97-288�� su �-S i�`�u�� - �"�, p' 9� co,�.��i Fi� ���' Green Shee*- i OrdinaneP� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred Commiitee DatP An ordinance amending Chapter 347 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code ta replace the division of environmental health with the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection; addition of a required permit far a licensee as to housing permitted animals; addition of reporting requirements. THE COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOBS ORDAIN: Secrion 1 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Secfion 347.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Cade is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 347.05. Regttlations. (a} Premises. Every person keeping or maintaining a pet shop shall do so entirely within a closed building, shall not keep or maintain any outside kennel service, and shali be subject to and sha11 comply with a11 of the rules and regulations of the ''' ' �3��:�3f �sr.��:��ri:. :,<� : `, ;�s::ai�,;�r3�a�seiit����t��soxi. � ., _ :, : -,. , ..,. . :..:....... ..:. .:.: , ,. �.��.. > :.. ..:....:....:.: (b) Exotic animals. No pet shop shall maintain, keep or hazbor any skunk whether captured in the wild or raised domestically, descented or not descented, vaccinated against rabies or not vaccinated against rabies. No pet shop sha11 maintain, keep, hazbor or sell any red-eared turtle (Pseudemvs scrintaele�ans) with a shell len�th of less than four (4) inches. t � (e-a�)Rules and regulattnns. The directar of environmental protection may upon nofice and hearing promulgate such rutes as he or she deems necessary to carry out the provisions and purposes of this chapter, to provide for the proper care of animals and to provide for the cleanliness and proper sanitation in such facilities. Notice of the promulga6on of such rules and the hearing date shall be given to a11 licensees, and notice of the hearing date published once in the legal newspaper. The notice shall advise that at the hearing written or oral comments on proposed rules will be received, and how a copy of the proposed rules can be obtained. Such rules shall be effecrive after such heazing when filad in the office of the city cierk. Violations of such rules shall be sufficient grounds for adverse action against licenses issued under this chapter. (�)Records. Every licensee shall keep a book in which shall cleaziy be entered, in ink, at the tune of each purchase or sale, an accurate account in the English language of any such live animal so purchased or sold, including the name and -��•�sa�e '� pe y �ii���ss of the rson b or to whom such purchase or sale is made. 'nspection. The record herein required to be kept, as well as the premises of each licensee, at all reasonable times be open to inspection and examination by the license and heaith s wb�+; �.�... - 1 2 3 4 inspectors of the City of Saint Paui. y1�1�� Section 2 T4us ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirry (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. ` , ... Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date \qq'� Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date ` L Form Approved by City Attorney By: ��./( r l �� � ^ Aggroved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: 2 �� � _ g - g 4.���3.-�i DEMR7UENTAFFICFJCOUNpL DATEINIIATED GREEN SHEET cs coun�u 02-25-97 MRIAVDA7E INITNWATE CONTACf PER;qN & PNONE � DEPARiMEM DiRECTOR � CfiY COUNCIL Getry Strathman 6-8575 �x � Gf{Y ATfORhEY � CITY CLERK MUST BE �N CAUNGI AGENDA BY (DAT� ���� O BUO(i.�'f pIRECfQ � FlN. S MGT. SFRVICES DIR. Op�p O MAYOR (BR ASSISTANn ❑ TOTAI # QF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCA770NS FOR StGNATURE) ACTION REqUESTED: An ordinance amending Chapter 347 of the SaintPaul Legislative Code to bting the Chapter up-tadaze, require Saint Paul pet shop owners to provide customeis p�schasing an animal reqaiting a permit the necessary documentarion for obtaining a permit and in more accuraiely reflect the current animal control environtnent in the City. RECOMMENDAi�ONS' npprove (A) a Reject (p) PERSONAI SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: __ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVK SEflVICE CAMMISSIOP! �� Has [his person/Firm ever worketl under a contract for this department? _CIBLOMMfREE _ YES NO 2. Has this persa�rm ever 6een a city employee? _ Sit�F — YES NO _ oi5iwC7 coUai _ 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill `rot nwmaNy possessed by any current city empbyeel Sl1PPOPTS WNICH COUNGLOBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain al1 yes answera on separate sheat antl attech to green sheet INRIATINCa PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUWTY(Who, What, When, Where. Wby�: Although pet-shop owners aze allowed to sell exotic animats and noncxotic animals that require a permit to be hazbored in the Ciry, pet- shop owners aze not required to notify customers of the requirement at the rime of sale. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Pet-shop owners will be required to norify customers of the permit requirements and provide the necessary documentation to obtain the pernut from the Office of Licenses, Inspection and Environmental Protection. The Code will be up-to-date. DISAWANTAGE5IF APPRWE�. None �,;,�_,a;, �.�= > ����:_..,: . ".