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Council File # \ ✓
ordinance #
Referred To
An ordinance amending the Saint Paul Administrative Code and
the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code so as to reorganize the budget
and finance functions; amending Administrative Code Chapters
2, 5, 21, 34, 57, 64, and 86, amending Legisiative Code Chapters
6, 7, 34, 77, 430, and Appendix H, and repealing Legislative
Code chapter 430.021 and 430.022.
Section 1.
That section 2.02 (G) of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and hereby is amended
Co read as follows:
Chapter 2. Office of the Mayor
Sec. 2.02. Administration.
(G) Budget und Financial Services:
(1) Office of Financial Services-Director of Financial Services--Appointment and
qualifications. There is hereby established an Office of Financial Services. The
Office of Financial Services will be responsible far the management and
control of the budgets and of other fmancial services as hereto after described.
The mayor sha11 appoint, with the consent of the city council, a director of the
Office of Financial Services, who shall be in the unclassified service of the
(2) Same--Duties. The office of the mayor, through the O�ce of Financial
Services, shall be responsible for the preparafion, compilation, analysis and
presentation of a complete fmancial plan for the City of Saint Paul, as
contemplated by the City Charter, which shall include, but not be lunited to, an
annual general revenue fund budget, debt service budget, and capital
improvement budget, which aze to be forwarded to the city council for review,
revision if deemed appropriate, and adoption. The Office of Financiai Services
shall also be responsible for the preparation of other budgets, on a calendar-
Green Sheet # ��
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year basis, considered essenfial to the operation and control of the city's
financial plan, ntcluding, but not necessatily lnnited to, budgets, relating to
enterprise, intragovernmental, special assessment and special revenue funds.
Except as otherwise provided by law, all departments, boazds, o�ces and
commissions of city government shall submit requests and other pertinent
information to the Office of Financial Services for inclusion in the financial
plau in accordance with the budget calendar established by administrative
The Office of F9nancial Services shall be responsible for the
preparation, review and presentation of budgets for special revenue
funds which require adoption by the city council.
The budgets shall be in such form as will comply with all
applicable provisions of law and shall be appropriately divided into
funds and accounts services.
The Office of Financial Services shall assist the mayor in the
preparation of an annual budget message to be submitted to the city
council with the complete financial plan.
The Office of Financial Services shall assist departments in the
preparation, review and evaluation of a11 city grants-in-aid applications
and the corresponding budgets and in the ongoing evaluation of existing
programs in terms of compliance with objectives established by the
mayor and councii.
The Office of Financial Services shall maintain a uniform system
of accounts for all city money matters, and a system for receipt, deposit
and recording of all moneys received by the city.
(3) Standard accounting practices. The director of the Office of Financiai Services
sha11 keep controlling accounts with every deparhnent, agency and bureau of city government,
and with all activities whatever owned or controlied by the city or in wYuch the city has any
pecuniary interest. The director of the Office of Financial Services is hereby autharized and
directed, from time to time, to prepaze forms of accounts, vouchers, reports, bills, orders,
receipts, checks and other necessary forms to be used by the several city departments,
agencies and bureaus in the transaction of all parts of public business as concerns the city's
fmances. The director shail prescribe and issue the forms herein named to all city
departments, agencies and bureaus to be used in the parts of public business which concem
the city's finances.
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(4) Accounting Section.
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Within the O�ce of Financial Services there shall be an accounting section. Under
the supervision of the d'uector, the accounting section's responsibilities shall include, but not
be limited to:
Developing and maintaiuiug a central system of accounts for ail depazhnents
and agencies of city government.
Developing and maintaining a system of auditing of all city expenditures.
Developing and maintaiuing a system of recording all city receipts and
Establishing and maintaining such accounting programs as may be necessary
for the maintenance of county, state and federal aids, grants and loans.
Serving as the official custodian of all documents, agreements, contracts and
bonds, except as they relate to real estate.
Certifying availability of funds for a11 departmental expenditures.
Establishing and maintaining a payroll and payroll deduction system for all city
Establishing the procedures for maintaining unifortn records of all employees'
work hours, vacation, sick leave, pension and social security.
(i) Assisting the director in the prepararion and management of the city budget,
including required periodic checks on departmental budgets and periodic
estimates for a11 deparhnents and agencies of the city.
(j) Maintaining a system of inventory control of all city deparhnents.
(k) Developing such systems as aze necessary to assure that the city accounts are
kept in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for
governmental units.
(1) Preparation of the city's comprehensive annual financial report to include
statements compazing budgeted appropriations and estimated revenues to actual
expenditures and revenue using the following reporting levels
The city's general fund will be reported at the major functional level.
All other governmental fund types with annual budgets will be reported
at the fund level.
3. In accordance with governmental accounting standard board standards
there will be no actual reporting of expenditures and receipts to budget
plan for proprietary fund types and any governmental funds with a
multiyear budget.
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(5) Treasury Section.
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Within the Office of Financial Services there shall be a treasury section. Under the
supervision of the director, the treasury section's responsibilities shall include, but not be
1'united to:
Performing all functions as collector of any and all city taYes.
Receiving all moneys due the city for fees, permits, fines and other bills.
Receiving fuuds inhusted to any city depaztment or agency.
Controlling and supervising the deposit of money and the related banking
activities of the city.
Developing and maintaining a cash management program, including the
purchase and sale of city investments.
Maintaining custody of all city investments and funds including bonds and
(g) Providing far the disbursement of city funds.
Section 2.
That chapter 5 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and hereby is amended to
read as follows:
Chapter 5. Department of Technology and Management Services
Sec. 5.01. Department generally.
(a) Department established. There is hereby established an executive department of the
City of Saint Paul to be known as the department of technology and management services.
The head of such department shall be the director, who, prior to such appointment, shall
possess such qualifications as the council may by ordinance provide. The department of
technology and management services shall be organized into the divisions of risk and
employee benefit management, contract and analysis, real estate, cable communications, and
information services.
(b) Departmental functions. The depariment shall be responsible for properry
management, including space allocation and communication systems; the coordinarion of
Coordinating the plan for, and issuance of, city debt.
Establishing and maintaining control and administrative records for the
management of outstanding debt.
Assisting the director in the preparafion and management of the city budget.
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building maintenance; provide contract and analpsis services for city departments and `��
agencies; provide a system of assessments and valuarions; provide information services and
systems to city deparhnents and agencies; administer cable communications; and provide risk
management and benefit aduiinistration services for city deparhnents, agencies and retirees.
(c) Director; powers and duties. The director of the department of technology and
management services shall be appointed by the mayor with the consent of the council, and
shall be in the unclassified service of the city. The director shall be accountable to the mayor
and, subject to supervision and control, shail administer the affairs of the department. The
director shall have generai authority and control over all departmental staff and shail oversee
the proper fulfiilment of all tasks and duties assigned to the department. The director shall
have the power to prescribe such rules and regulations as are deemed necessary or expedient
for the proper operation of the department and to that end shall keep informed of the latest
admiuistrative pracrices. The directar may designate, with the approval of the mayor, an
employee of the department of technology and management services to perform the functions
and duties assigned to the director by law during the absence or disability of the director. The
director shall have the power and duty to take a11 personnel actions, including hiring,
assigning and reassigning employees, including supervisory personnel, within the department,
and sha11 supervise their performance.
Sec. 5.02. Contract and Analysis Services Division.
Within the department of technology and management services there shall be a
division of contract and analysis services. Under the supervision of the director, the division
(1) Make a11 purchases of materials, supplies, equipment and services, including
conshuction, for the City of Saint Pau1, Ramsey County, the Saint Paul Water
Utility, and any other entities as may be mutually agreed upon from time to
time. The contract and analysis services functions shall include, but not be
limited to the following:
a. Prepare or assist customers in preparing all specifications for the
purchase of materials, supplies, equipment and services.
b. Review all contract specifications for conformance
to existing statutes ordinances, resolutions, and executive orders, and
approve prior to issuance.
c. Obtain bids, price quotes, or proposals and place orders in accordance
with e�sting statutes, ordinances, resotutions and executive orders using
open, legal and predictable procedures.
d. Disseminate and monitor requests far proposals for services that are not
subject to traditional competitive bidding procedures.
Maintain records of all purchases processed through the division, including a11
bids and other pricing solicitations, specifications and purchase orders.
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(3) Purchase jointly with other governmental units and provide purchasing services
to other governmental units through joint power agreements as approved by the
city council.
(4) Perform reseazch and analysis services for division customers.
(5} Provide such other central services as authorized by the mayor for the common
use of all city departments and division customers.
(6} Sell or dispose of all materials, supplies and real property declared as surplus
by the contract and analysis services division for the city or declazed as surplus
by other division customers.
(7) I7isposal of City surplus shall be in accordance with the policies in this section.
Disposal of other surplus shall be in accordance with the policies of the
applicable division customers.
(a) An employee of the city or other governmental entity using the services
of the division may bid for surplus materials, supplies, real property to
be sold, in accordance with applicable law.
{b) All sales of surplus properry conducted through a competitive bidding
process shall be to the highest bidder and conducted by the division
under such procedures and by such means as shall give no individual or
corporate bidder an advantage not available to all.
(c) Upon the request of a bona fide charitable, educational, religious or
fraternal nonprofit organization, as determined by the council, surplus
materials and supplies, excluding real property, may be transferred to
such charitable, educational, religious or fraternal organization for a
nominal or no consideration upon a resolution of the council
determining that said transfer of surplus andlor obsolete materials and
supplies is related to the function of government, serves a pubiic
purpose, and is for the benefit of the community as a whole.
(d) This section shali not apply to any surplus and/or obsolete materiais and
supplies whose sale is directed by other applicable law with the
proceeds of such a sate being pledged specifically to the city or other
Sec. S.Q3. Real Estate Division.
Within the department of technology and management services there shali be a
division of real estate. Under the supervision of the director, the division shall:
(1) Maintain a compilation of all city-owned real estate to inciude a system
indexing all property and proper[y interests of the ciry.
