as team leader for Yhe Northwest Quadrant. Mr. Harren then introduced a new staff member, Joel Spoonheim, who has been hired as a planner. Joel is learning about the many things PED is doing in the Northwest Quadrant, and zeroing in on the things that he can be most helpful with in meeting some of PED's needs. Joel is a recent graduate of the Humphry Instit�te and is expected to be a great asset to PED as well as to the Planning Commission. Mr. Harren handed out a progress report of the 1998 priorities for the Northwest Quadrant Team. He drew attention to those priorities that have changed some: - Oakland Village Initially, this was a very ambitious project; it has been scaled back. - University Avenue Opportunities keep popping up; more is happening than was initially Midway expected. Re-development of the bus bam site is major. The Home Developaeent Depot is negotiating for the Lexina on/LJniversiry site. Dale and University may be the site of a community design workshop. - West Midway Parking for the Specialty Building; a parking study is being completed for the rest of this azea. - Great Northern/ Legislators are becoming interested in the development of that area and Central Corridor how it is connected Yo the Phalen Corridor. They aze looking to the City for some guidance in determining the priorities in development along that stretch. - Snel(ing Avenue The Hamline-Midway Community Plan is expected to be compieted Hamline-Midway some time in October and come before the Planning Commission for review. A very good housing strategy has come out of that pracess. Joel Spoonheim will work with the community to develop an action plan for commercial development along Snelling. - Capitol Heights A new project area for the Northwes[ Quadrant. A planning process has begun there to look at what the ppYentials aze for some redevelopment in that area, emphasizing fiousing. A p[an will be compieted some time before the end of the yeac The coordination of housing activities wiih the potential for some commercial developmenTS is key. Commissioner McDonell, referring to the Specialty Buiiding on page 5 of the handout, asked Mr. Harren to help him understand 100 pazking spaces per floor and how that number is determined. Mr. Harren responded that the building is anticipated to be used as office space and so the requirements are 100 parking spaces per floor. Commissioner McDoneli reminded commissioners that the question about Yhe current bus barn site has come up before, and it probably should have been included in previous plans. Given that site's significance, Commissioner McDonell hopes that the Planning Commission will 6e given an opportunity to review and comment on redevelopment possibilities. � � With regard to the Specialty Bui(ding, Commissioner Kramer asked Mr. Harren about the big � a �.�� � parcel of land that was to become available through ta�c forfeiture and used for parking. Mr. Harren noted that the City is still negotiating on that piece of property. Commissioner Faricy asked whether there has been positive progress made in the relocation of the bus barn. Mr. Harren reptied that Metropolitan Transit wifi be making a decision on one of the four sites at the end of October. Part of making that decision is dependent upon the Minnesota Department of Transportation's rerouting of Interstate 35E. Commissioner Nowlin noted that he was impressed with the list of projects and commended everyone working on it. In order to stimulate projecu and amact private sector money, he suggested that the City might consider putting down dollar amount ranges for City assistance in connection with troubied or difficult to develop property. Mr. Harren responded that, in some cases, the City does have dotlar figures on how much the ctean-ap of these azeas woutd be. He noted that if such a list wouid 6e put toaether, it would indicate many more resources than are available. As developers express their interests, the City has generalfy relied on state and Metropolitan Council money for the clean-up portions of these areas. Saint Paul has been very successful in tapping those funds. In almost afl cases where the City is looking at major development, there is some clean-up cost associated with the assembly of the site. Commissioner Geisser asked if Mr. Harren had any idea who was going into the Wards site. He answered that he did not. She then asked, referring to the Specialty Bui(ding, why there has been no incentive given to employees, like bus passes or subsidized bus passes, by the employers, especialty since Raymond and University is very transit accessible? She sees this • as a perfect oppoRunity to experiment with this incentive. Commissioner Geisser does not find providing 100 parking spaces per floor encouraging to any type of alternative travel modes. She asked why in this area is it required to have 100 parking spaces per floor while there is no parking requirement in downtown? Mr. Harren replied that he believes that 100 parking spaces per floor is consistent with the current requirement for parking spaces for office space. He noted that developers say that without the adequate parking spaces, they have trouble getting the tenants. While the City may believe that alternative transit might work, the developers are not convinced. Commissioner Nordin suggested that perhaps after the tenant is already in the building, the City could propose a bus package. Mr. Harren responded that as PED is looking at development principles for University Avenue and working with the Midway Chamber of Commerce and neighborhood organizations, PED does talk about creating pedestrian and transit friendly development along University Avenue. Parking does need to be reviewed in that uea even though University Avenue appears to be an ideal place to experiment with aitemative transit. Commissioner Gordon expressed that he, too, was impressed the number of quality projects in the works. With respect to Fairview and [3niversity, he asked if Mr. Harren knew fiow many 6usinesses would be taken out and Fvhether the City is making efforts to accommodate those businesses in getting them to relocate elsewhere in Saint Paul. Mr. Harren answered that there are 6-8 businesses located on that corner and PED has been working with them. There is frustration on the part of the tenants because right now the City is in a period of signing a memorandum on agreement on this project, but the City has not signed a development • agreement with the developer. Until that time, there is really no o�cial thing that can be done as far as relocation. City staff and a consultant has met with the tenants and have actually begun to take them through the steps of the process. In the future, it is hoped that the City can take � steps to be more sensitive about informing tenants of a redevelopment, Commissioner Nordin suggested that Saint Paui tatce advantage ofthe Minnesota Design Team to do design studies in areas considered for redevelopment such as Dale and University. Commissioner Wencl asked whether there has been any discussion about creating indoor tennis courts for the Great NorthemlCentra( Corridor azea? Mr. Harren replied that he did not know. Commissioner Treichel commented that residents around the azea of the Midway Mazket Place and Midway Center are a(ways concerned about the fact that p(ace is not kept as clean as it could be by the current tenants. She suggested that tenants might allocate a little more of their resources to clean-up. Mr. Harren responded that the Midway Cham6er has a project going to help keep sidewa(ks ciean on Universiry Avenue. He said that he wi(I bring it up with the Chamber. Commissioner Duarte asked whether some of the costs incuaed by redevelopment aze chazged to the pubiic under "special assessments." Mr. Harren answered that in most of projects that PED is involded with, there are public funds that ue in some way provided for these deveioprtents; a TIF district, some type of loan, in some cases, and grants. He stated that he did not kno�v whether there were any special assessments charged to the public. Mr. Ford commented further relating to Commissioner Geisser's question about parking and the Specialty Building and University Avenue. Going through the testimony received on the Draft � 90s Plan, there was quite a bit of comment about needing an increase in parking downtown as developmenY proceeds downtown. People felT that is highly inconsistenY with the Transportation Plan which says that we need to diversify our transportation and encourage much more reliance on transit. Mr. Ford doesn't know how Saint Paul is going to get out of this conundrum. Not too long ago, Mr, Ford stated that he answered the criticism from a City Council member about high parking requirements downtown as something that is not promoting transit. Commissioner Geisser is right. Saint Paul does not have parking requirements downtown, but transit downtown is much better than on University Avenue. The fact is that anyone who is going to build downtown will not do it untess they can be assured that they-can have a good deal of parking and it's probably going to be more pazking than if Saint Paui had pazking requirements downtown. Saint Paul has a pub[ic that does not accept tfie use of transit. Saint Paul does not ase it much downtown, and not many people are going to use it to go to the Specialty Offtce Building. What iYs going to take to overcome that is not known. A cfiange in Saint PauPs parking requirements is not going to do it because it's the developers who want the parking. The idea of experiments and the things that Metro Transit is trying to do to increase employers to encourage other modes of transit are good things to see. VI. Compreheusive Planning Committee Commissioner Geisser announced that the next few meetings wou(d begin at 3:30 p.m. There is a large agenda for the next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, September 9, in Room 41 of the City Hall Conference Centec Agenda items inciude the Minneapolis Ptan, the Housin� Plan and the Land Use Plan. • �1��9`� { • VII. Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee Commissioner Faricy announced that the next committee meeting will be next Tuesday, September 15, 1998. VIII. Communications Committee Commissioner Kramer said there was no committee report. He did however, report that Chair MoRon, Commissioner Johnson and he attended a presentation given by the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension to the District 2 Community Counci( about their proposal for a large buiiding in the Phalen Village azea — a$50 million office building at the intersection of Prosperity and Maryland Avenues, which was generally very well received by the community. IX. Task Force Reports Commissioner Gordon announced that the STAR Board has rated the applications which will be intemal(y reviewed at the September 2"" meeting. The applicants will be invited to meetings held September 14 and 15. Commissioner Gordon announced that the Ayd Mill Draft EIS should be ready any day. The task force will meet to discuss it September 14, 1998. • X. Old Business None. XI. New Business None. XIT. Adjournment The meeting adjourned aY 9:59 a.m. Recorded and prepared by Jean Birkholz, Planning Commission Secretary Planning and Economic Development Department City of Saint Pau1 Respectfully submitted, • Kenneth Ford Planning Administrator (Date) Esperanza Duarte Secretary of the Planning Commission MiNUTES OF THE ZONWG COMMITTEE Thursday, August 20, 1998 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Keilogg Boulevard PRESENT: Faricy, Field, Kramer, Morton, Vaught and Wencl EXCUSED: Chavez, Gordon OTHERS PRESENT: Peter Warner, Assistant City Attorney, Geri Boyd, Donna Drummond, Martha Faust, Larry Soderholm, Ailan Torstenson and Jim Zdon of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. LOWER AFTON SE(YIORS L.L.C. - Zoning File 98-194 - Rezone property from B-Z (Community Business to RM-2 (Medium-Density, Low-Rise Multiple-Family Residential). Martha Faust, PED, gave a slide presentation and reviewed the staff report. She stated staff recommends approval of the petition to rezone the property from B-2 to RM-2. In response to Commissioner Wencl, Ms. Fa�st explained that the 129 rooms are the calculated density according to the City's schedule of regulations. Since the proposed project incorporates underground parking, a density bonus was given. Loren Spande of 4515 Oak Chase Road, a member of the Lower Afton Seniors L.L.C. appeared. He stated that the proposed buiiding is to be a three story, 55 and oider buiiding. Upon question of Commissioner Kramer, Mr. Spande stated that the project is fully financed. No one appeared in opposition, and the public hearing was ciosed. Commissioner Faricy moved approval of the staff recommendation and the motion was seconded by Commissioner Wencl. There was no further discussion, and the motion was called recommending approval. Adopted Yeas - 6 Drafted hy: � � ^.� L ��'-� Geri Boyd ` Recording Secretary Nays - 0 Submitted by: �.z�� ,��.-� Martha Faust Southeast Team � Litton ieid Chair • C J C J �I�'" � • ZONING COMPffTTEE STAE'F REPORT FILE # 98-191 . 1 2 3 4 5 APPLICANT: LOWER AFTON SENIORS L.L.0 CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning DATE OF HEARING 08/20/98 LOCATION: South side of Lower A£ton Road, 201' wesc of McKaight Road. PLA2313I73G DIS2RICT: 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: EX the W 172 FT, Lot 1 Block 1; Shamrock P1aza 6. PRESENT ZONING: B-2 ZONZNG CODE REFERENCE: § 64.400 7 � STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 8J10/98 BY: Martha Faust DATE RECEIVED: 07/20/98 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 9/18/98 A. PURPOSE: Application to rezone from B-2 (COmmunity Business) to RM-2 (Multiple Family) to a11ow construction of 56 units o£ senior housing. The housing would be provided in a 3-story attached structure occupying the southern portion of the parcel. B C D PARCEL SIZE: The xectangulax shaped lot has approximately 235 £eet of Prontage on Lower Afton Road, and a lot area of 73,267 square feet. • EXISTZNG LAND U5E: The propexty is a vacant undeveloped lot. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Lower Afton Road; Ramsey County Open Space (17 acres running east-west alonq Lower Afton Road); further north, multiple family aparments with EtM-2 zoning. East: Shamrock Plaza strip shopping center with B-2 zoning; City of Maplewood. South: Shamrock Court Apartments, a 147-unit 3-story apartment complex with RM-2 zoning. West: A commercial daycare operation (New Horizons) zoned B-2; further west, residential property with two-family and single-family homes with Planned Development and R-1 zoning. E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Section 64.400(a) of the zoning code states in part, "the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed." Section 64.400{b) states in part, "an amendment to the zoning code may Zoning File #98-136 Page Two be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67) percent of the area of the property to be rezoned." F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: There are no previous zoning cases related to this property. G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOI�dENDATION: The District 1 Council held a meeting August 11, 1998 at which they voted to support the applicant's request. H. FINDINGS: 1. Holiday Station Stores, Inc. owns the property, and Lower Afton Seniors, LLC holds an option to purchase the property contingent on city approval o£ their rezoning request. Following this report is a copy of site plans for a proposed 57-unit structure that the applicants intend to construct if the request for rezoning is approved. The site plans show a 3-story structure with 42 1-bedroom units, 15 2-bedroom units, an underground garage with 52 spaces, and an at grade parking lot with 20 spaces. The applicants are currently working through the site plan review process for the project with the LIEP office. The site plan submitted for 129 rooms conforms is well below the maximum density permitted on the site according to Chapter 61.101 of the zoning code. • 2. The proposed rezoning to RM-2 is in conformance with the Saint Paul • Comprehensive Plan. The land use plan of record (198Q: "A Plan for Land Use") states that '�the city's housing goal is to provide opportunities for every stage o£ a person's life cycle, from childhood to young adult, to £amily, to retired empty nester. To do this, the city must increase the housing stock. The combined ef£ects of rising costs and smaller household sizes wi11 create increased demand for smaller, one and two bedroom dwelling units for both ownership and rental purposes. In addition, transportation-related energy costs and consumption can be reduced by locating the new housing in close proximity to shopping and with good access to transit". The property in question is served by Sus Routes #3 and ,�350 serving downtown St. Paul, Sun Ray shopping center, and Woodbury. The District 1 Plan (1985) provides mixed support for the property in question. It states that it "supports the westward expansion of the Shamrock Plaza commercial area, but only to fill the land currently zoned B-2". The Shamrock Plaza commercial did not expand west to the applicant's property, but a new sma11 commercial use has been developed directly east oE the Shamrock Plaza shoppinq strip, in the city of Maplewood. The District 1 Plan re£ers to the fact in general, rezonings to multi- family densities were not desired, however,it is believed that the statement refers to the issue of rezoning property zoned single family residential to multi-family housing, thereby increasing density. In this case, the rezoning request is to change from commercial to residential. The Plan does state that "the District 1 Council will support additional senior housing opportunities in the District (with • social activities and support services located on-site)". q�'�`� 1 • Zoning File �98-136 Page Three 3. The proposed rezoning to RM-2 is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have aa adverse impzct on the surrounding area. The area has developed with a diversity of uses: single family, two £amily, and multiple family nousing, commercial and service uses, and open space. The combination of services and amenities in close proximity make the site a desirable location for senior housing. 4. The applicant submitted a su££icient petition signed by two-thirds of the property within one hundred (100) feet of the property to be rezoned (3 parcels eligible, 2 parcels needed, and 2 parcels signed). 5. The intent oP the B-2 zoning district states: "to serve the needs of a consumer population larger than that served by the `Local Business District' and is qenerally characterized by a cluster of establishments generating large volumers of vehicular and pedestrian traffic". The intent of the RM-2 zoning district states: "to provide for more extensive areas of multiple-family residential development as we11 as uses related to the multiple-family residential districts, or uses which serve one-family residential needs and require more extensive sites. The RM-2 district is £urther provided to permit comprehensive development of a multiple-family project so as to establish a balance of population concentration as related to major thoroughfares and transit, and related facilities". • I. STAFF RECOhIl�tENDATZON: based on findings 1 through 5 staf£ recommends approval of the petition to rezone the property from B-2 to RM-2. • � PETITION TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE Department ojPlanning and Economic Development Zoning Section 1100 City Hal! Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55101 266-6589 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION Zeirt�rtg cffice • Property Owner Lower Afton Seniors L.L.C. Add�ess 9973 Valley View Road City Fden Prairie Stp1N Zip55344 Daytime phone 903-9260 ConTact persoR (if different) Address/Location st. Paul, r�mr Legat description r r� B� k i. sham,-��k piaza sec 12 �r7-28 Ranae '2 (attach additrona/ sheet if TO 7HE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, Lower Afton seniors L.L.C. , the owner of a!! the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a s-2 zoning district to a Rr1-2 zoning district, for the purpose of: (aftach additional sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required site plan � Consent petition � Affidavit � Subscribed and swom to before me this �_ day By:_ of c�l� , 1 g!J , F � Title.�j'� �iC. , e� ,�-�.i � Notary Public C�SOLL.FELINER NCT: ;}' PC?LlGtdINNESOTA e `�,: Y h.ES�I3WC0UNT`F �#4 CoR,�ss!cnFxD:raJan.31.2000 � �f v"' f��� , �� V �� � Page 1 of • • C� � � a � � 0 ,_ �� � m i � � � � � i � � � � � � 2 U N Q Q fl ,� J �v , m �� m 4 m V � �u �� aS N 4 o < 2 n i �� a_ � o J � JI / p � - 1 Q ip y 1 % L x Q ¢�� �� d � ui i � ?�� m ° U ) U. 1 (\ n �+ Q r z d d4 - i � d ' i nl m�,� � ni m ° m m � oo�„�a u u� �' o �1 �✓ T h 1 U JI � ) O ' �t � Ip U tn O � � f �n 4 m� nt �� Q � O i m ' 11 1111- U�QUN N Q J n 'U � �� d in n� tt�� '� fl y a 9 i'. % � 1- �V �R'IYry�S d � tll � i�y ?Q UV``"U V � CI �� ). 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( tzti L.