97-1247�/� �o���� F��e # 9�t - 12�4�1 / � j/}�e�� � � Ordinance # ;1��I� 1 / � � — � a. �' �� Green SheeC # b � , ^ g rVta ORDINANCE '.:,� �� lzv���-���, C�TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ae� �- -G�� �'IG���7�1/gf� / � �� Presented By / e-�a �-� � Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Committee: Date An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Codes Sections 33.Q2 and 33.05 to update the building code and to require a certificate of occupancy for one- and two-family rental dwellings which are not occupied by the owner. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: Section 1 The City Council finds it necessary and important to take advantage of a change in the state building code which grants municipalities the option to er�tend a certificate of occupancy requirement to certain residential occupancies. The City Council finds that one- and two-family rental dwellings which are not owner-occupied are generally in need of greater code compliance inspections and enforcement to avoid property deterioration and blight. A certificate of occupancy requirement will establish a systematic and periodic inspection policy which will promote and enforce code safety and maintenance of rental dwellings, thereby decreasing the need for complaint�driven inspections based on calle for service from occupants or neighbors who may fear or risk some form of reprisal from landlords or tenants. Accordingly, the systematic certification of such rental dwellings will improve the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Saint Paul who live in and around its rental dwellings. Section 2 The Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 33.02 shall be amended as follows: Sec. 33.02. Minnesota State Building Code--Adoption (d) Section 3 109 of �he Uniform Building Code, a part of the Minnesota State Building Code adopted by reference in Minnesota Rule �3 1305.0010 (1995), is amended for the City of Saint Paul to read as follows: 3�ec-389- I09.1 Use or Occupancy No building or 1 a'� - 1 ay�. structure of Group A (ASSembly), E (Education), I (Institutional), H (Hazardous), B (Business), F (Factory), M (Mercantile), S (Storage), or R-1 (Multifamily Residential)� or any one- or two-familv rental dwelling of R-3 occu�ancv as set forth in 533.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shall be used or occupied, and no change in the existing occupancy classification of a building or structure or portion thereof shall be made until the fire marshal has issued a certificate of occupancy therefor as provided herein. -Fb} 109.2 Change in Use. Changes in the character or use of a building shall not be made except as specified in Section 5Q2 of this code. - ( - c} 109.3 Certificate Issued. After final inspection by the building official when it is found that the building or structure complies with the provisions of this code and other laws which are enforced by the code enforcement agency, the fire marshal shall issue a certificate of occupancy which shall contain the following: (1) The certificate of occupancy number. (2) The address of the building. (3) The name and address of the owner. (4) A description of that portion of the building for which the certificate is issued, if not for the entire building. (5) A statement that the described portion of the building complies with the requirements of this code for the group and division of occupancy and the use for which the proposed occupancy is classified. (6) The name of the fire marshal, or his/her designated agent. 109.04 Temporary Certificate. If the building official finds that no substantial hazard will result from the occupancy of any building or portion thereof before the same is completed, he/she may issue a temporary certificate of occupancy for the use of a portion or portions of a building or structure prior to the completion of the entire building or structure. Such a temporary certificate of occupancy sha11 remain in force and effect for a period not to exceed twelve (12) months, unless otherwise designated by the building o£ficial upon inspection and a determination of need. 109.5 Posting. The certificate of occupancy shall be posted on the premises and shall not be removed except by the fire marshal. 109.6 Revocation. The fire marshal may, in writing, suspend or revoke a certificate of occupancy, includina a provisional or temporary_ certificate of occu�anc� issued under the provisions of this code whenever the certificate was 2 issued in error, or on the basis of incorrect information�� _��� supplied, or when it is determined by the fire marshal that a use of the building or structure or portion thereof may constitute a nuisance as described in Minnesota Statutes, Section 617.81, subdivision (2), or is in violation of any ordinance or regulation or any provision of the Saint Paul Legislative or Administrative Code. Section 3 That Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 33.05 be amended as follows: Sec. 33.05. Certificate of occupancy. (A) Use or Occupancy: No building or structure in Group A (Assembly), B (Business), B-4M (Mercantile), E (Education), F (Factory), I (Institutional), H (Hazardous), R-1 (Multi£amily Residential), or S(Storage) occupancies shall be used or occupied, and no change in the existing occupancy classification of a building or structure or portion thereof shall be made until the fire marshal has issued a certificate of occupancy therefor as provided herein. In addition and effective as of March 1. 1998. no one- or two-familv dwellina as those terms are de£ined in Chap er 60 of this code, of R-3 occupancv mav be rented. used or occu�ied defined in Chanter 60 of this code. (B) Change in Use: Changes in the character or use of a building shall not be made without the approval of the building official and the fire marshal, and the building may be occupied for purposes in other groups provided the new or proposed use is less hazardous, based on life and fire risk, than the existing use. (C) Certificate Issued: After final inspection by the building official, when it is found that the building or structure complies with the provisions of this Code, the fire marshal shall issue a certificate of occupancy. (D) Existing Buildings: (11 Seo�e of reauirement. Every building�except one- and two- family dwellings and residential garages heretofore erected which owner's familv, as familv is defined in Chapter 60. shall have a certificate of occupancy issued by the division of fire prevention and posted on the premises. Before such a certificate can be issued, such buildings, includinc� anv basements and common areas for one- or two-familv rental dwellings shall be inspected by the division and found to conform to the requirements of the building code at the time of construction or at the time of conversion to its present use and to the provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; except that energy efficient standards in rental dwellings 3 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 a�p-� ay`I and multiple dwellings shall be enforced on complaint basis only. No building or rental dwellina which is required to have a certificate of occupancy shall continue to be occupied without such certificate. (2) Implementation schedule for one- and two- family rental dwelling inspections. Those existing one- and two-famil� (a) The fire marshal shall have ten vears in which to complete the initial inspections of all one- and two- familv rental dwellings for the purboses of certification. (b) The fire marshal shall divide the city into geographicallv dis�ersed inspection areas. usin�nlannin� district boundaries, which are reasonablv balanced in terms of the number of affected one- and two-familv rental dwellings and the extent of code comr�liance as found in housinc� condition survev data. (c) The implementation schedule for initial ins�ections should insgecC agproximately one-fifth of all one- and two-family rental dwellinas everv two vears over the 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 thereafter everv four (4) two—f�� vears for �ur�oses of renewinc� the certificate of occupanc� .�d) The imnlementation schedule for the established inspection areas should give priorit� to �te and not limit the discretion of the fire marshal to inspect rental dwellin�s regardless of area location and take (3) Provisional certificate. On or before March 1. 1998, the legal or eauitable owner of each one- or two-familv rental dwellinc� shall make a written a�plication to the fire marshal on an aporoved form furnished bv the same for a certificate of occu�ancv to allow the use or occux�ancv of the rental dwellinq. The fire marshal shall issue a provisional certificate of occugancv to the owner/apnlicant of the rental March 1.1998, pending issuance of a certificate of occu�ancv. A brovisional certificate is sub;iect to renewal everv two ��$ !l-lz�9z limited and scarce insnection resources: slow or non-compliance with inspection orders, or (v) the transfer or sale of an equitable or legal interest. Q � _ � a` vears and mav be revoked on the same grounds as a certificate o£ occugancy Rental dwellinc�s constructed or converted to rental use after March 1 1998 shall not be eligib�e for a of occupancy. (E) Renewal Required: An inspection shall be scheduled by the division of all buildings of Group A(Assembly), E(Education), I (Institutional), H (Hazardous), and B (Business), M (Mercantile), S(Storage), F(Factory) occupancies which have a certificate of occupancy, excepting light hazard occupancy which shall be scheduled for inspection every two (2) years. Inspections shall be scheduled by the division on a two-year cycle for all buildings of R-1 occupancy and on a four-year cycle for those one- and two- family rental dwellings of R-3 occu anc� which have a certificate of occupancy. If it is found that such buildings do not conform to the applicable requirements, including the timelv pavment of all fees, the certificate of occupancy may be revoked and the building shall not be occupied until such time as the building is again brought into compliance with such requirements. (F) Fees for Certificate of Occupancy: (1) Original issue, new buildings. There shall be no fee charged for an issuance of the certificate of occupancy for new buildings at the completion of their construction covered by a building permit. (2) Renewal fee for R-1 occupancies. Nine dollars ($9.00) per residential unit, minimum fee one hundred dollars ($100.00), maximum fee three hundred seventy dollars ($370.00). (3) Renewal fee for A (Assembly), E (Education), I (Institutional), H (Hazardous), F (Factory), M (Mercantile), S (5torage) and B (Business) occupancies. Seven dollars ($7.00) per one thousand (1,000) square feet, minimum fee seventy-five dollars ($75.00), maximum fee three hundred seventy dollars ($370.00). (4) Reinspection fee. The renewal fee established in subsections (2? and (3) above allows for one (1) inspection and one (1) reinspection for the renewal of the certificate of occupancy. A reinspection fee of fifty (50) percent of the renewal fee shall be levied for each additional reinspection required of nonconforming occupancies. s �BP r�-�a�q7 and that the certificate of occu�ancy shall not be issued or denied a£ter the building and all rental dwellings have been inspected for compliance with the minimum standards of all (5) Referral reinspection fee. Whenever a written correction 1.` �� order is issued to the owner or responsible agent of the a owner for a violation of this code and after a reasonable time for compliance has elapsed, a reinspection sha11 be made. If the violation has not been corrected at the time of the reinspection, a referral reinspection fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be collected for every subsequent reinspection until the violation is corrected. (6) Partial certificate of occupancy fee. Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this paragraph (F), a fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) will be charged for each partial certificate of occupancy requested. The issuance of a partial certificate o£ occupancy is at the discretion of the building official and the portion of the building covered by the certificate must be legally completed and ready to occupy along with all other life and safety requirements. (7) No entry fee. A no entry fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be assessed to the renewal fee and collected whenever an owner or responsible agent of the owner has been notified in writing of the date and time for a certificate of occupancy renewal inspection, or any other reinspection, and the owner or responsible agent of the owner fails to notify the fire marshal's office in writing, by at least 8:00 a.m. on the date of the scheduled inspection, of an alternate date and time for the inspection or reinspection when the owner or responsible agent of the owner will appear for the inspection. (8) Discounted fee. Whenever a certificate of occupancy renewal inspection finds no violations of any applicable code, the renewal fees set forth in subsections (2) and (3) of this paragraph shall be discounted twenty-five (25) percent. (9) Late fees. A late fee shall be charged and collected whenever the owner or responsible agent for the owner makes application for certificate renewal after the expiration date of such certificate. Separate late fees shall also be charged and collected whenever the owner or responsible agent for the owner pays late any other fees due and payable under this section. All late fees shall be ten (10) percent of the certificate renewal fee. A late fee shall accrue for each thirty-day period or portion thereof which has elapsed after the expiration date of the certificate or the date of inspection on which the underlying fee is based. In no event shall any one il) late fee exceed fifty (50) percent of the certificate renewal fee. The late fee(s) shall be in addition to any other fee or payment required. 10 Rental R-3 Occupancies The initial ins�ect'on fee shall be eightv dollars (580 00) for one-family rental dwellings and ninetv dollars t590 00) for two-familv rental dwellings The renewal fee for a certi i ate of � q� -���� � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 (G) Exceptions: The £ees for the certificate of occupancy and inspection are provided in section 33.04(H)(4)(c) and paragraph (F) of this section shall be required on buildings owned and occupied by any governmental agency, including county and state governmental agencies. The City of Saint Paul, and any other agencies specifically exempted from such fees under state law, shall be exempt from payment of such fees. Section 4 These amendments shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its adoption, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date ���", Adoption Certified by Council Secretary $Y: � 1" Approved ayo e Hy: By: Form Ap ve y ity " t ney c By: J Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ( � � �� cvcle in which the rental dwellinc� is inspected. GREEN SHEET Councilmember R. :.,� �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES a� -ti a�2 No so�ao v���� ���_ ❑ CRYAiTOANEY � 4fVCL0tK ❑ RNRNtN1.tERNCFf pR � RMYICJ�Ll6RV/ACCT6 ❑III.YOMryRA881aSMli) ❑ {CLIP ALL IQCATIONS FOR SICaNATURE) Approval of a certficate of occupancy program for one and two family rental dwellings wlrich aze not occupied by the owner. �u,v� ivrv approve �n� w rte�a�x PIANNING COMMISS{ON CIB COMM171'EE GIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION � m� r+�.sonrem ever �n ��a� a co���t ro.m�s a�mn�rr rES rio Has Mis o�'�� ever been e d�Y �nWoYee? YES NO Dces this P��m+ P�eecs a sltiU not nonnal�YP�d bY �Y curreM citY emGb`/ee? YES NO �s mis aeisoM�m a ta.getea veraon YES NO ilain atl vea answers on aenarate sFket arW ariar,h to we� d�tet •�u axounr oF rnaruacnox s L7IIC�� casrrt+evENU� euco�o �ctrtc� or� ACTNITY NUMBER rE3 NO IC W. INFORMATION (IXP W N) and multiple dwellings shall be enforced on complaint basis No building or rental dwelling which is required to Y certificate of occupancy shall continue to be occupied withou certificate. / only. Q�1.1��� Y e a such �! years and may be revoked on the same grounds a certi�� a e�� ��a.'T � of occupanev Rental dwellinas constructed or conv r ed to rental use after March 1 1998 shall not be eligible for a% of occupancv. (E) Renewal Required: An inspection shall b scheduled by the division of all buildings of Group A(ASSembly), E iEducation), I (Institutional), H(Hazardous), and B(Busine s�, M(Mercantile), S(Storage), F(Factory) occupancies which ve a certificate of occupancy, excepting light hazard occup ncy which shall be scheduled for inspection every two (2) yea . Inspections shall be scheduled by the division on a two-year c 1e for all buildings of R-1 occupancy and tho e one- a d two-fami ental dwe of R-3 occupanc_y which have a certificate of ccupancy. If it is found that such buildinqs do not conform to e applicable requirements, occupancy may be revoked and the until such time as the building i with such requirements. , 1 e the certificate of ilding shall not be occupied again brought into compliance (F� Fees for Certificate o Occupancy: (1) Original issue, ne buildings. There shall be no fee charged for an is ance of the certificate of occupancy for new buildings.at the completion of their construction covered by a bu' ding permit. (2) Renewal fee residential ($100.00), ($3'IO. QO) � R-I occupancies. Nine dollars ($9.00) per it, minimum fee one hundred dollars mum fee three hundred seventy dollars (3} Renewa.t fee for A {Assembly), E (Education), I tlnsti utional}, H {Hazardous), F (Factory), M {Mer antiZe), S(Storage) and B(Business) occupancies. Sev n dollars ($7.OD) per one thousand (1,000) square fe t, minimum fee seventy-five dollars ($75.00), m�imum e three hundred seventy dollars {$370.00). (4) Reinspection fee. The renewal fee established in subsections (2) and (3) above allows for one (1) inspection and one (1) reinspection for the renewal of the certificate of occupancy. A reinspection fee of fifty (50) percent of the renewal fee sha11 be levied for each additional reinspection required of nonconforming occupancies. 5 _.���i7y7 12:18 6122286241 FIRE PREVENTION PAGE 02 � c�� _ (�y� � trsteMepartmentat Memorandum CITY OF SAII1'f PAUL TO: Council Presidem Dsve'Thune Councitmember Jonry Blakey Conncilmember Dan Bostrom Counciimember Joe Collins ` Councilmember Mke Herris Ca�ncilmemliar Bobbi Driegard Cotimcila►ember Giadys Morton FROM: Fire Marshai Steve Zac;card t%��� DAT"E: Piovember 12, 1997 J . �: Code Requirementa for 1- or 2-family Dwe(lings t,.��Ej�i�t ���°ber 22. 1997 Publi� kesrir►S on the ordinance to expand the fire degartmerrt's existing certificate of accupancy . inspe�cion prop�rsm to include 1- or 2-family reatel dwet!'sngs, Councitmember Harrig requeste�f a detailed list of what the codes require of these dwetlings. That list is attached. Cc: Tim Fuller Gary Tiudeau Roger C�rtis Chuck Votel n ii�1z/1997 12:18 6122286241 FIRE PREllENTION PAGE 83 DBYARTMFNT OF PIItE AND SAFETY SLRVICPS �X f� �.� � �� _ 1 a`�� DIVLTIDN OP flRE PREVENfION Srcven ZaccarQ, flrc Marshot crrY oF s�rrr �vi, Norn� Cok�en, Magor ]Q1 Pan Elevemh So-ser TeGeyhone: 612-228-6230 SaLSPn�LMN55101 fac.rimile:6f2-228•6241 ONE AND TWO UNIT RERITAL DWELUNGS PRE-INSPECTION CHECKLIST • For ownerslmanagers of rentat propeRy of one or two unit dweili�gs. a••:::•�:� SANITATION • Premises shall be maintainetl free of accumulated garbage, trash, solid wasie, enimal 18C8s or refuse_ GRAD1Pid AND DRAINAGE - A11 premises shaJf be graded and maintained so as io drain water awey irom accupied sttuctures and minim{ze the acCUmulation of water on such premises. GROUNp COVER - Every resident+at premis9s shall be maintalned in a condition to control erosion, dust and mud by suitable landscaping with grass, trees, shrubs o� other pfsnted ground cover, or by paving wlth asphati, concrete or Qy such other suitabte msans as shall be approved by the enforcement officer. GRASS AND WEEDS - Grass and weeds shali no2 be more than 8 inches in height. INSECTS AND RODENT 1NFESTATIONS - tt shatl be the responsibility of the ownsr to con2rol and/ot efiminate any infest8tion of inspects, rodents or other pe5ts in all e�rterior areas and accessory structures on the premises, ACC£SSORY STRUCTURES - AI! acCessOry structures �nCluding, but no fimited ta detechad garages, sheds and fences, shai{ be maintainad structurally sound and in good rapair. A11 euterior wood surFaces, other than decay-resistent woods, shaN be protected from tne elements and decay by paint which is not tead-hssed paint or by ather protective covering or ireatment. Servfce doors to residentiai garages hai! be provided with saouring locks. STOHED MA7ERiALS - it shatl be unlawful to accumufate and store bu+iding material, lumber. boxes, cartons or other containers, machinery, scrap metei, junk, raw matsrial, fabricstetl goods and other ftems in such manner ss to constitut8 a nuisance o{ rodent harhorage. flREWOOD - Piles of firewood shsil not be m�re than 5 feet in haig�t and not ctoser than 10 feet from a habitable buiidlnp. REFRiGERATORS AND ACCESSIBLE Ct?NTAINERS - ft shaii be uniawful ta permit a refrigerator or other container, sufficierttiy targe to retain a chiid and wiih doors which fasten automaticaily whan elosed, to be exposed and accessible to chifdrert withaut removing the doors, lids, hinges or iatches. EXTERIOR SiDEWALKS, WALKWAYS AWD STAIRS - All sidewe(ks, watkweys, end extarior __..,« i�yr 12:18 6122286241 FIRE PREVENTIDN PAGE 04 stairs shali be maintained in a sefe, sound condnion, ftee of defects and nszsrds. a1 _�3'`�� M1XED MUMtCIPAL SOUD WASTE S70RAGE AND REMOVAL. - Every residence buiiding sha11 '� be s�pplied with approved Containers which are of sufficient quant±ty and capacity to store ai! tha mixed municipal sotld weste from the unit and which are equipped with tight-fStting covers for storage of mixed municipal soiid waste. Mixed municipal sotid waste shai! be collected at feast weekly by a iicensed refuse hauler. In atl residence buiidings, it shafl be the responsibft�ty of the ownet to provide the corrceiners and aonuact with s ilcensed hauler for coliection of the mixed munlcipal solid waste. �� : �;Z�T3=ITl1��71�re3 ADDRESS NUMBEHS - Must 6e Ctearly readaU►e from the street, and a►ley if applieabie, both day and night. {See attachment HN-1.) RAlNLEADERS - Disconnect if drafned into city sawer. ROOF - Must be tight, with0ut 48aks. EXTEWOR W1sLLSJPAINT - Extetior surfaces other than deCay-resistant wood must ha peinted wtth non-lead-based paint. (SCraped and primed where Ree��n8•1 STAtRS/PORCHESiDECKS - Must be maintained '+n sound co�dition and good repair. Balustrades and guard►ails no more than nine inches i9") apan must be instatled on stairvvayslporchesldecks mora than ttiuty inchas (3d"! above grade. RAILS - Handralfs and balustrad8s required on stairs with fiaur ar more risers end must be . mai�te�lned in good condition. DOORS - Must be in sound condition and good repair, capabla of being easily opened from the inside withouL the use ot a key. tSingie-fiamily and firSt floor of dupiexas can be equipped with doubie-cyiintler dasdbofts.! WfNDOWS - Must be in sound condition, have no broken glass, have hardware to hofd in the "open" posltion, fit tigAt within the frama, and secure tocking mechanism. (Locks required on every w)ndow up ta and including second story or accessibte by fiirs escape, stairs, etc.) Windows can be epuipped with bars far security if tfiey are not required "egress windows." W;adows muat 6e equipped wlth screens. GARBAGE CONTAIIVERS - Owners are rgqutred to furnish Suffiicient containers with tids and weekly gatba@0 piCk-up (atso see Public Works Ordinance for Recycl;ng reauirements{• fi�i�:7r+7: POST CERTiFlCATE OP OCCUPANCYlOWNER 1NFORMATIQN - MusL be postsd near the front door so it can be resd from outside trie bullding. Owner ir+formstian and emergency tantaots ata pre-prinled on Certfficate af OccupanCy for you. WALtS/FIQQEiS/PAFNT - Must be ma(ntained cfea�, painted, and in a professional state of repair. STAIRSlRAl1S - Same specifications aS exterior stafrs. EXTERMtNATION - Qwners are responslble to exterminate insects and rodents in all areas of the huildlnp and premises. E it112J199� 12:18 6122285241 FIRE PREVENTION PAGE 85 R� -la`�'1 EVACUATlON PLANHING - Owners ars urged to develop end furnish to the occupants an epproved 0mergency evacuation p{an. : �. 1 , � FIRE EXT1Nt3UiSHERS - A 2A74BC fire extinguisher shouid be available �ear an exit from the tlwelling. �� fSCAPE WINDOWS - One window from each sleeping room must be easily openable from the inside. Some secutity grates and bars heve mschanisms thai opsn easily from inside. These windows must nave a net glazed area of five point seven {5.7} square feet, minimum net ctaer openable heigfit dimension of twenty-four inches i24"), minimum net clsar openabie width dimenston of tweniy inches 120"f, and a sill-side height of no more than forty-eight inches i48") above the floor. Area welts must mest minimum sizes {Ses Buitding Department direct+ve and EW-1 Attachment.! EX1T OSSTAUCTIONS - Afl exits to the buiiding must be unobstructed at atl items. 1Jo storage ls af{owed in steirwe�ls, corridors, or in front of doors. EXIT ILLUMIWATION - AN common hai{s and inside stairw8ys must be lit with a minimum iiluminatfon of one foot-candl� per square foot. Exterior exits and entryways are required to be illumin8ted a minimum of one fooicandfe at gtade level. „ , ly f �l$•.