Council File # ` �0
Ordinance #
O D���� j�� Green Sheet # �
� � r, ORDINANCE ry
Presented By
Committee: Date
Referred To
An ordinance amending Chapter 324 of the Saint
Paul Legislative Code to prohibit tobacco
vending machines in facilities where minors
are present and to establish an administrative
penalty to be imposed against the clerk at a
licensed premise who sells tobacco or tobacco
products to a minor
Section 1
Chapter 324 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended
to read as follows:
Sec. 324.01. License required.
(a) No person shall sell or offer for sale at retail within
the City of Saint Paul any tobacco, or in any manner represent or
hold himself or hersel£ out as one who se11s or o£fers for sale
at retail any tobacco, or maintain a tobacco vending machine for
the sale of tobacco without a license.
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Sec. 324.02. License for eaeh location or vending machine.
A license shall permit the licensee to sell tobacco at
retail at the one tl) location specified in said license, and a
separate license shall be required far each location or tobacco
vending machine.
Sec. 324.03. Definitions.
The £ollowing words and phrases, as used in this chapter,
shall, for the purposes of this chapter, have the meanings
respectively ascribed to them in this section, except in those
cases where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
(1) Cigarette paper and cigarette wrapper means and
includes any paper or other substance or materials,
except tobacco, used as a wrapper or cover for a
cigarette, as herein defined.
(2) Sale means and includes any transfer, conditional or
otherwise, of title or possession.
(3} Sa1e at retaiZ means and includes all sales except
those where the merchandise is sold far the purpose of
resale b� a person principally engaged in selling
merchandise for resale.
(4] Tobacco means cigarettes, cigars, snuff, chewing
tobacco, dipping tobacco, or any other kind or form of
tobacco prepared in such a manner as to be suitable for
chewing or smoking.
(5) Tobacco vending machine means a machine for vending
tobacco by the insertion of a coin.
See. 324.04. Fee and duration.
The annual license fee for each location of sale or each
tobacco vending machine shall be established b� ordinance as
specified in section 310.09(b) of the Legislative Code. The
license shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance
during each calendar year. The annual license fee shall be
prorated for licenses in force less than a full year.
5ec. 324.05. Application.
In addition to any other information required by the
director, the applicant shall state the true name of the
applicant, the name under which he or she shall conduct his or
her business, whether such business is that of an individual,
sole trader, firm, partnership, or corporation, and the address
where such business is to be conducted. Any person applying for
more than one (1) license shall file with the Office of License,
118) years of age.
Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) a list of all _`� w ���
locations of sale andJor the location of each vending machine for
which license applications are being filed_ Any change in the
location of the place of sale shall be reported to the director
within five (5) days o£ said change.
Sec. 324.06. License to be displayed.
The license shall be displayed by the licensee in a
prominent and conspicuous place at the location of the tobacco
vending machine to be licensed. In the case of a tobacco vending
machine, the operator shall also affix his or her name, address
and telephone number in a conspicuous place on each machine.
Sec. 324.07. Sales prohibited.
No person shall se11 or dispense cigarette paper or
cigarette wrappers from a vending machine or a motor vehicle. No
person shall sell or dispense tobacco from a motor vehicle. No
person sha11
sell, offer to sell or otherwise
provide tobacco to anyone under the age of eighteen (1&). Any
violation of this chapter shall subject the licensee to
provisions of section 310 and section 324.10 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code.
Sec. 324.08. Distribution of free tobaceo products prohibited.
No person in the business of selling or gromoting tobacco
products or agent or employee of such person shall distribute
tobacco products free to any person on the sidewalks, pedestrian
concourses, pedestrian malls or pedestrian skyway systems within
the City of Saint Paul.
Sec. 324.09. Use of false identification by minors prohibited.
No person under the age of eighteen (18) years shall
purchase tobacco or tobacco-relatefl devices, as those terms are
defined by Minnesota Statutes, Section 609.685, subdivisions 1(a)
and 1(b), using a driver's license, a Minnesota identification
card, or other form of identification which is false, fictitious,
altered or counterfeited as to age or any other material fact of
Sea. 324.10. Use of tobacco prohibited.
No person under the age of eighteen (18) years shall
purohase, use or possess tobacco or tobacco-related devices, as
those terms are defined by Minnesota Statutes, Section 609.685,
subdivisions 1(a) and 1(b).
Sec. 324.11. Presumptive penalties.
(a) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish a
standard by which the city council determines the amount of
fines, length of license suspensions and the propriety of
revocations. These penalties are presumed to be appropriate for
every case; however, the council may deviate therefrom in an
individual case where the council finds and determines that there
exist substantial and compelling reasons which make it
appropriate to do so. When deviating from these standards, the �0 +� �`
council sha11 provide written reasons that specify why the
penalty selected was more appropriate_
(b) Presumptive penaZties for vioZations. Adverse penalCies
for violations or convictions shall be presumed as follows:
Type of Appearance
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
(1� Sale of $200.00 $400.00 30-day Revocation
tobacco to fine fine suspension
a minor
(c) Fines payable without hearing. Notwithstanding the
provisions of section 310.D5(1), a licensee who would be making a
first or second appearance before the council may elect Co pay
the fine to the office of LIEP without a council hearing, unless
the notice of violation has indicated that a hearing is required
because of circumstances which may warrant deviation from the
presumptive fine amount. Payment of the recommended fine will be
considered to be a waiver of the hearing to which the licensee is
entitled, and will be considered an "appearance" for the purpose
of determining presumptive penalties for subsequent violations.
2 (d) Penalty to be assessed to the clerk. An individual who
3 sells tobacco to a gerson under the age of 18 years while working
4 as an em.�loyee or agent of the licensed premises shall be subject
5 to an administrative oenalty of Fifty Dollars (550.00). An
6 individual subject to a penaltX under this subdivision is
7 entitled to the hearing Drocedures set forth in Saint Paul
8 Lec�islative Code 6310.06.
Section 2
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days
following its passage, approval and publication.
Robert Kessler April 20 1998
266-9090 � , N° 50404 qg�
mendments to Chapter 324 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to compl� with
resent state law (Mn. Stat. Secs. 461.12 and 461.18 subd. 2 see attached)
hat restricts tobacco vending machines to areas where people under the age of
8 are prohibited.
F _
Has the person/firm eves worked under a contract for this department?
Has this personjfism ever been a City employee?
Does this personJfirm possess a skill not nozmaily possessed by am
Cuxrent City employee?
.ain all Y85 aaswers oa a saparate aheet aad attach.
L4111t1111VV LAVDLGl•1 1AJVG� VCYVR1U1V11I �YV11V� YVL1Gll� W31CLL� Wl1CLC� Wll�f 7
inors, through unmonitored tobacco vending machines, have access to
�v�rzac��s zr AYYxov�U:
Lt will be more difficult for people under the age of 18 to purchase tobacco
�roducts through tobacco vending machines.
�ne apparent.
ople under the age of 18 will continue to have access to tobacco products
rough vending machines.
Minnesota Statutes 1997, 461.12
Minnesota Statutes 199� Tabte of Cha�ters
Table of contents for Ch�ter 461
461.12 Muaicipal tobacco licease.
Subdivision 1. Authorizatioa. A tovm board or the
governing body of a home rule charter or statutory city may
license and regulate the retail sale o£ tobacco as defined in
section 6Q9_6s5, svbdivision 1, and establish a license fee for
sales to recover the estimated cost of enforcing this chapter.
The county board shall license and regulate the sale of tobacco
in unorganized territory of the county and in a town or a home
rule charter or statutory city if the town or city does not
license and regulate retail tobacco sales. Retail
establishments licensed by a town or city to sell tobacco are
not required to obtain a second license for the same location
under the licensing ordinance of the county.
Subd. 2. Administrative genalties; licensees. If a
licensee or employee of a licensee sells tobacco to a person
under the age of 18 years, or violates any other provision of
this chapter, the licensee shall be charged an administrative
penalty of $75. An administrative penalty of $2�0 must be
imposed for a second violation at the same location within 24
months after the initial violation. For a third violation at
the same location within 24 months after the initial violation,
an administrative penalty of $250 must be imposed, and the
licensee's authority to sell tobacco at that location must be
suspended for not less then seven days. No suspension or
penalty may take effect until the licensee has received notice,
served personally or by mail, of the alleged violation and an
opportunity for a hearing before a person authorized by the
licensing authority to conduct the hearing. A decision that a
violation has occurred must be in writing.
Subd. 3. Administrative penalty; individuals. An
individual who sells tobacco to a person under the age of 18
years must be charged an administrative penalty of $50. No
penalty may be imposed until the individual has received notice,
served personally or by mail, of the alleged violation and an
opportunity for a hearing before a person authorized by the
licensing authority to conduct the hearing. A decision that a
violation has occurred must be in writing.
Subd. 4. Minors. The licensing authority shall
consult with interested educators, parents, children, and
representatives of the court system to develop alternative
penalties for minors who purchase, possess, and consume
tobacco. The licensing authority and the interested persons
shall consider a variety of options, including, but not limited
to, tobacco free education programs, notice to schools, parents,
community service, and other court diversion programs.
Subd. 5. Compliance checks, A licensing authority
shall conduct unannounced compliance checks at least once each
calendar year at each location where tobacco is sold to test
compliance with section 6D9.585. Compliance checks must involve
minors over the age of 15, but under the age of 16, who, with
the prior written consent of a parent or guardian, attempt to
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http://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/st97/461/12.htrn1 4/30t98
Nliimesota Statutes 1997, 461.12
Page 2 of 2
purchase tobacco under the direct supervision of a law �S"j�ll0�
enforcement officer or an employee of the licensing authority. Q �
Subd. 6. Defense. It is an affirmative defense to
the charge of selling tobacco to a person under the age of 18
years in violation o£ subdivision 2 or 3 that the licensee or
individual making the sale relied in good faith upon proof of
age as described in section 340A.503, subdivision 6.
Subd. 7. Judicial review. Any person aggrieved by a
deaision under subdivision 2 or 3 may have the decision reviewed
in the district court in the same manner and procedure as
provided in section 46�61.
AIST: 1941 c 242 s 3; 1941 c 405 s 3; 1951 c 382 s 1; Eac1959 c
'I3 S 2; 1973 c 123 art 5 s 7; 1982 c 572 s 2; 1997 c 227 s 4
Copyright 1997 by the Office of Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota.
http:!/www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/st97/461I12.htrnl 4130I98
Mannesota Statutes 1997, 461.18
Minnesota Statutes 1997. Tab1e of Chapters
Table of contents for Cha te.�L r 461
461.18 8an on self-service sale of aiagle packs;
Subdivision 1. Sxcept ia adult-oaly facilities. (a)
No person shall offer for sale single packages of cigarettes or
smokeless tobacco in open displays which are accessible to the
public without the intervention o£ a store employee.
(b) Cartons and other multipack units may be offered and
sold through open displays accessible to the public.
(c) Paragraph (b) expires on August 28, 1997.
(d) This subdivision shall not apply to retail stores which
derive at least 90 percent of their revenue from tobacco and
tobacco-related products and which cannot be entered at any time
by persons younger than 18 years of age.
Subd. 2. vendiag machine salea prohibited. No person
shall sell tobacco products from vending machines. This
subdivision does not apply to vending machines in facilities
that cannot be entered at any time by persons younger than 18
years of age.
Subd. 3. Rederal regulations for cartoas, multipacks.
Code of Federal Regulations, title 21, part 897.16(c), is
incorporated by reference with respect to cartons and other
multipack units.
HIST: 1997 c 227 s 6
* NOTE: Subdivision 3, as added by Laws 1997, chapter 227,
*section 6, is effective upon the implementation of Code of
*Federal Regulations, title 21, part 697.16(c). Laws 1997,
*chapter 227, section 9. Code of Federal Regulations, title 21,
*part 897.16(c) is effective August 28, 1997. Federal Register,
*AUgust 28, 1996, page 44396.
Copyright Z997 by the Office of Revisor of Statutes, State af Minnesota.
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Coilins, Buckley, Sauntry & Haugh, �P
West 1100 Frst National Bank Building
332 Minnesota Street
Saint Paui, Minnesota 551 01 1 379
Telephone. (612) 727-0611
Far: (612) 227-0758
June 1, 1998
St. Paul City Council
310 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re: Proposed Ordinance Amending Chapter 324
Council File No. 98-407
Green Sheet No. 50404
Deaz Councilmembers:
Eugene D. Buckley
Wiliiam E Haugh, Jr.
� MichaeiJ.Sauntry
Ma�k W. Gehan
txThomas J. Germschefd
* John R-Schulz
oThOmas R_O'Connell
o �an O'Connell
ChrisOne LStrcemer
�Thwnas E. McEilisvem
Robert L. RiChZrt
Of Counsel
rt� TY!eoUOre J.Goldns
By way of introduction, I have been retained by Dan Dalilin to represent him and his business,
known as DVM, Inc., and doing business as Dahlco, with regazd to concems raised by the proposed
ordinance menrioned above. DVM operates 140 to 150 remote storage kiosks, dispensing cigarettes,
throughout Minnesota. Each of these kiosks is placed in a licensed liquor establishment, and each
has a locking device on it which requires a person buying cigazettes to go to a staff person, typically
a bartender, to seek authorizarion to use the machine. The staff person can then require
identification if the buyex's age is in question.
I understand that at its ne� meeting on June 3, 1998, the City Council will be considering
amendments to Chapter 324 of the St. Puai Legis]ative Code, concerning restriction of tobacco
vending r.iachines to areas where people under the age of 18 aze prohibited. According to the
Green Sheet No. 5Q404, dated Apri120, 1998, the problem that the ordinance is intended to solve
has to do with minors having access to cigarettes through unmonitored tobacco vending machines.
The definirion of "tobacco vending machine" appeazs at section 324.03 of the proposed ordinance.
I have advised Mr. Dahlin that the locking machines owned by DVM aze not included under this
definition, and so the proposed ordinance does not apply. For legislative clariry, however, I believe
the language of the ordinance should be modified to cleazly exclude the locking machines.
For your review and information, I am enclosing the Olmsted Counry Tobacco Sales and Youth
Access Ordinance, adopted by the Olmsted County Boazd on February 3, 1998. The Olmsted County
"Aisa Atlmittetl m Wisconsm.
7CrvA Trial 5pecia0s[, Gerofietl by �he CrvJ Uigation SecVOn of ihe Mmnesote Stare Bar Awwiation.
#Cert�fietl by Ihe N2ponal Boattl ot inal Ativocacy as a Ciml Tnal Special5t
o CPH, Ge�etl by Ne Minnesota State Boartl of accountancy. �MBa in finance.
9 �.���
Colfins, Buckley, Sauntry & Haugh, �p
Page 2
June 1, 1995
ordinance clarifies ihat the locking machines used by DVM aze excluded. (See, section 700 and
section 800, subds. 2 and 3). To avoid ambiguity and possible future legal action, we respectEully
request that the City Council consider adopting the language used by Olmsted County in its similaz
DVM, Inc., is a responsible, licensed, tae-paying corporation. On its own, DVM impleznented the
locking machines in order to avoid sales to minors. No complaints have been made against DVM,
Inc., for selling tobacco to minors. DVM agrees with the e�cpressed aun of the ordinance, which is
to eliminate the sale of cigazettes to minors. The clarification requested herein by DVM to the
proposed ordinance will advance the Cit�s goal without unfairly restricting DVM's right to conduct
its business.
We would gready appreciate the opportuniry to address the Ciry Council before final consideration
of this matter.
Very truly yours,
� "" `
cc: Jerry Blakey
Cluis Coleman
Michael Hartis
Jay Benanav
Jim Reiter
Daniel Bostrom
Kathy Lantry
Philip Byme
Virginia Palmer
Dan Dalilin
�Vn. G.1770 11-C7FiPl
� - _
LaW offi�es
West I300 Rirst Nauonal Bank Bw7ding
332 Minnesota Sueet
Saint Paul, Minnesora 55101-1379
Telephone: (612) 227-0611
Fax: (612) 22?-0758
June 2, 1998
St PauI City Council
(612) 266-8574
Mark Gehan
Phone: (612? 266-8560
TOTAI. PAGES (Including Cover Sheet): � !3
� r q�,ya�
•� �: •�
L .
Our telewpiu is a Canan FAX 520. tc w�1] reeeive auwmaecally in Gmup I, II or III.
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Th� infocmarioa conretined in tliis fauim�7e message is auomey pm��7eged and oonfidenriaf infosmacoa intended for 2he use of t5e
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• � 714
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Coliins, Buckley, Sauntry & Haugi�,�
West 1100 Fitst Na4o�tai 9ank Buiid;ttg
332 R�II(R1P.SOle �JI(68t
Sair�t Paul. Mmnesota 55101-1379
'�P1ta�s: t �Zf•0611
Fafi (4�2) 227A75@
.f11tIC 1� 1�$
St. Paul Ciry Council
31Q City F�Ta1I
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re: Proposed Osdinance Amending Chaptes 324
Councl Fiie No. 96-40?
Green Sheet No. 50404
Deaz Counca7members:
IYV.GG! r.c
. A5o'fae1J.53unfry
Me(Ic w Ge�an
x,lau� P•Sdwlz
�'R�ort�a,^ R.0'Ca+RW
^ Den 0'Conneil
Chih,itulB I.Sltoetne�
Aoben L Rkhert
01 Coixise�
s7n' 71�BODOtB J. Coll�n6
Bq way of inaoducdon, T have been retained by Dan Dahlisi to represent him and his business,
lmown as DVM, Inc., and doing bvsiness as Dahlco, wizh regard ro concems zaised by rhe �roposed
ordinance menrioned above. DVM opezates 149 to 150 remote stosage kiosks, dispensing cigazettes,
tY�rovghout Mixinesota. F.ach of these idASkc is placed in a licensed liquoz establishment, and each
has a Iocking device on it wMch requires a pezson buying cigarettes to go to a staff person, typically
a bar[endez, to seek authorizarion m use the machine. The staff person can rhen require
identification if the buyes's age is in question.