� , bein� first duly sworn, d°poses and states that�ie she is ttie person �vho circula ed the consent petition consisting of � pa�es; that affiant represents that the parties described on the consent petition are ail the rzspectivz o«,ners of the properties placed immedia[el} before each namz; that affi� nt is informed and beli�ves that each of the parties described on the consent pz[ition is an oti�ner of the property �vhich is �rithin 100 feet of any property OWT12C1 purchased, or sold by pztitioner wi[hin one (1) year precedin� the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that none of the parties described in the consent petition has purchased or is purchasin� propzrty from the petitioner that is contiguous to the property described on the consent petition w�ithin one (1) year of the date of the petition; that this consent �vas si�ned by each of said o��ners in the presence of this affian[, and that the signatures are � the true and corrzct si�natures of each and all of the parties so describzd. � ��ri j �t1� �{ u„" C,7A�.t� I,+ L C_ NAtiIE Y.n�p�,., � •.7G�p� 44']�z I,�A�:M��y,,., (ZD> ADDRESS � �i2�q03-�126p TELEPHO�E NUMBER Subscribed and sworn to b fore me this /�°� da} of , 19 �1'� ��/YYU.r�t � - �� � ,/.inn . � 2�OTARY PUBLIC 7AMRq L MEpINA Pa�e of NOTAHI' PUBLIC--MINNESOTA � y WASHINGTON COUNTY Mrc«�r��es,bwsi,z000 ir 1/97 ----y-�—�----�* PETITTON TO REZOlV�E STATE OF MNNESOTA) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) :-Ii3�7� OF PETITIONER SS The petitioner, �ow._n. rt' "I' ��l ��„C first duly swom, deposes and staTes that the consent petiTion contains signatur s from at least two-thirds ('/a) of all eli�ible properties �vithin 100 feet of a11 property owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner �zthin one (1) year precedin� the date of this petition which is contiguous to thz property described in the petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must contain si�natures from each and all owners of jointly-owned property in order to constitute consent from that proper[y and that failure to obtain consent from each and ail owners could invalidate the consent petition; petitioner believes that the consent petition was signed by each of s i owners and that the sionatures are the true and correct si�natures of each and all of ies so described. � � tcxLt,.. � _ ��ia.�,1-e, QR � 3 uqGt '� _ ADD� 9o3-�Z�ao TELEPHONE NLTMBER Subscribed and sworn to before me this � day of 192 i 11La..: �. � , � .. . � ; �."�r, o� � � x:!'v � . . � r:c:... _ � iS`• � t�_ •� �. ►� , [_��'• Pa�e of 1l31/97 �� • CONSENT OF ADJOIHII:G FROP�RTY OWNL'R5 FOR A R�ZOA`ING P, 02 PAC£ B4 --��' . ��, We,ihe undasigntd, ownecs of the propertywithin 100 t<ct o[Lhe lalil tontigu0us descriptiott ot �q1 estalc oaned, purchascd, oi sold by TNB t6'iS710N5R �hthin one year p�aeding the dete of this petition eeknowledge that we have been preseated with the following: 1, A copy of the petition ot �Wer FA}{ P70, 6124041546 DESIGr� I tT,a f7 172 Ft, 2nt 1 BIk � fron: n a-2 toning distti�t to e xte-2 toningdistciat. z 61.101 2. Atopyotsections 60.451 through6 ,inclasiveoftheSaintpaulZoningCode; Rnd eckr.owledge tlsat We ere awsre of nll ot the usos ptrm ined in n�� toning disUict pnd we �tt A�rare thnt any Of these uses ten be estabti:hed upon Ciry Councit �pyrovil of the rezoning. WC hereby eanscnt to tht rezoning oF Ibe propeAy (n tAe petition oT; Lower Afton Seniors L.L.C. _toa �-2 zoningdistrict. (Name ot petitioner) � JUL-06-98 N��N 02:16 PM �7lD6/1999 13:51 6129�39292 crTY or s�xn�r ravL t0 rezone the propeAy locatcd ►t Wc cansent to the approvxl of this tezoning As tt was exptainCd to us by thc applicnnf or his/hcr representative. zzoa z,�.�r x�u� �a St�}u] 1�4i SS119 275 McXnight Rd 301 MCknl9ht Rd St. Paul. MN 55119 2196 lo«ez Afton Rd �� � INC. Court � � PIOTCt Thispetitif daya after it is recei+ name thece&om by notbe wnsidectd es oificially Qled unti) the lapsc of sevea � tsion. MysignaloroCthispeiitionmaywithdrawhfs/her ihat lime. . .. '''�' """"`��� • V � /�\ SI1Mien J. P�l�rMn ;e�=` MO�MYlIIRIC-Y9111ESOTA �� w wrr� a�nes u�u�arr n. �000 07l07/88 T'UE 14:22 f.4T 8126455957 SLTTIDE! COURT INT'L 06/2!l1938 14:1fl 612903929'1 DESIGN 1 CITY OT SAXNT PAUL CONSENT OF AD70INING PR�P�RTY OWI�BRS FOR A R�ZONING We,d�e �lidersigxd, o«mers of Ihc proputy �vithin 100 l«< of thc iolat conlignous desuiptwtt o� r�il eriatc owned, purcl�ased, or sold by THE P6TiT10NEK �Hthin ane year ptaedmg tUe date of @tiis petition acknowicdge that we have bem presented with the folk�rin6: 1. A copy aEthe petiGion oC - Lower Afton SeniQrs �, L.0 �. (name ofDed�ionvy to rczooe ti�e propeRy located a� S�OCk Yi°u Ex �he W 1�2 Ft, Lot 7. Bik J. f�om s s-2 zonioS disvicc �o a Rr}_y zoning distriet. 60.451 61.�0 2. A copy of eaCwns tArough , wc usive of tlu Saint Paul Zan'sng Code; snd nckrwwladge that wc am a.vare of n1l af the uxs permitted irt n� zaeins district and we are �wero that any oEtlxse usea can be established upon City Council aQproval ofthe rezoning. Wo hcreby consent W tke rezoning oElhe propeRy in the petition of; L�ower Afton Seniors L.L.C. to e FM-2 zoning district. (t3nme of petitianer) Wc cansent to the approvat of thys rezoning as it was exptatned Eo us by the applicant or his/her repXesentative. z2G4 IWwer A.fton Rd �La�ez Aftcn t� Z75 McKni9ht Rd — PAX Holding INC. 301 Mcl�nisht Fci 2196 Iqwer Aftnn Kd NOTE: This days eflcc� name the fn 0 � • 1 not be considcrcd as o�cially fited unti! the lapse of seven (7} working thep�anni ivision. At�yaignatoroflhispetitionmaywithdrawhislher � q r�#qucst tthin that timt_ ..,'•. _ ,�� �'�c , ��-¢,u,.�„-,� P..�;�L �ooz P�G= 93 � y J�ev� F � pQ�ARY PUK1C • YINNFSOTA .►. y IAY COYMI�11 EXPIRES JI1lIW1RY 81. 2000 �� "�� l • ZOIVING PETITION SUFFICIENCY CHECK SHEET REZONTIVG ! SCUP NCUP C J FIRST SUBMITTED DATE PETITION SUBMITTED: 7— �� 'U DATEOFFICIALLY.RECENED: � PARCELS ELIGIBLE: � PARCELSREQUIRED: � PARCELS ELIGIBLE: PARCELS SIGNED: � RESUBMITTED DATE PETITION RESUBMITTED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: PARCELS REQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: CHECKED BY: y c.:�nn� N"""� DATE: I l `� ZONitVG FILE ��'t5� �� ZONING PETITION LIST . As requested, attached is a list of all property owners within 100 feet of the property which you are requesting a zoning application. As a condition of your application, you are required to submit with your application a consent petition signed by a minnnum two-thirds of all the properry owners within 100 feet on the attached list. Only persons listed as "fee owner" or "homesteader" are eligible to sign your petition. Persons listed as "talcpayer" are not eligible to sign your petition since they do not have full ownership of the property. A properiy owner may sign the petition as many times as they are listed as an owner within 100 feet. Only one signature per property is counted as an eligible signer of the petition. Also attached are the petition form, affidavit, and application materials. � total properties are within 100 feet of the property for zoning action and eligible to sign your petition. • �� total signatures are required for a minimum two-thirds consent and a sufficient petition to proceed with your zoning application. , Piease return this list alon� with the original petition form, affidavit, application and any additional supporting information and material that is part of your application. '•` Rezoning petitions must be received and held in the Zoning office 7 workin; days prior to any application cut-off date. If you have questions about this list or any questions regazding this process, please call the Zoning office at 266-6589. • q�-9�t1 C� � 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. IZ. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. SLTNRAY-BATIT.ECREEK-HI GHW OOD HAZEL PARK HADEN-PROSPERITY HILLCREST WEST SIDE DAYTON'S BLUFF PAYNE-PHAI,EN NORTH END T'HOI�fAS-DALE SUMMTI'-UNIVERSITY WEST SEVENTH COMO HAMLINE-MIDWAY ST. ANTHONY PAKK MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNELLING HAMLINE MACALESTER GROVELAND HIGHLANIJ SUMMIT HILL DOWNTOWN ZONiNG FILE �' `� CI'ITZEN PARTICIPATION PZ.ANNING DISTRICTS BATTLE-CREEK DISTRICT 1 ON ---= �° ... _ „� _ �� � �;�� ���:��.,�� e -�� ��t� ., ,� r.a n� 3 `} c'7 � G� ca �� s cr �. c'�f c+r3��°c� � neor �,n�,E. �.� �ea`�+G�.� �1`�`�}�,'cl GUeBE'')c� G'� � G� E.'� � � o f•� n �� Q.�''cp EJ� E]� C>� oFa. �-�. . � � p � C �� F � � � � � � � 3 �� : =� �: .� ° �J o�r. n Ei � C�'` p� A C ��� f, G� p AG' F.j� e G c7 � a6`jG L� a n ��. 2 C� P •' � !'-i C 4 '� � C G��� c�� �: n t`�'.' F � C-: e c� 6' > 4 CE'�'c3<S`7 ° e ° � o�'C� t7�y�u� +� n c� L' ^u �"j t7 � <3 E , `•3 e � �;� a ° �'j C' `n o 0<,� �_ F.� �: s u e L E0 (�,,, La .. 7 L' ��} �SJ �' E C:i E7 C' tl n �.�t,�'.`� f .n,¢ e � o t�� 6 ea�,�`�,� o .� , `�,�oG3"j t�fi E., � v�'3 a r� € l. �� fy ,� j u c.� F� e3 E: ,� �43��3��E:>.A E;,�' 3� ���<f�'� �`'s.+�-� ��'�3 .:� • . G . _ � a�ts 3 r3� „�`� c:> � fep es e, G � a � '� •: e� J� c:,€ G' ��-� ���f' � � � �� � G � ^ A f � �' .. 'V f3-4� c7 e . " >��"�''Fi�p�eQ��t'f<J�� v�+3Fi`>3�GJ . ,F w a � � .� � a [> 3 � �V 4y � n cc o c �,' e , ti.) c , C.'' V�ca G' G. Ee � c 3`') f3 L' �'� �. �,� �e ����� O O O¢ O � ��„ v �£� � O O � �' � � � o �� °�� , R � � o . � ���.� �° 0 t �2� � 9 O � � C�7C•�ia� 0�� • ���_�, � � . '� O nsz 2 e e e � � � � G C c�p("�,C�eG' e G �e��. C pa�e�3 3 � i�:G'� c c n G�G��C> �d co�' fic�f=��i�G�',�C+Cvc.��a�'�..e�_��� �;,wER � -a. -o- � O ` O � 0 0 0 ��� ��a� ��� � `�: ������ '��� P ,� , �a � ���.l.��.� �-� ��� .� �(1� xreNwaoo Hties . ��L� � � 5-696 � ����� s �� Q'vir.uw.v�n�.. � o�. o � ��_o �-�11.17 �i�tl��� • APPLICANT`�� �` '�'`��'S ���'�EGEND PURPOS Rezo�•�N� FILE #: � DATE � � 2 a '16 PWG. DIST • MAP,: � ` � � �GG�1���' ..._-°-- � zoning d�slrict boundary i%//////// ..�11 .1F!'!.TlT.�l1J 0 ona family ¢ rivo family �¢Q multiplefamily n.°f orh`a • � ^ comr�' ♦ .m,s indust�i=_t V v2ca�: n �� Sv►bS��+4�C.+ "' ��'�y � \B' Council File # '� ` ' � ^ ` O �`�l Ordinance # ��SG ` v Green Sheet #� �M� �� ORDf NANCE ry�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MlNNESOTA �� �� ,99 jp / �_ 7 Presented By Referred To � ` Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereo£ g� 10 11 WI�REAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, Lower Afton Seniars L.L.C. duly petitioned to rezone the property at Lower Afton Road 201 feet west of McKnight Road being legally described as: EX the W 172 FT, Lot 1 Block I; Shamrock Plaza, from B-2 to RM-2 to allow construction of 56 units of senior housing, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on July 20, 1998 as having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the azea of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one yeaz proceeding the date of the petition; and 12 WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on August 20, 1998, held a public hearing 13 for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administrative Code, 14 submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and 15 16 WHEREAS, The Pianning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on August 28, 17 1998 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petiuon was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on August 11, 1998 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and properiy situated wholly or partiy within 350 feet of the properry sought to be rezoned;and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on September 23, 1998 where ail interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. 32 That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 201, as incorporated by reference in §60.301 of 33 the Saint Paul Legisiative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: 34 35 That property at the intersection of Lower Afton Road and McKnight Road (201 feet west of McKnight 36 Road), being more particularly described as: 37 38 EX the W 172 FT, Lot 1 Block 1; Shamrock Plaza, be and is hereby rezoned from B-2 to RM-2. 39 40 41 42 Section 2. a�"q�` This ordinance shall take effect and be in force tl�irty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. 