+ �,,: •� . PLUMBINO/SEWER - Kitcfien sinks, hand sinks, bathiub, showers, toitets or urinals must be suppiied w3th tunning water, adequate hot watar where appHCab�e, and must be Connected to the sewer and water system in accordanca with all provisfons ot the Plumbing Cotle. COMBUSTIBLE STOHAGE/Fl1RNACE RdOM - Combustible storage should nat be in any room containing furnace, heating, mechanical, or efectrica) equipment. , INCINERATORS - Not 811owad unless PCA-approved 8nd capabie of burning over 7,000 pounds pet hour. , FURNAC£lHEATiNG PLANT - Must be capable of providing fiedt at 88 dagrees five feet above tha floor in Sny ar8a of the dwetltng. Instalfation, repair, or aiteration of an heating equipme»t must be tlone by a licensed contractor undei permit from the Buifding insp�ction and �esign Division. llpon renewa( of the Certificata of Occupancy, a fo�m wiil be provided the ownerlmanager which must be fiiled out by e ticensed contractor verifying that the heating system or space heatar has bean sarviced and is fres ot carbon monoxide spiilage. iSee RH-1 attaChment.l WATER HEATER - Must be capabie of supptyi�g adequate hot weier at a minimum temperstu�e of 120 degrees and a ma�cimum of 130 degrees at every kitchen sink, tuh, shower, and laundry faciliLy. All repairs or atterations must be made unGer permit fram the Buifding Inspection and Design Division by s licensed contractor ln scCardance with ihe Plumbing Code. GAS COAINECTIONS - Flezible ConneCtors on stoves or dryers must be AGA approvetl double- wsQed. Single-waNed connecto�s that are klnkad, damagaC, or corroded must be replaced. 3 �� -ia�� ELECTRtCAL - Service must be adequate ia serve needs of occupants and maintained in accordance with the Electricat Code. Evary roorn 124 squsre feet or tess must have at least two dupiax out)eu. One additionel ouilet fs required tor each additionai 80 square #eet. � Kitchens musc have at laast three duplez outiets, one of which must be supplied by a separate 20-smp circuit, Any new outiet 'snstaUed within a six-foot radius of a kitchen sink must be Ground Feuft Circuit Interrupters I�FI). Every pubtic halt, water ctoset, bathroom, laundry, or fumace roam must co�tain at least one etectric light fi�Rure. 8athroom and laandry rooms must contain one light fixture and one dupfex autiet. The laundry room ouUat must he within six feet of the laundry appfiance on a separate 20.amp circuit. The outiet in ihe bathroom must be �FI. Existing outieis in ba[hroams must bs convsrted to a GFI or removed. Ail metallic tixtures within flva feet R5') horizonteity or efght feef 48`} vsrtically of grounded surfaces shail be gtoundad. ALL FAC�.ITIES AHD EQUtPMEAIT - AN required and suppiiad equipment and all bui4ding spaces and parts rnust ba constructed and mainteined to properly and safely perform their intended function. iAn air condiiioner is not required; but if provided, must work.! WOOOSTOVES - Ars not ailowed in residentiai garagas or areas where flammable Iipuids or vapors are present. GASOIINE STORAGE - No gasoline or other fiammabie iiquid can be stored in a residentiai bu�idi�g unless stored in a�-hour. fire-rated room or approved fire•rated cabinet. FlammabVe liquids can never be stored in a room with a sourca of ig�ition, sucfi as a furnace, water heater, etc. CONDEMNATIONJUNfiT - A Qwelling unit or enti�e buiiding may be Condamned when it is � determined to be an;nhabitahle or a hazard to tha safety or weifare of the tenantls►. UNITS - DIAt�LLIMG SMpKE DETfCTORS - State statute requires an operabfe smoke detector providad and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions outside each sieeping area of the rentai uNt. Battery ar eleccric smoke tletectors are allowed, but electric are recommended. Smoke detectors must be tested at least monihly, and batteries shouid be replaced annualiy. tSee SD-1 attacAment.) � bEADBOL7 LpCKS/DOORS - Entry doors must be equipped arith one-inch t 1"? approved sin8le- cyllnder deadboit locks. Existing 5/8" deadboit locks may remafn on sot;d core wood doors. meTel doors. and 314" panel doors with a s(x-{nch f6"! extendad strikepiate for wood-frame doars. doors must be substantiafly secure trom 18sgsl entry, snd if repiaoed, must be repiaced with solid core, sotid wood 3/4" panei or a mefal door with metai frames. Hinges must be R�aced on the inside of the door. Doors of single-family and grede levels af dupiexes may be equipped witfi double-cyl}nder tleadboits, but owners must warn occupants ot potential fire hazerds. iSee AD-1 attachment.} PATl016LIDER DOORS AND WiNDQWS - A removable track fitier or key-operated venical or horizontai bnit lock on pat10 and Alider windows is required. A wootl fiiler strip or removable screw in upPer track of windows shouid be installsd to prsvsnt them from being lifted out of traCk. FLOORStWALLS/PAINT/CASINETSlWOODWORK - Musi be in sound candition and good repair. AII paini must be non lead-based. My peeting or Haking paint must be rempved and repainted. W{NDOW LOCKS - At! windows must be equipped wifh secure locks. n � ' +�:18 6122286241 • FIRE PREVENTION sPaCE HE . Pa � and muyY SLb) to a►i req�ire�e 0� be servioed b ms of s � v ;cing���eaning (�8 �urnace/Heatrn Occupancy renewai, Y a���ensed cantractor and `� Aii regulations of ihe Mechanicai Code mun tie d durin 9 P�ant1 d�� _� a�� BATHROOM LIGHT 9 Certlflcete of ��I�ATION - Eve aDPiied. outside, a minlmum s)ze cf e� n' b�hroo approv� m�h�� percent (g96 m mu � have a window openabte Cal verttllation � of the total fioor area of tO the SYSiem. the room, TOlLETq{,qpp SINK o� an hand sink, and 2ub or�o BH�sY811ed and mainfained in accordance with �- Each dwelpng unit must coniain a bathroom wixh toilei, t� m ��R - Must be imperyious to water. ihe Plumbing Code. st be r epaired�rapl�etl, Carpetin g not allowed, Cracks or KITCFIEN SIN missing K - Every dwellln requirement in the bathroom. 9 �nli shail contain a kitch en sink apart from ihe hantlslnk ��CTRIC4l p�1�s _ S� E�ectricat. EX7ENSION CORDS - Not ailowed for pe�manant wirin circuit breakers ase aiso not le ai. The overload on the wirin in the w can be e fire h 9 8• Those extension cords with ezefd. 9 a�i produces heat and OCCUPAlyT �p,4D _ pwe11i� �nits 9 must contai� the foilowinp; TOTAI UH1T OROSS PLOOR qqEq 1 oocupant - 750 squa�e feet , 2 0 � more ocCUpents - 10p square feet pe� pa�son GROSS SLEEp�NG pOaM/��OOR qqEq 1 occupant - 7p square feet 2 0 � more occupants - 60 square feet per p�rson TENqNT SqN�Tqr�ON/REgpp ciean and sanita NS - Occu They are also � � cond(tlon and tlispo e of r f pents are requtretl to m; their quired to kee '� e �Se in the contairters e fain their unit in a use and operatip�, �f the UPp�tetl fixtures I Provided b maintained !n accordance with the � ean and san;ta Y the owner. y furnish any fiMUres of their own the uSe reasonabte care in Building Code. Y must be inste�led and � �«S - in at1 dweilings or muiti �8 N, water p��pp�s coutorrr� baMeria and p d e11 �� P�operty owner nitrate 8s serviCetl by a private �,ye11 for every two (21 years. ii shaif be the resPons'bilitY of rhe pro drinking ROOMIN6 be conducted by the UNRS/ADDITIQNAL REQWREMENTS PeRy owner. � • Cannot contain miCrowav�.) cookin9 or eatin 9 facitiiies. (i.e., s[oves, 2 hot plate5, refrigeretors. A bathroom corrc�;���g a hand sink, toitet, str�cture directly accesgtple w;thout adjacent to �tl tub or shp„„ mu� be avaitable withln the the rooming unit. 9Oj^ outside and fra�;o� thereof). One bathroom rr�u �� the st be availabie for ch fiver or a floor 3 • Each sleepin8 room pe�sons (or per person for tN,o musi contain at least 70 squara i or more peOp►e. eet of Haor area, or 60 square feet 5 �� � 4. 5. Owners are respansihie for weekly changes of supplied linens and taweis. Every roars�ing unft muss bs supplied wi2A shades, drapes, or oiher mater;als affording prlvacy. S. Owners are responsibie for sanitary maintenance of watis, floors, ceilings, and for maintenanCe of all suppiied equipment. �� -� a�+ i � ti � CTTY OF SAINT PAITL Norm Colemnn, bfayor November 19, 1997 To Fr: Re: BUSINESS REVIEW COYNCIL Wi"Iliam Cosgnff, Chair IAWRYPROFESSIONAL BUILDING Suite 300 350 SG Peler Streef Sain! Paul. Mrnnssola 55102-]SIO Council Ptesident Thune and Members of the City Council Business Review Council (BRC) q� - �ay� Telephone: 612-266-9090 Facsimrte: 61 D2669099 612-266-9124 Certificate of Occupancy for One and Two Family Rentai I1nit Proposal The BRC wishes to ciarify its position regazding the Certificate of Occupancy proposal submitted by Councii Member Megard and Counci3 Member Bostrom. After lengthy discussions and detailed analysis of the proposal, (at which Council Member Megard and her aid, Ann Ciezlak were present) the BRC authored a clear and concise resolution endorsing the general concept of a Certificate of Occupancy for one and two family rental units. However BRC support was clearly based upon three amendments to the original proposal; including a focus on problem properties, a flexibie renewal based on the condition of the property, and appropdate funding and sta�'ing for the program. A copy of the original resolution has been attached for your review and consideration. cc: Mayor Norm Coleman Roger Curtis, Assistant to the Mayor Nancy Anderson, Council Secretary BUSNESS REVIEW COWi CIL tfilkcm CosgrtJf, Chm� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Caleman, Mayor LOIf'RYPROF£SSIO.VAL BUIIDl.�"G Surte 300 3SOSt PeterStreet Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-/510 �f1-�a�'`� Telephone: 612-266-9090 Facsimile: 612-266-9099 672-2669124 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL Bt3SINESS REVIEW COUNCIL Presented By: Mazk Mceller Seconded By: Julie Hoff Date: November 6, 1997 WHEREAS, The Saint Paul Business Review Council (BRC) has thoroughly analyzed and discussed the proposal requiring a Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) for One and Two Family Rental Units, and WHEREAS, the BRC has determined that there are significant community development opportunities contributing to the economic vitality, health, safery and welfare of the citizens of Saint Pau] in the proposal. NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED, that the BRC endorses requiring a Certificate of Occupancy for Qne and Two Family Rental Units with the follo�ving provisions; ■ That the program �vill focus on problem One and Two Unit Rental Properties including, but not limited to, those proQerties which: consume excessive Police and Fire Department resowces; generate complaints; have a history of non-compliance; are tax delinquent; have been referred by a Community Councii; or have a below market average tax assessment value for comparable property. That the program wili maintain a fle�ble Certificate of Occupancy renewal period ranging from one yeaz to five years based on the individual condition and needs of the properiy. BE IT FtJIZTHER RESOLVED, that the BRC encourages the Mayor and the City Council to unplement the new Certificate of Occupancy for One and Two Family Rental Units by fceusing on the properties with the greatest need rather than the geographic approach enumexated in the Resalution submitted by Councilmember Megazd and Councilmember Bostrom. NOW Bfi TT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the BRC recommends staffmg, funding and fee decisions associated with the Certificate of Occupancy for One and T�vo Unit Rental Properties be implemented by the appropriate City admnvstration and staff. Adopted by the BRC: November 6, 1997 Resolution adopted 14-0 with no abstentions: /� ��� �/� Signed: �L+� �'�k!!'. -� William Cosgciff, h u � Tro 'ilbertson, Sta£f to the BRC � ��a� � 0�� � $ �' �,� � a�IZ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nnrm Cnlemm�, Murnr December 2, 1997 Councfl President David Thune and City Councilmembers 310 and 320 City Hall 15 West Ke(logg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 3S0 Citp Halt � Telephorse: 612-266-8510 IS Weat Keltogg BoulevarJ Facsimite: 612-266-8513 Sairst Paul, MN SSIO2 Regarding: Veto of Proposed Certificate of Occupancy Ordinance and Resolution (Council Files 97-124b and 97-1247) Dear Council President Thune and Councilmembers: I am returning to you, w'sth my veto, the proposal to require a Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) for one-and two-family rental dweliings which are not occupied by the owner. As I have said on many occasions, I agree with and support the goals of the proposed program. The quality of rental housing in Saint Paul is an important issue and instituting a requirement that these rental units also meet the City's building, fire and property maintenance codes is a goal I support. To help ensure that rental units meet these goals, we have had a very active Information Exchange Task Force (a.k.a. Problem Properties Task Force). The Task Force's activities and actions have regularly been reported to you and your staff. The Task Force's accomplishments include: Creation of a full list of probiem properties. Removal of a properiy from this list indicates the property's problems have been solved. Some 60 properties have been removed from the list in the past two years. Marked improvements in building structure, and tenant and landlord behavior in several large rental complexes—including those in the Midway, Rice Street, Payne-Maryland and Battle Creek areas. An increase in Task Force participation by landlord and tanant groups. � �- � �� -1'�`�� Council President and Councilmembers December 2, 1998 Page 2 Nonetheless, I believe we will strengthen our neighborhoods by instituting a C of O program that gives priority to cleady identified problem properties, specifioaUy those that generate complaints. True problem properties shouid be the focus of any new program. The following aze some of the flaws with the approved program: The proposed grogram does not focus resources upon the important issue—resgonse to complaints about and inspection of problem properties. Such an approach'ss especially critical when we have scazce resources. 2. The proposed program is too infle�cible in its allocation of resources to the establishment of a systematic, geographically-based, ten-yeaz inspection cycle of properties as opposed to resources tazgeted for complaint responses. A better approach, I believe, is to focus upon the inspection of problem properties and a fl�ible schedule for re-inspection. 3. I have submitted a proposed budget to you and you have approved the maximum levy for 1998. The costs of the proposed program are not included in either the budget or the maximum levy. You have not identified budget resources to pay for the implementation of the proposed program. As you may recall, our staff have not reached agreement on the total costs af the proposed program and the differences are substantial. No budget resourcas have been identified that wouid fund even the lower program costs identified in your staff analysis. I do not support the use of fund balances, which are one-time revenues, for the use of an ongoing program. Nor have you shown that the proposed fees will be adequate to cover progl costs. Nonetheless, I will work with you to identify additional resources that could be available for a C of O program in 1998. On November 14, you were told of my concems with your ordinance and that, if passed without modification, it would be subject to my veto. Since then, my staff has attempted to work with you on alternatives that address the weaknesses of the proposed program. Unfortunately, our attempts to find common ground were unsuccess£ul. Regrettably, then, I veto the actions you have taken because yaur approach has significant weaknesses and better alternatives are avai(able to accomplish our joint goals. �� _ ` a�t�( Council President and Councilmembers December 2, 1998 Page 3 This veto should not halt the development and consideration of a workable and successful C of O program. I invite you to work with me to design a new proposal, one that focuses upon problem properties, and one that can be submitted to you in early January, 1998. Sincerely, ���,�..�I�-- Norm Coleman Mayor c: Peg Buk Phil Byme Steve Christie Roger Curtis Fire Chief Fuller Peter Hames Tim Manc Joe Reid Barb Renshaw Gerry Strathman Assistant Fire Chief Gary Trudeau Fire Marshall Steve Zaccard �� i� 97 08:15a Rawlie R. Sullivan t61Zf649-0111 p.1 � �� Please de{iver immediately to: of: Fax number: Voice number: Fax received from: of: Fax number: volce numDer: Date: St. Paul City Counci! Members 266857d Rawiie R. Sufiivan (612)6A9-0111 (612)649-0111 11J12/97 Time: 8:14:41 AM Number of Pages: 1 Subject: Certificate of Occupancy Program ���✓ a.J i.7 LL f✓ • �! � �� - I ,7``�`� a are many valid questions at�out this ordinance which Ms. Megard has not �red to answer before bringing this bill before the council. There are many owners who care for their renters and take care of this property. if this bill is �d in it's present form these owners wiii be penalized for caring. Send this bill for SERIOUS REVISION! _ � u8:i5a Rawlie R. Sullivan (612lS49-0111 p.Z November 12,1997 To: St. Paul City CounCil Members From: Mary Kay Sullivan 2211 Dayton Avenue 5t. Paut, Mn 55104 Re: fJrdinance rzc}uicing Cert�ftcate of Occupancy Program for one� and two- wxit dwellings �� , �'�.� 1 Aiier reading'fhe pxoposal re�azdin� tlus oXClinsncc+, 1 do not ehink thut it is scilTiciently dc&ncd to pass at this time.. As far ss I can tell the requireazents on the owners of s�zch rental properties aze ambiguous aad dependent on the perticnlar inspector. Many older houses cennot possibly meet some o�today's standards, but are fine and well-mamtained dwelling places. i also do not believe it to be � good orclinance in its preseut fazm. Much oL the ihrust uf the ordinance seerras to be to upgrAde shideat honsing. While this may be imporiasst, it should not be sn ord'mance which peualizes the rsmaiuzder of the population. I'he rents� wut whicfl my husbamd and i own is a ho�ase built in 1909. While rt is a comfartabie d�veUing, u does bave its own set of idiosyncrasies which may zzoi meet today's standards. We rent tv a smg(e woman whn hne dweh Ihere for uwre than ifi years. 'The hUUSe is on the same lot ss our awn home, so we are constanfly awaze of any difficulties that may occur. If certain structural irregularities aze presem, tJaaey would be imposszble or financ3atly prohibifSve tv change. "I7ien we couf&not a6ford co ren[ the gropetry and the woman wouid be out of a horae.. She does consider this her home aad treats h as such. The ordinance seems to penalize people tike us who IDO maiatan� their properties by having ta pay inspectiou fees ott a consistent basis in order to "catch " those who do NQ�' maintain their prvperties. I am siue there are abuses per�et�ated by some landlords, but must we all be puaisHed? tiver the ten years we have lived at oizr present address, we have been awaxe af xqany zou7n�, vio�ations having to do with the niunber of unrelated aduits tivin� in A g;ven unn--thexe are 5 and 6 studebxs in sozne houses, I fiave even had patents tell me of t8eir son or daug�ter living �vith several others and have asked if they realized this was a code violation,, 'x'he- respanse was that they did not and it was ztot iin�purtant any�vay, When 1 oalled Bobb,y Megard's olTice. I suggested thet a referral systsm m;ght be hetter requit;ng evezyone to be inspected, I was fold thae this was not fair becnuse people were uot being "treated equally". What is the faiz�aess in pvaishing {by fees, etc,) ihose who mamtain their re�tal properties because sorne peopie du uot? Cou1J nvt the ortlinxnce be written in Such a way that thOSe whv tent propezties in substandard condition and ue referred either by the inhab3tants or others then be- iusQected sad reqaired to chanQe the condition of their property? Please consider the rsanficatious to landiords sucla as us who try k�azd ta keep iheir Px+>P��� � good cvndition, who naake au ell'ort to kccp tkeir rents reasonabte, �d work �ith their tenants in maintazuiug the homes in our area. Dp NOT PA.SS this or.dinance! tl/12197 12:09 FA% 612 593 0944 ��� SMA�CA, Inc. MINNBSOTA-NORTH �AKOTA-SOU111 BAKOTA /WSILACORtVEt70RTN.SU1TElOD AiM1HEAP'06�9.�9i5W2�599 Pi�NE:IBt�SW�0Y�1 FAX: (S12) b0}OON Y 311 1L` a •n•1ti11 Mayor Norm Coleman 390 City Hall St Paui, MN 55102 Re: Certiticate of Q'ccnpancy Inspeetton Program for Rental Single FamilyiDapleaes Dear Mayor Coleman: l� 001 �� 1 ��� The Sheet Metal, Air Condifloning & Roofing Contractars Association of Minnesota (5MARCA} is a trade association representing more than 175 heating and ventilating contractors in the Twin Cities metro area. We support the Certificate of Occupancy Tnspection Program. 'I'his prograzn is vital to maintain safe housing in the City of St. Paul. This program of basic safety inspecfions of St. Paul's rentai housing stock is important to the city, to the resale ability of its housing stock, and to the safety of its ci6zens. The recent axticles in the Star Tribune on moistiuelvenrilalion pzobletns in homes and last winter's carbon monoxide deaths in Minnesota show the vitat need for such periodic inspecrioas, including a safety inspection of the heating systems. In order ta have a quality inspecfion program that provides the needed inspections, the city must aiso adequately staff the program. To estabiish the Certificate of Occupancy Inspection Program, while cutting its unplementation� short changes the great citizens of 3t. Paul. Again, SMARCA strongly supQorts the Certificate of Occupancy Inspection Progratn. Sinceraly, � aznes E. ' am Chief Executive Officer 7E$:gaw PETER L M4E, Mesident • STEVEq J. MCGR/�iN. Vla Prosidsrrt • SERRY L. HVTCMN50N, S�rnbry•Troasurx� N08FRT 0. McDOWALI„ Poft GresldeM TNOMA9 J. BROGAN •C1IARLE$ l. flSHER • BRUCE A NASSEIBRiND • NENNEiH P..fOHNSOH • L4RAY C. JORDAN • CNRISTOPHER & LEE DAND O. MCFARtANE •]LMES R. MYER3. LEROY L 5lUitER • ANTXONV M.9ROAREIU • 1. JOHN T9711S, J0. •JOIM H.7MEN 8nee1 Ns1N. Mr Candklooh+G 6 Hw1YW CoNneWS Nw'd�tbn November 11, 1997 cc: St. Paui City Couneil 11/12l1997 12:18 5122286241 FIRE PREVENTION CITY UF SAWT PAL7I. Department otFire and Safety Services 1Q0 East lkth Street Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55lO1 PAGE 01 q������� Facsimile Transmittal Coversfieet DATE: FA?� NUINBER: FItOM: TIME �7 � � s FAX N'UMBER: Fire Administration ( } (612) 228-6255 Fire Traiaing ( ) (6I2) 644-8818 suB.r�cr: Eqoipment Services ( ) 545-?OSO � Fire Prevention (�� (622) 228-6241 Fire Communications ( ) (6�2) 292-6Q21 �Idg. Maint. ( ) (612}771-9087 TOTAX. PAGES INCLUDING COVEX2SHEE'X':_ � If you did not receive ail of this FAX, plesse contact: ��� at: V�� �i��„ f�� o: � � �� ���� ���� /l �r • Station 24 Supplies ( ) (6Z2)7�4-2343 .���u 199? 12:18 6122286241 FIRE PREVENTION � InteMepartmentat Memorandum CITY OF SAINf PAUL TO: Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Ierry Blakey Counciimember Dan Bostrom Counciimember Joe Collins ` Councilmerr►ber Mike Herris Cow�cilmembor Bobbi Megard Councilmeim� G�ladys Morton FROM: F�ure Marsha! Steve Zaccard �fS�� _ DATE: November 12, 149? .J �: Code Requirements for i- or 2-faznily Dwellings PA6E H2 � � _ i `a,`l l f CJC�E At the October 22, 1997, public hearing on the ordina�ce to acpand the fire departmem's e�cisting cenificate of occupancy inspection prog�am to incl�de 1- or 2-family rental dwetlings, Counciimember Hanis req,,msted a aetailed Ust of what the codes require of these dweUings. That list is attached, Ca Tias Fiilla Gary Trudeau Rogsr Cnrtis Chuck Votel 12:18 b122 i ,.,�.�,;,' i �I �AAAR! �'Y OF NprM � � �� lex�. .Nayor FIRE PREU p A� 03 DEPART1y�•O PIRB ��NKI�hIIer,}y��� � � N OF p� p �'vENTION q � 1 �GeMorsho[ 11 - � �_ ILbPqtrt7everah Surer Sa1+uPvn{MNSSIOJ TelepMne:612-2Z&67j0 Fat,rv�y�e. 612-228-6241 ��F AND TH/p UNIT RENTqI py�E�L�NGS PRE-INgpECT10N CHECKLIST For oN,�ers/managerS of r e�tal propeny of one or two unn dweilings. S��TATI e��mai f�g9 or etuse� shail be maintained tree of accumulated garbage, tr GRADINQ AND D qq�NAGE - ash, solid waste, ��'�'eY from ocCUpietl A �� p�emises shail be structures and gradetl and malntain GROUNO mjnim►ze the ac cumularion of ed so as COVER - water to dra�� �„�ater erosion, dust E � e7 y ���Centi8l � on such premises. cov e ^d mud by suitable lan p emises shall be malntalned ' by t e or by p m wrth asphal concr� w�th g�ass, trees, Shrubs a condition to enfo�c Y offi �e or b control cer. Y such other suitabfe � �Ther p�antea r G�ASS AND means as shall be $�und WEEDg - Gras,q and w PAroved INSE�rg eeds shaU noi be more than and/o� �� RODENT INFESTq�ry 8 j�ches in herght. e�iminate any infe � ' �t shap eccessory structures o �ation pf �� be the resportsibilit n the p�s• rodents or other y� the owner to control Premiy�s. pests in all ACCESSaRY STRUCT �terior areas and gara8es, sheds and f URES - q�� aCCesso exterior wood S� ences, shell be ry � ru �ures inciudin and d ff ��. other than d�amaintained streioturall g' but no iimited SeN�ce ey bY p ��� t � is not lead-ba ed �� w y Sound and �� Yo, detached doors to r oods, shafl be p�pfected frp�od repair, q�� esidential garages hali be 8fn or by other � m the etements � MATERIq�g _ Provided with p°tective coverin securin9 locics, 9 �r treatmenY. boxes, cenons or �t shall be un►aw;u► end other ite �ther contarners, to accumulate antl m$ m such m�hinery, scra store b�i�d� manner as to consritute P metal, j�nk, raw 9 rnateriai , lu F �REINOOD _ a nuiSanCg O �p material, fabricated mber, fe6t frpm a h P`1eS �� firew0oq gy � dent harborage. 