97-1448Council F�1e # g�! -1y4g t ; r r -. r^ Greeu Sheet # �� � : . _ _ � . , � _ _ � Ordinance # � Se�. 50 ORDINANCE Ct�17 PAUL, MINNESOTA •�,:. i �L Referred To �� 1 2 3 ``� ��°`� ��-� , Committee Date An ordinance amending section 32.01 of pertaining to compensation and benefits prc accordance with applicable provisions of stal 4 Whereas, That effective the first business day 5 council is established by section 2.07.1 of the charter �aint Paul Administrative Code to the mayor and city council in and the city charter. uary in 1994 the annual salary for members of the city City of Saint Paul as the annual sum of $30,000; and 6 Whereas, Section 2.07.1 provides that in/addition to this annual salary, members of the city council are 7 entitled to receive benefits; and � 8 Wheteas, It is the intem of the city 9 and the mayor sha11 be entitled to receive 10 The Gouncii of the City of Saint Paul 11 12 That section 32.01 13 Sec. 32.01. Salaries ; l4 (a) The salaries of the 5 (i) Mayor, p � 6 (2) Coun e per annum . . . . $30,000 7(b) Effective 7 uary 1, 1987, and on each January I thereafter, the salary of the mayor shall be increased by the 3 same perce ge as the percentage increase approved for the City of Saint Paui's Supervisory Employees > Organizati n for the year following that January 1. Section i Saint Paul Administrative Code be hereby amended to read as follows: and members of the city council shall be as follows: annum . . . . $60,000.00 il to define in tlus ordinance those benefits which council members therefore ordain: 1 � �����a ` �1� ��\ _-� - -- - - . . ...... . .. .. . ... .. ..� - �- _ . Y" " • _ _ _ " _ _ � 10 11 12 13 j1Z single or family heahh insurance premiums 14 The Mayor and Cii 15 spending accounts 16 benefits selectionl. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Bostrom Collins Harxis Megard Morton Thime Adopted by Adoption C BS� � Approved p f BY� � �` Date by Council Secretary Mayor: Date Requested by Department of: BY: Form Appmved by City Attomey �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii BY� 9'1— ly �t b' flexible a�-��t� A 1 n O O 7 L A DEPqRTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED 1 V- L V � J � ��r�� ¢�-� GREEN SHEE INITIPV9PTE INRIAV�ATE C PERSON 8 PHONE � DEPqRTMENT DIflECTOR � CITY COUNqL V1P'g BIeCS' 6�SS77 ASSIGN � CITYATTORNEV � CT' CLERK MUST eE OPI C�JUNCIL qGENDA BY (DA ROM� NGFOR ❑ BUWET DIftECTOR O FlN. & MGL SERVICES �IR. OROER � MpyOR (OR ASSiSTAN� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATION5 FOR SIGNATUR� ACfION qEQUFSTED: Passage of auached Ord'mance which amends Seclia� 32.01 of the Saint Panl Administcative Co� pertaining to the compensali� and &inge benefits provided to tLe Ma}rcir aad City Comicii. qECOMMEN�AT�ONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R1 PERSONAL SERViCE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOW ING �UESTfONS: __ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has ihis person/firm ever worked under a contract tor this tlepartment? _ CIB COMMI77EE YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personRirm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO ,. olsrRiCi COUHT — 3. Does this personttfrm possess a skill not normalty possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? YES NO Ezplatn all yes answers on aeparate sheet and attach to green sheet WITWTWG PR�BIEM. ISSUE.OPPORTUNIN (Who, What, When, Where, Why): A new Ciry Council is coming in to office in January of 1998. It would be appropriate for an outgoing City Coimcil, the majority of which aze not reaunwg ro ekcted office in 1998 to establish a revised Sringe benefit program for tbe 1998 eleeted offieials wfdch would provide for reasonable compensadon witLin the allowable ptovisions of the City Cl�artcr. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO: The monUily Ciry Comribntion for fringe benefits wonld be increased $80 from $4?A to $500. The permiUed flexibie spending accoimt pazticipaHon would be expanded to include dependent-care reimbursement, as that opflons exists for other Ciry barga�ning uniks. DISADYANTAGES IF APPROVED� 17� maAmum increased cost to the City if all eight elected officials could use 100% of their monthly beneSt contribud� would be $7,680 ($80 x 12 mOnths x 8 officials). No budget ame±±�..��t� � t�eeded fo[ Uvs possible 1998 costs. DISAOVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: 1t� Ma}ror a� Ciry Couocil membezs would not receive a posv'bk S80 per manth increase in &inge benefits (�t all �mbecs will have incnr eligible expenses to use tl� maximum monthly benefit allowance, and they could not participate in a He�le spending accoimt for dependent care expense reimbursement. TOTAL AMOUN7 OF ipANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES Np FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANdAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) . Council F�1e # g�! -1y4g t ; r r -. r^ Greeu Sheet # �� � : . _ _ � . , � _ _ � Ordinance # � Se�. 