97-351LL ,_ ._ Ordinance # Green Sheet # ����` ��J►�� CITY OF Presented By Re£erred To Covncil File # \ � -' 3 S � Committee: Date 3,�, 1 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City 3 of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: 4 5 WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, THE SAiNT 6 PAUL PORT AUTHORITY duly petitioned to rezone property at the ARLINGTON-JACKSON BUSINESS 7 PARK, being legally described in the file, from B-2 to I-1 to allow the entire business park properry to be 8 under the same I-1 zoning classification, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on 9 October 25, 1996 as having been consented to by at least 67 percent of the owners of the area of the property 10 to be reaoned, and fiuther having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the properry 11 situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous properiy within one yeaz proceeding the date of the petition; 12 and 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3Q 31 32 33 �4 �5 WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing November 25, 1996 for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on December 6, 1996 and recommended that the City Council approve the perition; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly pubiished in the o�cial newspaper of the City on December 14, 1996 and nofices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned;and WI3EREAS, a publie hearing before the City Council having been conducted on January 8, 1997, where all interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 5, as incorporated by reference in §b0.301 of the 5aint Paul Legislafive Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: PAUL, MINNESOTA 7 That property at the ARLINGTON-JACKSON BUSINESS PARK, being more particularly described 8 in the file, be and is hereby rezoned from B-2 to I-1. 40 41 42 43 Section 2. .� _ ... .. _. ._9�t_ 3s1 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force tlurry (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. � j ..: � By: Appz By: Requested by Department of: P ann' Eco m' velo men Hy; 6 Form Approved by City Attomey B � ��� Approved by Mayor for Svh ission to Council $y. � �� � Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary � ; ; ( (� � r�, ,F i�t�l�i�3 `i,rl-3�'j � ����� GREEN SH 2b6-b582 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES INRIAVDATE CITY CAUNGL C17Y CIERK FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIFL � DEPARTMENT OIRECTOR j� " mCiTYATfORNEY � FOR _�� O BUDGETDIRECTOR � � MAYOq (OR ASSISTAN'� ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Adopt an ordinance to fmalize council approval of a perition of TT�lE SAINT PORT AUTHORITY to rezone property locateci at the Arlington-Jackson Business Park from B-2 to I-1 (public hearing held January 8, 1997). Approva (A) or qeject (A) � PLANNING CqMMIS$IOP! _ CIYIL SERVICE COMA _ CI8 CAMMITfEE _ ( STAFF _ _ �ISTRIGTCOUflT _ 'PORTS WHiCM COUNqL OBJECTIVE� ��� ��� PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING DUESTIONS: 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a coMract far this department? YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this personNirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by eny current ciry employee? YES NO Expinin all yes answers on separate sheet anC attach to green aheet Finalize council approval of a petition of TI� SAINT PALJL PORT AUTHORITY to rezone property at the Arlington-Jackson Business Park from B-2 to I-1 to allow the entire business park property to be under the sanne I-1 zoning classification. ���� � �,� �,: � y �. ; ,�a� z � �ss7 EET� � ���� ���� �� .. IF ky:.'�°u'.+.�i�:yi, � W.nncny�� "F4yp�fj} v..�'Frb'+ � { Jr-1id 2 � I��1 IP NOT TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION � JAN z 3 i997 P�AYG�?'� �rFtCE COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIfeG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORFiA710N: iEXPLAIN) crrY oF sAnv�r PAUL. Norm Colerrzan, Mayar December 12, 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota SS 1Q2 Deaz Ms. Anderson: DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING � & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT �7- � ,, Divisiorz of Plmming ZS West Fourth Street Tetepiwne: 6I2-2666565 .SnisttPaul, MNSSIO2 F¢csimile: 612-228-3314 � � � �1.�'°i ..�.+: ::� 'r. .�a.'.�.�'.+"iL "ti� ,:C�' ..s ?::! J�� ��..�%'� �„�aiti _„ / • � � ,.,' Applicant: SAINT PAUL PORT AUTHORiTY File Number: #96-274 Purpose: Rezone properry from B-2 (community business) to I-1 (light industrial) to allow the entire business pazk properly to be under the same I-1 zoning classification. Address: Arlington-Jackson Bnsiness Park I,egal Descriprion of Property: See File Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, unanimous, December 6, 1996 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, vote: 5-0, November 25, 1996 My understanding is that this 1 and that Please call me at 266-6582 if you haee any questions. Sincerely, (�" `—�— Kady Dad Z City Planner — —.- - � � NOTICE OF PUBbIC IiEAR7NG - - - . ' TheSaintPaul�CifyCounci1wi11conductapubHchearingonJanuary$,'1997, �, at 4:30 p.m., City Council Chanibers, to consider the appSication of the Saint Pau1 Port Authority ta rezoae gropert.y 6�om g-y-;f�o���ity busiaess) ta I-1`(iight industrial) to allow the entire business park progerty to tie under�the same I-i zoning class�cation at Arlington-Jackson Business Pazk. � -��Dated Aecember 12, 1996 - � ' � NANCY ANDERSON � � � Assistant CIty Council Secretary . ". - _ , - _ . '. - � ' . - �(December 14,�1�996j- � �, y Zoning Section cc; File #96-274 Mike Kraemer Donna Sanders DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECQNOMIC DEVEIAPMENT a� - 35 l CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor December 24, 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Division ofP[anning 25 West Fouah Street Telephone: 6I2-266-6565 Saint Pau1, MN55102 Facsimile: 612-228-3314 RE: Zoning File #96-274 SAINT PAUL PORT AUTHORITY City Council Hearing: January 8, 1997 4.30 p.m. City Council Chambers PURPOSE: To consider rewning property at the ARLINGTON-JACKSQN BUSINESS PARK from B-2 (community business) to I-1 (light industrial) to a(low the entire business park to be under the same I-1 zoning cfassification. PLANNING COMMISSiON RECOMMENDAI"fON: APPROVAL unanimous . ZONING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL 5-0 STAFP RECOMMENDAT[ON: APPROVAL SUPPORT: No one spoke. OPPOSiTION: No one spoke. Dear Ms. Anderson: ' THE SAINT PAUL PORT AUTHORITY submitted a petition to rezone property at the Arlington- Jackson Business Park. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on Yhe proposed rezoning on November 25, 1996. The applicant addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing, the committee voted 5-0 to recommend approval to rezone to I-1. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation for approval on a unanimous vote on December 6, 1996. This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on 3anuary 8, 1997. Please notify me if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, en Ford Planning Administrator Attachments cc: City Councilmembers q�1-35 i u city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 96-74 (;�t(-� December 6 1996 WHEREAS, THE SAINT PAUL PORT AUTIIORITY, file N9G-274 h1s petitioned to re2one prope�ty at the ARLINGTON-JACKSON BUSINESS PAl2K, situated on proper[y immediateiy 4vest of Interstate 35G betGVeen Arlin;ton and Maryiand Avenues, from B-2 to I-] to allow thc entire business park proper[y to be under [{Se same I-1 zoning classiPication; and WIIL,R�AS, thc Zoning Committee of thc T'tanning Commission held a public hearing on November 25, 1996, at which �11 persons present �verc given an opportunity to Ue heard pursuant to said application in accordance 4vith the requirements of Section G4.4Q0 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and �VTIEIZEAS, thc S:iint P:�ui T'lanning Commission, based on the evidence prescnted to its 7aning Committec at thc puUlic he�cin�, as substantially reflected in the tninutes, made the � f'olio�ving findin�s of faci: 1. 'I'hc Saint Paui P<>rt Authority owns ihc properry and is petitioning to rc it to makc Ihc zoning of thc smaU tria�igular p.�+�ccl coi�sistcnt �vitl� U�c zoning of d�c resC of ti�e busincss park dcvelopmcnt. 2. The rezoning is in conformancc 4vtth the comprchensivc plan for tltc city. The rezoning will eliminate a split zonin� ciassification of the property �nd eliminate a spot zone. The Land Usc I'1 <t(1 3(IC[1CIClCS IIlC SIIC 15 8 I�lt)Of ![l[CIlSIVC IR(IUSICI�iI <1CCfl. �IIIC SILC IS CUCCC(1Cly bcing deve{opcd as an industrial park to provide needed land for light izidustrial development within the City of Saint Paut. Land use goals of the Distr'sct 6 Plan include, "encourage and participate in the formulation of appropriate development of vacant land," and "improve the tax base through better utilization of the land and appropriate development of vacant land" #2 and #5, p.6. 3. The rezoning is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact on surrounding property. The property is surrounded by land zoned for industrial use and by the interstate. In addition, this rezoning will eliminate a moved by Morton � seconded by in favor Unanimous a�iC1St �,-� _ �� c zon�n ra� a��-2�a Pagc Two of Resotution spot zonc. 4. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition signed by rivo-thirds of the property ownet�s within onc liundred (100) feet of the properly to be rezoned consenting to the reaonino (ld parcels eligible, 7 parcels needed, and 8 parceis signed). NO�V, THER�PORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that the petition of tlte SATNT PAUL PORT AUTHOItITY to rezone property at ARLINGTdN- 7ACKSON I3USINESS PARIi, more particularly described in the file, from a B-2 zoning classification to an I-i zoning cl�ssification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED, that tke Saint Paul Pianning Commission does hereby recommend to die Counci[ of tl2e City of Saint Paul that Uie triangular shlped parcei located at thc ARLTNGTON-JACKSON BUSTNGSS PAIZIi be rezoned from B-2 to I-i in accordance witii the petition for rezoning on fite with tlie Sairtt Paul Planning Division. � � r — L, ��-351 � �� ��� Planning Conunission of Saint Paul City Hall ConFerence Centcr 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �� ��� '>"NOTE• The recording tape �vas blank! 