97-1568�- L Presented By Referred To �� � 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Committee: Date ✓q ��(�(�,(�/( �OCouncil File # /'" ��U Ordinance # S...bst-;-�.���, �- �� i� i q g Green Sheet # �/°7°q ORDINANCE � OF SAI�NT PAUL, MINNESOTA � q �� An interim ordinance preserving the status quo with respect to advertising signs in the City of Saint Paul pending the completion of action on applicarions for the adoprion of Special District Sipn Plans under Section 66 216 ofthe Saint Pau1 Le�islative Code 4�1T�iPFF1'FPIn �h� L !'�' � � 4._ --:.1 ._...1� _ a b b �4 . . , . . The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: Section I. The Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby directs the Saint Paul Planning Commission to undertake a study of the City's zoning regulations contained in Saint Paul Legisiative Code § 66.214 relating to advertising signs and the proposed amendment thereto as contained in Council File No. 97-1447. The Planning Commission is to study this matter and submit a report to the Council together with any recommendation that the City's present zomng regulations be amended. It is the intent of the Council also to a oint a le islative adviso committee to stud these matters and eive the Council recommendations on or before Aupust 1 1998 which recommendations the Council will transmit to the Plannin Commission. The Plannin Commission is requested to consider such recommendations and report to the Council on such recommendations to�ether with its own studv on or before November 1 1998 after receivin� such legislafive advisorv committee recommendations Section II. Section 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code allows the planning creation and imnlementation of Snecial District Sign Plans far city districts and communities which Plans mav contain orovisions that are more restrictive or less restrictive than in Chapter 66 of said Le�islative Code. Such Plans are initiated bv applications to the city council For the purposes of prohibiting the establishment of ne�v advertising signs. or the modificarion of existin advertisine siens within any azea in the City of Saint Paul for which an appiicafion has been made for a Special District Sign Plan and until such time as the said City has acted upon and either adooted or reiected a Special Dish-ict Sign Plan for any such area s�-a€�ess�H}e , i"1�r�Prrt<r-tntb�C't' b � �.��a_......- ----'--'--- � •t i _�____ . . . . ', no permit or license for the � Z�i� �9g � 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 9 ����s6 � establishxnent of any new advertising sign or the modification of anv existing advertisin sien. shall be issued or approved by the City, its officers, employees, agents or commissions with respect to anv location within anv azea for which such an application has been made. for a ero riod be iig �ning on the 30�' day followinp the date of filin sg uch application with the Director of the Department of Planuing and Economic Development or her designee. unless before such 30"� day a written objection to such a�plication is filed with the said Director or her desipnee. Public hearing. If such an objecrion is filed. the Council shall hold a public hearine on such a�lication within 30 daXs followin,g the date of 'ving notice of such objection to the D'uector of LIEP as required herein. Prohibitions effective on resolution. In the event of an objection. the prohibitions contained in this Section II will go into effect on the effecrive date of a Council resolution. ado�ted followine such public hearing, which resolufion finds that such ap�l'cati� reasonable and is not over-inclusive. and that the said prohibitions are reasonable and not discruninatory and will further and assist the plauuing and legislative process for the adoption of a�ecial District Sign Plan. Permits condifional. Any permits or licenses which are applied for and issued for the establishment of anv new advertisin�sign, or the modification of anv existing advertisin s� ien, during the period commencin�after the gi�g notice of such ob�ection to the Director of LIEP as required herein. and until (al the prohibitions are effecfive after the passage of 30 davs under this Section II or (bl the Council has adopted a resolution as provided herein. whichever is later shall be issued upon the express condition that no permittee or licensee shall en�a e in any construction. installation or work thereunder durin tg hat period. Such construction. installation or work shall not thereafter commence if the prohibifions contained in this Section II have become effective either b�the passage of the 30-day period or on the effective date of a Council resolution as provided herein. A�plications. The term "a�plication" shall mean and be limited to �e anv written request bv one or more of the seventeen L9) district councils in the Citv that the Council adopt a S�ecial District Sign Plan. An a�plication may also be made on behalfofone or more district councils bv the Council bv resolution. An application shall be in the form ofa letter which describes the boundaries of the area proposed for such a Sign Plan. and shall state in �eneral terms the desired scope and provisions o such Sign Plan. An a�plication shall be filed both with the CitkCouncil and with the Director of the Department ofPlanning and Economic Develo�ment. Definition. The term "objection" shall mean and include anv written objection to such �lication. Nofice of applicafions. The said Director or her designee shall give notice of the filing of any such application to all persons who have requested in writing to her that they be notified of such filing. and to the Director of the Office of License. Inspecfions and Environmental Protection (LIEP� The prohibition is enacted for the purposes of protecting the City's planning process and the health, welfaze and safety of the City's citizens in addition to the protection of the �lznning and discussion process involved in the creation of a Special District Sien Pian, as well as the other purposes expressed herein or in an accompanying resolution. Secrion III. The prohibitions contained in Section II of this ordinance shail remain in effect for each such pending applicarion until that application for a Special District Sign Plan has been adopted or r�e'ected by the Council. and sha11 expire at the end of 12 months with respect to that aprolication unless the Council extends such p�ohibitions as and to the extent allowed b�law �e�- ,�� �3�11� q7-15�� ----- - - - - - -- -- - -- -- - - - � --- - --- - ---- - - - - -- . -- - -- -- - --- - - - ---- - - -- - - - - ---- - - -- - - .-- --- - - - . - - � - - - :.- - - - - -- - -- - - - -- -- --- - -- - - - -- - - ----- -- - - - -- -- - --- - - - -- -- - - ,. . - - - -- - - -- - --- --- -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - --- - ::: - - -- - - -- • - ------ ------ - - --- - -- - - --- -- - - - . - -- - - - . � --- -- - -- - - - - - - - -- --- �• -- io 1� 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 so si l�)li���l��tt49n)��w]�1�I �It�SRi�R����l�l�l�l���l�l• SecrionIV. The Council of the Citv of Saint Paul recognizes that United States Supreme Court decisions conclude that cities' esthetic interests relating to billboards are su�acientiv substantial to nrovide an acceptable justifzcation for content-neutral prohibitions against the use and placement of billboards in cities. See.,for exam�le. Metromedia. Inc. v. City ofSan Diego. 452 ZI.S. 490. 101 S. Ct. 2882. 69 L. Ed. 2d 800 (1989). This principle is also recognized bv Minnesota appellate courts. Goward v. Citv of Minneapolis. 