97-841Council File # �� � p y , Ordinance # ORI�I��!AL. Green Sheet # �V�(/� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA yd � � i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: A � G 2 � 1997 Section 1 The Charter of the City of Saint Paul is hereby amended by adding the following new Secrion 12.07.5 to read as follows: Sec. 12.07.5. Elected to citv office/leave of absence reauired Notwithstandine anv other nrovision of law or this charter to the contrarv anv city officer or emplovee elected or appointed to an elected nublic office urovided for in this Charter shall be nlaced on leaue of absence from his or her nosition of citv emnlovment without nav while such officer or emplovee holds such office Uroon the termination of the service of such officer or employee in such office such officer or emrolovee shall be entitled to reinstatement in the same iob tifle or classification at the same grade and step held when such officer or emplovee was elected or aropointed to such office Section 2 This ordinance, after its passage, approval and publication, and following its submission to the Charter Commission of the City of Saint Paul, sha11 be effective upon its approval by the voters at an election held pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 410.12 (1996). Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney B .t -/1-97 By ' 1 t`���^'��'" .�pproved by Mayor for Submission to ` � Council Approved by Mayor: Date �11� �� By : B}' ` An ordinance to amend the Saint Paul `� Charter to require ciry employees to take leaves of absence during terms served in elective offices. ��R1�curn Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary q1-8y ��� h� DEPAADAENilOFF16EICOUNdL DATE 7NITIATED � � � � � �� �ou��«, ��� qry GREEN SHEET CONTACTPERSONB HONE IN1TIAllDATE INiTiAVDATE �� ODEPARTMENTDIqECTOR �qTYCOUNGIL '-��L/lJl�� �t��� ��6-�6 te NUNIBERFOF �CITVATTORNEY OCfTVCLEflK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA 8V (DATE) ROUTING � BUDGET �IqECrO O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES �IR. 7 �J OROEP O MAYOR (ORASSISTANT� O d� TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOGATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION flEQ // LL WLL(/'a'�i'�1�� ��' ���� � `�✓� (TiLt `,3;s���z�bi /J� �l�O�i � � yf" � v � �/��sa �� c������ . RECAMMeNDAT10NS: Approve (A) or Heject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTiiACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CqMMISSION 1. Has this personRirm ever worked under a coMract for this tlepartment? _ GIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ SiqFF 2. Has ihis person/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISiRIGT COUR7 _ 3. Does this per5on/frm possess a skill not nortnally pos5essed by any curre�t city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH GOUNCILOBJECTIVEI YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and anaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, Whan, Where, Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED' DISADVANTAGES IF APPqOVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPflOVED. TOTAL AMOUNT OF iRANSAC710N $ COSi/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfBG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIALINFORRnAT10N:(EXPLAIN) �i7��rKr CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colem¢n, Mayor December 2, 1997 Ms. Joan Growe Secretary Of State State of Minnesota State Capitol 3a:nt Pau1, Iv�1 55155 Dear Ms. Growe: CTTIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred Owusq City Qerk 170 Ciry Aall IS W.%lloggBoulevard SainlPm�Minnaota SSIO2 Attached for filing in your office is a certified copy of a resolution of the Saint Paul City Council, Council File No. 97-841 and attached amendment to the City Charter of the City of Saint Paul providing that any City Employee, elected or appointed to an elected position shall be placed on leave of absence from his or her position of city employxnent, which amendment was adopted by the electorate at the time of the General Election held on November 4, 1997 by a vote of: � Ayes 40,975 Nays 14,613 Will you please time stamp a copy of this letter and return it to the City Clerk's Office, 170 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, Mimiesota 55102. Very maly yours, �-fY�l'.�rf.C'.4? �c�.t,¢gr� [ �?