D00225C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �,Pro�ed coPies ro: ADMINISTRATNE ORDER - City Gerk (Originap BUDGET REVISION - Rnanc6 Dept.'s Accounting Division � �/��.�, r - Requesting Dept No_ �X� c�..��j� Date: Q -� �*� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Chief of the St. Paul Police Department to amend the 1994 budget of the Police Special Projecis Fund, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: FROM: 436 - Police Special f�rojects 34120 - Special Investigations 0298 - Investigations TO: 436 - Police Speciai Projects 34120 - Special Investigations • 0354 - Law Enforcememt 0848 - Other Specialized Equipment CURRFfVT APPROVED AMENDED °UDtiET CHANGES BUDGEf 36,355 (21,000) 15,355 36,355 (21,000) 15,355 5,135 19,000 24,135 0 2,000 2,000 5,135 21,000 26,135 Net Change � The above change will aliow sufficient funding for the purchase of equipment to record custodial interrogations. ��� r��� �- �� `� � proved by: Budget Direct Date .GT�k�F�:Zl1 ., � � N� 27918 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNQL DATE INITIATE� roi��e 1�3 � E j;y� �, os�is/a4 GREEN SHEET CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INRIAIJDATE INRIAVDATE ODEPARTMENTDIflEGTOR �CITYGOUNqI Chief William Finney 292-3588 A�GN �CfTVATfORNEV �CITYCLERK STBEONCAUNCILAGENDABY(DATE) ROUTINGFOR BUDGETDIRECTOF �FIN.&MGT.SERVICESDIR. OROER � MAVOR (OR ASSI5TAfJn O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 4 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACrION RE�UESTED: . Process the attached Administrative Order for transfer of funds. RECqMMENDATIONS: Approve (A� or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: , PLANNING COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Has thls pefsOn/firtn ever Wolketl untlef a Con[faC[ fOr thi5 department? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO 2. Has this personttirm ever been a city employee? _ STAFF — VES NO _ DiSTRICi cqUrtr — 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill no[ normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPOf1TSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE7 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attaoh lo green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (NTO, What, When, Where, Why) The Minnesota Supreme Court has mandated that all custodial interrogations, including any information about rights, and a11 questioning shall be electronically recorded. This includes squad car detention questioning or any other place of detention. Please see the attached for more information. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Mandated by court ordet. RECEIVED AUG 2 41994 CITY CLERK DISA�VAPdTAGES IF APPROVED� See attached. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPFOVED. Non—compliance with court order. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ Approximatelv $Z.1 OOO COS7/HEVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO Gon£isCBted PundS. ACTIVITYNUMBER 34120 FUNDING SOURCE , FINANCIALINFORMATfOM(EXPLAIN) No general fund dollars requested. �W