(2) Admiuister the sale ar acquisition or lease of real property by the city
including, but not limited to, the acquisition of property, when necessary,
through eminent doma3n proceedings and the vacation of streets and public
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(3) Administer the assessment program relative to the assessment of benefits inQ� J
connection with the construction of local improvements, pursuant to policy as
established by the council of the City of Saint Paul.
(4) Process public hearings to be held by the city council relative to assessments,
condemnations, demolition of dangerous buildings, sewer repairs, service
charges, and snmmary abatements.
(5) Aduiinister the collection, receipt and maintenance of assessment receivable
accounts, advance payments for sewer and SAC chazges. Assist other city
departments and divisions in the collection and receipt of receivables. Upon
request to the division, a person shall be pernutted to inspect and copy records
concerning assessment receivable accounts and the estimated costs of pending
local unprovement assessment projects. Access to these records shall be
provided at a reasonabie time and place and without charge to the individual. If
the division is asked to provide copies of the data, the actual costs of providing
the copies will be borne by the individual making the request. If the division is
requested to calculate, compile or make copies of assessment data concerning
properties not owned by the requesting pariy, the division shall provide the
appropriate service within a reasonable time of the request and require the
requesting pariy to pay the actual costs of making, certifying and compiling the
information requested. The procedures used to process these requests and the
calculation of the actual costs of compiling and copyin$ this information sha11
be determined by the division and approved by admuristrative order.
(6) Perform city-wide real property administration, including, but not limited to,
facility maintenance practices, capital improvements, space allocation planning,
property insurance coverage for city buildings and equipment, building energy
wnversa5on and improvement prograan and environmental impact and liability.
(7) Administer all properties assigned to be under the control of the department of
technology and management services,
(8) Aduiinister all annual maintenance assessments and service charges including,
but not limited to, street maintenance, Town Square operation and maintenance,
above-standard street lighting, and storm sewer system charges pursuant to
policy as established by the council of the City of Sa3nt Paul.
Sec. 5.05. Informafion Services Division
Within the deparfinent of technology and management services there shall be a
division of information services. Under the supervision of the directar, the division shall be
responsible for:
(1) Promoting information technology as a strategic asset to the City;
(2) Creating a healthy informafion technology environment that supports the
attanunent of Cit7-wide as well as Department and Office strategic goals;
(3) Providing access to electronic data while protecting data privacy;
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(4) Enabling employees' and citizens' use of technology tools and standards; �� 5�
(5) Providing connectivity within the City and promoting connecrivity with citizens
and organizations in the wider community;
(6) Applying information technology appropriately to reduce costs and improve
('� Managing the area of common information technology needs.
(8} Developing and deploying the City's technology management and support staff:
Sec. 5.04. Cable Communications Office.
(1) Establishment. Within the department of technology and management services
there shall be an o�ce of cable communications. The cable communications
o�cer shall be appointed by the mayor with the consent of the council and
shall be in the classified service consistent with civil service commission
(2) Funcrions. The office shall be responsible for the admnustration of the cable
communications franchise and for the planning and development of cable
communications services. The cable communications officer's duties and
responsibilities shall include, but not be lnnited to, the following:
(a) Serve as liaison between the city, franchisee, state and federal
authorities concerned with cable communications;
(b) Receive and investigate complaints concerning the operation of the cable
communications system;
(c) Assure franchisee's compliance with all applicable ordinances and laws
and, upon determination of any violarion of same, take all necessary and
appropriate action to enforce the applicable law;
(d) Monitor the franchisee's performance and adherence to the terms of the
franchise, including, but not limited tq construction schedule,
instailation policy, rates, operational standards, maintenance, technical
standards, system design, use of public ways, service continuity and the
provision of support and facilities for access and community
(e) Receive for review and evaluation all data and reports required of the
franchisee and, where appropriate, forwazd such data to interested or
affected city deparhuents; and
(e) Make such recommendarions and reports to the city council and mayor
as may be deemed necessary to the regulation and development of the
cable communications system.
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Sec. 5.06. Risk and Empioyee Benefits Management Division. �� 5�J
Within the department of technology and management services, there shall be a
division of risk and employee benefits management. Under the supervfsion of the director,
the division shall:
(1) Identify, measure, manage, and recommend funding alternatives for:
a. All city-wide loss control and safety programs designed ta prevent
andtor reduce loss of city resources, including employee and public
safety, and property asset protection;
b. City compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act;
c. Establish and administer all employee and refiree benefit plans,
including health care benefits, life insurance, disability insurance, dental
insurance, employee assistance programs, and other related benefit
d. The city's unemployment compensation program;
e. The city's health promotion and education program far employees and
rerirees in order to improve productivity, contain health benefit costs,
and reduce sick leave usage;
£ All city propertyicasualry risk azeas, including insurance purchase,
contract review, retention limits, self insurance, recordkeeping and
compiiance procedures;
g. The ciry's workers' compensation program, including retention limits,
clann investigation, claim settlement, recordkeeping, cost allocation,
compliance requirements, and a return-to-work program; and,
h. The city's tort clanns program, including retention levels, claim
investigation, claim settlements, recordkeeping, and efforts to
reduce/contain costs.
(2) Provide advice and assistance to the city's labor relations efforts on bargainable
issues related to the division's function.
Section 3.
That section 21.02 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and hereby is amended to
read as follows:
Sec. 21.02. Same--Department of technolog,y and management services.
The directar of the department of technology and management services shall have a
bachelor's degree in business administration or retated field, plus seven (7) years' responsible
experience in public or private administration which would provide knowledge of information
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systems, technology, telecommunications, assessments, procurement, risk management, �-.�,5�
payroll and benefits admiuistration, financial administration, or a combinafion of these.
Section 4.
That chapter 21 of the Saint Pau1 Administrative Code be and hereby is amended to
add a new section 21.07 which reads as follows:
Sec. 21.07. Same--Office of financial services.
The director of the office of financial services shall have a bachelor's degree in
accounting, business administration or related field, plus seven years' responsible experience
in public or private administration which would provide knowledge of budget administrafion,
financial administration, accounting, fmancial reporting, financial analysis, debt management,
investment management, internal controls, or a combination of these.
Section 5.
That section 34.03 of the Saint Paui Administrative Code be and hereby is amended ta
read as follows:
Sec. 34.03. Accounting.
The credit accounts of each employee shall be kept by the fire chief or persons
authorized by him to perform such functions. Said accounts shall be kept in a manner
consistent with procedures as established by the director of the office of financial services and
shall be subject to the director's inspection. No employee shall receive any credit allowance
for any period during which the employee's name does not appear on the payroll of the
bureau of fire protection, and a percentage of the credit corresponding to that period shall be
subtracted from the clottting allawance.
Section 6.
That section 57A7 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and hereby is amended to
read as follows:
Sec. 57.07. Submission of capital budget requests and recommendations.
All capital improvement budget requests which ciry departments or office directors and
other governmental and citizen agencies, including, by way of illustration and not of
limitation, the port authority, school district, parent teachers associafion, and district councils,
herein referred to as"other agencies," desire to have considered for inclusion in the annual
capital improvement budget sha11 be submitted to the office of financial services by the last
Friday in March of each project review year. Such requests sha11 include ali capitai
improvement projects proposed for the following one or two (2) years, as determined by the
mayor, and identify programs for the ne�ct ensuing four-year period. All requests far capital
improvement projects and reports with respect thereto shall be on forms prepazed and
provided by the director of fmancial services. Upon receipt of capital improvement budget
requests from city departments or offices and other agencies, office of fmancial services shall
transmit copies of the requests to the CIB committee far its considerafion as provided in
Section 57.06, and to the planning commission for its consideration to deternune the projects'
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compliance with the city's comprehensive plan and other appropriate city policies as cj--�.53
determiued by city councii. The planning commission shall thereupon make recommendations
with respect thereto and transmit such recommendations to the office of fmancial services not
later than May 1 of each calendar yeaz.
Secrion 7.
That section 57.09 of the 3aint Paul Admiivstrative Code be and hereby is amended to
read as follows:
Sec. 57.09. Amendment of annual capital improvement budgets after adoption.
Annual capital "unprovement budgets may be amended in accordance with Section
10.07 of the City Charter and as provided for herein:
(1) Additional projects and expanded projects. When money is available to finance
an additional project or increase the scope of an approved project, the annual
capital improvement budget(s) may be amended by city council upon the
recommendation of the mayor and after review by the CIB committee and
plamiing commission.
(2) Cost of project less thttn appropriation. If the contract price of a capital
improvement project approved by city council, inciuding architect and engineer
fees and, if appropriate, a confingency of ten (10) percent, is less than the
amount appropriated to the improvement in an annual capital improvement
budget or budgets, the director of financial services shall, upon the
recommendation of the director of the department in charge of the
improvement, transfer such excess ta a restricted use account in behalf of the
department concerned. Funds transferred to restricted use accounts shall remain
therein, unless expended or encumbered as provided herein, until a11 projects of
that deparhnent for which appropriations were made in the annual capital
improvement budget where the excess appropriation resulted aze completed, and
shall thereafter be credited to the unallocated reserve account provided in
subsection (4) herein.
(3) Cost of project greater thttn appropriation. If the cost of any capital
improvement project approved by the city council, including architect and
engineer fees and, if appropriate, a contingency of ten (10) percent, exceeds the
amount appropriated to it in an annual capital improvement budget or budgets,
additional moneys necessary to fully finance the project may be appropriated as
a. If the total transfers with respect to a particular project are less than
fifty thousand doilars ($50,000.00) and funds are available in the
department's restricted use account to fund the excess cost, such amount
may be transfened by administrative order, snbject to the written
approval of the director of fmancial services. Each city department sha11
prepaze a report identifying such transfers and submit it to the CIB
committee, mayor and city council on a quarterly basis.