I understand that at its next meeting on June 3, 1998, the Gity Couacil wili be considering
amendments to Chapter 324 of the St Pual Legislative Code, conceming resiriction of tobacco
vending machiaes to areas where people under the age of 18 are prolubited. Aocording to the
Green Sheet No. 50404, dated Apri120,1498, the grohlem that the ordinance is iatended to solve
i�as ro do with minors having access to cigarertes tttrough unmonitored mhacco vending macl�ines.
The definition of "toUacco vending machine" appean at section 324.03 of the proposed ordinance.
I have advised Mr. Dahlin t�at the locking machines owned by DVM are not included under this
definition, and so the pmposed ordinance does not apply. For legislative clarity, hawevez, I be]ieve
the Ianguage of the ordinance should be modified to dearly exclude the locking machines.
For your review and informarion, I azn enclosing the Olmsted Counry Tobacco SaIes and Youth
Access Ordinance, adopted by rhe Olmsted Counry Boazd on Febniary 3,1995. The Olmsted County
tCN1TfW SPaink;LltMetl A'7�e CM6 U$9WM+9eqb� �tA1e Mkv+aeme Srele 8e�necae�YaM1
x0entflee rf ine wiwrwaovn aTh� an+cww ee u CbriT�W saochusi.
aLPA Gn17M�+vMO Wkuew. Awusaam N urn..n.nrv pMC� n r.w.�w
Coilins, Buckfey, Sauntry & Haugh, �
Page 2
Jvne 1, 1998
ordinance clarifies that the lockutg machines used by DVM aze ezduded. (See, section 740 ax�d
� �� section $00, subds. 2 and 3). To avoid ambiguiry and possnbie futvze l�gal action, we respecd�Ily
request rhat the Ciry Counc�l consider adopting the language used by OImsted Counry in its similar
DVM, Inc., is a resgonsible, licensed, tax-paying corporation. On its ovm, DVM implemented the
locking macbinrs in order to avoid sales ro minors. No complaints have beea made against DVM,
[nc., foz sellu►g tobacco to minors. DVM agrees with the expsessed aim of the ordinance, which is
m eliminare the sale of cigarettes m udnors. The claxificarion requested herein by DVM to the
proposed ordinance will advance the Cit3+s goal without unfairly resixicting DVM's xight to conduct
i�s business.
We would gready appzeeiate the oppotmnity to address tlie Qty Counc� before final coruiderarion
of this matter.
VexY � Yo�,
cc: 3erry Blakey
Chris Colacaan
Miuhael Hanis
Jay Benanav
Jim Reiter
Daniel Bostrom
Kathy Lantiy
Phitip Byrne
Virginia Palmer
Dan Dahlisi
�-; � � q �'�I,fl
RESOU3t1dN NO. 98 -23
7'he fotlowing official summary has been approved by the Otmsted County Board
infartning the pyblic of the irrtent and effest of the ordinance.
ft is the irnent and eifect af the ordinanca to:
• support efforts by 6usinesses. individuals, and osganiza6ons including
'"' - School�Qistricts, municiaai and counry �ff'icials to discaurage tobacCo
use by yout?i members of aut communiiy. �
. enforce eXisting iaws, irttended to protect yoe�ih aga+nst the serious
efE�cts assocaated w"sth the use of tobacca pradticts
. compiy vvhh Miru�esota taw reqniring cau�tties ta licessse and regutate
tobacc:s pr�dud t+��taii sales
. further the oificial pubfic pnfi�y of the 5tate af Mi�nesota such as Minn.
Sb� Ghaptets 609, 461, and g171.22 includ'mg preventing young
peopte from starting to smoke as stated in Minn. Stat. §144.391.
The ordinance provides tor.
. Iscensing of tobacco sales
. providing for a minimvm tobaczo Ifunse fee and a+rtharize the fee to
be petiodicalty madifred by Resotution of the County Baard
• reguiating tobacca prodtsd access
. providing ar� administrafiva fee andlor cJiminal ac�on for v�olaiion
• suspension and revoCation oi iobacco license for vialation of statut2s
and oniinances
A printed capy of the ordinanca is available for inspecfinn by any p�rscn at the office of
the Olmsted Cnurrty Auditor and Clmsted Courtty Pvblia HeaRh Services.
This or�inance stiall become effec4ve after pubfic hearings and subsequent adopiion
by tha County 8oard.
Adopted by the Board of the CouMy of Otttssted. Mirmesota, this sra day of
�e»Y„az•. . i998.
B . �c�� [C1
Pau1 Wilson, Board Chairperson
ard G. Devlin, Clerk-Administratar
JUN. _ 2.1998;�:11- 30RM np1„c, i t�N N�LnN tiC;:,q�L ♦ b1��;
The Courrty Soard of the Coustty of dtcnsted. Minnesom. ��3tins:
Sect�on 100. 1 i11e.
This ortiinance sha{I be known and retere�! as �e Otmsted County Tobaxo
�,ales and Youth Access �rdinanca•
Seobaa 240. Jusisdic4lote-
Tha Ofmsted Coarity Tobaccc Sales and Youth Acr�ss Ordinanca sha11 apPty ta
aft incatporate� and unincorporated ateas within Oimsbed County that do not
have a retail to�auo license and tegulati�on in elfect.
5eation 300. i)efinitioms and intarpsetat[ons.
Ali terms shail4e given trieir cammonty accepted det�itions• 7he siagvlar shaq
include the piurai and tha piural shal! indude the sin�uiaT. The masr.uiine shall
induda the feminine and neuter, and vic�-versa. The tesm "sha1P tneans
mandatcry and the term 'maY' rtieans permissive- �
�y}?d � A ministrat�fe�. "Administrative fee" shait mean the i'�cense and
servica {eFss that are assessed tc inciividuais, as authosired by the or�inance.
Adminis�ative teas are not penaities assigned tn a rsiminai caurt
�d 2 AdmSnisiraLive Penattv. "Adcninistratve geriatlY' shatf inean the fees that
are assessed to individuals for violation of the ord'mance as authatized tsy the
�, o�ntv_ `County' m�ans the eritire �rea witt'+in the perimeter boundaries
af Qtmste4 County, Minnesota and/or tlse staPf or other officials sen+ing unCer the
authotity of ihe Caunty Beard.
�+bc+ ._ a c �my Boand. `Coutrty Soard' mear�s ti'te 0}msted Cour�ty Soatd af
Cammissioners duly eieded by and curtentry senring the citizens of Olmsied
Caunty, M"�nnesota.
�ybd ��im Offieiai "Caurrty Of6r3aP st�ait mean 3he person or persans
authorized hy the administrator of the department assigned by the Gaunri/ Boa�d
ifl impfementthis oNlnaxtce.
$s7�i 6►�•ove^_ b�_s- °?�'� 4fS51�in �`Moveable Pi2ae of 8usittess' shap 2fer
to any business operated out of a truck, van. 8utomebiie, or ather type of vehide
or transportable shetter without a£nced toration, address and structure.
N0.007�= P.S�
. �C� , y `� `1
Su� 7�,_a°.� 'Pets�t° afiap maoe a�r in�vfditet, busmeea. AubGC ot P�ivafe
auA°ranorr. ga�senh�, joinc wnau�o� �toaat�, sr�, �+cx�oralad
�ssoeiatien, or gowrra��rtt a anY apene+! or ao� wbdh+edor� theroo�: and
�� ��S�ss� �t9aee. �etft ar oC� teQat +epres�tative a! brry of tt+s
a�� .a R.mn �itsn��r„r,.�. 'RoQaB £�bGshn�t'shaG n�san zry pmma at
bupn�ao wt+�is tob� Po�et� ete aYtbbie't�YaaM to the geitetel Ptil�iGat
rs�r7. Aat� �titlrments elral) Mdud4 bnt ttqt b9 �ueptsd te 47bscCa shups,
Q��Y �enB� sosYiC4 a�tlot�s� wns�n4enoa slo�ea, tes4aursssffi arf� iSVern�.
- �.. •:�.,, _ �
. __ _
s�hd, ' e �.�aie- A"s:do` shaU n'.eatt 8tsy is�efB� of po0ds tOr fior�ay. �de,
bsrtst. or otMr mnridara�cn. �
•�• -.ci .-•�l � u.-:a�tr �.1 ti�. . „-�.. .,I
c ....
� �8eerrnran '�'�,�y' y�g � y� �y7p0lS!!y lC3i 0! tE11
Q►tWeQo tn seA lo0xc prodssh with ral�i�ni ofltss ¢rivde'9ss allaur�d
ac�or�n8 to aetion of tM G�arry ORk'a�.
- -- .u�- •,�,... _ _ .
- - �� - ,.
�Y� -
Subd- 14 Tab��.+e *�+n �'p�p �y� Sf70(j tC14a11 Q7iy 177�ltiil�l Or
ttnsn ee�alMng tobacco tes}. 3ndu�9nQ bu � n � ot �trtr�ed to. clpare!lrs; ci�ara; ptDe
� TDb! .t'C�. iS�� �7S r.n Ot �}!?t C�tiQ wWC�; C�l�OQti� �� ���
g���, P��9 C.�4 �rrtF urt, read�+ubbed, end othar em�iefng faba�sz: srft�f!
ilOtvera: eavendtslt; sha� PwG and twctt Labaex� d4=PuKi �bta�� raffiise
�P4 �PP�+ �lnpt, ar�d tW�tn¢8 of to�; ard elti�r fdadi iu�i tottns
of tobacco leaf prep�red in aurJt Rterttt�r 9s to b� auisbte tor clserrip0. atslfl{np.
ot m+cidrsp. Toboceo pro�s�a ahsil alsa 6saud� anY pl� ro�InG P�, or
otttier davic4 l�tersdsd ia be taed In a r�rmrtvAk3t eKObiee tlts �vlt�,
eraf�tto� asrrmic�g ot5ob��a or�eeca �nodt�tr.
8�ebet 1S Ye�+�h 'YOilflt shal! meass atsy pasnn wh0 lsas ADt y�t �wChad tl�
a�e af.i�trtNn (tA� y+wts•
A� ,•�
'•'�•2:! L�r.
o�a . ..._... _.�
Saction d00. litense.
:. ������
►Vo retail estabGshmer�t shalf seli or of� to seit arry tobacco pradud without iirst
having obtained a 6eense to do so fmm fhe Counfy, untess suct� person obtalne"d
a Ucense lTCrts a sity ar locat govemmerrtai agancy_
Subd_ 1 qpolicatiort. At� appliptioq ior a license to sefl tcbac� produds st�ail
be made an a form provided bythe County. The appticaton shali can�in the fult
name af the appC�canR residerniai and business addresses, tefephone numbers,
ihe name of the busiqess arsd any additianal information the County deems . .. ..
Sub� 2 Aciion_ The County Otfiaai shaH apprnve, deny or deiay license ac6on,
for a reascna6te pe�d of time, tn complete any tnvestlgdUon af the apQGrttiCn
or !ha applicar+t {nvesti�ation may mdude, but is not timited to, a bac�cground
dteek. tf the Counry Offidai detem�ines ihat an applidtion is incamptete, fhe
Otfiaal shail retum the apptfcaticn ta the applicant with notke of the Infarmation
necsssary to camplete the appliption. When tha Offuaat determines thaf the
iicense application qn be approved, the offiaa! shail issue the I'rcense to the
applicant. ►f ihe Official denies the Gcense, natiee of the denial sisa[! 6e given tA
the app{icant aiong with notice af the appiiqrit"s rights and the appea! process.
s�bd- 3 Term. All Ucenses sPaU 6e vaGd (or twetve montf�s fram ihe date cf
issua�cE. Tha license shatl termiirate upon the anr�iversary e"ate. The iengtfi of
license time may be modifled fivm time-to-time by resolution ot the Courrty
��,� a Renewats. `fhe renewat of a}icense shalt be handled ►n the same
martr+er as ffie origi�al appticatfon. The applicant's request far a renewal s3lalt
ba made at feast thirty days bvt no mora trian sixty days bafore the expirat3on oi
tite wrrent iicense. The issuance af a licsnse shap be considered a privilege
and not an abso(ute right of the appficant and shall not errtitte the helder tc an
-' auWmaDc renewai of the licer,se.
S��b _� Tran�!rs. AI1licenses shal! be valid o�ly Cn fhe premises fo� which Ehe
license was issued and an{y for ihe person io whom the license was issuesf. No
iransfer cf the license to another ioeation or person shal! be allowed,
��bd 8 v abi P� ef S a ines Ne ficens� shaR be issued to a movabte
pface oi business. pnly tbced-loption businesses shatl be slig�le fo be
Subd_ 7 bisncav. A115censes shall be pasted aad displayed on t3�e Gcensed
premise in plairt view of ihe generat pubGc and shalt be exhr'brted to any person
upon requesi. The licar�se shaN inctuda a statesnent ta the effect of, `By {aw, af{
persons under the age of 27 years must ptesent i�etstification to purshase
tabacco producLs.•
�.�. ��o �at►*en+•nte af tltts saelson nfrau e�ot avPZV m
.�stsra sesivltY af ad6ng �bacco D�dacb ta resa� �is
SaottoA S�D. Ad�ttin�lv� Fsa tar LTa��s and 8atvIoot.
.. .. a9�d.1. Thsre sha,i bs faet ior 6oetscws �ered ur�lhe authaet2y af 4� .
ardi�an�e. TI� iicana fi� str�8 be detemdnad accorrlfn4 tn th� fatlow7ap fidtrs
si� atAO�:
� S�ii fM fof RiCi1 f9t'dIl aS�l�i11Ri0ettltdls�9 tD� p(OdtTC! SId18lS w1�9
OCCiI� ��
. �.:
4 NRunb�r Of ta6atm ptadtrcf wndb'�q tnad'mta. 'i'llit =1Citadeg. bt�l8 cto!
ibn�ed !e, Shaea vonding ma� eqnippsd w1tYi a remate nontral �si�,
whsr3r crarat he adtvsted i�y a rei� �rlc iw euh bobeCCO p�dt� sa�s
� S26 ateis vri!!! SZ00 ntaxienuns
�i2 Redue�on in 8c�ae iee�c sh� be a�hm'ized fit ths foiowin�
a. 7'!f� r�erssea. �1J rss�apers and aa ernpieyass lfrs.t �ra enQaDad ln
� groduet saiaa cart taaa�s! atoer+si�+ea aod acw�eaaiul
axt�fnBon af� s�s and yoush a�ss L�inir,� tamaFtablr ta the
��f+ �aA within t}x �at 3 y�eara. 207G �sduelJort In 4cla! f0ea
1170 WWtS�E itlfj i� f118JilQOR o� �o ptpdUG 1iIYt, bil! sSOt 8$
'_ empl0�eee, tan doauf�at�t �tsr�d�a �d sucr,zssfai Corttpl6Uot1 ef
wbacco salas atsd Ycuth a�ose tta�li� tseraptAbi► to 2he Courrty
O�Ide!} +�fiin t�aae Pa�t 3 Y�ara. 10'K redvetFon in !ah! ioaa
b. The asfab9storoer� is oci�aty �nd to pae4ent Yputh fiom er�arinq uts
� 40`X ndttetkn ia boye{ !Ms
�,.�.TF�i tofiotvin� �dmirlsl�+�e ie�s� �t bY Rs�ttloe� o!'the Ccunty
Boud. rv� be aPA�e�d 1a enarver sarvka aaafs as appQasbie.
�- � appScatmn ard piym�trt ot faes casbed bY �
i6 prtr��k
. _:�::
Q'A w+'xa� �t'evu x�1 rrsiarn Lu�.s �ac. rr av�
JUN. 2 1998 �31 _31FlM yi:,,=�c i un NALr,N r1CC�l � 0���+16
� - - ._ �
. ;: a; =
b. Add�ionai retaII inspections, Sales�tamRliance ct�ecks �t''d
' catrespandence needed to detecmine or achieve compi'iactce after
noncomP6ance or vioiation is found at the Gcensed reta�"f estabf3s per�hour
c. tnspection and enforcemerrt senrice fQes for mun�cipalities that �antrad
wit� �he Courdy to regulate tobacco saies and youth access as� �irh u'
by Minaesot3 lavt.
5i, Petsons attending "Tobacco 5ales and Ycu� A�esS Tm ��� �
by the County.
��, n Administrative fees, apptied during tha I'�cense term that have not been
paid in fuif, shaU be added to and became pad of the fic�nse renewai fee•
��, A license fee refund far business tertnination may be avthorized. AnY
refund amount wilt be axordis�g ta the sthedute set by ResoluNon of the Couniy
, u�6_. Arry oi the fe�s ior the cabegories i� this secfion may bs modfied, ftem
time to tme, by Resolution oi the Caurrty 8oard.
�u . 7. The aicensing taquirement in fhis sedia� shali not be appi'ied to tobacea
product wholesaie�s who oniy se� tobacca Psalucts to �facl esta6Gsfiments.
Sectton fi00. Basis foc digibi[tty, artd for Deniat of Licanse.
�L No refaii license, or Gcense renev+ai, shail be issued to a petsan:
a. UnCerihe age of S8.
