97-1418�� Council File # q� — � u ��i Sv "� S C � \`'''�� � ` � ,3 ��� Ordinance # Green Sheet # �o � � � � ORDINANGE CITY OF SAWT PAUL, MINNESOTA ay � J Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date An Ordinance amending sections 86.02 and 86.03 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code setting for the required signatures for contracts and other real estate documents for the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: Section 1 Sec. 86.02. Board of water commissioners' contracts, execution. All contracts made in the name of the board of water commissioners shali be authorized by the board and executed on its behalf by its president, its secretary and the director of the office of financial services or designee. Contracts for twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) or less require only the signatures of the general mana�er and director of the office of financial services or their resnective designees. All deeds. leases or other instruments pertainin� to the conveyance of real estate or any interest therein on behaif of the board of water commissioners shall first be authorized bX board resolution and executed b,tithe�resident. secretarv and director of the office of financial services. Leases of one (12year or less in duration need not be first authorized by board resolution. Section 2 That section 86.02 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and is hereby amended to read as follows: That section 86.03 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and is hereby amended to read as foliows: � �Z-1 �� �`t- i�-��� Sec. 86.03. Real estate, conveyance. 4 All deeds, leases and other instruments pertaining to the conveyance of real estate or 5 any interest therein on behalf of the City of Saint Paul °� ~'�°'��°�a �r° ��-~^•;°°;�-°�° 6 shall first be authorized by the counc$ °�''��'��°�a, -�°~��-'�-•�'°, and executed by the mayor, 7 city clerk and director of the office of financial services or designee. Leases of one (1) year or 8 less in duration need not be first authorized by the council. For such leases, the mayor, by 9 administrative order filed with the city clerk, may establish an altemative process, including 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 signatories, for the execution of those leases. Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. pim��euen JaN 2 4 799� Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date ��,a� Ado tion Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date � Z,( t,G(q3^ B � I . �/v \`� Water UYility By � CLJ�Gt�i � � enexa anager Form Approved by City Attorney By' �l,t,Q�,�p � ��'�- �a �r -�'7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Coiinci -By : ��. x 1 Water Bernie R. Bullert - 266-6274 NOVEMBER 26, 1997 11/13/97 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET No 97-�y18' �II�: . i mive�rmeeroa%LJ n�<r � ��'��n' Z anAnomav ❑ anc� _ �oz ❑ nuxuuaEavrrsut � nuxr,uaomKem �wYOR1oRA8IDSlAMI) ❑ Z (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) City Council approval of Ordinance amending Section 86 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code pertaining to the rules and regulations'of the Board of Water Co�issioners. Attachments: 1) staff report - 2) Ordinance 3) Board of Water Commissioners Resolution No. 4544 PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE GIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION see'abtached report Has Mis persoNfiim ever w�o�ketl uMCf a caMraG iar Mi6 departmeM7 YES NO Has ttiis Pe���m ever been e dty empbyeel VES NO Dces this persoNfirtn possess a sidll not rwrmallyposeessed by arry arreM city empbyee? YES NO Is ihis persoNfim a terp�ed ventloYl VES NO �lain al� ves anawe�s an seoarffie sheet aM attaCh to tlreen sheet :>:.ia =E �lOV 17 1g9� ��vt��� �ses� VANTAGESIFAPPROVED - The Water Utility wi11 be allowed to operate in a manner similar to other city departments concerning contracts and real estate transactions. r�,� . :�J��'J ..