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b. If the total transfers with respect to a particular project exceed fifty q --�c��
thousand dollars ($50,000.00) but are less than ten (10) percent of the
amount appropriated by city council for the project and funds aze
available in the depatiment's restricted use account, additional
appropriations may be made by the city council upon the
recommendation of the mayor without the advice of the CIB committee.
c. If the total transfers with respect to a particular project are greater than
fifty thousand dollazs ($50,000.00) and exceed ten (10) percent of the
amount appropriated by city council for the project, or if funds are not
available in the department's restricted use account, an additional
appropriation may be made by the city council, with the advice of the
CIB committee and the recommendation of the mayor, from the
department's xestricted use account, capital budget unallocated reserve
account(s), other uncommitted money available, or by reallocation of
project funds.
d. If the cost of a capital improvement for which an appropriation is made
in an annual capital improvement budget or budgets will be in excess of
the appropriation(s), and funds are available in the deparhnent's
restricted use account to finance the excess cost, a supplemental
appropriation within the appropriate year's capital improvement budget
may be made in accordance with subsections a. through c. herein.
(4) A project included in an annuai capital improvement budget adopted by the city
council shall stand as an approved project untii completed or until abandoned
pursuant to resolution of the council. Any amounts remaining in an annual
capital improeement budget once all projects contained in that budget have
been completed because of abandoned projects, overestimates of costs, or
otherwise not required for projects approved in that annual capital improvement
budget shall be credited to a capital budget unallocated reserve account which
may be used to finance costs in excess of appropriation or other capital
unprovements, as recommended by the mayor with the advice of the CIB
committee and autharized by the city council pursuant to the provisions of this
Section 8.
That section 64.01 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and hereby is amended to
read as £ollows:
Sec. 64.01. Calculation, report.
Foliowing adoption of the fmai order and completion of the public improvements
authorized, the deparrinents involved shall calculate all of their costs incurred in the malffng
of the improvements, including construction costs, engineering, inspection and administrative
costs, and shall forthwith submit such calculations to the real estate division, department of
technology and management services (hereinafter refened to as the real estate division). The
real estate division shall then add to these costs all expenses incurred by it in sending out
notices, land acquisirion costs and all other charges incurred in the making of the public
improvements. The real estate division shall submit a written report to the council setting
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forth the total cost of the improvements, the amount of public funds allocated to be paid by4-t �
the city other than the amount, if any, which it will pay as a properiy owner, and the amount
to be assessed. In addition to the report, the real estate division shall prepare a proposed
assessment roll which shall set forth the recommended amount to be assessed against each
assessable lot, piece ar pazcel of land deemed to be benefited from the improvement, which
proposed assessment roll shall be maintained on file and be open to public inspection in the
reai estate division.
Section 9.
That sec6on 64.02 of the Saint Paul Admiuistrative Code be and hereby is amended to
read as follows:
Sec. 64.02. Notice, public hearing.
Upon receipt of the report and notice of filing of the proposed assessment roll, the
council by resolution shall fix a date for public hearing and shall direct the real estate division
to publish and mail the required notices of public hearing prescribed by Section 14.01.1 of the
City Charter. For the purpose of giving mailed nodce, owners entitled thereto shall be those
shown to be such on the records of the real estate division, but other appropriate records may
be used for this purpose. Notices shall state the date, time and place of the public hearing, the
general nature of the improvement, the area and amount to be assessed against each parcel of
1and, that the proposed assessment roll is on file in the real estate division, and that written or
oral objections by any owner will be considered.
Section IQ.
That section 64.04 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and hereby is amended to
read as follows:
Sec. 64.04. Interest, installments; certification to county department of property
(a) Assessments shail bear interest at the rate specified in the contract with the federal
government as approved by the ciry council, when assessments are levied in conjunction with
the construction of a pubiic improvement funded exclusively with Urban Development Action
Grant (UDAG) or other federal governmental funds. For special projects financed solely by
bond sales, where the assessments are used to retire those bonds, the annual interest rate for
the assessments shall be the average annuat interest rate on the bonds issued plus a factor to
cover the city's cost to be deternuned by the valuation and assessment engineer and the
treasary manager. All other assessments sha11 bear interest at a rate as determined by the Bond
Buyers 20 Bond Municipal Index as of the first week of January in the calendar yeaz that the
assessment is levied plus a factor to cover the city's cost as determined by the valuation and
assessment engineer and the treasury manager. Assessments may be paid in whole ar in part
to the ciry's real estate d'avision without interest being charged if done within thirty (30) days
after the adoption of the assessment rolL In the event that less than the total assessment is
paid within this thirty-day period, the xeal estate division shall calculate the annual installment
of the unpaid principai balance in the following manner:
(1) If the balance due is less than foriy dollars ($40.00), the real estate division
sha11 consider the entire balance as a single installment;
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(2) If the balance due divided by the period established by the assessment
resolution is less than forty dollazs ($40.00), the real estate division shall ����
consider forty dollazs ($40.00) to be the annual installment until the entire
balance is collected;
(3) If the balance due divided by the period established by the assessment
resolution is greater than forty dollars ($40.00), the real estate division sha11
divide this balance into equal annual installments ea�tending over the period
established by the assessment resolution.
(b) The real estate division shall certify annually to the Ramsey County Depamnent of
Property Ta<cation, on the date specified by Ramsey County Department of Property Ta�tion,
the total amount of installments of and interest on assessments on each parcel of 1and in the
municipality which aze to become due in the following year. To the first installment of each
assessment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of adoption of the
assessment roll through December 31 of the year in which the first installment is payable. To
each subsequent installment there shall be added interest for one (1) yeaz on a11 unpaid
Section 11.
That section 64.05 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and hereby is amended to
read as follows:
Sec. 64.05. Collection; halance may be paid to real estate division.
Following certification of the annual installments, the installments of assessments with
interest shall be collected with the real estate taxes by the county department of property
taxation and paid over to the city in the same manner as aze other municipal taYes, and shali
be subject to the same penalties, costs and interest charges prescribed by state law as are other
municipal taxes. Prepayment of the remaining unpaid balance may be made to the city's real
estate division.
Section 12.
That section 64.09 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and hereby is amended to
read as follows:
Sec. 64.09. Pending assessments; advance payments.
The real estate division is authorized to accept advance payments for pending
assessments far public improvements approved by the city council but for which the
assessments have not been adopted and certified for collection. Advance payments sha11 not be
less than one and one-half (1 1/2) of the amount of estimated pending assessment or the exact
amount for a known assessment. The director may adopt regulations governing the receipt of
such advance payments, inciuding provision for application of the deposit to the adopted
assessment and refund of excess amounts; provided, however, that the city sha11 not be
required to pay any interest for advance payments.
r��� B, ,99T 14
Section 13.
That chapter 86 of the Saint Paul Adminisirative Code be and hereby is amended to
read as follows:
Chapter 86. Signing of Contracts, Deeds, Sonds, Checks*
Sec. 86.01. City contracts, egecufion.
(a) Except as specified in subsection (c) below or otherwise provided by law, all
contracts made in tha name of the City of Saint Paui and authorized by the city council shall
be executed on behalf of the city by the mayor or executive assistant to the mayor, or such
designees as the mayor may authorize by administrative order filed with the city clerk;
provided, that such authorization shall be ea�tended to such designees only for contracts of a
stated doliar value of twenty-five thousand doliars ($25,000.00) or less, and the director of the
office of financial services. The foregoing limitations do not apply to purchase order contracts
processed by the contract and analysis services division and which may be signed by the
director of the department of technology and management services and the director of
financial services regardless of the dollar amounts of such purchase order contracts. The
director of the office of financial and the director of the department of technology and
management services may each delegate the authority to sign contracts to any employee.
(b) The director of the Office of Financiai Services or designee may execute contracts
in an amount of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00) or less, including all
applicable taxes, shipping and handling charges, and no other signatures sha11 be required to
bind the city. Such contracts shail be on such a form as the director shall provide, and such
contracts shall be made in such a manner as the director shall authorize. The directar shall
regularly monitor such contracts of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00) or less to
assure they are in compliance with this chapter.
(c) When the value of the contract is less than twenty-five Yhousand dollars
($25,000.00) and such contract is for the purchase of goods, the oniy signature required shall
be that of the contract and analysis services manager ar designee.
Sec. 86A2. Board of water commissioners' contracts, eaecurion.
All contracts made in the name of the board of water commissioners sha11 be
authorized by the board and executed on its behalf by its president, its secretary and the
director of the Office of Finanaial Services or designee.
Sec. 86.03. Real estate, conveyance.
All deeds, leases and other instnunents pertaining to the conveyance of real estate or
any interest therein on behalf of the City of Saint Paul or the board of water commissioners
shall first be authorized by the council or the board, respectively, and executed by the mayor,
city clerk and director of the Office of Financial Services or designee. Leases of one (1) yeaz
or less in duration need not be first authorized by the council. For such leases, the mayor, by
administrative order filed with the city clerk, may establish an alternative process, including
signators, for the execution of those leases.
z�,� 8, ,� 15
Sec. 86.04. Funds available before execution by director of the office of fmancial" '
services. � �
No contract, deed or other instrument shall be signed by the director of the Office of
Financial Services or designee unfil provision shall have been made for sufficient money in
the appropriate fund to meet the indebtedness incuned by such contract, except laases and
contracts for public lighting and heating where such contracts and leases are for longer
periods than one (1) year and excepting also contracts for public improvements, the cost of
which is to be paid by assessment against the properry benefited.
Sec. 86.05. City attorney, approval as to form.
All contracts, deeds, leases and other inshuments on behalf of the City of Saint Paui
or its board of water commissioners shall be approved as to form by the city attomey, which
approval as to form shall constitute the city attorney's advice that the contract is in proper
form and that ali of the requirements of the Charter and laws of the state and ordinances of
the City of Saint Paul have been complied with. The approval by the city attorney as provided
in this section shali not apply to contracts referenced in this section 86.01(b) and (c), but in
all other particulars remain as provided by this cbapter.
Sec. 86.06. Director of department of human rights; affirmative action compliance.
