97-1167�`�'t�e.��ecY,, - �o��a-l�1 ,3! Council File # qZ,..1� G� Ordinance # Green Sheet Presented By ORDINANCE SAINT PAUL, MINNESO���� � \ ` ��� a` / � Referred To . Date An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative C e Chapter 166 by adding new sections creating a residential s et permit parking district along Grand Avenue betwee ale Street and Ayd Mill Road and which provides for tbe derly administration of the district. The Council of the Ciry of Paul Does Ordain: f� That Saint Paul L,egislative Code Chapter read as follows: Chapter 166.09 Residential Pernut District Sea 166.09.01. Declaration of amended by adding the following sections to -- Grand Avenue Residential Pernut Parking The Council of th� of Saint Paul fmds that•the area adjacent to or near Grand Avenue does not have su cient off-street parking to safely accommodate the residential and commercial parking nee s of residents and nonresidents. Therefore, t encourage reliance on car pools and mass transit, to balance the need for commercial and r idential pazking, to enhance the quality of life in residential areas by reducing noise, a�c hazards and litter, to reduce air pollution and other environmental factors of exc sive automobile commuting, and to preserve the safety of children and other pedesirians d the residenual area from the above-mentioned health and safery hazards, the council o e City of Saint Paul hereby establishes this Residenual Permit Parking Ordinance (Sectio 166.09.01 through 166.09.08). 66.09.02. Restricted residential permit parking areas authorized. 3� �av 7 The following parking regulations shall be in effect along Grand Avenue from one half east of Dale Street west to Ayd Mill Road, and along Dale and Victoria Streets between ��,����� ��\ Grand Avenue and S�mnut Avenues. In addirion, all secrions of any n� between the alleys on either side of Grand Avenue within this area that parking will also be part of this restricted parking area. (A) Except by permit, at duly designated tazi stands, or otherwise posted, all on-street parking within the re. described above shall be limited to�ze-(�}hours fr< to 8:00 p.m. seven days a week. �h�e �(' , azea a.m. (B) Businesses within the restricted area may petiti for The establishment of a 15 minute parking aone in ffect during the normal operating hours of the business wi the director of public works pursuant to Saint Paul Legislarive ode § 159.03. The director shall consult with the appropri e neighborhood and business arganizations to determine extent and duration of the 15 minute parking zone. Sec. 166.09.03 Parking pernuts; eligibility; (a) Application. Application for 166.09.01 through 166.09.08 shall be n department of public works, hereinaftex applicant to furnish his or her name a vehicles, and any additional inform ar provisions. (b) Annual pernzit ten dollars ($10.00) for e cover wsts incurred as a ��-���.�t have timed on or more parking permits authorized under Sections e on a form provided by the director of the efened to as "d'uector", which form may require the address, make, model and license number of his or her which will aid the director in the enforcement of these �ation fee. A non-refundable annual permit application fee of �e of residential parking permit herein shall be required to of the implementation of the residential permit parking plan. (c) Number of p rmits. Up to two (2) residential parking pernuts shall be made available to each resi nt on the basis of one pernvt for each vehicle owned by the resident. In no event shall the n ber of pemuts exceed the number of vehicles owned by the resident. (d) Visito pernzits. Up to two (2) transferable visitor permits shall be made available to each residence r dwelling unit notwithstanding whether or not the resident of the residence or dwelling unit wns an automobile. Provided that no resident of a residence or dwelling unit may use a v' itor pernrit to park a car owned or controlled by the resident in the restricted area, it be' g the intent of Sections 166.09.01 through 166.09.08 that such visitor permits shall be made vailable and used by people not residing in but visiting a resident of the restricted area. (e) Residents, special event permits. Residents within the restricted area, at a cost of o dollar ($1.00) for each pernut, may apply to the directar for nontransferable and dated ecial event permits upon a showing by the resident that during the date and hours for which the permits are to be issued the use of the pernuts shall be for special events. The director shall determine the number of special event pernuts issued and the hours in effect upon the . �����°'��0:1 � .. d'uector's detennination that the percnits issued would not unduly impair traffic safety the effective period of the permits. (� Churches, special event permits; exceptions; notice. Churches within restricted area, at a cost of one dollar ($1.00) far each permit, may acquire from the dire r transferable special event permits; provided that such permits shall be used only in conju 'on with events sponsored by the applicant church. The d'uector shall determine the numb of and effective period of the permits to be issued. Such permits shall not be required fo ordivary chwrch events such as funerals, services, festivals, bazaars, or weddings, wher issuance of such permits would be impracticable. (g) Placement of permit stickers or fickets. Residential p' g permit stickers shall be gertnanently affixed to the outside of the vehicle in the lower r r corner of the left side window closest to the rear of the vehicle. Visitor and speci event pernut stickers shall be placed on the dashboard or at some other conspicuous spot ithin the vehicle where they are plainly visible to enforcement personnel. (h) Permit does not reserve parking space. N pernut issued under Sections 166.09A1 through 166.09.08 shall guarantee or reserve to the older a particular parking space within the restricted area but shall provide general parking ' said area during the time specified in Section 166.09.02 and so posted as required by ection 166.09.07. (i) Lost permits; duplicates. In the e ent any of the pernuts issued under this chapter are lost, duplicates may be obtained from e director at a cost of one dollar ($1.00) per permit; provided, that no such duplicate 11 be issued unless and until the applicant has furnished to the director an affidavit s ting that the resident has lost the original pernut. No person shall apply for a duplicate pe 't unless the original pernut has, in fact, been lost. Sec. 166.09.04. Services, repair/and emergency assistance. Persons who residence are exempt provided that their ex assistance provided. vehicles from obtain� of this chapter. f rfo services, maintenance, repairs or emergency assistance for any >m estricuons unposed under Sections 166.09.01 - 166.09.08, i ion terminates immediately upon the completion of services or �thing in this secrion is intended to prohibit a resident owner of these residential parking permits for same in accordance with the provisions Sec. 166.09.05/ Street maintenance; snow emergency. No emptions or other permits granted herein shall abrogate the scope of parking io imposed as such restrictions relate to street maintenance, parking in one locafion orty-eight (48) hours, or emergencies provided in Chapter 161. 66.09.06. Handicapped parking. - i 1�,*� / Nothiug herein provided shall abrogate the scope of parking privileges granted handicapped persons as established pursuant to this code or statutes enacted by this state. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Sec. 166.09.07. Posting of signs. ��� ��� �\ �, The d'uector shall cause appropriate signs to be posted in the inform an ordinarily observant person of the existence of rules and r these provisions. Sec. 166.08. Penalty. azeas so as to imposed by q'1�\1c,� It shall be unlawful for any person to submit false info ation in any application for a parking permit issued gursuant to Secuons 166.09A1 thro 166_09.08. Violauon of any application requirement shall be grounds far denial or rev arion of the permit and shall be punishable as a misdemeanor. It shall also be unlawful r any vehicle to be stopped, parked or abandoned in violation of these provisions. Any su violation is hereby declared an obstruction of public streets and shall be punishable a misdemeanor and may subject the vehicle to be moved or nnpounded at the cost and pense of the owner in accordance with the ternvs of Chapter 162. `a This ordinance shall take effect and be in publication. / �� r�er s ,<�`� E �� �', �.� : � . . �� !� ��� Adopted by Adoption C Hy: Approved b Sy: � Date by Council Secretary Date thirry (30) days after its passage, approval and Requested by Department of: Sy: Form Appr d y City Attorney By: !r�✓GVtiYG� �—� ' (�I Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ° L'1-111.'1 � C011I1C1S.L DATE {NRIATED GREEN SHEE �O 3 6 4 d 7 CONTACT PEflSON & PHONE � OEPARTMENT DIRECTORµ��AwATE ❑ CITY COUNCIL � D3.VE �1ll11E 266-8620 A���N �CITYATTORNEY �CRYCLEflK MUST BE ON COUNCII AGENDA BV (DATE) RQV� NGFOR O gUDGET DIRECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. OROER � MpypR (OR ASSISTANT) O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACIION REQUE5iED: An ordinance creating a residential permit parking district along Grand Avenue. RECAMMENOpnONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PIANNING fAMMiSS10N _ CIVIL SERYICE COIAMISSION i. Hd5 this per5o�rm ever wolkBd untler a COntract fOr this tlepa�f�leM? - �CBCOMMfTiEE _ YES NO __ STAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DiS7RICT COURT _ 3. Does Mis persoNFilm possess a skill not normally posse55atl by any curteM city employae? SUPPORTS WNICX COUNCIL O&IEGTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on saperate s�eet a�tl attaeh to green sheet INITIATMG PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPP�qNNIT' (Who, Wheq Whan. VJhere, Why): Parking problems in the Grand Avenue area. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO: Progress may he made in alleviating a parking problem. DISA�VANTAGES IF APPpOVFA. None. �il�'i��� °°`?*s:�i�3 �`>��' �;tn,''s C �,��I DISADVANTAGES IF NOi APPRWED: Condition will persist. ' TOTAL AMOUNT OF TpANSACTION $ COST(REYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES ti0 FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOqMAiION' (EXPLAIN) \ � � 1 `� 7 ._ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _°" _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ' _ " _ _ _ ' _ ' ' _ _ ' ��" � � � I"►' � - - _ / _� �� _ _ _L_ �471 �+` _ _ _ _ _ _ � � , _� . t/� - _ ,�t •� _ �� �+c. �-� . .�..�. ±- _ t��a�cr�--�.���� - - -- - - -- - - �o+t.`r���f .�� - - a �"` �j , -- - _ �.�.� p � �f� o�-�— „y� �'�.. . _ _ - _ ��� - -� � � 1. - - . - _ _ .�.��:� - - - - -- - - - i�� .�.�- �.-- _ _ _ - - ss/as-" - - - - - �- �� � - - - - - - _- - - _- - - - --__ -- - - - - - -�9� ���/ - - - _ ___ _ _ _ - -- - - - - - - S-- - - - � -.�-1�� �- - ���_-��-�- - _ _ ___ _ _ - -. � _ _ _ - - . � - �..�-' � --- �-�- - � u.""`,r.�, - __ _ -. - - - - -�- --- -- - - - - --- - - � - -- - - - - - - � -- - — -� - - - - - - _ __ � -- �� . c� � _ � ts��t ° DATE: October 7, 1997 FROM: JAMES & LOIS FRITZ THE WEDDING SHOPPE, INC. 1196 GRAND AVENUE ST. PAUL, MN 55105 TO: COUNCII,MEMBER MIKE HARRIS RE: PETITION AGAINST PASSAGE OF 2 HOUR PARKING/PERMIT PARKING ON GRAND AVENUE In early September, Lois and I inadvertently discovered, through a Summit Hill A.ssociation Newsletter, that the Grand Avenue Business Association (GABA) and the Summit Hill Association had recommended to the City Council passage of a 2 Hour/Permit Parking ordinance. We were shocked to find an important ordinance that directly affects our property rights, and ultimately, our bottom line was not better communicated by GABA to its members. Two Hour Parking will have devastating economic effects on our business, since our customers often require more than 2 hours to shop. Consequently, we submit a copy of a petition against passage of this proposed ordinance. A review of the petition finds the following; As of 10/7/97, in 12 hoars of Lois presenting the petition, she has accumulated 130 signatures against passage of this ordinance. The relationship of petitioners to Grand Avenue are as follows: � 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Single Family Residents Apartment Tenants Multi-unit Property Owners Commercial Property Owners Business Owners Emp�oyees of Grand Avenue Businesses 36 12 11 1 32 38 More importantly, the question was presented: Were you aware of the contents of this proposed ordinance on the date of the City Council Meeting #430 on Sept. 24, 1997? Out of 130 signatures, only 20 people marked "yes." That means 110 or 85% of the signers knew nothing about this proposed ordinance or its effects. In sum, we feel that this ordinance is unpopular and is not a solution to our parking, but was merely a band aid. Your attention to this matter is appreciated, and a"NO" vote is the answer. Let's roll up our sleeves and meet the real problem of developing more parking spaces, such as a municipal parking ramp vs. more regulation which will create anger, confusion and division. Sincerely, ames M. Fritz ��� 14/7/97 Lois Fritz 10 97 ��, ��� PETITION To: crrY courrc�, oF � crrY o� sa�rr PAt�, An ordinance (a copy of proposed ordinance attached) amending Saint Paul legislative code Chapter 166.09 5ections 166.09.01 through 16b.08 which will add new sections creating a residenriai street permit pazking district along Grand Avenue between Date Street and Ayd Mill Road and, �ce by permit or uniess otherwise posted, all on sfreet parking within the restricted area described above, shall be limited to two (2) hours from S:OQ a.m. to 8:00 p.m. seven days a week. We, the undersigned petitioners, aze opposed to the proposed ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code 166 by adding new sections, c��ating a residential street permit parking district along Grand Avenue between Dale Street an� �.yd M'ill Road, and are further opposed to a two (2) hour limit on parking, Petitioners pray to th� :"ity Council of Saint Paul to postpone or defeat altogether passage of this proposed ordinance for �he following reasons; 1} Special interest groups have offered the aforementioned proposed ordinance to the Council of the City af St. Paul without adequate impact studies and notice of effect on the property rights of the parties affected, namely; (a) �71 single family properry owners on Grand Avenue, Summit Avenue and Lincoln Avenue between Dale Street and Ayd Mill Road (b) all mu}ti-unit property owners and their tenants on Grand Avenue between Dale Street and Ayd Mill Road (c) all commercia7 properry owners and their tenants on C•rand Avenue between Dale Sneet and Ayd l�ll Road (d) all business owners and their emplayees on Grand Avenue between Dale Street and Ayd M"ill Road. 2j Ttre proposed ordinanca without notice and without proving its need, lunits parking of vehicles on Grand Avenue to two (2) hours, thereby mandating single famity residerns and apartmerrt tenants to obtain by application a$10,00 permit to park their vehicles and inconveniences the same for their guests to park their vehiclea 3) The proposed ordinance limits parking on Grand Avenue to two (2) hours, forcing the employees of Grand Avenue businesses to pazk on Snmmit or Lincoln Avenues, which poses a threat to their safety and welfare, particularly at night as they walk unescorted toward their vehietes one to three blocks away. 4) The proposed ordinance, by limiting parking on Grand Avemze to two (2) hours will cause the employees of Crrand Avenue businesses to search for parking on Summit or Lincoln Avenues, creating excessive non-residential parking, pollutioq danger to pedestrians and in general denigrate the health, safety, welfare and integrity of those residents and residentiai areas. 