97-602�L ORIGlI�A� Presented Referred To S �"c�s� �,-��� e..� ���� v� Council File # L� — tn�o�. Ordinance # Green Sheet # 3 S � ORDINANCE �NT PAUL, MlNNESOTA 3S Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 245 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to e�and the boundaries of the Downtown Business District to allow sale and service of alcoholic beverages in a sidewalk cafe on the public dock at Harriet Island THE COUNCIL OF THE CITX OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIlV: Section 1 Chapter 245 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 245.01. Drinking in public prohibited. No person shall drink intoxicating liquors in any place open to the public within the City of Saint Paul, nor shall the proprietor or manager of any such public place, if such public place is a building shucture, permit such drinking upon his premises. Sec. 245.02. E�eptions. This chapter shall not be considered as prohibiting the drinking of intoxicating liquors in a building structure open to the public, if such building is one within which sales of into�cating liquors for consuxnption on the premises where sold are permitted by duly licensed persons under the ordinances of this city; provided, however, that drinking in such a buiiding sha11 be permitted only in that portion of the building constituting the licensed premises, and only within the hours when sales of intoxicating liquors are permitted and for a period of one-half hour thereafter. Nohuithstanding the prohibitions of section 245A1, the sale and service of alcoholic beverages within a sidewalk cafe by a food establishment located in a coxnmercial development disizict created pursuant to section 17A7.1 of the City Charter or located in the downtown business district, which is licensed as a restaurant under Chapter 331 of the Legislative Code and which is in compliance with the provisions of section 106.01 of the Legislative Code, is pernutted. Sec. 245.03. Definition of liquor; downtown business district. For the purpose of this chapter, "intoxicating liquor" is hereby defined to mean and include ethyl alcohol and any distilled, fermented, spirituous, vinous or malt liquid of any � �,.bS-�,��...� � � J �� � °I r1 o ]R � r�l le as a beverage, which liquid contains an alcoholic content in excess of three and 3 � \ I4�' o-tenths .2) percent thereof by weight. q � � n� 4 For purposes of this chapter, the term "downtown business district" means and 5 includes that portion of the City of Saint Paul lying within and bounded by the following 6 streets: Begivning at the intersection of .Shepazd Road with Chestnut Street, Chestnut Street to 7 Interstate Freeway 35E, Interstate Freeway 35E to Tenth Street, Tenth Street to Interstate 8 Freeway 94, Interstate Freeway 94 to Lafayette Bridge, Lafayette Bridge to where the bridge 9 crosses over Warner Road, Warner Road to £��.��� 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Sec. 245.04. Esceptions for annual festivals. (a) Taste ofMinnesota Festival. No person shall have in his possession or drink intoxicating liquor, nonintoxicating malt liquor or wine at the State Capitol or on its surrounding property at the annual Taste of Minnesota Festival held for the purpose of commemorating the Fourth of July holiday. This prohibition shall not be applicable to nonintoxicating malt liquor or wine purchased and consumed on the Capitol grounds from a duly licensed on-sale establishment. (b) Riverfest Festival. No person shall have in his possession or drink intoxicating liquor, nonintoxicating malt liquar or wine at Harriet Island ar on its surtounding property at the annual Riverfest Fesrival or annual sumnier festival held on Harriet Island or on its surrounding properiy. This prohibition shall not be applicable to nonintoxicating malt liquar or wine purchased and consumed on the Harriet Island grounds or surrounding property from a duly licensed on-sale establishment. PUBL(SHF� Section 2 JUG 1� 1991 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirry (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Degartment of: By: Appr By: � m' �/ . / � � {i��/� Form Approved by City orney By: l�4�i' -x.v� Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council ���� By: Adopted by Council: Date 9 q Adoption Certified by Council Secretary OFFICE OF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET May 12, 1997 N° 5188 a�" _ � EPRRPNh:NT DIRECTOR ITY COUNCIL ITY