�� Frances Swanson Deputy City Clerk ��� C: Phil Byrne � - � -� ��� 299 F��'��� �� �$ < \z�� �Z�i� Tel: 67b266-8989 Far 61b2b6-8689 Web: IWp://www.sYpauLgov 7DD: 266$509 �°�^ ) c �, e, . ���BY� CERSfFICATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL LAW BY GOVERNING BODY (Pursuanf to Minnesota Statutes, 645.02 and 645.02i ) STATE OF MINNESOTA County of �cx. TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF MlNNESOTA: PLEASE TAKE NOTiCE, That the undersigned chief cferical officer of the � � � � �' _ DQE� tiERESY C�RTlFY, that i� corr,p;iance wKh the �rovisi�ns c9 La:vs, '� t�, Chap,er �/O. t� requiring approval�by a majority' vote of the governing body of said local governmental unit before ft becomes effective, the (designate goveming body) at a meeting duly held on the � day of _�� 19 q7, by resolution did approve said Laws, 19 _, Chapter (if ofher than resolution, specify) by a majority vote` of a11 of fhe members thereof (Ayes _Z; Noes _�; Absent or not voting _} and the following additional steps if any, required by statute or charfer were taken: a� No�em R copy of the resoi SEfiL � i,S Q!�' o�f'�{ b y c5a: i n+" { v( �� e e �"o r^c�,� G1, , /9a 7 is hereto annexeci and ma�c a pa� : �f this c2�fifiicale �y ref�rence. Signed: Y/LQitcep .�iJ2.'t/�a�i � �G�' � �� ( icial signat' n of officer) (Th'ss form prescribed by the Attorney General and furnished by the Secretary of Staie as required in Minnesofa Statutes 645.021) '!f extraordinary majority is required by the specia! law, insert fraction or percentage here. Please see reverside side for instrucfions for completing this form. csRauth.law Rev.6/93 ,�.._�.�� � t,� � ��� �' • .=� `'.�', � �`��..�il��J�r ll � L =•: '�ter number in the Laws of Mrnnesofa that is to be approved on the Certificafe the resolution that approves the special law. of wsrRUCrionrs ' Re�urn�the completed origina!!y signed Certificate of Approva! form with a photo copy of fhe resolutron that approved the specia! taw to: Efectiort Division - ce�retar� of Sta±e 780 State Office Building 100 Constitution Ave. St. Paut, MN 55155-y299 `!f you have any questions please contact Renee Caffey at (6t2)296-2805. �f7 SA1N�' 'AUL CH SAINT PAUL, COMMiSS10N 55102 RESOLUTIOti adopted by the Commission in regular session, September_10, 1997; voting aye � 9 , nay � , abstaining D WHEREAS, the Council of the City__o£ Saint Paul has proposed the attached amendment to the Charter of the City of Saint Paul to add a new section requiring any city o£ficer or employee elected or appointed to an elected public o£fice prov3ded for in the Charter to be placed on a leave of absence while such officer or employee holds such office; and WHEREAS, the Council has submitted the attached proposed amendment to the Charter Comatission for approval, rejection or suggestion of a substitute amendment pursuant to Minn. Stat. Sec. 410.12, subd. 5(1996); and WHEREAS, the Charter Commission and has heard testimony regarding amendment; now, therefore, be it has held publiC hearings the attached proposed RESOLVED, that the Charter Commission approves the attached proposed amendment for submission to the people in the manner prescribed by law. ��� PRINTED ON qECYCLEO PAPER Council File # �� � p y , Ordinance # ORI�I��!AL. Green Sheet # �V�(/� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA yd � � i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: A � G 2 � 1997 Section 1 The Charter of the City of Saint Paul is hereby amended by adding the following new Secrion 12.07.5 to read as follows: Sec. 12.07.5. Elected to citv office/leave of absence reauired Notwithstandine anv other nrovision of law or this charter to the contrarv anv city officer or emplovee elected or appointed to an elected nublic office urovided for in this Charter shall be nlaced on leaue of absence from his or her nosition of citv emnlovment without nav while such officer or emplovee holds such office Uroon the termination of the service of such officer or employee in such office such officer or emrolovee shall be entitled to reinstatement in the same iob tifle or classification at the same grade and step held when such officer or emplovee was elected or aropointed to such office Section 2 This ordinance, after its passage, approval and publication, and following its submission to the Charter Commission of the City of Saint Paul, sha11 be effective upon its approval by the voters at an election held pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 410.12 (1996). Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney B .t -/1-97 By ' 1 t`���^'��'" .