97-144r� � n i c : �' � ;�. r }-s ;;� E i x.: ; �. � . � �- Presented by Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 MINNESOTA Committee Date An Administrative Ordinance establishing the position of Library Director in the unclassified service pursuant to Section 12.03.2(I� of the City of Saint Paul Charter. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section i. That it is appropriate and desirable to estabiish the position enfifled Library D'uector in the unclassified service. Section 2. That pursuant to 5ection 12.03.2(H) of the City Charter, such position shall be established in the unclassified service of the City of Saint Paul. Section 3. ThaY appointments to such position shall be made by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 20 days from and after its passage and approval. Blakey Bostrom HarriS Requested by Department oE Conncil File # ��� Green Sheet # 35805 �f5 Human Resources BY � n l� . nxt�VYi�,n Megazd f Rettman Form Agproved by City Attorney ��� Thune f B �� I �L7 �' � =Ri�.� te�-by Co il: Date �4 r c� .�J ���_� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council t leptieirCertified by Councit Secretary ��C Y �✓ % ��"� By; r ' �"'—�� �� �� Approval b�* Civil Service Commission: �proved by Mayor: Aate By; airperson a e � � S� �� � ��� DEPARTMENT70FFICFfCOUNCQ;. DATE IN1TfATED GREEN SHEET No.: 35805 Human Resources Jan. 2, 1997 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: � A ll'11TfALDATE INIIIAUDA'tE John Shockley 266-6482 N �� I D�,�.�a.�Nr Dm. s caxY covivca FQR 2_CITYATTO 6 CNbSERVICECOMbIISSION MiJSTBEONCOUNCII,AGENDABY(DATL� ROUTING - �TD 7_CITYCLERK O�g,R 4 MAYOR (OR ASi ) TOTALltOFSIGNAITTREPAGES CCIIPALLIACATIONSFORSIGNA _. _ _ � �._,�.`wn�.....��..s....• ' 8nP'duNJe AClION REQUFSfED; Request approval of an ordinance establishing the posirion entitled Library D'uector in the unclassifiecl service pursuant to Section 12.03.2(E� ofthe City Charter. RECO�NDAIYONS: Applove(A)otRaject(R) PLANNINGCObA4SSION _CIVII,SERVICE COARvIISSION CiS COMMii'iTEE _ STAFF _ D7S1'RICT COURT SUPPORTS WHICHCAUNCII,OBJEG•fIVE? PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSM(JSTANSWERTHEFOLIAWING ` � QUES'CIONS: 1. flnvUw+person��&rmeverwmkeduoderacontl�actfarthisdep�vtmrnt? Yes No 2 Hsa Wis personlfum ever 6een a city employeeY Yes No 3. Doesthispersodfumpoavesvaskillnot�mailyposaeesedby�yaurtentcity employceR Yw No Ezptstn sl! yes anawers en separata ahcec aud atfach to green eheet 7N117AT1NG PROBLEM, ISSUE� OPPORTIJNIY'Y (Whq WhaS �eq Whar WUy): When the Department of Community Services was reorganized and disbanded in 1992, the former Library Division, in effect, became an Office ofthe Mayor pursuant to Sedion 3.01 and Section 9A1 of the City Chazter. Heads of such o$'ices aze appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council and theix positions aze in the uncIassified service. This ordinance will codify this change resulting from the elimination of the Department of Community Services. ADVANTACES IF APPROVED: Approval of this ordinance will allow the head of the City's Library System to become appointed by the Mayor with the advice and canserit of the Council. Incumbents wou(d serve ax the will and pieasure of the Mayor. This position is currently filled on an acting basis. This new position would b�lled using this appointment process. �ISADVANTAGES IF AYPR�VED: one. . �� . ;�� ��� ����� J'�t� G 2 19°7 �ADVAN'TAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ;�, :abinet level Office head posirion reporting to the Mayor would not be appointed by the Mayor while other cabinet level itions would be appointed. J. AMOUNT OF Y'RANSAC170N: $ No aos[ ING SOUACE: CIAI, INFOR117ATTON: (EXPLAIN) AC'IIVITY NUM$ETii �' s +� b o. �� A � ?�^� t._ _ !1 i� CODE: 577A BU: 17 r � EFFECTZVE: ��- � � `I PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: LIBRARY DIRECTOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK Ge�teral Statement of Duties: Performs responsible managerial work planning, organizing and directing the operation of the library system; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of the department director. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a division, general technical and administrative supervision directly and through subordinate sugervisors over all division personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES YERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Establishes and implements objectives, policies and procedures for the library system. Initiates and develops special programs for the library system. Directs the preparation implementation and administration of the library system operating budget. Supervises the acquisition of library materials and equipment. Interviews and selects candidates for positions and initiates other parsonnel actions; surveys staff personnel and determines staffing needs. Interpzets and enforces policies, rules and procedures of the division. Supervises and coozdinates the activities and services o£ a branch library system; determines the need for and recommends additions or changes in location and services of branch libraries. Represents the library before civic and community groups and in departmental meetings. Gompiles in£ormation and submits plans for physical plant requirements; directs the maintenance of all library £acilities. Directs the assemhly of data for statistical and narrative reports. (continued on reverse side) LIBRAKY DIRECTOIL Page 2 PROPOSEB TITI.E OF CIASS: ()� LZBRARY DIRECTOR t t Coordinates library services and facilities with those of other library systems. � KNQWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILZTZES Expert knowledge of proEessional library principles, methods and procedures. ' Eicpert knowledge of Lhe function, operation and maintenance of a library system. Gonsiderable ability to communicate e£fectively both orally and in writing. Expezt ability to plan, organize and delegate work. Expert ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the general public snd divisional sta£f. Eicpert ability to evaluate the capabilities of the division facilities and staff. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation with a ma�or in library science and at least eight years of professional library experience at least three o£ which must have been in a responsible administrative position. A master's degree may be substituted for two years of the professional experience � requirement. � LZBRARY DZRECTOR r� � n i c : �' � ;�. r }-s ;;� E i x.: ; �. � . � �- Presented by Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 MINNESOTA Committee Date An Administrative Ordinance establishing the position of Library Director in the unclassified service pursuant to Section 12.03.2(I� of the City of Saint Paul Charter. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section i. That it is appropriate and desirable to estabiish the position enfifled Library D'uector in the unclassified service. Section 2. That pursuant to 5ection 12.03.2(H) of the City Charter, such position shall be established in the unclassified service of the City of Saint Paul. Section 3. ThaY appointments to such position shall be made by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 20 days from and after its passage and approval. Blakey Bostrom HarriS Requested by Department oE Conncil File # ��� Green Sheet # 35805 �f5 Human Resources BY � n l� . nxt�VYi�,n Megazd f Rettman Form Agproved by City Attorney ��� Thune f B �� I �L7 �' � =Ri�.� te�-by Co il: Date �4 r c� .�J ���_� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council t leptieirCertified by Councit Secretary ��C Y �✓ % ��"� By; r ' �"'—�� �� �� Approval b�* Civil Service Commission: �proved by Mayor: Aate By; airperson a e � � S� �� � ��� DEPARTMENT70FFICFfCOUNCQ;. DATE IN1TfATED GREEN SHEET No.: 35805 Human Resources Jan. 2, 1997 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: � A ll'11TfALDATE INIIIAUDA'tE John Shockley 266-6482 N �� I D�,�.�a.�Nr Dm. s caxY covivca FQR 2_CITYATTO 6 CNbSERVICECOMbIISSION MiJSTBEONCOUNCII,AGENDABY(DATL� ROUTING - �TD 7_CITYCLERK O�g,R 4 MAYOR (OR ASi ) TOTALltOFSIGNAITTREPAGES CCIIPALLIACATIONSFORSIGNA _. _ _ � �._,�.`wn�.....��..s....• ' 8nP'duNJe AClION REQUFSfED; Request approval of an ordinance establishing the posirion entitled Library D'uector in the unclassifiecl service pursuant to Section 12.03.2(E� ofthe City Charter. RECO�NDAIYONS: Applove(A)otRaject(R) PLANNINGCObA4SSION _CIVII,SERVICE COARvIISSION CiS COMMii'iTEE _ STAFF _ D7S1'RICT COURT SUPPORTS WHICHCAUNCII,OBJEG•fIVE? PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSM(JSTANSWERTHEFOLIAWING ` � QUES'CIONS: 1. flnvUw+person��&rmeverwmkeduoderacontl�actfarthisdep�vtmrnt? Yes No 2 Hsa Wis personlfum ever 6een a city employeeY Yes No 3. Doesthispersodfumpoavesvaskillnot�mailyposaeesedby�yaurtentcity employceR Yw No Ezptstn sl! yes anawers en separata ahcec aud atfach to green eheet 7N117AT1NG PROBLEM, ISSUE� OPPORTIJNIY'Y (Whq WhaS �eq Whar WUy): When the Department of Community Services was reorganized and disbanded in 1992, the former Library Division, in effect, became an Office ofthe Mayor pursuant to Sedion 3.01 and Section 9A1 of the City Chazter. Heads of such o$'ices aze appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council and theix positions aze in the uncIassified service. This ordinance will codify this change resulting from the elimination of the Department of Community Services. ADVANTACES IF APPROVED: Approval of this ordinance will allow the head of the City's Library System to become appointed by the Mayor with the advice and canserit of the Council. Incumbents wou(d serve ax the will and pieasure of the Mayor. This position is currently filled on an acting basis. This new position would b�lled using this appointment process. �ISADVANTAGES IF AYPR�VED: one. . �� . ;�� ��� ����� J'�t� G 2 19°7 �ADVAN'TAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ;�, :abinet level Office head posirion reporting to the Mayor would not be appointed by the Mayor while other cabinet level itions would be appointed. J. AMOUNT OF Y'RANSAC170N: $ No aos[ ING SOUACE: CIAI, INFOR117ATTON: (EXPLAIN) AC'IIVITY NUM$ETii �' s +� b o. �� A � ?