50 ORDINANCE Ct�17 PAUL, MINNESOTA •�,:. i �L Referred To �� 1 2 3 ``� ��°`� ��-� , Committee Date An ordinance amending section 32.01 of pertaining to compensation and benefits prc accordance with applicable provisions of stal 4 Whereas, That effective the first business day 5 council is established by section 2.07.1 of the charter �aint Paul Administrative Code to the mayor and city council in and the city charter. uary in 1994 the annual salary for members of the city City of Saint Paul as the annual sum of $30,000; and 6 Whereas, Section 2.07.1 provides that in/addition to this annual salary, members of the city council are 7 entitled to receive benefits; and � 8 Wheteas, It is the intem of the city 9 and the mayor sha11 be entitled to receive 10 The Gouncii of the City of Saint Paul 11 12 That section 32.01 13 Sec. 32.01. Salaries ; l4 (a) The salaries of the 5 (i) Mayor, p � 6 (2) Coun e per annum . . . . $30,000 7(b) Effective 7 uary 1, 1987, and on each January I thereafter, the salary of the mayor shall be increased by the 3 same perce ge as the percentage increase approved for the City of Saint Paui's Supervisory Employees > Organizati n for the year following that January 1. Section i Saint Paul Administrative Code be hereby amended to read as follows: and members of the city council shall be as follows: annum . . . . $60,000.00 il to define in tlus ordinance those benefits which council members therefore ordain: 1 � �����a ` �1� ��\ _-� - -- - - . . ...... . .. .. . ... .. ..� - �- _ . Y" " • _ _ _ " _ _ � 10 11 12 13 j1Z single or family heahh insurance premiums 14 The Mayor and Cii 15 spending accounts 16 benefits selectionl. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Bostrom Collins Harxis Megard Morton Thime Adopted by Adoption C BS� � Approved p f BY� � �` Date by Council Secretary Mayor: Date Requested by Department of: BY: Form Appmved by City Attomey �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii BY� 9'1— ly �t b' flexible a�-��t� A 1 n O O 7 L A DEPqRTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED 1 V- L V � J � ��r�� ¢�-� GREEN SHEE INITIPV9PTE INRIAV�ATE C PERSON 8 PHONE � DEPqRTMENT DIflECTOR � CITY COUNqL V1P'g BIeCS' 6�SS77 ASSIGN � CITYATTORNEV � CT' CLERK MUST eE OPI C�JUNCIL qGENDA BY (DA ROM� NGFOR ❑ BUWET DIftECTOR O FlN. & MGL SERVICES �IR. OROER � MpyOR (OR ASSiSTAN� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATION5 FOR SIGNATUR� ACfION qEQUFSTED: Passage of auached Ord'mance which amends Seclia� 32.01 of the Saint Panl Administcative Co� pertaining to the compensali� and &inge benefits provided to tLe Ma}rcir aad City Comicii. qECOMMEN�AT�ONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R1 PERSONAL SERViCE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOW ING �UESTfONS: __ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has ihis person/firm ever worked under a contract tor this tlepartment? _ CIB COMMI77EE YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personRirm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO ,. olsrRiCi COUHT — 3. Does this personttfrm possess a skill not normalty possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? YES NO Ezplatn all yes answers on aeparate sheet and attach to green sheet WITWTWG PR�BIEM. ISSUE.OPPORTUNIN (Who, What, When, Where, Why): A new Ciry Council is coming in to office in January of 1998. It would be appropriate for an outgoing City Coimcil, the majority of which aze not reaunwg ro ekcted office in 1998 to establish a revised Sringe benefit program for tbe 1998 eleeted offieials wfdch would provide for reasonable compensadon witLin the allowable ptovisions of the City Cl�artcr. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO: The monUily Ciry Comribntion for fringe benefits wonld be increased $80 from $4?A to $500. The permiUed flexibie spending accoimt pazticipaHon would be expanded to include dependent-care reimbursement, as that opflons exists for other Ciry barga�ning uniks. DISADYANTAGES IF APPROVED� 17� maAmum increased cost to the City if all eight elected officials could use 100% of their monthly beneSt contribud� would be $7,680 ($80 x 12 mOnths x 8 officials). No budget ame±±�..��t� � t�eeded fo[ Uvs possible 1998 costs. DISAOVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: 1t� Ma}ror a� Ciry Couocil membezs would not receive a posv'bk S80 per manth increase in &inge benefits (�t all �mbecs will have incnr eligible expenses to use tl� maximum monthly benefit allowance, and they could not participate in a He�le spending accoimt for dependent care expense reimbursement. TOTAL AMOUN7 OF ipANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES Np FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANdAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) . Council F�1e # g�! -1y4g t ; r r -. r^ Greeu Sheet # �� � : . _ _ � . , � _ _ � Ordinance # � Se�. 