4RlGlNAL Requested by Department of: Coleman Harris Lantry Reiter Adopted by i Adopcion C� By: Approved by By: � Planniri &� o miC Develo ment ✓ / ✓ BY: / ✓ � _ � Form Approved by Ci[y Attorney : DaLe < � c`, �(//� C ( � � C unci] . e ry By: _� /..YA- //� • " y ^ �/ q Approved by Mayo for mi io to Council a e L , 0 {/ \ By: sor.ct�easf ! ef�'1'yl �'1L[t� �-t�+C1- �tt�(S� �F�, .� /}S56D» CLS �pg� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �_, I £s ; GREEN � D£PARTMENT DIRECTOR � FOR Q CITV ASTOANEV a,G � BU�GET DIRECTOF � � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT) (CLiP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) N_° 5200� �I�''q� INRIAVDATE — pTY COUNCIL GIN C�ER1C FIN.B MGT SEFVICES �IR t a.h g�r��-rz,r�c2 i�o -f-�HaL��e C�ri-y'ccel (Oiy,3prflv�'u��`�t�rroF l,�u�-�'t�r ��;i� -tro v`C�ane ps��'# L�7t.uE({,�kFr'v,�3 fY0`�,-D �aot � u-z�'3-o�-,' A/�K.n�l�a- I�ocfL(� �r�rn -T -r-p �/ti{- � {�wb li c �j�2nry ;^'� Ic� �viPa'n b2v Z?, l�R��N REGOMMENDATIONS:lWpmve (A1 or R¢ject (R) A P�qNNiNG COMMISS�ON _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICTCOVRT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCll08JECTVE� PERSONAL S£RViCE CON7RACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING OUESTiONS: 1. Has Mis persoMlirm ever worketl under a contrect tor Ihis department> YES NO 2. Has tfiis person7firm ever been a city empioyee� YES NO 3. Does this personlfirm possess s skill'rot normafly poss�ssed Dy any cuaent c+ty employee� YES NO Explaln eli yes enawers on seperate sheet nnd attach to gree� aheet INI'fiATIN6 PflOeLEM. ISSUE, OPPOqTUNITY (Who. Whffi. When. Where. Why) (' C�t�i (�i�'�'Y�V� g� c� �3°�� ,77L` � dl��/��'-�FZ�AISEJ��ta�..S Lt�- Y� . (��-rre �r�1��. a.=� GEJLU�F{�, r/l{ 1�/�-C) �� }-('eeG� 9,(1P-G.��,,`✓'rc��niol�c��� -�r�m Q' L(�inrnuru:F-� �v�rYre� ) r€� (�M -2 Cl�! i-r'�le Fc�°nz`(,v�._ I�`�`�� i� ( T.�', e-v� c�,� ��Fruc� �r, � S�� tO�,fZ 6� �i,ir r�` �2�-.� �'r1�+_� - AOVANTAGES IF APPROVED: OISADVANTAGES AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION 5 FUNDItdG SOURCE FINANGpI INFOqMAT10N (EXPLAIN) ���� ������� ����?� F' 5 S�� 2 � 1988 QCT � 219�9 ����� �� ���r��Y�:;� �.' _ COST7REVENUE BUDGETEO (CIRCIE OPiE) YES NO ACTIVITY NUMBER Council File # 9P- 94 1 Ordinance # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # J z � � %' ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee : An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaini to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps there� � f ���fi �j oC� � i �rn�a] J � WHEREAS, Pursuant to M�sota Statutes 462357 and §64. 0 of the Legis ative Code, Lower Afton Seniors L.L.C. duly petitiqned to rezone th properiy at Low Afton Road 2 feet west of McKnight Road bemg legally described as�X the W 172 F, Lot 1 Block Shamrock Plaza�from B-2 to RM-2 to allow construction of 56 units of senior housin the petition h ing been certifiec�by the Planning Division on July 20, 1998 as having been consented to by at least 67% f the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and fiu•ther having been consented to by at least tw -thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within on ear proceeding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning mmission on August 20, 1998, held a public hearing far the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, d pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administtative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Co ission that the perition be granted; and WHEREAS, The Pianning Commission consid ed the rezoning petition at its meeting held on August 28, 1998 and recommended that the City Counci pprove the petition; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing bef e the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of e City on August 11, 1998 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and prop situated wholly ar parfly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned;and WHEREAS, a public hearin efore the City Council having been conducted on September 23, 1998 where all interested parties were ard, the Council having considered all the facts and recoxnmendations concerning the petition; now, theref e THE COUNCIL O HE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 201, as incorporated by reference in §60301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That property at the intersection of Lower Afton Road and McKnight Road (201 feet west of McKnight Road), being more particularly described as: �[��j Co�Vtr/ulc�� EX the W 172 FT, Lot 1 Block 1; Shamrock Plaza�be and is hereby rezoned from B-2 to 12M-2. l DEPART'�NT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CTTY OF SAIN'T PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor September I, 1998 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: Division of Pt�mning 25 West Fourth Sbeet Saint Paul, MNSSI01 �1 i�� y�. Telephone: 672-266-656� Facsimile: 672-228-3314 M �„ �r.y? � ��ep?. .. �� � ;� � ���� I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled far Wednesday September 23, 1498, for the following zoning case: Applicant LOWER AFTON SENiORS LLC File Number: #98-191 Purpose: Rezone property from B-2 (Community Business) to RM-2 (Multiple Family) to allow construction of 56 units of senior housing on the currently vacant site. Address: LOWER AFTON ROAD (201 feet west of McKnight Road) Legal Description of Property: EX the W 172 FT, Lot 1 Block 1; Shamrock Plaza Previous Action: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval; vote: 6-0; August 20, 1998 Planning Commission Decision: Approval; unanimous vote; August 28, 1998 My understanding is that this public heazing request will appeaz on the agenda for the September 23, 1998 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6572 if you have any questions. Sincerely, � ;��;���� c;�� Martha Faust City Planner cc: File #98-191 Geri Boyd Paul Dubruiel Wendy Lane Lany Soderholm .��. . xortes ot� raBZio-asenn�r� - ; The S2inY PaUI City Covncil will conduct a public hearing on Wednesd�y, September 23, 1995 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Third F7oor CityHall-Court House, to consider tfie application of Lomer Afton Seniors LLC tb rewne�propeity from B-21Eommunity Business) to RM-2 (Multiple Family) to allow construction of 56 units of senior housing on the currenfly vacant site on Lower Afton� Road [20] feet west of McKnight Road). ' . � - -- - Dated:-SepYember3, 1998 �- , � _ : _ . , ' NANCY i1F1DERSON - - � . � . _ . . Assistant City Covncii Secre[ary - � - � � , ' - " ' 'lSepYember 5. 19981 = . . � - DEPARTbtEYi OF PLANiVPIG & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT q�-9�t1 CTTY OF SAII�TI' PAUL Norm Cofeman. blayor �r September 1, 1998 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: Division oJP[anning 15 West Fourth St�eet Sairst Pau1, ,4f.�' S5101 Tefephone� 611-266-6565 Facsimile: 6! 2-128-33! 1 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Councif is scheduled for Wednesday September 23, 1998, for the following zoning case: Applicant: LOWERAFTON SENIORS LLC FileNumber: �`98-191 Purpose: Rezone property from B-2 (Community Business) to RM-2 (Multiple Family) to • al(ow construction of 56 units of senior housing on the currently vacant site. Address: LOWER AFTON ROAD (201 feet west of McKnight Road) Legal Description of Property: EX the W 172 FT, Lot 1 Block 1; Shamrock Plaza Previous Action: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval; vote: 6-0; August 20, 1998 Planning Commission Decision: Approvat; unanimous vote; August 28, 1998 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the September 23, 1998 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6572 if you have any questions. Sincerely, �j�z�1�;t ���� MaRha Faust City Ptanner � cc: File #98-191 Geri Boyd Paul Dubmiel Wendy Lane Larry Soderholm city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 98-49 date Au 28 1998 WHEREAS, LOWER AFTON SENIORS L.L.C., file # 98-191, has applied for a Rezoning under the provisions of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, for the purpose of Application to rezone from B-2 to RM-2. on property located at LOWER AFTON ROAD 201 feet west of Mcknight Road , legally described as EX the W 172 FT, Ldt 1 Block 1; Shamrock Plaza; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 08/20/1998, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and � WHEREAS, Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the £ollowing findings of fact: 1. Holiday Station Stores, Inc. owns the properiy, and Lower Afton Seniors, LLC holds an • option to purchase the property contingent on city approval of their rezoning request. The applicant proposes a 57-unit structure if the request for rezoning is approved. The site plans show a 3-story structure with 42 1-bedroom units, 15 2-bedroom units, an underground gazage with 52 spaces, and an at grade pazking lot with 20 spaces. The applicants are currently working through the site plan review process for the project with the LIEP o�ce. The site plan submitted for I29 rooms conforms is weIl betow the maximum densiry permitted on the site according to Chapter 61.101 of the zoning code. 2. The proposed rezoning to RM-2 is in conformance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. The land use plan of record (1980: "A Plan for Land Use") states that "the city's housing goal is to provide opportunities for every stage of a person's life cycle, from childhood to young adult, to family, to retired empty nester. To do this, the city must increase the housing stock. The combined effects of rising costs and smaller household sizes will create increased demand for smaller, one and two bedroom dwelling units foi both ownership and rental purposes. In addition, transportation-related energy costs and consumption can be reduced by locating the new housing in close proximity to shopping and with good access to transit". The properiy in question is served by Bus Routes #3 and #350 serving downtown St. Paul, Sun Ray shoppine mOV �ap�l� `/ dbury. �� Wencl 7 seconded by in favor Unanimous � against �� 1 1� • The District 1 Plan (1985) provides mixed support for the property in question. It states that it "supports the westwazd expansion of the Shamrock Plaza commercial area, but only to fill the land currently zoned B-2". The Shamrock Plaza commercial did not expand west to the applicanYs property, but a new small commercial use has been developed direcily east of the Shamrock Plaza shopping strip, in the city of Maplewood. The District 1 Plan refers to the fact in general, rezonings to multi-family densities were not desired, however, it is believed that the statement refers to the issue of rezoning property zoned single family residential to multi-family housing, thereby increasing density. In this case, the rezoning request is to change from commercial to residential. The Plan does state that "the District 1 Council will support additional senior housing opportunities in the District (with social activities and support services located on-site)". 