97-625�- � Council File # �`O ordinanoe # Green Sheet # �—\ Gr� (' �<. �, � � � � _ r". s'..: �.. _. ._� Presented By Referred To Committee _ Date 3 An amendment to a11ow consumption of alcohol on public streets 4 which aze blocked off as part of a block party, festival or 5 community event in the downtown business district. 6 7 10 11 i2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: PAUL, MINNESOTA Section 1 Chapter 246 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 246.01. Drinking on streets and in parks. : No person shall upon the public streets, lanes or alleys of the city, or in any pazk, playground or recreation center owned by or under the jurisdiction or control of the City of Saint Paul or in any parking lot or area within or adjacent to such pazk, playground or recreation center, or being a trespasser upon the private pxemises of another, drink or haue in his/her possession in an opened container any intor.icating liquor, intoxicating malt liquor, nonintoxicating malt liquor or alcoholic beverage of any kind whatever. No person sha11 in any park, playground or recreation center owned by or under the j�isdiction ar control of the City of Saint Paul or in any parking lot or pazking area within ar adjacent to such park, playground or recreation center, or being a trespasser upon the private premises of another, have in his possession any intoxicating liquor, intoxicafing malt liquor, nonintoxicating malt liquor or alcoholic beverage of any kind whatever. No person shall have in his possession any intoxicating liquor, intoxicating malt liquor, nonintoxicating malt liquor or alcoholic beverage of any kind whatever upon any public street, lane or a11ey located within the boundazies of such a pazk, playground or recreation center; provided, however, that it shall be an affinnative defense that possession was for the purpose of transportation of such liquor or beverage through the park, playground or recreation center or to a designated shelter, facility or azea as provided herein, and where such liquor or beverage is in an unopened container. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any person may, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 pm., within picnic shelters, facilities or areas within any pazk, playground or recreation center, which aze designated for that purpose by the director of the department of community services or his delegate, drink or haue in possession noninto�cating malt liquor. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the director of the department of community services or his delegate may issue pernuts for the consumption of into�cating liquor in Town Square Pazk and Phalen Park Clubhouse during hours in which the sale of liquor by the drink is permitted by state law. All pernuts shall be subject to regulauons which have been proposed by the director of the department of coxnmunity services and approved by the city council. Copies of the regulations sha11 be on file in the offices of the city clerk, director of the department of �-�eZ� community services, and the superintendent of parks and recrearion. Such regulations may e amended by the council by resolution. Sec. 246.02. Seizure and imponndment. All into�cating liquor, into�cating or noninto�cating malt liquor, or alcoholic beverages, druvk or possessed in violation of this chapter shall be seized and impounded as evidence of said violarions. 5uch evidence shall be destroyed by the deparfinent of police upon a piea or fmding of guilty in regazd to any of said violations. Sec. 246.03. Not applicable on licensed premises. This chapter shall not apply to or prohibit the sale, possession or consumption of such liquors or beverages on the premises of any establishment properly licensed under Chapter 409 or Chapter 410 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Notwithstanding the prohibitions of section 246.01, the sale and service of alcoholic beverages within a sidewalk cafe by a food establishment located in a commercial development district created pursuant to section 17.07.1 of the City Charter or located in the downtown business district, which is licensed as a restaurant under Chapter 331 of the Legislafive Code and which is in compliance with the provisions of section 106.01 of the Legislative Code, is permitted. Sec. 246.04. Designation of permitted sheiters, facilities and areas. The director of the deparhnent of community services sha11 promulgate, by filing with the city clerk, a list or description of the picnic shelters, park facilities or pazk azeas within which the possession and consumption of nonintoxicating malt liquor is pernutted by this chapter between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 pm., together with such maps or illustrations as may assist the public to comply with this chapter. The director shall also direct that appropriate signs be erected at locations in which the consumption and possession of nonintoxicating malt liquor is permitted. It shall not be a defense to a charge of violation of this chapter that such informational