-�3 �'' � <.v:�. a�Q?�n�$' ' � � ��'.�8 ! DISADYANTAGES IF NOT APPROYEO: � ' — "'�""�"w Pet-shop owners will confinue to sell to City residents exotic and non-exotic animals ffiat require a pennit to hazbor in the City without infomung the customer of the requirement. The Code will be out-of-date. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACiION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES 140 FUNDIIOG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANqAL INFORRFA710N: (EXPLAIN) ('yi�``�� F, ; �, `. . '. _ . . . . . _ _ ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT Presentea Befetred 1 An ordinance amending Chapter 347 of the Saint Paul Legislative 2 environmental health with the Office of License, Inspections and Envir� 3 required permit for a licensee as to housing perttritted auiuials; addition � THE COUNCIL OF TI� CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES Council File # ���� Green Sheet # '�� Ordinance # � Date replace the division of Protection; addition of a ing requirements. Section 1 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Section 347.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby ended to read as follows: Sec. 347.05. Regulations. (a) Premises. Every person keeping or maintai ' g a pet shop shall do so entirely within a closed building, shall not keep or maintain any outsi e kennel service, and shall be subject to and shall comply with all of the rules and regulatio of the ' '�"'" �'" (b) Exotic animals. No pet shop sha11 m' tain, keep or harbor any skw�lc whether captured in the wild or raised domestically, descented o ot descented, vaccinated against rabies ar not vaccinated against rabies. No pet shop shall m' tain, keep, harbor or sell any red-eared turtle (Pseudemys scriotaeleQansl with a shell len�th o ess than four (41 inches. (e�Rules and regulat�ons. e director of environxnental protection may upon notice and hearing promulgate such rules as he r she deems necessary to carry out the provisions and purposes of this chapter, to provide for proper caze of aniinals and to provide for the cleanliness and proper sanitation in such facili es. Norice of the promulgarion of such rules and the hearing date sha11 be given to all licensees and notice of the hearing date published once in the legal newspaper. The notice shall advise t at the hearing written or oral comments on proposed rules will be received, and how a copy the proposed rules can be obtaiued. Such rules sha11 be effective after such hearing when fi d in the office of the city clerk. Violarions of such rules shall be sufficient grounds for adverse a on against licenses issued under this chapter. (e�Record very licensee shail keep a book in which shall clearly be entered, in ink, at the time of each p chase or sale, an accurate account in the English language of any such live animal so purcha d or sold, including the name and *�r of the person by or to whom such nurc e or sale is made. � � .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 (eg) Inspection The record herein required to be kept, as well as the premises of each at all reasonable times be open to inspecrion and exanvnation by the license and he; of the City of Saint Paul. Section 2 � This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thiriy (30) days following its publication. e Bostrom Hazris Mauer Megazd Rettman Thune Adopted by Council: Adoprion Certified t� Council Secretary Requested by Department of: � approval and BY . Form �ed C� ey %� < By �. Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B Approved by�layor: Da+P �� su �-S i�`�u�� - �"�, p' 9� co,�.��i Fi� ���' Green Shee*- i OrdinaneP� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred Commiitee DatP An ordinance amending Chapter 347 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code ta replace the division of environmental health with the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection; addition of a required permit far a licensee as to housing permitted animals; addition of reporting requirements. THE COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOBS ORDAIN: Secrion 1 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Secfion 347.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Cade is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 347.05. Regttlations. (a} Premises. Every person keeping or maintaining a pet shop shall do so entirely within a closed building, shall not keep or maintain any outside kennel service, and shali be subject to and sha11 comply with a11 of the rules and regulations of the ''' ' �3��:�3f �sr.��:��ri:. :,<� : `, ;�s::ai�,;�r3�a�seiit����t��soxi. � ., _ :, : -,. , ..,. . :..:....... ..:. .:.: , ,. �.