� b. Cornricted ot a viokation of Federal of State iaw, or any local govemmerit
" ordinance or regulaScn relaiing to tobacq produci,s
� a Cutrendy under temrs of a suspensiaeti or revocation of a C�cense ta seli
� tobaxo Droduds
• d. Who has fa'ited to pay tha a�propriate lieensing andlos se�ui� fees.
� f.
Faiis to pravide any inforrnation requited by the applicaticn or County
Otf'icial, or provides ;�lse or rriisleadtng infam�adon.
Ptohibiied by+ �ederat, State, or other bcat taw. ordinance. or othe+'
regutation, from hotding such a Gcense.
$y�,3„ tf it is discoveted that a 5cense was mistakenty issued Cr renewed to art
�+etig,ble person, the Lcense shalt be revoked by the Counry Offiraal.
�, �ac. vacs� s��tstMS.
Tnbac� a�'�d�vanelap med�fne Ix�tion and aaJs� stso9 be t6n@ad. auas�n0
sc �e prcvisio�►s eflAlnneaa:n Stsarte Chs� �, Fedrral taw, and tfa3a
orrlinara as ema+dsd frvm cnn�-t�ttma.
5�� 800. S�IfS�cvla Kenelsar�disltt4 ae►d 9�iae.
!�+ 1 S�ti$enriee me�'sandlslt� and aalaa af tcbscso Pioducts a�e �aC
aecord'm9 te �A"tnnesota 8�tuta Cfsapter 48t, �t zsnenQad front ilme-ta�t3me� a►1d
funt�ar ti�si�Eed accar�k�p m tho tofio�vi�+G � its Cds s0�oe►.
,�ksi.2. Aa to�ac� Pfsadncts, atfsred far s�le. ehdi dtf�u i� a) sfiarsd in au
at+�a � aa�sminer'Ct7d rttaY.Ds vwibfa btR it �nt sewas�a tc c�ama+a, or D) in
d vet'tdin8 tYPs ��Re lxa�d � the Bcatfsee �ha11 Gtsok tlta ideStBty Cf tl1t
�ntt �'td wat�h the �dncts pu��se.
s�a�t 3- a� ehaf! «tiy aQaw ms,dwe�ino �' �a nFfr�accC
produ�s by II) 9 PnY��+ e�+an�,�e ot �is t�b.aa Prnd�t b.l�w�n the ncecsss.
o� tfsse Ursflaee'� e�bYees and L`+� aadvmns, er b} n�� �e
�qu►�Ped u� a awii�s !!ut dlspoenva tho ptodu�t er�tY
C�tt�s � awl�.�s to be 4c"se9y aativeRed tar sa�tt 3ndNtdti� Sa1R
,�,�,,,s� The set�seHiee marchand�tk�q taM� shRR nat apP1Y to tatail
sslahlishrnante whsn the op�stas astive{y pral�Els Ydsr9� ie�t �rd�rbsg t3se
�nssa esb�Bahment et ali llmes, and whete 90'!4 os' �so�e a�'t� ^�
eaia6{i�+raent� ravasue is dertivcd fr�m t�beae Produ�t ealas, aa provfded tn
MYtt�esDta StaytCi Chaphes de1.
�3t6d `- PaiY �lsiJar� seUatq tobac� pradu�s atlhe �rne this ordlru�ce is
sdoptad� shan �1Y �sBls thEs �c8on an a b�E'oc� MaY 15,19� anct r:saisfidin
carr�PBes�es 2h�tralE�r.
" S�oslos+ aCO. f2esPOnstbil'dy.
AIt �ertieea aisall Ce req�oeissbis for i!w a�ens of 1hQk' 6tnpiay90� tn Tspatd tD
tltt st�te Of fObexO Pas�txts Mt tl19 ACets�id Rr�sea. 'E1te sata atlabaeGO
praducs b3t an atr�loyea st�alf b8 m�slder�d a sals bY tl�s lks�=ss hoklar.
[�ing tn thls seet� shea t�hmit the Wwsty Q!lidat irv�n subj�dtnp ttf�
�snpyr�„�sle aQpre�e �istrsWs pandt�+ fi�s �+6� tl3s ot�ts�tee. St�
or FsHRaV faw, ot o��r appiKabw Isw or �spe�i�tfoe�.
g�efiea lQGC. Salos�npJfarios elwdy.
SIIiee-eatsp�snca d'rr�s� at d�liried In 1�ntretots Sfatt� Cf�{�tnr 4C1� s{dt be
. pericnr�ed utrci�e dErectlon of the Goutc�r C!}fe'si iar tha pstrpet+s ai �ttnQ
, ,�; mer+p�tr� �th Rtfra,ea+� 9tat�e gaos-eBS, as sn+�dod iram trs+ld�-t7me. ..
-•• • a� forb�lrsp e�sssp5anat+�hlhlt ond�s�ofe�.
-; 8
+' - . fi�d � Mlvi1 9I73"d A.1� �.n {+dd27� �• ES �i.'1
7UN. 2.1998 :11�31F1M a nr�e��t•i �� 'r0.��u. - e..n..:le
N0. 067' • �^'�P.11�
Section i1C0. Vioiatiorss.
� c� �hd 1 Notice_ Upon discovery of a suspecfed violatfon, the aileged vidator
shall be issued. ec"ther personalty or tiy mad, a cfiation that sets forth the aile9�
viela6on and administrative penalpr fee• The notice shalf irrtorm tise a11e9ed
violatnr of the right ta an administrative hearin9-
,Syb Hea ' s_ A pecsan alteged to have aommitted a viataSon may requast a
hearing befora the Tobacca Hearing Officer within 10 days of r�ceivin9 the
ci�tion. The tirt+e and PtacE of the �aR^9 shall be stheduled and pravided to
the alleged violator within 30 days of receiving the re4uest `.ar a hearing. •The
hearing noticx shatl be publlshed and open to the pubfic.
�h� ?'r� Ftearina Officer. The Covniy Soard shall appoint an individval
to serve as tbe Tobacco Hearing Officer• The resAonsbiliCes of the Nearing
Otficershall be assigned by iha Cou�riy Boand and may incJads, bt7 not be
lhnited to, the follow+ng:
a. Conduetitlg hearings pursuant wi@► M9rtnesota Statute 461-12•
b. Making recemmendations te the County 8oard rega►'din9 this ordina�
and associated poGcies and fees.
c Reviewing ancf guiding adsninistration af ihe paGaes and sesvices
associated witit fhis ordinance.
tl. A�ivising thc County QfScia�
�� d DecislarL Ths Officers dEcision, along with H1e findiags and
administrarive penairy fees tn be imposed, if any, shaU he recarded in writing and
a copy shail be provided ta ihe alteged violator served persor+atly or by mal.
s�bd_ 5 Aceea�s. Appeafs of arsy decision made by the Officsr shaEi be made
pursuant to Nlinnesota Statute Chapter 461 12 subd. 7, as amendsd from time-
$y6d 6,�onttnued Vt�a�_,i�n. Each vioia6on, and every day in which a violation
oaurs or corttinues, sha�! eonstitute a separate affense•
5eetion 120D. Administrative PonatBes.
l� I � O �
�ybd t Pert ttv C' eria. Administrative Penafdes shaU be defined and
administered as provlded in Minnesota Statute Chaptsr d61 as arr�e�ded irom
time-ta-time and axording to Subd. 2 of this Seetion 120b.
• �i
:;i • T
{ - � ' � � q �,�D?
- q �p asffibrnsi�me:st rsr�adoy�e
fotmd to havs viel�d si�s aedk�ana shat[ be rs4upaQ to partia�t� in'TaEaaa
gaiea ar�d You3tt Aoass TnMitu� �ut is aueCSSd bY tl� Co�'H �t This
haining shaII no! De a aubatlt►7tR'(a an admU��� Pm'��► ��Of� �
6diirno�o� Lsw.
� ��� p�Ky ieet at0 tl7ose idenslffed U7
� gtsS�te Chapfrr s61. as atstended irocn �nt�ksf�.
�_ ¢,�cerbiet�a. UpOttfhe i�$d oiWua wiasirt a 24 Rtoat!!1 pCr3od� the
8c�tsfa �haB bA �er�ds� �Y'tha Cun+fy a�, aa Provided fn ir�ntt�sota
SlO�+ds ChsP�r 46'1 � ss �t'�nded frt�+1 �-
,��ed x x►nnr�ens- 'fi� tiansa �oY onht be r:+vcked bY th� WuntY �.
The reta8 es3akBdanvnt op�afa►r�! noAPiy tar a 6oe�me, and paY ths t�lai
� t.o, 4� cpe�ale a�rs the cs�d�t � to rerotation are
aaev�+y �ea a�a�e�oto� dt� cow�y e�ro.
� The Be�u�.s sh�i[ re�naw a� botrao� ptc�dttas
lra�+ ths P� cd sa�a a� keepic►� �em out af pub�o `rMr+ snd ac� ion or n!E
1M IP��) d�¢ tls� sr+�;us�e� as tevct�t� P�
A„�_ � ue�e_ Adrninis�aSve P� �°C nEYOC�a aMt i�
�d a�sr ttr� ai►�Oad vldaeor, U�s�r, or athst ts� �KY? �
�ecsived tsoticx at a) th� a�i�ad `rio�8on, sM b} the Ptoezas ��►4
�d a�tnirsg a hsatlstg to appoai th�fr �ase Detcre tne Tabac�o Hearing �1�Car.
Sueh r'� �Y ba setved P��Y or bY tna�7.
g�lion 1300. Defar�sos ae�d F�a+�t+ona.
�yj�, tt shoil bs an aEHm aNw dsistu� ior a P�� tn itive rhad� a tabsoeo
pr�r:ud sak v�fien they an derrwns�ate Qtay rt+�atssblY �°n ���°
.� gs ptovfded tn Mtnnasc� Statue §34aA S03 sa pm�nded fi�om �m�Urssa.
�,2 Th� ordlnance stvfl not prw�t+t dis�u�on af �obaxco to Ird6iuo yaAh
�s PTCVided in Mkmaos� S�a §909.885, ts afrlYndc�d fcortf fitsS►tfl-tlms•
goclfost 7400. Sav�eabiRty attd S�tYlnss Cituse.
1{ sny aectlan es partfan oNhlt �dka¢xs shsC ba ia�ssd �as�s�� �
pthe+wi■e invaad cr tmentar�hle bY s ccst ef eamp�4trt 1u�d�� �
�p ahait nat serve as an LtvaBdatfon or ailOG the vaSdRY artd enfo�asb�tY o�
pny othor s�ei�t er proviticn d Ss� ��e.
.., �
-. . .
� g[•d F(Ytiia �t'�'id xL � Lt�:� H5. E'[ Bii
JUN. 2.1998 - 11�32RM ' „".�. . N0.007 P.13
' �� �' . s��n,soa. �►. ca�. q r '`��
. 2
�• Thes ordina+�ce shaA be in fuU iorae and effect trom and after i!s Passa9e and
appcovai. as Provided by law. •
Passed and appmved this sra day of a�zvazr , 1968 by the Counly of Olmsted-
� '
� � �
- .. - _ . . . Paul 1M1fitsan. ci�aiR�zson _ . .. . . _
Board of Commissio�ers
Atte� �
criard G. Devtin. Cierk-Administrator
R�4pPo11Nn 10H3197; 10f2'1f47.17J7G97
' ��
'; �
.. v ,
Council File # ` �0
Ordinance #
O D���� j�� Green Sheet # �
� � r, ORDINANCE ry
Presented By
Committee: Date
Referred To
An ordinance amending Chapter 324 of the Saint
Paul Legislative Code to prohibit tobacco
vending machines in facilities where minors
are present and to establish an administrative
penalty to be imposed against the clerk at a
licensed premise who sells tobacco or tobacco
products to a minor
Section 1
Chapter 324 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended
to read as follows:
Sec. 324.01. License required.
(a) No person shall sell or offer for sale at retail within
the City of Saint Paul any tobacco, or in any manner represent or
hold himself or hersel£ out as one who se11s or o£fers for sale
at retail any tobacco, or maintain a tobacco vending machine for
the sale of tobacco without a license.
. ... . - . - .- . - ...
. . . . .. .-.
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Sec. 324.02. License for eaeh location or vending machine.
A license shall permit the licensee to sell tobacco at
retail at the one tl) location specified in said license, and a
separate license shall be required far each location or tobacco
vending machine.
Sec. 324.03. Definitions.
The £ollowing words and phrases, as used in this chapter,
shall, for the purposes of this chapter, have the meanings
respectively ascribed to them in this section, except in those
cases where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
(1) Cigarette paper and cigarette wrapper means and
includes any paper or other substance or materials,
except tobacco, used as a wrapper or cover for a
cigarette, as herein defined.
(2) Sale means and includes any transfer, conditional or
otherwise, of title or possession.
(3} Sa1e at retaiZ means and includes all sales except
those where the merchandise is sold far the purpose of
resale b� a person principally engaged in selling
merchandise for resale.
(4] Tobacco means cigarettes, cigars, snuff, chewing
tobacco, dipping tobacco, or any other kind or form of
tobacco prepared in such a manner as to be suitable for
chewing or smoking.
(5) Tobacco vending machine means a machine for vending
tobacco by the insertion of a coin.
See. 324.04. Fee and duration.
The annual license fee for each location of sale or each
tobacco vending machine shall be established b� ordinance as
specified in section 310.09(b) of the Legislative Code. The
license shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance
during each calendar year. The annual license fee shall be
prorated for licenses in force less than a full year.
5ec. 324.05. Application.
In addition to any other information required by the
director, the applicant shall state the true name of the
applicant, the name under which he or she shall conduct his or
her business, whether such business is that of an individual,
sole trader, firm, partnership, or corporation, and the address
where such business is to be conducted. Any person applying for
more than one (1) license shall file with the Office of License,
118) years of age.
Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) a list of all _`� w ���
locations of sale andJor the location of each vending machine for
which license applications are being filed_ Any change in the
location of the place of sale shall be reported to the director
within five (5) days o£ said change.
Sec. 324.06. License to be displayed.
The license shall be displayed by the licensee in a
prominent and conspicuous place at the location of the tobacco
vending machine to be licensed. In the case of a tobacco vending
machine, the operator shall also affix his or her name, address
and telephone number in a conspicuous place on each machine.
Sec. 324.07. Sales prohibited.
No person shall se11 or dispense cigarette paper or
cigarette wrappers from a vending machine or a motor vehicle. No
person shall sell or dispense tobacco from a motor vehicle. No
person sha11
sell, offer to sell or otherwise
provide tobacco to anyone under the age of eighteen (1&). Any
violation of this chapter shall subject the licensee to
provisions of section 310 and section 324.10 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code.
Sec. 324.08. Distribution of free tobaceo products prohibited.
No person in the business of selling or gromoting tobacco
products or agent or employee of such person shall distribute
tobacco products free to any person on the sidewalks, pedestrian
concourses, pedestrian malls or pedestrian skyway systems within
the City of Saint Paul.
Sec. 324.09. Use of false identification by minors prohibited.
No person under the age of eighteen (18) years shall
purchase tobacco or tobacco-relatefl devices, as those terms are
defined by Minnesota Statutes, Section 609.685, subdivisions 1(a)
and 1(b), using a driver's license, a Minnesota identification
card, or other form of identification which is false, fictitious,
altered or counterfeited as to age or any other material fact of
Sea. 324.10. Use of tobacco prohibited.
No person under the age of eighteen (18) years shall
purohase, use or possess tobacco or tobacco-related devices, as
those terms are defined by Minnesota Statutes, Section 609.685,
subdivisions 1(a) and 1(b).
Sec. 324.11. Presumptive penalties.
(a) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish a
standard by which the city council determines the amount of
fines, length of license suspensions and the propriety of
revocations. These penalties are presumed to be appropriate for
every case; however, the council may deviate therefrom in an
individual case where the council finds and determines that there
exist substantial and compelling reasons which make it
appropriate to do so. When deviating from these standards, the �0 +� �`
council sha11 provide written reasons that specify why the
penalty selected was more appropriate_
(b) Presumptive penaZties for vioZations. Adverse penalCies
for violations or convictions shall be presumed as follows:
Type of Appearance
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
(1� Sale of $200.00 $400.00 30-day Revocation
tobacco to fine fine suspension
a minor
(c) Fines payable without hearing. Notwithstanding the
provisions of section 310.D5(1), a licensee who would be making a
first or second appearance before the council may elect Co pay
the fine to the office of LIEP without a council hearing, unless
the notice of violation has indicated that a hearing is required
because of circumstances which may warrant deviation from the
presumptive fine amount. Payment of the recommended fine will be
considered to be a waiver of the hearing to which the licensee is
entitled, and will be considered an "appearance" for the purpose
of determining presumptive penalties for subsequent violations.
2 (d) Penalty to be assessed to the clerk. An individual who
3 sells tobacco to a gerson under the age of 18 years while working
4 as an em.�loyee or agent of the licensed premises shall be subject
5 to an administrative oenalty of Fifty Dollars (550.00). An
6 individual subject to a penaltX under this subdivision is
7 entitled to the hearing Drocedures set forth in Saint Paul
8 Lec�islative Code 6310.06.
Section 2
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days
following its passage, approval and publication.
Robert Kessler April 20 1998
266-9090 � , N° 50404 qg�
mendments to Chapter 324 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to compl� with
resent state law (Mn. Stat. Secs. 461.12 and 461.18 subd. 2 see attached)
hat restricts tobacco vending machines to areas where people under the age of
8 are prohibited.
F _
Has the person/firm eves worked under a contract for this department?
Has this personjfism ever been a City employee?
Does this personJfirm possess a skill not nozmaily possessed by am
Cuxrent City employee?
.ain all Y85 aaswers oa a saparate aheet aad attach.
