97-283L �.. � �"� E e"° � �� � f � Council File # �� �- �..% ° '` : `�° ` 5 "..' <_ GreenSheet# �� Ordinance # ORDINANCE Presentei Referred 3'� 1 An ordinance amending Chapter 196 of the Saint Paul L,egislative Code to replace the division of public 2 health with the O�ce of License, Tnspection and Environmental Protection as to the office perfornung 3 administrafive details; exclude gophers and squirrels from 196.02(3); addition of 196.03(4) to allow the live 4 trapping of gophers and squirrels; addition of prohibition of any leg-hold, death-clutch, snare or similar trap. 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 TF� COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Secfion 1 Section 196.02 and 196.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code are hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.196.02. Definitions. The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of this chapter: Leg-hold trap. 'I'he words "leg-hold trap," as used in this chapter, mean and "anclude a steei or metal trap consisting of two (2) jaws which lie horizontally to form a circle or circulu shape when the trap is set, or trap which is similar to the above in design and which is intended to catch and secure an animai by the leg. Nuisance. For purposes of this chapter, "nuisance" shall apply to situations in which an animal or animals constitute a hazard or danger to persons or property and the proposed use of a trapping device will not constitute a hazard to ciuidren, other wildlife, domestic animals ar birds. Trap, The word "trap," as used in this chapter, means and includes leg-hold traps, as well as any other mechanical device which is designed, used or set, or which can be used or set, for the purpose of capturing, snazing, holding, killing or catching any animal; provided, however, that it shall not include: (1) �2) (3) . Cage-type live traps used for the control of nuisance animals; Any device used for or in connection with control of specific nuisance animais as authorized by the head of the ' , only if done by federal, state or municipal officers or employees, trappers licensed by the State of Minnesota under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 98, or pest control operators licensed undet the Saint Paul Legjslative Code, Chapter 334. Authorization shall be granted oniy if the head of the � �--.� �. ,�,� �� � f �" : determines that no other lawful and reasonable methods of �.� .,.,. �� controlling the nuisance animals are adequate to abate the nuisance; eF Any mechanical device which is specifically designed or primarily used and suitable for capturing, killing, catching, or controlling rodents or small pests, inciuding mice, rats � qy . .: moles aa�e}s. This exception shali not cover or exempt leg-hoid traps:� �� Z�3 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 12 13 Trapping. The word "trapping," as used in this chapter, means and includes setting, placing or leaving iraps in an operarive condition, in which such traps cau be sprung, anywhere in the City of Saint Paul. Section 2 Section 196.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.196.04. Sales prohibited. It sha11 be unlawful to sell at retail any of Saint Paul. This nrohibition shall not withiu the �`���k�catalogue or mai�order sales � to persons not resident within the City of Saint Paui. Section 3 This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Adoprion Certified by Council Approved by Mayor�te � . �� Requested by Depaztment of: � Fo ppi ved �r 'Cy cr 5iey c g - Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � 9tns�reucn �.�� :_:, .., ►� Adopted by Council: Date Q ^ 9,\°l�"1 � 0 �� OEPAflTMFIliqFFlC6COUNpL °"�QZ zs 9, GREEN SHEE i�mmmn� iwmnwn� OONTACT PFASON & PHONE O DEPARTMENT DIRECiOR �@�'FY CAUNCIL �SC1TY "SLTa�lman 6'8575 ASSIGN � CT/ATTpftNEY � Lffy CIFRK MUST BE ON CDUNCIL AGENDA SY (DA?E) pp� N � F � p � BUMiET DIRECiOA � FiN. & MOL SERViCES DIR. OROER O MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN'n � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S16NANRE7 ACTION REpUESTED: An ordinance a�nding Chapter 196 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to bring the Chapter up-to-c3axe, improve upon the language and to more accurately reflect the current animal confrol environment in the City. RECOMMENDAT�ONS: Approve (A) m Rejacl(R) pERSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLqNNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this personitirm ever worketl undar a contrect for this tlepartmentl _CIBCOMMfTTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? — �� — VES NO _ D�SiAiCi COURi _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCAUNCILO&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yea anawers on separate sheat antl ettee� to gresn sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (NTO, What, WMen. Whare. Why): The division of public health is not responsible for the control of nuisance a.nimals within the City. That responsibility currenfly rests with the Office of Licenses, Inspection and Envitonmental Protection. Also, as it is currenfly written, the Code does not allow for the sale of standard household rat and mouse traps witivn the City. ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: Ciry Code will reflect accurately the requirement that animal control permiis be obtained from the Office of Licenses, Inspecfion and Environmental Protection and that this office is responsible for the control of nuisance animals within the City. It would allow for the sale of standazd household rat and mouse 4aps within the City. Brings the Code up-to-date. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: None ��� �6�l���A fi`;ae=���; •, , � - ;..�n,� ,,,,.., � t�.� _.�.� DISA�VANTACaES IF NOTAPPROVED: � The Code wili be out-of-date and prolubit the sale of siandard household rat and mouse traps. TOTAL AMOUNT QF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGEiEp (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTIYlTY NUMBER FINANCIAI INFORAnAT10N: (EXPIAIN) L �.. � �"� E e"° � �� � f � Council File # �� �- �..% ° '` : `�° ` 5 "..' <_ GreenSheet# �� Ordinance # ORDINANCE Presentei Referred 3'� 1 An ordinance amending Chapter 196 of the Saint Paul L,egislative Code to replace the division of public 2 health with the O�ce of License, Tnspection and Environmental Protection as to the office perfornung 3 administrafive details; exclude gophers and squirrels from 196.02(3); addition of 196.03(4) to allow the live 4 trapping of gophers and squirrels; addition of prohibition of any leg-hold, death-clutch, snare or similar trap. 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 TF� COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Secfion 1 Section 196.02 and 196.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code are hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.196.02. Definitions. The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of this chapter: Leg-hold trap. 'I'he words "leg-hold trap," as used in this chapter, mean and "anclude a steei or metal trap consisting of two (2) jaws which lie horizontally to form a circle or circulu shape when the trap is set, or trap which is similar to the above in design and which is intended to catch and secure an animai by the leg. Nuisance. For purposes of this chapter, "nuisance" shall apply to situations in which an animal or animals constitute a hazard or danger to persons or property and the proposed use of a trapping device will not constitute a hazard to ciuidren, other wildlife, domestic animals ar birds. Trap, The word "trap," as used in this chapter, means and includes leg-hold traps, as well as any other mechanical device which is designed, used or set, or which can be used or set, for the purpose of capturing, snazing, holding, killing or catching any animal; provided, however, that it shall not include: (1) �2) (3) . Cage-type live traps used for the control of nuisance animals; Any device used for or in connection with control of specific nuisance animais as authorized by the head of the ' , only if done by federal, state or municipal officers or employees, trappers licensed by the State of Minnesota under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 98, or pest control operators licensed undet the Saint Paul Legjslative Code, Chapter 334. Authorization shall be granted oniy if the head of the � �--.� �. ,�,� �� � f �" : determines that no other lawful and reasonable methods of �.� .,.,. �� controlling the nuisance animals are adequate to abate the nuisance; eF Any mechanical device which is specifically designed or primarily used and suitable for capturing, killing, catching, or controlling rodents or small pests, inciuding mice, rats � qy . .: moles aa�e}s. This exception shali not cover or exempt leg-hoid traps:� �� Z�3 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 12 13 Trapping. The word "trapping," as used in this chapter, means and includes setting, placing or leaving iraps in an operarive condition, in which such traps cau be sprung, anywhere in the City of Saint Paul. Section 2 Section 196.