��.. > :.. ..:....:....:.: (b) Exotic animals. No pet shop shall maintain, keep or hazbor any skunk whether captured in the wild or raised domestically, descented or not descented, vaccinated against rabies or not vaccinated against rabies. No pet shop sha11 maintain, keep, hazbor or sell any red-eared turtle (Pseudemvs scrintaele�ans) with a shell len�th of less than four (4) inches. t � (e-a�)Rules and regulattnns. The directar of environmental protection may upon nofice and hearing promulgate such rutes as he or she deems necessary to carry out the provisions and purposes of this chapter, to provide for the proper care of animals and to provide for the cleanliness and proper sanitation in such facilities. Notice of the promulga6on of such rules and the hearing date shall be given to a11 licensees, and notice of the hearing date published once in the legal newspaper. The notice shall advise that at the hearing written or oral comments on proposed rules will be received, and how a copy of the proposed rules can be obtained. Such rules shall be effecrive after such heazing when filad in the office of the city cierk. Violations of such rules shall be sufficient grounds for adverse action against licenses issued under this chapter. (�)Records. Every licensee shall keep a book in which shall cleaziy be entered, in ink, at the tune of each purchase or sale, an accurate account in the English language of any such live animal so purchased or sold, including the name and -��•�sa�e '� pe y �ii���ss of the rson b or to whom such purchase or sale is made. 'nspection. The record herein required to be kept, as well as the premises of each licensee, at all reasonable times be open to inspection and examination by the license and heaith s wb�+; �.�... - 1 2 3 4 inspectors of the City of Saint Paui. y1�1�� Section 2 T4us ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirry (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. ` , ... Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date \qq'� Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date ` L Form Approved by City Attorney By: ��./( r l �� � ^ Aggroved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: 2 �� � _ g - g 4.���3.-�i DEMR7UENTAFFICFJCOUNpL DATEINIIATED GREEN SHEET cs coun�u 02-25-97 MRIAVDA7E INITNWATE CONTACf PER;qN & PNONE � DEPARiMEM DiRECTOR � CfiY COUNCIL Getry Strathman 6-8575 �x � Gf{Y ATfORhEY � CITY CLERK MUST BE �N CAUNGI AGENDA BY (DAT� ���� O BUO(i.�'f pIRECfQ � FlN. S MGT. SFRVICES DIR. Op�p O MAYOR (BR ASSISTANn ❑ TOTAI # QF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCA770NS FOR StGNATURE) ACTION REqUESTED: An ordinance amending Chapter 347 of the SaintPaul Legislative Code to bting the Chapter up-tadaze, require Saint Paul pet shop owners to provide customeis p�schasing an animal reqaiting a permit the necessary documentarion for obtaining a permit and in more accuraiely reflect the current animal control environtnent in the City. RECOMMENDAi�ONS' npprove (A) a Reject (p) PERSONAI SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: __ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVK SEflVICE CAMMISSIOP! �� Has [his person/Firm ever worketl under a contract for this department? _CIBLOMMfREE _ YES NO 2. Has this persa�rm ever 6een a city employee? _ Sit�F — YES NO _ oi5iwC7 coUai _ 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill `rot nwmaNy possessed by any current city empbyeel Sl1PPOPTS WNICH COUNGLOBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain al1 yes answera on separate sheat antl attech to green sheet INRIATINCa PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUWTY(Who, What, When, Where. Wby�: Although pet-shop owners aze allowed to sell exotic animats and noncxotic animals that require a permit to be hazbored in the Ciry, pet- shop owners aze not required to notify customers of the requirement at the rime of sale. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Pet-shop owners will be required to norify customers of the permit requirements and provide the necessary documentation to obtain the pernut from the Office of Licenses, Inspection and Environmental Protection. The Code will be up-to-date. DISAWANTAGE5IF APPRWE�. None �,;,�_,a;, �.�= > ����:_..,: . ".-�3 �'' � <.v:�. a�Q?�n�$' ' � � ��'.�8 ! DISADYANTAGES IF NOT APPROYEO: � ' — "'�""�"w Pet-shop owners will confinue to sell to City residents exotic and non-exotic animals ffiat require a pennit to hazbor in the City without infomung the customer of the requirement. The Code will be out-of-date. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACiION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES 140 FUNDIIOG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANqAL INFORRFA710N: (EXPLAIN) ('yi�``�� F, ; �, `. . '. _ . . . . . _ _ ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT Presentea Befetred 1 An ordinance amending Chapter 347 of the Saint Paul Legislative 2 environmental health with the Office of License, Inspections and Envir� 3 required permit for a licensee as to housing perttritted auiuials; addition � THE COUNCIL OF TI� CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES Council File # ���� Green Sheet # '�� Ordinance # � Date replace the division of Protection; addition of a ing requirements. Section 1 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Section 347.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby ended to read as follows: Sec. 347.05. Regulations. (a) Premises. Every person keeping or maintai ' g a pet shop shall do so entirely within a closed building, shall not keep or maintain any outsi e kennel service, and shall be subject to and shall comply with all of the rules and regulatio of the ' '�"'" �'" (b) Exotic animals. No pet shop sha11 m' tain, keep or harbor any skw�lc whether captured in the wild or raised domestically, descented o ot descented, vaccinated against rabies ar not vaccinated against rabies. No pet shop shall m' tain, keep, harbor or sell any red-eared turtle (Pseudemys scriotaeleQansl with a shell len�th o ess than four (41 inches. (e�Rules and regulat�ons. e director of environxnental protection may upon notice and hearing promulgate such rules as he r she deems necessary to carry out the provisions and purposes of this chapter, to provide for proper caze of aniinals and to provide for the cleanliness and proper sanitation in such facili es. Norice of the promulgarion of such rules and the hearing date sha11 be given to all licensees and notice of the hearing date published once in the legal newspaper. The notice shall advise t at the hearing written or oral comments on proposed rules will be received, and how a copy the proposed rules can be obtaiued. Such rules sha11 be effective after such hearing when fi d in the office of the city clerk. Violarions of such rules shall be sufficient grounds for adverse a on against licenses issued under this chapter. (e�Record very licensee shail keep a book in which shall clearly be entered, in ink, at the time of each p chase or sale, an accurate account in the English language of any such live animal so purcha d or sold, including the name and *�r of the person by or to whom such nurc e or sale is made. � � .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 (eg) Inspection The record herein required to be kept, as well as the premises of each at all reasonable times be open to inspecrion and exanvnation by the license and he; of the City of Saint Paul. Section 2 � This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thiriy (30) days following its publication. e Bostrom Hazris Mauer Megazd Rettman Thune Adopted by Council: Adoprion Certified t� Council Secretary Requested by Department of: � approval and BY . Form �ed C� ey %� < By �. Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B Approved by�layor: Da+P �� su �-S i�`�u�� - �"�, p' 9� co,�.��i Fi� ���' Green Shee*- i OrdinaneP� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred Commiitee DatP An ordinance amending Chapter 347 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code ta replace the division of environmental health with the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection; addition of a required permit far a licensee as to housing permitted animals; addition of reporting requirements. THE COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOBS ORDAIN: Secrion 1 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Secfion 347.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Cade is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 347.05. Regttlations. (a} Premises. Every person keeping or maintaining a pet shop shall do so entirely within a closed building, shall not keep or maintain any outside kennel service, and shali be subject to and sha11 comply with a11 of the rules and regulations of the ''' ' �3��:�3f �sr.��:��ri:. :,<� : `, ;�s::ai�,;�r3�a�seiit����t��soxi. � ., _ :, : -,. , ..,. . :..:....... ..:. .:.: , ,. �.��.. > :.. ..:....:....:.: (b) Exotic animals. No pet shop shall maintain, keep or hazbor any skunk whether captured in the wild or raised domestically, descented or not descented, vaccinated against rabies or not vaccinated against rabies. No pet shop sha11 maintain, keep, hazbor or sell any red-eared turtle (Pseudemvs scrintaele�ans) with a shell len�th of less than four (4) inches. t � (e-a�)Rules and regulattnns. The directar of environmental protection may upon nofice and hearing promulgate such rutes as he or she deems necessary to carry out the provisions and purposes of this chapter, to provide for the proper care of animals and to provide for the cleanliness and proper sanitation in such facilities. Notice of the promulga6on of such rules and the hearing date shall be given to a11 licensees, and notice of the hearing date published once in the legal newspaper. The notice shall advise that at the hearing written or oral comments on proposed rules will be received, and how a copy of the proposed rules can be obtained. Such rules shall be effecrive after such heazing when filad in the office of the city cierk. Violations of such rules shall be sufficient grounds for adverse action against licenses issued under this chapter. (�)Records. Every licensee shall keep a book in which shall cleaziy be entered, in ink, at the tune of each purchase or sale, an accurate account in the English language of any such live animal so purchased or sold, including the name and -��•�sa�e '� pe y �ii���ss of the rson b or to whom such purchase or sale is made. 'nspection. The record herein required to be kept, as well as the premises of each licensee, at all reasonable times be open to inspection and examination by the license and heaith s wb�+; �.�... - 1 2 3 4 inspectors of the City of Saint Paui. y1�1�� Section 2 T4us ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirry (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. ` , ... Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date \qq'� Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date ` L Form Approved by City Attorney By: ��./( r l �� � ^ Aggroved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: 2 �� � _ g - g 4.���3.-�i DEMR7UENTAFFICFJCOUNpL DATEINIIATED GREEN SHEET cs coun�u 02-25-97 MRIAVDA7E INITNWATE CONTACf PER;qN & PNONE � DEPARiMEM DiRECTOR � CfiY COUNCIL Getry Strathman 6-8575 �x � Gf{Y ATfORhEY � CITY CLERK MUST BE �N CAUNGI AGENDA BY (DAT� ���� O BUO(i.