98-601OR�G�NAL Presented By 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2A 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Referred To Council File # l0 � �a� , Ordinance # Green Sheet # C�� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �}t� Committee: Date An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 50 pertaining to individual sewage treatment systems to incorporate changes made necessary by amendments to Minn. Stat. § 115.55 and to update the ordinance to provide for efficient enforcement and to protect the public health, welfare and safety. Pl1R(I.Cf�FI) AUG �� 199� THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 50 be amended as follows: Chapter 50. Individual Sewage Treatment Systems Sec. 50.01. General provisions. (a) Short title. This chapter shall be known and referred to as the "individual sewage treatment systems ordinance". (b) Intent and purpose. This chapter is adopted by the city for the following purposes: (1) To protect the health, safety and welfare of the present and future residents of the community; (2) To regulate the design, location, installation, use and maintenance of individual sewage treatment systems; (3) To prevent the discharge of inadequately treated sewage to ground or surface waters; (4) To protect land, water and other natural resources within and outside the city from impairment, pollution or destruction; (5) To prevent and avoid health and ecological hazards attributable to bacterial and chemical contamination of lands and waters; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 (6) To protect water supply wells from contamination by y `Q' inadequate or improperly designed, located, installed � o+ or maintained individual sewage treatment systems; ... . - • - . .- - - - - - . _ - . - . . _ - . - - . . - -. - .- - -. .. .... - - These standards are not intended to cover systems treating industrial waste or other wastewater that may contain hazardous materials. Sec. 50.02. De£initions. As used in this chapter, the terms defined in Minnesota Rules 1990, Chapter 7�80.002� are incorporated herein by reference and shall be applicable to the provisions contained herein. The following additional definitions shall apply to this chapter. - -. . . - --. -- Building official: The head of the building inspection and design office of the Saint Paul Office of License InsAections and Environmental Protection. . - . . -. . . - _.. - .- - - - - . . .- . - -. . - -_. : - . -. . -- - . - .. _. - .- - _ _ - . - _ - - - - - - - -- -. ... . . - - - - ._ .. . - . - - _. - - ...- ._ . - - ' - - - .- -- . - . - .- -._ - . - -- - - - -2- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 A A 3 A �Y`i' 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 '�i:r:wr�w�J���ir��•�=�i�r����:��G��i��ia:���re.�.a�wi�a.��va���.���:�i1 ia�r / , 1 l��l��'ir�RM��7q��l�i�f�/i�1F\�l�l��A�f\���rF7g4H�t�ll�(y4���4�/�OGV • ri:v.�� i�i��w ���c�a�i�:��.i i��:����i.i- Environmental Health Official. The person desic�nated as the environmental health officer of the city or the environmental health officer's designee. Licensed Inspector: A person licensed by the MPCA as an ins�ector or designer I for evaluating site evaluations and and notices of noncompliance: and issuing and maintaining ins�ection re�orts. Licensed Pumper: A person licensed by the MPCA for measurina scum and sludge depths for the accumulation of solids and removing these deposits; maintaining nortable toilets: storing and hauling sentacL: dis osincr of septacL: identifying �roblems related to sewage tanks, dosing chambers, baffles, maintenance hole covers and extensions, and pumps, and makincLrepairs: ins�ecting and evaluatincx water tightness of sewage tanks, dosing chambers, distribution devices, valve boxes, or drop boxes; and cleaning supplv pibes and distribution pibes. LIEP. The Citv of Saint Paul O££ice of License. Insgections and Environmental Protection. Minnesota Rules 1990, Chapter 7080. The state chapter containing minimum standards and criteria for the design, location, installation, use and maintenance of individual sewage treatment systems, as administered by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Water Quality Office. MPCA. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Undisturbed soil. Undisturbed soil means soil in its ori�inal, natural state. It does not mean soil which has been blaced as fill in order to achieve soil sex>aration. - �1111��T���A���\�4'r\R��Ti}�l��K�l'1y44�l11�i�i�f9�l�ll�f�ac}�TN -• � Mr����l�l���t����l�F7R�f��FY�I�Gll�l���l����1 J��A4�fi�A��l�/�\��'lAl�l �lll - . .- .-. - . - . Sec. 50.03. Complianee with Minnesota Rules 1990, Chapter 7080. Existing individual sewage treatment systems and new individual sewage treatment systems installed after the effective date of this ordinance shall comply with the requirements of -3- 1 Minnesota Rules 1990, Chapter 7080, and Minn. Stat. S 115.55 a�-`� 2 unless, with respect to new or replacement systems, modified in 3 this ordinance. 4 5 Sec. 50.04. Of£ice of LI$P• environmental health 6 responsibility. 7 8 (a) . 9 , 0 ,,..... ..�. „� �.... .. �.... ,.., �., ..._., ..�.....,.,._.,.�..� ..� ..,....�.� , . The office of LIEP shall be resnonsible for the administration and enforcement of the maintenance provisions of this chanter• including, but not limited to, notifying the owners of individual sewage treatment systems of ins�ection dates, monitoring the results of maintenance reviews, ensuring that pumping is x>erformed as necessary. keeping on file inspection regorts £or each individual sewaqe treatment svstem. investigating complaints and ordering corrective action necessarv to protect the public health, safetv and welfare of the communit� . ----- - - - - - - - - ' ' - - - - ._ - . - - . .._ - - - - - .- .- -. .. . .._ - -. .. - ° - - . - .- . - - . - - . . . - - - . - - . - ... . - .- ' -.. . - . . .. - � - - . . .. - - - - -- - -.. - - . _. - • - - - - .-- -.- .- - - .- - - . .- .. . . - - . .- - - -. - - - - - - . �L in a manner creatina_a hazard to the z>ublic health. safet� or welfare: and S2Z Condemn a dwelling as unfit for human habitation where the imgro�er functioning or failure of an individual � 1 2 3 4 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 the dwellina. Such action shall be in compliance with a Y�0� the provisions of Chapter 34. - - - .- . -.. . - ... - . - ..- - - . ..- . -- - _„ _ _ � _, _ � _ � � _ - . .- -. . -. . . - -. . -. . - - . .. . _. - - • . . ' . The building official or environmental health official shall have Sec. 50.05. ��. Office of LIEP; building offiaial's resgonsibilitv . - - . . - - - - - - .. .. .- - .. . . - -• - .- . - - . - •- -• -- • -- - - - - - - • - - .. . . - - _ . - - -. -.. . -- . - - - ._ . - - - ... . ... - . . .- • -- - - - . - . .. . .. - . . . ... . - - .- -. . .. - • • - - . -. . .. - . . - .. . - .- .- -. - . . - • - - . . .- . -�� �R.�....�-. - ... . . .. .- .. - .. . . . . ._ .. . -. . - . ... -. - - .- • . . - . ..- - . .. - ... . - . - � _:.... - - a.� DllT �ose of per£orming anv insDection or review reauired under this chapter whenever there is probable cause to believe that a hazard to the nublic health, safety or welfare exists or when ins�ections and reviews are reauired or necessary to insure com�liance with the brovisions o£ this chapter. , q �.�o1 , , , � , . , . , , . , , �r���� ����--s-��� , . a «a _ � a-�, �;T�t„-P-- ar� � - - ._ .. .. .- . . - .- - • ' - ' ' ' - . - - - . .- . - • "' -. . . ... .. - -- - -.. -. . .... ._ - . . . - - . ._ . . _. - :• ' ' "' - . . "' -• " - - • . - '. - - -. - . -. - • -. - - - . . .._ .- - . . . - - . . - • ' ' -.. . - - -• - - ... " - -' ' - - - . - .. . . - ... , , •- ' ' - .. - .. - -. . - .. ... - . . . .' • ' ' - . .. ... - . . . . � - - - - . - - . . - .. . . . . . .•. � .• - . - -. . � :- ._ . - - - - ._ .- -. . . .. .- . - . - ... -. - ' ' •- _ _ ' - _ :: - .._ . .. ' ' •- '- - .- _.- c - •- -.- -._- - - - -. . . - -. - . - . .-- . . - -. . - . - .. - .. - . . _. - . . . . _.. .. .- _.- . - . .. - _.-.._ - - . -' - - . . . - - . - ••. . .- . - .- - - -. . . - . -. - ::: : : ..._ . .. - .. - - . ... •- ' ' - - - -. •- _.- - - . . . . - - -. - . - _.. . .- . . - .- -.- - . ...� '- . . - .- .- - - . - - . - . - . .-. . ... -- l�l l'.'ll��l .r:l����l�F7��l���l�l��A�'f:��Pt��l4M��r\�l�J�b'l� • � • • •-• � � • � � " •� � � - �• � •rr- �I •� • • • • • -�• -• I � -• � •�� •- � � • • � � 1 - I �• -• ��• � � �-� �� • �I • � ♦ • � � - • � � • � - � • � � � � • � � � • • • -• •• - - � • -`� -• �♦ �� �� � - � - • - � •� � � I •I � - r � � �� -• •• � - - - - - - - - -- ---- - - � � - - .- - . ..- - - . - _.-.._ - - . . . - - . ... - . .._ - - - - - - - - • - - - - - . .- -. . - - . . - . - .- . - - - . .. - : --- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- • .- - . -. - - . . .._ - - � - - - - . .- -.. -. . . - - ..- . _. - ... - - - .- .- . . . -. .-- - --• • -� - - -- - . .. - .-. ..- ..--. - - - . -- - .. - ._ - . - _ . - . - - - . . - . � - ����-z���a��n�w��a�.i� - � � _ _ _ � - • • � � com�etent in the ins�ection of individual sewage treatment svstems. The buildinc�official shall have the power to issue orders to• L1 error or on the basis of incorrect or inadeauate information, or that work is not beina performed in com�liance with the recYUirements of this chapter• �2� Reauire the correction of new or existinc,� svstems where. following inspection and review, a system is determined to be defective. 42 Sec. 50.06. Permit 43 Requirements. - .. . . .- - .. . - . .. . . - . - - . - •- . . . . . - .. .. . -. . - - . - ._ - . - - ' - •- ` • .. . - - -.. . . . . ... - ' ' ••- - - - - - - .. . - - - .._ -. - -. - -'- . .- - - .- . . . - - - - - - .. . . - - ....- . .- . .- . ���..�.. . - . . -.. - - . .. ... . - .- .- ���a r��i�o��w�a��.r.n�in i���ri�i=i�i�r�t=� � The building official shall be responsible for administration and enforcement of the design. construction and i a 3 4 5 6 7 8 . . ... .- .- . -. � 1 - - -.. - - . - i, '- - - . - . . - . - - - - - .- . - ._ . - .- - - . .- .- - - (a) Permit reauired. No Derson shall install, alter. reoair or extend any individual sewage treatment system in the citv without first obtaining a permit from the building official for the specific work and complying with the nrovisions of Chapter 33 of this Code. Permits shall not be required for inspections involvin� the review and maintenance o£ svstems A building nermit or variance mav not be issued for the addition of a (b) Application contents. Permit agplication shall be made in writing u�on forms provided by the building official and shall �Z Correct legal descrintion of the ropertv on which the pr000sed work is to take place. �_ such as bluff lines. waterways and water bodies: buried utilities: easements and other uniaue features of the site. A scale drawing showing the followina shall be kept on file at the office of LIEP: a. b. c. d. e. f. Lot dimensions: House location; Location and plan of the nroposed individual sewage treatment system; Relative elevations. in Saint Paul datum. of the house, lot corners and soil treatment area; Location and elevations of percolation test holes and soil borings: Slobe of �round at site of soil treatment area: and iS� between November first and A�ril thirty of each vear provided that an insAection of the system is performed no later than the following 3une first and the anblicant submits a certificate of compliance no later than the following September thirtieth. Site plan, drawn to scale, showing the location of all broposed and existing structures in relation to the � Distance to all surface waters. wells, proposed �O` wells, springs or other sur£ace water within one �� � hundred fiftv (150) feet o£ the pr000sed soil treatment area. h. Soil test data, including soil boring logs. percolation test data with field notes, and location and identification of the test area. i. Plans and details of the proposed installation or work. including engineering data when required and sup�orting data attestina to compliance with the minimum standards of this chabter• � Building plans showincLexisting and proposed room arranQement and uses. k. For other establishments. calculated or measured water use rates, occubancy and occupant load. 1. Evidence of comoliance with state or other jurisdiction regulations where a�olicable. �L The following supporting data, which shall be kebt on file at the o£fice of LIEP: a. Log of all soil exoloration work, includin�a description of the various strata encountered: b. Groundwater conditions, includina indications of seasonal groundwater fluctuations, such as mottlinq, and the presence of aray soil coloration as indicated by a soil color with a chroma of two (2) or less (Munsell Color): c. Design data for the system: d. Soil test data derived from soil borings and percolation tests for each proposed site or installation shall be in accordance with Minnesota Rules 7080.0110. At a minimum. four (41 satisfactory soil borings per site sha11 be made. Borinas shall be made bv auger or excavation and shall be staked and protected until notification that field evaluation has been com�leted. If one (1) or more borings encounters unsuitable or limiting conditions. additional borinas shall be made in order to outline an adeauate area of suitable soil conditions; e. Results of at least two (2) soil bercolation tests ber site performed according to Minnesota Rules 7080.0110, subbart 4 and including_ 1. Within the outlined area. a minimum o£ two C2) �ercolation tests evenlv sbaced shall be made. Where soil conditions vary within the tested area. one (1) additional percolation test shall be made in each soil -10- twe. Fill soils may require more than one �` �O\ (1) additional percolation test• p' 2. Percolation rates shall be determined for each test hole and recorded on worksheets showing all measurements and calculations �_ Written verification from the installer that the 0 must be submitted to the office of LIEP. .LZ No building permit shall be issued for the construction. alteration, expansion or remodelinc� of any dwelling or other establishment served by an individual sewage treatment system until the permit recruired for the treatment svstem has been issued Occupancv shall be prohibited until a final inspection of the svstem has been conducted. 26 (d) Site evaluation. An evaluation of the site's suitabilitv 27 for an individual sewage treatment svstem according to the 28 evaluation factors �rovided in Minnesota Rules 7080.0110, shall 29 be made by an individual or firm licensed b� the MPCA as a site 30 evaluator. 31 32 Sec. 50.07. Location 33 of new or reglacement systems. / � Individual sewage treatment svstems and each component thereof shall be located and installed to ensure with �ro�er maintenance, that the system will function in a sanitary manner. will not create a nuisance and will not contaminate anv domestic water supnlv well. S�stem location shall consider lot size and aroundwater geologv existing and�roposed water su��ly wells accessibility for maintenance. exgansion or replacement of the svstem and setbacks as reauired in Tab1e IV of this cha ter Installation of svstems in low swampv areas or drainaae swales is of-wav. f 'in���i��i.ia�i��i.��r�s��n�rwa��w��r����c-oi���na��i...ri���s�r -�.1- this Chapter, as from time to time amended. 'i�ia�����Ka�i��i�����i���aar�������r�� a � ,�01 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 -. .-, . ..- _ . . _. _ . .. - - - . ..- . . . . - - . .._ - - - - - . - . - ... - - . - - . - . ..- - - - -. - . - - . .. . . - - - Lot size. Sn addition to the area needed for all existing and expected improvements, the lot shall have an ade�uate area of soil suitable for the installation o£ two (2) individual sewa�e site shall be �reserved for this purpose. (c) Location of septic tanks. Septic tanks shall be located as reauired in Minnesota Rules 7080.0130. subpart 4. (d) System location. System location shall be as reauired in Minnesota Rules 7080.0170, sub�art 2.B. and in accordance with the following table: Table IV Minimum setback distances (feet) Feature Sewage tank Soil treatment area Water supAlv we11 100 100 less than fiftv (50) feet dee� and not encountering at least ten (10) feet o£ imnervious material Anv other water 75 75 su�nlv well or buried water suction Dine Buried biDe 10 10 distributina water under nressure Buildinas 10 20 Property lines 10 10 �y� i 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Established River 40 40 Corridor bluff lines. See. Saint Paul Legislative Code ChaDter 65 et sea• The ordinar�hi .c�h 75 �5 water mark of• Recreation DeveloDment Lakes and Streams Urban and Tributarv 50 50 River Segments Wetlands (i acre or 50 50 larger) Sec. 50.08. ''---`=-- '- ^-----' Construction and materials: new or replacement systems. • - - - - - . - . - - . - . . - .. - - ... - ' ` . •- . - • _" � ......��......... ...�...�..... .�..�� ...1...