98-190����� � �� �� � � Council File \� �� Ord ORIGINAf. Green ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To ttee: Date An ordinance amending C.F relating to a replacement franchise THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL � 98-43 cable service. C� : � _ 71►�fi Council File No. 98-43, adopted by the ouncil on February 4, 1998, which fully incorporated an attached Appendix titled "Ca e Communications Franchise — CC St. Paul, L.L.C.", is hereby amended by amending last sentence of Section 107 of such attached Appendix to read as follows: "If the franchise has not t the grant of the franchise have no rights thereunde� � effective prior to t�ii-November 1, 1998, then be of no force and effect, and the company shall Secrion 2 This ordinance is thiriy (30) days following its passage, approval and Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council Adoption Certif' c By: Approved by Mayor: By: Date by Council Secretary Date #_ # 60856 � , Form Ap oved by City Attorney By: � i r Approved by Mayor for S mission to Council By: coun��i ERSOP! & W�ONE Strathman March 11, 1998 March 5, 1998 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 9�-i90 GREEN SHEET No 608�6 ■ u �..R,�� ��„�_ � ❑ �,,.n� ❑ �„«�— ❑..rrc,��mrvrrsoR ❑ww�cu�mnnKCro ❑ wvuaws�sms�k[t1 ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) An ordinance amending C.F. �198-43 relating to replacement franchise for cable service. PLANN W G CAMMISSION CIB COMMI7TEE CN1L SERVICE CAMMISSION T�_1:`•7:1�4i�+7 AOUNTOFTRANSACTION SOURCE RSONALSERVILE CONTRACfS MUSTANSWERiHE FOLLOWiNG QUESTiONSs H88 th6 PEtso�fm INRf Mwked undEY 8 COtlhact faf fhlb dfPaRmenl? VES NO Has thie persorJfirm ever bem a oilY emWoYee1 YES NO Does this PersaJfirm possess a sldll not normalN� M anY curreM cflY empbYee7 YES Ml0 Is this persoNfirm a tarpe[etl vendoft YES NO � all vea ansvx�s m seoa�ate sheet arM atfach to areen shee[ COET/REVENUE BUOfiEfED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTNT'NUMBER � PUBLYC HEARING NOTICE � � CHARTERFRANCBISE . There will be a public hearing on Wednesday, Aprii 15. 1998 to heaz public com- � Y�'� O IDents regazding an amendment to C.F. 98-43 relatlng to a replacement franchfse to CC St. Paul. LLC for cable service. PubBc heartngs begin at 5:30 p.m. and aze held in the City Counctl Chambers. Those wishing to submit written comments on thts matter may send them to Holly Hansen, Cable Officer. City of St. Paul, 68 City Hall. 15 W. �T �F PU�LICATI�I�I Kellogg Blvd.. St. Paul. MN 55102.. - IAaii11.1998) - Stafe of Minnesota, County of Ramsey Patrick Boulay, being duly swom, on oath says that he is the publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Legal Ledger and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below: (A) The ne���spaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting as a qualified legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as amended. (B) The printed NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING which is attached was cut from the co]umns of said newspaper and was printed and published once; it was published on Wednesday, the l day of April, 1998; and printed be]ow is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowled�ed as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice: abcdefghi7klmnopqrstuvwxyz / i n � �/ ` C' GGti � Subscribed and sworn to before me fl�is 1�` day of April, 1998. --_ � � "_-- ,,/ ������ -_ � (� � ' c a Jl.Y6A MillE�s v <" � NOTARYPUB�IG'h"•4'vkE°= ; � • MyComm.Expi;es:z ���xnn�aakw n+.n^.�ev^� . . - . _ Rate Information (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for compazable space is $I�t/A. (2) Maeimum rate allowed by law for the above publication is $14.76. (3) Rate actually chazged for the above publication is $13.42. ����� � �� �� � � Council File \� �� Ord ORIGINAf. Green ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To ttee: Date An ordinance amending C.F relating to a replacement franchise THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL � 98-43 cable service. C� : � _ 71►�fi Council File No. 98-43, adopted by the ouncil on February 4, 1998, which fully incorporated an attached Appendix titled "Ca e Communications Franchise — CC St. Paul, L.L.C.", is hereby amended by amending last sentence of Section 107 of such attached Appendix to read as follows: "If the franchise has not t the grant of the franchise have no rights thereunde� � effective prior to t�ii-November 1, 1998, then be of no force and effect, and the company shall Secrion 2 This ordinance is thiriy (30) days following its passage, approval and Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council Adoption Certif' c By: Approved by Mayor: By: Date by Council Secretary Date #_ # 60856 � , Form Ap oved by City Attorney By: � i r Approved by Mayor for S mission to Council By: coun��i ERSOP! & W�ONE Strathman March 11, 1998 March 5, 1998 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 9�-i90 GREEN SHEET No 608�6 ■ u �..R,�� ��„�_ � ❑ �,,.n� ❑ �„«�— ❑..rrc,��mrvrrsoR ❑ww�cu�mnnKCro ❑ wvuaws�sms�k[t1 ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) An ordinance amending C.F. �198-43 relating to replacement franchise for cable service. PLANN W G CAMMISSION CIB COMMI7TEE CN1L SERVICE CAMMISSION T�_1:`•7:1�4i�+7 AOUNTOFTRANSACTION SOURCE RSONALSERVILE CONTRACfS MUSTANSWERiHE FOLLOWiNG QUESTiONSs H88 th6 PEtso�fm INRf Mwked undEY 8 COtlhact faf fhlb dfPaRmenl? VES NO Has thie persorJfirm ever bem a oilY emWoYee1 YES NO Does this PersaJfirm possess a sldll not normalN� M anY curreM cflY empbYee7 YES Ml0 Is this persoNfirm a tarpe[etl vendoft YES NO � all vea ansvx�s m seoa�ate sheet arM atfach to areen shee[ COET/REVENUE BUOfiEfED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTNT'NUMBER � PUBLYC HEARING NOTICE � � CHARTERFRANCBISE . There will be a public hearing on Wednesday, Aprii 15. 