�pproved by Mayor for Submission to ` � Council Approved by Mayor: Date �11� �� By : B}' ` An ordinance to amend the Saint Paul `� Charter to require ciry employees to take leaves of absence during terms served in elective offices. ��R1�curn Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary q1-8y ��� h� DEPAADAENilOFF16EICOUNdL DATE 7NITIATED � � � � � �� �ou��«, ��� qry GREEN SHEET CONTACTPERSONB HONE IN1TIAllDATE INiTiAVDATE �� ODEPARTMENTDIqECTOR �qTYCOUNGIL '-��L/lJl�� �t��� ��6-�6 te NUNIBERFOF �CITVATTORNEY OCfTVCLEflK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA 8V (DATE) ROUTING � BUDGET �IqECrO O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES �IR. 7 �J OROEP O MAYOR (ORASSISTANT� O d� TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOGATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION flEQ // LL WLL(/'a'�i'�1�� ��' ���� � `�✓� (TiLt `,3;s���z�bi /J� �l�O�i � � yf" � v � �/��sa �� c������ . RECAMMeNDAT10NS: Approve (A) or Heject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTiiACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CqMMISSION 1. Has this personRirm ever worked under a coMract for this tlepartment? _ GIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ SiqFF 2. Has ihis person/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISiRIGT COUR7 _ 3. Does this per5on/frm possess a skill not nortnally pos5essed by any curre�t city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH GOUNCILOBJECTIVEI YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and anaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, Whan, Where, Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED' DISADVANTAGES IF APPqOVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPflOVED. TOTAL AMOUNT OF iRANSAC710N $ COSi/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfBG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIALINFORRnAT10N:(EXPLAIN) �i7��rKr CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colem¢n, Mayor December 2, 1997 Ms. Joan Growe Secretary Of State State of Minnesota State Capitol 3a:nt Pau1, Iv�1 55155 Dear Ms. Growe: CTTIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred Owusq City Qerk 170 Ciry Aall IS W.%lloggBoulevard SainlPm�Minnaota SSIO2 Attached for filing in your office is a certified copy of a resolution of the Saint Paul City Council, Council File No. 97-841 and attached amendment to the City Charter of the City of Saint Paul providing that any City Employee, elected or appointed to an elected position shall be placed on leave of absence from his or her position of city employxnent, which amendment was adopted by the electorate at the time of the General Election held on November 4, 1997 by a vote of: � Ayes 40,975 Nays 14,613 Will you please time stamp a copy of this letter and return it to the City Clerk's Office, 170 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, Mimiesota 55102. Very maly yours, �-fY�l'.�rf.C'.4? �c�.t,¢gr� [ �?�� Frances Swanson Deputy City Clerk ��� C: Phil Byrne � - � -� ��� 299 F��'��� �� �$ < \z�� �Z�i� Tel: 67b266-8989 Far 61b2b6-8689 Web: IWp://www.sYpauLgov 7DD: 266$509 �°�^ ) c �, e, . ���BY� CERSfFICATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL LAW BY GOVERNING BODY (Pursuanf to Minnesota Statutes, 645.02 and 645.02i ) STATE OF MINNESOTA County of �cx. TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF MlNNESOTA: PLEASE TAKE NOTiCE, That the undersigned chief cferical officer of the � � � � �' _ DQE� tiERESY C�RTlFY, that i� corr,p;iance wKh the �rovisi�ns c9 La:vs, '� t�, Chap,er �/O. t� requiring approval�by a majority' vote of the governing body of said local governmental unit before ft becomes effective, the (designate goveming body) at a meeting duly held on the � day of _�� 19 q7, by resolution did approve said Laws, 19 _, Chapter (if ofher than resolution, specify) by a majority vote` of a11 of fhe members thereof (Ayes _Z; Noes _�; Absent or not voting _} and the following additional steps if any, required by statute or charfer were taken: a� No�em R copy of the resoi SEfiL � i,S Q!�' o�f'�{ b y c5a: i n+" { v( �� e e �"o r^c�,� G1, , /9a 7 is hereto annexeci and ma�c a pa� : �f this c2�fifiicale �y ref�rence. Signed: Y/LQitcep .�iJ2.'t/�a�i � �G�' � �� ( icial signat' n of officer) (Th'ss form prescribed by the Attorney General and furnished by the Secretary of Staie as required in Minnesofa Statutes 645.021) '!f extraordinary majority is required by the specia! law, insert fraction or percentage here. Please see reverside side for instrucfions for completing this form. csRauth.law Rev.6/93 ,�.._�.�� � t,� � ��� �' • .=� `'.�', � �`��..