ATTORNEY ITY CLERK ust be on Couricll Agenda by: u�ET DIRECTOR IN. & MGT. SVC. DIR. $� YOR (OR ASSISTANT) OTAL # OF SIGNATIIRS PAGSS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: An ordinance to amend chapter 245 of the Saint Paul egislative Code to e�and the boundaries of the Downtown Business District to allow sale and service of alcoholic beverages in sidewalk cafes on.Harriet Island. ONP�.NDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) OtII�7. SERVLC6 CONTRACTS MRST ANSWSR TH6 POLLdM1N6: PLANNING COhIMISSION CIVZL SERVICE COTAiSSSION . Has the persoNfirm ever worked undez a contract for ffiis depaxtsent? CIB COhII4ZTTEE BUSINESS REVIEW COUNCIL YES NO STAFF _ Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? DISTRICT COORT YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any OPPORTS WHZCH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Current City employee? YES NO lain all Ye5 aaewera oa a aepazate aheet and attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): he Downtown Business District currently does not encompass Harriet Island. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Saint Paul will improve the business environment and may attract more people downtown by allowing licensed establishments to sell and serve alcoholic everaqes at sidewalk cafes on Harriet Island. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Saint Paul will not improve the business environment and may not attract as any people downtown by allowing licensed establishments to sell and serve lcoholic beverages at sidewalk cafes on Harriet Island. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COSTJREVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �'�$�� � �RC.aR¢r-?� �'•:�'�:.r �';.w � � t`i:�� Council Eile # \ t � a, ��� E �: t r F �..�::i�:�:. Presented By Referred To OF Ordinance # Green Sheet # ✓_ � \�� ORDINANCE T PA MINNESOTA 31 Committee: Dat An ordinance amending Chapter 245 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to eapand the boundaries of the Dow Business District to allow sale and service of alcoholi� in sidewalk cafes on Harriet Island / THE COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Section 1 Chapter 245 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is Sec. 245.01. Drinking in public prohibited. No person shall drink into�cating City of Saint Paul, nor shall the proprie place is a building structure, pernut s Sec. 245.02. Exceptions. 1•1�1 amended to read as follows: � Zquors in any place open to the public within the r or manager of any such public place, if such public drinking upon his premises. This chapter shall not e considered as prohibiting the drinking of intoxicating liquors in a building structure open o the public, if such building is one within which sales of intoxicating liquors for co sunnption on the premises where sold are permitted by duly licensed persons under e ordinances of this city; provided, however, that drinkiug in such a building sha11 be pe tted only in that portion of the building constituting the licensed premises, and only �thin the hours when sales of intoxicaring liquors are pernutted and for a period of one-hal out thereafter. Notwithstanding the prohibitions of section 245.01, the sale and service of oholic beverages within a sidewalk cafe by a food establislunent located in a commercial d elopment district created pursuant to section 17.Q7.1 of the City Charter or located in downtown business district, which is licensed as a restaurant under Chapter 331 of the Le 'slative Code and which is in compliance with the provisions of section 106.01 of the Leg' ative Code, is permitted. Sec.�45.03. Definition of liquor; downtown business district. For the purpose of ttus chapter, "intoxicating liquor" is hereby defined to mean and ethyl alcohol and any distilled, fermented, spirituous, vinous or malt liquid of any a'l - (� o � kind, potable as a beverage, which liquid contains an alcoholic content in excess of three and two-tenths (3.2) percent thereof by weight. For purposes of this chapter, the term "downtown business districY' means and includes that portion of the City of Saint Paul lying within and bounded by the following streets: Begiimiug at the intersection of Shepard Road with Chesffiut Street, Chestnut Street to Interstate Freeway 35E, Interstate Freeway 35E to Tenth Street, Tenth Street to Interstate Freeway 94, Interstate Freeway 94 to Lafayette Brid�e, Lafayette