�'f pIRECfQ � FlN. S MGT. SFRVICES DIR. Op�p O MAYOR (BR ASSISTANn ❑ TOTAI # QF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCA770NS FOR StGNATURE) ACTION REqUESTED: An ordinance amending Chapter 347 of the SaintPaul Legislative Code to bting the Chapter up-tadaze, require Saint Paul pet shop owners to provide customeis p�schasing an animal reqaiting a permit the necessary documentarion for obtaining a permit and in more accuraiely reflect the current animal control environtnent in the City. RECOMMENDAi�ONS' npprove (A) a Reject (p) PERSONAI SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: __ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVK SEflVICE CAMMISSIOP! �� Has [his person/Firm ever worketl under a contract for this department? _CIBLOMMfREE _ YES NO 2. Has this persa�rm ever 6een a city employee? _ Sit�F — YES NO _ oi5iwC7 coUai _ 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill `rot nwmaNy possessed by any current city empbyeel Sl1PPOPTS WNICH COUNGLOBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain al1 yes answera on separate sheat antl attech to green sheet INRIATINCa PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUWTY(Who, What, When, Where. Wby�: Although pet-shop owners aze allowed to sell exotic animats and noncxotic animals that require a permit to be hazbored in the Ciry, pet- shop owners aze not required to notify customers of the requirement at the rime of sale. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Pet-shop owners will be required to norify customers of the permit requirements and provide the necessary documentation to obtain the pernut from the Office of Licenses, Inspection and Environmental Protection. The Code will be up-to-date. DISAWANTAGE5IF APPRWE�. None �,;,�_,a;, �.�= > ����:_..,: . ".-�3 �'' � <.v:�. a�Q?�n�$' ' � � ��'.�8 ! DISADYANTAGES IF NOT APPROYEO: � ' — "'�""�"w Pet-shop owners will confinue to sell to City residents exotic and non-exotic animals ffiat require a pennit to hazbor in the City without infomung the customer of the requirement. The Code will be out-of-date. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACiION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES 140 FUNDIIOG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANqAL INFORRFA710N: (EXPLAIN) ('yi�``�� F, ; �, `. . '. _ . . . . . _ _ ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT Presentea Befetred 1 An ordinance amending Chapter 347 of the Saint Paul Legislative 2 environmental health with the Office of License, Inspections and Envir� 3 required permit for a licensee as to housing perttritted auiuials; addition � THE COUNCIL OF TI� CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES Council File # ���� Green Sheet # '�� Ordinance # � Date replace the division of Protection; addition of a ing requirements. Section 1 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Section 347.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby ended to read as follows: Sec. 347.05. Regulations. (a) Premises. Every person keeping or maintai ' g a pet shop shall do so entirely within a closed building, shall not keep or maintain any outsi e kennel service, and shall be subject to and shall comply with all of the rules and regulatio of the ' '�"'" �'" (b) Exotic animals. No pet shop sha11 m' tain, keep or harbor any skw�lc whether captured in the wild or raised domestically, descented o ot descented, vaccinated against rabies ar not vaccinated against rabies. No pet shop shall m' tain, keep, harbor or sell any red-eared turtle (Pseudemys scriotaeleQansl with a shell len�th o ess than four (41 inches. (e�Rules and regulat�ons. e director of environxnental protection may upon notice and hearing promulgate such rules as he r she deems necessary to carry out the provisions and purposes of this chapter, to provide for proper caze of aniinals and to provide for the cleanliness and proper sanitation in such facili es. Norice of the promulgarion of such rules and the hearing date sha11 be given to all licensees and notice of the hearing date published once in the legal newspaper. The notice shall advise t at the hearing written or oral comments on proposed rules will be received, and how a copy the proposed rules can be obtaiued. Such rules sha11 be effective after such hearing when fi d in the office of the city clerk. Violarions of such rules shall be sufficient grounds for adverse a on against licenses issued under this chapter. (e�Record very licensee shail keep a book in which shall clearly be entered, in ink, at the time of each p chase or sale, an accurate account in the English language of any such live animal so purcha d or sold, including the name and *�r of the person by or to whom such nurc e or sale is made. � � .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 (eg) Inspection The record herein required to be kept, as well as the premises of each at all reasonable times be open to inspecrion and exanvnation by the license and he; of the City of Saint Paul. Section 2 � This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thiriy (30) days following its publication. e Bostrom Hazris Mauer Megazd Rettman Thune Adopted by Council: Adoprion Certified t� Council Secretary Requested by Department of: � approval and BY . Form �ed C� ey %� < By �. Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B Approved by�layor: Da+P