� � INN3 AMOUNT OF 7RANSACiION COST/ftEVENUE BUO(TETED (pRCLE ONk7 ACTNI7Y NUMBER YES NO (E%PLAIN) 97-�y/� STAF'F REPORT November 14, 1997 Pertaining to proposed changes to Chapter 86 of the Administrative Code of the City of Saint PauL Sec.86.02. Board of water commissioners' contracts, execution. The proposed revision specifies that contracts less than $25,000 require only the signatures of the Water Utility General Manager and the Director of the OfFice of Financial Services. This is sicnilar to the requirement other city departments operate under as stated in Sec 86.OI. City contracts, execution. Sec.86.03. Real estate, conveyance. The proposed revision clarifies the city attorney's opinion that real estate transactions on property held solely in the name of the Boazd do not require City Council action. It also provides that leases of one year or less in duration need not be approved by the Board. This is similar to the requirement other city depattments operate under as stated in this section of the Ordinance. These proposed revisions make the contracts and real estate transaction of the Board and the Water Utility operate in a manner similar to City Council and other city departznents. P3ICLERICAT.�BOARD�RFSOL�CODE1ADMINSTF.CTY CfTY OF 5T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION — GEtJERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Collin5 COMMI551 ONER N 4544 November 10, 1997 Sec. 86.02. Board of water commissioners' contracts, execution. All contracts made in the nazne of the board of water commissioners shall be authorized by the boazd and executed on its behalf by its president, its secretarv and the d'uector of the o�c� of financiai services or designee. Contracts for twentv-five thousand dollars (S2�.000.001 or less do not require ap�roval bv board resolution and the oniv siQnatures required shall be that of the Qenerai manaoer and director of the office of financial services of their respective desiQnees. All deeds. leases or other instruments pertainin� to the convevance of real estate or anv interest therein on behalf of the board of water commissioners shali first be authorized bv board resolution and executed bv the president. secretan• and director of the o�ce of financial services. Leases of one (i l year or less in duration need not be first authorized bv board resolution. Sec. 86.03. Real estate, conveyance. Ail deeds, leases and other instxuments pertaining to the conveyance of real estate or any interest therein on behalf of the City of Saint PauI et�e�ear� shall first be authorized hy the council ° -�� ��;�get�Ei�e}} ; and executed by the mayor, city clerk and director of ihe office of financial services or designee. Leases of one (1) yeaz or less in duration need not be first authorized by the council. For such leases, the mayor, by administrative order filed with the city clerk, may estabiish an aitemative process, including sib atories, for the execution of those leases. V�'ater Commissioners Yeas Arcand Collins Morton ice President Haselmann President Harris In favor 5 31&9s ppposed � Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners I.MPORiAp1T RE7URN TO 80A�p MtNU7E5 FILE ORIGINAL November 10, ig97 ��� CJ/'$r SECY. Council File # 97-� Ordinance # Green Sheet # ��6 ,_ ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee;/ Date An Ordinance amending sections 86.02 and 86.03 the Saint Paul Administrative Code setting for t required signatures for conuacts and other r al estate documents for the Board of Water Co ' sic of the City of Saint PauL The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: Section 1 That section $6.02 of the Saint Paul Administrative follows: , Sec. 86.02. Board of water be and is hereby amended to read as contracts, execution. All contracts made ' he name of the boazd of water commissioners shall be authorized by the board d executed on its behalf by its president, its secretary and the director of the o ce of financial services or designee. ('ontracts for Section 2 That section 86.�3 of the Saint Paul Adruinistrative Code be and is hereby amended to read as follows: / Sec. 86.03. Real estate, conveyance. All deeds, leases and other instruments pertaining to the conveyance of real estate or any interest therein on behalf of the City of Saint Paul orthcbeard- 91-� /�8' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Requested by Department of: Water Utility sy: U.l�[�Lt�L/ General Manager Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Co�cil Secretary Byc Approved by Mayor: shall first be authorized by the council �tbor� respeetivcl� and executed by the mayor, city clerk and director of the offic of financial services or designee. Leases of one (1) year or less in duration not be first authorized by the counciL For such leases, the mayor, by ad �' trative order filed with the ciry clerk, may establish an alternative process, ' uding signatories, for the execution of those leases. Section 3 Tlvs ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after i� passage, approval and publication. / Date Form roved ity Attorney / B �'��CA.