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.196.04. Sales prohibited. It sha11 be unlawful to sell at retail any of Saint Paul. This nrohibition shall not withiu the �`���k�catalogue or mai�order sales � to persons not resident within the City of Saint Paui. Section 3 This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Adoprion Certified by Council Approved by Mayor�te � . �� Requested by Depaztment of: � Fo ppi ved �r 'Cy cr 5iey c g - Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � 9tns�reucn �.�� :_:, .., ►� Adopted by Council: Date Q ^ 9,\°l�"1 � 0 �� OEPAflTMFIliqFFlC6COUNpL °"�QZ zs 9, GREEN SHEE i�mmmn� iwmnwn� OONTACT PFASON & PHONE O DEPARTMENT DIRECiOR �@�'FY CAUNCIL �SC1TY "SLTa�lman 6'8575 ASSIGN � CT/ATTpftNEY � Lffy CIFRK MUST BE ON CDUNCIL AGENDA SY (DA?E) pp� N � F � p � BUMiET DIRECiOA � FiN. & MOL SERViCES DIR. OROER O MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN'n � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S16NANRE7 ACTION REpUESTED: An ordinance a�nding Chapter 196 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to bring the Chapter up-to-c3axe, improve upon the language and to more accurately reflect the current animal confrol environment in the City. RECOMMENDAT�ONS: Approve (A) m Rejacl(R) pERSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLqNNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this personitirm ever worketl undar a contrect for this tlepartmentl _CIBCOMMfTTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? — �� — VES NO _ D�SiAiCi COURi _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCAUNCILO&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yea anawers on separate sheat antl ettee� to gresn sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (NTO, What, WMen. Whare. Why): The division of public health is not responsible for the control of nuisance a.nimals within the City. That responsibility currenfly rests with the Office of Licenses, Inspection and Envitonmental Protection. Also, as it is currenfly written, the Code does not allow for the sale of standard household rat and mouse traps witivn the City. ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: Ciry Code will reflect accurately the requirement that animal control permiis be obtained from the Office of Licenses, Inspecfion and Environmental Protection and that this office is responsible for the control of nuisance animals within the City. It would allow for the sale of standazd household rat and mouse 4aps within the City. Brings the Code up-to-date. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: None ��� �6�l���A fi`;ae=���; •, , � - ;..�n,� ,,,,.., � t�.� _.�.� DISA�VANTACaES IF NOTAPPROVED: � The Code wili be out-of-date and prolubit the sale of siandard household rat and mouse traps. TOTAL AMOUNT QF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGEiEp (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTIYlTY NUMBER FINANCIAI INFORAnAT10N: (EXPIAIN) L �.. � �"� E e"° � �� � f � Council File # �� �- �..% ° '` : `�° ` 5 "..' <_ GreenSheet# �� Ordinance # ORDINANCE Presentei Referred 3'� 1 An ordinance amending Chapter 196 of the Saint Paul L,egislative Code to replace the division of public 2 health with the O�ce of License, Tnspection and Environmental Protection as to the office perfornung 3 administrafive details; exclude gophers and squirrels from 196.02(3); addition of 196.03(4) to allow the live 4 trapping of gophers and squirrels; addition of prohibition of any leg-hold, death-clutch, snare or similar trap. 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 TF� COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Secfion 1 Section 196.02 and 196.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code are hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.196.02. Definitions. The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of this chapter: Leg-hold trap. 'I'he words "leg-hold trap," as used in this chapter, mean and "anclude a steei or metal trap consisting of two (2) jaws which lie horizontally to form a circle or circulu shape when the trap is set, or trap which is similar to the above in design and which is intended to catch and secure an animai by the leg. Nuisance. For purposes of this chapter, "nuisance" shall apply to situations in which an animal or animals constitute a hazard or danger to persons or property and the proposed use of a trapping device will not constitute a hazard to ciuidren, other wildlife, domestic animals ar birds. Trap, The word "trap," as used in this chapter, means and includes leg-hold traps, as well as any other mechanical device which is designed, used or set, or which can be used or set, for the purpose of capturing, snazing, holding, killing or catching any animal; provided, however, that it shall not include: (1) �2) (3) . Cage-type live traps used for the control of nuisance animals; Any device used for or in connection with control of specific nuisance animais as authorized by the head of the ' , only if done by federal, state or municipal officers or employees, trappers licensed by the State of Minnesota under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 98, or pest control operators licensed undet the Saint Paul Legjslative Code, Chapter 334. Authorization shall be granted oniy if the head of the � �--.� �. ,�,� �� � f �" : determines that no other lawful and reasonable methods of �.� .,.,. �� controlling the nuisance animals are adequate to abate the nuisance; eF Any mechanical device which is specifically designed or primarily used and suitable for capturing, killing, catching, or controlling rodents or small pests, inciuding mice, rats � qy . .: moles aa�e}s. This exception shali not cover or exempt leg-hoid traps:� �� Z�3 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 12 13 Trapping. The word "trapping," as used in this chapter, means and includes setting, placing or leaving iraps in an operarive condition, in which such traps cau be sprung, anywhere in the City of Saint Paul. Section 2 Section 196.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.196.04. Sales prohibited. It sha11 be unlawful to sell at retail any of Saint Paul. This nrohibition shall not withiu the �`���k�catalogue or mai�order sales � to persons not resident within the City of Saint Paui. Section 3 This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Adoprion Certified by Council Approved by Mayor�te � . �� Requested by Depaztment of: � Fo ppi ved �r 'Cy cr 5iey c g - Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � 9tns�reucn �.�� :_:, .., ►� Adopted by Council: Date Q ^ 9,\°l�"1 � 0 �� OEPAflTMFIliqFFlC6COUNpL °"�QZ zs 9, GREEN SHEE i�mmmn� iwmnwn� OONTACT PFASON & PHONE O DEPARTMENT DIRECiOR �@�'FY CAUNCIL �SC1TY "SLTa�lman 6'8575 ASSIGN � CT/ATTpftNEY � Lffy CIFRK MUST BE ON CDUNCIL AGENDA SY (DA?E) pp� N � F � p � BUMiET DIRECiOA � FiN. & MOL SERViCES DIR. OROER O MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN'n � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S16NANRE7 ACTION REpUESTED: An ordinance a�nding Chapter 196 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to bring the Chapter up-to-c3axe, improve upon the language and to more accurately reflect the current animal confrol environment in the City. RECOMMENDAT�ONS: Approve (A) m Rejacl(R) pERSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLqNNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this personitirm ever worketl undar a contrect for this tlepartmentl _CIBCOMMfTTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? — �� — VES NO _ D�SiAiCi COURi _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCAUNCILO&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yea anawers on separate sheat antl ettee� to gresn sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (NTO, What, WMen. Whare. Why): The division of public health is not responsible for the control of nuisance a.nimals within the City. That responsibility currenfly rests with the Office of Licenses, Inspection and Envitonmental Protection. Also, as it is currenfly written, the Code does not allow for the sale of standard household rat and mouse traps witivn the City. ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: Ciry Code will reflect accurately the requirement that animal control permiis be obtained from the Office of Licenses, Inspecfion and Environmental Protection and that this office is responsible for the control of nuisance animals within the City. It would allow for the sale of standazd household rat and mouse 4aps within the City. Brings the Code up-to-date. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: None ��� �6�l���A fi`;ae=���; •, , � - ;..�n,� ,,,,.., � t�.� _.�.� DISA�VANTACaES IF NOTAPPROVED: � The Code wili be out-of-date and prolubit the sale of siandard household rat and mouse traps. TOTAL AMOUNT QF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGEiEp (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTIYlTY NUMBER FINANCIAI INFORAnAT10N: (EXPIAIN)