97-1277� L Council File # \�� 1 Su�JS .\ ` �y C �— �Q I a�� q� ordinance # T T Green Sheet # 3� �� � ORDiNANCE ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a�l Presented By Referred To �ommiccee: liace � 1 An amendment to Chapter 27 of ffie Saint Paul Administrative Code by adding a 2 Section 27.08 regarding the application of this ordinance to collective bargaining 3 agreement with residency provisions. 4 5 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 6 7 Section 1. 8 9 That the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended by adding the following section 10 thereof. 11 Section 27.08 Collective Bargaining Agreements 12 13 Any collective bazgaining agreement provision that requires City residency as a condition 14 of ini6al or continued employment shall supersede this Chapter. This chapter shall not apply to 15 employees who are covered by a provision in a collective bargaining agreement applicable to a unit 16 of which they are a member, which provision does not require city residency as a condition of 17 initial ar continued employment with the City. 18 19 Section 2. 20 . 21 This ordinance shall be effective and be in force 30 days from its passage, approval and 22 publication. �3 Requested by Department of: &y: Adopted by Council: Date���\� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: !)- Approved by Mayor� ate �� ZZ�S� Form Approved by City Attorney _ By: —5�-_;4�_-�'�' �ti � //I Approved by Mayor for Svbmission to Council sy: � PilRt�eucr� $ y� DEG `61997 3���� DEW�q pFF4CHGJUNCIL qATElNITIATEO l { -�aR2 HumanResources 1o/s/97 GREEN SHEE g �E � DEPAF�MENT DIRECTORNRIAL/DATE � CM CAUNqL �NR�AL/DATE �o�n 266-6470 �� � cm arTOaNev —� �] cm c�aK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) NUYBER FOfl ❑��� DIRECT�R O FIN. ffi MGT. SERViCES DIR. ROUTING OROER � MpyOA (OA ASSISTAN� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 2 (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) "�"A'�$��`�frapter 27 of Administrarive Code to reflect change in enforcement of residency ordivauce resulting from arbitration award in azbitration entifled In the Matter of Arbiiration between the City of Saint Paul and AFSCME ouncil 14 I,oca12508 and Local l$42 ("AFSCME awazd"). RECOMMENOqTIONS: Approva (A) or pejact (R� pERSONAL SERVICE CONTqACTS MUST ANSW Efl TME FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMM�SS�ON _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Has thi5 pBr5oilffi[m eYBf WOAced ufltlef 3 CO�t(2Ct fOf ihi5 dBpartRteM? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ �� N � 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ DISiA1Ci cOUR7 _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any wrreM c"rty employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yea answers on seperate sheet and etteGh ro green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Wlro, Whaq When, Where, Why): AFSCME awazd prohibits enfarcement of residency ordivauce against AFSCME Locals 1842 and 2508 due to a residency provision in their collective bargaining agreement. Similar contract provisions are included in six other bargaining agreements. ADVANTAGE3 IF APPROVED� Complies with arbitration awazd and maintains consistency of enforcement of residency ordinance against bargaining units with residency contract provisions. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED' Enfarcement of residency ordinance is limited to unrepresented employees and employees in bargaining units without residency contract provisions. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Certain of future evances and likelihood of same azbitration result. ��^���` °- t1' � '�'a��,,� r 1 � � � ���,/ TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOFMATION' (EXPLAIN) Council File # 9 � -�1i.^�. Ordinance # Green sheet # .3 9 � 73 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Presented By Referred To Commitrtee: Date An amendment to Chapter 27 of the Saint Paul Section 27.08 regarding the application of tlus agreement with residency provisions. THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Saint Paul Administrative Code section thereof. Sec6on 27.08 Collectiv� ve Code by adding a collective bargaining amended by adding the following Agreements Any collective bargaining agreemen rovision that requires City residency as a condition of uritial or continued employment shall s percede this Chapter. This chapter sha11 not apply to employees who are covered by a provisi in a collective bugainnig agreement applicable to a unit of which they are a member, which ovision does not require ciry residency as a condition of initial or continued employment wi the Ciry. Section 2. This ordinance shall e effective and be in force 30 days from its passage, approval and publication. Adopted by Council�ate Adoption CertiEied Conncil Secretaxy By: J Approved by M yor: Date BY: /� Requested by Department of: . �umu�. (��,..�� p � ��� e By: � Fosm App oved by City Attorney sv: ���� `�/ CaJ��q�' Appro ed by y for S m' sion to Council By: � L Council File # \�� 1 Su�JS .