98-525L� Council File # � - � �,� Ordinance # Green Sheet # � U � � � ORDINANCE Presented By Refened To Committee Date : CITY OF SAINT 2 An emergency ordinance providing for the regulation of raikoad 3 locomorive whistles at grade crossings in the City. 4 5 PIIAI IcuGn 6 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: � Section 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 J�6V 2tk 199� The council finds that an emernency exists in the sudden and unforseen situations created bv the soundin� of railroad locomotive whistles at cit�grade crossings. The sounding, of railroad locomotive whistles throughout the citv has created an atmosnhere that is conducive neither to the auiet enjovment of pro e�rtv nor to the peace and welfare of the public. Citizen complaints and fiustration concernin� the noise and discomfoft created bv locomotive whistles are on the rise. Far the purposes of protecting and promoting the safety_ welfaze and convenience of the nublic and the safetv welfare and convenience of the railroad emplovees o�erating locomotives in the citv and in order immediatel�o address this emer2encv created bXthe sounding of railroad locomotive whistles the council,�ursuant to Saint Paul City Charter § 6 06 finds it necessary to establish this emergencv ordinance to regulate railroad locomotive whistles. Section 2 Unnecessarilv soundzng whistles. No person shall sound or blow an�whistle of an� locomotive within the city limits. except as a warninn_ of imminent and immediate er to life or propertv. The sounding of any locomorive whistle shall be nrima facie evidence that it was sounded b�the en�neer o�eratin�the locomotive. � a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 �g ` S �J`� Secrion 3 The �runary res�onsibility of enforcin� the nrovisions of this emergencv ordinance shall be with the �olice de�artment. Section 4 That ttus emergency ordinance shall take immediate effect after its passage, approval and gublication as provided in Saint Paul City Charter § 6.11. PfiarreucM1 JUN 2d 199� Requested by Department of: By: Form AppxO�b�� Attorney '/ / By: �'\ Appxoved by Mayor £or Submission to Council Adopted by Council: DateC�`���� Adoption Certified by Counc SecretaYy CITY COUNCII, Councilmembers Harris and Coleman i ': June 16, 1998 NuMBERFOR RWTINfi ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGI3ATURE PAGES q� - Sa s GREEN SHEET No 60696 osfNen�t oneciat rnrca.xti. ❑ anwnw�ar ❑ arratxK _ ❑wtwGnLamNCFSOR �HiVC4LfERV4tefo ❑IU.YORIdM1A54ESYlT1 ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATURE) An emergency ordinance providing for the regulation of railroad locomotive whisfles at grade crossings in the City of Saint Paul. PIANNING COMMtSS10N CIB COMMITTEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION Vise une ag�soNfirm ever wrorked unaer a contract tormis aeaartmenn YES NO Has Mis V�soNfirm e�er been a citY emVbvee9 YES NO Dces this Pe�soNfirtn G� a skAl rwt nama��YP�� bY any cUrreM cfry empbyce? YES NO k this pereoMitm a targetad vendM YES NO Many Saint Paul residems have expressed their concem, dismay and frusrtalion over the recent increase of locomorive whistles sounding at at-grade crossings in the City, especially during ffie pre-dawn hours. Quiet will be restored to the affected azeas. k�s�ea�•��.� 'OTAL AMOUNT OF TRFNSACTION S UNDING SOURCE COST/REVENUE BUOGETEC (GROLE ONE) acrrvin Nurs�rt YES NO NANCIAL MFORMATION (EXPWf� L� Council File # � - � �,� Ordinance # Green Sheet # � U � � � ORDINANCE Presented By Refened To Committee Date : CITY OF SAINT 2 An emergency ordinance providing for the regulation of raikoad 3 locomorive whistles at grade crossings in the City. 4 5 PIIAI IcuGn 6 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: � Section 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 J�6V 2tk 199� The council finds that an emernency exists in the sudden and unforseen situations created bv the soundin� of railroad locomotive whistles at cit�grade crossings. The sounding, of railroad locomotive whistles throughout the citv has created an atmosnhere that is conducive neither to the auiet enjovment of pro e�rtv nor to the peace and welfare of the public. Citizen complaints and fiustration concernin� the noise and discomfoft created bv locomotive whistles are on the rise. Far the purposes of protecting and promoting the safety_ welfaze and convenience of the nublic and the safetv welfare and convenience of the railroad emplovees o�erating locomotives in the citv and in order immediatel�o address this emer2encv created bXthe sounding of railroad locomotive whistles the council,�ursuant to Saint Paul City Charter § 6 06 finds it necessary to establish this emergencv ordinance to regulate railroad locomotive whistles. Section 2 Unnecessarilv soundzng whistles. No person shall sound or blow an�whistle of an� locomotive within the city limits. except as a warninn_ of imminent and immediate er to life or propertv. The sounding of any locomorive whistle shall be nrima facie evidence that it was sounded b�the en�neer o�eratin�the locomotive. � a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 �g ` S �J`� Secrion 3 The �runary res�onsibility of enforcin� the nrovisions of this emergencv ordinance shall be with the �olice de�artment. Section 4 That ttus emergency ordinance shall take immediate effect after its passage, approval and gublication as provided in Saint Paul City Charter § 6.11. PfiarreucM1 JUN 2d 199� Requested by Department of: By: Form AppxO�b�� Attorney '/ / By: �'\ Appxoved by Mayor £or Submission to Council Adopted by Council: DateC�`���� Adoption Certified by Counc SecretaYy CITY COUNCII, Councilmembers Harris and Coleman i ': June 16, 1998 NuMBERFOR RWTINfi ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGI3ATURE PAGES q� - Sa s GREEN SHEET No 60696 osfNen�t oneciat rnrca.xti. ❑ anwnw�ar ❑ arratxK _ ❑wtwGnLamNCFSOR �HiVC4LfERV4tefo ❑IU.YORIdM1A54ESYlT1 ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATURE) An emergency ordinance providing for the regulation of railroad locomotive whisfles at grade crossings in the City of Saint Paul. PIANNING COMMtSS10N CIB COMMITTEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION Vise une ag�soNfirm ever wrorked unaer a contract tormis aeaartmenn YES NO Has Mis V�soNfirm e�er been a citY emVbvee9 YES NO Dces this Pe�soNfirtn G� a skAl rwt nama��YP�� bY any cUrreM cfry empbyce? YES NO k this pereoMitm a targetad vendM YES NO Many Saint Paul residems have expressed their concem, dismay and frusrtalion over the recent increase of locomorive whistles sounding at at-grade crossings in the City, especially during ffie pre-dawn hours. Quiet will be restored to the affected azeas. k�s�ea�•��.� 'OTAL AMOUNT OF TRFNSACTION S UNDING SOURCE COST/REVENUE BUOGETEC (GROLE ONE) acrrvin Nurs�rt YES NO NANCIAL MFORMATION (EXPWf� L� Council File # � - � �,� Ordinance # Green Sheet # � U � � � ORDINANCE Presented By Refened To Committee Date : CITY OF SAINT 2 An emergency ordinance providing for the regulation of raikoad 3 locomorive whistles at grade crossings in the City. 4 5 PIIAI IcuGn 6 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: � Section 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 J�6V 2tk 199� The council finds that an emernency exists in the sudden and unforseen situations created bv the soundin� of railroad locomotive whistles at cit�grade crossings. The sounding, of railroad locomotive whistles throughout the citv has created an atmosnhere that is conducive neither to the auiet enjovment of pro e�rtv nor to the peace and welfare of the public. Citizen complaints and fiustration concernin� the noise and discomfoft created bv locomotive whistles are on the rise. Far the purposes of protecting and promoting the safety_ welfaze and convenience of the nublic and the safetv welfare and convenience of the railroad emplovees o�erating locomotives in the citv and in order immediatel�o address this emer2encv created bXthe sounding of railroad locomotive whistles the council,�ursuant to Saint Paul City Charter § 6 06 finds it necessary to establish this emergencv ordinance to regulate railroad locomotive whistles. Section 2 Unnecessarilv soundzng whistles. No person shall sound or blow an�whistle of an� locomotive within the city limits. except as a warninn_ of imminent and immediate er to life or propertv. The sounding of any locomorive whistle shall be nrima facie evidence that it was sounded b�the en�neer o�eratin�the locomotive. � a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 �g ` S �J`� Secrion 3 The �runary res�onsibility of enforcin� the nrovisions of this emergencv ordinance shall be with the �olice de�artment. Section 4 That ttus emergency ordinance shall take immediate effect after its passage, approval and gublication as provided in Saint Paul City Charter § 6.11. PfiarreucM1 JUN 2d 199� Requested by Department of: By: Form AppxO�b�� Attorney '/ / By: �'\ Appxoved by Mayor £or Submission to Council Adopted by Council: DateC�`���� Adoption Certified by Counc SecretaYy CITY COUNCII, Councilmembers Harris and Coleman i ': June 16, 1998 NuMBERFOR RWTINfi ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGI3ATURE PAGES q� - Sa s GREEN SHEET No 60696 osfNen�t oneciat rnrca.xti. ❑ anwnw�ar ❑ arratxK _ ❑wtwGnLamNCFSOR �HiVC4LfERV4tefo ❑IU.YORIdM1A54ESYlT1 ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATURE) An emergency ordinance providing for the regulation of railroad locomotive whisfles at grade crossings in the City of Saint Paul. PIANNING COMMtSS10N CIB COMMITTEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION Vise une ag�soNfirm ever wrorked unaer a contract tormis aeaartmenn YES NO Has Mis V�soNfirm e�er been a citY emVbvee9 YES NO Dces this Pe�soNfirtn G� a skAl rwt nama��YP�� bY any cUrreM cfry empbyce? YES NO k this pereoMitm a targetad vendM YES NO Many Saint Paul residems have expressed their concem, dismay and frusrtalion over the recent increase of locomorive whistles sounding at at-grade crossings in the City, especially during ffie pre-dawn hours. Quiet will be restored to the affected azeas. k�s�ea�•��.� 'OTAL AMOUNT OF TRFNSACTION S UNDING SOURCE COST/REVENUE BUOGETEC (GROLE ONE) acrrvin Nurs�rt YES NO NANCIAL MFORMATION (EXPWf