All contracts on behalf of the City af Saint Paui or its board of water commissioners
in the amount of fifty thousand doilazs ($50,000.00) or more sha11 be executed by the director
of the department of human rights whose signature shali constitute an affumation that the
person or entity contracted with is in compliance with applicable affirmative action goals and
However, the director may for any nonprofit entity, upon a showing of hardship, waive
affirmative action compliance without regard to the dollar amount of the contract.
Sec. 86.07. Bonds; form and execution.
All bonds and other obligations issued by the City of Saint Paul shail be signed by the
mayor, countersigned by the director of the Office of financial Services and attested to by the
city cierk. Bonds may have �xed thereon the corporate seal of the City of Saint
PauLCoupons issued with any such bonds or other obligations may be authenticated by the
engraved or printed signatures of the mayor, director of the Office of fmancial Services and
city clerk. Every bond or other obligation shall be signed manualiy by one (1) of the above-
named city officers or by a person authorized to act on behaif of a bank or trust company,
located in or outside of the state, which has been designated by the city council by resolution
to act as authenticating agent. Other signatures and the seal of the city may be printed,
lithographed, stamped or engraved thereon. Except as otherwise provided by law, the form of
bonds and other obligations issued by the city sha11 be determined by the city council with the
advice of the city attorney.
Sec. 86.08. City payments.
All payments from the city treasury shall be by check or electronic transfer upon city
depositaries, and all checks sha11 be signed by the mayor and chief accountant on behalf of
the city. Both the signatures of the mayor and chief accountant, or similarly designated
Jenuary 8, 1999 j 6
position, may be printed, lithographed, stamped or engraved on such checks. Electronic c�-�Ss
transfers must be done in accordance with established accounting and treasury procedures.
Sec. 86.09. Bonds; registered.
Pursuant to the authority granted by Minuesota Statutes, Section 475.71, the council of
the Ciry of Saint Paul does hereby authorize the director of the Office of financial Services to
issue registered bonds in exchange for any or all coupon bonds or other registered bonds of
the City of 5aint Pau1 which may have been issued by the city upon the request of the owner
of such bonds. The surrendered coupon bonds or registered bonds shall be cancelled and
appropriate recards maintained by the director. The City may require that a11 costs incurred by
the city in regazd to the issuance or reissuance of registered bonds shall be paid for by the
person requesting the same. Registered bonds issued under this section shall not incur any
new liabiliry on the city nor extend the time of maturity of the coupon bonds which have
been authorized or issued, and in place of which they aze ordered issued, but shall only bind
the city in the same manner and to the same extent as bound by said coupon bonds, or as
provided in and by Chapter 475, Mimiesota Statutes. The O�ce of Financial Services is
authorized to pay current interest on such registered bonds by check.
Sec. 86.10. City contracts valid when execnted.
No contract, lease or agreement shail be valid uniess and until executed in accordance
with the provisions of this chapter.
Section 14.
That section 6.01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and hereby is amended to read
as follows:
Sec. 6.01. General.
The director of the office of financial services (hereinafter refened to as the "director")
is hereby authorized to issue refunds in amounts not to exceed two hundred dollars ($200.00)
of license fees, permit fees, assessments, fines, bail forfeitures and other fees, upon
presentation to director of a pay voucher, duly authenticated by the department head
approving such refund, and accompanied by such supporting documents as may be auailable,
such refund in said limited amount to be made without furtl�er resolution or ordinance of the
city council.
Section 15.
That sectian 7.01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and hereby is amended to read
as follows:
Sec. 7.01. License and bond; type and amount of coverage.
Whenever an ordinance, regulation or law requires the filing, posting ar maintenance
of insurance or bond, but does not specify the type or amount of insurance or bond, the
manager of risk and employee benefit management, depaxlment of technology and
management services, shall, with the advice of affected city departments and offices,
determine the type andlor amount of coverage. The manager shall fi1e a Iisting of all types
lanuary $ 1997 17
and amounts of required coverage, and shall make the listing a�ailable to the general public
on demand.
�'1� S�
Section 16.
That section 34.08.5 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and hereby is amended to
read as follows:
Sec. 34.08.5. Cost; collection.
The enforcement officer shall notify the city health department in wrifing of the
excessive consuxnption of exterior inspection services fee, of the name and address of the
owner, the dates of the inspections giving rise to the excessive consumption of exterior
inspection services fee, the violations of section 34.08 observed, and the amount of the
excessive consumption of exterior inspection services fee. The health department shall
thereafter cause appropriate billings to be made and be responsible for the collection of the
excessive consumption of exteriar inspection services fee.
Section 17.
That section 77.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and hereby is amended to
read as follows:
Sec. 77.06. Sewer service fund.
The funds received from the collection of the sewer service charges provided in this
chapter sha11 be deposited with the office of financial services and shall be kept as a separate
and distinct fund, and there is hereby established a fund to be known as "Sewer Service
Section 18.
That section 430.037 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and hereby is amended to
read as follows:
Sec. 430.037. Procedure upon determination of violation.
(a) Notice, remedy. VJhenever the cable communications officer shall fmd that the
company has violated one or more of the terms, conditions or provisions of sec6on 430.036, a
written notice shall be sent to the company by registered mail, return receipt requested,
informing them of such violation or violations. Such notice sha11 be entitled a"Violation
Notice." The company may remedy violafions of subsections (1) through (4) of section
430.036 within three (3) days of tender of the registered letter bearing the "Violation
Notice." If the company fails to remedy the violation within three (3) days after tender of the
registered letter, penalties shall be assessed in accordance with the provisions in section
430.036 and paragraph (b) of this section.
Violation of section 430.036, subsections (5) through (� sha11 not be subject to
remedy and shall be assessed from the first day of occurrence.
]anuary $ l999
(b) Disputed violation, hearing; fzndings. Whenever a penalty has been assess�d, the
company may, witivn ten (10) days of the tender of written norice as provided for in C��53
paragraph (a), notify the cable communications officer by registered mail tha# there is a
dispute as to whether or not a violation has, in fact, occurred. Such noflce shall specify with
particularity the matters disputed by the company.
The cable communicarions officer shall, upon receipt of the company's letter, cause the
matter to be referred to the ciry council for a hearing. A hearing shall be held within thirty
(30} days of receipt of the company's letter by a committee designated by the council, or, if
mutually agreed to by the parties, by an independent hearing examiner appointed by the
councfl to deternune if there is reason to believe the company has committed a violation of
section 430.Q36. After the hearing and review of the committee's report ar hearing exaiuiner's
report, the council sha11 deternune if there is reason to believe the company has committed a
violafion of section 430.036, and shall make written fmdings of fact relarive to their
(c) Penalties. Upon a deterxnination by the council that there is reason to believe a
violation has taken place or in the event the company chooses not to dispute the finding of the
cable communications officer, the city director of technology and management services shall
immediately make withdrawals against the letter of credit provided for in the franchise
ordinance in accordance with the penalties specified for such violarions in section 430.036,
and shall continue to make withdrawals until the company has satisfactorily remedied the
term, condition or provision violated.
Section 19.
That section 430.OS1 of the Saint Paul Legisiafive Code be and hereby is amended to
read as follows:
Sec. 430.051. Payment.
(a) Company sha11 pay a franchise fee of five (5) percent of gross revenues as
compensation to the city far use of public rights-of-way and for the administration and
regulation of the franchise. Payments shall be made on a quarterly basis. The installment
payment for each quarter sha11 be due no later than forty-five (45) days after expiration of the
quarter when due and shall be made to the city department of technology and management
services. The company agrees to pay the franchise fee required herein for the remainder of the
franchise term.
(b) The city shall use all advance francluse fees only for cable-related purposes. A11
other franchise fees collected by the city shall be utilized primarily to support the city's
administration of the franchise ordinance and the planuing and development of cable
communicafion services and secondarily for deposit in the general fund or for other such uses
as specified by the city.
Ianuary 8, 199] 19
Section 20.
- q - i 53
That Appendix A, Article I, section 10, c, of the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code be and
hereby is amended to read as follows:
Appendix H. Cable Communicafions Franchise--Continental Cablevision of Saint Panl,
Secfion 10. Fees, payment of fees and penalties.
a The franchise fee and any other cost or penalties assessed shall be payable, except
as otherwise specified in this franchise agreement, quarterly to the city o�ce of fmancial
services, and the company shall file a complete and accurate verified statement of all gross
receipts within the city during the period for which said quarterly payment is made, and said
payment for each quarter shali be made to the city not later than forty-five (45) days after the
e�piration of the quarter when due.
Section 21.
That Saint Paul Legislative Code sections 430.021 and 430.022 be and hereby are
Section 22.
This ardinance shall be effective and be in force 30 days from its passage, approval
and publicafion.
PI�#1 �Mien
MAR - 11997
Requested by Department of:
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
By: �c./113-�-__
Approved by Mayor: Date `� !1 f 9 T
$Y : _ `���2. " _"� l � �i�C_' T
�=fi�t �
Form Ap ��red by City torney
H . `
Approved by Mayor for Submission to
By : 6�' 'N_—"t'
Adopted by Council : Date �,.Q.� _\� t , gT (
.� nErnrzrn�nrrrortzceicouxcn, nn�u�n�narm pt",'lj�
FinancialServices 1t8197 GREEN SH T NO. 32610
JoeReid 266-SSSfi'9 � �z crrrnrroxxEr �czx7eK
Approval of an ordinance to reflect the reshvciuring of Accounting, Treasury and Budget func[ions into the office of Financial Services; and to
estaUlish an executive department to be imovm as the Department of Technology and Management Services.
m.nNnmvccomm�ss�rnv _ctvn. sONice coNmnss�oN 1. Has rlvs person/fum ever worked under a connac[ for rhis department?
cm conmu�rs� , YES NO
_�� _ 2, Has this persoWfirm ever been a ciry employee?
nisnucrcoasx _ YFS NO
sUeeoxrs wtnCHCOtmcic osn'.cnvba 3. Does this pe+�on/fim� possess a skill not no+mally possessed by any cuirent ciry employee?