5) The proposed ordinance, by limiting parking on Grand Avenue to two (2) kours, creates an undue economic hardship and restricts commerce to business in this area by reason of the following; (a) several businesses have products or services that require more than two (2) hows of presentation to their customers, (b) the two (2) hours parldng limitation "takes the Meander out of Grand Avenue" and forces customers to cut short their overall Grand Avenue shopping experience to restaurants, shops, health care providers, etc. and places businesses in a distinct disadvantage to azea shopping malls, with no such parking limitations, and finally, (c) Passage of the rivo (2) hours limitation will severely affect the property rights of commercial property owners by restricting the scope of attracting potential tenants and makes resale of said properties less desirable and difficuit, if not impossible. PLEASE READ TI-� ATTACHED COPY OF TF� PROPOSED ORDINANCE. IF YOU OPPOSE PASSAGE OF TI� AFORMENTIONED ORDINANCE, PLEASE SIGN AND ADDRESS TI� PAGES FOLLOWING TI� ORDINANCE. , �-� . � �9���% 97 �� I oppose ihe proposed ordinance amending Cainr Paul legislative Code Cf�apter 166.09 Sec[ions 166.09.01 Uuough 166.08. ll �l'L �a*� G'` t lq l �.9�,�.,� �e J t �� �1i,r,�.,,o,� C�.�e l�l �^�� � j.l �Jfn -ifil� - �: ,� s�: � e �: NUMBER y�� � �'� ��`� ��5� � 3 �'�- / � � � _� i, i � � �-- __1__ � � � Prior to si n�in g tlus petition, were you awaze of the conte�s of this proposed ordinance or the date af the City Couacil Meeting �{430 on September 24, 1997? YESjNO ` /'v � � � �� � N 0 �� „ „ __� � � -� � � << ., �� ,� �� -�- �/ _ �./v N� I certify and verify by oath that each signature was sig�,d by the person purporting to have signed this petition, and the' i�ientity verified by Niinuesota Driver's License or simiiaz picture ID. �, ��+�'^^ ,(/q r7 .f.t 65h /�._ / �� NO � � N�qd1HY P�1� • MINNESO A qAM9EY COUNT' � �3tTimfsslar� ExP�res Jan_ 3t, 2W� .,.�,.,, .. .. �u - RELATIONSFIIP TO GRAND AVENUE 1) Single Family Reside� 2) Apartme� Tenant 3) Multi-unit Property Owner 4) CAmmercial Properiy Owner 5) Biuiness Owner 6) Employee on Grand Avenue 9' 30- 97 I oppose the proposed ordinance amending Saint Paui legislative Code Chapter 166.09 Sections 166.09.02 tfiroagh 166.08. � � ADDRESS RELATIONSH� TO GRAND AVENUE 1) Single Fanuly Resident 2) Apartment Tenant 3) Multi-unit Property Ovuner 4) Commercial Property Owner 5) Business Owner 6) Emp2oyee on Grand Aveaue q5�. Gr��- �1ve � y � �� �� a�� l��l ��r ����r� �' rs a J.�c�,--,�Q ��°� �'�'a, /td �7.� �1�� �z�C �a���� �� 16a �i L �inc.�i� �e � �� ,�, r zd� ������ �a���� c�.� ct�K ���(C� c�36 ��c��( �°�t� , � ����� 3 , �.. . t � ���� .� ,, ,. �.�.: �i1 �- - �i, , • . � ' � NIIMBER � �� � -� �D � -� � � � � / _ � � 3 �t — � 5 � � � Prior to signing this petition, were you aware of the cornems of this proposed ordinance or the date of the City Conncit Meering #434 on September 24, 1997`? YES�NO Na �� -�� — ra ,/r� S �_ �� � �� � C.x7 l /-� �N � -� � �_ �o rJ,� � �� No I certify and verify Iry oath tfiat each signature was signed by the person purporring to have signed this petition, and their idemity verified by Minnesota Driver's License or similaz picture ID. � �MMy�pr� � LUA t?Kte x. �T NOTAF7Y PUBL�C - MINNESOTA - RAMSEYCOUNTY IAv Comm�ss�on Expires dan. 31, ZWO S ATiTRE t��,-..�'� t�R�..�' .� -.�o- g� �� I oppose the proposed ordinance amestding Saint Pani legisIative Code Chapter 166.09 Sections 166.04.01 thraugh 166.08. RELATTONSFIIP TO GRAND AVENi3E 1) Singie Family Resident 2} Apartment Tenam 3) Muki-unif Properry Owner 4) Comniercial Ptoperty Owner 5) Business Owaer fi) Employee on Grand Avemie ADDi2ESS /�� ���a�_ � �_ l�(o_� (�o(��D �e. ���g �� i ��4 C���i����-- { �� ,� � � ��b`i� (��ruS ��'� ! r�5 E �4�5� lgaq ��-�r�v� NIIMBER i �-�--�� � -�-- -�- -�- � � � �l_' ��� - :!, .� ,. 6, 4.� � �LS���-�� � � fl��` � r' ; ��Q� �--�� �., `. .��,� � _ ..,,<�:;; � � �I i •� . ...� • - � � �.:�� � -��- - —� 3 � � � � s .� � � Prior to signing ihis pe[ition, were yon nware of the conteuts of this proposed ordinance or the date of the City Council Meeting ft430 on Septembet 24, 1997? YES�NO __1� —� ��� � � -�� �_ � i e . � �. �. yr.�� � � � �� I certify aad verify by oath that each signacure was signed by the person pmporting to have signed tbis peiiiion, and their idenzity verified by Pvlinnesota Driver's License or simiSaz picture ID. '^""^^^"^^"^^^"""" x G/ �0��� � UA K. �� f � � /��-� NOT �TAqY BUC - MINNESOTA RANSEY COUNTI` -� - My Commisswn Exp�res S.:n. 3%, ZC�O :f+-nr . '- 1�.tMlM' SIGNATURE , �� ��cl � �� � � �, �6 �ra t� fO s� ���,.�Q ra-� ���� �� s��� ��� �/oS� E�r��l� �{��. 1�s G.-� �� � O� �7"a�f'��'� ��J� ` � �0 5� � _,la�! L,hE�/� �d� NDMBER � 3 � � -� — � = -� � � � / / 1 � � lt P� ( �Y� L Pi� .L' E C�.E.v s'�[,� � �^ � � , PItOi t0 SigOlIIg YI11S pe[ition, were you awaze of the contents of ttus piaposed ordinance or the date of the Ciry Council Mceting #430 on September 24, 1447? YEfi � NO �� �i � � �,�� ____��S �✓o ._ �F L� �_ i �_ �_ �1�5 _ ��� ., N o Vo �� n�� �� � I certify and verify by oath that each signatiue was signed by the pecson patporting to have signed��Nh��4d��t9 ve�by Minnesota Driver's License or similaz picture ID. �� K, � r7 tna a�s0�c- � / GJ NOT KSqMSffY Ct�UNTY � � My Gamm�sinn Ex6ires Jzn. 3t _2�0 �� �� 9'7 I oppose the proQosed ordinance ameuding Saint Panl legislative Cade Chapter 166.09 Sections 166.09A1 ttimugh 1b6.08. , � ADDRESS RFT " A7'IONSHIP TO �� GRAND AVENUE 1} Siagle Family Resident 2) Apartmem Tenam 3) Multi-nnit Property Owner 4) Commercial Properry Owner 5} Business Owner 6) Emgloyee on Grand Ave,nne LZoo C2(Zf�r'D {�`fe. I i60�rKZqf�r� �i u - rr %yG� -'✓� � !-!_ � � � � �.�'..� `'.� ��� � � • ��� 6 r b ��c�n�� ADDRESS RELATIONSHII' TO � � GRAND AVENUE 1) Single Family Residen[ � 2) APartmeat Tenant 3) Multi-imit Properry C)wner 4) Commercial Property Owner 5) Business Owner 6) Employee on Grand Avemie � � r I 1 t ,%�,1 : , ,� , �t - . , ; • ' �,.�.--- � / �� _ . i • - .,, 1!a. . r , . , .y.� � . • y , a _ '� � ��� ���- �3.� G� �* ja - t�� � ..�i��,�.� NIIMBER � � � � � � 5 sL -� � � � � � --�-- C o -� � _ � � � Prior to signing this petiflon, were yau aware of the coutems of this proQased ordinance or the date of the City Cauncil Ivlee[iug #434 on September 24, 19977 YES y Pi0 �� � niv I./. �� �?o �� � !(1� �VG �C� , . ._ � . 0 I certify and verify hy aath that each signaNre was signe3 hy tLe person p�nportiug ta t�ave signed this ;' � identity veri5ed by Minnesota Driver's License or similar picNre ID. " NNE D —,� � NOT Y W lC - MIN E Rqtr9SEV C011NTY � My Gommisswn Exprces Jan. 31 : Z000 ` � � J � � � I oppose the proposed ordinance amending SaintPautlegislarive Code CHapter 166.09 Sec[ions 166.09.02 thraugh 166.08. ; � D�� �< g � � I oppose the proposed ordinance amending Saint Panl legislative Code Cl�apter 166.09 Sections 166.09A1 through 166.08. ADDRESS RELATIONSFiIP TO GRAND AVENUE 1) Single Family Resident 2) Apartmem Tenam 3) Multi-unit Property Owner 4) Commercial Properry Owner 5) Business Owner 6) Employee on Grand Avenue �'�f' Gi���i.9� �Y`f ��c� AvE . �� �7ya,K �e 3g�[ �rov�eu - 1`�0� ( �'6� �'i 2��tc� � ,�� , g'7`f ��cu��1/L �� ���J�F� ��`� �nfa �o �� � /ri� � `� i6'S �7 -� a---� ��:.�1� � � �:1 _ � . �� .. � �.fr.,r���: : '�i� � � � NU1V�3ER � �P � � � � S -�- � � � � Rior to signing tlus petition, were you awaze of the contents of this Proposed ordinance or the date of tLe City Conncil Meeting #F430 on September 24, 19977 YES�NO �la _ �� � NO � �� �� � TCS — ��� � 41�/ I certify and verify by oath that each signat�tte was signed by the person pnrporling to Lave signed this peti4ion, and 'r�identity verified by Minnesota Driver's License or similaz picture ID. �..��^^^^^^ N qy� DE � _��—_2� � NO � NOSARY PUBIi� - M1N RAMSEY CO11P1TM q,p,� C�m�.san ExDires Jan, 31,200� � � �� �� � flir� � I oppose the proposed ordinance amending Saint Paul legislative C,ode Chap[er 166.09 Seclians 166.09.01 tLroagh 166.08. � � ADDRESS �.c� �rzr�.��Pi ���- RELATIONSFiIP TO GItAND AVENUE 1) Single Family Resident 2) Apartmeut Tenan6 3) Mnlri-unit Properiy Owner 4) Commercial Pmpeity (hvner 5} Business Owner 6) Employg� on G Aveaue ` �ll5to/j't� _ NDMBEB J 1�1 �7 � � I Prior to signing this peririon, were yon aware of the contems of this proposed ordinance or the dass of the City Crnmcil Meeting #430 oa September 24, i447? YE NO � �� � _t `-' � �fF'S �o ��, .:. _ _ � �/,'��� �l1r�c�-/"/ -�r+�(� �Il<�� �"YtGtl,,i� p�� `�� �,� �� � � � � -�— —�— ��� ����� �� �lI �G� �-h- � �� �t� (� 2� � �s�s���� ��� e ;,� �����������, ,1� �� ���--.� Qv� � ,d� _ 1 1 . �. • i . • . �., ._ - .. � � �` 7 � � 1 � � --t�- � � "'i"'� �_ �� �� av _�_ � � � � xJd 1 _ft.r� � � � � � I certity and verify by oath U�at each signaune was signed by the person purporting to have signed this petitioq and their ide�ty verifieti by Minnesflta priver's L'scensa ar similaz picture ID. NOTARY . ���,�� .. < � L � I opposQ the praposed ordinance amending .�;n+ Paul legislazive Code CLapter 166.09 Secrions 165.09.Olthrongh 166.08. SIGNATURE ���� ��� i/l�ct.ln�� �' R�-.� R.� �� a�� , ADDRESS titi8 �,��,��✓� �ll RELATIONSHIl' TO GRAND AVENUE I} Single Family Resident 2) Apar�ent Teaam 3) Multi-unit Properiy Owner 4) Commezcial Pioperty Owner 5) Business Owner 6) Emplayee on Grand Ave�e . ���. - �,� ��� �_ � ^�-r .� h�-� d4 -�-� ���� �,��,�.� ��' �, Prioc to signing this petition, were you aware of tfie contsnts of tlris proposed ordinance or the daie of the City Cauncil Meeang #R43o on September 24, 1997? 1 ' , . --�— �� I certify and verify by oath that each signature was signed by the persan purparting to have signed t3ris petition, and their identity verified by Minnesota Driver's License or similar picdue ID. � �^�^^^^^^^"�SA`^ � �� '�"l Lt1,f�NE �,� l�_C�� ��. NOTARYPUBLiC-MINNESOTA RAMSEY GOUNT' P�4 C6N!rtl'�51fln ExQrte5 Jan. 3}, 2W0 • . _ �� / ' � • a t Y'�t' i • �� r.• - n a . _.�... , , •-, : �,. .., � �,� .., � . ,, „ - i .� - .�s� 7v �t�nntr,.a< ` r�me. " r ' ••tl�- ��»v �.m' 1 ���i�.ua .i• �i-.tf��nx r..nr �.o���. . i' F nv� • f. ttu. �.n. a�u' .'! ai _ � 1'J�, i 7' 9:� 1 �� �� / �-1 �P�I� . ,s �.+c_ v ' � -_ � _ —� .-. �i�� Q .r / �/I//f i�{ �J!_ ; !�'-./� ; ✓ . � , ' �� ■ � � . � �. �.� :.�_�l�"► � ✓��iir . _�.. �' t� f A�� .. i �i �.i� � l N 4 Lu� 1 , �� �►���. ; - ' � „� � _ . �. , ����� � ' - .�., % • � �' ► c►�� �� . : �� � � . �r , t : !t �[ � � � �' ��� , iY;, + 4 ' R �,4' '; i a s � � i. � / •.� /� ,i 1 . / r :t� � �' � � . �`1.J� 1"���i� �, l � y � ,,, � , , �,�s �i/. �/'�r:n " %` % + ' f � '�� . ��'/1��,�. � � � v � ' • i + f w++� P�!�+�� � � -� . ��'�..�L:t.'R �l � t f � , ,� � � � ,- �.'3Lrf! , , ir 1 i�i'. aL ^ L� � w.. �.. _��� ' � �i � � �. i *t��w `�1'r. � � � ,� � i 1 � �i /_ � 1�:�f�'��.�: y ' , �, , ,. J�'' � � ��`�' __ I ,�, � ; ,✓. L �� �A Q � /� 1 1 1. 4% "�1��� 1 1 tf: ��1�• C.)�� r! 11 � I FN st... . l ' .w.� 'v �� � �v .�•.a ' +, � / �/�� . I � � � , � � . � ,p t� r; �� - � � �� I oppose the proposed ordinance amending Saint Paui legislative Code Cf�apter 166.09 Secrions 166.09.01 Lhrough 166.08. RELATIONSH7P TO GRAND AVENUE 1) Single Family Resident 2) Apartment Tenant 3) Multi-nnit Properry Ovmer 4) Commercial Ptoperiy Owner 5} Business Otvner 6) Employee on Grand Avenue Prior to signing this petition, were you aware of the contents of tlris proposed ordinance oz the daie of the City Council Meering #430 on September 24, 149?? SI6NATURE ADDRESS I3ITMBER � YES�NO `a� I certify and verify by oath that each signature was signed by the person pumorting to have signed ttris perition, and their identity verified by 14iinnesota Driver's License or suuilar picNre D?. NOTARY .�cr-�-1�'37 11 � 47 � r� Counci2 File # �� � ardiaance # Green Sheet # ORDWqNGE CfTY OF SA1T}T PAUL, MINNE50TA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 An ordinance amending Saint Paui LegisIazive Code Chapter I66 2 by adding new sections creating a residential street permit Parktng 3 district slong Cmaad Avenue between T�ale 3freet and Ayd Mill ¢ Road aad which provides for the orderly administrarion of the 5 district, 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 i8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3fi 37 38 The Council of tke City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: SECITON 1. ; That Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 166 be amended by addiag the following sections to read as folIows: Chaptec I46.09 Residential Pemsit Pazking -- Grand Avenue Residentia! Pemiit Parking District Sec. 166.09.4� . Declaration of purpose. The Council of the City of Saint Paul fiads that the azea adjaceut to or near Crrand Avenue does not have sufficient off-street pazking to safely accommodate the residential and commercial pazking needs of residenu aad nonresidents. Thcrcfore, to oacnurasc reliance oa caz gools and mass iransit, to balance the need for commetciat and residential pazking, to enhance the quality of Iife in residential areas by reducing noise, traffic hazards and litter, to mduce air poIlution and othet environmentai facton of excessive sutomobile commuring, and to preserve the safety of chiIdren and other pedestrians, and the resideatiai area from the above-mentioned health and safety hazards, the councii of the City of Saiat Pavi hereby estabtishes this Resideatial Permit Pazking Ozdinance (Sections i66.09_Ql through 1b6.09.08). Sec. 166.Q9.02. Restricted residential permit parking areas authorized. The following garking regutations s8all be in effect along Grand Avenue from one half block east of Dale Street wut to Ayd Ivfill Rosd, and along Date and Victoria Sueeu between Grand Avenve and Summit Avenues. In addition, aii sections of aay northlsouth streets between the atleys on either side of Grand Avenue within this area that cunengy have timed parking wili also be part of this remicted patkin� azea. a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 28 19 2A 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4A 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 SEP-05-199? 