L4111t1111VV LAVDLGl•1 1AJVG� VCYVR1U1V11I �YV11V� YVL1Gll� W31CLL� Wl1CLC� Wll�f 7
inors, through unmonitored tobacco vending machines, have access to
�v�rzac��s zr AYYxov�U:
Lt will be more difficult for people under the age of 18 to purchase tobacco
�roducts through tobacco vending machines.
�ne apparent.
ople under the age of 18 will continue to have access to tobacco products
rough vending machines.
Minnesota Statutes 1997, 461.12
Minnesota Statutes 199� Tabte of Cha�ters
Table of contents for Ch�ter 461
461.12 Muaicipal tobacco licease.
Subdivision 1. Authorizatioa. A tovm board or the
governing body of a home rule charter or statutory city may
license and regulate the retail sale o£ tobacco as defined in
section 6Q9_6s5, svbdivision 1, and establish a license fee for
sales to recover the estimated cost of enforcing this chapter.
The county board shall license and regulate the sale of tobacco
in unorganized territory of the county and in a town or a home
rule charter or statutory city if the town or city does not
license and regulate retail tobacco sales. Retail
establishments licensed by a town or city to sell tobacco are
not required to obtain a second license for the same location
under the licensing ordinance of the county.
Subd. 2. Administrative genalties; licensees. If a
licensee or employee of a licensee sells tobacco to a person
under the age of 18 years, or violates any other provision of
this chapter, the licensee shall be charged an administrative
penalty of $75. An administrative penalty of $2�0 must be
imposed for a second violation at the same location within 24
months after the initial violation. For a third violation at
the same location within 24 months after the initial violation,
an administrative penalty of $250 must be imposed, and the
licensee's authority to sell tobacco at that location must be
suspended for not less then seven days. No suspension or
penalty may take effect until the licensee has received notice,
served personally or by mail, of the alleged violation and an
opportunity for a hearing before a person authorized by the
licensing authority to conduct the hearing. A decision that a
violation has occurred must be in writing.
Subd. 3. Administrative penalty; individuals. An
individual who sells tobacco to a person under the age of 18
years must be charged an administrative penalty of $50. No
penalty may be imposed until the individual has received notice,
served personally or by mail, of the alleged violation and an
opportunity for a hearing before a person authorized by the
licensing authority to conduct the hearing. A decision that a
violation has occurred must be in writing.
Subd. 4. Minors. The licensing authority shall
consult with interested educators, parents, children, and
representatives of the court system to develop alternative
penalties for minors who purchase, possess, and consume
tobacco. The licensing authority and the interested persons
shall consider a variety of options, including, but not limited
to, tobacco free education programs, notice to schools, parents,
community service, and other court diversion programs.
Subd. 5. Compliance checks, A licensing authority
shall conduct unannounced compliance checks at least once each
calendar year at each location where tobacco is sold to test
compliance with section 6D9.585. Compliance checks must involve
minors over the age of 15, but under the age of 16, who, with
the prior written consent of a parent or guardian, attempt to
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�� � ���
http://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/st97/461/12.htrn1 4/30t98
Nliimesota Statutes 1997, 461.12
Page 2 of 2
purchase tobacco under the direct supervision of a law �S"j�ll0�
enforcement officer or an employee of the licensing authority. Q �
Subd. 6. Defense. It is an affirmative defense to
the charge of selling tobacco to a person under the age of 18
years in violation o£ subdivision 2 or 3 that the licensee or
individual making the sale relied in good faith upon proof of
age as described in section 340A.503, subdivision 6.
Subd. 7. Judicial review. Any person aggrieved by a
deaision under subdivision 2 or 3 may have the decision reviewed
in the district court in the same manner and procedure as
provided in section 46�61.
AIST: 1941 c 242 s 3; 1941 c 405 s 3; 1951 c 382 s 1; Eac1959 c
'I3 S 2; 1973 c 123 art 5 s 7; 1982 c 572 s 2; 1997 c 227 s 4
Copyright 1997 by the Office of Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota.
http:!/www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/st97/461I12.htrnl 4130I98
Mannesota Statutes 1997, 461.18
Minnesota Statutes 1997. Tab1e of Chapters
Table of contents for Cha te.�L r 461
461.18 8an on self-service sale of aiagle packs;
Subdivision 1. Sxcept ia adult-oaly facilities. (a)
No person shall offer for sale single packages of cigarettes or
smokeless tobacco in open displays which are accessible to the
public without the intervention o£ a store employee.
(b) Cartons and other multipack units may be offered and
sold through open displays accessible to the public.
(c) Paragraph (b) expires on August 28, 1997.
(d) This subdivision shall not apply to retail stores which
derive at least 90 percent of their revenue from tobacco and
tobacco-related products and which cannot be entered at any time
by persons younger than 18 years of age.
Subd. 2. vendiag machine salea prohibited. No person
shall sell tobacco products from vending machines. This
subdivision does not apply to vending machines in facilities
that cannot be entered at any time by persons younger than 18
years of age.
Subd. 3. Rederal regulations for cartoas, multipacks.
Code of Federal Regulations, title 21, part 897.16(c), is
incorporated by reference with respect to cartons and other
multipack units.
HIST: 1997 c 227 s 6
* NOTE: Subdivision 3, as added by Laws 1997, chapter 227,
*section 6, is effective upon the implementation of Code of
*Federal Regulations, title 21, part 697.16(c). Laws 1997,
*chapter 227, section 9. Code of Federal Regulations, title 21,
*part 897.16(c) is effective August 28, 1997. Federal Register,
*AUgust 28, 1996, page 44396.
Copyright Z997 by the Office of Revisor of Statutes, State af Minnesota.
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http:f/wwwsevisor.leg.state.mn.us(st97f461/18.hhn1 4/30f98
Coilins, Buckley, Sauntry & Haugh, �P
West 1100 Frst National Bank Building
332 Minnesota Street
Saint Paui, Minnesota 551 01 1 379
Telephone. (612) 727-0611
Far: (612) 227-0758
June 1, 1998
St. Paul City Council
310 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re: Proposed Ordinance Amending Chapter 324
Council File No. 98-407
Green Sheet No. 50404
Deaz Councilmembers:
Eugene D. Buckley
Wiliiam E Haugh, Jr.
� MichaeiJ.Sauntry
Ma�k W. Gehan
txThomas J. Germschefd
* John R-Schulz
oThOmas R_O'Connell
o �an O'Connell
ChrisOne LStrcemer
�Thwnas E. McEilisvem
Robert L. RiChZrt
Of Counsel
rt� TY!eoUOre J.Goldns
By way of introduction, I have been retained by Dan Dalilin to represent him and his business,
known as DVM, Inc., and doing business as Dahlco, with regazd to concems raised by the proposed
ordinance menrioned above. DVM operates 140 to 150 remote storage kiosks, dispensing cigarettes,
throughout Minnesota. Each of these kiosks is placed in a licensed liquor establishment, and each
has a locking device on it which requires a person buying cigazettes to go to a staff person, typically
a bartender, to seek authorizarion to use the machine. The staff person can then require
identification if the buyex's age is in question.
I understand that at its ne� meeting on June 3, 1998, the City Council will be considering
amendments to Chapter 324 of the St. Puai Legis]ative Code, concerning restriction of tobacco
vending r.iachines to areas where people under the age of 18 aze prohibited. According to the
Green Sheet No. 5Q404, dated Apri120, 1998, the problem that the ordinance is intended to solve
has to do with minors having access to cigarettes through unmonitored tobacco vending machines.
The definirion of "tobacco vending machine" appeazs at section 324.03 of the proposed ordinance.
I have advised Mr. Dahlin that the locking machines owned by DVM aze not included under this
definition, and so the proposed ordinance does not apply. For legislative clariry, however, I believe
the language of the ordinance should be modified to cleazly exclude the locking machines.
For your review and information, I am enclosing the Olmsted Counry Tobacco Sales and Youth
Access Ordinance, adopted by the Olmsted County Boazd on February 3, 1998. The Olmsted County
"Aisa Atlmittetl m Wisconsm.
7CrvA Trial 5pecia0s[, Gerofietl by �he CrvJ Uigation SecVOn of ihe Mmnesote Stare Bar Awwiation.
#Cert�fietl by Ihe N2ponal Boattl ot inal Ativocacy as a Ciml Tnal Special5t
o CPH, Ge�etl by Ne Minnesota State Boartl of accountancy. �MBa in finance.
9 �.���
Colfins, Buckley, Sauntry & Haugh, �p
Page 2
June 1, 1995
ordinance clarifies ihat the locking machines used by DVM aze excluded. (See, section 700 and
section 800, subds. 2 and 3). To avoid ambiguity and possible future legal action, we respectEully
request that the City Council consider adopting the language used by Olmsted County in its similaz
DVM, Inc., is a responsible, licensed, tae-paying corporation. On its own, DVM impleznented the
locking machines in order to avoid sales to minors. No complaints have been made against DVM,
Inc., for selling tobacco to minors. DVM agrees with the e�cpressed aun of the ordinance, which is
to eliminate the sale of cigazettes to minors. The clarification requested herein by DVM to the
proposed ordinance will advance the Cit�s goal without unfairly restricting DVM's right to conduct
its business.
We would gready appreciate the opportuniry to address the Ciry Council before final consideration
of this matter.
Very truly yours,
� "" `
cc: Jerry Blakey
Cluis Coleman
Michael Hartis
Jay Benanav
Jim Reiter
Daniel Bostrom
Kathy Lantry
Philip Byme
Virginia Palmer
Dan Dalilin
�Vn. G.1770 11-C7FiPl
� - _
LaW offi�es
West I300 Rirst Nauonal Bank Bw7ding
332 Minnesota Sueet
Saint Paul, Minnesora 55101-1379
Telephone: (612) 227-0611
Fax: (612) 22?-0758
June 2, 1998
St PauI City Council
(612) 266-8574
Mark Gehan
Phone: (612? 266-8560
TOTAI. PAGES (Including Cover Sheet): � !3
� r q�,ya�
•� �: •�
L .
Our telewpiu is a Canan FAX 520. tc w�1] reeeive auwmaecally in Gmup I, II or III.
For manual ttansmisslon, call auwmaric meehine aad send aaver page marked chac you have w sw�d msnuslly or call our s»iuS�boaxd
numbes and ask m speak to cSe telecopia opecator 5w;rchhoard teleohone csnwc be eonnecred m rhe cetecooter.
Th� infocmarioa conretined in tliis fauim�7e message is auomey pm��7eged and oonfidenriaf infosmacoa intended for 2he use of t5e
individval or enri[y named alwvc. Tf ehe reader oE this message B no� the inunded recipieat, or che employee or agenc r�ponsible io
• � 714
I ..`
i �aV��• L�il�lV 11'L.Irlll
Coliins, Buckley, Sauntry & Haugi�,�
West 1100 Fitst Na4o�tai 9ank Buiid;ttg
332 R�II(R1P.SOle �JI(68t
Sair�t Paul. Mmnesota 55101-1379
'�P1ta�s: t �Zf•0611
Fafi (4�2) 227A75@
.f11tIC 1� 1�$
St. Paul Ciry Council
31Q City F�Ta1I
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re: Proposed Osdinance Amending Chaptes 324
Councl Fiie No. 96-40?
Green Sheet No. 50404
Deaz Counca7members:
IYV.GG! r.c
. A5o'fae1J.53unfry
Me(Ic w Ge�an
x,lau� P•Sdwlz
�'R�ort�a,^ R.0'Ca+RW
^ Den 0'Conneil
Chih,itulB I.Sltoetne�
Aoben L Rkhert
01 Coixise�
s7n' 71�BODOtB J. Coll�n6
Bq way of inaoducdon, T have been retained by Dan Dahlisi to represent him and his business,
lmown as DVM, Inc., and doing bvsiness as Dahlco, wizh regard ro concems zaised by rhe �roposed
ordinance menrioned above. DVM opezates 149 to 150 remote stosage kiosks, dispensing cigazettes,
tY�rovghout Mixinesota. F.ach of these idASkc is placed in a licensed liquoz establishment, and each
has a Iocking device on it wMch requires a pezson buying cigarettes to go to a staff person, typically
a bar[endez, to seek authorizarion m use the machine. The staff person can rhen require
identification if the buyes's age is in question.
I understand that at its next meeting on June 3, 1998, the Gity Couacil wili be considering
amendments to Chapter 324 of the St Pual Legislative Code, conceming resiriction of tobacco
vending machiaes to areas where people under the age of 18 are prolubited. Aocording to the
Green Sheet No. 50404, dated Apri120,1498, the grohlem that the ordinance is iatended to solve
i�as ro do with minors having access to cigarertes tttrough unmonitored mhacco vending macl�ines.
The definition of "toUacco vending machine" appean at section 324.03 of the proposed ordinance.
I have advised Mr. Dahlin t�at the locking machines owned by DVM are not included under this
definition, and so the pmposed ordinance does not apply. For legislative clarity, hawevez, I be]ieve
the Ianguage of the ordinance should be modified to dearly exclude the locking machines.
For your review and informarion, I azn enclosing the Olmsted Counry Tobacco SaIes and Youth
Access Ordinance, adopted by rhe Olmsted Counry Boazd on Febniary 3,1995. The Olmsted County
tCN1TfW SPaink;LltMetl A'7�e CM6 U$9WM+9eqb� �tA1e Mkv+aeme Srele 8e�necae�YaM1
x0entflee rf ine wiwrwaovn aTh� an+cww ee u CbriT�W saochusi.
aLPA Gn17M�+vMO Wkuew. Awusaam N urn..n.nrv pMC� n r.w.�w
Coilins, Buckfey, Sauntry & Haugh, �
Page 2
Jvne 1, 1998
ordinance clarifies that the lockutg machines used by DVM aze ezduded. (See, section 740 ax�d
� �� section $00, subds. 2 and 3). To avoid ambiguiry and possnbie futvze l�gal action, we respecd�Ily
request rhat the Ciry Counc�l consider adopting the language used by OImsted Counry in its similar
DVM, Inc., is a resgonsible, licensed, tax-paying corporation. On its ovm, DVM implemented the
locking macbinrs in order to avoid sales ro minors. No complaints have beea made against DVM,
[nc., foz sellu►g tobacco to minors. DVM agrees with the expsessed aim of the ordinance, which is
m eliminare the sale of cigarettes m udnors. The claxificarion requested herein by DVM to the
proposed ordinance will advance the Cit3+s goal without unfairly resixicting DVM's xight to conduct
i�s business.
We would gready appzeeiate the oppotmnity to address tlie Qty Counc� before final coruiderarion
of this matter.
VexY � Yo�,
cc: 3erry Blakey
Chris Colacaan
Miuhael Hanis
Jay Benanav
Jim Reiter
Daniel Bostrom
Kathy Lantiy
Phitip Byrne
Virginia Palmer
Dan Dahlisi
�-; � � q �'�I,fl
RESOU3t1dN NO. 98 -23
7'he fotlowing official summary has been approved by the Otmsted County Board
infartning the pyblic of the irrtent and effest of the ordinance.
ft is the irnent and eifect af the ordinanca to:
• support efforts by 6usinesses. individuals, and osganiza6ons including
'"' - School�Qistricts, municiaai and counry �ff'icials to discaurage tobacCo
use by yout?i members of aut communiiy. �
. enforce eXisting iaws, irttended to protect yoe�ih aga+nst the serious
efE�cts assocaated w"sth the use of tobacca pradticts
. compiy vvhh Miru�esota taw reqniring cau�tties ta licessse and regutate
tobacc:s pr�dud t+��taii sales
. further the oificial pubfic pnfi�y of the 5tate af Mi�nesota such as Minn.
Sb� Ghaptets 609, 461, and g171.22 includ'mg preventing young
peopte from starting to smoke as stated in Minn. Stat. §144.391.
The ordinance provides tor.
. Iscensing of tobacco sales
. providing for a minimvm tobaczo Ifunse fee and a+rtharize the fee to
be petiodicalty madifred by Resotution of the County Baard
• reguiating tobacca prodtsd access
. providing ar� administrafiva fee andlor cJiminal ac�on for v�olaiion
• suspension and revoCation oi iobacco license for vialation of statut2s
and oniinances
A printed capy of the ordinanca is available for inspecfinn by any p�rscn at the office of
the Olmsted Cnurrty Auditor and Clmsted Courtty Pvblia HeaRh Services.
This or�inance stiall become effec4ve after pubfic hearings and subsequent adopiion
by tha County 8oard.
Adopted by the Board of the CouMy of Otttssted. Mirmesota, this sra day of
�e»Y„az•. . i998.
B . �c�� [C1
Pau1 Wilson, Board Chairperson
ard G. Devlin, Clerk-Administratar
JUN. _ 2.1998;�:11- 30RM np1„c, i t�N N�LnN tiC;:,q�L ♦ b1��;
The Courrty Soard of the Coustty of dtcnsted. Minnesom. ��3tins:
Sect�on 100. 1 i11e.
This ortiinance sha{I be known and retere�! as �e Otmsted County Tobaxo
�,ales and Youth Access �rdinanca•
Seobaa 240. Jusisdic4lote-
Tha Ofmsted Coarity Tobaccc Sales and Youth Acr�ss Ordinanca sha11 apPty ta
aft incatporate� and unincorporated ateas within Oimsbed County that do not
have a retail to�auo license and tegulati�on in elfect.
5eation 300. i)efinitioms and intarpsetat[ons.
Ali terms shail4e given trieir cammonty accepted det�itions• 7he siagvlar shaq
include the piurai and tha piural shal! indude the sin�uiaT. The masr.uiine shall
induda the feminine and neuter, and vic�-versa. The tesm "sha1P tneans
mandatcry and the term 'maY' rtieans permissive- �
�y}?d � A ministrat�fe�. "Administrative fee" shait mean the i'�cense and
servica {eFss that are assessed tc inciividuais, as authosired by the or�inance.
Adminis�ative teas are not penaities assigned tn a rsiminai caurt
�d 2 AdmSnisiraLive Penattv. "Adcninistratve geriatlY' shatf inean the fees that
are assessed to individuals for violation of the ord'mance as authatized tsy the
�, o�ntv_ `County' m�ans the eritire �rea witt'+in the perimeter boundaries
af Qtmste4 County, Minnesota and/or tlse staPf or other officials sen+ing unCer the
authotity of ihe Caunty Beard.
�+bc+ ._ a c �my Boand. `Coutrty Soard' mear�s ti'te 0}msted Cour�ty Soatd af
Cammissioners duly eieded by and curtentry senring the citizens of Olmsied
Caunty, M"�nnesota.
�ybd ��im Offieiai "Caurrty Of6r3aP st�ait mean 3he person or persans
authorized hy the administrator of the department assigned by the Gaunri/ Boa�d
ifl impfementthis oNlnaxtce.
$s7�i 6►�•ove^_ b�_s- °?�'� 4fS51�in �`Moveable Pi2ae of 8usittess' shap 2fer
to any business operated out of a truck, van. 8utomebiie, or ather type of vehide
or transportable shetter without a£nced toration, address and structure.
N0.007�= P.S�
. �C� , y `� `1
Su� 7�,_a°.� 'Pets�t° afiap maoe a�r in�vfditet, busmeea. AubGC ot P�ivafe
auA°ranorr. ga�senh�, joinc wnau�o� �toaat�, sr�, �+cx�oralad
�ssoeiatien, or gowrra��rtt a anY apene+! or ao� wbdh+edor� theroo�: and
�� ��S�ss� �t9aee. �etft ar oC� teQat +epres�tative a! brry of tt+s
a�� .a R.mn �itsn��r„r,.�. 'RoQaB £�bGshn�t'shaG n�san zry pmma at
bupn�ao wt+�is tob� Po�et� ete aYtbbie't�YaaM to the geitetel Ptil�iGat
rs�r7. Aat� �titlrments elral) Mdud4 bnt ttqt b9 �ueptsd te 47bscCa shups,
Q��Y �enB� sosYiC4 a�tlot�s� wns�n4enoa slo�ea, tes4aursssffi arf� iSVern�.
- �.. •:�.,, _ �
. __ _
s�hd, ' e �.�aie- A"s:do` shaU n'.eatt 8tsy is�efB� of po0ds tOr fior�ay. �de,
bsrtst. or otMr mnridara�cn. �
•�• -.ci .-•�l � u.-:a�tr �.1 ti�. . „-�.. .,I
c ....
� �8eerrnran '�'�,�y' y�g � y� �y7p0lS!!y lC3i 0! tE11
Q►tWeQo tn seA lo0xc prodssh with ral�i�ni ofltss ¢rivde'9ss allaur�d
ac�or�n8 to aetion of tM G�arry ORk'a�.
- -- .u�- •,�,... _ _ .
- - �� - ,.
�Y� -
Subd- 14 Tab��.+e *�+n �'p�p �y� Sf70(j tC14a11 Q7iy 177�ltiil�l Or
ttnsn ee�alMng tobacco tes}. 3ndu�9nQ bu � n � ot �trtr�ed to. clpare!lrs; ci�ara; ptDe
� TDb! .t'C�. iS�� �7S r.n Ot �}!?t C�tiQ wWC�; C�l�OQti� �� ���
g���, P��9 C.�4 �rrtF urt, read�+ubbed, end othar em�iefng faba�sz: srft�f!
ilOtvera: eavendtslt; sha� PwG and twctt Labaex� d4=PuKi �bta�� raffiise
�P4 �PP�+ �lnpt, ar�d tW�tn¢8 of to�; ard elti�r fdadi iu�i tottns
of tobacco leaf prep�red in aurJt Rterttt�r 9s to b� auisbte tor clserrip0. atslfl{np.
ot m+cidrsp. Toboceo pro�s�a ahsil alsa 6saud� anY pl� ro�InG P�, or
otttier davic4 l�tersdsd ia be taed In a r�rmrtvAk3t eKObiee tlts �vlt�,
eraf�tto� asrrmic�g ot5ob��a or�eeca �nodt�tr.
8�ebet 1S Ye�+�h 'YOilflt shal! meass atsy pasnn wh0 lsas ADt y�t �wChad tl�
a�e af.i�trtNn (tA� y+wts•
A� ,•�
'•'�•2:! L�r.
o�a . ..._... _.�
Saction d00. litense.
:. ������
►Vo retail estabGshmer�t shalf seli or of� to seit arry tobacco pradud without iirst
having obtained a 6eense to do so fmm fhe Counfy, untess suct� person obtalne"d
a Ucense lTCrts a sity ar locat govemmerrtai agancy_
Subd_ 1 qpolicatiort. At� appliptioq ior a license to sefl tcbac� produds st�ail
be made an a form provided bythe County. The appticaton shali can�in the fult
name af the appC�canR residerniai and business addresses, tefephone numbers,
ihe name of the busiqess arsd any additianal information the County deems . .. ..
Sub� 2 Aciion_ The County Otfiaai shaH apprnve, deny or deiay license ac6on,
for a reascna6te pe�d of time, tn complete any tnvestlgdUon af the apQGrttiCn
or !ha applicar+t {nvesti�ation may mdude, but is not timited to, a bac�cground
dteek. tf the Counry Offidai detem�ines ihat an applidtion is incamptete, fhe
Otfiaal shail retum the apptfcaticn ta the applicant with notke of the Infarmation
necsssary to camplete the appliption. When tha Offuaat determines thaf the
iicense application qn be approved, the offiaa! shail issue the I'rcense to the
applicant. ►f ihe Official denies the Gcense, natiee of the denial sisa[! 6e given tA
the app{icant aiong with notice af the appiiqrit"s rights and the appea! process.
s�bd- 3 Term. All Ucenses sPaU 6e vaGd (or twetve montf�s fram ihe date cf
issua�cE. Tha license shatl termiirate upon the anr�iversary e"ate. The iengtfi of
license time may be modifled fivm time-to-time by resolution ot the Courrty
��,� a Renewats. `fhe renewat of a}icense shalt be handled ►n the same
martr+er as ffie origi�al appticatfon. The applicant's request far a renewal s3lalt
ba made at feast thirty days bvt no mora trian sixty days bafore the expirat3on oi
tite wrrent iicense. The issuance af a licsnse shap be considered a privilege
and not an abso(ute right of the appficant and shall not errtitte the helder tc an
-' auWmaDc renewai of the licer,se.
S��b _� Tran�!rs. AI1licenses shal! be valid o�ly Cn fhe premises fo� which Ehe
license was issued and an{y for ihe person io whom the license was issuesf. No
iransfer cf the license to another ioeation or person shal! be allowed,
��bd 8 v abi P� ef S a ines Ne ficens� shaR be issued to a movabte
pface oi business. pnly tbced-loption businesses shatl be slig�le fo be
Subd_ 7 bisncav. A115censes shall be pasted aad displayed on t3�e Gcensed
premise in plairt view of ihe generat pubGc and shalt be exhr'brted to any person
upon requesi. The licar�se shaN inctuda a statesnent ta the effect of, `By {aw, af{
persons under the age of 27 years must ptesent i�etstification to purshase
tabacco producLs.•
�.�. ��o �at►*en+•nte af tltts saelson nfrau e�ot avPZV m
.�stsra sesivltY af ad6ng �bacco D�dacb ta resa� �is
SaottoA S�D. Ad�ttin�lv� Fsa tar LTa��s and 8atvIoot.
.. .. a9�d.1. Thsre sha,i bs faet ior 6oetscws �ered ur�lhe authaet2y af 4� .
ardi�an�e. TI� iicana fi� str�8 be detemdnad accorrlfn4 tn th� fatlow7ap fidtrs
si� atAO�:
� S�ii fM fof RiCi1 f9t'dIl aS�l�i11Ri0ettltdls�9 tD� p(OdtTC! SId18lS w1�9
OCCiI� ��
. �.:
4 NRunb�r Of ta6atm ptadtrcf wndb'�q tnad'mta. 'i'llit =1Citadeg. bt�l8 cto!
ibn�ed !e, Shaea vonding ma� eqnippsd w1tYi a remate nontral �si�,
whsr3r crarat he adtvsted i�y a rei� �rlc iw euh bobeCCO p�dt� sa�s
� S26 ateis vri!!! SZ00 ntaxienuns
�i2 Redue�on in 8c�ae iee�c sh� be a�hm'ized fit ths foiowin�
a. 7'!f� r�erssea. �1J rss�apers and aa ernpieyass lfrs.t �ra enQaDad ln
� groduet saiaa cart taaa�s! atoer+si�+ea aod acw�eaaiul
axt�fnBon af� s�s and yoush a�ss L�inir,� tamaFtablr ta the
��f+ �aA within t}x �at 3 y�eara. 207G �sduelJort In 4cla! f0ea
1170 WWtS�E itlfj i� f118JilQOR o� �o ptpdUG 1iIYt, bil! sSOt 8$
'_ empl0�eee, tan doauf�at�t �tsr�d�a �d sucr,zssfai Corttpl6Uot1 ef
wbacco salas atsd Ycuth a�ose tta�li� tseraptAbi► to 2he Courrty
O�Ide!} +�fiin t�aae Pa�t 3 Y�ara. 10'K redvetFon in !ah! ioaa
b. The asfab9storoer� is oci�aty �nd to pae4ent Yputh fiom er�arinq uts
� 40`X ndttetkn ia boye{ !Ms
�,.�.TF�i tofiotvin� �dmirlsl�+�e ie�s� �t bY Rs�ttloe� o!'the Ccunty
Boud. rv� be aPA�e�d 1a enarver sarvka aaafs as appQasbie.
�- � appScatmn ard piym�trt ot faes casbed bY �
i6 prtr��k
. _:�::
Q'A w+'xa� �t'evu x�1 rrsiarn Lu�.s �ac. rr av�
JUN. 2 1998 �31 _31FlM yi:,,=�c i un NALr,N r1CC�l � 0���+16
� - - ._ �
. ;: a; =
b. Add�ionai retaII inspections, Sales�tamRliance ct�ecks �t''d
' catrespandence needed to detecmine or achieve compi'iactce after
noncomP6ance or vioiation is found at the Gcensed reta�"f estabf3s per�hour
c. tnspection and enforcemerrt senrice fQes for mun�cipalities that �antrad
wit� �he Courdy to regulate tobacco saies and youth access as� �irh u'
by Minaesot3 lavt.
5i, Petsons attending "Tobacco 5ales and Ycu� A�esS Tm ��� �
by the County.
��, n Administrative fees, apptied during tha I'�cense term that have not been
paid in fuif, shaU be added to and became pad of the fic�nse renewai fee•
��, A license fee refund far business tertnination may be avthorized. AnY
refund amount wilt be axordis�g ta the sthedute set by ResoluNon of the Couniy
, u�6_. Arry oi the fe�s ior the cabegories i� this secfion may bs modfied, ftem
time to tme, by Resolution oi the Caurrty 8oard.
�u . 7. The aicensing taquirement in fhis sedia� shali not be appi'ied to tobacea
product wholesaie�s who oniy se� tobacca Psalucts to �facl esta6Gsfiments.
Sectton fi00. Basis foc digibi[tty, artd for Deniat of Licanse.
�L No refaii license, or Gcense renev+ai, shail be issued to a petsan:
a. UnCerihe age of S8.
� b. Cornricted ot a viokation of Federal of State iaw, or any local govemmerit
" ordinance or regulaScn relaiing to tobacq produci,s
� a Cutrendy under temrs of a suspensiaeti or revocation of a C�cense ta seli
� tobaxo Droduds
• d. Who has fa'ited to pay tha a�propriate lieensing andlos se�ui� fees.
� f.
Faiis to pravide any inforrnation requited by the applicaticn or County
Otf'icial, or provides ;�lse or rriisleadtng infam�adon.
Ptohibiied by+ �ederat, State, or other bcat taw. ordinance. or othe+'
regutation, from hotding such a Gcense.
$y�,3„ tf it is discoveted that a 5cense was mistakenty issued Cr renewed to art
�+etig,ble person, the Lcense shalt be revoked by the Counry Offiraal.
�, �ac. vacs� s��tstMS.
Tnbac� a�'�d�vanelap med�fne Ix�tion and aaJs� stso9 be t6n@ad. auas�n0
sc �e prcvisio�►s eflAlnneaa:n Stsarte Chs� �, Fedrral taw, and tfa3a
orrlinara as ema+dsd frvm cnn�-t�ttma.
5�� 800. S�IfS�cvla Kenelsar�disltt4 ae►d 9�iae.
!�+ 1 S�ti$enriee me�'sandlslt� and aalaa af tcbscso Pioducts a�e �aC
aecord'm9 te �A"tnnesota 8�tuta Cfsapter 48t, �t zsnenQad front ilme-ta�t3me� a►1d
funt�ar ti�si�Eed accar�k�p m tho tofio�vi�+G � its Cds s0�oe►.
,�ksi.2. Aa to�ac� Pfsadncts, atfsred far s�le. ehdi dtf�u i� a) sfiarsd in au
at+�a � aa�sminer'Ct7d rttaY.Ds vwibfa btR it �nt sewas�a tc c�ama+a, or D) in
d vet'tdin8 tYPs ��Re lxa�d � the Bcatfsee �ha11 Gtsok tlta ideStBty Cf tl1t
�ntt �'td wat�h the �dncts pu��se.
s�a�t 3- a� ehaf! «tiy aQaw ms,dwe�ino �' �a nFfr�accC
produ�s by II) 9 PnY��+ e�+an�,�e ot �is t�b.aa Prnd�t b.l�w�n the ncecsss.
o� tfsse Ursflaee'� e�bYees and L`+� aadvmns, er b} n�� �e
�qu►�Ped u� a awii�s !!ut dlspoenva tho ptodu�t er�tY
C�tt�s � awl�.�s to be 4c"se9y aativeRed tar sa�tt 3ndNtdti� Sa1R
,�,�,,,s� The set�seHiee marchand�tk�q taM� shRR nat apP1Y to tatail
sslahlishrnante whsn the op�stas astive{y pral�Els Ydsr9� ie�t �rd�rbsg t3se
�nssa esb�Bahment et ali llmes, and whete 90'!4 os' �so�e a�'t� ^�
eaia6{i�+raent� ravasue is dertivcd fr�m t�beae Produ�t ealas, aa provfded tn
MYtt�esDta StaytCi Chaphes de1.
�3t6d `- PaiY �lsiJar� seUatq tobac� pradu�s atlhe �rne this ordlru�ce is
sdoptad� shan �1Y �sBls thEs �c8on an a b�E'oc� MaY 15,19� anct r:saisfidin
carr�PBes�es 2h�tralE�r.
" S�oslos+ aCO. f2esPOnstbil'dy.
AIt �ertieea aisall Ce req�oeissbis for i!w a�ens of 1hQk' 6tnpiay90� tn Tspatd tD
tltt st�te Of fObexO Pas�txts Mt tl19 ACets�id Rr�sea. 'E1te sata atlabaeGO
praducs b3t an atr�loyea st�alf b8 m�slder�d a sals bY tl�s lks�=ss hoklar.
[�ing tn thls seet� shea t�hmit the Wwsty Q!lidat irv�n subj�dtnp ttf�
�snpyr�„�sle aQpre�e �istrsWs pandt�+ fi�s �+6� tl3s ot�ts�tee. St�
or FsHRaV faw, ot o��r appiKabw Isw or �spe�i�tfoe�.
g�efiea lQGC. Salos�npJfarios elwdy.
SIIiee-eatsp�snca d'rr�s� at d�liried In 1�ntretots Sfatt� Cf�{�tnr 4C1� s{dt be
. pericnr�ed utrci�e dErectlon of the Goutc�r C!}fe'si iar tha pstrpet+s ai �ttnQ
, ,�; mer+p�tr� �th Rtfra,ea+� 9tat�e gaos-eBS, as sn+�dod iram trs+ld�-t7me. ..
-•• • a� forb�lrsp e�sssp5anat+�hlhlt ond�s�ofe�.
-; 8
+' - . fi�d � Mlvi1 9I73"d A.1� �.n {+dd27� �• ES �i.'1
7UN. 2.1998 :11�31F1M a nr�e��t•i �� 'r0.��u. - e..n..:le
N0. 067' • �^'�P.11�
Section i1C0. Vioiatiorss.
� c� �hd 1 Notice_ Upon discovery of a suspecfed violatfon, the aileged vidator
shall be issued. ec"ther personalty or tiy mad, a cfiation that sets forth the aile9�
viela6on and administrative penalpr fee• The notice shalf irrtorm tise a11e9ed
violatnr of the right ta an administrative hearin9-
,Syb Hea ' s_ A pecsan alteged to have aommitted a viataSon may requast a
hearing befora the Tobacca Hearing Officer within 10 days of r�ceivin9 the
ci�tion. The tirt+e and PtacE of the �aR^9 shall be stheduled and pravided to
the alleged violator within 30 days of receiving the re4uest `.ar a hearing. •The
hearing noticx shatl be publlshed and open to the pubfic.