50 ORDINANCE Ct�17 PAUL, MINNESOTA •�,:. i �L Referred To �� 1 2 3 ``� ��°`� ��-� , Committee Date An ordinance amending section 32.01 of pertaining to compensation and benefits prc accordance with applicable provisions of stal 4 Whereas, That effective the first business day 5 council is established by section 2.07.1 of the charter �aint Paul Administrative Code to the mayor and city council in and the city charter. uary in 1994 the annual salary for members of the city City of Saint Paul as the annual sum of $30,000; and 6 Whereas, Section 2.07.1 provides that in/addition to this annual salary, members of the city council are 7 entitled to receive benefits; and � 8 Wheteas, It is the intem of the city 9 and the mayor sha11 be entitled to receive 10 The Gouncii of the City of Saint Paul 11 12 That section 32.01 13 Sec. 32.01. Salaries ; l4 (a) The salaries of the 5 (i) Mayor, p � 6 (2) Coun e per annum . . . . $30,000 7(b) Effective 7 uary 1, 1987, and on each January I thereafter, the salary of the mayor shall be increased by the 3 same perce ge as the percentage increase approved for the City of Saint Paui's Supervisory Employees > Organizati n for the year following that January 1. Section i Saint Paul Administrative Code be hereby amended to read as follows: and members of the city council shall be as follows: annum . . . . $60,000.00 il to define in tlus ordinance those benefits which council members therefore ordain: 1 � �����a ` �1� ��\ _-� - -- - - . . ...... . .. .. . ... .. ..� - �- _ . Y" " • _ _ _ " _ _ � 10 11 12 13 j1Z single or family heahh insurance premiums 14 The Mayor and Cii 15 spending accounts 16 benefits selectionl. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Bostrom Collins Harxis Megard Morton Thime Adopted by Adoption C BS� � Approved p f BY� � �` Date by Council Secretary Mayor: Date Requested by Department of: BY: Form Appmved by City Attomey �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii BY� 9'1— ly �t b' flexible a�-��t� A 1 n O O 7 L A DEPqRTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED 1 V- L V � J � ��r�� ¢�-� GREEN SHEE INITIPV9PTE INRIAV�ATE C PERSON 8 PHONE � DEPqRTMENT DIflECTOR � CITY COUNqL V1P'g BIeCS' 6�SS77 ASSIGN � CITYATTORNEV � CT' CLERK MUST eE OPI C�JUNCIL qGENDA BY (DA ROM� NGFOR ❑ BUWET DIftECTOR O FlN. & MGL SERVICES �IR. OROER � MpyOR (OR ASSiSTAN� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATION5 FOR SIGNATUR� ACfION qEQUFSTED: Passage of auached Ord'mance which amends Seclia� 32.01 of the Saint Panl Administcative Co� pertaining to the compensali� and &inge benefits provided to tLe Ma}rcir aad City Comicii. qECOMMEN�AT�ONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R1 PERSONAL SERViCE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOW ING �UESTfONS: __ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has ihis person/firm ever worked under a contract tor this tlepartment? _ CIB COMMI77EE YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personRirm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO ,. olsrRiCi COUHT — 3. Does this personttfrm possess a skill not normalty possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? YES NO Ezplatn all yes answers on aeparate sheet and attach to green sheet WITWTWG PR�BIEM. ISSUE.OPPORTUNIN (Who, What, When, Where, Why): A new Ciry Council is coming in to office in January of 1998. It would be appropriate for an outgoing City Coimcil, the majority of which aze not reaunwg ro ekcted office in 1998 to establish a revised Sringe benefit program for tbe 1998 eleeted offieials wfdch would provide for reasonable compensadon witLin the allowable ptovisions of the City Cl�artcr. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO: The monUily Ciry Comribntion for fringe benefits wonld be increased $80 from $4?A to $500. The permiUed flexibie spending accoimt pazticipaHon would be expanded to include dependent-care reimbursement, as that opflons exists for other Ciry barga�ning uniks. DISADYANTAGES IF APPROVED� 17� maAmum increased cost to the City if all eight elected officials could use 100% of their monthly beneSt contribud� would be $7,680 ($80 x 12 mOnths x 8 officials). No budget ame±±�..��t� � t�eeded fo[ Uvs possible 1998 costs. DISAOVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: 1t� Ma}ror a� Ciry Couocil membezs would not receive a posv'bk S80 per manth increase in &inge benefits (�t all �mbecs will have incnr eligible expenses to use tl� maximum monthly benefit allowance, and they could not participate in a He�le spending accoimt for dependent care expense reimbursement. TOTAL AMOUN7 OF ipANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES Np FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANdAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) .