(Eaplain all yes a¢sweis on separate sheet and attach to greeo sheek)
The ordinance reflects the restructuring that was discussed with, and approved by, the City Council as a part of discussions on the
1997 budget
As previously discussed.
AYtldiYigB.�i� i'3�?
As prevlously discussed. rt �.'.�(
c5nf4°I �3 � 97" .
_ sc ,
As previously discussed.
b11NDING SOURCE pCLry�Ty N�)ry�gEµ
Interdepartmental Memorandum
January 8, 1997
Joe Reid, Director /
Budget Office
FROM: Gerald T. Hendrickson �
Office of City Attorn y
RE: Proposed Reorganization of Budget and Finance Functions
Attached hereto please find a proposed ordinance amending the
Saint Paul Administrative Code and the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code
so as to reorganize the budget and finance functions; amending
Administrative Code Chapters 2, 5, 21, 34, 57, 64, and 86, amending
Legislative Code Chapters 6, 7, 34, 77, 43o, and Appendix H, and
repealing Legislative Code chapter 430.021 and 430.022. I have
drafted this at your request and the request of Martha Larson for
the purpose of reorganizing the budget and finance functions. This
proposed ordinance is the result of several re-drafts based upon
the comments and input of you, Martha, and the people working for
both of you. It accomplishes all the changes requested for the
purpose of the reorganization.
I have also attached a redline version that shows all the
additions and deletions, and a bullet summary entitled "WHAT THE
ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS DO." These should make the analysis by the
administration and the City Council more convenient.
I have signed the proposed ordinance so it is ready for you to
prepare the green sheet, route, and submit to the Council.
If you need any further assistance, please let me know.
cc: Martha Larson
Jim Snyder
Phil Byrne
�Z STj
o Changes the name of the Department of Finance and
Management Services to the Department of Technology and
Management Services.
o Changes the name of the Mayor's budget office to the
Office of Financial Services.
o Amends the minimum qualifications for the director of
Technology and Management Services and for the director
of the Office of Financial Services.
o Transfers the accounting and treasury divisions to the
new Office of Financial 5ervices.
o Renames the divisions in the new Department of Technology
and Management Services, and updates their
o Moves the creation of the Cable Communication Office from
the Legislative Code to the Administrative Code.
o Transfers responsibility for billing excess inspection
costs from the Department of Finance and Management
Services to the Aealth Department.
o Amends various other Administrative and Legislative Code
sections to conform with the foregoing changes.
Javuary S, 199]
�'t S3
Chapter 2. Office of the Mayor
Sec. 2.02. Administration.
,.. �......._ ....
(G) Budget ar�;��a3reirxl;�ru��:
ie mayor shall appoint, with the consent of the city
of the �%�,s�f ��nex�it �iu�t�:c, who shall be in
1 " "� � Y.. . " " _ "
(2) Same--Duties. The office of the ma or, throu the �•a^°* a'�°���- �
Y � R��� :.::::;::; :"af
F�p��1;����, shall be responsible for the preparation, compilation, ��
analysis and presentation of a complete financial plan for the City of Saint
Paul, as contemplated by the City Charter, which shall include, but not be
limited to, an annual general revenue fund budget, debt service budget, and
capital nnprovement budget, which are to be forwarded to the city council for
review, revision if deemed appropriate, and adoption. The ���i�ec--Ee�
��������iicia'�:.��ruices shall also be responsible for the preparation of
other budgefs, on a calendaz-year basis, considered essential to the operation
and control of the ciry's financial plan, including, but not necessarily limited
to, budgets, relating to enterprise, intragovernmental, special assessment and
special revenue funds. Except as otherwise provided by law, all departments,
boards, offices and commissions of city government shall submit requests and
other pertinent information to the �.,�'°a °' ��fie�;` �tf ���i�7;:�iti��e�s
for inclusion in the financial plan in accordance with the budget calendar
established by administrative ordinance.
The ��aa_• a�_^'�= Qt���#�::Fi:tt�i7G�������s shall be
responsible far the prepararion, review and presenfafion of budgets for
special revenue funds which require adoption by the city council.
The budgets shall be in such form as will comply with all
applicable provisions of law and shall be appropriately divided into
funds and accounts '
Jaovary 8, 399'I 2
The �t-��� £�€�<���Y�tGi€R�;��k�"�ce� sha11 assist the
mayor in the preparation of an annual budget message to be submitted
to the city council with the complete fivancial plan.
The ��ge�eeteF �fi'�'�`€� �zh�€i�i�til=�e�a?zG�s shall assist
departments in the preparation, review and evaluation of all city grants-
in-aid applications and the conesponding budgets and in the ongoing
evaluation of eJCisting programs in terms of compliance with objectives
established by the mayor and council.
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Sec. 5.01. Department generally.
(a) DeparZment established. There is hereby established an executive deparhnent of
the City of Saint Paul to be known as the department of
fe��ixa�;'a�;��€t`��z�t`<�e���. The head of such department shall be the director,
...:............._:.. ,.,....:-..:..::............._.._ ..... <. _ ......
who, prior to such appointrnent, shall possess such qualifications as the council may by
ordinance provide. The department of Ce�YYiiiilza;�y�
���t�i�t;��1e�5 shall be organized into the divisions of ,
(b) Departmental functions. The department shall be responsible for property
management, including space allocation and communication systems; the coordination of
building,-^°'�'^'° °�a ° °^* maintenance;
services for cit7 departments and
(c) Director, powers and duties. The director of the department of €�-a�
Lac�?lis�:;�t;�i�na�er�ie�;sei;v�ces sha11 be appointed by the mayor
with the consent of the council, and shall�be in the unclassified service of the city. The
director shall be accountable to the mayor and, subject to �s supervision and control, shall
administer the affairs of the department. �e `�`tiir'e��i� shall have general authority and
control over all departmental staff and shall oversee the proper fulfillment of all tasks and
duties assigned to the department. �Ie '-1T�e;€�ire�i shall have the power to prescribe such
rules and regulations as �ie aie c�eea�s �e�iu��t necessary or expedient for the proper operation
of the department and to that end shall keep k�se�€ informed of the latest admiiustrative
practices. The d'uector may designate, with the approval of the mayor, an employee of the
,. .. .. . .. . .,; . . .. . .. .... . . ...:.�..:......:..:.:: :..,.
department of ' t�1�I��;;�tC1<:�p�����g��� to
perform the functions and duties assigned to the direcfor by law during the absence or
disability of the director. The director shall have the power and duty to take all personnel
actions, including hiring, assigning and reassigning employees, including supervisory
personnel, withiu �is fi�'ie department, and shall supervise their perforn�ance.
_ " � :.i.. � •o�jii7 ' * �S7i►?
,��� 8, ��, 6
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agencies; provide a system of assessmenfs
g� 53
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Sec. 3:�A-3- �` ;fl�;; . . . . . �c�ii#��c#;�; A�a3��is :�r�zc�s l��s��;;
Wiffiin the department of ' '�'�c��i��;:��1
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I�ati�g�te��:���'� there shall be a division of - Cf ; ,�rv��es
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Under the supervision of the director, the division shall:
(1) Make all purchases of materials, supplies, equipment and services, including
construction, for the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey Counry, an�eHe�e�
. :.... .. ... .. :.. ... ..,: .. .,.,... __ .. .. . ... ,... _:._ ....
c,.w,.,a T:�«..:,.� rr,, c�c � ..;:.:: �.: .. . . . . . .
. t�. ���F�'.: ;:�ate�:.l�i�1��.:>:�nd:�� c�th�r:en����:
a. Prepare or ag�eve ��i��,��C4�ae�a �.}����� all specifications for
the purchase of materials, supplies, equipment and services.
e�{. Disseminate and monitor requests for proposals for services that are not
subject to traditional competitive bidding procedures.
2 Maintain records of all urchases ' ' �
( ) P �`a'�s��; t�u��Jz
�� �xv�tp�, �nc'1u��ig all bids aii�,'tz�erprie3n� sc���e�tsns, specifications
and�purchase orders. �
dmvary 6, ]99T
��. Obtain bids�;�ri�e;q,u�it�sx�:��;p:e�p��s and place orders in accordance
with existing statutes, ordinancea, resolutions and executive orders
using open,legal and predictable procedures.
(3) Purchase jointly with offier governmental units and provide purchasing services
to other governmental units through joint power agreements as approved by the
city council.
(3�?�� Perform research and analysis services for division customers.
_... _, . . .,
{3��� Sell ts�;�i�;e�9e`::�f all st�tgkrs materials, supplies and real property declared as
,..:. ....:<.
surplus by the � degar�e� ��'a�Y,���s�����.c����i�ii
;.. .. :::: ::::..:. .. . ..... . . .. ... .. ...... .:..:.....:.. ...< .
�li,� All sales of surplus property cii��c>�e� ��i�€�kt:a.:��ii���titvt���iat��it;ig
�tt�3C�ss shall be to the highest bidder and conducted by the division
under such procedures and by such means as shall give no individual or
corporate bidder an advantage not available to all.
��) Upon the request of a bona fide charitable, educational, religious or
fraternal nonprofit organization, as determined by the council, surplus
materials and supplies, excluding real properry, may be transferred to
such charitable, educational, religious or fraternal organization for a
nominal or no consideration upon a resolution of the council
determining that said transfer of surplus andlor obsolete materials and
supplies is related to the function of government, serves a public
purpose, and is for the benefit of the community as a whole.
�� v....,o..�,.
{; } _�,.�� �� �k s���i#azt shall not apply to any surplus and/or
obsolete materials and supplies whose sale is directed by other
Jwmry 8,/997 lO
: .: .:...... ...... .. ..... : ::.:..:.:.::..........:.., ,:.:�. _ .
