98-374�� ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To co,.,n��� F��e # 9� Ordinance # Green Sheet # [pQlp� / Pf1p(i.4t.�n An ordinance to amend the Saint Paul Charter to provide for voting requirements in case of abstentions for conflicts of interest. THE COiJNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORIIAIN: Section 1 �I:� ..� a Chapter 6 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 6. LEGISLATIVE PROCEDURES Sec. 6.01. Actions of the council. A11 acts of the council shall be by ordinance or resolution as defined in this Chapter. Ail ardinances and resolutions shall be offered in writing. The names of all persons voting for or against ordinances, resolurions and motions shall be recorded in the journal. Unless required � the provisions of Section 17.04 of this Charter. bv law or by ordinance to absCain from votint . , any member present who fails to vote sha11 be recorded as voting in the negative. Sec. 6.02. Actions requiring notice. Where a published notice or other notice is required to effectuate an action of the council, provisions far notice shall be made by administrative ordinance. Sec. 6.03. �rdivances and resolutions--Defined; vote required. Sec. 6.03.1. Legislative ordinances. Every act of the council which defines, licenses, regulates, suppresses, prevents or prohibits any act, business or person, grants or modifies any $anchise, or is in any way an ��'��27��b� ORDINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA °�� F], [! 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 i7 �8 ORIGINAL 98-37y exercise of legislative powers, shall be done by legislative ardinance. Except as othenvise provided in this Charter, such ordinances shall require an affirmative vote of at least four (4) members of the council. Sec. 6.03.2. Administrative ordinances. Every act of the council which establishes, alters, or abolishes any department, office or agency or the procedure far the perFormance of any administrative act or which promulgates any rule or regulation for the conduct of the city government or which this Charter requires to be done by ordinance other than a legislative ardinance shall be by aduiinistrative ordinance. Except as othenvise provided in this Chapter, such ordinances shall require an affirmative vote of at least four (4) members of the council. Sec. 6.03.3. Resolutions. All other acts of the council shall be by resolurion, including but not limited to, the following: tl) ��) (3) (4) Adoption and revision of the budget, except as otherwise provided in Chapter 10; Certification of the ta�c levy; Emergency appropriations; Declaration of intent of the council; (5} Approval of collective bazgaining a�eements, setting of wages and salaries, and setting of other terms and conditions of employment; provided, that such approval or amendment by resolution shall receive two (2) readings by the council and that such readings be at least one week apart; and (6) Approval or amendment of the Civi1 Service Rules as established by Secrion 12.06 of this Charter and pursuant to the procedure set forth therein; provided, that such approval or amendment by resolution shall receive two (2) readings by the council and that such readings be at least one week apart. Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, resolutions shall require an affirmative vote of at least four (4) members. See. 6.03.4. Saving clause. No action of the council sha11 be invalid because a legislative ordinance is used when an administrative ordinance is indicated in this Charter, or an administraflve ordinance is used when a legislative ordinance is indicated, if the requirements for taking the action indicated have been met. � �fx�I9Y 2 ORIGINAL � 10 11 12 Sec. 6.03.5. Abstenrions. 9�-3�z� �en a member of the council is rec;uired to abstain from voring. by any provision of this Charter, by law or ordinance, the number of votes required to pass an ordinance or resolution under this section 6.03 sha11 be a simole majori of those present. If another provision of this CUarter, or of any law over which this Charter takes precedence re�uires either 5. 6 or ? affirmafive votes for the �assa e� of any ordinance. resolution or other proposition. the said number of required affiruiative votes deemed necessary for �assage shall be reduced by the same number as the number of those council members who are re�uired to abstain from voting Sec. 6.04. Ordinances and resolufions--Form. 13 Each ardinance or resolution shall relate to a single subject which shall be expressed 14 cleatly in its title. The enacting ciause af each ordinance shall be "The Councit of the City of 15 Saint Paul does ordain." 