456 N. W 2d 460. 466 (Minn. App. 1990). In addition. the Citv is authorized `Yo regulate. restrict or prohibit anv use "within the Citv or anyportion thereof for a limited statutorv period. in order to protect the planning process and the health. sa�tv and welfare o its citizens. Minn. Stat. � 462.355. subd. 4(1996,ZIt is the intent of the Citv. in adopting this regulatorv and restrictive ordinance. to relv on its constitutionall�!-recognized esthetic interest. bv providing for a limited regulation under which short-term prohibitions of new advertising signs and modi�cation of existing advertising signs in designated areas of the Citv are possible in order to allow the planning process relating to SDecial District Sign Plans to take place. > > ,' . �� 2/�i/9�' 97-���� � 2 3 4 5 6 7 Dfmrieucn MAR ° 7 799� Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � Approved by Mayor: at By: Section V. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after is passage approval and publication. By: Form p oved by City mey i B I!/7b Approved by [ yor for Submission to Council By: �6 �v SOSAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES DA7E INFf1ATED �a-�7-9� GREEN SHEET � 9'1— �SGB' No s�"��g u��� u��— ❑ �,,.n� ❑ �«�— ❑ �.,��. ❑ �,�,.�a ❑ W'voRlo�wfasr� ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ���.�.-�.. ��-��- � ����� � � ��,�,�� �� ( /�:�e ��_) �.��.� �- PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION 'Dy i� LPi3�] SOURCE INFORMA770N (E%PWN) � mis o�s��m everwa� �nder a� tor this �rtme�'t rES rm Has Mie PeB�rm ever been a citY emDb`/ee4 � YES No Does this PersoNPom D� a siull not �IND� bY a�ry current ciry empbyee'! YES NO Is mia peison�fi�m a tarpetea vantlon YES NO COETIREVENUE BUDGESED (dRCLE ON� ACTNI7Y NUM6ER u�i;G � Ll�t"„�� �i) Council File # � �� j �'Tyyuivo 1 � Ordinance # Referred To An interim ordinance preserving the status o with respect to advertising signs in the City of aint Paui pending the completion of action on a ications far Presented By S "'� 5 ` `}"��� — °�'' � ) �� Green Sheet # ORDINANCE / Cf"yy OF SAfNT P{�11L, MINNESOTA . Date The Council of the City of Saint Paul Section I. The Council of the City of S nt Paul hereby directs the Saint Paul Planning Commission to undertake a study of the City's ning regulations contained in Saint Paul Legislative Code § 66.214 relating to advertising si and the proposed amendment thereto as contained in Council File No. 97-1447. The Planni Commission is to study this matter and submit a report to the Council together with any re ommendation that the City's present zoning regulations be amended. It is the intent o he Council also to aprooint a legisl�tive advisorv committee to studv Section II. cL�:? Le � ative Cod . Such Plans are inifiated b a lications to the ci c uncil. For the purposes of pr 'biring the establishment of new advertising signs or the modification of existin¢ vertisin si within anv azea in the City of Saint Paul for which an application has been made for a Special District Sign Plan and unril such rime as the said City has acted u�on and either adopted or re��cted a Special District Sign Plan for anv such area �ss}Hle . , ', no permit or license for th� r/ �� �a q`l�i5f�� `� establishment of any new advertising sign, ar the modification of any existin,g advertising si�n. shall be issued or approved by the CiTy, its officers, employees, agents or commissions with respect to any location within any azea for which such an application has been made_ for a period be ig nniug on the 30"� dav following the date of film such application with the Director of the , a written objection to such applicarion is filed with the said Director or her designee. Director ofLIEP as required herein. a Snecial District Si�n Plan• resolution as provided herein. � written oh�ection to such a�plication. Protection ILIEPL The prohibition is enacted f r the purposes of protecting the City's planning process and the health, welfare and safety of e City's citizens in addition to the �rotection of the �lannin� and dis uss'on rocess involve in the creation o a S ecial District Si Plan as well as the other purposes expressed her m ar in an accompanying resolution. Section III. `� -- - - --- -- - -- - --- - - - .- - - - - �`Cl �D �� - C56� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 --- - - ----- - ---- -- - ��.�� iv�tnonavo�v�.n`.vn���w»:�a.mm�e.i.�nv.. umn � Section IV. This ordinance shall take effect and be � force 30 days from and after is passage approval and publication. � Requested by Department of: ay: Adopted by Cauncil: Adoption Certifie By: Approved by yor: By: Covncil Secretary Date Form Ap v�d 1� C'ty torney �� /�� By: � r � � Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council By: D►/I�S�'�� d'PY Covncil File # �%- I�� '6 1 - � J a$' q$ Ordinance # Green Sheet # � � 70 ` ORDINANCE CITY OF SAI T PAUL, MINNESOTA �� � . < � n 1��„A, . � ,� �. �: � Presented By Referred To Committke: Date An interim ordinance preserving the status quo respect to advertising signs in the City of S' pending the completion of acfion on a lic io� The Council of the City of Saint Paul does I. The Council of the City of Saint to undertake a study of the City's zoni � 66.214 relaring to advertising signs File No. 97-1447. The Planning C Council together with any reco enda� amended. It is the intent of the ouncil , P�ul hereby directs the Saint Paul Planning Commission �regulations contained in Saint Paul L,egislative Code § the proposed amendment thereto as contained in Council ission is to study this matter and submit a report to the ion that the City's present zoning regulations be Section II. Le i ative Code. Such Plans aze ini iate b a I'cati ns to the ci co cil. For the purposes of pro 'biting the establishment of new advertising signs. or the modification of e�stin� a vertisin si s within anv azea in the City of Saint Paul for which an a�lication has been ade for a S ecial District i n Pl and until such tune as the said City has acted u�on and either adopted or rejected a Special District Sign Plan for any such area sEc�-s€�essik�le . , ', no pernut or license for the � I-lg�� 5 � ���s�98' establishment of any new advertising si or the modification of an existin adve sin si shall be issued or approved by the City, its officers, employees, agents or commis ons with 9�- �5�8' be inning on the date such an apnlication has been made to the city council. e prohibition is enacted for the purposes of protecting the City's planning process and the alth, welfaze and safety of the City's citizens in addition to the rotection of the lamiin d discussion rocess involved in the creation of a Special District Sign Plan. as well as the o er purposes expressed herein or in an accompanying resolution. Section III. 0 Section IV. This ordinance sha11 take�ffect and be in force 30 days from and after is passage approval and publication. � Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: D te Adoption Certified b Council Secretary By: Approved by May . Date By' By: Form A ved by omey BY: i- z8'- g Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Council File # l� �S� Ordinance # Green 5heet # Presented By Referred To �a Commlttee,.