�a} An em lo ee of the ci '`�` ""
..,. . . . .
p Y. tY �tx:ii_ �:;��av�_::.:,::,< ;.::<.,-:��i�t?�:ia�i�;:,::::;:s�a�
� t�f:;[fi�;c��is� may bid for surplus materials, supplies, real properiy to
.: ...:.:. :.:::.:........
be sold, �z iy�t:;ap�! �a€�'°
q� 53
applicable law with the proceeds of such a sale being pledged
specifically to the city or other enrity.
Sec. 5:96: ��;; . �e�i:�s�t�j����f
. ,,�_ -. :....: .:....:....
Witlun the department of " te�T�v3�gy;�
.:.-... :..::..-:< :..:...:.. ....
��a�>:�� there shall be a division of real estate. Under the supervision of the
clirector, the division shall:
(1) Maintain a compilation of all city-owned real estate to include a system
inde�ng all properiy and property interests of the city.
(2) Administer the sale or acquisition or lease of real property by the city
including, but not limited to, the acquisition of property, when necessary,
through eminent domain proceedings and the vacation of streets and public
(3) Administer the assessment program relative to the assessment of benefits in
connection with the construction of local improvements, pursuant to policy as
established by the council of the City of Saint Paul.
(4) Process public hearings to be held by the city council relative to assessments,
condemnations, demolition of dangerous buildings, sewer repairs, service
charges, and sununary abatements.
(5) Administer the collecfion, receipt and maintenance of assessment receivable
accounts, ', advance payments far sewer and SAC
charges. Assist other city departments and divisions in the collection and
receipt of receivables. Upon request to the division, a person shall be
permitted to inspect and copy records concerning assessment receivable
accounts and the estimated costs of pending local improvement assessment
projects. Access to these records shall be provided at a reasonable time and
place and without charge to the individual. If the division is asked to provide
copies of the data, the actual costs of providing the copies will be borne by the
individual making the request. If the division is requested to calculate, compile
or make copies of assessment data concerning properties not owned by the
requesting party, the division shall provide the appropriate service within a
reasonable time of the request and require the requesting party to pay the
actual costs of making, certifying and compiling the information requested.
The procedures used to process these requests and the calculation of the actual
costs of compiling and copying this information shall be determined by the
division and approved by administrative order.
Jmuary 8, 1997 11
��l-S 3
,..�::., _....� .. �
(6) P�� fl�sfe��e city-wide z� property d�i€�z�;. �ge�ea�
systea� �including, but not limited to, *'�° r°^�z��� facility maintenance
,.,.:..:,,::>:- . . _ ...::.:.. .. .... .....�.._. .... ._
s�s�ea� �Sr�cs, e�r�`,ii�Zitiv�<�et�,
�ea1-gt�e� space allocarion planning, �S�v�� insurance coverage for city
buildings and equipment, �aa�-a-e�y�icle building energy �nd .�. �-_� ;, =; =*�W
(7) Administer all properties assigned to be under the control of the department of
. �.<.,..... .................:�:......,.._...:.,....::..,..:....�:_:;..
(S) Administer all annual maintenance assessments and service charges including,
but not limited to, street maintenance, Town Square operation and
maintenance, above-standard street lighting, and storm sewer system charges
pursuant to policy as established by the council of the City of Saint Paul.
Sec. 5.07. Reserved.
. . ��� ...:.;.;,_. �.���,
Sec. �88: �:fla��: �e€ I�f..�rtt�i�n:;�:ice�.�.; �.., ; �i.
.,. . ........
Within the department of ' ' t;�e3�,1:��;:��
�.�,�]�t���v� there shall be a division of �at�-grec�ss�ig �±a#����n:��i��. Under
the supervision of the director, the division shall be responsible for: �
c+i.anaFrr.�risis!�s. .
- `- ---• • •- ._ . _.. .°- - - • • -• •-•-
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January 8, 199] 12
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z�� 8, �r, 14
JmuarrS� 1997 IS
Sec. 21.02. Same--Department of ���3� and management services.
The director of the department of €'�aee_��i31�ig� and management services shall
,..::.. ::: >.:... ....: ........
have a bachelor's degree in ', ", business administra6on or related field,
plus seven (7) yeazs' responsible e�erience in public or private administration which would
. . . � :.... . ..............:...:..:.. .....::..:.:.::...:....
provide knowledge of , ���;��;��,:��"�p���
�.. . " . _ _ - _.N .
���er���i�t��s�s assessments, procurement, �s����t, ��i�11 �ad �e�e�
- .; � . . .: ...;
����?� ��?�� �s€�rt�; . . , or a
��� 8, � 16
5��;:: �'.;:� ���; ;�'�ae`,=: �l�;t�� :��:„�uxti�� c��;:��x
�� �3
Sec. 34.03. Accounting.
The credit accounts of each employee shall be kept by the fire chief or persons
authorized by him to perform such functions. Said accounts shall be keptin a manner
consistent with procedures as established by the duector of the
� cf.�e�>z��;�i� services and shall be subject to �s ����tc��'S inspection.
,<:,.:.:_ _.. ._.> �_.>___;;,:
No employee shaIl receive any credit allowance for any period duriug which �is �
,;,. <,
�a���a��, S name does not appear on the payroll of the bureau of fire protection, and a
percentage of the credit conesponding to ffiat period shall be subtracted from #� �e clothing
J�,� 8, �, 17
Sec. 57.07. Submission of capital budget requests and recommendations.
All capital improvement budget requests which city departments or office directors
and other governmental and citizen agencies, including, by way of illustrauon and not of
limitarion, the port authority, school district, parent teachers association, and district
councils, herein refened to as "other agencies," desire to have considered for inclusion in the
annual capital improvement budget shall be submitted to the ' , ',
[���:a�°=��,���:��� by the last Friday in Mazch of each project review year. Such
::. :...:....._......:..:.. :.........::
requests shall include all capital improvement projects proposed for the following one or two
(2) years, as determined by ffie mayor, and identify programs for the next ensuing four-year
period. All requests for capital improvement pzojects and reports with respect thereto shall be
on forms prepared and provided by the � director �af<�a�ia�' s�t�e�. Upon receipt of
,.. >,.:.::. :
capital improvement budget requests from city departments or offices and other agencies, t�e
' , �, Qf�� ����iva�i�i:;�€r�� shall transmit copies of the
. :... ..... ... ..,..:,.. ..:,..
requests to the CIB committee for its consideration as provided in Section 57.06, and to the
plauning commission for its consideration to determine the projects' compliance with the
city's comprehensive plan and other appropriate city policies as determined by city council.
The plamiing commission shall thereupon make recommendations with respect thereto and
transmit such recommendations to the ' p�ee?.�f`�"i�ia�te�a�`
� � , ,:.......;.>.:. :,.....•.:,.....:,:...:...
�.�`iE����S not later than May 1 of each calendar year.
,��„ s, iem 1$
Sec. 57.09. Amendment of annual capital improvement bndgets after adoption.
Annual capital improvement budgets may be amended in accordance with Section
10.07 of the City Cliarter and as provided for herein:
(1) Additional projects and expanded projects. When money is available to finance
an additional project or increase the scope of an approved project, the annual
capital improvement budget(s) may be amended by city council upon the
recommendation of the mayor and after review by the CIB committee and
planning commission.
(2) Cost of project less than appropriation. If the contract price of a capital
improvement project approved by city council, including architect and engineer
fees and, if appropriate, a contingency of ten (10) percent, is less than ffie
amount appropriated to the unprovement in an annual capital nnprovement
budget or budgets, the �geE directar �zf ;�'�����;�'t�ii�� aa�' ���
shall, upon tlie recommendation of the
director of the deparhnent in charge of the improvement, transfer such excess
to a restricted use account in behalf of the department concerned. Funds
transferred to restricted use accounts shall remain therein, unless expended or
encumbered as provided herein, until all projects of that department far which
appropriations were made in the annual capital improvement budget where the
excess appropriation resulted are completed, and shall thereafter be credited to
the unallocated reserve account provided in subsection (4) herein.
(3) Cost of project greater than appropriation. If the cost of any capital
improvement project approved by the city council, including architect and
engineer fees and, if appropriate, a contingency of ten (10) percent, exceeds
the amount appropriated to it in an annual capital improvement budget or
budgets, additional moneys necessary to fully finance the project may be
appropriated as follows:
a. If the total transfers with respect to a particular project are less than
fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) and funds are available in the
department's restricted use account to fund the excess cost, such
amount may be transferred by administrative order, subject to the
written approval of the �u�ge�director ��.°�.ii�°z��:,�C�S. Each city
... .
,:. .,:
department shall prepare a report idenrifying such transfers and submit
it to the CIB committee, mayor and city council on a quarterly basis.
b. If the total transfers with respect to a particular project exceed fifty
thousand dollars ($50,000.00) but aze less than ten (10) percent of the
amount appropriated by ciry council for the project and funds aze
available in the department's restricted use account, additional
a� s, ivm 19
�� 53
appropriations may be made by the ciry council upon the
recommendation of the mayor without the advice of the CIB committee.
c. If the total transfers with respect to a particular project are greater than
fifry thousand dollars ($50,000.00) and exceed ten (10) percent of the
amount appropriated by city council for the project, or if funds are not
available in the departmenYs restricted use account, an additional
appropriation may be made by the city councIl, with the advice of the
CIB committee and the recommendafion of the mayor, from the
departmenYs restricted use account, capital budget unallocated reserve
account(s), other uncommitted money available, or by reallocation of
project funds.
d. If the cost of a capital improvement for which an appropriation is made
in an annual capital unprovement budget or budgets will be in excess of
the appropriation(s), and funds are available in the deparhnenYs
restricted use account to finance the excess cost, a supplemental
appropriation within the appropriate year's capital improvement budget
may be made in accordance with subsections a. through c. herein.