signs, maps or illustrations aze defaced or removed from the shelters or facilities designated, so long as the list required by this section has been filed with the city clerk. Sec. 246.05. No consumption at any time in certain parks. The director of the department of community services sha11 not have the power to designate any shelter, facility or place within Hidden Falls Pazk or Crosby Lake Park for permitted possession or consumption of noninto�cating malt liquor. No person sha11 at any time consume or possess any intoxicaring liquor, intoxicating or nonintoxicating malt liquar, or alcoholic beverage of any kind in Hidden Falls Park or Crosby Lake Pazk. q �, Sec. 246.06. Definitions. The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of this chapter: (1) The term "intozcicating liquor" and the term "into�cating malt liquor" mean and include ethyl alcohol, distilled, fermented, spirituous, vinous or malt beverages containing in excess of three and two-tenths (3.2) percent of alcohol by weight or containiug in excess of four (4.0) percent alcohol by volume. (2) The term "nonintoxicating malt liquor" means and includes any malt liquor containing not less than on�half of one percent (1/2 of 1%) of alcohol by volume nor more than three and two-tentbs (3.2) percent of alcohol by weight. (3) The term "alcoholic beverage" means and includes any beverage containing ethyl alcohol in any quantity or amount. (4) The term "downtown business districY' means and includes that portion of the City of Saint Paul lying within and bounded by the following streets: Beginning at the intersecrion of Shepazd Road with Chestnut Street, Chesmut Street to Interstate Freeway 35E, Interstate Freeway 35E to Tenth Street, Tenth Street to Interstate Freeway 94, Interstate Freeway 94 to Lafayette Bridge, Lafayette Bridge to where the bridge crosses over Warner Road, Warner Road to Shepazd Road, Shepazd Road to Chestnut Street. Section 2 This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days followang its passage, approval and publication. p�iRi tcu�n JUL 19 1997 By: Approved by Mayor: Date B �� (/ � Re sted by Department of: Sy: Form Approved by ty Attorney 8y: � �� Sy: Approved by Mayor for Submiasion to ---� Council G�� Adopted by Council: Date S � 1 Adoption Certi£ied by Co il 5ecretary DEPARTMEM/OFFICE/COUNQL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET j/]�/� NO. O VOIi� Parks and Recreation 5/20/97 ,� 9 bZS CONTACT PEq50N AND PHONE INRIALIDAiE INfTIA11DATE flabert Fram 266-6404 ' OEPARiMENT DIREGTOR � GfiV COUNCIL ASSIGN — NUMBER FO Z CRY ATTORNE`/ _CRY CLERK MUST BE ON GOUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE� ��NG OflDEH /� FINANCIAL SERVICES DI n1I May 28, 1997 Y MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT� 5 l+� _ TOTAL S OF SIGNAiURE PAGES (�P ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNANPE) ACT10N pEQUEGTED: Signature on attached proposed ordinance change to allow possession or consumption of non-intoxicating malt liquor or wine that is purchased and consumed during a block party, festival or community event with proper licenses in the downtown business district. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PEfLSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING WESiIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION� , �_ ryas this OersoNfirm ever worked untler a conhact for this departmenII _CIB COMMITTEE _ yE5 NO A STAFF _ 2. Has ihis persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee? DISTRICT COUNCIL YES NO — — 3. iloes tMS personffiim possess a skiil nol normaliy possessed W any curr¢nt cky employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? yES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl maCh to green sheM. INITIATING PXOBLEM, ISSl1E, OPPORNNIN (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Many festivals, block parties and community events are held in the downtown business district. Because of the limited open spaces that our downtown neighborhood offers it is sometimes necessary for the event to extend out on to a street or streets. This ordinance change woutd ailow us to extend the perimeters of the bfock party to include the street and at the same time allow us to place the vending areas on the street rather than on private property or park property. ADVANTAGES IF APPPOVED: The City of Saint Paul would have more options for hosting special events in the downtown area and would be able to lay the events in way that has the least negative impact on parks and private property. ��e � r....6 z `. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: r-� ,., .... None. (�g%� � � '���� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: ' .._-W_..._.�._� . ,_ ._..�.. .,. _ �.__.._�n_�.� Events would have to conform to present ordinances in terms of where alcohol can be served and sold at a speciai event. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/NEVENUE BUDG�ED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOUNCE A�ry�TY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOPMATION: �EXPlAIM �- � Council File # �`O ordinanoe # Green Sheet # �—\ Gr� (' �<. �, � � � � _ r". s'..: �.. _. ._� Presented By Referred To Committee _ Date 3 An amendment to a11ow consumption of alcohol on public streets 4 which aze blocked off as part of a block party, festival or 5 community event in the downtown business district. 6 7 10 11 i2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: PAUL, MINNESOTA Section 1 Chapter 246 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 246.01. Drinking on streets and in parks. : No person shall upon the public streets, lanes or alleys of the city, or in any pazk, playground or recreation center owned by or under the jurisdiction or control of the City of Saint Paul or in any parking lot or area within or adjacent to such pazk, playground or recreation center, or being a trespasser upon the private pxemises of another, drink or haue in his/her possession in an opened container any intor.icating liquor, intoxicating malt liquor, nonintoxicating malt liquor or alcoholic beverage of any kind whatever. No person sha11 in any park, playground or recreation center owned by or under the j�isdiction ar control of the City of Saint Paul or in any parking lot or pazking area within ar adjacent to such park, playground or recreation center, or being a trespasser upon the private premises of another, have in his possession any intoxicating liquor, intoxicafing malt liquor, nonintoxicating malt liquor or alcoholic beverage of any kind whatever. No person shall have in his possession any intoxicating liquor, intoxicating malt liquor, nonintoxicating malt liquor or alcoholic beverage of any kind whatever upon any public street, lane or a11ey located within the boundazies of such a pazk, playground or recreation center; provided, however, that it shall be an affinnative defense that possession was for the purpose of transportation of such liquor or beverage through the park, playground or recreation center or to a designated shelter, facility or azea as provided herein, and where such liquor or beverage is in an unopened container. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any person may, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 pm., within picnic shelters, facilities or areas within any pazk, playground or recreation center, which aze designated for that purpose by the director of the department of community services or his delegate, drink or haue in possession noninto�cating malt liquor. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the director of the department of community services or his delegate may issue pernuts for the consumption of into�cating liquor in Town Square Pazk and Phalen Park Clubhouse during hours in which the sale of liquor by the drink is permitted by state law. All pernuts shall be subject to regulauons which have been proposed by the director of the department of coxnmunity services and approved by the city council. Copies of the regulations sha11 be on file in the offices of the city clerk, director of the department of �-�eZ� community services, and the superintendent of parks and recrearion. Such regulations may e amended by the council by resolution. Sec. 246.02. Seizure and imponndment. All into�cating liquor, into�cating or noninto�cating malt liquor, or alcoholic beverages, druvk or possessed in violation of this chapter shall be seized and impounded as evidence of said violarions. 5uch evidence shall be destroyed by the deparfinent of police upon a piea or fmding of guilty in regazd to any of said violations. Sec. 246.03. Not applicable on licensed premises. This chapter shall not apply to or prohibit the sale, possession or consumption of such liquors or beverages on the premises of any establishment properly licensed under Chapter 409 or Chapter 410 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Notwithstanding the prohibitions of section 246.01, the sale and service of alcoholic beverages within a sidewalk cafe by a food establishment located in a commercial development district created pursuant to section 17.07.1 of the City Charter or located in the downtown business district, which is licensed as a restaurant under Chapter 331 of the Legislafive Code and which is in compliance with the provisions of section 106.01 of the Legislative Code, is permitted. Sec. 246.04. Designation of permitted sheiters, facilities and areas. The director of the deparhnent of community services sha11 promulgate, by filing with the city clerk, a list or description of the picnic shelters, park facilities or pazk azeas within which the possession and consumption of nonintoxicating malt liquor is pernutted by this chapter between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 pm., together with such maps or illustrations as may assist the public to comply with this chapter. The director shall also direct that appropriate signs be erected at locations in which the consumption and possession of nonintoxicating malt liquor is permitted. It shall not be a defense to a charge of violation of this chapter that such informational