97-286[ i ��, �� F s� � f, k Conncil File #�� Z� s•— �—` '_' �z' � Green Sheet # ��Z`b� �.�'<<.._.<<.,_� Ordinance # Presented Referred 37 Committee DatP 1 An ordinance amending Chapter 199 of the Saiut Pau1 Legislative Code to define Environmental Health 2 officer; define Animal control officer; require rabies vaccinations and identification for ferrets; include 3 fenet for purposes of handiing an animal bitten by rabid avuvals, nnpoundment, investigation and 4 quarantine. 5 G � 8 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 TI� COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAiNT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 199.01 ofthe Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 199.01. Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the definitions found in Chapter 200 shall apply, where consistent, as well as the following definitions: (1} Dog. The word "dog" means and inciudes any male or female animal of the dog kind. (2) Cat. The word "caY' means and includes any domesticated feline animal, male ar female, whole or neutered. (3) Vaccination against rabies. The term "vaccination against rabies" refers to and means the inoculation of a dog or cat with a rabies vaccine. Such vaccination shall be performed by a veterinazian duly licensed to practice veterinary medicine. (4? Rabtes control authority. The term "rabies control authority" refers to and means any duly authorized person or persons responsible for the enforcement of this chapter in accordance with the directions of the l '��� � e health officer. (5) �'`'' r� Health o�cer. " `�'"" Health officer" sha11 mean the publie `�'' health serviees ��`'` of the City of Saint Paul. (6) Animal control supervison "tlnimal control supervisoP' shall mean the animal comrol supervisor of the City of Saint Pau1 or designee. (� (?wner. "Owner" shall mean the license holder or any other person or persons, fum, association or corporation owning, keeping or harboring an animal. Any person keeping or harboring an animal for five (5) consecutive days shall, for the purposes of this chapter, be deemed to be an owner thereof. Section 2 Section 199.Q2 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 1 ORDINANCE r��-v nr ew���r on�n �u �tZZ�co 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 R3t'. 34 Sec.199A2. Vaceination re�nirements. a Eve do =�rca -'' `� four 4 months of e and older shall be vaccinated () rY g; t, ;;-, eri� () ag , against rabies. (b) Every do� �nel catro�eiiet wluch is not vaccinated at the time of its acquisition or transportation into the city shall be vaccinated withiu thirty (30) days of acquisition or arrival, wluchever �s applicable, unless such dog� � cat � et is under four (4) months of age. (c) Every do� a�td cat�i�ea��`ef shall be revaccinated thereafter in accordance with the aurrent "Compendium of Auimal Rabies Vaccines, Part II: Vaccines Marketed in U.S. and NASPHV Recommendations," prepared by the National Association of State Public Aealth Veterivarians, Inc., incorporated herein by reference and on file in the office of the city clerk. Section 3 Secrion 193.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.199.03. Vaccination identiScation. A metal or durable plastic current rabies vaccination tag, issued by the attending veterinarian, sha11 be securely attached to the collaz or harness of the do� and ca � by the owner. Whenever the dog� � ca is out of doors, whether on or off the owner's premises, the collar or harness with the vaccination tag must be worn. In addition, the owner may be requested to provide a current certificate of rabies vaccination issued by the veterivarian. Section 4 Section 149.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 199.04. Vaccination cost. The cost of rabies vaccination sha11 be borne by the owner of the do� xnd ca "'' , whichever is applicable. Section 5 Section 199.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.199.05. Eaemption from vaccination requirements; transient dogs� am� cat • '�' `" The provisions of this chapter with respect to vaccination sha11 not apply to any do� and ca temporarily remainuig within the City of Saint Paul for less than thirry (30) days, or to any do - and ca brought into the city for field trial or show purposes. Such dog� aad ca sha11 be kept under strict supervision by the owner. However, it shall be unlawful to bring any do� and ca �','� into the City of 5aint Paul under circumstances which are not in compliance with the animal heahh laws and import and e�ibition regulations of the State of Minnesota which aze applicable to dogs or cats. Section 6 Section 199.06 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code is hereby amended yo read as follows: 2 �� Z�Sb 1 2 0 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Sec.199.06. Handling of dogs; ami cats`�i;`�e "`�`�`" bitten by rabid animals. The following rules shall apply in the case of do� �d cafs�„�o�'.;�ic '£ l�own to have been bitten by rabid animals. For the purposes of this section, any bat, skunk, civet cat, raccoon or fox that bites a dog or cat shall be deemed a rabid animal, unless proven otherwise. (1) If the bitten (exposed) dog; 2nd cathof ar�f has not been vaccinated in accordance with the provisions of section 199.42, said bitten ea�wsed dog� � ca�-�" _�t shall be desiroyed immediately. If the owner is unwilling to destroy the bitten (exposed) do� arnd ca - �, said annnal shall be placed in strict isolation in a veterinary hospital under veterinary supervision for a m;nimum period of sis (6) months. Before release of the do� au� c to its owner, it shall be vaccinated against