98-521Council File # 9 8-5 �, � Ordinance # Green Sheet # () (�J ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIl�tNESOTA Presented By Referred To Section 1 �D 2 3 4 5 6 7 Committee Date : An ordinance clarifying the intent of the Council of the City of Saint Paul in Council File 97-1568, an interun ordinance preserving the status quo with respect to advertising signs in the City of Saint Paul pending the completion of action on applications far the adopflon of special district sign plans under Saint Paul Legislative Code § 66.216. Dr�� icwcn �u� 1 �g�g THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 That Section II of Councii File 97-1568, entitled " Public hearing" be amended to read: Public hearing. If such an objection is filed, the Council shall hold a public heariug on such application within 30 days following the date of giving notice of such objection to the Directar of �I£-P� the Department of Plannin� and Economic Development as required herein. Section 2 read: That Section II of Councii File 97-1568, enfitled " Permits conditional" be amended to Permits conditional. Any pernuts or licenses which aze applied for and issued far the establishment of any new advertising sign, ar the modification of any exisfing advertising sign, during the period commencing after the giving notice of such ebjeet�ea annlication to the d'uector of LIEP as required herein, and until (a) the prohibitions aze effective after the passage of 30 days under this Section II or (b) the Council has adopted a resolution as provided herein, whichever is later, shail be issued upon the express condition that no permitee or licensee shall engage in any construction, installauon or work thereunder during the period. Such construction, installarion or work shall not thereafter commence if the prohibitions contained in this Section II have become effective either by the passage of the 30 day period or on the effective date of a Council resolution as provided herein. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Section 3 �l8'' S?�. It is the intent of the Council in enacting this ordinance to confirm and clarify the original intent of the Council embodied in Council File 97-1568. First, the Council intended that an appiication for a special district sign plan, filed both with the City Council and the Airector of the Department of Pianning and Economic Development, makes any sign permit applied for and issued after the filing of the appiication for a special district sign plan a"conditional" permit subject to the conditions set forth in Section II, until either the prohibitions described become efFective after the passage of 30 days or the Council adopts a resolution as provided therein, whichever is later. Second, without the clarification, Council File 97-1568, as passed, had the unintended and unreasonable result of allowing sign companies to receive sign pernuts unencumbered by the conditions contemplated by the Council in Section II by, upon receiving nofice of an application for a special district sign plan, submitting sign permit applications but waiting until the 30�` day after the date of applicarion to give notice of an objection to the application. The Council did not intend a result which would defeat the underlying purpose of the ordinance which was intended to favor the pubiic interest in regulating advertising signs. Third, without the clarificarion, Council File 97-1568, as passed, could have required district councils applying for special district sign plans to file an objection to their own application in order to avail themselves to the protections contemplated in the ordinance. The Council did not intend a result which would be absurd. Section 4 Pending the effective date of this amending ordinance, no permit or license for the establishment of a new advertising sign or the modification of an existing advertising sign shall be issued or approved by the City, its officers, employees, agents or commissions until that application for a Special District Sign Plan has been adopted or rejected by the Council and the prohibitions contained in Section II of Council File No. 97-1568 shall be enforced in a manner consistent with the amendments and intent of the Council as stated herein and in an accompanying resolufion. 2 0 Section 5 This ordinance shall take effect flurty (30) days after passage, approval and publication. �g.S�,r Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Covncil; Date�;'���D 1 Adoption Certified by Counci Se ta By: I Approved by Mayo Dat �1 \� By: Form Appro d by City Attorney By: ��:•ra�-� ��✓u�vr�-- 6-l7-sj� Approved by Mayor for Svbmission to Council 8Y: qg -s�� owre Councilmember Jay Benanav 68640 ` � ��� RWTING OR�IX TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET No 60718 u��� u��— ❑ �,,.,�.�, ❑ �� ❑.,�,�,��. ❑�,�„a.a ❑ W'NiIWMAiffiT4R1 ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Ordinance to clarify the intent of the Council of the City of Saint Paul in Council File 97-1568 PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMRTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has fhis Pe�Mrm everxrorked under a conhact forthis departmeriYt VES NO Has this V�s�rm ever been e dly emDbY�7 VES NO Daes this per�im poasess a sldll not �amallypossessed by any a�rent city empbyee7 YES NO IB ihie pereoNGim e targetetl venda? YES NO Yain atl ves ansuers on seoarate sheet and atlaU to areen sheet File 97-1568 NJTAGESIFAPPROVED Council File 97-1568 will be implemented as was intended by the Council upon its passage OF TRANSACTION SOURCE ACTNITV NUMBER (GRCLEON� VES NO � Council File # 9 8-5 �, � Ordinance # Green Sheet # () (�J ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIl�tNESOTA Presented By Referred To Section 1 �D 2 3 4 5 6 7 Committee Date : An ordinance clarifying the intent of the Council of the City of Saint Paul in Council File 97-1568, an interun ordinance preserving the status quo with respect to advertising signs in the City of Saint Paul pending the completion of action on applications far the adopflon of special district sign plans under Saint Paul Legislative Code § 66.216. Dr�� icwcn �u� 1 �g�g THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 That Section II of Councii File 97-1568, entitled " Public hearing" be amended to read: Public hearing. If such an objection is filed, the Council shall hold a public heariug on such application within 30 days following the date of giving notice of such objection to the Directar of �I£-P� the Department of Plannin� and Economic Development as required herein. Section 2 read: That Section II of Councii File 97-1568, enfitled " Permits conditional" be amended to Permits conditional. Any pernuts or licenses which aze applied for and issued far the establishment of any new advertising sign, ar the modification of any exisfing advertising sign, during the period commencing after the giving notice of such ebjeet�ea annlication to the d'uector of LIEP as required herein, and until (a) the prohibitions aze effective after the passage of 30 days under this Section II or (b) the Council has adopted a resolution as provided herein, whichever is later, shail be issued upon the express condition that no permitee or licensee shall engage in any construction, installauon or work thereunder during the period. Such construction, installarion or work shall not thereafter commence if the prohibitions contained in this Section II have become effective either by the passage of the 30 day period or on the effective date of a Council resolution as provided herein. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Section 3 �l8'' S?�. It is the intent of the Council in enacting this ordinance to confirm and clarify the original intent of the Council embodied in Council File 97-1568. First, the Council intended that an appiication for a special district sign plan, filed both with the City Council and the Airector of the Department of Pianning and Economic Development, makes any sign permit applied for and issued after the filing of the appiication for a special district sign plan a"conditional" permit subject to the conditions set forth in Section II, until either the prohibitions described become efFective after the passage of 30 days or the Council adopts a resolution as provided therein, whichever is later. Second, without the clarification, Council File 97-1568, as passed, had the unintended and unreasonable result of allowing sign companies to receive sign pernuts unencumbered by the conditions contemplated by the Council in Section II by, upon receiving nofice of an application for a special district sign plan, submitting sign permit applications but waiting until the 30�` day after the date of applicarion to give notice of an objection to the application. The Council did not intend a result which would defeat the underlying purpose of the ordinance which was intended to favor the pubiic interest in regulating advertising signs. Third, without the clarificarion, Council File 97-1568, as passed, could have required district councils applying for special district sign plans to file an objection to their own application in order to avail themselves to the protections contemplated in the ordinance. The Council did not intend a result which would be absurd. Section 4 Pending the effective date of this amending ordinance, no permit or license for the establishment of a new advertising sign or the modification of an existing advertising sign shall be issued or approved by the City, its officers, employees, agents or commissions until that application for a Special District Sign Plan has been adopted or rejected by the Council and the prohibitions contained in Section II of Council File No. 97-1568 shall be enforced in a manner consistent with the amendments and intent of the Council as stated herein and in an accompanying resolufion. 2 0 Section 5 This ordinance shall take effect flurty (30) days after passage, approval and publication. �g.S�,r Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Covncil; Date�;'���D 1 Adoption Certified by Counci Se ta By: I Approved by Mayo Dat �1 \� By: Form Appro d by City Attorney By: ��:•ra�-� ��✓u�vr�-- 6-l7-sj� Approved by Mayor for Svbmission to Council 8Y: qg -s�� owre Councilmember Jay Benanav 68640 ` � ��� RWTING OR�IX TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET No 60718 u��� u��— ❑ �,,.,�.�, ❑ �� ❑.,�,�,��. ❑�,�„a.a ❑ W'NiIWMAiffiT4R1 ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Ordinance to clarify the intent of the Council of the City of Saint Paul in Council File 97-1568 PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMRTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has fhis Pe�Mrm everxrorked under a conhact forthis departmeriYt VES NO Has this V�s�rm ever been e dly emDbY�7 VES NO Daes this per�im poasess a sldll not �amallypossessed by any a�rent city empbyee7 YES NO IB ihie pereoNGim e targetetl venda? YES NO Yain atl ves ansuers on seoarate sheet and atlaU to areen sheet File 97-1568 NJTAGESIFAPPROVED Council File 97-1568 will be implemented as was intended by the Council upon its passage OF TRANSACTION SOURCE ACTNITV NUMBER (GRCLEON� VES NO � Council File # 9 8-5 �, � Ordinance # Green Sheet # () (�J ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIl�tNESOTA Presented By Referred To Section 1 �D 2 3 4 5 6 7 Committee Date : An ordinance clarifying the intent of the Council of the City of Saint Paul in Council File 97-1568, an interun ordinance preserving the status quo with respect to advertising signs in the City of Saint Paul pending the completion of action on applications far the adopflon of special district sign plans under Saint Paul Legislative Code § 66.216. Dr�� icwcn �u� 1 �g�g THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 That Section II of Councii File 97-1568, entitled " Public hearing" be amended to read: Public hearing. If such an objection is filed, the Council shall hold a public heariug on such application within 30 days following the date of giving notice of such objection to the Directar of �I£-P� the Department of Plannin� and Economic Development as required herein. Section 2 read: That Section II of Councii File 97-1568, enfitled " Permits conditional" be amended to Permits conditional. Any pernuts or licenses which aze applied for and issued far the establishment of any new advertising sign, ar the modification of any exisfing advertising sign, during the period commencing after the giving notice of such ebjeet�ea annlication to the d'uector of LIEP as required herein, and until (a) the prohibitions aze effective after the passage of 30 days under this Section II or (b) the Council has adopted a resolution as provided herein, whichever is later, shail be issued upon the express condition that no permitee or licensee shall engage in any construction, installauon or work thereunder during the period. Such construction, installarion or work shall not thereafter commence if the prohibitions contained in this Section II have become effective either by the passage of the 30 day period or on the effective date of a Council resolution as provided herein. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Section 3 �l8'' S?�. It is the intent of the Council in enacting this ordinance to confirm and clarify the original intent of the Council embodied in Council File 97-1568. First, the Council intended that an appiication for a special district sign plan, filed both with the City Council and the Airector of the Department of Pianning and Economic Development, makes any sign permit applied for and issued after the filing of the appiication for a special district sign plan a"conditional" permit subject to the conditions set forth in Section II, until either the prohibitions described become efFective after the passage of 30 days or the Council adopts a resolution as provided therein, whichever is later. Second, without the clarification, Council File 97-1568, as passed, had the unintended and unreasonable result of allowing sign companies to receive sign pernuts unencumbered by the conditions contemplated by the Council in Section II by, upon receiving nofice of an application for a special district sign plan, submitting sign permit applications but waiting until the 30�` day after the date of applicarion to give notice of an objection to the application. The Council did not intend a result which would defeat the underlying purpose of the ordinance which was intended to favor the pubiic interest in regulating advertising signs. Third, without the clarificarion, Council File 97-1568, as passed, could have required district councils applying for special district sign plans to file an objection to their own application in order to avail themselves to the protections contemplated in the ordinance. The Council did not intend a result which would be absurd. Section 4 Pending the effective date of this amending ordinance, no permit or license for the establishment of a new advertising sign or the modification of an existing advertising sign shall be issued or approved by the City, its officers, employees, agents or commissions until that application for a Special District Sign Plan has been adopted or rejected by the Council and the prohibitions contained in Section II of Council File No. 97-1568 shall be enforced in a manner consistent with the amendments and intent of the Council as stated herein and in an accompanying resolufion. 2 0 Section 5 This ordinance shall take effect flurty (30) days after passage, approval and publication. �g.S�,r Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Covncil; Date�;'���D 1 Adoption Certified by Counci Se ta By: I Approved by Mayo Dat �1 \� By: Form Appro d by City Attorney By: ��:•ra�-� ��✓u�vr�-- 6-l7-sj� Approved by Mayor for Svbmission to Council 8Y: qg -s�� owre Councilmember Jay Benanav 68640 ` � ��� RWTING OR�IX TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET No 60718 u��� u��— ❑ �,,.,�.�, ❑ �� ❑.,�,�,��. ❑�,�„a.a ❑ W'NiIWMAiffiT4R1 ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Ordinance to clarify the intent of the Council of the City of Saint Paul in Council File 97-1568 PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMRTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has fhis Pe�Mrm everxrorked under a conhact forthis departmeriYt VES NO Has this V�s�rm ever been e dly emDbY�7 VES NO Daes this per�im poasess a sldll not �amallypossessed by any a�rent city empbyee7 YES NO IB ihie pereoNGim e targetetl venda? YES NO Yain atl ves ansuers on seoarate sheet and atlaU to areen sheet File 97-1568 NJTAGESIFAPPROVED Council File 97-1568 will be implemented as was intended by the Council upon its passage OF TRANSACTION SOURCE ACTNITV NUMBER (GRCLEON� VES NO �