11�48 Except by permit ot unless othetwise posted, all on-street pazking within the restricted area described above shall be 2imited to two (2) hovrs from $�00 am_ to 8:� p.m. seven days a week. Businesses tvitYtia tbe restricted area may petition for the establist�ment of a 15 miuute par7dag zone in effect duriag the aornial operating hours of ffie business wi� the director of pvblic workc ptasuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code § 159.03. The director shalI consult with the approgtiate neighborhood and business organiz�tions to deucmine the cxtem and dumtion of the I S minute parking zt�ne_ Sec. 166.09.03 Patidag permits; eligibility; issuance. P.03 Q`�-tt�a� {a) Application. Applieation for one or more �tazking pecmits authorized uadec S�tions IS6.Q9A 1 through 166.49.Q8 shall be made an a foim provided by the dizector of the dapartrnent of public works, hereinafter teferred to as °direetor", which form may require the applicant to fumish his or her name and address, make, model and license munber of his or her vehicles, and any additional informatinn wfiich will aid the director in tke enforcement of these provisions. (b} .4nnva! permft applicarton fee. A non-refundable annuat penait applicarion fee of ten dollazs {$10.00) for each type of residential pazking pe�tit hereia sball be required to cover cosu incurred as a result of the implementation of the residemial pemut parking pIan. (c) Number of permits Up to twa residential gazking permits shall he made avaiIahie to eacfi resideut on the basis of one pezmit for each vehicle owned by the resident In no ev�nt shail the aumbcr of permits exceed the m�mber of vahic3es awned by ttte resident (d) Vis�to� permits. Up ta two (2) transferable visitor permits shall be made availabie to each residence or dwelling unit, notwithstandiag whethez or not the resident of the residence or dwelling unit owns an automobile. Psovided fhat no resident of a iesidcnce or dweiting unit may use a visitor permit io pazk a caz owned or controiled by Yhe resident in the restricted azea, it being tbe intent of Secrioaa 166.Q9.01 thmugh 166.04.08 that such visitor permits shall be made available and used by people not residing in but visifing a resident of the restricted area. (e) Residents, sgecial event permits. Residents within the res�icted azea, az a cost af one doIlaz ($1.00} for each germit, u�ay apply to the director for notaUxnsfezabie and @ate3 special event peimits upon a showing by the residetit that, during the date and hours for which the pernuts are to be issued the use of the permits shaIi be for specia[ events. The ditector shall determine the number of special event permits issued and the ho�s in ef£ect upon the director's determinatioa tfiat the pecmits issucd would nut uadvly imgair Gaffrc safety during the effective period of the permits. (fl Churches, speciai eventpermits; exception€; notice. Chvrcfies within the restricted area, at a cost of one dollar (51.40} for each permit, may acquire from the dsreeWr �ansferable special eveat permits; provided tfiat such peunits shail be used onty in wnjunction with evencs sponsored by the agglicanc church The disector sha12 determinc the mzmber of and offeetive period of the peimits w be issued Such permiu shall not be required for ordinary church events such as funera2s, services, festivais, bazaars, or weddings, where issvance of such permiu would be impracticable. � 4 5 6 7 9 30 2I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 29 20 21 22 23 24 ZS 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4Q 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4$ 49 50 51 5EP-05-1947 11�48 P.04 (g) PJucement o,J"permit srickers or rickets. Residential parking pennit stickers sha!! be (', _���� permanendy affvred to ihe outside of the velucle in the lowcz rear coraer of the tcft side w'sadow ti� closest to the reaz of the velucle. Visittrr ffi,d special eveat permit stickcts shall be pIaced on the dashboard or at some otfier conspiwous spot withia the vehiele wheze they aze plaialy visibte to enforcement pttsonnel. (h) Permit does not reserve p�king sgace. No germit issued under Sectioas 16fi.09.41 tiuough I66.09.Q8 shaii guazant� or reserve to the holder a particular parking space cvithin the restricted area but shall provide generai garking in said area during thc time specified in Section 166.09.02 and so pasted as required by Section 16b.09A7_ {i) Lost permiu; dupticates. Ia the event any of t6e petmits issued under this chapter aze lost, duplicates may be obtained from the director at a cost of one dollar {$1.OQ) per permit; provided, that na suzh duplicate shaU be issned unless and uati2 the appticam has furaished w the dirertor aa affidavit statiag that the msideat has lost che original pennit No pecson shall apply for a dvplicate pezmit unless the original permit has, in fac; beea los� Sec. I66.09.Q4. Services, repair and emergeney assistance. Persans who perform services, maintenance, repairs or emergency assistaaee for any residence are exempt from resaictions imposed uader Secrions 166.Q9.01 - 16G.09.Q8, grovided thax their exemption temiinates immediately ugon the completion of services or assistance provided. Nothing in this sectioa is intended to prohibit a residsnY owner of these vehictes from obtaining residential parking pemvts for same in accordanee with the pmvisions of this chapter. Sec.166.09.Q5. Strcet maintenance; snow emergency. No eacemptions or other permits granted herein shall abrogate ihe scope of parking restrictions imposed as such restrictions relate to street maiatenance, parking in one location beyond Forty-eight (48} hovrs, or emergeacies provided in Chapter 161. Sec. I66.04A6. Handicapped pacSang. Nathing herein provided shali abrogate the scope of pazking privileges granted handicapped persons as established pursuaat to this code or statues enacted by tIus state. Sec. 166.09.07. Postiag of signs. The director shall cause appropriate signs to be posted in the restricted azeas so as to infoim an oxiinazsly obsetvam person of the cyacistence of rules and Tegulations imposed by these provisions. Sec.166.08. Penaliy. It shatl be unlawful fot any persoa to subaut false iaformatioa ia any appticatian for a parldng permit issued pursuaat to Sections I66.09.01 through 166.09.OS. Violation of any agplication requuement shatl be gro�mds for deniai or revocation of the pern�it and shall be punishable as a xnisdemeanor. It shai[ a[so be wtlawful for any vehick W be stopped, partced or abaadoned in violation of these provisions. Any such vioIation is hereby dectared an obsuuction oFpublic s�eets and shal( be pvnishable as a misdemeanor and may subjeet the vehicle to be , 5t.1'—t�S-1997 l i � 49 "�'� q�- � l� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S moved or impounded at the cost and expease of the owner in accordance with the terms of Chapter 162. SECTIOT3 2 This ordinance shall taice effect and be in frnce thirty (3Q} days aRer its passage, appcovai aad publication. Requeated by aepastmeac of: naopaed by Ceuncii: Daee Adoption eazti£ied Ly Couneil Seczetazy SY: Appzavad by xaYCt: Date B Y = By: FOZm app= d by CiCy AttornCy �, .��C,�Cf�- 9- � 97 Appzove8 by Hayor for Submieaicm to Coimcil Byc TOTAL P.05 4n_tl G? Date To: Fr: Re: October 8, 7997 Saint Paul City Council Members Grand Avenue Susiness Association Log of Parking Ordinance Communication Ser�t to Grand Avenue Businesses Attached are copies of the communication sent to Grand Avenue Businesses in district 16 regarding the parking overlay district. *Summit Hitf Association Newsietter: (Mailed to all businesses in district 16) Fal1 `97 Summer `97 Spring `97 Fall `96 Spring `96 Winter `95 Fail `95 Grand Avenue Business Association Newsletter, Business Sulietin & IVleeting: Broadcast Fax 9/30/97 (111 successful faxes to those businesses with fax machines) October `97 (Mai{ed to members only) September `97 (Maifed to all businesses in district 16) August 12 (Informational meeting held at Linwood Rec Center - 6 businesses attended} Summer `97 (Mailed to all businesses) **Grand Gazette: (Delivered to all businesses in district 16) Sept. `97 October '97 April '97 **Highland Villager: ({s not get detivered to district 16, but many businesses have them.) Sept. 24, `97 Sept. 10, `97 Aug. 6-26, `97 March 26-April 8, `97 *The SHA newsletter is aiso delivered to over 5000 households in district 16. **Collectively, the Viliager and Gazette are delivered to 58,000 households on and around Grand Avenue. There are also 17,000 copies on "free" newsstands for shoppers, etc. � , � - ; � � ' �` '° � � � , ��,- 1043 Grand Avenue, # 315 1 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105 Telephone: (612) 699-0029 1 Fax: (612) 699-7775 1 E-mail info.� 1 Website: www.GrandAve.com �� C; Lc���ec 7radi��c� of xeaLLycoaL stuff ':?'.:; . . ���`. .,. - . Q�-1 i � Not a bad newstetter - from a pretty good piace to 1lve! Quarterty, Issue #34 Falt 1997 News from the Grand Avenue Business Association Tmlleys ace Back oo Grand Again! 11+e uolleys are running on Grand Avenue again as Qart of aa ongoiag naaated, l hour to�rofSaintPaul. The2lnlleytoursWrtsat the Minnesota History Museum on tfie hour Tuesday, 7'hurs3ay, Satwday and Sunday fiom 11 azn to 5 pm. However, riders may pin the tour along Grand or in other loca- cions in $a�nt Paui. Rider, may also leave the Troltey at a;desired locatlon w have Iunch or shop and then join a later tour. Costs am �7 for. adults, $f for children 6-12 and senior ad- >ens, and Free of clutge for childmn 5 and under. Reserrapons am not requirtd. Formore information about pick up }�tions & times or other fzcts, Busin�ses Plan "A¢ Evening on Grcnd" Event foi Septembu26, SA PM A g�oup of Grand Avenuebus'v,ess owners have ocganized an event called An Evening Ou Grand schedut¢d for Friday, �eptemixr 26 hom S9 pm, with the missian of show- casing the finest of GmM Avenue's art, food and music The gmup has aaanged for free trolley rides behveen Dale & Syndicate and customa paid racriyge rides. For more infomwtion about tUis event, rall Capital City Troiley at 223-56C0. please cail Tvn Duggan, Itiver Gallery, at 310-Ob89. Other plannpis include Cinda YeUow BikeS Up and Rnnning on Grand Quinn, Sheryl Tuoriia, BrynetW Wrighb We eamumge yov to gM out and enjoy Sennu,and CindyAnderson. Gmnd Avenue on a Yellow Bike! After a y�° successfui kickbtEcelebcacion on Sahuday, (� Two HourPazking D'utrict Oidinance August 16, the Yellow Bikes are now avaii- Update able for riders to 6orrow. Simply stop in at The City attomeys aremaking 6na1 revi- any of the following 6usinesses: Bumet sicns on the oxdinance for Creating a resi- Reaity at Avon, KowalsM's Grand Macket at dentiat stmet pecmit pazking district along Syndicate, Hungry Mind ak Macalester Gtand Averme be!ween Date Street and Ayd StreekGrandPerformanceatPriorand MiLlRoad,The$aintPaulCityCoundlis Whoie tv�s at Fairview. Bikes ue checked planning the public hearing for September out with a librarydike card system, which 24 at 4:30 pm. Cpundl Pcgident Dave inctudes a refundable 510 deposit. If you Thune is sgonsoring tt+e ocdinance, which is need further information about the Yellow endorsed by the Boards oE Wth the Gra� Bikes, call tf�e Yellow Bike Cwiition at 222- Avenue Business qssodatiou and tbe �• � SummitHillAssociationAmeetingwas held on August 13 for alI businesses ro leam Voluateer Writer/Reportec Wanted more about the ordinance arol air tfie'v The Grand Avenue Business AssociaHOn is views. I7ce ordinance wi7{ Provide consu- seekingawlunteareporterforourquar- tent2hourparkingonbothsid�ofthe tuly newsiet[er sent to a17 businesses on Avenue, and adjac�nt stceeFS m the alley CmndAvenueAesponsibilitiesmayinclude (on]ythosewhichcuimnUyhyvetimed membec interviews, stpry writing and parkin�, from 8am to gpm, 7 dsys a week. r�earch. Some writing erperience desired, Residents will be able to pwclias¢ parking but enthusiasm is a must. Please ca71 Char permiu w they can park the'v vehicles fpr Mazon at 699qp7g iEyou aze interested, longer time periods. Sf you luve questions or comments about this mdinance, please all DaveThune's Legislative Aid, Chuck Repke at 266$67A. 25tk� Annual Gnnd Meander Set for December6 Voiuntcers are invited to attend and help with the holiday acpvities and evenu dw- ing the 25th Annuai Grand Meander on Satuxday,Decembu6! Ifyouareintapsted in wlunteering for ilus holiday tradition targeced foi the whole famity, calt the Gmnd Avenue Business Assodation office at 699- ��. Upcoming Baard Meeting Dates The Gand Avenue Business Assodation Bcaid of Director's meetlngs are ;chedule3 Eo� Ne following dates: Tuesday, November il, &W am, Tuesday, December 9, 8:00 am, Cherokce " Bank, 985 Grand Ave. Please call fi93-00]9 if you would like to attend or bring an usue before the Boazd. Seeking Asaocia4an Caordinator- Peimaueat Part 2ime The Gmnd Avenue Business Assodatlon is seeking a permanent part-time Cooldi�ator to work with the Fxevtive Dimmr m a GrzndAvenueoffirn. Youwillbeinvolvedin managing exciting events, projeccs and gener- aiAssaiationassignments. Youw➢lalsodo general adminishative, member services and daca enky. ihe id�l pndida[e will hare computer e�peri¢nce Sor toth PC & Ma�, be familiac with genemi of(ice pcae3um, wri[ing, recotd kreping and have o��a• tional&custpmgrserviceskills. Cae helpfu4 Flecible hours: 75 hrs(wk June-Jan, 30+hrs/wk]an-May. GreatforapersonwiN 35ds In school! Send resume by hx to 699- 7775 or mail to Char Mason, Crznd Avenue Business Assac, 1043 Gmnd Avenue #375, St. Paui� NilV SS]W. Char Mpsom, Eucufive Direcfo� Gr¢nQ Avenue 8usiness Asspciqfion 1043 Grand Ave.5315 St Paui, MN55105 699�CO29 phone 694-7775 tax e-mail: infoBGrandAve.com WebSite: www.GmndAve.mm A Cherished Tradition oFReaLLycooj, stuff g, c i�� As i dose out my ei�hth a��d final year on that City Ha1S pays attention to your neigh- the Gty Counal and have my last opportu- borhood's concerns. n�ty to commw�icate with my friends in the Summ�t Hi41 area through this newsletter, I At the beginning of the month, we had �,�ould