3. The proposed rezoning to RM-2 is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact on the surrounding area. The area has developed with a diversity of uses: single family, two family, and multiple family housing, commercial and service uses, and open space. The combination of services and amenities in close proximity make the site a desirable location for senior housing. 4. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition signed by two-thirds of the proper[y within one � hundred (100) feet of the properry to be rezoned (3 pazcels eligible, 2 parcels needed, and 2 pazcels signed). 5. The intent of the B-2 zoning district states: "to serve the needs of a consumer population larger than that served by the `Local Business DistricY and is generally chazacterized by a cluster of establishments generating lazge volumes of vehiculaz and pedestrian traffid'. The intent of the RM-2 zoning district states: "to provide for more extensive azeas of mnitiple- family residential development as well as uses related to the multiple-family residential districts, or uses which serve one-family residential needs and require more ea�tensive sites. The RM-2 district is further provided to permiY comprehensive development of a muitiple-family pro}ect so as to establish a balance of population concentration as related to major thoroughfares and transit, and related facilities". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, that under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, the application for a Rezoning to allow Application to rezone from B-2 to RM-2. at LOWER AFTON ROAD 201 feet west of Mcknight Road is hereby approved. ►�.I Saint Paui Planaing Commission City Hafl Conference Center 15 TCellogg Boulevard West A meeting of the Planning Commission of the Ciry of Saint Paul was he(d Friday, Augast 28, 1998, at 83d a.m. in the Conference Center of City Halt. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Mmes. Duacte, Engh, Faricy, Geisser, MoROn, Nordin, Treichel, and Wencl and Messrs. Geroais, Gordon, Johnson, Kong, Kramer, McDonell, and Nowlin. Mmes.' and Messrs. *Field, *Mardel[, *Margulies, Sharpe, and *Vaught *Excused Also Present: Ken Ford, Planning Administrator; Jean Birkholz, Tom Harren, Nancy Homans, Larry Soderholm, Joel Spoonheim, and Allan Torstenson, Department of Planning and Economic Developrccent staff. I. Appraval of Minutes of August 14, 1998 MOTION: Commissioner Kramer moved approva! of the minutes ofAugust 14, 1998; Commissianer Wencl seconded the molion which ca�ried unanimously on a vnice vote. II. Chair's Announcements Chair Morton thanked commissioners for being present, She mentioned that rivo wee[cs ago, the meeting was delayed until9 a.m. because there was not a quorum until then. She emphasized the importance of callin� Jean when commissioners know they wili not be able ta make a meeting. She would rather cancel a meeting when it appears that quorum will not be reached rather than have everyone else come to a meeting ihat results in a non-meetina. Chair Morton pointed to the monitors where a picture of ttie Dadlez triplets was being d[splayed: one boy, Peter (5 (bs. l i oz.) and two girls, Zoe (416s. 5 oz} and MoI(y (4 Ibs. I4 oz.), born August 20 at 9 p.m. Mom, dad and babies are all heaithy and happy. III. Planning Administrator's Announcements Mr. Ford anaounced that the APA has sent communication about their Audio Trainiag Conference Program. Ftyers are on the tabte oat front. These conferences are set up on the telephone. Registration is possib[e ifthere is enough interest in participating. Piease let Chair Morton or Mr. Ford know if you are interested. An upcoming conference available is cafled "The Character of Community" havin� to do with the heightened interest in cities and the physical quality of communities. • �� L � � q�� � At City Council there will be a hearing on September 9, 1998 on the Port Authority's replatting of land on William's Hill for the new plan and a business. But it raises an interesting issue. A clear positive recommendation on the replatting will be difficult to make because iYs in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan because of the ECBD bypass right-of-way. It means that there will probably need to be an amendment to tfie p(an which will need to be approved by the Metropolitan Council which could raise some issues about the overall transportation system. Scenic Minnesota has appealed the decision on the storm dama�ed biltboards on Grand Avenue and in Highland V illage. The City Council is discussing the request of a study of pawn shops, smoke shops and currency exchanges, and the zoning for them. Commissioner Geisser asked if the Planning Commission had not done such a study in the not too distant past. Mr. Ford replied that thece had been a study done on pawn shops, but there is sti(t some concern about the whole cluster of these kinds of uses that come together, and concem about the increase in these uses in some paRs of the city. Chair MortoR refersed to a letter on the table to Gerald SVathmann at Council Research from the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce regarding billboards. The Chamber asks that the Planning Commission co�duct a survey or public input process specifically for the users of billboards and the hospitality industry to see how they feel about outdoor signage and its usefulness, as well as the aesthetics of them in the communities. � N. Zoning Committee In Commissioner Field's abse�ce, Commissioner Wencl gave the Zoning Committee report. #98-192 WestwaYHoldings Comgany - River corridor special condition use permit to allow Westway to add an 840,000 gallon storage tank to present facility not elevated on fill within the Flood Fringe at 2175 Childs Road (Martha Faust, 266-6572). MOTION: Commissioner Wencl �noved approval ojthe•requested river corridor special condition use permit with five conditions, to altow Westway to add an 840,Od0 gatlon storage tank to present facility not elevated on fi[! wit�in the Flood Fringe at 2175 Childs Road, whic/i carried unanimous[y on a voice vote. #98-191 Lower Afton Seniors L.L.C. - Rezone property from B-2 (Community Business) to M-2 (Medium-density, low-rise multiple-family residential) at the south side of Lower Afton Road 201 feet west of McKnight Road (Martha Faust, 266-6572). MOTION: Commissioner Wencl moved approval of the request to rezone property from B-2 (communiry business) ta RM-2 (medium-density, low-rise multiple family residential) at the south side of Lower Ajton Road 201 feet west af McKnight Road to allow a senior citizens' limited corporatior: ta build a 56-unit housing faci(ity, which carried unattimous[y an a voice vote. � Commissioner Engh asked if this buildina could be characterized as an assisted living facility, Commissioner Wencl answered that it could not. She added that there are community rooms � and some communiTy dining. #98-193 River Town Homes. LLC - Special condition use permit to altow a ciuster developmeat of two units at 435 Idaho Avea�e West (Donna Drammond, 266-6556), Commissioner Wenc( informed commissioners that this special condition use permit will add two town homes to a development that was approved for 28 town homes in October, 1997. This parcel of [and became available for t6e devetoper to purchase after that time. MOTION: Commissioner Wenc[ moved approval of the requested special condition use permit with one condition to a[low a cluster development of two units at 435ldaho Avenue YVest, which carried unanimously on a voice vate. #98-288 Mark Fuhr- Rezone Lot 2 from OS-I (Office Service) to B-3 (General Business) and RM-2 (Medium-density, low-rise multiple-family residential), and a portion of Lot 2 from P-1 (Vehicular Pazking) to B-3 (General Business) at 399 Ruth Street & 0 Wilson Avenue to altow construction and operation of an auto repair station (Allan Torstenson, 266-6579). MOTION: Comrrrissioner Wenc! moved approva[ af the request to rezone Lot i from OS 1 (office service) to B-3 (general business) and RiYI-2 (medium-density, low-rise multiple family residential), and a portion ofLot Z from P-I (vehicular parkin� to B-3 (generat business) at Ruth Streei and 0 Wi[son Avenue, which carried unanimausly on a voice vote. #98-187 Zhuoling Ren - Sign variance to ailow two free standing signs within a reqaired frunt � yard; to allow a perpendicular sign to The street and height variance for an archway sign at 1033 Grand Avenue (Jim Zdon, 266-6559). Commissioner Wencl reported that this case �vas laid over to the September 3, 1998 Zoning Committee meeting. #98-183 Daniel T. Flvnn - Revocation of a nonconforming use permit (97-056) which allowed a welding shop and residence in a property previous(y occupied by a motorcycle sales�and repair shop at 841 Hudson Rd (Allan Torstenson, 266-6579). Commissioner Wencl explained that the issue of revocation was whether the applicanY had adhered to the conditions that had been placed on the property when the special conditeon use permit was issued. He was notified of the violations in approximately January, February of this year and he told the licensing division that he was not going to comp(y. He appeazed at the Zoning Committee meeting saying that he now understood all of the conditions. MOTION: Conxmissioner A'encl moved denial of the revocation of a nanconforming use permit and revise the nonconforming use permit to require improvements by October 20, 1998. Commissioner Nordin no[ed that she was troubied by some of the wordiag of the conditions. She feels that since he has been delinquent, the conditions should specify that not only that • plans be submitted and approved by a certain date, but the conditions should also specify that a �.