(4) A project included in an annual capital improvement budget adopted by the
city council shall stand as an approved project until completed or until
abandoned pursuant to resolution of the council. Any amounts remaining in an
annual capital improvement budget once all projects contained in that budget
have been completed because of abandoned projects, overestimates of costs, or
otherwise not required for projects approved in that annual capital
improvement budget shall be credited to a capital budget unallocated reserve
account which may be used to finance costs in excess of appropriation or other
capital nnprovements, as recommended by the mayor with the advice of the
CIB committee and authorized by the city council pursuant to the provisions of
this chapter.
Jwuary 8, 1997 2�
��� 3
Sec. 64.01. Calculation, report.
Following adoption of the final order and compleUOn of the public improvements
authorized, the departments involved shall calculate all of their costs incurred in the maldng
of the improvements, including construction costs, engineering, inspection and administrative
costs, and shall forthwith submit such calculations to the ��;e��� divisio4-��f�;��essmea�s
��, department of €t�ee-�tsiri� and management services (hereinafter
,. __� ..:....::.... ..
_..._ .:.. ::,_._ :
referred to as €r�raee-c�� �€e��&�;esf�tt;:����.��t�). The f�a� i�:���:
d����i� shall then add to these costs all e�enses incurred by it in sending out notices, land
acquisition costs and all other charges incurred in the makiug of the public improvements.
The €�aaee-deg�e� ;��T.':�t�:.�#'��i€y�i shall submit a written report to the council setting
forth the total cost of the improvements, the amount of public funds allocated to be paid by
the city other than the amount, if any, which it will pay as a property owner, and the amount
to be assessed. In addition to the report, the €i�^°.,�� �e�;;��ts�e:�t�[v shall
prepare a proposed assessment roll which shall set forth the recommended amount to be
assessed against each assessable lot, piece or parcel of land deemed to be benefited from the
improvement, which proposed assessment roll shall be maintained on file and be open to
public inspection in the €�a��efla�e� r�1:;��� �ii��€�iri.
Sec. 64.02. Notice, public hearing.
Upon receipt of the report and notice of filing of the proposed assessment roll, the
council by resolution shall fix a date for public hearing and shall direct the €�e
�eg� teat;�����i��}t� to publish and mail the required notices of public hearing
prescribed by Section 14.01.1 of the City Charter. For the purpose of giving mailed notice,
owners entitled thereto sha11 be those shown to be such on the records of the �tat�e
dega�ext �e�:°���i�'.�31��sati�q, but other apgropriate records may be used for this purpose.
Notices shall state the date, time and place of the public hearing, the general nature of the
unprovement, the area and amount to be assessed against each parcel of land, that the
proposed assessment roll is on file in the €i�xee-�e�at��exE ��st�iti;?i�ivisi��i, and that
written or oral objections by any owner will be considered.
Charter reference(s}--Preliminaiy assessment, § 14.01.1.
a��r s, �m 21
S�t 5 3
Sec. 64.04. Interest, installments; certification to county department of property
(a) Assessments shall bear interest at the rate specified in the contract with the federal
government as approved by the city council, when assessments are levied in conjunction with
the construcrion of a public improvement funded exclusively with Urban Development Acrion
Grant (IJDAG) or other federal governmental funds. For special projects financed solely by
bond sales, where the assessments are used to retire those bonds, the annual interest rate for
the assessments shall be the average annual interest zate on the bonds issued plus a factor to
cover the ciry's cost to be detemuned by the valuarion and assessment engineer and the
treasury manager. A1l other assessments shall bear interest at a rate as determined by the
Bond Buyers 20 Bond Municipal Index as of ffie fust week of 3anuary in the calendar year
that the assessmern is levied plus a factor to cover the ciry's cost as determined by the
valuation and assessment engineer and the treasury manager. Assessments may be paid in
whole or in part to the city's £�xi�xiee-�egat�e� 3�a� e�faf�::�'i�pzi without interest being
charged if done within thirty (30) days after the adoption �of the assessment roll. In the event
that less than the total assessment is paid within this tl�irty-day period, the €i�x��ea�
z�a�°�st�it�`.���s�xifiu shall calculate the annual installment of the unpaid principal balance in
the following manner:
(1) If the balance due is less than forty dollars ($40.00), the €��e�
T�dt ��i���i�?k���tY shall consider the entire balance as a single installment;
(2) If the balance due divided by the period established by the assessment
resolution is less than forty dollars ($40.00), the €�e-��exf t��;`��,t�
�zs�au shall consider forty dollars ($40.00) to be the annual installment unfil
tlie entire balance is collected;
(3) If the balance due divided by the period established by the assessment
resolution is greater than forty dollars ($40.00), the �i��ea� �;a�
�slfate:�3�isi�i�i shall divide this balance into equal annual installments extending
over the period established by the assessment resolution.
aa...,,.,.., f..,...
(b) The ��e� r�Z �st�� sli�?�s��sii shall certify annually to the Ramsey
County Department of Properry Taxation, on the date specified by Ramsey Counry
Department of Properry Taxauon, the total amount of installments of and interest on
assessments on each parcel of land in the municipality which are to become due in the
following year. To the first installment of each assessment shall be added interest on the
entire assessment from the date of adoption of the assessment roll through December 31 of
the year in which the first installment is payable. To each subsequent installment there shall
be added interest for one (1) year on all unpaid installments.
(Ord. No. 17232, § 1, 4-30-85; Ord. No. 17616, § 1, 12-8-88; Ord. No. 17912, § 1, 3-12-
a��r a, �rr 22
Sec. 64.05. Collection; balance may be paid to f�degar�en�::��i;��t�'�idi�;i€si�u.
Following certification of the annual installments, the installinents of assessments with
interest shall be collected with the real estate ta.zes by the counry department of property
taYation and paid over to the city in the same manner as are other municipal taYes, and shall
be subject to the same penalties, costs and interest charges prescribed by state law as aze
other municipal ta�es. Prepayment of the remaining unpaid balance may be made to the
city's €�saue�de�ea� ����te;di�iS�ari.
a�� e, �r, 23
�-� � 3
Sec. 64.09. Pending assessments; advance payments.
The i��'€e���:�s1�isT� is authorized
;:: � .:. ...::.:::.:::.:...:.:::.::::.....::
to accept advance payments for pending assessments for public improvements approved by
the city council but for which the assessments have not been adopted and certified for
collection. Advance payments shall not be less than one and one-half (1 ll2) of the amount
of estimated pending assessment or the exact amount for a l�own assessment. The director
may adopt regulations governing the receipt of such advance payments, including provision
for application of the deposit to the adopted assessment and refund of excess amounts;
provided, however, that the city shall not be required to pay any interest for advance
a��� s, �m 24
Chapter 86. Signing of Contracts, Deeds, Bonds, Checks'�
Sec. 86.01. City contracts, execution.
(a) Except as specified in subsection (c) below or otherwise provided by law, all
contracts made in the name of the City of Saint Paul and authoriaed by the city council shall
be executed on behalf of the city by the mayor ar executive assistant to the mayor, or such
designees as the mayor may authorize by administrative order filed with the city clerk;
provided, that such authorization shall be extended to such designees only for contracts of a
stated dollar value of twenty-five thousand dollazs ($25,000.00) or less, and the director of
the ��'�;��;�"��e� services. The foregoing
,..�. _... ......�._...._..:....>
limitations do not apply to purchase order contracts processed by the �g cizgt��iet;.aiu�
_:..::.... _ _ ...:.:..: _.. _.>.. .,. . : .... _.:..
��7Gti�i��5�it'�'��� division �i�;�:: .... ,.�f�1i��±i�:��itt�:< :��d:i�i.�. .� �azt��e�i�s and
,.�. .....�.._<... ,..�.�.. �;. ;•, ,. ... ....��.,..�... �
wluch may be signed by the ��c��:dit��
(b) The " . . , . .. . ...:..
di�� �;� ;�t;e
�t�z't��.?��iciaT?:���rvi��es or designee may execute contracts in an amount of�one thousancl
........ . ..: :.... �:. : ...........
five hundred dollars ($1,500.00) or less, including all applicable taxes, shipping and handling
charges, and no other signatures sha11 be required to bind the city. Such contracts shall be on
such a form as the directar shall provide, and such contracts shall be made in such a manner
as the director shall authorize. The director shall regululy monitor such contracts of one
thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00) or less to assure they are in compliance with this
(c) When the value of the contract is less than twenty-five thousand dollars
($25,000.00) and such contract is for the purchase of goods, the only signature required shall
be tbat of the �tt�r>l�z��g-s�sterxs ���t�i�:;a�'SitaT�i� s�rz�es manager or designee.
Sec. 86.02. Board of water commissioners' contracts, execution.
All contracts made in the name of the board of water commissioners shall be
authorized by the board and executed on its behalf by its president, its secretary and the kea�
�t�etar �f tf� ��� �rf �'���I ��ic�s �i �es�€�n�e.
Januazy 8� 199] LS
s�rvi[c�s reeardless of the dollar amounts of such nurchase order contracts. °��-'�-�
�1�� �
Sec. 86.03. Real estate, conveyance.
All deeds, leases and other instruments pertaining to the conveyance of real estate or
any interest therein on behalf of the City of Saint Paul or the board of water commissioners
shall fust be authorized by the council or the board, respecuvely, and executed by the
_ .. ..... ... ..._:.. �:...�.�.,..._..,................... ......_..
mayor, city clerk and �ea� �e��ij�:;�f:t������::�f:����:;���':�i:<�� <;.""°. e€-Ehe
.<_,_,. ._.�:, >.�._ _ ... ..... ........ -_,.... _ _ ..:... �
I.eases of one (1) year or less in duration
need not be first authorized by the council. For such leases, the mayor, by administrative
order filed with the city clerk, may establish an alternative process, including signators, for
the execurion of those leases.
Sec. 86.04. FY�nds available before execution by director of �sxee f�e:;ii�°a�`:?����€�ei�
;.:;.:::;;.:..;: ......::.:....:....:...:.:...:...:.....,..::.