first like ro thank you Eor aIl of the another tremendous Grand Old Day. Only ycars oE support. The residents and busi- this time, things were a lot diffemnt from ness o�,=ners u� tlte Summit Fiill neighbor �F'lien I first got on the Councii. This year [ hood are some of the most active in com- received no complaints from the neighbor- munity aF(airs and your advice and guid- hood. It wasn't so long ago that [ was vili- ance have been greatly appreciated. Second, fied for trying to control tlle drinking dur- [ want to compiiment those individuals ing Grand Old Day. Editorials proclaimed �vho have participated on the Summit Hill that my support of the neighbors' conmrns Association Boacd over the past eight years. would bring an end to Grand Old Day. You are the ones who truly make tliis com- �'+jell, it is now bigger and better than ever. munity a great place to ]ive. It is through This brings me ro the current issue in front your efforts that we have made great pf the City Council: a permit parking area progress in tlie past eight years in creating a for Grand Avenue. Several years ago many saFe, livable community ti,ut can coexist of the neighbors on Lincoin and Goodrich with a thriving Grand Avenue. In addition, p�itioned to create a permit parking area in every person who lives or works in this the neighborhood. Tlte issue that stimulated neim�hborhood should 6e awareof the fine the parMng problem then was shocvn to be job that Chris Trost has done in making sure the large number of vehicles that parked in Summit I Association �istrict 16 Planning Counci4 360 St. Clair Avenue �aint Paul, MN 55105 'elephone 612-222-1222 "ax 612-222-1558 -mai l <summit, hi1lC�stpaul.gov> the residential neighborhood for eight straight hours, presumably Grand Avenuc employees. It is clear that problem contin- ues an Grand Avenue today. Tltie proposal I wi4l be bnnging to Council recommends that all of Grand Avenue, from one-half of a block east of Dale to Ayd Miii Road and the adjacent north-south streets !o' the a(leys, become a perm�t parking district It would mean that cars covid not be pazked for mom than two hcurs ar;ryvhere on Grand Avenue Erom 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. without a permit. The impact would be more tumover of the parking spates on Grand Avenue without negativefy impact- ing the residents on Grand Avenue. The plan was developed by the TraFfic and Parking Committee oE the Summit Hill Association and the Grand Avenue Business Association. t am authoring it as an ordi- nance, so there will be no petition process. (Thune continued an p.2) (Thune fmm p.l) This will ensure that, if passed, the permit area �vitl indude tlie entim avenue without any gaps. t believe that in the tong run this s+�li continue to kc�p Crand Avenue thriv- in� and further reduce business and resi- dential fridion. Again, 1 thank you for the pleasure of hav- ing mpresented you for the past eight years. Dnue 77nine St. Paid Cify Counci(, Pres�dent Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PA[D Saint Paul, MN �ermit No.b665 � F � � � x � t . * � :, ; -� �� _ �:i iy � � ''. ��-���7 � �.� , _ — - :� �; t+ r ..= a. ..: .�:: ?he Summit Hii( and Grand Avenue Busmess Associations have cvorked togetlier to develop the followin� pazking pian for Grand Avenue. C9rand �.vencse tlni$orm F�arking f�lcan The Summit Hill Association hereby mquests the City of St. Paul to establish a special Grasid Avenue UniForm Parking Plan along Grazid Avenue Erom one half block east of Dale Street west to Ayd Miil IZoad, and along Dale and Victoria Streets bet���een Grand and Summit Avenues. in additton, a11 sections of any northlsouth streets between the atleys on either side oE Grard Avenue ivitltin this area that Current- 1y have timed parking will also be part of this Uniform Parking Pian. Within this dis- trict, the foliowing parking restrictions should be established: 1 On-sheet parking shall be liinited to 2 hours, from 8am ko 8pm, seven days per week. 2. A1( residen¢s of buildings located in this district shail be entitled to receive, at no charge, parkin� permits as specified in the City Permit Parking Ordinance which shall permit unrestricted parking within any 2liour zone along Grand Avenue. Note: Residents would stili be subjed to the maximum 48 hour on-street parking limit specified by City Ordinance. 3. Any business within the district that requires short term parking may petition for the establishment of a IS minnte parking zone, effective during the normal operating hours of said business. The City of St. Paul shall use its normal review process to handle said petrtions, in consultation with the appropnate neighborhood and business organizations, to determine the extent of the proposed 15 minute zone, the associated hours of operation, and to resolve other issues associated with the mquest. 4. All cab stands within the parking district shail be removed. 5. Prior to the impiementation of the Grand Avenue Uniform Par�ing Plan, alt of the affected property and business owners will be notified by the City of the changes being implemented, and wili receive instructions on how to obtain residential parking permits andlor to request the establishment of 15 minute parking zones. All existing timed parking, except for existing IS minute zones, wiil be converted to 2 hour parking. All existing IS minute zones will mmain as such, if so desired by the abutting businesses. 6. The Summit Hill Assotiation rc�cognizes that residential permit parking is a mechanism to remedy any increase in commercial parking on streets adjacent to Grand Avenue that may result hvm the establishment of a Grand Avenue Uniform Parking Plan. Requests for any deviations from these policies shall be resolved by the standard Cit}' procedures for hand(ing changes to traffic and parking mgulations, in consul- tation with the appropriate neighborhood and business organizations. 8. The City of St. Paui shall stricdy enforce ali parking mgulations within the Grand Avenue CJniform Parking Plan. Summit E-dill Association Tra$fic and Parking Poticies Last amended February 13, 1997 If you would (ike a cop y of the SHA Traffic and Parking Policies regarding vehicle traffic, public transit, pedestrians, bicydes, parking, aesthetics thae promote traffic caiming, and physical improve- ments, please call the office at 222-1222. Traffic and Parldng Committee Mission SEatement To study and recommend to the Summi[ Hill Association/District lb Planning Council a neighborhood trafFic and parking plan that assures adeqvate mobility within the neighborhood while mini- mizing negative impacts on the community. Sa�� Dr�vdng �'i�� Automobile traffic on Grand Avenue and throughout our neighborhood has inrreased drnmatically �hrough the years. It is up to us to make our streets as safe as possible for our famffies and for those who visit our neighborhood. The following thme ]aws aze regularly broken: Pedestrians have the right of way when crossing the street in a crosswalic You must stop to a17ow pedestrians to cross the street if they are in a crosswalk when the intersecrion is not controlled with sig- nals. On many of our busy Grand Avenue mtersections, pedesfrians are tak- ing their life in kheir hands when attempting to cross the street. As a driver, begin now to set the example. Remind other drivers to do the same. Pedestrians do not have the right of way when cross- ing in the middle of khe street. As a pedestrian, limik your crossings to a crosswalk. ' Tuming right on red is a privIlege, not a r�uirement. Cars must stop and wait behind the crosswalk at a red light. Pay close attention to ati pedestrians in the mteraection. If you cannot see the oncoming trafFic from this location, wait until your light tums green. Do not honk at the car in front of you to insist that it turn right on red and do not allow the car behind you to insist that you turn right if it is not safe to do so. SHA T�°a��� �n�! Parking �o���ies Committee Mission Statement: To study and recommend to the Summit Hill Associationf Ilistrict 16 Planning Coundl a neighborhood traffic and pazking plan that assures adequate mobility within the neigh- borhood while minimizing negarive impacts on the community. Vehicle Traffic � Edua6on should be used to encourage drivers to voiuntarily reduce vehicle speed, enmurage 2Q mph, reduce trips, use the most direct routes, and under- stand the pemeived and actual effects of these strategies • Signage shoutd be used to alert street users to neighborhood efforts to slow and reduce traffic • Work wiFh the PoGce Department ko develop a plan to dramaticaily increase entorcement • Enmurage greater enforcement on Grand Avenue to achieve sPeed mduction • Encoumge greater enforcement on Lexington Parkway to achieve speed reduction • Encournge rigorous enforcement of the 30 mph speed limit throughout neighbor- hood • Request that tra�c lights be timed no faster than legal vehicle speed Public Transit, Pedestrians, and Bicycles • Estabiish a 25 cent bus zone on Grand Avenue • Instal] pedestrian activated signals at appropriate crosswalks on Grand Avenue • Paint Grand Avenue crosswalks a solid color • Increase the number of bike racks on Grand Avenue Parking • Work with the Police Depaztment to develop a plan to dramatically increase enforeement • Enmurnge use of garages and off-stmet parking • Create a uniform two hour parking zone on both sides af Grand Avenue • Allocv those 6usinesses who need a IS minute zone in frnnt of their business to apply for a 15 minute zone • Eliminate the cab stand on khe northwest corner of Grand and Lexington • Eliminate every other bus stop on Grand Avenue • Enmurage Grand Avenue employ�s to pazk in shamd church lots and not on Grand Avenue , � y Volunteers are needed to implement these �9 policies. Cali the SHA office, 222-1222 if you avouid tike to hetp. � Busses putfing back into the traffic lane Erom a bus stop have the right of way. By law, you must yield to a(Sow them to merge in front of you. t:' �.■ �-.,. . .. . . , , _ _. _ ..,:: ,; - ,. �>:.. s 'tae:home,by TDpm on. ctieek nights and - s age 15'through 17 musf beHqmeby: ited by jpveniie§.occur. after cuifew _ tI�ey arehome on time. ;�; ,; : :,; .; Committee Mtssion Statement: To study ard recornmend to the Sun•�mit Hill Associationf District 16 S'lanning Council a neighborhood traffic and parking plan that assures adequate mobility within the neigli- borhood v.�hile minimizing negative impacts on the community. Vehicle Ttaffic • Education should be used io encourage drivers to voluntarily reduce vehicle speed,encourage 20 mph,reducetrips, use tl,e most direct routes, and under- stand the perceived and actual effects of these strategies • Signage should be used to alert street users to neighborhood efforts to slow and reduce traffic • 4Jork with the Police Department to develop a plan to dramatically increase enforcement • Encourage greater enEorcement on Grand Avenue to achieve speed reduction • Enmurage greater en(orcement on [.exington Parkway to achieve speed reduction • Encowage rigorous enforcement of the 30 mph speed limit throughout neighbor- hood � Recluest ihat traffic lights be Eimed no - faster ihan legal vehicle speed � �a���ng P���ee�s Public Transit, Pedestrians, and Bicycles • Establish a 25 cent bus zone on Grand Avenue � instali pedestrian activated signals at appropriate crosswalks on Crand Avenue • Paint Grand Avenue crosswalks a solid color • Incmase the number of bike racks on Grand Avenue Packing • Work with the Police Department to develop a plan to dramatically increase enForcement • Enmurage use of garages and off-street parking • Create a unlform two hour parking zone on both sides of Grand Avenue • Allow those businesses who need a 15 minute zone in hont oE their business to apply for a 15 minute zone � Eliminate the cab stand on the northwest corner of Grand and Lexington � Eliminate every other bus stop on Grand Avenue • Encourage Grand Avenue employees to park in shazed church lots and not on Grand Avenue Uolunteers are needed to implement these polieies. Call the SHA of6ce, 222-1222 if you would 3ike to help. ��� - � / � ■ � �; � � �.�� • �_ : ► ♦ • ' �(�� �i to benefit � J IHM SE. Lukes and the Summit Hill � Association. Great � selection and prices! Ordez forms available at the Linwood Community Center. Orders due April 15 for May Il pickup. �� -ll� 97-IL�� t�hth the Neti,� Year upon us, many o( t;s are preparing New Yedr's r�solutions WeaEtheSummitHill As;ooation are domg the same. \v"hile the process is ongoing at this hme, ( thought 1 would share with ��ou many of our continuing goals. Pcomote Effective Communication Z�'ithin the Neighborhood. Through ti�is quarkerly newsletter, welcome E.ackets for new neighbors and our column i� the Grand Gazette, we seek to keep you intormed about +ssues affecring our neighborhood. Enliance the Quality of Life in Our Neighborhood. Our support for and parricipaflon in the Living at Home/Block Nurse Program, the C,inwood Community Center and the Neighborhood Crime Prevention Programs help to improve directly the ltves oE individua(s living in our Summit Hill Association District I6 Planning Council 860 Sk. Clair Avenue SainE Pau1, Mi�I 551Q5 Telephone 612-222-1222 Fax 612-222-1558 � neighborhood. We also address issues whidi touch aIl oE us, such as managed business growth on Grand Avenue ai�d traEfic calming and parking issues throughout the neighborhood. Develop Closer Working RelationshipS With the Grand Avenue Business Community. During this past year, significant strides have been made in this area. We have worked with businesses to address parking issues in the Victoria Crossing area. In addirion, we foresee significant changes in Grand Old Day 1995, returning the event to the calmer, family-oriented event oE years past. We have been working closely cvith the business co-thairs of the event to make this a reality. Finally, we are increasing business representation on our Soard. i am very pieased to announce that Peter New Traf�i� and Park�n� �01�i � ��f'e� Formed Quinn, the o�vner of Cafe Latte, has �oined our board Enhance the Aesfhetics in our I�3eighborhood. Becauseofa generous donation from a member of the neighborhood, we are planning and imp(ementing a landscaping plan for Linwood Park. We are also continuing to encourage the °greening of Grand Avenue" and the planring of trees on the boulevards in the neighborhood. Raise Funds for our Community. L��e receive about 35% of our funding from the City of St. Paul. The remainder is raised through events tike the house tours and direcY solicitahons. Our Fall direct solicitation was the most successful ever. Your generous support of our (Reso&rtions continued on p.2} SHA now has a group of neighbors working to proactively develop and implement traffic and parking soluHons within District 16. The committee is seeking a fesv more enthusiasHc members especially neighbors living west of Victoria. Please call the SHA office at 222-1222, Non-ProfiE Org. U.S. Postage PAID Saint Paul, MN Permit No. 6665 � � �� ,. � � � �, � � =� � r ` � ft :1 �� F � � z Z F :I. J 3 � h 4 �� 4 � 'd` � G ' �.,.;t� - � �- Not a bad newsletter - from a pretty good ptace to liae! .: . �, , - - ^: � s- , �; - �; ; � �; � , .