97-280L � � � � r' I ' " , Council File # ��- -'Z� 6 k� E E � SE' � .� € : - . . - , Green Sheet # ��%��� Ordinance # ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOl'A Presented 3a Referred T� ` �/ // Committee Date 1 An ordinauce amending Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legslative Code to include racoons in the definition 2 of pests and vests regularion of permitted vemxin infestation with the Office of License, Inspections and 3 Environmental Protection. 4 THE COUNCIL OF TF� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 5 �7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 l5 16 Section 1 Section G5.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as foliows: Sec. 45.03. Nuisance (13) Pests. Pests shall include, but not be limited to, pigeons, grackles, starlings, snakes, bats, skunks ``"�°§ and squurels. (22) Yermin infestations. Infestations of vermin such as rats, mice, squirrels, skuuks, snakes, bats, grackles, starlings, pigeons, bees, wasps, cockroaches or flies; except far bees or pigeons kept with written pernussion from, and in accordance with the regulations of, the �i�isio� a�pub�ie Section 2 This ardinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department o£ B . �� .. ���- : :`Il�! _..�� � � � Approved by Mayot for Submission to Council by Council gp� � � F�.�„�_, r� r�rv�n�a...�_ Approved by Mayor: Date � 7` /�4 �� 7- g � � B 911RI I.CUeR 2Y k .,1 �•i-. Adopted by Council: Da*?,�� � � �� � � 40�77 �EPMfliGEHTAFFICE/COUNpL DATE INITIATED c�nco,��il oa-zs-9� GREEN SHEE CONTACTPEq50N 8 PHONE INfTIAVDATE MRIAUOATE � �@PpRTMENT DIRECTOfl � CRY COUNGL Gerry Strathmau 6-8575 ASSIGN � cmrarroak� � c�mc�aK MUST 8E ON GOUNCIL ACaENDA BY (DATE) NUNBEN FOR ❑ BUDGET DIRECTOfl � FIN. & MGT. SEflVICES DIR. ROU7ING ORDEq � Mpypq (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AlL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION fiEQUESTED: An ordinance amending Chapter 4S of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to bring the Chapter up-totlate and reflect the cutrent situation requiring permits to be obtained from the Office of Licenses, Inspection and Environmental Protection. REGOMMENDATIONS: Approva (A) w Rejeet (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MU5T ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLPNNING COMMISSION __ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Ha5 this pBrSOnffifin eVer workBtl under a COntfaCt for Nlis departmen[? _ CB COMMmEE _ YES NO 2. Has this personfirm aver been a ciry employee? _ STAFC _ YES NO _ D�s7a1C7 cOURT _ 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any CuneM crty employee? SUPPOHIS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE7 VES NO Explain all yes answers on separote sheet and anaeh to green sMeet �NRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIT' (WM. WhHt, When, Wheie. Why): The division of public health does not issue permits to hazbor animals. That responsibility currenfly rests with the Office of Licenses, Inspection and Environmental Protec6on. ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: City Code will reflect accurately the requirement that permits be obtained from the Office of Licenses, Inspecrion and Environmental Protection. Brings the Code up-to-date. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVE�: None ;�o,;?':3"r�.;� ��;a������'s �'�`�". � :�`a'��r i�.�: �ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The Code will be aut-of-date. T07AL AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� VES NO FUNDRdG SOUNCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAI INFOR6fAtIdN. (E%PWNj L � � � � r' I ' " , Council File # ��- -'Z� 6 k� E E � SE' � .� € : - . . - , Green Sheet # ��%��� Ordinance # ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOl'A Presented 3a Referred T� ` �/ // Committee Date 1 An ordinauce amending Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legslative Code to include racoons in the definition 2 of pests and vests regularion of permitted vemxin infestation with the Office of License, Inspections and 3 Environmental Protection. 4 THE COUNCIL OF TF� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 5 �7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 l5 16 Section 1 Section G5.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as foliows: Sec. 45.03. Nuisance (13) Pests. Pests shall include, but not be limited to, pigeons, grackles, starlings, snakes, bats, skunks ``"�°§ and squurels. (22) Yermin infestations. Infestations of vermin such as rats, mice, squirrels, skuuks, snakes, bats, grackles, starlings, pigeons, bees, wasps, cockroaches or flies; except far bees or pigeons kept with written pernussion from, and in accordance with the regulations of, the �i�isio� a�pub�ie Section 2 This ardinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department o£ B . �� .. ���- : :`Il�! _..�� � � � Approved by Mayot for Submission to Council by Council gp� � � F�.�„�_, r� r�rv�n�a...