97-604�L a R' U' ��� ;� L Presented Referred To �.�bs - � �ti��c7 Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 409 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to expand the azea lying within the Downtown Business District to allow the sale and service of alcoholic beverages within a sidewallc cafe on the public dock at Harriet Island THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 409.02 of the 5aint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 3? Downtown business district shall meant that portion of the City of Saint Paul lying within and bounded by the following streets: Beginning at the intersection of Shepard Road with Chestnut Street, Chestnut Street to Interstate Freeway 35E, Interstate Freeway 35E to Tenth Street, Tenth Street to Interstate Freeway 94, Interstate Freeway 94 to Lafayette Bridge, Lafayette Bridge to where the bridge crosses over Warner Road, Warner Road to �tega� . � . .. �eac�--� • � �a�s�slta:t3ri�"�i?�,����`;�` ��s�rtzss^^.�ie::i�i€��s:€.': ":�€'�!�r�:t�°:ik�� � �� ,. __._..... �..� ........ . . .... .....�_ _ ..._., ..k�.. Section 2 Sec6on 409.07.1(d} of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: (d) Downtown business distt�ict. Applicants for extended service license located in the downtown business district�'a�;�1�f`�;:�;:��i�i;�0�; sha11 not have to comply with the � ... .. .....:.. <.. .. ..,.. notice, hearing and consent requirements in section 411.04(b) for either the license itself or the provision of entertainment under an e�sting entertainment license during the extended service hours. Class C entertaimnent cannot be provided during the hours of eatended service hereunder. , . , ni,.......... n.,,.....,. oie..,....,. n.,e....e .,. ven,.,.,. c...,.,.. v,.n,.,.� c...,,e..,. c....,,.,:. a_,,.,,,.,, > > > > > Council File # � � — b � � Ordinance # Green Sheet # � ,J � \ V ORDINANCE CITY SAINLPAUL MINNESOTA � ��os� ;'r � � �- Ca ( �1 �°\'� > > � 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 PIIRi tcuFn �u� 1� �ss7 Requested by Department of: � ` � L.�/�fi '�f i�� By: Apps By: � se��;on a Section 409.11 of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: a � ,�a'� (e) Notice requirement not applicable in downtown business district. The norification requirements of this section shall not be applicable where the license is to be transferred to a place located within the downtown business district. For purposes of this section, downtowu business distdct shall include all that portion of the City of Saint Paul lying within and bounded by the following streets: Beg innino at the intersection of Shepard Road with Chestnut Street, Chestnut Street to , , , i�ii���z��t�v.,�;�5�;::� ����'�:�� to Tenth Street, Tenth Street to Interstate Freeway 94, Interstate Freeway 44 to Lafayette Bridge, Lafayette Bridge to where the bridge crosses over Warner Road, Warner Section 4 This ordina.nce shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and pubiication. Form Approved Cit� rney By: s�c�G- �U CZ.(' 6 "^t^ Approved by Mayor for Submission to COl3T1C7.�. � $Y � ,�, t �� G���Z(%/� Adopted by Council: Date qq� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary OFFICE OF LIEP May �99� GREEN SHEET N° 19 0 �� "� - E TMENT DIRECTOR ITY COUNCIL TY ATTORNEY I1"L CLERK ust be on Council Agenda by: u�ceT n�xecxoR IN. 6 MGT. SVC. DIR. 5'� YOR (OR ASSISTANT) OTAL � OF SIGNATIIRB PAG88 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: An ordinance to amend chapter 409 of the Saint Paul egislative Code to expand the boundaries of the Downtown Business District to allow sale and service of alcoholic beverages in sidewalk cafes on Harriet Island. COMhff.NDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) OlIIS SBRVICB CONTRACTS l9QSR ANSi�R 4H6 CWLLWPSNO: PLANNING COM9ISSION CI`7ZL SERVICE COtM1ISSI0N 1. Has the person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB COhA1ITTEE BUSINESS REVTEW COUNCIL YES NO STAFF Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? DISTRZCT COURT YES NO 3. Does this petson/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any UPPORTS WFiICH WUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Current City employee? YES NO n all YES ansvers on a eerarate sLeet a� aYkach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTIINITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): he Downtown Business District currently does not encompass Harriet Island. DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Saint Paul will improve the business environment and may attract more people owntown by allowing'licensed establishments to sell and serve alcoholic beverages at sidewalk cafes on Harriet Island. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Saint Paul will not improve the business environment and may not attract as any people downtown by allowinq licensed establishments to sell and serve alcoholic beverages at sidewalk cafes on Harriet Island. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATI013: (EXPLAIN) �� 1�.,� ���, �� >��.s:;�r e.s.i?,1^ : L;s>�s-:-�.. . __ ... _, .�_, - ��c%=�i � � .�iJi _ __�,� Council File # �{ � � �� � Ordinance # Green Sheet # ,/�\�� _ , _ , ,.- i +' � �, �� . . �. . . _ , . ,- _ Presented By Referred To PAUL, MINNESOTA � Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 409 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to expand the area lying withiu the D Business District for the purpose of sale and service of beverages within a sidewalk cafe. � THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL DOES AIN: Section 1 Section 409.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is reby amended to read as follows: Downtown business district shall meant that bounded by the following streets: Beginning Chestnut Street, Chestnut Street to Interstate Street, Tenth Street to Interstate Freeway Lafayette Bridge to where the bridge cr se: > �T���Za;�z�Elg'"';.; iorti of the City of Saint Paul lying within and �t e intersection of Shepard Road with reeway 35E, Interstate Freeway 35E to Tenth Interstate Freeway 94 to Lafayette Bridge, over Warner Road, Warner Road to � � �'z�;°� Section 2 Section 409.07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows (d) Downto n business district. Applicants for ea�tended service license located in the downto usiness distric�_ �:d��i� it� �i�iri's�T��;��z shall not have to comply with the notice, earing and consent requirements in section 411.04(b) for either the license itself or the p vision of entertaiument under an existing enterta.imnent license during the extended se ce hours. Class C entertaiument cannot be provided during the hours of extended service reunder. ��,.a.,. .,r u�� ��.,.ro.., we a,, m.,, m w., a:.....:,.. ..,,..,, w,. ..a - ° - • - - • • :�str.e!���r_rtirf��erres• • - -• - - - - •- • - - - . . , - - .. .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 , , n ,...a .,, ew,,....,.a n,.,,a a�.,.�.._a n,...a .,, nw,,,.«....+ c,....,.« > . a`� ��� Section 3 Section 409.11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: (e) Notice requirement not applicable in downtown bz�siness district. The notificati requirements of this secfion shall not be applicable �here the license is to be tr erred to a place located within the downtown business district. For purposes of ttus sec � n, downtown business district shall include all that portion of the City of Saint Paul lyin within and bounded by the following streets: Beginnina at the intersection of Shep Road with Chestnut Street, Chestnut Street to , aa , � , � Int�rstaYe Free �ay ��E,; 2�L�s�a#� ..::.............: ..:..... . . ... �r�e�a ;s�'�s to Tenth Street, Tenth Street to Interstate Freeway 4, Interstate Freeway 94 to . , . Y':...�<:... Lafayette Bridge, Lafayette Bridge to where the bridge crosse over Warner Road, Warner , . ... _ . . ... . . . . .. . . ..... ....: . . ..._..._.,-..;,.:..�:..�,� Road to , �a'e'4Vat?aslia�ndg�;; �:�abasl3a.Bridg� a��rss� 4 This ordinance shall take effect approval and publication. be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, Requested by Department o£: /.�/i �/�.�1 � Adopted by . Date ified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: By: Date Form Approved by City At�ey / BY : - `-�q � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council� By: �� L�"C������� �L a R' U' ��� ;� L Presented Referred To �.�bs - � �ti��c7 Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 409 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to expand the azea lying within the Downtown Business District to allow the sale and service of alcoholic beverages within a sidewallc cafe on the public dock at Harriet Island THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 409.02 of the 5aint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 3? Downtown business district shall meant that portion of the City of Saint Paul lying within and bounded by the following streets: Beginning at the intersection of Shepard Road with Chestnut Street, Chestnut Street to Interstate Freeway 35E, Interstate Freeway 35E to Tenth Street, Tenth Street to Interstate Freeway 94, Interstate Freeway 94 to Lafayette Bridge, Lafayette Bridge to where the bridge crosses over Warner Road, Warner Road to �tega� . � . .. �eac�--� • � �a�s�slta:t3ri�"�i?�,����`;�` ��s�rtzss^^.�ie::i�i€��s:€.': ":�€'�!�r�:t�°:ik�� � �� ,. __._..... �..� ........ . . .... .....�_ _ ..._., ..k�.. Section 2 Sec6on 409.07.1(d} of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: (d) Downtown business distt�ict. Applicants for extended service license located in the downtown business district�'a�;�1�f`�;:�;:��i�i;�0�; sha11 not have to comply with the � ... .. .....:.. <.. .. ..,.. notice, hearing and consent requirements in section 411.04(b) for either the license itself or the provision of entertainment under an e�sting entertainment license during the extended service hours. Class C entertaimnent cannot be provided during the hours of eatended service hereunder. , . , ni,.......... n.,,.....,. oie..,....,. n.,e....e .,. ven,.,.,. c...,.,.. v,.n,.,.� c...,,e..,. c....,,.,:. a_,,.,,,.,, > > > > > Council File # � � — b � � Ordinance # Green Sheet # � ,J � \ V ORDINANCE CITY SAINLPAUL MINNESOTA � ��os� ;'r � � �- Ca ( �1 �°\'� > > � 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 PIIRi tcuFn �u� 1� �ss7 Requested by Department of: � ` � L.�/�fi '�f i�� By: Apps By: � se��;on a Section 409.11 of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: a � ,�a'� (e) Notice requirement not applicable in downtown business district. The norification requirements of this section shall not be applicable where the license is to be transferred to a place located within the downtown business district. For purposes of this section, downtowu business distdct shall include all that portion of the City of Saint Paul lying within and bounded by the following streets: Beg innino at the intersection of Shepard Road with Chestnut Street, Chestnut Street to , , , i�ii���z��t�v.,�;�5�;::� ����'�:�� to Tenth Street, Tenth Street to Interstate Freeway 94, Interstate Freeway 44 to Lafayette Bridge, Lafayette Bridge to where the bridge crosses over Warner Road, Warner Section 4 This ordina.nce shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and pubiication. Form Approved Cit� rney By: s�c�G- �U CZ.(' 6 "^t^ Approved by Mayor for Submission to COl3T1C7.�. � $Y � ,�, t �� G���Z(%/� Adopted by Council: Date qq� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary OFFICE OF LIEP May �99� GREEN SHEET N° 19 0 �� "� - E TMENT DIRECTOR ITY COUNCIL TY ATTORNEY I1"L CLERK ust be on Council Agenda by: u�ceT n�xecxoR IN. 6 MGT. SVC. DIR. 5'� YOR (OR ASSISTANT) OTAL � OF SIGNATIIRB PAG88 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: An ordinance to amend chapter 409 of the Saint Paul egislative Code to expand the boundaries of the Downtown Business District to allow sale and service of alcoholic beverages in sidewalk cafes on Harriet Island. COMhff.NDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) OlIIS SBRVICB CONTRACTS l9QSR ANSi�R 4H6 CWLLWPSNO: PLANNING COM9ISSION CI`7ZL SERVICE COtM1ISSI0N 1. Has the person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB COhA1ITTEE BUSINESS REVTEW COUNCIL YES NO STAFF Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? DISTRZCT COURT YES NO 3. Does this petson/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any UPPORTS WFiICH WUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Current City employee? YES NO n all YES ansvers on a eerarate sLeet a� aYkach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTIINITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): he Downtown Business District currently does not encompass Harriet Island. DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Saint Paul will improve the business environment and may attract more people owntown by allowing'licensed establishments to sell and serve alcoholic beverages at sidewalk cafes on Harriet Island. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Saint Paul will not improve the business environment and may not attract as any people downtown by allowinq licensed establishments to sell and serve alcoholic beverages at sidewalk cafes on Harriet Island. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATI013: (EXPLAIN) �� 1�.,� ���, �� >��.s:;�r e.s.i?,1^ : L;s>�s-:-�.. . __ ... _, .�_, - ��c%=�i � � .�iJi _ __�,� Council File # �{ � � �� � Ordinance # Green Sheet # ,/�\�� _ , _ , ,.- i +' � �, �� . . �. . . _ , . ,- _ Presented By Referred To PAUL, MINNESOTA � Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 409 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to expand the area lying withiu the D Business District for the purpose of sale and service of beverages within a sidewalk cafe. � THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL DOES AIN: Section 1 Section 409.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is reby amended to read as follows: Downtown business district shall meant that bounded by the following streets: Beginning Chestnut Street, Chestnut Street to Interstate Street, Tenth Street to Interstate Freeway Lafayette Bridge to where the bridge cr se: > �T���Za;�z�Elg'"';.; iorti of the City of Saint Paul lying within and �t e intersection of Shepard Road with reeway 35E, Interstate Freeway 35E to Tenth Interstate Freeway 94 to Lafayette Bridge, over Warner Road, Warner Road to � � �'z�;°� Section 2 Section 409.07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows (d) Downto n business district. Applicants for ea�tended service license located in the downto usiness distric�_ �:d��i� it� �i�iri's�T��;��z shall not have to comply with the notice, earing and consent requirements in section 411.04(b) for either the license itself or the p vision of entertaiument under an existing enterta.imnent license during the extended se ce hours. Class C entertaiument cannot be provided during the hours of extended service reunder. ��,.a.,. .,r u�� ��.,.ro.., we a,, m.,, m w., a:.....:,.. ..,,..,, w,. ..a - ° - • - - • • :�str.e!���r_rtirf��erres• • - -• - - - - •- • - - - . . , - - .. .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 , , n ,...a .,, ew,,....,.a n,.,,a a�.,.�.._a n,...a .,, nw,,,.«....+ c,....,.« > . a`� ��� Section 3 Section 409.11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: (e) Notice requirement not applicable in downtown bz�siness district. The notificati requirements of this secfion shall not be applicable �here the license is to be tr erred to a place located within the downtown business district. For purposes of ttus sec � n, downtown business district shall include all that portion of the City of Saint Paul lyin within and bounded by the following streets: Beginnina at the intersection of Shep Road with Chestnut Street, Chestnut Street to , aa , � , � Int�rstaYe Free �ay ��E,; 2�L�s�a#� ..::.............: ..:..... . . ... �r�e�a ;s�'�s to Tenth Street, Tenth Street to Interstate Freeway 4, Interstate Freeway 94 to . , . Y':...�<:... Lafayette Bridge, Lafayette Bridge to where the bridge crosse over Warner Road, Warner , . ... _ . . ... . . . . .. . . ..... ....: . . ..._..._.,-..;,.:..�:..�,� Road to , �a'e'4Vat?aslia�ndg�;; �:�abasl3a.Bridg� a��rss� 4 This ordinance shall take effect approval and publication. be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, Requested by Department o£: /.�/i �/�.�1 � Adopted by . Date ified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: By: Date Form Approved by City At�ey / BY : - `-�q � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council� By: �� L�"C������� �L a R' U' ��� ;� L Presented Referred To �.�bs - � �ti��c7 Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 409 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to expand the azea lying within the Downtown Business District to allow the sale and service of alcoholic beverages within a sidewallc cafe on the public dock at Harriet Island THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 409.02 of the 5aint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 3? Downtown business district shall meant that portion of the City of Saint Paul lying within and bounded by the following streets: Beginning at the intersection of Shepard Road with Chestnut Street, Chestnut Street to Interstate Freeway 35E, Interstate Freeway 35E to Tenth Street, Tenth Street to Interstate Freeway 94, Interstate Freeway 94 to Lafayette Bridge, Lafayette Bridge to where the bridge crosses over Warner Road, Warner Road to �tega� . � . .. �eac�--� • � �a�s�slta:t3ri�"�i?�,����`;�` ��s�rtzss^^.�ie::i�i€��s:€.': ":�€'�!�r�:t�°:ik�� � �� ,. __._..... �..� ........ . . .... .....�_ _ ..._., ..k�.. Section 2 Sec6on 409.07.1(d} of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: (d) Downtown business distt�ict. Applicants for extended service license located in the downtown business district�'a�;�1�f`�;:�;:��i�i;�0�; sha11 not have to comply with the � ... .. .....:.. <.. .. ..,.. notice, hearing and consent requirements in section 411.04(b) for either the license itself or the provision of entertainment under an e�sting entertainment license during the extended service hours. Class C entertaimnent cannot be provided during the hours of eatended service hereunder. , . , ni,.......... n.,,.....,. oie..,....,. n.,e....e .,. ven,.,.,. c...,.,.. v,.n,.,.� c...,,e..,. c....,,.,:. a_,,.,,,.,, > > > > > Council File # � � — b � � Ordinance # Green Sheet # � ,J � \ V ORDINANCE CITY SAINLPAUL MINNESOTA � ��os� ;'r � � �- Ca ( �1 �°\'� > > � 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 PIIRi tcuFn �u� 1� �ss7 Requested by Department of: � ` � L.�/�fi '�f i�� By: Apps By: � se��;on a Section 409.11 of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: a � ,�a'� (e) Notice requirement not applicable in downtown business district. The norification requirements of this section shall not be applicable where the license is to be transferred to a place located within the downtown business district. For purposes of this section, downtowu business distdct shall include all that portion of the City of Saint Paul lying within and bounded by the following streets: Beg innino at the intersection of Shepard Road with Chestnut Street, Chestnut Street to , , , i�ii���z��t�v.,�;�5�;::� ����'�:�� to Tenth Street, Tenth Street to Interstate Freeway 94, Interstate Freeway 44 to Lafayette Bridge, Lafayette Bridge to where the bridge crosses over Warner Road, Warner Section 4 This ordina.nce shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and pubiication. Form Approved Cit� rney By: s�c�G- �U CZ.(' 6 "^t^ Approved by Mayor for Submission to COl3T1C7.�. � $Y � ,�, t �� G���Z(%/� Adopted by Council: Date qq� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary OFFICE OF LIEP May �99� GREEN SHEET N° 19 0 �� "� - E TMENT DIRECTOR ITY COUNCIL TY ATTORNEY I1"L CLERK ust be on Council Agenda by: u�ceT n�xecxoR IN. 6 MGT. SVC. DIR. 5'� YOR (OR ASSISTANT) OTAL � OF SIGNATIIRB PAG88 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: An ordinance to amend chapter 409 of the Saint Paul egislative Code to expand the boundaries of the Downtown Business District to allow sale and service of alcoholic beverages in sidewalk cafes on Harriet Island. COMhff.NDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) OlIIS SBRVICB CONTRACTS l9QSR ANSi�R 4H6 CWLLWPSNO: PLANNING COM9ISSION CI`7ZL SERVICE COtM1ISSI0N 1. Has the person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB COhA1ITTEE BUSINESS REVTEW COUNCIL YES NO STAFF Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? DISTRZCT COURT YES NO 3. Does this petson/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any UPPORTS WFiICH WUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Current City employee? YES NO n all YES ansvers on a eerarate sLeet a� aYkach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTIINITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): he Downtown Business District currently does not encompass Harriet Island. DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Saint Paul will improve the business environment and may attract more people owntown by allowing'licensed establishments to sell and serve alcoholic beverages at sidewalk cafes on Harriet Island. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Saint Paul will not improve the business environment and may not attract as any people downtown by allowinq licensed establishments to sell and serve alcoholic beverages at sidewalk cafes on Harriet Island. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATI013: (EXPLAIN) �� 1�.,� ���, �� >��.s:;�r e.s.i?,1^ : L;s>�s-:-�.. . __ ... _, .�_, - ��c%=�i � � .�iJi _ __�,� Council File # �{ � � �� � Ordinance # Green Sheet # ,/�\�� _ , _ , ,.- i +' � �, �� . . �. . . _ , . ,- _ Presented By Referred To PAUL, MINNESOTA � Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 409 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to expand the area lying withiu the D Business District for the purpose of sale and service of beverages within a sidewalk cafe. � THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL DOES AIN: Section 1 Section 409.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is reby amended to read as follows: Downtown business district shall meant that bounded by the following streets: Beginning Chestnut Street, Chestnut Street to Interstate Street, Tenth Street to Interstate Freeway Lafayette Bridge to where the bridge cr se: > �T���Za;�z�Elg'"';.; iorti of the City of Saint Paul lying within and �t e intersection of Shepard Road with reeway 35E, Interstate Freeway 35E to Tenth Interstate Freeway 94 to Lafayette Bridge, over Warner Road, Warner Road to � � �'z�;°� Section 2 Section 409.07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows (d) Downto n business district. Applicants for ea�tended service license located in the downto usiness distric�_ �:d��i� it� �i�iri's�T��;��z shall not have to comply with the notice, earing and consent requirements in section 411.04(b) for either the license itself or the p vision of entertaiument under an existing enterta.imnent license during the extended se ce hours. Class C entertaiument cannot be provided during the hours of extended service reunder. ��,.a.,. .,r u�� ��.,.ro.., we a,, m.,, m w., a:.....:,.. ..,,..,, w,. ..a - ° - • - - • • :�str.e!���r_rtirf��erres• • - -• - - - - •- • - - - . . , - - .. .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 , , n ,...a .,, ew,,....,.a n,.,,a a�.,.�.._a n,...a .,, nw,,,.«....+ c,....,.« > . a`� ��� Section 3 Section 409.11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: (e) Notice requirement not applicable in downtown bz�siness district. The notificati requirements of this secfion shall not be applicable �here the license is to be tr erred to a place located within the downtown business district. For purposes of ttus sec � n, downtown business district shall include all that portion of the City of Saint Paul lyin within and bounded by the following streets: Beginnina at the intersection of Shep Road with Chestnut Street, Chestnut Street to , aa , � , � Int�rstaYe Free �ay ��E,; 2�L�s�a#� ..::.............: ..:..... . . ... �r�e�a ;s�'�s to Tenth Street, Tenth Street to Interstate Freeway 4, Interstate Freeway 94 to . , . Y':...�<:... Lafayette Bridge, Lafayette Bridge to where the bridge crosse over Warner Road, Warner , . ... _ . . ... . . . . .. . . ..... ....: . . ..._..._.,-..;,.:..�:..�,� Road to , �a'e'4Vat?aslia�ndg�;; �:�abasl3a.Bridg� a��rss� 4 This ordinance shall take effect approval and publication. be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, Requested by Department o£: /.�/i �/�.�1 � Adopted by . Date ified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: By: Date Form Approved by City At�ey / BY : - `-�q � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council� By: �� L�"C�������