�; t The Summit Hill Association's Tra(fic & Parking Committee is curren8y evaluating a proposal to restructure the on-street park- ing regulations aiong Grand Avenue between Dale Street and Dunlop Avenue to improve the avai]ability of parking io.* both Grand Avenue shoppers and residents. Currently, there are s� many conflicting parking zones along Grand Avenue that enforcement is virtnally impossible. As a result, many prime on-street parking slots that should be reserved for residents and shoppers are instead being used by employees of Grand Avenue businesses. The proposal addresses these issues in the following manner: establishment of 75 minute parking zones in Front of their establishments. 3. Grand Avenue Residents wonld be able to buy permits for unreskricted parking in any Grand Avenue 2 hour parking zone. 4. Further increase the avaiiability ot on- street parking by eiiminating every other bus stop. This should also significantly speed np bus traffic and reduce the MTC's Operating costs. 5. Reduce the demand Eor employee pask- ing by instituting a Quarter Zone on Grand Avenue, so that the many students and local residents employed on the Avenue wil� have an economical alternative to dri- ving to work. l. Increase the availabitity of employee parking off Grand Avenue by eliminating unnecessary No Parking zones on the Vorth/South cross streets between Lincoln ind Summit. [ncrease the enEorceability of parking =gulations by establishing a uniform 2 our parking 2one on both sides of Grand s�enue between Dale Street and Dunlop. rovisions would be made to permit ser- ce-oriented businesses to petition for the The SHA Traffic & Parking Committee welcomes any comments on this proposal. For further information, please contact Mike Schumann at 114-0216. Issue 25 Falt 1995 Traffic Calming Traffic caiming is everyone's responsi- bility. Ail of us know the frustraHon and anxiety that comes with our mm- mute to work or trip to the store. The freeways and major arteries seem to be inhabited largely by w�canng drivers much of the time. However, this situa- tion does not need to ex'rst as we leave and approach our homes. Your neighbors urge you to consider your driving habits. Remember that 30 mph is the MAXIMUM speed and that 20 mph or iess is often appropriate when children populate every block. Please remember also that pedestrians have the right of way most oE the time, especia7ly in any marked crosswaik. Beiieve it or not vehicles in some other cities across the counny actually obey the law and stop for a pedesYrian in a crosswalk. Safer streets start with a11 of us. GRAND AVENUE BUSIIVESS ASSOCIATION 1043 Grand Avenue #315 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105 � September 30, 1987 TO: Grand Avenue Business Association Members �ocated in District 16 FR; Bonnie Johnson, President Grand Avenue Business Association RE: Grand Avenue Parking District Vote ��-�i�� , r �^'.�iG<`--� � , -v �(I 6raw ,l',�u,�i°n-v-e� ,�5<..,�E =5�� The clock is ticking! With the heip of �eighborhood residents, businesses, and City Council President Dave Thune, we have a new parking ordinance for Grand Avenue that wiii pe voted on by the City Councii fioliowing the pubiic hearing on Wednesday, October 8. Qther members of the City Council need to hear your voice this week to affirm the solid backing of the business community on this issue. We aie the refail gem of fhe Cify of St. Pau/ and deserve fo have an enforceable parking policy fo ensure our confinued livelihood! A/I you need to do is ca// 266-8560, give your name and business name, and ask the receptionist to forward a message fo ati Councilmembers saying "! support fhe Grand Avenue Parking Districf." Over the past two years you have heard about this ordinance in The Summit, our business association newsletter and Business Bu!(etin, in addition to the Highland Villagerand Grand Gazette. Over the past ten years, we have struggled to find a solution that is acceptable to those who live on and near Grand Avenue as well as those of us who own and work at businesses on this avenue. The Board of Directors of the business association approved this plan. At a member and business hearing on August 12, 1997 there were only two businesses in over 100 who voiced concems. We befisve this may be the solution we have sought for over 10 years and we want to try to make it a success. The fact is simpie: J Parking on Grand Avenue is not enforceabie. The St. Paul Police Department wiil not enforce any of the zones because they are inconsistent and confusing. 7he new ordinance seeks to do the following: 9 Create a uniform parking arrangement that can be enforced. O Provide two hour spots for customers from 8A - 8P each day. This wiil heip keep customer traffic out of the adjacent neighborhood streets. The plan wili be uniform from one block east of Dale Street to Ayd Mfil Road. P Provide a permit for Grand Avenue residents so they can park when, and as long as they want to during the 6A - 8P period when the two hour parking is being en4orced. ♦ Yes! This ordinance will keep employees of our businesses from taking up parking spaces that our customers can use during the time it is in force. The net effeci: ♦ Customers will be able to find more accessible parking because the only people who will be abts to park for long periods of time wili be the Grand Avenue residents. The Executive Committee is pianning testimony for the association at the public hearing along with members of the Summit Hil! Association. If, in addition to your phone call to the Gity Council offices, you can attend, pfease join usl Call Char Mason on Wednesday, October 8 to find out what time we are on the agenda. Please call me before Fsiday, October 3 if you have questio�s (221-1Q57). Because of my business travel through October 7, you may call Dan Parker, White Way Cleaners, (291-1107) Association Vice President after that time. ��Z- l �b� : ������ A Cherished Tradition of ReaLLy Coo�, Stuff ��SSage F��m t�e P��Sident Bor+nie Johnson, Great Harvest Bread Co. President, Grand Avenue Business Association Grand Old Day'97 was a tremendous success for the business associa- iion! 1'his event has matured over the past several years and is creating a good pubiic perception of Grand Avenue. We also count on this as our primary fund raiser each year and I'm pleased to report that it generated the revenue we need to continue providing service to members and pro- moting Grand Avenue as a premier destination for shopping, dining and servicesl Andy Gesell, Cherokee Bank, was an exceptional leader of the volun- teer committee that planned the event. jackie Lunde, Subway, worked dili�endy to create a Family Area that was unbelievablel Our executive director, Char Mason, managed vendors, volunteers, sponsors, promo- tion, anc3 a tough work load. Take a moment to say thanks the next time yoii see these folks and others whose work is so critical to the success of U� Old Day! � Saint Paul City Council President Dave Thune is pre�aring to present an ordinance to the Ciry Council this fall that will create a residential street peru�it parking district along Grand Avenue between Dale Street and Ayd Mill Road. The work on this ordinance was begun over two years agc� by representatives of the Summit Hiil Association Traffic and Yarking Commi�tee and members of the Grand Avenue Business Assaciatiori. It is fully endorsed by the Boards of both organizations. Hours of analysis and discussion have resulted in an ordinance I believe wiil benefit both the people who live along the avenue, and those whose livelihood is integrally tied ±o our customers' ability Co park and come into our businesses. Sii7�ply puC, fhe ordinance will: Provide consistent 2 hour parking on both sides of the avenue, and adjacent streets to the alley, from 8am to Spm, 7 days a week; Establish a system for residents to purchase parking permits so they can park their vehicles for longer time periods. On Tuesday, August 12, there will be an informational meet- ing for Grand Avenne businesses to answer questions and pro- vide more detail on the ordinance. A representative from the public works department will be available along with committee members who worked on drafting the ordinance. The meeting wili be held at 5:30 pm See President... continued on p¢ge 2 The Newsletter Qf The Grand Avenue Business Associafion Summer 199'7 Mar�k YoWr ��lAendat� o� Upco�ing VrG��U iJat�s Grand Avenue Parldng Disfric# Infbrmatianal Mee6ttg Augusti 12, 5:30 gm 860 St. Glair` Ave. Yellow Sikes Premier on Grand . August �6 &oard Meet9ng SeptemUer 9, 8:00 am 985 Grand Ave. Security & Crune Generat Membership Meeting Date TBA Customer Service Generai Membership Meeting Date TBA Grand Meander Aoliday Event December 6 Uvh�t`s Inside Web Pk&e. � -page 2 Grand Otrl Day � page 3 Mac2lester Goupons • page 4 New Mernbers • page 4 Security meeting • page 5 Member Benefzfs • page 6 Yellow Bike Program • page � Gool Stuff For S¢le • page 8 Exe�utive Director Notes �y Char Mason Do you wonder how this Assaciation operates? lust who are the leaders, volunteers and staffl Here's a quick "snapshoY' that may give you some answers: The Grand Avenue Business �ssociation Board of Directors is made up of 21 Grand Avenue business people, just like you, 4vhc make 1-3 year commit- men�s to serve on the Board. The Boarc3's role is to set long range goals, make policy deci- sions, give direction to the com- mittees, manage the staff & approve budgets & spending. The Board is made up of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Immediate Past President, along with three representatives from each of the 5 nodes {geographi- cal segments of Grand Avenue) and one Member at Iarge. Representatives of both the dis- trict counciis, the Summit Hill Association and the Macalester Groveland Communiry Council, also have seats on the Board. As Execurive Director, l fill the staff position for the Association. On the most basic level, i answer your phone calls and manage the Association's day-by-day needs. However, it is also my job to manage commu- nications & volunteers, as well as member & consumer ser- vices. With ourAssociation office acfing as the hub of infor- mation, my position also pro- vides a thread of con:inuity from year to year. It is my role to make recommendations to tlie Board & committees and alert the Board & members to new opportunities which serve the long range goals of the Association. Essentially, the Executive Director's role is designed to compliment the vol- unteer leaders. IYs this unique symbiotic rela- tionship between the Soard, the staff and the �rowing general membership that is enabling this Association to accomplish so mud�. By paging throvgh this issue, you will see how many projects we are undertak- iiag and how much we can achieve together. As always, I welcome you to call me at 699-0029 if you have any ideas, thoughts or quesfions. i�eb �age Upd�te: �rvlrvw.Grandi�ve.com In the two weeks surrounding Grand Old Day, we had aimost 3,000 visitors to our Grand Avenue Web site! As a current member, you are automat- ically listed on the site and have the option to have a 100 word description as we11 as your 6usiness hours, all free of charge. If you have not completed a form with this information, please ca11699-0029 for another copy. Dan't miss this chance to promote your business in Cyberspace! q�- t�� Message From the President... continued frorrz p¢ge 1 at Linwood Community Center, 86fl St Clair Ave. in the Craft Room. Copies of the ordinance will be available that evening or by cali- ing the Business Associatior. office at 699-0029. We encourage you to come and participate in this part of the process! Special thanks to those whose commitment and energy made this a realiry for us! Mike Schumann, Traditions, was vigi- lant in his work over several years to analyze the problem and heip find soluCions! O�her members include Biil Skally, 5kaily Tax Service, and t1�e following neigh- bors from Summit Hill Association; John Siekmeier and Stephen Gadient. Please read through ihis newsietter for other important news and committee updates. I aixa honored to be working witi� an exceptional Board and other vol- unteers who conCinue to make us a stronger and more viable organi- zation! Enjoy your summer! Snow Remo�al Survey Upd�te Because of the abundant number of responses anc3 complexily of the snow removai surveys sent to all Grand Businesses a few months ago, the Membership Committee hopes to have some results to report in the next Business Builetin. �Pag� 2.� Granc! Avenue Business ASSaciation Newsietter '; i � �� � _ � ����� r - --�..