's'�Na'�'�'��:'f,-.t A meetii�g of the Planning Commission of die Ciry of Saint Paul was held Friday, December 6, i996, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center oE Ciry Hali. Cmumissioncrs Treicl�el Present: � Conunissioncrs Absent: Also 1'resent: Mmes. Birk, Duarte, Faricy, Geisser, Lund-Jolinson, Maddox, Morton, and Wencl, and Messrs. Field Jr., Gordon, Gurney, Kramer, Lee, McDonelt, Nowlin and SchwichtenUerg. Messrs. *Chavez, *Mardeil, Sharpe and *Vaught *�xcused Ken Pord, I'lanning Administrator; ]can IIirkholz, Kady Dadlez, Allen Lovejoy and Rogcr Ryan oC tlie Planning Staff. I. Approvai of Minutes of Novanbcr 22, 199G IvTO't'fOI�T: `;';Cotnniissioner .7vTaddoa'i�ioGed;;a�provai 6f dig;rriiiiuEcs; oF,Novenilier;22' 199G; Cominissioner' Kramer'secoiided tlie motion which carried.unaniin6usly an a voice vote: , .. .. .. . .... II. Chair's Announcements CUair McDonell had no III. Plnnning Administrato�'s Announcements IV. Zoning Committee #96-265 Ronald Mavs - Reestablishment of a nonconforming use permit to allow a to6acco store (1059 E 4th St/572 Earl St; zoned R-4) • Commissioner Morton stated that the application was found to be incomplete because a portion of the petition submitted with the application was ]eft blank, so it was rejected. K:\SNARED W LANNING�MMUIES.FRM ������ 1'hc GO day period �vitl bcgin again if thc cornplcted application is resul»niucc), with� � pctition rc-caccutcd. Commissioncr Picld added that thc 7oning Committcc discussed thc possibility o( modifyino thc pctition form for fuhue usc. Conunissioner Maddox expressed swprise diat a tobacco use migh[ be allo�ved so close to a school. Commissioner Field responded d�at the issue did come up, ho���ever a toUacco shop is a retai( usc that is a[lo�ved in a B-2 zoning clistrict. The property was most recently used as a coin stiop, a use permitted in a I3-2 zoning district. ti)6-273 Saint Paul Port Authori[v - Re2one property from B-3 [o I-1 [o remedy a split zoning classiCication of Uie property (! 10 Sycamore Street �Vest). MOTIQN:. Comniissiancr Mbrtnn inovcd,approval of tlic rcqucst to i�czonc_rroperry frorn 13-3 !o T-1 to rciTicdy 5(1llf LO111R$ Cl :issification of.thc property at 110 Sycaniorc Street 4Vest whicli carried unanimously,,on a voice vot�. � f/9C-274 Saint Paul Port Authoriry - Rczonc an arca of land approximatcly 5,000 square fect in arca from I3-2 to I-1 to altow thc cntirc busincss park property to Uc undcr thc s.unc I-f zoning classification (Artington-Jackson I3usincss Park) MOT ION: <`'COAllt1iSSIOf1C1' M6i'lOil IAAVC(� 8j)j)COY81 Of tIlC 1'CC(UCSC tQ 1'C'l.OI1C (1ll �fCB;AC � , _ . .... .-. . . . .: ......:...:.�..:�».. ]ancl;apP�oximately S,QQp Sq'ua�e,f�Ct in arca front I3-2 to l-1 which cai'ricil'uiiaiiuijousiy -...... ���.........,.<. OIl F� YGIC._ Novembcr 199C Minor Zonin� Amcndiucnts -(Rc�gcr Kyan) MOTTON:';-.Con�inissioncc Morio�i iriovc�! approvai of dic Novembcr 19q6`7vfiiior:zoning Aniendriict�ts conccrning n�icro and icgiorial brcwcrics ancl brcad and brcakCasts"ivhicii� carried wianiniously on a voicc votc. :..:...:..:::: Conuuissioncr I�icld thankc<I Mark Stutcruci from Sununit 13rcwing who hclpcd define ICffI1S f01' II1C FlI71C(1C1171CI115. Conunissioner Morton read the agenda for December 12, 2996. V. Comprchensive Planniug and Economic Development Commitfee No report. �'L heighborhood P[anning and Land Use Committee No report. • K:15HAREDW LANNtNGUv11 NUTES.FRM a�-35 � , MINVCES OF THE Z�NING COMMITTEE CITY CQUNCIL CFiAMBERS, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ON NOVEMBER 25, 1996 PRESENT: Mmes. Morton and Wencl; Messrs. Field, Gurney, Kramer and Vaught of the Zoning Committee; Mr. Warner, Assistant City Attorney; Mmes. Dadlez and Peabody and Mr. Ryan of the Planning Division. ABSENT: Chavez, exoused Faricy, excused Time: 4:43 - 4:46 p.m. The meeting was chaired by �ladys Morton, Chairperson. between Jackson and 35-E; #96-274; Rezoninc(. Rezone an approximately 5,000 square £oot area of land from B-2 (COmmunity Business) to 2-1 (Industrial) to allow the entire business park property to be under tfie same I-1 zoning classification. xady Dadlez, Planning Division staff, reviewed the staff report and presented slides. Staff recommended approval of the petition to rezone to I-1, based on £indings 1 through 4 of the staff report. The District 6 Planning Council had not taken a position on the rezoning petition aC the time the staff report was drafted. � Rick Gierdahl, Saint Pau1 Port Authority, was available to respond to questions. No one was present to speak either in support or against the rezoning petition. Coamiiasionar Wencl moved approval of the petition to xezone to I-1 based on tha staff recommandation. Commiasioner 8ield aeconded the motion. The motion carried with a unanimoua voice vote of 5 to 0. Commissioner Vaught was not present�for the vote. Drafted by: Submitted by: Approved by: __�� ' ,��"_°���._._ �u� � �G�-u� D onna Sanders Kady Dadlez G1 dys Morton Chairperson ' �� 1 2 �� ��l ZONING COMMITTEfi STAFF REPORT EILE # 96-274 APPLICANT: SAINT PAUL PORT AUTHORITY DATE OF H&AR2NG: 11/25/96 CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: ARLINGTON AVENUE EAST {SOUth of Arlington between Interstate 35E and Jackson; Jackson Arlington Business Park) 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 6 5 6 LEGAL DESCRZPTZON: see file PRESENT ZONING: B-2 7. STAFF ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §64.400 AND AEPORT: DATE: 11/20/96 BY: Kady Dadlez 8. DATE RECEIVfiD: 10/25/96 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 12/23/96 _________�_�_°_°____________________________________________°_�__�___________ -----------'-°°-----------------°------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. H. C. D. Pi7RPOSE: Rezone property, approximately 5,000 square foot in area, from B-2 to 2-1 to allow the entire business park property to be under the same Z-1 zoning classification. PARCEL SIZE: The triangular shaped parcel is about 5,000 square feet in area. BxISTING LAND IISE: The property is currently vacant but under development as part of tfie Jackson-Ar2ington Business Park. SIIRROIINDING LAND US&: The property is surrounded by the Jackson- Arlington Business Park on the north, south, and wesC, and by Interstate 35E on the east. E. ZOr7ING CODE CITATION: Section 64.400{a) of the zoning code states in part, "the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant ta state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed." F G Section 64.400{b) states in part, "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67) pezcent of the area of the property to be rezoned." BISTORY/DISCIISSION: There are no previous zoning cases concerning this property. DSSTRICT COt7NCIL RECO�NDATION: The District 6 Planning Council had not taken a position on the rezoning petition at the time the staff report was drafted. �: . i �� - 351 . Zoning File #96-274 Page Two H. FINDINGS• 1. The Saint Paul Port Authority owns the property and is petitioning to rezone it to make the zoning of the small parcel consistent with the zoning of the rest of the business park development. 2. The rezoning is in conformance with the comprehensive plan foz the city. The rezoning will eliminate a split zoning classi£ication of the property and eliminate a spot zone. The Land Use Plan identifies the site as a labor intensive industrial area. The site is currently being developed as an industrial park to provide needed land for light industrial development within the City of Saint Paul. Land use goals of the District 6 Plan include, "encouraqe and participate in the formulation of appropriaCe development of vacant land," and "improve the tax base through better utilization of trie land and appropriate development of vacant land" #2 and #5, p.6. 3. The rezoning is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact on surrounding property. The property is surrounded by land zoned Por industrial use and by tlze interstate. In addition, this rezoning will eliminate a spot zone. 4. The applicant submitted.a sufficient petition signed by two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feeC of the property to be rezoned consenting to the rezoning (10 parcels eligible, 7 parcels needed, and 8 parcels signed�. • I. STAFF RECOi�P2ENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 4 staff recommends approval of the petition to rezone to I-1. • 1r PETITION TQ AMEND THE ZONING CODE Deparlment of Planning and Economic Development Zoning Sec[ion II00 City Hn![ Anner 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paut, MN 55102 266-6589 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION ����51 z�►���� �;�� �s� ��� Ftte ao � , ��'�-, �� : _; Ese.:: ._ _. > �. . ��: �Tisnta�fi�TC�: h»�r�xan?rE�ic: -:: <.: �� :. . Property Owner Saint Paul Port Authority qrtc�rass 345 St. Peter St. City Saint Paul gtMN Z�P55102 Daytime phone �24-5686 Contact person (if different) Richard A. 6ierdal Legai description See Exhibit A � (attach additional sheet TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCtL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357{5) of Minnesota Statues, Saint Paul Port Authority , the owner of ail the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone fhe above described property from a B'l zoning district to a I` zoning district, for the purpose of: Remedying split zoning on a singie land parcel for deveiopment. (attach addrfional sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: R eq ui r e d sife pian ❑ C o n sent petition ❑ A�davit ❑ Subscribed and swom to before e this �'G � day of _ ±����, 19� No ary Public By � Fee owner o roperty Title:�/�'�'/�� . � lAURtE A, SIEVER � � NOTARYPyBLIC MIMNESOTA RAMSEY CpUNTY V. MY �O�++rn.ExpiresJan.37.200p t � Page 1 of . • C. � u � �-=- . -_ � .; :: � ; t . ��� u��! . .. � � r � t i ; � a� - 35 � • FIRST SUBMITTED RESUBMITTED DATE PETITION SUBMITTED: �� ��1 '� ` DATE PETITION RESUBMITTED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: `� ��� !` DATE OFFICSALLY RECEIVED: . PARCELSELIGIBLE: PARCELSREQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: � e I PARCELS ELIGIBLE: PARCELSREQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: CHECKED BY: j Il��CX�p /5�� DATE: • �o .�s s� ZONING FiLE ��z ¢ � =_,� CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: . 1. A copy of the Petition of Saint Paul Port Authority (name of petitioner) 2. A copy af Sections 60.611 through 60.615 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a I-1 District zoning c2assification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described 3n the Petition of Saint Paul Port Authoritv to a I-1 District (name of petitioner) ADDRESS OR P I N. # RECORD OWNER S N E bATE � 19�29-22-42-0005-4 Roy & Elizabeth A. d - ��� �L)� 208 Arlington Rve. E. Wa ner v G � 19-29-22-42-0007-0 Roy R. & Elizabeth A. -�� J �� -� Jackson St., 551Z7 Wa ner �� � ✓ 19-29-22-42-0015-1 City of St. Paul Water ly-'Ly-Z'L-4L-UU1Z-"L NtlVdnce ShOring 1400 Jackson St. 55117 'r4�4-'S'l�l�_T71 _Q n ortR�i I Rrartr 1336 Jackson St. _ �_ t n 1J�LJ JIIIUICl/YYCD6 1 245 Maryland Ave. E. Partners V - - - - - Public Housing 1553 Timberlake Road Mcnnnnuah 187 Biglow Lane ��' �S � i. • . Petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after a petition is received by the Planning Division. Any signator � of any petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request within that time. �.,..,,,.