�_ Approved by Mayor: Date � 7` /�4 �� 7- g � � B 911RI I.CUeR 2Y k .,1 �•i-. Adopted by Council: Da*?,�� � � �� � � 40�77 �EPMfliGEHTAFFICE/COUNpL DATE INITIATED c�nco,��il oa-zs-9� GREEN SHEE CONTACTPEq50N 8 PHONE INfTIAVDATE MRIAUOATE � �@PpRTMENT DIRECTOfl � CRY COUNGL Gerry Strathmau 6-8575 ASSIGN � cmrarroak� � c�mc�aK MUST 8E ON GOUNCIL ACaENDA BY (DATE) NUNBEN FOR ❑ BUDGET DIRECTOfl � FIN. & MGT. SEflVICES DIR. ROU7ING ORDEq � Mpypq (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AlL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION fiEQUESTED: An ordinance amending Chapter 4S of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to bring the Chapter up-totlate and reflect the cutrent situation requiring permits to be obtained from the Office of Licenses, Inspection and Environmental Protection. REGOMMENDATIONS: Approva (A) w Rejeet (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MU5T ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLPNNING COMMISSION __ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Ha5 this pBrSOnffifin eVer workBtl under a COntfaCt for Nlis departmen[? _ CB COMMmEE _ YES NO 2. Has this personfirm aver been a ciry employee? _ STAFC _ YES NO _ D�s7a1C7 cOURT _ 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any CuneM crty employee? SUPPOHIS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE7 VES NO Explain all yes answers on separote sheet and anaeh to green sMeet �NRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIT' (WM. WhHt, When, Wheie. Why): The division of public health does not issue permits to hazbor animals. That responsibility currenfly rests with the Office of Licenses, Inspection and Environmental Protec6on. ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: City Code will reflect accurately the requirement that permits be obtained from the Office of Licenses, Inspecrion and Environmental Protection. Brings the Code up-to-date. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVE�: None ;�o,;?':3"r�.;� ��;a������'s �'�`�". � :�`a'��r i�.�: �ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The Code will be aut-of-date. T07AL AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� VES NO FUNDRdG SOUNCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAI INFOR6fAtIdN. (E%PWNj L � � � � r' I ' " , Council File # ��- -'Z� 6 k� E E � SE' � .� € : - . . - , Green Sheet # ��%��� Ordinance # ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOl'A Presented 3a Referred T� ` �/ // Committee Date 1 An ordinauce amending Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legslative Code to include racoons in the definition 2 of pests and vests regularion of permitted vemxin infestation with the Office of License, Inspections and 3 Environmental Protection. 4 THE COUNCIL OF TF� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 5 �7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 l5 16 Section 1 Section G5.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as foliows: Sec. 45.03. Nuisance (13) Pests. Pests shall include, but not be limited to, pigeons, grackles, starlings, snakes, bats, skunks ``"�°§ and squurels. (22) Yermin infestations. Infestations of vermin such as rats, mice, squirrels, skuuks, snakes, bats, grackles, starlings, pigeons, bees, wasps, cockroaches or flies; except far bees or pigeons kept with written pernussion from, and in accordance with the regulations of, the �i�isio� a�pub�ie Section 2 This ardinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department o£ B . �� .. ���- : :`Il�! _..�� � � � Approved by Mayot for Submission to Council by Council gp� � � F�.�„�_, r� r�rv�n�a...�_ Approved by Mayor: Date � 7` /�4 �� 7- g � � B 911RI I.CUeR 2Y k .,1 �•i-. Adopted by Council: Da*?,�� � � �� � � 40�77 �EPMfliGEHTAFFICE/COUNpL DATE INITIATED c�nco,��il oa-zs-9� GREEN SHEE CONTACTPEq50N 8 PHONE INfTIAVDATE MRIAUOATE � �@PpRTMENT DIRECTOfl � CRY COUNGL Gerry Strathmau 6-8575 ASSIGN � cmrarroak� � c�mc�aK MUST 8E ON GOUNCIL ACaENDA BY (DATE) NUNBEN FOR ❑ BUDGET DIRECTOfl � FIN. & MGT. SEflVICES DIR. ROU7ING ORDEq � Mpypq (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AlL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION fiEQUESTED: An ordinance amending Chapter 4S of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to bring the Chapter up-totlate and reflect the cutrent situation requiring permits to be obtained from the Office of Licenses, Inspection and Environmental Protection. REGOMMENDATIONS: Approva (A) w Rejeet (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MU5T ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLPNNING COMMISSION __ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Ha5 this pBrSOnffifin eVer workBtl under a COntfaCt for Nlis departmen[? _ CB COMMmEE _ YES NO 2. Has this personfirm aver been a ciry employee? _ STAFC _ YES NO _ D�s7a1C7 cOURT _ 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any CuneM crty employee? SUPPOHIS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE7 VES NO Explain all yes answers on separote sheet and anaeh to green sMeet �NRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIT' (WM. WhHt, When, Wheie. Why): The division of public health does not issue permits to hazbor animals. That responsibility currenfly rests with the Office of Licenses, Inspection and Environmental Protec6on. ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: City Code will reflect accurately the requirement that permits be obtained from the Office of Licenses, Inspecrion and Environmental Protection. Brings the Code up-to-date. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVE�: None ;�o,;?':3"r�.;� ��;a������'s �'�`�". � :�`a'��r i�.�: �ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The Code will be aut-of-date. T07AL AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� VES NO FUNDRdG SOUNCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAI INFOR6fAtIdN. (E%PWNj