800tls abitable building, be more rhan 5 feet in heigryt antl not closer than 7p REFq� or otheG �p�t��'�� ACCESStBLE CONV when closad, • s ufficiertt�y lar TAINEqg - It shall be unlawful to or latches, to be exppy� 8e to retain a �hild and w(th ehd eCCessib�e to childr doors whiCh astent a refri � withoui rem 9efator EXTE ov�� automalically RIOR SfDEyyp�K WAL 9 the doors, litls, hin8es KW qYS AND STAIRS _ A�� sidewalks, wa�kv„a e�� exterior � 1 _.,a�i1997 12:18 6122286241 FIRE PREVENTION PAGE 04 sLairs shali he maintained in a safe, sound condition, free of defacts and hazards. cc1 -1a-� � MIXED MUNIqPAL SOUD WASTE STORAGE AND REMOVAL. - Every tesideoce buitding Shafl be supptietl writ� approved coniainers which are of sufficient quantity and capacity to store a11 ihe mixed municipal soiid wsste from the unit and which ere equipped with tight-fStting covers for Storsge of mixed municipal soiid waste. Mixed municipai solid waste sha11 be collecLed at teast weekly by s licensed refuse hauler. !n afl tesidencs bvildings, it shall be ihe rssponsibiUty of the ownet to provide the containers and contract with a ifcensed hauler for collection ot the mixed munlcipal salid wasta. IXTER(S�e AF BUILDIht3 ADOF�SS MIMBERS - Must be cieariy readable from the street, and alley if appiicable, both day and Mght. (See attachment HN-1.) RAINLEADERS - Disconnect if drafned into city sewer. RpQF - Must be tight, without lesks. EXTERIOR WALLSlPAINT - Ext�for suffaces other than decay-resistant wood must be painted with non-teed-bassd paint. {Scraped and primed where pee)ing.} STAIRSlPORGHES/DECKS - Must be ma�ntained in sound condition and good repair. Betus[rades and guardrsils no mofe than nine inChes {9"} apatt must be installed on stairwaysiporchesldecks more than thirty inches (30"} above grade. RAILS - Handraits and belustrades required on stairs w9th four or more risers and must be maintafned in good condition. DOORS - Must be in sound condition and good �epair, capable of being easily apened from the inside without the use of a key. tSingie-family and Frsc floor of duplexes can be equipped with double-cylind9r desdboits.) WMIDOWS - Must be in SounC condition, have no hroken glass, have ha�dware to hotd In the "open" poskion, fit tight withi� the ftame, and secure locking mechanism. ilocks required on every window up to and including second story or accessible by fire escape, stairs, etc.1 Windaws can be equipped with bars for security if they ars not required "egress wi�dows." Windows musi be equipped with screens. GARBAGE CONTAINERS - Owners are required to furnish sufficisnt containers w;th lids and weekiy garba�e piCk-op {also ses Pubiic Works Ordi�anca for Recyciing requirementsM• � : •,: P4ST CERTfFiCATE OP OCCUPANCYlOWNER lNFORMATION - Must be posted near the front door so it cen be read itom outside the bullding. Owner informatian and emergency contacts are pra-printed on Certifficate of Occupancy for yau. WALLStFLOQRSlPAINT - Must be maintained ciean, paintad, and in a protessionsi state ot repair. STAtRSJRA#LS - Same specificetionS as exterior stafrs. EXTERMiNAT10111- Ow�ers ate responsible to exterminate insects and rodsnts in alt areas of the buildtng and premises. E 11/1211997 12:18 6122286241 FIRE PREVENTION PA6E 85 ��-tia�"� EVACUATION PLANNING - Owners are urged to develop end fumish to the occupants an approved emergency evacuatfon plan. FIRE IXTIHtiU1SHERS FIRE EXTINCiU1SHERS - A 2A708C fire extinguisher should be availab4e near an exit from the dwelling. �� ESCAPE WMiDOWS - One window from each sleeping room must be easily openable trom the inside. Some security grates and bars have mechanisms that open easily fram inside. These windows must have a nat giazed area of five point seven t5.7? square feet, minimum net ciear opanabie height tlimension o4 twenty-four inches i24"), minimum net ctear openable width dimenslon o} twenty inChes (2Q"), and a sill-side height af �o more than fony-eighY inChes (48"! above the floor. Area wells must meet minimum sizes (See Bu+)ding Department directive and EW-1 Attechment.) EXIT 09STRUCTIbNS - All axits to the bu;tding must be unobstructed at atl items. No storage is aflowed in stairweils, Corridors, oT in front of doors. EXIT ILLUMINATION - Aii aommon halis and fnside stairways must be iit with a minimum illuminatlon of ane foot-candle per s�uare foot. Exterior exits and entryways are required to be iilumin8ted a minimum of vne footCa�dte at grade level, PLUMBINQISHINER - Kitchen sinks, hand sinks, bathtub. showers, toifets or urinals must be suppfiad wlth tunning water, adequate hot water where appiicable, and must be connected to the sewer and water system in accordance with atl provistons of the Plum6ing Code. COMBUSTIBLE STORA6EtFURNACE ROOM - Combustible storaga should not be in any foom COniafning furnace, heating, mecheniCal, or electricat equipment. 1NCINERATOR5 - Not sllowed unlsss PCA-approved and Capable ot burning over 7,000 pounds per hottr. FURNACE/HEATING PLANT - Nlust be capable of providing heat at 68 dagrees five feet above the floor in eny srea of tfie dwelling. Installatian, repair, or elteration of an heating equipment must be done by a licensed contractor under permit from the Buitding Inspection and �esign Division. Upon renewat of the Certificate of O�cupancy, a form witl be provided the owner/manager whiCh must be filled out by a iicensed contractor verifying that tha heating system or space hsater has been serviced and is free ot carbon manoxide spillage. ISee RH-1 attachment.) WATER HEATER - Must be capable of supplying adequate hot water at a minimum temperature of 120 deprees and a mauimum af 130 degrees at every kiLChen sink, tub, shower, and laundry facitity. All repairs or alterations must be made un0er permit from the Buifding Inspection antl Design Division by 81iCensed contrector ln accordance with the Plumbing Code. GAS COIVNEC770NS - Flexible conneCtors on stoves or drya�s must be AGA appraved double- walletl. Singte-walled connectors that are kinkad. damaged. or cotroded must be replaced. 3 11/22I1997 12:18 6122286241 FIRE PREVENTION PA6E 06 �t�l - ��-`�� ELECTAJCAL - Se►vice must bs adequate to serve needs of occupants and maintained in accordance with the Electrical Code. Every room 120 square feet or less must have at least two duplex outleis. One sddiiional outlet Is required for sach additianal 80 square faet. Kftchens must have at least three dupiex outlets, ons of which must be supplied by a separate 20-amp circuit. Any new outlet instaUed within a six-foot radius of a kitchen snk must be Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters tGFI}. Every pubiic hall, water ctoset, bathroom, iaundry, or fumaCe room must contain at least one electric ligM fixture. Bathroam and laundry rooms must contain one light fixture and one dupie�c outiet, The taundry room outlet must be within six feet of the laundry appliance o� a separate 20-amp circuit. The outie# in the bathroom must be GFI. Extsting outlets in bathrooms must be converted to a GFI or removed. AII metallio fixtures wtthin ftve feet t5'} hor{zontally or efght feet (8'► verticaNy of grounded surfaces shafl be graut►ded. ALL FACILITIES AND E4LfiPMENT - AN required and supplied equipment and aii building spaces and parts must be constructed and maintained to properly and sately perform their intended function. IAn air condiiioner is not required; but it provided, must work,) WOUDSTOVES - Are not aflowed in residential garages or aress where flammabfe Iiqulds or vapors are present. GASOLINE STORAGE - No gasoline or other ftammable liquid can be stored in a residentiat building unless stored in e�ne-hour. ftre-reted room or approved fire-rated cabinet. Flammabie liquids can never be stored in a room with a suurce of ignition, such as a furnace, water heater, etc. COHDEMNATIQN/UMfl7 - A dwellfng unit or entire building may be condemned when it is determined to be uninhabiiable or a hazard to the safety or welfare of the tenanttsl. LNITS - DwEL�ING SMOKE DETEC7dRS - State ststute requires an operabls smoke detector provided and maiMained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions outside each sleeping area ot the rental unit. 8ettery or eteCtric smoke detectors are allowed, hut eteciric are recommended. Smoke detectors must be testetl at least monthly, and batteries should be replaced annuaily. (See SD-1 attachment.► DEAdBOL7 LdCKSlDOORS - Entry doors must be equipped with one-inch (1 "} approved single- cyllnder deadbolt locks. Existing 518" deadholt locks may remafn on solid core wood doors, metal doors, and 3/4" panet doors wiih a six-inch IB") extsnded strikeplate for wood-frame doors. Doors must be substantially secu►e from Nlega� entry, and if reptaced, must be replaeed with solid core, solid wood 3t4" panel or a metal door with metat frames. Hinges must be placed on the inside of the door. Doors of single-tamily and grade ievels of duplexes may be equipped wlth doublg-cyllnder deadbolts, but owne�s must warn occupants of potential fire hazards. iSee AD-7 attachment.) PAT101GUDER DOORS AND WINDOWS - A removable track filler or key-operated vertical or horizontal bolt ►ack on patio and gfider windows is reQuired. A wood titler strip or removable sCrew in upper track of windows should be installed to prevent them from being lifted out of ttack. FLOORSM►ALLSlPA1NTlCAHlN@TSlWOODWORK - Must tse in sound condition and good repair. AII paini must be non lead-bassd. My peeling or flaking paint must be removed and repai�ted. WIIYDOW LOCKS - All windows must be equipped with secure focks. n � 11112/1997 12:18 5122286241 FIRE PREVENTIDN PAGE 07 �'1 ,1�-`� `7 SPACE HEA7'�RS - SubJect to atl requiremer►ts of servicing/cleaning (see �urnacelHeating Plant} and must be ssrviced by a licensed contraetor and proof furnished during Geri�flcate of Occupancy renewai. Atl regufations ot the Mechanical Code must be applied. BATNROOM L1GHTtVENTilAT10H - Every batfiroom must hava a window openabie to the auiside, a minimum s)ze of eight psrcent (6%3 of ths total tioar area of irie room, or an epproved mechanical ventliatton system. TOILET/HAND SINKfTUBlSHOWEA - Each dwetling u�it musi contain a bathroom with toilet, hand sink, and tuh ar shower instaUed and maintained in accordance with tha Plumbing Code. BATHROOM FLOQR - Must ba imp�vious to water. Carpeting not ailowed. Cracks or missing ti18s tnust be rep8ired/tepleCed. KITCHEN SINK - Every dwelHng unit shali contain a kitchen sink apart from the handsink requirement in the bathroom. ElECTRICAI OUTIETS - 58e Electricat. EXl'�MSION COROS - Not allowed for permanent wi�ing. Those extension cords with circuit breekers 8re elso not legal. The overload on the wiring in the wall produces heai and can be a flre hazard. OCCUPANT LOAD - Dweiling units must contain the following: TOTAL UNIT (iROSS FLOOR AREA 1 occupant - 150 square feet 2 or more oCCUpents - 100 square feet per person GROS$ SLEEPING ROOM/FLOOR AREA 1 occupent - 70 squere feet 2 or more ocCUpants - 50 square feet per person TENAMT SANITATIQNtRE3PONSIBtLiTiES - Occupants ars requlred to msiniain the;r unit in a clean and sa�itary condkfon and dispose of refuse in the containers provided by the owner. They are also required to keep supplfed fixtures clean and sanitary and use reasonabte care in thei� use and operation. ffi they furnish Sny fixtu►es of their own, they must be instalted and maintained in accordanca with the Building Code. PRt1lATE WELIS - In all dwellings or muitiple dweliings servicad by a private well for drinking water purpases, CoBform bacterin and nitrate testing of water sha11 ba conducted by the property ownsr every two t2) years. it shalt he the responsihitity of the prapsny owner. ROOMIN6 UNITSfADdlTIQNAL REQUIREMENT5 1. Cannot contain cooking or eating facilities. (i.e., stoves, hot plates, refrigerators, m;crowaves.} 2. A bethroom contai»ing a hand sink, toilet, and tub or shower must 6s avaifable within the structure directly accessibie without going outside and on the same floor ar a floor adjacent to the rooming unit. Orte bathroom must be avaiiahie for each tive persons (or fraCtion thereofl. 3. Each sleep{ng room must contain ac ieast 70 square feet of fioor area, or 60 square feet per person far iwo or more peopla. E 11t12i199? 12:18 5122286241 FIRE PREVENTION PAGE @8 4. Owners ars responsibie for weekly changes of supplied linsns and towets. 5. � a`t-�ay� Every rooming unit must be supplied wtth shades, drapes, or other materiats affording privaCy. Owners ate responsibie for sanitary mairtten8nce ofi wa8s, fioors, ceilingS, and for maintenance of eii supplied equipme�t. � ;', : i". P ' e ^. October 21, 1997 Davs Thune, Council President St Paul Gity Councii Offics of the City 310 A Ciiy Halt 15 W. Keliogg St Paut, MN 551�2 Dear Councii President Thune, q�1- t �.��t Thomas • Dale DisYricY 7 Communify Council, Inc. z� '369 Univezsity Avenve St. Pau1, MN SS1Q3 PH: (612} 298-5068 FAX: (612) 29&-5072 The �istricf 7 Planning Councii at their Physical Pianning meefing held on Ocfober 14, revie�Ned the CarG�cate of Occupancy proposal before you at the City Council. The committee passed the foilow+ng motion that wilf go to our Board on Thursday October 23 for their revie�rr Motion; That the Districf 7 Planning Council conditionally endorses ihe proposed CerUficate of 6ccupancy proposai for renter occupied single family homes and dupiex psoperties within tfie City ofi St Paui. We wouid i'ske to sea ihe following concems/additions made to the ordinancs: 1) That the propased rentai Gcsnsing inspect+on plan, which shows that the Thomas Dale community would rmt ceceive its initial inspection urrUl the year 2004-05> is nof acceptable. This proposed scheduie wouid delay re�tai inspec6on in our community beyond the point oi heing effective. 2) That in conjunc6on wifh arry Certificate of Occupancy inspecfian program there needs to 6e resources avaifable for iandlords to be able to make needed repairs to their propetty in order to keep families from bei�g displaced firom su6standard housing without malting allowancss fior that housing #0 4e repaired. 3)1'he ciiy should at� take this oppartunity to require landlords and rnmers of singie fiamiiy, dupiex, tripte� and muiii-iamiiy rental properties to be licensed. Licansing of ptopedy ownets aod tentai agents wouid give added pro#ection to both communities and tenants when trying to rectify problam prope�ies that they may own or opetate. -" While theThomas Dale community could stand to benefit great{y from a reMal certificate of occupancf program, we are concamed ihai this program not resu{t in the further foss of property wifihin in our several neighborhoods. Our organization pfedges to wo�k close{y wiih ihe cify of SL Paui and its inspectior�s department to ensure that any such program is implemented fairiy and that resources are made availab(e to make cartain tfiat property is repaired, not just removed or demolished if found to 6e substandard upon inspection. Thank you for your considertion of our comments and atten6on to this ptoposai. P4ease fee! free to contact our stafF at 298-5068 if you need arry fudher information regarding our position. Sincerety, . �� 6regory Ray Chair DisUict l Pfaning Councii Board - � �, . _..--�.�--ry�-.-e�_.��_,-�._ ,_,-�-�.� -,� ._.�-,.-_�--- =---_-_-____ �.._-------;r,,; .• i BUSINES5 REVIEW COUNCII, �ib"am Cosgriff, Ckair CITY OP SAII�'T PAUL Narm Coleman LOWRPPROF�SSIONAL BUbDII7G Suite 300 350SC Petsr Sbee[ SaintPmtl Minnesota55102-I510 a� �a�� Telephone: 61 L2G6A090 Facsimile: 612Z66-9099 612-Y669124 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL BUSINESS REVIEW COUNCIL Fresented By: Mazk Mceller Seconded Sy: Julie Hoff Date: November 6,1997 WE�EREAS, The Saint Paul Business Review Council (BRC) has tharoughly analyzed and discussed the proposal reqturuig a Certificate of Occupancy {C of O) for One and Two Family Rental Units, and WHEREAS, the BRC has determined that there aze significam community development opporiunities contribuCing to the economic vitality, health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Saint Paul in the proposal. NOW, TFiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the SRC endorses requiring a Certificate of Occupancy for One and Two Family Rental Units with the following provisions: ■ That the program will focus on problem One and Two Unit Rerrtal Properties including, but nat limited to, those properties which: consume excessive Police and Fire Depariment resources; generate complai�s; have a history of non-compliance; are tax delinquent; have been referred by a Community Council; or have a below mazket average tas assessment value for campazable properiy. That the program will maintain a fleacible Certificate of Occupancy renewal period ranging from one yeaz to &ve yeazs based on the individuai candition and needs of the properry. BE IT FiJRTHER RESOLVED, that the BRC encourages the Mayar and the City Councii to implement the new Certificate of Occupancy for One and Two Family Rental Units by focusing on the properties with the greatest need rather than the geographic approach enumerated in the Resolution submitted by Councilmember Megard and Councilmember Bostrom. NOW BE IT FINALLY RFSOLVED, that the BRC recommends staffing, funding and fee decisions associated with the Certificate of Occupancy for One and Two Unit Rental Properties be implemented by the appropriate City adminisuation and staff. Adopted by the BRC: November 6,1997 Resolurion adopted 14-0 with no abstentions: Signed: �' . , - 7Z. William Cosgrif� C � Tr 'IberYson, Staff to the BRC �/� �o���� F��e # 9�t - 12�4�1 / � j/}�e�� � � Ordinance # ;1��I� 1 / � � — � a. �' �� Green SheeC # b � , ^ g rVta ORDINANCE '.:,� �� lzv���-���, C�TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ae� �- -G�� �'IG���7�1/gf� / � �� Presented By / e-�a �-� � Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Committee: Date An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Codes Sections 33.Q2 and 33.05 to update the building code and to require a certificate of occupancy for one- and two-family rental dwellings which are not occupied by the owner. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: Section 1 The City Council finds it necessary and important to take advantage of a change in the state building code which grants municipalities the option to er�tend a certificate of occupancy requirement to certain residential occupancies. The City Council finds that one- and two-family rental dwellings which are not owner-occupied are generally in need of greater code compliance inspections and enforcement to avoid property deterioration and blight. A certificate of occupancy requirement will establish a systematic and periodic inspection policy which will promote and enforce code safety and maintenance of rental dwellings, thereby decreasing the need for complaint�driven inspections based on calle for service from occupants or neighbors who may fear or risk some form of reprisal from landlords or tenants. Accordingly, the systematic certification of such rental dwellings will improve the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Saint Paul who live in and around its rental dwellings. Section 2 The Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 33.02 shall be amended as follows: Sec. 33.02. Minnesota State Building Code--Adoption (d) Section 3 109 of �he Uniform Building Code, a part of the Minnesota State Building Code adopted by reference in Minnesota Rule �3 1305.0010 (1995), is amended for the City of Saint Paul to read as follows: 3�ec-389- I09.1 Use or Occupancy No building or 1 a'� - 1 ay�. structure of Group A (ASSembly), E (Education), I (Institutional), H (Hazardous), B (Business), F (Factory), M (Mercantile), S (Storage), or R-1 (Multifamily Residential)� or any one- or two-familv rental dwelling of R-3 occu�ancv as set forth in 533.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shall be used or occupied, and no change in the existing occupancy classification of a building or structure or portion thereof shall be made until the fire marshal has issued a certificate of occupancy therefor as provided herein. -Fb} 109.2 Change in Use. Changes in the character or use of a building shall not be made except as specified in Section 5Q2 of this code. - ( - c} 109.3 Certificate Issued. After final inspection by the building official when it is found that the building or structure complies with the provisions of this code and other laws which are enforced by the code enforcement agency, the fire marshal shall issue a certificate of occupancy which shall contain the following: (1) The certificate of occupancy number. (2) The address of the building. (3) The name and address of the owner. (4) A description of that portion of the building for which the certificate is issued, if not for the entire building. (5) A statement that the described portion of the building complies with the requirements of this code for the group and division of occupancy and the use for which the proposed occupancy is classified. (6) The name of the fire marshal, or his/her designated agent. 109.04 Temporary Certificate. If the building official finds that no substantial hazard will result from the occupancy of any building or portion thereof before the same is completed, he/she may issue a temporary certificate of occupancy for the use of a portion or portions of a building or structure prior to the completion of the entire building or structure. Such a temporary certificate of occupancy sha11 remain in force and effect for a period not to exceed twelve (12) months, unless otherwise designated by the building o£ficial upon inspection and a determination of need. 109.5 Posting. The certificate of occupancy shall be posted on the premises and shall not be removed except by the fire marshal. 109.6 Revocation. The fire marshal may, in writing, suspend or revoke a certificate of occupancy, includina a provisional or temporary_ certificate of occu�anc� issued under the provisions of this code whenever the certificate was 2 issued in error, or on the basis of incorrect information�� _��� supplied, or when it is determined by the fire marshal that a use of the building or structure or portion thereof may constitute a nuisance as described in Minnesota Statutes, Section 617.81, subdivision (2), or is in violation of any ordinance or regulation or any provision of the Saint Paul Legislative or Administrative Code. Section 3 That Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 33.05 be amended as follows: Sec. 33.05. Certificate of occupancy. (A) Use or Occupancy: No building or structure in Group A (Assembly), B (Business), B-4M (Mercantile), E (Education), F (Factory), I (Institutional), H (Hazardous), R-1 (Multi£amily Residential), or S(Storage) occupancies shall be used or occupied, and no change in the existing occupancy classification of a building or structure or portion thereof shall be made until the fire marshal has issued a certificate of occupancy therefor as provided herein. In addition and effective as of March 1. 1998. no one- or two-familv dwellina as those terms are de£ined in Chap er 60 of this code, of R-3 occupancv mav be rented. used or occu�ied defined in Chanter 60 of this code. (B) Change in Use: Changes in the character or use of a building shall not be made without the approval of the building official and the fire marshal, and the building may be occupied for purposes in other groups provided the new or proposed use is less hazardous, based on life and fire risk, than the existing use. (C) Certificate Issued: After final inspection by the building official, when it is found that the building or structure complies with the provisions of this Code, the fire marshal shall issue a certificate of occupancy. (D) Existing Buildings: (11 Seo�e of reauirement. Every building�except one- and two- family dwellings and residential garages heretofore erected which owner's familv, as familv is defined in Chapter 60. shall have a certificate of occupancy issued by the division of fire prevention and posted on the premises. Before such a certificate can be issued, such buildings, includinc� anv basements and common areas for one- or two-familv rental dwellings shall be inspected by the division and found to conform to the requirements of the building code at the time of construction or at the time of conversion to its present use and to the provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; except that energy efficient standards in rental dwellings 3 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 a�p-� ay`I and multiple dwellings shall be enforced on complaint basis only. No building or rental dwellina which is required to have a certificate of occupancy shall continue to be occupied without such certificate. (2) Implementation schedule for one- and two- family rental dwelling inspections. Those existing one- and two-famil� (a) The fire marshal shall have ten vears in which to complete the initial inspections of all one- and two- familv rental dwellings for the purboses of certification. (b) The fire marshal shall divide the city into geographicallv dis�ersed inspection areas. usin�nlannin� district boundaries, which are reasonablv balanced in terms of the number of affected one- and two-familv rental dwellings and the extent of code comr�liance as found in housinc� condition survev data. (c) The implementation schedule for initial ins�ections should insgecC agproximately one-fifth of all one- and two-family rental dwellinas everv two vears over the 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 thereafter everv four (4) two—f�� vears for �ur�oses of renewinc� the certificate of occupanc� .�d) The imnlementation schedule for the established inspection areas should give priorit� to �te and not limit the discretion of the fire marshal to inspect rental dwellin�s regardless of area location and take (3) Provisional certificate. On or before March 1. 