16 17 Sec.6.O5.Ordinances--Procedures. 18 19 Every proposed ordinance shall be read in full at the meeting at which it is presented; 20 provided, that fuli reading may be waived if a copy of the ordinance is supplied each member of 21 the council prior to its introduction. Every proposed ordinance shall be read again by title at two 22 (2) separate meetings heid not less than a week after the meeting at which it is first presented. 23 After a proposed ordinance is complete in the form in which it is to be finally passed, it sha11 24 remain on file in the o�ce of the city clerk for public inspection for at least one week before 25 fmal adoption. 26 2? 28 29 30 31 32 33 i4 SS 7 Sec. 6.06. Emergency ordinances. To meet a public emergency, to wit, a sudden or unforeseen situation affecting life, health, property, or the public peace or welfare that requires immediate council action, the council may adopt one or more emergency ordinances. An emergency ordinance may not levy tases, authorize the issuance of bonds, grant, renew, or extend a franchise or regulate the rate charged by any public utility for its services; provided, however, that nothing herein contained is intended to prevent the city from issuing its emergency notes and making any necessary tax levies therefor as provided in 5ection 10.072 of this Charter. An emergency ordinance shall be introduced in the form and manner prescribed for ordinances generaliy except that it shall plainly be designated as an emergency ordinance and shall contain, after the enacting clause, a declazation stating that an emergency exists, and describing it in clear and specific terms. An emergency ordinance may be passed with or without amendment ar it may be rejected at the meeting at which it is introduced. The unannnous affnmative vote of all members of the council shall be required for the passage of an emergency ordinance. Sec. 6.07. Resolufions--Procedure; effecrive date. Every resolution shall be presented in writing and read in full before a vote is taken unless the reading of the resolution is dispensed with by unanimous consent. Unless otherwise �/ a7��� j�� `a � 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ORIGINAL ��-37y required by law, resolutions sha11 become effective upon passage by the council and approvai by the mayor or councii ovemde of a mayoral veto. Sec. 6.08. Signing, 61ing, presentarion to mayor. Every ord'mance or resolution adopted by the council shall be presented to the mayor as soon as practicable, but not later than five (5) business days after its passage, for the mayor's approval or rejection. Withiu five {5) business days after presentation, the mayor sha11 either sign the measure or return it to the council with a communication in writing stating the disapproval and the reasons therefor. ff the mayor neither signs nor vetoes the measure within five (5) business days, it shall be deemed approved. Sec. 6.09. Item veto. Any ordinance or resolution shail be approved or vetoed by tha mayor in its entirety, except that any item in a measure appropriating money may be approved or vetoed. Sec. 6.10. Reconsideration and overriding veto. Any ordinance or resolution or any part of an appropriation measure which has been vetoed may be reconsidered by the council and sha11 become law if passed by an affirmative vote of at least five (5} members within thirty (30} days of the veto. Any such ordinance ar resolution or any part of an appropriation measure which has been reconsidered by the council and repassed shall be deemed approved. Sec. 6.11. Effective date of ordinance. Emergency ordinances sha11 be effective upon passage, approval and pubiication once in any legal newspaper, unless a later date is specified in the ordinance. All ordinances other than emergency ordinances shall become effective thirty (30) days after passage, approval and publication once in the official newspaper unless a later date is specified therein. � �/�7/� 0 o����Na� Sec. 6.12. Codification. The council shall provide for the compilation of legislative ordinances in a legislative 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 code and a.dministrative ordinances in an admiuistrative code. Sec. 6.13. Prima facie evidence. 9� Any codification or compilarion of the ordinances or resolurions of the city prepazed under the direcfion of the council or any copy of any ordinance or resolufion certified by the city cierk shall be prima facie evidence of its contents and of the regularity and legality of its adoprion and shall be admitted as evidence in any court without fiuther proof. Section 2 This ordinance, having been recommended by the Charter Commission of the City of Saint Paul, having passed unanimously by all members of the City Council, shall be effective 90 days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: �?