97-1423� � Presented By Council Fi1e # �� ordinance # Green Sheet # J5l 6 � ORDINANCE 11NT PAUL, MINNESOTA a$ Referred To / Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 An ordanance amending Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul Legislative 5 Code pertaining to Building Code and Inspection 6 7 TFIE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 8 9 Section 1 10 11 12 Section 33.01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 13 14 Sec. 33.01. Definitions. � 15 16 The following words and phrases when used in this chapter shall have the meanings 17 respectively ascribed to them in this section: 18 19 Building official. 20 a:.a,.:,... ,.o «w� ao...,,a...�..+ ,.F ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;«., ,. ,.c,we r;.., ,.o e.,;... n,...i. � �`�;tf� . .... ..,.. ,.,.. .,.�.. �:.: . . ... ,. ....:..:: ......::::....,,<:.,...: --,>:.:..�.::...:. :::.:.._, ..,,.:;,:,_.. ._..�_........:. . . . . .., ..:. ...........�. . ::.... 21 isti��;;ele : ..a���^:�it�� . a:�s�<�<:(��e�.�f:�i�s�'s��:: _:.. ��c�€'��'�::`.:�i��a�itiii�i`�?r`� ^ .-... .. ..��.:� :..:.....:....�:.:>,.�..:.:;,...._:::<:,,,.:>;........:<�:>;..:;..«:.:z.�...::�..�:::�.:::.<. <�.<.;::.:.;:::.,:_:.�.><;:-:,,..... .�::..;<.:�... ;:_::>:;:��:::,::<F ....:.::::::.::.:..�..,.<:;..:::.,..::::�:::>;.::::...:...v<::....,:.><<<:::•<.,.:<.,...>...:.,.� ;:..:;-::..;:.:..:..:r:<:��.;.::-.:;..-::;; ::.:,<... 22 ��g�cl �t� � a�n�s��� �ad ���x��nt �f � �?[�r�t� '�f�t� �td�g �p�t� �� �� ... .. . ...... . : .. ... . ��. . _...._. . _..... _ .._ �..... _. .. �..,..��v, .. . _..... 23 �a�:'.�€:;v�ri�t;;�a�� . 24 _ .. ..�:.•- � � .: ::::.. .,. ,.�.:,. • ;<...:. :. ...: . ..: ....� .... ... . :,. . ,.. . . . 25 �`l��txa::. 11��i��t�;:�t�r�" ;.�f:�;�eas�>:�t�:: :�t �i�i��ail�;����ie:::r��nauitt� ;;:.:><::::,�:: , . ,>.,:_::::.,:::�.><,.� .<,.,. -:,><_. �.;,:.-" : , :..........:..:.<:::1�>::�..; ,...::::,:><;�.,:.,.>::.:;: _.::-:::<; �:;:..:.:::<,:::; .:..::... � 26 If�.�c�u� �a�rxi� ,c�aga� �f �s�zt�ar��, ����t� �Z��; ��k �� �° s�a?�is�"z ;iz��zE 27 it���eA`��� ± 28 .......... .:. ,,: _.,;:: :;_::;,_� ;:;>�:; : : . : > ,:•.>.> ::. :.:..:.::.:.:,.;..:.>;::;:.�.;::>.:.�::<,:_.,<.:,,:. .,:.�:,:_:: : 29 7�e��zXx�€�� c���,�i�� [�erz�� �c�ru�z�txz�g, t�� €z� t�Za,u �4 ���t :�:3� < . . .., 30 '� >:�%el��:` f�;��:s�iiilar::�s��::����a�`�rFiiel%°�as':�i��i �:�� . �� � �� 7 � � 31 �gz�v�ci uz �€a� by t�� �au�sey _�u€�' T.���sz� a� �Q�1 ��sf� ��a � ��a�tg , .. . .. . ,.. . _. .. � ........ .. .. .. 32 �re��Ca��=cai�;��;���t;�iii�s� 33 .. , . . 34 .... ... ... .. . ..,:., , . ,.... :. ,..,. ,,.... , . ...... ::..: ... . .. .... ............. u :. �tr. ��,..:: <,:. e:':<.::,:,:.:::: en,=�;:.:.�,::: :.::;::..:.�`::` ..::::::..:...: `::::.;4�:o���t;:_ ;::�...�,��n;i�;;:o�t�:<:::;_ �::<....<...:.... .... .... ....... ......__....... 35 ���t�s � :�s��ni �d s�r�i�nt ���€rx�i ��e� s���i�a� �;���;�SI��g:�i��s 36 3s� �Q�zixs�� s�ai� s�xc���? a�.d �?��xaz��:�iit���, by � �z��y ��s�a� ��i� �a;sd ��� �... .. ... .. 37 ��z��a�i�z�i:I:��Yr�f: .. _.. .. :...: .... .. . . ..: ..... ......::. 3$ 39 Section 2 40 41 Section 33.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Gode is hereby amended to read as follows: 97- � / 23 Sec. 33.02. Minnesota State Building Code--Adoption. (a) Pursuant to Mimiesota Statutes, Sections 16B.59 through 16B.73, the Miunesota State Building Code, as adopted pursuant to laws of Minnesota, is hereby adopted by reference. (b) The following appendis is not a mandatory part of the Minnesota State Building Code, but is adopted by reference for the City of Saint Paul and is incorporated into this chapter as if set out in full: Uniform Building Code AppendiY Chapter ���.. (c) Chapter 5230 of the Minnesota Rules, "Steamfitters Rules and Code for Power Piping Systems," as amended, is adopted by reference by the City of Saint Paul and incorporated into this chapter as if set out in full and sha11 be the m;ni,r,um standazd used by the building official in the inspection of high-pressure piping system materials and construction. (d) Section 307 of the Uniform Building Code, a part of the Minnesota State Building Code in Minnesota Rule 1300.1200, is amended for the City of Saint Paul to read as follows: Sec. 307.(a) Use or Occupancy. No building or struchue of Group A (Assembly), E(Education), I(Institufional), H(Hazardous), B(Business), F(Factory), M(Mercantile), S(Storage), or R-1 (Multifamily Residential) sha11 be used or occupied, and no change in the existing occupancy classification of a building or structure ar portion thereof sha11 be made until the fire marshal� has issued a certificate of occupancy therefor as provided herein. (b) Change in Use. Changes in the character or use of a building sha11 not be made except as specified in Section 502 of this code. (c) Certifzcate Issued. After final inspection by the building official when it is found that the building or structure complies with the provisions of this code and other laws which are enforced by the code enforcement agency, the fire marshal shall issue a certificate of occupancy which sha11 contain the following: (1) The certificate of occupancy number. (2) The address of the building. (3) The name and address of the owner. (4) A description of that portion of the building for which the certificate is issued, if not for the enfire building. (5) A statement that the described portion of the building complies with the requirements of this code for the group and division of occupancy and the use for which the proposed occupancy is classified. (6) The name of the fire mazshal, or his/her designated agent. Temporary Cert�cate. If the building official fmds that no substautial hazard will result from the occupancy of any building or portion thereof before the same is �I7-/yz3 completed, helshe may issue a temporary certificate of occupancy for the use of a portion or portions of a building or structure prior to the compleuon of the entire building or structure. Such a temporary certificate o£ occupancy shall reinain in force and effect for a period not to exceed twelve (12) months, unless otherwise designated by the building official upon inspecrion and a detennina.rion of need. Posting. The certificate of occupancy shall be posted on the premises and shall not be removed except by the fire mazshal. Revocation. The fire mazshal may, in writing, suspend or revoke a certificate of occupancy issued under the provisions of this code whenever the certificate was issued in error, or on the basis of incorrect informafion supplied, or when it is determined by the fire mazshal that a use of the building or structure or portion thereof may constitute a nuisance as described in Minnesota Statutes, Section 617.81, subdivision (2), or is in violation of any ordinance or regulation or any provision of the Saint Paul Legislative or Administrative Code. Section 3 Section 33.