�� � r MAKE A DIFFERENCE� Bonnie Johnson, Assaciation President The ctbck is tickina! With the he{p of neighborhood residents, businesses, and City Councii President Dave Thune, we have a new parking ordinance for Grand Avenue that wili be voted on by the City Council foffowing the public hearing on Wednesday, October 8. Other members of the City Councii need to hear your voice this week to affirm the solid backing of the business community on this issue. We are the retail gem of the City of St. Paut and deserve to have an enforceab{e parking policy to ensure our continued livelihood! Aii you need to do is cail the councii offices at 266-8560, give your name and business name, and ask the receptionist to forward a message to ali Counciimembers saying you support the Grand Avenue Parking District. Over the past two years you have heard about this ardinance in The Summif, our bus+ness Association fYewsletterand Business Bulletin, in addition to the Highland Villagerand Grand Gazette. Over the past ten years, we have struggled to find a solution that is acceptable to those who live on and near Grand Avenue as well as those of us who own and work at businesses on this avenue. The Soard of Directors of the business association approved this plan. At a member and business hearing on August 12, 1997 there +vere only two businesses ofi over 100 who ioiced concerns. We believe this may be the >olution we have sought for over 10 years and ve want to try to make it a success. - he Executive Committee is pianning testimony �r the association at the public hearing along °��- i 1�0�7 with members ofi the Summit Hili Association. If, in addition to your phone cal{ to ths City Counci{ offices, you are able to attend, please join us! Gal( Char Mason at 699-0029 on Wednesday, October 8 to find out what time we are on the agenda. If you have questions, piease call me at 221-1057 before Friday, October 3 or Association Vice President, Dan Parker, White Way Cfeaners, at 291-9107 from October 3-7. Saint Paui Nlayoral �a����ate For�m Wednesday, October 8, 7:15 - 8;45 AM Radisson tnn Saint Paul, 411 Minnesota Street You are invited to attend a forum featuring candidates Mayor Norm Coleman and Senator Sandy Pappas to hear what they have in mind for the business community af Sa+nt Paui. This program is sponsored by the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Grand Avenue Business Association as wefl as severai other organizations inciuding the Cathedraf Hi11 Business Association, the Nighland Business Association, the Saint Anthony Park Business Association and the Sneliing-Selby Area Business Association. Members of the Grand Avenue Business Association may attend this meet+ng at the Chamber member price of $8 ($12 for non-members). To attend, send your $8 participation fee to: Saint Paui Area Chamber of Commerce Attn.: Good Morning Saint Paui 332 Minnesota Street, Suite N-205 Saint Paui, MN 55101 If you have questions or would like to call in your reservation, please catl 223-5000. Seating is limited. � � �� ,�-�-�� - _ - _ Two Hour Parking District Ordinance 1lpdate The C+ty attorneys are making final revisions on the ordinance for creating a residential sfreet permit parking district along Grand Avenue between Dale Street and Ayd Mill Road. The Saint Paui City Council is planning the public hearing for September 24 at 4:30 pm. Councii President Dave Thune is sponsoring the ordinance, which is endorsed by the Boards of both the Grand Avenue Business Association and the Summit hilf Association. A meeting was held on August 13 for aif business owners to leam more about the ordinance and air their views. The ordinance will provide consistent 2 hour patking on both sides of the Avenue, and adjacent streets to the a(ley (only those which currentiy have timed parking), from 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week. Residents wi{4 be able to purchase parking permits so they can park their vehicies for ionger time periods. lf you have questions or comments about this ordinance, piease call Dave Shune's Legislative Aid, Chuck Repke at 266-8620. _._._�a,,.___.�,,�_.�ya-. . __ ..-______�.. ■ City adopts Selby Sma11 Area Plan .........p. 6�� r 1 1�� 6L ■ Mural is cause for concem, clapping .....p. 8 ■ Permit parking sought for Grand...........p. 9 ■ Summit-C readies for blocic nursing ...p. 14 ■ Nlusic is medicine at Grand shop .........p. 18 SEPTEMBERi997 Hearing set on proposal to establish parking district on Grand's east end sv��: Mcct,rre A pu6fic hearing on a proposal to create � percmt of the affected property ovmers to sign auniformhvo-hourparkinglimitandaper- apetitionbe(oreanewpermitpar�tingdistri<t mit parking district on the eastem end of wil! be considered. However, Thune is intro- Grand Avenue is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. ducingtheordi�wwittwutgoingthrough Wednesday,5eptember24,bMoretheStPaul theqetilionprocess. City Councii. TFwne recalted Utatwhen he first toak o6 The plan is generating Iittle opposition if an fice in 1990, he received a warning (rom his August 12 Grand Avenue Business Associa- predeceswr, then-Mayor Jim Schei6eL "Iim tion tGABA) general mee6ng is any indiCa- said the one iuue you II never, ever get re- tion. Onty a dozen peopte attended the solved is parking on GrandAvenue," Thune meeting, including two tity staff inembers, said. Fv+o faimer Summit Hi1V Assoriation (SHA) The St. Paul Deparhnent of Pubiic Works board membecs, two GABA board memben supports the proposai, as does GABAand the and Ward 2 City Councii memb¢r Dave SHA'7YSasolution[hatmaynotbepedect, Thune, butiYli heip," said past GASAyruident Srian If approved, Grand Avenue between Ayd Afton. Mili Awd and one-half block east o[ Aale Th¢ permi[ parking distnM is opposed by Strzet—plustheblocksoYhalf-blocksofin- theownersofWillweYSCheidandPNersMor- tenacnng north-south streetr—would be- tuary, 1167 Gmnd Ave., and the Wedding wme St. PaW's 13th residentml permit Shoppe,1201 GrandAve, parkingdistrict.Onlylocalresidentswhase "Bothofourbusmessesaredeali�gwitha veh�des displayed a permit would be allowed different type of customeq" uid Steve Will- co park tor longerthan hvo hours. werscheid ot Willwerscheid and Peters. "Our Areas where parking is already limited to <ustomers are not coming i� to ea[ a sand- less than iwo hours would remain un- wich, they're not coming in to b�y a book. changed. We're dealingwith dtuals here, we're dealing Residents coufd buy parking permits for withlife•changingeventr" $IQperyear.Theyalsocouidbuyviaitorper- Themortuaryprotides95otf-SGeMparking mits and one-day permits for gatherings at spacu for visitors and has additional em- thxir homes. ployee parking behind itr building, he said. Th�ne, the author of the ordinance that The Wedding Shoppe has a handful oP off- woWdcreatethenewpermitparkingd'utrict, streetparkingforemp(oyeesonly. has promised i[ will get through the City Wi(lwerscheidisco�ernedthatthefunernl Council before his term ezpires at the end of home5 parking { wilt be used by shoppers 1997, and the employees of nearby businuses to Thunecalledtheplan"agrea[stepforn�ard" avoidtheon-streetparkingrestrictions.'4t for che neighborhood, beliwing it wiil allevi- can cost qui[e a bit for us to keep unwanted ateparkingcongestiononCraridbydiscour- carsoutofouriot,"hesaid. agingemployeesandothernonresidentsfinm GrandAvenuebusinessownerMikeSchu- pa*'�.ongonthestreetforpurposuothertFun mannaskediftheCUneraihomecouldreceive to patroniz¢ Iocai businessu. an exemption hom the permit parking dis- Pve6eensupportingsomethinglikethis tnckHowever.SheYkaandThunesaidthecity foryears,"saidMel7aMartinotDlvSpaMel{a, isrequiredtotreatallbusi�essesintheume 1204 GrandAve.Martinsaidthereisaparking mannex, shortage in her 6�ock of Crand due in large Summit-University CouncilllTews BOARD SEATS OPEN RESTORATiVE JUSTICE TherecontinuetobeopwingsontheSum- GlenFdwardshasbeenhiredtnrecmitpeo- mit-Umversiry Planning Councii board in plewithintheSumm�FUniversiryandFrog- SubdistrstsA �three spots), B(four), D(one) town communiGU to be trained in mediatlon andF(one).Ntematepovtionsareopenina➢ andfamilygmupconferencing.Tminedciti- otthesubdstrictsaswelt.Thereaisoaremany zenswillthenworkwithvictimsandolfend- o npr ectsandactvitieswthoutjoin- agreementrhavingtodowith tionand ngtheboardFOrit�formation,czl{execudve communityservice.AtraininESessionwiilbe rox mtormaFwn, WI Edvmrds at224.99D4. � � ° �� - �'�s:�� ,., 4VEEDdiSEED 'e= -�`�"`�'"� A Weed & Seed Steering Cummittee is be- � px,s ,- a�' a,, iagcreafaltod¢velopasimtegicplantoim- �:�—�-,' '-s�. - ,_.3��; x ',�'_ ` Arove the phys�cal app¢arance and tn create sso��at 4�� 5 ����'a � GREEtYHOUSE Open 4 Days.9�4'eRk BaMara Stromer. e��..�. Re�fect Becky MOntgOn St. QaU� St "Emm�ng ' . t7e�oqgh a edun °fhanks far,�nur � Ofta�d L euppart• PttpRW vMPadfctbi{hMmtgorrcryvo`w: SuP.utMN5510Z2s Medica( B[II ReducHon Servlces N� 9�,6 Of AIf Hospital . Contain Errors anc ➢W Yours� A AeWtS� Want To Lower Your 8flis or k We Can Heipl No Reco� J011'1 �S .��5 �7e � ;ether In Iesus' t V Saturday )ubilee Servic Sunday Chapel Service Sunday School Sunday Worship Spc<ia{ Mus�c by ematcy a. ca � • Have Lunch in the Markeiplace 11:30 am-= � Take a Tnur of the I,¢arning Genter 71:30 dflt Y����l ,� �Ot�N� �;�... �FC�GK AI .._._._._._._._._._._._. V f l l 1� l � � ww �eu �a+. wiee �..e ., .,. .�.,. ..... __ _ VOLUME 25 permit district in ayearto see ifit is elfective. Supporters of the ordinance admitted that the propoul �arries some nsks.'7nstead of 6e- ing th¢thing that mak¢s us aII happy, itcouid be the thing that makes us all crazy," said GASA president Bonnie Johnson. Still, she saidthat GrandAvenue needs to try the park- �n'd P�an. Despife e{forts to ge[ employees [o park etsewhece, "not everyone seems to get the message;' said Grand Avenne bvsinessma„ SH�1 supports city ordinance creafing permit parking district on east Grand by 3ane McClive There i5 no hee ride under ordinance thatwould create i hmi[s and estahl�h a peCm+t on the eas[ end of f,rand A"a. onJ�ly 10 tos impo5e a hv¢ hom a hzlf bl Mill Road, as streets behvee and the half b�.. on all o[her sti Underiheoi more than 80 hwr zone w< Association (SHA) vot¢d : an ordinance ttutwould parking limit on Grand �st of Dale Street m Ayd u on Dale and Vittoria �d and Summit avenues, orth and south of Grand ithatarea ce, residents living in the seholds within the hyo- e required to purcha5e i the rityfor $10 peryear. 6ow them to park i� the than two hours wRhout The Geand Ayenue Su>iness Association (G.�IBA) wil l tak¢ up the iuue on Augtut 13 be- fore the de0ate makes itr way to Qry Hali. Earlier this year, tf �e GABp and SHA boards voted to suppoK the parking plan, which was three years in themaktng,yt away to provide for 6etter enforcement of garking rutric4ons and to get the vehi<Iu of employees and downtown commu[ers off of Grand and i1s cro5s-streets. Under the ortginal plan, residen[s Iiving in the [wo-hour zone would have received free parking permits. However, concerns were raised at the nty ]evei about giving (ree park- ing to GrandAvenue residents while people hmng within other perm7[ parking districts are charged $10. S!�IA board mxmber David Schultz cast [he lone vote agarns[ the new permiC ordinance on luly 10. "I fad to see how this soivu the D�oblem;' he said. Other SHA board members said the prnrrit d'utrict should be implemenced, at IeasC on a trial CharlesSkrief. "Wewon'tknowwhathapp¢ns unHl we try iG" He asked that the cpmmunity councit and businus associatlon review the Ave�ue in ueing mscussea moroughly before any City Counci� ac[ion. Thune has agreed to introduce an ordi- nance to create the permit park�ng, which eliminates the need to obtain signatures on a petition. At least 60 perCent of Ne property owners on a block usual ly must sign a peti6on before permi t parkmg is allowed by the ci ty. IF approv¢d, the Gmnd Avenue permit parking d'utrict would be the first in the city to be cre- ated by ardinance. Under Ne ordinance, the affected streetr woutd be poued for two-hour parking (rom &:00 am. to 9:�0 p.m. seven days a week. Bus�- nesses coutd petiUon to have 15-minute park- ing spaces during businus hours. Public Works stalf wo�ld workwdh GABA and SHA to determine where the IS-minute zonu �nside the �`azette - t � �� � Rec centers shoat for CIB marbles ........p. S ■ SHA supports permit parking plan ...,....p. 7 ■ Hopefals file for city, school races........p. 10 ■ Bikes provide Grand transportation.....p. 14 ■ Nick Swardson leaves'em laughing.....p. 15 AUGUST1997 � � � x � iUM�R S11I,E� 30•50°�a OFF Selected7�ems d90-3185 • Kitchens • Additions • Restoration • Remodeling Youf Neighborhoad 5peciotist �04� Gtantl Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 r.+mwio ' "L:40�/ff �G , �Oi� �tL2 ff�tc ��i%s siurt� Aug D oR tH!!ss t�ie YOCee poa wrile,r, el�i�l�� �i�w�ur, �u'dde po✓�a a�cade du�i7� ��/� Buiid a summer vaca this great communi avu �n oiner perm�C Da�king districts in the city woutd not be ailowed to pirk on Grand Avenue for rswre than iwo hours at a lime. ; Cifiy, school district agree on plan ; to open police storefront at J.J. Hi11 by lane McClare Offiaaisfrom[heqtyoP54Paulandthe5t. (undsfora PauiPublicSchoolshaveworkedoutaplanto thedistncl sharethecostotprwidingpolicepro[ection ganatund dunagthe193798academicyearatiJ.Hii1 pro�idefo� School,9°ASeibyAve. far,thepa� Selby Avenue will have a police substation toward th� at[heuhoolwhileitrcusr¢nlsRecontinuu timepolim � a4em� out ofthe New Begmmngs Center. 3:09 p.m. 664 Seiby dve. The schnol will cantinue ta pxovide $7, F�.r�� ,rv.ln.��..�. avsmg anC IoDbyin& c2mpaign to �art time police protection. Thvs �b have raised more than 53,000 xtimated $2QDDD cost for part- werage behveen 10:00 a.m. and :hool offiaaVS said they ptan to IOfortheposiGonthroughahud- ,..i 'P6 o n.. � ��i r -n - - - - �. �� � � � ,��y� �� , f t � .I'� , ,su. `,a� I '. � 1 �-� ay � t �-�� � �� �1���."_ �> �� � �� � � .. i ..� �tt`./lYtJla'i'��Q�fCIY�, �� ����� rtri Y Z: � � 'i� 1 � �� _ �l � �m. '� `: , !� �� MUSfC � ART s W, � ��� � Inside the Gazette �7- i l(o� ■ Grand pian for uniform parking .............p. 3 ■ Merchants request Grand beat cop.........p. 7 ■ Interpreters provide }ustice for all........_.g. & ■ Peopte's Choice crusade continues.........p. 9 ■ Love only a parent can provide .............p. 12 VOlUME 25 � �NUMBER 3 p ' PR �� �� SHA, GABA seek uniform tw�o-hour parking limit for Grand's eastern end }yJaneMcCture deatBOnnielohn»n"Stttt,we'rerhrilledW b¢ heading in the right dirution" Aproposaithatwouldcreateuniformpark- Those who would b¢ atfecscd 6y the inglimitsontheeastemendofGrandAve changuwi{IbenotifiedbeforetheCityCwn- nue,andatthesametimeprovidefreepark- tiltake5anyacHon,butithatnotyetbeende- mg permiks for those who live m the area, terminedwhetheriheGrywillbeseeitingthe u now making i[s way ro [hz St Paul City consentof75 percentofall propertyowners, Cauncil. which is required whm utablishing a permi[ Three years in the making, the proposed parkingdistr�ck Schumann said adhering to Grand Avenue narkina nlan was adooied se- tSie ?5 pezcent consenF would prevent the ciation Associa the plax on uaze a�xi ncwna sUeNsbetweenGrandand Summit avenuu, and the n,ock sopth on al, other streets intersecting with 5:00 a.m to 8: seven days a we� ing IS-minu[e zonu would rer , ��� Alle uic�! _Ae is risen_ 9:W � 30:30 am. WorrHip Ce7ebraiims vnA Gaa, dwv. cmparv aM bJlc t5Z3 Famww�Avc :,�✓so-a�.�ew�ww rc�mi Make I�ou s 3fa�s20X� B �6s2460H Pmak&Pav1x14Y.OH TshPmSpeaak � & `'� J� �r�s�swoe �v ^,�e�unsape'1.17!]- .wr.wn. li�33.1997 Business dwble,"hesai8. � the city, "3 jvst don't think that you should give (,� "There's a mishmash of parking limits in the area now and thaYs why there's no enforeement. The people mho fake adnantage ofthatare the employees." stands wautd 6e removed. Proponrnts of the plan say that uniform parking time timiks on Grand will ailow fox better enforcement of parking ruhictions and get the vehicles of employeesand downtown commuters off the sheeGt. "Thue's a mishmash of parking limits in the area now and thaPs why there's no en- forcemeeK," said Mike Schumann, an SHA 'The the more of fiving in !hm the the plan, hut he remainc co�¢med that it will push emPWYee Parking deeper into the neighbm- hqod Grand Avenue em- ployeuandcustomersare already restriMed from us- ing some 300 on•sKeet pa[king spacu in the Vic- toria Crossin? areaas the whUher the new packing plan would be effeo- tive in azeu where parking is al ready ak a pre- mium, such as at Cm�M and Dale. "Permit parking isn't going to help all ttat muth in my area where parking is only aiowed on one side ofDale," uid Bill Skally, an S}3N board member and ov+ner of Slmlly's Tax Service and three apa�etment 6uildings near Grand and Dale. "We recognize thaf this isn't gwng fo he(p al{ that much (at Grand and llaley," Scfiu- mann seid. "We hoye to find other ways to ad- dreu the D+oblems associated with parking bans." Meanwhile. wncems have been raised at wouid atiav residmts to park in the postea Ne ciry areas for more than two hours without 6eing mits tA ti[keted: P�P1e � The Grand Avenue parking plan hit a few are cfia bumps in ihe road before GABA and the 5HA city's D apprmeA GABA board members wanted to Yet a see the parking 2one extended hom Lincoln numbe roSummitavenuesonallswrth-sou[hstreetr_ dence.i "WethinkiPsconfusingthattheparkingreg- Paul,a utac�onsendinmid-hlock,"saidGABAqresi- residen issue to Lloyd's Autornotive receives approval to rezone Grand duplex for parking yy)en¢McCI�v¢ six new repair 6ays, a new otfice and rest rooms. 1H�H.,�a�o)asipnvdneiphho.hnndnetitiem ineteadofbein�setbackfromGrandAw Just in time for Spring... Celebrate the .Season with Wuoltet's Petite Fr-ccit Tarts. I t s the season of celebrations - the beginning of Spring, May Day, � Mother's Day, graduation, anniver- sariea Then there's the seasonal rimals - the inauguration of the backyard deck, the opening of the Iake cabin, the re-acquaintance i of friends and neighbocs aRer a long winter's hibernation. You can make your celebrations blissful � with WnolleYs delicious Pe6te Rmit Tarts, made wiffi a butter short paste erust with bavarian cream, ropped w'xth fresh seasonal fruits. Buy one Petite Fruit Tart 36oa r and get a second one .�'ree! Offergood wi[h triis ad 1oSOc Moaday, March 37, throvgh yyi� µ, Saturday, April 5, 1997. T.imit six free tarts n0r custofi0r.. �26 E. Sol1d Inte I11 I�lgtilC�. � , , . , F ,...: x � �+ g .��� -.� �� �� ��� � s � �� �'i ,..0 � ,�. ,• � , t . r , 3etter 7han tiew! au s tauu �m+� � �l lwn 2 f�ey�a�es, Ivg� Id wtl6 mabae „� � �ot t�e va �Pmrta� StY507 cross� a��c. ����� � �� "r"=.Y,�., ,.. �.. . '�`40� 4f yafte thinking abuut a move, call me for a EREE Market Aitalysis! 696-085 2100 FwdParhm%➢� A201 Q � futons & �� p ' � frames� � its a fali fiock ot �,. . tumnsf+eCla�s '� • mqantlerat ��''}"�� ���„`w ioY npEm+s . �0%oRtw+swl�rs� iow��wrt�m wmzsx m:ua�+�es .m��at0^a �ard+V 5199 Sf� �arcT� u+l 9t9 599 :��a� � � wm�y0eu�rw�sw�� �� c�e�"�vrce% ' �.� depth of_fieid ��� New collectio�� 0 of beautiful, tradi�Gional ceramics Gio of Latin America. � F Fromibnhnu53MYAbqes . j(JgILEE SHOP � Int¢rnational Handcrafts 1�51 Gnnd Avenue., SL Paul Phane 22S10A3 . M ppponents' petitions� � l �.� seek to btock perm�t parking p�a►� for Grand bYlaneM`�I�e hss`hes`9Por.oftheGranc Avenve Suvnws ASSO=iation OPposition has started ro and che 5'unmrt Hill Asso:i- formtoaolxntha[x'ouldes- at`a��ga��onG��c tablishaoetsitparl�n$�S' P tnc: and uniform parking on theblocks oriulf-blocics IimiCSOn:heeasttnzndof oE�ntersecungnor[h-souch CrandAvenue.TheSLPaul s.xeetswheieDacking:une �yyCpuncilv+illholdapub- lunitsazecurrendyposeed lic hearing on The pa�k'°6 YeoQle who live m �.a: planat4:30p.�.Wedi'csd nc' ��dufocSl�pe?yu: Occo6ec8,atCityHa�1. $P JimF*itz,w6oha5owned inordermparkonchesneec. the Wedding Shoppe on Te�ss ndonrd�7p<,�m�s Gcand Avenue sin<e 1977. P a���homes. hulaundsedapetifion� �e ��8"�"e e��i� earldng dir againe[ perma p 6� . °Wdrevnhappy�+'���eF^�� tnctandrn�o-houcnmeLmrt that this is going through a�.�esofemployeesgoffthe wlth so little pubhc mti�e' hesaid. stteets and.Eree up more pgcpupofGrandAvenue pazking spaces fo� cus- cesidents aW i5 ieporcedly romers. circulatingap�itionagainst FntzsaidmanyGrandAv- Chepermitparkingdistrict. enue busmess people anc � � Representadvesofthatgroup rental prope[ty ownezs do ( could not be teached £oc ootunderstandtheimphca- commen4' uonsofcheplan.Hesaid�hae AGityCows<ilheanngon postingpexmrtparkir.gor ihe p�an was schedaled for � Grand wilt only push em- September 24, but was de- ployee pazking onro nearby layed so ciry siaff could re- Lincoln and Summu %�- view the pmposed Qarking enuespromptingtheexpxn- ordinance. If appsoved, the sion of the resident or.l� s�retch of Grand Avenue pnrkingxonetl�z[alreaCvea- from Ayd Mill Road to Dale isu on many btocks m cnz $tree[ would become [he Summ��Hillneighborttood 13thpermiCparl:ingdists�ci Healsoazguedthatehetw:; inSt,Paut,butthefirstesmb- hour limit dces noc aflo'. ' {ished wiChout petitiona ° ack, ho at�u"e�%7 s oree � s�gned by a ma�oiity of af- p P fecredpFOPertyownets. and tat a meal at one o. The qatking p�an, which Grand'smanytescau{ancs U • � • Bancorp /frompa9e 7 *as oi 9IS/97_and subjxt to�change without not'ite � to quali�ed bonowers up to a 60 month term for a limited bme ... s� �� ` �N ' f � i NEW �AR LOANS LAtE MO�EL USED iA1t L4ANS H4�tE I�IAROYEMENt LOA1tS �N° �(ORT�AGE LOA11S PLEASE CALL Lisa, Judy, TonnnP �Q1}IV OT TIITl Qt � pEBfi i4NSOLIgA'ttON LOANS ." � pNY AtHER WORtHWHItE FYRPOSE Y4U MAY HAYE tN MIN{ _ � LIBERTY -= STATE BA1�K -ma fomiM - eaar. space as rvell, accoxding tn former Unisys buildmg am )e�ry Trooien, who boughC ample free pack�ng ke. thebui]ding�lastDecember otherfaciasiniufevor,cn.� Erom Lockheed Mactm foc said. $4.375 mil�ion.Trooien said Tcooien,wlw owns abo: heshouldknow`tinthenoF 3ieullionsquazefrecofcos too-dis�eant fucuce" how mercialrealestateinSt.Pai muchedditionai:paceU � ndollarson en aa: Banmrpwillwant. U.S. Bancoc¢ officials �he£ocmerUmrysbuild�r would no[ speculace as [o Hehaz g��en tl�ebuildmr �owmanyemployeeswil�be suwrlimestonefacade.an� wockingazthenewsireunnl entxanceandnewwindo� thry detecmine just which He has had exrensi�e lar mrporafion functions will scap�ng �u aCO�e be moved there. The com- bu+lding.� d"`B P� pany has been headquar- ingoFabout'JS Vees.'Che rered in Fixst Bank Place in terior of Che building � downrownMinneapolisevex gutted,Tcooiensaid,an since its merger with �is� '�'�1lbeieEvzbished'oy'c Bank System seveeal years himandhisnewtenxnt. ago. It currendy o«upies "k's a wonderfel dea; 640,000 square feei of chai us, thz bank and the c buil&ng�'^'��tontinueto Trooiensaid."Were�ah occupy564,0�Osquarefeet aboutalotoFprnPlem�. thecea&eritsmovetoHig 1DN s of U.S Ban<. t�� I U.S. Eanco�p �o leases move was siow m reac 570,DOOsquazefeetindrn+n- businessownersonn� town St. Paul and anoCher Wesc7ih Stceee.hm Bi. 360,W0 square feet Po� its La¢drzv+ile. owne` dsia n*��es�in¢ cencer on Chammp's bar ana rc ��� � ...� �., ...' � -. .� ,e.,.. _ �.. «-s . �� for any worthwhile purpose..-- �ffers latchkey kids a late afternoon of struetured fun by Leslie Watters nild:en have a newaher-scnool ns:a!I. ar.d ic promises ro be a �: G.xn�uxaba6;rsiaingsecvice. : Recczacion CenttYS new Rec -i.l uaer dai!y yypetvise3 home- n arts anc cafu and reading, srd ga.::ts, Geic .rips, sporrs, '-'ry:-'� ��. Children enrotled 'a will praduct the"s own <on- � zcC cosnex<izts and even �w-n wmmunirvnewsoaper. . �:8i; SheriQan.ive., 35 One of xn�rn:n $cPaW patticipating og: xm, which is open m cLtil- !-5. It w�Il run &om 3:00 to -'^.o o! days. StaEF inanbers Uke d ��form paients when their � snow up. nat a lo� of I;ids getting inro n� rt righc aRer rhey get oat of e<Glas., N.omeaoft's d'¢eaoc. �im, many of cht children are "�mdenu who come home to .e bacausr their parents work .�iurnVOn. er as HomecroFts dimctorlast mmun¢y �mdvemzns, he be- s progcams m tl�at dixection. . <ollaboration with youth di- w�sh Communiry Cznter and Apartmmts eha[ had been rrede<essoq and organized a summerscheduleoffree activitiu. "I grew up when everyone at the rec center knew everyone livmg w�thin �ix blocks on a fixst-name bazis," Glass said. He is hoping to recapture tha[ sense of neighbo:hood at Homecroft and he expects the Rec Check Clubwilihelp. Glasssaidhehazabout$100 W spendeach week on pxognmming, or g3,600 tor rhe year. Szptember's schedule features an hour of homework dailyfor those children who have it. (O[hers will be engaged in table or boacd games.) That is followed by a 90-mmute movie on Mondays, art a cooking dasses on Tuesdays on Wednesdays. theater activiCies on Thurs- days and dance on Fridays. TheschedWewasbasedonthesuggesuora of cnildren who par¢cipated in Homeuo@'s summer pmgam"We didr.'c wanc co spend a iot of cime and money developingprogtarns that 1:ids aren't urteresmL in" Giass said Giass ahopingthatsuch Rec Checkacuw- tiu u plzys and sporling evenis will encour- age parenml involvemen t az weLL Glass said he was nised on che D*ogrnms oi the city's Division of Pazlu and Aecreation, andhasworicad for the divssion for 10 years. He said he ¢ mmmrtred ro a family-li7ce ao- mosphere az Homecroh tnat fosters pusonai development and fun. Glass'aim is co give childcen che chance to derelop skills lilce photography, playwriting, `ICids don [have Co wait unui [he}�re 18 ro work a camera,'he said."Everv�hino wr d� CalGnt Glass is hoping the Aec Check Club m- creases Homecroh's visibility.°I went [o Iet people know that fiomeaoft haz a lot to 06 fer;' he said."The mmmuniry inceres[ and s uppoa is rhe re. Tnece's no ceuon we can't be as populaz as a Hillaest or a Grweland." The Rec Check Club �s &ee ro parcicipants, but Chey need to register for the program everymonih.FOrmoremformation or to reg- ister, call Alec Glass at rhe Home<roft Recre- a4on Centei at 298-994. � for permit parking on Grand drawing little oppasati�r� : }ane McClure mg on a propos�l ro create a u. parkinglurutandapenruc on rhe eastrm end of Grutd �!zcioc4B�p m.Wednesday, eioce che Sc Paul City Coun- �eranng l�tt]e opposition if an d Avenue Business Associa- ceral meehng is any indica. uzzn people a[cended the ing cwo ciry staff inembers, mit I;d} Association (SHA) !wo G.4BA board members ry Ceurcit member Dave :rnnd Avanue 6e�weeo Ayd me-half 6tock east of Dale Slocks ur half-biocks of in- -sourh stmr[s—would be- i3th ms�dential permit Only local residents wlwse vehides displayed a permit would be allowed to park'for longer than two hours. Areas where p9rkingis a(ready timired ro tess ihan ewohou�swou4dremainunchsnged ' Resident5FOU3d�buy paricing permits EPr � 510 peryear.They also muld buyvisiror pei'-"- mits and ong=day permits forgatherings at theirhomesl ; ' Thune, Che author of the o�dinance thzt woufdcrea�z ehe nevrpermrt parkingdisiriq, has peomised it will get through the City CouncilbeEorthu eerm exp¢es this year. 7hune <alled [he pian 'a great step for- ward"for the neighborhood, he(ieving it will alleviareparkingcongution onGcandbydis mui employeu and other nomesidrnts &am pazScing on the atreet for purposes other than to patronize local businessu. "I've been supporting somethinglike this For years:'stid Me11a Martin ofDaySpa Mella, 1204 GrandAVe. biaztin said there is a park- ing shottage in hec blo<k of Grand due in Iarge measure to emp{oyees parkmg on the t e ee ° street. The City Counciiuruatlyrequires at ]east b0 percent of ihe affecCedproperty owners to sign a petition before a new permi[ parking dishictwill beconsidered3iawevepThune is introducing the ordinance wichout gomg through the pecition pcocess, Thune cecafled ihat when he First took of- fice in 1990. he received a warning from his predecessor, Q�¢�_Ma}rorJim Scheibel. "(im said the one issue }rou'(1 never, ever get re- solved ispazking on Gca¢dAvwue; Thune said. The SC Paui Departmrnt of Public Works supporss ihepmposal,as dces GABA and the SHA."IPs a solution Chat maynoc be pedecq but iPll help;'said put GABA presidentBrian Alton. The permit parking discrict is opposed by theownersoFWilhverscheid and Peters Mor tuary, 1161 Grand Ave., and the Wedding Shoppe,120t Grand Ave. "Both ofour businesses are dealingwith a �r you are a woman interested in 6ttpming a mentw for a girl, age 9 to 13, WomenVenture invRes you to meet once a month with a youth and he)p her discover the worid around hec HeID ber mntinue to: • Erplae Casper Opporfunifies • P'actice Communication & Deds7pn Making SkfOs • aiake INans ' for the wtrus �- '�. I 6n6'+ana,,... ��n.. different [ype oF cusromer` sa�d Steve Wdl- werscheid of Willwerscheid and Petets."Our customers are not coming in [o eat a sand- wich, they�ce not coming in to buy a book. We're deatingw¢$ rituals hue,were dea(ing with life-changing eventsP The mortuazyprovides 45 off-inee[ park- Ing spacu forviarors and hu additionai em- Ployee parking behind i�s building he said. The Wedding Shoppe has a handful of off- street pazking far employees only. Willvmrscheidisconcernzdihatihefuneral homesparking lot wil7 be used by shoppers and the employees of nearby busmesses to avoid the m-s[reet parking restriccions "[t can wst quite s hit for us to keep unwanted cazsouiof ouc lot;'he said. GxandAvenue busmess owner Mike Schu- mann asked if the funeral home wuld receive an exemption hom [he permrt parking dis- [rict Howeveb Shetka and Thune said the dty is required to treacatl6usinessu ia the same manner. � � Itt tl'te � �„ a � • ��� 7ooN�decarwotherprt�blems even rzrore wwuscan srartatan ' ear3Y�.5owxsv46'�sthEgn" �unge Pm�'an14(regWartXxN� �ut�oMNM P��l�te¢aziYOa e Most�a x zarei. Eady orlateappo'uv�reNSava�ay�p, - wan<ar�a.��aa,� aed pusonzi¢ea crea4nem �a�s, � - Comxseewcaltuswen -11��1 When Rec Check director Alec Giass (lek) gave Chanel Bell the opiion of homework or uble games,she hesitated a momenc before choosin9 homework Photo byTerryFOUSt. �'m+n8 2-bedxoom near everythiog! . iwoud tioors in dinang roam, newez �en and 6akhrpom Custom destgned � � Fun in the sun . 'pecialsectionisbursting � £ � t wr.h info on Highland Fest ' � 3 � Straight shaoter Marbles tourney aims Co revive childhood game o4days past _ y .. �� Playing hardbati �'' ' i Local Legion baseball reamz resurrettlong-standingrrvairy. � )� . .. , � �- "� '-� �--°----' ,'� u-c.a�zr Summit Hifl Assn. supports crea 0% Off Dry Cieaning �■ coxcx�rE • � pncfudesPrap�;) � s� Z �a� - of permit parking d�strict on Gr; � � and/ar $1,39 Men s Shirts ,� Grand business people to debate the issue Augu< � Beaul'HUiry Launtlered & Pressed on Hanqers � r— F y CG..c� -� 1 We ope2[e Ne finest 7265 NC Dry Clean Machine Wnich � � � j � ausbl5crysblciearperc.Ctearperc=cieanebthes. � �'ZQ�JO p�$(O�j(� byJaneMcClure �seffe<uve. � � Su ortecs of che ocdmance ac � �= ='===,.� '�.