D00222.. �� W�rt� - bty Cle�k 9�nk - FiM� Opt. CJnarY- O�DS. • GITY OF SAI2�T I�AUL <)YP1GY. OF i}[Y. MAY<)R ADMINIS'IRATIVE ORDER K[�tx,er xfl�sio.r No: '/t�l-1ZL� ozt�: 8 - �q -q� �D�IL�'ISTR.�TI\'E ORDER, conststent wim tne autnorley yrented eo me Mayo. �n sectio� �o.o7.a ot me Citr cnaner ana basedontherequestoftheDirectorof_theDepartmentof RXECITTTVF. A7IMINTST ATTON to amend the �9 9 4 budget of the "- General funtl. the Director ot the Department of Firta�ce and Management Services is authorized to amentl said bWget irt the folbwi�g ma�ner. Curtent Amentletl Budpet ChBnge Budget From• 09090-1111 00155-011l 00155-0114 00156-0111 06157-011l 82,619 245,921 39,347 112,182 325,315 (35,000) ( 6,309) ( 6,400) ( 3,900) (21,750) 47,619 239,612 32,947 108,282 �3,565 To: 00158-0219 • 00161-0111 00161-0114 00162-0111 00162-0215 3,598 71,540 69,669 172,297 7,811 5,000 21,750 6,309 35,000 5,300 8,598 93>29� 75,978 207,297 13,111 Net Change 0 There is a need to move existing funds to cover salaries of appointed positions, the direcCOr search, medicals, and office re-organization efforts. �61� Y� �--4-�. b . Meyor a` �� j� � � a � Tanzer �266-6506 �t; TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE � 222 N� 29730 IATE INITIATED ��z9i94 GREEN SHEET iNITIFL/DATE INRIAL/DATE � DEPARTMENT DIFECTOR O CITY COVNCIL UN Y FOR � CITY ATTORNEY � CITV CLERK BOU'fING BUDGET DIRECTOF O FIN. & MGT. SEiiVICES DIR. Op� MAYOR (OR ASSI5TAPfn � �Y{(IPICQ, — � CC�(J�� ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Move existing funds to cover salaries of appointed positions, the director search, medicals, and office re-organization. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Feject (R) _ PLANNINGCAMMISSION _ CIVILSERVICE _ CIB COMMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ OI5TRICTCOURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: i. Has Nis person/firtn ever worketl under a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Has this person�rm ever been a ciry employee? VES NO 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any cunent city employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attaeh to green sheet All activities will reflect accurate spendixig in accounts." IF RECEIVED AUG 191994 CITY CLERK ��� AUG � ���4 �UDGET O�FIGE TOTAL AMOUN7 OF TRANSAC710N COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE AC7IVITY NUMBEH FINANpAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) � I� r UV