/�� �ption Certified by Council Secretaxy Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � - gy; roved by Mayor: D te �pted by Council: Date ��� a$ �� Ciry Council Mike Aarris (68630) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 4-3�-98 GREEN SHEET uv�r mmai An ordinance to amend the Saint Pau] Charter to provide for voting requirements in cases of abstenfions for conflicts of interest. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIBCAMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �:�.�:, -.'lT"��5�^'y� aN There is curtentty no ordinance tttat prohibits City Councd members from voting in a matter in which they have a direct financial interest. City Council members will be piohibited from voCing on matters 3n which they have a direct financial interest. There wili continue to be no ordinance prohibiting City Council members from voting on matters in which they have a direct financiat LL uaouxr oF rw�r+sacnaa s IN6 $OURCE p��V14Y lxlrt; T•`,:lfa!]I�IF C11YAtTWEY ❑ CRYUtRI[ nu�w.a�ooc a�waExviACera WYORlORA4MAM}) ❑ (GL1P ALL LOCATfONS FOR SICaNATURE) lias N+is cersaM1rm eHer xaketl untlera cantract tor tlus aepartment? VES NO Has thia P�M� ever been a city empbyee9 YES NO Do� this P�� D� a sluN not rqrmalHGOSSassed M�Y curteM ci1Y �nWuyee? YES NO IS Mis pefSa�Rn e targetrd verlUOn YES NO CAST/REVEPIUE BU06fff6DlqRCLE ONEI ACTMSY NUI,BE0. 98-3 7� No 60689 mnbuua. arceau�at YES NO lAdUiGBH� I��J�i��f'.+eE V��:"sv� :L t :�. '��k � , �d — � `�e� i C+ty of Saint Paul City Council Research 310 City Hali Saint Pauf, MN 55102 (612) 266-8560 MEMORANDUM • DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: May 19, 1998 Robert Butterbrodt, President Saint Pauf Charter Commission Nancy Anderson Assistant Secretary to the City Gouncil Council File. The City Council approved ihe aitached Council Resolution 98-360 on May 6, 1998 and approved by the Mayor on May 13, 1998. This resolution requests the Charter Commission to review the attached ordinance (Council File 98-374), which amends the Saint Paul Charter to provide for voting requirements in case of absteniions for confiicis of interest. Please return your recommendations to me in Room 310, City Hall. Thank you. NA cc: Attachments: Bill Johnson, Secretary Council File No. 98-360 Council File No. 98-374 � ��. 1�. 9� O 4: O J p M � B L7 T T£ R B R O D T 2 9 2 1 O O O SAINT PAUL CH SAINT PAUL, August 18, 1998 Ciry of Saint Paul Ciry Council ltesearch 310 City HaII Saint Paul, MN 55102 Re: Council File 98-374 ss�oa P O 2 q�-3�ty Q �,•�� �y�cy'1 Reuea�v� � :: A �� 1 � 199� The Saizu Paul Cfiarter Commission, by motion unanimously approved on August 12, 1998, recommended approval of the attached Council File 9&374, which amends the Saint Paul Charter to provide for votuig reqniremems in cas� of absfentions for conflicts af interest. Robert D. Butterbrodt Chair c: Bi117ol�nson COMMISSiON ��: PPINTED ON NfiCYCLED PAPfq �� ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To co,.,n��� F��e # 9� Ordinance # Green Sheet # [pQlp� / Pf1p(i.4t.�n An ordinance to amend the Saint Paul Charter to provide for voting requirements in case of abstentions for conflicts of interest. THE COiJNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORIIAIN: Section 1 �I:� ..� a Chapter 6 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 6. LEGISLATIVE PROCEDURES Sec. 6.01. Actions of the council. A11 acts of the council shall be by ordinance or resolution as defined in this Chapter. Ail ardinances and resolutions shall be offered in writing. The names of all persons voting for or against ordinances, resolurions and motions shall be recorded in the journal. Unless required � the provisions of Section 17.04 of this Charter. bv law or by ordinance to absCain from votint . , any member present who fails to vote sha11 be recorded as voting in the negative. Sec. 6.02. Actions requiring notice. Where a published notice or other notice is required to effectuate an action of the council, provisions far notice shall be made by administrative ordinance. Sec. 6.03. �rdivances and resolutions--Defined; vote required. Sec. 6.03.1. Legislative ordinances. Every act of the council which defines, licenses, regulates, suppresses, prevents or prohibits any act, business or person, grants or modifies any $anchise, or is in any way an ��'��27��b� ORDINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA °�� F], [! 