�4� � construction be completed by a certain date. Commissioner Kramer noted that the intent of the Zoning Committee was that the work should actually be completed by October 20, 1998. Commissionec Wencl agreed. Mr. Torstenson added that a site p(an needs to be su6mitted to LIEP where stafFwould appcove it. Commissioner Engh expressed that clearer language be used in the resolution. MOTION: Commissioner Gordon moved that the language "be sabmilted jor approval and cossiruction completed by October 20, 1998" be used for both numbers 1 and 2 nf the condi[ions. The mation was seconded by Commissioner Nowlin and carried unanimous/y on a voice vote. The motion on the floor to deny revocation of a nonconforming use permit and revise it to require improvements be completed by October 20, 1998 carried unanimously on a voice vote. #98-175 R& R Books - Nonconforming Use Permit appiication to allow extension of a nonconforming adu(t use at 674 University Avenue (Markha Faust, 266-6572). MOTION: Commissioner Wencl moved to deny the request to allow an extension oja nonconjorming adult use at 674 University Avenue. Commissioner Wencl informed commissioners that this estabiishment has a month to month � lease for their business and has two Types of uses. There is no case of hardship. The motion on the floor to deny the �equested extension of a nonconforming adu[t use at 674 C7niversity Avenue carried unanimously on a voice vote. Commissioner Wencl read the agenda (7 cases) for the next Zoning Committee meeting on Thursday, September 3, 1998. C(lair MoRon announced that 7oe Chavez has sent a letter of resignation to the Planning Commission; and that Dennis Gervais will be repiacing Joe on.the Zoning Committee. V. Northwest Quadrant Report: Tom Harrea Mr. Harren spent a few minutes expiaining some sta�ng changes that have taken place within PED. Jim O'Leary has become the Executive Director of RiverCenter. As a result of that, there were some staffing needs in the Director's Office that Ms. Wheelock needed to filt. She decided that A1 Lovejoy, team leader of the Southwest Quadrant, wil( become part of the Director's staff with some overall responsi6ilities for coordinating some intergovemmental relationships that PED has with the federal govemment, state government and agencies like the Metropolitan Council. He will continue to have the overall leadership responsibility for the zoning activities within the department. He will also be responsible for the development of the Capital Allocation Plan and Phase II of the MNRRA Plan. Susan Kimberly, team leader for the Southtvest Quadrant will replace Al as team leader for the Southeast Quadrant and the � downtown area. Mr. Harren announced that, on an interim basis, he will be serving as the team leader for the Southwest Quadrant during the time PED is looking for a new team leader; and at the same time, he wil! continue to serve as team leader for Yhe Northwest Quadrant. Mr. Harren then introduced a new staff member, Joel Spoonheim, who has been hired as a planner. Joel is learning about the many things PED is doing in the Northwest Quadrant, and zeroing in on the things that he can be most helpful with in meeting some of PED's needs. Joel is a recent graduate of the Humphry Instit�te and is expected to be a great asset to PED as well as to the Planning Commission. Mr. Harren handed out a progress report of the 1998 priorities for the Northwest Quadrant Team. He drew attention to those priorities that have changed some: - Oakland Village Initially, this was a very ambitious project; it has been scaled back. - University Avenue Opportunities keep popping up; more is happening than was initially Midway expected. Re-development of the bus bam site is major. The Home Developaeent Depot is negotiating for the Lexina on/LJniversiry site. Dale and University may be the site of a community design workshop. - West Midway Parking for the Specialty Building; a parking study is being completed for the rest of this azea. - Great Northern/ Legislators are becoming interested in the development of that area and Central Corridor how it is connected Yo the Phalen Corridor. They aze looking to the City for some guidance in determining the priorities in development along that stretch. - Snel(ing Avenue The Hamline-Midway Community Plan is expected to be compieted Hamline-Midway some time in October and come before the Planning Commission for review. A very good housing strategy has come out of that pracess. Joel Spoonheim will work with the community to develop an action plan for commercial development along Snelling. - Capitol Heights A new project area for the Northwes[ Quadrant. A planning process has begun there to look at what the ppYentials aze for some redevelopment in that area, emphasizing fiousing. A p[an will be compieted some time before the end of the yeac The coordination of housing activities wiih the potential for some commercial developmenTS is key. Commissioner McDonell, referring to the Specialty Buiiding on page 5 of the handout, asked Mr. Harren to help him understand 100 pazking spaces per floor and how that number is determined. Mr. Harren responded that the building is anticipated to be used as office space and so the requirements are 100 parking spaces per floor. Commissioner McDoneli reminded commissioners that the question about Yhe current bus barn site has come up before, and it probably should have been included in previous plans. Given that site's significance, Commissioner McDonell hopes that the Planning Commission will 6e given an opportunity to review and comment on redevelopment possibilities. � � With regard to the Specialty Bui(ding, Commissioner Kramer asked Mr. Harren about the big � a �.�� � parcel of land that was to become available through ta�c forfeiture and used for parking. Mr. Harren noted that the City is still negotiating on that piece of property. Commissioner Faricy asked whether there has been positive progress made in the relocation of the bus barn. Mr. Harren reptied that Metropolitan Transit wifi be making a decision on one of the four sites at the end of October. Part of making that decision is dependent upon the Minnesota Department of Transportation's rerouting of Interstate 35E. Commissioner Nowlin noted that he was impressed with the list of projects and commended everyone working on it. In order to stimulate projecu and amact private sector money, he suggested that the City might consider putting down dollar amount ranges for City assistance in connection with troubied or difficult to develop property. Mr. Harren responded that, in some cases, the City does have dotlar figures on how much the ctean-ap of these azeas woutd be. He noted that if such a list wouid 6e put toaether, it would indicate many more resources than are available. As developers express their interests, the City has generalfy relied on state and Metropolitan Council money for the clean-up portions of these areas. Saint Paul has been very successful in tapping those funds. In almost afl cases where the City is looking at major development, there is some clean-up cost associated with the assembly of the site. Commissioner Geisser asked if Mr. Harren had any idea who was going into the Wards site. He answered that he did not. She then asked, referring to the Specialty Bui(ding, why there has been no incentive given to employees, like bus passes or subsidized bus passes, by the employers, especialty since Raymond and University is very transit accessible? She sees this • as a perfect oppoRunity to experiment with this incentive. Commissioner Geisser does not find providing 100 parking spaces per floor encouraging to any type of alternative travel modes. She asked why in this area is it required to have 100 parking spaces per floor while there is no parking requirement in downtown? Mr. Harren replied that he believes that 100 parking spaces per floor is consistent with the current requirement for parking spaces for office space. He noted that developers say that without the adequate parking spaces, they have trouble getting the tenants. While the City may believe that alternative transit might work, the developers are not convinced. Commissioner Nordin suggested that perhaps after the tenant is already in the building, the City could propose a bus package. Mr. Harren responded that as PED is looking at development principles for University Avenue and working with the Midway Chamber of Commerce and neighborhood organizations, PED does talk about creating pedestrian and transit friendly development along University Avenue. Parking does need to be reviewed in that uea even though University Avenue appears to be an ideal place to experiment with aitemative transit. Commissioner Gordon expressed that he, too, was impressed the number of quality projects in the works. With respect to Fairview and [3niversity, he asked if Mr. Harren knew fiow many 6usinesses would be taken out and Fvhether the City is making efforts to accommodate those businesses in getting them to relocate elsewhere in Saint Paul. Mr. Harren answered that there are 6-8 businesses located on that corner and PED has been working with them. There is frustration on the part of the tenants because right now the City is in a period of signing a memorandum on agreement on this project, but the City has not signed a development • agreement with the developer. Until that time, there is really no o�cial thing that can be done as far as relocation. City staff and a consultant has met with the tenants and have actually begun to take them through the steps of the process. In the future, it is hoped that the City can take � steps to be more sensitive about informing tenants of a redevelopment, Commissioner Nordin suggested that Saint Paui tatce advantage ofthe Minnesota Design Team to do design studies in areas considered for redevelopment such as Dale and University. Commissioner Wencl asked whether there has been any discussion about creating indoor tennis courts for the Great NorthemlCentra( Corridor azea? Mr. Harren replied that he did not know. Commissioner Treichel commented that residents around the azea of the Midway Mazket Place and Midway Center are a(ways concerned about the fact that p(ace is not kept as clean as it could be by the current tenants. She suggested that tenants might allocate a little more of their resources to clean-up. Mr. Harren responded that the Midway Cham6er has a project going to help keep sidewa(ks ciean on Universiry Avenue. He said that he wi(I bring it up with the Chamber. Commissioner Duarte asked whether some of the costs incuaed by redevelopment aze chazged to the pubiic under "special assessments." Mr. Harren answered that in most of projects that PED is involded with, there are public funds that ue in some way provided for these deveioprtents; a TIF district, some type of loan, in some cases, and grants. He stated that he did not kno�v whether there were any special assessments charged to the public. Mr. Ford commented further relating to Commissioner Geisser's question about parking and the Specialty Building and University Avenue. Going through the testimony received on the Draft � 90s Plan, there was quite a bit of comment about needing an increase in parking downtown as developmenY proceeds downtown. People felT that is highly inconsistenY with the Transportation Plan which says that we need to diversify our transportation and encourage much more reliance on transit. Mr. Ford doesn't know how Saint Paul is going to get out of this conundrum. Not too long ago, Mr, Ford stated that he answered the criticism from a City Council member about high parking requirements downtown as something that is not promoting transit. Commissioner Geisser is right. Saint Paul does not have parking requirements downtown, but transit downtown is much better than on University Avenue. The fact is that anyone who is going to build downtown will not do it untess they can be assured that they-can have a good deal of parking and it's probably going to be more pazking than if Saint Paui had pazking requirements downtown. Saint Paul has a pub[ic that does not accept tfie use of transit. Saint Paul does not ase it much downtown, and not many people are going to use it to go to the Specialty Offtce Building. What iYs going to take to overcome that is not known. A cfiange in Saint PauPs parking requirements is not going to do it because it's the developers who want the parking. The idea of experiments and the things that Metro Transit is trying to do to increase employers to encourage other modes of transit are good things to see. VI. Compreheusive Planning Committee Commissioner Geisser announced that the next few meetings wou(d begin at 3:30 p.m. There is a large agenda for the next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, September 9, in Room 41 of the City Hall Conference Centec Agenda items inciude the Minneapolis Ptan, the Housin� Plan and the Land Use Plan. • �1��9`� { • VII. Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee Commissioner Faricy announced that the next committee meeting will be next Tuesday, September 15, 1998. VIII. Communications Committee Commissioner Kramer said there was no committee report. He did however, report that Chair MoRon, Commissioner Johnson and he attended a presentation given by the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension to the District 2 Community Counci( about their proposal for a large buiiding in the Phalen Village azea — a$50 million office building at the intersection of Prosperity and Maryland Avenues, which was generally very well received by the community. IX. Task Force Reports Commissioner Gordon announced that the STAR Board has rated the applications which will be intemal(y reviewed at the September 2"" meeting. The applicants will be invited to meetings held September 14 and 15. Commissioner Gordon announced that the Ayd Mill Draft EIS should be ready any day. The task force will meet to discuss it September 14, 1998. • X. Old Business None. XI. New Business None. XIT. Adjournment The meeting adjourned aY 9:59 a.m. Recorded and prepared by Jean Birkholz, Planning Commission Secretary Planning and Economic Development Department City of Saint Pau1 Respectfully submitted, • Kenneth Ford Planning Administrator (Date) Esperanza Duarte Secretary of the Planning Commission MiNUTES OF THE ZONWG COMMITTEE Thursday, August 20, 1998 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Keilogg Boulevard PRESENT: Faricy, Field, Kramer, Morton, Vaught and Wencl EXCUSED: Chavez, Gordon OTHERS PRESENT: Peter Warner, Assistant City Attorney, Geri Boyd, Donna Drummond, Martha Faust, Larry Soderholm, Ailan Torstenson and Jim Zdon of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. LOWER AFTON SE(YIORS L.L.C. - Zoning File 98-194 - Rezone property from B-Z (Community Business to RM-2 (Medium-Density, Low-Rise Multiple-Family Residential). Martha Faust, PED, gave a slide presentation and reviewed the staff report. She stated staff recommends approval of the petition to rezone the property from B-2 to RM-2. In response to Commissioner Wencl, Ms. Fa�st explained that the 129 rooms are the calculated density according to the City's schedule of regulations. Since the proposed project incorporates underground parking, a density bonus was given. Loren Spande of 4515 Oak Chase Road, a member of the Lower Afton Seniors L.L.C. appeared. He stated that the proposed buiiding is to be a three story, 55 and oider buiiding. Upon question of Commissioner Kramer, Mr. Spande stated that the project is fully financed. No one appeared in opposition, and the public hearing was ciosed. Commissioner Faricy moved approval of the staff recommendation and the motion was seconded by Commissioner Wencl. There was no further discussion, and the motion was called recommending approval. Adopted Yeas - 6 Drafted hy: � � ^.� L ��'-� Geri Boyd ` Recording Secretary Nays - 0 Submitted by: �.z�� ,��.-� Martha Faust Southeast Team � Litton ieid Chair • C J C J �I�'" � • ZONING COMPffTTEE STAE'F REPORT FILE # 98-191 . 1 2 3 4 5 APPLICANT: LOWER AFTON SENIORS L.L.0 CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning DATE OF HEARING 08/20/98 LOCATION: South side of Lower A£ton Road, 201' wesc of McKaight Road. PLA2313I73G DIS2RICT: 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: EX the W 172 FT, Lot 1 Block 1; Shamrock P1aza 6. PRESENT ZONING: B-2 ZONZNG CODE REFERENCE: § 64.400 7 � STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 8J10/98 BY: Martha Faust DATE RECEIVED: 07/20/98 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 9/18/98 A. PURPOSE: Application to rezone from B-2 (COmmunity Business) to RM-2 (Multiple Family) to a11ow construction of 56 units o£ senior housing. The housing would be provided in a 3-story attached structure occupying the southern portion of the parcel. B C D PARCEL SIZE: The xectangulax shaped lot has approximately 235 £eet of Prontage on Lower Afton Road, and a lot area of 73,267 square feet. • EXISTZNG LAND U5E: The propexty is a vacant undeveloped lot. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Lower Afton Road; Ramsey County Open Space (17 acres running east-west alonq Lower Afton Road); further north, multiple family aparments with EtM-2 zoning. East: Shamrock Plaza strip shopping center with B-2 zoning; City of Maplewood. South: Shamrock Court Apartments, a 147-unit 3-story apartment complex with RM-2 zoning. West: A commercial daycare operation (New Horizons) zoned B-2; further west, residential property with two-family and single-family homes with Planned Development and R-1 zoning. E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Section 64.400(a) of the zoning code states in part, "the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed." Section 64.400{b) states in part, "an amendment to the zoning code may Zoning File #98-136 Page Two be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67) percent of the area of the property to be rezoned." F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: There are no previous zoning cases related to this property. G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOI�dENDATION: The District 1 Council held a meeting August 11, 1998 at which they voted to support the applicant's request. H. FINDINGS: 1. Holiday Station Stores, Inc. owns the property, and Lower Afton Seniors, LLC holds an option to purchase the property contingent on city approval o£ their rezoning request. Following this report is a copy of site plans for a proposed 57-unit structure that the applicants intend to construct if the request for rezoning is approved. The site plans show a 3-story structure with 42 1-bedroom units, 15 2-bedroom units, an underground garage with 52 spaces, and an at grade parking lot with 20 spaces. The applicants are currently working through the site plan review process for the project with the LIEP office. The site plan submitted for 129 rooms conforms is well below the maximum density permitted on the site according to Chapter 61.101 of the zoning code. • 2. The proposed rezoning to RM-2 is in conformance with the Saint Paul • Comprehensive Plan. The land use plan of record (198Q: "A Plan for Land Use") states that '�the city's housing goal is to provide opportunities for every stage o£ a person's life cycle, from childhood to young adult, to £amily, to retired empty nester. To do this, the city must increase the housing stock. The combined ef£ects of rising costs and smaller household sizes wi11 create increased demand for smaller, one and two bedroom dwelling units for both ownership and rental purposes. In addition, transportation-related energy costs and consumption can be reduced by locating the new housing in close proximity to shopping and with good access to transit". The property in question is served by Sus Routes #3 and ,�350 serving downtown St. Paul, Sun Ray shopping center, and Woodbury. The District 1 Plan (1985) provides mixed support for the property in question. It states that it "supports the westward expansion of the Shamrock Plaza commercial area, but only to fill the land currently zoned B-2". The Shamrock Plaza commercial did not expand west to the applicant's property, but a new sma11 commercial use has been developed directly east oE the Shamrock Plaza shoppinq strip, in the city of Maplewood. The District 1 Plan re£ers to the fact in general, rezonings to multi- family densities were not desired, however,it is believed that the statement refers to the issue of rezoning property zoned single family residential to multi-family housing, thereby increasing density. In this case, the rezoning request is to change from commercial to residential. The Plan does state that "the District 1 Council will support additional senior housing opportunities in the District (with • social activities and support services located on-site)". q�'�`� 1 • Zoning File �98-136 Page Three 3. The proposed rezoning to RM-2 is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have aa adverse impzct on the surrounding area. The area has developed with a diversity of uses: single family, two £amily, and multiple family nousing, commercial and service uses, and open space. The combination of services and amenities in close proximity make the site a desirable location for senior housing. 4. The applicant submitted a su££icient petition signed by two-thirds of the property within one hundred (100) feet of the property to be rezoned (3 parcels eligible, 2 parcels needed, and 2 parcels signed). 5. The intent oP the B-2 zoning district states: "to serve the needs of a consumer population larger than that served by the `Local Business District' and is qenerally characterized by a cluster of establishments generating large volumers of vehicular and pedestrian traffic". The intent of the RM-2 zoning district states: "to provide for more extensive areas of multiple-family residential development as we11 as uses related to the multiple-family residential districts, or uses which serve one-family residential needs and require more extensive sites. The RM-2 district is £urther provided to permit comprehensive development of a multiple-family project so as to establish a balance of population concentration as related to major thoroughfares and transit, and related facilities". • I. STAFF RECOhIl�tENDATZON: based on findings 1 through 5 staf£ recommends approval of the petition to rezone the property from B-2 to RM-2. • � PETITION TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE Department ojPlanning and Economic Development Zoning Section 1100 City Hal! Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55101 266-6589 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION Zeirt�rtg cffice • Property Owner Lower Afton Seniors L.L.C. Add�ess 9973 Valley View Road City Fden Prairie Stp1N Zip55344 Daytime phone 903-9260 ConTact persoR (if different) Address/Location st. Paul, r�mr Legat description r r� B� k i. sham,-��k piaza sec 12 �r7-28 Ranae '2 (attach additrona/ sheet if TO 7HE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, Lower Afton seniors L.L.C. , the owner of a!! the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a s-2 zoning district to a Rr1-2 zoning district, for the purpose of: (aftach additional sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required site plan � Consent petition � Affidavit � Subscribed and swom to before me this �_ day By:_ of c�l� , 1 g!J , F � Title.�j'� �iC. , e� ,�-�.i � Notary Public C�SOLL.FELINER NCT: ;}' PC?LlGtdINNESOTA e `�,: Y h.ES�I3WC0UNT`F �#4 CoR,�ss!cnFxD:raJan.31.2000 � �f v"' f��� , �� V �� � Page 1 of • • C� � � a � � 0 ,_ �� � m i � � � � � i � � � � � � 2 U N Q Q fl ,� J �v , m �� m 4 m V � �u �� aS N 4 o < 2 n i �� a_ � o J � JI / p � - 1 Q ip y 1 % L x Q ¢�� �� d � ui i � ?