Bridge to where the bricj�e crosses over Warner Road. Wazner Road to _ tk��=�`��� / Sec. 245.04. Eaceptions for annual festivals. (a) Taste of Minnesota Festival, No person shall have in hi possession or drink intoxicating liquor, nonintoxicating malt liquor or wine at the St e Capitol or on its surrounding properiy at the annual Taste of Minnesota Festiva eld for the purpose of commemorating the Fourth of July holiday. This prohibition aJl not be applicable to nonintoxicating malt liquor or wine purchased and cons d on the Capitol grounds from a duly licensed on-sale establishment. (b) Riverfest Festival. No person shall have i his possession or drink intoxicating liquor, noninto�cating malt liquor ar wine at Hazr� t Island or on its surrounding property at the annual Riverfest Festival or annual summer stival held on Hazriet Island or on its surrounding property. This prohibirion shall n be applicable to nonintoxicating malt liquor or wine purchased and consumed on the Har iet Island grounds or surrounding property from a duly licensed on-sale establishment. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect a�Q be in farce thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. � Requested by Department of: j�,/,j -� 1�/ Adopted by Co il Adoption Cer fied By: Approv d by Mayor: By: . Date Form Approved by City Attorney_. I by Council Secretary B �, : ��,�,��(� � ; ,�,« Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council „ f �� � � �'G'"o%i/ By: ` '��'�'C7 �L ORIGlI�A� Presented Referred To S �"c�s� �,-��� e..� ���� v� Council File # L� — tn�o�. Ordinance # Green Sheet # 3 S � ORDINANCE �NT PAUL, MlNNESOTA 3S Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 245 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to e�and the boundaries of the Downtown Business District to allow sale and service of alcoholic beverages in a sidewalk cafe on the public dock at Harriet Island THE COUNCIL OF THE CITX OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIlV: Section 1 Chapter 245 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 245.01. Drinking in public prohibited. No person shall drink intoxicating liquors in any place open to the public within the City of Saint Paul, nor shall the proprietor or manager of any such public place, if such public place is a building shucture, permit such drinking upon his premises. Sec. 245.02. E�eptions. This chapter shall not be considered as prohibiting the drinking of intoxicating liquors in a building structure open to the public, if such building is one within which sales of into�cating liquors for consuxnption on the premises where sold are permitted by duly licensed persons under the ordinances of this city; provided, however, that drinking in such a buiiding sha11 be permitted only in that portion of the building constituting the licensed premises, and only within the hours when sales of intoxicating liquors are permitted and for a period of one-half hour thereafter. Nohuithstanding the prohibitions of section 245A1, the sale and service of alcoholic beverages within a sidewalk cafe by a food establishment located in a coxnmercial development disizict created pursuant to section 17A7.1 of the City Charter or located in the downtown business district, which is licensed as a restaurant under Chapter 331 of the Legislative Code and which is in compliance with the provisions of section 106.01 of the Legislative Code, is pernutted. Sec. 245.03. Definition of liquor; downtown business district. For the purpose of this chapter, "intoxicating liquor" is hereby defined to mean and include ethyl alcohol and any distilled, fermented, spirituous, vinous or malt liquid of any � �,.bS-�,��...� � � J �� � °I r1 o ]R � r�l le as a beverage, which liquid contains an alcoholic content in excess of three and 3 � \ I4�' o-tenths .2) percent thereof by weight. q � � n� 4 For purposes of this chapter, the term "downtown business district" means and 5 includes that portion of the City of Saint Paul lying within and bounded by the following 6 streets: Begivning at the intersection of .Shepazd Road with Chestnut Street, Chestnut Street to 7 Interstate Freeway 35E, Interstate Freeway 35E to Tenth Street, Tenth Street to Interstate 8 Freeway 94, Interstate Freeway 94 to Lafayette Bridge, Lafayette Bridge to where the bridge 9 crosses over Warner Road, Warner Road to £��.