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 33.03. Permits--When required. (a) Building and general consiruction. Pernrits for building or generai construction are not required for repairs for maintenance only or for minor alterations provided they are not required under Section 301 of the Minnesota State Building Code, this chapter or other pertinent provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, and provided the cost of such repairs and minor alterations does not exceed the present market value of three hundred dollars ($300.00). (b) Plumbing. No person sha11 install, remove, alter, repair, ox replace or cause to be installed, removed, altered, repaired or replaced any plumbing, gas or drainage piping work, standpipe system, sprinkler system, or any fixture or water heating or treating equipment in a building or premises without first obtauiing a pernut to do such work from the building official. A separate permit shall be obtained for each building or structure. (c) Mechanical. No person shali install, alter, reconstruct, or repair any heating, ventilating, cooling or refrigeration equipment without first obtaining a permit to do such work from the building official. A separate permit sha11 be obtained for the equipment installed in each building or structure. (d) Electrical. No person shall perform any new electrical installation in any construction, remodeling, replacement or repair, except minor repair work as defined by the state boazd of electricity, without first obtaining a pernut to do such work from the building official. A separate permit shall be obtained for each building or structure. (e) Work to be done by permittee only: (1) A permittee issued a permit pursuant to this chapter shall be responsible for all work done under said permit. q�7"/yZ.3 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 t2) Business required to be licensed pursuant to Chapter 369 of the Legislative Code: No one other than the permittee or an employee under the direct supervision and control of the permittee or a qualified subcontractor licensed pursuant to Chapter 369 of the Legislative Code shall work or cause any work to be done under said permit. (fl Work done on dangerous structures, nuisance buildings and vacant buildings. No persons shall be issued a permit pursuant to this chapter, excluding a demolition permit, for any building detenuined to be a dangerous shucture under Chapter 43 or nuisance building under Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, or a vacant building as defined under section 43.02('n(c), (d), (e) or (fl without first filing for and receiving a certificate of code compliance inspection under section 33.06 or filing far and zeceiving a certificate of occupancy inspection under tlus chapter. Any application for a permit issued under this chapter, with the exception of a demolition permit, far work to be done on a building deternuned to be a dangerous structure or nuisance building must be accompanied by a deposit of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00). Such monies shall be deposited with the depaztment of finance and management services to be held at an interest rate to be established by that department until such time as the monies aze refunded to the permittee or forfeited to the city under the provisions of this section. Except as otherwise specified in this secrion, a certificate of compliance under section 33.06 or a certificate of occupancy under section 33.05 must be obtained within six (6) months from the date of the original certificate of compliance or certificate of occupancy inspection. One (1) six-month time e�ension beyond the initial six-month time limitation may be requested by the owner and will be considered by city council, upon advice and recommendafion of the building official if it can be shown that the code compliance work is proceeding expeditiously and is more than fifty (50) percent complete or if unfor.�seen conditions have had significant schedule impact on the completion of work. The provisions for completion of rehabilitation within six (6) months and the six- month extension apply only to property not presently subject to any orders issued to the property pursuant to Chapter 43 or 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code by either the division of public health, the department of fire and safety services or the city council. Notwithstanding the time limitation established under this section, the city council reserves the right to shorten the time period for completion of the rehabilitation through any order or resolution issued pursuant to Chapter 43 and sections 45.10 and 45.11 of this Code. In the event the building is restored to habitable condition and a certificate of compliance and/ar certificate of occupancy is obtained within the time limits set out herein, the two thousand dollazs ($2,000.00) shall be refunded with interest by the department of finance. If a certificate of compliance or certificate of occupancy is not issued within the time period authorized pursuant to tlus section, all monies deposited will be forfeited without refund to the city and the city may proceed with a substantial abatement action under the provisions of Chapter 45 of this Code. No building subject to the restrictions of this section shail be used for occupancy until such tune as the certificate of compliance and(or certificate of occupancy relating to that building has been issued. Rehabilitation undertaken by the Saint Paul Depariment of Plautung and Economic Development shall be exempt from the requirement for a cash deposit. 