�� m ° U ) U. 1 (\ n �+ Q r z d d4 - i � d ' i nl m�,� � ni m ° m m � oo�„�a u u� �' o �1 �✓ T h 1 U JI � ) O ' �t � Ip U tn O � � f �n 4 m� nt �� Q � O i m ' 11 1111- U�QUN N Q J n 'U � �� d in n� tt�� '� fl y a 9 i'. % � 1- �V �R'IYry�S d � tll � i�y ?Q UV``"U V � CI �� ). D'� aZ'�QJ n Ol pl.� � � N W �� m' Q � m J. N N�IIi`�f � ' 0 O � �l U) V N �p f1 d YI �� �� p ' Q � � d Q �_1� �9 N � � p 10 tlIjNU1�11Y �� N i� Il� O �_ U �N 1 � 0 1\u 1 C V 11 �_ =�o u' m m d Q N a im mu.�n al ;�� u � �.��m �„�,.�, `JNISf10H L10IN3S NOJ.�V 213MO1 r.meadr�sam � W � � � � � p � !Y-�L--YI ��r � � � L-4 � � � �� _ Q � d W � Q o N " �: Z - J� , : /�t�'y4� - ,� .-�i�-�=-= �+visnoHao+n�asKO�v Mo I 5�o��d�,3l;J\!� � I++� I�N �� z 0 F > u a u x� F� �= �� z 0 F d > u a ue F� m= u.. z 0 F d > u a u F m � r 1 � • � : -__�-���= --�1 ���is�Q � � . > ac .m'r•d �s wou�cuv.a.oi `JNISftOH 2iO1N3S NOl�J a3.MOl ��. �) K f� sr+cu�asssoao aiis �, ��. �u m \�,��� � �AiJIS�QI oba��wv1wal I f3frl � I �' �NISf10H 210IN3S NOl�f 213MO1 sMnd aomj P � � N 9 8 ��e J � Q O R � x � IY � OW z� W� �� rd �a � 4 � $�. J � � � H � s � ��. $ � a F � 3 � � S �� �� • ���q�� � AFFIDAVIT OF PERSON CIRCULATING THE CO\SE\T PETITIO\ STATE OF �I i i'ESOTA) COtNTY OF RAVISEY ) SS �°`^"-����.. ( tzti L.� , bein� first duly sworn, d°poses and states that�ie she is ttie person �vho circula ed the consent petition consisting of � pa�es; that affiant represents that the parties described on the consent petition are ail the rzspectivz o«,ners of the properties placed immedia[el} before each namz; that affi� nt is informed and beli�ves that each of the parties described on the consent pz[ition is an oti�ner of the property �vhich is �rithin 100 feet of any property OWT12C1 purchased, or sold by pztitioner wi[hin one (1) year precedin� the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that none of the parties described in the consent petition has purchased or is purchasin� propzrty from the petitioner that is contiguous to the property described on the consent petition w�ithin one (1) year of the date of the petition; that this consent �vas si�ned by each of said o��ners in the presence of this affian[, and that the signatures are � the true and corrzct si�natures of each and all of the parties so describzd. � ��ri j �t1� �{ u„" C,7A�.t� I,+ L C_ NAtiIE Y.n�p�,., � •.7G�p� 44']�z I,�A�:M��y,,., (ZD> ADDRESS � �i2�q03-�126p TELEPHO�E NUMBER Subscribed and sworn to b fore me this /�°� da} of , 19 �1'� ��/YYU.r�t � - �� � ,/.inn . � 2�OTARY PUBLIC 7AMRq L MEpINA Pa�e of NOTAHI' PUBLIC--MINNESOTA � y WASHINGTON COUNTY Mrc«�r��es,bwsi,z000 ir 1/97 ----y-�—�----�* PETITTON TO REZOlV�E STATE OF MNNESOTA) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) :-Ii3�7� OF PETITIONER SS The petitioner, �ow._n. rt' "I' ��l ��„C first duly swom, deposes and staTes that the consent petiTion contains signatur s from at least two-thirds ('/a) of all eli�ible properties �vithin 100 feet of a11 property owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner �zthin one (1) year precedin� the date of this petition which is contiguous to thz property described in the petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must contain si�natures from each and all owners of jointly-owned property in order to constitute consent from that proper[y and that failure to obtain consent from each and ail owners could invalidate the consent petition; petitioner believes that the consent petition was signed by each of s i owners and that the sionatures are the true and correct si�natures of each and all of ies so described. � � tcxLt,.. � _ ��ia.�,1-e, QR � 3 uqGt '� _ ADD� 9o3-�Z�ao TELEPHONE NLTMBER Subscribed and sworn to before me this � day of 192 i 11La..: �. � , � .. . � ; �."�r, o� � � x:!'v � . . � r:c:... _ � iS`• � t�_ •� �. ►� , [_��'• Pa�e of 1l31/97 �� • CONSENT OF ADJOIHII:G FROP�RTY OWNL'R5 FOR A R�ZOA`ING P, 02 PAC£ B4 --��' . ��, We,ihe undasigntd, ownecs of the propertywithin 100 t<ct o[Lhe lalil tontigu0us descriptiott ot �q1 estalc oaned, purchascd, oi sold by TNB t6'iS710N5R �hthin one year p�aeding the dete of this petition eeknowledge that we have been preseated with the following: 1, A copy of the petition ot �Wer FA}{ P70, 6124041546 DESIGr� I tT,a f7 172 Ft, 2nt 1 BIk � fron: n a-2 toning distti�t to e xte-2 toningdistciat. z 61.101 2. Atopyotsections 60.451 through6 ,inclasiveoftheSaintpaulZoningCode; Rnd eckr.owledge tlsat We ere awsre of nll ot the usos ptrm ined in n�� toning disUict pnd we �tt A�rare thnt any Of these uses ten be estabti:hed upon Ciry Councit �pyrovil of the rezoning. WC hereby eanscnt to tht rezoning oF Ibe propeAy (n tAe petition oT; Lower Afton Seniors L.L.C. _toa �-2 zoningdistrict. (Name ot petitioner) � JUL-06-98 N��N 02:16 PM �7lD6/1999 13:51 6129�39292 crTY or s�xn�r ravL t0 rezone the propeAy locatcd ►t Wc cansent to the approvxl of this tezoning As tt was exptainCd to us by thc applicnnf or his/hcr representative. zzoa z,�.�r x�u� �a St�}u] 1�4i SS119 275 McXnight Rd 301 MCknl9ht Rd St. Paul. MN 55119 2196 lo«ez Afton Rd �� � INC. Court � � PIOTCt Thispetitif daya after it is recei+ name thece&om by notbe wnsidectd es oificially Qled unti) the lapsc of sevea � tsion. MysignaloroCthispeiitionmaywithdrawhfs/her ihat lime. . .. '''�' """"`��� • V � /�\ SI1Mien J. P�l�rMn ;e�=` MO�MYlIIRIC-Y9111ESOTA �� w wrr� a�nes u�u�arr n. �000 07l07/88 T'UE 14:22 f.4T 8126455957 SLTTIDE! COURT INT'L 06/2!l1938 14:1fl 612903929'1 DESIGN 1 CITY OT SAXNT PAUL CONSENT OF AD70INING PR�P�RTY OWI�BRS FOR A R�ZONING We,d�e �lidersigxd, o«mers of Ihc proputy �vithin 100 l«< of thc iolat conlignous desuiptwtt o� r�il eriatc owned, purcl�ased, or sold by THE P6TiT10NEK �Hthin ane year ptaedmg tUe date of @tiis petition acknowicdge that we have bem presented with the folk�rin6: 1. A copy aEthe petiGion oC - Lower Afton SeniQrs �, L.0 �. (name ofDed�ionvy to rczooe ti�e propeRy located a� S�OCk Yi°u Ex �he W 1�2 Ft, Lot 7. Bik J. f�om s s-2 zonioS disvicc �o a Rr}_y zoning distriet. 60.451 61.�0 2. A copy of eaCwns tArough , wc usive of tlu Saint Paul Zan'sng Code; snd nckrwwladge that wc am a.vare of n1l af the uxs permitted irt n� zaeins district and we are �wero that any oEtlxse usea can be established upon City Council aQproval ofthe rezoning. Wo hcreby consent W tke rezoning oElhe propeRy in the petition of; L�ower Afton Seniors L.L.C. to e FM-2 zoning district. (t3nme of petitianer) Wc cansent to the approvat of thys rezoning as it was exptatned Eo us by the applicant or his/her repXesentative. z2G4 IWwer A.fton Rd �La�ez Aftcn t� Z75 McKni9ht Rd — PAX Holding INC. 301 Mcl�nisht Fci 2196 Iqwer Aftnn Kd NOTE: This days eflcc� name the fn 0 � • 1 not be considcrcd as o�cially fited unti! the lapse of seven (7} working thep�anni ivision. At�yaignatoroflhispetitionmaywithdrawhislher � q r�#qucst tthin that timt_ ..,'•. _ ,�� �'�c , ��-¢,u,.�„-,� P..�;�L �ooz P�G= 93 � y J�ev� F � pQ�ARY PUK1C • YINNFSOTA .►. y IAY COYMI�11 EXPIRES JI1lIW1RY 81. 2000 �� "�� l • ZOIVING PETITION SUFFICIENCY CHECK SHEET REZONTIVG ! SCUP NCUP C J FIRST SUBMITTED DATE PETITION SUBMITTED: 7— �� 'U DATEOFFICIALLY.RECENED: � PARCELS ELIGIBLE: � PARCELSREQUIRED: � PARCELS ELIGIBLE: PARCELS SIGNED: � RESUBMITTED DATE PETITION RESUBMITTED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: PARCELS REQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: CHECKED BY: y c.:�nn� N"""� DATE: I l `� ZONitVG FILE ��'t5� �� ZONING PETITION LIST . As requested, attached is a list of all property owners within 100 feet of the property which you are requesting a zoning application. As a condition of your application, you are required to submit with your application a consent petition signed by a minnnum two-thirds of all the properry owners within 100 feet on the attached list. Only persons listed as "fee owner" or "homesteader" are eligible to sign your petition. Persons listed as "talcpayer" are not eligible to sign your petition since they do not have full ownership of the property. A properiy owner may sign the petition as many times as they are listed as an owner within 100 feet. Only one signature per property is counted as an eligible signer of the petition. Also attached are the petition form, affidavit, and application materials. � total properties are within 100 feet of the property for zoning action and eligible to sign your petition. • �� total signatures are required for a minimum two-thirds consent and a sufficient petition to proceed with your zoning application. , Piease return this list alon� with the original petition form, affidavit, application and any additional supporting information and material that is part of your application. '•` Rezoning petitions must be received and held in the Zoning office 7 workin; days prior to any application cut-off date. If you have questions about this list or any questions regazding this process, please call the Zoning office at 266-6589. • q�-9�t1 C� � 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. IZ. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. SLTNRAY-BATIT.ECREEK-HI GHW OOD HAZEL PARK HADEN-PROSPERITY HILLCREST WEST SIDE DAYTON'S BLUFF PAYNE-PHAI,EN NORTH END T'HOI�fAS-DALE SUMMTI'-UNIVERSITY WEST SEVENTH COMO HAMLINE-MIDWAY ST. ANTHONY PAKK MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNELLING HAMLINE MACALESTER GROVELAND HIGHLANIJ SUMMIT HILL DOWNTOWN ZONiNG FILE �' `� CI'ITZEN PARTICIPATION PZ.ANNING DISTRICTS BATTLE-CREEK DISTRICT 1 ON ---= �° ... _ „� _ �� � �;�� ���:��.,�� e -�� ��t� ., ,� r.a n� 3 `} c'7 � G� ca �� s cr �. c'�f c+r3��°c� � neor �,n�,E. �.� �ea`�+G�.� �1`�`�}�,'cl GUeBE'')c� G'� � G� E.'� � � o f•� n �� Q.�''cp EJ� E]� C>� oFa. �-�. . � � p � C �� F � � � � � � � 3 �� : =� �: .� ° �J o�r. n Ei � C�'` p� A C ��� f, G� p AG' F.j� e G c7 � a6`jG L� a n ��. 2 C� P •' � !'-i C 4 '� � C G��� c�� �: n t`�'.' F � C-: e c� 6' > 4 CE'�'c3<S`7 ° e ° � o�'C� t7�y�u� +� n c� L' ^u �"j t7 � <3 E , `•3 e � �;� a ° �'j C' `n o 0<,� �_ F.� �: s u e L E0 (�,,, La .. 7 L' ��} �SJ �' E C:i E7 C' tl n �.�t,�'.`� f .n,¢ e � o t�� 6 ea�,�`�,� o .� , `�,�oG3"j t�fi E., � v�'3 a r� € l. �� fy ,� j u c.� F� e3 E: ,� �43��3��E:>.A E;,�' 3� ���<f�'� �`'s.+�-� ��'�3 .:� • . G . _ � a�ts 3 r3� „�`� c:> � fep es e, G � a � '� •: e� J� c:,€ G' ��-� ���f' � � � �� � G � ^ A f � �' .. 'V f3-4� c7 e . " >��"�''Fi�p�eQ��t'f<J�� v�+3Fi`>3�GJ . ,F w a � � .� � a [> 3 � �V 4y � n cc o c �,' e , ti.) c , C.'' V�ca G' G. Ee � c 3`') f3 L' �'� �. �,� �e ����� O O O¢ O � ��„ v �£� � O O � �' � � � o �� °�� , R � � o . � ���.� �° 0 t �2� � 9 O � � C�7C•�ia� 0�� • ���_�, � � . '� O nsz 2 e e e � � � � G C c�p("�,C�eG' e G �e��. C pa�e�3 3 � i�:G'� c c n G�G��C> �d co�' fic�f=��i�G�',�C+Cvc.��a�'�..e�_��� �;,wER � -a. -o- � O ` O � 0 0 0 ��� ��a� ��� � `�: ������ '��� P ,� , �a � ���.l.��.� �-� ��� .� �(1� xreNwaoo Hties . ��L� � � 5-696 � ����� s �� Q'vir.uw.v�n�.. � o�. o � ��_o �-�11.17 �i�tl��� • APPLICANT`�� �` '�'`��'S ���'�EGEND PURPOS Rezo�•�N� FILE #: � DATE � � 2 a '16 PWG. DIST • MAP,: � ` � � �GG�1���' ..._-°-- � zoning d�slrict boundary i%//////// ..�11 .1F!'!.TlT.�l1J 0 ona family ¢ rivo family �¢Q multiplefamily n.°f orh`a • � ^ comr�' ♦ .m,s indust�i=_t V v2ca�: