98-408L �
Council File # ' �
ordinance #
Green Sheet # �
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
An ordinance axnending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertainiug to zoning for the City of
Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereo£
WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, COMO
NORTHTQWN CREDIT iJNION duly petitioned to rezone 965/967 CHURCHILL STREET, being legally
described as Lots 16 & 17, Block 60; Hagerman's Subdivision of Lot 60 of Lake Como Villas, from RT-1
(two-family residential) to B-2 (community business) to allow additional parking for the existing credit
union, the petirion having been certified by the Planning staff on January 16, 1998, as having been consented
to by at least 67% of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented
to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property
within one year proceeding the date of the petition; and
WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on February 19,
1998, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administrative
Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and
WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on February 27,
1998, and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and
WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly
published in the official newspaper of the City on Mazch 11, 1998 and notices were duly mailed to each
owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be
WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on April 1, 1998, where all
interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning
the petition; now, therefore
Section 1.
That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 11, as incorparated by reference in §60301 of
the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby fiu�ti�er amended as follows:
That property with the address of 965l967 CHI7RCHILL STREET, being more particularly described as:
Lots 16 & 17, Block 60; Hagerman's Subdivision of Lot 60 of Lake Como Villas;
be and is hereby rezoned from RT-1 to B-2.
Secrion 2.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and
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A�Y 20 1998
Requested by Department of:
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Adopted by Council
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Date � �
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Approved by Mayor e Da ' r
Form A ed / by / C / it/� Attorney� B
BY: `1/IIf//�'I/� y + 0— �Q
qf�-�lo 8'
As soon as possible
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Adopt an ordinance to fmalize council approval of a petirion of COMO NOR"I'�ITOWN CREDIT LJNION to
rezone properry located at 965/967 CF�LJRCHII,L STREET from RT-1 to B-2 (public hearing held April 1,
1998) .
Has Ws persoNfirm erer xro�Ked under a contrad tor Mis departmenl?
Has Mis persoNfirtn ever been a cily empbyee? .
Dces this persaNfiim possess a sidll not rwrmalypossessetl by eny curteM city employee�
Is this persmlfirm a qrgetetl vendoYt
Finalize City Council approval of a petirion of COMO NORTHTOWN CREDIT iTNION to rezone property at
965/967 CHLJR.CHILL STREET from RT-1 to B-2 to allow additional pazldng for the eusting credit union.
P�AY 41998
APR 3 0 1998
�VIAYOR'� OF�1G�- . ------- _ ._ _ _ ... __—„
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Pmne[a A'heelack, DzrecWr
Norm Coleman, Mayor
March 5, 1498
Ms. Nancy Anderson
City Council Research Office
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Ms. Anderson:
ZS Wut Founh Street
SaintPaui MN55701
y$ ��ss
2elephorze: 612-166-6655
Facsimile: 6t2-228-3261
I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday
April 1, 1998 for the following zoning case:
File Number:
Legal Description
Previous Acfion:
Rezone properry from RT-1 (two-family residential) to B-2 (community
business) to allow addifional pazking and a new entrance for the existing credit
9651967 Churchill Street (northwest comer of Churchill Street and Front Avenue)
Lots 16 and 17, Block 60; Hagerman's Subdivision of Lot 60 of Lake Como
Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, vote: unanimous, February 27, 1998
Zoning Committee Recommendarion: Approval, vote: 7-0, February 19, 1998
My understanding is that this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda for the April 1, 1998 City
Council meefing and that you wi11 publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please
ca11 me at 266-6556 if you have any guestions.
0 c
Donna Aruminond
City Planner
, Fmsrxux.
cc: File #98-008 The Saint Paul Ciry Council will conduct a public heazing on Wednesday, Aprii 1, 1998
Paul Dubruiel at 5;30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers,l&ird Fioor (.lty Hall-Court House, to coasider
- the application of Como Nocthtown Credit IInion to rezone property from RT-I (two famly
Pattie Kelly resideri}ia]) to B-2 (community business) to allow additional parlflng antl a new entrance �
for the exiSting ciedit union at 965/967 Churchill Street (northwest cornea of Churclvll
Street end F7ont Avenue). � � �
� Da4ed: Mazch 9. 1998 " � -
NANCY A'NDERSON' -: ._. : . . .. - . - - -
Assistant City CounMl Secretary � � .
-- - - ' _ � (March 11; 1998) - _ � ,
Pamela D/heelock Director
Norm Coleman, Mayor
March 25, 1998
Ms. Nancy Anderson
Secretary to the Ciry Council
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
15 West FouKh Sbeet
SaintPaul, MNS5102
City Council Hearing: April 1, 1998, 530 p.m. City Council Chambers
i a ,:
Telephone: 612-266-6655
FacsimiZe: 6l2-118-3161
Pi TRP(1SE: To consider rezoning property at 965(967 Churchill Street (northwest comer of Churchiil St.
and Front Ave.) from RT-1 (two-family residential) to B-2 (community business) to allow additional
pazking and a new entrance for the credit union.
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Dear Ms. Anderson:
COMO NORTHTOWN CREDIT iJNION submitted a petirion to rezone properiy at 9651967
CHLIRCHILL ST. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the
proposed rezoning on February 19, 1998. The applicant addressed the committee. At the close of the
public hearing, the committee voted 7-0 to recommend approval to rezone to B-2. The Planning
Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendarion for approval on a unanimous vote on
February 27, 1998.
This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on April 1, 1998. Please norify me
if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing.
Donna Drummond
City Planner
Attachments cc: City Councilmembers
r � � ±
,� city of saint paul
pianning comm�ssion resoiution
file number _ 98-13
�te Februarv 27. �998
WHEREAS, COMO NORTHTOWN CREDIT i71VION, File # 98-008, has petitioned to rezone
965/967 CHURCHILL STREET, situated on the northwest corner of Churchill Street and Front
Avenue, from RT-1 (rivo-family residential) to B-2 (community business) to allow additional
parking for the existing credit union.; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on February 19, 1998, heid a
public hearing at which all persons present were given an opporiunity to be heard pursuant to
said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning
Committee at ihe public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following
findings of fact:
� 1. The Como Northtown Credit Union is the owner of the property and intends to expand
the existing pazking lot to the east and add a new entrance from Churchill Street. The
property onto which they intend to expand is occupied by a duplex residential structure,
which will be demolished. The number of parking spaces serving the credit union will
increase from 20 to 29.
The new driveway from Churchill Street will be an entrance only, and will allow better
circulation of credit union customers using the drive-up windows. There are two
existing parking lot entrances on Front Avenue. The one that is closest to Lexington
Pazkway wi11 be closed. The Department of Public Works Traffic Division supports this
closure and the new entrance from Churchill Street. Currently, when the credit union is
busy, cars waiting to use the drive-up often spi11 out onto Front Avenue.
3. Section 62.104(9)c. of the Zoning Code requires that entrances and exits to and from a11
parking facilities located in land zoned other than singie-family, two-family, or
townhouse residential must be at least twenty-five (25) feet from any adjoining properry
in those same zoning districts. The site plan shows the proposed driveway entrance less
moved by Field
seconded by
� �C� faVOr unanimous
� � �I i
� Zoning File #98-OQ8
Page Two of Resolution
than the required 25 feet from the residential property to the north. The applicant will
need to modify the site plan during site plan review or appiy for a variance of this
4. The rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan. Goals and obj ectives in the
District b Plan include the following: ta provide adequate off-street pazking to
commercial areas and to encourage the development of new housing and businesses (pp.
In addition, the Economic Development Strategy includes: 1) Objective #6, "ensure
sufficient land for future business growth"; 2) Policy #25, "the city's land use plan should
provide adequate land for industrial and commercial development and expansion in order
to increase the proportion of commerciallindustrial tax base"; and 3) Policy #29, "the city
should periodically review its zoning regulations and amend them as necessary to keep
current with technological and economic changes affecting the nature of business
activity" (pp. 17-18).
5. The rezoning is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed. There is
commercial or industrial development at all four corners of the intersection. Extending
� the B-2 zoning district east on Front Avenue to Churchill Street to accommodate the
, expansion of the credit union parking lot and new entrance from Churchill is consistent
and compatible with the way the area has developed.
In addition, there is a significant amount of traffic in the area. Lexington Pazkway cames
22,750 vehicles per day; westbound Front Avenue carries 9,400 vehicles per day, and
eastbound Energy Park Drive carries 13,325 vehicles per day. The new entrance on
Churchill Street and the closure of the existing driveway on Front Avenue closest to
Lexington Pazkway will improve traffic circulation and safety in the area.
6. The rezoning will not have an adverse impact on adjacent properties if appropriate
landscaping and screening is installed on the north and east edges of the parking lot to
shield residences on Churchill Street. The site plan does not show any screening or
landscaping, so this conaem should be addressed during site plan review. There may be
an increase in trafftc on Churchiil Street from the north to access the new entrance,
although the general improvement in traffic safety and circulation for the area that results
from this new entrance will be worth the possibility of some additional traffic on
Churchill Street.
The applicant submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the property owners within
one hundred (100) feet of the properry stating support for the rezoning (15 pazcels
eligible, 10 required, and 10 signed).
� � , a
� Zoning File #98-00$
Page Three of Resolution
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Plamiing Commission that the
petition of COMO NORTTiTOWN CREDIT TJNION to rezone property at 965/967
CHURCHII,L STREET, more particulazly described as I.ots 16 & 17, Block 60; Hagerman's
Subdivision of Lot 60 of Lake Como Vilias, from an RT-1 (two-family residential) zoning
classification to a B-2 (community business) zoning classification, is consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan for the City; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission does hereby
recommend to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that progerty located at 965/967
CHURCHII,L STREET be rezoned from RT-1 to B-2 in accordance with the petition for
rezoning on file with the Saint Paul Depaztment of Planning and Economic Development.
• � !i
Saint Paul Planning Commission
City Hall Conference Center
15 Kellogg Boulevard West
A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, February 27, 1998, at
830 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall.
Mmes. Duarte, Faricy, Geisser, Maddox, Morton, Nordin, Treichel, and Wencl
and Messrs. Chavez,. Field, Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, McDoneil and Vaught.
Ms. *Engh and Messrs. *Johnson, *Kong, *Mardell, *Nowlin, and *Sharpe.
Also Present: Ken Ford, Planning Administrator; Jean Birkholz, Secretary, Kady Dadlez, Nancy
Frick, Tom Harren, Patricia James, Allen Lovejoy, Roger Ryan, Larry Soderholm,
and Lucy T'homgson, Depariment of Planning and Economic Development staff.
I. Approval of Minutes of February 27,1998
MOTInN: Commissioner Treichel moved approval of tke minutes of February 13,1998;
Commissioner Fietd seconded the motion which carried unanimously on a voice vote.
II. Chair's Announceraents
Chair Morton announced that the Steering Committee discussed committee restructuring.
Members will be asked which committee they want to serve on.
Chair Morton announced that Anne Geisser has put together a RiverCenter tour immediately
following this moming's Planning Commission meeting.
Chair Morton announced that there are two zoning cases that are being appealed to the City
Council: 1) the sign variance to Jerry Showalter at the comer of Snelling and Concordia; and 2)
Darrell Tillman at 672 Arcade Street. Both appeals will be heard Wednesday, March 11, 1998.
III. Planning Administrator's Announcements
Mr. Ford announced that he and few staff attended the workshop on "Neighborhoods in the
Balance" at the University Club one week ago. It was a forum organized to address the issues
of those neighborhoods that are neither in the category of those that are most severely
dish and therefore get most of the attention under some of the improvement programs, or
those that are doing wonderfully in the housing market and get the attention from the private
market anyway. Keynote speaker was Kathryn Merchant who's with an organization in
Cleveland working on neighborhood development. She has worked in this area in the past and
lmows the field of neighborhood development very well. She shared some enlightening
observations of several of the neighborhoods, four of them in Saint Paul.
. NSr. Ford announced that there aze at least three Planning Commission decisions that aze
. �
�, ♦:
currently being appealed to the City Council. The two that Chair Morton menrianed, plus the
� proposed nursery use of the properiy on highway 61.
IV. Zoning Committee
Februa 998 Minor 7on�i o A�ndments -(Roger Ryan, 266-657A, Southeast Team)
tl�iOTiO�i: Commissioner Field moved approval of February Minor Zaning Amendments #1
as amended, #2, #3, #4, and #7 as amended which carried unanimously on a voice votz
Commissioner Field informed Commissioners that #8, Posting norificarion signs, was laid over
in order to acquire further information from staff as to implementarion. #b was also laid over
which involved the bond amount required for certain contracting activities. Mural defmitions
was also laid over.
�9&0(18 ('�m� Northtown t'redit Iinion - Rezone the properiy from RT-1 (residentiai) to $-2
(Community Business) to allow additional parking for the exisring credit union at 965 ! 967
Churchill Street. (Donna Drummond, 266-6556, Northwest Team)
MOTTQN: Commissioner Fie1d moved approval af the requested re2aning properry from
RT-1(residential) to B-2 (Community Business) to adlnw additional parking for the exrsring
credit union at 9651967 Churchitl Street with site ptan review which carried unanimnusly
on a voice vote.
#98-009_C�c_an & ilavid Wecelv - Modification of river corridor standards to allow the
� construction of a single family home on slopes greater than 18% and within 4Q feet of the bluff
line. (Kady Dadlez, 266-6582, Southeast Team)
MOTION: Commissioner Field maved approval af the requested modiftcation nf the river
corridor standards to ttllow the construction of a single family hame on slopes greater than
18 % within 40 feet of the btuff tine.
Commissioner Field added that the Dish 1 Communiry Council supports the river comdor
modification with conditions.
Commissioner Geisser noted that she is concemed with the site conditions issues and the
drainage issues. At the time the Highwood Plan was developed, there was discussion about
these issues that commissioners felt would be difficult in that area if certain things weren't
done. She questioned at what point did the City intend to deal with the major problem which
includes the drainage, erosion, and the working of their own septic.
Her second question was if this home is permitted to be built and these problems arise, is the
City then held liable in any way because the construction of this house was permitted.
Commissioner Chavez stated that he voted against this at Zoning Committee. He was
concemed about similaz issues as Commissioner Geisser, specifically because there were
letters of concern in the file from both the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and
United States Department of Interior. He said he would vote against it today as well.
�. .
t . �.
Commissioner Field noted that he, too, was concemed regarding these letters. He asked staff if
there was anything unique with respect to this proposed modificarion compared to many of the
� other proposed river corridor modifications that have been ganted. Ae was toid there was
nothing unique about this particular case. He supposed that someone contacted these entities
and solicited their input. He informed the Commission that Mr. Wamer had pointed out that
some of the arguments that were put forth in the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources'
letter did not even address the residenrial setting, but related to a commercial and business
setting. Mr. Wamer pointed out that the arguments in the letter were inconsistent; the
conclusions were based on a different set of regulations than the letter alluded to, applied.
Ms. Dadlez added that drainage and erosion aze an issue on that site, whether the house is built
or not. A house built on the site will add, minimally, to run off, and they'll try to control
erosion. The Public Works Department is aware of the issue of drainage in that area, and a lot
of neighbors have expressed concems about it. In the past, as the staff report indicates, Public
Works has proposed a storm sewer pipe that wouid go down the hill to Ogden and then out to
Highway 61. Right now, the Highwood Plan prohibits the storm and sanitary sewer, and they
are not pursuing that. Their preference, if they could come to agreement with people, would
probably be installing a sanitary sewer, and as long as you're doing that, you might as well
install a storm sewer. Public Works just hasn't moved forwazd on that because as much as the
neighborhood wants to find a solution, they may not be agreeable to that solution.
Commissioner Geisser then asked what the liability factor of the City is, in this case. Ms.
Dadlez replied that she could not answer that.
The mofron on the floor to recommend apprnval of the requested modifcation of river
corridor standards to allow the construction of a single famity home on stopes greater than
� i8% and within 40 feei of the bluff line carried on rall call vote of I2 - 2(Chavez, Geisser).
#4&�10 Ph� Vang - C'hue Thau - Change of nonconforming use permit to allow a grocery
store at 937 Mae olia Avenue. (Patricia James, 266-fi639, Northeast Team)
bI4TTON: Commissioner Fie1d moved appraval of the requested change of
nonconforming use permit to allow a grocery stnre at 937 Magnolia Avenue with the
following conditions:
I. The store be open no earlier than 7 am. ttnd no later than 10 p.m.;
2. There be no outside vending machines; and
3. There be no outside telephone.
Commissioner Geisser aclmowledged that she is disturbed by the conditions that were set on
this. She does not understand what micro managing small business has to do with zoning.
Particularly, she doesn't believe that the Planning Commission has jurisdiction regarding
where there should be a telephone. She interjected that on the phone, Mark Vaught articulated
that his sister spent 45 minutes looking for a telephone in order to call him because she was
lost and needed directions to his house. We seem to be removing telephones from our streets.
AfOTiO�T: Commissioner Geisser moved that number 3 be deleted from the conditions.
Commissioner Maddox seconded the motion.
� ��
Commissioner Kramer informed the Commission that this properry is not zoned for a grocery
store to begin with. It is a nonconforming building in a residentiai neighborhood; there's s
� school across the street, a church one house to the north, and residents abutting iaunediately on
a street that carries less than 3Q00 cars a day in a residential neighborhood. At Zoning
Committee, Commissioner Kramer asked the applicant if he intended to put a telephone
outside and the answer was no. He asked the applicant if he intended to have outside vending
and the answer was no. Regarding hours, the applicant said that the Dishict Council wanted
him to have longer hours than he had originally proposed. This site is two blocks from Arcade
Street on which there are many telephones. Commissioner Kramer added that lus concern is
not necessarily with this applicant, but with future applicants who might decide to have a pay
phone and pop machines, etc. He stated that it seemed to him that these conditians were
protecrions that aze completely appropriate for an applicant securing a nonconforming use
permit in a residenrial neighborhood.
Commissioner Field stated that he seconds many of Commissioner Kramer's observafions. He
noted that he, too, hates to overregulate business, but this is a nonconforming use permit; and
considering the sunounding conditions and the school and the residential character of the area,
he feels these conditions are apptopriate.
Commissioner Gordon asked if the idea behind having no telephone and no vending machines
was to avoid having kids congregating around them. Commissioner Kramer responded that
certainly was one of the considerations. Another consideration was the late night acrivity that
takes places around many telephones.
The motinn on the,fioor to amend the oris nat morion by deleting condition number 3 fttiled
on a voice vote.
� MnTIO�i; Commissioner Treichel moved the amendment that condidon number one read
that the store be open no earlier than 6 a.m. and nn later than IO p.m.: Commissinner Fietd
seconded the mofion which carried unanimously on a voice vote.
The main motion to recommend approval of a change of nonconforming permit to allow a
grocery store at 937 Magnalia Avenue with amended conditions carried on a voice vote
Commissioner Field read the agenda for the next Zoning Committee meeting Thursday, Mazch
5, 1948.
V. Comprehensive Planning and Economic Development Committee
F.aai M�tro Tran�it Facilitv - Resolution of findings for adoption on the five altemative sites for
the proposed transit facility. -(Kady Dadlez, Southeast)
MOTInN: On behalf of both the Comprehensive Planning and Economic Development
and Neighborhood Planning and Land Use Committees, Commissioner Maddox moved
approval of tke resotution of f ndings far adoptian on the five alternative sites for the
proposed transit facility.
There was some discussion of whether a layover would be more appropriate to further
. ♦�
. -
� The motion on the floor carried unanimously an a voice vote.
Ramcg�Coan� Pr rial Detentio�n rr - Resolution of fmdings for adoption on the three
altemative sites for the proposed detention center. (Kady Dadlez, Southeast Team)
Commissioner Maddox informed commissioners that there was a lively discussion over the
first fmding which asked if it was in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, reminding
everyone the age of the Comprehensive Plan, when it has been updated, and the fact that it
doesn't specify ` jail" in the Plan.
biOTION: On behalf of both the Camprehensive Planning arrd Economic Devetopment
and Neighborhood Planning and Land Use Cnmmitrees, Commissioner Maddox moved
approvat of the resotution of findings for adoption on the ihree alternative sites for the
proposed detention center.
. Commissioner Geisser stated that her objection to this resolution is that the Planning
Commission was asked to look at these sites in relation to conformance to the Comprehensive
Plan. In her understanding in looking at these sites, and considering that the Public Safety site
as prime downtown real estate, which hopefuily would he developed by a private developer for
mixed use and which could bring a great amount of tax base into the City; and remembering
that about 1000 people do live in that area, and the fact that the Metropolitan Councii has asked
Saint Paul to build 400� housing units by 2020, and the downtown area is the grime location
for building that housing, she sees nothing in the T-94 site that makes it out of confarmance or
inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Her feeling is that either all of the sites aze in
� conformance or none of thz sites are in conformance. She doesn't see how one can have it both
ways in terms of these three sites.
Commissioner Geisser added that the industrial site employs about 65-75 people depending on
who's figures you use, and pays approximately $48,000 in taxes. No one seemed to have this
same feeling when Minnesota Mutual, who will now be destroying 4 office buildings and will
be relocating hundreds of people, for an expansion of the Minnesota Mutual building. That is
more tax money than probably is now sitting on the site that houses three businesses. So,
there's nothing in the City's history that says you can't take a piece of property and make it
something else. Commissioner Geisser is acguing that the I-44 sate is, in fact, in conformance
and consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. She asks that alone be sent forward to the City
Council. She is not convinced that the only site tt�at's in conformance with the Plan is the
current Public Safety site, when they are surrounded with as many residents, if not more, than
the 35E site. She asks that an even handed opinion be sent over the City Council. She does not
support the resolution before the Commission.
Commissioner Gordon supports the resolution. He can't agree that because one site is found
consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, all sites must be found consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan. He had no trouble finding that the I-94 site is not consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan, based on the findings in the report. He noted that the Comprehensive
Plan is clear in focusing on and emphasizes the importance of maintaining and retaining
industrial land and retaining businesses. The I-94 industrial site is going to impact on three
businesses: Commonwealth Electric, 200 employees; the printing company; and the bar. They
� � ��
may move out of the City. We'd be taking industrial land out of use and committing it to
� public facilities. We need to balance all factors, including the residential.
On the other hand, Commissioner Gordon continued, the Public Safety building is already
public land; we won't be impacting the tax base; and we'll be adding jobs, not losing job.
Commissioner Kramer stated that he supports the resolution. He pointed to other things ta
consider: 1) The Pianning Commission is not making a choice between whether or not the
Police and Fire building will be torn down and opening the site to private investors; that issue
is not on the table. 2) A policy of Saint Paul's economic development suategy states, "the City
should reinforce the role of downtown as a center of govemment by encouraging county
govemment to locate their offices and service funcrions in the downtown core as a first
priority." 3) The Port Authority looked at the "I-44 industrial site" and has expressed its desire
for Ramsey County to conrinue its search for a different locarion because the Port does not feel
that site is an appropriate site.
Commissioner Vaught contended that one can find anything one wants in the Comprehensive
Plan. One can argue both for and against something with certainty that it is supported by what
you say. Ae feels that the Comprehensive Plan is a guideline, a set of generalized principies
that sometime get more specific than they should be and sometimes azen't as specific as they
should be. He noted that this is an exceedingiy political issue that has been brilliantly cast in
such a way that it not seem political. This report will not advance the issue one inch from
where it was when it came to the Commission. He will vote against it because he finds the
whole exercise meaningless.
� Commissioner McDonell commented that the draft on the findings has a mention of the
county's preference for vertical rather tk�an horizontal expansion, and the finai copy has the
reverse. He asked which is which. He was told that the county's preference is for horizontal
rather than vertical.
Commissioner Field noted that he oums a building across the street from the Public Safety
building and yet concludes, based on the findings, that this would be an appropriate site for the
jail expansion. He sees no adverse impact. Other sites might also be appropriate, too. He will
vote in support of the resolurion.
Commission Geisser repeated that what the Commission is asked to state is whether these sites
are in conformance or consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. She is raising the question of
whether, in fact, the I-94 industrial site is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; her position
is that it is consistent, and if the language remains as it is, she will vote against the motion to
The modon on the ftnor approving Xhe resolution of findings for adoprion on the three
a[ternative sites for the proposed detention center carried on a ro11 call vote of 13 - 2
(Geisser, Vaught).
Commissioner Maddox announced the next meering of the Comprehensive Planning and
Economic Development Committee will tae held Wednesday, March 4, at 4 p.m. to review the
Phalen Corridor Braft EIS (Environmental Impact Statement).
. > i;
vi. Neighborhood Planning and Land Use Committee
� Caint Paul T.and iTse Plan - Approve pubiic hearing draft for dishibutian and set public
hearing date on May 22, 1998 -(Larry Soderholm, Northwest Team)
Mr. Soderholm provided highlights of the plan for the Planning Commission. He stated that
the pian is organized azound four strategies:
1) A Vital City Center
- Downtown is not just a central business district, but a center of urban life, with housing
and tecreation.
- 9000 jobs will be added by 2020.
- 3000 housing units will be added by 2020, many being in new urban villages: 1) NE
quadrant, north of Lowertown; 2) a Lowertown expansion, towazd the river; 3) the South
Wabasha Bridge head site between the bridges on the other side of the river; 4) the Harriet
Island area; and 5) CapitAt Heights.
- A reinforcement of proposals in the Saint Paul on the Mississippi River Development
Framework about sheet level activity and the connec6on among uses, etc., starting with
Wabasha Street.
2) Neighborhoods as Urban Villages
- More mixed use around the exisring neighborhood centers
- Add 30�0 new housing units that meet new urban housing markets.
� - Preference for housing sites near transit (especially near University Avenue and West
Seventh Corridors)
- Preserve the pedestrian orientation of older commercial areas; keep buildings up to the
- Neighborhood plans
New system for approving.
3) Comdors for Redevelopment
- River Corridor
- Phalen Corridor
- West 7th Riverview Corridor
- University Avenue Corridor
- Great Northern Corridor
4) Environmental Stewardship
- Neighbarhood connections to the River
- River regulations: moving to MNRRA Tier II
MOTION: Comn:issioner Geisser moved approval of the Saint Paul land Ilse Plan Draft
and set the public hearing date for May 22,1998 which carried unanimousty on a voice vote.
VII. \orthwest Quadrant
� P.�ojectBriefing - Tom Harren
Mr. Harren brou�ht the Planning Commission up-to-date on the follo�4•ing prioriry projects in
the Northwest Quadrant:
1) FrontoFF-n - PED is working with the neighborhood organizations to develop a more
strategic housing program for that area. The Greater Frogtown Cammunity Development
Corporation, in parinership with PED, has developed a housing strategy for that area. They are
working very closely with Builders Outreach Program, a volunteer extension of the Builders
Association in the area. The way the housing program is coming together in this area is
serving as a model of ho�v we can do same targeting activities in housing in the City. We will
be trying to appiy that same type of strategy in some of ihe other areas.
2) Oalland Vil]age - One of the other areas where �r•e are trying to apply the same housing
strategy, particularly in the area which is west of Oakland Cemetery and just north of the Lyton
Park Place housing development.
3) Great Northern Corridor -(Como Corridor) - Since October, the �ision that �cas being
developed Uy the neighborhood organizations, wotking with the Port Authority and PED has
expanded into something quite a bit more extensive than just a development of nvo industrial
sites. In November, the community adopted the Great Northern Corridor vision for the area, a
plan and design for the development of the Maxon SteellDale Street Shops industrial site and
the surroundin� area. This plan will be coming before the Neighborhood and Land use
� Committee for their review sometime within the next few months. Mr. Harren thinks this is a
good exampie of ihe typz of planning now taking place, which is non-traditional and
neighborhood based.
4) Sneliine Avenuc - Hamline �Iidway - Another example of a community based planning
process that is taking piace. This process began in May with a number of strategy groups
meetino on a re�ular basis to develop strategies in five areas.
5) �`'est hIidway Area - There has been some recent development, particularly at the comet of
University and Raymond. The Specialty Building is being rehabbed and expected to be used
for office spacz. Parkine is the main issue in that area. Curtently, there is a patking study
being done by the Midway Chamber of Commerce and University United.
6) Capitol Heights Housing - In a few «�eeks the boundaries of the NtiV Quadrant will change
to include the Capitol Heights area. In 1999, the Greater Frogto�vn Community Development
Cocporation is interested in taking its model and �ti�orking it in the Capitol Heights area. PED
�cill be working with the people in that area alons with District 7 and the Greater Frogtown
CDC to develop a plan for that area.
7) University Avenue Alidway Decelopment - Since PED has been u'orkins �ti'ith ihe
neighborhood organizations, this target area has espanded significantly. In �c�orkin� with the
community, we have activated some real interest in development in that area.
i'nitetsit�• Ac•enueYlanning - Larry Soderholm
♦� ��
There was University Avenue Corridor Study grepared by University United in 1988. We aze
not exactly updating that, but we have a lot of people planning together for University Avenue.
� There aze three main planning issues that we are dealing with. The first is a very immediate
opportunity for some hansit related federal funding. The transit funding is leftover LRT
money that Congress converted into money that we can now spend for bus transit
improvements in the central corridor. The money comes through MNDOT and the Ramsey
and Hennepin County Regionai Rail Authoriries, who have controi over what will be done, and
the money needs to be spent quickly. The total amount is $7.7 million. Saint Paul is putring
together a proposal for improving the street design on University Avenue to make it more
pedestrian fiiendly and better for bus riders on University Avenue, either at Dale Street or
The second focus for L3niversity Avenue planning is a number of major redevelopment sites
including corners at Dale, Lexington, and Fairview, and the Snelling bus bam site.
Third, we are working on a set of development principles for all of University Avenue, which
may evolve into a document for Planning Commission review. As an early draft, the
development principles for University Avenue are:
1. We want the buildings oriented to the Avenue; as close as possible to the sidewalk.
2. We want the h�ansportation modes to be integrated. We want to rewgnize that University
Avenue will remain one of the region's primary transit corridors, and that we maintain
future options for improving transit on University Avenue. The land use and the design
features along the Avenue need to support public transportation.
3. We are concemed that maintenance costs are accounted for.
� 4. We want it designed for public safety.
5. Air quality continues to be an issue.
6. The Avenue should be designed in segments, with more differenriation of the chazacter of
the segments:
Warehouse Urban Village at Raymond
Industrial Distxict from Carleton Street to Prior Avenue
Office cluster from Prior Avenue to Pierce Sueet
The Regional Shogping Center from Snelling to Lexington
Pedestrian nodes at Rice Street, Western to Mackubin, Dale Street, Chatsworth to
Lexington, and Pascal to Snelling
The street design itself should reinforce the different chazacter of sections of University
Commissioner Treichel commented that she thought some of the pollution problem had been
solved at Snelling([Jniversity. She added that she travels through that intersection frequently
and any improvement that can be made to that intersecrion will be of great help.
Mr. Soderholm informed the Commission that the only violations at Snelling since Spruce Tree
Center was built were when the "hot rod" derby was held. There were also a few violations at
Lexington and University. The chanoe at the intersection to create the new turn lanes seems to
have solved that problem.
�� ��
Commissioner Treichel asked about the land diagonaliy across from the Crri$gs-Midway
. Mr. Soderhoim reptied that it's open land, and the developer has shown a coupie of altemarive
schemes to the Meiriam Pazk Community Council. Mr. Aarren added that we do know that his
intention is to put retail on that comer. They have not been receprive to mixed use at that
Commissioner McDonell asked how the Home Depot going in on University and Lexington
might impact environmental issues at that intersecrion. Mr. Harren suspects that it would
increase traffic there and tt�at an environmental analysis wiil be necessary befare permits aze
Commissioner Gordon asked if there is anything in University Avenue's plans to include
bicycle paths, either on or near University as part of the transit mix. Mr. Soderholm responded
that the Transportarion Plan proposes a system of bicycle trails. There is not a proposal to have
one on University Avenue itself, but is more likely to run on one of the residential streets
parallel to University.
Commissioner Kramer asked if he Imew about anything happening at the Maryland Dale
intersection. Mr. Harren replied that the gas station may still be in the works.
Commissioner Nordin noted that it seems very odd that Como and Snelling wouid be included
in Hamline-Midway's uea. Mr. Harren stated that iYs not being considered as part of
Hamline-Midway's planning process. The map shows the areas in the quadrant that PED is
interested in working with. At Como and Snelling, there's an opporhutity for some type
• commercial development consistent with the East Como-Midway parkway Small Area Plan.
VIII. Task Force Reports
No reports.
IX. Old Business
Reorganization of the Planning Commission Committees
Chair Morton stated that in addition to reorganizing the committees, the Steering Committee
also discussed having a liaison between the quadrants and the Planning Commission; having
commissioners serve in that capacity.
Mr. Ford handed out the information. Regarding the committee structure, the Commission will
have five standing committees: 1) 5teering Committee; 2) Zoning Committee; 3) Compre-
hensive Planning Committee; 4) Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee; and 5)
Communications Committee. There is also the oprion of setting up a special task force W
handle the work load under committees.
Commissioner Gordon asked if, given the nature of the issue, there would srill be the
possibility of combining committees. Chair Morton replied that it is desired to eliminate
having to combine committees.
t � ��
Commissioner Geisser noted that some of these special issues might be more appropriately
addressed by task forces because there aze members that may be on the Zoning Committee or
� the Communications Committee who aze not on any other committee.
Commissioner Treichel asked whether one should be a liaison to their own quadrant. Chair
Morton responded that the answer to that quesrion is open.
Mr. Ford noted that staff's response to that issue is that, from its point of view, what would
reaily be hetpful for staff is to have contact with a Planning Commissioner who has contacts
and is particulazly lmowledgeable about the azea.
Commissioner Wencl questioned the committee duties and meeting dates. Chair Morton
replied that dates and times will be decided by the committee formed. The Phalen Corridor EIS
would fali under the duties of the Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee. The new
committee shucture will begin at the rime of the next Planning Commission meeting, March
Mr. Ford commented that as he has thought through some of the things listed, it is not aiways
perfectly obvious where it goes. Sometimes, it might not be unreasonable to select a project
for Committee's determined by workload.
X. Communications Committee
Commissioner Kramer announced that the committee will meet Monday, March 16, 1998, at
3:30 p.m. in the 13th floor conference room.
� XI. New Business
XII. Adjournment
bt4TiON: Commissioner Treichel moved adjournment; Commissioner Cordon seconded
ihe motion which curried unanimously on a voice vofe.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:31 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
� "�'�,�,.
Ken Ford
Planning Administrator
Approved ` � j 3 � % �
(�' �.��Gt�
Espem �za Duarte
Secretary of the Planning Commission
PRESENT: Mmes. Faricy, Morton and Wenci and Messrs. Chavea, Field, Kramer and Vaught of the
Zoning Committee; Mr. Wamer, Assistant City Attomey; Mmes. Dadlez, Drummond, James
and Kelley, and Messr. Ryan of the Planning Division.
EXCUSED: Mr. Gordon
The meeting was chaired by Litton Field, Chairperson_
CQMO NORTHTOWN CREDIT UNiOM 965l967 Churchill Street: 98-008: Rezoning from R7-1
(residential) to B-2 (Community Business) to afiow additionai parking for the existing credit union.
Donna Drummond presented slides and reviewed the staff report stating that based on Findings 1 through
6 and 8, staff recommends approval of the rezoning petition.
Commissioner Chavez referred to a fax he received of a revised plan, and Ms. Drummond said the site
pian that was submitted with the application is the one currentiy on the table. She said Tom Seach, who
does the City's site p{an review coordination, wili be meeting with the applicant next Monday and proposing
possible reconfiguration of the parking lot.
Brian Roegge, representing Como Northtown Credit Union, appeared and spoke in concurrence to
comments made by Ms. Drummond.
� Upon comments of Commissioner Chavez, Mr. Roegge said he received the staff recommendation {ast
week pertaining to the 25 feet distance between the nearest residence and the entrance, and upon
speaking with his architect they are under the impression that they are in compliance with that requirement.
He said they have a meeting scheduled with Mr. Beach on Monday, February 23rd as part of the normal
site p(an review process and wiil make any changes needed in order to comply.
Upon question of Ghair Field, Mr. Roegge said he does not have a prob(em with rezoning being approved
subject to site pian review.
There were no further questions.
No one else appeared, and the public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Chavez moved approval of the rezoning based on staff findings, and the motion was
seconded by Commissioner 4Cramer.
Drafted by:
Yeas - 7 Nays - 0
Submitted by:
Approved by:
�6v.�..� V �k�w+�^'''Y//
Pattie Kefley
Recording Secretary
Donna Drummond
Northwest Quadrant
Litton Fietd
� ��
FILB # 98-006
5. LBGAL DSSCRIPTION: Lots 16 & 17, Block 60; Hagerman's Subdivision of
Lot 60 of Lake Como Villas
7. 5TAFF INVSSTIGATION AND RSPORT: DATE: 02/il/98 BY: Donna Drummond
8. DAT� REC8ZV8D: O1/16/98 DSADLINB FOR ACTION: 03J17/98
A. PIIRPOSE: Rezone the property from RT-1 (two-family residentialj to B-2
(COmmunity Business) to allow additional parking and a new entrance for
the existing credit union.
� B. PARCBL SIZE: The property to be rezoned has 50 £eet of frontage on Front
Avenue and is 107.2 feet in depth for a total lot area of 5,360 square
feet. The existing credit union building to the west is located on the
northeast corner of Front Avenue and Leacington Parkway and the property
is 16,441 square feet.
C. SXISTINtl LAND IISE: The property is occupied by a duplex residential
North: One and two-family homes in an RT-1 zoning district.
East: one and two-family homes in an RT-1 zoning district.
South: A Super America automobile convenience market at the
southeast corner of Front Avenue and Lexington Parkway in a
B-2 zoning district and one and two-family homes in an RT-1
zoning district.
West: Gabe's on the Park restaurant and industrial uses along
Energy Park Drive in an I-1 zoning district.
E. ZONIN6 CODE CZTATION: Section 64.400(a) states in part that "the council
may, from time to time, amend, supglement or change the district
boundaries or the regulations herein, or suhsequently established herein
pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota SCatutes Section 462.357 and
amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning
commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to
determine i£, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines
should be changed."
9g y��'
� Zoning File #98-008
Page Two
5ection 64.400(b) states in part that "an amendment to the zoning code
may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition
of the owners of sixty-seven (67) percent o£ the area of the property to
be rezoned."
F. HISTORY/DISCIISSION: There are no previous zoning cases concerning [.his
G DISTRICT CDIIDTCZL R&CO�NDATZON: The District 6 Planning Council voted
to support the rezoning petition.
1. The Como Northtown Credit Union is the owner of the propexty and intends
to expand the existing parking lot to the east and add a new entrance
from Churchill Street. The property onto which they intend to expand is
occupied by a duplex residential structure, which will be demolished.
The number of parking spaces serving the credit union will increase from
20 to 29.
2. The new driveway from Churchill Street will be an entrance on1y, and
will allow better circulation of credit union customers using the drive-
up windows. There are two existing parking 1ot entrances on Front
Avenue. The one that is closest to Lexington Parkway will be closed.
• The Department of Public Works Traffic Division supports this closure
and the new entrance from Churchill Street. Currently, when the credit
union is busy, cars waiting to use the drive-up often spill out onto
Front Avenue.
3. Section 62.104(9)c. of the Zoning Code requires that entrances and exits
to and from all parking £acilities located in land zoned other than
single-family, two-family, or townhouse residential must be at least
twenty-five {25) feet Erom any adjoining property in those same zoning
districts. The site plan shows the proposed driveway entrance less than
the required 25 feet from the residential property to the north. The
applicant will need to modiPy the site plan during site plan review or
apgly for a variance of this requirement.
4. The rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan. Goals and
objectives in the District 6 Plan include the following: to provide
adequate off-street parking to commercial areas and to encourage the
development of new housing and husinesses (pg. 6& 21).
In addition, the Economic Development Strategy includes: 1) Objective
#6, "ensure sufficient land for £uture business growth"; 2) Policy #25,
"the city s land use plan should provide adequate land for industrial
and commercial development and e�cpansion in order to increase the
proportion of commercial/industrial tax base"; and 3) Policy #29, "the
city should periodically review its zoning regulations and amend them as
necessary to keep current with technological and economic changes
affecting the nature of business activity" (pp. 17-16).
� 5. The rezoning is consistent and compatible with the way the area has
developed. There is commercial or industrial development at all four
� Zoninq File #9$
Page Three
corners of the intersection. Eactending the B-2 zoning district east on
Front Avenue to Churchill Street to accommodate the expansion of the
credit union parking lot and new entrance from Churchill is consistent
and compatible with the way the area has developed.
In addition, there is a significant amount of traffic in the area.
Lexington Parkway carries 22,750 vehicles per day; westbound Front
Avenue carries 9,400 vehicles per day, and eastbound Energy Park Drive
carries 13,325 vehicles per day. The new entrance on Churchill Street
and the closure of the existing driveway on Front Avenue closest to
Lexington Parkway will improve traffic circulation and safety in the
.6. The rezoning will not have an adverse impact on adjacent properties if
appropriate landscaping and screening is installed on the north and east
edges of the parking lot to shield residences on Churchill Street. The
site plan does not show any screening or landscaping, so this concern
should be addressed during site plan review. There may be an increase
in traffic on Churchill Street from the north to access the new
entrance, although the general improvement in traffio safety and
circulation for the area that results from this new entrance will be
worth the possibility of some additional traffic on Churchill Street.
7. At the time this report was written, staff had received no calls or
. correspondence in opposition to the rezoning petition.
8. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the
property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the property stating
support for the rezoning (15 parcels eligible, 10 required, and 10
I. STAFF RECOD4�NDATION: Based on findings 1 through 8 staff recommends
approval of the rezoning petition.
� � Depanment of Planning and Economic Development
Zoning Section
II00 Ciry Hall Annez
25 West Fou�th Street
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Property Owner Con�o Northtown Credit Union
Address 976 N. Lexington Pky.
City St. Paul gtNII�I �ip 55103 Daytime phone 612I488-2535
Contact person (if different) Brian xoegge, Fresident
Address/Location 965/967 Churchill Street
Legai description �ts 16 & 17, Block 60, Hagennan's Subdivision
of Lot 60 of Iake Como Villas
(attach additional sheet if necessary)
Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5} of
Minnesota Statues, Como Northtown credit Union , the owner of ali the land proposed
for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a
RT-1 zoning district to a B zoning district, for the purpose of:
Parking lot expansion and new entrance
(attach additional sheet(s) if necessary)
Attachments: Required site plan � Consent petition �l A�davit �
Subscribed and swom to
before me this �f/�-
of � !�/t l 19 c
Notary Public
i ' '_.��______'_.'-
JANUARY S7, 2000
Como Nc
gY by Bri�
Fee owner
Credit Union
TIfIB: prPGi�lani-
Page 1 of �_
CHECKED BY: � �;,��., DATE: _
( � �� � y�
Z�NING F�L� 9 �' 0 °�
We, the undersigned, ownen of the property within 100 feet of the totai contiguous descriprion of real estate
owned, purchased, or sold by THE PETTTIONER wiihin one year preceding the date of this petition
acknowledge that we have been presented with the following:
i. A copy of the perition of C�xno Northtown Credit tJnion
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at 965 �hurchill Street, St. Paul, MN
from a R'i'-� � zoning district to a B zoning disVict.
2. A copy of sections 60. 530 �ough 60. 534 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and
acknowledge that we aze aware of all of the uses perm'stted in a B-2 zoning district and we aze
aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of;
Como Northtown Credit IInion to a B-2 zoning district.
(Name of petitioner)
We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was ezplained to us by the
� applicant or his/her representative.
� 10�
� 95i
NOTE: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (� working
days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her
name there&om by written request within that time.
We, the undersigned, owners ofthe properry within I00 feet ofthe total contiguous description of real estate
owned, purchased, or sold by T'HE PETIITONER within one year preceding the date of this petition
acknowledge that we have been presented with the following:
A copy of the petition of Como Northtown Credit Uni.on
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the properry located at g65 Churchill Street, St. Paul, MN
from a �T-� � zoning district to a B zoning district.
2. A �apy of sections 60. 530 througn 60.534 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and
acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted in a B-2 zoning district and we are
aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of;
Como Northtown Credit Union to a B-Z zoning district.
(Name of petitioner)
We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was ezplained to us by the
appiicant or his/her representative.
� ,°�
NOTE: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working
days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of tlus petition may withdraw hisJher
name therefrom by written request within that time.
We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate
owned, purchased, or sold by TF� PETITIONER within one year preceding the date of this petition
acknowiedge that we have been presented with the following:
1. A copy of the petition of Cnmo Northtown CYedit tTnion
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at 965 Churchill Street, St. Paul, MN
from a �'-� � zoning district to a B zoning district.
2. A copy of sactians 6C. 530 ihrough 6tr. 534 , incl�iva uf the Saint Paul Zoaing Code; and
acknowledge that we aze awaze of all of the uses permitted in a B-2 zoning dishict and we aze
awaze that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approvai of the rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of,
Como Northtown CYedit Union to a B-2 zoning district.
(Name of petitioner)
� 984
We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was ezplained to us by the
appiicant or his�er representative.
NOTE: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (� working
days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his�her
name therefrom by written request within that time.
We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate
owned, purchased, or sold by THE PETITTOI�iER within one yeaz preceding the date of this petition
acknowledge that we have been presented with the following:
1. A copy of the petition of Como Northtown CYedit Union
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at 965 Churchill Street, St. Paul, Mt3
from a RT zoning district to a B- zoning district.
2. A copy of sections 60. 530 through 60.534 , inciusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and
acknowledge that we aze awaze of all of the uses permitted in a B-2 zoning district and we aze
aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of;
Como Northtown GYedit Union to a B-2 zoning district.
(Name of petitioner)
We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the
� applicant or hislher representative.
� � 994
NOTE: This petition shail not be considered as officiatly filed until the lapse of seven (?) working
days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw hisJfier
name therefrom by written request within that time.
C �
� I�TS'�
vI o�S-3-E
a �
i � .
We, the undersigned, owners of the properry within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate
owned, purchased, or sold by TI�, PETITIONER within one year preceding the date of this petition
acknowledge that we have been presented with the following:
1. A copy of the perition of Como Northtown C7edit Union
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the properry located at 965 Churchill Street, St. Paul, NIN
from a RT zoning dishict to a B zoning dis�iet.
2. A copy of sections 60.530 through 6Q. 534 , �clu;ive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and
acknowledge that we are awaze of all of the uses permitted in a B-2 zoning dishict and we aze
aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of;
Como Northtown Credit Union to a B-2 zoning district.
(Name of petitioner)
We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the
applicant or his/her representative.
NOTE: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed unril the lapse of seven ('� working
days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her
natne therefrom by written request within that time.
1► � � �
We, the undersigned, owners of the properry within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate
owned, purchased, or sold by TF� PETITIONER within one year preceding the date of this petizion
acknowledge that we have been presented with the following:
A copy of the petition of Como Northtown Credit Union
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at 965 Churchill Street, St. Paul, MN
from a R'I'-� ' zoning district to a B zoning district.
2. A copy of sections 60. 530 through 60.534 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and
acknowledge that we aze awaze of all of the uses permitted in a B-2 zoning district and we aze
awaze that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of;
Como Northtown GYedit Union to a B-2 zoning district.
(Name of petitioner)
We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the
• applicant or his/her representative.
NOTE: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lagse of seven (7) working
days at2er it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of ttus petition may withdraw his/her
name therefrom by written request within that time.
•� �i
We, the undersigned, owners of the properry within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate
owned, purchased, or sold by Tf� PETITIONER within one yeaz preceding the date of this petition
acknowledge that we have been presented with the fo]lowing:
1. A copy of the petition of Ckxno Northtown Credit Union
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at 965 Churchill Street, St. Pau1, MrT
from a RT-� ` zoning district to a $-Z zoning district.
2. A copy of sections 60. 530 through 60.534 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and
acknowledge that we aze awaze of all of the uses permitted in a B-2 zoning district and we are
awaze that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of;
Como Northtovm Credit Union to a B-2 zoning district.
(Name of petitioner)
� We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was esplained to us by the
applicant or his/her representative.
(� �
NOT'E: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (� working
days aRer it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her
name therefrom by written request within that time.
• � /:
We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate
owned, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIONER within one year preceding the date of this petition
acknowiedge that we have been presented with the following:
1. A copy of the petition of Cano Northtown �edit Union
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at 965 Churchill Stseet, St. Paul, NIN
from a R'I'-� zoning district to a B- zoning district.
2. A copy of sections 60. 530 through 60. 534 , inclusive of th� Saint Pau] Zoair.g Code; and
acknowledge that we aze awaze of all of the uses permitted in a B-2 zoning district and we are
aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of;
Como Northtown CYedit Union to a B-2 zoning district.
(Name of petitioner}
We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was eaplained to us by the
applicant or his/her representative.
NOTE: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working
days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her
name therefrom by written request within that time.
• 1 � �
� +
We, the undersigned, owners of the properry within 100 feet oF the Wtal contiguous description of real estate
owned, purchased, or sold by Tf� PETITTONER within one year preceding the date of this petirion
acknowledge that we have been presented with the following:
I. A copy of the petition of Como Northtown Credit Union
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at 965 Churchill Street, St. Paul, MN
from a RT-� zoning district to a B zoning district.
2. A copy of sections 60. 530 through 60.534 , inctusive of the Saint PauI Zoning Code; and
acknowledge that we aze awaze of al( of the uses permitted in a B-2 zoning district and we are
aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of;
Como Northtown GYedit Union to a B-2 zoning district.
(Name of petitioner)
• We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the
applicant or his/her representative.
NOT'E: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven ("n working
days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her
name therefrom by written request within that time.
•� �?
Como Northtown Credit Union
The petitioner, by Brian Roegge, President , beina £rst duly scvom, deposes and
states that the consent petition contains signatures from at least two-thirds ( of all eligible
properties within 100 feet of al( property owned, purchased, or soid by petitioner within one (1)
year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the
petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must contain signatures from each and all
owners of jointly-owned property in order to constitute consent from that property and that
failure to obtain consent from each and all owners could invalidate the consent petition;
petitioner believes that the consent petition was signed by each of said owners and that the
sianatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of rti s so described.
Como T own Credit Union
by Roegge, President
976 N. Lexington Pky.
St. Paul, MN 55103
Subscribed and s�vom to before me
this St� day of ,%t�nf (J f}�Q.Y
V \�
� � 1
�'^•e AN�t�TTE V. BRIN�$
p rqr�Rreu�tlC NANlfIS�FA
�' , s MY COhuAI5510N EkNW�$ �
....� JANUARY 31,'l000
Page 1 of 1
�! 8� yo8
Como Northtown Credit Uni.on
by Brian Roegge, President , being first duly swom, deposes and states that he/she is
the person who circulated the consent petition consisting of 9 pages; that afFiant represents that
the parties described on the consent petition are all the respective owners of the properties placed
immediately before each name; that affiant is infortned and believes that each of the parties
described on the consent petition is an owner of the properry which is within 100 feet of any property
owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one (1) yeaz preceding the date of this petition which
is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that none of the parties described in the
consent petition has purchased or is purchasing properry from the petitioner that is contiguous to the
property described on the consent petition within one (1) year of the date of the petition; that this
consent was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this �ant, and that the signatures are
the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described.
Subscrit�ed and sworn to before me
this � day of �� (J�/2� , 19�
����� �
. . �.�� -. .
. ;,-,.�,��� - - • -
976 N. Lexington Pky.
St. Paul, MN 55103
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°°•e ANNRTE V. BRfNevS
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� District 6 Planning Council
_ ,,.,�..tis - y -c.w._;-�_...,,.... . _,,. -.,?-,�
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1061 N Rice St
* St. Paui, MN 55117
Phone: 612 488�485
Fax: 612 488-0343
January 29, 1998
Mr. Tom Beach
i.ity ofi St. Paul
City Hall Annex
25 W. 4th St,
St. Paul, MN _55102
Dear Tom:
The District 6 Planning Council received a request from Como Northtown Credit Union
(Brian Roegge) at 976 N. Lexington Pkwy. for rezoning of 965/967 Churchill from R-1
• (residential) to B-2 (community business).
On Wednesday January 28, 1998 the Land Use Task Force of the District 6 Planning
Council moved, seconded and approved this request.
if you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call.
Siryce ly �
J �
Kathy Cole
Communit rganizer.
18- �08
5 EN
ZONING F1LE 9 �' °0 �
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FILE # L 3� � � • -_- _ _DATE_ ' ' ( � �� � � subjecl property ��'� —
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We, the undersigned owners and residents of property in and around Chiuchill St., Hatch St., Front �
St., Orcbard St., O�ord St., Argyle St. and Chatsworth St. in.St. Paui, M1V are opgosed to the I
proposed rezoning of the properiy owned by Como Northtown Credit Union and the uses so implied. • 1
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We, the undersigned owners and residen#s of property in and azound Churchill St., Hatch St., From
St., Orchard St., Oxford St., Argyle St. and Chatsworth St. in St. Paul, MN are opposed to the
proposed rezoning of the properiy owned by Como Northtown Credit Union and the uses so implied.
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Council File # ' �
ordinance #
Green Sheet # �
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
An ordinance axnending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertainiug to zoning for the City of
Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereo£
WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, COMO
NORTHTQWN CREDIT iJNION duly petitioned to rezone 965/967 CHURCHILL STREET, being legally
described as Lots 16 & 17, Block 60; Hagerman's Subdivision of Lot 60 of Lake Como Villas, from RT-1
(two-family residential) to B-2 (community business) to allow additional parking for the existing credit
union, the petirion having been certified by the Planning staff on January 16, 1998, as having been consented
to by at least 67% of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented
to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property
within one year proceeding the date of the petition; and
WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on February 19,
1998, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administrative
Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and
WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on February 27,
1998, and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and
WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly
published in the official newspaper of the City on Mazch 11, 1998 and notices were duly mailed to each
owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be
WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on April 1, 1998, where all
interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning
the petition; now, therefore
Section 1.
That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 11, as incorparated by reference in §60301 of
the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby fiu�ti�er amended as follows:
That property with the address of 965l967 CHI7RCHILL STREET, being more particularly described as:
Lots 16 & 17, Block 60; Hagerman's Subdivision of Lot 60 of Lake Como Villas;
be and is hereby rezoned from RT-1 to B-2.
Secrion 2.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and
p��A� �����
A�Y 20 1998
Requested by Department of:
_.. ..'� ...�� �- - ..u-.
� � ii. / /
Adopted by Council
O �
Date � �
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Approved by Mayor e Da ' r
Form A ed / by / C / it/� Attorney� B
BY: `1/IIf//�'I/� y + 0— �Q
qf�-�lo 8'
As soon as possible
DA 04 1JN 7 FQ o
i� ivo
No 65126
� ce.ue�ro.��ra� � U ancouri _
3 �..,�„��f ��'$ ❑m.�^
❑ w�.xcuLLamuicFaovs ❑ wi.HauaQanccro
� YnYOR (oR �� � � '
Adopt an ordinance to fmalize council approval of a petirion of COMO NOR"I'�ITOWN CREDIT LJNION to
rezone properry located at 965/967 CF�LJRCHII,L STREET from RT-1 to B-2 (public hearing held April 1,
1998) .
Has Ws persoNfirm erer xro�Ked under a contrad tor Mis departmenl?
Has Mis persoNfirtn ever been a cily empbyee? .
Dces this persaNfiim possess a sidll not rwrmalypossessetl by eny curteM city employee�
Is this persmlfirm a qrgetetl vendoYt
Finalize City Council approval of a petirion of COMO NORTHTOWN CREDIT iTNION to rezone property at
965/967 CHLJR.CHILL STREET from RT-1 to B-2 to allow additional pazldng for the eusting credit union.
P�AY 41998
APR 3 0 1998
�VIAYOR'� OF�1G�- . ------- _ ._ _ _ ... __—„
�`��°�' ���` �
Pmne[a A'heelack, DzrecWr
Norm Coleman, Mayor
March 5, 1498
Ms. Nancy Anderson
City Council Research Office
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Ms. Anderson:
ZS Wut Founh Street
SaintPaui MN55701
y$ ��ss
2elephorze: 612-166-6655
Facsimile: 6t2-228-3261
I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday
April 1, 1998 for the following zoning case:
File Number:
Legal Description
Previous Acfion:
Rezone properry from RT-1 (two-family residential) to B-2 (community
business) to allow addifional pazking and a new entrance for the existing credit
9651967 Churchill Street (northwest comer of Churchill Street and Front Avenue)
Lots 16 and 17, Block 60; Hagerman's Subdivision of Lot 60 of Lake Como
Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, vote: unanimous, February 27, 1998
Zoning Committee Recommendarion: Approval, vote: 7-0, February 19, 1998
My understanding is that this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda for the April 1, 1998 City
Council meefing and that you wi11 publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please
ca11 me at 266-6556 if you have any guestions.
0 c
Donna Aruminond
City Planner
, Fmsrxux.
cc: File #98-008 The Saint Paul Ciry Council will conduct a public heazing on Wednesday, Aprii 1, 1998
Paul Dubruiel at 5;30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers,l&ird Fioor (.lty Hall-Court House, to coasider
- the application of Como Nocthtown Credit IInion to rezone property from RT-I (two famly
Pattie Kelly resideri}ia]) to B-2 (community business) to allow additional parlflng antl a new entrance �
for the exiSting ciedit union at 965/967 Churchill Street (northwest cornea of Churclvll
Street end F7ont Avenue). � � �
� Da4ed: Mazch 9. 1998 " � -
NANCY A'NDERSON' -: ._. : . . .. - . - - -
Assistant City CounMl Secretary � � .
-- - - ' _ � (March 11; 1998) - _ � ,
Pamela D/heelock Director
Norm Coleman, Mayor
March 25, 1998
Ms. Nancy Anderson
Secretary to the Ciry Council
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
15 West FouKh Sbeet
SaintPaul, MNS5102
City Council Hearing: April 1, 1998, 530 p.m. City Council Chambers
i a ,:
Telephone: 612-266-6655
FacsimiZe: 6l2-118-3161
Pi TRP(1SE: To consider rezoning property at 965(967 Churchill Street (northwest comer of Churchiil St.
and Front Ave.) from RT-1 (two-family residential) to B-2 (community business) to allow additional
pazking and a new entrance for the credit union.
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•"• YI\ �. - .• �
Dear Ms. Anderson:
COMO NORTHTOWN CREDIT iJNION submitted a petirion to rezone properiy at 9651967
CHLIRCHILL ST. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the
proposed rezoning on February 19, 1998. The applicant addressed the committee. At the close of the
public hearing, the committee voted 7-0 to recommend approval to rezone to B-2. The Planning
Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendarion for approval on a unanimous vote on
February 27, 1998.
This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on April 1, 1998. Please norify me
if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing.
Donna Drummond
City Planner
Attachments cc: City Councilmembers
r � � ±
,� city of saint paul
pianning comm�ssion resoiution
file number _ 98-13
�te Februarv 27. �998
WHEREAS, COMO NORTHTOWN CREDIT i71VION, File # 98-008, has petitioned to rezone
965/967 CHURCHILL STREET, situated on the northwest corner of Churchill Street and Front
Avenue, from RT-1 (rivo-family residential) to B-2 (community business) to allow additional
parking for the existing credit union.; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on February 19, 1998, heid a
public hearing at which all persons present were given an opporiunity to be heard pursuant to
said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning
Committee at ihe public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following
findings of fact:
� 1. The Como Northtown Credit Union is the owner of the property and intends to expand
the existing pazking lot to the east and add a new entrance from Churchill Street. The
property onto which they intend to expand is occupied by a duplex residential structure,
which will be demolished. The number of parking spaces serving the credit union will
increase from 20 to 29.
The new driveway from Churchill Street will be an entrance only, and will allow better
circulation of credit union customers using the drive-up windows. There are two
existing parking lot entrances on Front Avenue. The one that is closest to Lexington
Pazkway wi11 be closed. The Department of Public Works Traffic Division supports this
closure and the new entrance from Churchill Street. Currently, when the credit union is
busy, cars waiting to use the drive-up often spi11 out onto Front Avenue.
3. Section 62.104(9)c. of the Zoning Code requires that entrances and exits to and from a11
parking facilities located in land zoned other than singie-family, two-family, or
townhouse residential must be at least twenty-five (25) feet from any adjoining properry
in those same zoning districts. The site plan shows the proposed driveway entrance less
moved by Field
seconded by
� �C� faVOr unanimous
� � �I i
� Zoning File #98-OQ8
Page Two of Resolution
than the required 25 feet from the residential property to the north. The applicant will
need to modify the site plan during site plan review or appiy for a variance of this
4. The rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan. Goals and obj ectives in the
District b Plan include the following: ta provide adequate off-street pazking to
commercial areas and to encourage the development of new housing and businesses (pp.
In addition, the Economic Development Strategy includes: 1) Objective #6, "ensure
sufficient land for future business growth"; 2) Policy #25, "the city's land use plan should
provide adequate land for industrial and commercial development and expansion in order
to increase the proportion of commerciallindustrial tax base"; and 3) Policy #29, "the city
should periodically review its zoning regulations and amend them as necessary to keep
current with technological and economic changes affecting the nature of business
activity" (pp. 17-18).
5. The rezoning is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed. There is
commercial or industrial development at all four corners of the intersection. Extending
� the B-2 zoning district east on Front Avenue to Churchill Street to accommodate the
, expansion of the credit union parking lot and new entrance from Churchill is consistent
and compatible with the way the area has developed.
In addition, there is a significant amount of traffic in the area. Lexington Pazkway cames
22,750 vehicles per day; westbound Front Avenue carries 9,400 vehicles per day, and
eastbound Energy Park Drive carries 13,325 vehicles per day. The new entrance on
Churchill Street and the closure of the existing driveway on Front Avenue closest to
Lexington Pazkway will improve traffic circulation and safety in the area.
6. The rezoning will not have an adverse impact on adjacent properties if appropriate
landscaping and screening is installed on the north and east edges of the parking lot to
shield residences on Churchill Street. The site plan does not show any screening or
landscaping, so this conaem should be addressed during site plan review. There may be
an increase in trafftc on Churchiil Street from the north to access the new entrance,
although the general improvement in traffic safety and circulation for the area that results
from this new entrance will be worth the possibility of some additional traffic on
Churchill Street.
The applicant submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the property owners within
one hundred (100) feet of the properry stating support for the rezoning (15 pazcels
eligible, 10 required, and 10 signed).
� � , a
� Zoning File #98-00$
Page Three of Resolution
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Plamiing Commission that the
petition of COMO NORTTiTOWN CREDIT TJNION to rezone property at 965/967
CHURCHII,L STREET, more particulazly described as I.ots 16 & 17, Block 60; Hagerman's
Subdivision of Lot 60 of Lake Como Vilias, from an RT-1 (two-family residential) zoning
classification to a B-2 (community business) zoning classification, is consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan for the City; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission does hereby
recommend to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that progerty located at 965/967
CHURCHII,L STREET be rezoned from RT-1 to B-2 in accordance with the petition for
rezoning on file with the Saint Paul Depaztment of Planning and Economic Development.
• � !i
Saint Paul Planning Commission
City Hall Conference Center
15 Kellogg Boulevard West
A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, February 27, 1998, at
830 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall.
Mmes. Duarte, Faricy, Geisser, Maddox, Morton, Nordin, Treichel, and Wencl
and Messrs. Chavez,. Field, Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, McDoneil and Vaught.
Ms. *Engh and Messrs. *Johnson, *Kong, *Mardell, *Nowlin, and *Sharpe.
Also Present: Ken Ford, Planning Administrator; Jean Birkholz, Secretary, Kady Dadlez, Nancy
Frick, Tom Harren, Patricia James, Allen Lovejoy, Roger Ryan, Larry Soderholm,
and Lucy T'homgson, Depariment of Planning and Economic Development staff.
I. Approval of Minutes of February 27,1998
MOTInN: Commissioner Treichel moved approval of tke minutes of February 13,1998;
Commissioner Fietd seconded the motion which carried unanimously on a voice vote.
II. Chair's Announceraents
Chair Morton announced that the Steering Committee discussed committee restructuring.
Members will be asked which committee they want to serve on.
Chair Morton announced that Anne Geisser has put together a RiverCenter tour immediately
following this moming's Planning Commission meeting.
Chair Morton announced that there are two zoning cases that are being appealed to the City
Council: 1) the sign variance to Jerry Showalter at the comer of Snelling and Concordia; and 2)
Darrell Tillman at 672 Arcade Street. Both appeals will be heard Wednesday, March 11, 1998.
III. Planning Administrator's Announcements
Mr. Ford announced that he and few staff attended the workshop on "Neighborhoods in the
Balance" at the University Club one week ago. It was a forum organized to address the issues
of those neighborhoods that are neither in the category of those that are most severely
dish and therefore get most of the attention under some of the improvement programs, or
those that are doing wonderfully in the housing market and get the attention from the private
market anyway. Keynote speaker was Kathryn Merchant who's with an organization in
Cleveland working on neighborhood development. She has worked in this area in the past and
lmows the field of neighborhood development very well. She shared some enlightening
observations of several of the neighborhoods, four of them in Saint Paul.
. NSr. Ford announced that there aze at least three Planning Commission decisions that aze
. �
�, ♦:
currently being appealed to the City Council. The two that Chair Morton menrianed, plus the
� proposed nursery use of the properiy on highway 61.
IV. Zoning Committee
Februa 998 Minor 7on�i o A�ndments -(Roger Ryan, 266-657A, Southeast Team)
tl�iOTiO�i: Commissioner Field moved approval of February Minor Zaning Amendments #1
as amended, #2, #3, #4, and #7 as amended which carried unanimously on a voice votz
Commissioner Field informed Commissioners that #8, Posting norificarion signs, was laid over
in order to acquire further information from staff as to implementarion. #b was also laid over
which involved the bond amount required for certain contracting activities. Mural defmitions
was also laid over.
�9&0(18 ('�m� Northtown t'redit Iinion - Rezone the properiy from RT-1 (residentiai) to $-2
(Community Business) to allow additional parking for the exisring credit union at 965 ! 967
Churchill Street. (Donna Drummond, 266-6556, Northwest Team)
MOTTQN: Commissioner Fie1d moved approval af the requested re2aning properry from
RT-1(residential) to B-2 (Community Business) to adlnw additional parking for the exrsring
credit union at 9651967 Churchitl Street with site ptan review which carried unanimnusly
on a voice vote.
#98-009_C�c_an & ilavid Wecelv - Modification of river corridor standards to allow the
� construction of a single family home on slopes greater than 18% and within 4Q feet of the bluff
line. (Kady Dadlez, 266-6582, Southeast Team)
MOTION: Commissioner Field maved approval af the requested modiftcation nf the river
corridor standards to ttllow the construction of a single family hame on slopes greater than
18 % within 40 feet of the btuff tine.
Commissioner Field added that the Dish 1 Communiry Council supports the river comdor
modification with conditions.
Commissioner Geisser noted that she is concemed with the site conditions issues and the
drainage issues. At the time the Highwood Plan was developed, there was discussion about
these issues that commissioners felt would be difficult in that area if certain things weren't
done. She questioned at what point did the City intend to deal with the major problem which
includes the drainage, erosion, and the working of their own septic.
Her second question was if this home is permitted to be built and these problems arise, is the
City then held liable in any way because the construction of this house was permitted.
Commissioner Chavez stated that he voted against this at Zoning Committee. He was
concemed about similaz issues as Commissioner Geisser, specifically because there were
letters of concern in the file from both the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and
United States Department of Interior. He said he would vote against it today as well.
�. .
t . �.
Commissioner Field noted that he, too, was concemed regarding these letters. He asked staff if
there was anything unique with respect to this proposed modificarion compared to many of the
� other proposed river corridor modifications that have been ganted. Ae was toid there was
nothing unique about this particular case. He supposed that someone contacted these entities
and solicited their input. He informed the Commission that Mr. Wamer had pointed out that
some of the arguments that were put forth in the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources'
letter did not even address the residenrial setting, but related to a commercial and business
setting. Mr. Wamer pointed out that the arguments in the letter were inconsistent; the
conclusions were based on a different set of regulations than the letter alluded to, applied.
Ms. Dadlez added that drainage and erosion aze an issue on that site, whether the house is built
or not. A house built on the site will add, minimally, to run off, and they'll try to control
erosion. The Public Works Department is aware of the issue of drainage in that area, and a lot
of neighbors have expressed concems about it. In the past, as the staff report indicates, Public
Works has proposed a storm sewer pipe that wouid go down the hill to Ogden and then out to
Highway 61. Right now, the Highwood Plan prohibits the storm and sanitary sewer, and they
are not pursuing that. Their preference, if they could come to agreement with people, would
probably be installing a sanitary sewer, and as long as you're doing that, you might as well
install a storm sewer. Public Works just hasn't moved forwazd on that because as much as the
neighborhood wants to find a solution, they may not be agreeable to that solution.
Commissioner Geisser then asked what the liability factor of the City is, in this case. Ms.
Dadlez replied that she could not answer that.
The mofron on the floor to recommend apprnval of the requested modifcation of river
corridor standards to allow the construction of a single famity home on stopes greater than
� i8% and within 40 feei of the bluff line carried on rall call vote of I2 - 2(Chavez, Geisser).
#4&�10 Ph� Vang - C'hue Thau - Change of nonconforming use permit to allow a grocery
store at 937 Mae olia Avenue. (Patricia James, 266-fi639, Northeast Team)
bI4TTON: Commissioner Fie1d moved appraval of the requested change of
nonconforming use permit to allow a grocery stnre at 937 Magnolia Avenue with the
following conditions:
I. The store be open no earlier than 7 am. ttnd no later than 10 p.m.;
2. There be no outside vending machines; and
3. There be no outside telephone.
Commissioner Geisser aclmowledged that she is disturbed by the conditions that were set on
this. She does not understand what micro managing small business has to do with zoning.
Particularly, she doesn't believe that the Planning Commission has jurisdiction regarding
where there should be a telephone. She interjected that on the phone, Mark Vaught articulated
that his sister spent 45 minutes looking for a telephone in order to call him because she was
lost and needed directions to his house. We seem to be removing telephones from our streets.
AfOTiO�T: Commissioner Geisser moved that number 3 be deleted from the conditions.
Commissioner Maddox seconded the motion.
� ��
Commissioner Kramer informed the Commission that this properry is not zoned for a grocery
store to begin with. It is a nonconforming building in a residentiai neighborhood; there's s
� school across the street, a church one house to the north, and residents abutting iaunediately on
a street that carries less than 3Q00 cars a day in a residential neighborhood. At Zoning
Committee, Commissioner Kramer asked the applicant if he intended to put a telephone
outside and the answer was no. He asked the applicant if he intended to have outside vending
and the answer was no. Regarding hours, the applicant said that the Dishict Council wanted
him to have longer hours than he had originally proposed. This site is two blocks from Arcade
Street on which there are many telephones. Commissioner Kramer added that lus concern is
not necessarily with this applicant, but with future applicants who might decide to have a pay
phone and pop machines, etc. He stated that it seemed to him that these conditians were
protecrions that aze completely appropriate for an applicant securing a nonconforming use
permit in a residenrial neighborhood.
Commissioner Field stated that he seconds many of Commissioner Kramer's observafions. He
noted that he, too, hates to overregulate business, but this is a nonconforming use permit; and
considering the sunounding conditions and the school and the residential character of the area,
he feels these conditions are apptopriate.
Commissioner Gordon asked if the idea behind having no telephone and no vending machines
was to avoid having kids congregating around them. Commissioner Kramer responded that
certainly was one of the considerations. Another consideration was the late night acrivity that
takes places around many telephones.
The motinn on the,fioor to amend the oris nat morion by deleting condition number 3 fttiled
on a voice vote.
� MnTIO�i; Commissioner Treichel moved the amendment that condidon number one read
that the store be open no earlier than 6 a.m. and nn later than IO p.m.: Commissinner Fietd
seconded the mofion which carried unanimously on a voice vote.
The main motion to recommend approval of a change of nonconforming permit to allow a
grocery store at 937 Magnalia Avenue with amended conditions carried on a voice vote
Commissioner Field read the agenda for the next Zoning Committee meeting Thursday, Mazch
5, 1948.
V. Comprehensive Planning and Economic Development Committee
F.aai M�tro Tran�it Facilitv - Resolution of findings for adoption on the five altemative sites for
the proposed transit facility. -(Kady Dadlez, Southeast)
MOTInN: On behalf of both the Comprehensive Planning and Economic Development
and Neighborhood Planning and Land Use Committees, Commissioner Maddox moved
approval of tke resotution of f ndings far adoptian on the five alternative sites for the
proposed transit facility.
There was some discussion of whether a layover would be more appropriate to further
. ♦�
. -
� The motion on the floor carried unanimously an a voice vote.
Ramcg�Coan� Pr rial Detentio�n rr - Resolution of fmdings for adoption on the three
altemative sites for the proposed detention center. (Kady Dadlez, Southeast Team)
Commissioner Maddox informed commissioners that there was a lively discussion over the
first fmding which asked if it was in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, reminding
everyone the age of the Comprehensive Plan, when it has been updated, and the fact that it
doesn't specify ` jail" in the Plan.
biOTION: On behalf of both the Camprehensive Planning arrd Economic Devetopment
and Neighborhood Planning and Land Use Cnmmitrees, Commissioner Maddox moved
approvat of the resotution of findings for adoption on the ihree alternative sites for the
proposed detention center.
. Commissioner Geisser stated that her objection to this resolution is that the Planning
Commission was asked to look at these sites in relation to conformance to the Comprehensive
Plan. In her understanding in looking at these sites, and considering that the Public Safety site
as prime downtown real estate, which hopefuily would he developed by a private developer for
mixed use and which could bring a great amount of tax base into the City; and remembering
that about 1000 people do live in that area, and the fact that the Metropolitan Councii has asked
Saint Paul to build 400� housing units by 2020, and the downtown area is the grime location
for building that housing, she sees nothing in the T-94 site that makes it out of confarmance or
inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Her feeling is that either all of the sites aze in
� conformance or none of thz sites are in conformance. She doesn't see how one can have it both
ways in terms of these three sites.
Commissioner Geisser added that the industrial site employs about 65-75 people depending on
who's figures you use, and pays approximately $48,000 in taxes. No one seemed to have this
same feeling when Minnesota Mutual, who will now be destroying 4 office buildings and will
be relocating hundreds of people, for an expansion of the Minnesota Mutual building. That is
more tax money than probably is now sitting on the site that houses three businesses. So,
there's nothing in the City's history that says you can't take a piece of property and make it
something else. Commissioner Geisser is acguing that the I-44 sate is, in fact, in conformance
and consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. She asks that alone be sent forward to the City
Council. She is not convinced that the only site tt�at's in conformance with the Plan is the
current Public Safety site, when they are surrounded with as many residents, if not more, than
the 35E site. She asks that an even handed opinion be sent over the City Council. She does not
support the resolution before the Commission.
Commissioner Gordon supports the resolution. He can't agree that because one site is found
consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, all sites must be found consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan. He had no trouble finding that the I-94 site is not consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan, based on the findings in the report. He noted that the Comprehensive
Plan is clear in focusing on and emphasizes the importance of maintaining and retaining
industrial land and retaining businesses. The I-94 industrial site is going to impact on three
businesses: Commonwealth Electric, 200 employees; the printing company; and the bar. They
� � ��
may move out of the City. We'd be taking industrial land out of use and committing it to
� public facilities. We need to balance all factors, including the residential.
On the other hand, Commissioner Gordon continued, the Public Safety building is already
public land; we won't be impacting the tax base; and we'll be adding jobs, not losing job.
Commissioner Kramer stated that he supports the resolution. He pointed to other things ta
consider: 1) The Pianning Commission is not making a choice between whether or not the
Police and Fire building will be torn down and opening the site to private investors; that issue
is not on the table. 2) A policy of Saint Paul's economic development suategy states, "the City
should reinforce the role of downtown as a center of govemment by encouraging county
govemment to locate their offices and service funcrions in the downtown core as a first
priority." 3) The Port Authority looked at the "I-44 industrial site" and has expressed its desire
for Ramsey County to conrinue its search for a different locarion because the Port does not feel
that site is an appropriate site.
Commissioner Vaught contended that one can find anything one wants in the Comprehensive
Plan. One can argue both for and against something with certainty that it is supported by what
you say. Ae feels that the Comprehensive Plan is a guideline, a set of generalized principies
that sometime get more specific than they should be and sometimes azen't as specific as they
should be. He noted that this is an exceedingiy political issue that has been brilliantly cast in
such a way that it not seem political. This report will not advance the issue one inch from
where it was when it came to the Commission. He will vote against it because he finds the
whole exercise meaningless.
� Commissioner McDonell commented that the draft on the findings has a mention of the
county's preference for vertical rather tk�an horizontal expansion, and the finai copy has the
reverse. He asked which is which. He was told that the county's preference is for horizontal
rather than vertical.
Commissioner Field noted that he oums a building across the street from the Public Safety
building and yet concludes, based on the findings, that this would be an appropriate site for the
jail expansion. He sees no adverse impact. Other sites might also be appropriate, too. He will
vote in support of the resolurion.
Commission Geisser repeated that what the Commission is asked to state is whether these sites
are in conformance or consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. She is raising the question of
whether, in fact, the I-94 industrial site is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; her position
is that it is consistent, and if the language remains as it is, she will vote against the motion to
The modon on the ftnor approving Xhe resolution of findings for adoprion on the three
a[ternative sites for the proposed detention center carried on a ro11 call vote of 13 - 2
(Geisser, Vaught).
Commissioner Maddox announced the next meering of the Comprehensive Planning and
Economic Development Committee will tae held Wednesday, March 4, at 4 p.m. to review the
Phalen Corridor Braft EIS (Environmental Impact Statement).
. > i;
vi. Neighborhood Planning and Land Use Committee
� Caint Paul T.and iTse Plan - Approve pubiic hearing draft for dishibutian and set public
hearing date on May 22, 1998 -(Larry Soderholm, Northwest Team)
Mr. Soderholm provided highlights of the plan for the Planning Commission. He stated that
the pian is organized azound four strategies:
1) A Vital City Center
- Downtown is not just a central business district, but a center of urban life, with housing
and tecreation.
- 9000 jobs will be added by 2020.
- 3000 housing units will be added by 2020, many being in new urban villages: 1) NE
quadrant, north of Lowertown; 2) a Lowertown expansion, towazd the river; 3) the South
Wabasha Bridge head site between the bridges on the other side of the river; 4) the Harriet
Island area; and 5) CapitAt Heights.
- A reinforcement of proposals in the Saint Paul on the Mississippi River Development
Framework about sheet level activity and the connec6on among uses, etc., starting with
Wabasha Street.
2) Neighborhoods as Urban Villages
- More mixed use around the exisring neighborhood centers
- Add 30�0 new housing units that meet new urban housing markets.
� - Preference for housing sites near transit (especially near University Avenue and West
Seventh Corridors)
- Preserve the pedestrian orientation of older commercial areas; keep buildings up to the
- Neighborhood plans
New system for approving.
3) Comdors for Redevelopment
- River Corridor
- Phalen Corridor
- West 7th Riverview Corridor
- University Avenue Corridor
- Great Northern Corridor
4) Environmental Stewardship
- Neighbarhood connections to the River
- River regulations: moving to MNRRA Tier II
MOTION: Comn:issioner Geisser moved approval of the Saint Paul land Ilse Plan Draft
and set the public hearing date for May 22,1998 which carried unanimousty on a voice vote.
VII. \orthwest Quadrant
� P.�ojectBriefing - Tom Harren
Mr. Harren brou�ht the Planning Commission up-to-date on the follo�4•ing prioriry projects in
the Northwest Quadrant:
1) FrontoFF-n - PED is working with the neighborhood organizations to develop a more
strategic housing program for that area. The Greater Frogtown Cammunity Development
Corporation, in parinership with PED, has developed a housing strategy for that area. They are
working very closely with Builders Outreach Program, a volunteer extension of the Builders
Association in the area. The way the housing program is coming together in this area is
serving as a model of ho�v we can do same targeting activities in housing in the City. We will
be trying to appiy that same type of strategy in some of ihe other areas.
2) Oalland Vil]age - One of the other areas where �r•e are trying to apply the same housing
strategy, particularly in the area which is west of Oakland Cemetery and just north of the Lyton
Park Place housing development.
3) Great Northern Corridor -(Como Corridor) - Since October, the �ision that �cas being
developed Uy the neighborhood organizations, wotking with the Port Authority and PED has
expanded into something quite a bit more extensive than just a development of nvo industrial
sites. In November, the community adopted the Great Northern Corridor vision for the area, a
plan and design for the development of the Maxon SteellDale Street Shops industrial site and
the surroundin� area. This plan will be coming before the Neighborhood and Land use
� Committee for their review sometime within the next few months. Mr. Harren thinks this is a
good exampie of ihe typz of planning now taking place, which is non-traditional and
neighborhood based.
4) Sneliine Avenuc - Hamline �Iidway - Another example of a community based planning
process that is taking piace. This process began in May with a number of strategy groups
meetino on a re�ular basis to develop strategies in five areas.
5) �`'est hIidway Area - There has been some recent development, particularly at the comet of
University and Raymond. The Specialty Building is being rehabbed and expected to be used
for office spacz. Parkine is the main issue in that area. Curtently, there is a patking study
being done by the Midway Chamber of Commerce and University United.
6) Capitol Heights Housing - In a few «�eeks the boundaries of the NtiV Quadrant will change
to include the Capitol Heights area. In 1999, the Greater Frogto�vn Community Development
Cocporation is interested in taking its model and �ti�orking it in the Capitol Heights area. PED
�cill be working with the people in that area alons with District 7 and the Greater Frogtown
CDC to develop a plan for that area.
7) University Avenue Alidway Decelopment - Since PED has been u'orkins �ti'ith ihe
neighborhood organizations, this target area has espanded significantly. In �c�orkin� with the
community, we have activated some real interest in development in that area.
i'nitetsit�• Ac•enueYlanning - Larry Soderholm
♦� ��
There was University Avenue Corridor Study grepared by University United in 1988. We aze
not exactly updating that, but we have a lot of people planning together for University Avenue.
� There aze three main planning issues that we are dealing with. The first is a very immediate
opportunity for some hansit related federal funding. The transit funding is leftover LRT
money that Congress converted into money that we can now spend for bus transit
improvements in the central corridor. The money comes through MNDOT and the Ramsey
and Hennepin County Regionai Rail Authoriries, who have controi over what will be done, and
the money needs to be spent quickly. The total amount is $7.7 million. Saint Paul is putring
together a proposal for improving the street design on University Avenue to make it more
pedestrian fiiendly and better for bus riders on University Avenue, either at Dale Street or
The second focus for L3niversity Avenue planning is a number of major redevelopment sites
including corners at Dale, Lexington, and Fairview, and the Snelling bus bam site.
Third, we are working on a set of development principles for all of University Avenue, which
may evolve into a document for Planning Commission review. As an early draft, the
development principles for University Avenue are:
1. We want the buildings oriented to the Avenue; as close as possible to the sidewalk.
2. We want the h�ansportation modes to be integrated. We want to rewgnize that University
Avenue will remain one of the region's primary transit corridors, and that we maintain
future options for improving transit on University Avenue. The land use and the design
features along the Avenue need to support public transportation.
3. We are concemed that maintenance costs are accounted for.
� 4. We want it designed for public safety.
5. Air quality continues to be an issue.
6. The Avenue should be designed in segments, with more differenriation of the chazacter of
the segments:
Warehouse Urban Village at Raymond
Industrial Distxict from Carleton Street to Prior Avenue
Office cluster from Prior Avenue to Pierce Sueet
The Regional Shogping Center from Snelling to Lexington
Pedestrian nodes at Rice Street, Western to Mackubin, Dale Street, Chatsworth to
Lexington, and Pascal to Snelling
The street design itself should reinforce the different chazacter of sections of University
Commissioner Treichel commented that she thought some of the pollution problem had been
solved at Snelling([Jniversity. She added that she travels through that intersection frequently
and any improvement that can be made to that intersecrion will be of great help.
Mr. Soderholm informed the Commission that the only violations at Snelling since Spruce Tree
Center was built were when the "hot rod" derby was held. There were also a few violations at
Lexington and University. The chanoe at the intersection to create the new turn lanes seems to
have solved that problem.
�� ��
Commissioner Treichel asked about the land diagonaliy across from the Crri$gs-Midway
. Mr. Soderhoim reptied that it's open land, and the developer has shown a coupie of altemarive
schemes to the Meiriam Pazk Community Council. Mr. Aarren added that we do know that his
intention is to put retail on that comer. They have not been receprive to mixed use at that
Commissioner McDonell asked how the Home Depot going in on University and Lexington
might impact environmental issues at that intersecrion. Mr. Harren suspects that it would
increase traffic there and tt�at an environmental analysis wiil be necessary befare permits aze
Commissioner Gordon asked if there is anything in University Avenue's plans to include
bicycle paths, either on or near University as part of the transit mix. Mr. Soderholm responded
that the Transportarion Plan proposes a system of bicycle trails. There is not a proposal to have
one on University Avenue itself, but is more likely to run on one of the residential streets
parallel to University.
Commissioner Kramer asked if he Imew about anything happening at the Maryland Dale
intersection. Mr. Harren replied that the gas station may still be in the works.
Commissioner Nordin noted that it seems very odd that Como and Snelling wouid be included
in Hamline-Midway's uea. Mr. Harren stated that iYs not being considered as part of
Hamline-Midway's planning process. The map shows the areas in the quadrant that PED is
interested in working with. At Como and Snelling, there's an opporhutity for some type
• commercial development consistent with the East Como-Midway parkway Small Area Plan.
VIII. Task Force Reports
No reports.
IX. Old Business
Reorganization of the Planning Commission Committees
Chair Morton stated that in addition to reorganizing the committees, the Steering Committee
also discussed having a liaison between the quadrants and the Planning Commission; having
commissioners serve in that capacity.
Mr. Ford handed out the information. Regarding the committee structure, the Commission will
have five standing committees: 1) 5teering Committee; 2) Zoning Committee; 3) Compre-
hensive Planning Committee; 4) Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee; and 5)
Communications Committee. There is also the oprion of setting up a special task force W
handle the work load under committees.
Commissioner Gordon asked if, given the nature of the issue, there would srill be the
possibility of combining committees. Chair Morton replied that it is desired to eliminate
having to combine committees.
t � ��
Commissioner Geisser noted that some of these special issues might be more appropriately
addressed by task forces because there aze members that may be on the Zoning Committee or
� the Communications Committee who aze not on any other committee.
Commissioner Treichel asked whether one should be a liaison to their own quadrant. Chair
Morton responded that the answer to that quesrion is open.
Mr. Ford noted that staff's response to that issue is that, from its point of view, what would
reaily be hetpful for staff is to have contact with a Planning Commissioner who has contacts
and is particulazly lmowledgeable about the azea.
Commissioner Wencl questioned the committee duties and meeting dates. Chair Morton
replied that dates and times will be decided by the committee formed. The Phalen Corridor EIS
would fali under the duties of the Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee. The new
committee shucture will begin at the rime of the next Planning Commission meeting, March
Mr. Ford commented that as he has thought through some of the things listed, it is not aiways
perfectly obvious where it goes. Sometimes, it might not be unreasonable to select a project
for Committee's determined by workload.
X. Communications Committee
Commissioner Kramer announced that the committee will meet Monday, March 16, 1998, at
3:30 p.m. in the 13th floor conference room.
� XI. New Business
XII. Adjournment
bt4TiON: Commissioner Treichel moved adjournment; Commissioner Cordon seconded
ihe motion which curried unanimously on a voice vofe.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:31 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
� "�'�,�,.
Ken Ford
Planning Administrator
Approved ` � j 3 � % �
(�' �.��Gt�
Espem �za Duarte
Secretary of the Planning Commission
PRESENT: Mmes. Faricy, Morton and Wenci and Messrs. Chavea, Field, Kramer and Vaught of the
Zoning Committee; Mr. Wamer, Assistant City Attomey; Mmes. Dadlez, Drummond, James
and Kelley, and Messr. Ryan of the Planning Division.
EXCUSED: Mr. Gordon
The meeting was chaired by Litton Field, Chairperson_
CQMO NORTHTOWN CREDIT UNiOM 965l967 Churchill Street: 98-008: Rezoning from R7-1
(residential) to B-2 (Community Business) to afiow additionai parking for the existing credit union.
Donna Drummond presented slides and reviewed the staff report stating that based on Findings 1 through
6 and 8, staff recommends approval of the rezoning petition.
Commissioner Chavez referred to a fax he received of a revised plan, and Ms. Drummond said the site
pian that was submitted with the application is the one currentiy on the table. She said Tom Seach, who
does the City's site p{an review coordination, wili be meeting with the applicant next Monday and proposing
possible reconfiguration of the parking lot.
Brian Roegge, representing Como Northtown Credit Union, appeared and spoke in concurrence to
comments made by Ms. Drummond.
� Upon comments of Commissioner Chavez, Mr. Roegge said he received the staff recommendation {ast
week pertaining to the 25 feet distance between the nearest residence and the entrance, and upon
speaking with his architect they are under the impression that they are in compliance with that requirement.
He said they have a meeting scheduled with Mr. Beach on Monday, February 23rd as part of the normal
site p(an review process and wiil make any changes needed in order to comply.
Upon question of Ghair Field, Mr. Roegge said he does not have a prob(em with rezoning being approved
subject to site pian review.
There were no further questions.
No one else appeared, and the public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Chavez moved approval of the rezoning based on staff findings, and the motion was
seconded by Commissioner 4Cramer.
Drafted by:
Yeas - 7 Nays - 0
Submitted by:
Approved by:
�6v.�..� V �k�w+�^'''Y//
Pattie Kefley
Recording Secretary
Donna Drummond
Northwest Quadrant
Litton Fietd
� ��
FILB # 98-006
5. LBGAL DSSCRIPTION: Lots 16 & 17, Block 60; Hagerman's Subdivision of
Lot 60 of Lake Como Villas
7. 5TAFF INVSSTIGATION AND RSPORT: DATE: 02/il/98 BY: Donna Drummond
8. DAT� REC8ZV8D: O1/16/98 DSADLINB FOR ACTION: 03J17/98
A. PIIRPOSE: Rezone the property from RT-1 (two-family residentialj to B-2
(COmmunity Business) to allow additional parking and a new entrance for
the existing credit union.
� B. PARCBL SIZE: The property to be rezoned has 50 £eet of frontage on Front
Avenue and is 107.2 feet in depth for a total lot area of 5,360 square
feet. The existing credit union building to the west is located on the
northeast corner of Front Avenue and Leacington Parkway and the property
is 16,441 square feet.
C. SXISTINtl LAND IISE: The property is occupied by a duplex residential
North: One and two-family homes in an RT-1 zoning district.
East: one and two-family homes in an RT-1 zoning district.
South: A Super America automobile convenience market at the
southeast corner of Front Avenue and Lexington Parkway in a
B-2 zoning district and one and two-family homes in an RT-1
zoning district.
West: Gabe's on the Park restaurant and industrial uses along
Energy Park Drive in an I-1 zoning district.
E. ZONIN6 CODE CZTATION: Section 64.400(a) states in part that "the council
may, from time to time, amend, supglement or change the district
boundaries or the regulations herein, or suhsequently established herein
pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota SCatutes Section 462.357 and
amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning
commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to
determine i£, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines
should be changed."
9g y��'
� Zoning File #98-008
Page Two
5ection 64.400(b) states in part that "an amendment to the zoning code
may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition
of the owners of sixty-seven (67) percent o£ the area of the property to
be rezoned."
F. HISTORY/DISCIISSION: There are no previous zoning cases concerning [.his
G DISTRICT CDIIDTCZL R&CO�NDATZON: The District 6 Planning Council voted
to support the rezoning petition.
1. The Como Northtown Credit Union is the owner of the propexty and intends
to expand the existing parking lot to the east and add a new entrance
from Churchill Street. The property onto which they intend to expand is
occupied by a duplex residential structure, which will be demolished.
The number of parking spaces serving the credit union will increase from
20 to 29.
2. The new driveway from Churchill Street will be an entrance on1y, and
will allow better circulation of credit union customers using the drive-
up windows. There are two existing parking 1ot entrances on Front
Avenue. The one that is closest to Lexington Parkway will be closed.
• The Department of Public Works Traffic Division supports this closure
and the new entrance from Churchill Street. Currently, when the credit
union is busy, cars waiting to use the drive-up often spill out onto
Front Avenue.
3. Section 62.104(9)c. of the Zoning Code requires that entrances and exits
to and from all parking £acilities located in land zoned other than
single-family, two-family, or townhouse residential must be at least
twenty-five {25) feet Erom any adjoining property in those same zoning
districts. The site plan shows the proposed driveway entrance less than
the required 25 feet from the residential property to the north. The
applicant will need to modiPy the site plan during site plan review or
apgly for a variance of this requirement.
4. The rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan. Goals and
objectives in the District 6 Plan include the following: to provide
adequate off-street parking to commercial areas and to encourage the
development of new housing and husinesses (pg. 6& 21).
In addition, the Economic Development Strategy includes: 1) Objective
#6, "ensure sufficient land for £uture business growth"; 2) Policy #25,
"the city s land use plan should provide adequate land for industrial
and commercial development and e�cpansion in order to increase the
proportion of commercial/industrial tax base"; and 3) Policy #29, "the
city should periodically review its zoning regulations and amend them as
necessary to keep current with technological and economic changes
affecting the nature of business activity" (pp. 17-16).
� 5. The rezoning is consistent and compatible with the way the area has
developed. There is commercial or industrial development at all four
� Zoninq File #9$
Page Three
corners of the intersection. Eactending the B-2 zoning district east on
Front Avenue to Churchill Street to accommodate the expansion of the
credit union parking lot and new entrance from Churchill is consistent
and compatible with the way the area has developed.
In addition, there is a significant amount of traffic in the area.
Lexington Parkway carries 22,750 vehicles per day; westbound Front
Avenue carries 9,400 vehicles per day, and eastbound Energy Park Drive
carries 13,325 vehicles per day. The new entrance on Churchill Street
and the closure of the existing driveway on Front Avenue closest to
Lexington Parkway will improve traffic circulation and safety in the
.6. The rezoning will not have an adverse impact on adjacent properties if
appropriate landscaping and screening is installed on the north and east
edges of the parking lot to shield residences on Churchill Street. The
site plan does not show any screening or landscaping, so this concern
should be addressed during site plan review. There may be an increase
in traffic on Churchill Street from the north to access the new
entrance, although the general improvement in traffio safety and
circulation for the area that results from this new entrance will be
worth the possibility of some additional traffic on Churchill Street.
7. At the time this report was written, staff had received no calls or
. correspondence in opposition to the rezoning petition.
8. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the
property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the property stating
support for the rezoning (15 parcels eligible, 10 required, and 10
I. STAFF RECOD4�NDATION: Based on findings 1 through 8 staff recommends
approval of the rezoning petition.
� � Depanment of Planning and Economic Development
Zoning Section
II00 Ciry Hall Annez
25 West Fou�th Street
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Property Owner Con�o Northtown Credit Union
Address 976 N. Lexington Pky.
City St. Paul gtNII�I �ip 55103 Daytime phone 612I488-2535
Contact person (if different) Brian xoegge, Fresident
Address/Location 965/967 Churchill Street
Legai description �ts 16 & 17, Block 60, Hagennan's Subdivision
of Lot 60 of Iake Como Villas
(attach additional sheet if necessary)
Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5} of
Minnesota Statues, Como Northtown credit Union , the owner of ali the land proposed
for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a
RT-1 zoning district to a B zoning district, for the purpose of:
Parking lot expansion and new entrance
(attach additional sheet(s) if necessary)
Attachments: Required site plan � Consent petition �l A�davit �
Subscribed and swom to
before me this �f/�-
of � !�/t l 19 c
Notary Public
i ' '_.��______'_.'-
JANUARY S7, 2000
Como Nc
gY by Bri�
Fee owner
Credit Union
TIfIB: prPGi�lani-
Page 1 of �_
CHECKED BY: � �;,��., DATE: _
( � �� � y�
Z�NING F�L� 9 �' 0 °�
We, the undersigned, ownen of the property within 100 feet of the totai contiguous descriprion of real estate
owned, purchased, or sold by THE PETTTIONER wiihin one year preceding the date of this petition
acknowledge that we have been presented with the following:
i. A copy of the perition of C�xno Northtown Credit tJnion
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at 965 �hurchill Street, St. Paul, MN
from a R'i'-� � zoning district to a B zoning disVict.
2. A copy of sections 60. 530 �ough 60. 534 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and
acknowledge that we aze aware of all of the uses perm'stted in a B-2 zoning district and we aze
aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of;
Como Northtown Credit IInion to a B-2 zoning district.
(Name of petitioner)
We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was ezplained to us by the
� applicant or his/her representative.
� 10�
� 95i
NOTE: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (� working
days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her
name there&om by written request within that time.
We, the undersigned, owners ofthe properry within I00 feet ofthe total contiguous description of real estate
owned, purchased, or sold by T'HE PETIITONER within one year preceding the date of this petition
acknowledge that we have been presented with the following:
A copy of the petition of Como Northtown Credit Uni.on
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the properry located at g65 Churchill Street, St. Paul, MN
from a �T-� � zoning district to a B zoning district.
2. A �apy of sections 60. 530 througn 60.534 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and
acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted in a B-2 zoning district and we are
aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of;
Como Northtown Credit Union to a B-Z zoning district.
(Name of petitioner)
We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was ezplained to us by the
appiicant or his/her representative.
� ,°�
NOTE: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working
days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of tlus petition may withdraw hisJher
name therefrom by written request within that time.
We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate
owned, purchased, or sold by TF� PETITIONER within one year preceding the date of this petition
acknowiedge that we have been presented with the following:
1. A copy of the petition of Cnmo Northtown CYedit tTnion
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at 965 Churchill Street, St. Paul, MN
from a �'-� � zoning district to a B zoning district.
2. A copy of sactians 6C. 530 ihrough 6tr. 534 , incl�iva uf the Saint Paul Zoaing Code; and
acknowledge that we aze awaze of all of the uses permitted in a B-2 zoning dishict and we aze
awaze that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approvai of the rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of,
Como Northtown CYedit Union to a B-2 zoning district.
(Name of petitioner)
� 984
We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was ezplained to us by the
appiicant or his�er representative.
NOTE: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (� working
days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his�her
name therefrom by written request within that time.
We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate
owned, purchased, or sold by THE PETITTOI�iER within one yeaz preceding the date of this petition
acknowledge that we have been presented with the following:
1. A copy of the petition of Como Northtown CYedit Union
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at 965 Churchill Street, St. Paul, Mt3
from a RT zoning district to a B- zoning district.
2. A copy of sections 60. 530 through 60.534 , inciusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and
acknowledge that we aze awaze of all of the uses permitted in a B-2 zoning district and we aze
aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of;
Como Northtown GYedit Union to a B-2 zoning district.
(Name of petitioner)
We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the
� applicant or hislher representative.
� � 994
NOTE: This petition shail not be considered as officiatly filed until the lapse of seven (?) working
days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw hisJfier
name therefrom by written request within that time.
C �
� I�TS'�
vI o�S-3-E
a �
i � .
We, the undersigned, owners of the properry within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate
owned, purchased, or sold by TI�, PETITIONER within one year preceding the date of this petition
acknowledge that we have been presented with the following:
1. A copy of the perition of Como Northtown C7edit Union
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the properry located at 965 Churchill Street, St. Paul, NIN
from a RT zoning dishict to a B zoning dis�iet.
2. A copy of sections 60.530 through 6Q. 534 , �clu;ive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and
acknowledge that we are awaze of all of the uses permitted in a B-2 zoning dishict and we aze
aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of;
Como Northtown Credit Union to a B-2 zoning district.
(Name of petitioner)
We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the
applicant or his/her representative.
NOTE: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed unril the lapse of seven ('� working
days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her
natne therefrom by written request within that time.
1► � � �
We, the undersigned, owners of the properry within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate
owned, purchased, or sold by TF� PETITIONER within one year preceding the date of this petizion
acknowledge that we have been presented with the following:
A copy of the petition of Como Northtown Credit Union
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at 965 Churchill Street, St. Paul, MN
from a R'I'-� ' zoning district to a B zoning district.
2. A copy of sections 60. 530 through 60.534 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and
acknowledge that we aze awaze of all of the uses permitted in a B-2 zoning district and we aze
awaze that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of;
Como Northtown GYedit Union to a B-2 zoning district.
(Name of petitioner)
We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the
• applicant or his/her representative.
NOTE: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lagse of seven (7) working
days at2er it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of ttus petition may withdraw his/her
name therefrom by written request within that time.
•� �i
We, the undersigned, owners of the properry within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate
owned, purchased, or sold by Tf� PETITIONER within one yeaz preceding the date of this petition
acknowledge that we have been presented with the fo]lowing:
1. A copy of the petition of Ckxno Northtown Credit Union
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at 965 Churchill Street, St. Pau1, MrT
from a RT-� ` zoning district to a $-Z zoning district.
2. A copy of sections 60. 530 through 60.534 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and
acknowledge that we aze awaze of all of the uses permitted in a B-2 zoning district and we are
awaze that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of;
Como Northtovm Credit Union to a B-2 zoning district.
(Name of petitioner)
� We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was esplained to us by the
applicant or his/her representative.
(� �
NOT'E: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (� working
days aRer it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her
name therefrom by written request within that time.
• � /:
We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate
owned, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIONER within one year preceding the date of this petition
acknowiedge that we have been presented with the following:
1. A copy of the petition of Cano Northtown �edit Union
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at 965 Churchill Stseet, St. Paul, NIN
from a R'I'-� zoning district to a B- zoning district.
2. A copy of sections 60. 530 through 60. 534 , inclusive of th� Saint Pau] Zoair.g Code; and
acknowledge that we aze awaze of all of the uses permitted in a B-2 zoning district and we are
aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of;
Como Northtown CYedit Union to a B-2 zoning district.
(Name of petitioner}
We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was eaplained to us by the
applicant or his/her representative.
NOTE: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working
days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her
name therefrom by written request within that time.
• 1 � �
� +
We, the undersigned, owners of the properry within 100 feet oF the Wtal contiguous description of real estate
owned, purchased, or sold by Tf� PETITTONER within one year preceding the date of this petirion
acknowledge that we have been presented with the following:
I. A copy of the petition of Como Northtown Credit Union
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at 965 Churchill Street, St. Paul, MN
from a RT-� zoning district to a B zoning district.
2. A copy of sections 60. 530 through 60.534 , inctusive of the Saint PauI Zoning Code; and
acknowledge that we aze awaze of al( of the uses permitted in a B-2 zoning district and we are
aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of;
Como Northtown GYedit Union to a B-2 zoning district.
(Name of petitioner)
• We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the
applicant or his/her representative.
NOT'E: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven ("n working
days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her
name therefrom by written request within that time.
•� �?
Como Northtown Credit Union
The petitioner, by Brian Roegge, President , beina £rst duly scvom, deposes and
states that the consent petition contains signatures from at least two-thirds ( of all eligible
properties within 100 feet of al( property owned, purchased, or soid by petitioner within one (1)
year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the
petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must contain signatures from each and all
owners of jointly-owned property in order to constitute consent from that property and that
failure to obtain consent from each and all owners could invalidate the consent petition;
petitioner believes that the consent petition was signed by each of said owners and that the
sianatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of rti s so described.
Como T own Credit Union
by Roegge, President
976 N. Lexington Pky.
St. Paul, MN 55103
Subscribed and s�vom to before me
this St� day of ,%t�nf (J f}�Q.Y
V \�
� � 1
�'^•e AN�t�TTE V. BRIN�$
p rqr�Rreu�tlC NANlfIS�FA
�' , s MY COhuAI5510N EkNW�$ �
....� JANUARY 31,'l000
Page 1 of 1
�! 8� yo8
Como Northtown Credit Uni.on
by Brian Roegge, President , being first duly swom, deposes and states that he/she is
the person who circulated the consent petition consisting of 9 pages; that afFiant represents that
the parties described on the consent petition are all the respective owners of the properties placed
immediately before each name; that affiant is infortned and believes that each of the parties
described on the consent petition is an owner of the properry which is within 100 feet of any property
owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one (1) yeaz preceding the date of this petition which
is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that none of the parties described in the
consent petition has purchased or is purchasing properry from the petitioner that is contiguous to the
property described on the consent petition within one (1) year of the date of the petition; that this
consent was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this �ant, and that the signatures are
the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described.
Subscrit�ed and sworn to before me
this � day of �� (J�/2� , 19�
����� �
. . �.�� -. .
. ;,-,.�,��� - - • -
976 N. Lexington Pky.
St. Paul, MN 55103
- ----•-....�
°°•e ANNRTE V. BRfNevS
': r+owe�ReWC UMNFE`22a
�•�..� 1nNUARY 91, 4W0
Pa�e � of �
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� o ARCHITECTS INC. c� wo.mea,.� c�..� c.wx u� ���
., .�+ � me N. 1.•dnalon v.'Icn.r
w�ra�-r��r 8t PWI. IM
l �.
� District 6 Planning Council
_ ,,.,�..tis - y -c.w._;-�_...,,.... . _,,. -.,?-,�
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1061 N Rice St
* St. Paui, MN 55117
Phone: 612 488�485
Fax: 612 488-0343
January 29, 1998
Mr. Tom Beach
i.ity ofi St. Paul
City Hall Annex
25 W. 4th St,
St. Paul, MN _55102
Dear Tom:
The District 6 Planning Council received a request from Como Northtown Credit Union
(Brian Roegge) at 976 N. Lexington Pkwy. for rezoning of 965/967 Churchill from R-1
• (residential) to B-2 (community business).
On Wednesday January 28, 1998 the Land Use Task Force of the District 6 Planning
Council moved, seconded and approved this request.
if you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call.
Siryce ly �
J �
Kathy Cole
Communit rganizer.
18- �08
5 EN
ZONING F1LE 9 �' °0 �
DISTRICT 6 aN ,�, , , --�°
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_. - AFPLiCANT �G �Oh'=�0lJ3A► C��/I � �O(�EGEND
PURPOSE �'��� �T t � r� '��° Zoning district boundary /�
FILE # L 3� � � • -_- _ _DATE_ ' ' ( � �� � � subjecl property ��'� —
---- --- - - � 1 0 one family • ♦ ^ comrr�
� � iwo famity � �.. indus�
SCAIE 1" = 400' � '� multipie famity v vaca�
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We, the undersigned owners and residents of property in and around Chiuchill St., Hatch St., Front �
St., Orcbard St., O�ord St., Argyle St. and Chatsworth St. in.St. Paui, M1V are opgosed to the I
proposed rezoning of the properiy owned by Como Northtown Credit Union and the uses so implied. • 1
�. c�ch-�- x� �I �I Ch��u�'S� ���=87� t�� �' N1��'�fc�
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We, the undersigned owners and residen#s of property in and azound Churchill St., Hatch St., From
St., Orchard St., Oxford St., Argyle St. and Chatsworth St. in St. Paul, MN are opposed to the
proposed rezoning of the properiy owned by Como Northtown Credit Union and the uses so implied.
RT?u'L4E A,�T BRi�° ��T,��'u^ :T$ DA�'E
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Council File # ' �
ordinance #
Green Sheet # �
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
An ordinance axnending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertainiug to zoning for the City of
Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereo£
WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, COMO
NORTHTQWN CREDIT iJNION duly petitioned to rezone 965/967 CHURCHILL STREET, being legally
described as Lots 16 & 17, Block 60; Hagerman's Subdivision of Lot 60 of Lake Como Villas, from RT-1
(two-family residential) to B-2 (community business) to allow additional parking for the existing credit
union, the petirion having been certified by the Planning staff on January 16, 1998, as having been consented
to by at least 67% of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented
to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property
within one year proceeding the date of the petition; and
WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on February 19,
1998, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administrative
Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and
WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on February 27,
1998, and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and
WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly
published in the official newspaper of the City on Mazch 11, 1998 and notices were duly mailed to each
owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be
WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on April 1, 1998, where all
interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning
the petition; now, therefore
Section 1.
That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 11, as incorparated by reference in §60301 of
the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby fiu�ti�er amended as follows:
That property with the address of 965l967 CHI7RCHILL STREET, being more particularly described as:
Lots 16 & 17, Block 60; Hagerman's Subdivision of Lot 60 of Lake Como Villas;
be and is hereby rezoned from RT-1 to B-2.
Secrion 2.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and
p��A� �����
A�Y 20 1998
Requested by Department of:
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� � ii. / /
Adopted by Council
O �
Date � �
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Approved by Mayor e Da ' r
Form A ed / by / C / it/� Attorney� B
BY: `1/IIf//�'I/� y + 0— �Q
qf�-�lo 8'
As soon as possible
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� YnYOR (oR �� � � '
Adopt an ordinance to fmalize council approval of a petirion of COMO NOR"I'�ITOWN CREDIT LJNION to
rezone properry located at 965/967 CF�LJRCHII,L STREET from RT-1 to B-2 (public hearing held April 1,
1998) .
Has Ws persoNfirm erer xro�Ked under a contrad tor Mis departmenl?
Has Mis persoNfirtn ever been a cily empbyee? .
Dces this persaNfiim possess a sidll not rwrmalypossessetl by eny curteM city employee�
Is this persmlfirm a qrgetetl vendoYt
Finalize City Council approval of a petirion of COMO NORTHTOWN CREDIT iTNION to rezone property at
965/967 CHLJR.CHILL STREET from RT-1 to B-2 to allow additional pazldng for the eusting credit union.
P�AY 41998
APR 3 0 1998
�VIAYOR'� OF�1G�- . ------- _ ._ _ _ ... __—„
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Pmne[a A'heelack, DzrecWr
Norm Coleman, Mayor
March 5, 1498
Ms. Nancy Anderson
City Council Research Office
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Ms. Anderson:
ZS Wut Founh Street
SaintPaui MN55701
y$ ��ss
2elephorze: 612-166-6655
Facsimile: 6t2-228-3261
I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday
April 1, 1998 for the following zoning case:
File Number:
Legal Description
Previous Acfion:
Rezone properry from RT-1 (two-family residential) to B-2 (community
business) to allow addifional pazking and a new entrance for the existing credit
9651967 Churchill Street (northwest comer of Churchill Street and Front Avenue)
Lots 16 and 17, Block 60; Hagerman's Subdivision of Lot 60 of Lake Como
Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, vote: unanimous, February 27, 1998
Zoning Committee Recommendarion: Approval, vote: 7-0, February 19, 1998
My understanding is that this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda for the April 1, 1998 City
Council meefing and that you wi11 publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please
ca11 me at 266-6556 if you have any guestions.
0 c
Donna Aruminond
City Planner
, Fmsrxux.
cc: File #98-008 The Saint Paul Ciry Council will conduct a public heazing on Wednesday, Aprii 1, 1998
Paul Dubruiel at 5;30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers,l&ird Fioor (.lty Hall-Court House, to coasider
- the application of Como Nocthtown Credit IInion to rezone property from RT-I (two famly
Pattie Kelly resideri}ia]) to B-2 (community business) to allow additional parlflng antl a new entrance �
for the exiSting ciedit union at 965/967 Churchill Street (northwest cornea of Churclvll
Street end F7ont Avenue). � � �
� Da4ed: Mazch 9. 1998 " � -
NANCY A'NDERSON' -: ._. : . . .. - . - - -
Assistant City CounMl Secretary � � .
-- - - ' _ � (March 11; 1998) - _ � ,
Pamela D/heelock Director
Norm Coleman, Mayor
March 25, 1998
Ms. Nancy Anderson
Secretary to the Ciry Council
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
15 West FouKh Sbeet
SaintPaul, MNS5102
City Council Hearing: April 1, 1998, 530 p.m. City Council Chambers
i a ,:
Telephone: 612-266-6655
FacsimiZe: 6l2-118-3161
Pi TRP(1SE: To consider rezoning property at 965(967 Churchill Street (northwest comer of Churchiil St.
and Front Ave.) from RT-1 (two-family residential) to B-2 (community business) to allow additional
pazking and a new entrance for the credit union.
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•"• YI\ �. - .• �
Dear Ms. Anderson:
COMO NORTHTOWN CREDIT iJNION submitted a petirion to rezone properiy at 9651967
CHLIRCHILL ST. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the
proposed rezoning on February 19, 1998. The applicant addressed the committee. At the close of the
public hearing, the committee voted 7-0 to recommend approval to rezone to B-2. The Planning
Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendarion for approval on a unanimous vote on
February 27, 1998.
This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on April 1, 1998. Please norify me
if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing.
Donna Drummond
City Planner
Attachments cc: City Councilmembers
r � � ±
,� city of saint paul
pianning comm�ssion resoiution
file number _ 98-13
�te Februarv 27. �998
WHEREAS, COMO NORTHTOWN CREDIT i71VION, File # 98-008, has petitioned to rezone
965/967 CHURCHILL STREET, situated on the northwest corner of Churchill Street and Front
Avenue, from RT-1 (rivo-family residential) to B-2 (community business) to allow additional
parking for the existing credit union.; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on February 19, 1998, heid a
public hearing at which all persons present were given an opporiunity to be heard pursuant to
said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning
Committee at ihe public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following
findings of fact:
� 1. The Como Northtown Credit Union is the owner of the property and intends to expand
the existing pazking lot to the east and add a new entrance from Churchill Street. The
property onto which they intend to expand is occupied by a duplex residential structure,
which will be demolished. The number of parking spaces serving the credit union will
increase from 20 to 29.
The new driveway from Churchill Street will be an entrance only, and will allow better
circulation of credit union customers using the drive-up windows. There are two
existing parking lot entrances on Front Avenue. The one that is closest to Lexington
Pazkway wi11 be closed. The Department of Public Works Traffic Division supports this
closure and the new entrance from Churchill Street. Currently, when the credit union is
busy, cars waiting to use the drive-up often spi11 out onto Front Avenue.
3. Section 62.104(9)c. of the Zoning Code requires that entrances and exits to and from a11
parking facilities located in land zoned other than singie-family, two-family, or
townhouse residential must be at least twenty-five (25) feet from any adjoining properry
in those same zoning districts. The site plan shows the proposed driveway entrance less
moved by Field
seconded by
� �C� faVOr unanimous
� � �I i
� Zoning File #98-OQ8
Page Two of Resolution
than the required 25 feet from the residential property to the north. The applicant will
need to modify the site plan during site plan review or appiy for a variance of this
4. The rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan. Goals and obj ectives in the
District b Plan include the following: ta provide adequate off-street pazking to
commercial areas and to encourage the development of new housing and businesses (pp.
In addition, the Economic Development Strategy includes: 1) Objective #6, "ensure
sufficient land for future business growth"; 2) Policy #25, "the city's land use plan should
provide adequate land for industrial and commercial development and expansion in order
to increase the proportion of commerciallindustrial tax base"; and 3) Policy #29, "the city
should periodically review its zoning regulations and amend them as necessary to keep
current with technological and economic changes affecting the nature of business
activity" (pp. 17-18).
5. The rezoning is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed. There is
commercial or industrial development at all four corners of the intersection. Extending
� the B-2 zoning district east on Front Avenue to Churchill Street to accommodate the
, expansion of the credit union parking lot and new entrance from Churchill is consistent
and compatible with the way the area has developed.
In addition, there is a significant amount of traffic in the area. Lexington Pazkway cames
22,750 vehicles per day; westbound Front Avenue carries 9,400 vehicles per day, and
eastbound Energy Park Drive carries 13,325 vehicles per day. The new entrance on
Churchill Street and the closure of the existing driveway on Front Avenue closest to
Lexington Pazkway will improve traffic circulation and safety in the area.
6. The rezoning will not have an adverse impact on adjacent properties if appropriate
landscaping and screening is installed on the north and east edges of the parking lot to
shield residences on Churchill Street. The site plan does not show any screening or
landscaping, so this conaem should be addressed during site plan review. There may be
an increase in trafftc on Churchiil Street from the north to access the new entrance,
although the general improvement in traffic safety and circulation for the area that results
from this new entrance will be worth the possibility of some additional traffic on
Churchill Street.
The applicant submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the property owners within
one hundred (100) feet of the properry stating support for the rezoning (15 pazcels
eligible, 10 required, and 10 signed).
� � , a
� Zoning File #98-00$
Page Three of Resolution
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Plamiing Commission that the
petition of COMO NORTTiTOWN CREDIT TJNION to rezone property at 965/967
CHURCHII,L STREET, more particulazly described as I.ots 16 & 17, Block 60; Hagerman's
Subdivision of Lot 60 of Lake Como Vilias, from an RT-1 (two-family residential) zoning
classification to a B-2 (community business) zoning classification, is consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan for the City; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission does hereby
recommend to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that progerty located at 965/967
CHURCHII,L STREET be rezoned from RT-1 to B-2 in accordance with the petition for
rezoning on file with the Saint Paul Depaztment of Planning and Economic Development.
• � !i
Saint Paul Planning Commission
City Hall Conference Center
15 Kellogg Boulevard West
A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, February 27, 1998, at
830 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall.
Mmes. Duarte, Faricy, Geisser, Maddox, Morton, Nordin, Treichel, and Wencl
and Messrs. Chavez,. Field, Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, McDoneil and Vaught.
Ms. *Engh and Messrs. *Johnson, *Kong, *Mardell, *Nowlin, and *Sharpe.
Also Present: Ken Ford, Planning Administrator; Jean Birkholz, Secretary, Kady Dadlez, Nancy
Frick, Tom Harren, Patricia James, Allen Lovejoy, Roger Ryan, Larry Soderholm,
and Lucy T'homgson, Depariment of Planning and Economic Development staff.
I. Approval of Minutes of February 27,1998
MOTInN: Commissioner Treichel moved approval of tke minutes of February 13,1998;
Commissioner Fietd seconded the motion which carried unanimously on a voice vote.
II. Chair's Announceraents
Chair Morton announced that the Steering Committee discussed committee restructuring.
Members will be asked which committee they want to serve on.
Chair Morton announced that Anne Geisser has put together a RiverCenter tour immediately
following this moming's Planning Commission meeting.
Chair Morton announced that there are two zoning cases that are being appealed to the City
Council: 1) the sign variance to Jerry Showalter at the comer of Snelling and Concordia; and 2)
Darrell Tillman at 672 Arcade Street. Both appeals will be heard Wednesday, March 11, 1998.
III. Planning Administrator's Announcements
Mr. Ford announced that he and few staff attended the workshop on "Neighborhoods in the
Balance" at the University Club one week ago. It was a forum organized to address the issues
of those neighborhoods that are neither in the category of those that are most severely
dish and therefore get most of the attention under some of the improvement programs, or
those that are doing wonderfully in the housing market and get the attention from the private
market anyway. Keynote speaker was Kathryn Merchant who's with an organization in
Cleveland working on neighborhood development. She has worked in this area in the past and
lmows the field of neighborhood development very well. She shared some enlightening
observations of several of the neighborhoods, four of them in Saint Paul.
. NSr. Ford announced that there aze at least three Planning Commission decisions that aze
. �
�, ♦:
currently being appealed to the City Council. The two that Chair Morton menrianed, plus the
� proposed nursery use of the properiy on highway 61.
IV. Zoning Committee
Februa 998 Minor 7on�i o A�ndments -(Roger Ryan, 266-657A, Southeast Team)
tl�iOTiO�i: Commissioner Field moved approval of February Minor Zaning Amendments #1
as amended, #2, #3, #4, and #7 as amended which carried unanimously on a voice votz
Commissioner Field informed Commissioners that #8, Posting norificarion signs, was laid over
in order to acquire further information from staff as to implementarion. #b was also laid over
which involved the bond amount required for certain contracting activities. Mural defmitions
was also laid over.
�9&0(18 ('�m� Northtown t'redit Iinion - Rezone the properiy from RT-1 (residentiai) to $-2
(Community Business) to allow additional parking for the exisring credit union at 965 ! 967
Churchill Street. (Donna Drummond, 266-6556, Northwest Team)
MOTTQN: Commissioner Fie1d moved approval af the requested re2aning properry from
RT-1(residential) to B-2 (Community Business) to adlnw additional parking for the exrsring
credit union at 9651967 Churchitl Street with site ptan review which carried unanimnusly
on a voice vote.
#98-009_C�c_an & ilavid Wecelv - Modification of river corridor standards to allow the
� construction of a single family home on slopes greater than 18% and within 4Q feet of the bluff
line. (Kady Dadlez, 266-6582, Southeast Team)
MOTION: Commissioner Field maved approval af the requested modiftcation nf the river
corridor standards to ttllow the construction of a single family hame on slopes greater than
18 % within 40 feet of the btuff tine.
Commissioner Field added that the Dish 1 Communiry Council supports the river comdor
modification with conditions.
Commissioner Geisser noted that she is concemed with the site conditions issues and the
drainage issues. At the time the Highwood Plan was developed, there was discussion about
these issues that commissioners felt would be difficult in that area if certain things weren't
done. She questioned at what point did the City intend to deal with the major problem which
includes the drainage, erosion, and the working of their own septic.
Her second question was if this home is permitted to be built and these problems arise, is the
City then held liable in any way because the construction of this house was permitted.
Commissioner Chavez stated that he voted against this at Zoning Committee. He was
concemed about similaz issues as Commissioner Geisser, specifically because there were
letters of concern in the file from both the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and
United States Department of Interior. He said he would vote against it today as well.
�. .
t . �.
Commissioner Field noted that he, too, was concemed regarding these letters. He asked staff if
there was anything unique with respect to this proposed modificarion compared to many of the
� other proposed river corridor modifications that have been ganted. Ae was toid there was
nothing unique about this particular case. He supposed that someone contacted these entities
and solicited their input. He informed the Commission that Mr. Wamer had pointed out that
some of the arguments that were put forth in the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources'
letter did not even address the residenrial setting, but related to a commercial and business
setting. Mr. Wamer pointed out that the arguments in the letter were inconsistent; the
conclusions were based on a different set of regulations than the letter alluded to, applied.
Ms. Dadlez added that drainage and erosion aze an issue on that site, whether the house is built
or not. A house built on the site will add, minimally, to run off, and they'll try to control
erosion. The Public Works Department is aware of the issue of drainage in that area, and a lot
of neighbors have expressed concems about it. In the past, as the staff report indicates, Public
Works has proposed a storm sewer pipe that wouid go down the hill to Ogden and then out to
Highway 61. Right now, the Highwood Plan prohibits the storm and sanitary sewer, and they
are not pursuing that. Their preference, if they could come to agreement with people, would
probably be installing a sanitary sewer, and as long as you're doing that, you might as well
install a storm sewer. Public Works just hasn't moved forwazd on that because as much as the
neighborhood wants to find a solution, they may not be agreeable to that solution.
Commissioner Geisser then asked what the liability factor of the City is, in this case. Ms.
Dadlez replied that she could not answer that.
The mofron on the floor to recommend apprnval of the requested modifcation of river
corridor standards to allow the construction of a single famity home on stopes greater than
� i8% and within 40 feei of the bluff line carried on rall call vote of I2 - 2(Chavez, Geisser).
#4&�10 Ph� Vang - C'hue Thau - Change of nonconforming use permit to allow a grocery
store at 937 Mae olia Avenue. (Patricia James, 266-fi639, Northeast Team)
bI4TTON: Commissioner Fie1d moved appraval of the requested change of
nonconforming use permit to allow a grocery stnre at 937 Magnolia Avenue with the
following conditions:
I. The store be open no earlier than 7 am. ttnd no later than 10 p.m.;
2. There be no outside vending machines; and
3. There be no outside telephone.
Commissioner Geisser aclmowledged that she is disturbed by the conditions that were set on
this. She does not understand what micro managing small business has to do with zoning.
Particularly, she doesn't believe that the Planning Commission has jurisdiction regarding
where there should be a telephone. She interjected that on the phone, Mark Vaught articulated
that his sister spent 45 minutes looking for a telephone in order to call him because she was
lost and needed directions to his house. We seem to be removing telephones from our streets.
AfOTiO�T: Commissioner Geisser moved that number 3 be deleted from the conditions.
Commissioner Maddox seconded the motion.
� ��
Commissioner Kramer informed the Commission that this properry is not zoned for a grocery
store to begin with. It is a nonconforming building in a residentiai neighborhood; there's s
� school across the street, a church one house to the north, and residents abutting iaunediately on
a street that carries less than 3Q00 cars a day in a residential neighborhood. At Zoning
Committee, Commissioner Kramer asked the applicant if he intended to put a telephone
outside and the answer was no. He asked the applicant if he intended to have outside vending
and the answer was no. Regarding hours, the applicant said that the Dishict Council wanted
him to have longer hours than he had originally proposed. This site is two blocks from Arcade
Street on which there are many telephones. Commissioner Kramer added that lus concern is
not necessarily with this applicant, but with future applicants who might decide to have a pay
phone and pop machines, etc. He stated that it seemed to him that these conditians were
protecrions that aze completely appropriate for an applicant securing a nonconforming use
permit in a residenrial neighborhood.
Commissioner Field stated that he seconds many of Commissioner Kramer's observafions. He
noted that he, too, hates to overregulate business, but this is a nonconforming use permit; and
considering the sunounding conditions and the school and the residential character of the area,
he feels these conditions are apptopriate.
Commissioner Gordon asked if the idea behind having no telephone and no vending machines
was to avoid having kids congregating around them. Commissioner Kramer responded that
certainly was one of the considerations. Another consideration was the late night acrivity that
takes places around many telephones.
The motinn on the,fioor to amend the oris nat morion by deleting condition number 3 fttiled
on a voice vote.
� MnTIO�i; Commissioner Treichel moved the amendment that condidon number one read
that the store be open no earlier than 6 a.m. and nn later than IO p.m.: Commissinner Fietd
seconded the mofion which carried unanimously on a voice vote.
The main motion to recommend approval of a change of nonconforming permit to allow a
grocery store at 937 Magnalia Avenue with amended conditions carried on a voice vote
Commissioner Field read the agenda for the next Zoning Committee meeting Thursday, Mazch
5, 1948.
V. Comprehensive Planning and Economic Development Committee
F.aai M�tro Tran�it Facilitv - Resolution of findings for adoption on the five altemative sites for
the proposed transit facility. -(Kady Dadlez, Southeast)
MOTInN: On behalf of both the Comprehensive Planning and Economic Development
and Neighborhood Planning and Land Use Committees, Commissioner Maddox moved
approval of tke resotution of f ndings far adoptian on the five alternative sites for the
proposed transit facility.
There was some discussion of whether a layover would be more appropriate to further
. ♦�
. -
� The motion on the floor carried unanimously an a voice vote.
Ramcg�Coan� Pr rial Detentio�n rr - Resolution of fmdings for adoption on the three
altemative sites for the proposed detention center. (Kady Dadlez, Southeast Team)
Commissioner Maddox informed commissioners that there was a lively discussion over the
first fmding which asked if it was in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, reminding
everyone the age of the Comprehensive Plan, when it has been updated, and the fact that it
doesn't specify ` jail" in the Plan.
biOTION: On behalf of both the Camprehensive Planning arrd Economic Devetopment
and Neighborhood Planning and Land Use Cnmmitrees, Commissioner Maddox moved
approvat of the resotution of findings for adoption on the ihree alternative sites for the
proposed detention center.
. Commissioner Geisser stated that her objection to this resolution is that the Planning
Commission was asked to look at these sites in relation to conformance to the Comprehensive
Plan. In her understanding in looking at these sites, and considering that the Public Safety site
as prime downtown real estate, which hopefuily would he developed by a private developer for
mixed use and which could bring a great amount of tax base into the City; and remembering
that about 1000 people do live in that area, and the fact that the Metropolitan Councii has asked
Saint Paul to build 400� housing units by 2020, and the downtown area is the grime location
for building that housing, she sees nothing in the T-94 site that makes it out of confarmance or
inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Her feeling is that either all of the sites aze in
� conformance or none of thz sites are in conformance. She doesn't see how one can have it both
ways in terms of these three sites.
Commissioner Geisser added that the industrial site employs about 65-75 people depending on
who's figures you use, and pays approximately $48,000 in taxes. No one seemed to have this
same feeling when Minnesota Mutual, who will now be destroying 4 office buildings and will
be relocating hundreds of people, for an expansion of the Minnesota Mutual building. That is
more tax money than probably is now sitting on the site that houses three businesses. So,
there's nothing in the City's history that says you can't take a piece of property and make it
something else. Commissioner Geisser is acguing that the I-44 sate is, in fact, in conformance
and consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. She asks that alone be sent forward to the City
Council. She is not convinced that the only site tt�at's in conformance with the Plan is the
current Public Safety site, when they are surrounded with as many residents, if not more, than
the 35E site. She asks that an even handed opinion be sent over the City Council. She does not
support the resolution before the Commission.
Commissioner Gordon supports the resolution. He can't agree that because one site is found
consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, all sites must be found consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan. He had no trouble finding that the I-94 site is not consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan, based on the findings in the report. He noted that the Comprehensive
Plan is clear in focusing on and emphasizes the importance of maintaining and retaining
industrial land and retaining businesses. The I-94 industrial site is going to impact on three
businesses: Commonwealth Electric, 200 employees; the printing company; and the bar. They
� � ��
may move out of the City. We'd be taking industrial land out of use and committing it to
� public facilities. We need to balance all factors, including the residential.
On the other hand, Commissioner Gordon continued, the Public Safety building is already
public land; we won't be impacting the tax base; and we'll be adding jobs, not losing job.
Commissioner Kramer stated that he supports the resolution. He pointed to other things ta
consider: 1) The Pianning Commission is not making a choice between whether or not the
Police and Fire building will be torn down and opening the site to private investors; that issue
is not on the table. 2) A policy of Saint Paul's economic development suategy states, "the City
should reinforce the role of downtown as a center of govemment by encouraging county
govemment to locate their offices and service funcrions in the downtown core as a first
priority." 3) The Port Authority looked at the "I-44 industrial site" and has expressed its desire
for Ramsey County to conrinue its search for a different locarion because the Port does not feel
that site is an appropriate site.
Commissioner Vaught contended that one can find anything one wants in the Comprehensive
Plan. One can argue both for and against something with certainty that it is supported by what
you say. Ae feels that the Comprehensive Plan is a guideline, a set of generalized principies
that sometime get more specific than they should be and sometimes azen't as specific as they
should be. He noted that this is an exceedingiy political issue that has been brilliantly cast in
such a way that it not seem political. This report will not advance the issue one inch from
where it was when it came to the Commission. He will vote against it because he finds the
whole exercise meaningless.
� Commissioner McDonell commented that the draft on the findings has a mention of the
county's preference for vertical rather tk�an horizontal expansion, and the finai copy has the
reverse. He asked which is which. He was told that the county's preference is for horizontal
rather than vertical.
Commissioner Field noted that he oums a building across the street from the Public Safety
building and yet concludes, based on the findings, that this would be an appropriate site for the
jail expansion. He sees no adverse impact. Other sites might also be appropriate, too. He will
vote in support of the resolurion.
Commission Geisser repeated that what the Commission is asked to state is whether these sites
are in conformance or consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. She is raising the question of
whether, in fact, the I-94 industrial site is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; her position
is that it is consistent, and if the language remains as it is, she will vote against the motion to
The modon on the ftnor approving Xhe resolution of findings for adoprion on the three
a[ternative sites for the proposed detention center carried on a ro11 call vote of 13 - 2
(Geisser, Vaught).
Commissioner Maddox announced the next meering of the Comprehensive Planning and
Economic Development Committee will tae held Wednesday, March 4, at 4 p.m. to review the
Phalen Corridor Braft EIS (Environmental Impact Statement).
. > i;
vi. Neighborhood Planning and Land Use Committee
� Caint Paul T.and iTse Plan - Approve pubiic hearing draft for dishibutian and set public
hearing date on May 22, 1998 -(Larry Soderholm, Northwest Team)
Mr. Soderholm provided highlights of the plan for the Planning Commission. He stated that
the pian is organized azound four strategies:
1) A Vital City Center
- Downtown is not just a central business district, but a center of urban life, with housing
and tecreation.
- 9000 jobs will be added by 2020.
- 3000 housing units will be added by 2020, many being in new urban villages: 1) NE
quadrant, north of Lowertown; 2) a Lowertown expansion, towazd the river; 3) the South
Wabasha Bridge head site between the bridges on the other side of the river; 4) the Harriet
Island area; and 5) CapitAt Heights.
- A reinforcement of proposals in the Saint Paul on the Mississippi River Development
Framework about sheet level activity and the connec6on among uses, etc., starting with
Wabasha Street.
2) Neighborhoods as Urban Villages
- More mixed use around the exisring neighborhood centers
- Add 30�0 new housing units that meet new urban housing markets.
� - Preference for housing sites near transit (especially near University Avenue and West
Seventh Corridors)
- Preserve the pedestrian orientation of older commercial areas; keep buildings up to the
- Neighborhood plans
New system for approving.
3) Comdors for Redevelopment
- River Corridor
- Phalen Corridor
- West 7th Riverview Corridor
- University Avenue Corridor
- Great Northern Corridor
4) Environmental Stewardship
- Neighbarhood connections to the River
- River regulations: moving to MNRRA Tier II
MOTION: Comn:issioner Geisser moved approval of the Saint Paul land Ilse Plan Draft
and set the public hearing date for May 22,1998 which carried unanimousty on a voice vote.
VII. \orthwest Quadrant
� P.�ojectBriefing - Tom Harren
Mr. Harren brou�ht the Planning Commission up-to-date on the follo�4•ing prioriry projects in
the Northwest Quadrant:
1) FrontoFF-n - PED is working with the neighborhood organizations to develop a more
strategic housing program for that area. The Greater Frogtown Cammunity Development
Corporation, in parinership with PED, has developed a housing strategy for that area. They are
working very closely with Builders Outreach Program, a volunteer extension of the Builders
Association in the area. The way the housing program is coming together in this area is
serving as a model of ho�v we can do same targeting activities in housing in the City. We will
be trying to appiy that same type of strategy in some of ihe other areas.
2) Oalland Vil]age - One of the other areas where �r•e are trying to apply the same housing
strategy, particularly in the area which is west of Oakland Cemetery and just north of the Lyton
Park Place housing development.
3) Great Northern Corridor -(Como Corridor) - Since October, the �ision that �cas being
developed Uy the neighborhood organizations, wotking with the Port Authority and PED has
expanded into something quite a bit more extensive than just a development of nvo industrial
sites. In November, the community adopted the Great Northern Corridor vision for the area, a
plan and design for the development of the Maxon SteellDale Street Shops industrial site and
the surroundin� area. This plan will be coming before the Neighborhood and Land use
� Committee for their review sometime within the next few months. Mr. Harren thinks this is a
good exampie of ihe typz of planning now taking place, which is non-traditional and
neighborhood based.
4) Sneliine Avenuc - Hamline �Iidway - Another example of a community based planning
process that is taking piace. This process began in May with a number of strategy groups
meetino on a re�ular basis to develop strategies in five areas.
5) �`'est hIidway Area - There has been some recent development, particularly at the comet of
University and Raymond. The Specialty Building is being rehabbed and expected to be used
for office spacz. Parkine is the main issue in that area. Curtently, there is a patking study
being done by the Midway Chamber of Commerce and University United.
6) Capitol Heights Housing - In a few «�eeks the boundaries of the NtiV Quadrant will change
to include the Capitol Heights area. In 1999, the Greater Frogto�vn Community Development
Cocporation is interested in taking its model and �ti�orking it in the Capitol Heights area. PED
�cill be working with the people in that area alons with District 7 and the Greater Frogtown
CDC to develop a plan for that area.
7) University Avenue Alidway Decelopment - Since PED has been u'orkins �ti'ith ihe
neighborhood organizations, this target area has espanded significantly. In �c�orkin� with the
community, we have activated some real interest in development in that area.
i'nitetsit�• Ac•enueYlanning - Larry Soderholm
♦� ��
There was University Avenue Corridor Study grepared by University United in 1988. We aze
not exactly updating that, but we have a lot of people planning together for University Avenue.
� There aze three main planning issues that we are dealing with. The first is a very immediate
opportunity for some hansit related federal funding. The transit funding is leftover LRT
money that Congress converted into money that we can now spend for bus transit
improvements in the central corridor. The money comes through MNDOT and the Ramsey
and Hennepin County Regionai Rail Authoriries, who have controi over what will be done, and
the money needs to be spent quickly. The total amount is $7.7 million. Saint Paul is putring
together a proposal for improving the street design on University Avenue to make it more
pedestrian fiiendly and better for bus riders on University Avenue, either at Dale Street or
The second focus for L3niversity Avenue planning is a number of major redevelopment sites
including corners at Dale, Lexington, and Fairview, and the Snelling bus bam site.
Third, we are working on a set of development principles for all of University Avenue, which
may evolve into a document for Planning Commission review. As an early draft, the
development principles for University Avenue are:
1. We want the buildings oriented to the Avenue; as close as possible to the sidewalk.
2. We want the h�ansportation modes to be integrated. We want to rewgnize that University
Avenue will remain one of the region's primary transit corridors, and that we maintain
future options for improving transit on University Avenue. The land use and the design
features along the Avenue need to support public transportation.
3. We are concemed that maintenance costs are accounted for.
� 4. We want it designed for public safety.
5. Air quality continues to be an issue.
6. The Avenue should be designed in segments, with more differenriation of the chazacter of
the segments:
Warehouse Urban Village at Raymond
Industrial Distxict from Carleton Street to Prior Avenue
Office cluster from Prior Avenue to Pierce Sueet
The Regional Shogping Center from Snelling to Lexington
Pedestrian nodes at Rice Street, Western to Mackubin, Dale Street, Chatsworth to
Lexington, and Pascal to Snelling
The street design itself should reinforce the different chazacter of sections of University
Commissioner Treichel commented that she thought some of the pollution problem had been
solved at Snelling([Jniversity. She added that she travels through that intersection frequently
and any improvement that can be made to that intersecrion will be of great help.
Mr. Soderholm informed the Commission that the only violations at Snelling since Spruce Tree
Center was built were when the "hot rod" derby was held. There were also a few violations at
Lexington and University. The chanoe at the intersection to create the new turn lanes seems to
have solved that problem.
�� ��
Commissioner Treichel asked about the land diagonaliy across from the Crri$gs-Midway
. Mr. Soderhoim reptied that it's open land, and the developer has shown a coupie of altemarive
schemes to the Meiriam Pazk Community Council. Mr. Aarren added that we do know that his
intention is to put retail on that comer. They have not been receprive to mixed use at that
Commissioner McDonell asked how the Home Depot going in on University and Lexington
might impact environmental issues at that intersecrion. Mr. Harren suspects that it would
increase traffic there and tt�at an environmental analysis wiil be necessary befare permits aze
Commissioner Gordon asked if there is anything in University Avenue's plans to include
bicycle paths, either on or near University as part of the transit mix. Mr. Soderholm responded
that the Transportarion Plan proposes a system of bicycle trails. There is not a proposal to have
one on University Avenue itself, but is more likely to run on one of the residential streets
parallel to University.
Commissioner Kramer asked if he Imew about anything happening at the Maryland Dale
intersection. Mr. Harren replied that the gas station may still be in the works.
Commissioner Nordin noted that it seems very odd that Como and Snelling wouid be included
in Hamline-Midway's uea. Mr. Harren stated that iYs not being considered as part of
Hamline-Midway's planning process. The map shows the areas in the quadrant that PED is
interested in working with. At Como and Snelling, there's an opporhutity for some type
• commercial development consistent with the East Como-Midway parkway Small Area Plan.
VIII. Task Force Reports
No reports.
IX. Old Business
Reorganization of the Planning Commission Committees
Chair Morton stated that in addition to reorganizing the committees, the Steering Committee
also discussed having a liaison between the quadrants and the Planning Commission; having
commissioners serve in that capacity.
Mr. Ford handed out the information. Regarding the committee structure, the Commission will
have five standing committees: 1) 5teering Committee; 2) Zoning Committee; 3) Compre-
hensive Planning Committee; 4) Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee; and 5)
Communications Committee. There is also the oprion of setting up a special task force W
handle the work load under committees.
Commissioner Gordon asked if, given the nature of the issue, there would srill be the
possibility of combining committees. Chair Morton replied that it is desired to eliminate
having to combine committees.
t � ��
Commissioner Geisser noted that some of these special issues might be more appropriately
addressed by task forces because there aze members that may be on the Zoning Committee or
� the Communications Committee who aze not on any other committee.