No contract, deed or other instrument shall be signed by the i�ea� i�t�ia�-:��;;tti�
.:......:.: ..:.:.....::.:..
t���;t�f:s���i�i�; ��r�!i� or
: :.. ..: ..:......:..,... . : . .,. ,. . . .... ..:
designee until provision shall have been made for sufficient money in the appropriate fund to
meet the indebtedness incurred by such contract, except leases and contracts for public
lighting and heating where such contracts and leases are for longer periods than one (1) year
and excepting also contracts for public improvements, the cost of which is to be paid by
assessment against the properry benefited.
Sec. 86.05. City attorney, approval as to form.
All contracts, deeds, leases and other instruments on behalf of the City of Saint Paul
or its board of water commissioners shall be approved as to form by the city attorney, which
approval as to form shall constitute the ciry attomey's advice that the contract is in proper
form and that all of the requirements of the Charter and laws of the state and ordinances of
the City of Saint Paul have been complied with. The approval by the city attorney as
provided in this section shall not apply to contracts referenced in this section 86.01(b) and
(c), but in all other particulars remain as provided by this chapter.
Sec. $6.06. Director of department of human rights; affirmative action compliance.
All contracts on behalf of the City of Saint Paul or its board of water commissioners
in the amount of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) or more shall be executed by the
director of the department of human rights whose signature shall constitute an affnmation
that the person or entity contracted with is in compliance with applicable affirmative action
goals and policies.
However, the director may for any nonprofit entity, upon a showing of hardship,
waive affumative action compliance without regard to the dollar amount of the contract.
Jauuary 8, 199] 26
Sec. 86.07. Bonds; form and execution.
All bonds and other obligarions issued by the City of Saint Paul shall be signed by the
mayor, countersigned by the �ea� �'��;:��; �;�}��;��;'�'��`�;<��� e€�ke
°£ �'�° '';'-. ^F �^:�' °^,.,, attested to by the city clerk 73�� °_
� ' r�.� i�� � : . .-
� ��� �� � t���� �
�p , x��€� n��'��t� � Coupons issued with any such bonds or other
obligations may be authenticated by the engraved or printed signatures of the mayor, �ea�
d€��trzr'af'_;�i�=€s�e���<��a�i�:�icr.� e€-t�e and city clerk. Every
>,., :...... .......:.:..:...... .: .... ..,... . ........,.,.:::.....:> ....> :..... _. .. :..... : .. :.
bond or other obligation shall be signed manually by one (1) of the above-named city off'icers
or by a person authorized to act on behalf of a bank or trust company, located in or outside
of the state, which has been designated by the city council by resolution to act as
authenticating agent. Other signatures and the seal of the city may be printed, lithographed,
stamped or engraved thereon. Except as otherwise provided by law, the form of bonds and
other obligations issued by the ciry shall be determined by the city council with the advice of
the ciry attorney.
Sec, 86.08. City eheel�s p��;ei€ii�s.
All payments from the city treasury shall be by check p�;'�'f����t��;>�5�� upon ciry
depositories, and all checks shall be signed by the mayor and chief accountant on behalf of
the city. Both the signatures of the mayor and chief accountant�,;ti�;;�ji�'��J,�'i,les�t��1
�s�YYtc�na may be printed, lithographed, stamped or engraved on such checks. ��e�€triic
Sec. 86.09. Bonds; registered.
Pursuant to the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Secdon 475.71, the council
of the Ciry of Saint Paul does hereby authorize the '
cii�eeEt�C:cif;t;�e'of�icis^af;F�na€a�:';�eririce� to issue registered bonds in
, .... :....:.. .... .. .. ...... .:...... ... :::..:: <.... .... : .:..::... :::..
exchange for any or all coupon bonds or other registered bonds of the City of Saint Paul
which may have been issued by the city upon the request of the owner of such bonds. The
surrendered coupon bonds or registered bonds shall be cancelled and appropriate records
maintained by the director. `�i��'.�� `ri��r��qriir��tT� � costs incurred by the city in regard
to the issuance or reissuance of registered bonds shall be paid for by the person requesting
the same. Registered bonds issued under this section shall not incur any new liability on the
city nor extend the time of maturiry of the coupon bonds which have been authorized or
issued, and in place of which they are ordered issued, but shall only bind the city in the same
manner and to the same extent as bound by said coupon bonds, or as provided in and by
Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes. The �i��
€i���:�i��cial;;�e�rc�� is authorized to pay current interest on such registered bonds by check.
Jmuary 8,199'/ 27
Sec. 86.10. City contracts valid when executed.
No contract, lease or agreement shall be valid unless and until executed in accordance
with the provisions of this chapter.
a�� s, um 28
a�� s, �sm 29
�� S �
Sec. 6.01. General.
The director of the af���:��ia�
5���2e�5 (hereinafter referred to as the "directar") is hereby authorized to issue refunds in �
ainounfs not to exceed two hundred dollazs ($200.00) of license fees, permit fees,
assessments, fines, bail forfeitures and other fees, upon presentation to director of a pay
voucher, duly authenticated by the department head approving such refund, and accompanied
by such supporting documents as may be available, such refund in said limited amount to be
made without further resolution or ordinance of the city council.
���r s, isr� 30
�� � �
Sec. 7.01. License and bond; type and amount of coverage.
Whenever an ordinance, regulation or law requires the filing, posting or maintenance
of insurance ar bond, but does not specify the type or amount of insurance or bond, the
manager of risk and employee benefit management, department of �ee t�a��g� and
management services, shall, with the advice of affected city departments and offices,
determine the type and/or amount of coverage. The manager shall file a listing of all types
and amounts of required coverage, and shall make the listing available to the general public
on demand.
��,� e, �, 31
G� S�
Sec. 34.08.5. Cost; collection.
The enforcement officer shall notify the city €�a^�� ��:��a�ti�ici�i in
:..:> ....::.:. ............
writing of the excessive consumption of exterior inspection services fee, of the name and
address of the owner, the dates of the inspections giving rise to the excessive consumprion of
exterior inspection services fee, the violations of section 34.08 observed, and ffie amount of
the excessive consumption of exterior inspection services fee. The ����� f�i�a:�t'
_. ...... :.:. ,..:.:
d��`ti� shall thereafter cause appropriate billings to be made and be responsible for the
coIlection of the excessive consumption of exterior inspection services fee.
January S� ,�, 32
Sec. 77.06. Sewer service fund.
The funds received from the collection of the sewer service charges provided in this
chapter shall be deposited with the i?��e�t�`:���
services and shall be kept as a separate and distinct fund, and there is hereby esfablished a
fund to be known as"Sewer Service Fund."
Jmuary 8, 199'/ 33
�i� 53
430.037. Procedure upon determination of violation.
(a) Notice, remedy. VJhenever the cable communicarions o�cer shall fmd that the
company has violated one or more of the terms, conditions or provisions of section 430.036,
a written nouce shall be sent to the company by registered mail, return receipt requested,
informing them of such violation or violations. Such notice shall be entitled a"Violation
Norice." The company may remedy violations of subsections (1) through (4) of secuon
430.036 within three (3) days of tender of the registered letter bearing the "Violarion
Nofice." If the company fails to remedy the violarion within three (3) days after tender of
the registered letter, penalties shall be assessed in accordance with the provisions in section
430.036 and paragraph (b) of tYus section.
Violation of section 430.036, subsections (5) through (7) shall not be subject to
remedy and shall be assessed from the first day of occurrence.
(b) Disputed violation, hearing; fzndings. Whenever a penalty has been assessed, the
company may, within ten (10) days of the tender of written notice as provided for in
paragraph (a), notify ffie cable communications officer by registered mail that there is a
dispute as to whether or not a violation has, in fact, occurred. Such notice shall specify with
particularity the matters disputed by the company.
The cable communications officer shall, upon receipt of the company's letter, cause
the matter to be referred to the city council for a hearing. A hearing shall be held within
thirty (30) days of receipt of the company's letter by a committee designated by the councfl,
or, if mutually agreed to by the parties, by an independent hearing examiner appointed by the
council to determine if there is reason to believe the company has committed a violation of
section 430.036. After the hearing and review of the committee's report or hearing
examnier's report, the council shall determine if there is reason to believe the company has
committed a violation of section 430.036, and shall make written fmdings of fact relative to
their determination.
(c) Penalties. Upon a determination by the council that there is reason to believe a
violation has taken place or in the event the company chooses not to dispute the finding of
the cable communications officer, the city director of €�e t�C�aii€��i7�,y and management
services shall 'unmediately make withdrawals against the letter of creclit provided for in the
franchise ordinuice in accordance with the penalties specified for such violations in section
430.036, and shall continue to make withdrawals until the company has satisfactorily
remedied the term, condition or provision violated.
Jmuary 8,199'] 34
�� �3
Sec. 430.051. Payment.
(a) Company shall pay a franchise fee of five (5) percent of gross revenues as
compensation to the city for use of public rights-of-way and for the aduiinistrafion and
regulation of the franchise. Payments shall be made on a quarterly basis. The installment
payment for each quarter shall be due no later than forry-five (45) days after expiration of
the quarter when due and shall be made to the city department of €t�ac� t���al�� and
mauagement services. The company agrees to pay the franchise fee required herem for the
remainder of the franchise term.
(b) The city shall use all advance franchise fees only for cable-related purposes. All
other franchise fees collected by the city shall be utilized primarily to support the city's
administration of the franchise ordinance and the plannnig and development of cable
communicauon services and secondarily for deposit in the general fund or for other such uses
as specified by the city.
,��� 8, ��, 35
�� ��
Appendix H. Cable Communications Franchise--Continental Cablevision of Saint Paul,
Section 10. Fees, payment of fees and penalties.
c. The franchise fee and any other cost or penalties assessed shall be payable, except
as otherwise specified in this franchise agreement, quarterly to the ciry degar-�en� �e of
f�t��ia� services, and the company shall file a complete and
accurate ver�ed statement�of all gross receipts within the city during tYte period for which
said quarterly payment is made, and said payment for each quarter shall be made to the ciYy
not later than forry-five {45) days after the expiration of the quarter when due.
,���,a �, 36