�..ii.iviio� ucr+�i♦ �v i i .. . _ . _ � (al Generallv. The design. construction and location of and (b) Sewaae tanks. All sewage tanks including septic and aerobic. shall be designed constructed and shall conform with Minnesota Rules 7080.0130. (c) Capacitv of septic tanks• S� The liquid canacitv of a seutic tank serving a dwellin� least as large as the capacities given below• ��,�01 -13- • � - _ _ _ _ � • _ _ ��. l r��i����RC��� n��A-s���os�� 2 0 Number o£ Bedrooms Tank Liquid Capacities (Gallons) 2 or less 1.000 3 or 4 1,200 5 or 6 1.500 7--9 2.000 For ten (10) or more bedrooms._the se�tic tank shall be sized as in other establishments. For multiple-familv dwellings containinc�two (2) or more dwelling units. the size shall be the sum of the individual dwelling unit rec�uirements. _� If a garbage disposal unit is installed in a residence or other establishment, the septic tank capacity must be at least fifty (50) percent greater than that reauired in item (11 above and either multible com�artments or multiple tanks must be nrovided. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 p 4 0 Sec. 50.09. ^---`---_�___ __� __}__:_,_. Final treatment and disDOSal. (a) , , 2od�: Treatment required. The svstem or svstems shall be desi�ned. installed and maintained to receive a11 sewa�e from the dwelling, buildinc,� or other establishment served. Footinc� or roof drainage shall not enter anv bart of the svstem. Products containina hazardous materials must not be discharged to the �stem, other than a normal amount of household products and cleaners desiqned for household use. Substances not used for household cleaning, including solvents. pesticides. flammables. x>hoto-finishina chemicals or dry cleaning chemicals. must not be discharged to the svstem. Final treatment and disposal of all sewa�e tank effluent shall be bv means of a standard soil treatment and dis�osal system. (b) . , ' , , . . System sizing. System sizin� shall be as �rovided in Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080. �����5 i��i�l_ ��a��w i� AT Q � .`o� -14- 1 2 3 4 5 L'� E[17 a �,�o� -.-__--- __ _�__......... �a3�orrs} �or� �,�fr6 - -3—or4 3 ; 26$ ��' �5 � _ _� z ; 6 ". - : . - -. .. - - .- -. . - - .. - -. . . - • -.. - - �. -. - . . - .-. .. - -. .- - - - - - - . . - • -.. - - . �stem desicxn and construction for new and reolacement svstems Svstem design and construction shall be as recruired in Minnesota Rules Cha nter 7080 and as follows• S� In soils having percolation rates of fifteen (15) minutes per inch or faster. the bottom of the filter material shall be at least four (4) feet above the water table or bedrock. �Z In soils havin ercolation rates of sixteen 16 minutes Der inch through sixtv (60) minutes per inch the bottom of the filter material shall be at least three (3) feet above the water table or bedrock �Z Excavation equinment or other vehicles shall not be driven on the soil treatment area � �F� i 2 3 4 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 - . ._ - - . .- -• -.. - - . - - ::: : : ..._ . ... a � '� i - • - • � - • • � • � • � - �'r - � - -• •- - •� • - � •� • � - � • - • � � • � I - •- � • -�� � � • • • - � � ��• • � - �� � -• •- � - �1 � • � • � � - • � • � �• - • � •- • ��- • � � • � � - • - � �• • � • • -• -• • - • - � • ��• ��-• • �1M�11���R�1 l�A�l���l�)l�l� - � � � • _ _ � _ - � • � - • - t • • • • • - � • • - � � � ♦ � r� � � • • � ��-��� � • • • • - � � - � • � � - � � � - � • � � � � � • - � • � • t � ♦ • � � � - Sec. 50.10 ______ ______.____ ____ _-_ Operatioxi and maintenanee. � - . - - - - : : -- - ... .- - -. ._ -. . - ...- -.. -. -. - - -. - :: : ..._ - - - -. - - ,L1 Each individual sewage treatment system existing as of the date of adobtion of this chapter, as well as those installed under this chapter, shall be onerated and maintained according to the brovisions of this section. -16- L2� Resnonsibilitv for the prober operation and maintenan e of individual sewage treatment systems shall be as 60 ` follows • /) p , �•� u �Z The owner of each dwelling unit or other establishment served by an individual sewage the svstem. It shall be the owner's resvonsibilitv [� to take action as reauired bv this cha tp er 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 LL a. � It shall be unlawful for an owner or occupant to allow thereafter as necessarv until satisfactory repairs have been made. Anv costs related to numping and subseauent repairs shall be borne by the z�ro�ertv owner It shall be the resnonsibilit}r of the owner to maintain . - --: - - - -- -- - - -- -- - -- - -. - ::- : .-- �i���ia.r:ni���s�����w�aa���r�a�is����i � • - •• �.�t� �F�""'s.�'� itisro.c�rnr: ni����.�a�rwm=iw�r�a�� -17- ana disposes ot all sewage int�ut from an occupied buildina. Failure on the part of the owner to insnect oumg and/or maintain the owner's individual sewage treatment svstem as required bv this chapter shall constitute a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 � � n,a-: � � � �'�'�F� �e�pspe � � B �xsi�ings �fr � � � ------_--- -- _- �e —�-e �-irres � � i��creat �� �fr -- 5 - e — 5 - 6 � �} Maintenance of all septic tanks. Sentic tanks shall be maintained as reauired in Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080 and as follows: �� Each septic tank and existing se�tic tank shall be maintained in pro�er o�eratina condition at all times. �� A maintenance review of each sentic tank shall be conducted once everv two years as required in section 50.11(4)of this chanter. Verification of the maintenance review and a full reporting of the results sha11 be submitted to the office of LIEP ut�on forms brovided by the o£fice of LIEP. Ll_ office of LIEP shall reauire the owner to complv with ��.�,Ol .� .TiE E -.. . . ..- i � . . .- -.. -. - -. - : : ..._ - . . ... .- . - . -- - .- - - -- - - - - - .- - .. - -- J!1JL�tA���'�l=iR��Sl�rR�s�l� l�i�\S�l�i � �- r � - � _- • - •- �• � • - •- _ � - - - _ - _ _ - � � � r _ - _ � � - � �-� � � - � • • - � � _ _ - � - • _ � - � - _ _ Pumpinq_ �l� Whenever inspection of the sentic tank discloses that the accumulated sludge in the bottom of the tank has reached a point twelve (12) inches or less from the bottom of the outlet baffle device, or that the bottom of the floating scum laver is less than three (3) inches above the bottom of the outlet baffle device. the owner shall have the tank grom�tiv numged to remove all accumulated septage. Pum�a shall be berformed bv a licensed bumper. �Z No septic tank shall remain in service without being pum�ed at least once every two(2) vears, whether or not the measurement indicates a slud�e buildun. Each existing se�tic tank shall be numped at least once within twentv-four (24) months o£ the ef£ective date of this chaAter and thereafter at least once within twenty-four (241 months of each subsequent pumping. �31 Whenever insnection of pumb stations, distribution devices or dron boxes indicates the accumulation of solids. such devices shall be gromptl� cleaned. �_ Every septic tank numping shall be reported by the owner to the office of LIEP on forms brovided for that pur�ose within thirty (301 calendar days o£ the pum ing. The report shall include the owner's name and address, the date of the pumbing. the contractor who performed the pum�ing, the number of gallons removed and the location of sewac�e disbosal. �Z Pumping for the removal o£ senta�e shall be performed only b�bersons or firms licensed by the MPCA as pum ers. LL the surface o£ the ground is prohibited. Disposal of -19- 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ��S " (°O � �7L Sec. 50.11. _'_'_=_= __:'_:-_ ----`--- Ins�ection requirements for -� - --- existing, new and re�lacement systems. - - .. .. -. . . . . - -- - � --- - • -• - .�• .- --. - - - - - - - . - -. - - -. . . . -- - . - - . - ------ . . - ... ...-. . . .- -. . - - - . - - - - - . .- ...-. - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . - . . . .. . - . -. - ::: : :: �Z Existinc�svstems; compliance inspection criteria: An inspection of an existing svstem must evaluate for the £ollowin� criteria: �Z Imminent threat to bublic health or safetv as indicated in Section 50.12. Lb1 An existina svstem that is not an imminent threat to public health or safety need not be upgraded, repaired bottom of the distribution medium and the ton layer of either the consolidated and unweathered parent material or the seasonally saturated layer. �Z Paragraph (b) does not apblv to svstems in shore land areas regulated under Minn. Stat.� 103F.201 to 103F.221, wellhead areas as de£ined in Minn. Stat. � 103I.005, or those used in connection with food. beverage, and lodging establishments regulated under Minn. Stat. Chat�ter 157. SdZ If the system is failing as indicated in Section 50.13. the system must be uparaded, renlaced or its use discontinued within 10 months of a notice of noncom LZ If the svstem fails to �rovide sufficient ground water nrotection the svstem must be reuaired. renlaced, or its use discontinued within 10 months o£ a notice of noncom� 1 i anc e. -20- necessary to ensure that adeauate maintenance and disposal is being accom�lished. 1 12) Existing Systems; certificate of compliance: All existina /1� .60� �.� 2 individual sewage treatment systems shall be inspected b� a 3 licensed inspector. The Certificate of Compliance shall be given 4 to the owner and a cogv submitted to the office of LIEP within 30 5 days of the compliance inspection. The Certificate o£ com�liance 6 must include but is not limited to the followincr: 7 8 �Z Date of the inspection. 9 �L Address of the system location. 10 � Name and address of the �roberty owner. _(dZ Name, address and MPCA license number of the licensed inspector who conducted the inspection and issued the certificate. Le� A certified statement from the licensed inspector or aualified employee who conducted the compliance inspection indicating that the individual sewac�e treatment system is in compliance with MN rules 7080 and this chapter. �Z The licensed inspector shall prepare a scale diagram of the sewage treatment system, or verify that such a diaaram is on file with the office of LIEP, which shows the�location of the system and its combonents, the location of other water su��lv wells, if present, the size and depth of the system, the depth to the seasonally high water table or bedrock, the size and integrity of the tank, and baffles on the tank. One (1) co�v of the diagram shall thereafter be kept on the gremises and a second copv shall be keot on file at the office of LIEP. The diagrams shall be u�dated when alterations or extensions are made to the system or nrivate well. �_ A copy of the inspection renort, on forms to be provided bv the office of LIEP, and oroof that the svstem meets the reauirements of this chapter as evidenced by a certificate of compliance shall be submitted to the environmental health officer within thirtv (30) days of the insnection. In addition to the ins�ection rebort, the broperty owner shall submit to the office of LIEP such fee as mav be set bv the citv council. �Z �Z The owner of an existina svstem that has had their system inspected bv a licensed inspector and has Com�liance exce�t if the svstem is re�laced, upgraded ��� Upon receipt of a complete ins�ection reoort, certificate of compliance and fee, the environmental 1 or repaired, or the issuance of a permit for the �� ` 2 addition of a bedroom. 3 4 (3) Existing Svstems• notice of non-com�liance• When conducting a 5 compliance inspection, the licensed inspector must immediately 6 nrovide notice of non-compliance to the groDerty owner upon 7 discovery of non-compliance with the�rovisions of this cha�ter. 8 The inspector shall also immediatel�rovide the office of LIEP 9 with a copy o£ the non-compliance notice. The non-compliance building official. However, any system installed between May 27. (4) Existing Systems: maintenance reviews: Maintenance reviews shall be conducted by a licensed insoector or a licensed pumper according to the followinQ standards in order to monitor the condition of the svstem. assure its �roper nerformance and protect surface and groundwater c�uality S� A maintenance review shall be performed at least every two (2) years. The review shall include. but shall not be limited to: 1. Measurement of accumulated sludge and scum in the septic tank. 2. Review of effluent levels in soil treatment svstems brovided with inspection wells. 3. Review of pumps and num�stations when included as part of the system. 4. Review of distribution devices and drop boxes. S. A list and description o£ any rebairs or alterations made to the svstem since the last maintenance review. 6. Anv condition of the system that constitutes an imminent threat to public health and sa£etv as defined in section 50.12 of this cha ter. 7. Anv condition of the system which constitutes a failing system as defined in section 50.13. �� A co�v of the review report, on forms to be �rovided bv the office of LIEP, and proo£ that either the s sy tem meets the requirements of this chapter or that any reoairs have been made, shall be submitted to the environmental health officer at the office of LIEP within thirty (30) days of the date of the review_ Upon receipt of a comoleted report and accom�anyin� fee, the office o£ LIEP shall send notification to the -22- 1 2 3 4 5 property owner indicating that the owner of the s sy tem has complied with the maintenance review requirements Gr Ol of this chapter. q p"b L6� New construction and replacement svstems; compliance inspection criteria: �Z Compliance insnections shall be performed by the building official. or by a licensed inspector, at each system installation, prior to any work having been covered by backfill. �bZ The owner or licensed insvector shall notify the building o£ficial at least 24-hours prior to the time work is readv for insz>ection or reins�ection. �_ Work that is backfilled prior to required inspection may be ordered to be uncovered whenever necessary to determine compliance. � Noted deficiencies shall be properlY corrected and reinspected before work on the project is continued. �fZ No individual sewage treatment svstem shall be placed or replaced in service until final inspection and a��roval of the installation. SgZ Fees for in�ections or reinsbections shall be as set bv council resolution. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ,� 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 � New construction and replacement systems: certificate of compliance: Final approval of newlv constructed or renlacement �stems shall be evidenced bv a Certificate of Compliance. The Certificate o£ Compliance shall be issued by a licensed ins�ector to the owner and a co�y submitted to the office of LIEP. The Certificate of Compliance must include but is not limited to the followina: �Z Date of the inspecCion. � Address of the system location. �Z Name and address of the broperty owner. LZ Name, address and MPCA license number of the licensed insnector who conducted the insbection and issued the certificate. � A certified statement from the licensed insnector who with MN rules 7080 and this chapter. (f) Name. address and MPCA license number of the licensee or c�ualified individual who installed the system. 18Z New construction and replacement svstems: notice of non- compliance• A licensed inspector must immediatelv nrovide written -23- notice of non-compliance to the svstem owner upon discovery of ��-� O � non-compliance. The licensed inspector shall also immediately provide the office of LIEP with a co�v of the non-compliance notice. The notice of non-comDliance must specify why the system is not in compliance. The office of LIEP shall issue proper orders to brina the system into compliance. The system shall be brouc�ht into compliance before a certificate mav be issued agproving use of the system. The office of LIEP shall review all notices of non-compliance and inspection reDOrts received and shall noti£y the owner of the property if the system is in compliance or does not meet the compliance criteria set forth in Minnesota Rules Cha�ter 7080 or this chapter. 14 Section 50.12. ^�_=__'__� _-'_ ___-____-__ Imminent Threat To 15 Public Health and Safetv 16 17 . - . .._ - - - - - - . - - - ' -- - - . - -. . .- -• - .- - -. ' -. . . . - . .. . . - . -- .. . . - . ..- ..- . . - - . . .._ - - - - - .- ' - - . - ...- . - - _. - - - . .._ - - - - - .- - .. - . - -.-.._ - - • --- . - - - - .- - ... - - . - . .._ - - - - - . . - - - - . -' - . - - . ..- - • ' " - - - .. . . .. -. �...��..,.�..s . - . . . ... - - - . . . . .- . - - . . . . - - - - . - - . - . . - - - - - .. . - •.• - - - . . - . -.. -. .• �... _ .- . . - . . .._ ... -.-.._ - - - - - --. . - . - . - . . . . - . .. ... - 56 --E�� ---=---------- ---=�-------- 57 58 szs .-- -.- =• - - - . .. . . -..- -.. .- .. - .. - . ..- ... - . ' � �fs-6o1 - .- - - .- .- . - -. - .- -..-.-... . -.-- - •-- �- - ••- - - - - - .- . -. - -. - - . .- - ... .. . - --- . .- . . - .- . .- - .. .. -.. . - - - .- . .- .- -. ._ .. . .._ . - - .- - --- . - .- . - - - - -. - . ..- .. . .- - . - . - - . - ...- . - . .- . . - .