�h� ?'r� Ftearina Officer. The Covniy Soard shall appoint an individval
to serve as tbe Tobacco Hearing Officer• The resAonsbiliCes of the Nearing
Otficershall be assigned by iha Cou�riy Boand and may incJads, bt7 not be
lhnited to, the follow+ng:
a. Conduetitlg hearings pursuant wi@► M9rtnesota Statute 461-12•
b. Making recemmendations te the County 8oard rega►'din9 this ordina�
and associated poGcies and fees.
c Reviewing ancf guiding adsninistration af ihe paGaes and sesvices
associated witit fhis ordinance.
tl. A�ivising thc County QfScia�
�� d DecislarL Ths Officers dEcision, along with H1e findiags and
administrarive penairy fees tn be imposed, if any, shaU he recarded in writing and
a copy shail be provided ta ihe alteged violator served persor+atly or by mal.
s�bd_ 5 Aceea�s. Appeafs of arsy decision made by the Officsr shaEi be made
pursuant to Nlinnesota Statute Chapter 461 12 subd. 7, as amendsd from time-
$y6d 6,�onttnued Vt�a�_,i�n. Each vioia6on, and every day in which a violation
oaurs or corttinues, sha�! eonstitute a separate affense•
5eetion 120D. Administrative PonatBes.
l� I � O �
�ybd t Pert ttv C' eria. Administrative Penafdes shaU be defined and
administered as provlded in Minnesota Statute Chaptsr d61 as arr�e�ded irom
time-ta-time and axording to Subd. 2 of this Seetion 120b.
• �i
:;i • T
{ - � ' � � q �,�D?
- q �p asffibrnsi�me:st rsr�adoy�e
fotmd to havs viel�d si�s aedk�ana shat[ be rs4upaQ to partia�t� in'TaEaaa
gaiea ar�d You3tt Aoass TnMitu� �ut is aueCSSd bY tl� Co�'H �t This
haining shaII no! De a aubatlt►7tR'(a an admU��� Pm'��► ��Of� �
6diirno�o� Lsw.
� ��� p�Ky ieet at0 tl7ose idenslffed U7
� gtsS�te Chapfrr s61. as atstended irocn �nt�ksf�.
�_ ¢,�cerbiet�a. UpOttfhe i�$d oiWua wiasirt a 24 Rtoat!!1 pCr3od� the
8c�tsfa �haB bA �er�ds� �Y'tha Cun+fy a�, aa Provided fn ir�ntt�sota
SlO�+ds ChsP�r 46'1 � ss �t'�nded frt�+1 �-
,��ed x x►nnr�ens- 'fi� tiansa �oY onht be r:+vcked bY th� WuntY �.
The reta8 es3akBdanvnt op�afa►r�! noAPiy tar a 6oe�me, and paY ths t�lai
� t.o, 4� cpe�ale a�rs the cs�d�t � to rerotation are
aaev�+y �ea a�a�e�oto� dt� cow�y e�ro.
� The Be�u�.s sh�i[ re�naw a� botrao� ptc�dttas
lra�+ ths P� cd sa�a a� keepic►� �em out af pub�o `rMr+ snd ac� ion or n!E
1M IP��) d�¢ tls� sr+�;us�e� as tevct�t� P�
A„�_ � ue�e_ Adrninis�aSve P� �°C nEYOC�a aMt i�
�d a�sr ttr� ai►�Oad vldaeor, U�s�r, or athst ts� �KY? �
�ecsived tsoticx at a) th� a�i�ad `rio�8on, sM b} the Ptoezas ��►4
�d a�tnirsg a hsatlstg to appoai th�fr �ase Detcre tne Tabac�o Hearing �1�Car.
Sueh r'� �Y ba setved P��Y or bY tna�7.
g�lion 1300. Defar�sos ae�d F�a+�t+ona.
�yj�, tt shoil bs an aEHm aNw dsistu� ior a P�� tn itive rhad� a tabsoeo
pr�r:ud sak v�fien they an derrwns�ate Qtay rt+�atssblY �°n ���°
.� gs ptovfded tn Mtnnasc� Statue §34aA S03 sa pm�nded fi�om �m�Urssa.
�,2 Th� ordlnance stvfl not prw�t+t dis�u�on af �obaxco to Ird6iuo yaAh
�s PTCVided in Mkmaos� S�a §909.885, ts afrlYndc�d fcortf fitsS►tfl-tlms•
goclfost 7400. Sav�eabiRty attd S�tYlnss Cituse.
1{ sny aectlan es partfan oNhlt �dka¢xs shsC ba ia�ssd �as�s�� �
pthe+wi■e invaad cr tmentar�hle bY s ccst ef eamp�4trt 1u�d�� �
�p ahait nat serve as an LtvaBdatfon or ailOG the vaSdRY artd enfo�asb�tY o�
pny othor s�ei�t er proviticn d Ss� ��e.
.., �
-. . .
� g[•d F(Ytiia �t'�'id xL � Lt�:� H5. E'[ Bii
JUN. 2.1998 - 11�32RM ' „".�. . N0.007 P.13
' �� �' . s��n,soa. �►. ca�. q r '`��
. 2
�• Thes ordina+�ce shaA be in fuU iorae and effect trom and after i!s Passa9e and
appcovai. as Provided by law. •
Passed and appmved this sra day of a�zvazr , 1968 by the Counly of Olmsted-
� '
� � �
- .. - _ . . . Paul 1M1fitsan. ci�aiR�zson _ . .. . . _
Board of Commissio�ers
Atte� �
criard G. Devtin. Cierk-Administrator
R�4pPo11Nn 10H3197; 10f2'1f47.17J7G97
' ��
'; �
.. v ,
Council File # ` �0
Ordinance #
O D���� j�� Green Sheet # �
� � r, ORDINANCE ry
Presented By
Committee: Date
Referred To
An ordinance amending Chapter 324 of the Saint
Paul Legislative Code to prohibit tobacco
vending machines in facilities where minors
are present and to establish an administrative
penalty to be imposed against the clerk at a
licensed premise who sells tobacco or tobacco
products to a minor
Section 1
Chapter 324 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended
to read as follows:
Sec. 324.01. License required.
(a) No person shall sell or offer for sale at retail within
the City of Saint Paul any tobacco, or in any manner represent or
hold himself or hersel£ out as one who se11s or o£fers for sale
at retail any tobacco, or maintain a tobacco vending machine for
the sale of tobacco without a license.
. ... . - . - .- . - ...
. . . . .. .-.
���r c���a���ra�a�i���a�i����� anra�w��ta���..-��r.��w��i���iei�r���a�s�iw����
• �. •-• � - •• _ •. _ '_ � _ _ __ •
' _ �_ � _• _ '� '
� � • � � - • � • � ' �
• � � � � � � - � �
- • � - •�• i• � � �•
4 - - �-� •• _� - •
•-� � ' •- � • � •� � ��_ _ _
• •• - .�• - ' • -
� - - �nw�aa��a.��r.�.ac��zca� . _ _ _
°S8 'y°?
Sec. 324.02. License for eaeh location or vending machine.
A license shall permit the licensee to sell tobacco at
retail at the one tl) location specified in said license, and a
separate license shall be required far each location or tobacco
vending machine.
Sec. 324.03. Definitions.
The £ollowing words and phrases, as used in this chapter,
shall, for the purposes of this chapter, have the meanings
respectively ascribed to them in this section, except in those
cases where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
(1) Cigarette paper and cigarette wrapper means and
includes any paper or other substance or materials,
except tobacco, used as a wrapper or cover for a
cigarette, as herein defined.
(2) Sale means and includes any transfer, conditional or
otherwise, of title or possession.
(3} Sa1e at retaiZ means and includes all sales except
those where the merchandise is sold far the purpose of
resale b� a person principally engaged in selling
merchandise for resale.
(4] Tobacco means cigarettes, cigars, snuff, chewing
tobacco, dipping tobacco, or any other kind or form of
tobacco prepared in such a manner as to be suitable for
chewing or smoking.
(5) Tobacco vending machine means a machine for vending
tobacco by the insertion of a coin.
See. 324.04. Fee and duration.
The annual license fee for each location of sale or each
tobacco vending machine shall be established b� ordinance as
specified in section 310.09(b) of the Legislative Code. The
license shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance
during each calendar year. The annual license fee shall be
prorated for licenses in force less than a full year.
5ec. 324.05. Application.
In addition to any other information required by the
director, the applicant shall state the true name of the
applicant, the name under which he or she shall conduct his or
her business, whether such business is that of an individual,
sole trader, firm, partnership, or corporation, and the address
where such business is to be conducted. Any person applying for
more than one (1) license shall file with the Office of License,
118) years of age.
Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) a list of all _`� w ���
locations of sale andJor the location of each vending machine for
which license applications are being filed_ Any change in the
location of the place of sale shall be reported to the director
within five (5) days o£ said change.
Sec. 324.06. License to be displayed.
The license shall be displayed by the licensee in a
prominent and conspicuous place at the location of the tobacco
vending machine to be licensed. In the case of a tobacco vending
machine, the operator shall also affix his or her name, address
and telephone number in a conspicuous place on each machine.
Sec. 324.07. Sales prohibited.
No person shall se11 or dispense cigarette paper or
cigarette wrappers from a vending machine or a motor vehicle. No
person shall sell or dispense tobacco from a motor vehicle. No
person sha11
sell, offer to sell or otherwise
provide tobacco to anyone under the age of eighteen (1&). Any
violation of this chapter shall subject the licensee to
provisions of section 310 and section 324.10 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code.
Sec. 324.08. Distribution of free tobaceo products prohibited.
No person in the business of selling or gromoting tobacco
products or agent or employee of such person shall distribute
tobacco products free to any person on the sidewalks, pedestrian
concourses, pedestrian malls or pedestrian skyway systems within
the City of Saint Paul.
Sec. 324.09. Use of false identification by minors prohibited.
No person under the age of eighteen (18) years shall
purchase tobacco or tobacco-relatefl devices, as those terms are
defined by Minnesota Statutes, Section 609.685, subdivisions 1(a)
and 1(b), using a driver's license, a Minnesota identification
card, or other form of identification which is false, fictitious,
altered or counterfeited as to age or any other material fact of
Sea. 324.10. Use of tobacco prohibited.
No person under the age of eighteen (18) years shall
purohase, use or possess tobacco or tobacco-related devices, as
those terms are defined by Minnesota Statutes, Section 609.685,
subdivisions 1(a) and 1(b).
Sec. 324.11. Presumptive penalties.
(a) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish a
standard by which the city council determines the amount of
fines, length of license suspensions and the propriety of
revocations. These penalties are presumed to be appropriate for
every case; however, the council may deviate therefrom in an
individual case where the council finds and determines that there
exist substantial and compelling reasons which make it
appropriate to do so. When deviating from these standards, the �0 +� �`
council sha11 provide written reasons that specify why the
penalty selected was more appropriate_
(b) Presumptive penaZties for vioZations. Adverse penalCies
for violations or convictions shall be presumed as follows:
Type of Appearance
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
(1� Sale of $200.00 $400.00 30-day Revocation
tobacco to fine fine suspension
a minor
(c) Fines payable without hearing. Notwithstanding the
provisions of section 310.D5(1), a licensee who would be making a
first or second appearance before the council may elect Co pay
the fine to the office of LIEP without a council hearing, unless
the notice of violation has indicated that a hearing is required
because of circumstances which may warrant deviation from the
presumptive fine amount. Payment of the recommended fine will be
considered to be a waiver of the hearing to which the licensee is
entitled, and will be considered an "appearance" for the purpose
of determining presumptive penalties for subsequent violations.
2 (d) Penalty to be assessed to the clerk. An individual who
3 sells tobacco to a gerson under the age of 18 years while working
4 as an em.�loyee or agent of the licensed premises shall be subject
5 to an administrative oenalty of Fifty Dollars (550.00). An
6 individual subject to a penaltX under this subdivision is
7 entitled to the hearing Drocedures set forth in Saint Paul
8 Lec�islative Code 6310.06.
Section 2
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days
following its passage, approval and publication.
Robert Kessler April 20 1998
266-9090 � , N° 50404 qg�
mendments to Chapter 324 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to compl� with
resent state law (Mn. Stat. Secs. 461.12 and 461.18 subd. 2 see attached)
hat restricts tobacco vending machines to areas where people under the age of
8 are prohibited.
F _
Has the person/firm eves worked under a contract for this department?
Has this personjfism ever been a City employee?
Does this personJfirm possess a skill not nozmaily possessed by am
Cuxrent City employee?
.ain all Y85 aaswers oa a saparate aheet aad attach.
L4111t1111VV LAVDLGl•1 1AJVG� VCYVR1U1V11I �YV11V� YVL1Gll� W31CLL� Wl1CLC� Wll�f 7
inors, through unmonitored tobacco vending machines, have access to
�v�rzac��s zr AYYxov�U:
Lt will be more difficult for people under the age of 18 to purchase tobacco
�roducts through tobacco vending machines.
�ne apparent.
ople under the age of 18 will continue to have access to tobacco products
rough vending machines.
Minnesota Statutes 1997, 461.12
Minnesota Statutes 199� Tabte of Cha�ters
Table of contents for Ch�ter 461
461.12 Muaicipal tobacco licease.
Subdivision 1. Authorizatioa. A tovm board or the
governing body of a home rule charter or statutory city may
license and regulate the retail sale o£ tobacco as defined in
section 6Q9_6s5, svbdivision 1, and establish a license fee for
sales to recover the estimated cost of enforcing this chapter.
The county board shall license and regulate the sale of tobacco
in unorganized territory of the county and in a town or a home
rule charter or statutory city if the town or city does not
license and regulate retail tobacco sales. Retail
establishments licensed by a town or city to sell tobacco are
not required to obtain a second license for the same location
under the licensing ordinance of the county.
Subd. 2. Administrative genalties; licensees. If a
licensee or employee of a licensee sells tobacco to a person
under the age of 18 years, or violates any other provision of
this chapter, the licensee shall be charged an administrative
penalty of $75. An administrative penalty of $2�0 must be
imposed for a second violation at the same location within 24
months after the initial violation. For a third violation at
the same location within 24 months after the initial violation,
an administrative penalty of $250 must be imposed, and the
licensee's authority to sell tobacco at that location must be
suspended for not less then seven days. No suspension or
penalty may take effect until the licensee has received notice,
served personally or by mail, of the alleged violation and an
opportunity for a hearing before a person authorized by the
licensing authority to conduct the hearing. A decision that a
violation has occurred must be in writing.
Subd. 3. Administrative penalty; individuals. An
individual who sells tobacco to a person under the age of 18
years must be charged an administrative penalty of $50. No
penalty may be imposed until the individual has received notice,
served personally or by mail, of the alleged violation and an
opportunity for a hearing before a person authorized by the
licensing authority to conduct the hearing. A decision that a
violation has occurred must be in writing.
Subd. 4. Minors. The licensing authority shall
consult with interested educators, parents, children, and
representatives of the court system to develop alternative
penalties for minors who purchase, possess, and consume
tobacco. The licensing authority and the interested persons
shall consider a variety of options, including, but not limited
to, tobacco free education programs, notice to schools, parents,
community service, and other court diversion programs.
Subd. 5. Compliance checks, A licensing authority
shall conduct unannounced compliance checks at least once each
calendar year at each location where tobacco is sold to test
compliance with section 6D9.585. Compliance checks must involve
minors over the age of 15, but under the age of 16, who, with
the prior written consent of a parent or guardian, attempt to
Page i of 2
�� � ���
http://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/st97/461/12.htrn1 4/30t98
Nliimesota Statutes 1997, 461.12
Page 2 of 2
purchase tobacco under the direct supervision of a law �S"j�ll0�
enforcement officer or an employee of the licensing authority. Q �
Subd. 6. Defense. It is an affirmative defense to
the charge of selling tobacco to a person under the age of 18
years in violation o£ subdivision 2 or 3 that the licensee or
individual making the sale relied in good faith upon proof of
age as described in section 340A.503, subdivision 6.
Subd. 7. Judicial review. Any person aggrieved by a
deaision under subdivision 2 or 3 may have the decision reviewed
in the district court in the same manner and procedure as
provided in section 46�61.
AIST: 1941 c 242 s 3; 1941 c 405 s 3; 1951 c 382 s 1; Eac1959 c
'I3 S 2; 1973 c 123 art 5 s 7; 1982 c 572 s 2; 1997 c 227 s 4
Copyright 1997 by the Office of Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota.
http:!/www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/st97/461I12.htrnl 4130I98
Mannesota Statutes 1997, 461.18
Minnesota Statutes 1997. Tab1e of Chapters
Table of contents for Cha te.�L r 461
461.18 8an on self-service sale of aiagle packs;
Subdivision 1. Sxcept ia adult-oaly facilities. (a)
No person shall offer for sale single packages of cigarettes or
smokeless tobacco in open displays which are accessible to the
public without the intervention o£ a store employee.
(b) Cartons and other multipack units may be offered and
sold through open displays accessible to the public.
(c) Paragraph (b) expires on August 28, 1997.
(d) This subdivision shall not apply to retail stores which
derive at least 90 percent of their revenue from tobacco and
tobacco-related products and which cannot be entered at any time
by persons younger than 18 years of age.
Subd. 2. vendiag machine salea prohibited. No person
shall sell tobacco products from vending machines. This
subdivision does not apply to vending machines in facilities
that cannot be entered at any time by persons younger than 18
years of age.
Subd. 3. Rederal regulations for cartoas, multipacks.
Code of Federal Regulations, title 21, part 897.16(c), is
incorporated by reference with respect to cartons and other
multipack units.
HIST: 1997 c 227 s 6
* NOTE: Subdivision 3, as added by Laws 1997, chapter 227,
*section 6, is effective upon the implementation of Code of
*Federal Regulations, title 21, part 697.16(c). Laws 1997,
*chapter 227, section 9. Code of Federal Regulations, title 21,
*part 897.16(c) is effective August 28, 1997. Federal Register,
*AUgust 28, 1996, page 44396.