�^� t._ _ !1 i� CODE: 577A BU: 17 r � EFFECTZVE: ��- � � `I PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: LIBRARY DIRECTOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK Ge�teral Statement of Duties: Performs responsible managerial work planning, organizing and directing the operation of the library system; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of the department director. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a division, general technical and administrative supervision directly and through subordinate sugervisors over all division personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES YERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Establishes and implements objectives, policies and procedures for the library system. Initiates and develops special programs for the library system. Directs the preparation implementation and administration of the library system operating budget. Supervises the acquisition of library materials and equipment. Interviews and selects candidates for positions and initiates other parsonnel actions; surveys staff personnel and determines staffing needs. Interpzets and enforces policies, rules and procedures of the division. Supervises and coozdinates the activities and services o£ a branch library system; determines the need for and recommends additions or changes in location and services of branch libraries. Represents the library before civic and community groups and in departmental meetings. Gompiles in£ormation and submits plans for physical plant requirements; directs the maintenance of all library £acilities. Directs the assemhly of data for statistical and narrative reports. (continued on reverse side) LIBRAKY DIRECTOIL Page 2 PROPOSEB TITI.E OF CIASS: ()� LZBRARY DIRECTOR t t Coordinates library services and facilities with those of other library systems. � KNQWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILZTZES Expert knowledge of proEessional library principles, methods and procedures. ' Eicpert knowledge of Lhe function, operation and maintenance of a library system. Gonsiderable ability to communicate e£fectively both orally and in writing. Expezt ability to plan, organize and delegate work. Expert ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the general public snd divisional sta£f. Eicpert ability to evaluate the capabilities of the division facilities and staff. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation with a ma�or in library science and at least eight years of professional library experience at least three o£ which must have been in a responsible administrative position. A master's degree may be substituted for two years of the professional experience � requirement. � LZBRARY DZRECTOR r� � n i c : �' � ;�. r }-s ;;� E i x.: ; �. � . � �- Presented by Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 MINNESOTA Committee Date An Administrative Ordinance establishing the position of Library Director in the unclassified service pursuant to Section 12.03.2(I� of the City of Saint Paul Charter. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section i. That it is appropriate and desirable to estabiish the position enfifled Library D'uector in the unclassified service. Section 2. That pursuant to 5ection 12.03.2(H) of the City Charter, such position shall be established in the unclassified service of the City of Saint Paul. Section 3. ThaY appointments to such position shall be made by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 20 days from and after its passage and approval. Blakey Bostrom HarriS Requested by Department oE Conncil File # ��� Green Sheet # 35805 �f5 Human Resources BY � n l� . nxt�VYi�,n Megazd f Rettman Form Agproved by City Attorney ��� Thune f B �� I �L7 �' � =Ri�.� te�-by Co il: Date �4 r c� .�J ���_� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council t leptieirCertified by Councit Secretary ��C Y �✓ % ��"� By; r ' �"'—�� �� �� Approval b�* Civil Service Commission: �proved by Mayor: Aate By; airperson a e � � S� �� � ��� DEPARTMENT70FFICFfCOUNCQ;. DATE IN1TfATED GREEN SHEET No.: 35805 Human Resources Jan. 2, 1997 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: � A ll'11TfALDATE INIIIAUDA'tE John Shockley 266-6482 N �� I D�,�.�a.�Nr Dm. s caxY covivca FQR 2_CITYATTO 6 CNbSERVICECOMbIISSION MiJSTBEONCOUNCII,AGENDABY(DATL� ROUTING - �TD 7_CITYCLERK O�g,R 4 MAYOR (OR ASi ) TOTALltOFSIGNAITTREPAGES CCIIPALLIACATIONSFORSIGNA _. _ _ � �._,�.`wn�.....��..s....• ' 8nP'duNJe AClION REQUFSfED; Request approval of an ordinance establishing the posirion entitled Library D'uector in the unclassifiecl service pursuant to Section 12.03.2(E� ofthe City Charter. RECO�NDAIYONS: Applove(A)otRaject(R) PLANNINGCObA4SSION _CIVII,SERVICE COARvIISSION CiS COMMii'iTEE _ STAFF _ D7S1'RICT COURT SUPPORTS WHICHCAUNCII,OBJEG•fIVE? PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSM(JSTANSWERTHEFOLIAWING ` � QUES'CIONS: 1. flnvUw+person��&rmeverwmkeduoderacontl�actfarthisdep�vtmrnt? Yes No 2 Hsa Wis personlfum ever 6een a city employeeY Yes No 3. Doesthispersodfumpoavesvaskillnot�mailyposaeesedby�yaurtentcity employceR Yw No Ezptstn sl! yes anawers en separata ahcec aud atfach to green eheet 7N117AT1NG PROBLEM, ISSUE� OPPORTIJNIY'Y (Whq WhaS �eq Whar WUy): When the Department of Community Services was reorganized and disbanded in 1992, the former Library Division, in effect, became an Office ofthe Mayor pursuant to Sedion 3.01 and Section 9A1 of the City Chazter. Heads of such o$'ices aze appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council and theix positions aze in the uncIassified service. This ordinance will codify this change resulting from the elimination of the Department of Community Services. ADVANTACES IF APPROVED: Approval of this ordinance will allow the head of the City's Library System to become appointed by the Mayor with the advice and canserit of the Council. Incumbents wou(d serve ax the will and pieasure of the Mayor. This position is currently filled on an acting basis. This new position would b�lled using this appointment process. �ISADVANTAGES IF AYPR�VED: one. . �� . ;�� ��� ����� J'�t� G 2 19°7 �ADVAN'TAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ;�, :abinet level Office head posirion reporting to the Mayor would not be appointed by the Mayor while other cabinet level itions would be appointed. J. AMOUNT OF Y'RANSAC170N: $ No aos[ ING SOUACE: CIAI, INFOR117ATTON: (EXPLAIN) AC'IIVITY NUM$ETii �' s +� b o. �� A � ?�^� t._ _ !1 i� CODE: 577A BU: 17 r � EFFECTZVE: ��- � � `I PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: LIBRARY DIRECTOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK Ge�teral Statement of Duties: Performs responsible managerial work planning, organizing and directing the operation of the library system; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of the department director. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a division, general technical and administrative supervision directly and through subordinate sugervisors over all division personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES YERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Establishes and implements objectives, policies and procedures for the library system. Initiates and develops special programs for the library system. Directs the preparation implementation and administration of the library system operating budget. Supervises the acquisition of library materials and equipment. Interviews and selects candidates for positions and initiates other parsonnel actions; surveys staff personnel and determines staffing needs. Interpzets and enforces policies, rules and procedures of the division. Supervises and coozdinates the activities and services o£ a branch library system; determines the need for and recommends additions or changes in location and services of branch libraries. Represents the library before civic and community groups and in departmental meetings. Gompiles in£ormation and submits plans for physical plant requirements; directs the maintenance of all library £acilities. Directs the assemhly of data for statistical and narrative reports. (continued on reverse side) LIBRAKY DIRECTOIL Page 2 PROPOSEB TITI.E OF CIASS: ()� LZBRARY DIRECTOR t t Coordinates library services and facilities with those of other library systems. � KNQWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILZTZES Expert knowledge of proEessional library principles, methods and procedures. ' Eicpert knowledge of Lhe function, operation and maintenance of a library system. Gonsiderable ability to communicate e£fectively both orally and in writing. Expezt ability to plan, organize and delegate work. Expert ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the general public snd divisional sta£f. Eicpert ability to evaluate the capabilities of the division facilities and staff. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation with a ma�or in library science and at least eight years of professional library experience at least three o£ which must have been in a responsible administrative position. A master's degree may be substituted for two years of the professional experience � requirement. � LZBRARY DZRECTOR