1998, the legal or eauitable owner of each one- or two-familv rental dwellinc� shall make a written a�plication to the fire marshal on an aporoved form furnished bv the same for a certificate of occu�ancv to allow the use or occux�ancv of the rental dwellinq. The fire marshal shall issue a provisional certificate of occugancv to the owner/apnlicant of the rental March 1.1998, pending issuance of a certificate of occu�ancv. A brovisional certificate is sub;iect to renewal everv two ��$ !l-lz�9z limited and scarce insnection resources: slow or non-compliance with inspection orders, or (v) the transfer or sale of an equitable or legal interest. Q � _ � a` vears and mav be revoked on the same grounds as a certificate o£ occugancy Rental dwellinc�s constructed or converted to rental use after March 1 1998 shall not be eligib�e for a of occupancy. (E) Renewal Required: An inspection shall be scheduled by the division of all buildings of Group A(Assembly), E(Education), I (Institutional), H (Hazardous), and B (Business), M (Mercantile), S(Storage), F(Factory) occupancies which have a certificate of occupancy, excepting light hazard occupancy which shall be scheduled for inspection every two (2) years. Inspections shall be scheduled by the division on a two-year cycle for all buildings of R-1 occupancy and on a four-year cycle for those one- and two- family rental dwellings of R-3 occu anc� which have a certificate of occupancy. If it is found that such buildings do not conform to the applicable requirements, including the timelv pavment of all fees, the certificate of occupancy may be revoked and the building shall not be occupied until such time as the building is again brought into compliance with such requirements. (F) Fees for Certificate of Occupancy: (1) Original issue, new buildings. There shall be no fee charged for an issuance of the certificate of occupancy for new buildings at the completion of their construction covered by a building permit. (2) Renewal fee for R-1 occupancies. Nine dollars ($9.00) per residential unit, minimum fee one hundred dollars ($100.00), maximum fee three hundred seventy dollars ($370.00). (3) Renewal fee for A (Assembly), E (Education), I (Institutional), H (Hazardous), F (Factory), M (Mercantile), S (5torage) and B (Business) occupancies. Seven dollars ($7.00) per one thousand (1,000) square feet, minimum fee seventy-five dollars ($75.00), maximum fee three hundred seventy dollars ($370.00). (4) Reinspection fee. The renewal fee established in subsections (2? and (3) above allows for one (1) inspection and one (1) reinspection for the renewal of the certificate of occupancy. A reinspection fee of fifty (50) percent of the renewal fee shall be levied for each additional reinspection required of nonconforming occupancies. s �BP r�-�a�q7 and that the certificate of occu�ancy shall not be issued or denied a£ter the building and all rental dwellings have been inspected for compliance with the minimum standards of all (5) Referral reinspection fee. Whenever a written correction 1.` �� order is issued to the owner or responsible agent of the a owner for a violation of this code and after a reasonable time for compliance has elapsed, a reinspection sha11 be made. If the violation has not been corrected at the time of the reinspection, a referral reinspection fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be collected for every subsequent reinspection until the violation is corrected. (6) Partial certificate of occupancy fee. Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this paragraph (F), a fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) will be charged for each partial certificate of occupancy requested. The issuance of a partial certificate o£ occupancy is at the discretion of the building official and the portion of the building covered by the certificate must be legally completed and ready to occupy along with all other life and safety requirements. (7) No entry fee. A no entry fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be assessed to the renewal fee and collected whenever an owner or responsible agent of the owner has been notified in writing of the date and time for a certificate of occupancy renewal inspection, or any other reinspection, and the owner or responsible agent of the owner fails to notify the fire marshal's office in writing, by at least 8:00 a.m. on the date of the scheduled inspection, of an alternate date and time for the inspection or reinspection when the owner or responsible agent of the owner will appear for the inspection. (8) Discounted fee. Whenever a certificate of occupancy renewal inspection finds no violations of any applicable code, the renewal fees set forth in subsections (2) and (3) of this paragraph shall be discounted twenty-five (25) percent. (9) Late fees. A late fee shall be charged and collected whenever the owner or responsible agent for the owner makes application for certificate renewal after the expiration date of such certificate. Separate late fees shall also be charged and collected whenever the owner or responsible agent for the owner pays late any other fees due and payable under this section. All late fees shall be ten (10) percent of the certificate renewal fee. A late fee shall accrue for each thirty-day period or portion thereof which has elapsed after the expiration date of the certificate or the date of inspection on which the underlying fee is based. In no event shall any one il) late fee exceed fifty (50) percent of the certificate renewal fee. The late fee(s) shall be in addition to any other fee or payment required. 10 Rental R-3 Occupancies The initial ins�ect'on fee shall be eightv dollars (580 00) for one-family rental dwellings and ninetv dollars t590 00) for two-familv rental dwellings The renewal fee for a certi i ate of � q� -���� � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 (G) Exceptions: The £ees for the certificate of occupancy and inspection are provided in section 33.04(H)(4)(c) and paragraph (F) of this section shall be required on buildings owned and occupied by any governmental agency, including county and state governmental agencies. The City of Saint Paul, and any other agencies specifically exempted from such fees under state law, shall be exempt from payment of such fees. Section 4 These amendments shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its adoption, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date ���", Adoption Certified by Council Secretary $Y: � 1" Approved ayo e Hy: By: Form Ap ve y ity " t ney c By: J Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ( � � �� cvcle in which the rental dwellinc� is inspected. GREEN SHEET Councilmember R. :.,� �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES a� -ti a�2 No so�ao v���� ���_ ❑ CRYAiTOANEY � 4fVCL0tK ❑ RNRNtN1.tERNCFf pR � RMYICJ�Ll6RV/ACCT6 ❑III.YOMryRA881aSMli) ❑ {CLIP ALL IQCATIONS FOR SICaNATURE) Approval of a certficate of occupancy program for one and two family rental dwellings wlrich aze not occupied by the owner. �u,v� ivrv approve �n� w rte�a�x PIANNING COMMISS{ON CIB COMM171'EE GIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION � m� r+�.sonrem ever �n ��a� a co���t ro.m�s a�mn�rr rES rio Has Mis o�'�� ever been e d�Y �nWoYee? YES NO Dces this P��m+ P�eecs a sltiU not nonnal�YP�d bY �Y curreM citY emGb`/ee? YES NO �s mis aeisoM�m a ta.getea veraon YES NO ilain atl vea answers on aenarate sFket arW ariar,h to we� d�tet •�u axounr oF rnaruacnox s L7IIC�� casrrt+evENU� euco�o �ctrtc� or� ACTNITY NUMBER rE3 NO IC W. INFORMATION (IXP W N) and multiple dwellings shall be enforced on complaint basis No building or rental dwelling which is required to Y certificate of occupancy shall continue to be occupied withou certificate. / only. Q�1.1��� Y e a such �! years and may be revoked on the same grounds a certi�� a e�� ��a.'T � of occupanev Rental dwellinas constructed or conv r ed to rental use after March 1 1998 shall not be eligible for a% of occupancv. (E) Renewal Required: An inspection shall b scheduled by the division of all buildings of Group A(ASSembly), E iEducation), I (Institutional), H(Hazardous), and B(Busine s�, M(Mercantile), S(Storage), F(Factory) occupancies which ve a certificate of occupancy, excepting light hazard occup ncy which shall be scheduled for inspection every two (2) yea . Inspections shall be scheduled by the division on a two-year c 1e for all buildings of R-1 occupancy and tho e one- a d two-fami ental dwe of R-3 occupanc_y which have a certificate of ccupancy. If it is found that such buildinqs do not conform to e applicable requirements, occupancy may be revoked and the until such time as the building i with such requirements. , 1 e the certificate of ilding shall not be occupied again brought into compliance (F� Fees for Certificate o Occupancy: (1) Original issue, ne buildings. There shall be no fee charged for an is ance of the certificate of occupancy for new buildings.at the completion of their construction covered by a bu' ding permit. (2) Renewal fee residential ($100.00), ($3'IO. QO) � R-I occupancies. Nine dollars ($9.00) per it, minimum fee one hundred dollars mum fee three hundred seventy dollars (3} Renewa.t fee for A {Assembly), E (Education), I tlnsti utional}, H {Hazardous), F (Factory), M {Mer antiZe), S(Storage) and B(Business) occupancies. Sev n dollars ($7.OD) per one thousand (1,000) square fe t, minimum fee seventy-five dollars ($75.00), m�imum e three hundred seventy dollars {$370.00). (4) Reinspection fee. The renewal fee established in subsections (2) and (3) above allows for one (1) inspection and one (1) reinspection for the renewal of the certificate of occupancy. A reinspection fee of fifty (50) percent of the renewal fee sha11 be levied for each additional reinspection required of nonconforming occupancies. 5 _.���i7y7 12:18 6122286241 FIRE PREVENTION PAGE 02 � c�� _ (�y� � trsteMepartmentat Memorandum CITY OF SAII1'f PAUL TO: Council Presidem Dsve'Thune Councitmember Jonry Blakey Conncilmember Dan Bostrom Counciimember Joe Collins ` Councilmember Mke Herris Ca�ncilmemliar Bobbi Driegard Cotimcila►ember Giadys Morton FROM: Fire Marshai Steve Zac;card t%��� DAT"E: Piovember 12, 1997 J . �: Code Requirementa for 1- or 2-family Dwe(lings t,.��Ej�i�t ���°ber 22. 1997 Publi� kesrir►S on the ordinance to expand the fire degartmerrt's existing certificate of accupancy . inspe�cion prop�rsm to include 1- or 2-family reatel dwet!'sngs, Councitmember Harrig requeste�f a detailed list of what the codes require of these dwetlings. That list is attached. Cc: Tim Fuller Gary Tiudeau Roger C�rtis Chuck Votel n ii�1z/1997 12:18 6122286241 FIRE PREllENTION PAGE 83 DBYARTMFNT OF PIItE AND SAFETY SLRVICPS �X f� �.� � �� _ 1 a`�� DIVLTIDN OP flRE PREVENfION Srcven ZaccarQ, flrc Marshot crrY oF s�rrr �vi, Norn� Cok�en, Magor ]Q1 Pan Elevemh So-ser TeGeyhone: 612-228-6230 SaLSPn�LMN55101 fac.rimile:6f2-228•6241 ONE AND TWO UNIT RERITAL DWELUNGS PRE-INSPECTION CHECKLIST • For ownerslmanagers of rentat propeRy of one or two unit dweili�gs. a••:::•�:� SANITATION • Premises shall be maintainetl free of accumulated garbage, trash, solid wasie, enimal 18C8s or refuse_ GRAD1Pid AND DRAINAGE - A11 premises shaJf be graded and maintained so as io drain water awey irom accupied sttuctures and minim{ze the acCUmulation of water on such premises. GROUNp COVER - Every resident+at premis9s shall be maintalned in a condition to control erosion, dust and mud by suitable landscaping with grass, trees, shrubs o� other pfsnted ground cover, or by paving wlth asphati, concrete or Qy such other suitabte msans as shall be approved by the enforcement officer. GRASS AND WEEDS - Grass and weeds shali no2 be more than 8 inches in height. INSECTS AND RODENT 1NFESTATIONS - tt shatl be the responsibility of the ownsr to con2rol and/ot efiminate any infest8tion of inspects, rodents or other pe5ts in all e�rterior areas and accessory structures on the premises, ACC£SSORY STRUCTURES - AI! acCessOry structures �nCluding, but no fimited ta detechad garages, sheds and fences, shai{ be maintainad structurally sound and in good rapair. A11 euterior wood surFaces, other than decay-resistent woods, shaN be protected from tne elements and decay by paint which is not tead-hssed paint or by ather protective covering or ireatment. Servfce doors to residentiai garages hai! be provided with saouring locks. STOHED MA7ERiALS - it shatl be unlawful to accumufate and store bu+iding material, lumber. boxes, cartons or other containers, machinery, scrap metei, junk, raw matsrial, fabricstetl goods and other ftems in such manner ss to constitut8 a nuisance o{ rodent harhorage. flREWOOD - Piles of firewood shsil not be m�re than 5 feet in haig�t and not ctoser than 10 feet from a habitable buiidlnp. REFRiGERATORS AND ACCESSIBLE Ct?NTAINERS - ft shaii be uniawful ta permit a refrigerator or other container, sufficierttiy targe to retain a chiid and wiih doors which fasten automaticaily whan elosed, to be exposed and accessible to chifdrert withaut removing the doors, lids, hinges or iatches. EXTERIOR SiDEWALKS, WALKWAYS AWD STAIRS - All sidewe(ks, watkweys, end extarior __..,« i�yr 12:18 6122286241 FIRE PREVENTIDN PAGE 04 stairs shali be maintained in a sefe, sound condnion, ftee of defects and nszsrds. a1 _�3'`�� M1XED MUMtCIPAL SOUD WASTE S70RAGE AND REMOVAL. - Every residence buiiding sha11 '� be s�pplied with approved Containers which are of sufficient quant±ty and capacity to store ai! tha mixed municipal sotld weste from the unit and which are equipped with tight-fStting covers for storage of mixed municipal soiid waste. Mixed municipal sotid waste shai! be collected at feast weekly by a iicensed refuse hauler. In atl residence buiidings, it shafl be the responsibft�ty of the ownet to provide the corrceiners and aonuact with s ilcensed hauler for coliection of the mixed munlcipal solid waste. �� : �;Z�T3=ITl1��71�re3 ADDRESS NUMBEHS - Must 6e Ctearly readaU►e from the street, and a►ley if applieabie, both day and night. {See attachment HN-1.) RAlNLEADERS - Disconnect if drafned into city sawer. ROOF - Must be tight, with0ut 48aks. EXTEWOR W1sLLSJPAINT - Extetior surfaces other than deCay-resistant wood must ha peinted wtth non-lead-based paint. (SCraped and primed where Ree��n8•1 STAtRS/PORCHESiDECKS - Must be maintained '+n sound co�dition and good repair. Balustrades and guard►ails no more than nine inches i9") apan must be instatled on stairvvayslporchesldecks mora than ttiuty inchas (3d"! above grade. RAILS - Handralfs and balustrad8s required on stairs with fiaur ar more risers end must be . mai�te�lned in good condition. DOORS - Must be in sound condition and good repair, capabla of being easily opened from the inside withouL the use ot a key. tSingie-fiamily and firSt floor of dupiexas can be equipped with doubie-cyiintler dasdbofts.! WfNDOWS - Must be in sound condition, have no broken glass, have hardware to hofd in the "open" posltion, fit tigAt within the frama, and secure tocking mechanism. (Locks required on every w)ndow up ta and including second story or accessibte by fiirs escape, stairs, etc.) Windows can be epuipped with bars far security if tfiey are not required "egress windows." W;adows muat 6e equipped wlth screens. GARBAGE CONTAIIVERS - Owners are rgqutred to furnish Suffiicient containers with tids and weekly gatba@0 piCk-up (atso see Public Works Ordinance for Recycl;ng reauirements{• fi�i�:7r+7: POST CERTiFlCATE OP OCCUPANCYlOWNER 1NFORMATIQN - MusL be postsd near the front door so it can be resd from outside trie bullding. Owner ir+formstian and emergency tantaots ata pre-prinled on Certfficate af OccupanCy for you. WALtS/FIQQEiS/PAFNT - Must be ma(ntained cfea�, painted, and in a professional state of repair. STAIRSlRAl1S - Same specifications aS exterior stafrs. EXTERMtNATION - Qwners are responslble to exterminate insects and rodents in all areas of the huildlnp and premises. E it112J199� 12:18 6122285241 FIRE PREVENTION PAGE 85 R� -la`�'1 EVACUATlON PLANHING - Owners ars urged to develop end furnish to the occupants an epproved 0mergency evacuation p{an. : �. 1 , � FIRE EXT1Nt3UiSHERS - A 2A74BC fire extinguisher shouid be available �ear an exit from the tlwelling. �� fSCAPE WINDOWS - One window from each sleeping room must be easily openable from the inside. Some secutity grates and bars heve mschanisms thai opsn easily from inside. These windows must nave a net glazed area of five point seven {5.7} square feet, minimum net ctaer openable heigfit dimension of twenty-four inches i24"), minimum net clsar openabie width dimenston of tweniy inches 120"f, and a sill-side height of no more than forty-eight inches i48") above the floor. Area welts must mest minimum sizes {Ses Buitding Department direct+ve and EW-1 Attachment.! EX1T OSSTAUCTIONS - Afl exits to the buiiding must be unobstructed at atl items. 1Jo storage ls af{owed in steirwe�ls, corridors, or in front of doors. EXIT ILLUMIWATION - AN common hai{s and inside stairw8ys must be lit with a minimum iiluminatfon of one foot-candl� per square foot. Exterior exits and entryways are required to be illumin8ted a minimum of one fooicandfe at gtade level. „ , ly f �l$•.+ �,,: •� . PLUMBINO/SEWER - Kitcfien sinks, hand sinks, bathiub, showers, toitets or urinals must be suppiied w3th tunning water, adequate hot watar where appHCab�e, and must be Connected to the sewer and water system in accordanca with all provisfons ot the Plumbing Cotle. COMBUSTIBLE STOHAGE/Fl1RNACE RdOM - Combustible storage should nat be in any room containing furnace, heating, mechanical, or efectrica) equipment. , INCINERATORS - Not 811owad unless PCA-approved 8nd capabie of burning over 7,000 pounds pet hour. , FURNAC£lHEATiNG PLANT - Must be capable of providing fiedt at 88 dagrees five feet above tha floor in Sny ar8a of the dwetltng. Instalfation, repair, or aiteration of an heating equipme»t must be tlone by a licensed contractor undei permit from the Buifding insp�ction and �esign Division. llpon renewa( of the Certificata of Occupancy, a fo�m wiil be provided the ownerlmanager which must be fiiled out by e ticensed contractor verifying that the heating system or space heatar has bean sarviced and is fres ot carbon monoxide spiilage. iSee RH-1 attaChment.l WATER HEATER - Must be capabie of supptyi�g adequate hot weier at a minimum temperstu�e of 120 degrees and a ma�cimum of 130 degrees at every kitchen sink, tuh, shower, and laundry faciliLy. All repairs or atterations must be made unGer permit fram the Buifding Inspection and Design Division by s licensed contractor ln scCardance with ihe Plumbing Code. GAS COAINECTIONS - Flezible ConneCtors on stoves or dryers must be AGA approvetl double- wsQed. Single-waNed connecto�s that are klnkad, damagaC, or corroded must be replaced. 3 �� -ia�� ELECTRtCAL - Service must be adequate ia serve needs of occupants and maintained in accordance with the Electricat Code. Evary roorn 124 squsre feet or tess must have at least two dupiax out)eu. One additionel ouilet fs required tor each additionai 80 square #eet. � Kitchens musc have at laast three duplez outiets, one of which must be supplied by a separate 20-smp circuit, Any new outiet 'snstaUed within a six-foot radius of a kitchen sink must be Ground Feuft Circuit Interrupters I�FI). Every pubtic halt, water ctoset, bathroom, laundry, or fumace roam must co�tain at least one etectric light fi�Rure. 8athroom and laandry rooms must contain one light fixture and one dupfex autiet. The laundry room ouUat must he within six feet of the laundry appfiance on a separate 20.amp circuit. The outiet in ihe bathroom must be �FI. Existing outieis in ba[hroams must bs convsrted to a GFI or removed. Ail metallic tixtures within flva feet R5') horizonteity or efght feef 48`} vsrtically of grounded surfaces shail be gtoundad. ALL FAC�.ITIES AHD EQUtPMEAIT - AN required and suppiiad equipment and all bui4ding spaces and parts rnust ba constructed and mainteined to properly and safely perform their intended function. iAn air condiiioner is not required; but if provided, must work.! WOOOSTOVES - Ars not ailowed in residentiai garagas or areas where flammable Iipuids or vapors are present. GASOIINE STORAGE - No gasoline or other fiammabie iiquid can be stored in a residentiai bu�idi�g unless stored in a�-hour. fire-rated room or approved fire•rated cabinet. FlammabVe liquids can never be stored in a room with a sourca of ig�ition, sucfi as a furnace, water heater, etc. CONDEMNATIONJUNfiT - A Qwelling unit or enti�e buiiding may be Condamned when it is � determined to be an;nhabitahle or a hazard to tha safety or weifare of the tenantls►. UNITS - DIAt�LLIMG SMpKE DETfCTORS - State statute requires an operabfe smoke detector providad and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions outside each sieeping area of the rentai uNt. Battery ar eleccric smoke tletectors are allowed, but electric are recommended. Smoke detectors must be tested at least monihly, and batteries shouid be replaced annualiy. tSee SD-1 attacAment.) � bEADBOL7 LpCKS/DOORS - Entry doors must be equipped arith one-inch t 1"? approved sin8le- cyllnder deadboit locks. Existing 5/8" deadboit locks may remafn on sot;d core wood doors. meTel doors. and 314" panel doors with a s(x-{nch f6"! extendad strikepiate for wood-frame doars. doors must be substantiafly secure trom 18sgsl entry, snd if repiaoed, must be repiaced with solid core, sotid wood 3/4" panei or a mefal door with metai frames. Hinges must be R�aced on the inside of the door. Doors of single-family and grede levels af dupiexes may be equipped witfi double-cyl}nder tleadboits, but owners must warn occupants ot potential fire hazerds. iSee AD-1 attachment.} PATl016LIDER DOORS AND WiNDQWS - A removable track fitier or key-operated venical or horizontai bnit lock on pat10 and Alider windows is required. A wootl fiiler strip or removable screw in upPer track of windows shouid be installsd to prsvsnt them from being lifted out of traCk. FLOORStWALLS/PAINT/CASINETSlWOODWORK - Musi be in sound candition and good repair. AII paini must be non lead-based. My peeting or Haking paint must be rempved and repainted. W{NDOW LOCKS - At! windows must be equipped wifh secure locks. n � ' +�:18 6122286241 • FIRE PREVENTION sPaCE HE . Pa � and muyY SLb) to a►i req�ire�e 0� be servioed b ms of s � v ;cing���eaning (�8 �urnace/Heatrn Occupancy renewai, Y a���ensed cantractor and `� Aii regulations of ihe Mechanicai Code mun tie d durin 9 P�ant1 d�� _� a�� BATHROOM LIGHT 9 Certlflcete of ��I�ATION - Eve aDPiied. outside, a minlmum s)ze cf e� n' b�hroo approv� m�h�� percent (g96 m mu � have a window openabte Cal verttllation � of the total fioor area of tO the SYSiem. the room, TOlLETq{,qpp SINK o� an hand sink, and 2ub or�o BH�sY811ed and mainfained in accordance with �- Each dwelpng unit must coniain a bathroom wixh toilei, t� m ��R - Must be imperyious to water. ihe Plumbing Code. st be r epaired�rapl�etl, Carpetin g not allowed, Cracks or KITCFIEN SIN missing K - Every dwellln requirement in the bathroom. 9 �nli shail contain a kitch en sink apart from ihe hantlslnk ��CTRIC4l p�1�s _ S� E�ectricat. EX7ENSION CORDS - Not ailowed for pe�manant wirin circuit breakers ase aiso not le ai. The overload on the wirin in the w can be e fire h 9 8• Those extension cords with ezefd. 9 a�i produces heat and OCCUPAlyT �p,4D _ pwe11i� �nits 9 must contai� the foilowinp; TOTAI UH1T OROSS PLOOR qqEq 1 oocupant - 750 squa�e feet , 2 0 � more ocCUpents - 10p square feet pe� pa�son GROSS SLEEp�NG pOaM/��OOR qqEq 1 occupant - 7p square feet 2 0 � more occupants - 60 square feet per p�rson TENqNT SqN�Tqr�ON/REgpp ciean and sanita NS - Occu They are also � � cond(tlon and tlispo e of r f pents are requtretl to m; their quired to kee '� e �Se in the contairters e fain their unit in a use and operatip�, �f the UPp�tetl fixtures I Provided b maintained !n accordance with the � ean and san;ta Y the owner. y furnish any fiMUres of their own the uSe reasonabte care in Building Code. Y must be inste�led and � �«S - in at1 dweilings or muiti �8 N, water p��pp�s coutorrr� baMeria and p d e11 �� P�operty owner nitrate 8s serviCetl by a private �,ye11 for every two (21 years. ii shaif be the resPons'bilitY of rhe pro drinking ROOMIN6 be conducted by the UNRS/ADDITIQNAL REQWREMENTS PeRy owner. � • Cannot contain miCrowav�.) cookin9 or eatin 9 facitiiies. (i.e., s[oves, 2 hot plate5, refrigeretors. A bathroom corrc�;���g a hand sink, toitet, str�cture directly accesgtple w;thout adjacent to �tl tub or shp„„ mu� be avaitable withln the the rooming unit. 9Oj^ outside and fra�;o� thereof). One bathroom rr�u �� the st be availabie for ch fiver or a floor 3 • Each sleepin8 room pe�sons (or per person for tN,o musi contain at least 70 squara i or more peOp►e. eet of Haor area, or 60 square feet 5 �� � 4. 5. Owners are respansihie for weekly changes of supplied linens and taweis. Every roars�ing unft muss bs supplied wi2A shades, drapes, or oiher mater;als affording prlvacy. S. Owners are responsibie for sanitary maintenance of watis, floors, ceilings, and for maintenanCe of all suppiied equipment. �� -� a�+ i � ti � CTTY OF SAINT PAITL Norm Colemnn, bfayor November 19, 1997 To Fr: Re: BUSINESS REVIEW COYNCIL Wi"Iliam Cosgnff, Chair IAWRYPROFESSIONAL BUILDING Suite 300 350 SG Peler Streef Sain! Paul. Mrnnssola 55102-]SIO Council Ptesident Thune and Members of the City Council Business Review Council (BRC) q� - �ay� Telephone: 612-266-9090 Facsimrte: 61 D2669099 612-266-9124 Certificate of Occupancy for One and Two Family Rentai I1nit Proposal The BRC wishes to ciarify its position regazding the Certificate of Occupancy proposal submitted by Councii Member Megard and Counci3 Member Bostrom. After lengthy discussions and detailed analysis of the proposal, (at which Council Member Megard and her aid, Ann Ciezlak were present) the BRC authored a clear and concise resolution endorsing the general concept of a Certificate of Occupancy for one and two family rental units. However BRC support was clearly based upon three amendments to the original proposal; including a focus on problem properties, a flexibie renewal based on the condition of the property, and appropdate funding and sta�'ing for the program. A copy of the original resolution has been attached for your review and consideration. cc: Mayor Norm Coleman Roger Curtis, Assistant to the Mayor Nancy Anderson, Council Secretary BUSNESS REVIEW COWi CIL tfilkcm CosgrtJf, Chm� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Caleman, Mayor LOIf'RYPROF£SSIO.VAL BUIIDl.