signs, maps or illustrations aze defaced or removed from the shelters or facilities designated, so long as the list required by this section has been filed with the city clerk. Sec. 246.05. No consumption at any time in certain parks. The director of the department of community services sha11 not have the power to designate any shelter, facility or place within Hidden Falls Pazk or Crosby Lake Park for permitted possession or consumption of noninto�cating malt liquor. No person sha11 at any time consume or possess any intoxicaring liquor, intoxicating or nonintoxicating malt liquar, or alcoholic beverage of any kind in Hidden Falls Park or Crosby Lake Pazk. q �, Sec. 246.06. Definitions. The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of this chapter: (1) The term "intozcicating liquor" and the term "into�cating malt liquor" mean and include ethyl alcohol, distilled, fermented, spirituous, vinous or malt beverages containing in excess of three and two-tenths (3.2) percent of alcohol by weight or containiug in excess of four (4.0) percent alcohol by volume. (2) The term "nonintoxicating malt liquor" means and includes any malt liquor containing not less than on�half of one percent (1/2 of 1%) of alcohol by volume nor more than three and two-tentbs (3.2) percent of alcohol by weight. (3) The term "alcoholic beverage" means and includes any beverage containing ethyl alcohol in any quantity or amount. (4) The term "downtown business districY' means and includes that portion of the City of Saint Paul lying within and bounded by the following streets: Beginning at the intersecrion of Shepazd Road with Chestnut Street, Chesmut Street to Interstate Freeway 35E, Interstate Freeway 35E to Tenth Street, Tenth Street to Interstate Freeway 94, Interstate Freeway 94 to Lafayette Bridge, Lafayette Bridge to where the bridge crosses over Warner Road, Warner Road to Shepazd Road, Shepazd Road to Chestnut Street. Section 2 This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days followang its passage, approval and publication. p�iRi tcu�n JUL 19 1997 By: Approved by Mayor: Date B �� (/ � Re sted by Department of: Sy: Form Approved by ty Attorney 8y: � �� Sy: Approved by Mayor for Submiasion to ---� Council G�� Adopted by Council: Date S � 1 Adoption Certi£ied by Co il 5ecretary DEPARTMEM/OFFICE/COUNQL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET j/]�/� NO. O VOIi� Parks and Recreation 5/20/97 ,� 9 bZS CONTACT PEq50N AND PHONE INRIALIDAiE INfTIA11DATE flabert Fram 266-6404 ' OEPARiMENT DIREGTOR � GfiV COUNCIL ASSIGN — NUMBER FO Z CRY ATTORNE`/ _CRY CLERK MUST BE ON GOUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE� ��NG OflDEH /� FINANCIAL SERVICES DI n1I May 28, 1997 Y MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT� 5 l+� _ TOTAL S OF SIGNAiURE PAGES (�P ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNANPE) ACT10N pEQUEGTED: Signature on attached proposed ordinance change to allow possession or consumption of non-intoxicating malt liquor or wine that is purchased and consumed during a block party, festival or community event with proper licenses in the downtown business district. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PEfLSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING WESiIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION� , �_ ryas this OersoNfirm ever worked untler a conhact for this departmenII _CIB COMMITTEE _ yE5 NO A STAFF _ 2. Has ihis persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee? DISTRICT COUNCIL YES NO — — 3. iloes tMS personffiim possess a skiil nol normaliy possessed W any curr¢nt cky employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? yES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl maCh to green sheM. INITIATING PXOBLEM, ISSl1E, OPPORNNIN (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Many festivals, block parties and community events are held in the downtown business district. Because of the limited open spaces that our downtown neighborhood offers it is sometimes necessary for the event to extend out on to a street or streets. This ordinance change woutd ailow us to extend the perimeters of the bfock party to include the street and at the same time allow us to place the vending areas on the street rather than on private property or park property. ADVANTAGES IF APPPOVED: The City of Saint Paul would have more options for hosting special events in the downtown area and would be able to lay the events in way that has the least negative impact on parks and private property. ��e � r....6 z `. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: r-� ,., .... None. (�g%� � � '���� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: ' .._-W_..._.�._� . ,_ ._..�.. .,. _ �.__.._�n_�.� Events would have to conform to present ordinances in terms of where alcohol can be served and sold at a speciai event. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/NEVENUE BUDG�ED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOUNCE A�ry�TY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOPMATION: �EXPlAIM �- � Council File # �`O ordinanoe # Green Sheet # �—\ Gr� (' �<. �, � � � � _ r". s'..: �.. _. ._� Presented By Referred To Committee _ Date 3 An amendment to a11ow consumption of alcohol on public streets 4 which aze blocked off as part of a block party, festival or 5 community event in the downtown business district. 6 7 10 11 i2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: PAUL, MINNESOTA Section 1 Chapter 246 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 246.01. Drinking on streets and in parks. : No person shall upon the public streets, lanes or alleys of the city, or in any pazk, playground or recreation center owned by or under the jurisdiction or control of the City of Saint Paul or in any parking lot or area within or adjacent to such pazk, playground or recreation center, or being a trespasser upon the private pxemises of another, drink or haue in his/her possession in an opened container any intor.icating liquor, intoxicating malt liquor, nonintoxicating malt liquor or alcoholic beverage of any kind whatever. No person sha11 in any park, playground or recreation center owned by or under the j�isdiction ar control of the City of Saint Paul or in any parking lot or pazking area within ar adjacent to such park, playground or recreation center, or being a trespasser upon the private premises of another, have in his possession any intoxicating liquor, intoxicafing malt liquor, nonintoxicating malt liquor or alcoholic beverage of any kind whatever. No person shall have in his possession any intoxicating liquor, intoxicating malt liquor, nonintoxicating malt liquor or alcoholic beverage of any kind whatever upon any public street, lane or a11ey located within the boundazies of such a pazk, playground or recreation center; provided, however, that it shall be an affinnative defense that possession was for the purpose of transportation of such liquor or beverage through the park, playground or recreation center or to a designated shelter, facility or azea as provided herein, and where such liquor or beverage is in an unopened container. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any person may, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 pm., within picnic shelters, facilities or areas within any pazk, playground or recreation center, which aze designated for that purpose by the director of the department of community services or his delegate, drink or haue in possession noninto�cating malt liquor. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the director of the department of community services or his delegate may issue pernuts for the consumption of into�cating liquor in Town Square Pazk and Phalen Park Clubhouse during hours in which the sale of liquor by the drink is permitted by state law. All pernuts shall be subject to regulauons which have been proposed by the director of the department of coxnmunity services and approved by the city council. Copies of the regulations sha11 be on file in the offices of the city clerk, director of the department of �-�eZ� community services, and the superintendent of parks and recrearion. Such regulations may e amended by the council by resolution. Sec. 246.02. Seizure and imponndment. All into�cating liquor, into�cating or noninto�cating malt liquor, or alcoholic beverages, druvk or possessed in violation of this chapter shall be seized and impounded as evidence of said violarions. 5uch evidence shall be destroyed by the deparfinent of police upon a piea or fmding of guilty in regazd to any of said violations. Sec. 246.03. Not applicable on licensed premises. This chapter shall not apply to or prohibit the sale, possession or consumption of such liquors or beverages on the premises of any establishment properly licensed under Chapter 409 or Chapter 410 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Notwithstanding the prohibitions of section 246.01, the sale and service of alcoholic beverages within a sidewalk cafe by a food establishment located in a commercial development district created pursuant to section 17.07.1 of the City Charter or located in the downtown business district, which is licensed as a restaurant under Chapter 331 of the Legislafive Code and which is in compliance with the provisions of section 106.01 of the Legislative Code, is permitted. Sec. 246.04. Designation of permitted sheiters, facilities and areas. The director of the deparhnent of community services sha11 promulgate, by filing with the city clerk, a list or description of the picnic shelters, park facilities or pazk azeas within which the possession and consumption of nonintoxicating malt liquor is pernutted by this chapter between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 pm., together with such maps or illustrations as may assist the public to comply with this chapter. The director shall also direct that appropriate signs be erected at locations in which the consumption and possession of nonintoxicating malt liquor is permitted. It shall not be a defense to a charge of violation of this chapter that such informational