�` Ddte ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA An internn ordivance preserving the status quo th respect to advertising signs in the City of Sa' t Paul pending the completion of studies of possi e amendments to the City's comprehensiv plan and zoning regulations relaring to advertis' g signs, said ordinance enacted pursuant to Minnl�tat. § 462355, Subd. 4. � The Council of the City of S Paul does ordain: I. The Council of the City of Saint ] to undertake a study of the City's zoning 66.214 relating to advertising signs and File No. 97-1447. The Planning Co i Council together with any recomme ati amended. il directs the Saint Paul Planning Commission gulations contained in Saint Paul Legislative Code § proposed amendment thereto as contained in Council on is to study this matter and submit a report to the that the City's present zoning regulations be Section II. For the purposes of �irohibiting the establishment of advertising signs within the City of Saint Paul and until suc 'me as the study of possible amendments to the City's zoning code relating to advertising gns has been completed and the Council has taken action on any recommendations co 'ned therein, no pernut or license for the establishment of any advertising sign sha11 be issue or approved by the City, its officers, employees, agents or commissions. The prohibition is e ted for the purposes of protecting the City's planning process and the health, welfaze and saf of the City's cirizens in addition to the other purposes expressed herean or in an accomnan n� resolution. Section III. For a period of time not to exceed 12 months from the effective date of this ordinance and for e purposes of prohibiting any erection of any advertising sign which may be inconsistent th the pending study and any amendments to the City's zoning code, the prohibitions sha11 continue in force until a comprehensive policy for the City can be adopted. In the event the studies and recommendations of the planning commission and the deliberations of the Council q� -� s `� require additional time, these prohibitions may be ea�tended, by subsequent action of the Counc for additional periods of time not to exceed an additional 18 months. It is the desire of the Council that the study process, if at all possible, will not use all the time provided under la an that the Planniug Commission will prepaze and submit the report within nineTy (90) days f the date this interim ordinance is first presented to the Council. Section IV. This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force 30 days from and �"ter is passage approval and publication. �� Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Dat Adoption Certified by ouncil Secretary BY: Approved by Mayor. Date By: By: Form Approved by City Attomey By: �Y/��G✓GVVW^ �z''�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: C ity of St. Pau I Q F L Party /fg P.O. Box 65540 • St. Paul, Min�esota 55165-0540 • January 9, 1998 To: St. Paul D�t City Councilmembers From: John Fiiter, Acting Chair City of St. Paul DFL Party Re: Council File Numbers 97-1569 and 97-1570 � ��_�S�x , �� �`�"��P��� ch •�"`�`J John Filter, Associate Chair D. Perty Kidder, Secretary John McCarry,Treasurer Barb Metzger, Fundraiser Dan Wamer, AffirmativeAction Officer Directors aeccy susn Thora Cartlidge Paui Gilliland Mary Hannahan $ara Merz Phii Preeshi Richard Shieids f ohn Van Hecke Fourth District Delegates Steve Boland Patricia lindgren Ward f John Lesth On December 17, 1997, both of these resolutions, relating to the erection of �Y�n Shellenberger advertising signs (biliboardsl, were adopted unanimously by the full Council. co�b;Wa They were proposed by former 4th Ward Councilmem6er Bobbi Megard as an wara a expression of the wili of the St. Paul community and of the St. Paul DFL Party. ^^� M�cee � Greg MtGee On December 26, 1997, Mayor Coleman vetoed these two resoluYsons, Tom Montgomery dismissing them as an "overreaction to concerns that have been expressed." �ranVoerding � -. . � , > . . , ,, wara s Brian Bergson For your infiormation, the foilowing resolution was adopted at the St. Paul DFL Marylyn Deneen City Convention on May 31 �'I JJ7: Ward 6 The City of St. Paul impose a morato�ium on new bi/lboard construction andphase outexistingneighborhoodbi//boards within five years. CJ ;°�: Bev Peterson Gary U�ger Wazd 7 Dav7d Connor Lena Moua ln an effort to address the concerns expressed by City Delegates in convention, Councilmember Megard's tesolutions were both modest and reasonable, calling for a study by the City Planning Commission to be comp{eted within 90 days, and for a moratorium on the erection of new signs during the period of the study. Both resofutions address legitimate pubiic interests and neither resolution piaces an undue burden on afifected businesses. Each of you was elected to office with the endorsement and support of the St: Paul DFL Party. Individually and collectively, you have expressed the desire to put the City's interests first while establishing the independence of the St. Paul City Council. As a DFLer to DFLers, I ask that you vote in unison to override this veto. tn so doing, you will affirm the actions of your predecessor council and set the tone for a unified and effective DFL Caucus. cc: City DFL Executive 8oard Pafd for by the City ot St. Paul DF4 Party, P.O. Box 65540, St Vau�, MN 55165-OSAO. 5�"�"t,; a �- L Presented By Referred To �� � 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Committee: Date ✓q ��(�(�,(�/( �OCouncil File # /'" ��U Ordinance # S...bst-;-�.���, �- �� i� i q g Green Sheet # �/°7°q ORDINANCE � OF SAI�NT PAUL, MINNESOTA � q �� An interim ordinance preserving the status quo with respect to advertising signs in the City of Saint Paul pending the completion of action on applicarions for the adoprion of Special District Sipn Plans under Section 66 216 ofthe Saint Pau1 Le�islative Code 4�1T�iPFF1'FPIn �h� L !'�' � � 4._ --:.1 ._...1� _ a b b �4 . . , . . The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: Section I. The Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby directs the Saint Paul Planning Commission to undertake a study of the City's zoning regulations contained in Saint Paul Legisiative Code § 66.214 relating to advertising signs and the proposed amendment thereto as contained in Council File No. 97-1447. The Planning Commission is to study this matter and submit a report to the Council together with any recommendation that the City's present zomng regulations be amended. It is the intent of the Council also to a oint a le islative adviso committee to stud these matters and eive the Council recommendations on or before Aupust 1 1998 which recommendations the Council will transmit to the Plannin Commission. The Plannin Commission is requested to consider such recommendations and report to the Council on such recommendations to�ether with its own studv on or before November 1 1998 after receivin� such legislafive advisorv committee recommendations Section II. Section 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code allows the planning creation and imnlementation of Snecial District Sign Plans far city districts and communities which Plans mav contain orovisions that are more restrictive or less restrictive than in Chapter 66 of said Le�islative Code. Such Plans are initiated bv applications to the city council For the purposes of prohibiting the establishment of ne�v advertising signs. or the modificarion of existin advertisine siens within any azea in the City of Saint Paul for which an appiicafion has been made for a Special District Sign Plan and until such time as the said City has acted upon and either adooted or reiected a Special Dish-ict Sign Plan for any such area s�-a€�ess�H}e , i"1�r�Prrt<r-tntb�C't' b � �.��a_......