�,,.,.� page _ of _ ZONt�C� �iL� ���a� � ��1- 35 I • GONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY 041NERS TO REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet o£ the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one year preceding the date of Chis petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: . 1. A copy of the Petition of $aint Paul Port Authority (name of petitioner) 2. A copy of Sections 60.611 through 60.615 , inclusive o£ the Saittt Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a I-1 District zoning classification and we are aware that any o£ these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the properCy described in the Petition of Saint Paul Port AuthoritY to a I District (name of petitioner) � � ✓ Petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) ! working days after a petition is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of any petition may withdraw hisjher name therefrom by written request within that t�me, page�of _ y�� � �-���� b�� � � � o�-�.-��51 CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the totaZ contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been Purnished with the following: . 1. n copy of the Petition of Saint Paul Port Authority (name of petitioner) 2. A copy of Sections 60.611 through 60.b15 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of alI of the uses permitted under a I-1 District zoning classification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Petition of Saint Paul Port Authoritv to a I Districc (name of petitioner) 19:29-22-42-0005-4 208 ArTinpton Ave. E. 17-L7�LL�YL�UVW -V Jackson St., 55117 19-)9-9?-49-t1015-1 1400 Jackson St. 55117 1336 Jackson St. �i� - - - - ur ington ort ern n .� / t� 17-L7-LL-44�UU10 Jf11U1CI'/WL' 245 Marvland Ave. E. Partners V 1553 Timberlake Road ruoi�c nou McDonouah 187 8igiow Lane A. flk7 nance ng i. Petition shaZZ not be considered as officially filed unti,l the lapse of seven (7) working days after a petition is received by the Planning Division, Any signator of any petition maq withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request within that time. ,�„� page_of_ ZOE1tI�� �fLE ���: �_ � � - � ____c . CONSENT OF ADJOI23ZNG YROPERTY OWNERS TO R£ZONING ��-351 We, the undersigned, ownezs of the propezty within 100 £eet o£ the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one yeaY preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: . 1. A copy of the Petition of Saint Paul Port Authority - � ' ' (name of petitioner) 2. A copy of Sections 60.611 through 60.615 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses pen¢itted under a I-1 District zoning classi£ication and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Petition of Saint Paul Port Author5tv to a I-1 District (name of petitioner} �� � Petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) • vorking days after a petition is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of any petition may vithdrav his/her name thezefrom by �aritten request within that time. � • page�of �..., --- b�.Jdtli � ���� ��� � . - ! ��-3 t � � CONSENT OF ADSOINTNG PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of the propezty within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: . 1. A copy of the Petition of Saint Paul Port Authority (name of petitioner) 2. A copy of Sections 60.611 through 60.b15 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a j-j District zoning c2assification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Petition of Saint Paul Port Authoritv to a I District (name of petitioner) 19=29-22-42-0005-4 2Q8 Arlinaton Ave. E. 17-L7-CC-4L-UUW -U Jackson St., 55117 iq-�9-��-a�_nm s_� 1400 Jackson St. 55117 336 Jackson St. 245 Marvland Ave. E. 17 1553 Timberlake Road 187 Biglow Lane & tlizabeth er R. & Elizab er of St. Pau nce S oring rt L. Brack of St. Pau rt L. Brack Partners V Pub7ic Housing i a��� 3� � Petition shall not be considered as o£ficially filed until the lapse of seven (7) woYking days after a petition is received by the Planning Division, Any signator of any petition may withdraw his/h n ame therefrom by written Yequest within that time. ������ ���� � � page_of_ • • • a� - 351 � STPTE Oi Y.Ih?i�SOTA) COUiiIY Oc L� ) SS t�rcha �7erdla�- , being �irst �'uly s.o:n, denoses a::c states tnat he�she i.s tne peXSOn S:I�o circul��ed the �icni� pe�ition ane , consent, consi.sti.ng oi _� pagzs; zhzt �fziant is �nfor�ec a�d believes tn�t the p2rties described are cne o:.rters xespectively o£ the lccs plsced ic�'a°di�tely before each r,=^z, tnzt aftiant is inzoznad ar.c believes tn�� tacn of the par:.ies dzscri.bed �Soce is the o��er of pzoper[y viicn is ti:ithin 100 Xeet Zror� <ny prooezty o:.-nec or purchased Dy petitioner o: so?d by petitic.z* ti:ichin or.e (1) year pracedin� che date o: this peti.cio:t �zicn is conti.�uous to tne p�ope:�y cescribed in �he petici.on; Cn°t e:ccept zor �rch�szd or is p�rcn�sin� pzo?etc� none o,`. iR2 parties describec above has p:. �ron petztioner contiguous to Cne above described p- o1° ��) Y=°Y o£ tite cate or the petitio�; tnzt tnis consent z:as si�ned by each of s�i� osrnexs in tnx prese:ice o£ tnis a�ziant, znd that the sig:��tures are tna true aad correct sia�aturas o£ e�ch �nd all of tne parties so c:scri.bed. . . � ��.�.��--� . � SubscYibee znd sa �n_ �be:ore na tnis _�7� �ay of ���� 14� m a I�ichard � »� a �- � NGr..e 1 qoo l-AtidrN-vR k-ft�u.�,� s � , ,� ��- Pp � � S',��e� �f 5���� �''vG, mti• 5�io� FrQ � �l �- a� � -S�at� �T' �.ele� oer . STEVEN C. K{NG NOTAftY PUBLIC � h11NNES0TA Aopzoved zs to �orn -?zn 1, 1941 Planning Aznertnent . � • . _ *.. . ; _ • , � i 'Pzge ..-- �� — 1-L51 �►l.�u � • • I. SLTNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HIGHWOOD 2. HAZEL PARK HADEN-PROSPERTI'Y HILLCREST 3. 'WEST SII3E 4. DAYTON'S BLUFF s pav�rF-PIIALEN � 6. NORTH ENA� 7. T - ALB 8. SUMMTT-UNIVERSTTY 9. WEST SEVENTH 10. COMO 11. HAMT.INE-MIDWAY 12. ST. ANTHQNY PARK 13. MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNELLING HAMLINE 14. MACALESTER GROVELAND I5. HTGHLANLl 16. SUMMIT HIL.L 17. DO`VNTOWN - zoN�N� Fi�E ��z CTTIZEN PARTTCIPATION PLANNING DISTRICTS =`}� —._ ` - - _ � _ ���` �` q� -35 [ B_ ll—__'— —• � �.r>.__�.:..-� " y e'((1' ' q : r _=" r : ;...: : � . ,- � � � { � -�---.��L__J( � �j� ..._.. � �� .J�IJt(li�. �t'•:��_;.1 n;.. ; - ;�. �L_)l � U,J ....... I� �' •*:�r- i� � N.,, ....: , � }i `: '1 ' ir, = j � � � `•� a =�-_ ;� -,�-_, � . �, ;:II��� ���a� � i<<�x ���; ; , � � _'; � � �, � E -� �` ' �. � i r —. 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' _ 'z. x N 14 � � �j 's a � C �� I� 1 t� �� �- �� � �; I J C u �i: o , � �. v ' � �� � _.. � V a � � .� i i � �90 � . `� i: . ��''. � �� / i / i � - � APPLICANT �t' ���' �T �rFJ'�T`( LEGEND AllRPOSE �") �� ` � � Z � � � � �"� Zoning district boundary �. FILE # �� r 2 � � DATE J� � q' �G �I� subject property . PLNG. DIST. G MAP # � o one family ' � � ¢ two family ' SCALE 1" = 4Q0' �,� �-¢-Q tpuitiple family � . ,� 1� i nL orth� • • � commerciai � � � industrial - V vacant rn� � � i . LL ,_ ._ Ordinance # Green Sheet # ����` ��J►�� CITY OF Presented By Re£erred To Covncil File # \ � -' 3 S � Committee: Date 3,�, 1 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City 3 of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: 4 5 WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, THE SAiNT 6 PAUL PORT AUTHORITY duly petitioned to rezone property at the ARLINGTON-JACKSON BUSINESS 7 PARK, being legally described in the file, from B-2 to I-1 to allow the entire business park properry to be 8 under the same I-1 zoning classification, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on 9 October 25, 1996 as having been consented to by at least 67 percent of the owners of the area of the property 10 to be reaoned, and fiuther having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the properry 11 situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous properiy within one yeaz proceeding the date of the petition; 12 and 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3Q 31 32 33 �4 �5 WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing November 25, 1996 for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on December 6, 1996 and recommended that the City Council approve the perition; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly pubiished in the o�cial newspaper of the City on December 14, 1996 and nofices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned;and WI3EREAS, a publie hearing before the City Council having been conducted on January 8, 1997, where all interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 5, as incorporated by reference in §b0.301 of the 5aint Paul Legislafive Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: PAUL, MINNESOTA 7 That property at the ARLINGTON-JACKSON BUSINESS PARK, being more particularly described 8 in the file, be and is hereby rezoned from B-2 to I-1. 40 41 42 43 Section 2. .� _ ... .. _. ._9�t_ 3s1 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force tlurry (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. � j ..: � By: Appz By: Requested by Department of: P ann' Eco m' velo men Hy; 6 Form Approved by City Attomey B � ��� Approved by Mayor for Svh ission to Council $y. � �� � Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary � ; ; ( (� � r�, ,F i�t�l�i�3 `i,rl-3�'j � ����� GREEN SH 2b6-b582 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES INRIAVDATE CITY CAUNGL C17Y CIERK FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIFL � DEPARTMENT OIRECTOR j� " mCiTYATfORNEY � FOR _�� O BUDGETDIRECTOR � � MAYOq (OR ASSISTAN'� ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Adopt an ordinance to fmalize council approval of a perition of TT�lE SAINT PORT AUTHORITY to rezone property locateci at the Arlington-Jackson Business Park from B-2 to I-1 (public hearing held January 8, 1997). Approva (A) or qeject (A) � PLANNING CqMMIS$IOP! _ CIYIL SERVICE COMA _ CI8 CAMMITfEE _ ( STAFF _ _ �ISTRIGTCOUflT _ 'PORTS WHiCM COUNqL OBJECTIVE� ��� ��� PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING DUESTIONS: 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a coMract far this department? YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this personNirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by eny current ciry employee? YES NO Expinin all yes answers on separate sheet anC attach to green aheet Finalize council approval of a petition of TI� SAINT PALJL PORT AUTHORITY to rezone property at the Arlington-Jackson Business Park from B-2 to I-1 to allow the entire business park property to be under the sanne I-1 zoning classification. ���� � �,� �,: � y �. ; ,�a� z � �ss7 EET� � ���� ���� �� .. IF ky:.'