- -- . - - - ....-. .- . - •- - - -• - - - - ..-. ._ . - - . .- . . . .. . .- - . . .. .. - - - .- - - - - . - _.- . - - - - ._ .- . �- -�--�� - . - ._ .- . - .. - -.. . - . . ... - .. -- . - . . - - - - -.. -- . -25- . - - - -.. -. . - i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . -- .- . - .-. .. - .. ... - - . . _ . . - - - - . -- - / ; � . . . ... - - . - - . - - - - - - . ..- - - - - . . - - - - . - �� ��� - - - •- . . - - . . - - -. .._- - .. . . - - -. .. - - - - . - . - - - - - - •. . - .- - - -- - _...- - .. . . - .. - ._ - .- - - ... - - - . . . .. - - ..- . . -. -. - . . -. - - - •-- - .. - --- .. .- 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 ,. -. - - - .. - .. .-. - . - - - -- - - - . . - - - - . - - .. ... - - - - - - . - . . - - - - .. - . - - - . --. .. - - - .- . . .. . .. . -- � - - • -- •- - . - - . . - - - - - . . . - -. - - -. .. . .- -.. -. - - . - . . . - . - - ---- - --- --- -- - - - - - ------ - - .. _.. ..-. - - - - ... - - - - - : .. . - - - .- .. - ..-. .- - - - �. ��. - - - _. . .- . .._ - - - - - - -' --- - - - - - . .... . .. . . .. . . . . - ... - -26- � - - . .- . -. - .. . - . ..- - . - ..-. . - - - - • -- - - - _ - - _ - - -- - - -- � , • � a. Sewaae discharcre to surface water. b. Sewage discharge to ground surface. c. Sewaae backu� d. Anv other situation with the potential to immediately and adverselv affect or threaten oublic health or safet� / - . � - - - -- - - -- __- /' -- -- - - - - - . - - - - - - /: -. . ._ - - - - . /' - - - - .- . .. -. . ._ 1 . .. - - - - - . . - - - . - - - - - . - .- - - .. . - . - .�• - � - - -.. - - - . - . . . . ... - - . ... - . - . . � . -. _.. . - - - .� _ -_�_ _ � _ � _ � � - . - . ' . . - - . . - - - - ' - _. - - - .- �. - - . ..- - . - . � ... - ' ' .- . .. .-. - . . . . - . -- ' .- - •• - " - ' ' �: ... - - - - - . .. _ ... - - ..- - 1 - - - - - - . - . - - - - . ._ - - - . - . - . - - . . '- - • - - - . .. -. - - . ... - - - - - .-. .. - . _...- - . - - : ..- . - - - . . .- . .. - .• -27- - . . . - _ . - u�graded, replaced, or its use discontinued within 90 days of a notice of noncompliance: �.�' io ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 - �a »•:c'�wa��t�mrw��� _ _ _ • _ _ � - - - ••. - . - . ..- - \1����l��l �A�F\��1�l��VrlRy��T�lllf}lq���i��4l�A�����A�IG��Z�R��IlC'!4 F��Zy��l�l ... - - .. - - - - - . - . -. - - - . - - - . - - . .. . - -. .. - . . . ... - discontinued within 10 months of a notice of noncompliance. Sec. 50.14. �� Alternative Systems Prohibited. - . ..- ..- - . - - •'- • ' -•'- _.. .. . - .. . --. - . .- . - - . . - - - - •'- • • - - . . . . . ..- . . . - - - - " ' -• - '• -• - • - ' -.. . .-. .. ._ - - . . - - - •- -' ' " ' .... . _. - - - - - . - - - . . . .. - .._ - . - - . - .- - - - . -. . dwelling unit. Sec. 50.15. Well water testing on lots with individual sewaqe treatment systems. (al Testin�of water from existing wells: �Z Coliform bacteria and chemical (nitrate) testincT of well water shall be conducted for those t�arcels containing both an individual sewage treatment s s� �� - . . ... - - .- - - ..- - - . ..- - - - - . - - - - - . . . . .- . .. .-. .. - . well water shall be conducted for those parcels a� �` b � containinQ both an individual sewage treatment system and a private water well on the effective date of this chapter. It shall be the responsibility of the propertX owner to either: 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 �_ a. Submit well water samples, using kits from the office of Dublic health. to the office of LIEP or testing and analysis; or b. Contract with a laboratory certified by the Minnesota Office of Health for collection. testina and analysis. Testina and analysis shall occur within twelve (12) months of the ef£ective date of this chapter. Test results shall be submitted bX the property owner to the office of LIEP on £orms to be provided by the office of LIEP, along with such fee as may be set bv the citv council. The office of LIEP shall then issue a certi£icate, to After the initial coliform bacteria and nitrate testina two (2) years thereafter as described in subsection (a)(1) above. Within thirtv (30) davs of the testing, a cobv of the test results, on forms to be provided by the office of LIEP, shall be submitted by the pro�ertv owner to the office of LIEP, along with such fee as �rescribed by the city council. The office of LIEP shall then issue a certificate. to be c�ood for two (2) years, to the �roperty owner verif�g that the water samples are within the standards set for public health. (b) Testing of water from wells installed after the effective date of this chapter. Coliform bacteria and nitrate testing of water from all nrivate wells installed after the effective date of this chaoter shall be conducted every two (2) to the property owner verifying that the water sam�les are within the standards set £or �ublic health. (c) Responsibility for testing for EPA's brimarv bollutants_ Random sam�le testing of water from private wells for the United States Environmental Protection Agencv's �rimar�ollutants shall be conducted bv the office of oublic health. (a) Testing of water from existing wells: �_ Coliform bacteria and chemical (nitrate) testing of well water shall be conducted for those garcels containing -29- both an individual sewage treatment system and a private � water well on the effective date of this chapter. ItC,�" shall be the resDOnsibility of the property owner to either• a. Submit well water samples, using kits from the office of x>ublic health, to the o£fice of gublic health or testing and analysis: or b. Contract with a laboratory certified by the Minnesota Of£ice of Health for collection. testina and analvsis. Testing and analysis shall occur within twelve (12) months of the effective date of this cha�ter. Test results shall be submitted b� the property owner to the office of public health then issue a certificate, to be ctood for two (2) years. to the property owner veri£ying that the water samnles are within the standards set for public health. �Z After the initial coli£orm bacteria and nitrate testina of water from all existing private wells. coliform bacteria and nitrate testina shall be conducted every two (2) years thereafter as described in subsection (a)(1) above. Within thirty (30) davs of the testing, a cobv of as �rescribed by the city council. The office of public health shall then issue a certificate, to be good for two (2) years, to the property owner verifying that the water samples are within the standards set for �ublic health. 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 (b) Testin�of water from wells installed after the effective date of this chapter. Coliform bacteria and nitrate testing o£ water from all private wells installed after the effective date of this chapter shall be conducted every two (2) years from the date of installation as described in subsection (a)(1) above. Within thirty (30) davs of the testing, a co�y of the test results, on forms to be �rovided by the office of public health, shall be submitted by the pro�erty owner to the o£fice of public health. along with such fee as prescribed b�r the city council. The office of gublic health shall issue a certificate, to be good for two (2) vears, to the property owner verifying that the water sam�les are within the standards set for public health. (c) Responsibility for testing for EPA's primar��ollutants_ Random sample testing of water from private wells for the United States Environmental Protection Agencv's primar�bollutants sha11 be conducted by the o£fice of nublic health. Sec. 50.16. Variances. The leaislative hearina officer. in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18, mav, with the a�nroval of the cit� -30- ORIGINAt 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 q �--c. 01 council, modify or revoke any order and ma�grant an extension of time where the legislative hearing officer finds that there is undue hardship based upon cost connected with compliance with chapter. or any a�nlicable rules or regulations. In no event shall a variance be granted if to do so would cause a threat to the public health, safety or welfare, In no event shall a variance be granted if to do so would cause a threat to the nublic health. safety or welfare. Also. no action by the legislative hearing o£ficer shall exemut an owner from meeting the inspection and re�orting requirements set forth herein. Sec. 50.17. Severabilit� clause If any of the provisions of this ordinance are determined by a court of competent iurisdiction to be unlawful or Section 2 That this ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: By: � Approved by By: and effect and construed as a whole thereafter. Adopted by Coune�l Date � s/ / Adoption Certified by Co c' e�e� etary � - !,' ��I,.� Y /, ' D ✓ OFFICE OF LIEP Date initiated: � �8 1998 GREEN SHEET N° 50354 PETER T. KISHEL 266-9133 � P�a'�T Dzaecxox 4 ixz wverczr. ITY ATTOIWEY ITY CLERK llSt b2 OR COl1I1C11 ACJQ21C�d by: ODGET DIRECTOR N. � MGT. SVC. DIR. � 3 YOR (OR ASSISTANT) OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATI S FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: Ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 50 pertaining to Individual Sewage Treatment Systems fISTS) to incorporate changes made ecessary by amendments to Minnesota Statute 115.55 and to update the ordinance to provide for efficient enforcement and to protect the public ealth, welfare and safety. RECONQ+iENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) !ffiLSOlU1L SSRVI� C@7TRACTS MOST AHSiffiR TH£ P07.LOIPSN6: PLANNING COh47iSSI0N CIVIL SERVICE COtMffSSION 1. Has the person/fixm ever worked under a contract fos this department? CIH COMMITTEE BUSINESS REVIEW COUNCIL YES NO STA£F _ Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? DISTRICT COURT YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBdECTIVE? Current City employeeY YES NO a+i YBS ansaera en a sepaxate aheet aad attaeh. INITIATZNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): innesota Statute 115.55 and Minnesota Pollution Control Itules, Chapter 7080, require that local ordinances regulating Individual Sewage Treatment Systems comply with state regulations. These regulations address the construction, inspection and maintenance of septic systems. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: The city ordinance would be in compliance with state regulations. New systems ould i�e designed, instal2ed and routinely inspected to minimize eac3� system's impact on the environment and public health. The �requency that existing systems are reviewed for possible failure and proper maintenance would be decreased from once a year to once every two years. This will lessen the urtlen and possibly lower costs to property owners and at the same time protect the environment and public's health. Systems will be identified ithin a reasonable time that are the most 3ikely to be an environmental or ublic health hazard and be required to upgrade or connect to city sewer ithin 1D months or receiving corractive orders. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Property owners would be required to have septic tanks pumped once every two ears instead of every three years. Property owners with failing systems (seepage pits, drywells, cesspools or leaching pits) would be required to upgrade, replace or discontinue the use of the spstem within 6 months of receiving corrective orders. DISADVANTAGEB IF NOT APPROVED: City would not be in compliance with Minnesota laws and regulations regarding Individual Sewage Treatment Systems. Property owners would sti11 be required to have existing systems inspected once a year. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER Fees by�ci�ty be by 5, �3.CChc'en�et }�€v�14`�G _,.,, �Ut� 91998 JUN `� � � �€�v���s a��s�� OR�G�NAL Presented By 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2A 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Referred To Council File # l0 � �a� , Ordinance # Green Sheet # C�� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �}t� Committee: Date An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 50 pertaining to individual sewage treatment systems to incorporate changes made necessary by amendments to Minn. Stat. § 115.55 and to update the ordinance to provide for efficient enforcement and to protect the public health, welfare and safety. Pl1R(I.Cf�FI) AUG �� 199� THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 50 be amended as follows: Chapter 50. Individual Sewage Treatment Systems Sec. 50.01. General provisions. (a) Short title. This chapter shall be known and referred to as the "individual sewage treatment systems ordinance". (b) Intent and purpose. This chapter is adopted by the city for the following purposes: (1) To protect the health, safety and welfare of the present and future residents of the community; (2) To regulate the design, location, installation, use and maintenance of individual sewage treatment systems; (3) To prevent the discharge of inadequately treated sewage to ground or surface waters; (4) To protect land, water and other natural resources within and outside the city from impairment, pollution or destruction; (5) To prevent and avoid health and ecological hazards attributable to bacterial and chemical contamination of lands and waters; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 (6) To protect water supply wells from contamination by y `Q' inadequate or improperly designed, located, installed � o+ or maintained individual sewage treatment systems; ... . - • - . .- - - - - - . _ - . - . . _ - . - - . . - -. - .- - -. .. .... - - These standards are not intended to cover systems treating industrial waste or other wastewater that may contain hazardous materials. Sec. 50.02. De£initions. As used in this chapter, the terms defined in Minnesota Rules 1990, Chapter 7�80.002� are incorporated herein by reference and shall be applicable to the provisions contained herein. The following additional definitions shall apply to this chapter. - -. . . - --. -- Building official: The head of the building inspection and design office of the Saint Paul Office of License InsAections and Environmental Protection. . - . . -. . . - _.. - .- - - - - . . .- . - -. . - -_. : - . -. . -- - . - .. _. - .- - _ _ - . - _ - - - - - - - -- -. ... . . - - - - ._ .. . - . - - _. - - ...- ._ . - - ' - - - .- -- . - . - .- -._ - . - -- - - - -2- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 A A 3 A �Y`i' 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 '�i:r:wr�w�J���ir��•�=�i�r����:��G��i��ia:���re.�.a�wi�a.��va���.���:�i1 ia�r / , 1 l��l��'ir�RM��7q��l�i�f�/i�1F\�l�l��A�f\���rF7g4H�t�ll�(y4���4�/�OGV • ri:v.�� i�i��w ���c�a�i�:��.i i��:����i.i- Environmental Health Official. The person desic�nated as the environmental health officer of the city or the environmental health officer's designee. Licensed Inspector: A person licensed by the MPCA as an ins�ector or designer I for evaluating site evaluations and and notices of noncompliance: and issuing and maintaining ins�ection re�orts. Licensed Pumper: A person licensed by the MPCA for measurina scum and sludge depths for the accumulation of solids and removing these deposits; maintaining nortable toilets: storing and hauling sentacL: dis osincr of septacL: identifying �roblems related to sewage tanks, dosing chambers, baffles, maintenance hole covers and extensions, and pumps, and makincLrepairs: ins�ecting and evaluatincx water tightness of sewage tanks, dosing chambers, distribution devices, valve boxes, or drop boxes; and cleaning supplv pibes and distribution pibes. LIEP. The Citv of Saint Paul O££ice of License. Insgections and Environmental Protection. Minnesota Rules 1990, Chapter 7080. The state chapter containing minimum standards and criteria for the design, location, installation, use and maintenance of individual sewage treatment systems, as administered by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Water Quality Office. MPCA. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Undisturbed soil. Undisturbed soil means soil in its ori�inal, natural state. It does not mean soil which has been blaced as fill in order to achieve soil sex>aration. - �1111��T���A���\�4'r\R��Ti}�l��K�l'1y44�l11�i�i�f9�l�ll�f�ac}�TN -• � Mr����l�l���t����l�F7R�f��FY�I�Gll�l���l����1 J��A4�fi�A��l�/�\��'lAl�l �lll - . .- .-. - . - . Sec. 50.03. Complianee with Minnesota Rules 1990, Chapter 7080. Existing individual sewage treatment systems and new individual sewage treatment systems installed after the effective date of this ordinance shall comply with the requirements of -3- 1 Minnesota Rules 1990, Chapter 7080, and Minn. Stat. S 115.55 a�-`� 2 unless, with respect to new or replacement systems, modified in 3 this ordinance. 4 5 Sec. 50.04. Of£ice of LI$P• environmental health 6 responsibility. 7 8 (a) . 9 , 0 ,,..... ..�. „� �.... .. �.... ,.., �., ..._., ..�.....,.,._.,.�..� ..� ..,....�.