� � �� �{�l � � Appro ed by y for S ssion to Council $Y= �� �� Council File # q� — � u ��i Sv "� S C � \`'''�� � ` � ,3 ��� Ordinance # Green Sheet # �o � � � � ORDINANGE CITY OF SAWT PAUL, MINNESOTA ay � J Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date An Ordinance amending sections 86.02 and 86.03 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code setting for the required signatures for contracts and other real estate documents for the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: Section 1 Sec. 86.02. Board of water commissioners' contracts, execution. All contracts made in the name of the board of water commissioners shali be authorized by the board and executed on its behalf by its president, its secretary and the director of the office of financial services or designee. Contracts for twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) or less require only the signatures of the general mana�er and director of the office of financial services or their resnective designees. All deeds. leases or other instruments pertainin� to the conveyance of real estate or any interest therein on behaif of the board of water commissioners shall first be authorized bX board resolution and executed b,tithe�resident. secretarv and director of the office of financial services. Leases of one (12year or less in duration need not be first authorized by board resolution. Section 2 That section 86.02 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and is hereby amended to read as follows: That section 86.03 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and is hereby amended to read as foliows: � �Z-1 �� �`t- i�-��� Sec. 86.03. Real estate, conveyance. 4 All deeds, leases and other instruments pertaining to the conveyance of real estate or 5 any interest therein on behalf of the City of Saint Paul °� ~'�°'��°�a �r° ��-~^•;°°;�-°�° 6 shall first be authorized by the counc$ °�''��'��°�a, -�°~��-'�-•�'°, and executed by the mayor, 7 city clerk and director of the office of financial services or designee. Leases of one (1) year or 8 less in duration need not be first authorized by the council. For such leases, the mayor, by 9 administrative order filed with the city clerk, may establish an altemative process, including 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 signatories, for the execution of those leases. Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. pim��euen JaN 2 4 799� Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date ��,a� Ado tion Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date � Z,( t,G(q3^ B � I . �/v \`� Water UYility By � CLJ�Gt�i � � enexa anager Form Approved by City Attorney By' �l,t,Q�,�p � ��'�- �a �r -�'7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Coiinci -By : ��. x 1 Water Bernie R. Bullert - 266-6274 NOVEMBER 26, 1997 11/13/97 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET No 97-�y18' �II�: . i mive�rmeeroa%LJ n�<r � ��'��n' Z anAnomav ❑ anc� _ �oz ❑ nuxuuaEavrrsut � nuxr,uaomKem �wYOR1oRA8IDSlAMI) ❑ Z (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) City Council approval of Ordinance amending Section 86 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code pertaining to the rules and regulations'of the Board of Water Co�issioners. Attachments: 1) staff report - 2) Ordinance 3) Board of Water Commissioners Resolution No. 4544 PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE GIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION see'abtached report Has Mis persoNfiim ever w�o�ketl uMCf a caMraG iar Mi6 departmeM7 YES NO Has ttiis Pe���m ever been e dty empbyeel VES NO Dces this persoNfirtn possess a sidll not rwrmallyposeessed by arry arreM city empbyee? YES NO Is ihis persoNfim a terp�ed ventloYl VES NO �lain al� ves anawe�s an seoarffie sheet aM attaCh to tlreen sheet :>:.ia =E �lOV 17 1g9� ��vt��� �ses� VANTAGESIFAPPROVED - The Water Utility wi11 be allowed to operate in a manner similar to other city departments concerning contracts and real estate transactions. r�,� . :�J��'J ..