\ ` �y C �— �Q I a�� q� ordinance # T T Green Sheet # 3� �� � ORDiNANCE ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a�l Presented By Referred To �ommiccee: liace � 1 An amendment to Chapter 27 of ffie Saint Paul Administrative Code by adding a 2 Section 27.08 regarding the application of this ordinance to collective bargaining 3 agreement with residency provisions. 4 5 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 6 7 Section 1. 8 9 That the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended by adding the following section 10 thereof. 11 Section 27.08 Collective Bargaining Agreements 12 13 Any collective bazgaining agreement provision that requires City residency as a condition 14 of ini6al or continued employment shall supersede this Chapter. This chapter shall not apply to 15 employees who are covered by a provision in a collective bargaining agreement applicable to a unit 16 of which they are a member, which provision does not require city residency as a condition of 17 initial ar continued employment with the City. 18 19 Section 2. 20 . 21 This ordinance shall be effective and be in force 30 days from its passage, approval and 22 publication. �3 Requested by Department of: &y: Adopted by Council: Date���\� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: !)- Approved by Mayor� ate �� ZZ�S� Form Approved by City Attorney _ By: —5�-_;4�_-�'�' �ti � //I Approved by Mayor for Svbmission to Council sy: � PilRt�eucr� $ y� DEG `61997 3���� DEW�q pFF4CHGJUNCIL qATElNITIATEO l { -�aR2 HumanResources 1o/s/97 GREEN SHEE g �E � DEPAF�MENT DIRECTORNRIAL/DATE � CM CAUNqL �NR�AL/DATE �o�n 266-6470 �� � cm arTOaNev —� �] cm c�aK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) NUYBER FOfl ❑��� DIRECT�R O FIN. ffi MGT. SERViCES DIR. ROUTING OROER � MpyOA (OA ASSISTAN� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 2 (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) "�"A'�$��`�frapter 27 of Administrarive Code to reflect change in enforcement of residency ordivauce resulting from arbitration award in azbitration entifled In the Matter of Arbiiration between the City of Saint Paul and AFSCME ouncil 14 I,oca12508 and Local l$42 ("AFSCME awazd"). RECOMMENOqTIONS: Approva (A) or pejact (R� pERSONAL SERVICE CONTqACTS MUST ANSW Efl TME FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMM�SS�ON _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Has thi5 pBr5oilffi[m eYBf WOAced ufltlef 3 CO�t(2Ct fOf ihi5 dBpartRteM? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ �� N � 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ DISiA1Ci cOUR7 _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any wrreM c"rty employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yea answers on seperate sheet and etteGh ro green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Wlro, Whaq When, Where, Why): AFSCME awazd prohibits enfarcement of residency ordivauce against AFSCME Locals 1842 and 2508 due to a residency provision in their collective bargaining agreement. Similar contract provisions are included in six other bargaining agreements. ADVANTAGE3 IF APPROVED� Complies with arbitration awazd and maintains consistency of enforcement of residency ordinance against bargaining units with residency contract provisions. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED' Enfarcement of residency ordinance is limited to unrepresented employees and employees in bargaining units without residency contract provisions. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Certain of future evances and likelihood of same azbitration result. ��^���` °- t1' � '�'a��,,� r 1 � � � ���,/ TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOFMATION' (EXPLAIN) Council File # 9 � -�1i.^�. Ordinance # Green sheet # .3 9 � 73 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Presented By Referred To Commitrtee: Date An amendment to Chapter 27 of the Saint Paul Section 27.08 regarding the application of tlus agreement with residency provisions. THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Saint Paul Administrative Code section thereof. Sec6on 27.08 Collectiv� ve Code by adding a collective bargaining amended by adding the following Agreements Any collective bargaining agreemen rovision that requires City residency as a condition of uritial or continued employment shall s percede this Chapter. This chapter sha11 not apply to employees who are covered by a provisi in a collective bugainnig agreement applicable to a unit of which they are a member, which ovision does not require ciry residency as a condition of initial or continued employment wi the Ciry. Section 2. This ordinance shall e effective and be in force 30 days from its passage, approval and publication. Adopted by Council�ate Adoption CertiEied Conncil Secretaxy By: J Approved by M yor: Date BY: /� Requested by Department of: . �umu�. (��,..�� p � ��� e By: � Fosm App oved by City Attorney sv: ���� `�/ CaJ��q�' Appro ed by y for S m' sion to Council By: � L Council File # \�� 1 Su�JS .