97-281` � Council File # �� �-��-' � �'� � ? � �' � �? ` " � Green Sheet # � ��� � , ;;���, ,�` ° � . "-° � b • Ordinance # Presentea Referred ORDINANCE CiTY OF SAINT PAUL. M 33 Committee DatP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 An ordinance amending Chapter 140 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to include service animals aiding those gersons with specific physical or sensory disabilities. TF� COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 140.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.140.04. Prohibited animals. No person shall bring or cause to be brought any animal or allow any animal under his awnership or control to be brought into the pedestrian skyway system or any pedestrian mall unless said animal is a nolice do� or ' � Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Fo pp ved b 'ty o ney By � c � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayar; ` Date �-%' �(E � 4 �� Y ! B ��.'_� Pf I�t ICf.ICt1 � .YiG �'.:.., ����. 1 Adopted by Council: DatP Q� `{ q t��� !� h��� ��" � UF.MF7IAQI�NFFICECOUNCIt DATE INITIATED c�tycoun�,r 02-25-97 GREEN SHEE CON'fACT PEHSON & PHONE � DEPARTMENT DIpE CTOR w � TIAV � p � O CRY CAUNpL ���ALlOATE Gerty Strathman 6-8575 asstcN 0 cm nrror+Ner � cm c�RK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) p O BUOGET DIflECTOFi � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. �a�� O MAYOR (OR ASSi5fANT) � TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALl IACATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: An ordinance a�nding Cliapter 140 of the Saint Pau] Legislative Code to improve upon the language and to more accurately reflect the current animal control environment in the City and allow service animals assisting individnals with disabilities into ihe skyway system RECOMMEwDAT1oNS: npprwa (A) rn Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAL7S MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING RUES710NS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION __ CIVIL SEflVICE COMMISSION �• Has this personffirm ever worked untler a contract for ihis tlepartment? _CIBCAMMfTfEE _ YES NO _ SiqFF Z- Has Mis persunHi�n ever been a city emplayee? — YES NO _ DiSiPoCf CoUHi _ 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curceM c7ry empioyee7 SUPP�ftTS WHICH CAUNCIL �&IECTIVE4 YES NO Explain ali yes answers on saparate sMeet antl attech to green sMeet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPGIRTUNITY (Who, What. Whan, Wh�re. Why)' �rrent language is exclusionary in that it allows only for the exception of guide dogs accompanying blind or deaf persons into the City's skyway system and makes no reference to individuals with other physical or sensory disabilities. ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: Properly identified service animals will be allowed into the City's skyway system without regazd to the disahility of the person aided hy the service animal. DISADYRNTAGES IF APPROVED. None �X�.r'c':�SS�'f€ '=:;�,r �, t'=�°s {,�,��-�. ,' � � � i s��� - - • ,..._. ._..., DISA�VANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED' 7ndividuals with physical or sensory disabiliGes, other than blindness or deafness, and aze aided by a service animal will not be allowed to have the service auiinal into the City's skyway system TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVI7V NUMBER FINANCIALINFORFnA710N:(EXPLAIN) ` � Council File # �� �-��-' � �'� � ? � �' � �? ` " � Green Sheet # � ��� � , ;;���, ,�` ° � . "-° � b • Ordinance # Presentea Referred ORDINANCE CiTY OF SAINT PAUL. M 33 Committee DatP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 An ordinance amending Chapter 140 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to include service animals aiding those gersons with specific physical or sensory disabilities. TF� COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 140.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.140.04. Prohibited animals. No person shall bring or cause to be brought any animal or allow any animal under his awnership or control to be brought into the pedestrian skyway system or any pedestrian mall unless said animal is a nolice do� or ' � Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Fo pp ved b 'ty o ney By � c � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayar; ` Date �-%' �(E � 4 �� Y ! B ��.'_� Pf I�t ICf.ICt1 � .YiG �'.:.., ����. 1 Adopted by Council: DatP Q� `{ q t��� !� h��� ��" � UF.MF7IAQI�NFFICECOUNCIt DATE INITIATED c�tycoun�,r 02-25-97 GREEN SHEE CON'fACT PEHSON & PHONE � DEPARTMENT DIpE CTOR w � TIAV � p � O CRY CAUNpL ���ALlOATE Gerty Strathman 6-8575 asstcN 0 cm nrror+Ner � cm c�RK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) p O BUOGET DIflECTOFi � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. �a�� O MAYOR (OR ASSi5fANT) � TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALl IACATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: An ordinance a�nding Cliapter 140 of the Saint Pau] Legislative Code to improve upon the language and to more accurately reflect the current animal control environment in the City and allow service animals assisting individnals with disabilities into ihe skyway system RECOMMEwDAT1oNS: npprwa (A) rn Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAL7S MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING RUES710NS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION __ CIVIL SEflVICE COMMISSION �• Has this personffirm ever worked untler a contract for ihis tlepartment? _CIBCAMMfTfEE _ YES NO _ SiqFF Z- Has Mis persunHi�n ever been a city emplayee? — YES NO _ DiSiPoCf CoUHi _ 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curceM c7ry empioyee7 SUPP�ftTS WHICH CAUNCIL �&IECTIVE4 YES NO Explain ali yes answers on saparate sMeet antl attech to green sMeet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPGIRTUNITY (Who, What. Whan, Wh�re. Why)' �rrent language is exclusionary in that it allows only for the exception of guide dogs accompanying blind or deaf persons into the City's skyway system and makes no reference to individuals with other physical or sensory disabilities. ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: Properly identified service animals will be allowed into the City's skyway system without regazd to the disahility of the person aided hy the service animal. DISADYRNTAGES IF APPROVED. None �X�.r'c':�SS�'f€ '=:;�,r �, t'=�°s {,�,��-�. ,' � � � i s��� - - • ,..._. ._..., DISA�VANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED' 7ndividuals with physical or sensory disabiliGes, other than blindness or deafness, and aze aided by a service animal will not be allowed to have the service auiinal into the City's skyway system TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVI7V NUMBER FINANCIALINFORFnA710N:(EXPLAIN) ` � Council File # �� �-��-' � �'� � ? � �' � �? ` " � Green Sheet # � ��� � , ;;���, ,�` ° � . "-° � b • Ordinance # Presentea Referred ORDINANCE CiTY OF SAINT PAUL. M 33 Committee DatP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 An ordinance amending Chapter 140 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to include service animals aiding those gersons with specific physical or sensory disabilities. TF� COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 140.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.140.04. Prohibited animals. No person shall bring or cause to be brought any animal or allow any animal under his awnership or control to be brought into the pedestrian skyway system or any pedestrian mall unless said animal is a nolice do� or ' � Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Fo pp ved b 'ty o ney By � c � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayar; ` Date �-%' �(E � 4 �� Y ! B ��.'_� Pf I�t ICf.ICt1 � .YiG �'.:.., ����. 1 Adopted by Council: DatP Q� `{ q t��� !� h��� ��" � UF.MF7IAQI�NFFICECOUNCIt DATE INITIATED c�tycoun�,r 02-25-97 GREEN SHEE CON'fACT PEHSON & PHONE � DEPARTMENT DIpE CTOR w � TIAV � p � O CRY CAUNpL ���ALlOATE Gerty Strathman 6-8575 asstcN 0 cm nrror+Ner � cm c�RK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) p O BUOGET DIflECTOFi � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. �a�� O MAYOR (OR ASSi5fANT) � TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALl IACATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: An ordinance a�nding Cliapter 140 of the Saint Pau] Legislative Code to improve upon the language and to more accurately reflect the current animal control environment in the City and allow service animals assisting individnals with disabilities into ihe skyway system RECOMMEwDAT1oNS: npprwa (A) rn Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAL7S MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING RUES710NS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION __ CIVIL SEflVICE COMMISSION �• Has this personffirm ever worked untler a contract for ihis tlepartment? _CIBCAMMfTfEE _ YES NO _ SiqFF Z- Has Mis persunHi�n ever been a city emplayee? — YES NO _ DiSiPoCf CoUHi _ 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curceM c7ry empioyee7 SUPP�ftTS WHICH CAUNCIL �&IECTIVE4 YES NO Explain ali yes answers on saparate sMeet antl attech to green sMeet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPGIRTUNITY (Who, What. Whan, Wh�re. Why)' �rrent language is exclusionary in that it allows only for the exception of guide dogs accompanying blind or deaf persons into the City's skyway system and makes no reference to individuals with other physical or sensory disabilities. ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: Properly identified service animals will be allowed into the City's skyway system without regazd to the disahility of the person aided hy the service animal. DISADYRNTAGES IF APPROVED. None �X�.r'c':�SS�'f€ '=:;�,r �, t'=�°s {,�,��-�. ,' � � � i s��� - - • ,..._. ._..., DISA�VANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED' 7ndividuals with physical or sensory disabiliGes, other than blindness or deafness, and aze aided by a service animal will not be allowed to have the service auiinal into the City's skyway system TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVI7V NUMBER FINANCIALINFORFnA710N:(EXPLAIN)