signs, maps or illustrations aze defaced or removed from the shelters or facilities designated, so long as the list required by this section has been filed with the city clerk. Sec. 246.05. No consumption at any time in certain parks. The director of the department of community services sha11 not have the power to designate any shelter, facility or place within Hidden Falls Pazk or Crosby Lake Park for permitted possession or consumption of noninto�cating malt liquor. No person sha11 at any time consume or possess any intoxicaring liquor, intoxicating or nonintoxicating malt liquar, or alcoholic beverage of any kind in Hidden Falls Park or Crosby Lake Pazk. q �, Sec. 246.06. Definitions. The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of this chapter: (1) The term "intozcicating liquor" and the term "into�cating malt liquor" mean and include ethyl alcohol, distilled, fermented, spirituous, vinous or malt beverages containing in excess of three and two-tenths (3.2) percent of alcohol by weight or containiug in excess of four (4.0) percent alcohol by volume. (2) The term "nonintoxicating malt liquor" means and includes any malt liquor containing not less than on�half of one percent (1/2 of 1%) of alcohol by volume nor more than three and two-tentbs (3.2) percent of alcohol by weight. (3) The term "alcoholic beverage" means and includes any beverage containing ethyl alcohol in any quantity or amount. (4) The term "downtown business districY' means and includes that portion of the City of Saint Paul lying within and bounded by the following streets: Beginning at the intersecrion of Shepazd Road with Chestnut Street, Chesmut Street to Interstate Freeway 35E, Interstate Freeway 35E to Tenth Street, Tenth Street to Interstate Freeway 94, Interstate Freeway 94 to Lafayette Bridge, Lafayette Bridge to where the bridge crosses over Warner Road, Warner Road to Shepazd Road, Shepazd Road to Chestnut Street. Section 2 This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days followang its passage, approval and publication. p�iRi tcu�n JUL 19 1997 By: Approved by Mayor: Date B �� (/ � Re sted by Department of: Sy: Form Approved by ty Attorney 8y: � �� Sy: Approved by Mayor for Submiasion to ---� Council G�� Adopted by Council: Date S � 1 Adoption Certi£ied by Co il 5ecretary DEPARTMEM/OFFICE/COUNQL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET j/]�/� NO. O VOIi� Parks and Recreation 5/20/97 ,� 9 bZS CONTACT PEq50N AND PHONE INRIALIDAiE INfTIA11DATE flabert Fram 266-6404 ' OEPARiMENT DIREGTOR � GfiV COUNCIL ASSIGN — NUMBER FO Z CRY ATTORNE`/ _CRY CLERK MUST BE ON GOUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE� ��NG OflDEH /� FINANCIAL SERVICES DI n1I May 28, 1997 Y MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT� 5 l+� _ TOTAL S OF SIGNAiURE PAGES (�P ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNANPE) ACT10N pEQUEGTED: Signature on attached proposed ordinance change to allow possession or consumption of non-intoxicating malt liquor or wine that is purchased and consumed during a block party, festival or community event with proper licenses in the downtown business district. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PEfLSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING WESiIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION� , �_ ryas this OersoNfirm ever worked untler a conhact for this departmenII _CIB COMMITTEE _ yE5 NO A STAFF _ 2. Has ihis persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee? DISTRICT COUNCIL YES NO — — 3. iloes tMS personffiim possess a skiil nol normaliy possessed W any curr¢nt cky employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? yES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl maCh to green sheM. INITIATING PXOBLEM, ISSl1E, OPPORNNIN (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Many festivals, block parties and community events are held in the downtown business district. Because of the limited open spaces that our downtown neighborhood offers it is sometimes necessary for the event to extend out on to a street or streets. This ordinance change woutd ailow us to extend the perimeters of the bfock party to include the street and at the same time allow us to place the vending areas on the street rather than on private property or park property. ADVANTAGES IF APPPOVED: The City of Saint Paul would have more options for hosting special events in the downtown area and would be able to lay the events in way that has the least negative impact on parks and private property. ��e � r....6 z `. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: r-� ,., .... None. (�g%� � � '���� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: ' .._-W_..._.�._� . ,_ ._..�.. .,. _ �.__.._�n_�.� Events would have to conform to present ordinances in terms of where alcohol can be served and sold at a speciai event. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/NEVENUE BUDG�ED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOUNCE A�ry�TY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOPMATION: �EXPlAIM