�"G Surte 300 3SOSt PeterStreet Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-/510 �f1-�a�'`� Telephone: 612-266-9090 Facsimile: 612-266-9099 672-2669124 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL Bt3SINESS REVIEW COUNCIL Presented By: Mazk Mceller Seconded By: Julie Hoff Date: November 6, 1997 WHEREAS, The Saint Paul Business Review Council (BRC) has thoroughly analyzed and discussed the proposal requiring a Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) for One and Two Family Rental Units, and WHEREAS, the BRC has determined that there are significant community development opportunities contributing to the economic vitality, health, safery and welfare of the citizens of Saint Pau] in the proposal. NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED, that the BRC endorses requiring a Certificate of Occupancy for Qne and Two Family Rental Units with the follo�ving provisions; ■ That the program �vill focus on problem One and Two Unit Rental Properties including, but not limited to, those proQerties which: consume excessive Police and Fire Department resowces; generate complaints; have a history of non-compliance; are tax delinquent; have been referred by a Community Councii; or have a below market average tax assessment value for comparable property. That the program wili maintain a fle�ble Certificate of Occupancy renewal period ranging from one yeaz to five years based on the individual condition and needs of the properiy. BE IT FtJIZTHER RESOLVED, that the BRC encourages the Mayor and the City Council to unplement the new Certificate of Occupancy for One and Two Family Rental Units by fceusing on the properties with the greatest need rather than the geographic approach enumexated in the Resalution submitted by Councilmember Megazd and Councilmember Bostrom. NOW Bfi TT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the BRC recommends staffmg, funding and fee decisions associated with the Certificate of Occupancy for One and T�vo Unit Rental Properties be implemented by the appropriate City admnvstration and staff. Adopted by the BRC: November 6, 1997 Resolution adopted 14-0 with no abstentions: /� ��� �/� Signed: �L+� �'�k!!'. -� William Cosgciff, h u � Tro 'ilbertson, Sta£f to the BRC � ��a� � 0�� � $ �' �,� � a�IZ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nnrm Cnlemm�, Murnr December 2, 1997 Councfl President David Thune and City Councilmembers 310 and 320 City Hall 15 West Ke(logg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 3S0 Citp Halt � Telephorse: 612-266-8510 IS Weat Keltogg BoulevarJ Facsimite: 612-266-8513 Sairst Paul, MN SSIO2 Regarding: Veto of Proposed Certificate of Occupancy Ordinance and Resolution (Council Files 97-124b and 97-1247) Dear Council President Thune and Councilmembers: I am returning to you, w'sth my veto, the proposal to require a Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) for one-and two-family rental dweliings which are not occupied by the owner. As I have said on many occasions, I agree with and support the goals of the proposed program. The quality of rental housing in Saint Paul is an important issue and instituting a requirement that these rental units also meet the City's building, fire and property maintenance codes is a goal I support. To help ensure that rental units meet these goals, we have had a very active Information Exchange Task Force (a.k.a. Problem Properties Task Force). The Task Force's activities and actions have regularly been reported to you and your staff. The Task Force's accomplishments include: Creation of a full list of probiem properties. Removal of a properiy from this list indicates the property's problems have been solved. Some 60 properties have been removed from the list in the past two years. Marked improvements in building structure, and tenant and landlord behavior in several large rental complexes—including those in the Midway, Rice Street, Payne-Maryland and Battle Creek areas. An increase in Task Force participation by landlord and tanant groups. � �- � �� -1'�`�� Council President and Councilmembers December 2, 1998 Page 2 Nonetheless, I believe we will strengthen our neighborhoods by instituting a C of O program that gives priority to cleady identified problem properties, specifioaUy those that generate complaints. True problem properties shouid be the focus of any new program. The following aze some of the flaws with the approved program: The proposed grogram does not focus resources upon the important issue—resgonse to complaints about and inspection of problem properties. Such an approach'ss especially critical when we have scazce resources. 2. The proposed program is too infle�cible in its allocation of resources to the establishment of a systematic, geographically-based, ten-yeaz inspection cycle of properties as opposed to resources tazgeted for complaint responses. A better approach, I believe, is to focus upon the inspection of problem properties and a fl�ible schedule for re-inspection. 3. I have submitted a proposed budget to you and you have approved the maximum levy for 1998. The costs of the proposed program are not included in either the budget or the maximum levy. You have not identified budget resources to pay for the implementation of the proposed program. As you may recall, our staff have not reached agreement on the total costs af the proposed program and the differences are substantial. No budget resourcas have been identified that wouid fund even the lower program costs identified in your staff analysis. I do not support the use of fund balances, which are one-time revenues, for the use of an ongoing program. Nor have you shown that the proposed fees will be adequate to cover progl costs. Nonetheless, I will work with you to identify additional resources that could be available for a C of O program in 1998. On November 14, you were told of my concems with your ordinance and that, if passed without modification, it would be subject to my veto. Since then, my staff has attempted to work with you on alternatives that address the weaknesses of the proposed program. Unfortunately, our attempts to find common ground were unsuccess£ul. Regrettably, then, I veto the actions you have taken because yaur approach has significant weaknesses and better alternatives are avai(able to accomplish our joint goals. �� _ ` a�t�( Council President and Councilmembers December 2, 1998 Page 3 This veto should not halt the development and consideration of a workable and successful C of O program. I invite you to work with me to design a new proposal, one that focuses upon problem properties, and one that can be submitted to you in early January, 1998. Sincerely, ���,�..�I�-- Norm Coleman Mayor c: Peg Buk Phil Byme Steve Christie Roger Curtis Fire Chief Fuller Peter Hames Tim Manc Joe Reid Barb Renshaw Gerry Strathman Assistant Fire Chief Gary Trudeau Fire Marshall Steve Zaccard �� i� 97 08:15a Rawlie R. Sullivan t61Zf649-0111 p.1 � �� Please de{iver immediately to: of: Fax number: Voice number: Fax received from: of: Fax number: volce numDer: Date: St. Paul City Counci! Members 266857d Rawiie R. Sufiivan (612)6A9-0111 (612)649-0111 11J12/97 Time: 8:14:41 AM Number of Pages: 1 Subject: Certificate of Occupancy Program ���✓ a.J i.7 LL f✓ • �! � �� - I ,7``�`� a are many valid questions at�out this ordinance which Ms. Megard has not �red to answer before bringing this bill before the council. There are many owners who care for their renters and take care of this property. if this bill is �d in it's present form these owners wiii be penalized for caring. Send this bill for SERIOUS REVISION! _ � u8:i5a Rawlie R. Sullivan (612lS49-0111 p.Z November 12,1997 To: St. Paul City CounCil Members From: Mary Kay Sullivan 2211 Dayton Avenue 5t. Paut, Mn 55104 Re: fJrdinance rzc}uicing Cert�ftcate of Occupancy Program for one� and two- wxit dwellings �� , �'�.� 1 Aiier reading'fhe pxoposal re�azdin� tlus oXClinsncc+, 1 do not ehink thut it is scilTiciently dc&ncd to pass at this time.. As far ss I can tell the requireazents on the owners of s�zch rental properties aze ambiguous aad dependent on the perticnlar inspector. Many older houses cennot possibly meet some o�today's standards, but are fine and well-mamtained dwelling places. i also do not believe it to be � good orclinance in its preseut fazm. Much oL the ihrust uf the ordinance seerras to be to upgrAde shideat honsing. While this may be imporiasst, it should not be sn ord'mance which peualizes the rsmaiuzder of the population. I'he rents� wut whicfl my husbamd and i own is a ho�ase built in 1909. While rt is a comfartabie d�veUing, u does bave its own set of idiosyncrasies which may zzoi meet today's standards. We rent tv a smg(e woman whn hne dweh Ihere for uwre than ifi years. 'The hUUSe is on the same lot ss our awn home, so we are constanfly awaze of any difficulties that may occur. If certain structural irregularities aze presem, tJaaey would be imposszble or financ3atly prohibifSve tv change. "I7ien we couf&not a6ford co ren[ the gropetry and the woman wouid be out of a horae.. She does consider this her home aad treats h as such. The ordinance seems to penalize people tike us who IDO maiatan� their properties by having ta pay inspectiou fees ott a consistent basis in order to "catch " those who do NQ�' maintain their prvperties. I am siue there are abuses per�et�ated by some landlords, but must we all be puaisHed? tiver the ten years we have lived at oizr present address, we have been awaxe af xqany zou7n�, vio�ations having to do with the niunber of unrelated aduits tivin� in A g;ven unn--thexe are 5 and 6 studebxs in sozne houses, I fiave even had patents tell me of t8eir son or daug�ter living �vith several others and have asked if they realized this was a code violation,, 'x'he- respanse was that they did not and it was ztot iin�purtant any�vay, When 1 oalled Bobb,y Megard's olTice. I suggested thet a referral systsm m;ght be hetter requit;ng evezyone to be inspected, I was fold thae this was not fair becnuse people were uot being "treated equally". What is the faiz�aess in pvaishing {by fees, etc,) ihose who mamtain their re�tal properties because sorne peopie du uot? Cou1J nvt the ortlinxnce be written in Such a way that thOSe whv tent propezties in substandard condition and ue referred either by the inhab3tants or others then be- iusQected sad reqaired to chanQe the condition of their property? Please consider the rsanficatious to landiords sucla as us who try k�azd ta keep iheir Px+>P��� � good cvndition, who naake au ell'ort to kccp tkeir rents reasonabte, �d work �ith their tenants in maintazuiug the homes in our area. Dp NOT PA.SS this or.dinance! tl/12197 12:09 FA% 612 593 0944 ��� SMA�CA, Inc. MINNBSOTA-NORTH �AKOTA-SOU111 BAKOTA /WSILACORtVEt70RTN.SU1TElOD AiM1HEAP'06�9.�9i5W2�599 Pi�NE:IBt�SW�0Y�1 FAX: (S12) b0}OON Y 311 1L` a •n•1ti11 Mayor Norm Coleman 390 City Hall St Paui, MN 55102 Re: Certiticate of Q'ccnpancy Inspeetton Program for Rental Single FamilyiDapleaes Dear Mayor Coleman: l� 001 �� 1 ��� The Sheet Metal, Air Condifloning & Roofing Contractars Association of Minnesota (5MARCA} is a trade association representing more than 175 heating and ventilating contractors in the Twin Cities metro area. We support the Certificate of Occupancy Tnspection Program. 'I'his prograzn is vital to maintain safe housing in the City of St. Paul. This program of basic safety inspecfions of St. Paul's rentai housing stock is important to the city, to the resale ability of its housing stock, and to the safety of its ci6zens. The recent axticles in the Star Tribune on moistiuelvenrilalion pzobletns in homes and last winter's carbon monoxide deaths in Minnesota show the vitat need for such periodic inspecrioas, including a safety inspection of the heating systems. In order ta have a quality inspecfion program that provides the needed inspections, the city must aiso adequately staff the program. To estabiish the Certificate of Occupancy Inspection Program, while cutting its unplementation� short changes the great citizens of 3t. Paul. Again, SMARCA strongly supQorts the Certificate of Occupancy Inspection Progratn. Sinceraly, � aznes E. ' am Chief Executive Officer 7E$:gaw PETER L M4E, Mesident • STEVEq J. MCGR/�iN. Vla Prosidsrrt • SERRY L. HVTCMN50N, S�rnbry•Troasurx� N08FRT 0. McDOWALI„ Poft GresldeM TNOMA9 J. BROGAN •C1IARLE$ l. flSHER • BRUCE A NASSEIBRiND • NENNEiH P..fOHNSOH • L4RAY C. JORDAN • CNRISTOPHER & LEE DAND O. MCFARtANE •]LMES R. MYER3. LEROY L 5lUitER • ANTXONV M.9ROAREIU • 1. JOHN T9711S, J0. •JOIM H.7MEN 8nee1 Ns1N. Mr Candklooh+G 6 Hw1YW CoNneWS Nw'd�tbn November 11, 1997 cc: St. Paui City Couneil 11/12l1997 12:18 5122286241 FIRE PREVENTION CITY UF SAWT PAL7I. Department otFire and Safety Services 1Q0 East lkth Street Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55lO1 PAGE 01 q������� Facsimile Transmittal Coversfieet DATE: FA?� NUINBER: FItOM: TIME �7 � � s FAX N'UMBER: Fire Administration ( } (612) 228-6255 Fire Traiaing ( ) (6I2) 644-8818 suB.r�cr: Eqoipment Services ( ) 545-?OSO � Fire Prevention (�� (622) 228-6241 Fire Communications ( ) (6�2) 292-6Q21 �Idg. Maint. ( ) (612}771-9087 TOTAX. PAGES INCLUDING COVEX2SHEE'X':_ � If you did not receive ail of this FAX, plesse contact: ��� at: V�� �i��„ f�� o: � � �� ���� ���� /l �r • Station 24 Supplies ( ) (6Z2)7�4-2343 .���u 199? 12:18 6122286241 FIRE PREVENTION � InteMepartmentat Memorandum CITY OF SAINf PAUL TO: Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Ierry Blakey Counciimember Dan Bostrom Counciimember Joe Collins ` Councilmerr►ber Mike Herris Cow�cilmembor Bobbi Megard Councilmeim� G�ladys Morton FROM: F�ure Marsha! Steve Zaccard �fS�� _ DATE: November 12, 149? .J �: Code Requirements for i- or 2-faznily Dwellings PA6E H2 � � _ i `a,`l l f CJC�E At the October 22, 1997, public hearing on the ordina�ce to acpand the fire departmem's e�cisting cenificate of occupancy inspection prog�am to incl�de 1- or 2-family rental dwetlings, Counciimember Hanis req,,msted a aetailed Ust of what the codes require of these dweUings. That list is attached, Ca Tias Fiilla Gary Trudeau Rogsr Cnrtis Chuck Votel 12:18 b122 i ,.,�.�,;,' i �I �AAAR! �'Y OF NprM � � �� lex�. .Nayor FIRE PREU p A� 03 DEPART1y�•O PIRB ��NKI�hIIer,}y��� � � N OF p� p �'vENTION q � 1 �GeMorsho[ 11 - � �_ ILbPqtrt7everah Surer Sa1+uPvn{MNSSIOJ TelepMne:612-2Z&67j0 Fat,rv�y�e. 612-228-6241 ��F AND TH/p UNIT RENTqI py�E�L�NGS PRE-INgpECT10N CHECKLIST For oN,�ers/managerS of r e�tal propeny of one or two unn dweilings. S��TATI e��mai f�g9 or etuse� shail be maintained tree of accumulated garbage, tr GRADINQ AND D qq�NAGE - ash, solid waste, ��'�'eY from ocCUpietl A �� p�emises shail be structures and gradetl and malntain GROUNO mjnim►ze the ac cumularion of ed so as COVER - water to dra�� �„�ater erosion, dust E � e7 y ���Centi8l � on such premises. cov e ^d mud by suitable lan p emises shall be malntalned ' by t e or by p m wrth asphal concr� w�th g�ass, trees, Shrubs a condition to enfo�c Y offi �e or b control cer. Y such other suitabfe � �Ther p�antea r G�ASS AND means as shall be $�und WEEDg - Gras,q and w PAroved INSE�rg eeds shaU noi be more than and/o� �� RODENT INFESTq�ry 8 j�ches in herght. e�iminate any infe � ' �t shap eccessory structures o �ation pf �� be the resportsibilit n the p�s• rodents or other y� the owner to control Premiy�s. pests in all ACCESSaRY STRUCT �terior areas and gara8es, sheds and f URES - q�� aCCesso exterior wood S� ences, shell be ry � ru �ures inciudin and d ff ��. other than d�amaintained streioturall g' but no iimited SeN�ce ey bY p ��� t � is not lead-ba ed �� w y Sound and �� Yo, detached doors to r oods, shafl be p�pfected frp�od repair, q�� esidential garages hali be 8fn or by other � m the etements � MATERIq�g _ Provided with p°tective coverin securin9 locics, 9 �r treatmenY. boxes, cenons or �t shall be un►aw;u► end other ite �ther contarners, to accumulate antl m$ m such m�hinery, scra store b�i�d� manner as to consritute P metal, j�nk, raw 9 rnateriai , lu F �REINOOD _ a nuiSanCg O �p material, fabricated mber, fe6t frpm a h P`1eS �� firew0oq gy � dent harborage. 800tls abitable building, be more rhan 5 feet in heigryt antl not closer than 7p REFq� or otheG �p�t��'�� ACCESStBLE CONV when closad, • s ufficiertt�y lar TAINEqg - It shall be unlawful to or latches, to be exppy� 8e to retain a �hild and w(th ehd eCCessib�e to childr doors whiCh astent a refri � withoui rem 9efator EXTE ov�� automalically RIOR SfDEyyp�K WAL 9 the doors, litls, hin8es KW qYS AND STAIRS _ A�� sidewalks, wa�kv„a e�� exterior � 1 _.,a�i1997 12:18 6122286241 FIRE PREVENTION PAGE 04 sLairs shali he maintained in a safe, sound condition, free of defacts and hazards. cc1 -1a-� � MIXED MUNIqPAL SOUD WASTE STORAGE AND REMOVAL. - Every tesideoce buitding Shafl be supptietl writ� approved coniainers which are of sufficient quantity and capacity to store a11 ihe mixed municipal soiid wsste from the unit and which ere equipped with tight-fStting covers for Storsge of mixed municipal soiid waste. Mixed municipai solid waste sha11 be collecLed at teast weekly by s licensed refuse hauler. !n afl tesidencs bvildings, it shall be ihe rssponsibiUty of the ownet to provide the containers and contract with a ifcensed hauler for collection ot the mixed munlcipal salid wasta. IXTER(S�e AF BUILDIht3 ADOF�SS MIMBERS - Must be cieariy readable from the street, and alley if appiicable, both day and Mght. (See attachment HN-1.) RAINLEADERS - Disconnect if drafned into city sewer. RpQF - Must be tight, without lesks. EXTERIOR WALLSlPAINT - Ext�for suffaces other than decay-resistant wood must be painted with non-teed-bassd paint. {Scraped and primed where pee)ing.} STAIRSlPORGHES/DECKS - Must be ma�ntained in sound condition and good repair. Betus[rades and guardrsils no mofe than nine inChes {9"} apatt must be installed on stairwaysiporchesldecks more than thirty inches (30"} above grade. RAILS - Handraits and belustrades required on stairs w9th four or more risers and must be maintafned in good condition. DOORS - Must be in sound condition and good �epair, capable of being easily apened from the inside without the use of a key. tSingie-family and Frsc floor of duplexes can be equipped with double-cylind9r desdboits.) WMIDOWS - Must be in SounC condition, have no hroken glass, have ha�dware to hotd In the "open" poskion, fit tight withi� the ftame, and secure locking mechanism. ilocks required on every window up to and including second story or accessible by fire escape, stairs, etc.1 Windaws can be equipped with bars for security if they ars not required "egress wi�dows." Windows musi be equipped with screens. GARBAGE CONTAINERS - Owners are required to furnish sufficisnt containers w;th lids and weekiy garba�e piCk-op {also ses Pubiic Works Ordi�anca for Recyciing requirementsM• � : •,: P4ST CERTfFiCATE OP OCCUPANCYlOWNER lNFORMATION - Must be posted near the front door so it cen be read itom outside the bullding. Owner informatian and emergency contacts are pra-printed on Certifficate of Occupancy for yau. WALLStFLOQRSlPAINT - Must be maintained ciean, paintad, and in a protessionsi state ot repair. STAtRSJRA#LS - Same specificetionS as exterior stafrs. EXTERMiNAT10111- Ow�ers ate responsible to exterminate insects and rodsnts in alt areas of the buildtng and premises. E 11/1211997 12:18 6122286241 FIRE PREVENTION PA6E 85 ��-tia�"� EVACUATION PLANNING - Owners are urged to develop end fumish to the occupants an approved emergency evacuatfon plan. FIRE IXTIHtiU1SHERS FIRE EXTINCiU1SHERS - A 2A708C fire extinguisher should be availab4e near an exit from the dwelling. �� ESCAPE WMiDOWS - One window from each sleeping room must be easily openable trom the inside. Some security grates and bars have mechanisms that open easily fram inside. These windows must have a nat giazed area of five point seven t5.7? square feet, minimum net ciear opanabie height tlimension o4 twenty-four inches i24"), minimum net ctear openable width dimenslon o} twenty inChes (2Q"), and a sill-side height af �o more than fony-eighY inChes (48"! above the floor. Area wells must meet minimum sizes (See Bu+)ding Department directive and EW-1 Attechment.) EXIT 09STRUCTIbNS - All axits to the bu;tding must be unobstructed at atl items. No storage is aflowed in stairweils, Corridors, oT in front of doors. EXIT ILLUMINATION - Aii aommon halis and fnside stairways must be iit with a minimum illuminatlon of ane foot-candle per s�uare foot. Exterior exits and entryways are required to be iilumin8ted a minimum of vne footCa�dte at grade level, PLUMBINQISHINER - Kitchen sinks, hand sinks, bathtub. showers, toifets or urinals must be suppfiad wlth tunning water, adequate hot water where appiicable, and must be connected to the sewer and water system in accordance with atl provistons of the Plum6ing Code. COMBUSTIBLE STORA6EtFURNACE ROOM - Combustible storaga should not be in any foom COniafning furnace, heating, mecheniCal, or electricat equipment. 1NCINERATOR5 - Not sllowed unlsss PCA-approved and Capable ot burning over 7,000 pounds per hottr. FURNACE/HEATING PLANT - Nlust be capable of providing heat at 68 dagrees five feet above the floor in eny srea of tfie dwelling. Installatian, repair, or elteration of an heating equipment must be done by a licensed contractor under permit from the Buitding Inspection and �esign Division. Upon renewat of the Certificate of O�cupancy, a form witl be provided the owner/manager whiCh must be filled out by a iicensed contractor verifying that tha heating system or space hsater has been serviced and is free ot carbon manoxide spillage. ISee RH-1 attachment.) WATER HEATER - Must be capable of supplying adequate hot water at a minimum temperature of 120 deprees and a mauimum af 130 degrees at every kiLChen sink, tub, shower, and laundry facitity. All repairs or alterations must be made un0er permit from the Buifding Inspection antl Design Division by 81iCensed contrector ln accordance with the Plumbing Code. GAS COIVNEC770NS - Flexible conneCtors on stoves or drya�s must be AGA appraved double- walletl. Singte-walled connectors that are kinkad. damaged. or cotroded must be replaced. 3 11/22I1997 12:18 6122286241 FIRE PREVENTION PA6E 06 �t�l - ��-`�� ELECTAJCAL - Se►vice must bs adequate to serve needs of occupants and maintained in accordance with the Electrical Code. Every room 120 square feet or less must have at least two duplex outleis. One sddiiional outlet Is required for sach additianal 80 square faet. Kftchens must have at least three dupiex outlets, ons of which must be supplied by a separate 20-amp circuit. Any new outlet instaUed within a six-foot radius of a kitchen snk must be Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters tGFI}. Every pubiic hall, water ctoset, bathroom, iaundry, or fumaCe room must contain at least one electric ligM fixture. Bathroam and laundry rooms must contain one light fixture and one dupie�c outiet, The taundry room outlet must be within six feet of the laundry appliance o� a separate 20-amp circuit. The outie# in the bathroom must be GFI. Extsting outlets in bathrooms must be converted to a GFI or removed. AII metallio fixtures wtthin ftve feet t5'} hor{zontally or efght feet (8'► verticaNy of grounded surfaces shafl be graut►ded. ALL FACILITIES AND E4LfiPMENT - AN required and supplied equipment and aii building spaces and parts must be constructed and maintained to properly and sately perform their intended function. IAn air condiiioner is not required; but it provided, must work,) WOUDSTOVES - Are not aflowed in residential garages or aress where flammabfe Iiqulds or vapors are present. GASOLINE STORAGE - No gasoline or other ftammable liquid can be stored in a residentiat building unless stored in e�ne-hour. ftre-reted room or approved fire-rated cabinet. Flammabie liquids can never be stored in a room with a suurce of ignition, such as a furnace, water heater, etc. COHDEMNATIQN/UMfl7 - A dwellfng unit or entire building may be condemned when it is determined to be uninhabiiable or a hazard to the safety or welfare of the tenanttsl. LNITS - DwEL�ING SMOKE DETEC7dRS - State ststute requires an operabls smoke detector provided and maiMained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions outside each sleeping area ot the rental unit. 8ettery or eteCtric smoke detectors are allowed, hut eteciric are recommended. Smoke detectors must be testetl at least monthly, and batteries should be replaced annuaily. (See SD-1 attachment.