� , . The office of LIEP shall be resnonsible for the administration and enforcement of the maintenance provisions of this chanter• including, but not limited to, notifying the owners of individual sewage treatment systems of ins�ection dates, monitoring the results of maintenance reviews, ensuring that pumping is x>erformed as necessary. keeping on file inspection regorts £or each individual sewaqe treatment svstem. investigating complaints and ordering corrective action necessarv to protect the public health, safetv and welfare of the communit� . ----- - - - - - - - - ' ' - - - - ._ - . - - . .._ - - - - - .- .- -. .. . .._ - -. .. - ° - - . - .- . - - . - - . . . - - - . - - . - ... . - .- ' -.. . - . . .. - � - - . . .. - - - - -- - -.. - - . _. - • - - - - .-- -.- .- - - .- - - . .- .. . . - - . .- - - -. - - - - - - . �L in a manner creatina_a hazard to the z>ublic health. safet� or welfare: and S2Z Condemn a dwelling as unfit for human habitation where the imgro�er functioning or failure of an individual � 1 2 3 4 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 the dwellina. Such action shall be in compliance with a Y�0� the provisions of Chapter 34. - - - .- . -.. . - ... - . - ..- - - . ..- . -- - _„ _ _ � _, _ � _ � � _ - . .- -. . -. . . - -. . -. . - - . .. . _. - - • . . ' . The building official or environmental health official shall have Sec. 50.05. ��. Office of LIEP; building offiaial's resgonsibilitv . - - . . - - - - - - .. .. .- - .. . . - -• - .- . - - . - •- -• -- • -- - - - - - - • - - .. . . - - _ . - - -. -.. . -- . - - - ._ . - - - ... . ... - . . .- • -- - - - . - . .. . .. - . . . ... . - - .- -. . .. - • • - - . -. . .. - . . - .. . - .- .- -. - . . - • - - . . .- . -�� �R.�....�-. - ... . . .. .- .. - .. . . . . ._ .. . -. . - . ... -. - - .- • . . - . ..- - . .. - ... . - . - � _:.... - - a.� DllT �ose of per£orming anv insDection or review reauired under this chapter whenever there is probable cause to believe that a hazard to the nublic health, safety or welfare exists or when ins�ections and reviews are reauired or necessary to insure com�liance with the brovisions o£ this chapter. , q �.�o1 , , , � , . , . , , . , , �r���� ����--s-��� , . a «a _ � a-�, �;T�t„-P-- ar� � - - ._ .. .. .- . . - .- - • ' - ' ' ' - . - - - . .- . - • "' -. . . ... .. - -- - -.. -. . .... ._ - . . . - - . ._ . . _. - :• ' ' "' - . . "' -• " - - • . - '. - - -. - . -. - • -. - - - . . .._ .- - . . . - - . . - • ' ' -.. . - - -• - - ... " - -' ' - - - . - .. . . - ... , , •- ' ' - .. - .. - -. . - .. ... - . . . .' • ' ' - . .. ... - . . . . � - - - - . - - . . - .. . . . . . .•. � .• - . - -. . � :- ._ . - - - - ._ .- -. . . .. .- . - . - ... -. - ' ' •- _ _ ' - _ :: - .._ . .. ' ' •- '- - .- _.- c - •- -.- -._- - - - -. . . - -. - . - . .-- . . - -. . - . - .. - .. - . . _. - . . . . _.. .. .- _.- . - . .. - _.-.._ - - . -' - - . . . - - . - ••. . .- . - .- - - -. . . - . -. - ::: : : ..._ . .. - .. - - . ... •- ' ' - - - -. •- _.- - - . . . . - - -. - . - _.. . .- . . - .- -.- - . ...� '- . . - .- .- - - . - - . - . - . .-. . ... -- l�l l'.'ll��l .r:l����l�F7��l���l�l��A�'f:��Pt��l4M��r\�l�J�b'l� • � • • •-• � � • � � " •� � � - �• � •rr- �I •� • • • • • -�• -• I � -• � •�� •- � � • • � � 1 - I �• -• ��• � � �-� �� • �I • � ♦ • � � - • � � • � - � • � � � � • � � � • • • -• •• - - � • -`� -• �♦ �� �� � - � - • - � •� � � I •I � - r � � �� -• •• � - - - - - - - - -- ---- - - � � - - .- - . ..- - - . - _.-.._ - - . . . - - . ... - . .._ - - - - - - - - • - - - - - . .- -. . - - . . - . - .- . - - - . .. - : --- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- • .- - . -. - - . . .._ - - � - - - - . .- -.. -. . . - - ..- . _. - ... - - - .- .- . . . -. .-- - --• • -� - - -- - . .. - .-. ..- ..--. - - - . -- - .. - ._ - . - _ . - . - - - . . - . � - ����-z���a��n�w��a�.i� - � � _ _ _ � - • • � � com�etent in the ins�ection of individual sewage treatment svstems. The buildinc�official shall have the power to issue orders to• L1 error or on the basis of incorrect or inadeauate information, or that work is not beina performed in com�liance with the recYUirements of this chapter• �2� Reauire the correction of new or existinc,� svstems where. following inspection and review, a system is determined to be defective. 42 Sec. 50.06. Permit 43 Requirements. - .. . . .- - .. . - . .. . . - . - - . - •- . . . . . - .. .. . -. . - - . - ._ - . - - ' - •- ` • .. . - - -.. . . . . ... - ' ' ••- - - - - - - .. . - - - .._ -. - -. - -'- . .- - - .- . . . - - - - - - .. . . - - ....- . .- . .- . ���..�.. . - . . -.. - - . .. ... . - .- .- ���a r��i�o��w�a��.r.n�in i���ri�i=i�i�r�t=� � The building official shall be responsible for administration and enforcement of the design. construction and i a 3 4 5 6 7 8 . . ... .- .- . -. � 1 - - -.. - - . - i, '- - - . - . . - . - - - - - .- . - ._ . - .- - - . .- .- - - (a) Permit reauired. No Derson shall install, alter. reoair or extend any individual sewage treatment system in the citv without first obtaining a permit from the building official for the specific work and complying with the nrovisions of Chapter 33 of this Code. Permits shall not be required for inspections involvin� the review and maintenance o£ svstems A building nermit or variance mav not be issued for the addition of a (b) Application contents. Permit agplication shall be made in writing u�on forms provided by the building official and shall �Z Correct legal descrintion of the ropertv on which the pr000sed work is to take place. �_ such as bluff lines. waterways and water bodies: buried utilities: easements and other uniaue features of the site. A scale drawing showing the followina shall be kept on file at the office of LIEP: a. b. c. d. e. f. Lot dimensions: House location; Location and plan of the nroposed individual sewage treatment system; Relative elevations. in Saint Paul datum. of the house, lot corners and soil treatment area; Location and elevations of percolation test holes and soil borings: Slobe of �round at site of soil treatment area: and iS� between November first and A�ril thirty of each vear provided that an insAection of the system is performed no later than the following 3une first and the anblicant submits a certificate of compliance no later than the following September thirtieth. Site plan, drawn to scale, showing the location of all broposed and existing structures in relation to the � Distance to all surface waters. wells, proposed �O` wells, springs or other sur£ace water within one �� � hundred fiftv (150) feet o£ the pr000sed soil treatment area. h. Soil test data, including soil boring logs. percolation test data with field notes, and location and identification of the test area. i. Plans and details of the proposed installation or work. including engineering data when required and sup�orting data attestina to compliance with the minimum standards of this chabter• � Building plans showincLexisting and proposed room arranQement and uses. k. For other establishments. calculated or measured water use rates, occubancy and occupant load. 1. Evidence of comoliance with state or other jurisdiction regulations where a�olicable. �L The following supporting data, which shall be kebt on file at the o£fice of LIEP: a. Log of all soil exoloration work, includin�a description of the various strata encountered: b. Groundwater conditions, includina indications of seasonal groundwater fluctuations, such as mottlinq, and the presence of aray soil coloration as indicated by a soil color with a chroma of two (2) or less (Munsell Color): c. Design data for the system: d. Soil test data derived from soil borings and percolation tests for each proposed site or installation shall be in accordance with Minnesota Rules 7080.0110. At a minimum. four (41 satisfactory soil borings per site sha11 be made. Borinas shall be made bv auger or excavation and shall be staked and protected until notification that field evaluation has been com�leted. If one (1) or more borings encounters unsuitable or limiting conditions. additional borinas shall be made in order to outline an adeauate area of suitable soil conditions; e. Results of at least two (2) soil bercolation tests ber site performed according to Minnesota Rules 7080.0110, subbart 4 and including_ 1. Within the outlined area. a minimum o£ two C2) �ercolation tests evenlv sbaced shall be made. Where soil conditions vary within the tested area. one (1) additional percolation test shall be made in each soil -10- twe. Fill soils may require more than one �` �O\ (1) additional percolation test• p' 2. Percolation rates shall be determined for each test hole and recorded on worksheets showing all measurements and calculations �_ Written verification from the installer that the 0 must be submitted to the office of LIEP. .LZ No building permit shall be issued for the construction. alteration, expansion or remodelinc� of any dwelling or other establishment served by an individual sewage treatment system until the permit recruired for the treatment svstem has been issued Occupancv shall be prohibited until a final inspection of the svstem has been conducted. 26 (d) Site evaluation. An evaluation of the site's suitabilitv 27 for an individual sewage treatment svstem according to the 28 evaluation factors �rovided in Minnesota Rules 7080.0110, shall 29 be made by an individual or firm licensed b� the MPCA as a site 30 evaluator. 31 32 Sec. 50.07. Location 33 of new or reglacement systems. / � Individual sewage treatment svstems and each component thereof shall be located and installed to ensure with �ro�er maintenance, that the system will function in a sanitary manner. will not create a nuisance and will not contaminate anv domestic water supnlv well. S�stem location shall consider lot size and aroundwater geologv existing and�roposed water su��ly wells accessibility for maintenance. exgansion or replacement of the svstem and setbacks as reauired in Tab1e IV of this cha ter Installation of svstems in low swampv areas or drainaae swales is of-wav. f 'in���i��i.ia�i��i.��r�s��n�rwa��w��r����c-oi���na��i...ri���s�r -�.1- this Chapter, as from time to time amended. 'i�ia�����Ka�i��i�����i���aar�������r�� a � ,�01 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 -. .-, . ..- _ . . _. _ . .. - - - . ..- . . . . - - . .._ - - - - - . - . - ... - - . - - . - . ..- - - - -. - . - - . .. . . - - - Lot size. Sn addition to the area needed for all existing and expected improvements, the lot shall have an ade�uate area of soil suitable for the installation o£ two (2) individual sewa�e site shall be �reserved for this purpose. (c) Location of septic tanks. Septic tanks shall be located as reauired in Minnesota Rules 7080.0130. subpart 4. (d) System location. System location shall be as reauired in Minnesota Rules 7080.0170, sub�art 2.B. and in accordance with the following table: Table IV Minimum setback distances (feet) Feature Sewage tank Soil treatment area Water supAlv we11 100 100 less than fiftv (50) feet dee� and not encountering at least ten (10) feet o£ imnervious material Anv other water 75 75 su�nlv well or buried water suction Dine Buried biDe 10 10 distributina water under nressure Buildinas 10 20 Property lines 10 10 �y� i 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Established River 40 40 Corridor bluff lines. See. Saint Paul Legislative Code ChaDter 65 et sea• The ordinar�hi .c�h 75 �5 water mark of• Recreation DeveloDment Lakes and Streams Urban and Tributarv 50 50 River Segments Wetlands (i acre or 50 50 larger) Sec. 50.08. ''---`=-- '- ^-----' Construction and materials: new or replacement systems. • - - - - - . - . - - . - . . - .. - - ... - ' ` . •- . - • _" � ......��......... ...�...�..... .�..�� ...1...�..ii.iviio� ucr+�i♦ �v i i .. . _ . _ � (al Generallv. The design. construction and location of and (b) Sewaae tanks. All sewage tanks including septic and aerobic. shall be designed constructed and shall conform with Minnesota Rules 7080.0130. (c) Capacitv of septic tanks• S� The liquid canacitv of a seutic tank serving a dwellin� least as large as the capacities given below• ��,�01 -13- • � - _ _ _ _ � • _ _ ��. l r��i����RC��� n��A-s���os�� 2 0 Number o£ Bedrooms Tank Liquid Capacities (Gallons) 2 or less 1.000 3 or 4 1,200 5 or 6 1.500 7--9 2.000 For ten (10) or more bedrooms._the se�tic tank shall be sized as in other establishments. For multiple-familv dwellings containinc�two (2) or more dwelling units. the size shall be the sum of the individual dwelling unit rec�uirements. _� If a garbage disposal unit is installed in a residence or other establishment, the septic tank capacity must be at least fifty (50) percent greater than that reauired in item (11 above and either multible com�artments or multiple tanks must be nrovided. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 p 4 0 Sec. 50.09. ^---`---_�___ __� __}__:_,_. Final treatment and disDOSal. (a) , , 2od�: Treatment required. The svstem or svstems shall be desi�ned. installed and maintained to receive a11 sewa�e from the dwelling, buildinc,� or other establishment served. Footinc� or roof drainage shall not enter anv bart of the svstem. Products containina hazardous materials must not be discharged to the �stem, other than a normal amount of household products and cleaners desiqned for household use. Substances not used for household cleaning, including solvents. pesticides. flammables. x>hoto-finishina chemicals or dry cleaning chemicals. must not be discharged to the svstem. Final treatment and disposal of all sewa�e tank effluent shall be bv means of a standard soil treatment and dis�osal system. (b) . , ' , , . . System sizing. System sizin� shall be as �rovided in Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080. �����5 i��i�l_ ��a��w i� AT Q � .`o� -14- 1 2 3 4 5 L'� E[17 a �,�o� -.-__--- __ _�__......... �a3�orrs} �or� �,�fr6 - -3—or4 3 ; 26$ ��' �5 � _ _� z ; 6 ". - : . - -. .. - - .- -. . - - .. - -. . . - • -.. - - �. -. - . . - .-. .. - -. .- - - - - - - . . - • -.. - - . �stem desicxn and construction for new and reolacement svstems Svstem design and construction shall be as recruired in Minnesota Rules Cha nter 7080 and as follows• S� In soils having percolation rates of fifteen (15) minutes per inch or faster. the bottom of the filter material shall be at least four (4) feet above the water table or bedrock. �Z In soils havin ercolation rates of sixteen 16 minutes Der inch through sixtv (60) minutes per inch the bottom of the filter material shall be at least three (3) feet above the water table or bedrock �Z Excavation equinment or other vehicles shall not be driven on the soil treatment area � �F� i 2 3 4 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 - . ._ - - . .- -• -.. - - . - - ::: : : ..._ . ... a � '� i - • - • � - • • � • � • � - �'r - � - -• •- - •� • - � •� • � - � • - • � � • � I - •- � • -�� � � • • • - � � ��• • � - �� � -• •- � - �1 � • � • � � - • � • � �• - • � •- • ��- • � � • � � - • - � �• • � • • -• -• • - • - � • ��• ��-• • �1M�11���R�1 l�A�l���l�)l�l� - � � � • _ _ � _ - � • � - • - t • • • • • - � • • - � � � ♦ � r� � � • • � ��-��� � • • • • - � � - � • � � - � � � - � • � � � � � • - � • � • t � ♦ • � � � - Sec. 50.10 ______ ______.____ ____ _-_ Operatioxi and maintenanee. � - . - - - - : : -- - ... .- - -. ._ -. . - ...- -.. -. -. - - -. - :: : ..._ - - - -. - - ,L1 Each individual sewage treatment system existing as of the date of adobtion of this chapter, as well as those installed under this chapter, shall be onerated and maintained according to the brovisions of this section. -16- L2� Resnonsibilitv for the prober operation and maintenan e of individual sewage treatment systems shall be as 60 ` follows • /) p , �•� u �Z The owner of each dwelling unit or other establishment served by an individual sewage the svstem. It shall be the owner's resvonsibilitv [� to take action as reauired bv this cha tp er 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 LL a. � It shall be unlawful for an owner or occupant to allow thereafter as necessarv until satisfactory repairs have been made. Anv costs related to numping and subseauent repairs shall be borne by the z�ro�ertv owner It shall be the resnonsibilit}r of the owner to maintain . - --: - - - -- -- - - -- -- - -- - -. - ::- : .-- �i���ia.r:ni���s�����w�aa���r�a�is����i � • - •• �.�t� �F�""'s.�'� itisro.c�rnr: ni����.�a�rwm=iw�r�a�� -17- ana disposes ot all sewage int�ut from an occupied buildina. Failure on the part of the owner to insnect oumg and/or maintain the owner's individual sewage treatment svstem as required bv this chapter shall constitute a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 � � n,a-: � � � �'�'�F� �e�pspe � � B �xsi�ings �fr � � � ------_--- -- _- �e —�-e �-irres � � i��creat �� �fr -- 5 - e — 5 - 6 � �} Maintenance of all septic tanks. Sentic tanks shall be maintained as reauired in Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080 and as follows: �� Each septic tank and existing se�tic tank shall be maintained in pro�er o�eratina condition at all times. �� A maintenance review of each sentic tank shall be conducted once everv two years as required in section 50.11(4)of this chanter. Verification of the maintenance review and a full reporting of the results sha11 be submitted to the office of LIEP ut�on forms brovided by the o£fice of LIEP. Ll_ office of LIEP shall reauire the owner to complv with ��.