98-373LL � o� ►��IiUAL Presented By '��������`�'_ Referred To Council File � 9 � - 373 ordinance # Green Sheet # � ORDINANCE CITY OF SAIN7 PAUL, MINNESOTA J�� Committee: Date 2 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1? 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 An ordinance amending Chapter 361 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to require tow companies to verify the vehicle status prior to towing and to notify the last known owner of the vehicle THE COUNCIL OF 'THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Secfion 361.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: " Sec, 361.08. Order form, sxi� police reports and notification to owners. Licensees, when providing wrecker or tow truck motor vehicle service, shall use a printed order form which includes the name of the licensee's business, the address and telephone number of the storage lot, and the name of the person authorizing the service, printed and signed by such person in a legible manner and staxing such authorizing person's business address, telephone number, and listing the time the service was ordered, and a description of the vehicle to be removed including the year, model, manufacturer and license number of said vehicle. Said person authorizing the service and signing the above order form must be au owner or licensee of the property from which the vehicle is to be removed or a duly authorized agent of such owner or licensee, other than a licensee under this chapter or any agent or employee of such licensee. The wrecker ar tow truck motor vehicle service vehicle operator sha11 have this authorized service order fornt signed, fully completed and in persanal possession before hooking up to the vehicle to be serviced. The amount charged for the service shall be included on this order form and a copy of this form shall be given to the individual reclaiming the vehicle. Every wrecker or tow truck motor vehicle service licensee shall, � nrior to towine any vehicle, telephone to the auto desk of the police deparhnent, giving the Iicense number and description of the i a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 98' vehicle, a description of the location from which the vehicle {�as is to be removed and the location of the storage lot where the vehicle is to be impounded. The licensee shall receive a replv from the police auto desk on the status of the velucle prior to towine. Everv wrecker or tow truck motor velucle service licensee shall, within foriy-ei t hours of receivin� a towed vehicle, �ive written notice to the last listed owner according to the motor vehicle registration records of the location of the towed vehicle. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days foilowing its passage, agproval and publication. a������„�� oR��i����� NF�Y 2 t� 1998 J iaJ'� Requested by Department of: By: Approved by By By: Form Approved by City At�t y By: �9 C'c.�� � cc-r'+'�/� .��� �---� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date 3 �°{ Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary 98-3�3 oare ir+rtuTeo Sc R tE ON COUNCIL AGENDA B' . :..� NUMaErt Poa TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET No 6Q596 u��� u«ry� ❑ urv�nowkr ❑ anumc _ ❑qlRxClu.aERY10ESOm. ❑AWIfJ�Lap ❑ WYqt101tlWlillMl) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Requiring tow companies to verify the vehicle status prior to towing and to notify the last known owner of the vehicle. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMI7IEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION Has ihis per�rm e+u uorked under a contract for tnie depaRmentT VES NO Has ihis persoNfirtn e✓er been a dry empbyee7 YES NO Does this persorVfirm poesess a sidll not mm�allYG�ssed bY �Y C+� �Y �dM�7 YES NO Is �his P��m a tar0eted venOa7 YES NO eet aiM attxh to preen sheet �;�P� q yr� e'.���' �' c X x 76 R � � Y. Yf+� AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION IG SOURCE C�TIREVENUEBUDOETEDfqfiCLECp� Y&S NO ACTNiTY NlNi16ER LL � o� ►��IiUAL Presented By '��������`�'_ Referred To Council File � 9 � - 373 ordinance # Green Sheet # � ORDINANCE CITY OF SAIN7 PAUL, MINNESOTA J�� Committee: Date 2 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1? 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 An ordinance amending Chapter 361 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to require tow companies to verify the vehicle status prior to towing and to notify the last known owner of the vehicle THE COUNCIL OF 'THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Secfion 361.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: " Sec, 361.08. Order form, sxi� police reports and notification to owners. Licensees, when providing wrecker or tow truck motor vehicle service, shall use a printed order form which includes the name of the licensee's business, the address and telephone number of the storage lot, and the name of the person authorizing the service, printed and signed by such person in a legible manner and staxing such authorizing person's business address, telephone number, and listing the time the service was ordered, and a description of the vehicle to be removed including the year, model, manufacturer and license number of said vehicle. Said person authorizing the service and signing the above order form must be au owner or licensee of the property from which the vehicle is to be removed or a duly authorized agent of such owner or licensee, other than a licensee under this chapter or any agent or employee of such licensee. The wrecker ar tow truck motor vehicle service vehicle operator sha11 have this authorized service order fornt signed, fully completed and in persanal possession before hooking up to the vehicle to be serviced. The amount charged for the service shall be included on this order form and a copy of this form shall be given to the individual reclaiming the vehicle. Every wrecker or tow truck motor vehicle service licensee shall, � nrior to towine any vehicle, telephone to the auto desk of the police deparhnent, giving the Iicense number and description of the i a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 98' vehicle, a description of the location from which the vehicle {�as is to be removed and the location of the storage lot where the vehicle is to be impounded. The licensee shall receive a replv from the police auto desk on the status of the velucle prior to towine. Everv wrecker or tow truck motor velucle service licensee shall, within foriy-ei t hours of receivin� a towed vehicle, �ive written notice to the last listed owner according to the motor vehicle registration records of the location of the towed vehicle. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days foilowing its passage, agproval and publication. a������„�� oR��i����� NF�Y 2 t� 1998 J iaJ'� Requested by Department of: By: Approved by By By: Form Approved by City At�t y By: �9 C'c.�� � cc-r'+'�/� .��� �---� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date 3 �°{ Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary 98-3�3 oare ir+rtuTeo Sc R tE ON COUNCIL AGENDA B' . :..� NUMaErt Poa TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET No 6Q596 u��� u«ry� ❑ urv�nowkr ❑ anumc _ ❑qlRxClu.aERY10ESOm. ❑AWIfJ�Lap ❑ WYqt101tlWlillMl) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Requiring tow companies to verify the vehicle status prior to towing and to notify the last known owner of the vehicle. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMI7IEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION Has ihis per�rm e+u uorked under a contract for tnie depaRmentT VES NO Has ihis persoNfirtn e✓er been a dry empbyee7 YES NO Does this persorVfirm poesess a sidll not mm�allYG�ssed bY �Y C+� �Y �dM�7 YES NO Is �his P��m a tar0eted venOa7 YES NO eet aiM attxh to preen sheet �;�P� q yr� e'.���' �' c X x 76 R � � Y. Yf+� AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION IG SOURCE C�TIREVENUEBUDOETEDfqfiCLECp� Y&S NO ACTNiTY NlNi16ER LL � o� ►��IiUAL Presented By '��������`�'_ Referred To Council File � 9 � - 373 ordinance # Green Sheet # � ORDINANCE CITY OF SAIN7 PAUL, MINNESOTA J�� Committee: Date 2 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1? 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 An ordinance amending Chapter 361 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to require tow companies to verify the vehicle status prior to towing and to notify the last known owner of the vehicle THE COUNCIL OF 'THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Secfion 361.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: " Sec, 361.08. Order form, sxi� police reports and notification to owners. Licensees, when providing wrecker or tow truck motor vehicle service, shall use a printed order form which includes the name of the licensee's business, the address and telephone number of the storage lot, and the name of the person authorizing the service, printed and signed by such person in a legible manner and staxing such authorizing person's business address, telephone number, and listing the time the service was ordered, and a description of the vehicle to be removed including the year, model, manufacturer and license number of said vehicle. Said person authorizing the service and signing the above order form must be au owner or licensee of the property from which the vehicle is to be removed or a duly authorized agent of such owner or licensee, other than a licensee under this chapter or any agent or employee of such licensee. The wrecker ar tow truck motor vehicle service vehicle operator sha11 have this authorized service order fornt signed, fully completed and in persanal possession before hooking up to the vehicle to be serviced. The amount charged for the service shall be included on this order form and a copy of this form shall be given to the individual reclaiming the vehicle. Every wrecker or tow truck motor vehicle service licensee shall, � nrior to towine any vehicle, telephone to the auto desk of the police deparhnent, giving the Iicense number and description of the i a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 98' vehicle, a description of the location from which the vehicle {�as is to be removed and the location of the storage lot where the vehicle is to be impounded. The licensee shall receive a replv from the police auto desk on the status of the velucle prior to towine. Everv wrecker or tow truck motor velucle service licensee shall, within foriy-ei t hours of receivin� a towed vehicle, �ive written notice to the last listed owner according to the motor vehicle registration records of the location of the towed vehicle. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days foilowing its passage, agproval and publication. a������„�� oR��i����� NF�Y 2 t� 1998 J iaJ'� Requested by Department of: By: Approved by By By: Form Approved by City At�t y By: �9 C'c.�� � cc-r'+'�/� .��� �---� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date 3 �°{ Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary 98-3�3 oare ir+rtuTeo Sc R tE ON COUNCIL AGENDA B' . :..� NUMaErt Poa TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET No 6Q596 u��� u«ry� ❑ urv�nowkr ❑ anumc _ ❑qlRxClu.aERY10ESOm. ❑AWIfJ�Lap ❑ WYqt101tlWlillMl) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Requiring tow companies to verify the vehicle status prior to towing and to notify the last known owner of the vehicle. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMI7IEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION Has ihis per�rm e+u uorked under a contract for tnie depaRmentT VES NO Has ihis persoNfirtn e✓er been a dry empbyee7 YES NO Does this persorVfirm poesess a sidll not mm�allYG�ssed bY �Y C+� �Y �dM�7 YES NO Is �his P��m a tar0eted venOa7 YES NO eet aiM attxh to preen sheet �;�P� q yr� e'.���' �' c X x 76 R � � Y. Yf+� AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION IG SOURCE C�TIREVENUEBUDOETEDfqfiCLECp� Y&S NO ACTNiTY NlNi16ER