1998 to heaz public com- � Y�'� O IDents regazding an amendment to C.F. 98-43 relatlng to a replacement franchfse to CC St. Paul. LLC for cable service. PubBc heartngs begin at 5:30 p.m. and aze held in the City Counctl Chambers. Those wishing to submit written comments on thts matter may send them to Holly Hansen, Cable Officer. City of St. Paul, 68 City Hall. 15 W. �T �F PU�LICATI�I�I Kellogg Blvd.. St. Paul. MN 55102.. - IAaii11.1998) - Stafe of Minnesota, County of Ramsey Patrick Boulay, being duly swom, on oath says that he is the publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Legal Ledger and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below: (A) The ne���spaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting as a qualified legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as amended. (B) The printed NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING which is attached was cut from the co]umns of said newspaper and was printed and published once; it was published on Wednesday, the l day of April, 1998; and printed be]ow is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowled�ed as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice: abcdefghi7klmnopqrstuvwxyz / i n � �/ ` C' GGti � Subscribed and sworn to before me fl�is 1�` day of April, 1998. --_ � � "_-- ,,/ ������ -_ � (� � ' c a Jl.Y6A MillE�s v <" � NOTARYPUB�IG'h"•4'vkE°= ; � • MyComm.Expi;es:z ���xnn�aakw n+.n^.�ev^� . . - . _ Rate Information (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for compazable space is $I�t/A. (2) Maeimum rate allowed by law for the above publication is $14.76. (3) Rate actually chazged for the above publication is $13.42. ����� � �� �� � � Council File \� �� Ord ORIGINAf. Green ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To ttee: Date An ordinance amending C.F relating to a replacement franchise THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL � 98-43 cable service. C� : � _ 71►�fi Council File No. 98-43, adopted by the ouncil on February 4, 1998, which fully incorporated an attached Appendix titled "Ca e Communications Franchise — CC St. Paul, L.L.C.", is hereby amended by amending last sentence of Section 107 of such attached Appendix to read as follows: "If the franchise has not t the grant of the franchise have no rights thereunde� � effective prior to t�ii-November 1, 1998, then be of no force and effect, and the company shall Secrion 2 This ordinance is thiriy (30) days following its passage, approval and Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council Adoption Certif' c By: Approved by Mayor: By: Date by Council Secretary Date #_ # 60856 � , Form Ap oved by City Attorney By: � i r Approved by Mayor for S mission to Council By: coun��i ERSOP! & W�ONE Strathman March 11, 1998 March 5, 1998 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 9�-i90 GREEN SHEET No 608�6 ■ u �..R,�� ��„�_ � ❑ �,,.n� ❑ �„«�— ❑..rrc,��mrvrrsoR ❑ww�cu�mnnKCro ❑ wvuaws�sms�k[t1 ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) An ordinance amending C.F. �198-43 relating to replacement franchise for cable service. PLANN W G CAMMISSION CIB COMMI7TEE CN1L SERVICE CAMMISSION T�_1:`•7:1�4i�+7 AOUNTOFTRANSACTION SOURCE RSONALSERVILE CONTRACfS MUSTANSWERiHE FOLLOWiNG QUESTiONSs H88 th6 PEtso�fm INRf Mwked undEY 8 COtlhact faf fhlb dfPaRmenl? VES NO Has thie persorJfirm ever bem a oilY emWoYee1 YES NO Does this PersaJfirm possess a sldll not normalN� M anY curreM cflY empbYee7 YES Ml0 Is this persoNfirm a tarpe[etl vendoft YES NO � all vea ansvx�s m seoa�ate sheet arM atfach to areen shee[ COET/REVENUE BUOfiEfED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTNT'NUMBER � PUBLYC HEARING NOTICE � � CHARTERFRANCBISE . There will be a public hearing on Wednesday, Aprii 15. 1998 to heaz public com- � Y�'� O IDents regazding an amendment to C.F. 98-43 relatlng to a replacement franchfse to CC St. Paul. LLC for cable service. PubBc heartngs begin at 5:30 p.m. and aze held in the City Counctl Chambers. Those wishing to submit written comments on thts matter may send them to Holly Hansen, Cable Officer. City of St. Paul, 68 City Hall. 15 W. �T �F PU�LICATI�I�I Kellogg Blvd.. St. Paul. MN 55102.. - IAaii11.1998) - Stafe of Minnesota, County of Ramsey Patrick Boulay, being duly swom, on oath says that he is the publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Legal Ledger and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below: (A) The ne���spaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting as a qualified legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as amended. (B) The printed NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING which is attached was cut from the co]umns of said newspaper and was printed and published once; it was published on Wednesday, the l day of April, 1998; and printed be]ow is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowled�ed as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice: abcdefghi7klmnopqrstuvwxyz / i n � �/ ` C' GGti � Subscribed and sworn to before me fl�is 1�` day of April, 1998. --_ � � "_-- ,,/ ������ -_ � (� � ' c a Jl.Y6A MillE�s v <" � NOTARYPUB�IG'h"•4'vkE°= ; � • MyComm.Expi;es:z ���xnn�aakw n+.n^.�ev^� . . - . _ Rate Information (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for compazable space is $I�t/A. (2) Maeimum rate allowed by law for the above publication is $14.76. (3) Rate actually chazged for the above publication is $13.42.