Copyright Z997 by the Office of Revisor of Statutes, State af Minnesota.
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http:f/wwwsevisor.leg.state.mn.us(st97f461/18.hhn1 4/30f98
Coilins, Buckley, Sauntry & Haugh, �P
West 1100 Frst National Bank Building
332 Minnesota Street
Saint Paui, Minnesota 551 01 1 379
Telephone. (612) 727-0611
Far: (612) 227-0758
June 1, 1998
St. Paul City Council
310 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re: Proposed Ordinance Amending Chapter 324
Council File No. 98-407
Green Sheet No. 50404
Deaz Councilmembers:
Eugene D. Buckley
Wiliiam E Haugh, Jr.
� MichaeiJ.Sauntry
Ma�k W. Gehan
txThomas J. Germschefd
* John R-Schulz
oThOmas R_O'Connell
o �an O'Connell
ChrisOne LStrcemer
�Thwnas E. McEilisvem
Robert L. RiChZrt
Of Counsel
rt� TY!eoUOre J.Goldns
By way of introduction, I have been retained by Dan Dalilin to represent him and his business,
known as DVM, Inc., and doing business as Dahlco, with regazd to concems raised by the proposed
ordinance menrioned above. DVM operates 140 to 150 remote storage kiosks, dispensing cigarettes,
throughout Minnesota. Each of these kiosks is placed in a licensed liquor establishment, and each
has a locking device on it which requires a person buying cigazettes to go to a staff person, typically
a bartender, to seek authorizarion to use the machine. The staff person can then require
identification if the buyex's age is in question.
I understand that at its ne� meeting on June 3, 1998, the City Council will be considering
amendments to Chapter 324 of the St. Puai Legis]ative Code, concerning restriction of tobacco
vending r.iachines to areas where people under the age of 18 aze prohibited. According to the
Green Sheet No. 5Q404, dated Apri120, 1998, the problem that the ordinance is intended to solve
has to do with minors having access to cigarettes through unmonitored tobacco vending machines.
The definirion of "tobacco vending machine" appeazs at section 324.03 of the proposed ordinance.
I have advised Mr. Dahlin that the locking machines owned by DVM aze not included under this
definition, and so the proposed ordinance does not apply. For legislative clariry, however, I believe
the language of the ordinance should be modified to cleazly exclude the locking machines.
For your review and information, I am enclosing the Olmsted Counry Tobacco Sales and Youth
Access Ordinance, adopted by the Olmsted County Boazd on February 3, 1998. The Olmsted County
"Aisa Atlmittetl m Wisconsm.
7CrvA Trial 5pecia0s[, Gerofietl by �he CrvJ Uigation SecVOn of ihe Mmnesote Stare Bar Awwiation.
#Cert�fietl by Ihe N2ponal Boattl ot inal Ativocacy as a Ciml Tnal Special5t
o CPH, Ge�etl by Ne Minnesota State Boartl of accountancy. �MBa in finance.
9 �.���
Colfins, Buckley, Sauntry & Haugh, �p
Page 2
June 1, 1995
ordinance clarifies ihat the locking machines used by DVM aze excluded. (See, section 700 and
section 800, subds. 2 and 3). To avoid ambiguity and possible future legal action, we respectEully
request that the City Council consider adopting the language used by Olmsted County in its similaz
DVM, Inc., is a responsible, licensed, tae-paying corporation. On its own, DVM impleznented the
locking machines in order to avoid sales to minors. No complaints have been made against DVM,
Inc., for selling tobacco to minors. DVM agrees with the e�cpressed aun of the ordinance, which is
to eliminate the sale of cigazettes to minors. The clarification requested herein by DVM to the
proposed ordinance will advance the Cit�s goal without unfairly restricting DVM's right to conduct
its business.
We would gready appreciate the opportuniry to address the Ciry Council before final consideration
of this matter.
Very truly yours,
� "" `
cc: Jerry Blakey
Cluis Coleman
Michael Hartis
Jay Benanav
Jim Reiter
Daniel Bostrom
Kathy Lantry
Philip Byme
Virginia Palmer
Dan Dalilin
�Vn. G.1770 11-C7FiPl
� - _
LaW offi�es
West I300 Rirst Nauonal Bank Bw7ding
332 Minnesota Sueet
Saint Paul, Minnesora 55101-1379
Telephone: (612) 227-0611
Fax: (612) 22?-0758
June 2, 1998
St PauI City Council
(612) 266-8574
Mark Gehan
Phone: (612? 266-8560
TOTAI. PAGES (Including Cover Sheet): � !3
� r q�,ya�
•� �: •�
L .
Our telewpiu is a Canan FAX 520. tc w�1] reeeive auwmaecally in Gmup I, II or III.
For manual ttansmisslon, call auwmaric meehine aad send aaver page marked chac you have w sw�d msnuslly or call our s»iuS�boaxd
numbes and ask m speak to cSe telecopia opecator 5w;rchhoard teleohone csnwc be eonnecred m rhe cetecooter.
Th� infocmarioa conretined in tliis fauim�7e message is auomey pm��7eged and oonfidenriaf infosmacoa intended for 2he use of t5e
individval or enri[y named alwvc. Tf ehe reader oE this message B no� the inunded recipieat, or che employee or agenc r�ponsible io
• � 714
I ..`
i �aV��• L�il�lV 11'L.Irlll
Coliins, Buckley, Sauntry & Haugi�,�
West 1100 Fitst Na4o�tai 9ank Buiid;ttg
332 R�II(R1P.SOle �JI(68t
Sair�t Paul. Mmnesota 55101-1379
'�P1ta�s: t �Zf•0611
Fafi (4�2) 227A75@
.f11tIC 1� 1�$
St. Paul Ciry Council
31Q City F�Ta1I
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re: Proposed Osdinance Amending Chaptes 324
Councl Fiie No. 96-40?
Green Sheet No. 50404
Deaz Counca7members:
IYV.GG! r.c
. A5o'fae1J.53unfry
Me(Ic w Ge�an
x,lau� P•Sdwlz
�'R�ort�a,^ R.0'Ca+RW
^ Den 0'Conneil
Chih,itulB I.Sltoetne�
Aoben L Rkhert
01 Coixise�
s7n' 71�BODOtB J. Coll�n6
Bq way of inaoducdon, T have been retained by Dan Dahlisi to represent him and his business,
lmown as DVM, Inc., and doing bvsiness as Dahlco, wizh regard ro concems zaised by rhe �roposed
ordinance menrioned above. DVM opezates 149 to 150 remote stosage kiosks, dispensing cigazettes,
tY�rovghout Mixinesota. F.ach of these idASkc is placed in a licensed liquoz establishment, and each
has a Iocking device on it wMch requires a pezson buying cigarettes to go to a staff person, typically
a bar[endez, to seek authorizarion m use the machine. The staff person can rhen require
identification if the buyes's age is in question.
I understand that at its next meeting on June 3, 1998, the Gity Couacil wili be considering
amendments to Chapter 324 of the St Pual Legislative Code, conceming resiriction of tobacco
vending machiaes to areas where people under the age of 18 are prolubited. Aocording to the
Green Sheet No. 50404, dated Apri120,1498, the grohlem that the ordinance is iatended to solve
i�as ro do with minors having access to cigarertes tttrough unmonitored mhacco vending macl�ines.
The definition of "toUacco vending machine" appean at section 324.03 of the proposed ordinance.
I have advised Mr. Dahlin t�at the locking machines owned by DVM are not included under this
definition, and so the pmposed ordinance does not apply. For legislative clarity, hawevez, I be]ieve
the Ianguage of the ordinance should be modified to dearly exclude the locking machines.
For your review and informarion, I azn enclosing the Olmsted Counry Tobacco SaIes and Youth
Access Ordinance, adopted by rhe Olmsted Counry Boazd on Febniary 3,1995. The Olmsted County
tCN1TfW SPaink;LltMetl A'7�e CM6 U$9WM+9eqb� �tA1e Mkv+aeme Srele 8e�necae�YaM1
x0entflee rf ine wiwrwaovn aTh� an+cww ee u CbriT�W saochusi.
aLPA Gn17M�+vMO Wkuew. Awusaam N urn..n.nrv pMC� n r.w.�w
Coilins, Buckfey, Sauntry & Haugh, �
Page 2
Jvne 1, 1998
ordinance clarifies that the lockutg machines used by DVM aze ezduded. (See, section 740 ax�d
� �� section $00, subds. 2 and 3). To avoid ambiguiry and possnbie futvze l�gal action, we respecd�Ily
request rhat the Ciry Counc�l consider adopting the language used by OImsted Counry in its similar
DVM, Inc., is a resgonsible, licensed, tax-paying corporation. On its ovm, DVM implemented the
locking macbinrs in order to avoid sales ro minors. No complaints have beea made against DVM,
[nc., foz sellu►g tobacco to minors. DVM agrees with the expsessed aim of the ordinance, which is
m eliminare the sale of cigarettes m udnors. The claxificarion requested herein by DVM to the
proposed ordinance will advance the Cit3+s goal without unfairly resixicting DVM's xight to conduct
i�s business.
We would gready appzeeiate the oppotmnity to address tlie Qty Counc� before final coruiderarion
of this matter.
VexY � Yo�,
cc: 3erry Blakey
Chris Colacaan
Miuhael Hanis
Jay Benanav
Jim Reiter
Daniel Bostrom
Kathy Lantiy
Phitip Byrne
Virginia Palmer
Dan Dahlisi
�-; � � q �'�I,fl
RESOU3t1dN NO. 98 -23
7'he fotlowing official summary has been approved by the Otmsted County Board
infartning the pyblic of the irrtent and effest of the ordinance.
ft is the irnent and eifect af the ordinanca to:
• support efforts by 6usinesses. individuals, and osganiza6ons including
'"' - School�Qistricts, municiaai and counry �ff'icials to discaurage tobacCo
use by yout?i members of aut communiiy. �
. enforce eXisting iaws, irttended to protect yoe�ih aga+nst the serious
efE�cts assocaated w"sth the use of tobacca pradticts
. compiy vvhh Miru�esota taw reqniring cau�tties ta licessse and regutate
tobacc:s pr�dud t+��taii sales
. further the oificial pubfic pnfi�y of the 5tate af Mi�nesota such as Minn.
Sb� Ghaptets 609, 461, and g171.22 includ'mg preventing young
peopte from starting to smoke as stated in Minn. Stat. §144.391.
The ordinance provides tor.
. Iscensing of tobacco sales
. providing for a minimvm tobaczo Ifunse fee and a+rtharize the fee to
be petiodicalty madifred by Resotution of the County Baard
• reguiating tobacca prodtsd access
. providing ar� administrafiva fee andlor cJiminal ac�on for v�olaiion
• suspension and revoCation oi iobacco license for vialation of statut2s
and oniinances
A printed capy of the ordinanca is available for inspecfinn by any p�rscn at the office of
the Olmsted Cnurrty Auditor and Clmsted Courtty Pvblia HeaRh Services.
This or�inance stiall become effec4ve after pubfic hearings and subsequent adopiion
by tha County 8oard.
Adopted by the Board of the CouMy of Otttssted. Mirmesota, this sra day of
�e»Y„az•. . i998.
B . �c�� [C1
Pau1 Wilson, Board Chairperson
ard G. Devlin, Clerk-Administratar
JUN. _ 2.1998;�:11- 30RM np1„c, i t�N N�LnN tiC;:,q�L ♦ b1��;
The Courrty Soard of the Coustty of dtcnsted. Minnesom. ��3tins:
Sect�on 100. 1 i11e.
This ortiinance sha{I be known and retere�! as �e Otmsted County Tobaxo
�,ales and Youth Access �rdinanca•
Seobaa 240. Jusisdic4lote-
Tha Ofmsted Coarity Tobaccc Sales and Youth Acr�ss Ordinanca sha11 apPty ta
aft incatporate� and unincorporated ateas within Oimsbed County that do not
have a retail to�auo license and tegulati�on in elfect.
5eation 300. i)efinitioms and intarpsetat[ons.
Ali terms shail4e given trieir cammonty accepted det�itions• 7he siagvlar shaq
include the piurai and tha piural shal! indude the sin�uiaT. The masr.uiine shall
induda the feminine and neuter, and vic�-versa. The tesm "sha1P tneans
mandatcry and the term 'maY' rtieans permissive- �
�y}?d � A ministrat�fe�. "Administrative fee" shait mean the i'�cense and
servica {eFss that are assessed tc inciividuais, as authosired by the or�inance.
Adminis�ative teas are not penaities assigned tn a rsiminai caurt
�d 2 AdmSnisiraLive Penattv. "Adcninistratve geriatlY' shatf inean the fees that
are assessed to individuals for violation of the ord'mance as authatized tsy the
�, o�ntv_ `County' m�ans the eritire �rea witt'+in the perimeter boundaries
af Qtmste4 County, Minnesota and/or tlse staPf or other officials sen+ing unCer the
authotity of ihe Caunty Beard.
�+bc+ ._ a c �my Boand. `Coutrty Soard' mear�s ti'te 0}msted Cour�ty Soatd af
Cammissioners duly eieded by and curtentry senring the citizens of Olmsied
Caunty, M"�nnesota.
�ybd ��im Offieiai "Caurrty Of6r3aP st�ait mean 3he person or persans
authorized hy the administrator of the department assigned by the Gaunri/ Boa�d
ifl impfementthis oNlnaxtce.
$s7�i 6►�•ove^_ b�_s- °?�'� 4fS51�in �`Moveable Pi2ae of 8usittess' shap 2fer
to any business operated out of a truck, van. 8utomebiie, or ather type of vehide
or transportable shetter without a£nced toration, address and structure.
N0.007�= P.S�
. �C� , y `� `1
Su� 7�,_a°.� 'Pets�t° afiap maoe a�r in�vfditet, busmeea. AubGC ot P�ivafe
auA°ranorr. ga�senh�, joinc wnau�o� �toaat�, sr�, �+cx�oralad
�ssoeiatien, or gowrra��rtt a anY apene+! or ao� wbdh+edor� theroo�: and
�� ��S�ss� �t9aee. �etft ar oC� teQat +epres�tative a! brry of tt+s
a�� .a R.mn �itsn��r„r,.�. 'RoQaB £�bGshn�t'shaG n�san zry pmma at
bupn�ao wt+�is tob� Po�et� ete aYtbbie't�YaaM to the geitetel Ptil�iGat
rs�r7. Aat� �titlrments elral) Mdud4 bnt ttqt b9 �ueptsd te 47bscCa shups,
Q��Y �enB� sosYiC4 a�tlot�s� wns�n4enoa slo�ea, tes4aursssffi arf� iSVern�.
- �.. •:�.,, _ �
. __ _
s�hd, ' e �.�aie- A"s:do` shaU n'.eatt 8tsy is�efB� of po0ds tOr fior�ay. �de,
bsrtst. or otMr mnridara�cn. �
•�• -.ci .-•�l � u.-:a�tr �.1 ti�. . „-�.. .,I
c ....
� �8eerrnran '�'�,�y' y�g � y� �y7p0lS!!y lC3i 0! tE11
Q►tWeQo tn seA lo0xc prodssh with ral�i�ni ofltss ¢rivde'9ss allaur�d
ac�or�n8 to aetion of tM G�arry ORk'a�.
- -- .u�- •,�,... _ _ .
- - �� - ,.
�Y� -
Subd- 14 Tab��.+e *�+n �'p�p �y� Sf70(j tC14a11 Q7iy 177�ltiil�l Or
ttnsn ee�alMng tobacco tes}. 3ndu�9nQ bu � n � ot �trtr�ed to. clpare!lrs; ci�ara; ptDe
� TDb! .t'C�. iS�� �7S r.n Ot �}!?t C�tiQ wWC�; C�l�OQti� �� ���
g���, P��9 C.�4 �rrtF urt, read�+ubbed, end othar em�iefng faba�sz: srft�f!
ilOtvera: eavendtslt; sha� PwG and twctt Labaex� d4=PuKi �bta�� raffiise
�P4 �PP�+ �lnpt, ar�d tW�tn¢8 of to�; ard elti�r fdadi iu�i tottns
of tobacco leaf prep�red in aurJt Rterttt�r 9s to b� auisbte tor clserrip0. atslfl{np.
ot m+cidrsp. Toboceo pro�s�a ahsil alsa 6saud� anY pl� ro�InG P�, or
otttier davic4 l�tersdsd ia be taed In a r�rmrtvAk3t eKObiee tlts �vlt�,
eraf�tto� asrrmic�g ot5ob��a or�eeca �nodt�tr.
8�ebet 1S Ye�+�h 'YOilflt shal! meass atsy pasnn wh0 lsas ADt y�t �wChad tl�
a�e af.i�trtNn (tA� y+wts•
A� ,•�
'•'�•2:! L�r.
o�a . ..._... _.�
Saction d00. litense.
:. ������
►Vo retail estabGshmer�t shalf seli or of� to seit arry tobacco pradud without iirst
having obtained a 6eense to do so fmm fhe Counfy, untess suct� person obtalne"d
a Ucense lTCrts a sity ar locat govemmerrtai agancy_
Subd_ 1 qpolicatiort. At� appliptioq ior a license to sefl tcbac� produds st�ail
be made an a form provided bythe County. The appticaton shali can�in the fult
name af the appC�canR residerniai and business addresses, tefephone numbers,
ihe name of the busiqess arsd any additianal information the County deems . .. ..