��� 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Sec. 245.04. Esceptions for annual festivals. (a) Taste ofMinnesota Festival. No person shall have in his possession or drink intoxicating liquor, nonintoxicating malt liquor or wine at the State Capitol or on its surrounding property at the annual Taste of Minnesota Festival held for the purpose of commemorating the Fourth of July holiday. This prohibition shall not be applicable to nonintoxicating malt liquor or wine purchased and consumed on the Capitol grounds from a duly licensed on-sale establishment. (b) Riverfest Festival. No person shall have in his possession or drink intoxicating liquor, nonintoxicating malt liquar or wine at Harriet Island ar on its surtounding property at the annual Riverfest Fesrival or annual sumnier festival held on Harriet Island or on its surrounding properiy. This prohibition shall not be applicable to nonintoxicating malt liquar or wine purchased and consumed on the Harriet Island grounds or surrounding property from a duly licensed on-sale establishment. PUBL(SHF� Section 2 JUG 1� 1991 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirry (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Degartment of: By: Appr By: � m' �/ . / � � {i��/� Form Approved by City orney By: l�4�i' -x.v� Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council ���� By: Adopted by Council: Date 9 q Adoption Certified by Council Secretary OFFICE OF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET May 12, 1997 N° 5188 a�" _ � EPRRPNh:NT DIRECTOR ITY COUNCIL ITY ATTORNEY ITY CLERK ust be on Couricll Agenda by: u�ET DIRECTOR IN. & MGT. SVC. DIR. $� YOR (OR ASSISTANT) OTAL # OF SIGNATIIRS PAGSS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: An ordinance to amend chapter 245 of the Saint Paul egislative Code to e�and the boundaries of the Downtown Business District to allow sale and service of alcoholic beverages in sidewalk cafes on.Harriet Island. ONP�.NDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) OtII�7. SERVLC6 CONTRACTS MRST ANSWSR TH6 POLLdM1N6: PLANNING COhIMISSION CIVZL SERVICE COTAiSSSION . Has the persoNfirm ever worked undez a contract for ffiis depaxtsent? CIB COhII4ZTTEE BUSINESS REVIEW COUNCIL YES NO STAFF _ Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? DISTRICT COORT YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any OPPORTS WHZCH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Current City employee? YES NO lain all Ye5 aaewera oa a aepazate aheet and attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): he Downtown Business District currently does not encompass Harriet Island. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Saint Paul will improve the business environment and may attract more people downtown by allowing licensed establishments to sell and serve alcoholic everaqes at sidewalk cafes on Harriet Island. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Saint Paul will not improve the business environment and may not attract as any people downtown by allowing licensed establishments to sell and serve lcoholic beverages at sidewalk cafes on Harriet Island. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COSTJREVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �'�$�� � �RC.aR¢r-?� �'•:�'�:.r �';.w � � t`i:�� Council Eile # \ t � a, ��� E �: t r F �..�::i�:�:. Presented By Referred To OF Ordinance # Green Sheet # ✓_ � \�� ORDINANCE T PA MINNESOTA 31 Committee: Dat An ordinance amending Chapter 245 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to eapand the boundaries of the Dow Business District to allow sale and service of alcoholi� in sidewalk cafes on Harriet Island / THE COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Section 1 Chapter 245 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is Sec. 245.01. Drinking in public prohibited. No person shall drink into�cating City of Saint Paul, nor shall the proprie place is a building structure, pernut s Sec. 245.02. Exceptions. 1•1�1 amended to read as follows: � Zquors in any place open to the public within the r or manager of any such public place, if such public drinking upon his premises. This chapter shall not e considered as prohibiting the drinking of intoxicating liquors in a building structure open o the public, if such building is one within which sales of intoxicating liquors for co sunnption on the premises where sold are permitted by duly licensed persons under e ordinances of this city; provided, however, that drinkiug in such a building sha11 be pe tted only in that portion of the building constituting the licensed premises, and only �thin the hours when sales of intoxicaring liquors are pernutted and for a period of one-hal out thereafter. Notwithstanding the prohibitions of section 245.01, the sale and service of oholic beverages within a sidewalk cafe by a food establislunent located in a commercial d elopment district created pursuant to section 17.Q7.1 of the City Charter or located in downtown business district, which is licensed as a restaurant under Chapter 331 of the Le 'slative Code and which is in compliance with the provisions of section 106.01 of the Leg' ative Code, is permitted. Sec.�45.03. Definition of liquor; downtown business district. For the purpose of ttus chapter, "intoxicating liquor" is hereby defined to mean and ethyl alcohol and any distilled, fermented, spirituous, vinous or malt liquid of any a'l - (� o � kind, potable as a beverage, which liquid contains an alcoholic content in excess of three and two-tenths (3.2) percent thereof by weight. For purposes of this chapter, the term "downtown business districY' means and includes that portion of the City of Saint Paul lying within and bounded by the following streets: Begiimiug at the intersection of Shepard Road with Chesffiut Street, Chestnut Street to Interstate Freeway 35E, Interstate Freeway 35E to Tenth Street, Tenth Street to Interstate Freeway 94, Interstate Freeway 94 to Lafayette Brid�e, Lafayette Bridge to where the bricj�e crosses over Warner Road. Wazner Road to _ tk��=�`��� / Sec. 245.04. Eaceptions for annual festivals. (a) Taste of Minnesota Festival, No person shall have in hi possession or drink intoxicating liquor, nonintoxicating malt liquor or wine at the St e Capitol or on its surrounding properiy at the annual Taste of Minnesota Festiva eld for the purpose of commemorating the Fourth of July holiday. This prohibition aJl not be applicable to nonintoxicating malt liquor or wine purchased and cons d on the Capitol grounds from a duly licensed on-sale establishment. (b) Riverfest Festival. No person shall have i his possession or drink intoxicating liquor, noninto�cating malt liquor ar wine at Hazr� t Island or on its surrounding property at the annual Riverfest Festival or annual summer stival held on Hazriet Island or on its surrounding property. This prohibirion shall n be applicable to nonintoxicating malt liquor or wine purchased and consumed on the Har iet Island grounds or surrounding property from a duly licensed on-sale establishment. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect a�Q be in farce thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. � Requested by Department of: j�,/,j -� 1�/ Adopted by Co il Adoption Cer fied By: Approv d by Mayor: By: . Date Form Approved by City Attorney_. I by Council Secretary B �, : ��,�,��(� � ; ,�,« Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council „ f �� � � �'G'"o%i/ By: ` '��'�'C7 �L ORIGlI�A� Presented Referred To S �"c�s� �,-��� e..� ���� v� Council File # L� — tn�o�. Ordinance # Green Sheet # 3 S � ORDINANCE �NT PAUL, MlNNESOTA 3S Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 245 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to e�and the boundaries of the Downtown Business District to allow sale and service of alcoholic beverages in a sidewalk cafe on the public dock at Harriet Island THE COUNCIL OF THE CITX OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIlV: Section 1 Chapter 245 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 245.01. Drinking in public prohibited. No person shall drink intoxicating liquors in any place open to the public within the City of Saint Paul, nor shall the proprietor or manager of any such public place, if such public place is a building shucture, permit such drinking upon his premises. Sec. 245.02. E�eptions. This chapter shall not be considered as prohibiting the drinking of intoxicating liquors in a building structure open to the public, if such building is one within which sales of into�cating liquors for consuxnption on the premises where sold are permitted by duly licensed persons under the ordinances of this city; provided, however, that drinking in such a buiiding sha11 be permitted only in that portion of the building constituting the licensed premises, and only within the hours when sales of intoxicating liquors are permitted and for a period of one-half hour