�il��J�r ll � L =•: '�ter number in the Laws of Mrnnesofa that is to be approved on the Certificafe the resolution that approves the special law. of wsrRUCrionrs ' Re�urn�the completed origina!!y signed Certificate of Approva! form with a photo copy of fhe resolutron that approved the specia! taw to: Efectiort Division - ce�retar� of Sta±e 780 State Office Building 100 Constitution Ave. St. Paut, MN 55155-y299 `!f you have any questions please contact Renee Caffey at (6t2)296-2805. �f7 SA1N�' 'AUL CH SAINT PAUL, COMMiSS10N 55102 RESOLUTIOti adopted by the Commission in regular session, September_10, 1997; voting aye � 9 , nay � , abstaining D WHEREAS, the Council of the City__o£ Saint Paul has proposed the attached amendment to the Charter of the City of Saint Paul to add a new section requiring any city o£ficer or employee elected or appointed to an elected public o£fice prov3ded for in the Charter to be placed on a leave of absence while such officer or employee holds such office; and WHEREAS, the Council has submitted the attached proposed amendment to the Charter Comatission for approval, rejection or suggestion of a substitute amendment pursuant to Minn. Stat. Sec. 410.12, subd. 5(1996); and WHEREAS, the Charter Commission and has heard testimony regarding amendment; now, therefore, be it has held publiC hearings the attached proposed RESOLVED, that the Charter Commission approves the attached proposed amendment for submission to the people in the manner prescribed by law. ��� PRINTED ON qECYCLEO PAPER Council File # �� � p y , Ordinance # ORI�I��!AL. Green Sheet # �V�(/� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA yd � � i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: A � G 2 � 1997 Section 1 The Charter of the City of Saint Paul is hereby amended by adding the following new Secrion 12.07.5 to read as follows: Sec. 12.07.5. Elected to citv office/leave of absence reauired Notwithstandine anv other nrovision of law or this charter to the contrarv anv city officer or emplovee elected or appointed to an elected nublic office urovided for in this Charter shall be nlaced on leaue of absence from his or her nosition of citv emnlovment without nav while such officer or emplovee holds such office Uroon the termination of the service of such officer or employee in such office such officer or emrolovee shall be entitled to reinstatement in the same iob tifle or classification at the same grade and step held when such officer or emplovee was elected or aropointed to such office Section 2 This ordinance, after its passage, approval and publication, and following its submission to the Charter Commission of the City of Saint Paul, sha11 be effective upon its approval by the voters at an election held pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 410.12 (1996). Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney B .t -/1-97 By ' 1 t`���^'��'" .�pproved by Mayor for Submission to ` � Council Approved by Mayor: Date �11� �� By : B}' ` An ordinance to amend the Saint Paul `� Charter to require ciry employees to take leaves of absence during terms served in elective offices. ��R1�curn Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary q1-8y ��� h� DEPAADAENilOFF16EICOUNdL DATE 7NITIATED � � � � � �� �ou��«, ��� qry GREEN SHEET CONTACTPERSONB HONE IN1TIAllDATE INiTiAVDATE �� ODEPARTMENTDIqECTOR �qTYCOUNGIL '-��L/lJl�� �t��� ��6-�6 te NUNIBERFOF �CITVATTORNEY OCfTVCLEflK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA 8V (DATE) ROUTING � BUDGET �IqECrO O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES �IR. 7 �J OROEP O MAYOR (ORASSISTANT� O d� TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOGATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION flEQ // LL WLL(/'a'�i'�1�� ��' ���� � `�✓� (TiLt `,3;s���z�bi /J� �l�O�i � � yf" � v � �/��sa �� c������ . RECAMMeNDAT10NS: Approve (A) or Heject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTiiACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CqMMISSION 1. Has this personRirm ever worked under a coMract for this tlepartment? _ GIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ SiqFF 2. Has ihis person/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISiRIGT COUR7 _ 3. Does this per5on/frm possess a skill not nortnally pos5essed by any curre�t city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH GOUNCILOBJECTIVEI YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and anaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, Whan, Where, Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED' DISADVANTAGES IF APPqOVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPflOVED. TOTAL AMOUNT OF iRANSAC710N $ COSi/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfBG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIALINFORRnAT10N:(EXPLAIN) �i7��rKr CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colem¢n, Mayor December 2, 1997 Ms. Joan Growe Secretary Of State State of Minnesota State Capitol 3a:nt Pau1, Iv�1 55155 Dear Ms. Growe: CTTIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred Owusq City Qerk 170 Ciry Aall IS W.