- ----'--'--- � •t i _�____ . . . . ', no permit or license for the � Z�i� �9g � 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 9 ����s6 � establishxnent of any new advertising sign or the modification of anv existing advertisin sien. shall be issued or approved by the City, its officers, employees, agents or commissions with respect to anv location within anv azea for which such an application has been made. for a ero riod be iig �ning on the 30�' day followinp the date of filin sg uch application with the Director of the Department of Planuing and Economic Development or her designee. unless before such 30"� day a written objection to such a�plication is filed with the said Director or her desipnee. Public hearing. If such an objecrion is filed. the Council shall hold a public hearine on such a�lication within 30 daXs followin,g the date of 'ving notice of such objection to the D'uector of LIEP as required herein. Prohibitions effective on resolution. In the event of an objection. the prohibitions contained in this Section II will go into effect on the effecrive date of a Council resolution. ado�ted followine such public hearing, which resolufion finds that such ap�l'cati� reasonable and is not over-inclusive. and that the said prohibitions are reasonable and not discruninatory and will further and assist the plauuing and legislative process for the adoption of a�ecial District Sign Plan. Permits condifional. Any permits or licenses which are applied for and issued for the establishment of anv new advertisin�sign, or the modification of anv existing advertisin s� ien, during the period commencin�after the gi�g notice of such ob�ection to the Director of LIEP as required herein. and until (al the prohibitions are effecfive after the passage of 30 davs under this Section II or (bl the Council has adopted a resolution as provided herein. whichever is later shall be issued upon the express condition that no permittee or licensee shall en�a e in any construction. installation or work thereunder durin tg hat period. Such construction. installation or work shall not thereafter commence if the prohibifions contained in this Section II have become effective either b�the passage of the 30-day period or on the effective date of a Council resolution as provided herein. A�plications. The term "a�plication" shall mean and be limited to �e anv written request bv one or more of the seventeen L9) district councils in the Citv that the Council adopt a S�ecial District Sign Plan. An a�plication may also be made on behalfofone or more district councils bv the Council bv resolution. An application shall be in the form ofa letter which describes the boundaries of the area proposed for such a Sign Plan. and shall state in �eneral terms the desired scope and provisions o such Sign Plan. An a�plication shall be filed both with the CitkCouncil and with the Director of the Department ofPlanning and Economic Develo�ment. Definition. The term "objection" shall mean and include anv written objection to such �lication. Nofice of applicafions. The said Director or her designee shall give notice of the filing of any such application to all persons who have requested in writing to her that they be notified of such filing. and to the Director of the Office of License. Inspecfions and Environmental Protection (LIEP� The prohibition is enacted for the purposes of protecting the City's planning process and the health, welfaze and safety of the City's citizens in addition to the protection of the �lznning and discussion process involved in the creation of a Special District Sien Pian, as well as the other purposes expressed herein or in an accompanying resolution. Secrion III. The prohibitions contained in Section II of this ordinance shail remain in effect for each such pending applicarion until that application for a Special District Sign Plan has been adopted or r�e'ected by the Council. and sha11 expire at the end of 12 months with respect to that aprolication unless the Council extends such p�ohibitions as and to the extent allowed b�law �e�- ,�� �3�11� q7-15�� ----- - - - - - -- -- - -- -- - - - � --- - --- - ---- - - - - -- . -- - -- -- - --- - - - ---- - - -- - - - - ---- - - -- - - .-- --- - - - . - - � - - - :.- - - - - -- - -- - - - -- -- --- - -- - - - -- - - ----- -- - - - -- -- - --- - - - -- -- - - ,. . - - - -- - - -- - --- --- -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - --- - ::: - - -- - - -- • - ------ ------ - - --- - -- - - --- -- - - - . - -- - - - . � --- -- - -- - - - - - - - -- --- �• -- io 1� 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 so si l�)li���l��tt49n)��w]�1�I �It�SRi�R����l�l�l�l���l�l• SecrionIV. The Council of the Citv of Saint Paul recognizes that United States Supreme Court decisions conclude that cities' esthetic interests relating to billboards are su�acientiv substantial to nrovide an acceptable justifzcation for content-neutral prohibitions against the use and placement of billboards in cities. See.,for exam�le. Metromedia. Inc. v. City ofSan Diego. 452 ZI.S. 490. 101 S. Ct. 2882. 69 L. Ed. 2d 800 (1989). This principle is also recognized bv Minnesota appellate courts. Goward v. Citv of Minneapolis. 456 N. W 2d 460. 466 (Minn. App. 1990). In addition. the Citv is authorized `Yo regulate. restrict or prohibit anv use "within the Citv or anyportion thereof for a limited statutorv period. in order to protect the planning process and the health. sa�tv and welfare o its citizens. Minn. Stat. � 462.355. subd. 4(1996,ZIt is the intent of the Citv. in adopting this regulatorv and restrictive ordinance. to relv on its constitutionall�!-recognized esthetic interest. bv providing for a limited regulation under which short-term prohibitions of new advertising signs and modi�cation of existing advertising signs in designated areas of the Citv are possible in order to allow the planning process relating to SDecial District Sign Plans to take place. > > ,' . �� 2/�i/9�' 97-���� � 2 3 4 5 6 7 Dfmrieucn MAR ° 7 799� Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � Approved by Mayor: at By: Section V. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after is passage approval and publication. By: Form p oved by City mey i B I!/7b Approved by [ yor for Submission to Council By: �6 �v SOSAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES DA7E INFf1ATED �a-�7-9� GREEN SHEET � 9'1— �SGB' No s�"��g u��� u��— ❑ �,,.n� ❑ �«�— ❑ �.,��. ❑ �,�,.�a ❑ W'voRlo�wfasr� ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ���.�.-�.. ��-��- � ����� � � ��,�,�� �� ( /�:�e ��_) �.��.� �- PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION 'Dy i� LPi3�] SOURCE INFORMA770N (E%PWN) � mis o�s��m everwa� �nder a� tor this �rtme�'t rES rm Has Mie PeB�rm ever been a citY emDb`/ee4 � YES No Does this PersoNPom D� a siull not �IND� bY a�ry current ciry empbyee'! YES NO Is mia peison�fi�m a tarpetea vantlon YES NO COETIREVENUE BUDGESED (dRCLE ON� ACTNI7Y NUM6ER u�i;G � Ll�t"„�� �i) Council File # � �� j �'Tyyuivo 1 � Ordinance # Referred To An interim ordinance preserving the status o with respect to advertising signs in the City of aint Paui pending the completion of action on a ications far Presented By S "'� 5 ` `}"��� — °�'' � ) �� Green Sheet # ORDINANCE / Cf"yy OF SAfNT P{�11L, MINNESOTA . Date The Council of the City of Saint Paul Section I. The Council of the City of S nt Paul hereby directs the Saint Paul Planning Commission to undertake a study of the City's ning regulations contained in Saint Paul Legislative Code § 66.214 relating to advertising si and the proposed amendment thereto as contained in Council File No. 97-1447. The Planni Commission is to study this matter and submit a report to the Council together with any re ommendation that the City's present zoning regulations be amended. It is the intent o he Council also to aprooint a legisl�tive advisorv committee to studv Section II. cL�:? Le � ative Cod . Such Plans are inifiated b a lications to the ci c uncil. For the purposes of pr 'biring the establishment of new advertising signs or the modification of existin¢ vertisin si within anv azea in the City of Saint Paul for which an application has been made for a Special District Sign Plan and unril such rime as the said City has acted u�on and either adopted or re��cted a Special District Sign Plan for anv such area �ss}Hle . , ', no permit or license for th� r/ �� �a q`l�i5f�� `� establishment of any new advertising sign, ar the modification of any existin,g advertising si�n. shall be issued or approved by the CiTy, its officers, employees, agents or commissions with respect to any location within any azea for which such an application has been made_ for a period be ig nniug on the 30"� dav following the date of film such application with the Director of the , a written objection to such applicarion is filed with the said Director or her designee. Director ofLIEP as required herein. a Snecial District Si�n Plan• resolution as provided herein. � written oh�ection to such a�plication. Protection ILIEPL The prohibition is enacted f r the purposes of protecting the City's planning process and the health, welfare and safety of e City's citizens in addition to the �rotection of the �lannin� and dis uss'on rocess involve in the creation o a S ecial District Si Plan as well as the other purposes expressed her m ar in an accompanying resolution. Section III. `� -- - - --- -- - -- - --- - - - .- - - - - �`Cl �D �� - C56� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 --- - - ----- - ---- -- - ��.�� iv�tnonavo�v�.n`.vn���w»:�a.mm�e.i.�nv.. umn � Section IV. This ordinance shall take effect and be � force 30 days from and after is passage approval and publication. � Requested by Department of: ay: Adopted by Cauncil: Adoption Certifie By: Approved by yor: By: Covncil Secretary Date Form Ap v�d 1� C'ty torney �� /�� By: � r � � Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council By: D►/I�S�'�� d'PY Covncil File # �%- I�� '6 1 - � J a$' q$ Ordinance # Green Sheet # � � 70 ` ORDINANCE CITY OF SAI T PAUL, MINNESOTA �� � . < � n 1��„A, . � ,� �. �: � Presented By Referred To Committke: Date An interim ordinance preserving the status quo respect to advertising signs in the City of S' pending the completion of acfion on a lic io� The Council of the City of Saint Paul does I. The Council of the City of Saint to undertake a study of the City's zoni � 66.214 relaring to advertising signs File No. 97-1447. The Planning C Council together with any reco enda� amended. It is the intent of the ouncil , P�ul hereby directs the Saint Paul Planning Commission �regulations contained in Saint Paul L,egislative Code § the proposed amendment thereto as contained in Council ission is to study this matter and submit a report to the ion that the City's present zoning regulations be Section II. Le i ative Code. Such Plans aze ini iate b a I'cati ns to the ci co cil. For the purposes of pro 'biting the establishment of new advertising signs. or the modification of e�stin� a vertisin si s within anv azea in the City of Saint Paul for which an a�lication has been ade for a S ecial District i n Pl and until such tune as the said City has acted u�on and either adopted or rejected a Special District Sign Plan for any such area sEc�-s€�essik�le . , ', no pernut or license for the � I-lg�� 5 � ���s�98' establishment of any new advertising si or the modification of an existin adve sin si shall be issued or approved by the City, its officers, employees, agents or commis ons with 9�- �5�8' be inning on the date such an apnlication has been made to the city council. e prohibition is enacted for the purposes of protecting the City's planning process and the alth, welfaze and safety of the City's citizens in addition to the rotection of the lamiin d discussion rocess involved in the creation of a Special District Sign Plan. as well as the o er purposes expressed herein or in an accompanying resolution. Section III. 0 Section IV. This ordinance sha11 take�ffect and be in force 30 days from and after is passage approval and publication. � Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: D te Adoption Certified b Council Secretary By: Approved by May . Date By' By: Form A ved by omey BY: i- z8'- g Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Council File # l� �S� Ordinance # Green 5heet # Presented By Referred To �a Commlttee,.�` Ddte ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA An internn ordivance preserving the status quo th respect to advertising signs in the City of Sa' t Paul pending the completion of studies of possi e amendments to the City's comprehensiv plan and zoning regulations relaring to advertis' g signs, said ordinance enacted pursuant to Minnl�tat. § 462355, Subd. 4. � The Council of the City of S Paul does ordain: I. The Council of the City of Saint ] to undertake a study of the City's zoning 66.214 relating to advertising signs and File No. 97-1447. The Planning Co i Council together with any recomme ati amended. il directs the Saint Paul Planning Commission gulations contained in Saint Paul Legislative Code § proposed amendment thereto as contained in Council on is to study this matter and submit a report to the that the City's present zoning regulations be Section II. For the purposes of �irohibiting the establishment of advertising signs within the City of Saint Paul and until suc 'me as the study of possible amendments to the City's zoning code relating to advertising gns has been completed and the Council has taken action on any recommendations co 'ned therein, no pernut or license for the establishment of any advertising sign sha11 be issue or approved by the City, its officers, employees, agents or commissions. The prohibition is e ted for the purposes of protecting the City's planning process and the health, welfaze and saf of the City's cirizens in addition to the other purposes expressed herean or in an accomnan n� resolution. Section III. For a period of time not to exceed 12 months from the effective date of this ordinance and for e purposes of prohibiting any erection of any advertising sign which may be inconsistent th the pending study and any amendments to the City's zoning code, the prohibitions sha11 continue in force until a comprehensive policy for the City can be adopted. In the event the studies and recommendations of the planning commission and the deliberations of the Council q� -� s `� require additional time, these prohibitions may be ea�tended, by subsequent action of the Counc for additional periods of time not to exceed an additional 18 months. It is the desire of the Council that the study process, if at all possible, will not use all the time provided under la an that the Planniug Commission will prepaze and submit the report within nineTy (90) days f the date this interim ordinance is first presented to the Council. Section IV. This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force 30 days from and �"ter is passage approval and publication. �� Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Dat Adoption Certified by ouncil Secretary BY: Approved by Mayor. Date By: By: Form Approved by City Attomey By: �Y/��G✓GVVW^ �z''�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: C ity of St. Pau I Q F L Party /fg P.O. Box 65540 • St. Paul, Min�esota 55165-0540 • January 9, 1998 To: St. Paul D�t City Councilmembers From: John Fiiter, Acting Chair City of St. Paul DFL Party Re: Council File Numbers 97-1569 and 97-1570 � ��_�S�x , �� �`�"��P��� ch •�"`�`J John Filter, Associate Chair D. Perty Kidder, Secretary John McCarry,Treasurer Barb Metzger, Fundraiser Dan Wamer, AffirmativeAction Officer Directors aeccy susn Thora Cartlidge Paui Gilliland Mary Hannahan $ara Merz Phii Preeshi Richard Shieids f ohn Van Hecke Fourth District Delegates Steve Boland Patricia lindgren Ward f John Lesth On December 17, 1997, both of these resolutions, relating to the erection of �Y�n Shellenberger advertising signs (biliboardsl, were adopted unanimously by the full Council. co�b;Wa They were proposed by former 4th Ward Councilmem6er Bobbi Megard as an wara a expression of the wili of the St. Paul community and of the St. Paul DFL Party. ^^� M�cee � Greg MtGee On December 26, 1997, Mayor Coleman vetoed these two resoluYsons, Tom Montgomery dismissing them as an "overreaction to concerns that have been expressed." �ranVoerding � -. . � , > . . , ,, wara s Brian Bergson For your infiormation, the foilowing resolution was adopted at the St. Paul DFL Marylyn Deneen City Convention on May 31 �'I JJ7: Ward 6 The City of St. Paul impose a morato�ium on new bi/lboard construction andphase outexistingneighborhoodbi//boards within five years. CJ ;°�: Bev Peterson Gary U�ger Wazd 7 Dav7d Connor Lena Moua ln an effort to address the concerns expressed by City Delegates in convention, Councilmember Megard's tesolutions were both modest and reasonable, calling for a study by the City Planning Commission to be comp{eted within 90 days, and for a moratorium on the erection of new signs during the period of the study. Both resofutions address legitimate pubiic interests and neither resolution piaces an undue burden on afifected businesses. Each of you was elected to office with the endorsement and support of the St: Paul DFL Party. Individually and collectively, you have expressed the desire to put the City's interests first while establishing the independence of the St. Paul City Council. As a DFLer to DFLers, I ask that you vote in unison to override this veto. tn so doing, you will affirm the actions of your predecessor council and set the tone for a unified and effective DFL Caucus. cc: City DFL Executive 8oard Pafd for by the City ot St. Paul DF4 Party, P.O. Box 65540, St Vau�, MN 55165-OSAO. 5�"�"t,; a �- L Presented By Referred To �� � 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Committee: Date ✓q ��(�(�,(�/( �OCouncil File # /'" ��U Ordinance # S...bst-;-�.���, �- �� i� i q g Green Sheet # �/°7°q ORDINANCE � OF SAI�NT PAUL, MINNESOTA � q �� An interim ordinance preserving the status quo with respect to advertising signs in the City of Saint Paul pending the completion of action on applicarions for the adoprion of Special District Sipn Plans under Section 66 216 ofthe Saint Pau1 Le�islative Code 4�1T�iPFF1'FPIn �h� L !'�' � � 4._ --:.1 ._...1� _ a b b �4 . . , . . The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: Section I. The Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby directs the Saint Paul Planning Commission to undertake a study of the City's zoning regulations contained in Saint Paul Legisiative Code § 66.214 relating to advertising signs and the proposed amendment thereto as contained in Council File No. 97-1447. The Planning Commission is to study this matter and submit a report to the Council together with any recommendation that the City's present zomng regulations be amended. It is the intent of the Council also to a oint a le islative adviso committee to stud these matters and eive the Council recommendations on or before Aupust 1 1998 which recommendations the Council will transmit to the Plannin Commission. The Plannin Commission is requested to consider such recommendations and report to the Council on such recommendations to�ether with its own studv on or before November 1 1998 after receivin� such legislafive advisorv committee recommendations Section II. Section 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code allows the planning creation and imnlementation of Snecial District Sign Plans far city districts and communities which Plans mav contain orovisions that are more restrictive or less restrictive than in Chapter 66 of said Le�islative Code. Such Plans are initiated bv applications to the city council For the purposes of prohibiting the establishment of ne�v advertising signs. or the modificarion of existin advertisine siens within any azea in the City of Saint Paul for which an appiicafion has been made for a Special District Sign Plan and until such time as the said City has acted upon and either adooted or reiected a Special Dish-ict Sign Plan for any such area s�-a€�ess�H}e , i"1�r�Prrt<r-tntb�C't' b � �.��a_......- ----'--'--- � •t i _�____ . . . . ', no permit or license for the � Z�i� �9g � 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 9 ����s6 � establishxnent of any new advertising sign or the modification of anv existing advertisin sien. shall be issued or approved by the City, its officers, employees, agents or commissions with respect to anv location within anv azea for which such an application has been made. for a ero riod be iig �ning on the 30�' day followinp the date of filin sg uch application with the Director of the Department of Planuing and Economic Development or her designee. unless before such 30"� day a written objection to such a�plication is filed with the said Director or her desipnee. Public hearing. If such an objecrion is filed. the Council shall hold a public hearine on such a�lication within 30 daXs followin,g the date of 'ving notice of such objection to the D'uector of LIEP as required herein. Prohibitions effective on resolution. In the event of an objection. the prohibitions contained in this Section II will go into effect on the effecrive date of a Council resolution. ado�ted followine such public hearing, which resolufion finds that such ap�l'cati� reasonable and is not over-inclusive. and that the said prohibitions are reasonable and not discruninatory and will further and assist the plauuing and legislative process for the adoption of a�ecial District Sign Plan. Permits condifional. Any permits or licenses which are applied for and issued for the establishment of anv new advertisin�sign, or the modification of anv existing advertisin s� ien, during the period commencin�after the gi�g notice of such ob�ection to the Director of LIEP as required herein. and until (al the prohibitions are effecfive after the passage of 30 davs under this Section II or (bl the Council has adopted a resolution as provided herein. whichever is later shall be issued upon the express condition that no permittee or licensee shall en�a e in any construction. installation or work thereunder durin tg hat period. Such construction. installation or work shall not thereafter commence if the prohibifions contained in this Section II have become effective either b�the passage of the 30-day period or on the effective date of a Council resolution as provided herein. A�plications. The term "a�plication" shall mean and be limited to �e anv written request bv one or more of the seventeen L9) district councils in the Citv that the Council adopt a S�ecial District Sign Plan. An a�plication may also be made on behalfofone or more district councils bv the Council bv resolution. An application shall be in the