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 i7 �8 ORIGINAL 98-37y exercise of legislative powers, shall be done by legislative ardinance. Except as othenvise provided in this Charter, such ordinances shall require an affirmative vote of at least four (4) members of the council. Sec. 6.03.2. Administrative ordinances. Every act of the council which establishes, alters, or abolishes any department, office or agency or the procedure far the perFormance of any administrative act or which promulgates any rule or regulation for the conduct of the city government or which this Charter requires to be done by ordinance other than a legislative ardinance shall be by aduiinistrative ordinance. Except as othenvise provided in this Chapter, such ordinances shall require an affirmative vote of at least four (4) members of the council. Sec. 6.03.3. Resolutions. All other acts of the council shall be by resolurion, including but not limited to, the following: tl) ��) (3) (4) Adoption and revision of the budget, except as otherwise provided in Chapter 10; Certification of the ta�c levy; Emergency appropriations; Declaration of intent of the council; (5} Approval of collective bazgaining a�eements, setting of wages and salaries, and setting of other terms and conditions of employment; provided, that such approval or amendment by resolution shall receive two (2) readings by the council and that such readings be at least one week apart; and (6) Approval or amendment of the Civi1 Service Rules as established by Secrion 12.06 of this Charter and pursuant to the procedure set forth therein; provided, that such approval or amendment by resolution shall receive two (2) readings by the council and that such readings be at least one week apart. Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, resolutions shall require an affirmative vote of at least four (4) members. See. 6.03.4. Saving clause. No action of the council sha11 be invalid because a legislative ordinance is used when an administrative ordinance is indicated in this Charter, or an administraflve ordinance is used when a legislative ordinance is indicated, if the requirements for taking the action indicated have been met. � �fx�I9Y 2 ORIGINAL � 10 11 12 Sec. 6.03.5. Abstenrions. 9�-3�z� �en a member of the council is rec;uired to abstain from voring. by any provision of this Charter, by law or ordinance, the number of votes required to pass an ordinance or resolution under this section 6.03 sha11 be a simole majori of those present. If another provision of this CUarter, or of any law over which this Charter takes precedence re�uires either 5. 6 or ? affirmafive votes for the �assa e� of any ordinance. resolution or other proposition. the said number of required affiruiative votes deemed necessary for �assage shall be reduced by the same number as the number of those council members who are re�uired to abstain from voting Sec. 6.04. Ordinances and resolufions--Form. 13 Each ardinance or resolution shall relate to a single subject which shall be expressed 14 cleatly in its title. The enacting ciause af each ordinance shall be "The Councit of the City of 15 Saint Paul does ordain." 16 17 Sec.6.O5.Ordinances--Procedures. 18 19 Every proposed ordinance shall be read in full at the meeting at which it is presented; 20 provided, that fuli reading may be waived if a copy of the ordinance is supplied each member of 21 the council prior to its introduction. Every proposed ordinance shall be read again by title at two 22 (2) separate meetings heid not less than a week after the meeting at which it is first presented. 23 After a proposed ordinance is complete in the form in which it is to be finally passed, it sha11 24 remain on file in the o�ce of the city clerk for public inspection for at least one week before 25 fmal adoption. 26 2? 28 29 30 31 32 33 i4 SS 7 Sec. 6.06. Emergency ordinances. To meet a public emergency, to wit, a sudden or unforeseen situation affecting life, health, property, or the public peace or welfare that requires immediate council action, the council may adopt one or more emergency ordinances. An emergency ordinance may not levy tases, authorize the issuance of bonds, grant, renew, or extend a franchise or regulate the rate charged by any public utility for its services; provided, however, that nothing herein contained is intended to prevent the city from issuing its emergency notes and making any necessary tax levies therefor as provided in 5ection 10.072 of this Charter. An emergency ordinance shall be introduced in the form and manner prescribed for ordinances generaliy except that it shall plainly be designated as an emergency ordinance and shall contain, after the enacting clause, a