Commissioner Treichel asked whether one should be a liaison to their own quadrant. Chair
Morton responded that the answer to that quesrion is open.
Mr. Ford noted that staff's response to that issue is that, from its point of view, what would
reaily be hetpful for staff is to have contact with a Planning Commissioner who has contacts
and is particulazly lmowledgeable about the azea.
Commissioner Wencl questioned the committee duties and meeting dates. Chair Morton
replied that dates and times will be decided by the committee formed. The Phalen Corridor EIS
would fali under the duties of the Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee. The new
committee shucture will begin at the rime of the next Planning Commission meeting, March
Mr. Ford commented that as he has thought through some of the things listed, it is not aiways
perfectly obvious where it goes. Sometimes, it might not be unreasonable to select a project
for Committee's determined by workload.
X. Communications Committee
Commissioner Kramer announced that the committee will meet Monday, March 16, 1998, at
3:30 p.m. in the 13th floor conference room.
� XI. New Business
XII. Adjournment
bt4TiON: Commissioner Treichel moved adjournment; Commissioner Cordon seconded
ihe motion which curried unanimously on a voice vofe.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:31 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
� "�'�,�,.
Ken Ford
Planning Administrator
Approved ` � j 3 � % �
(�' �.��Gt�
Espem �za Duarte
Secretary of the Planning Commission
PRESENT: Mmes. Faricy, Morton and Wenci and Messrs. Chavea, Field, Kramer and Vaught of the
Zoning Committee; Mr. Wamer, Assistant City Attomey; Mmes. Dadlez, Drummond, James
and Kelley, and Messr. Ryan of the Planning Division.
EXCUSED: Mr. Gordon
The meeting was chaired by Litton Field, Chairperson_
CQMO NORTHTOWN CREDIT UNiOM 965l967 Churchill Street: 98-008: Rezoning from R7-1
(residential) to B-2 (Community Business) to afiow additionai parking for the existing credit union.
Donna Drummond presented slides and reviewed the staff report stating that based on Findings 1 through
6 and 8, staff recommends approval of the rezoning petition.
Commissioner Chavez referred to a fax he received of a revised plan, and Ms. Drummond said the site
pian that was submitted with the application is the one currentiy on the table. She said Tom Seach, who
does the City's site p{an review coordination, wili be meeting with the applicant next Monday and proposing
possible reconfiguration of the parking lot.
Brian Roegge, representing Como Northtown Credit Union, appeared and spoke in concurrence to
comments made by Ms. Drummond.
� Upon comments of Commissioner Chavez, Mr. Roegge said he received the staff recommendation {ast
week pertaining to the 25 feet distance between the nearest residence and the entrance, and upon
speaking with his architect they are under the impression that they are in compliance with that requirement.
He said they have a meeting scheduled with Mr. Beach on Monday, February 23rd as part of the normal
site p(an review process and wiil make any changes needed in order to comply.
Upon question of Ghair Field, Mr. Roegge said he does not have a prob(em with rezoning being approved
subject to site pian review.
There were no further questions.
No one else appeared, and the public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Chavez moved approval of the rezoning based on staff findings, and the motion was
seconded by Commissioner 4Cramer.
Drafted by:
Yeas - 7 Nays - 0
Submitted by:
Approved by:
�6v.�..� V �k�w+�^'''Y//
Pattie Kefley
Recording Secretary
Donna Drummond
Northwest Quadrant
Litton Fietd
� ��
FILB # 98-006
5. LBGAL DSSCRIPTION: Lots 16 & 17, Block 60; Hagerman's Subdivision of
Lot 60 of Lake Como Villas
7. 5TAFF INVSSTIGATION AND RSPORT: DATE: 02/il/98 BY: Donna Drummond
8. DAT� REC8ZV8D: O1/16/98 DSADLINB FOR ACTION: 03J17/98
A. PIIRPOSE: Rezone the property from RT-1 (two-family residentialj to B-2
(COmmunity Business) to allow additional parking and a new entrance for
the existing credit union.
� B. PARCBL SIZE: The property to be rezoned has 50 £eet of frontage on Front
Avenue and is 107.2 feet in depth for a total lot area of 5,360 square
feet. The existing credit union building to the west is located on the
northeast corner of Front Avenue and Leacington Parkway and the property
is 16,441 square feet.
C. SXISTINtl LAND IISE: The property is occupied by a duplex residential
North: One and two-family homes in an RT-1 zoning district.
East: one and two-family homes in an RT-1 zoning district.
South: A Super America automobile convenience market at the
southeast corner of Front Avenue and Lexington Parkway in a
B-2 zoning district and one and two-family homes in an RT-1
zoning district.
West: Gabe's on the Park restaurant and industrial uses along
Energy Park Drive in an I-1 zoning district.
E. ZONIN6 CODE CZTATION: Section 64.400(a) states in part that "the council
may, from time to time, amend, supglement or change the district
boundaries or the regulations herein, or suhsequently established herein
pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota SCatutes Section 462.357 and
amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning
commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to
determine i£, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines
should be changed."
9g y��'
� Zoning File #98-008
Page Two
5ection 64.400(b) states in part that "an amendment to the zoning code
may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition
of the owners of sixty-seven (67) percent o£ the area of the property to
be rezoned."
F. HISTORY/DISCIISSION: There are no previous zoning cases concerning [.his
G DISTRICT CDIIDTCZL R&CO�NDATZON: The District 6 Planning Council voted
to support the rezoning petition.
1. The Como Northtown Credit Union is the owner of the propexty and intends
to expand the existing parking lot to the east and add a new entrance
from Churchill Street. The property onto which they intend to expand is
occupied by a duplex residential structure, which will be demolished.
The number of parking spaces serving the credit union will increase from
20 to 29.
2. The new driveway from Churchill Street will be an entrance on1y, and
will allow better circulation of credit union customers using the drive-
up windows. There are two existing parking 1ot entrances on Front
Avenue. The one that is closest to Lexington Parkway will be closed.
• The Department of Public Works Traffic Division supports this closure
and the new entrance from Churchill Street. Currently, when the credit
union is busy, cars waiting to use the drive-up often spill out onto
Front Avenue.
3. Section 62.104(9)c. of the Zoning Code requires that entrances and exits
to and from all parking £acilities located in land zoned other than
single-family, two-family, or townhouse residential must be at least
twenty-five {25) feet Erom any adjoining property in those same zoning
districts. The site plan shows the proposed driveway entrance less than
the required 25 feet from the residential property to the north. The
applicant will need to modiPy the site plan during site plan review or
apgly for a variance of this requirement.
4. The rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan. Goals and
objectives in the District 6 Plan include the following: to provide
adequate off-street parking to commercial areas and to encourage the
development of new housing and husinesses (pg. 6& 21).
In addition, the Economic Development Strategy includes: 1) Objective
#6, "ensure sufficient land for £uture business growth"; 2) Policy #25,
"the city s land use plan should provide adequate land for industrial
and commercial development and e�cpansion in order to increase the
proportion of commercial/industrial tax base"; and 3) Policy #29, "the
city should periodically review its zoning regulations and amend them as
necessary to keep current with technological and economic changes
affecting the nature of business activity" (pp. 17-16).
� 5. The rezoning is consistent and compatible with the way the area has
developed. There is commercial or industrial development at all four
� Zoninq File #9$
Page Three
corners of the intersection. Eactending the B-2 zoning district east on
Front Avenue to Churchill Street to accommodate the expansion of the
credit union parking lot and new entrance from Churchill is consistent
and compatible with the way the area has developed.
In addition, there is a significant amount of traffic in the area.
Lexington Parkway carries 22,750 vehicles per day; westbound Front
Avenue carries 9,400 vehicles per day, and eastbound Energy Park Drive
carries 13,325 vehicles per day. The new entrance on Churchill Street
and the closure of the existing driveway on Front Avenue closest to
Lexington Parkway will improve traffic circulation and safety in the
.6. The rezoning will not have an adverse impact on adjacent properties if
appropriate landscaping and screening is installed on the north and east
edges of the parking lot to shield residences on Churchill Street. The
site plan does not show any screening or landscaping, so this concern
should be addressed during site plan review. There may be an increase
in traffic on Churchill Street from the north to access the new
entrance, although the general improvement in traffio safety and
circulation for the area that results from this new entrance will be
worth the possibility of some additional traffic on Churchill Street.
7. At the time this report was written, staff had received no calls or
. correspondence in opposition to the rezoning petition.
8. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the
property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the property stating
support for the rezoning (15 parcels eligible, 10 required, and 10
I. STAFF RECOD4�NDATION: Based on findings 1 through 8 staff recommends
approval of the rezoning petition.
� � Depanment of Planning and Economic Development
Zoning Section
II00 Ciry Hall Annez
25 West Fou�th Street
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Property Owner Con�o Northtown Credit Union
Address 976 N. Lexington Pky.
City St. Paul gtNII�I �ip 55103 Daytime phone 612I488-2535
Contact person (if different) Brian xoegge, Fresident
Address/Location 965/967 Churchill Street
Legai description �ts 16 & 17, Block 60, Hagennan's Subdivision
of Lot 60 of Iake Como Villas
(attach additional sheet if necessary)
Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5} of
Minnesota Statues, Como Northtown credit Union , the owner of ali the land proposed
for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a
RT-1 zoning district to a B zoning district, for the purpose of:
Parking lot expansion and new entrance
(attach additional sheet(s) if necessary)
Attachments: Required site plan � Consent petition �l A�davit �
Subscribed and swom to
before me this �f/�-
of � !�/t l 19 c
Notary Public
i ' '_.��______'_.'-
JANUARY S7, 2000
Como Nc
gY by Bri�
Fee owner
Credit Union
TIfIB: prPGi�lani-
Page 1 of �_
CHECKED BY: � �;,��., DATE: _
( � �� � y�
Z�NING F�L� 9 �' 0 °�
We, the undersigned, ownen of the property within 100 feet of the totai contiguous descriprion of real estate
owned, purchased, or sold by THE PETTTIONER wiihin one year preceding the date of this petition
acknowledge that we have been presented with the following:
i. A copy of the perition of C�xno Northtown Credit tJnion
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at 965 �hurchill Street, St. Paul, MN
from a R'i'-� � zoning district to a B zoning disVict.
2. A copy of sections 60. 530 �ough 60. 534 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and
acknowledge that we aze aware of all of the uses perm'stted in a B-2 zoning district and we aze
aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of;
Como Northtown Credit IInion to a B-2 zoning district.
(Name of petitioner)
We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was ezplained to us by the
� applicant or his/her representative.
� 10�
� 95i
NOTE: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (� working
days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her
name there&om by written request within that time.
We, the undersigned, owners ofthe properry within I00 feet ofthe total contiguous description of real estate
owned, purchased, or sold by T'HE PETIITONER within one year preceding the date of this petition
acknowledge that we have been presented with the following:
A copy of the petition of Como Northtown Credit Uni.on
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the properry located at g65 Churchill Street, St. Paul, MN
from a �T-� � zoning district to a B zoning district.
2. A �apy of sections 60. 530 througn 60.534 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and
acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted in a B-2 zoning district and we are
aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of;
Como Northtown Credit Union to a B-Z zoning district.
(Name of petitioner)
We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was ezplained to us by the
appiicant or his/her representative.
� ,°�
NOTE: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working
days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of tlus petition may withdraw hisJher
name therefrom by written request within that time.
We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate
owned, purchased, or sold by TF� PETITIONER within one year preceding the date of this petition
acknowiedge that we have been presented with the following:
1. A copy of the petition of Cnmo Northtown CYedit tTnion
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at 965 Churchill Street, St. Paul, MN
from a �'-� � zoning district to a B zoning district.
2. A copy of sactians 6C. 530 ihrough 6tr. 534 , incl�iva uf the Saint Paul Zoaing Code; and
acknowledge that we aze awaze of all of the uses permitted in a B-2 zoning dishict and we aze
awaze that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approvai of the rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of,
Como Northtown CYedit Union to a B-2 zoning district.
(Name of petitioner)
� 984
We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was ezplained to us by the
appiicant or his�er representative.
NOTE: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (� working
days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his�her
name therefrom by written request within that time.
We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate
owned, purchased, or sold by THE PETITTOI�iER within one yeaz preceding the date of this petition
acknowledge that we have been presented with the following:
1. A copy of the petition of Como Northtown CYedit Union
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at 965 Churchill Street, St. Paul, Mt3
from a RT zoning district to a B- zoning district.
2. A copy of sections 60. 530 through 60.534 , inciusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and
acknowledge that we aze awaze of all of the uses permitted in a B-2 zoning district and we aze
aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of;
Como Northtown GYedit Union to a B-2 zoning district.
(Name of petitioner)
We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the
� applicant or hislher representative.
� � 994
NOTE: This petition shail not be considered as officiatly filed until the lapse of seven (?) working
days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw hisJfier
name therefrom by written request within that time.
C �
� I�TS'�
vI o�S-3-E
a �
i � .
We, the undersigned, owners of the properry within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate
owned, purchased, or sold by TI�, PETITIONER within one year preceding the date of this petition
acknowledge that we have been presented with the following:
1. A copy of the perition of Como Northtown C7edit Union
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the properry located at 965 Churchill Street, St. Paul, NIN
from a RT zoning dishict to a B zoning dis�iet.
2. A copy of sections 60.530 through 6Q. 534 , �clu;ive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and
acknowledge that we are awaze of all of the uses permitted in a B-2 zoning dishict and we aze
aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of;
Como Northtown Credit Union to a B-2 zoning district.
(Name of petitioner)
We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the
applicant or his/her representative.
NOTE: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed unril the lapse of seven ('� working
days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her
natne therefrom by written request within that time.
1► � � �
We, the undersigned, owners of the properry within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate
owned, purchased, or sold by TF� PETITIONER within one year preceding the date of this petizion
acknowledge that we have been presented with the following:
A copy of the petition of Como Northtown Credit Union
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at 965 Churchill Street, St. Paul, MN
from a R'I'-� ' zoning district to a B zoning district.
2. A copy of sections 60. 530 through 60.534 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and
acknowledge that we aze awaze of all of the uses permitted in a B-2 zoning district and we aze
awaze that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of;
Como Northtown GYedit Union to a B-2 zoning district.
(Name of petitioner)
We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the
• applicant or his/her representative.
NOTE: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lagse of seven (7) working
days at2er it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of ttus petition may withdraw his/her
name therefrom by written request within that time.
•� �i
We, the undersigned, owners of the properry within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate
owned, purchased, or sold by Tf� PETITIONER within one yeaz preceding the date of this petition
acknowledge that we have been presented with the fo]lowing:
1. A copy of the petition of Ckxno Northtown Credit Union
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at 965 Churchill Street, St. Pau1, MrT
from a RT-� ` zoning district to a $-Z zoning district.
2. A copy of sections 60. 530 through 60.534 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and
acknowledge that we aze awaze of all of the uses permitted in a B-2 zoning district and we are
awaze that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of;
Como Northtovm Credit Union to a B-2 zoning district.
(Name of petitioner)
� We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was esplained to us by the
applicant or his/her representative.
(� �
NOT'E: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (� working
days aRer it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her
name therefrom by written request within that time.
• � /:
We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate
owned, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIONER within one year preceding the date of this petition
acknowiedge that we have been presented with the following:
1. A copy of the petition of Cano Northtown �edit Union
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at 965 Churchill Stseet, St. Paul, NIN
from a R'I'-� zoning district to a B- zoning district.
2. A copy of sections 60. 530 through 60. 534 , inclusive of th� Saint Pau] Zoair.g Code; and
acknowledge that we aze awaze of all of the uses permitted in a B-2 zoning district and we are
aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of;
Como Northtown CYedit Union to a B-2 zoning district.
(Name of petitioner}
We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was eaplained to us by the
applicant or his/her representative.
NOTE: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working
days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her
name therefrom by written request within that time.
• 1 � �
� +
We, the undersigned, owners of the properry within 100 feet oF the Wtal contiguous description of real estate
owned, purchased, or sold by Tf� PETITTONER within one year preceding the date of this petirion
acknowledge that we have been presented with the following:
I. A copy of the petition of Como Northtown Credit Union
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at 965 Churchill Street, St. Paul, MN
from a RT-� zoning district to a B zoning district.
2. A copy of sections 60. 530 through 60.534 , inctusive of the Saint PauI Zoning Code; and
acknowledge that we aze awaze of al( of the uses permitted in a B-2 zoning district and we are
aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of;
Como Northtown GYedit Union to a B-2 zoning district.
(Name of petitioner)
• We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the
applicant or his/her representative.
NOT'E: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven ("n working
days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her
name therefrom by written request within that time.
•� �?
Como Northtown Credit Union
The petitioner, by Brian Roegge, President , beina £rst duly scvom, deposes and
states that the consent petition contains signatures from at least two-thirds ( of all eligible
properties within 100 feet of al( property owned, purchased, or soid by petitioner within one (1)
year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the
petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must contain signatures from each and all
owners of jointly-owned property in order to constitute consent from that property and that
failure to obtain consent from each and all owners could invalidate the consent petition;
petitioner believes that the consent petition was signed by each of said owners and that the
sianatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of rti s so described.
Como T own Credit Union
by Roegge, President
976 N. Lexington Pky.
St. Paul, MN 55103
Subscribed and s�vom to before me
this St� day of ,%t�nf (J f}�Q.Y
V \�
� � 1
�'^•e AN�t�TTE V. BRIN�$
p rqr�Rreu�tlC NANlfIS�FA
�' , s MY COhuAI5510N EkNW�$ �
....� JANUARY 31,'l000
Page 1 of 1
�! 8� yo8
Como Northtown Credit Uni.on
by Brian Roegge, President , being first duly swom, deposes and states that he/she is
the person who circulated the consent petition consisting of 9 pages; that afFiant represents that
the parties described on the consent petition are all the respective owners of the properties placed
immediately before each name; that affiant is infortned and believes that each of the parties
described on the consent petition is an owner of the properry which is within 100 feet of any property
owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one (1) yeaz preceding the date of this petition which
is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that none of the parties described in the
consent petition has purchased or is purchasing properry from the petitioner that is contiguous to the
property described on the consent petition within one (1) year of the date of the petition; that this
consent was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this �ant, and that the signatures are
the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described.
Subscrit�ed and sworn to before me
this � day of �� (J�/2� , 19�
����� �
. . �.�� -. .
. ;,-,.�,��� - - • -
976 N. Lexington Pky.
St. Paul, MN 55103
- ----•-....�
°°•e ANNRTE V. BRfNevS
': r+owe�ReWC UMNFE`22a
�•�..� 1nNUARY 91, 4W0
Pa�e � of �
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., .�+ � me N. 1.•dnalon v.'Icn.r
w�ra�-r��r 8t PWI. IM
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� District 6 Planning Council
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1061 N Rice St
* St. Paui, MN 55117
Phone: 612 488�485
Fax: 612 488-0343
January 29, 1998
Mr. Tom Beach
i.ity ofi St. Paul
City Hall Annex
25 W. 4th St,
St. Paul, MN _55102
Dear Tom:
The District 6 Planning Council received a request from Como Northtown Credit Union
(Brian Roegge) at 976 N. Lexington Pkwy. for rezoning of 965/967 Churchill from R-1
• (residential) to B-2 (community business).
On Wednesday January 28, 1998 the Land Use Task Force of the District 6 Planning
Council moved, seconded and approved this request.
if you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call.
Siryce ly �
J �
Kathy Cole
Communit rganizer.
18- �08
5 EN
ZONING F1LE 9 �' °0 �
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PURPOSE �'��� �T t � r� '��° Zoning district boundary /�
FILE # L 3� � � • -_- _ _DATE_ ' ' ( � �� � � subjecl property ��'� —
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We, the undersigned owners and residents of property in and around Chiuchill St., Hatch St., Front �
St., Orcbard St., O�ord St., Argyle St. and Chatsworth St. in.St. Paui, M1V are opgosed to the I
proposed rezoning of the properiy owned by Como Northtown Credit Union and the uses so implied. • 1
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We, the undersigned owners and residen#s of property in and azound Churchill St., Hatch St., From
St., Orchard St., Oxford St., Argyle St. and Chatsworth St. in St. Paul, MN are opposed to the
proposed rezoning of the properiy owned by Como Northtown Credit Union and the uses so implied.
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