�,Ol .� .TiE E -.. . . ..- i � . . .- -.. -. - -. - : : ..._ - . . ... .- . - . -- - .- - - -- - - - - - .- - .. - -- J!1JL�tA���'�l=iR��Sl�rR�s�l� l�i�\S�l�i � �- r � - � _- • - •- �• � • - •- _ � - - - _ - _ _ - � � � r _ - _ � � - � �-� � � - � • • - � � _ _ - � - • _ � - � - _ _ Pumpinq_ �l� Whenever inspection of the sentic tank discloses that the accumulated sludge in the bottom of the tank has reached a point twelve (12) inches or less from the bottom of the outlet baffle device, or that the bottom of the floating scum laver is less than three (3) inches above the bottom of the outlet baffle device. the owner shall have the tank grom�tiv numged to remove all accumulated septage. Pum�a shall be berformed bv a licensed bumper. �Z No septic tank shall remain in service without being pum�ed at least once every two(2) vears, whether or not the measurement indicates a slud�e buildun. Each existing se�tic tank shall be numped at least once within twentv-four (24) months o£ the ef£ective date of this chaAter and thereafter at least once within twenty-four (241 months of each subsequent pumping. �31 Whenever insnection of pumb stations, distribution devices or dron boxes indicates the accumulation of solids. such devices shall be gromptl� cleaned. �_ Every septic tank numping shall be reported by the owner to the office of LIEP on forms brovided for that pur�ose within thirty (301 calendar days o£ the pum ing. The report shall include the owner's name and address, the date of the pumbing. the contractor who performed the pum�ing, the number of gallons removed and the location of sewac�e disbosal. �Z Pumping for the removal o£ senta�e shall be performed only b�bersons or firms licensed by the MPCA as pum ers. LL the surface o£ the ground is prohibited. Disposal of -19- 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ��S " (°O � �7L Sec. 50.11. _'_'_=_= __:'_:-_ ----`--- Ins�ection requirements for -� - --- existing, new and re�lacement systems. - - .. .. -. . . . . - -- - � --- - • -• - .�• .- --. - - - - - - - . - -. - - -. . . . -- - . - - . - ------ . . - ... ...-. . . .- -. . - - - . - - - - - . .- ...-. - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . - . . . .. . - . -. - ::: : :: �Z Existinc�svstems; compliance inspection criteria: An inspection of an existing svstem must evaluate for the £ollowin� criteria: �Z Imminent threat to bublic health or safetv as indicated in Section 50.12. Lb1 An existina svstem that is not an imminent threat to public health or safety need not be upgraded, repaired bottom of the distribution medium and the ton layer of either the consolidated and unweathered parent material or the seasonally saturated layer. �Z Paragraph (b) does not apblv to svstems in shore land areas regulated under Minn. Stat.� 103F.201 to 103F.221, wellhead areas as de£ined in Minn. Stat. � 103I.005, or those used in connection with food. beverage, and lodging establishments regulated under Minn. Stat. Chat�ter 157. SdZ If the system is failing as indicated in Section 50.13. the system must be uparaded, renlaced or its use discontinued within 10 months of a notice of noncom LZ If the svstem fails to �rovide sufficient ground water nrotection the svstem must be reuaired. renlaced, or its use discontinued within 10 months o£ a notice of noncom� 1 i anc e. -20- necessary to ensure that adeauate maintenance and disposal is being accom�lished. 1 12) Existing Systems; certificate of compliance: All existina /1� .60� �.� 2 individual sewage treatment systems shall be inspected b� a 3 licensed inspector. The Certificate of Compliance shall be given 4 to the owner and a cogv submitted to the office of LIEP within 30 5 days of the compliance inspection. The Certificate o£ com�liance 6 must include but is not limited to the followincr: 7 8 �Z Date of the inspection. 9 �L Address of the system location. 10 � Name and address of the �roberty owner. _(dZ Name, address and MPCA license number of the licensed inspector who conducted the inspection and issued the certificate. Le� A certified statement from the licensed inspector or aualified employee who conducted the compliance inspection indicating that the individual sewac�e treatment system is in compliance with MN rules 7080 and this chapter. �Z The licensed inspector shall prepare a scale diagram of the sewage treatment system, or verify that such a diaaram is on file with the office of LIEP, which shows the�location of the system and its combonents, the location of other water su��lv wells, if present, the size and depth of the system, the depth to the seasonally high water table or bedrock, the size and integrity of the tank, and baffles on the tank. One (1) co�v of the diagram shall thereafter be kept on the gremises and a second copv shall be keot on file at the office of LIEP. The diagrams shall be u�dated when alterations or extensions are made to the system or nrivate well. �_ A copy of the inspection renort, on forms to be provided bv the office of LIEP, and oroof that the svstem meets the reauirements of this chapter as evidenced by a certificate of compliance shall be submitted to the environmental health officer within thirtv (30) days of the insnection. In addition to the ins�ection rebort, the broperty owner shall submit to the office of LIEP such fee as mav be set bv the citv council. �Z �Z The owner of an existina svstem that has had their system inspected bv a licensed inspector and has Com�liance exce�t if the svstem is re�laced, upgraded ��� Upon receipt of a complete ins�ection reoort, certificate of compliance and fee, the environmental 1 or repaired, or the issuance of a permit for the �� ` 2 addition of a bedroom. 3 4 (3) Existing Svstems• notice of non-com�liance• When conducting a 5 compliance inspection, the licensed inspector must immediately 6 nrovide notice of non-compliance to the groDerty owner upon 7 discovery of non-compliance with the�rovisions of this cha�ter. 8 The inspector shall also immediatel�rovide the office of LIEP 9 with a copy o£ the non-compliance notice. The non-compliance building official. However, any system installed between May 27. (4) Existing Systems: maintenance reviews: Maintenance reviews shall be conducted by a licensed insoector or a licensed pumper according to the followinQ standards in order to monitor the condition of the svstem. assure its �roper nerformance and protect surface and groundwater c�uality S� A maintenance review shall be performed at least every two (2) years. The review shall include. but shall not be limited to: 1. Measurement of accumulated sludge and scum in the septic tank. 2. Review of effluent levels in soil treatment svstems brovided with inspection wells. 3. Review of pumps and num�stations when included as part of the system. 4. Review of distribution devices and drop boxes. S. A list and description o£ any rebairs or alterations made to the svstem since the last maintenance review. 6. Anv condition of the system that constitutes an imminent threat to public health and sa£etv as defined in section 50.12 of this cha ter. 7. Anv condition of the system which constitutes a failing system as defined in section 50.13. �� A co�v of the review report, on forms to be �rovided bv the office of LIEP, and proo£ that either the s sy tem meets the requirements of this chapter or that any reoairs have been made, shall be submitted to the environmental health officer at the office of LIEP within thirty (30) days of the date of the review_ Upon receipt of a comoleted report and accom�anyin� fee, the office o£ LIEP shall send notification to the -22- 1 2 3 4 5 property owner indicating that the owner of the s sy tem has complied with the maintenance review requirements Gr Ol of this chapter. q p"b L6� New construction and replacement svstems; compliance inspection criteria: �Z Compliance insnections shall be performed by the building official. or by a licensed inspector, at each system installation, prior to any work having been covered by backfill. �bZ The owner or licensed insvector shall notify the building o£ficial at least 24-hours prior to the time work is readv for insz>ection or reins�ection. �_ Work that is backfilled prior to required inspection may be ordered to be uncovered whenever necessary to determine compliance. � Noted deficiencies shall be properlY corrected and reinspected before work on the project is continued. �fZ No individual sewage treatment svstem shall be placed or replaced in service until final inspection and a��roval of the installation. SgZ Fees for in�ections or reinsbections shall be as set bv council resolution. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ,� 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 � New construction and replacement systems: certificate of compliance: Final approval of newlv constructed or renlacement �stems shall be evidenced bv a Certificate of Compliance. The Certificate o£ Compliance shall be issued by a licensed ins�ector to the owner and a co�y submitted to the office of LIEP. The Certificate of Compliance must include but is not limited to the followina: �Z Date of the inspecCion. � Address of the system location. �Z Name and address of the broperty owner. LZ Name, address and MPCA license number of the licensed insnector who conducted the insbection and issued the certificate. � A certified statement from the licensed insnector who with MN rules 7080 and this chapter. (f) Name. address and MPCA license number of the licensee or c�ualified individual who installed the system. 18Z New construction and replacement svstems: notice of non- compliance• A licensed inspector must immediatelv nrovide written -23- notice of non-compliance to the svstem owner upon discovery of ��-� O � non-compliance. The licensed inspector shall also immediately provide the office of LIEP with a co�v of the non-compliance notice. The notice of non-comDliance must specify why the system is not in compliance. The office of LIEP shall issue proper orders to brina the system into compliance. The system shall be brouc�ht into compliance before a certificate mav be issued agproving use of the system. The office of LIEP shall review all notices of non-compliance and inspection reDOrts received and shall noti£y the owner of the property if the system is in compliance or does not meet the compliance criteria set forth in Minnesota Rules Cha�ter 7080 or this chapter. 14 Section 50.12. ^�_=__'__� _-'_ ___-____-__ Imminent Threat To 15 Public Health and Safetv 16 17 . - . .._ - - - - - - . - - - ' -- - - . - -. . .- -• - .- - -. ' -. . . . - . .. . . - . -- .. . . - . ..- ..- . . - - . . .._ - - - - - .- ' - - . - ...- . - - _. - - - . .._ - - - - - .- - .. - . - -.-.._ - - • --- . - - - - .- - ... - - . - . .._ - - - - - . . - - - - . -' - . - - . ..- - • ' " - - - .. . . .. -. �...��..,.�..s . - . . . ... - - - . . . . .- . - - . . . . - - - - . - - . - . . - - - - - .. . - •.• - - - . . - . -.. -. .• �... _ .- . . - . . .._ ... -.-.._ - - - - - --. . - . - . - . . . . - . .. ... - 56 --E�� ---=---------- ---=�-------- 57 58 szs .-- -.- =• - - - . .. . . -..- -.. .- .. - .. - . ..- ... - . ' � �fs-6o1 - .- - - .- .- . - -. - .- -..-.-... . -.-- - •-- �- - ••- - - - - - .- . -. - -. - - . .- - ... .. . - --- . .- . . - .- . .- - .. .. -.. . - - - .- . .- .- -. ._ .. . .._ . - - .- - --- . - .- . - - - - -. - . ..- .. . .- - . - . - - . - ...- . - . .- . . - .- -- . - - - ....-. .- . - •- - - -• - - - - ..-. ._ . - - . .- . . . .. . .- - . . .. .. - - - .- - - - - . - _.- . - - - - ._ .- . �- -�--�� - . - ._ .- . - .. - -.. . - . . ... - .. -- . - . . - - - - -.. -- . -25- . - - - -.. -. . - i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . -- .- . - .-. .. - .. ... - - . . _ . . - - - - . -- - / ; � . . . ... - - . - - . - - - - - - . ..- - - - - . . - - - - . - �� ��� - - - •- . . - - . . - - -. .._- - .. . . - - -. .. - - - - . - . - - - - - - •. . - .- - - -- - _...- - .. . . - .. - ._ - .- - - ... - - - . . . .. - - ..- . . -. -. - . . -. - - - •-- - .. - --- .. .- 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 ,. -. - - - .. - .. .-. - . - - - -- - - - . . - - - - . - - .. ... - - - - - - . - . . - - - - .. - . - - - . --. .. - - - .- . . .. . .. . -- � - - • -- •- - . - - . . - - - - - . . . - -. - - -. .. . .- -.. -. - - . - . . . - . - - ---- - --- --- -- - - - - - ------ - - .. _.. ..-. - - - - ... - - - - - : .. . - - - .- .. - ..-. .- - - - �. ��. - - - _. . .- . .._ - - - - - - -' --- - - - - - . .... . .. . . .. . . . . - ... - -26- � - - . .- . -. - .. . - . ..- - . - ..-. . - - - - • -- - - - _ - - _ - - -- - - -- � , • � a. Sewaae discharcre to surface water. b. Sewage discharge to ground surface. c. Sewaae backu� d. Anv other situation with the potential to immediately and adverselv affect or threaten oublic health or safet� / - . � - - - -- - - -- __- /' -- -- - - - - - . - - - - - - /: -. . ._ - - - - . /' - - - - .- . .. -. . ._ 1 . .. - - - - - . . - - - . - - - - - . - .- - - .. . - . - .�• - � - - -.. - - - . - . . . . ... - - . ... - . - . . � . -. _.. . - - - .� _ -_�_ _ � _ � _ � � - . - . ' . . - - . . - - - - ' - _. - - - .- �. - - . ..- - . - . � ... - ' ' .- . .. .-. - . . . . - . -- ' .- - •• - " - ' ' �: ... - - - - - . .. _ ... - - ..- - 1 - - - - - - . - . - - - - . ._ - - - . - . - . - - . . '- - • - - - . .. -. - - . ... - - - - - .-. .. - . _...- - . - - : ..- . - - - . . .- . .. - .• -27- - . . . - _ . - u�graded, replaced, or its use discontinued within 90 days of a notice of noncompliance: �.�' io ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 - �a »•:c'�wa��t�mrw��� _ _ _ • _ _ � - - - ••. - . - . ..- - \1����l��l �A�F\��1�l��VrlRy��T�lllf}lq���i��4l�A�����A�IG��Z�R��IlC'!4 F��Zy��l�l ... - - .. - - - - - . - . -. - - - . - - - . - - . .. . - -. .. - . . . ... - discontinued within 10 months of a notice of noncompliance. Sec. 50.14. �� Alternative Systems Prohibited. - . ..- ..- - . - - •'- • ' -•'- _.. .. . - .. . --. - . .- . - - . . - - - - •'- • • - - . . . . . ..- . . . - - - - " ' -• - '• -• - • - ' -.. . .-. .. ._ - - . . - - - •- -' ' " ' .... . _. - - - - - . - - - . . . .. - .._ - . - - . - .- - - - . -. . dwelling unit. Sec. 50.15. Well water testing on lots with individual sewaqe treatment systems. (al Testin�of water from existing wells: �Z Coliform bacteria and chemical (nitrate) testincT of well water shall be conducted for those t�arcels containing both an individual sewage treatment s s� �� - . . ... - - .- - - ..- - - . ..- - - - - . - - - - - . . . . .- . .. .-. .. - . well water shall be conducted for those parcels a� �` b � containinQ both an individual sewage treatment system and a private water well on the effective date of this chapter. It shall be the responsibility of the propertX owner to either: 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 �_ a. Submit well water samples, using kits from the office of Dublic health. to the office of LIEP or testing and analysis; or b. Contract with a laboratory certified by the Minnesota Office of Health for collection. testina and analysis. Testina and analysis shall occur within twelve (12) months of the ef£ective date of this chapter. Test results shall be submitted bX the property owner to the office of LIEP on £orms to be provided by the office of LIEP, along with such fee as may be set bv the citv council. The office of LIEP shall then issue a certi£icate, to After the initial coliform bacteria and nitrate testina two (2) years thereafter as described in subsection (a)(1) above. Within thirtv (30) davs of the testing, a cobv of the test results, on forms to be provided by the office of LIEP, shall be submitted by the pro�ertv owner to the office of LIEP, along with such fee as �rescribed by the city council. The office of LIEP shall then issue a certificate. to be c�ood for two (2) years, to the �roperty owner verif�g that the water samples are within the standards set for public health. (b) Testing of water from wells installed after the effective date of this chapter. Coliform bacteria and nitrate testing of water from all nrivate wells installed after the effective date of this chaoter shall be conducted every two (2) to the property owner verifying that the water sam�les are within the standards set £or �ublic health. (c) Responsibility for testing for EPA's brimarv bollutants_ Random sam�le testing of water from private wells for the United States Environmental Protection Agencv's �rimar�ollutants shall be conducted bv the office of oublic health. (a) Testing of water from existing wells: �_ Coliform bacteria and chemical (nitrate) testing of well water shall be conducted for those garcels containing -29- both an individual sewage treatment system and a private � water well on the effective date of this chapter. ItC,�" shall be the resDOnsibility of the property owner to either• a. Submit well water samples, using kits from the office of x>ublic health, to the o£fice of gublic health or testing and analysis: or b. Contract with a laboratory certified by the Minnesota Of£ice of Health for collection. testina and analvsis. Testing and analysis shall occur within twelve (12) months of the effective date of this cha�ter. Test results shall be submitted b� the property owner to the office of public health then issue a certificate, to be ctood for two (2) years. to the property owner veri£ying that the water samnles are within the standards set for public health. �Z After the initial coli£orm bacteria and nitrate testina of water from all existing private wells. coliform bacteria and nitrate testina shall be conducted every two (2) years thereafter as described in subsection (a)(1) above. Within thirty (30) davs of the testing, a cobv of as �rescribed by the city council. The office of public health shall then issue a certificate, to be good for two (2) years, to the property owner verifying that the water samples are within the standards set for �ublic health. 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 (b) Testin�of water from wells installed after the effective date of this chapter. Coliform bacteria and nitrate testing o£ water from all private wells installed after the effective date of this chapter shall be conducted every two (2) years from the date of installation as described in subsection (a)(1) above. Within thirty (30) davs of the testing, a co�y of the test results, on forms to be �rovided by the office of public health, shall be submitted by the pro�erty owner to the o£fice of public health. along with such fee as prescribed b�r the city council. The office of gublic health shall issue a certificate, to be good for two (2) vears, to the property owner verifying that the water sam�les are within the standards set for public health. (c) Responsibility for testing for EPA's primar��ollutants_ Random sample testing of water from private wells for the United States Environmental Protection Agencv's primar�bollutants sha11 be conducted by the o£fice of nublic health. Sec. 50.16. Variances. The leaislative hearina officer. in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18, mav, with the a�nroval of the cit� -30- ORIGINAt 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 q �--c. 01 council, modify or revoke any order and ma�grant an extension of time where the legislative hearing officer finds that there is undue hardship based upon cost connected with compliance with chapter. or any a�nlicable rules or regulations. In no event shall a variance be granted if to do so would cause a threat to the public health, safety or welfare, In no event shall a variance be granted if to do so would cause a threat to the nublic health. safety or welfare. Also. no action by the legislative hearing o£ficer shall exemut an owner from meeting the inspection and re�orting requirements set forth herein. Sec. 50.17. Severabilit� clause If any of the provisions of this ordinance are determined by a court of competent iurisdiction to be unlawful or Section 2 That this ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: By: � Approved by By: and effect and construed as a whole thereafter. Adopted by Coune�l Date � s/ / Adoption Certified by Co c' e�e� etary � - !,' ��I,.� Y /, ' D ✓ OFFICE OF LIEP Date initiated: � �8 1998 GREEN SHEET N° 50354 PETER T. KISHEL 266-9133 � P�a'�T Dzaecxox 4 ixz wverczr. ITY ATTOIWEY ITY CLERK llSt b2 OR COl1I1C11 ACJQ21C�d by: ODGET DIRECTOR N. � MGT. SVC. DIR. � 3 YOR (OR ASSISTANT) OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATI S FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: Ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 50 pertaining to Individual Sewage Treatment Systems fISTS) to incorporate changes made ecessary by amendments to Minnesota Statute 115.55 and to update the ordinance to provide for efficient enforcement and to protect the public ealth, welfare and safety. RECONQ+iENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) !ffiLSOlU1L SSRVI� C@7TRACTS MOST AHSiffiR TH£ P07.LOIPSN6: PLANNING COh47iSSI0N CIVIL SERVICE COtMffSSION 1. Has the person/fixm ever worked under a contract fos this department? CIH COMMITTEE BUSINESS REVIEW COUNCIL YES NO STA£F _ Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? DISTRICT COURT YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBdECTIVE? Current City employeeY YES NO a+i YBS ansaera en a sepaxate aheet aad attaeh. INITIATZNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): innesota Statute 115.55 and Minnesota Pollution Control Itules, Chapter 7080, require that local ordinances regulating Individual Sewage Treatment Systems comply with state regulations. These regulations address the construction, inspection and maintenance of septic systems. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: The city ordinance would be in compliance with state regulations. New systems ould i�e designed, instal2ed and routinely inspected to minimize eac3� system's impact on the environment and public health. The �requency that existing systems are reviewed for possible failure and proper maintenance would be decreased from once a year to once every two years. This will lessen the urtlen and possibly lower costs to property owners and at the same time protect the environment and public's health. Systems will be identified ithin a reasonable time that are the most 3ikely to be an environmental or ublic health hazard and be required to upgrade or connect to city sewer ithin 1D months or receiving corractive orders. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Property owners would be required to have septic tanks pumped once every two ears instead of every three years. Property owners with failing systems (seepage pits, drywells, cesspools or leaching pits) would be required to upgrade, replace or discontinue the use of the spstem within 6 months of receiving corrective orders. DISADVANTAGEB IF NOT APPROVED: City would not be in compliance with Minnesota laws and regulations regarding Individual Sewage Treatment Systems. Property owners would sti11 be required to have existing systems inspected once a year. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER Fees by�ci�ty be by 5, �3.CChc'en�et }�€v�14`�G _,.,, �Ut� 91998 JUN `� � � �€�v���s a��s�� OR�G�NAL Presented By 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2A 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Referred To Council File # l0 � �a� , Ordinance # Green Sheet # C�� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �}t� Committee: Date An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 50 pertaining to individual sewage treatment systems to incorporate changes made necessary by amendments to Minn. Stat. § 115.55 and to update the ordinance to provide for efficient enforcement and to protect the public health, welfare and safety. Pl1R(I.Cf�FI) AUG �� 199� THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 50 be amended as follows: Chapter 50. Individual Sewage Treatment Systems Sec. 50.01. General provisions. (a) Short title. This chapter shall be known and referred to as the "individual sewage treatment systems ordinance". (b) Intent and purpose. This chapter is adopted by the city for the following purposes: (1) To protect the health, safety and welfare of the present and future residents of the community; (2) To regulate the design, location, installation, use and maintenance of individual sewage treatment systems; (3) To prevent the discharge of inadequately treated sewage to ground or surface waters; (4) To protect land, water and other natural resources within and outside the city from impairment, pollution or destruction; (5) To prevent and avoid health and ecological hazards attributable to bacterial and chemical contamination of lands and waters; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 (6) To protect water supply wells from contamination by y `Q' inadequate or improperly designed, located, installed � o+ or maintained individual sewage treatment systems; ... . - • - . .- - - - - - . _ - . - . . _ - . - - . . - -. - .- - -. .. .... - - These standards are not intended to cover systems treating industrial waste or other wastewater that may contain hazardous materials. Sec. 50.02. De£initions. As used in this chapter, the terms defined in Minnesota Rules 1990, Chapter 7�80.002� are incorporated herein by reference and shall be applicable to the provisions contained herein. The following additional definitions shall apply to this chapter. - -. . . - --. -- Building official: The head of the building inspection and design office of the Saint Paul Office of License InsAections and Environmental Protection. . - . . -. . . - _.. - .- - - - - . . .- . - -. . - -_. : - . -. . -- - . - .. _. - .- - _ _ - . - _ - - - - - - - -- -. ... . . - - - - ._ .. . - . - - _. - - ...- ._ . - - ' - - - .- -- . - . - .- -._ - . - -- - - - -2- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 A A 3 A �Y`i' 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 '�i:r:wr�w�J���ir��•�=�i�r����:��G��i��ia:���re.�.a�wi�a.��va���.���:�i1 ia�r / , 1 l��l��'ir�RM��7q��l�i�f�/i�1F\�l�l��A�f\���rF7g4H�t�ll�(y4���4�/�OGV • ri:v.�� i�i��w ���c�a�i�:��.i i��:����i.i- Environmental Health Official. The person desic�nated as the environmental health officer of the city or the environmental health officer's designee. Licensed Inspector: A person licensed by the MPCA as an ins�ector or designer I for evaluating site evaluations and and notices of noncompliance: and issuing and maintaining ins�ection re�orts. Licensed Pumper: A person licensed by the MPCA for measurina scum and sludge depths for the accumulation of solids and removing these deposits; maintaining nortable toilets: storing and hauling sentacL: dis osincr of septacL: identifying �roblems related to sewage tanks, dosing chambers, baffles, maintenance hole covers and extensions, and pumps, and makincLrepairs: ins�ecting and evaluatincx water tightness of sewage tanks, dosing chambers, distribution devices, valve boxes, or drop boxes; and cleaning supplv pibes and distribution pibes. LIEP. The Citv of Saint Paul O££ice of License. Insgections and Environmental Protection. Minnesota Rules 1990, Chapter 7080. The state chapter containing minimum standards and criteria for the design, location, installation, use and maintenance of individual sewage treatment systems, as administered by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Water Quality Office. MPCA. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Undisturbed soil. Undisturbed soil means soil in its ori�inal, natural state. It does not mean soil which has been blaced as fill in order to achieve soil sex>aration. - �1111��T���A���\�4'r\R��Ti}�l��K�l'1y44�l11�i�i�f9�l�ll�f�ac}�TN -• � Mr����l�l���t����l�F7R�f��FY�I�Gll�l���l����1 J��A4�fi�A��l�/�\��'lAl�l �lll - . .- .-. - . - . Sec. 50.03. Complianee with Minnesota Rules 1990, Chapter 7080. Existing individual sewage treatment systems and new individual sewage treatment systems installed after the effective date of this ordinance shall comply with the requirements of -3- 1 Minnesota Rules 1990, Chapter 7080, and Minn. Stat. S 115.55 a�-`� 2 unless, with respect to new or replacement systems, modified in 3 this ordinance. 4 5 Sec. 50.04. Of£ice of LI$P• environmental health 6 responsibility. 7 8 (a) . 9 , 0 ,,..... ..�. „� �.... .. �.... ,.., �., ..._., ..�.....,.,._.,.�..� ..� ..,....�.� , . The office of LIEP shall be resnonsible for the administration and enforcement of the maintenance provisions of this chanter• including, but not limited to, notifying the owners of individual sewage treatment systems of ins�ection dates, monitoring the results of maintenance reviews, ensuring that pumping is x>erformed as necessary. keeping on file inspection regorts £or each individual sewaqe treatment svstem. investigating complaints and ordering corrective action necessarv to protect the public health, safetv and welfare of the communit� . ----- - - - - - - - - ' ' - - - - ._ - . - - . .._ - - - - - .- .- -. .. . .._ - -. .. - ° - - . - .- . - - . - - . . . - - - . - - . - ... . - .- ' -.. . - . . .. - � - - . . .. - - - - -- - -.. - - . _. - • - - - - .-- -.- .- - - .- - - . .- .. . . - - . .- - - -. - - - - - - . �L in a manner creatina_a hazard to the z>ublic health. safet� or welfare: and S2Z Condemn a dwelling as unfit for human habitation where the imgro�er functioning or failure of an individual � 1 2 3 4 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 the dwellina. Such action shall be in compliance with a Y�0� the provisions of Chapter 34. - - - .- . -.. . - ... - . - ..- - - . ..- . -- - _„ _ _ � _, _ � _ � � _ - . .- -. . -. . . - -. . -. . - - . .. . _. - - • . . ' . The building official or environmental health official shall have Sec. 50.05. ��. Office of LIEP; building offiaial's resgonsibilitv . - - . . - - - - - - .. .. .- - .. . . - -• - .- . - - . - •- -• -- • -- - - - - - - • - - .. . . - - _ . - - -. -.. . -- . - - - ._ . - - - ... . ... - . . .- • -- - - - . - . .. . .. - . . . ... . - - .- -. . .. - • • - - . -. . .. - . . - .. . - .- .- -. - . . - • - - . . .- . -�� �R.�....�-. - ... . . .. .- .. - .. . . . . ._ .. . -. . - . ... -. - - .- • . . - . ..- - . .. - ... . - . - � _:.... - - a.� DllT �ose of per£orming anv insDection or review reauired under this chapter whenever there is probable cause to believe that a hazard to the nublic health, safety or welfare exists or when ins�ections and reviews are reauired or necessary to insure com�liance with the brovisions o£ this chapter. , q �.�o1 , , , � , . , . , , . , , �r���� ����--s-��� , . a «a _ � a-�, �;T�t„-P-- ar� � - - ._ .. .. .- . . - .- - • ' - ' ' ' - . - - - . .- . - • "' -. . . ... .. - -- - -.. -. . .... ._ - . . . - - . ._ . . _. - :• ' ' "' - . . "' -• " - - • . - '. - - -. - . -. - • -. - - - . . .._ .- - . . . - - . . - • ' ' -.. . - - -• - - ... " - -' ' - - - . - .. . . - ... , , •- ' ' - .. - .. - -. . - .. ... - . . . .' • ' ' - . .. ... - . . . . � - - - - . - - . . - .. . . . . . .•. � .• - . - -. . � :- ._ . - - - - ._ .- -. . . .. .- . - . - ... -. - ' ' •- _ _ ' - _ :: - .._ . .. ' ' •- '- - .- _.- c - •- -.- -._- - - - -. . . - -. - . - . .-- . . - -. . - . - .. - .. - . . _. - . . . . _.. .. .- _.- . - . .. - _.-.._ - - . -' - - . . . - - . - ••. . .- . - .- - - -. . . - . -. - ::: : : ..._ . .. - .. - - . ... •- ' ' - - - -. •- _.- - - . . . . - - -. - . - _.. . .- . . - .- -.- - . ...� '- . . - .- .- - - . - - . - . - . .-. . ... -- l�l l'.'ll��l .r:l����l�F7��l���l�l��A�'f:��Pt��l4M��r\�l�J�b'l� • � • • •-• � � • � � " •� � � - �• � •rr- �I •� • • • • • -�• -• I � -• � •�� •- � � • • � � 1 - I �• -• ��• � � �-� �� • �I • � ♦ • � � - • � � • � - � • � � � � • � � � • • • -• •• - - � • -`� -• �♦ �� �� � - � - • - � •� � � I •I � - r � � �� -• •• � - - - - - - - - -- ---- - - � � - - .- - . ..- - - . - _.-.._ - - . . . - - . ... - . .._ - - - - - - - - • - - - - - . .- -. . - - . . - . - .- . - - - . .. - : --- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- • .- - . -. - - . . .._ - - � - - - - . .- -.. -. . . - - ..- . _. - ... - - - .- .- . . . -. .-- - --• • -� - - -- - . .. - .-. ..- ..--. - - - . -- - .. - ._ - . - _ . - . - - - . . - . � - ����-z���a��n�w��a�.i� - � � _ _ _ � - • • � � com�etent in the ins�ection of individual sewage treatment svstems. The buildinc�official shall have the power to issue orders to• L1 error or on the basis of incorrect or inadeauate information, or that work is not beina performed in com�liance with the recYUirements of this chapter• �2� Reauire the correction of new or existinc,� svstems where. following inspection and review, a system is determined to be defective. 42 Sec. 50.06. Permit 43 Requirements. - .. . . .- - .. . - . .. . . - . - - . - •- . . . . . - .. .. . -. . - - . - ._ - . - - ' - •- ` • .. . - - -.. . . . . ... - ' ' ••- - - - - - - .. . - - - .._ -. - -. - -'- . .- - - .- . . . - - - - - - .. . . - - ....- . .- . .- . ���..�.. . - . . -.. - - . .. ... . - .- .- ���a r��i�o��w�a��.r.n�in i���ri�i=i�i�r�t=� � The building official shall be responsible for administration and enforcement of the design. construction and i a 3 4 5 6 7 8 . . ... .- .- . -. � 1 - - -.. - - . - i, '- - - . - . . - . - - - - - .- . - ._ . - .- - - . .- .- - - (a) Permit reauired. No Derson shall install, alter. reoair or extend any individual sewage treatment system in the citv without first obtaining a permit from the building official for the specific work and complying with the nrovisions of Chapter 33 of this Code. Permits shall not be required for inspections involvin� the review and maintenance o£ svstems A building nermit or variance mav not be issued for the addition of a (b) Application contents. Permit agplication shall be made in writing u�on forms provided by the building official and shall �Z Correct legal descrintion of the ropertv on which the pr000sed work is to take place. �_ such as bluff lines. waterways and water bodies: buried utilities: easements and other uniaue features of the site. A scale drawing showing the followina shall be kept on file at the office of LIEP: a. b. c. d. e. f. Lot dimensions: House location; Location and plan of the nroposed individual sewage treatment system; Relative elevations. in Saint Paul datum. of the house, lot corners and soil treatment area; Location and elevations of percolation test holes and soil borings: Slobe of �round at site of soil treatment area: and iS� between November first and A�ril thirty of each vear provided that an insAection of the system is performed no later than the following 3une first and the anblicant submits a certificate of compliance no later than the following September thirtieth. Site plan, drawn to scale, showing the location of all broposed and existing structures in relation to the � Distance to all surface waters. wells, proposed �O` wells, springs or other sur£ace water within one �� � hundred fiftv (150) feet o£ the pr000sed soil treatment area. h. Soil test data, including soil boring logs. percolation test data with field notes, and location and identification of the test area. i. Plans and details of the proposed installation or work. including engineering data when required and sup�orting data attestina to compliance with the minimum standards of this chabter• � Building plans showincLexisting and proposed room arranQement and uses. k. For other establishments. calculated or measured water use rates, occubancy and occupant load. 1. Evidence of comoliance with state or other jurisdiction regulations where a�olicable. �L The following supporting data, which shall be kebt on file at the o£fice of LIEP: a. Log of all soil exoloration work, includin�a description of the various strata encountered: b. Groundwater conditions, includina indications of seasonal groundwater fluctuations, such as mottlinq, and the presence of aray soil coloration as indicated by a soil color with a chroma of two (2) or less (Munsell Color): c. Design data for the system: d. Soil test data derived from soil borings and percolation tests for each proposed site or installation shall be in accordance with Minnesota Rules 7080.0110. At a minimum. four (41 satisfactory soil borings per site sha11 be made. Borinas shall be made bv auger or excavation and shall be staked and protected until notification that field evaluation has been com�leted. If one (1) or more borings encounters unsuitable or limiting conditions. additional borinas shall be made in order to outline an adeauate area of suitable soil conditions; e. Results of at least two (2) soil bercolation tests ber site performed according to Minnesota Rules 7080.0110, subbart 4 and including_ 1. Within the outlined area. a minimum o£ two C2) �ercolation tests evenlv sbaced shall be made. Where soil conditions vary within the tested area. one (1) additional percolation test shall be made in each soil -10- twe. Fill soils may require more than one �` �O\ (1) additional percolation test• p' 2. Percolation rates shall be determined for each test hole and recorded on worksheets showing all measurements and calculations �_ Written verification from the installer that the 0 must be submitted to the office of LIEP. .LZ No building permit shall be issued for the construction. alteration, expansion or remodelinc� of any dwelling or other establishment served by an individual sewage treatment system until the permit recruired for the treatment svstem has been issued Occupancv shall be prohibited until a final inspection of the svstem has been conducted. 26 (d) Site evaluation. An evaluation of the site's suitabilitv 27 for an individual sewage treatment svstem according to the 28 evaluation factors �rovided in Minnesota Rules 7080.0110, shall 29 be made by an individual or firm licensed b� the MPCA as a site 30 evaluator. 31 32 Sec. 50.07. Location 33 of new or reglacement systems. / � Individual sewage treatment svstems and each component thereof shall be located and installed to ensure with �ro�er maintenance, that the system will function in a sanitary manner. will not create a nuisance and will not contaminate anv domestic water supnlv well. S�stem location shall consider lot size and aroundwater geologv existing and�roposed water su��ly wells accessibility for maintenance. exgansion or replacement of the svstem and setbacks as reauired in Tab1e IV of this cha ter Installation of svstems in low swampv areas or drainaae swales is of-wav. f 'in���i��i.ia�i��i.��r�s��n�rwa��w��r����c-oi���na��i...ri���s�r -�.1- this Chapter, as from time to time amended. 'i�ia�����Ka�i��i�����i���aar�������r�� a � ,�01 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 -. .-, . ..- _ . . _. _ . .. - - - . ..- . . . . - - . .._ - - - - - . - . - ... - - . - - . - . ..- - - - -. - . - - . .. . . - - - Lot size. Sn addition to the area needed for all existing and expected improvements, the lot shall have an ade�uate area of soil suitable for the installation o£ two (2) individual sewa�e site shall be �reserved for this purpose. (c) Location of septic tanks. Septic tanks shall be located as reauired in Minnesota Rules 7080.0130. subpart 4. (d) System location. System location shall be as reauired in Minnesota Rules 7080.0170, sub�art 2.B. and in accordance with the following table: Table IV Minimum setback distances (feet) Feature Sewage tank Soil treatment area Water supAlv we11 100 100 less than fiftv (50) feet dee� and not encountering at least ten (10) feet o£ imnervious material Anv other water 75 75 su�nlv well or buried water suction Dine Buried biDe 10 10 distributina water under nressure Buildinas 10 20 Property lines 10 10 �y� i 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Established River 40 40 Corridor bluff lines. See. Saint Paul Legislative Code ChaDter 65 et sea• The ordinar�hi .c�h 75 �5 water mark of• Recreation DeveloDment Lakes and Streams Urban and Tributarv 50 50 River Segments Wetlands (i acre or 50 50 larger) Sec. 50.08. ''---`=-- '- ^-----' Construction and materials: new or replacement systems. • - - - - - . - . - - . - . . - .. - - ... - ' ` . •- . - • _" � ......��......... ...�...�..... .�..�� ...1...�..ii.iviio� ucr+�i♦ �v i i .. . _ . _ � (al Generallv. The design. construction and location of and (b) Sewaae tanks. All sewage tanks including septic and aerobic. shall be designed constructed and shall conform with Minnesota Rules 7080.0130. (c) Capacitv of septic tanks• S� The liquid canacitv of a seutic tank serving a dwellin� least as large as the capacities given below• ��,�01 -13- • � - _ _ _ _ � • _ _ ��. l r��i����RC��� n��A-s���os�� 2 0 Number o£ Bedrooms Tank Liquid Capacities (Gallons) 2 or less 1.000 3 or 4 1,200 5 or 6 1.500 7--9 2.000 For ten (10) or more bedrooms._the se�tic tank shall be sized as in other establishments. For multiple-familv dwellings containinc�two (2) or more dwelling units. the size shall be the sum of the individual dwelling unit rec�uirements. _� If a garbage disposal unit is installed in a residence or other establishment, the septic tank capacity must be at least fifty (50) percent greater than that reauired in item (11 above and either multible com�artments or multiple tanks must be nrovided. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 p 4 0 Sec. 50.09. ^---`---_�___ __� __}__:_,_. Final treatment and disDOSal. (a) , , 2od�: Treatment required. The svstem or svstems shall be desi�ned. installed and maintained to receive a11 sewa�e from the dwelling, buildinc,� or other establishment served. Footinc� or roof drainage shall not enter anv bart of the svstem. Products containina hazardous materials must not be discharged to the �stem, other than a normal amount of household products and cleaners desiqned for household use. Substances not used for household cleaning, including solvents. pesticides. flammables. x>hoto-finishina chemicals or dry cleaning chemicals. must not be discharged to the svstem. Final treatment and disposal of all sewa�e tank effluent shall be bv means of a standard soil treatment and dis�osal system. (b) . , ' , , . . System sizing. System sizin� shall be as �rovided in Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080. �����5 i��i�l_ ��a��w i� AT Q � .`o� -14- 1 2 3 4 5 L'� E[17 a �,�o� -.-__--- __ _�__......... �a3�orrs} �or� �,�fr6 - -3—or4 3 ; 26$ ��' �5 � _ _� z ; 6 ". - : . - -. .. - - .- -. . - - .. - -. . . - • -.. - - �. -. - . . - .-. .. - -. .- - - - - - - . . - • -.. - - . �stem desicxn and construction for new and reolacement svstems Svstem design and construction shall be as recruired in Minnesota Rules Cha nter 7080 and as follows• S� In soils having percolation rates of fifteen (15) minutes per inch or faster. the bottom of the filter material shall be at least four (4) feet above the water table or bedrock. �Z In soils havin ercolation rates of sixteen 16 minutes Der inch through sixtv (60) minutes per inch the bottom of the filter material shall be at least three (3) feet above the water table or bedrock �Z Excavation equinment or other vehicles shall not be driven on the soil treatment area � �F� i 2 3 4 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 - . ._ - - . .- -• -.. - - . - - ::: : : ..._ . ... a � '� i - • - • � - • • � • � • � - �'r - � - -• •- - •� • - � •� • � - � • - • � � • � I - •- � • -�� � � • • • - � � ��• • � - �� � -• •- � - �1 � • � • � � - • � • � �• - • � •- • ��- • � � • � � - • - � �• • � • • -• -• • - • - � • ��• ��-• • �1M�11���R�1 l�A�l���l�)l�l� - � � � • _ _ � _ - � • � - • - t • • • • • - � • • - � � � ♦ � r� � � • • � ��-��� � • • • • - � � - � • � � - � � � - � • � � � � � • - � • � • t � ♦ • � � � - Sec. 50.10 ______ ______.____ ____ _-_ Operatioxi and maintenanee. � - . - - - - : : -- - ... .- - -. ._ -. . - ...- -.. -. -. - - -. - :: : ..._ - - - -. - - ,L1 Each individual sewage treatment system existing as of the date of adobtion of this chapter, as well as those installed under this chapter, shall be onerated and maintained according to the brovisions of this section. -16- L2� Resnonsibilitv for the prober operation and maintenan e of individual sewage treatment systems shall be as 60 ` follows • /) p , �•� u �Z The owner of each dwelling unit or other establishment served by an individual sewage the svstem. It shall be the owner's resvonsibilitv [� to take action as reauired bv this cha tp er 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 LL a. � It shall be unlawful for an owner or occupant to allow thereafter as necessarv until satisfactory repairs have been made. Anv costs related to numping and subseauent repairs shall be borne by the z�ro�ertv owner It shall be the resnonsibilit}r of the owner to maintain . - --: - - - -- -- - - -- -- - -- - -. - ::- : .-- �i���ia.r:ni���s�����w�aa���r�a�is����i � • - •• �.�t� �F�""'s.�'� itisro.c�rnr: ni����.�a�rwm=iw�r�a�� -17- ana disposes ot all sewage int�ut from an occupied buildina. Failure on the part of the owner to insnect oumg and/or maintain the owner's individual sewage treatment svstem as required bv this chapter shall constitute a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 � � n,a-: � � � �'�'�F� �e�pspe � � B �xsi�ings �fr � � � ------_--- -- _- �e —�-e �-irres � � i��creat �� �fr -- 5 - e — 5 - 6 � �} Maintenance of all septic tanks. Sentic tanks shall be maintained as reauired in Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080 and as follows: �� Each septic tank and existing se�tic tank shall be maintained in pro�er o�eratina condition at all times. �� A maintenance review of each sentic tank shall be conducted once everv two years as required in section 50.11(4)of this chanter. Verification of the maintenance review and a full reporting of the results sha11 be submitted to the office of LIEP ut�on forms brovided by the o£fice of LIEP. Ll_ office of LIEP shall reauire the owner to complv with ��.�,Ol .� .TiE E -.. . . ..- i � . . .- -.. -. - -. - : : ..._ - . . ... .- . - . -- - .- - - -- - - - - - .- - .. - -- J!1JL�tA���'�l=iR��Sl�rR�s�l� l�i�\S�l�i � �- r � - � _- • - •- �• � • - •- _ � - - - _ - _ _ - � � � r _ - _ � � - � �-� � � - � • • - � � _ _ - � - • _ � - � - _ _ Pumpinq_ �l� Whenever inspection of the sentic tank discloses that the accumulated sludge in the bottom of the tank has reached a point twelve (12) inches or less from the bottom of the outlet baffle device, or that the bottom of the floating scum laver is less than three (3) inches above the bottom of the outlet baffle device. the owner shall have the tank grom�tiv numged to remove all accumulated septage. Pum�a shall be berformed bv a licensed bumper. �Z No septic tank shall remain in service without being pum�ed at least once every two(2) vears, whether or not the measurement indicates a slud�e buildun. Each existing se�tic tank shall be numped at least once within twentv-four (24) months o£ the ef£ective date of this chaAter and thereafter at least once within twenty-four (241 months of each subsequent pumping. �31 Whenever insnection of pumb stations, distribution devices or dron boxes indicates the accumulation of solids. such devices shall be gromptl� cleaned. �_ Every septic tank numping shall be reported by the owner to the office of LIEP on forms brovided for that pur�ose within thirty (301 calendar days o£ the pum ing. The report shall include the owner's name and address, the date of the pumbing. the contractor who performed the pum�ing, the number of gallons removed and the location of sewac�e disbosal. �Z Pumping for the removal o£ senta�e shall be performed only b�bersons or firms licensed by the MPCA as pum ers. LL the surface o£ the ground is prohibited. Disposal of -19- 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ��S " (°O � �7L Sec. 50.11. _'_'_=_= __:'_:-_ ----`--- Ins�ection requirements for -� - --- existing, new and re�lacement systems. - - .. .. -. . . . . - -- - � --- - • -• - .�• .- --. - - - - - - - . - -. - - -. . . . -- - . - - . - ------ . . - ... ...-. . . .- -. . - - - . - - - - - . .- ...-. - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . - . . . .. . - . -. - ::: : :: �Z Existinc�svstems; compliance inspection criteria: An inspection of an existing svstem must evaluate for the £ollowin� criteria: �Z Imminent threat to bublic health or safetv as indicated in Section 50.12. Lb1 An existina svstem that is not an imminent threat to public health or safety need not be upgraded, repaired bottom of the distribution medium and the ton layer of either the consolidated and unweathered parent material or the seasonally saturated layer. �Z Paragraph (b) does not apblv to svstems in shore land areas regulated under Minn. Stat.� 103F.201 to 103F.221, wellhead areas as de£ined in Minn. Stat. � 103I.005, or those used in connection with food. beverage, and lodging establishments regulated under Minn. Stat. Chat�ter 157. SdZ If the system is failing as indicated in Section 50.13. the system must be uparaded, renlaced or its use discontinued within 10 months of a notice of noncom LZ If the svstem fails to �rovide sufficient ground water nrotection the svstem must be reuaired. renlaced, or its use discontinued within 10 months o£ a notice of noncom� 1 i anc e. -20- necessary to ensure that adeauate maintenance and disposal is being accom�lished. 1 12) Existing Systems; certificate of compliance: All existina /1� .60� �.� 2 individual sewage treatment systems shall be inspected b� a 3 licensed inspector. The Certificate of Compliance shall be given 4 to the owner and a cogv submitted to the office of LIEP within 30 5 days of the compliance inspection. The Certificate o£ com�liance 6 must include but is not limited to the followincr: 7 8 �Z Date of the inspection. 9 �L Address of the system location. 10 � Name and address of the �roberty owner. _(dZ Name, address and MPCA license number of the licensed inspector who conducted the inspection and issued the certificate. Le� A certified statement from the licensed inspector or aualified employee who conducted the compliance inspection indicating that the individual sewac�e treatment system is in compliance with MN rules 7080 and this chapter. �Z The licensed inspector shall prepare a scale diagram of the sewage treatment system, or verify that such a diaaram is on file with the office of LIEP, which shows the�location of the system and its combonents, the location of other water su��lv wells, if present, the size and depth of the system, the depth to the seasonally high water table or bedrock, the size and integrity of the tank, and baffles on the tank. One (1) co�v of the diagram shall thereafter be kept on the gremises and a second copv shall be keot on file at the office of LIEP. The diagrams shall be u�dated when alterations or extensions are made to the system or nrivate well. �_ A copy of the inspection renort, on forms to be provided bv the office of LIEP, and oroof that the svstem meets the reauirements of this chapter as evidenced by a certificate of compliance shall be submitted to the environmental health officer within thirtv (30) days of the insnection. In addition to the ins�ection rebort, the broperty owner shall submit to the office of LIEP such fee as mav be set bv the citv council. �Z �Z The owner of an existina svstem that has had their system inspected bv a licensed inspector and has Com�liance exce�t if the svstem is re�laced, upgraded ��� Upon receipt of a complete ins�ection reoort, certificate of compliance and fee, the environmental 1 or repaired, or the issuance of a permit for the �� ` 2 addition of a bedroom. 