97�1y23 In lieu of the two thousand dollar ($2,000.00) deposit referenced above, a performance bond in the same amount runni„g in favor of the city may be submitted with the application for the pemut. {g�i) Posting. The building or general conshuction permit shall be posted on the premises in a conspicuous location such that the information on the permit can be read from the outside of the premises. Section 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirry (30) days following its passage, approval, and publication. aeie9 �eucn �lAN 2�1998 Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Counail Secretary By � Approved by Mayor: Date �'b�1fi�1�- BY: �. !'2�L L � / ���' , Form Approved by City Att�y By: � � GL./ �tpproved by Mayor for Submission to Counci�� By: _..:. .. . ,,.. .:>_.. _ , <... .. : , .. ..:..,........>...,.�.,,.. , , __ ..:. ..::...:.... .<,. 3'.><�`��e:=: `tii".e:..:c�iv�i�:_az�d'� s�ia�t;;.:��i�s ":`����f�ir::��;:. ... --_ : ;:��-:sit�. ..�..,. .. �? �: �': . ._. :. �. .. .,. , . : . . „ .:�, ._:. . _- ... . �;�.., .. . �3' .. :,:>... Adopted by Council: Date U�x, _�� lq9`� 9 -/ 23 OFFICE oF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET Lawrence Zangs 266-9083 �D-�-9`7 N 35183 - �PA4T43VT DIRECTOR ZiY CO53NCIL iTY ATTO.RN'eY -TY CiERK ust be �Zl COl1nL'11 Agenda by: uocex DiRECTOR _°IN. fi MGT. SVC. DIR. SAP ' �oa (OA ASSZSTAV3) OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGPsS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: end St. Paul Leg. Code Chapter 33 to consolidate permitting and enforcing aubhority for all land filling'activities under the Office of License Inspection and Environmental Protection RECAMNcNflATIONS: APPR�VE (Al OR RESECT (R) ERSONAL SERVIC£ CONTRACTS MQST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: PLANNING CO.�AfISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has the penson/ficm ever worked under a con[nact £or this depar[ment? CIB COMMITTEE _ BUSINESS REVSEW COONCIL YES NO STAFF _ 2. Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? DISTRICT COURT _ YES NO 3. Does this petson/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTI4E? Cuinen[ City e;�ployee? Y£S NO xplain all YES aasvers ort a sepazate sLeet and attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI'TY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Currently Chapter 220 gives certain authority to the Dept. of Public Works for issuing permits to deposit clean fill on private property. Chapter 33 of the Leg. Code authorizes the Building Official in LIEP to issue grading permits for land filling activities in conjunction with construction. LIEP also enforces erosion/sediment control practices associated with land filling activities. Having two permitting authorities presented enforcement problems for staff and confusion for the public. Per an'a agreement with Public Works in 1994, the Building Inspection Section of LIEP took over responsibilities for issuing fill permits. The proposed amendments to the ordinance would legally recognize this agreement and rovide the necessary enabling language. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: 1)Provides one place for the public to obtain a permit. 2)Eliminates historical enforcement problem by making one agency responsible for compliance monitoring. 3)LIEP's business is issuing permits and licenses on private property. Since ost of these land filling activities occur on private property the shift of this res onsibility from Public Works to LIEP is appropriate. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one ISADVAI3`TAGES IF 230T APPROVED: Continuing the dual permitting function in both Public Works and LIEP is an inefficient delivery of services to the public and is inconsistent with current state and county rules. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NII��':� '� �'s {;�°t� FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) NOV 2 a i�9� � � Presented By Council Fi1e # �� ordinance # Green Sheet # J5l 6 � ORDINANCE 11NT PAUL, MINNESOTA a$ Referred To / Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 An ordanance amending Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul Legislative 5 Code pertaining to Building Code and Inspection 6 7 TFIE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 8 9 Section 1 10 11 12 Section 33.01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 13 14 Sec. 33.01. Definitions. � 15 16 The following words and phrases when used in this chapter shall have the meanings 17 respectively ascribed to them in this section: 18 19 Building official. 20 a:.a,.:,... ,.o «w� ao...,,a...�..+ ,.F ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;«., ,. ,.c,we r;.., ,.o e.,;... n,...i. � �`�;tf� . .... ..,.. ,.,.. .,.�.. �:.: . . ... ,. ....:..:: ......::::....,,<:.,...: --,>:.:..�.::...:. :::.:.._, ..,,.:;,:,_.. ._..�_........:. . . . . .., ..:. ...........�. . ::.... 21 isti��;;ele : ..a���^:�it�� . a:�s�<�<:(��e�.�f:�i�s�'s��:: _:.. ��c�€'��'�::`.:�i��a�itiii�i`�?r`� ^ .-... .. ..��.:� :..:.....:....�:.:>,.�..:.:;,...._:::<:,,,.:>;........:<�:>;..:;..«:.:z.�...::�..�:::�.:::.<. <�.<.;::.:.;:::.,:_:.�.><;:-:,,..... .�::..;<.:�... ;:_::>:;:��:::,::<F ....:.::::::.::.:..�..,.<:;..:::.,..::::�:::>;.::::...:...v<::....,:.><<<:::•<.,.:<.,...>...:.,.� ;:..:;-::..;:.:..:..:r:<:��.;.::-.:;..-::;; ::.:,<... 22 ��g�cl �t� � a�n�s��� �ad ���x��nt �f � �?[�r�t� '�f�t� �td�g �p�t� �� �� ... .. . ...... . : .. ... . ��. . _...._. . _..... _ .._ �..... _. .. �..,..��v, .. . _..... 23 �a�:'.�€:;v�ri�t;;�a�� . 24 _ .. ..�:.•- � � .: ::::.. .,. ,.�.:,. • ;<...:. :. ...: . ..: ....� .... ... . :,. . ,.. . . . 25 �`l��txa::. 11��i��t�;:�t�r�" ;.�f:�;�eas�>:�t�:: :�t �i�i��ail�;����ie:::r��nauitt� ;;:.:><::::,�:: , . ,>.,:_::::.,:::�.><,.� .<,.,. -:,><_. �.;,:.-" : , :..........:..:.<:::1�>::�..; ,...::::,:><;�.,:.,.>::.:;: _.::-:::<; �:;:..:.:::<,:::; .:..::... � 26 If�.�c�u� �a�rxi� ,c�aga� �f �s�zt�ar��, ����t� �Z��; ��k �� �° s�a?�is�"z ;iz��zE 27 it���eA`��� ± 28 .......... .:. ,,: _.,;:: :;_::;,_� ;:;>�:; : : . : > ,:•.>.> ::. :.:..:.::.:.:,.;..:.>;::;:.�.;::>.:.�::<,:_.,<.:,,:. .,:.�:,:_:: : 29 7�e��zXx�€�� c���,�i�� [�erz�� �c�ru�z�txz�g, t�� €z� t�Za,u �4 ���t :�:3� < . . .., 30 '� >:�%el��:` f�;��:s�iiilar::�s��::����a�`�rFiiel%°�as':�i��i �:�� . �� � �� 7 � � 31 �gz�v�ci uz �€a� by t�� �au�sey _�u€�' T.���sz� a� �Q�1 ��sf� ��a � ��a�tg , .. . .. . ,.. . _. .. � ........ .. .. .. 32 �re��Ca��=cai�;��;���t;�iii�s� 33 .. , . . 34 .... ... ... .. . ..,:., , . ,.... :. ,..,. ,,.... , . ...... ::..: ... . .. .... ............. u :. �tr. ��,..:: <,:. e:':<.::,:,:.:::: en,=�;:.:.�,::: :.::;::..:.�`::` ..::::::..:...: `::::.;4�:o���t;:_ ;::�...�,��n;i�;;:o�t�:<:::;_ �::<....<...:.... .... .... ....... ......__....... 35 ���t�s � :�s��ni �d s�r�i�nt ���€rx�i ��e� s���i�a� �;���;�SI��g:�i��s 36 3s� �Q�zixs�� s�ai� s�xc���? a�.d �?��xaz��:�iit���, by � �z��y ��s�a� ��i� �a;sd ��� �... .. ... .. 37 ��z��a�i�z�i:I:��Yr�f: .. _.. .. :...: .... .. . . ..: ..... ......::. 3$ 39 Section 2 40 41 Section 33.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Gode is hereby amended to read as follows: 97- � / 23 Sec. 33.02. Minnesota State Building Code--Adoption. (a) Pursuant to Mimiesota Statutes, Sections 16B.59 through 16B.73, the Miunesota State Building Code, as adopted pursuant to laws of Minnesota, is hereby adopted by reference. (b) The following appendis is not a mandatory part of the Minnesota State Building Code, but is adopted by reference for the City of Saint Paul and is incorporated into this chapter as if set out in full: Uniform Building Code AppendiY Chapter ���.. (c) Chapter 5230 of the Minnesota Rules, "Steamfitters Rules and Code for Power Piping Systems," as amended, is adopted by reference by the City of Saint Paul and incorporated into this chapter as if set out in full and sha11 be the m;ni,r,um standazd used by the building official in the inspection of high-pressure piping system materials and construction. (d) Section 307 of the Uniform Building Code, a part of the Minnesota State Building Code in Minnesota Rule 1300.1200, is amended for the City of Saint Paul to read as follows: Sec. 307.(a) Use or Occupancy. No building or struchue of Group A (Assembly), E(Education), I(Institufional), H(Hazardous), B(Business), F(Factory), M(Mercantile), S(Storage), or R-1 (Multifamily Residential) sha11 be used or occupied, and no change in the existing occupancy classification of a building or structure ar portion thereof sha11 be made until the fire marshal� has issued a certificate of occupancy therefor as provided herein. (b) Change in Use. Changes in the character or use of a building sha11 not be made except as specified in Section 502 of this code. (c) Certifzcate Issued. After final inspection by the building official when it is found that the building or structure complies with the provisions of this code and other laws which are enforced by the code enforcement agency, the fire marshal shall issue a certificate of occupancy which sha11 contain the following: (1) The certificate of occupancy number. (2) The address of the building. (3) The name and address of the owner. (4) A description of that portion of the building for which the certificate is issued, if not for the enfire building. (5) A statement that the described portion of the building complies with the requirements of this code for the group and division of occupancy and the use for which the proposed occupancy is classified. (6) The name of the fire mazshal, or his/her designated agent. Temporary Cert�cate. If the building official fmds that no substautial hazard will result from the occupancy of any building or portion thereof before the same is �I7-/yz3 completed, helshe may issue a temporary certificate of occupancy for the use of a portion or portions of a building or structure prior to the compleuon of the entire building or structure. Such a temporary certificate o£ occupancy shall reinain in force and effect for a period not to exceed twelve (12) months, unless otherwise designated by the building official upon inspecrion and a detennina.rion of need. Posting. The certificate of occupancy shall be posted on the premises and shall not be removed except by the fire mazshal. Revocation. The fire mazshal may, in writing, suspend or revoke a certificate of occupancy issued under the provisions of this code whenever the certificate was issued in error, or on the basis of incorrect informafion supplied, or when it is determined by the fire mazshal that a use of the building or structure or portion thereof may constitute a nuisance as described in Minnesota Statutes, Section 617.81, subdivision (2), or is in violation of any ordinance or regulation or any provision of the Saint Paul Legislative or Administrative Code. Section 3 Section 33.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 33.03. Permits--When required. (a) Building and general consiruction. Pernrits for building or generai construction are not required for repairs for maintenance only or for minor alterations provided they are not required under Section 301 of the Minnesota State Building Code, this chapter or other pertinent provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, and provided the cost of such repairs and minor alterations does not exceed the present market value of three hundred dollars ($300.00). (b) Plumbing. No person sha11 install, remove, alter, repair, ox replace or cause to be installed, removed, altered, repaired or replaced any plumbing, gas or drainage piping work, standpipe system, sprinkler system, or any fixture or water heating or treating equipment in a building or premises without first obtauiing a pernut to do such work from the building official. A separate permit shall be obtained for each building or structure. (c) Mechanical. No person shali install, alter, reconstruct, or repair any heating, ventilating, cooling or refrigeration equipment without first obtaining a permit to do such work from the building official. A separate permit sha11 be obtained for the equipment installed in each building or structure. (d) Electrical. No person shall perform any new electrical installation in any construction, remodeling, replacement or repair, except minor repair work as defined by the state boazd of electricity, without first obtaining a pernut to do such work from the building official. A separate permit shall be obtained for each building or structure. (e) Work to be done by permittee only: (1) A permittee issued a permit pursuant to this chapter shall be responsible for all work done under said permit. q�7"/yZ.3 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 t2) Business required to be licensed pursuant to Chapter 369 of the Legislative Code: No one other than the permittee or an employee under the direct supervision and control of the permittee or a qualified subcontractor licensed pursuant to Chapter 369 of the Legislative Code shall work or cause any work to be done under said permit. (fl Work done on dangerous structures, nuisance buildings and vacant buildings. No persons shall be issued a permit pursuant to this chapter, excluding a demolition permit, for any building detenuined to be a dangerous shucture under Chapter 43 or nuisance building under Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, or a vacant building as defined under section 43.02('n(c), (d), (e) or (fl without first filing for and receiving a certificate of code compliance inspection under section 33.06 or filing far and zeceiving a certificate of occupancy inspection under tlus chapter. Any application for a permit issued under this chapter, with the exception of a demolition permit, far work to be done on a building deternuned to be a dangerous structure or nuisance building must be accompanied by a deposit of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00). Such monies shall be deposited with the depaztment of finance and management services to be held at an interest rate to be established by that department until such time as the monies aze refunded to the permittee or forfeited to the city under the provisions of this section. Except as otherwise specified in this secrion, a certificate of compliance under section 33.06 or a certificate of occupancy under section 33.05 must be obtained within six (6) months from the date of the original certificate of compliance or certificate of occupancy inspection. One (1) six-month time e�ension beyond the initial six-month time limitation may be requested by the owner and will be considered by city council, upon advice and recommendafion of the building official if it can be shown that the code compliance work is proceeding expeditiously and is more than fifty (50) percent complete or if unfor.�seen conditions have had significant schedule impact on the completion of work. The provisions for completion of rehabilitation within six (6) months and the six- month extension apply only to property not presently subject to any orders issued to the property pursuant to Chapter 43 or 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code by either the division of public health, the department of fire and safety services or the city council. Notwithstanding the time limitation established under this section, the city council reserves the right to shorten the time period for completion of the rehabilitation through any order or resolution issued pursuant to Chapter 43 and sections 45.10 and 45.11 of this Code. In the event the building is restored to habitable condition and a certificate of compliance and/ar certificate of occupancy is obtained within the time limits set out herein, the two thousand dollazs ($2,000.00) shall be refunded with interest by the department of finance. If a certificate of compliance or certificate of occupancy is not issued within the time period authorized pursuant to tlus section, all monies deposited will be forfeited without refund to the city and the city may proceed with a substantial abatement action under the provisions of Chapter 45 of this Code. No building subject to the restrictions of this section shail be used for occupancy until such tune as the certificate of compliance and(or certificate of occupancy relating to that building has been issued. Rehabilitation undertaken by the Saint Paul Depariment of Plautung and Economic Development shall be exempt from the requirement for a cash deposit. 97�1y23 In lieu of the two thousand dollar ($2,000.00) deposit referenced above, a performance bond in the same amount runni„g in favor of the city may be submitted with the application for the pemut. {g�i) Posting. The building or general conshuction permit shall be posted on the premises in a conspicuous location such that the information on the permit can be read from the outside of the premises. Section 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirry (30) days following its passage, approval, and publication. aeie9 �eucn �lAN 2�1998 Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Counail Secretary By � Approved by Mayor: Date �'b�1fi�1�- BY: �. !'2�L L � / ���' , Form Approved by City Att�y By: � � GL./ �tpproved by Mayor for Submission to Counci�� By: _..:. .. . ,,.. .:>_.. _ , <... .. : , .. ..:..,........>...,.�.,,.. , , __ ..:. ..::...:.... .<,. 3'.><�`��e:=: `tii".e:..:c�iv�i�:_az�d'� s�ia�t;;.:��i�s ":`����f�ir::��;:. ... --_ : ;:��-:sit�. ..�..,. .. �? �: �': . ._. :. �. .. .,. , . : . . „ .:�, ._:. . _- ... . �;�.., .. . �3' .. :,:>... Adopted by Council: Date U�x, _�� lq9`� 9 -/ 23 OFFICE oF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET Lawrence Zangs 266-9083 �D-�-9`7 N 35183 - �PA4T43VT DIRECTOR ZiY CO53NCIL iTY ATTO.RN'eY -TY CiERK ust be �Zl COl1nL'11 Agenda by: uocex DiRECTOR _°IN. fi MGT. SVC. DIR. SAP ' �oa (OA ASSZSTAV3) OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGPsS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: end St. Paul Leg. Code Chapter 33 to consolidate permitting and enforcing aubhority for all land filling'activities under the Office of License Inspection and Environmental Protection RECAMNcNflATIONS: APPR�VE (Al OR RESECT (R) ERSONAL SERVIC£ CONTRACTS MQST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: PLANNING CO.�AfISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has the penson/ficm ever worked under a con[nact £or this depar[ment? CIB COMMITTEE _ BUSINESS REVSEW COONCIL YES NO STAFF _ 2. Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? DISTRICT COURT _ YES NO 3. Does this petson/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTI4E? Cuinen[ City e;�ployee? Y£S NO xplain all YES aasvers ort a sepazate sLeet and attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI'TY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Currently Chapter 220 gives certain authority to the Dept. of Public Works for issuing permits to deposit clean fill on private property. Chapter 33 of the Leg. Code authorizes the Building Official in LIEP to issue grading permits for land filling activities in conjunction with construction. LIEP also enforces erosion/sediment control practices associated with land filling activities. Having two permitting authorities presented enforcement problems for staff and confusion for the public. Per an'a agreement with Public Works in 1994, the Building Inspection Section of LIEP took over responsibilities for issuing fill permits. The proposed amendments to the ordinance would legally recognize this agreement and rovide the necessary enabling language. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: 1)Provides one place for the public to obtain a permit. 2)Eliminates historical enforcement problem by making one agency responsible for compliance monitoring. 3)LIEP's business is issuing permits and licenses on private property. Since ost of these land filling activities occur on private property the shift of this res onsibility from Public Works to LIEP is appropriate. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one ISADVAI3`TAGES IF 230T APPROVED: Continuing the dual permitting function in both Public Works and LIEP is an inefficient delivery of services to the public and is inconsistent with current state and county rules. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NII��':� '� �'s {;�°t� FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) NOV 2 a i�9� � � Presented By Council Fi1e # �� ordinance # Green Sheet # J5l 6 � ORDINANCE 11NT PAUL, MINNESOTA a$ Referred To / Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 An ordanance amending Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul Legislative 5 Code pertaining to Building Code and Inspection 6 7 TFIE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 8 9 Section 1 10 11 12 Section 33.01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 13 14 Sec. 33.01. Definitions. � 15 16 The following words and phrases when used in this chapter shall have the meanings 17 respectively ascribed to them in this section: 18 19 Building official. 20 a:.a,.:,... ,.o «w� ao...,,a...�..+ ,.F ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;«., ,. ,.c,we r;.., ,.o e.,;... n,...i. � �`�;tf� . .... ..,.. ,.,.. .,.�.. �:.: . . ... ,. ....:..:: ......::::....,,<:.,...: --,>:.:..�.::...:. :::.:.._, ..,,.:;,:,_.. ._..�_........:. . . . . .., ..:. ...........�. . ::.... 21 isti��;;ele : ..a���^:�it�� . a:�s�<�<:(��e�.�f:�i�s�'s��:: _:.. ��c�€'��'�::`.:�i��a�itiii�i`�?r`� ^ .-... .. ..��.:� :..:.....:....�:.:>,.�..:.:;,...._:::<:,,,.:>;........:<�:>;..:;..«:.:z.�...::�..�:::�.:::.<. <�.<.;::.:.;:::.,:_:.�.><;:-:,,..... .�::..;<.:�... ;:_::>:;:��:::,::<F ....:.::::::.::.:..�..,.<:;..:::.,..::::�:::>;.::::...:...v<::....,:.><<<:::•<.,.:<.,...>...:.,.� ;:..:;-::..;:.:..:..:r:<:��.;.::-.:;..-::;; ::.:,<... 22 ��g�cl �t� � a�n�s��� �ad ���x��nt �f � �?[�r�t� '�f�t� �td�g �p�t� �� �� ... .. . ...... . : .. ... . ��. . _...._. . _..... _ .._ �..... _. .. �..,..��v, .. . _..... 23 �a�:'.�€:;v�ri�t;;�a�� . 24 _ .. ..�:.•- � � .: ::::.. .,. ,.�.:,. • ;<...:. :. ...: . ..: ....� .... ... . :,. . ,.. . . . 25 �`l��txa::. 11��i��t�;:�t�r�" ;.�f:�;�eas�>:�t�:: :�t �i�i��ail�;����ie:::r��nauitt� ;;:.:><::::,�:: , . ,>.,:_::::.,:::�.><,.� .<,.,. -:,><_. �.;,:.-" : , :..........:..:.<:::1�>::�..; ,...::::,:><;�.,:.,.>::.:;: _.::-:::<; �:;:..:.:::<,:::; .:..::... � 26 If�.�c�u� �a�rxi� ,c�aga� �f �s�zt�ar��, ����t� �Z��; ��k �� �° s�a?�is�"z ;iz��zE 27 it���eA`��� ± 28 .......... .:. ,,: _.,;:: :;_::;,_� ;:;>�:; : : . : > ,:•.>.> ::. :.:..:.::.:.:,.;..:.>;::;:.�.;::>.:.�::<,:_.,<.:,,:. .,:.�:,:_:: : 29 7�e��zXx�€�� c���,�i�� [�erz�� �c�ru�z�txz�g, t�� €z� t�Za,u �4 ���t :�:3� < . . .., 30 '� >:�%el��:` f�;��:s�iiilar::�s��::����a�`�rFiiel%°�as':�i��i �:�� . �� � �� 7 � � 31 �gz�v�ci uz �€a� by t�� �au�sey _�u€�' T.���sz� a� �Q�1 ��sf� ��a � ��a�tg , .. . .. . ,.. . _. .. � ........ .. .. .. 32 �re��Ca��=cai�;��;���t;�iii�s� 33 .. , . . 34 .... ... ... .. . ..,:., , . ,.... :. ,..,. ,,.... , . ...... ::..: ... . .. .... ............. u :. �tr. ��,..:: <,:. e:':<.::,:,:.:::: en,=�;:.:.�,::: :.::;::..:.�`::` ..::::::..:...: `::::.;4�:o���t;:_ ;::�...�,��n;i�;;:o�t�:<:::;_ �::<....<...:.... .... .... ....... ......__....... 35 ���t�s � :�s��ni �d s�r�i�nt ���€rx�i ��e� s���i�a� �;���;�SI��g:�i��s 36 3s� �Q�zixs�� s�ai� s�xc���? a�.d �?��xaz��:�iit���, by � �z��y ��s�a� ��i� �a;sd ��� �... .. ... .. 37 ��z��a�i�z�i:I:��Yr�f: .. _.. .. :...: .... .. . . ..: ..... ......::. 3$ 39 Section 2 40 41 Section 33.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Gode is hereby amended to read as follows: 97- � / 23 Sec. 33.02. Minnesota State Building Code--Adoption. (a) Pursuant to Mimiesota Statutes, Sections 16B.59 through 16B.73, the Miunesota State Building Code, as adopted pursuant to laws of Minnesota, is hereby adopted by reference. (b) The following appendis is not a mandatory part of the Minnesota State Building Code, but is adopted by reference for the City of Saint Paul and is incorporated into this chapter as if set out in full: Uniform Building Code AppendiY Chapter ���.. (c) Chapter 5230 of the Minnesota Rules, "Steamfitters Rules and Code for Power Piping Systems," as amended, is adopted by reference by the City of Saint Paul and incorporated into this chapter as if set out in full and sha11 be the m;ni,r,um standazd used by the building official in the inspection of high-pressure piping system materials and construction. (d) Section 307 of the Uniform Building Code, a part of the Minnesota State Building Code in Minnesota Rule 1300.1200, is amended for the City of Saint Paul to read as follows: Sec. 307.(a) Use or Occupancy. No building or struchue of Group A (Assembly), E(Education), I(Institufional), H(Hazardous), B(Business), F(Factory), M(Mercantile), S(Storage), or R-1 (Multifamily Residential) sha11 be used or occupied, and no change in the existing occupancy classification of a building or structure ar portion thereof sha11 be made until the fire marshal� has issued a certificate of occupancy therefor as provided herein. (b) Change in Use. Changes in the character or use of a building sha11 not be made except as specified in Section 502 of this code. (c) Certifzcate Issued. After final inspection by the building official when it is found that the building or structure complies with the provisions of this code and other laws which are enforced by the code enforcement agency, the fire marshal shall issue a certificate of occupancy which sha11 contain the following: (1) The certificate of occupancy number. (2) The address of the building. (3) The name and address of the owner. (4) A description of that portion of the building for which the certificate is issued, if not for the enfire building. (5) A statement that the described portion of the building complies with the requirements of this code for the group and division of occupancy and the use for which the proposed occupancy is classified. (6) The name of the fire mazshal, or his/her designated agent. Temporary Cert�cate. If the building official fmds that no substautial hazard will result from the occupancy of any building or portion thereof before the same is �I7-/yz3 completed, helshe may issue a temporary certificate of occupancy for the use of a portion or portions of a building or structure prior to the compleuon of the entire building or structure. Such a temporary certificate o£ occupancy shall reinain in force and effect for a period not to exceed twelve (12) months, unless otherwise designated by the building official upon inspecrion and a detennina.rion of need. Posting. The certificate of occupancy shall be posted on the premises and shall not be removed except by the fire mazshal. Revocation. The fire mazshal may, in writing, suspend or revoke a certificate of occupancy issued under the provisions of this code whenever the certificate was issued in error, or on the basis of incorrect informafion supplied, or when it is determined by the fire mazshal that a use of the building or structure or portion thereof may constitute a nuisance as described in Minnesota Statutes, Section 617.81, subdivision (2), or is in violation of any ordinance or regulation or any provision of the Saint Paul Legislative or Administrative Code. Section 3 Section 33.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 33.03. Permits--When required. (a) Building and general consiruction. Pernrits for building or generai construction are not required for repairs for maintenance only or for minor alterations provided they are not required under Section 301 of the Minnesota State Building Code, this chapter or other pertinent provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, and provided the cost of such repairs and minor alterations does not exceed the present market value of three hundred dollars ($300.00). (b) Plumbing. No person sha11 install, remove, alter, repair, ox replace or cause to be installed, removed, altered, repaired or replaced any plumbing, gas or drainage piping work, standpipe system, sprinkler system, or any fixture or water heating or treating equipment in a building or premises without first obtauiing a pernut to do such work from the building official. A separate permit shall be obtained for each building or structure. (c) Mechanical. No person shali install, alter, reconstruct, or repair any heating, ventilating, cooling or refrigeration equipment without first obtaining a permit to do such work from the building official. A separate permit sha11 be obtained for the equipment installed in each building or structure. (d) Electrical. No person shall perform any new electrical installation in any construction, remodeling, replacement or repair, except minor repair work as defined by the state boazd of electricity, without first obtaining a pernut to do such work from the building official. A separate permit shall be obtained for each building or structure. (e) Work to be done by permittee only: (1) A permittee issued a permit pursuant to this chapter shall be responsible for all work done under said permit. q�7"/yZ.3 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 t2) Business required to be licensed pursuant to Chapter 369 of the Legislative Code: No one other than the permittee or an employee under the direct supervision and control of the permittee or a qualified subcontractor licensed pursuant to Chapter 369 of the Legislative Code shall work or cause any work to be done under said permit. (fl Work done on dangerous structures, nuisance buildings and vacant buildings. No persons shall be issued a permit pursuant to this chapter, excluding a demolition permit, for any building detenuined to be a dangerous shucture under Chapter 43 or nuisance building under Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, or a vacant building as defined under section 43.02('n(c), (d), (e) or (fl without first filing for and receiving a certificate of code compliance inspection under section 33.06 or filing far and zeceiving a certificate of occupancy inspection under tlus chapter. Any application for a permit issued under this chapter, with the exception of a demolition permit, far work to be done on a building deternuned to be a dangerous structure or nuisance building must be accompanied by a deposit of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00). Such monies shall be deposited with the depaztment of finance and management services to be held at an interest rate to be established by that department until such time as the monies aze refunded to the permittee or forfeited to the city under the provisions of this section. Except as otherwise specified in this secrion, a certificate of compliance under section 33.06 or a certificate of occupancy under section 33.05 must be obtained within six (6) months from the date of the original certificate of compliance or certificate of occupancy inspection. One (1) six-month time e�ension beyond the initial six-month time limitation may be requested by the owner and will be considered by city council, upon advice and recommendafion of the building official if it can be shown that the code compliance work is proceeding expeditiously and is more than fifty (50) percent complete or if unfor.�seen conditions have had significant schedule impact on the completion of work. The provisions for completion of rehabilitation within six (6) months and the six- month extension apply only to property not presently subject to any orders issued to the property pursuant to Chapter 43 or 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code by either the division of public health, the department of fire and safety services or the city council. Notwithstanding the time limitation established under this section, the city council reserves the right to shorten the time period for completion of the rehabilitation through any order or resolution issued pursuant to Chapter 43 and sections 45.10 and 45.11 of this Code. In the event the building is restored to habitable condition and a certificate of compliance and/ar certificate of occupancy is obtained within the time limits set out herein, the two thousand dollazs ($2,000.00) shall be refunded with interest by the department of finance. If a certificate of compliance or certificate of occupancy is not issued within the time period authorized pursuant to tlus section, all monies deposited will be forfeited without refund to the city and the city may proceed with a substantial abatement action under the provisions of Chapter 45 of this Code. No building subject to the restrictions of this section shail be used for occupancy until such tune as the certificate of compliance and(or certificate of occupancy relating to that building has been issued. Rehabilitation undertaken by the Saint Paul Depariment of Plautung and Economic Development shall be exempt from the requirement for a cash deposit. 97�1y23 In lieu of the two thousand dollar ($2,000.00) deposit referenced above, a performance bond in the same amount runni„g in favor of the city may be submitted with the application for the pemut. {g�i) Posting. The building or general conshuction permit shall be posted on the premises in a conspicuous location such that the information on the permit can be read from the outside of the premises. Section 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirry (30) days following its passage, approval, and publication. aeie9 �eucn �lAN 2�1998 Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Counail Secretary By � Approved by Mayor: Date �'b�1fi�1�- BY: �. !'2�L L � / ���' , Form Approved by City Att�y By: � � GL./ �tpproved by Mayor for Submission to Counci�� By: _..:. .. . ,,.. .:>_.. _ , <... .. : , .. ..:..,........>...,.�.,,.. , , __ ..:. ..::...:.... .<,. 3'.><�`��e:=: `tii".e:..:c�iv�i�:_az�d'� s�ia�t;;.:��i�s ":`����f�ir::��;:. ... --_ : ;:��-:sit�. ..�..,. .. �? �: �': . ._. :. �. .. .,. , . : . . „ .:�, ._:. . _- ... . �;�.., .. . �3' .. :,:>... Adopted by Council: Date U�x, _�� lq9`� 9 -/ 23 OFFICE oF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET Lawrence Zangs 266-9083 �D-�-9`7 N 35183 - �PA4T43VT DIRECTOR ZiY CO53NCIL iTY ATTO.RN'eY -TY CiERK ust be �Zl COl1nL'11 Agenda by: uocex DiRECTOR _°IN. fi MGT. SVC. DIR. SAP ' �oa (OA ASSZSTAV3) OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGPsS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: end St. Paul Leg. Code Chapter 33 to consolidate permitting and enforcing aubhority for all land filling'activities under the Office of License Inspection and Environmental Protection RECAMNcNflATIONS: APPR�VE (Al OR RESECT (R) ERSONAL SERVIC£ CONTRACTS MQST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: PLANNING CO.�AfISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has the penson/ficm ever worked under a con[nact £or this depar[ment? CIB COMMITTEE _ BUSINESS REVSEW COONCIL YES NO STAFF _ 2. Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? DISTRICT COURT _ YES NO 3. Does this petson/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTI4E? Cuinen[ City e;�ployee? Y£S NO xplain all YES aasvers ort a sepazate sLeet and attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI'TY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Currently Chapter 220 gives certain authority to the Dept. of Public Works for issuing permits to deposit clean fill on private property. Chapter 33 of the Leg. Code authorizes the Building Official in LIEP to issue grading permits for land filling activities in conjunction with construction. LIEP also enforces erosion/sediment control practices associated with land filling activities. Having two permitting authorities presented enforcement problems for staff and confusion for the public. Per an'a agreement with Public Works in 1994, the Building Inspection Section of LIEP took over responsibilities for issuing fill permits. The proposed amendments to the ordinance would legally recognize this agreement and rovide the necessary enabling language. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: 1)Provides one place for the public to obtain a permit. 2)Eliminates historical enforcement problem by making one agency responsible for compliance monitoring. 3)LIEP's business is issuing permits and licenses on private property. Since ost of these land filling activities occur on private property the shift of this res onsibility from Public Works to LIEP is appropriate. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one ISADVAI3`TAGES IF 230T APPROVED: Continuing the dual permitting function in both Public Works and LIEP is an inefficient delivery of services to the public and is inconsistent with current state and county rules. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NII��':� '� �'s {;�°t� FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) NOV 2 a i�9