�°u'.+.�i�:yi, � W.nncny�� "F4yp�fj} v..�'Frb'+ � { Jr-1id 2 � I��1 IP NOT TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION � JAN z 3 i997 P�AYG�?'� �rFtCE COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIfeG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORFiA710N: iEXPLAIN) crrY oF sAnv�r PAUL. Norm Colerrzan, Mayar December 12, 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota SS 1Q2 Deaz Ms. Anderson: DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING � & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT �7- � ,, Divisiorz of Plmming ZS West Fourth Street Tetepiwne: 6I2-2666565 .SnisttPaul, MNSSIO2 F¢csimile: 612-228-3314 � � � �1.�'°i ..�.+: ::� 'r. .�a.'.�.�'.+"iL "ti� ,:C�' ..s ?::! J�� ��..�%'� �„�aiti _„ / • � � ,.,' Applicant: SAINT PAUL PORT AUTHORiTY File Number: #96-274 Purpose: Rezone properry from B-2 (community business) to I-1 (light industrial) to allow the entire business pazk properly to be under the same I-1 zoning classification. Address: Arlington-Jackson Bnsiness Park I,egal Descriprion of Property: See File Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, unanimous, December 6, 1996 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, vote: 5-0, November 25, 1996 My understanding is that this 1 and that Please call me at 266-6582 if you haee any questions. Sincerely, (�" `—�— Kady Dad Z City Planner — —.- - � � NOTICE OF PUBbIC IiEAR7NG - - - . ' TheSaintPaul�CifyCounci1wi11conductapubHchearingonJanuary$,'1997, �, at 4:30 p.m., City Council Chanibers, to consider the appSication of the Saint Pau1 Port Authority ta rezoae gropert.y 6�om g-y-;f�o���ity busiaess) ta I-1`(iight industrial) to allow the entire business park progerty to tie under�the same I-i zoning class�cation at Arlington-Jackson Business Pazk. � -��Dated Aecember 12, 1996 - � ' � NANCY ANDERSON � � � Assistant CIty Council Secretary . ". - _ , - _ . '. - � ' . - �(December 14,�1�996j- � �, y Zoning Section cc; File #96-274 Mike Kraemer Donna Sanders DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECQNOMIC DEVEIAPMENT a� - 35 l CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor December 24, 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Division ofP[anning 25 West Fouah Street Telephone: 6I2-266-6565 Saint Pau1, MN55102 Facsimile: 612-228-3314 RE: Zoning File #96-274 SAINT PAUL PORT AUTHORITY City Council Hearing: January 8, 1997 4.30 p.m. City Council Chambers PURPOSE: To consider rewning property at the ARLINGTON-JACKSQN BUSINESS PARK from B-2 (community business) to I-1 (light industrial) to a(low the entire business park to be under the same I-1 zoning cfassification. PLANNING COMMISSiON RECOMMENDAI"fON: APPROVAL unanimous . ZONING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL 5-0 STAFP RECOMMENDAT[ON: APPROVAL SUPPORT: No one spoke. OPPOSiTION: No one spoke. Dear Ms. Anderson: ' THE SAINT PAUL PORT AUTHORITY submitted a petition to rezone property at the Arlington- Jackson Business Park. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on Yhe proposed rezoning on November 25, 1996. The applicant addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing, the committee voted 5-0 to recommend approval to rezone to I-1. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation for approval on a unanimous vote on December 6, 1996. This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on 3anuary 8, 1997. Please notify me if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, en Ford Planning Administrator Attachments cc: City Councilmembers q�1-35 i u city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 96-74 (;�t(-� December 6 1996 WHEREAS, THE SAINT PAUL PORT AUTIIORITY, file N9G-274 h1s petitioned to re2one prope�ty at the ARLINGTON-JACKSON BUSINESS PAl2K, situated on proper[y immediateiy 4vest of Interstate 35G betGVeen Arlin;ton and Maryiand Avenues, from B-2 to I-] to allow thc entire business park proper[y to be under [{Se same I-1 zoning classiPication; and WIIL,R�AS, thc Zoning Committee of thc T'tanning Commission held a public hearing on November 25, 1996, at which �11 persons present �verc given an opportunity to Ue heard pursuant to said application in accordance 4vith the requirements of Section G4.4Q0 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and �VTIEIZEAS, thc S:iint P:�ui T'lanning Commission, based on the evidence prescnted to its 7aning Committec at thc puUlic he�cin�, as substantially reflected in the tninutes, made the � f'olio�ving findin�s of faci: 1. 'I'hc Saint Paui P<>rt Authority owns ihc properry and is petitioning to rc it to makc Ihc zoning of thc smaU tria�igular p.�+�ccl coi�sistcnt �vitl� U�c zoning of d�c resC of ti�e busincss park dcvelopmcnt. 2. The rezoning is in conformancc 4vtth the comprchensivc plan for tltc city. The rezoning will eliminate a split zonin� ciassification of the property �nd eliminate a spot zone. The Land Usc I'1 <t(1 3(IC[1CIClCS IIlC SIIC 15 8 I�lt)Of ![l[CIlSIVC IR(IUSICI�iI <1CCfl. �IIIC SILC IS CUCCC(1Cly bcing deve{opcd as an industrial park to provide needed land for light izidustrial development within the City of Saint Paut. Land use goals of the Distr'sct 6 Plan include, "encourage and participate in the formulation of appropriate development of vacant land," and "improve the tax base through better utilization of the land and appropriate development of vacant land" #2 and #5, p.6. 3. The rezoning is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact on surrounding property. The property is surrounded by land zoned for industrial use and by the interstate. In addition, this rezoning will eliminate a moved by Morton � seconded by in favor Unanimous a�iC1St �,-� _ �� c zon�n ra� a��-2�a Pagc Two of Resotution spot zonc. 4. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition signed by rivo-thirds of the property ownet�s within onc liundred (100) feet of the properly to be rezoned consenting to the reaonino (ld parcels eligible, 7 parcels needed, and 8 parceis signed). NO�V, THER�PORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that the petition of tlte SATNT PAUL PORT AUTHOItITY to rezone property at ARLINGTdN- 7ACKSON I3USINESS PARIi, more particularly described in the file, from a B-2 zoning classification to an I-i zoning cl�ssification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED, that tke Saint Paul Pianning Commission does hereby recommend to die Counci[ of tl2e City of Saint Paul that Uie triangular shlped parcei located at thc ARLTNGTON-JACKSON BUSTNGSS PAIZIi be rezoned from B-2 to I-i in accordance witii the petition for rezoning on fite with tlie Sairtt Paul Planning Division. � � r — L, ��-351 � �� ��� Planning Conunission of Saint Paul City Hall ConFerence Centcr 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �� ��� '>"NOTE• The recording tape �vas blank! 's'�Na'�'�'��:'f,-.t A meetii�g of the Planning Commission of die Ciry of Saint Paul was held Friday, December 6, i996, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center oE Ciry Hali. Cmumissioncrs Treicl�el Present: � Conunissioncrs Absent: Also 1'resent: Mmes. Birk, Duarte, Faricy, Geisser, Lund-Jolinson, Maddox, Morton, and Wencl, and Messrs. Field Jr., Gordon, Gurney, Kramer, Lee, McDonelt, Nowlin and SchwichtenUerg. Messrs. *Chavez, *Mardeil, Sharpe and *Vaught *�xcused Ken Pord, I'lanning Administrator; ]can IIirkholz, Kady Dadlez, Allen Lovejoy and Rogcr Ryan oC tlie Planning Staff. I. Approvai of Minutes of Novanbcr 22, 199G IvTO't'fOI�T: `;';Cotnniissioner .7vTaddoa'i�ioGed;;a�provai 6f dig;rriiiiuEcs; oF,Novenilier;22' 199G; Cominissioner' Kramer'secoiided tlie motion which carried.unaniin6usly an a voice vote: , .. .. .. . .... II. Chair's Announcements CUair McDonell had no III. Plnnning Administrato�'s Announcements IV. Zoning Committee #96-265 Ronald Mavs - Reestablishment of a nonconforming use permit to allow a to6acco store (1059 E 4th St/572 Earl St; zoned R-4) • Commissioner Morton stated that the application was found to be incomplete because a portion of the petition submitted with the application was ]eft blank, so it was rejected. K:\SNARED W LANNING�MMUIES.FRM ������ 1'hc GO day period �vitl bcgin again if thc cornplcted application is resul»niucc), with� � pctition rc-caccutcd. Commissioncr Picld added that thc 7oning Committcc discussed thc possibility o( modifyino thc pctition form for fuhue usc. Conunissioner Maddox expressed swprise diat a tobacco use migh[ be allo�ved so close to a school. Commissioner Field responded d�at the issue did come up, ho���ever a toUacco shop is a retai( usc that is a[lo�ved in a B-2 zoning clistrict. The property was most recently used as a coin stiop, a use permitted in a I3-2 zoning district. ti)6-273 Saint Paul Port Authori[v - Re2one property from B-3 [o I-1 [o remedy a split zoning classiCication of Uie property (! 10 Sycamore Street �Vest). MOTIQN:. Comniissiancr Mbrtnn inovcd,approval of tlic rcqucst to i�czonc_rroperry frorn 13-3 !o T-1 to rciTicdy 5(1llf LO111R$ Cl :issification of.thc property at 110 Sycaniorc Street 4Vest whicli carried unanimously,,on a voice vot�. � f/9C-274 Saint Paul Port Authoriry - Rczonc an arca of land approximatcly 5,000 square fect in arca from I3-2 to I-1 to altow thc cntirc busincss park property to Uc undcr thc s.unc I-f zoning classification (Artington-Jackson I3usincss Park) MOT ION: <`'COAllt1iSSIOf1C1' M6i'lOil IAAVC(� 8j)j)COY81 Of tIlC 1'CC(UCSC tQ 1'C'l.OI1C (1ll �fCB;AC � , _ . .... .-. . . . .: ......:...:.�..:�».. ]ancl;apP�oximately S,QQp Sq'ua�e,f�Ct in arca front I3-2 to l-1 which cai'ricil'uiiaiiuijousiy -...... ���.........,.