► DEAdBOL7 LdCKSlDOORS - Entry doors must be equipped with one-inch (1 "} approved single- cyllnder deadbolt locks. Existing 518" deadholt locks may remafn on solid core wood doors, metal doors, and 3/4" panet doors wiih a six-inch IB") extsnded strikeplate for wood-frame doors. Doors must be substantially secu►e from Nlega� entry, and if reptaced, must be replaeed with solid core, solid wood 3t4" panel or a metal door with metat frames. Hinges must be placed on the inside of the door. Doors of single-tamily and grade ievels of duplexes may be equipped wlth doublg-cyllnder deadbolts, but owne�s must warn occupants of potential fire hazards. iSee AD-7 attachment.) PAT101GUDER DOORS AND WINDOWS - A removable track filler or key-operated vertical or horizontal bolt ►ack on patio and gfider windows is reQuired. A wood titler strip or removable sCrew in upper track of windows should be installed to prevent them from being lifted out of ttack. FLOORSM►ALLSlPA1NTlCAHlN@TSlWOODWORK - Must tse in sound condition and good repair. AII paini must be non lead-bassd. My peeling or flaking paint must be removed and repai�ted. WIIYDOW LOCKS - All windows must be equipped with secure focks. n � 11112/1997 12:18 5122286241 FIRE PREVENTIDN PAGE 07 �'1 ,1�-`� `7 SPACE HEA7'�RS - SubJect to atl requiremer►ts of servicing/cleaning (see �urnacelHeating Plant} and must be ssrviced by a licensed contraetor and proof furnished during Geri�flcate of Occupancy renewai. Atl regufations ot the Mechanical Code must be applied. BATNROOM L1GHTtVENTilAT10H - Every batfiroom must hava a window openabie to the auiside, a minimum s)ze of eight psrcent (6%3 of ths total tioar area of irie room, or an epproved mechanical ventliatton system. TOILET/HAND SINKfTUBlSHOWEA - Each dwetling u�it musi contain a bathroom with toilet, hand sink, and tuh ar shower instaUed and maintained in accordance with tha Plumbing Code. BATHROOM FLOQR - Must ba imp�vious to water. Carpeting not ailowed. Cracks or missing ti18s tnust be rep8ired/tepleCed. KITCHEN SINK - Every dwelHng unit shali contain a kitchen sink apart from the handsink requirement in the bathroom. ElECTRICAI OUTIETS - 58e Electricat. EXl'�MSION COROS - Not allowed for permanent wi�ing. Those extension cords with circuit breekers 8re elso not legal. The overload on the wiring in the wall produces heai and can be a flre hazard. OCCUPANT LOAD - Dweiling units must contain the following: TOTAL UNIT (iROSS FLOOR AREA 1 occupant - 150 square feet 2 or more oCCUpents - 100 square feet per person GROS$ SLEEPING ROOM/FLOOR AREA 1 occupent - 70 squere feet 2 or more ocCUpants - 50 square feet per person TENAMT SANITATIQNtRE3PONSIBtLiTiES - Occupants ars requlred to msiniain the;r unit in a clean and sa�itary condkfon and dispose of refuse in the containers provided by the owner. They are also required to keep supplfed fixtures clean and sanitary and use reasonabte care in thei� use and operation. ffi they furnish Sny fixtu►es of their own, they must be instalted and maintained in accordanca with the Building Code. PRt1lATE WELIS - In all dwellings or muitiple dweliings servicad by a private well for drinking water purpases, CoBform bacterin and nitrate testing of water sha11 ba conducted by the property ownsr every two t2) years. it shalt he the responsihitity of the prapsny owner. ROOMIN6 UNITSfADdlTIQNAL REQUIREMENT5 1. Cannot contain cooking or eating facilities. (i.e., stoves, hot plates, refrigerators, m;crowaves.} 2. A bethroom contai»ing a hand sink, toilet, and tub or shower must 6s avaifable within the structure directly accessibie without going outside and on the same floor ar a floor adjacent to the rooming unit. Orte bathroom must be avaiiahie for each tive persons (or fraCtion thereofl. 3. Each sleep{ng room must contain ac ieast 70 square feet of fioor area, or 60 square feet per person far iwo or more peopla. E 11t12i199? 12:18 5122286241 FIRE PREVENTION PAGE @8 4. Owners ars responsibie for weekly changes of supplied linsns and towets. 5. � a`t-�ay� Every rooming unit must be supplied wtth shades, drapes, or other materiats affording privaCy. Owners ate responsibie for sanitary mairtten8nce ofi wa8s, fioors, ceilingS, and for maintenance of eii supplied equipme�t. � ;', : i". P ' e ^. October 21, 1997 Davs Thune, Council President St Paul Gity Councii Offics of the City 310 A Ciiy Halt 15 W. Keliogg St Paut, MN 551�2 Dear Councii President Thune, q�1- t �.��t Thomas • Dale DisYricY 7 Communify Council, Inc. z� '369 Univezsity Avenve St. Pau1, MN SS1Q3 PH: (612} 298-5068 FAX: (612) 29&-5072 The �istricf 7 Planning Councii at their Physical Pianning meefing held on Ocfober 14, revie�Ned the CarG�cate of Occupancy proposal before you at the City Council. The committee passed the foilow+ng motion that wilf go to our Board on Thursday October 23 for their revie�rr Motion; That the Districf 7 Planning Council conditionally endorses ihe proposed CerUficate of 6ccupancy proposai for renter occupied single family homes and dupiex psoperties within tfie City ofi St Paui. We wouid i'ske to sea ihe following concems/additions made to the ordinancs: 1) That the propased rentai Gcsnsing inspect+on plan, which shows that the Thomas Dale community would rmt ceceive its initial inspection urrUl the year 2004-05> is nof acceptable. This proposed scheduie wouid delay re�tai inspec6on in our community beyond the point oi heing effective. 2) That in conjunc6on wifh arry Certificate of Occupancy inspecfian program there needs to 6e resources avaifable for iandlords to be able to make needed repairs to their propetty in order to keep families from bei�g displaced firom su6standard housing without malting allowancss fior that housing #0 4e repaired. 3)1'he ciiy should at� take this oppartunity to require landlords and rnmers of singie fiamiiy, dupiex, tripte� and muiii-iamiiy rental properties to be licensed. Licansing of ptopedy ownets aod tentai agents wouid give added pro#ection to both communities and tenants when trying to rectify problam prope�ies that they may own or opetate. -" While theThomas Dale community could stand to benefit great{y from a reMal certificate of occupancf program, we are concamed ihai this program not resu{t in the further foss of property wifihin in our several neighborhoods. Our organization pfedges to wo�k close{y wiih ihe cify of SL Paui and its inspectior�s department to ensure that any such program is implemented fairiy and that resources are made availab(e to make cartain tfiat property is repaired, not just removed or demolished if found to 6e substandard upon inspection. Thank you for your considertion of our comments and atten6on to this ptoposai. P4ease fee! free to contact our stafF at 298-5068 if you need arry fudher information regarding our position. Sincerety, . �� 6regory Ray Chair DisUict l Pfaning Councii Board - � �, . _..--�.�--ry�-.-e�_.��_,-�._ ,_,-�-�.� -,� ._.�-,.-_�--- =---_-_-____ �.._-------;r,,; .• i BUSINES5 REVIEW COUNCII, �ib"am Cosgriff, Ckair CITY OP SAII�'T PAUL Narm Coleman LOWRPPROF�SSIONAL BUbDII7G Suite 300 350SC Petsr Sbee[ SaintPmtl Minnesota55102-I510 a� �a�� Telephone: 61 L2G6A090 Facsimile: 612Z66-9099 612-Y669124 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL BUSINESS REVIEW COUNCIL Fresented By: Mazk Mceller Seconded Sy: Julie Hoff Date: November 6,1997 WE�EREAS, The Saint Paul Business Review Council (BRC) has tharoughly analyzed and discussed the proposal reqturuig a Certificate of Occupancy {C of O) for One and Two Family Rental Units, and WHEREAS, the BRC has determined that there aze significam community development opporiunities contribuCing to the economic vitality, health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Saint Paul in the proposal. NOW, TFiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the SRC endorses requiring a Certificate of Occupancy for One and Two Family Rental Units with the following provisions: ■ That the program will focus on problem One and Two Unit Rerrtal Properties including, but nat limited to, those properties which: consume excessive Police and Fire Depariment resources; generate complai�s; have a history of non-compliance; are tax delinquent; have been referred by a Community Council; or have a below mazket average tas assessment value for campazable properiy. That the program will maintain a fleacible Certificate of Occupancy renewal period ranging from one yeaz to &ve yeazs based on the individuai candition and needs of the properry. BE IT FiJRTHER RESOLVED, that the BRC encourages the Mayar and the City Councii to implement the new Certificate of Occupancy for One and Two Family Rental Units by focusing on the properties with the greatest need rather than the geographic approach enumerated in the Resolution submitted by Councilmember Megard and Councilmember Bostrom. NOW BE IT FINALLY RFSOLVED, that the BRC recommends staffing, funding and fee decisions associated with the Certificate of Occupancy for One and Two Unit Rental Properties be implemented by the appropriate City adminisuation and staff. Adopted by the BRC: November 6,1997 Resolurion adopted 14-0 with no abstentions: Signed: �' . , - 7Z. William Cosgrif� C � Tr 'IberYson, Staff to the BRC �/� �o���� F��e # 9�t - 12�4�1 / � j/}�e�� � � Ordinance # ;1��I� 1 / � � — � a. �' �� Green SheeC # b � , ^ g rVta ORDINANCE '.:,� �� lzv���-���, C�TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ae� �- -G�� �'IG���7�1/gf� / � �� Presented By / e-�a �-� � Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Committee: Date An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Codes Sections 33.Q2 and 33.05 to update the building code and to require a certificate of occupancy for one- and two-family rental dwellings which are not occupied by the owner. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: Section 1 The City Council finds it necessary and important to take advantage of a change in the state building code which grants municipalities the option to er�tend a certificate of occupancy requirement to certain residential occupancies. The City Council finds that one- and two-family rental dwellings which are not owner-occupied are generally in need of greater code compliance inspections and enforcement to avoid property deterioration and blight. A certificate of occupancy requirement will establish a systematic and periodic inspection policy which will promote and enforce code safety and maintenance of rental dwellings, thereby decreasing the need for complaint�driven inspections based on calle for service from occupants or neighbors who may fear or risk some form of reprisal from landlords or tenants. Accordingly, the systematic certification of such rental dwellings will improve the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Saint Paul who live in and around its rental dwellings. Section 2 The Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 33.02 shall be amended as follows: Sec. 33.02. Minnesota State Building Code--Adoption (d) Section 3 109 of �he Uniform Building Code, a part of the Minnesota State Building Code adopted by reference in Minnesota Rule �3 1305.0010 (1995), is amended for the City of Saint Paul to read as follows: 3�ec-389- I09.1 Use or Occupancy No building or 1 a'� - 1 ay�. structure of Group A (ASSembly), E (Education), I (Institutional), H (Hazardous), B (Business), F (Factory), M (Mercantile), S (Storage), or R-1 (Multifamily Residential)� or any one- or two-familv rental dwelling of R-3 occu�ancv as set forth in 533.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shall be used or occupied, and no change in the existing occupancy classification of a building or structure or portion thereof shall be made until the fire marshal has issued a certificate of occupancy therefor as provided herein. -Fb} 109.2 Change in Use. Changes in the character or use of a building shall not be made except as specified in Section 5Q2 of this code. - ( - c} 109.3 Certificate Issued. After final inspection by the building official when it is found that the building or structure complies with the provisions of this code and other laws which are enforced by the code enforcement agency, the fire marshal shall issue a certificate of occupancy which shall contain the following: (1) The certificate of occupancy number. (2) The address of the building. (3) The name and address of the owner. (4) A description of that portion of the building for which the certificate is issued, if not for the entire building. (5) A statement that the described portion of the building complies with the requirements of this code for the group and division of occupancy and the use for which the proposed occupancy is classified. (6) The name of the fire marshal, or his/her designated agent. 109.04 Temporary Certificate. If the building official finds that no substantial hazard will result from the occupancy of any building or portion thereof before the same is completed, he/she may issue a temporary certificate of occupancy for the use of a portion or portions of a building or structure prior to the completion of the entire building or structure. Such a temporary certificate of occupancy sha11 remain in force and effect for a period not to exceed twelve (12) months, unless otherwise designated by the building o£ficial upon inspection and a determination of need. 109.5 Posting. The certificate of occupancy shall be posted on the premises and shall not be removed except by the fire marshal. 109.6 Revocation. The fire marshal may, in writing, suspend or revoke a certificate of occupancy, includina a provisional or temporary_ certificate of occu�anc� issued under the provisions of this code whenever the certificate was 2 issued in error, or on the basis of incorrect information�� _��� supplied, or when it is determined by the fire marshal that a use of the building or structure or portion thereof may constitute a nuisance as described in Minnesota Statutes, Section 617.81, subdivision (2), or is in violation of any ordinance or regulation or any provision of the Saint Paul Legislative or Administrative Code. Section 3 That Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 33.05 be amended as follows: Sec. 33.05. Certificate of occupancy. (A) Use or Occupancy: No building or structure in Group A (Assembly), B (Business), B-4M (Mercantile), E (Education), F (Factory), I (Institutional), H (Hazardous), R-1 (Multi£amily Residential), or S(Storage) occupancies shall be used or occupied, and no change in the existing occupancy classification of a building or structure or portion thereof shall be made until the fire marshal has issued a certificate of occupancy therefor as provided herein. In addition and effective as of March 1. 1998. no one- or two-familv dwellina as those terms are de£ined in Chap er 60 of this code, of R-3 occupancv mav be rented. used or occu�ied defined in Chanter 60 of this code. (B) Change in Use: Changes in the character or use of a building shall not be made without the approval of the building official and the fire marshal, and the building may be occupied for purposes in other groups provided the new or proposed use is less hazardous, based on life and fire risk, than the existing use. (C) Certificate Issued: After final inspection by the building official, when it is found that the building or structure complies with the provisions of this Code, the fire marshal shall issue a certificate of occupancy. (D) Existing Buildings: (11 Seo�e of reauirement. Every building�except one- and two- family dwellings and residential garages heretofore erected which owner's familv, as familv is defined in Chapter 60. shall have a certificate of occupancy issued by the division of fire prevention and posted on the premises. Before such a certificate can be issued, such buildings, includinc� anv basements and common areas for one- or two-familv rental dwellings shall be inspected by the division and found to conform to the requirements of the building code at the time of construction or at the time of conversion to its present use and to the provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; except that energy efficient standards in rental dwellings 3 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 a�p-� ay`I and multiple dwellings shall be enforced on complaint basis only. No building or rental dwellina which is required to have a certificate of occupancy shall continue to be occupied without such certificate. (2) Implementation schedule for one- and two- family rental dwelling inspections. Those existing one- and two-famil� (a) The fire marshal shall have ten vears in which to complete the initial inspections of all one- and two- familv rental dwellings for the purboses of certification. (b) The fire marshal shall divide the city into geographicallv dis�ersed inspection areas. usin�nlannin� district boundaries, which are reasonablv balanced in terms of the number of affected one- and two-familv rental dwellings and the extent of code comr�liance as found in housinc� condition survev data. (c) The implementation schedule for initial ins�ections should insgecC agproximately one-fifth of all one- and two-family rental dwellinas everv two vears over the 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 thereafter everv four (4) two—f�� vears for �ur�oses of renewinc� the certificate of occupanc� .�d) The imnlementation schedule for the established inspection areas should give priorit� to �te and not limit the discretion of the fire marshal to inspect rental dwellin�s regardless of area location and take (3) Provisional certificate. On or before March 1. 1998, the legal or eauitable owner of each one- or two-familv rental dwellinc� shall make a written a�plication to the fire marshal on an aporoved form furnished bv the same for a certificate of occu�ancv to allow the use or occux�ancv of the rental dwellinq. The fire marshal shall issue a provisional certificate of occugancv to the owner/apnlicant of the rental March 1.1998, pending issuance of a certificate of occu�ancv. A brovisional certificate is sub;iect to renewal everv two ��$ !l-lz�9z limited and scarce insnection resources: slow or non-compliance with inspection orders, or (v) the transfer or sale of an equitable or legal interest. Q � _ � a` vears and mav be revoked on the same grounds as a certificate o£ occugancy Rental dwellinc�s constructed or converted to rental use after March 1 1998 shall not be eligib�e for a of occupancy. (E) Renewal Required: An inspection shall be scheduled by the division of all buildings of Group A(Assembly), E(Education), I (Institutional), H (Hazardous), and B (Business), M (Mercantile), S(Storage), F(Factory) occupancies which have a certificate of occupancy, excepting light hazard occupancy which shall be scheduled for inspection every two (2) years. Inspections shall be scheduled by the division on a two-year cycle for all buildings of R-1 occupancy and on a four-year cycle for those one- and two- family rental dwellings of R-3 occu anc� which have a certificate of occupancy. If it is found that such buildings do not conform to the applicable requirements, including the timelv pavment of all fees, the certificate of occupancy may be revoked and the building shall not be occupied until such time as the building is again brought into compliance with such requirements. (F) Fees for Certificate of Occupancy: (1) Original issue, new buildings. There shall be no fee charged for an issuance of the certificate of occupancy for new buildings at the completion of their construction covered by a building permit. (2) Renewal fee for R-1 occupancies. Nine dollars ($9.00) per residential unit, minimum fee one hundred dollars ($100.00), maximum fee three hundred seventy dollars ($370.00). (3) Renewal fee for A (Assembly), E (Education), I (Institutional), H (Hazardous), F (Factory), M (Mercantile), S (5torage) and B (Business) occupancies. Seven dollars ($7.00) per one thousand (1,000) square feet, minimum fee seventy-five dollars ($75.00), maximum fee three hundred seventy dollars ($370.00). (4) Reinspection fee. The renewal fee established in subsections (2? and (3) above allows for one (1) inspection and one (1) reinspection for the renewal of the certificate of occupancy. A reinspection fee of fifty (50) percent of the renewal fee shall be levied for each additional reinspection required of nonconforming occupancies. s �BP r�-�a�q7 and that the certificate of occu�ancy shall not be issued or denied a£ter the building and all rental dwellings have been inspected for compliance with the minimum standards of all (5) Referral reinspection fee. Whenever a written correction 1.` �� order is issued to the owner or responsible agent of the a owner for a violation of this code and after a reasonable time for compliance has elapsed, a reinspection sha11 be made. If the violation has not been corrected at the time of the reinspection, a referral reinspection fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be collected for every subsequent reinspection until the violation is corrected. (6) Partial certificate of occupancy fee. Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this paragraph (F), a fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) will be charged for each partial certificate of occupancy requested. The issuance of a partial certificate o£ occupancy is at the discretion of the building official and the portion of the building covered by the certificate must be legally completed and ready to occupy along with all other life and safety requirements. (7) No entry fee. A no entry fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be assessed to the renewal fee and collected whenever an owner or responsible agent of the owner has been notified in writing of the date and time for a certificate of occupancy renewal inspection, or any other reinspection, and the owner or responsible agent of the owner fails to notify the fire marshal's office in writing, by at least 8:00 a.m. on the date of the scheduled inspection, of an alternate date and time for the inspection or reinspection when the owner or responsible agent of the owner will appear for the inspection. (8) Discounted fee. Whenever a certificate of occupancy renewal inspection finds no violations of any applicable code, the renewal fees set forth in subsections (2) and (3) of this paragraph shall be discounted twenty-five (25) percent. (9) Late fees. A late fee shall be charged and collected whenever the owner or responsible agent for the owner makes application for certificate renewal after the expiration date of such certificate. Separate late fees shall also be charged and collected whenever the owner or responsible agent for the owner pays late any other fees due and payable under this section. All late fees shall be ten (10) percent of the certificate renewal fee. A late fee shall accrue for each thirty-day period or portion thereof which has elapsed after the expiration date of the certificate or the date of inspection on which the underlying fee is based. In no event shall any one il) late fee exceed fifty (50) percent of the certificate renewal fee. The late fee(s) shall be in addition to any other fee or payment required. 10 Rental R-3 Occupancies The initial ins�ect'on fee shall be eightv dollars (580 00) for one-family rental dwellings and ninetv dollars t590 00) for two-familv rental dwellings The renewal fee for a certi i ate of � q� -���� � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 (G) Exceptions: The £ees for the certificate of occupancy and inspection are provided in section 33.04(H)(4)(c) and paragraph (F) of this section shall be required on buildings owned and occupied by any governmental agency, including county and state governmental agencies. The City of Saint Paul, and any other agencies specifically exempted from such fees under state law, shall be exempt from payment of such fees. Section 4 These amendments shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its adoption, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date ���", Adoption Certified by Council Secretary $Y: � 1" Approved ayo e Hy: By: Form Ap ve y ity " t ney c By: J Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ( � � �� cvcle in which the rental dwellinc� is inspected. GREEN SHEET Councilmember R. :.,� �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES a� -ti a�2 No so�ao v���� ���_ ❑ CRYAiTOANEY � 4fVCL0tK ❑ RNRNtN1.tERNCFf pR � RMYICJ�Ll6RV/ACCT6 ❑III.YOMryRA881aSMli) ❑ {CLIP ALL IQCATIONS FOR SICaNATURE) Approval of a certficate of occupancy program for one and two family rental dwellings wlrich aze not occupied by the owner. �u,v� ivrv approve �n� w rte�a�x PIANNING COMMISS{ON CIB COMM171'EE GIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION � m� r+�.sonrem ever �n ��a� a co���t ro.m�s a�mn�rr rES rio Has Mis o�'�� ever been e d�Y �nWoYee? YES NO Dces this P��m+ P�eecs a sltiU not nonnal�YP�d bY �Y curreM citY emGb`/ee? YES NO �s mis aeisoM�m a ta.getea veraon YES NO ilain atl vea answers on aenarate sFket arW ariar,h to we� d�tet •�u axounr oF rnaruacnox s L7IIC�� casrrt+evENU� euco�o �ctrtc� or� ACTNITY NUMBER rE3 NO IC W. INFORMATION (IXP W N) and multiple dwellings shall be enforced on complaint basis No building or rental dwelling which is required to Y certificate of occupancy shall continue to be occupied withou certificate. / only. Q�1.1��� Y e a such �! years and may be revoked on the same grounds a certi�� a e�� ��a.'T � of occupanev Rental dwellinas constructed or conv r ed to rental use after March 1 1998 shall not be eligible for a% of occupancv. (E) Renewal Required: An inspection shall b scheduled by the division of all buildings of Group A(ASSembly), E iEducation), I (Institutional), H(Hazardous), and B(Busine s�, M(Mercantile), S(Storage), F(Factory) occupancies which ve a certificate of occupancy, excepting light hazard occup ncy which shall be scheduled for inspection every two (2) yea . Inspections shall be scheduled by the division on a two-year c 1e for all buildings of R-1 occupancy and tho e one- a d two-fami ental dwe of R-3 occupanc_y which have a certificate of ccupancy. If it is found that such buildinqs do not conform to e applicable requirements, occupancy may be revoked and the until such time as the building i with such requirements. , 1 e the certificate of ilding shall not be occupied again brought into compliance (F� Fees for Certificate o Occupancy: (1) Original issue, ne buildings. There shall be no fee charged for an is ance of the certificate of occupancy for new buildings.at the completion of their construction covered by a bu' ding permit. (2) Renewal fee residential ($100.00), ($3'IO. QO) � R-I occupancies. Nine dollars ($9.00) per it, minimum fee one hundred dollars mum fee three hundred seventy dollars (3} Renewa.t fee for A {Assembly), E (Education), I tlnsti utional}, H {Hazardous), F (Factory), M {Mer antiZe), S(Storage) and B(Business) occupancies. Sev n dollars ($7.OD) per one thousand (1,000) square fe t, minimum fee seventy-five dollars ($75.00), m�imum e three hundred seventy dollars {$370.00). (4) Reinspection fee. The renewal fee established in subsections (2) and (3) above allows for one (1) inspection and one (1) reinspection for the renewal of the certificate of occupancy. A reinspection fee of fifty (50) percent of the renewal fee sha11 be levied for each additional reinspection required of nonconforming occupancies. 5 _.���i7y7 12:18 6122286241 FIRE PREVENTION PAGE 02 � c�� _ (�y� � trsteMepartmentat Memorandum CITY OF SAII1'f PAUL TO: Council Presidem Dsve'Thune Councitmember Jonry Blakey Conncilmember Dan Bostrom Counciimember Joe Collins ` Councilmember Mke Herris Ca�ncilmemliar Bobbi Driegard Cotimcila►ember Giadys Morton FROM: Fire Marshai Steve Zac;card t%��� DAT"E: Piovember 12, 1997 J . �: Code Requirementa for 1- or 2-family Dwe(lings t,.��Ej�i�t ���°ber 22. 1997 Publi� kesrir►S on the ordinance to expand the fire degartmerrt's existing certificate of accupancy . inspe�cion prop�rsm to include 1- or 2-family reatel dwet!'sngs, Councitmember Harrig requeste�f a detailed list of what the codes require of these dwetlings. That list is attached. Cc: Tim Fuller Gary Tiudeau Roger C�rtis Chuck Votel n ii�1z/1997 12:18 6122286241 FIRE PREllENTION PAGE 83 DBYARTMFNT OF PIItE AND SAFETY SLRVICPS �X f� �.� � �� _ 1 a`�� DIVLTIDN OP flRE PREVENfION Srcven ZaccarQ, flrc Marshot crrY oF s�rrr �vi, Norn� Cok�en, Magor ]Q1 Pan Elevemh So-ser TeGeyhone: 612-228-6230 SaLSPn�LMN55101 fac.rimile:6f2-228•6241 ONE AND TWO UNIT RERITAL DWELUNGS PRE-INSPECTION CHECKLIST • For ownerslmanagers of rentat propeRy of one or two unit dweili�gs. a••:::•�:� SANITATION • Premises shall be maintainetl free of accumulated garbage, trash, solid wasie, enimal 18C8s or refuse_ GRAD1Pid AND DRAINAGE - A11 premises shaJf be graded and maintained so as io drain water awey irom accupied sttuctures and minim{ze the acCUmulation of water on such premises. GROUNp COVER - Every resident+at premis9s shall be maintalned in a condition to control erosion, dust and mud by suitable landscaping with grass, trees, shrubs o� other pfsnted ground cover, or by paving wlth asphati, concrete or Qy such other suitabte msans as shall be approved by the enforcement officer. GRASS AND WEEDS - Grass and weeds shali no2 be more than 8 inches in height. INSECTS AND RODENT 1NFESTATIONS - tt shatl be the responsibility of the ownsr to con2rol and/ot efiminate any infest8tion of inspects, rodents or other pe5ts in all e�rterior areas and accessory structures on the premises, ACC£SSORY STRUCTURES - AI! acCessOry structures �nCluding, but no fimited ta detechad garages, sheds and fences, shai{ be maintainad structurally sound and in good rapair. A11 euterior wood surFaces, other than decay-resistent woods, shaN be protected from tne elements and decay by paint which is not tead-hssed paint or by ather protective covering or ireatment. Servfce doors to residentiai garages hai! be provided with saouring locks. STOHED MA7ERiALS - it shatl be unlawful to accumufate and store bu+iding material, lumber. boxes, cartons or other containers, machinery, scrap metei, junk, raw matsrial, fabricstetl goods and other ftems in such manner ss to constitut8 a nuisance o{ rodent harhorage. flREWOOD - Piles of firewood shsil not be m�re than 5 feet in haig�t and not ctoser than 10 feet from a habitable buiidlnp. REFRiGERATORS AND ACCESSIBLE Ct?NTAINERS - ft shaii be uniawful ta permit a refrigerator or other container, sufficierttiy targe to retain a chiid and wiih doors which fasten automaticaily whan elosed, to be exposed and accessible to chifdrert withaut removing the doors, lids, hinges or iatches. EXTERIOR SiDEWALKS, WALKWAYS AWD STAIRS - All sidewe(ks, watkweys, end extarior __..,« i�yr 12:18 6122286241 FIRE PREVENTIDN PAGE 04 stairs shali be maintained in a sefe, sound condnion, ftee of defects and nszsrds. a1 _�3'`�� M1XED MUMtCIPAL SOUD WASTE S70RAGE AND REMOVAL. - Every residence buiiding sha11 '� be s�pplied with approved Containers which are of sufficient quant±ty and capacity to store ai! tha mixed municipal sotld weste from the unit and which are equipped with tight-fStting covers for storage of mixed municipal soiid waste. Mixed municipal sotid waste shai! be collected at feast weekly by a iicensed refuse hauler. In atl residence buiidings, it shafl be the responsibft�ty of the ownet to provide the corrceiners and aonuact with s ilcensed hauler for coliection of the mixed munlcipal solid waste. �� : �;Z�T3=ITl1��71�re3 ADDRESS NUMBEHS - Must 6e Ctearly readaU►e from the street, and a►ley if applieabie, both day and night. {See attachment HN-1.) RAlNLEADERS - Disconnect if drafned into city sawer. ROOF - Must be tight, with0ut 48aks. EXTEWOR W1sLLSJPAINT - Extetior surfaces other than deCay-resistant wood must ha peinted wtth non-lead-based paint. (SCraped and primed where Ree��n8•1 STAtRS/PORCHESiDECKS - Must be maintained '+n sound co�dition and good repair. Balustrades and guard►ails no more than nine inches i9") apan must be instatled on stairvvayslporchesldecks mora than ttiuty inchas (3d"! above grade. RAILS - Handralfs and balustrad8s required on stairs with fiaur ar more risers end must be . mai�te�lned in good condition. DOORS - Must be in sound condition and good repair, capabla of being easily opened from the inside withouL the use ot a key. tSingie-fiamily and firSt floor of dupiexas can be equipped with doubie-cyiintler dasdbofts.! WfNDOWS - Must be in sound condition, have no broken glass, have hardware to hofd in the "open" posltion, fit tigAt within the frama, and secure tocking mechanism. (Locks required on every w)ndow up ta and including second story or accessibte by fiirs escape, stairs, etc.) Windows can be epuipped with bars far security if tfiey are not required "egress windows." W;adows muat 6e equipped wlth screens. GARBAGE CONTAIIVERS - Owners are rgqutred to furnish Suffiicient containers with tids and weekly gatba@0 piCk-up (atso see Public Works Ordinance for Recycl;ng reauirements{• fi�i�:7r+7: POST CERTiFlCATE OP OCCUPANCYlOWNER 1NFORMATIQN - MusL be postsd near the front door so it can be resd from outside trie bullding. Owner ir+formstian and emergency tantaots ata pre-prinled on Certfficate af OccupanCy for you. WALtS/FIQQEiS/PAFNT - Must be ma(ntained cfea�, painted, and in a professional state of repair. STAIRSlRAl1S - Same specifications aS exterior stafrs. EXTERMtNATION - Qwners are responslble to exterminate insects and rodents in all areas of the huildlnp and premises. E it112J199� 12:18 6122285241 FIRE PREVENTION PAGE 85 R� -la`�'1 EVACUATlON PLANHING - Owners ars urged to develop end furnish to the occupants an epproved 0mergency evacuation p{an. : �. 1 , � FIRE EXT1Nt3UiSHERS - A 2A74BC fire extinguisher shouid be available �ear an exit from the tlwelling. �� fSCAPE WINDOWS - One window from each sleeping room must be easily openable from the inside. Some secutity grates and bars heve mschanisms thai opsn easily from inside. These windows must nave a net glazed area of five point seven {5.7} square feet, minimum net ctaer openable heigfit dimension of twenty-four inches i24"), minimum net clsar openabie width dimenston of tweniy inches 120"f, and a sill-side height of no more than forty-eight inches i48") above the floor. Area welts must mest minimum sizes {Ses Buitding Department direct+ve and EW-1 Attachment.! EX1T OSSTAUCTIONS - Afl exits to the buiiding must be unobstructed at atl items. 1Jo storage ls af{owed in steirwe�ls, corridors, or in front of doors. EXIT ILLUMIWATION - AN common hai{s and inside stairw8ys must be lit with a minimum iiluminatfon of one foot-candl� per square foot. Exterior exits and entryways are required to be illumin8ted a minimum of one fooicandfe at gtade level. „ , ly f �l$•.+ �,,: •� . PLUMBINO/SEWER - Kitcfien sinks, hand sinks, bathiub, showers, toitets or urinals must be suppiied w3th tunning water, adequate hot watar where appHCab�e, and must be Connected to the sewer and water system in accordanca with all provisfons ot the Plumbing Cotle. COMBUSTIBLE STOHAGE/Fl1RNACE RdOM - Combustible storage should nat be in any room containing furnace, heating, mechanical, or efectrica) equipment. , INCINERATORS - Not 811owad unless PCA-approved 8nd capabie of burning over 7,000 pounds pet hour. , FURNAC£lHEATiNG PLANT - Must be capable of providing fiedt at 88 dagrees five feet above tha floor in Sny ar8a of the dwetltng. Instalfation, repair, or aiteration of an heating equipme»t must be tlone by a licensed contractor undei permit from the Buifding insp�ction and �esign Division. llpon renewa( of the Certificata of Occupancy, a fo�m wiil be provided the ownerlmanager which must be fiiled out by e ticensed contractor verifying that the heating system or space heatar has bean sarviced and is fres ot carbon monoxide spiilage. iSee RH-1 attaChment.l WATER HEATER - Must be capabie of supptyi�g adequate hot weier at a minimum temperstu�e of 120 degrees and a ma�cimum of 130 degrees at every kitchen sink, tuh, shower, and laundry faciliLy. All repairs or atterations must be made unGer permit fram the Buifding Inspection and Design Division by s licensed contractor ln scCardance with ihe Plumbing Code. GAS COAINECTIONS - Flezible ConneCtors on stoves or dryers must be AGA approvetl double- wsQed. Single-waNed connecto�s that are klnkad, damagaC, or corroded must be replaced. 3 �� -ia�� ELECTRtCAL - Service must be adequate ia serve needs of occupants and maintained in accordance with the Electricat Code. Evary roorn 124 squsre feet or tess must have at least two dupiax out)eu. One additionel ouilet fs required tor each additionai 80 square #eet. � Kitchens musc have at laast three duplez outiets, one of which must be supplied by a separate 20-smp circuit, Any new outiet 'snstaUed within a six-foot radius of a kitchen sink must be Ground Feuft Circuit Interrupters I�FI). Every pubtic halt, water ctoset, bathroom, laundry, or fumace roam must co�tain at least one etectric light fi�Rure. 8athroom and laandry rooms must contain one light fixture and one dupfex autiet. The laundry room ouUat must he within six feet of the laundry appfiance on a separate 20.amp circuit. The outiet in ihe bathroom must be �FI. Existing outieis in ba[hroams must bs convsrted to a GFI or removed. Ail metallic tixtures within flva feet R5') horizonteity or efght feef 48`} vsrtically of grounded surfaces shail be gtoundad. ALL FAC�.ITIES AHD EQUtPMEAIT - AN required and suppiiad equipment and all bui4ding spaces and parts rnust ba constructed and mainteined to properly and safely perform their intended function. iAn air condiiioner is not required; but if provided, must work.! WOOOSTOVES - Ars not ailowed in residentiai garagas or areas where flammable Iipuids or vapors are present. GASOIINE STORAGE - No gasoline or other fiammabie iiquid can be stored in a residentiai bu�idi�g unless stored in a�-hour. fire-rated room or approved fire•rated cabinet. FlammabVe liquids can never be stored in a room with a sourca of ig�ition, sucfi as a furnace, water heater, etc. CONDEMNATIONJUNfiT - A Qwelling unit or enti�e buiiding may be Condamned when it is � determined to be an;nhabitahle or a hazard to tha safety or weifare of the tenantls►. UNITS - DIAt�LLIMG SMpKE DETfCTORS - State statute requires an operabfe smoke detector providad and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions outside each sieeping area of the rentai uNt. Battery ar eleccric smoke tletectors are allowed, but electric are recommended. Smoke detectors must be tested at least monihly, and batteries shouid be replaced annualiy. tSee SD-1 attacAment.) � bEADBOL7 LpCKS/DOORS - Entry doors must be equipped arith one-inch t 1"? approved sin8le- cyllnder deadboit locks. Existing 5/8" deadboit locks may remafn on sot;d core wood doors. meTel doors. and 314" panel doors with a s(x-{nch f6"! extendad strikepiate for wood-frame doars. doors must be substantiafly secure trom 18sgsl entry, snd if repiaoed, must be repiaced with solid core, sotid wood 3/4" panei or a mefal door with metai frames. Hinges must be R�aced on the inside of the door. Doors of single-family and grede levels af dupiexes may be equipped witfi double-cyl}nder tleadboits, but owners must warn occupants ot potential fire hazerds. iSee AD-1 attachment.} PATl016LIDER DOORS AND WiNDQWS - A removable track fitier or key-operated venical or horizontai bnit lock on pat10 and Alider windows is required. A wootl fiiler strip or removable screw in upPer track of windows shouid be installsd to prsvsnt them from being lifted out of traCk. FLOORStWALLS/PAINT/CASINETSlWOODWORK - Musi be in sound candition and good repair. AII paini must be non lead-based. My peeting or Haking paint must be rempved and repainted. W{NDOW LOCKS - At! windows must be equipped wifh secure locks. n � ' +�:18 6122286241 • FIRE PREVENTION sPaCE HE . Pa � and muyY SLb) to a►i req�ire�e 0� be servioed b ms of s � v ;cing���eaning (�8 �urnace/Heatrn Occupancy renewai, Y a���ensed cantractor and `� Aii regulations of ihe Mechanicai Code mun tie d durin 9 P�ant1 d�� _� a�� BATHROOM LIGHT 9 Certlflcete of ��I�ATION - Eve aDPiied. outside, a minlmum s)ze cf e� n' b�hroo approv� m�h�� percent (g96 m mu � have a window openabte Cal verttllation � of the total fioor area of tO the SYSiem. the room, TOlLETq{,qpp SINK o� an hand sink, and 2ub or�o BH�sY811ed and mainfained in accordance with �- Each dwelpng unit must coniain a bathroom wixh toilei, t� m ��R - Must be imperyious to water. ihe Plumbing Code. st be r epaired�rapl�etl, Carpetin g not allowed, Cracks or KITCFIEN SIN missing K - Every dwellln requirement in the bathroom. 9 �nli shail contain a kitch en sink apart from ihe hantlslnk ��CTRIC4l p�1�s _ S� E�ectricat. EX7ENSION CORDS - Not ailowed for pe�manant wirin circuit breakers ase aiso not le ai. The overload on the wirin in the w can be e fire h 9 8• Those extension cords with ezefd. 9 a�i produces heat and OCCUPAlyT �p,4D _ pwe11i� �nits 9 must contai� the foilowinp; TOTAI UH1T OROSS PLOOR qqEq 1 oocupant - 750 squa�e feet , 2 0 � more ocCUpents - 10p square feet pe� pa�son GROSS SLEEp�NG pOaM/��OOR qqEq 1 occupant - 7p square feet 2 0 � more occupants - 60 square feet per p�rson TENqNT SqN�Tqr�ON/REgpp ciean and sanita NS - Occu They are also � � cond(tlon and tlispo e of r f pents are requtretl to m; their quired to kee '� e �Se in the contairters e fain their unit in a use and operatip�, �f the UPp�tetl fixtures I Provided b maintained !n accordance with the � ean and san;ta Y the owner. y furnish any fiMUres of their own the uSe reasonabte care in Building Code. Y must be inste�led and � �«S - in at1 dweilings or muiti �8 N, water p��pp�s coutorrr� baMeria and p d e11 �� P�operty owner nitrate 8s serviCetl by a private �,ye11 for every two (21 years. ii shaif be the resPons'bilitY of rhe pro drinking ROOMIN6 be conducted by the UNRS/ADDITIQNAL REQWREMENTS PeRy owner. � • Cannot contain miCrowav�.) cookin9 or eatin 9 facitiiies. (i.e., s[oves, 2 hot plate5, refrigeretors. A bathroom corrc�;���g a hand sink, toitet, str�cture directly accesgtple w;thout adjacent to �tl tub or shp„„ mu� be avaitable withln the the rooming unit. 9Oj^ outside and fra�;o� thereof). One bathroom rr�u �� the st be availabie for ch fiver or a floor 3 • Each sleepin8 room pe�sons (or per person for tN,o musi contain at least 70 squara i or more peOp►e. eet of Haor area, or 60 square feet 5 �� � 4. 5. Owners are respansihie for weekly changes of supplied linens and taweis. Every roars�ing unft muss bs supplied wi2A shades, drapes, or oiher mater;als affording prlvacy. S. Owners are responsibie for sanitary maintenance of watis, floors, ceilings, and for maintenanCe of all suppiied equipment. �� -� a�+ i � ti � CTTY OF SAINT PAITL Norm Colemnn, bfayor November 19, 1997 To Fr: Re: BUSINESS REVIEW COYNCIL Wi"Iliam Cosgnff, Chair IAWRYPROFESSIONAL BUILDING Suite 300 350 SG Peler Streef Sain! Paul. Mrnnssola 55102-]SIO Council Ptesident Thune and Members of the City Council Business Review Council (BRC) q� - �ay� Telephone: 612-266-9090 Facsimrte: 61 D2669099 612-266-9124 Certificate of Occupancy for One and Two Family Rentai I1nit Proposal The BRC wishes to ciarify its position regazding the Certificate of Occupancy proposal submitted by Councii Member Megard and Counci3 Member Bostrom. After lengthy discussions and detailed analysis of the proposal, (at which Council Member Megard and her aid, Ann Ciezlak were present) the BRC authored a clear and concise resolution endorsing the general concept of a Certificate of Occupancy for one and two family rental units. However BRC support was clearly based upon three amendments to the original proposal; including a focus on problem properties, a flexibie renewal based on the condition of the property, and appropdate funding and sta�'ing for the program. A copy of the original resolution has been attached for your review and consideration. cc: Mayor Norm Coleman Roger Curtis, Assistant to the Mayor Nancy Anderson, Council Secretary BUSNESS REVIEW COWi CIL tfilkcm CosgrtJf, Chm� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Caleman, Mayor LOIf'RYPROF£SSIO.VAL BUIIDl.�"G Surte 300 3SOSt PeterStreet Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-/510 �f1-�a�'`� Telephone: 612-266-9090 Facsimile: 612-266-9099 672-2669124 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL Bt3SINESS REVIEW COUNCIL Presented By: Mazk Mceller Seconded By: Julie Hoff Date: November 6, 1997 WHEREAS, The Saint Paul Business Review Council (BRC) has thoroughly analyzed and discussed the proposal requiring a Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) for One and Two Family Rental Units, and WHEREAS, the BRC has determined that there are significant community development opportunities contributing to the economic vitality, health, safery and welfare of the citizens of Saint Pau] in the proposal. NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED, that the BRC endorses requiring a Certificate of Occupancy for Qne and Two Family Rental Units with the follo�ving provisions; ■ That the program �vill focus on problem One and Two Unit Rental Properties including, but not limited to, those proQerties which: consume excessive Police and Fire Department resowces; generate complaints; have a history of non-compliance; are tax delinquent; have been referred by a Community Councii; or have a below market average tax assessment value for comparable property. That the program wili maintain a fle�ble Certificate of Occupancy renewal period ranging from one yeaz to five years based on the individual condition and needs of the properiy. BE IT FtJIZTHER RESOLVED, that the BRC encourages the Mayor and the City Council to unplement the new Certificate of Occupancy for One and Two Family Rental Units by fceusing on the properties with the greatest need rather than the geographic approach enumexated in the Resalution submitted by Councilmember Megazd and Councilmember Bostrom. NOW Bfi TT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the BRC recommends staffmg, funding and fee decisions associated with the Certificate of Occupancy for One and T�vo Unit Rental Properties be implemented by the appropriate City admnvstration and staff. Adopted by the BRC: November 6, 1997 Resolution adopted 14-0 with no abstentions: /� ��� �/� Signed: �L+� �'�k!!'. -� William Cosgciff, h u � Tro 'ilbertson, Sta£f to the BRC � ��a� � 0�� � $ �' �,� � a�IZ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nnrm Cnlemm�, Murnr December 2, 1997 Councfl President David Thune and City Councilmembers 310 and 320 City Hall 15 West Ke(logg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 3S0 Citp Halt � Telephorse: 612-266-8510 IS Weat Keltogg BoulevarJ Facsimite: 612-266-8513 Sairst Paul, MN SSIO2 Regarding: Veto of Proposed Certificate of Occupancy Ordinance and Resolution (Council Files 97-124b and 97-1247) Dear Council President Thune and Councilmembers: I am returning to you, w'sth my veto, the proposal to require a Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) for one-and two-family rental dweliings which are not occupied by the owner. As I have said on many occasions, I agree with and support the goals of the proposed program. The quality of rental housing in Saint Paul is an important issue and instituting a requirement that these rental units also meet the City's building, fire and property maintenance codes is a goal I support. To help ensure that rental units meet these goals, we have had a very active Information Exchange Task Force (a.k.a. Problem Properties Task Force). The Task Force's activities and actions have regularly been reported to you and your staff. The Task Force's accomplishments include: Creation of a full list of probiem properties. Removal of a properiy from this list indicates the property's problems have been solved. Some 60 properties have been removed from the list in the past two years. Marked improvements in building structure, and tenant and landlord behavior in several large rental complexes—including those in the Midway, Rice Street, Payne-Maryland and Battle Creek areas. An increase in Task Force participation by landlord and tanant groups. � �- � �� -1'�`�� Council President and Councilmembers December 2, 1998 Page 2 Nonetheless, I believe we will strengthen our neighborhoods by instituting a C of O program that gives priority to cleady identified problem properties, specifioaUy those that generate complaints. True problem properties shouid be the focus of any new program. The following aze some of the flaws with the approved program: The proposed grogram does not focus resources upon the important issue—resgonse to complaints about and inspection of problem properties. Such an approach'ss especially critical when we have scazce resources. 2. The proposed program is too infle�cible in its allocation of resources to the establishment of a systematic, geographically-based, ten-yeaz inspection cycle of properties as opposed to resources tazgeted for complaint responses. A better approach, I believe, is to focus upon the inspection of problem properties and a fl�ible schedule for re-inspection. 3. I have submitted a proposed budget to you and you have approved the maximum levy for 1998. The costs of the proposed program are not included in either the budget or the maximum levy. You have not identified budget resources to pay for the implementation of the proposed program. As you may recall, our staff have not reached agreement on the total costs af the proposed program and the differences are substantial. No budget resourcas have been identified that wouid fund even the lower program costs identified in your staff analysis. I do not support the use of fund balances, which are one-time revenues, for the use of an ongoing program. Nor have you shown that the proposed fees will be adequate to cover progl costs. Nonetheless, I will work with you to identify additional resources that could be available for a C of O program in 1998. On November 14, you were told of my concems with your ordinance and that, if passed without modification, it would be subject to my veto. Since then, my staff has attempted to work with you on alternatives that address the weaknesses of the proposed program. Unfortunately, our attempts to find common ground were unsuccess£ul. Regrettably, then, I veto the actions you have taken because yaur approach has significant weaknesses and better alternatives are avai(able to accomplish our joint goals. �� _ ` a�t�( Council President and Councilmembers December 2, 1998 Page 3 This veto should not halt the development and consideration of a workable and successful C of O program. I invite you to work with me to design a new proposal, one that focuses upon problem properties, and one that can be submitted to you in early January, 1998. Sincerely, ���,�..�I�-- Norm Coleman Mayor c: Peg Buk Phil Byme Steve Christie Roger Curtis Fire Chief Fuller Peter Hames Tim Manc Joe Reid Barb Renshaw Gerry Strathman Assistant Fire Chief Gary Trudeau Fire Marshall Steve Zaccard �� i� 97 08:15a Rawlie R. Sullivan t61Zf649-0111 p.1 � �� Please de{iver immediately to: of: Fax number: Voice number: Fax received from: of: Fax number: volce numDer: Date: St. Paul City Counci! Members 266857d Rawiie R. Sufiivan (612)6A9-0111 (612)649-0111 11J12/97 Time: 8:14:41 AM Number of Pages: 1 Subject: Certificate of Occupancy Program ���✓ a.J i.7 LL f✓ • �! � �� - I ,7``�`� a are many valid questions at�out this ordinance which Ms. Megard has not �red to answer before bringing this bill before the council. There are many owners who care for their renters and take care of this property. if this bill is �d in it's present form these owners wiii be penalized for caring. Send this bill for SERIOUS REVISION! _ � u8:i5a Rawlie R. Sullivan (612lS49-0111 p.Z November 12,1997 To: St. Paul City CounCil Members From: Mary Kay Sullivan 2211 Dayton Avenue 5t. Paut, Mn 55104 Re: fJrdinance rzc}uicing Cert�ftcate of Occupancy Program for one� and two- wxit dwellings �� , �'�.