declazation stating that an emergency exists, and describing it in clear and specific terms. An emergency ordinance may be passed with or without amendment ar it may be rejected at the meeting at which it is introduced. The unannnous affnmative vote of all members of the council shall be required for the passage of an emergency ordinance. Sec. 6.07. Resolufions--Procedure; effecrive date. Every resolution shall be presented in writing and read in full before a vote is taken unless the reading of the resolution is dispensed with by unanimous consent. Unless otherwise �/ a7��� j�� `a � 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ORIGINAL ��-37y required by law, resolutions sha11 become effective upon passage by the council and approvai by the mayor or councii ovemde of a mayoral veto. Sec. 6.08. Signing, 61ing, presentarion to mayor. Every ord'mance or resolution adopted by the council shall be presented to the mayor as soon as practicable, but not later than five (5) business days after its passage, for the mayor's approval or rejection. Withiu five {5) business days after presentation, the mayor sha11 either sign the measure or return it to the council with a communication in writing stating the disapproval and the reasons therefor. ff the mayor neither signs nor vetoes the measure within five (5) business days, it shall be deemed approved. Sec. 6.09. Item veto. Any ordinance or resolution shail be approved or vetoed by tha mayor in its entirety, except that any item in a measure appropriating money may be approved or vetoed. Sec. 6.10. Reconsideration and overriding veto. Any ordinance or resolution or any part of an appropriation measure which has been vetoed may be reconsidered by the council and sha11 become law if passed by an affirmative vote of at least five (5} members within thirty (30} days of the veto. Any such ordinance ar resolution or any part of an appropriation measure which has been reconsidered by the council and repassed shall be deemed approved. Sec. 6.11. Effective date of ordinance. Emergency ordinances sha11 be effective upon passage, approval and pubiication once in any legal newspaper, unless a later date is specified in the ordinance. All ordinances other than emergency ordinances shall become effective thirty (30) days after passage, approval and publication once in the official newspaper unless a later date is specified therein. � �/�7/� 0 o����Na� Sec. 6.12. Codification. The council shall provide for the compilation of legislative ordinances in a legislative 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 code and a.dministrative ordinances in an admiuistrative code. Sec. 6.13. Prima facie evidence. 9� Any codification or compilarion of the ordinances or resolurions of the city prepazed under the direcfion of the council or any copy of any ordinance or resolufion certified by the city cierk shall be prima facie evidence of its contents and of the regularity and legality of its adoprion and shall be admitted as evidence in any court without fiuther proof. Section 2 This ordinance, having been recommended by the Charter Commission of the City of Saint Paul, having passed unanimously by all members of the City Council, shall be effective 90 days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: �?/�� �ption Certified by Council Secretaxy Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � - gy; roved by Mayor: D te �pted by Council: Date ��� a$ �� Ciry Council Mike Aarris (68630) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 4-3�-98 GREEN SHEET uv�r mmai An ordinance to amend the Saint Pau] Charter to provide for voting requirements in cases of abstenfions for conflicts of interest. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIBCAMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �:�.�:, -.'lT"��5�^'y� aN There is curtentty no ordinance tttat prohibits City Councd members from voting in a matter in which they have a direct financial interest. City Council members will be piohibited from voCing on matters 3n which they have a direct financial interest. There wili continue to be no ordinance prohibiting City Council members from voting on matters in which they have a direct financiat LL uaouxr oF rw�r+sacnaa s IN6 $OURCE p��V14Y lxlrt; T•`,:lfa!]I�IF C11YAtTWEY ❑ CRYUtRI[ nu�w.a�ooc a�waExviACera WYORlORA4MAM}) ❑ (GL1P ALL LOCATfONS FOR SICaNATURE) lias N+is cersaM1rm eHer xaketl untlera cantract tor tlus aepartment? VES NO Has thia P�M� ever been a city empbyee9 YES NO Do� this P�� D� a sluN not rqrmalHGOSSassed M�Y curteM ci1Y �nWuyee? YES NO IS Mis pefSa�Rn e targetrd verlUOn YES NO CAST/REVEPIUE BU06fff6DlqRCLE ONEI ACTMSY NUI,BE0. 