<. OIl F� YGIC._ Novembcr 199C Minor Zonin� Amcndiucnts -(Rc�gcr Kyan) MOTTON:';-.Con�inissioncc Morio�i iriovc�! approvai of dic Novembcr 19q6`7vfiiior:zoning Aniendriict�ts conccrning n�icro and icgiorial brcwcrics ancl brcad and brcakCasts"ivhicii� carried wianiniously on a voicc votc. :..:...:..:::: Conuuissioncr I�icld thankc<I Mark Stutcruci from Sununit 13rcwing who hclpcd define ICffI1S f01' II1C FlI71C(1C1171CI115. Conunissioner Morton read the agenda for December 12, 2996. V. Comprchensive Planniug and Economic Development Commitfee No report. �'L heighborhood P[anning and Land Use Committee No report. • K:15HAREDW LANNtNGUv11 NUTES.FRM a�-35 � , MINVCES OF THE Z�NING COMMITTEE CITY CQUNCIL CFiAMBERS, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ON NOVEMBER 25, 1996 PRESENT: Mmes. Morton and Wencl; Messrs. Field, Gurney, Kramer and Vaught of the Zoning Committee; Mr. Warner, Assistant City Attorney; Mmes. Dadlez and Peabody and Mr. Ryan of the Planning Division. ABSENT: Chavez, exoused Faricy, excused Time: 4:43 - 4:46 p.m. The meeting was chaired by �ladys Morton, Chairperson. between Jackson and 35-E; #96-274; Rezoninc(. Rezone an approximately 5,000 square £oot area of land from B-2 (COmmunity Business) to 2-1 (Industrial) to allow the entire business park property to be under tfie same I-1 zoning classification. xady Dadlez, Planning Division staff, reviewed the staff report and presented slides. Staff recommended approval of the petition to rezone to I-1, based on £indings 1 through 4 of the staff report. The District 6 Planning Council had not taken a position on the rezoning petition aC the time the staff report was drafted. � Rick Gierdahl, Saint Pau1 Port Authority, was available to respond to questions. No one was present to speak either in support or against the rezoning petition. Coamiiasionar Wencl moved approval of the petition to xezone to I-1 based on tha staff recommandation. Commiasioner 8ield aeconded the motion. The motion carried with a unanimoua voice vote of 5 to 0. Commissioner Vaught was not present�for the vote. Drafted by: Submitted by: Approved by: __�� ' ,��"_°���._._ �u� � �G�-u� D onna Sanders Kady Dadlez G1 dys Morton Chairperson ' �� 1 2 �� ��l ZONING COMMITTEfi STAFF REPORT EILE # 96-274 APPLICANT: SAINT PAUL PORT AUTHORITY DATE OF H&AR2NG: 11/25/96 CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: ARLINGTON AVENUE EAST {SOUth of Arlington between Interstate 35E and Jackson; Jackson Arlington Business Park) 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 6 5 6 LEGAL DESCRZPTZON: see file PRESENT ZONING: B-2 7. STAFF ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §64.400 AND AEPORT: DATE: 11/20/96 BY: Kady Dadlez 8. DATE RECEIVfiD: 10/25/96 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 12/23/96 _________�_�_°_°____________________________________________°_�__�___________ -----------'-°°-----------------°------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. H. C. D. Pi7RPOSE: Rezone property, approximately 5,000 square foot in area, from B-2 to 2-1 to allow the entire business park property to be under the same Z-1 zoning classification. PARCEL SIZE: The triangular shaped parcel is about 5,000 square feet in area. BxISTING LAND IISE: The property is currently vacant but under development as part of tfie Jackson-Ar2ington Business Park. SIIRROIINDING LAND US&: The property is surrounded by the Jackson- Arlington Business Park on the north, south, and wesC, and by Interstate 35E on the east. E. ZOr7ING CODE CITATION: Section 64.400{a) of the zoning code states in part, "the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant ta state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed." F G Section 64.400{b) states in part, "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67) pezcent of the area of the property to be rezoned." BISTORY/DISCIISSION: There are no previous zoning cases concerning this property. DSSTRICT COt7NCIL RECO�NDATION: The District 6 Planning Council had not taken a position on the rezoning petition at the time the staff report was drafted. �: . i �� - 351 . Zoning File #96-274 Page Two H. FINDINGS• 1. The Saint Paul Port Authority owns the property and is petitioning to rezone it to make the zoning of the small parcel consistent with the zoning of the rest of the business park development. 2. The rezoning is in conformance with the comprehensive plan foz the city. The rezoning will eliminate a split zoning classi£ication of the property and eliminate a spot zone. The Land Use Plan identifies the site as a labor intensive industrial area. The site is currently being developed as an industrial park to provide needed land for light industrial development within the City of Saint Paul. Land use goals of the District 6 Plan include, "encouraqe and participate in the formulation of appropriaCe development of vacant land," and "improve the tax base through better utilization of trie land and appropriate development of vacant land" #2 and #5, p.6. 3. The rezoning is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact on surrounding property. The property is surrounded by land zoned Por industrial use and by tlze interstate. In addition, this rezoning will eliminate a spot zone. 4. The applicant submitted.a sufficient petition signed by two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feeC of the property to be rezoned consenting to the rezoning (10 parcels eligible, 7 parcels needed, and 8 parcels signed�. • I. STAFF RECOi�P2ENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 4 staff recommends approval of the petition to rezone to I-1. • 1r PETITION TQ AMEND THE ZONING CODE Deparlment of Planning and Economic Development Zoning Sec[ion II00 City Hn![ Anner 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paut, MN 55102 266-6589 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION ����51 z�►���� �;�� �s� ��� Ftte ao � , ��'�-, �� : _; Ese.:: ._ _. > �. . ��: �Tisnta�fi�TC�: h»�r�xan?rE�ic: -:: <.: �� :. . Property Owner Saint Paul Port Authority qrtc�rass 345 St. Peter St. City Saint Paul gtMN Z�P55102 Daytime phone �24-5686 Contact person (if different) Richard A. 6ierdal Legai description See Exhibit A � (attach additional sheet TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCtL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357{5) of Minnesota Statues, Saint Paul Port Authority , the owner of ail the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone fhe above described property from a B'l zoning district to a I` zoning district, for the purpose of: Remedying split zoning on a singie land parcel for deveiopment. (attach addrfional sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: R eq ui r e d sife pian ❑ C o n sent petition ❑ A�davit ❑ Subscribed and swom to before e this �'G � day of _ ±����, 19� No ary Public By � Fee owner o roperty Title:�/�'�'/�� . � lAURtE A, SIEVER � � NOTARYPyBLIC MIMNESOTA RAMSEY CpUNTY V. MY �O�++rn.ExpiresJan.37.200p t � Page 1 of . • C. � u � �-=- . -_ � .; :: � ; t . ��� u��! . .. � � r � t i ; � a� - 35 � • FIRST SUBMITTED RESUBMITTED DATE PETITION SUBMITTED: �� ��1 '� ` DATE PETITION RESUBMITTED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: `� ��� !` DATE OFFICSALLY RECEIVED: . PARCELSELIGIBLE: PARCELSREQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: � e I PARCELS ELIGIBLE: PARCELSREQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: CHECKED BY: j Il��CX�p /5�� DATE: • �o .�s s� ZONING FiLE ��z ¢ � =_,� CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: . 1. A copy of the Petition of Saint Paul Port Authority (name of petitioner) 2. A copy af Sections 60.611 through 60.615 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a I-1 District zoning c2assification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described 3n the Petition of Saint Paul Port Authoritv to a I-1 District (name of petitioner) ADDRESS OR P I N. # RECORD OWNER S N E bATE � 19�29-22-42-0005-4 Roy & Elizabeth A. d - ��� �L)� 208 Arlington Rve. E. Wa ner v G � 19-29-22-42-0007-0 Roy R. & Elizabeth A. -�� J �� -� Jackson St., 551Z7 Wa ner �� � ✓ 19-29-22-42-0015-1 City of St. Paul Water ly-'Ly-Z'L-4L-UU1Z-"L I NtlVdnce ShOring 1400 Jackson St. 55117 'r4�§-'S'l�l�_T71 _Q — 1 — n ortR� I Rrartr 1336 Jackson St. _ �_ t n 1J�LJ JIIIUICl/YYCD6 1 245 Maryland Ave. E. Partners V - - - - - Public Housing 1553 Timberlake Road Mcnnnnuah 187 Biglow Lane ��' �S � i. • . Petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after a petition is received by the Planning Division. Any signator � of any petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request within that time. �.,..,,,.�,,.,.� page _ of _ ZONt�C� �iL� ���a� � ��1- 35 I • GONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY 041NERS TO REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet o£ the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one year preceding the date of Chis petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: . 1. A copy of the Petition of $aint Paul Port Authority (name of petitioner) 2. A copy of Sections 60.611 through 60.615 , inclusive o£ the Saittt Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a I-1 District zoning classification and we are aware that any o£ these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the properCy described in the Petition of Saint Paul Port AuthoritY to a I District (name of petitioner) � � ✓ Petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) ! working days after a petition is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of any petition may withdraw hisjher name therefrom by written request within that t�me, page�of _ y�� � �-���� b�� � � � o�-�.-��51 CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the totaZ contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been Purnished with the following: . 1. n copy of the Petition of Saint Paul Port Authority (name of petitioner) 2. A copy of Sections 60.611 through 60.b15 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of alI of the uses permitted under a I-1 District zoning classification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Petition of Saint Paul Port Authoritv to a I Districc (name of petitioner) 19:29-22-42-0005-4 208 ArTinpton Ave. E. 17-L7�LL�YL�UVW -V Jackson St., 55117 19-)9-9?-49-t1015-1 1400 Jackson St. 55117 1336 Jackson St. �i� - - - - ur ington ort ern n .� / t� 17-L7-LL-44�UU10 Jf11U1CI'/WL' 245 Marvland Ave. E. Partners V 1553 Timberlake Road ruoi�c nou McDonouah 187 8igiow Lane A. flk7 nance ng i. Petition shaZZ not be considered as officially filed unti,l the lapse of seven (7) working days after a petition is received by the Planning Division, Any signator of any petition maq withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request within that time. ,�„� page_of_ ZOE1tI�� �fLE ���: �_ � � - � ____c . CONSENT OF ADJOI23ZNG YROPERTY OWNERS TO R£ZONING ��-351 We, the undersigned, ownezs of the propezty within 100 £eet o£ the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one yeaY preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: . 1. A copy of the Petition of Saint Paul Port Authority - � ' ' (name of petitioner) 2. A copy of Sections 60.611 through 60.615 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses pen¢itted under a I-1 District zoning classi£ication and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Petition of Saint Paul Port Author5tv to a I-1 District (name of petitioner} �� � Petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) • vorking days after a petition is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of any petition may vithdrav his/her name thezefrom by �aritten request within that time. � • page�of �..., --- b�.Jdtli � ���� ��� � . - ! ��-3 t � � CONSENT OF ADSOINTNG PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of the propezty within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: . 1. A copy of the Petition of Saint Paul Port Authority (name of petitioner) 2. A copy of Sections 60.611 through 60.b15 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a j-j District zoning c2assification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Petition of Saint Paul Port Authoritv to a I District (name of petitioner) 19=29-22-42-0005-4 2Q8 Arlinaton Ave. E. 17-L7-CC-4L-UUW -U Jackson St., 55117 iq-�9-��-a�_nm s_� 1400 Jackson St. 55117 336 Jackson St. 245 Marvland Ave. E. 17 1553 Timberlake Road 187 Biglow Lane & tlizabeth er R. & Elizab er of St. Pau nce S oring rt L. Brack of St. Pau rt L. Brack Partners V Pub7ic Housing i a��� 3� � Petition shall not be considered as o£ficially filed until the lapse of seven (7) woYking days after a petition is received by the Planning Division, Any signator of any petition may withdraw his/h n ame therefrom by written Yequest within that time. ������ ���� � � page_of_ • • • a� - 351 � STPTE Oi Y.Ih?i�SOTA) COUiiIY Oc L� ) SS t�rcha �7erdla�- , being �irst �'uly s.o:n, denoses a::c states tnat he�she i.s tne peXSOn S:I�o circul��ed the �icni� pe�ition ane , consent, consi.sti.ng oi _� pagzs; zhzt �fziant is �nfor�ec a�d believes tn�t the p2rties described are cne o:.rters xespectively o£ the lccs plsced ic�'a°di�tely before each r,=^z, tnzt aftiant is inzoznad ar.c believes tn�� tacn of the par:.ies dzscri.bed �Soce is the o��er of pzoper[y viicn is ti:ithin 100 Xeet Zror� <ny prooezty o:.-nec or purchased Dy petitioner o: so?d by petitic.z* ti:ichin or.e (1) year pracedin� che date o: this peti.cio:t �zicn is conti.�uous to tne p�ope:�y cescribed in �he petici.on; Cn°t e:ccept zor �rch�szd or is p�rcn�sin� pzo?etc� none o,`. iR2 parties describec above has p:. �ron petztioner contiguous to Cne above described p- o1° ��) Y=°Y o£ tite cate or the petitio�; tnzt tnis consent z:as si�ned by each of s�i� osrnexs in tnx prese:ice o£ tnis a�ziant, znd that the sig:��tures are tna true aad correct sia�aturas o£ e�ch �nd all of tne parties so c:scri.bed. . . � ��.�.��--� . � SubscYibee znd sa �n_ �be:ore na tnis _�7� �ay of ���� 14� m a I�ichard � »� a �- � NGr..e 1 qoo l-AtidrN-vR k-ft�u.�,� s � , ,� ��- Pp � � S',��e� �f 5���� �''vG, mti• 5�io� FrQ � �l �- a� � -S�at� �T' �.ele� oer . STEVEN C. K{NG NOTAftY PUBLIC � h11NNES0TA Aopzoved zs to �orn -?zn 1, 1941 Planning Aznertnent . � • . _ *.. . ; _ • , � i 'Pzge ..-- �� — 1-L51 �►l.�u � • • I. SLTNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HIGHWOOD 2. HAZEL PARK HADEN-PROSPERTI'Y HILLCREST 3. 'WEST SII3E 4. DAYTON'S BLUFF s pav�rF-PIIALEN � 6. NORTH ENA� 7. T - ALB 8. SUMMTT-UNIVERSTTY 9. WEST SEVENTH 10. COMO 11. HAMT.INE-MIDWAY 12. ST. ANTHQNY PARK 13. MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNELLING HAMLINE 14. MACALESTER GROVELAND I5. HTGHLANLl 16. SUMMIT HIL.L 17. DO`VNTOWN - zoN�N� Fi�E ��z CTTIZEN PARTTCIPATION PLANNING DISTRICTS =`}� —._ ` - - _ � _ ���` �` q� -35 [ B_ ll—__'— —• � �.r>.__�.:..-� " y e'((1' ' q : r _=" r : ;...: : � . ,- � � � { � -�---.��L__J( � �j� ..._.. � �� .J�IJt(li�. �t'•:��_;.1 n;.. ; - ;�. �L_)l � U,J ....... I� �' •*:�r- i� � N.,, ....: , � }i `: '1 ' ir, = j � � � `•� a =�-_ ;� -,�-_, � . �, ;:II��� ���a� � i<<�x ���; ; , � � _'; � � �, � E -� �` ' �. � i r —. 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' _ 'z. x N 14 � � �j 's a � C �� I� 1 t� �� �- �� � �; I J C u �i: o , � �. v ' � �� � _.. � V a � � .� i i � �90 � . `� i: . ��''. � �� / i / i � - � APPLICANT �t' ���' �T �rFJ'�T`( LEGEND AllRPOSE �") �� ` � � Z � � � � �"� Zoning district boundary �. FILE # �� r 2 � � DATE J� � q' �G �I� subject property . PLNG. DIST. G MAP # � o one family ' � � ¢ two family ' SCALE 1" = 4Q0' �,� �-¢-Q tpuitiple family � . ,� 1� i nL orth� • • � commerciai � � � industrial - V vacant rn� � � i . LL ,_ ._ Ordinance # Green Sheet # ����` ��J►�� CITY OF Presented By Re£erred To Covncil File # \ � -' 3 S � Committee: Date 3,�, 1 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City 3 of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: 4 5 WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, THE SAiNT 6 PAUL PORT AUTHORITY duly petitioned to rezone property at the ARLINGTON-JACKSON BUSINESS 7 PARK, being legally described in the file, from B-2 to I-1 to allow the entire business park properry to be 8 under the same I-1 zoning classification, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on 9 October 25, 1996 as having been consented to by at least 67 percent of the owners of the area of the property 10 to be reaoned, and fiuther having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the properry 11 situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous properiy within one yeaz proceeding the date of the petition; 12 and 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3Q 31 32 33 �4 �5 WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing November 25, 1996 for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on December 6, 1996 and recommended that the City Council approve the perition; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly pubiished in the o�cial newspaper of the City on December 14, 1996 and nofices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned;and WI3EREAS, a publie hearing before the City Council having been conducted on January 8, 1997, where all interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 5, as incorporated by reference in §b0.301 of the 5aint Paul Legislafive Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: PAUL, MINNESOTA 7 That property at the ARLINGTON-JACKSON BUSINESS PARK, being more particularly described 8 in the file, be and is hereby rezoned from B-2 to I-1. 40 41 42 43 Section 2. .� _ ... .. _. ._9�t_ 3s1 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force tlurry (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. � j ..: � By: Appz By: Requested by Department of: P ann' Eco m' velo men Hy; 6 Form Approved by City Attomey B � ��� Approved by Mayor for Svh ission to Council $y. � �� � Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary � ; ; ( (� � r�, ,F i�t�l�i�3 `i,rl-3�'j � ����� GREEN SH 2b6-b582 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES INRIAVDATE CITY CAUNGL C17Y CIERK FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIFL � DEPARTMENT OIRECTOR j� " mCiTYATfORNEY � FOR _�� O BUDGETDIRECTOR � � MAYOq (OR ASSISTAN'� ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Adopt an ordinance to fmalize council approval of a perition of TT�lE SAINT PORT AUTHORITY to rezone property locateci at the Arlington-Jackson Business Park from B-2 to I-1 (public hearing held January 8, 1997). Approva (A) or qeject (A) � PLANNING CqMMIS$IOP! _ CIYIL SERVICE COMA _ CI8 CAMMITfEE _ ( STAFF _ _ �ISTRIGTCOUflT _ 'PORTS WHiCM COUNqL OBJECTIVE� ��� ��� PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING DUESTIONS: 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a coMract far this department? YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this personNirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by eny current ciry employee? YES NO Expinin all yes answers on separate sheet anC attach to green aheet Finalize council approval of a petition of TI� SAINT PALJL PORT AUTHORITY to rezone property at the Arlington-Jackson Business Park from B-2 to I-1 to allow the entire business park property to be under the sanne I-1 zoning classification. ���� � �,� �,: � y �. ; ,�a� z � �ss7 EET� � ���� ���� �� .. IF ky:.'�°u'.+.�i�:yi, � W.nncny�� "F4yp�fj} v..�'Frb'+ � { Jr-1id 2 � I��1 IP NOT TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION � JAN z 3 i997 P�AYG�?'� �rFtCE COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIfeG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORFiA710N: iEXPLAIN) crrY oF sAnv�r PAUL. Norm Colerrzan, Mayar December 12, 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota SS 1Q2 Deaz Ms. Anderson: DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING � & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT �7- � ,, Divisiorz of Plmming ZS West Fourth Street Tetepiwne: 6I2-2666565 .SnisttPaul, MNSSIO2 F¢csimile: 612-228-3314 � � � �1.�'°i ..�.+: ::� 'r. .�a.'.�.�'.+"iL "ti� ,:C�' ..s ?::! J�� ��..�%'� �„�aiti _„ / • � � ,.,' Applicant: SAINT PAUL PORT AUTHORiTY File Number: #96-274 Purpose: Rezone properry from B-2 (community business) to I-1 (light industrial) to allow the entire business pazk properly to be under the same I-1 zoning classification. Address: Arlington-Jackson Bnsiness Park I,egal Descriprion of Property: See File Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, unanimous, December 6, 1996 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, vote: 5-0, November 25, 1996 My understanding is that this 1 and that Please call me at 266-6582 if you haee any questions. Sincerely, (�" `—�— Kady Dad Z City Planner — —.- - � � NOTICE OF PUBbIC IiEAR7NG - - - . ' TheSaintPaul�CifyCounci1wi11conductapubHchearingonJanuary$,'1997, �, at 4:30 p.m., City Council Chanibers, to consider the appSication of the Saint Pau1 Port Authority ta rezoae gropert.y 6�om g-y-;f�o���ity busiaess) ta I-1`(iight industrial) to allow the entire business park progerty to tie under�the same I-i zoning class�cation at Arlington-Jackson Business Pazk. � -��Dated Aecember 12, 1996 - � ' � NANCY ANDERSON � � � Assistant CIty Council Secretary . ". - _ , - _ . '. - � ' . - �(December 14,�1�996j- � �, y Zoning Section cc; File #96-274 Mike Kraemer Donna Sanders DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECQNOMIC DEVEIAPMENT a� - 35 l CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor December 24, 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Division ofP[anning 25 West Fouah Street Telephone: 6I2-266-6565 Saint Pau1, MN55102 Facsimile: 612-228-3314 RE: Zoning File #96-274 SAINT PAUL PORT AUTHORITY City Council Hearing: January 8, 1997 4.30 p.m. City Council Chambers PURPOSE: To consider rewning property at the ARLINGTON-JACKSQN BUSINESS PARK from B-2 (community business) to I-1 (light industrial) to a(low the entire business park to be under the same I-1 zoning cfassification. PLANNING COMMISSiON RECOMMENDAI"fON: APPROVAL unanimous . ZONING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL 5-0 STAFP RECOMMENDAT[ON: APPROVAL SUPPORT: No one spoke. OPPOSiTION: No one spoke. Dear Ms. Anderson: ' THE SAINT PAUL PORT AUTHORITY submitted a petition to rezone property at the Arlington- Jackson Business Park. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on Yhe proposed rezoning on November 25, 1996. The applicant addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing, the committee voted 5-0 to recommend approval to rezone to I-1. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation for approval on a unanimous vote on December 6, 1996. This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on 3anuary 8, 1997. Please notify me if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, en Ford Planning Administrator Attachments cc: City Councilmembers q�1-35 i u city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 96-74 (;�t(-� December 6 1996 WHEREAS, THE SAINT PAUL PORT AUTIIORITY, file N9G-274 h1s petitioned to re2one prope�ty at the ARLINGTON-JACKSON BUSINESS PAl2K, situated on proper[y immediateiy 4vest of Interstate 35G betGVeen Arlin;ton and Maryiand Avenues, from B-2 to I-] to allow thc entire business park proper[y to be under [{Se same I-1 zoning classiPication; and WIIL,R�AS, thc Zoning Committee of thc T'tanning Commission held a public hearing on November 25, 1996, at which �11 persons present �verc given an opportunity to Ue heard pursuant to said application in accordance 4vith the requirements of Section G4.4Q0 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and �VTIEIZEAS, thc S:iint P:�ui T'lanning Commission, based on the evidence prescnted to its 7aning Committec at thc puUlic he�cin�, as substantially reflected in the tninutes, made the � f'olio�ving findin�s of faci: 1. 'I'hc Saint Paui P<>rt Authority owns ihc properry and is petitioning to rc it to makc Ihc zoning of thc smaU tria�igular p.�+�ccl coi�sistcnt �vitl� U�c zoning of d�c resC of ti�e busincss park dcvelopmcnt. 2. The rezoning is in conformancc 4vtth the comprchensivc plan for tltc city. The rezoning will eliminate a split zonin� ciassification of the property �nd eliminate a spot zone. The Land Usc I'1 <t(1 3(IC[1CIClCS IIlC SIIC 15 8 I�lt)Of ![l[CIlSIVC IR(IUSICI�iI <1CCfl. �IIIC SILC IS CUCCC(1Cly bcing deve{opcd as an industrial park to provide needed land for light izidustrial development within the City of Saint Paut. Land use goals of the Distr'sct 6 Plan include, "encourage and participate in the formulation of appropriate development of vacant land," and "improve the tax base through better utilization of the land and appropriate development of vacant land" #2 and #5, p.6. 3. The rezoning is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact on surrounding property. The property is surrounded by land zoned for industrial use and by the interstate. In addition, this rezoning will eliminate a moved by Morton � seconded by in favor Unanimous a�iC1St �,-� _ �� c zon�n ra� a��-2�a Pagc Two of Resotution spot zonc. 4. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition signed by rivo-thirds of the property ownet�s within onc liundred (100) feet of the properly to be rezoned consenting to the reaonino (ld parcels eligible, 7 parcels needed, and 8 parceis signed). NO�V, THER�PORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that the petition of tlte SATNT PAUL PORT AUTHOItITY to rezone property at ARLINGTdN- 7ACKSON I3USINESS PARIi, more particularly described in the file, from a B-2 zoning classification to an I-i zoning cl�ssification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED, that tke Saint Paul Pianning Commission does hereby recommend to die Counci[ of tl2e City of Saint Paul that Uie triangular shlped parcei located at thc ARLTNGTON-JACKSON BUSTNGSS PAIZIi be rezoned from B-2 to I-i in accordance witii the petition for rezoning on fite with tlie Sairtt Paul Planning Division. � � r — L, ��-351 � �� ��� Planning Conunission of Saint Paul City Hall ConFerence Centcr 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �� ��� '>"NOTE• The recording tape �vas blank! 's'�Na'�'�'��:'f,-.t A meetii�g of the Planning Commission of die Ciry of Saint Paul was held Friday, December 6, i996, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center oE Ciry Hali. Cmumissioncrs Treicl�el Present: � Conunissioncrs Absent: Also 1'resent: Mmes. Birk, Duarte, Faricy, Geisser, Lund-Jolinson, Maddox, Morton, and Wencl, and Messrs. Field Jr., Gordon, Gurney, Kramer, Lee, McDonelt, Nowlin and SchwichtenUerg. Messrs. *Chavez, *Mardeil, Sharpe and *Vaught *�xcused Ken Pord, I'lanning Administrator; ]can IIirkholz, Kady Dadlez, Allen Lovejoy and Rogcr Ryan oC tlie Planning Staff. I. Approvai of Minutes of Novanbcr 22, 199G IvTO't'fOI�T: `;';Cotnniissioner .7vTaddoa'i�ioGed;;a�provai 6f dig;rriiiiuEcs; oF,Novenilier;22' 199G; Cominissioner' Kramer'secoiided tlie motion which carried.unaniin6usly an a voice vote: , .. .. .. . .... II. Chair's Announcements CUair McDonell had no III. Plnnning Administrato�'s Announcements IV. Zoning Committee #96-265 Ronald Mavs - Reestablishment of a nonconforming use permit to allow a to6acco store (1059 E 4th St/572 Earl St; zoned R-4) • Commissioner Morton stated that the application was found to be incomplete because a portion of the petition submitted with the application was ]eft blank, so it was rejected. K:\SNARED W LANNING�MMUIES.FRM ������ 1'hc GO day period �vitl bcgin again if thc cornplcted application is resul»niucc), with� � pctition rc-caccutcd. Commissioncr Picld added that thc 7oning Committcc discussed thc possibility o( modifyino thc pctition form for fuhue usc. Conunissioner Maddox expressed swprise diat a tobacco use migh[ be allo�ved so close to a school. Commissioner Field responded d�at the issue did come up, ho���ever a toUacco shop is a retai( usc that is a[lo�ved in a B-2 zoning clistrict. The property was most recently used as a coin stiop, a use permitted in a I3-2 zoning district. ti)6-273 Saint Paul Port Authori[v - Re2one property from B-3 [o I-1 [o remedy a split zoning classiCication of Uie property (! 10 Sycamore Street �Vest). MOTIQN:. Comniissiancr Mbrtnn inovcd,approval of tlic rcqucst to i�czonc_rroperry frorn 13-3 !o T-1 to rciTicdy 5(1llf LO111R$ Cl :issification of.thc property at 110 Sycaniorc Street 4Vest whicli carried unanimously,,on a voice vot�. � f/9C-274 Saint Paul Port Authoriry - Rczonc an arca of land approximatcly 5,000 square fect in arca from I3-2 to I-1 to altow thc cntirc busincss park property to Uc undcr thc s.unc I-f zoning classification (Artington-Jackson I3usincss Park) MOT ION: <`'COAllt1iSSIOf1C1' M6i'lOil IAAVC(� 8j)j)COY81 Of tIlC 1'CC(UCSC tQ 1'C'l.OI1C (1ll �fCB;AC � , _ . .... .-. . . . .: ......:...:.�..:�».. ]ancl;apP�oximately S,QQp Sq'ua�e,f�Ct in arca front I3-2 to l-1 which cai'ricil'uiiaiiuijousiy -...... ���.........,.<. OIl F� YGIC._ Novembcr 199C Minor Zonin� Amcndiucnts -(Rc�gcr Kyan) MOTTON:';-.Con�inissioncc Morio�i iriovc�! approvai of dic Novembcr 19q6`7vfiiior:zoning Aniendriict�ts conccrning n�icro and icgiorial brcwcrics ancl brcad and brcakCasts"ivhicii� carried wianiniously on a voicc votc. :..:...:..:::: Conuuissioncr I�icld thankc<I Mark Stutcruci from Sununit 13rcwing who hclpcd define ICffI1S f01' II1C FlI71C(1C1171CI115. Conunissioner Morton read the agenda for December 12, 2996. V. Comprchensive Planniug and Economic Development Commitfee No report. �'L heighborhood P[anning and Land Use Committee No report. • K:15HAREDW LANNtNGUv11 NUTES.FRM a�-35 � , MINVCES OF THE Z�NING COMMITTEE CITY CQUNCIL CFiAMBERS, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ON NOVEMBER 25, 1996 PRESENT: Mmes. Morton and Wencl; Messrs. Field, Gurney, Kramer and Vaught of the Zoning Committee; Mr. Warner, Assistant City Attorney; Mmes. Dadlez and Peabody and Mr. Ryan of the Planning Division. ABSENT: Chavez, exoused Faricy, excused Time: 4:43 - 4:46 p.m. The meeting was chaired by �ladys Morton, Chairperson. between Jackson and 35-E; #96-274; Rezoninc(. Rezone an approximately 5,000 square £oot area of land from B-2 (COmmunity Business) to 2-1 (Industrial) to allow the entire business park property to be under tfie same I-1 zoning classification. xady Dadlez, Planning Division staff, reviewed the staff report and presented slides. Staff recommended approval of the petition to rezone to I-1, based on £indings 1 through 4 of the staff report. The District 6 Planning Council had not taken a position on the rezoning petition aC the time the staff report was drafted. � Rick Gierdahl, Saint Pau1 Port Authority, was available to respond to questions. No one was present to speak either in support or against the rezoning petition. Coamiiasionar Wencl moved approval of the petition to xezone to I-1 based on tha staff recommandation. Commiasioner 8ield aeconded the motion. The motion carried with a unanimoua voice vote of 5 to 0. Commissioner Vaught was not present�for the vote. Drafted by: Submitted by: Approved by: __�� ' ,��"_°���._._ �u� � �G�-u� D onna Sanders Kady Dadlez G1 dys Morton Chairperson ' �� 1 2 �� ��l ZONING COMMITTEfi STAFF REPORT EILE # 96-274 APPLICANT: SAINT PAUL PORT AUTHORITY DATE OF H&AR2NG: 11/25/96 CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: ARLINGTON AVENUE EAST {SOUth of Arlington between Interstate 35E and Jackson; Jackson Arlington Business Park) 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 6 5 6 LEGAL DESCRZPTZON: see file PRESENT ZONING: B-2 7. STAFF ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §64.400 AND AEPORT: DATE: 11/20/96 BY: Kady Dadlez 8. DATE RECEIVfiD: 10/25/96 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 12/23/96 _________�_�_°_°____________________________________________°_�__�___________ -----------'-°°-----------------°------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. H. C. D. Pi7RPOSE: Rezone property, approximately 5,000 square foot in area, from B-2 to 2-1 to allow the entire business park property to be under the same Z-1 zoning classification. PARCEL SIZE: The triangular shaped parcel is about 5,000 square feet in area. BxISTING LAND IISE: The property is currently vacant but under development as part of tfie Jackson-Ar2ington Business Park. SIIRROIINDING LAND US&: The property is surrounded by the Jackson- Arlington Business Park on the north, south, and wesC, and by Interstate 35E on the east. E. ZOr7ING CODE CITATION: Section 64.400{a) of the zoning code states in part, "the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant ta state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed." F G Section 64.400{b) states in part, "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67) pezcent of the area of the property to be rezoned." BISTORY/DISCIISSION: There are no previous zoning cases concerning this property. DSSTRICT COt7NCIL RECO�NDATION: The District 6 Planning Council had not taken a position on the rezoning petition at the time the staff report was drafted. �: . i �� - 351 . Zoning File #96-274 Page Two H. FINDINGS• 1. The Saint Paul Port Authority owns the property and is petitioning to rezone it to make the zoning of the small parcel consistent with the zoning of the rest of the business park development. 2. The rezoning is in conformance with the comprehensive plan foz the city. The rezoning will eliminate a split zoning classi£ication of the property and eliminate a spot zone. The Land Use Plan identifies the site as a labor intensive industrial area. The site is currently being developed as an industrial park to provide needed land for light industrial development within the City of Saint Paul. Land use goals of the District 6 Plan include, "encouraqe and participate in the formulation of appropriaCe development of vacant land," and "improve the tax base through better utilization of trie land and appropriate development of vacant land" #2 and #5, p.6. 3. The rezoning is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact on surrounding property. The property is surrounded by land zoned Por industrial use and by tlze interstate. In addition, this rezoning will eliminate a spot zone. 4. The applicant submitted.a sufficient petition signed by two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feeC of the property to be rezoned consenting to the rezoning (10 parcels eligible, 7 parcels needed, and 8 parcels signed�. • I. STAFF RECOi�P2ENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 4 staff recommends approval of the petition to rezone to I-1. • 1r PETITION TQ AMEND THE ZONING CODE Deparlment of Planning and Economic Development Zoning Sec[ion II00 City Hn![ Anner 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paut, MN 55102 266-6589 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION ����51 z�►���� �;�� �s� ��� Ftte ao � , ��'�-, �� : _; Ese.:: ._ _. > �. . ��: �Tisnta�fi�TC�: h»�r�xan?rE�ic: -:: <.: �� :. . Property Owner Saint Paul Port Authority qrtc�rass 345 St. Peter St. City Saint Paul gtMN Z�P55102 Daytime phone �24-5686 Contact person (if different) Richard A. 6ierdal Legai description See Exhibit A � (attach additional sheet TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCtL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357{5) of Minnesota Statues, Saint Paul Port Authority , the owner of ail the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone fhe above described property from a B'l zoning district to a I` zoning district, for the purpose of: Remedying split zoning on a singie land parcel for deveiopment. (attach addrfional sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: R eq ui r e d sife pian ❑ C o n sent petition ❑ A�davit ❑ Subscribed and swom to before e this �'G � day of _ ±����, 19� No ary Public By � Fee owner o roperty Title:�/�'�'/�� . � lAURtE A, SIEVER � � NOTARYPyBLIC MIMNESOTA RAMSEY CpUNTY V. MY �O�++rn.ExpiresJan.37.200p t � Page 1 of . • C. � u � �-=- . -_ � .; :: � ; t . ��� u��! . .. � � r � t i ; � a� - 35 � • FIRST SUBMITTED RESUBMITTED DATE PETITION SUBMITTED: �� ��1 '� ` DATE PETITION RESUBMITTED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: `� ��� !` DATE OFFICSALLY RECEIVED: . PARCELSELIGIBLE: PARCELSREQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: � e I PARCELS ELIGIBLE: PARCELSREQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: CHECKED BY: j Il��CX�p /5�� DATE: • �o .�s s� ZONING FiLE ��z ¢ � =_,� CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: . 1. A copy of the Petition of Saint Paul Port Authority (name of petitioner) 2. A copy af Sections 60.611 through 60.615 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a I-1 District zoning c2assification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described 3n the Petition of Saint Paul Port Authoritv to a I-1 District (name of petitioner) ADDRESS OR P I N. # RECORD OWNER S N E bATE � 19�29-22-42-0005-4 Roy & Elizabeth A. d - ��� �L)� 208 Arlington Rve. E. Wa ner v G � 19-29-22-42-0007-0 Roy R. & Elizabeth A. -�� J �� -� Jackson St., 551Z7 Wa ner �� � ✓ 19-29-22-42-0015-1 City of St. Paul Water ly-'Ly-Z'L-4L-UU1Z-"L NtlVdnce ShOring 1400 Jackson St. 55117 'r4�4-'S'l�l�_T71 _Q n ortR�i I Rrartr 1336 Jackson St. _ �_ t n 1J�LJ JIIIUICl/YYCD6 1 245 Maryland Ave. E. Partners V - - - - - Public Housing 1553 Timberlake Road Mcnnnnuah 187 Biglow Lane ��' �S � i. • . Petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after a petition is received by the Planning Division. Any signator � of any petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request within that time. �.,..,,,.�,,.,.� page _ of _ ZONt�C� �iL� ���a� � ��1- 35 I • GONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY 041NERS TO REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet o£ the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one year preceding the date of Chis petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: . 1. A copy of the Petition of $aint Paul Port Authority (name of petitioner) 2. A copy of Sections 60.611 through 60.615 , inclusive o£ the Saittt Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a I-1 District zoning classification and we are aware that any o£ these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the properCy described in the Petition of Saint Paul Port AuthoritY to a I District (name of petitioner) � � ✓ Petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) ! working days after a petition is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of any petition may withdraw hisjher name therefrom by written request within that t�me, page�of _ y�� � �-���� b�� � � � o�-�.-��51 CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the totaZ contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been Purnished with the following: . 1. n copy of the Petition of Saint Paul Port Authority (name of petitioner) 2. A copy of Sections 60.611 through 60.b15 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of alI of the uses permitted under a I-1 District zoning classification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Petition of Saint Paul Port Authoritv to a I Districc (name of petitioner) 19:29-22-42-0005-4 208 ArTinpton Ave. E. 17-L7�LL�YL�UVW -V Jackson St., 55117 19-)9-9?-49-t1015-1 1400 Jackson St. 55117 1336 Jackson St. �i� - - - - ur ington ort ern n .� / t� 17-L7-LL-44�UU10 Jf11U1CI'/WL' 245 Marvland Ave. E. Partners V 1553 Timberlake Road ruoi�c nou McDonouah 187 8igiow Lane A. flk7 nance ng i. Petition shaZZ not be considered as officially filed unti,l the lapse of seven (7) working days after a petition is received by the Planning Division, Any signator of any petition maq withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request within that time. ,�„� page_of_ ZOE1tI�� �fLE ���: �_ � � - � ____c . CONSENT OF ADJOI23ZNG YROPERTY OWNERS TO R£ZONING ��-351 We, the undersigned, ownezs of the propezty within 100 £eet o£ the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one yeaY preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: . 1. A copy of the Petition of Saint Paul Port Authority - � ' ' (name of petitioner) 2. A copy of Sections 60.611 through 60.615 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses pen¢itted under a I-1 District zoning classi£ication and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Petition of Saint Paul Port Author5tv to a I-1 District (name of petitioner} �� � Petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) • vorking days after a petition is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of any petition may vithdrav his/her name thezefrom by �aritten request within that time. � • page�of �..., --- b�.Jdtli � ���� ��� � . - ! ��-3 t � � CONSENT OF ADSOINTNG PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of the propezty within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: . 1. A copy of the Petition of Saint Paul Port Authority (name of petitioner) 2. A copy of Sections 60.611 through 60.b15 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a j-j District zoning c2assification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Petition of Saint Paul Port Authoritv to a I District (name of petitioner) 19=29-22-42-0005-4 2Q8 Arlinaton Ave. E. 17-L7-CC-4L-UUW -U Jackson St., 55117 iq-�9-��-a�_nm s_� 1400 Jackson St. 55117 336 Jackson St. 245 Marvland Ave. E. 17 1553 Timberlake Road 187 Biglow Lane & tlizabeth er R. & Elizab er of St. Pau nce S oring rt L. Brack of St. Pau rt L. Brack Partners V Pub7ic Housing i a��� 3� � Petition shall not be considered as o£ficially filed until the lapse of seven (7) woYking days after a petition is received by the Planning Division, Any signator of any petition may withdraw his/h n ame therefrom by written Yequest within that time. ������ ���� � � page_of_ • • • a� - 351 � STPTE Oi Y.Ih?i�SOTA) COUiiIY Oc L� ) SS t�rcha �7erdla�- , being �irst �'uly s.o:n, denoses a::c states tnat he�she i.s tne peXSOn S:I�o circul��ed the �icni� pe�ition ane , consent, consi.sti.ng oi _� pagzs; zhzt �fziant is �nfor�ec a�d believes tn�t the p2rties described are cne o:.rters xespectively o£ the lccs plsced ic�'a°di�tely before each r,=^z, tnzt aftiant is inzoznad ar.c believes tn�� tacn of the par:.ies dzscri.bed �Soce is the o��er of pzoper[y viicn is ti:ithin 100 Xeet Zror� <ny prooezty o:.-nec or purchased Dy petitioner o: so?d by petitic.z* ti:ichin or.e (1) year pracedin� che date o: this peti.cio:t �zicn is conti.�uous to tne p�ope:�y cescribed in �he petici.on; Cn°t e:ccept zor �rch�szd or is p�rcn�sin� pzo?etc� none o,`. iR2 parties describec above has p:. �ron petztioner contiguous to Cne above described p- o1° ��) Y=°Y o£ tite cate or the petitio�; tnzt tnis consent z:as si�ned by each of s�i� osrnexs in tnx prese:ice o£ tnis a�ziant, znd that the sig:��tures are tna true aad correct sia�aturas o£ e�ch �nd all of tne parties so c:scri.bed. . . � ��.�.��--� . � SubscYibee znd sa �n_ �be:ore na tnis _�7� �ay of ���� 14� m a I�ichard � »� a �- � NGr..e 1 qoo l-AtidrN-vR k-ft�u.�,� s � , ,� ��- Pp � � S',��e� �f 5���� �''vG, mti• 5�io� FrQ � �l �- a� � -S�at� �T' �.ele� oer . STEVEN C. K{NG NOTAftY PUBLIC � h11NNES0TA Aopzoved zs to �orn -?zn 1, 1941 Planning Aznertnent . � • . _ *.. . ; _ • , � i 'Pzge ..-- �� — 1-L51 �►l.�u � • • I. SLTNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HIGHWOOD 2. HAZEL PARK HADEN-PROSPERTI'Y HILLCREST 3. 'WEST SII3E 4. DAYTON'S BLUFF s pav�rF-PIIALEN � 6. NORTH ENA� 7. T - ALB 8. SUMMTT-UNIVERSTTY 9. WEST SEVENTH 10. COMO 11. HAMT.INE-MIDWAY 12. ST. ANTHQNY PARK 13. MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNELLING HAMLINE 14. MACALESTER GROVELAND I5. HTGHLANLl 16. SUMMIT HIL.L 17. DO`VNTOWN - zoN�N� Fi�E ��z CTTIZEN PARTTCIPATION PLANNING DISTRICTS =`}� —._ ` - - _ � _ ���` �` q� -35 [ B_ ll—__'— —• � �.r>.__�.:..-� " y e'((1' ' q : r _=" r : ;...: : � . ,- � � � { � -�---.��L__J( � �j� ..._.. � �� .J�IJt(li�. �t'•:��_;.1 n;.. ; - ;�. �L_)l � U,J ....... I� �' •*:�r- i� � N.,, ....: , � }i `: '1 ' ir, = j � � � `•� a =�-_ ;� -,�-_, � . �, ;:II��� ���a� � i<<�x ���; ; , � � _'; � � �, � E -� �` ' �. � i r —. 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