� � INN3 AMOUNT OF 7RANSACiION COST/ftEVENUE BUO(TETED (pRCLE ONk7 ACTNI7Y NUMBER YES NO (E%PLAIN) 97-�y/� STAF'F REPORT November 14, 1997 Pertaining to proposed changes to Chapter 86 of the Administrative Code of the City of Saint PauL Sec.86.02. Board of water commissioners' contracts, execution. The proposed revision specifies that contracts less than $25,000 require only the signatures of the Water Utility General Manager and the Director of the OfFice of Financial Services. This is sicnilar to the requirement other city departments operate under as stated in Sec 86.OI. City contracts, execution. Sec.86.03. Real estate, conveyance. The proposed revision clarifies the city attorney's opinion that real estate transactions on property held solely in the name of the Boazd do not require City Council action. It also provides that leases of one year or less in duration need not be approved by the Board. This is similar to the requirement other city depattments operate under as stated in this section of the Ordinance. These proposed revisions make the contracts and real estate transaction of the Board and the Water Utility operate in a manner similar to City Council and other city departznents. P3ICLERICAT.�BOARD�RFSOL�CODE1ADMINSTF.CTY CfTY OF 5T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION — GEtJERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Collin5 COMMI551 ONER N 4544 November 10, 1997 Sec. 86.02. Board of water commissioners' contracts, execution. All contracts made in the nazne of the board of water commissioners shall be authorized by the boazd and executed on its behalf by its president, its secretarv and the d'uector of the o�c� of financiai services or designee. Contracts for twentv-five thousand dollars (S2�.000.001 or less do not require ap�roval bv board resolution and the oniv siQnatures required shall be that of the Qenerai manaoer and director of the office of financial services of their respective desiQnees. All deeds. leases or other instruments pertainin� to the convevance of real estate or anv interest therein on behalf of the board of water commissioners shali first be authorized bv board resolution and executed bv the president. secretan• and director of the o�ce of financial services. Leases of one (i l year or less in duration need not be first authorized bv board resolution. Sec. 86.03. Real estate, conveyance. Ail deeds, leases and other instxuments pertaining to the conveyance of real estate or any interest therein on behalf of the City of Saint PauI et�e�ear� shall first be authorized hy the council ° -�� ��;�get�Ei�e}} ; and executed by the mayor, city clerk and director of ihe office of financial services or designee. Leases of one (1) yeaz or less in duration need not be first authorized by the council. For such leases, the mayor, by administrative order filed with the city clerk, may estabiish an aitemative process, including sib atories, for the execution of those leases. V�'ater Commissioners Yeas Arcand Collins Morton ice President Haselmann President Harris In favor 5 31&9s ppposed � Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners I.MPORiAp1T RE7URN TO 80A�p MtNU7E5 FILE ORIGINAL November 10, ig97 ��� CJ/'$r SECY. Council File # 97-� Ordinance # Green Sheet # ��6 ,_ ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee;/ Date An Ordinance amending sections 86.02 and 86.03 the Saint Paul Administrative Code setting for t required signatures for conuacts and other r al estate documents for the Board of Water Co ' sic of the City of Saint PauL The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: Section 1 That section $6.02 of the Saint Paul Administrative follows: , Sec. 86.02. Board of water be and is hereby amended to read as contracts, execution. All contracts made ' he name of the boazd of water commissioners shall be authorized by the board d executed on its behalf by its president, its secretary and the director of the o ce of financial services or designee. ('ontracts for Section 2 That section 86.�3 of the Saint Paul Adruinistrative Code be and is hereby amended to read as follows: / Sec. 86.03. Real estate, conveyance. All deeds, leases and other instruments pertaining to the conveyance of real estate or any interest therein on behalf of the City of Saint Paul orthcbeard- 91-� /�8' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Requested by Department of: Water Utility sy: U.l�[�Lt�L/ General Manager Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Co�cil Secretary Byc Approved by Mayor: shall first be authorized by the council �tbor� respeetivcl� and executed by the mayor, city clerk and director of the offic of financial services or designee. Leases of one (1) year or less in duration not be first authorized by the counciL For such leases, the mayor, by ad �' trative order filed with the ciry clerk, may establish an alternative process, ' uding signatories, for the execution of those leases. Section 3 Tlvs ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after i� passage, approval and publication. / Date Form roved ity Attorney / B �'��CA.� � �� �{�l � � Appro ed by y for S ssion to Council $Y= �� �� Council File # q� — � u ��i Sv "� S C � \`'''�� � ` � ,3 ��� Ordinance # Green Sheet # �o � � � � ORDINANGE CITY OF SAWT PAUL, MINNESOTA ay � J Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date An Ordinance amending sections 86.02 and 86.03 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code setting for the required signatures for contracts and other real estate documents for the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: Section 1 Sec. 86.02. Board of water commissioners' contracts, execution. All contracts made in the name of the board of water commissioners shali be authorized by the board and executed on its behalf by its president, its secretary and the director of the office of financial services or designee. Contracts for twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) or less require only the signatures of the general mana�er and director of the office of financial services or their resnective designees. All deeds. leases or other instruments pertainin� to the conveyance of real estate or any interest therein on behaif of the board of water commissioners shall first be authorized bX board resolution and executed b,tithe�resident. secretarv and director of the office of financial services. Leases of one (12year or less in duration need not be first authorized by board resolution. Section 2 That section 86.02 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and is hereby amended to read as follows: That section 86.03 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and is hereby amended to read as foliows: � �Z-1 �� �`t- i�-��� Sec. 86.03. Real estate, conveyance. 4 All deeds, leases and other instruments pertaining to the conveyance of real estate or 5 any interest therein on behalf of the City of Saint Paul °� ~'�°'��°�a �r° ��-~^•;°°;�-°�° 6 shall first be authorized by the counc$ °�''��'��°�a, -�°~��-'�-•�'°, and executed by the mayor, 7 city clerk and director of the office of financial services or designee. Leases of one (1) year or 8 less in duration need not be first authorized by the council. For such leases, the mayor, by 9 administrative order filed with the city clerk, may establish an altemative process, including 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 signatories, for the execution of those leases. Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. pim��euen JaN 2 4 799� Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date ��,a� Ado tion Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date � Z,( t,G(q3^ B � I . �/v \`� Water UYility By � CLJ�Gt�i � � enexa anager Form Approved by City Attorney By' �l,t,Q�,�p � ��'�- �a �r -�'7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Coiinci -By : ��. x 1 Water Bernie R. Bullert - 266-6274 NOVEMBER 26, 1997 11/13/97 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET No 97-�y18' �II�: . i mive�rmeeroa%LJ n�<r � ��'��n' Z anAnomav ❑ anc� _ �oz ❑ nuxuuaEavrrsut � nuxr,uaomKem �wYOR1oRA8IDSlAMI) ❑ Z (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) City Council approval of Ordinance amending Section 86 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code pertaining to the rules and regulations'of the Board of Water Co�issioners. Attachments: 1) staff report - 2) Ordinance 3) Board of Water Commissioners Resolution No. 4544 PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE GIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION see'abtached report Has Mis persoNfiim ever w�o�ketl uMCf a caMraG iar Mi6 departmeM7 YES NO Has ttiis Pe���m ever been e dty empbyeel VES NO Dces this persoNfirtn possess a sidll not rwrmallyposeessed by arry arreM city empbyee? YES NO Is ihis persoNfim a terp�ed ventloYl VES NO �lain al� ves anawe�s an seoarffie sheet aM attaCh to tlreen sheet :>:.ia =E �lOV 17 1g9� ��vt��� �ses� VANTAGESIFAPPROVED - The Water Utility wi11 be allowed to operate in a manner similar to other city departments concerning contracts and real estate transactions. r�,� . :�J��'J ..� � INN3 AMOUNT OF 7RANSACiION COST/ftEVENUE BUO(TETED (pRCLE ONk7 ACTNI7Y NUMBER YES NO (E%PLAIN) 97-�y/� STAF'F REPORT November 14, 1997 Pertaining to proposed changes to Chapter 86 of the Administrative Code of the City of Saint PauL Sec.86.02. Board of water commissioners' contracts, execution. The proposed revision specifies that contracts less than $25,000 require only the signatures of the Water Utility General Manager and the Director of the OfFice of Financial Services. This is sicnilar to the requirement other city departments operate under as stated in Sec 86.OI. City contracts, execution. Sec.86.03. Real estate, conveyance. The proposed revision clarifies the city attorney's opinion that real estate transactions on property held solely in the name of the Boazd do not require City Council action. It also provides that leases of one year or less in duration need not be approved by the Board. This is similar to the requirement other city depattments operate under as stated in this section of the Ordinance. These proposed revisions make the contracts and real estate transaction of the Board and the Water Utility operate in a manner similar to City Council and other city departznents. P3ICLERICAT.�BOARD�RFSOL�CODE1ADMINSTF.CTY CfTY OF 5T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION — GEtJERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Collin5 COMMI551 ONER N 4544 November 10, 1997 Sec. 86.02. Board of water commissioners' contracts, execution. All contracts made in the nazne of the board of water commissioners shall be authorized by the boazd and executed on its behalf by its president, its secretarv and the d'uector of the o�c� of financiai services or designee. Contracts for twentv-five thousand dollars (S2�.000.001 or less do not require ap�roval bv board resolution and the oniv siQnatures required shall be that of the Qenerai manaoer and director of the office of financial services of their respective desiQnees. All deeds. leases or other instruments pertainin� to the convevance of real estate or anv interest therein on behalf of the board of water commissioners shali first be authorized bv board resolution and executed bv the president. secretan• and director of the o�ce of financial services. Leases of one (i l year or less in duration need not be first authorized bv board resolution. Sec. 86.03. Real estate, conveyance. Ail deeds, leases and other instxuments pertaining to the conveyance of real estate or any interest therein on behalf of the City of Saint PauI et�e�ear� shall first be authorized hy the council ° -�� ��;�get�Ei�e}} ; and executed by the mayor, city clerk and director of ihe office of financial services or designee. Leases of one (1) yeaz or less in duration need not be first authorized by the council. For such leases, the mayor, by administrative order filed with the city clerk, may estabiish an aitemative process, including sib atories, for the execution of those leases. V�'ater Commissioners Yeas Arcand Collins Morton ice President Haselmann President Harris In favor 5 31&9s ppposed � Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners I.MPORiAp1T RE7URN TO 80A�p MtNU7E5 FILE ORIGINAL November 10, ig97 ��� CJ/'$r SECY. Council File # 97-� Ordinance # Green Sheet # ��6 ,_ ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee;/ Date An Ordinance amending sections 86.02 and 86.03 the Saint Paul Administrative Code setting for t required signatures for conuacts and other r al estate documents for the Board of Water Co ' sic of the City of Saint PauL The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: Section 1 That section $6.02 of the Saint Paul Administrative follows: , Sec. 86.02. Board of water be and is hereby amended to read as contracts, execution. All contracts made ' he name of the boazd of water commissioners shall be authorized by the board d executed on its behalf by its president, its secretary and the director of the o ce of financial services or designee. ('ontracts for Section 2 That section 86.�3 of the Saint Paul Adruinistrative Code be and is hereby amended to read as follows: / Sec. 86.03. Real estate, conveyance. All deeds, leases and other instruments pertaining to the conveyance of real estate or any interest therein on behalf of the City of Saint Paul orthcbeard- 91-� /�8' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Requested by Department of: Water Utility sy: U.l�[�Lt�L/ General Manager Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Co�cil Secretary Byc Approved by Mayor: shall first be authorized by the council �tbor� respeetivcl� and executed by the mayor, city clerk and director of the offic of financial services or designee. Leases of one (1) year or less in duration not be first authorized by the counciL For such leases, the mayor, by ad �' trative order filed with the ciry clerk, may establish an alternative process, ' uding signatories, for the execution of those leases. Section 3 Tlvs ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after i� passage, approval and publication. / Date Form roved ity Attorney / B �'��CA.� � �� �{�l � � Appro ed by y for S ssion to Council $Y= ��