Sub� 2 Aciion_ The County Otfiaai shaH apprnve, deny or deiay license ac6on,
for a reascna6te pe�d of time, tn complete any tnvestlgdUon af the apQGrttiCn
or !ha applicar+t {nvesti�ation may mdude, but is not timited to, a bac�cground
dteek. tf the Counry Offidai detem�ines ihat an applidtion is incamptete, fhe
Otfiaal shail retum the apptfcaticn ta the applicant with notke of the Infarmation
necsssary to camplete the appliption. When tha Offuaat determines thaf the
iicense application qn be approved, the offiaa! shail issue the I'rcense to the
applicant. ►f ihe Official denies the Gcense, natiee of the denial sisa[! 6e given tA
the app{icant aiong with notice af the appiiqrit"s rights and the appea! process.
s�bd- 3 Term. All Ucenses sPaU 6e vaGd (or twetve montf�s fram ihe date cf
issua�cE. Tha license shatl termiirate upon the anr�iversary e"ate. The iengtfi of
license time may be modifled fivm time-to-time by resolution ot the Courrty
��,� a Renewats. `fhe renewat of a}icense shalt be handled ►n the same
martr+er as ffie origi�al appticatfon. The applicant's request far a renewal s3lalt
ba made at feast thirty days bvt no mora trian sixty days bafore the expirat3on oi
tite wrrent iicense. The issuance af a licsnse shap be considered a privilege
and not an abso(ute right of the appficant and shall not errtitte the helder tc an
-' auWmaDc renewai of the licer,se.
S��b _� Tran�!rs. AI1licenses shal! be valid o�ly Cn fhe premises fo� which Ehe
license was issued and an{y for ihe person io whom the license was issuesf. No
iransfer cf the license to another ioeation or person shal! be allowed,
��bd 8 v abi P� ef S a ines Ne ficens� shaR be issued to a movabte
pface oi business. pnly tbced-loption businesses shatl be slig�le fo be
Subd_ 7 bisncav. A115censes shall be pasted aad displayed on t3�e Gcensed
premise in plairt view of ihe generat pubGc and shalt be exhr'brted to any person
upon requesi. The licar�se shaN inctuda a statesnent ta the effect of, `By {aw, af{
persons under the age of 27 years must ptesent i�etstification to purshase
tabacco producLs.•
�.�. ��o �at►*en+•nte af tltts saelson nfrau e�ot avPZV m
.�stsra sesivltY af ad6ng �bacco D�dacb ta resa� �is
SaottoA S�D. Ad�ttin�lv� Fsa tar LTa��s and 8atvIoot.
.. .. a9�d.1. Thsre sha,i bs faet ior 6oetscws �ered ur�lhe authaet2y af 4� .
ardi�an�e. TI� iicana fi� str�8 be detemdnad accorrlfn4 tn th� fatlow7ap fidtrs
si� atAO�:
� S�ii fM fof RiCi1 f9t'dIl aS�l�i11Ri0ettltdls�9 tD� p(OdtTC! SId18lS w1�9
OCCiI� ��
. �.:
4 NRunb�r Of ta6atm ptadtrcf wndb'�q tnad'mta. 'i'llit =1Citadeg. bt�l8 cto!
ibn�ed !e, Shaea vonding ma� eqnippsd w1tYi a remate nontral �si�,
whsr3r crarat he adtvsted i�y a rei� �rlc iw euh bobeCCO p�dt� sa�s
� S26 ateis vri!!! SZ00 ntaxienuns
�i2 Redue�on in 8c�ae iee�c sh� be a�hm'ized fit ths foiowin�
a. 7'!f� r�erssea. �1J rss�apers and aa ernpieyass lfrs.t �ra enQaDad ln
� groduet saiaa cart taaa�s! atoer+si�+ea aod acw�eaaiul
axt�fnBon af� s�s and yoush a�ss L�inir,� tamaFtablr ta the
��f+ �aA within t}x �at 3 y�eara. 207G �sduelJort In 4cla! f0ea
1170 WWtS�E itlfj i� f118JilQOR o� �o ptpdUG 1iIYt, bil! sSOt 8$
'_ empl0�eee, tan doauf�at�t �tsr�d�a �d sucr,zssfai Corttpl6Uot1 ef
wbacco salas atsd Ycuth a�ose tta�li� tseraptAbi► to 2he Courrty
O�Ide!} +�fiin t�aae Pa�t 3 Y�ara. 10'K redvetFon in !ah! ioaa
b. The asfab9storoer� is oci�aty �nd to pae4ent Yputh fiom er�arinq uts
� 40`X ndttetkn ia boye{ !Ms
�,.�.TF�i tofiotvin� �dmirlsl�+�e ie�s� �t bY Rs�ttloe� o!'the Ccunty
Boud. rv� be aPA�e�d 1a enarver sarvka aaafs as appQasbie.
�- � appScatmn ard piym�trt ot faes casbed bY �
i6 prtr��k
. _:�::
Q'A w+'xa� �t'evu x�1 rrsiarn Lu�.s �ac. rr av�
JUN. 2 1998 �31 _31FlM yi:,,=�c i un NALr,N r1CC�l � 0���+16
� - - ._ �
. ;: a; =
b. Add�ionai retaII inspections, Sales�tamRliance ct�ecks �t''d
' catrespandence needed to detecmine or achieve compi'iactce after
noncomP6ance or vioiation is found at the Gcensed reta�"f estabf3s per�hour
c. tnspection and enforcemerrt senrice fQes for mun�cipalities that �antrad
wit� �he Courdy to regulate tobacco saies and youth access as� �irh u'
by Minaesot3 lavt.
5i, Petsons attending "Tobacco 5ales and Ycu� A�esS Tm ��� �
by the County.
��, n Administrative fees, apptied during tha I'�cense term that have not been
paid in fuif, shaU be added to and became pad of the fic�nse renewai fee•
��, A license fee refund far business tertnination may be avthorized. AnY
refund amount wilt be axordis�g ta the sthedute set by ResoluNon of the Couniy
, u�6_. Arry oi the fe�s ior the cabegories i� this secfion may bs modfied, ftem
time to tme, by Resolution oi the Caurrty 8oard.
�u . 7. The aicensing taquirement in fhis sedia� shali not be appi'ied to tobacea
product wholesaie�s who oniy se� tobacca Psalucts to �facl esta6Gsfiments.
Sectton fi00. Basis foc digibi[tty, artd for Deniat of Licanse.
�L No refaii license, or Gcense renev+ai, shail be issued to a petsan:
a. UnCerihe age of S8.
� b. Cornricted ot a viokation of Federal of State iaw, or any local govemmerit
" ordinance or regulaScn relaiing to tobacq produci,s
� a Cutrendy under temrs of a suspensiaeti or revocation of a C�cense ta seli
� tobaxo Droduds
• d. Who has fa'ited to pay tha a�propriate lieensing andlos se�ui� fees.
� f.
Faiis to pravide any inforrnation requited by the applicaticn or County
Otf'icial, or provides ;�lse or rriisleadtng infam�adon.
Ptohibiied by+ �ederat, State, or other bcat taw. ordinance. or othe+'
regutation, from hotding such a Gcense.
$y�,3„ tf it is discoveted that a 5cense was mistakenty issued Cr renewed to art
�+etig,ble person, the Lcense shalt be revoked by the Counry Offiraal.
�, �ac. vacs� s��tstMS.
Tnbac� a�'�d�vanelap med�fne Ix�tion and aaJs� stso9 be t6n@ad. auas�n0
sc �e prcvisio�►s eflAlnneaa:n Stsarte Chs� �, Fedrral taw, and tfa3a
orrlinara as ema+dsd frvm cnn�-t�ttma.
5�� 800. S�IfS�cvla Kenelsar�disltt4 ae►d 9�iae.
!�+ 1 S�ti$enriee me�'sandlslt� and aalaa af tcbscso Pioducts a�e �aC
aecord'm9 te �A"tnnesota 8�tuta Cfsapter 48t, �t zsnenQad front ilme-ta�t3me� a►1d
funt�ar ti�si�Eed accar�k�p m tho tofio�vi�+G � its Cds s0�oe►.
,�ksi.2. Aa to�ac� Pfsadncts, atfsred far s�le. ehdi dtf�u i� a) sfiarsd in au
at+�a � aa�sminer'Ct7d rttaY.Ds vwibfa btR it �nt sewas�a tc c�ama+a, or D) in
d vet'tdin8 tYPs ��Re lxa�d � the Bcatfsee �ha11 Gtsok tlta ideStBty Cf tl1t
�ntt �'td wat�h the �dncts pu��se.
s�a�t 3- a� ehaf! «tiy aQaw ms,dwe�ino �' �a nFfr�accC
produ�s by II) 9 PnY��+ e�+an�,�e ot �is t�b.aa Prnd�t b.l�w�n the ncecsss.
o� tfsse Ursflaee'� e�bYees and L`+� aadvmns, er b} n�� �e
�qu►�Ped u� a awii�s !!ut dlspoenva tho ptodu�t er�tY
C�tt�s � awl�.�s to be 4c"se9y aativeRed tar sa�tt 3ndNtdti� Sa1R
,�,�,,,s� The set�seHiee marchand�tk�q taM� shRR nat apP1Y to tatail
sslahlishrnante whsn the op�stas astive{y pral�Els Ydsr9� ie�t �rd�rbsg t3se
�nssa esb�Bahment et ali llmes, and whete 90'!4 os' �so�e a�'t� ^�
eaia6{i�+raent� ravasue is dertivcd fr�m t�beae Produ�t ealas, aa provfded tn
MYtt�esDta StaytCi Chaphes de1.
�3t6d `- PaiY �lsiJar� seUatq tobac� pradu�s atlhe �rne this ordlru�ce is
sdoptad� shan �1Y �sBls thEs �c8on an a b�E'oc� MaY 15,19� anct r:saisfidin
carr�PBes�es 2h�tralE�r.
" S�oslos+ aCO. f2esPOnstbil'dy.
AIt �ertieea aisall Ce req�oeissbis for i!w a�ens of 1hQk' 6tnpiay90� tn Tspatd tD
tltt st�te Of fObexO Pas�txts Mt tl19 ACets�id Rr�sea. 'E1te sata atlabaeGO
praducs b3t an atr�loyea st�alf b8 m�slder�d a sals bY tl�s lks�=ss hoklar.
[�ing tn thls seet� shea t�hmit the Wwsty Q!lidat irv�n subj�dtnp ttf�
�snpyr�„�sle aQpre�e �istrsWs pandt�+ fi�s �+6� tl3s ot�ts�tee. St�
or FsHRaV faw, ot o��r appiKabw Isw or �spe�i�tfoe�.
g�efiea lQGC. Salos�npJfarios elwdy.
SIIiee-eatsp�snca d'rr�s� at d�liried In 1�ntretots Sfatt� Cf�{�tnr 4C1� s{dt be
. pericnr�ed utrci�e dErectlon of the Goutc�r C!}fe'si iar tha pstrpet+s ai �ttnQ
, ,�; mer+p�tr� �th Rtfra,ea+� 9tat�e gaos-eBS, as sn+�dod iram trs+ld�-t7me. ..
-•• • a� forb�lrsp e�sssp5anat+�hlhlt ond�s�ofe�.
-; 8
+' - . fi�d � Mlvi1 9I73"d A.1� �.n {+dd27� �• ES �i.'1
7UN. 2.1998 :11�31F1M a nr�e��t•i �� 'r0.��u. - e..n..:le
N0. 067' • �^'�P.11�
Section i1C0. Vioiatiorss.
� c� �hd 1 Notice_ Upon discovery of a suspecfed violatfon, the aileged vidator
shall be issued. ec"ther personalty or tiy mad, a cfiation that sets forth the aile9�
viela6on and administrative penalpr fee• The notice shalf irrtorm tise a11e9ed
violatnr of the right ta an administrative hearin9-
,Syb Hea ' s_ A pecsan alteged to have aommitted a viataSon may requast a
hearing befora the Tobacca Hearing Officer within 10 days of r�ceivin9 the
ci�tion. The tirt+e and PtacE of the �aR^9 shall be stheduled and pravided to
the alleged violator within 30 days of receiving the re4uest `.ar a hearing. •The
hearing noticx shatl be publlshed and open to the pubfic.
�h� ?'r� Ftearina Officer. The Covniy Soard shall appoint an individval
to serve as tbe Tobacco Hearing Officer• The resAonsbiliCes of the Nearing
Otficershall be assigned by iha Cou�riy Boand and may incJads, bt7 not be
lhnited to, the follow+ng:
a. Conduetitlg hearings pursuant wi@► M9rtnesota Statute 461-12•
b. Making recemmendations te the County 8oard rega►'din9 this ordina�
and associated poGcies and fees.
c Reviewing ancf guiding adsninistration af ihe paGaes and sesvices
associated witit fhis ordinance.
tl. A�ivising thc County QfScia�
�� d DecislarL Ths Officers dEcision, along with H1e findiags and
administrarive penairy fees tn be imposed, if any, shaU he recarded in writing and
a copy shail be provided ta ihe alteged violator served persor+atly or by mal.
s�bd_ 5 Aceea�s. Appeafs of arsy decision made by the Officsr shaEi be made
pursuant to Nlinnesota Statute Chapter 461 12 subd. 7, as amendsd from time-
$y6d 6,�onttnued Vt�a�_,i�n. Each vioia6on, and every day in which a violation
oaurs or corttinues, sha�! eonstitute a separate affense•
5eetion 120D. Administrative PonatBes.
l� I � O �
�ybd t Pert ttv C' eria. Administrative Penafdes shaU be defined and
administered as provlded in Minnesota Statute Chaptsr d61 as arr�e�ded irom
time-ta-time and axording to Subd. 2 of this Seetion 120b.
• �i
:;i • T
{ - � ' � � q �,�D?
- q �p asffibrnsi�me:st rsr�adoy�e
fotmd to havs viel�d si�s aedk�ana shat[ be rs4upaQ to partia�t� in'TaEaaa
gaiea ar�d You3tt Aoass TnMitu� �ut is aueCSSd bY tl� Co�'H �t This
haining shaII no! De a aubatlt►7tR'(a an admU��� Pm'��► ��Of� �
6diirno�o� Lsw.
� ��� p�Ky ieet at0 tl7ose idenslffed U7
� gtsS�te Chapfrr s61. as atstended irocn �nt�ksf�.
�_ ¢,�cerbiet�a. UpOttfhe i�$d oiWua wiasirt a 24 Rtoat!!1 pCr3od� the
8c�tsfa �haB bA �er�ds� �Y'tha Cun+fy a�, aa Provided fn ir�ntt�sota
SlO�+ds ChsP�r 46'1 � ss �t'�nded frt�+1 �-
,��ed x x►nnr�ens- 'fi� tiansa �oY onht be r:+vcked bY th� WuntY �.
The reta8 es3akBdanvnt op�afa►r�! noAPiy tar a 6oe�me, and paY ths t�lai
� t.o, 4� cpe�ale a�rs the cs�d�t � to rerotation are
aaev�+y �ea a�a�e�oto� dt� cow�y e�ro.
� The Be�u�.s sh�i[ re�naw a� botrao� ptc�dttas
lra�+ ths P� cd sa�a a� keepic►� �em out af pub�o `rMr+ snd ac� ion or n!E
1M IP��) d�¢ tls� sr+�;us�e� as tevct�t� P�
A„�_ � ue�e_ Adrninis�aSve P� �°C nEYOC�a aMt i�
�d a�sr ttr� ai►�Oad vldaeor, U�s�r, or athst ts� �KY? �
�ecsived tsoticx at a) th� a�i�ad `rio�8on, sM b} the Ptoezas ��►4
�d a�tnirsg a hsatlstg to appoai th�fr �ase Detcre tne Tabac�o Hearing �1�Car.
Sueh r'� �Y ba setved P��Y or bY tna�7.
g�lion 1300. Defar�sos ae�d F�a+�t+ona.
�yj�, tt shoil bs an aEHm aNw dsistu� ior a P�� tn itive rhad� a tabsoeo
pr�r:ud sak v�fien they an derrwns�ate Qtay rt+�atssblY �°n ���°
.� gs ptovfded tn Mtnnasc� Statue §34aA S03 sa pm�nded fi�om �m�Urssa.
�,2 Th� ordlnance stvfl not prw�t+t dis�u�on af �obaxco to Ird6iuo yaAh
�s PTCVided in Mkmaos� S�a §909.885, ts afrlYndc�d fcortf fitsS►tfl-tlms•
goclfost 7400. Sav�eabiRty attd S�tYlnss Cituse.
1{ sny aectlan es partfan oNhlt �dka¢xs shsC ba ia�ssd �as�s�� �
pthe+wi■e invaad cr tmentar�hle bY s ccst ef eamp�4trt 1u�d�� �
�p ahait nat serve as an LtvaBdatfon or ailOG the vaSdRY artd enfo�asb�tY o�
pny othor s�ei�t er proviticn d Ss� ��e.
.., �
-. . .
� g[•d F(Ytiia �t'�'id xL � Lt�:� H5. E'[ Bii
JUN. 2.1998 - 11�32RM ' „".�. . N0.007 P.13
' �� �' . s��n,soa. �►. ca�. q r '`��
. 2
�• Thes ordina+�ce shaA be in fuU iorae and effect trom and after i!s Passa9e and
appcovai. as Provided by law. •
Passed and appmved this sra day of a�zvazr , 1968 by the Counly of Olmsted-
� '
� � �
- .. - _ . . . Paul 1M1fitsan. ci�aiR�zson _ . .. . . _
Board of Commissio�ers
Atte� �
criard G. Devtin. Cierk-Administrator
R�4pPo11Nn 10H3197; 10f2'1f47.17J7G97
' ��
'; �
.. v ,