thereafter. Nohuithstanding the prohibitions of section 245A1, the sale and service of alcoholic beverages within a sidewalk cafe by a food establishment located in a coxnmercial development disizict created pursuant to section 17A7.1 of the City Charter or located in the downtown business district, which is licensed as a restaurant under Chapter 331 of the Legislative Code and which is in compliance with the provisions of section 106.01 of the Legislative Code, is pernutted. Sec. 245.03. Definition of liquor; downtown business district. For the purpose of this chapter, "intoxicating liquor" is hereby defined to mean and include ethyl alcohol and any distilled, fermented, spirituous, vinous or malt liquid of any � �,.bS-�,��...� � � J �� � °I r1 o ]R � r�l le as a beverage, which liquid contains an alcoholic content in excess of three and 3 � \ I4�' o-tenths .2) percent thereof by weight. q � � n� 4 For purposes of this chapter, the term "downtown business district" means and 5 includes that portion of the City of Saint Paul lying within and bounded by the following 6 streets: Begivning at the intersection of .Shepazd Road with Chestnut Street, Chestnut Street to 7 Interstate Freeway 35E, Interstate Freeway 35E to Tenth Street, Tenth Street to Interstate 8 Freeway 94, Interstate Freeway 94 to Lafayette Bridge, Lafayette Bridge to where the bridge 9 crosses over Warner Road, Warner Road to £��.��� 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Sec. 245.04. Esceptions for annual festivals. (a) Taste ofMinnesota Festival. No person shall have in his possession or drink intoxicating liquor, nonintoxicating malt liquor or wine at the State Capitol or on its surrounding property at the annual Taste of Minnesota Festival held for the purpose of commemorating the Fourth of July holiday. This prohibition shall not be applicable to nonintoxicating malt liquor or wine purchased and consumed on the Capitol grounds from a duly licensed on-sale establishment. (b) Riverfest Festival. No person shall have in his possession or drink intoxicating liquor, nonintoxicating malt liquar or wine at Harriet Island ar on its surtounding property at the annual Riverfest Fesrival or annual sumnier festival held on Harriet Island or on its surrounding properiy. This prohibition shall not be applicable to nonintoxicating malt liquar or wine purchased and consumed on the Harriet Island grounds or surrounding property from a duly licensed on-sale establishment. PUBL(SHF� Section 2 JUG 1� 1991 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirry (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Degartment of: By: Appr By: � m' �/ . / � � {i��/� Form Approved by City orney By: l�4�i' -x.v� Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council ���� By: Adopted by Council: Date 9 q Adoption Certified by Council Secretary OFFICE OF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET May 12, 1997 N° 5188 a�" _ � EPRRPNh:NT DIRECTOR ITY COUNCIL ITY ATTORNEY ITY CLERK ust be on Couricll Agenda by: u�ET DIRECTOR IN. & MGT. SVC. DIR. $� YOR (OR ASSISTANT) OTAL # OF SIGNATIIRS PAGSS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: An ordinance to amend chapter 245 of the Saint Paul egislative Code to e�and the boundaries of the Downtown Business District to allow sale and service of alcoholic beverages in sidewalk cafes on.Harriet Island. ONP�.NDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) OtII�7. SERVLC6 CONTRACTS MRST ANSWSR TH6 POLLdM1N6: PLANNING COhIMISSION CIVZL SERVICE COTAiSSSION . Has the persoNfirm ever worked undez a contract for ffiis depaxtsent? CIB COhII4ZTTEE BUSINESS REVIEW COUNCIL YES NO STAFF _ Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? DISTRICT COORT YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any OPPORTS WHZCH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Current City employee? YES NO lain all Ye5 aaewera oa a aepazate aheet and attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): he Downtown Business District currently does not encompass Harriet Island. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Saint Paul will improve the business environment and may attract more people downtown by allowing licensed establishments to sell and serve alcoholic everaqes at sidewalk cafes on Harriet Island. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Saint Paul will not improve the business environment and may not attract as any people downtown by allowing licensed establishments to sell and serve lcoholic beverages at sidewalk cafes on Harriet Island. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COSTJREVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �'�$�� � �RC.aR¢r-?� �'•:�'�:.r �';.w � � t`i:�� Council Eile # \ t � a, ��� E �: t r F �..�::i�:�:. Presented By Referred To OF Ordinance # Green Sheet # ✓_ � \�� ORDINANCE T PA MINNESOTA 31 Committee: Dat An ordinance amending Chapter 245 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to eapand the boundaries of the Dow Business District to allow sale and service of alcoholi� in sidewalk cafes on Harriet Island / THE COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Section 1 Chapter 245 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is Sec. 245.01. Drinking in public prohibited. No person shall drink into�cating City of Saint Paul, nor shall the proprie place is a building structure, pernut s Sec. 245.02. Exceptions. 1•1�1 amended to read as follows: � Zquors in any place open to the public within the r or manager of any such public place, if such public drinking upon his premises. This chapter shall not e considered as prohibiting the drinking of intoxicating liquors in a building structure open o the public, if such building is one within which sales of intoxicating liquors for co sunnption on the premises where sold are permitted by duly licensed persons under e ordinances of this city; provided, however, that drinkiug in such a building sha11 be pe tted only in that portion of the building constituting the licensed premises, and only �thin the hours when sales of intoxicaring liquors are pernutted and for a period of one-hal out thereafter. Notwithstanding the prohibitions of section 245.01, the sale and service of oholic beverages within a sidewalk cafe by a food establislunent located in a commercial d elopment district created pursuant to section 17.Q7.1 of the City Charter or located in downtown business district, which is licensed as a restaurant under Chapter 331 of the Le 'slative Code and which is in compliance with the provisions of section 106.01 of the Leg' ative Code, is permitted. Sec.�45.03. Definition of liquor; downtown business district. For the purpose of ttus chapter, "intoxicating liquor" is hereby defined to mean and ethyl alcohol and any distilled, fermented, spirituous, vinous or malt liquid of any a'l - (� o � kind, potable as a beverage, which liquid contains an alcoholic content in excess of three and two-tenths (3.2) percent thereof by weight. For purposes of this chapter, the term "downtown business districY' means and includes that portion of the City of Saint Paul lying within and bounded by the following streets: Begiimiug at the intersection of Shepard Road with Chesffiut Street, Chestnut Street to Interstate Freeway 35E, Interstate Freeway 35E to Tenth Street, Tenth Street to Interstate Freeway 94, Interstate Freeway 94 to Lafayette Brid�e, Lafayette Bridge to where the bricj�e crosses over Warner Road. Wazner Road to _ tk��=�`��� / Sec. 245.04. Eaceptions for annual festivals. (a) Taste of Minnesota Festival, No person shall have in hi possession or drink intoxicating liquor, nonintoxicating malt liquor or wine at the St e Capitol or on its surrounding properiy at the annual Taste of Minnesota Festiva eld for the purpose of commemorating the Fourth of July holiday. This prohibition aJl not be applicable to nonintoxicating malt liquor or wine purchased and cons d on the Capitol grounds from a duly licensed on-sale establishment. (b) Riverfest Festival. No person shall have i his possession or drink intoxicating liquor, noninto�cating malt liquor ar wine at Hazr� t Island or on its surrounding property at the annual Riverfest Festival or annual summer stival held on Hazriet Island or on its surrounding property. This prohibirion shall n be applicable to nonintoxicating malt liquor or wine purchased and consumed on the Har iet Island grounds or surrounding property from a duly licensed on-sale establishment. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect a�Q be in farce thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. � Requested by Department of: j�,/,j -� 1�/ Adopted by Co il Adoption Cer fied By: Approv d by Mayor: By: . Date Form Approved by City Attorney_. I by Council Secretary B �, : ��,�,��(� � ; ,�,« Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council „ f �� � � �'G'"o%i/ By: ` '��'�'C7