� 1 Aiier reading'fhe pxoposal re�azdin� tlus oXClinsncc+, 1 do not ehink thut it is scilTiciently dc&ncd to pass at this time.. As far ss I can tell the requireazents on the owners of s�zch rental properties aze ambiguous aad dependent on the perticnlar inspector. Many older houses cennot possibly meet some o�today's standards, but are fine and well-mamtained dwelling places. i also do not believe it to be � good orclinance in its preseut fazm. Much oL the ihrust uf the ordinance seerras to be to upgrAde shideat honsing. While this may be imporiasst, it should not be sn ord'mance which peualizes the rsmaiuzder of the population. I'he rents� wut whicfl my husbamd and i own is a ho�ase built in 1909. While rt is a comfartabie d�veUing, u does bave its own set of idiosyncrasies which may zzoi meet today's standards. We rent tv a smg(e woman whn hne dweh Ihere for uwre than ifi years. 'The hUUSe is on the same lot ss our awn home, so we are constanfly awaze of any difficulties that may occur. If certain structural irregularities aze presem, tJaaey would be imposszble or financ3atly prohibifSve tv change. "I7ien we couf&not a6ford co ren[ the gropetry and the woman wouid be out of a horae.. She does consider this her home aad treats h as such. The ordinance seems to penalize people tike us who IDO maiatan� their properties by having ta pay inspectiou fees ott a consistent basis in order to "catch " those who do NQ�' maintain their prvperties. I am siue there are abuses per�et�ated by some landlords, but must we all be puaisHed? tiver the ten years we have lived at oizr present address, we have been awaxe af xqany zou7n�, vio�ations having to do with the niunber of unrelated aduits tivin� in A g;ven unn--thexe are 5 and 6 studebxs in sozne houses, I fiave even had patents tell me of t8eir son or daug�ter living �vith several others and have asked if they realized this was a code violation,, 'x'he- respanse was that they did not and it was ztot iin�purtant any�vay, When 1 oalled Bobb,y Megard's olTice. I suggested thet a referral systsm m;ght be hetter requit;ng evezyone to be inspected, I was fold thae this was not fair becnuse people were uot being "treated equally". What is the faiz�aess in pvaishing {by fees, etc,) ihose who mamtain their re�tal properties because sorne peopie du uot? Cou1J nvt the ortlinxnce be written in Such a way that thOSe whv tent propezties in substandard condition and ue referred either by the inhab3tants or others then be- iusQected sad reqaired to chanQe the condition of their property? Please consider the rsanficatious to landiords sucla as us who try k�azd ta keep iheir Px+>P��� � good cvndition, who naake au ell'ort to kccp tkeir rents reasonabte, �d work �ith their tenants in maintazuiug the homes in our area. Dp NOT PA.SS this or.dinance! tl/12197 12:09 FA% 612 593 0944 ��� SMA�CA, Inc. MINNBSOTA-NORTH �AKOTA-SOU111 BAKOTA /WSILACORtVEt70RTN.SU1TElOD AiM1HEAP'06�9.�9i5W2�599 Pi�NE:IBt�SW�0Y�1 FAX: (S12) b0}OON Y 311 1L` a •n•1ti11 Mayor Norm Coleman 390 City Hall St Paui, MN 55102 Re: Certiticate of Q'ccnpancy Inspeetton Program for Rental Single FamilyiDapleaes Dear Mayor Coleman: l� 001 �� 1 ��� The Sheet Metal, Air Condifloning & Roofing Contractars Association of Minnesota (5MARCA} is a trade association representing more than 175 heating and ventilating contractors in the Twin Cities metro area. We support the Certificate of Occupancy Tnspection Program. 'I'his prograzn is vital to maintain safe housing in the City of St. Paul. This program of basic safety inspecfions of St. Paul's rentai housing stock is important to the city, to the resale ability of its housing stock, and to the safety of its ci6zens. The recent axticles in the Star Tribune on moistiuelvenrilalion pzobletns in homes and last winter's carbon monoxide deaths in Minnesota show the vitat need for such periodic inspecrioas, including a safety inspection of the heating systems. In order ta have a quality inspecfion program that provides the needed inspections, the city must aiso adequately staff the program. To estabiish the Certificate of Occupancy Inspection Program, while cutting its unplementation� short changes the great citizens of 3t. Paul. Again, SMARCA strongly supQorts the Certificate of Occupancy Inspection Progratn. Sinceraly, � aznes E. ' am Chief Executive Officer 7E$:gaw PETER L M4E, Mesident • STEVEq J. MCGR/�iN. Vla Prosidsrrt • SERRY L. HVTCMN50N, S�rnbry•Troasurx� N08FRT 0. McDOWALI„ Poft GresldeM TNOMA9 J. BROGAN •C1IARLE$ l. flSHER • BRUCE A NASSEIBRiND • NENNEiH P..fOHNSOH • L4RAY C. JORDAN • CNRISTOPHER & LEE DAND O. MCFARtANE •]LMES R. MYER3. LEROY L 5lUitER • ANTXONV M.9ROAREIU • 1. JOHN T9711S, J0. •JOIM H.7MEN 8nee1 Ns1N. Mr Candklooh+G 6 Hw1YW CoNneWS Nw'd�tbn November 11, 1997 cc: St. Paui City Couneil 11/12l1997 12:18 5122286241 FIRE PREVENTION CITY UF SAWT PAL7I. Department otFire and Safety Services 1Q0 East lkth Street Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55lO1 PAGE 01 q������� Facsimile Transmittal Coversfieet DATE: FA?� NUINBER: FItOM: TIME �7 � � s FAX N'UMBER: Fire Administration ( } (612) 228-6255 Fire Traiaing ( ) (6I2) 644-8818 suB.r�cr: Eqoipment Services ( ) 545-?OSO � Fire Prevention (�� (622) 228-6241 Fire Communications ( ) (6�2) 292-6Q21 �Idg. Maint. ( ) (612}771-9087 TOTAX. PAGES INCLUDING COVEX2SHEE'X':_ � If you did not receive ail of this FAX, plesse contact: ��� at: V�� �i��„ f�� o: � � �� ���� ���� /l �r • Station 24 Supplies ( ) (6Z2)7�4-2343 .���u 199? 12:18 6122286241 FIRE PREVENTION � InteMepartmentat Memorandum CITY OF SAINf PAUL TO: Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Ierry Blakey Counciimember Dan Bostrom Counciimember Joe Collins ` Councilmerr►ber Mike Herris Cow�cilmembor Bobbi Megard Councilmeim� G�ladys Morton FROM: F�ure Marsha! Steve Zaccard �fS�� _ DATE: November 12, 149? .J �: Code Requirements for i- or 2-faznily Dwellings PA6E H2 � � _ i `a,`l l f CJC�E At the October 22, 1997, public hearing on the ordina�ce to acpand the fire departmem's e�cisting cenificate of occupancy inspection prog�am to incl�de 1- or 2-family rental dwetlings, Counciimember Hanis req,,msted a aetailed Ust of what the codes require of these dweUings. That list is attached, Ca Tias Fiilla Gary Trudeau Rogsr Cnrtis Chuck Votel 12:18 b122 i ,.,�.�,;,' i �I �AAAR! �'Y OF NprM � � �� lex�. .Nayor FIRE PREU p A� 03 DEPART1y�•O PIRB ��NKI�hIIer,}y��� � � N OF p� p �'vENTION q � 1 �GeMorsho[ 11 - � �_ ILbPqtrt7everah Surer Sa1+uPvn{MNSSIOJ TelepMne:612-2Z&67j0 Fat,rv�y�e. 612-228-6241 ��F AND TH/p UNIT RENTqI py�E�L�NGS PRE-INgpECT10N CHECKLIST For oN,�ers/managerS of r e�tal propeny of one or two unn dweilings. S��TATI e��mai f�g9 or etuse� shail be maintained tree of accumulated garbage, tr GRADINQ AND D qq�NAGE - ash, solid waste, ��'�'eY from ocCUpietl A �� p�emises shail be structures and gradetl and malntain GROUNO mjnim►ze the ac cumularion of ed so as COVER - water to dra�� �„�ater erosion, dust E � e7 y ���Centi8l � on such premises. cov e ^d mud by suitable lan p emises shall be malntalned ' by t e or by p m wrth asphal concr� w�th g�ass, trees, Shrubs a condition to enfo�c Y offi �e or b control cer. Y such other suitabfe � �Ther p�antea r G�ASS AND means as shall be $�und WEEDg - Gras,q and w PAroved INSE�rg eeds shaU noi be more than and/o� �� RODENT INFESTq�ry 8 j�ches in herght. e�iminate any infe � ' �t shap eccessory structures o �ation pf �� be the resportsibilit n the p�s• rodents or other y� the owner to control Premiy�s. pests in all ACCESSaRY STRUCT �terior areas and gara8es, sheds and f URES - q�� aCCesso exterior wood S� ences, shell be ry � ru �ures inciudin and d ff ��. other than d�amaintained streioturall g' but no iimited SeN�ce ey bY p ��� t � is not lead-ba ed �� w y Sound and �� Yo, detached doors to r oods, shafl be p�pfected frp�od repair, q�� esidential garages hali be 8fn or by other � m the etements � MATERIq�g _ Provided with p°tective coverin securin9 locics, 9 �r treatmenY. boxes, cenons or �t shall be un►aw;u► end other ite �ther contarners, to accumulate antl m$ m such m�hinery, scra store b�i�d� manner as to consritute P metal, j�nk, raw 9 rnateriai , lu F �REINOOD _ a nuiSanCg O �p material, fabricated mber, fe6t frpm a h P`1eS �� firew0oq gy � dent harborage. 800tls abitable building, be more rhan 5 feet in heigryt antl not closer than 7p REFq� or otheG �p�t��'�� ACCESStBLE CONV when closad, • s ufficiertt�y lar TAINEqg - It shall be unlawful to or latches, to be exppy� 8e to retain a �hild and w(th ehd eCCessib�e to childr doors whiCh astent a refri � withoui rem 9efator EXTE ov�� automalically RIOR SfDEyyp�K WAL 9 the doors, litls, hin8es KW qYS AND STAIRS _ A�� sidewalks, wa�kv„a e�� exterior � 1 _.,a�i1997 12:18 6122286241 FIRE PREVENTION PAGE 04 sLairs shali he maintained in a safe, sound condition, free of defacts and hazards. cc1 -1a-� � MIXED MUNIqPAL SOUD WASTE STORAGE AND REMOVAL. - Every tesideoce buitding Shafl be supptietl writ� approved coniainers which are of sufficient quantity and capacity to store a11 ihe mixed municipal soiid wsste from the unit and which ere equipped with tight-fStting covers for Storsge of mixed municipal soiid waste. Mixed municipai solid waste sha11 be collecLed at teast weekly by s licensed refuse hauler. !n afl tesidencs bvildings, it shall be ihe rssponsibiUty of the ownet to provide the containers and contract with a ifcensed hauler for collection ot the mixed munlcipal salid wasta. IXTER(S�e AF BUILDIht3 ADOF�SS MIMBERS - Must be cieariy readable from the street, and alley if appiicable, both day and Mght. (See attachment HN-1.) RAINLEADERS - Disconnect if drafned into city sewer. RpQF - Must be tight, without lesks. EXTERIOR WALLSlPAINT - Ext�for suffaces other than decay-resistant wood must be painted with non-teed-bassd paint. {Scraped and primed where pee)ing.} STAIRSlPORGHES/DECKS - Must be ma�ntained in sound condition and good repair. Betus[rades and guardrsils no mofe than nine inChes {9"} apatt must be installed on stairwaysiporchesldecks more than thirty inches (30"} above grade. RAILS - Handraits and belustrades required on stairs w9th four or more risers and must be maintafned in good condition. DOORS - Must be in sound condition and good �epair, capable of being easily apened from the inside without the use of a key. tSingie-family and Frsc floor of duplexes can be equipped with double-cylind9r desdboits.) WMIDOWS - Must be in SounC condition, have no hroken glass, have ha�dware to hotd In the "open" poskion, fit tight withi� the ftame, and secure locking mechanism. ilocks required on every window up to and including second story or accessible by fire escape, stairs, etc.1 Windaws can be equipped with bars for security if they ars not required "egress wi�dows." Windows musi be equipped with screens. GARBAGE CONTAINERS - Owners are required to furnish sufficisnt containers w;th lids and weekiy garba�e piCk-op {also ses Pubiic Works Ordi�anca for Recyciing requirementsM• � : •,: P4ST CERTfFiCATE OP OCCUPANCYlOWNER lNFORMATION - Must be posted near the front door so it cen be read itom outside the bullding. Owner informatian and emergency contacts are pra-printed on Certifficate of Occupancy for yau. WALLStFLOQRSlPAINT - Must be maintained ciean, paintad, and in a protessionsi state ot repair. STAtRSJRA#LS - Same specificetionS as exterior stafrs. EXTERMiNAT10111- Ow�ers ate responsible to exterminate insects and rodsnts in alt areas of the buildtng and premises. E 11/1211997 12:18 6122286241 FIRE PREVENTION PA6E 85 ��-tia�"� EVACUATION PLANNING - Owners are urged to develop end fumish to the occupants an approved emergency evacuatfon plan. FIRE IXTIHtiU1SHERS FIRE EXTINCiU1SHERS - A 2A708C fire extinguisher should be availab4e near an exit from the dwelling. �� ESCAPE WMiDOWS - One window from each sleeping room must be easily openable trom the inside. Some security grates and bars have mechanisms that open easily fram inside. These windows must have a nat giazed area of five point seven t5.7? square feet, minimum net ciear opanabie height tlimension o4 twenty-four inches i24"), minimum net ctear openable width dimenslon o} twenty inChes (2Q"), and a sill-side height af �o more than fony-eighY inChes (48"! above the floor. Area wells must meet minimum sizes (See Bu+)ding Department directive and EW-1 Attechment.) EXIT 09STRUCTIbNS - All axits to the bu;tding must be unobstructed at atl items. No storage is aflowed in stairweils, Corridors, oT in front of doors. EXIT ILLUMINATION - Aii aommon halis and fnside stairways must be iit with a minimum illuminatlon of ane foot-candle per s�uare foot. Exterior exits and entryways are required to be iilumin8ted a minimum of vne footCa�dte at grade level, PLUMBINQISHINER - Kitchen sinks, hand sinks, bathtub. showers, toifets or urinals must be suppfiad wlth tunning water, adequate hot water where appiicable, and must be connected to the sewer and water system in accordance with atl provistons of the Plum6ing Code. COMBUSTIBLE STORA6EtFURNACE ROOM - Combustible storaga should not be in any foom COniafning furnace, heating, mecheniCal, or electricat equipment. 1NCINERATOR5 - Not sllowed unlsss PCA-approved and Capable ot burning over 7,000 pounds per hottr. FURNACE/HEATING PLANT - Nlust be capable of providing heat at 68 dagrees five feet above the floor in eny srea of tfie dwelling. Installatian, repair, or elteration of an heating equipment must be done by a licensed contractor under permit from the Buitding Inspection and �esign Division. Upon renewat of the Certificate of O�cupancy, a form witl be provided the owner/manager whiCh must be filled out by a iicensed contractor verifying that tha heating system or space hsater has been serviced and is free ot carbon manoxide spillage. ISee RH-1 attachment.) WATER HEATER - Must be capable of supplying adequate hot water at a minimum temperature of 120 deprees and a mauimum af 130 degrees at every kiLChen sink, tub, shower, and laundry facitity. All repairs or alterations must be made un0er permit from the Buifding Inspection antl Design Division by 81iCensed contrector ln accordance with the Plumbing Code. GAS COIVNEC770NS - Flexible conneCtors on stoves or drya�s must be AGA appraved double- walletl. Singte-walled connectors that are kinkad. damaged. or cotroded must be replaced. 3 11/22I1997 12:18 6122286241 FIRE PREVENTION PA6E 06 �t�l - ��-`�� ELECTAJCAL - Se►vice must bs adequate to serve needs of occupants and maintained in accordance with the Electrical Code. Every room 120 square feet or less must have at least two duplex outleis. One sddiiional outlet Is required for sach additianal 80 square faet. Kftchens must have at least three dupiex outlets, ons of which must be supplied by a separate 20-amp circuit. Any new outlet instaUed within a six-foot radius of a kitchen snk must be Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters tGFI}. Every pubiic hall, water ctoset, bathroom, iaundry, or fumaCe room must contain at least one electric ligM fixture. Bathroam and laundry rooms must contain one light fixture and one dupie�c outiet, The taundry room outlet must be within six feet of the laundry appliance o� a separate 20-amp circuit. The outie# in the bathroom must be GFI. Extsting outlets in bathrooms must be converted to a GFI or removed. AII metallio fixtures wtthin ftve feet t5'} hor{zontally or efght feet (8'► verticaNy of grounded surfaces shafl be graut►ded. ALL FACILITIES AND E4LfiPMENT - AN required and supplied equipment and aii building spaces and parts must be constructed and maintained to properly and sately perform their intended function. IAn air condiiioner is not required; but it provided, must work,) WOUDSTOVES - Are not aflowed in residential garages or aress where flammabfe Iiqulds or vapors are present. GASOLINE STORAGE - No gasoline or other ftammable liquid can be stored in a residentiat building unless stored in e�ne-hour. ftre-reted room or approved fire-rated cabinet. Flammabie liquids can never be stored in a room with a suurce of ignition, such as a furnace, water heater, etc. COHDEMNATIQN/UMfl7 - A dwellfng unit or entire building may be condemned when it is determined to be uninhabiiable or a hazard to the safety or welfare of the tenanttsl. LNITS - DwEL�ING SMOKE DETEC7dRS - State ststute requires an operabls smoke detector provided and maiMained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions outside each sleeping area ot the rental unit. 8ettery or eteCtric smoke detectors are allowed, hut eteciric are recommended. Smoke detectors must be testetl at least monthly, and batteries should be replaced annuaily. (See SD-1 attachment.► DEAdBOL7 LdCKSlDOORS - Entry doors must be equipped with one-inch (1 "} approved single- cyllnder deadbolt locks. Existing 518" deadholt locks may remafn on solid core wood doors, metal doors, and 3/4" panet doors wiih a six-inch IB") extsnded strikeplate for wood-frame doors. Doors must be substantially secu►e from Nlega� entry, and if reptaced, must be replaeed with solid core, solid wood 3t4" panel or a metal door with metat frames. Hinges must be placed on the inside of the door. Doors of single-tamily and grade ievels of duplexes may be equipped wlth doublg-cyllnder deadbolts, but owne�s must warn occupants of potential fire hazards. iSee AD-7 attachment.) PAT101GUDER DOORS AND WINDOWS - A removable track filler or key-operated vertical or horizontal bolt ►ack on patio and gfider windows is reQuired. A wood titler strip or removable sCrew in upper track of windows should be installed to prevent them from being lifted out of ttack. FLOORSM►ALLSlPA1NTlCAHlN@TSlWOODWORK - Must tse in sound condition and good repair. AII paini must be non lead-bassd. My peeling or flaking paint must be removed and repai�ted. WIIYDOW LOCKS - All windows must be equipped with secure focks. n � 11112/1997 12:18 5122286241 FIRE PREVENTIDN PAGE 07 �'1 ,1�-`� `7 SPACE HEA7'�RS - SubJect to atl requiremer►ts of servicing/cleaning (see �urnacelHeating Plant} and must be ssrviced by a licensed contraetor and proof furnished during Geri�flcate of Occupancy renewai. Atl regufations ot the Mechanical Code must be applied. BATNROOM L1GHTtVENTilAT10H - Every batfiroom must hava a window openabie to the auiside, a minimum s)ze of eight psrcent (6%3 of ths total tioar area of irie room, or an epproved mechanical ventliatton system. TOILET/HAND SINKfTUBlSHOWEA - Each dwetling u�it musi contain a bathroom with toilet, hand sink, and tuh ar shower instaUed and maintained in accordance with tha Plumbing Code. BATHROOM FLOQR - Must ba imp�vious to water. Carpeting not ailowed. Cracks or missing ti18s tnust be rep8ired/tepleCed. KITCHEN SINK - Every dwelHng unit shali contain a kitchen sink apart from the handsink requirement in the bathroom. ElECTRICAI OUTIETS - 58e Electricat. EXl'�MSION COROS - Not allowed for permanent wi�ing. Those extension cords with circuit breekers 8re elso not legal. The overload on the wiring in the wall produces heai and can be a flre hazard. OCCUPANT LOAD - Dweiling units must contain the following: TOTAL UNIT (iROSS FLOOR AREA 1 occupant - 150 square feet 2 or more oCCUpents - 100 square feet per person GROS$ SLEEPING ROOM/FLOOR AREA 1 occupent - 70 squere feet 2 or more ocCUpants - 50 square feet per person TENAMT SANITATIQNtRE3PONSIBtLiTiES - Occupants ars requlred to msiniain the;r unit in a clean and sa�itary condkfon and dispose of refuse in the containers provided by the owner. They are also required to keep supplfed fixtures clean and sanitary and use reasonabte care in thei� use and operation. ffi they furnish Sny fixtu►es of their own, they must be instalted and maintained in accordanca with the Building Code. PRt1lATE WELIS - In all dwellings or muitiple dweliings servicad by a private well for drinking water purpases, CoBform bacterin and nitrate testing of water sha11 ba conducted by the property ownsr every two t2) years. it shalt he the responsihitity of the prapsny owner. ROOMIN6 UNITSfADdlTIQNAL REQUIREMENT5 1. Cannot contain cooking or eating facilities. (i.e., stoves, hot plates, refrigerators, m;crowaves.} 2. A bethroom contai»ing a hand sink, toilet, and tub or shower must 6s avaifable within the structure directly accessibie without going outside and on the same floor ar a floor adjacent to the rooming unit. Orte bathroom must be avaiiahie for each tive persons (or fraCtion thereofl. 3. Each sleep{ng room must contain ac ieast 70 square feet of fioor area, or 60 square feet per person far iwo or more peopla. E 11t12i199? 12:18 5122286241 FIRE PREVENTION PAGE @8 4. Owners ars responsibie for weekly changes of supplied linsns and towets. 5. � a`t-�ay� Every rooming unit must be supplied wtth shades, drapes, or other materiats affording privaCy. Owners ate responsibie for sanitary mairtten8nce ofi wa8s, fioors, ceilingS, and for maintenance of eii supplied equipme�t. � ;', : i". P ' e ^. October 21, 1997 Davs Thune, Council President St Paul Gity Councii Offics of the City 310 A Ciiy Halt 15 W. Keliogg St Paut, MN 551�2 Dear Councii President Thune, q�1- t �.��t Thomas • Dale DisYricY 7 Communify Council, Inc. z� '369 Univezsity Avenve St. Pau1, MN SS1Q3 PH: (612} 298-5068 FAX: (612) 29&-5072 The �istricf 7 Planning Councii at their Physical Pianning meefing held on Ocfober 14, revie�Ned the CarG�cate of Occupancy proposal before you at the City Council. The committee passed the foilow+ng motion that wilf go to our Board on Thursday October 23 for their revie�rr Motion; That the Districf 7 Planning Council conditionally endorses ihe proposed CerUficate of 6ccupancy proposai for renter occupied single family homes and dupiex psoperties within tfie City ofi St Paui. We wouid i'ske to sea ihe following concems/additions made to the ordinancs: 1) That the propased rentai Gcsnsing inspect+on plan, which shows that the Thomas Dale community would rmt ceceive its initial inspection urrUl the year 2004-05> is nof acceptable. This proposed scheduie wouid delay re�tai inspec6on in our community beyond the point oi heing effective. 2) That in conjunc6on wifh arry Certificate of Occupancy inspecfian program there needs to 6e resources avaifable for iandlords to be able to make needed repairs to their propetty in order to keep families from bei�g displaced firom su6standard housing without malting allowancss fior that housing #0 4e repaired. 3)1'he ciiy should at� take this oppartunity to require landlords and rnmers of singie fiamiiy, dupiex, tripte� and muiii-iamiiy rental properties to be licensed. Licansing of ptopedy ownets aod tentai agents wouid give added pro#ection to both communities and tenants when trying to rectify problam prope�ies that they may own or opetate. -" While theThomas Dale community could stand to benefit great{y from a reMal certificate of occupancf program, we are concamed ihai this program not resu{t in the further foss of property wifihin in our several neighborhoods. Our organization pfedges to wo�k close{y wiih ihe cify of SL Paui and its inspectior�s department to ensure that any such program is implemented fairiy and that resources are made availab(e to make cartain tfiat property is repaired, not just removed or demolished if found to 6e substandard upon inspection. Thank you for your considertion of our comments and atten6on to this ptoposai. P4ease fee! free to contact our stafF at 298-5068 if you need arry fudher information regarding our position. Sincerety, . �� 6regory Ray Chair DisUict l Pfaning Councii Board - � �, . _..--�.�--ry�-.-e�_.��_,-�._ ,_,-�-�.� -,� ._.�-,.-_�--- =---_-_-____ �.._-------;r,,; .• i BUSINES5 REVIEW COUNCII, �ib"am Cosgriff, Ckair CITY OP SAII�'T PAUL Narm Coleman LOWRPPROF�SSIONAL BUbDII7G Suite 300 350SC Petsr Sbee[ SaintPmtl Minnesota55102-I510 a� �a�� Telephone: 61 L2G6A090 Facsimile: 612Z66-9099 612-Y669124 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL BUSINESS REVIEW COUNCIL Fresented By: Mazk Mceller Seconded Sy: Julie Hoff Date: November 6,1997 WE�EREAS, The Saint Paul Business Review Council (BRC) has tharoughly analyzed and discussed the proposal reqturuig a Certificate of Occupancy {C of O) for One and Two Family Rental Units, and WHEREAS, the BRC has determined that there aze significam community development opporiunities contribuCing to the economic vitality, health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Saint Paul in the proposal. NOW, TFiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the SRC endorses requiring a Certificate of Occupancy for One and Two Family Rental Units with the following provisions: ■ That the program will focus on problem One and Two Unit Rerrtal Properties including, but nat limited to, those properties which: consume excessive Police and Fire Depariment resources; generate complai�s; have a history of non-compliance; are tax delinquent; have been referred by a Community Council; or have a below mazket average tas assessment value for campazable properiy. That the program will maintain a fleacible Certificate of Occupancy renewal period ranging from one yeaz to &ve yeazs based on the individuai candition and needs of the properry. BE IT FiJRTHER RESOLVED, that the BRC encourages the Mayar and the City Councii to implement the new Certificate of Occupancy for One and Two Family Rental Units by focusing on the properties with the greatest need rather than the geographic approach enumerated in the Resolution submitted by Councilmember Megard and Councilmember Bostrom. NOW BE IT FINALLY RFSOLVED, that the BRC recommends staffing, funding and fee decisions associated with the Certificate of Occupancy for One and Two Unit Rental Properties be implemented by the appropriate City adminisuation and staff. Adopted by the BRC: November 6,1997 Resolurion adopted 14-0 with no abstentions: Signed: �' . , - 7Z. William Cosgrif� C � Tr 'IberYson, Staff to the BRC