\ ` �y C �— �Q I a�� q� ordinance # T T Green Sheet # 3� �� � ORDiNANCE ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a�l Presented By Referred To �ommiccee: liace � 1 An amendment to Chapter 27 of ffie Saint Paul Administrative Code by adding a 2 Section 27.08 regarding the application of this ordinance to collective bargaining 3 agreement with residency provisions. 4 5 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 6 7 Section 1. 8 9 That the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended by adding the following section 10 thereof. 11 Section 27.08 Collective Bargaining Agreements 12 13 Any collective bazgaining agreement provision that requires City residency as a condition 14 of ini6al or continued employment shall supersede this Chapter. This chapter shall not apply to 15 employees who are covered by a provision in a collective bargaining agreement applicable to a unit 16 of which they are a member, which provision does not require city residency as a condition of 17 initial ar continued employment with the City. 18 19 Section 2. 20 . 21 This ordinance shall be effective and be in force 30 days from its passage, approval and 22 publication. �3 Requested by Department of: &y: Adopted by Council: Date���\� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: !)- Approved by Mayor� ate �� ZZ�S� Form Approved by City Attorney _ By: —5�-_;4�_-�'�' �ti � //I Approved by Mayor for Svbmission to Council sy: � PilRt�eucr� $ y� DEG `61997 3���� DEW�q pFF4CHGJUNCIL qATElNITIATEO l { -�aR2 HumanResources 1o/s/97 GREEN SHEE g �E � DEPAF�MENT DIRECTORNRIAL/DATE � CM CAUNqL �NR�AL/DATE �o�n 266-6470 �� � cm arTOaNev —� �] cm c�aK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) NUYBER FOfl ❑��� DIRECT�R O FIN. ffi MGT. SERViCES DIR. ROUTING OROER � MpyOA (OA ASSISTAN� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 2 (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) "�"A'�$��`�frapter 27 of Administrarive Code to reflect change in enforcement of residency ordivauce resulting from arbitration award in azbitration entifled In the Matter of Arbiiration between the City of Saint Paul and AFSCME ouncil 14 I,oca12508 and Local l$42 ("AFSCME awazd"). RECOMMENOqTIONS: Approva (A) or pejact (R� pERSONAL SERVICE CONTqACTS MUST ANSW Efl TME FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMM�SS�ON _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Has thi5 pBr5oilffi[m eYBf WOAced ufltlef 3 CO�t(2Ct fOf ihi5 dBpartRteM? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ �� N � 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ DISiA1Ci cOUR7 _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any wrreM c"rty employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yea answers on seperate sheet and etteGh ro green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Wlro, Whaq When, Where, Why): AFSCME awazd prohibits enfarcement of residency ordivauce against AFSCME Locals 1842 and 2508 due to a residency provision in their collective bargaining agreement. Similar contract provisions are included in six other bargaining agreements. ADVANTAGE3 IF APPROVED� Complies with arbitration awazd and maintains consistency of enforcement of residency ordinance against bargaining units with residency contract provisions. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED' Enfarcement of residency ordinance is limited to unrepresented employees and employees in bargaining units without residency contract provisions. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Certain of future evances and likelihood of same azbitration result. ��^���` °- t1' � '�'a��,,� r 1 � � � ���,/ TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOFMATION' (EXPLAIN) Council File # 9 � -�1i.^�. Ordinance # Green sheet # .3 9 � 73 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Presented By Referred To Commitrtee: Date An amendment to Chapter 27 of the Saint Paul Section 27.08 regarding the application of tlus agreement with residency provisions. THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Saint Paul Administrative Code section thereof. Sec6on 27.08 Collectiv� ve Code by adding a collective bargaining amended by adding the following Agreements Any collective bargaining agreemen rovision that requires City residency as a condition of uritial or continued employment shall s percede this Chapter. This chapter sha11 not apply to employees who are covered by a provisi in a collective bugainnig agreement applicable to a unit of which they are a member, which ovision does not require ciry residency as a condition of initial or continued employment wi the Ciry. Section 2. This ordinance shall e effective and be in force 30 days from its passage, approval and publication. Adopted by Council�ate Adoption CertiEied Conncil Secretaxy By: J Approved by M yor: Date BY: /� Requested by Department of: . �umu�. (��,..�� p � ��� e By: � Fosm App oved by City Attorney sv: ���� `�/ CaJ��q�' Appro ed by y for S m' sion to Council By: