97-279G " an�7� o�snas►rtnr�ic�cou'+ca ome wrcu'rEO � c�r�coun�� oz-ZS-9� GREEN SHEE COHD6TPEfl50N & PHONE WRIAVDA7E INRIAIJDATE � STI'aYIlIl7an �-8575 � �EPARiMENT DIRE O CffY CQUNGIL A55�6q � CfTYATTOFNEY � CITV CLEflK NU4BERFON MUST BE ON COUNCiL AC�ENDA BV (DATE) ROUTING � BUDGET DIflECTOFi � FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES OIR. OROER � MpVOR (OR ASSISTAIJn ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCAT�ONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: An ordinance amending Chapter 11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to improve upon ihe language and to more accurately reflect the cucrent animal control environment in ihe City and allow service animals assisting individuats with disabilities on the graunds in City markets. RECOMMENDA71oNS: Approve (A) or Rejecf (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEN TME FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNIN6 COMAhISSION _ CIVIL SEiNiCE CAMMISSION �� Ha5 Mis p¢tSOnfli(RI ev9f WOfkOd under fl COnVACt (w thiS dBpO[tment? _CIBCOMMff7EE _ ' YES NO _�� 2. Hes this person/firm ever been a city empioyee? — YES NO _ D�s7a�G7 CDUR7 _ _ 3. Does this person/Firtn possess a skill not nortnall y possessetl by any current city employeel SUPPpRTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECSNE? YES NO Explain all yas answers on separete sheet end atteeh to green ahcet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPCIRTUNI'n iWlio, Whet, Wnen, NTere, Wny): Current language does not make excepfions for police K9 dogs or horses with the police horse patrol. Also, current language is exclusionary in that it allows only for the exception of guide dogs accompanying blind or deaf persons and not service animals for individuals partially hlind or with physical disabilities. AOYANTAGES IFAPPftOVEO' Properly identified service animals, police K9 dogs and horses with Yhe police horse patrol wIl16e allowed in City mazkets. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ' _- - -- -'-"��"� None �ssu��� r�,"„« ss � 'f$ s' ,..,.;. �� #��.��� � Y 5 � �-g�=: s�ii. - r,-r � � c� ��J� � .._ , , .. .. _..i , �...,....._,-....�_ . __--_.,... . „ - _ — - . „ ,.-�e..9 - _' _ _ OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ' ` Individuals, partially blind or with physical or sensory disabilities and receiv�`�assistance from a service animal will not be allowed to have the service animal on the gounds of a City market. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTJpEVENUE BUDGETED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO Fi1NDtt8G SOUPCE ACTIVITY NUMBEP FINANGIAL INFOflRfiATiON: �EXPLAIN) L � ,,-, ; ; , � : " F �, E Council File # ��l .�`�t �_ , , . � - . .- a Green Sheet # � vZ-� � Ordinance # Presented Referred ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, Mf � 3J Committee DatP 1 An ordinance amending Chapter 11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to allow police K9 dogs, horses with 2 the police horse patrol, and service auimals assisting individuals with disabilities on the grounds in City 3 markets. 4 TF� COUNCIL OF TF� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: E � 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 � Section i Section 11.20 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.11.20. Animals prohibited. It shall be uniawful for any person owning, keeping or being in control of a dog or other domesticated an'vnal to pernrit the animal to be on the grounds of the city market� �.��.. , pranided;-in9vvever; guard dogs �" on leash accompanying police of&cers and speeiatpa�iee-�eeis while in performance of their dutv, and ' _ a when such dags aze properly harnessed or leashed so that the �-eraea€ person �� " „, �� { :s�`w`� may maintain control of ttae dag may be pernutted on the mazket grounds. 17 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (3Q) days following its passage, approval and 18 publication. �, � ,,, ,,, ,,,,,, Requested by Depaztment of: Blakey Bostrom Harris By. Rettman Thune Adopted by Council: Section 2 Fo ove y 'ty may By � � ` .6 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adoptio ertified by Council Secretary BY � Bp• +.�,� a ��.�L — Approved by Mayot:�nP � y 1 t�" �� �— s ��� By t ' - � - - - ' pt��iourn �A.r ;. r •� G " an�7� o�snas►rtnr�ic�cou'+ca ome wrcu'rEO � c�r�coun�� oz-ZS-9� GREEN SHEE COHD6TPEfl50N & PHONE WRIAVDA7E INRIAIJDATE � STI'aYIlIl7an �-8575 � �EPARiMENT DIRE O CffY CQUNGIL A55�6q � CfTYATTOFNEY � CITV CLEflK NU4BERFON MUST BE ON COUNCiL AC�ENDA BV (DATE) ROUTING � BUDGET DIflECTOFi � FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES OIR. OROER � MpVOR (OR ASSISTAIJn ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCAT�ONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: An ordinance amending Chapter 11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to improve upon ihe language and to more accurately reflect the cucrent animal control environment in ihe City and allow service animals assisting individuats with disabilities on the graunds in City markets. RECOMMENDA71oNS: Approve (A) or Rejecf (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEN TME FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNIN6 COMAhISSION _ CIVIL SEiNiCE CAMMISSION �� Ha5 Mis p¢tSOnfli(RI ev9f WOfkOd under fl COnVACt (w thiS dBpO[tment? _CIBCOMMff7EE _ ' YES NO _�� 2. Hes this person/firm ever been a city empioyee? — YES NO _ D�s7a�G7 CDUR7 _ _ 3. Does this person/Firtn possess a skill not nortnall y possessetl by any current city employeel SUPPpRTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECSNE? YES NO Explain all yas answers on separete sheet end atteeh to green ahcet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPCIRTUNI'n iWlio, Whet, Wnen, NTere, Wny): Current language does not make excepfions for police K9 dogs or horses with the police horse patrol. Also, current language is exclusionary in that it allows only for the exception of guide dogs accompanying blind or deaf persons and not service animals for individuals partially hlind or with physical disabilities. AOYANTAGES IFAPPftOVEO' Properly identified service animals, police K9 dogs and horses with Yhe police horse patrol wIl16e allowed in City mazkets. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ' _- - -- -'-"��"� None �ssu��� r�,"„« ss � 'f$ s' ,..,.;. �� #��.��� � Y 5 � �-g�=: s�ii. - r,-r � � c� ��J� � .._ , , .. .. _..i , �...,....._,-....�_ . __--_.,... . „ - _ — - . „ ,.-�e..9 - _' _ _ OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ' ` Individuals, partially blind or with physical or sensory disabilities and receiv�`�assistance from a service animal will not be allowed to have the service animal on the gounds of a City market. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTJpEVENUE BUDGETED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO Fi1NDtt8G SOUPCE ACTIVITY NUMBEP FINANGIAL INFOflRfiATiON: �EXPLAIN) L � ,,-, ; ; , � : " F �, E Council File # ��l .�`�t �_ , , . � - . .- a Green Sheet # � vZ-� � Ordinance # Presented Referred ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, Mf � 3J Committee DatP 1 An ordinance amending Chapter 11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to allow police K9 dogs, horses with 2 the police horse patrol, and service auimals assisting individuals with disabilities on the grounds in City 3 markets. 4 TF� COUNCIL OF TF� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: E � 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 � Section i Section 11.20 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.11.20. Animals prohibited. It shall be uniawful for any person owning, keeping or being in control of a dog or other domesticated an'vnal to pernrit the animal to be on the grounds of the city market� �.��.. , pranided;-in9vvever; guard dogs �" on leash accompanying police of&cers and speeiatpa�iee-�eeis while in performance of their dutv, and ' _ a when such dags aze properly harnessed or leashed so that the �-eraea€ person �� " „, �� { :s�`w`� may maintain control of ttae dag may be pernutted on the mazket grounds. 17 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (3Q) days following its passage, approval and 18 publication. �, � ,,, ,,, ,,,,,, Requested by Depaztment of: Blakey Bostrom Harris By. Rettman Thune Adopted by Council: Section 2 Fo ove y 'ty may By � � ` .6 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adoptio ertified by Council Secretary BY � Bp• +.�,� a ��.�L — Approved by Mayot:�nP � y 1 t�" �� �— s ��� By t ' - � - - - ' pt��iourn �A.r ;. r •� G " an�7� o�snas►rtnr�ic�cou'+ca ome wrcu'rEO � c�r�coun�� oz-ZS-9� GREEN SHEE COHD6TPEfl50N & PHONE WRIAVDA7E INRIAIJDATE � STI'aYIlIl7an �-8575 � �EPARiMENT DIRE O CffY CQUNGIL A55�6q � CfTYATTOFNEY � CITV CLEflK NU4BERFON MUST BE ON COUNCiL AC�ENDA BV (DATE) ROUTING � BUDGET DIflECTOFi � FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES OIR. OROER � MpVOR (OR ASSISTAIJn ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCAT�ONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: An ordinance amending Chapter 11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to improve upon ihe language and to more accurately reflect the cucrent animal control environment in ihe City and allow service animals assisting individuats with disabilities on the graunds in City markets. RECOMMENDA71oNS: Approve (A) or Rejecf (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEN TME FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNIN6 COMAhISSION _ CIVIL SEiNiCE CAMMISSION �� Ha5 Mis p¢tSOnfli(RI ev9f WOfkOd under fl COnVACt (w thiS dBpO[tment? _CIBCOMMff7EE _ ' YES NO _�� 2. Hes this person/firm ever been a city empioyee? — YES NO _ D�s7a�G7 CDUR7 _ _ 3. Does this person/Firtn possess a skill not nortnall y possessetl by any current city employeel SUPPpRTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECSNE? YES NO Explain all yas answers on separete sheet end atteeh to green ahcet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPCIRTUNI'n iWlio, Whet, Wnen, NTere, Wny): Current language does not make excepfions for police K9 dogs or horses with the police horse patrol. Also, current language is exclusionary in that it allows only for the exception of guide dogs accompanying blind or deaf persons and not service animals for individuals partially hlind or with physical disabilities. AOYANTAGES IFAPPftOVEO' Properly identified service animals, police K9 dogs and horses with Yhe police horse patrol wIl16e allowed in City mazkets. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ' _- - -- -'-"��"� None �ssu��� r�,"„« ss � 'f$ s' ,..,.;. �� #��.��� � Y 5 � �-g�=: s�ii. - r,-r � � c� ��J� � .._ , , .. .. _..i , �...,....._,-....�_ . __--_.,... . „ - _ — - . „ ,.-�e..9 - _' _ _ OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ' ` Individuals, partially blind or with physical or sensory disabilities and receiv�`�assistance from a service animal will not be allowed to have the service animal on the gounds of a City market. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTJpEVENUE BUDGETED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO Fi1NDtt8G SOUPCE ACTIVITY NUMBEP FINANGIAL INFOflRfiATiON: �EXPLAIN)