%lloggBoulevard SainlPm�Minnaota SSIO2 Attached for filing in your office is a certified copy of a resolution of the Saint Paul City Council, Council File No. 97-841 and attached amendment to the City Charter of the City of Saint Paul providing that any City Employee, elected or appointed to an elected position shall be placed on leave of absence from his or her position of city employxnent, which amendment was adopted by the electorate at the time of the General Election held on November 4, 1997 by a vote of: � Ayes 40,975 Nays 14,613 Will you please time stamp a copy of this letter and return it to the City Clerk's Office, 170 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, Mimiesota 55102. Very maly yours, �-fY�l'.�rf.C'.4? �c�.t,¢gr� [ �?�� Frances Swanson Deputy City Clerk ��� C: Phil Byrne � - � -� ��� 299 F��'��� �� �$ < \z�� �Z�i� Tel: 67b266-8989 Far 61b2b6-8689 Web: IWp://www.sYpauLgov 7DD: 266$509 �°�^ ) c �, e, . ���BY� CERSfFICATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL LAW BY GOVERNING BODY (Pursuanf to Minnesota Statutes, 645.02 and 645.02i ) STATE OF MINNESOTA County of �cx. TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF MlNNESOTA: PLEASE TAKE NOTiCE, That the undersigned chief cferical officer of the � � � � �' _ DQE� tiERESY C�RTlFY, that i� corr,p;iance wKh the �rovisi�ns c9 La:vs, '� t�, Chap,er �/O. t� requiring approval�by a majority' vote of the governing body of said local governmental unit before ft becomes effective, the (designate goveming body) at a meeting duly held on the � day of _�� 19 q7, by resolution did approve said Laws, 19 _, Chapter (if ofher than resolution, specify) by a majority vote` of a11 of fhe members thereof (Ayes _Z; Noes _�; Absent or not voting _} and the following additional steps if any, required by statute or charfer were taken: a� No�em R copy of the resoi SEfiL � i,S Q!�' o�f'�{ b y c5a: i n+" { v( �� e e �"o r^c�,� G1, , /9a 7 is hereto annexeci and ma�c a pa� : �f this c2�fifiicale �y ref�rence. Signed: Y/LQitcep .�iJ2.'t/�a�i � �G�' � �� ( icial signat' n of officer) (Th'ss form prescribed by the Attorney General and furnished by the Secretary of Staie as required in Minnesofa Statutes 645.021) '!f extraordinary majority is required by the specia! law, insert fraction or percentage here. Please see reverside side for instrucfions for completing this form. csRauth.law Rev.6/93 ,�.._�.�� � t,� � ��� �' • .=� `'.�', � �`��..�il��J�r ll � L =•: '�ter number in the Laws of Mrnnesofa that is to be approved on the Certificafe the resolution that approves the special law. of wsrRUCrionrs ' Re�urn�the completed origina!!y signed Certificate of Approva! form with a photo copy of fhe resolutron that approved the specia! taw to: Efectiort Division - ce�retar� of Sta±e 780 State Office Building 100 Constitution Ave. St. Paut, MN 55155-y299 `!f you have any questions please contact Renee Caffey at (6t2)296-2805. �f7 SA1N�' 'AUL CH SAINT PAUL, COMMiSS10N 55102 RESOLUTIOti adopted by the Commission in regular session, September_10, 1997; voting aye � 9 , nay � , abstaining D WHEREAS, the Council of the City__o£ Saint Paul has proposed the attached amendment to the Charter of the City of Saint Paul to add a new section requiring any city o£ficer or employee elected or appointed to an elected public o£fice prov3ded for in the Charter to be placed on a leave of absence while such officer or employee holds such office; and WHEREAS, the Council has submitted the attached proposed amendment to the Charter Comatission for approval, rejection or suggestion of a substitute amendment pursuant to Minn. Stat. Sec. 410.12, subd. 5(1996); and WHEREAS, the Charter Commission and has heard testimony regarding amendment; now, therefore, be it has held publiC hearings the attached proposed RESOLVED, that the Charter Commission approves the attached proposed amendment for submission to the people in the manner prescribed by law. ��� PRINTED ON qECYCLEO PAPER