3 4 (3) Existing Svstems• notice of non-com�liance• When conducting a 5 compliance inspection, the licensed inspector must immediately 6 nrovide notice of non-compliance to the groDerty owner upon 7 discovery of non-compliance with the�rovisions of this cha�ter. 8 The inspector shall also immediatel�rovide the office of LIEP 9 with a copy o£ the non-compliance notice. The non-compliance building official. However, any system installed between May 27. (4) Existing Systems: maintenance reviews: Maintenance reviews shall be conducted by a licensed insoector or a licensed pumper according to the followinQ standards in order to monitor the condition of the svstem. assure its �roper nerformance and protect surface and groundwater c�uality S� A maintenance review shall be performed at least every two (2) years. The review shall include. but shall not be limited to: 1. Measurement of accumulated sludge and scum in the septic tank. 2. Review of effluent levels in soil treatment svstems brovided with inspection wells. 3. Review of pumps and num�stations when included as part of the system. 4. Review of distribution devices and drop boxes. S. A list and description o£ any rebairs or alterations made to the svstem since the last maintenance review. 6. Anv condition of the system that constitutes an imminent threat to public health and sa£etv as defined in section 50.12 of this cha ter. 7. Anv condition of the system which constitutes a failing system as defined in section 50.13. �� A co�v of the review report, on forms to be �rovided bv the office of LIEP, and proo£ that either the s sy tem meets the requirements of this chapter or that any reoairs have been made, shall be submitted to the environmental health officer at the office of LIEP within thirty (30) days of the date of the review_ Upon receipt of a comoleted report and accom�anyin� fee, the office o£ LIEP shall send notification to the -22- 1 2 3 4 5 property owner indicating that the owner of the s sy tem has complied with the maintenance review requirements Gr Ol of this chapter. q p"b L6� New construction and replacement svstems; compliance inspection criteria: �Z Compliance insnections shall be performed by the building official. or by a licensed inspector, at each system installation, prior to any work having been covered by backfill. �bZ The owner or licensed insvector shall notify the building o£ficial at least 24-hours prior to the time work is readv for insz>ection or reins�ection. �_ Work that is backfilled prior to required inspection may be ordered to be uncovered whenever necessary to determine compliance. � Noted deficiencies shall be properlY corrected and reinspected before work on the project is continued. �fZ No individual sewage treatment svstem shall be placed or replaced in service until final inspection and a��roval of the installation. SgZ Fees for in�ections or reinsbections shall be as set bv council resolution. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ,� 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 � New construction and replacement systems: certificate of compliance: Final approval of newlv constructed or renlacement �stems shall be evidenced bv a Certificate of Compliance. The Certificate o£ Compliance shall be issued by a licensed ins�ector to the owner and a co�y submitted to the office of LIEP. The Certificate of Compliance must include but is not limited to the followina: �Z Date of the inspecCion. � Address of the system location. �Z Name and address of the broperty owner. LZ Name, address and MPCA license number of the licensed insnector who conducted the insbection and issued the certificate. � A certified statement from the licensed insnector who with MN rules 7080 and this chapter. (f) Name. address and MPCA license number of the licensee or c�ualified individual who installed the system. 18Z New construction and replacement svstems: notice of non- compliance• A licensed inspector must immediatelv nrovide written -23- notice of non-compliance to the svstem owner upon discovery of ��-� O � non-compliance. The licensed inspector shall also immediately provide the office of LIEP with a co�v of the non-compliance notice. The notice of non-comDliance must specify why the system is not in compliance. The office of LIEP shall issue proper orders to brina the system into compliance. The system shall be brouc�ht into compliance before a certificate mav be issued agproving use of the system. The office of LIEP shall review all notices of non-compliance and inspection reDOrts received and shall noti£y the owner of the property if the system is in compliance or does not meet the compliance criteria set forth in Minnesota Rules Cha�ter 7080 or this chapter. 14 Section 50.12. ^�_=__'__� _-'_ ___-____-__ Imminent Threat To 15 Public Health and Safetv 16 17 . - . .._ - - - - - - . - - - ' -- - - . - -. . .- -• - .- - -. ' -. . . . - . .. . . - . -- .. . . - . ..- ..- . . - - . . .._ - - - - - .- ' - - . - ...- . - - _. - - - . .._ - - - - - .- - .. - . - -.-.._ - - • --- . - - - - .- - ... - - . - . .._ - - - - - . . - - - - . -' - . - - . ..- - • ' " - - - .. . . .. -. �...��..,.�..s . - . . . ... - - - . . . . .- . - - . . . . - - - - . - - . - . . - - - - - .. . - •.• - - - . . - . -.. -. .• �... _ .- . . - . . .._ ... -.-.._ - - - - - --. . - . - . - . . . . - . .. ... - 56 --E�� ---=---------- ---=�-------- 57 58 szs .-- -.- =• - - - . .. . . -..- -.. .- .. - .. - . ..- ... - . 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Sewaae discharcre to surface water. b. Sewage discharge to ground surface. c. Sewaae backu� d. Anv other situation with the potential to immediately and adverselv affect or threaten oublic health or safet� / - . � - - - -- - - -- __- /' -- -- - - - - - . - - - - - - /: -. . ._ - - - - . /' - - - - .- . .. -. . ._ 1 . .. - - - - - . . - - - . - - - - - . - .- - - .. . - . - .�• - � - - -.. - - - . - . . . . ... - - . ... - . - . . � . -. _.. . - - - .� _ -_�_ _ � _ � _ � � - . - . ' . . - - . . - - - - ' - _. - - - .- �. - - . ..- - . - . � ... - ' ' .- . .. .-. - . . . . - . -- ' .- - •• - " - ' ' �: ... - - - - - . .. _ ... - - ..- - 1 - - - - - - . - . - - - - . ._ - - - . - . - . - - . . '- - • - - - . .. -. - - . ... - - - - - .-. .. - . _...- - . - - : ..- . - - - . . .- . .. - .• -27- - . . . - _ . - u�graded, replaced, or its use discontinued within 90 days of a notice of noncompliance: �.�' io ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 - �a »•:c'�wa��t�mrw��� _ _ _ • _ _ � - - - ••. - . - . ..- - \1����l��l �A�F\��1�l��VrlRy��T�lllf}lq���i��4l�A�����A�IG��Z�R��IlC'!4 F��Zy��l�l ... - - .. - - - - - . - . -. - - - . - - - . - - . .. . - -. .. - . . . ... - discontinued within 10 months of a notice of noncompliance. Sec. 50.14. �� Alternative Systems Prohibited. - . ..- ..- - . - - •'- • ' -•'- _.. .. . - .. . --. - . .- . - - . . - - - - •'- • • - - . . . . . ..- . . . - - - - " ' -• - '• -• - • - ' -.. . .-. .. ._ - - . . - - - •- -' ' " ' .... . _. - - - - - . - - - . . . .. - .._ - . - - . - .- - - - . -. . dwelling unit. Sec. 50.15. Well water testing on lots with individual sewaqe treatment systems. (al Testin�of water from existing wells: �Z Coliform bacteria and chemical (nitrate) testincT of well water shall be conducted for those t�arcels containing both an individual sewage treatment s s� �� - . . ... - - .- - - ..- - - . ..- - - - - . - - - - - . . . . .- . .. .-. .. - . well water shall be conducted for those parcels a� �` b � containinQ both an individual sewage treatment system and a private water well on the effective date of this chapter. It shall be the responsibility of the propertX owner to either: 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 �_ a. Submit well water samples, using kits from the office of Dublic health. to the office of LIEP or testing and analysis; or b. Contract with a laboratory certified by the Minnesota Office of Health for collection. testina and analysis. Testina and analysis shall occur within twelve (12) months of the ef£ective date of this chapter. Test results shall be submitted bX the property owner to the office of LIEP on £orms to be provided by the office of LIEP, along with such fee as may be set bv the citv council. The office of LIEP shall then issue a certi£icate, to After the initial coliform bacteria and nitrate testina two (2) years thereafter as described in subsection (a)(1) above. Within thirtv (30) davs of the testing, a cobv of the test results, on forms to be provided by the office of LIEP, shall be submitted by the pro�ertv owner to the office of LIEP, along with such fee as �rescribed by the city council. The office of LIEP shall then issue a certificate. to be c�ood for two (2) years, to the �roperty owner verif�g that the water samples are within the standards set for public health. (b) Testing of water from wells installed after the effective date of this chapter. Coliform bacteria and nitrate testing of water from all nrivate wells installed after the effective date of this chaoter shall be conducted every two (2) to the property owner verifying that the water sam�les are within the standards set £or �ublic health. (c) Responsibility for testing for EPA's brimarv bollutants_ Random sam�le testing of water from private wells for the United States Environmental Protection Agencv's �rimar�ollutants shall be conducted bv the office of oublic health. (a) Testing of water from existing wells: �_ Coliform bacteria and chemical (nitrate) testing of well water shall be conducted for those garcels containing -29- both an individual sewage treatment system and a private � water well on the effective date of this chapter. ItC,�" shall be the resDOnsibility of the property owner to either• a. Submit well water samples, using kits from the office of x>ublic health, to the o£fice of gublic health or testing and analysis: or b. Contract with a laboratory certified by the Minnesota Of£ice of Health for collection. testina and analvsis. Testing and analysis shall occur within twelve (12) months of the effective date of this cha�ter. Test results shall be submitted b� the property owner to the office of public health then issue a certificate, to be ctood for two (2) years. to the property owner veri£ying that the water samnles are within the standards set for public health. �Z After the initial coli£orm bacteria and nitrate testina of water from all existing private wells. coliform bacteria and nitrate testina shall be conducted every two (2) years thereafter as described in subsection (a)(1) above. Within thirty (30) davs of the testing, a cobv of as �rescribed by the city council. The office of public health shall then issue a certificate, to be good for two (2) years, to the property owner verifying that the water samples are within the standards set for �ublic health. 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 (b) Testin�of water from wells installed after the effective date of this chapter. Coliform bacteria and nitrate testing o£ water from all private wells installed after the effective date of this chapter shall be conducted every two (2) years from the date of installation as described in subsection (a)(1) above. Within thirty (30) davs of the testing, a co�y of the test results, on forms to be �rovided by the office of public health, shall be submitted by the pro�erty owner to the o£fice of public health. along with such fee as prescribed b�r the city council. The office of gublic health shall issue a certificate, to be good for two (2) vears, to the property owner verifying that the water sam�les are within the standards set for public health. (c) Responsibility for testing for EPA's primar��ollutants_ Random sample testing of water from private wells for the United States Environmental Protection Agencv's primar�bollutants sha11 be conducted by the o£fice of nublic health. Sec. 50.16. Variances. The leaislative hearina officer. in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18, mav, with the a�nroval of the cit� -30- ORIGINAt 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 q �--c. 01 council, modify or revoke any order and ma�grant an extension of time where the legislative hearing officer finds that there is undue hardship based upon cost connected with compliance with chapter. or any a�nlicable rules or regulations. In no event shall a variance be granted if to do so would cause a threat to the public health, safety or welfare, In no event shall a variance be granted if to do so would cause a threat to the nublic health. safety or welfare. Also. no action by the legislative hearing o£ficer shall exemut an owner from meeting the inspection and re�orting requirements set forth herein. Sec. 50.17. Severabilit� clause If any of the provisions of this ordinance are determined by a court of competent iurisdiction to be unlawful or Section 2 That this ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: By: � Approved by By: and effect and construed as a whole thereafter. Adopted by Coune�l Date � s/ / Adoption Certified by Co c' e�e� etary � - !,' ��I,.� Y /, ' D ✓ OFFICE OF LIEP Date initiated: � �8 1998 GREEN SHEET N° 50354 PETER T. KISHEL 266-9133 � P�a'�T Dzaecxox 4 ixz wverczr. ITY ATTOIWEY ITY CLERK llSt b2 OR COl1I1C11 ACJQ21C�d by: ODGET DIRECTOR N. � MGT. SVC. DIR. � 3 YOR (OR ASSISTANT) OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATI S FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: Ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 50 pertaining to Individual Sewage Treatment Systems fISTS) to incorporate changes made ecessary by amendments to Minnesota Statute 115.55 and to update the ordinance to provide for efficient enforcement and to protect the public ealth, welfare and safety. RECONQ+iENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) !ffiLSOlU1L SSRVI� C@7TRACTS MOST AHSiffiR TH£ P07.LOIPSN6: PLANNING COh47iSSI0N CIVIL SERVICE COtMffSSION 1. Has the person/fixm ever worked under a contract fos this department? CIH COMMITTEE BUSINESS REVIEW COUNCIL YES NO STA£F _ Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? DISTRICT COURT YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBdECTIVE? Current City employeeY YES NO a+i YBS ansaera en a sepaxate aheet aad attaeh. INITIATZNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): innesota Statute 115.55 and Minnesota Pollution Control Itules, Chapter 7080, require that local ordinances regulating Individual Sewage Treatment Systems comply with state regulations. These regulations address the construction, inspection and maintenance of septic systems. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: The city ordinance would be in compliance with state regulations. New systems ould i�e designed, instal2ed and routinely inspected to minimize eac3� system's impact on the environment and public health. The �requency that existing systems are reviewed for possible failure and proper maintenance would be decreased from once a year to once every two years. This will lessen the urtlen and possibly lower costs to property owners and at the same time protect the environment and public's health. Systems will be identified ithin a reasonable time that are the most 3ikely to be an environmental or ublic health hazard and be required to upgrade or connect to city sewer ithin 1D months or receiving corractive orders. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Property owners would be required to have septic tanks pumped once every two ears instead of every three years. Property owners with failing systems (seepage pits, drywells, cesspools or leaching pits) would be required to upgrade, replace or discontinue the use of the spstem within 6 months of receiving corrective orders. DISADVANTAGEB IF NOT APPROVED: City would not be in compliance with Minnesota laws and regulations regarding Individual Sewage Treatment Systems. Property owners would sti11 be required to have existing systems inspected once a year. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER Fees by�ci�ty be by 5, �3.CChc'en�et }�€v�14`�G _,.,, �Ut� 91998 JUN `� � � �€�v���s a��s��