rabies one (1) month prior to its release at the owner's expense. (2) If the bitten (exposed)dog� and ca ' � has been vaccinated in accordance with the provisions of secrion 149.02, said bitten dog� arcct ca � shall be revaccinated immediately and shall be placed in strict isolation in a veterinary hospital under veterinary supervision for a minimum period of forry (40) days following revaccinafion. If the bitten (exposed) dog� ar� ca�g is not revaccinated immediately, it sha11 be placed in strict isolation in a veterinary hospital under veterinary supervision for a minimum period of six (6) months. Section 7 Section 199.07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 199.07. Impoundment of dogs� aad cats m""` without valid rabies vaccinarion tags. Any do� ar cat found off the owner's premises and not wearing a valid rabies vaccination tag may be impounded. All impounded dog� or cats shall be given proper care and maintenance. Impoundment of a11 animals shall be in accordance with the provisions of CYiapter 200 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Each do� er cat impounded pursnant to this section shall be kept at least five (5) days after the impoundment thereof, unless conditionally reclaimed by its owner as herein provided. Any dog� �r cat which is impounded pursuant to this section may be conditionally reclaimed by its owner by payment of the fees prescribed in Chapter 200 and by compliance with the rabies vaccination requn�ements of this chapter within seventy-two (72) hours of release. Upon claiming any do� ar cat which has not previously been vaccinated, the owner shall deposit the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.�0) with the pat�k`eeper �'`�g� ', which deposit shall be refunded upon the owner filing proof that the do �r cat has been vaccinated within seventy-two (?2) hours of release; otherwise the deposit sha11 be forfeited to the city. If the owner of a do� er cat impounded because of the absence of a valid rabies vaccination tag claims that his ar her animal has been vaccinated, such owner may reclaim his or her do� ar cat upon production of proof of vaccination, payment of all 'unpounding fees, and acquisition of a valid rabies vaccination tag. ff a dog� �ar cat unpounded pursuant to this section is unclanned by its owner at the end of five (5) days, such animal may be disposed of in accordauce with provisions of section 20013 of the Saint Paul Legislafive Code. Section 8 41 Section 199.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: t�l-�2SSb 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1? 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Sec.199.08. InvesHgation. (a) The rabies control authority, animal warden or any police officer is authorized to enter any yard, whether or not enclosed, or any open kennel in which a do� aad ca��a�,�e�t is kept or harbored for the purpose of detPrm�n;r whether such dog� and caY�o�f� is wearing a valid rabies vaccination �S- (b) The rabies comrol authoriry, animal warden or any police officer, having reasonable cause to believe a health hazazd e�sts by viriue of an owner's noncompliance with the provisions of flus chapter, is authorized to apply to the appropriate authority as otherwise pernutted by law for a warrant empowering him to enter the dwelling, residence or place of abode of the owner of a do� a� ca = � and to demand the e�ibifion by the owner of such do� �d ca ��"� a" and/or rabies vaccination tag andlor rabies vaccinatian cerGificate. Section 9 Section 19911 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.199.11. Biting; qusrantine. When any person has been bitten by a dog� and ca °' "$` �, the owner or custodian of the do� and ca c '� , hauing been so notified, sha11 immediately quaranrine the do� zmd ca `'� t .� at owner's home or other suitable place of co�nement withiu the ciry or such other place as directed by the ��� ' health officer. If a do� �d ca #„„ � which has bitten is ruuning at lazge and has been apprehended by the animal control supervisor, and if, upon apprehension, the do� �nd cat bears no identification which reasonably reveals its ownerslup, the animal control supernisor may unpound the dog� an� ca until the quazantine period is completed. If the do� �xnd cat has not been claimed after five (5) days, the ;° � health officer may either immediately destroy the do� zmd ca and submit the carcass for rabies exanunaflon or keep the dog� aa� ca unpounded for the full quarantine period. The period of quarantine shall commence 3mmediately after a person has been bitten and such period shall last for ten (10) consecuUve days thereafter. If on or before the tenth day the do� �l caf� , shows clinical signs suggestive of rabies, the do� aad ca may be killed for rabies examination. If any of the following atumals: skuuk, raccoon, fox, coyote, bobcat or bat, bates a human, a dog, a ca or any livestock, that animal shall be killed immediately and the carcass submitted for rabies examination. When other auiinal species are involved in a biting incident with a human or any other animal, the y � `"�`� ' health officer shall deternune whether the acaimal, based on the prevalence of rabies in the region, is a rabies suspect. Animals deemed to be a rabies suspect sha11 be killed immediately and the cazcass submitted for rabies examination. Aivinal species including livestock, rodents (squirrels, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, chipmunks, rats and mice) and lagomorplvs (rabbits and hares} may be considered mbies suspects on an individual basis. If at the end of the ten-day quarantine period the dog� ar� ca '�� appeazs to be normal, the quaz•antine will be terminated. Durnig the quarantine period the do� � ca ''"`° shall be securely confined in a building or in a yard enclosed by a fence so consiructed that the do� and ca " cannot get through or over and which will not pernut other annnals or persons to enter and will prevent the do� ar� ca ' P ` " from coming in contact with other animals or persons other than the custodian. Upon request the aniival owner or custodian shail make the do� � cat� ,;, �. available to the aniuial control supervisor for inspection at any reasonable time during the quarantine. The do� � ca � shall not be killed unless it cannot be safely secured. If the dog� and ca .= "" is killed, dies, �� ��o 1 becomes sick or escapes withiu the quarantine period, the owner, custodian or agent thereof must 2 notify the auiuial control supervisor of the City of Saint Paul immediately. VJhen it is necessary to 3 quarautine a do� aac� caf„a �`'e�rtef under ttris chapter, the cost and expense of such quazantine shall 4 be borne by the owner or agent of the owner of the doga a� ca �. �`�. E Section 10 6 Tlus ordinance shall take effect and be in force thiriy (30) days following its passage, approval and 7 publication. PIIR! (CUen ;:� ,.t .��. Requested by Depazvnent of. � Form ved by C' � ey � B ' ��=�sa/k.�s, Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council by Council �.- � Approved by Mayor: Dat�; j��`"' � Adopted by Council: DatP 1"� v- �a � � 4b 83 c,�y G8575 oz=zs=9� GREEN SHEET INRIAINATE INITIpL�ATE a DEPARTMENT OIRECTOR � CRY COUNGL IBERFOR ❑CffYATfORNEY �CfTYCL£flK m� � BUDGETDIRECTOR O FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES �Ifl. M0.YOR (OR ASSISTMIn a TOTAL # OF StGNATUflE PAGES (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATIlRE) An ordinance amending Chapter 199 of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code to bring the Chapter up-to-date, require feirets be vaccinated against rabies, improve upon the langnage and to more accurately reflect tUe curtent aniival control environment in the City. RECAMMENDA710N5: l�pprova _ P4ANWNG CAMMI$$lON _ C18 COMMI7TEE __ STAFF __ DISTRICT COURT � SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIlO&IECTIVE7 PEHSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOL40WING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this perso�rm ever worked under a contrac[ for this department? YES NO 2. Has this perSOnHirm ever been a ciTy empfoyee? YES NO 3. Does this personttirm possess a sltill not normally possessed by any current ciiy employee? YES NO Explain all yes answera o� separate sheet and attaeh to greert sheet Clurent language is out-of-date and refers to the public health officer from the division of public health and not the environmental healih officer or inspectot within the Office of Licenses, Inspecflon and Envirorunental Ptotecflon. Although ferrets aze now widely gopulaz as household pets there is no requirement that ferrets be vaccinated against cabies as is recommended by the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians, Inc. City Code will accurately reflect ffiat the Office of Licenses, Inspecflon and Environntental ProtecGon is responsible for the conffol of animals within the City. Ferrets will be added to the Code along with dogs and cats as animais requiring rabies vaccination, Brings t6e Code up-to-date. None :�` �d.�. , '����r��, ���m� ' - .. 4i, ,k}$'�y��i�rs� � � .. ] E c? 1�1'^p�' JP The Code will be out-of-date. Also, City residents will be allowed to conrinue hazboring fesets without obtaining rabies vaccination. iOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO 'UNOIfJG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER INANqAI iNFORFSATiON� (E%PIAIN) [ i ��, �� F s� � f, k Conncil File #�� Z� s•— �—` '_' �z' � Green Sheet # ��Z`b� �.�'<<.._.<<.,_� Ordinance # Presented Referred 37 Committee DatP 1 An ordinance amending Chapter 199 of the Saiut Pau1 Legislative Code to define Environmental Health 2 officer; define Animal control officer; require rabies vaccinations and identification for ferrets; include 3 fenet for purposes of handiing an animal bitten by rabid avuvals, nnpoundment, investigation and 4 quarantine. 5 G � 8 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 TI� COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAiNT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 199.01 ofthe Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 199.01. Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the definitions found in Chapter 200 shall apply, where consistent, as well as the following definitions: (1} Dog. The word "dog" means and inciudes any male or female animal of the dog kind. (2) Cat. The word "caY' means and includes any domesticated feline animal, male ar female, whole or neutered. (3) Vaccination against rabies. The term "vaccination against rabies" refers to and means the inoculation of a dog or cat with a rabies vaccine. Such vaccination shall be performed by a veterinazian duly licensed to practice veterinary medicine. (4? Rabtes control authority. The term "rabies control authority" refers to and means any duly authorized person or persons responsible for the enforcement of this chapter in accordance with the directions of the l '��� � e health officer. (5) �'`'' r� Health o�cer. " `�'"" Health officer" sha11 mean the publie `�'' health serviees ��`'` of the City of Saint Paul. (6) Animal control supervison "tlnimal control supervisoP' shall mean the animal comrol supervisor of the City of Saint Pau1 or designee. (� (?wner. "Owner" shall mean the license holder or any other person or persons, fum, association or corporation owning, keeping or harboring an animal. Any person keeping or harboring an animal for five (5) consecutive days shall, for the purposes of this chapter, be deemed to be an owner thereof. Section 2 Section 199.Q2 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 1 ORDINANCE r��-v nr ew���r on�n �u �tZZ�co 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 R3t'. 34 Sec.199A2. Vaceination re�nirements. a Eve do =�rca -'' `� four 4 months of e and older shall be vaccinated () rY g; t, ;;-, eri� () ag , against rabies. (b) Every do� �nel catro�eiiet wluch is not vaccinated at the time of its acquisition or transportation into the city shall be vaccinated withiu thirty (30) days of acquisition or arrival, wluchever �s applicable, unless such dog� � cat � et is under four (4) months of age. (c) Every do� a�td cat�i�ea��`ef shall be revaccinated thereafter in accordance with the aurrent "Compendium of Auimal Rabies Vaccines, Part II: Vaccines Marketed in U.S. and NASPHV Recommendations," prepared by the National Association of State Public Aealth Veterivarians, Inc., incorporated herein by reference and on file in the office of the city clerk. Section 3 Secrion 193.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.199.03. Vaccination identiScation. A metal or durable plastic current rabies vaccination tag, issued by the attending veterinarian, sha11 be securely attached to the collaz or harness of the do� and ca � by the owner. Whenever the dog� � ca is out of doors, whether on or off the owner's premises, the collar or harness with the vaccination tag must be worn. In addition, the owner may be requested to provide a current certificate of rabies vaccination issued by the veterivarian. Section 4 Section 149.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 199.04. Vaccination cost. The cost of rabies vaccination sha11 be borne by the owner of the do� xnd ca "'' , whichever is applicable. Section 5 Section 199.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.199.05. Eaemption from vaccination requirements; transient dogs� am� cat • '�' `" The provisions of this chapter with respect to vaccination sha11 not apply to any do� and ca temporarily remainuig within the City of Saint Paul for less than thirry (30) days, or to any do - and ca brought into the city for field trial or show purposes. Such dog� aad ca sha11 be kept under strict supervision by the owner. However, it shall be unlawful to bring any do� and ca �','� into the City of 5aint Paul under circumstances which are not in compliance with the animal heahh laws and import and e�ibition regulations of the State of Minnesota which aze applicable to dogs or cats. Section 6 Section 199.06 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code is hereby amended yo read as follows: 2 �� Z�Sb 1 2 0 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Sec.199.06. Handling of dogs; ami cats`�i;`�e "`�`�`" bitten by rabid animals. The following rules shall apply in the case of do� �d cafs�„�o�'.;�ic '£ l�own to have been bitten by rabid animals. For the purposes of this section, any bat, skunk, civet cat, raccoon or fox that bites a dog or cat shall be deemed a rabid animal, unless proven otherwise. (1) If the bitten (exposed) dog; 2nd cathof ar�f has not been vaccinated in accordance with the provisions of section 199.42, said bitten ea�wsed dog� � ca�-�" _�t shall be desiroyed immediately. If the owner is unwilling to destroy the bitten (exposed) do� arnd ca - �, said annnal shall be placed in strict isolation in a veterinary hospital under veterinary supervision for a m;nimum period of sis (6) months. Before release of the do� au� c to its owner, it shall be vaccinated against rabies one (1) month prior to its release at the owner's expense. (2) If the bitten (exposed)dog� and ca ' � has been vaccinated in accordance with the provisions of secrion 149.02, said bitten dog� arcct ca � shall be revaccinated immediately and shall be placed in strict isolation in a veterinary hospital under veterinary supervision for a minimum period of forry (40) days following revaccinafion. If the bitten (exposed) dog� ar� ca�g is not revaccinated immediately, it sha11 be placed in strict isolation in a veterinary hospital under veterinary supervision for a minimum period of six (6) months. Section 7 Section 199.07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 199.07. Impoundment of dogs� aad cats m""` without valid rabies vaccinarion tags. Any do� ar cat found off the owner's premises and not wearing a valid rabies vaccination tag may be impounded. All impounded dog� or cats shall be given proper care and maintenance. Impoundment of a11 animals shall be in accordance with the provisions of CYiapter 200 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Each do� er cat impounded pursnant to this section shall be kept at least five (5) days after the impoundment thereof, unless conditionally reclaimed by its owner as herein provided. Any dog� �r cat which is impounded pursuant to this section may be conditionally reclaimed by its owner by payment of the fees prescribed in Chapter 200 and by compliance with the rabies vaccination requn�ements of this chapter within seventy-two (72) hours of release. Upon claiming any do� ar cat which has not previously been vaccinated, the owner shall deposit the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.�0) with the pat�k`eeper �'`�g� ', which deposit shall be refunded upon the owner filing proof that the do �r cat has been vaccinated within seventy-two (?2) hours of release; otherwise the deposit sha11 be forfeited to the city. If the owner of a do� er cat impounded because of the absence of a valid rabies vaccination tag claims that his ar her animal has been vaccinated, such owner may reclaim his or her do� ar cat upon production of proof of vaccination, payment of all 'unpounding fees, and acquisition of a valid rabies vaccination tag. ff a dog� �ar cat unpounded pursuant to this section is unclanned by its owner at the end of five (5) days, such animal may be disposed of in accordauce with provisions of section 20013 of the Saint Paul Legislafive Code. Section 8 41 Section 199.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: t�l-�2SSb 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1? 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Sec.199.08. InvesHgation. (a) The rabies control authority, animal warden or any police officer is authorized to enter any yard, whether or not enclosed, or any open kennel in which a do� aad ca��a�,�e�t is kept or harbored for the purpose of detPrm�n;r whether such dog� and caY�o�f� is wearing a valid rabies vaccination �S- (b) The rabies comrol authoriry, animal warden or any police officer, having reasonable cause to believe a health hazazd e�sts by viriue of an owner's noncompliance with the provisions of flus chapter, is authorized to apply to the appropriate authority as otherwise pernutted by law for a warrant empowering him to enter the dwelling, residence or place of abode of the owner of a do� a� ca = � and to demand the e�ibifion by the owner of such do� �d ca ��"� a" and/or rabies vaccination tag andlor rabies vaccinatian cerGificate. Section 9 Section 19911 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.199.11. Biting; qusrantine. When any person has been bitten by a dog� and ca °' "$` �, the owner or custodian of the do� and ca c '� , hauing been so notified, sha11 immediately quaranrine the do� zmd ca `'� t .� at owner's home or other suitable place of co�nement withiu the ciry or such other place as directed by the ��� ' health officer. If a do� �d ca #„„ � which has bitten is ruuning at lazge and has been apprehended by the animal control supervisor, and if, upon apprehension, the do� �nd cat bears no identification which reasonably reveals its ownerslup, the animal control supernisor may unpound the dog� an� ca until the quazantine period is completed. If the do� �xnd cat has not been claimed after five (5) days, the ;° � health officer may either immediately destroy the do� zmd ca and submit the carcass for rabies exanunaflon or keep the dog� aa� ca unpounded for the full quarantine period. The period of quarantine shall commence 3mmediately after a person has been bitten and such period shall last for ten (10) consecuUve days thereafter. If on or before the tenth day the do� �l caf� , shows clinical signs suggestive of rabies, the do� aad ca may be killed for rabies examination. If any of the following atumals: skuuk, raccoon, fox, coyote, bobcat or bat, bates a human, a dog, a ca or any livestock, that animal shall be killed immediately and the carcass submitted for rabies examination. When other auiinal species are involved in a biting incident with a human or any other animal, the y � `"�`� ' health officer shall deternune whether the acaimal, based on the prevalence of rabies in the region, is a rabies suspect. Animals deemed to be a rabies suspect sha11 be killed immediately and the cazcass submitted for rabies examination. Aivinal species including livestock, rodents (squirrels, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, chipmunks, rats and mice) and lagomorplvs (rabbits and hares} may be considered mbies suspects on an individual basis. If at the end of the ten-day quarantine period the dog� ar� ca '�� appeazs to be normal, the quaz•antine will be terminated. Durnig the quarantine period the do� � ca ''"`° shall be securely confined in a building or in a yard enclosed by a fence so consiructed that the do� and ca " cannot get through or over and which will not pernut other annnals or persons to enter and will prevent the do� ar� ca ' P ` " from coming in contact with other animals or persons other than the custodian. Upon request the aniival owner or custodian shail make the do� � cat� ,;, �. available to the aniuial control supervisor for inspection at any reasonable time during the quarantine. The do� � ca � shall not be killed unless it cannot be safely secured. If the dog� and ca .= "" is killed, dies, �� ��o 1 becomes sick or escapes withiu the quarantine period, the owner, custodian or agent thereof must 2 notify the auiuial control supervisor of the City of Saint Paul immediately. VJhen it is necessary to 3 quarautine a do� aac� caf„a �`'e�rtef under ttris chapter, the cost and expense of such quazantine shall 4 be borne by the owner or agent of the owner of the doga a� ca �. �`�. E Section 10 6 Tlus ordinance shall take effect and be in force thiriy (30) days following its passage, approval and 7 publication. PIIR! (CUen ;:� ,.t .��. Requested by Depazvnent of. � Form ved by C' � ey � B ' ��=�sa/k.�s, Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council by Council �.- � Approved by Mayor: Dat�; j��`"' � Adopted by Council: DatP 1"� v- �a � � 4b 83 c,�y G8575 oz=zs=9� GREEN SHEET INRIAINATE INITIpL�ATE a DEPARTMENT OIRECTOR � CRY COUNGL IBERFOR ❑CffYATfORNEY �CfTYCL£flK m� � BUDGETDIRECTOR O FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES �Ifl. M0.YOR (OR ASSISTMIn a TOTAL # OF StGNATUflE PAGES (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATIlRE) An ordinance amending Chapter 199 of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code to bring the Chapter up-to-date, require feirets be vaccinated against rabies, improve upon the langnage and to more accurately reflect tUe curtent aniival control environment in the City. RECAMMENDA710N5: l�pprova _ P4ANWNG CAMMI$$lON _ C18 COMMI7TEE __ STAFF __ DISTRICT COURT � SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIlO&IECTIVE7 PEHSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOL40WING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this perso�rm ever worked under a contrac[ for this department? YES NO 2. Has this perSOnHirm ever been a ciTy empfoyee? YES NO 3. Does this personttirm possess a sltill not normally possessed by any current ciiy employee? YES NO Explain all yes answera o� separate sheet and attaeh to greert sheet Clurent language is out-of-date and refers to the public health officer from the division of public health and not the environmental healih officer or inspectot within the Office of Licenses, Inspecflon and Envirorunental Ptotecflon. Although ferrets aze now widely gopulaz as household pets there is no requirement that ferrets be vaccinated against cabies as is recommended by the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians, Inc. City Code will accurately reflect ffiat the Office of Licenses, Inspecflon and Environntental ProtecGon is responsible for the conffol of animals within the City. Ferrets will be added to the Code along with dogs and cats as animais requiring rabies vaccination, Brings t6e Code up-to-date. None :�` �d.�. , '����r��, ���m� ' - .. 4i, ,k}$'�y��i�rs� � � .. ] E c? 1�1'^p�' JP The Code will be out-of-date. Also, City residents will be allowed to conrinue hazboring fesets without obtaining rabies vaccination. iOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO 'UNOIfJG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER INANqAI iNFORFSATiON� (E%PIAIN) [ i ��, �� F s� � f, k Conncil File #�� Z� s•— �—` '_' �z' � Green Sheet # ��Z`b� �.�'<<.._.<<.,_� Ordinance # Presented Referred 37 Committee DatP 1 An ordinance amending Chapter 199 of the Saiut Pau1 Legislative Code to define Environmental Health 2 officer; define Animal control officer; require rabies vaccinations and identification for ferrets; include 3 fenet for purposes of handiing an animal bitten by rabid avuvals, nnpoundment, investigation and 4 quarantine. 5 G � 8 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 TI� COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAiNT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 199.01 ofthe Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 199.01. Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the definitions found in Chapter 200 shall apply, where consistent, as well as the following definitions: (1} Dog. The word "dog" means and inciudes any male or female animal of the dog kind. (2) Cat. The word "caY' means and includes any domesticated feline animal, male ar female, whole or neutered. (3) Vaccination against rabies. The term "vaccination against rabies" refers to and means the inoculation of a dog or cat with a rabies vaccine. Such vaccination shall be performed by a veterinazian duly licensed to practice veterinary medicine. (4? Rabtes control authority. The term "rabies control authority" refers to and means any duly authorized person or persons responsible for the enforcement of this chapter in accordance with the directions of the l '��� � e health officer. (5) �'`'' r� Health o�cer. " `�'"" Health officer" sha11 mean the publie `�'' health serviees ��`'` of the City of Saint Paul. (6) Animal control supervison "tlnimal control supervisoP' shall mean the animal comrol supervisor of the City of Saint Pau1 or designee. (� (?wner. "Owner" shall mean the license holder or any other person or persons, fum, association or corporation owning, keeping or harboring an animal. Any person keeping or harboring an animal for five (5) consecutive days shall, for the purposes of this chapter, be deemed to be an owner thereof. Section 2 Section 199.Q2 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 1 ORDINANCE r��-v nr ew���r on�n �u �tZZ�co 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 R3t'. 34 Sec.199A2. Vaceination re�nirements. a Eve do =�rca -'' `� four 4 months of e and older shall be vaccinated () rY g; t, ;;-, eri� () ag , against rabies. (b) Every do� �nel catro�eiiet wluch is not vaccinated at the time of its acquisition or transportation into the city shall be vaccinated withiu thirty (30) days of acquisition or arrival, wluchever �s applicable, unless such dog� � cat � et is under four (4) months of age. (c) Every do� a�td cat�i�ea��`ef shall be revaccinated thereafter in accordance with the aurrent "Compendium of Auimal Rabies Vaccines, Part II: Vaccines Marketed in U.S. and NASPHV Recommendations," prepared by the National Association of State Public Aealth Veterivarians, Inc., incorporated herein by reference and on file in the office of the city clerk. Section 3 Secrion 193.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.199.03. Vaccination identiScation. A metal or durable plastic current rabies vaccination tag, issued by the attending veterinarian, sha11 be securely attached to the collaz or harness of the do� and ca � by the owner. Whenever the dog� � ca is out of doors, whether on or off the owner's premises, the collar or harness with the vaccination tag must be worn. In addition, the owner may be requested to provide a current certificate of rabies vaccination issued by the veterivarian. Section 4 Section 149.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 199.04. Vaccination cost. The cost of rabies vaccination sha11 be borne by the owner of the do� xnd ca "'' , whichever is applicable. Section 5 Section 199.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.199.05. Eaemption from vaccination requirements; transient dogs� am� cat • '�' `" The provisions of this chapter with respect to vaccination sha11 not apply to any do� and ca temporarily remainuig within the City of Saint Paul for less than thirry (30) days, or to any do - and ca brought into the city for field trial or show purposes. Such dog� aad ca sha11 be kept under strict supervision by the owner. However, it shall be unlawful to bring any do� and ca �','� into the City of 5aint Paul under circumstances which are not in compliance with the animal heahh laws and import and e�ibition regulations of the State of Minnesota which aze applicable to dogs or cats. Section 6 Section 199.06 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code is hereby amended yo read as follows: 2 �� Z�Sb 1 2 0 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Sec.199.06. Handling of dogs; ami cats`�i;`�e "`�`�`" bitten by rabid animals. The following rules shall apply in the case of do� �d cafs�„�o�'.;�ic '£ l�own to have been bitten by rabid animals. For the purposes of this section, any bat, skunk, civet cat, raccoon or fox that bites a dog or cat shall be deemed a rabid animal, unless proven otherwise. (1) If the bitten (exposed) dog; 2nd cathof ar�f has not been vaccinated in accordance with the provisions of section 199.42, said bitten ea�wsed dog� � ca�-�" _�t shall be desiroyed immediately. If the owner is unwilling to destroy the bitten (exposed) do� arnd ca - �, said annnal shall be placed in strict isolation in a veterinary hospital under veterinary supervision for a m;nimum period of sis (6) months. Before release of the do� au� c to its owner, it shall be vaccinated against rabies one (1) month prior to its release at the owner's expense. (2) If the bitten (exposed)dog� and ca ' � has been vaccinated in accordance with the provisions of secrion 149.02, said bitten dog� arcct ca � shall be revaccinated immediately and shall be placed in strict isolation in a veterinary hospital under veterinary supervision for a minimum period of forry (40) days following revaccinafion. If the bitten (exposed) dog� ar� ca�g is not revaccinated immediately, it sha11 be placed in strict isolation in a veterinary hospital under veterinary supervision for a minimum period of six (6) months. Section 7 Section 199.07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 199.07. Impoundment of dogs� aad cats m""` without valid rabies vaccinarion tags. Any do� ar cat found off the owner's premises and not wearing a valid rabies vaccination tag may be impounded. All impounded dog� or cats shall be given proper care and maintenance. Impoundment of a11 animals shall be in accordance with the provisions of CYiapter 200 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Each do� er cat impounded pursnant to this section shall be kept at least five (5) days after the impoundment thereof, unless conditionally reclaimed by its owner as herein provided. Any dog� �r cat which is impounded pursuant to this section may be conditionally reclaimed by its owner by payment of the fees prescribed in Chapter 200 and by compliance with the rabies vaccination requn�ements of this chapter within seventy-two (72) hours of release. Upon claiming any do� ar cat which has not previously been vaccinated, the owner shall deposit the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.�0) with the pat�k`eeper �'`�g� ', which deposit shall be refunded upon the owner filing proof that the do �r cat has been vaccinated within seventy-two (?2) hours of release; otherwise the deposit sha11 be forfeited to the city. If the owner of a do� er cat impounded because of the absence of a valid rabies vaccination tag claims that his ar her animal has been vaccinated, such owner may reclaim his or her do� ar cat upon production of proof of vaccination, payment of all 'unpounding fees, and acquisition of a valid rabies vaccination tag. ff a dog� �ar cat unpounded pursuant to this section is unclanned by its owner at the end of five (5) days, such animal may be disposed of in accordauce with provisions of section 20013 of the Saint Paul Legislafive Code. Section 8 41 Section 199.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: t�l-�2SSb 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1? 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Sec.199.08. InvesHgation. (a) The rabies control authority, animal warden or any police officer is authorized to enter any yard, whether or not enclosed, or any open kennel in which a do� aad ca��a�,�e�t is kept or harbored for the purpose of detPrm�n;r whether such dog� and caY�o�f� is wearing a valid rabies vaccination �S- (b) The rabies comrol authoriry, animal warden or any police officer, having reasonable cause to believe a health hazazd e�sts by viriue of an owner's noncompliance with the provisions of flus chapter, is authorized to apply to the appropriate authority as otherwise pernutted by law for a warrant empowering him to enter the dwelling, residence or place of abode of the owner of a do� a� ca = � and to demand the e�ibifion by the owner of such do� �d ca ��"� a" and/or rabies vaccination tag andlor rabies vaccinatian cerGificate. Section 9 Section 19911 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.199.11. Biting; qusrantine. When any person has been bitten by a dog� and ca °' "$` �, the owner or custodian of the do� and ca c '� , hauing been so notified, sha11 immediately quaranrine the do� zmd ca `'� t .� at owner's home or other suitable place of co�nement withiu the ciry or such other place as directed by the ��� ' health officer. If a do� �d ca #„„ � which has bitten is ruuning at lazge and has been apprehended by the animal control supervisor, and if, upon apprehension, the do� �nd cat bears no identification which reasonably reveals its ownerslup, the animal control supernisor may unpound the dog� an� ca until the quazantine period is completed. If the do� �xnd cat has not been claimed after five (5) days, the ;° � health officer may either immediately destroy the do� zmd ca and submit the carcass for rabies exanunaflon or keep the dog� aa� ca unpounded for the full quarantine period. The period of quarantine shall commence 3mmediately after a person has been bitten and such period shall last for ten (10) consecuUve days thereafter. If on or before the tenth day the do� �l caf� , shows clinical signs suggestive of rabies, the do� aad ca may be killed for rabies examination. If any of the following atumals: skuuk, raccoon, fox, coyote, bobcat or bat, bates a human, a dog, a ca or any livestock, that animal shall be killed immediately and the carcass submitted for rabies examination. When other auiinal species are involved in a biting incident with a human or any other animal, the y � `"�`� ' health officer shall deternune whether the acaimal, based on the prevalence of rabies in the region, is a rabies suspect. Animals deemed to be a rabies suspect sha11 be killed immediately and the cazcass submitted for rabies examination. Aivinal species including livestock, rodents (squirrels, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, chipmunks, rats and mice) and lagomorplvs (rabbits and hares} may be considered mbies suspects on an individual basis. If at the end of the ten-day quarantine period the dog� ar� ca '�� appeazs to be normal, the quaz•antine will be terminated. Durnig the quarantine period the do� � ca ''"`° shall be securely confined in a building or in a yard enclosed by a fence so consiructed that the do� and ca " cannot get through or over and which will not pernut other annnals or persons to enter and will prevent the do� ar� ca ' P ` " from coming in contact with other animals or persons other than the custodian. Upon request the aniival owner or custodian shail make the do� � cat� ,;, �. available to the aniuial control supervisor for inspection at any reasonable time during the quarantine. The do� � ca � shall not be killed unless it cannot be safely secured. If the dog� and ca .= "" is killed, dies, �� ��o 1 becomes sick or escapes withiu the quarantine period, the owner, custodian or agent thereof must 2 notify the auiuial control supervisor of the City of Saint Paul immediately. VJhen it is necessary to 3 quarautine a do� aac� caf„a �`'e�rtef under ttris chapter, the cost and expense of such quazantine shall 4 be borne by the owner or agent of the owner of the doga a� ca �. �`�. E Section 10 6 Tlus ordinance shall take effect and be in force thiriy (30) days following its passage, approval and 7 publication. PIIR! (CUen ;:� ,.t .��. Requested by Depazvnent of. � Form ved by C' � ey � B ' ��=�sa/k.�s, Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council by Council �.- � Approved by Mayor: Dat�; j��`"' � Adopted by Council: DatP 1"� v- �a � � 4b 83 c,�y G8575 oz=zs=9� GREEN SHEET INRIAINATE INITIpL�ATE a DEPARTMENT OIRECTOR � CRY COUNGL IBERFOR ❑CffYATfORNEY �CfTYCL£flK m� � BUDGETDIRECTOR O FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES �Ifl. M0.YOR (OR ASSISTMIn a TOTAL # OF StGNATUflE PAGES (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATIlRE) An ordinance amending Chapter 199 of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code to bring the Chapter up-to-date, require feirets be vaccinated against rabies, improve upon the langnage and to more accurately reflect tUe curtent aniival control environment in the City. RECAMMENDA710N5: l�pprova _ P4ANWNG CAMMI$$lON _ C18 COMMI7TEE __ STAFF __ DISTRICT COURT � SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIlO&IECTIVE7 PEHSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOL40WING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this perso�rm ever worked under a contrac[ for this department? YES NO 2. Has this perSOnHirm ever been a ciTy empfoyee? YES NO 3. Does this personttirm possess a sltill not normally possessed by any current ciiy employee? YES NO Explain all yes answera o� separate sheet and attaeh to greert sheet Clurent language is out-of-date and refers to the public health officer from the division of public health and not the environmental healih officer or inspectot within the Office of Licenses, Inspecflon and Envirorunental Ptotecflon. Although ferrets aze now widely gopulaz as household pets there is no requirement that ferrets be vaccinated against cabies as is recommended by the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians, Inc. City Code will accurately reflect ffiat the Office of Licenses, Inspecflon and Environntental ProtecGon is responsible for the conffol of animals within the City. Ferrets will be added to the Code along with dogs and cats as animais requiring rabies vaccination, Brings t6e Code up-to-date. None :�` �d.�. , '����r��, ���m� ' - .. 4i, ,k}$'�y��i�rs� � � .. ] E c? 1�1'^p�' JP The Code will be out-of-date. Also, City residents will be allowed to conrinue hazboring fesets without obtaining rabies vaccination. iOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO 'UNOIfJG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER INANqAI iNFORFSATiON� (E%PIAIN)