form ofa letter which describes the boundaries of the area proposed for such a Sign Plan. and shall state in �eneral terms the desired scope and provisions o such Sign Plan. An a�plication shall be filed both with the CitkCouncil and with the Director of the Department ofPlanning and Economic Develo�ment. Definition. The term "objection" shall mean and include anv written objection to such �lication. Nofice of applicafions. The said Director or her designee shall give notice of the filing of any such application to all persons who have requested in writing to her that they be notified of such filing. and to the Director of the Office of License. Inspecfions and Environmental Protection (LIEP� The prohibition is enacted for the purposes of protecting the City's planning process and the health, welfaze and safety of the City's citizens in addition to the protection of the �lznning and discussion process involved in the creation of a Special District Sien Pian, as well as the other purposes expressed herein or in an accompanying resolution. Secrion III. The prohibitions contained in Section II of this ordinance shail remain in effect for each such pending applicarion until that application for a Special District Sign Plan has been adopted or r�e'ected by the Council. and sha11 expire at the end of 12 months with respect to that aprolication unless the Council extends such p�ohibitions as and to the extent allowed b�law �e�- ,�� �3�11� q7-15�� ----- - - - - - -- -- - -- -- - - - � --- - --- - ---- - - - - -- . -- - -- -- - --- - - - ---- - - -- - - - - ---- - - -- - - .-- --- - - - . - - � - - - :.- - - - - -- - -- - - - -- -- --- - -- - - - -- - - ----- -- - - - -- -- - --- - - - -- -- - - ,. . - - - -- - - -- - --- --- -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - --- - ::: - - -- - - -- • - ------ ------ - - --- - -- - - --- -- - - - . - -- - - - . � --- -- - -- - - - - - - - -- --- �• -- io 1� 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 so si l�)li���l��tt49n)��w]�1�I �It�SRi�R����l�l�l�l���l�l• SecrionIV. The Council of the Citv of Saint Paul recognizes that United States Supreme Court decisions conclude that cities' esthetic interests relating to billboards are su�acientiv substantial to nrovide an acceptable justifzcation for content-neutral prohibitions against the use and placement of billboards in cities. See.,for exam�le. Metromedia. Inc. v. City ofSan Diego. 452 ZI.S. 490. 101 S. Ct. 2882. 69 L. Ed. 2d 800 (1989). This principle is also recognized bv Minnesota appellate courts. Goward v. Citv of Minneapolis. 456 N. W 2d 460. 466 (Minn. App. 1990). In addition. the Citv is authorized `Yo regulate. restrict or prohibit anv use "within the Citv or anyportion thereof for a limited statutorv period. in order to protect the planning process and the health. sa�tv and welfare o its citizens. Minn. Stat. � 462.355. subd. 4(1996,ZIt is the intent of the Citv. in adopting this regulatorv and restrictive ordinance. to relv on its constitutionall�!-recognized esthetic interest. bv providing for a limited regulation under which short-term prohibitions of new advertising signs and modi�cation of existing advertising signs in designated areas of the Citv are possible in order to allow the planning process relating to SDecial District Sign Plans to take place. > > ,' . �� 2/�i/9�' 97-���� � 2 3 4 5 6 7 Dfmrieucn MAR ° 7 799� Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � Approved by Mayor: at By: Section V. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after is passage approval and publication. By: Form p oved by City mey i B I!/7b Approved by [ yor for Submission to Council By: �6 �v SOSAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES DA7E INFf1ATED �a-�7-9� GREEN SHEET � 9'1— �SGB' No s�"��g u��� u��— ❑ �,,.n� ❑ �«�— ❑ �.,��. ❑ �,�,.�a ❑ W'voRlo�wfasr� ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ���.�.-�.. ��-��- � ����� � � ��,�,�� �� ( /�:�e ��_) �.��.� �- PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION 'Dy i� LPi3�] SOURCE INFORMA770N (E%PWN) � mis o�s��m everwa� �nder a� tor this �rtme�'t rES rm Has Mie PeB�rm ever been a citY emDb`/ee4 � YES No Does this PersoNPom D� a siull not �IND� bY a�ry current ciry empbyee'! YES NO Is mia peison�fi�m a tarpetea vantlon YES NO COETIREVENUE BUDGESED (dRCLE ON� ACTNI7Y NUM6ER u�i;G � Ll�t"„�� �i) Council File # � �� j �'Tyyuivo 1 � Ordinance # Referred To An interim ordinance preserving the status o with respect to advertising signs in the City of aint Paui pending the completion of action on a ications far Presented By S "'� 5 ` `}"��� — °�'' � ) �� Green Sheet # ORDINANCE / Cf"yy OF SAfNT P{�11L, MINNESOTA . Date The Council of the City of Saint Paul Section I. The Council of the City of S nt Paul hereby directs the Saint Paul Planning Commission to undertake a study of the City's ning regulations contained in Saint Paul Legislative Code § 66.214 relating to advertising si and the proposed amendment thereto as contained in Council File No. 97-1447. The Planni Commission is to study this matter and submit a report to the Council together with any re ommendation that the City's present zoning regulations be amended. It is the intent o he Council also to aprooint a legisl�tive advisorv committee to studv Section II. cL�:? Le � ative Cod . Such Plans are inifiated b a lications to the ci c uncil. For the purposes of pr 'biring the establishment of new advertising signs or the modification of existin¢ vertisin si within anv azea in the City of Saint Paul for which an application has been made for a Special District Sign Plan and unril such rime as the said City has acted u�on and either adopted or re��cted a Special District Sign Plan for anv such area �ss}Hle . , ', no permit or license for th� r/ �� �a q`l�i5f�� `� establishment of any new advertising sign, ar the modification of any existin,g advertising si�n. shall be issued or approved by the CiTy, its officers, employees, agents or commissions with respect to any location within any azea for which such an application has been made_ for a period be ig nniug on the 30"� dav following the date of film such application with the Director of the , a written objection to such applicarion is filed with the said Director or her designee. Director ofLIEP as required herein. a Snecial District Si�n Plan• resolution as provided herein. � written oh�ection to such a�plication. Protection ILIEPL The prohibition is enacted f r the purposes of protecting the City's planning process and the health, welfare and safety of e City's citizens in addition to the �rotection of the �lannin� and dis uss'on rocess involve in the creation o a S ecial District Si Plan as well as the other purposes expressed her m ar in an accompanying resolution. Section III. `� -- - - --- -- - -- - --- - - - .- - - - - �`Cl �D �� - C56� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 --- - - ----- - ---- -- - ��.�� iv�tnonavo�v�.n`.vn���w»:�a.mm�e.i.