98-3 7� No 60689 mnbuua. arceau�at YES NO lAdUiGBH� I��J�i��f'.+eE V��:"sv� :L t :�. '��k � , �d — � `�e� i C+ty of Saint Paul City Council Research 310 City Hali Saint Pauf, MN 55102 (612) 266-8560 MEMORANDUM • DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: May 19, 1998 Robert Butterbrodt, President Saint Pauf Charter Commission Nancy Anderson Assistant Secretary to the City Gouncil Council File. The City Council approved ihe aitached Council Resolution 98-360 on May 6, 1998 and approved by the Mayor on May 13, 1998. This resolution requests the Charter Commission to review the attached ordinance (Council File 98-374), which amends the Saint Paul Charter to provide for voting requirements in case of absteniions for confiicis of interest. Please return your recommendations to me in Room 310, City Hall. Thank you. NA cc: Attachments: Bill Johnson, Secretary Council File No. 98-360 Council File No. 98-374 � ��. 1�. 9� O 4: O J p M � B L7 T T£ R B R O D T 2 9 2 1 O O O SAINT PAUL CH SAINT PAUL, August 18, 1998 Ciry of Saint Paul Ciry Council ltesearch 310 City HaII Saint Paul, MN 55102 Re: Council File 98-374 ss�oa P O 2 q�-3�ty Q �,•�� �y�cy'1 Reuea�v� � :: A �� 1 � 199� The Saizu Paul Cfiarter Commission, by motion unanimously approved on August 12, 1998, recommended approval of the attached Council File 9&374, which amends the Saint Paul Charter to provide for votuig reqniremems in cas� of absfentions for conflicts af interest. Robert D. Butterbrodt Chair c: Bi117ol�nson COMMISSiON ��: PPINTED ON NfiCYCLED PAPfq �� ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To co,.,n��� F��e # 9� Ordinance # Green Sheet # [pQlp� / Pf1p(i.4t.�n An ordinance to amend the Saint Paul Charter to provide for voting requirements in case of abstentions for conflicts of interest. THE COiJNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORIIAIN: Section 1 �I:� ..� a Chapter 6 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 6. LEGISLATIVE PROCEDURES Sec. 6.01. Actions of the council. A11 acts of the council shall be by ordinance or resolution as defined in this Chapter. Ail ardinances and resolutions shall be offered in writing. The names of all persons voting for or against ordinances, resolurions and motions shall be recorded in the journal. Unless required � the provisions of Section 17.04 of this Charter. bv law or by ordinance to absCain from votint . , any member present who fails to vote sha11 be recorded as voting in the negative. Sec. 6.02. Actions requiring notice. Where a published notice or other notice is required to effectuate an action of the council, provisions far notice shall be made by administrative ordinance. Sec. 6.03. �rdivances and resolutions--Defined; vote required. Sec. 6.03.1. Legislative ordinances. Every act of the council which defines, licenses, regulates, suppresses, prevents or prohibits any act, business or person, grants or modifies any $anchise, or is in any way an ��'��27��b� ORDINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA °�� F], [! 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 i7 �8 ORIGINAL 98-37y exercise of legislative powers, shall be done by legislative ardinance. Except as othenvise provided in this Charter, such ordinances shall require an affirmative vote of at least four (4) members of the council. Sec. 6.03.2. Administrative ordinances. Every act of the council which establishes, alters, or abolishes any department, office or agency or the procedure far the perFormance of any administrative act or which promulgates any rule or regulation for the conduct of the city government or which this Charter requires to be done by ordinance other than a legislative ardinance shall be by aduiinistrative ordinance. Except as othenvise provided in this Chapter, such ordinances shall require an affirmative vote of at least four (4) members of the council. Sec. 6.03.3. Resolutions. All other acts of the council shall be by resolurion, including but not limited to, the following: tl) ��) (3) (4) Adoption and revision of the budget, except as otherwise provided in Chapter 10; Certification of the ta�c levy; Emergency appropriations; Declaration of intent of the council; (5} Approval of collective bazgaining a�eements, setting of wages and salaries, and setting of other terms and conditions of employment; provided, that such approval or amendment by resolution shall receive two (2) readings by the council and that such readings be at least one week apart; and (6) Approval or amendment of the Civi1 Service Rules as established by Secrion 12.06 of this Charter and pursuant to the procedure set forth therein; provided, that such approval or amendment by resolution shall receive two (2) readings by the council and that such readings be at least one week apart. Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, resolutions shall require an affirmative vote of at least four (4) members. See. 6.03.4. Saving clause. No action of the council sha11 be invalid because a legislative ordinance is used when an administrative ordinance is indicated in this Charter, or an administraflve ordinance is used when a legislative ordinance is indicated, if the requirements for taking the action indicated have been met. � �fx�I9Y 2 ORIGINAL � 10 11 12 Sec. 6.03.5. Abstenrions. 9�-3�z� �en a member of the council is rec;uired to abstain from voring. by any provision of this Charter, by law or ordinance, the number of votes required to pass an ordinance or resolution under this section 6.03 sha11 be a simole majori of those present. If another provision of this CUarter, or of any law over which this Charter takes precedence re�uires either 5. 6 or ? affirmafive votes for the �assa e� of any ordinance. resolution or other proposition. the said number of required affiruiative votes deemed necessary for �assage shall be reduced by the same number as the number of those council members who are re�uired to abstain from voting Sec. 6.04. Ordinances and resolufions--Form. 13 Each ardinance or resolution shall relate to a single subject which shall be expressed 14 cleatly in its title. The enacting ciause af each ordinance shall be "The Councit of the City of 15 Saint Paul does ordain." 16 17 Sec.6.O5.Ordinances--Procedures. 18 19 Every proposed ordinance shall be read in full at the meeting at which it is presented; 20 provided, that fuli reading may be waived if a copy of the ordinance is supplied each member of 21 the council prior to its introduction. Every proposed ordinance shall be read again by title at two 22 (2) separate meetings heid not less than a week after the meeting at which it is first presented. 23 After a proposed ordinance is complete in the form in which it is to be finally passed, it sha11 24 remain on file in the o�ce of the city clerk for public inspection for at least one week before 25 fmal adoption. 26 2? 28 29 30 31 32 33 i4 SS 7 Sec. 6.06. Emergency ordinances. To meet a public emergency, to wit, a sudden or unforeseen situation affecting life, health, property, or the public peace or welfare that requires immediate council action, the council may adopt one or more emergency ordinances. An emergency ordinance may not levy tases, authorize the issuance of bonds, grant, renew, or extend a franchise or regulate the rate charged by any public utility for its services; provided, however, that nothing herein contained is intended to prevent the city from issuing its emergency notes and making any necessary tax levies therefor as provided in 5ection 10.072 of this Charter. An emergency ordinance shall be introduced in the form and manner prescribed for ordinances generaliy except that it shall plainly be designated as an emergency ordinance and shall contain, after the enacting clause, a declazation stating that an emergency exists, and describing it in clear and specific terms. An emergency ordinance may be passed with or without amendment ar it may be rejected at the meeting at which it is introduced. The unannnous affnmative vote of all members of the council shall be required for the passage of an emergency ordinance. Sec. 6.07. Resolufions--Procedure; effecrive date. Every resolution shall be presented in writing and read in full before a vote is taken unless the reading of the resolution is dispensed with by unanimous consent. Unless otherwise �/ a7��� j�� `a � 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ORIGINAL ��-37y required by law, resolutions sha11 become effective upon passage by the council and approvai by the mayor or councii ovemde of a mayoral veto. Sec. 6.08. Signing, 61ing, presentarion to mayor. Every ord'mance or resolution adopted by the council shall be presented to the mayor as soon as practicable, but not later than five (5) business days after its passage, for the mayor's approval or rejection. Withiu five {5) business days after presentation, the mayor sha11 either sign the measure or return it to the council with a communication in writing stating the disapproval and the reasons therefor. ff the mayor neither signs nor vetoes the measure within five (5) business days, it shall be deemed approved. Sec. 6.09. Item veto. Any ordinance or resolution shail be approved or vetoed by tha mayor in its entirety, except that any item in a measure appropriating money may be approved or