�nv.. umn � Section IV. This ordinance shall take effect and be � force 30 days from and after is passage approval and publication. � Requested by Department of: ay: Adopted by Cauncil: Adoption Certifie By: Approved by yor: By: Covncil Secretary Date Form Ap v�d 1� C'ty torney �� /�� By: � r � � Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council By: D►/I�S�'�� d'PY Covncil File # �%- I�� '6 1 - � J a$' q$ Ordinance # Green Sheet # � � 70 ` ORDINANCE CITY OF SAI T PAUL, MINNESOTA �� � . < � n 1��„A, . � ,� �. �: � Presented By Referred To Committke: Date An interim ordinance preserving the status quo respect to advertising signs in the City of S' pending the completion of acfion on a lic io� The Council of the City of Saint Paul does I. The Council of the City of Saint to undertake a study of the City's zoni � 66.214 relaring to advertising signs File No. 97-1447. The Planning C Council together with any reco enda� amended. It is the intent of the ouncil , P�ul hereby directs the Saint Paul Planning Commission �regulations contained in Saint Paul L,egislative Code § the proposed amendment thereto as contained in Council ission is to study this matter and submit a report to the ion that the City's present zoning regulations be Section II. Le i ative Code. Such Plans aze ini iate b a I'cati ns to the ci co cil. For the purposes of pro 'biting the establishment of new advertising signs. or the modification of e�stin� a vertisin si s within anv azea in the City of Saint Paul for which an a�lication has been ade for a S ecial District i n Pl and until such tune as the said City has acted u�on and either adopted or rejected a Special District Sign Plan for any such area sEc�-s€�essik�le . , ', no pernut or license for the � I-lg�� 5 � ���s�98' establishment of any new advertising si or the modification of an existin adve sin si shall be issued or approved by the City, its officers, employees, agents or commis ons with 9�- �5�8' be inning on the date such an apnlication has been made to the city council. e prohibition is enacted for the purposes of protecting the City's planning process and the alth, welfaze and safety of the City's citizens in addition to the rotection of the lamiin d discussion rocess involved in the creation of a Special District Sign Plan. as well as the o er purposes expressed herein or in an accompanying resolution. Section III. 0 Section IV. This ordinance sha11 take�ffect and be in force 30 days from and after is passage approval and publication. � Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: D te Adoption Certified b Council Secretary By: Approved by May . Date By' By: Form A ved by omey BY: i- z8'- g Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Council File # l� �S� Ordinance # Green 5heet # Presented By Referred To �a Commlttee,.�` Ddte ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA An internn ordivance preserving the status quo th respect to advertising signs in the City of Sa' t Paul pending the completion of studies of possi e amendments to the City's comprehensiv plan and zoning regulations relaring to advertis' g signs, said ordinance enacted pursuant to Minnl�tat. § 462355, Subd. 4. � The Council of the City of S Paul does ordain: I. The Council of the City of Saint ] to undertake a study of the City's zoning 66.214 relating to advertising signs and File No. 97-1447. The Planning Co i Council together with any recomme ati amended. il directs the Saint Paul Planning Commission gulations contained in Saint Paul Legislative Code § proposed amendment thereto as contained in Council on is to study this matter and submit a report to the that the City's present zoning regulations be Section II. For the purposes of �irohibiting the establishment of advertising signs within the City of Saint Paul and until suc 'me as the study of possible amendments to the City's zoning code relating to advertising gns has been completed and the Council has taken action on any recommendations co 'ned therein, no pernut or license for the establishment of any advertising sign sha11 be issue or approved by the City, its officers, employees, agents or commissions. The prohibition is e ted for the purposes of protecting the City's planning process and the health, welfaze and saf of the City's cirizens in addition to the other purposes expressed herean or in an accomnan n� resolution. Section III. For a period of time not to exceed 12 months from the effective date of this ordinance and for e purposes of prohibiting any erection of any advertising sign which may be inconsistent th the pending study and any amendments to the City's zoning code, the prohibitions sha11 continue in force until a comprehensive policy for the City can be adopted. In the event the studies and recommendations of the planning commission and the deliberations of the Council q� -� s `� require additional time, these prohibitions may be ea�tended, by subsequent action of the Counc for additional periods of time not to exceed an additional 18 months. It is the desire of the Council that the study process, if at all possible, will not use all the time provided under la an that the Planniug Commission will prepaze and submit the report within nineTy (90) days f the date this interim ordinance is first presented to the Council. Section IV. This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force 30 days from and �"ter is passage approval and publication. �� Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Dat Adoption Certified by ouncil Secretary BY: Approved by Mayor. Date By: By: Form Approved by City Attomey By: �Y/��G✓GVVW^ �z''�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: C ity of St. Pau I Q F L Party /fg P.O. Box 65540 • St. Paul, Min�esota 55165-0540 • January 9, 1998 To: St. Paul D�t City Councilmembers From: John Fiiter, Acting Chair City of St. Paul DFL Party Re: Council File Numbers 97-1569 and 97-1570 � ��_�S�x , �� �`�"��P��� ch •�"`�`J John Filter, Associate Chair D. Perty Kidder, Secretary John McCarry,Treasurer Barb Metzger, Fundraiser Dan Wamer, AffirmativeAction Officer Directors aeccy susn Thora Cartlidge Paui Gilliland Mary Hannahan $ara Merz Phii Preeshi Richard Shieids f ohn Van Hecke Fourth District Delegates Steve Boland Patricia lindgren Ward f John Lesth On December 17, 1997, both of these resolutions, relating to the erection of �Y�n Shellenberger advertising signs (biliboardsl, were adopted unanimously by the full Council. co�b;Wa They were proposed by former 4th Ward Councilmem6er Bobbi Megard as an wara a expression of the wili of the St. Paul community and of the St. Paul DFL Party. ^^� M�cee � Greg MtGee On December 26, 1997, Mayor Coleman vetoed these two resoluYsons, Tom Montgomery dismissing them as an "overreaction to concerns that have been expressed." �ranVoerding � -. . � , > . . , ,, wara s Brian Bergson For your infiormation, the foilowing resolution was adopted at the St. Paul DFL Marylyn Deneen City Convention on May 31 �'I JJ7: Ward 6 The City of St. Paul impose a morato�ium on new bi/lboard construction andphase outexistingneighborhoodbi//boards within five years. CJ ;°�: Bev Peterson Gary U�ger Wazd 7 Dav7d Connor Lena Moua ln an effort to address the concerns expressed by City Delegates in convention, Councilmember Megard's tesolutions were both modest and reasonable, calling for a study by the City Planning Commission to be comp{eted within 90 days, and for a moratorium on the erection of new signs during the period of the study. Both resofutions address legitimate pubiic interests and neither resolution piaces an undue burden on afifected businesses. Each of you was elected to office with the endorsement and support of the St: Paul DFL Party. Individually and collectively, you have expressed the desire to put the City's interests first while establishing the independence of the St. Paul City Council. As a DFLer to DFLers, I ask that you vote in unison to override this veto. tn so doing, you will affirm the actions of your predecessor council and set the tone for a unified and effective DFL Caucus. cc: City DFL Executive 8oard Pafd for by the City ot St. Paul DF4 Party, P.O. Box 65540, St Vau�, MN 55165-OSAO. 5�"�"t,; a