vetoed. Sec. 6.10. Reconsideration and overriding veto. Any ordinance or resolution or any part of an appropriation measure which has been vetoed may be reconsidered by the council and sha11 become law if passed by an affirmative vote of at least five (5} members within thirty (30} days of the veto. Any such ordinance ar resolution or any part of an appropriation measure which has been reconsidered by the council and repassed shall be deemed approved. Sec. 6.11. Effective date of ordinance. Emergency ordinances sha11 be effective upon passage, approval and pubiication once in any legal newspaper, unless a later date is specified in the ordinance. All ordinances other than emergency ordinances shall become effective thirty (30) days after passage, approval and publication once in the official newspaper unless a later date is specified therein. � �/�7/� 0 o����Na� Sec. 6.12. Codification. The council shall provide for the compilation of legislative ordinances in a legislative 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 code and a.dministrative ordinances in an admiuistrative code. Sec. 6.13. Prima facie evidence. 9� Any codification or compilarion of the ordinances or resolurions of the city prepazed under the direcfion of the council or any copy of any ordinance or resolufion certified by the city cierk shall be prima facie evidence of its contents and of the regularity and legality of its adoprion and shall be admitted as evidence in any court without fiuther proof. Section 2 This ordinance, having been recommended by the Charter Commission of the City of Saint Paul, having passed unanimously by all members of the City Council, shall be effective 90 days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: �?/�� �ption Certified by Council Secretaxy Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � - gy; roved by Mayor: D te �pted by Council: Date ��� a$ �� Ciry Council Mike Aarris (68630) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 4-3�-98 GREEN SHEET uv�r mmai An ordinance to amend the Saint Pau] Charter to provide for voting requirements in cases of abstenfions for conflicts of interest. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIBCAMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �:�.�:, -.'lT"��5�^'y� aN There is curtentty no ordinance tttat prohibits City Councd members from voting in a matter in which they have a direct financial interest. City Council members will be piohibited from voCing on matters 3n which they have a direct financial interest. There wili continue to be no ordinance prohibiting City Council members from voting on matters in which they have a direct financiat LL uaouxr oF rw�r+sacnaa s IN6 $OURCE p��V14Y lxlrt; T•`,:lfa!]I�IF C11YAtTWEY ❑ CRYUtRI[ nu�w.a�ooc a�waExviACera WYORlORA4MAM}) ❑ (GL1P ALL LOCATfONS FOR SICaNATURE) lias N+is cersaM1rm eHer xaketl untlera cantract tor tlus aepartment? VES NO Has thia P�M� ever been a city empbyee9 YES NO Do� this P�� D� a sluN not rqrmalHGOSSassed M�Y curteM ci1Y �nWuyee? YES NO IS Mis pefSa�Rn e targetrd verlUOn YES NO CAST/REVEPIUE BU06fff6DlqRCLE ONEI ACTMSY NUI,BE0. 98-3 7� No 60689 mnbuua. arceau�at YES NO lAdUiGBH� I��J�i��f'.+eE V��:"sv� :L t :�. '��k � , �d — � `�e� i C+ty of Saint Paul City Council Research 310 City Hali Saint Pauf, MN 55102 (612) 266-8560 MEMORANDUM • DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: May 19, 1998 Robert Butterbrodt, President Saint Pauf Charter Commission Nancy Anderson Assistant Secretary to the City Gouncil Council File. The City Council approved ihe aitached Council Resolution 98-360 on May 6, 1998 and approved by the Mayor on May 13, 1998. This resolution requests the Charter Commission to review the attached ordinance (Council File 98-374), which amends the Saint Paul Charter to provide for voting requirements in case of absteniions for confiicis of interest. Please return your recommendations to me in Room 310, City Hall. Thank you. NA cc: Attachments: Bill Johnson, Secretary Council File No. 98-360 Council File No. 98-374 � ��. 1�. 9� O 4: O J p M � B L7 T T£ R B R O D T 2 9 2 1 O O O SAINT PAUL CH SAINT PAUL, August 18, 1998 Ciry of Saint Paul Ciry Council ltesearch 310 City HaII Saint Paul, MN 55102 Re: Council File 98-374 ss�oa P O 2 q�-3�ty Q �,•�� �y�cy'1 Reuea�v� � :: A �� 1 � 199� The Saizu Paul Cfiarter Commission, by motion unanimously approved on August 12, 1998, recommended approval of the attached Council File 9&374, which amends the Saint Paul Charter to provide for votuig reqniremems in cas� of absfentions for conflicts af interest. Robert D. Butterbrodt Chair c: Bi117ol�nson COMMISSiON ��: PPINTED ON NfiCYCLED PAPfq