�o�.,_�'__'==''�1' M1pWAY � �,. Cleaners & � Shirt Launderers � 1802 St Clair 699•2445 � 224 No. Cleveland b44-498� M1��Y Oeamrz—a part o/S£W WHAT� _ � � � wifh wupon fhru e/31/9l � � � i � I 1 1 � � I � . n � 1 7y�e Gotden Comb I 1 r-m..ar�+o:..nyr g 1 � )I4 5a. develand Ave � 698-8880 L_________.1 Summer Madness � � Great Prices � Great Goods �°' yY a: °• " � G��y � � � � 523-525 Seiby Avenue 290-2939 There u no (ree ride mder a proposed city ordinance ihatxrou�d <reare un�formperking f imits and establish a pecmit pazking dis[rict on the ear end of Grand Avenuc. The Summi[ Hiti Association (SAA) voced on (uly IOrosupportan ordinance thatwould impose a ttvo-hour parking Iimit on Grand from ahaifblock easi of Bale 54eet w Ayd Mill Aoad, as weli as on Da1e and Vmtoria sveeGS between Grand and Summrt avenues, andihe halEbLock nocth and south of Grand onallothersueetsinthatsrea. Undu the ordinance,residenttliving �n tlie more [ha� 800 households within the two- hour zone would be required to Qurchase paxking permits trom the city for SI6 per yeac The perm�4s wouid allow them ro park in the posced area for more [han two hours wiehouebeingdckeced The Gxand Avenue Business Asso<iaCion (GABA) will wke up the issue on August 13 beFore the debatemakes i6 wayfn City Hall. Eazliea this yeac, ehe GABA and SHA boards voted m support the parking p{an, which was three yeazs in che maldng,as a way to pro�ide for betrerenforcement of pazking resttictwns and to gM the vehicles of empl0y- eea and down[own mmmuiers off of Grand anditsaoss-stceecs. Undertheoriginalplan,residentshvingin thetwo-hourmnevrouldhavececeived&ee packing pe[mits. Aowever, concecns wece raised at the city about giving fret pazk- ing to Gcand Avenue residents while people livingwithin other permit paokingdisKic[s azechaxged$10. SHA boerd memb er David Sck�uhz cast the lone vote against the new Permic ordinance on july 10.°t fail m see how this solves the probtem: he said. Other SHA board membexs 5aid the pec- mi[ district should be implemented, a[ least on a v�al buis."I see thu u ao experimen4" said Chartes SkrieE"We wodt know what happens until we try it"He asl:ed that the community coun<d and busmess association review the permit district m a yeaz ro see if it PP the proposat carries some nshs being the thmg thae makes us t couid be the ehmg that makes u sazd GABA pxesidenc Bonme {oF she said ihat Grand Avenue ntec parkingplan. Despire efforts m ge! emplm� etsewhece,"noieveryone seert: measage"said Grand Avenue h� andrental property ownzr Bill S�. City Gaonc$pres�denCDave Th wacd takes in the proposed perr 8isnict, sa[d he was inivally sxe� fhe plan, especia➢y d�e idea of g� Avenue residen[s free garlang ; said his support of the ocdinance being discussed Ynoroughly ber. Council actio�. Thune haz agreed to inirod� nance to aeate the peim¢ pad elimmates the need to obtxin s�g� peti[lon. At least 60 percent of U owners on a block usually must tion befoce pecmit pazking is ail. city.7f apprwed,tk�e Gxand Ave parking distrlct would be [he Hc m be created by ordinance. Undec che ordinance, che a;f: would be pasted for two-ho�r p. 8:00 zm, to 8:00 p.m. uven days e nesses<ouldpeationtahare IS-r ing spaces ducing busmess h< Wotks staff wouVd wock .rIIn SHA eo determ3ne where tne zoneswouldbe. The ordinance would a(low < hofd within the district to bvy r pmnits. Ruidents also would be chase visitor permits for 570 : sQetial-event permiu for Si UO �. The r.ew disicici woutd no: b �isting permit pazWng dutnr rered azou¢d Vcroria Crossmg �� there and in oeher germit pavl a<coss che city would not be zl. on GrandAvenue for moie thxn atime, Ramsey County ups ante for y� h�,�i�P�r with riSP in ice arena fer Publisher's Notes Parking plan is thi right thing to do by �lichael Mischke �7ce Schwnann mus[have known fhere woWd be days ]Dce this.On'e haffof the husband and wifz team t7wt o0erates Traditions on Grand; Schumann is a veteran of pastHill DisGict s`seet fights hzvingta6oredforihebetter ' part of hvo years to 'pexrnead the mnGoversial re[um ofMarshall ynd Daywn a�enuu to iwo-way sheeh. Schi:mann and hu �.ue Swann¢ aze ruidentr of Daycon in the Ramsey Hil nzighbornood. But iCSchumarin [hought DaytonAvenuewas a battle, wiia[ he's fxcingnav on Cmnd Avenue may he more altin to all-ou[ war. A CrandAvenue parkingylan that hu bem three YQNS irt t�l¢ mdicina herame hhe h.ne�..rt.. <_.. � read wscone suaaeniy looked up to iloot on Grand. (When it waz rbusineu owners that her � hnd h¢c business aswciaGon': ie Aazking propnsal in depth ly was, "Oh, l'm too bury to m to [he CrandAvenue �ing i(not pugnacious, lts one but two petition drivu [o poSalLh3tltasthesolid.if aiC ofa IocaL In a nutsh� • Limit pai block east o(. and Vctnria � a:VV p.m.5even tla parking �n a permi • Allow resident Che hvo-hour wne ciry for §10 pu pe� household.Reside� SI O per permit per Derrttits (or$1.00 e ruidenGS arid their more thyn hyo hou Road.The � 8:00 a.m, to illegally renUy $15.00. �eholdswi�in :rmitr hom the »t of hvo per �r permits for s0eciat-ev¢nt aUow ishi<t far 4Ynat alculat ucust ee[15 0l mongi ow is G uMC[i ractica �iicelv �zce I ie city. parking elsewhere. � �e done is mount a az mariy parking 5paces accommodahng the s, who happen to be suuungaca:w p.m. WeMesdaY. �tober 8. inCiryHall. ' 1 mustsay Iwas ambivalentaiwutthe parking pian for many month5—as a GrandAvenue ruiden[and as a busmess owner whose success depends to a large degree on the success o( Crand Avenuz B u t after p Iaying devit's advoca[ewith those on eitherside otthe battle lines, I'm convinced that the pian is boN doable and duirable. The facC is, w�th parking spacu at such a premium, empbyees nwer should have been parking on Gmnd Avenue in the firstplace. But human nature being what it is, they've tak¢n ydvan�ge of a situation that allmved Yhem to parkas close Eo warkaz they possibly could. [don'tnxc�od�.�.,,......._.�_:,._ _ . . . ;► �� f � s t t f c t i t t c C f I : 7 I � r 1 � ( t t f I t � I i � � � � `��`l��P� � � � . � � _a� � , � � � � G �� �y � � � Q .� �. C o�i 3 n' 'i U X � � N � .� C � G O � �� C � i >°'., rt o � � � q _ 3 o � � �� o � � � � C C ,,� � , d � � N �OG rtt G N � � L d O ,Y V � y � � G O 'w 4 �N � ° c, .� U 3 � v o v � F° v� � 0 � � ■ Parking plan has Grand flaws �� -(��� Deat� editor: Pazidng on GrandAvenue can become congested at times and I do believe that something needs to be done. However, tucning the eastern end of Grand Avenue into z pe.-mit parking disuia and creating a uniform two-nour parking zone is not the answer to the problem. The proposal to glve residents permiu but exciude the employees wno work in shops on Grand simply will not work Bydoing this,employees will have to garkon eoads norih and south of Grand that aiready suffer from pazking problems. in a sense, ihe dtywoutd be simpiymoving the problem to a differentarea. The shops and rescaurants on Grand are unique.There are many people who will visit three or four shops and then have iunch or dinner. The last thing they want ro worry aUoue is moving their car out of a nvo-hour zone so they won'tget ucketedAt thai same time, these customers dodt want to park their cars tevo or three blocics away from Gmnd to go shopping. I attend the Universityof St. Thomas and we also have a serious parking problem that seems to get worse every yeaz. Oddly enough,T always seem to find a spot in a one-hour mne everymorning.I reaGza I'm ontysupposedto pazk there for an hout,but I leave mycaz thece for up co eight hours a:. day.The reuon I doxit get a tickeiis because it's so hardto monitor one-hour zones.I would imagine it's even hazdexto monitor a nvo-hour zone. At first the permit plan maywork,but as soon as workers and cus;omers realize there's really no way to monitor a nvo-hour wne, they'll leave their cars there as fong as they pleue and the problem will return. T guess shop owners could repozt the cars thatare parked for more than hvo . houcs,but I don'tthinkthe�lthave too many ceturning" customers i£thac happens: John Seidl Hightand Park .:� � � �1-llb 17 On solid footing Pickin'& grinnin' ^) Hanging tou� Hghtand, MacGroveland host �� Oorrohue CD pays homage L � Teddies bring home : fikh Home Improvement Fair. L� t0 a fingervpickin� vadiUOn. . L fmm s[ate CWSS f,A:. - St. Paut seeks to satisfy Plastics and save tract for new housing City studies alternative sites for manufacturing plant bYianeMcClure Support appears to be buitding in SL Paul City Ha11 to conYert the krmer Kofi-Mo6il fuel tank fazm at West 7 th Street and Otto Avenue to a new residen[iai neighborhood and find an- other locadon for a re7oated Plastics Inc. The Gity CqunciL nn Ma�ch 12 identified ihreepossibie new sites for ihe dow ntown plas- ticsmanufacmrerand asked the Por[AUthority and ciry staffto�puc together plans for mwing Plastics lnc. to one oF tho5e sires. "7(we want to connect [he nver to the people �' �whoGve and workin ourcity,ihis (liousingpro- jecd'u an opportwityrodojust that; said Wazd 3 council member Mike klarri& A$60 million plan was mveiled las[ fall by the West 7th/Fort Road Federation and BrighP on Development w buitd a 4S0-unit housing development on ihe former fue! rank hrm. The proposed River Bluff Vi]lage would entai1256 towohauses and 8Q single-family homes with an avecage value of $200,000, 54 apartroent units for independentseniorcitizensand 90 u- sisted-livingapar�mentunits fortheetderiy. Seven poimtial sites for Plastics Inc. have GtyCouncii/see page 5 �, �1ni�o�rm two-h�ur parking I�mi�t ` sought for eastern end of Grand IryJaneMcClure A proposal thatwould c2eate unifoxm pack- inglimits on the eastun end of Grand Avenue, and at [he same time provide free pulting per- m�ts for those who {ive in the azea,is now mak- ingitswayto the SLPauI CiTyCoundl. Three years in the making,the proposed Gcand Avenut paxking plan was adopted ce- crntlyby the boazds of CheSu:nmit Hill.9ssoci- a[ion ($HA) and Grand Avenue Bnsmess Association (GABAJ. If appwved by tt�e city, the plan woWd aeate unifocm tw0-hour parkmg limits oa GtandAvenue from a half blotk east of Dale Saeet ro A}dMill Road u wellas on Date andYictocia stxeets betxeen Grand and Sum- mit avenues, and the halFblock north and half biocksouch ona(Iotheistccecsin�e�uctingwith Grandinthisarea. Streets would be posted for nvo-ho ur parking fwm SAO am, m 5:00 p,m.,uven days a week. Esisting 15-minute parking zones would re- main during business hours. All cab stands would beremoved. 4roponents of [he plan say that uniform patxing [unelimitson Grand will aUowforbeF terenforcemmtofpazkingres4ictionsand get the vehides oFempfoyees and downcown <om- mutersoffihestreeCS. "There's a mishmash of parkinglimits in the Parki�/see page 3 � � $ICJtl Of Sj3ilil J(YO COM@?�. Horace Mann Crum6le inspects the aocuses cha[ were blossoming abm, schooi bekre Monday s snowstorm. Pharo byMike Long. Legista�ion would strike a better deat for fathers i� byBobGilbect Rebeccz Picazd makes it her business to help divorced fathers remaln a part of their childrens lives. As an advocaee for the Fazlur i ResputteCenta�theLincolnAvenueattorney served on a sia[e Supreme Cour[ task force whose recent report on family Iawhas been incosporated into abill uow before ihe state I.egisletuYe. _ Pirard believesthaesmtelawsgoverningdi- w�ce hinder rathecthw help thecoupkwho aze dissoiving theii mazriage. Though she tonsiders herseif a feminis6 Picard said she believes in the miuion oF che Pathets Resouxce Cemer, whose stanw is pm-fathet but not at tht fxpense of the mothea Tne cenrerpmmotesthe beliefthatwhenfa- thei5 am iowlved in the lives of the¢ chi3dren� allofsocietybene6ts. "The coutt triggers a bc of che emotions that make divmce Mtter by awuding sole physicat custody ofthe children to one par- ent saidPicacd."Itfoscersacustodybattle �atputskidsinthe middte. "Cuscody and visitation are de- meaning rerms tLat do not really de- srnbe che relation- ship benveen a pazmtand a child;'she said °Someofusazenowwozkingon astatutetliat would take �hose tttss out and replace them with a�arrnting plan and a'pazmting schedule.'" Theiegalsystem.i thers."Unlusboin t rodyofthe childrer geting m get it; she s have a realiy good dad most of the um custody to the mor liave been involved � �,�yna,t,u� Bylaw,theparen� Custody and visifation are demeaningferms that do not really describe fhe relationship between a parentand a child. � WEUNESDAY,MAHCH26.199J�...�. ..... .` ............. VIILPGEd . . . . . Parking from pa9e 7 azea now and thaPs why [here's no enforcemenq"said Mike Schumann, an SHA boazd memberand co-own- er of TradiCions on Gra�d. ""Pue people who take ad� vantage of tLat are the em- pioyees" Undex the pazking plan, cesidencs li»ng in the moxe than 80� households within thenvo-hourzonewoaidre- ceive free [esidenaal parking permits from the city. The permiss would ailow resi- dents to park � the pos[ed azeas foc moce than two haueswithoutbeingcicketed. The G�and Avenue pazk- ing plan hic a few bumps in the road before GASA and the SH9 approved it. GABA board members wanted 'w see the parking zone u- tended &om Lincoln ro Sum- mi[ avenues on all north- south stree[s. "We think it's confusing that the parking regulations end in mid- block;'said GABA president Bonnie )ohnson. °Still, we're thriUed to be heading in the right direc[ion." Those wha would be af- fected by the changes wiil be notified before the City Council [akes,anyacUon,but it has not yet been deter- mined whether the cirywi➢ be seeking the conunt of 75 percen[ of all property own- ers, which is required when es[ablishing a p ermit padar�g districc.5chumann said ad- heringtoihe75percentcan- sentwouldpreventiheplan from evetbeingimplement- ed"It isn t doabie,' he said. "I just don't think that }rou shoutd give propmy owners blanketvetopmver." SHA board member )im Lynden, whn owns a hw:e on Gcand Avenue,said he u in Favor oE ehe plan, but he cemains concexned that it will push emptoyee parking deepec mm the neighboc- hood. Grand Avenue em- ployees and cu5toy�ets are aI- ready restricted from using some 300 on-sVeet parlung spaces in the Victoria Cross- ingarea az theres�it ofa resi- dent-only permf[ parking dis¢ict established there in January1993. Some SHA board mem- be� also questioned wherhu the new parkingplan would be effective in areas�where pazking is already at a pre- mium, such as at Gxand and Dale. "Permie parking isdt going to help all thaz much in my area where parking is oniy altowed on one side of Dale," said Bill Skally, an SHA board memberand mvner of Skall�+s Tax Srnice and Chree apartinent buildings near Grandand Dale. "We rewgnize tha[ this isn't going ro help all that much (at Grand and DateJ; Schumann said."Wehope to find other ways m address rhe problems associated with pazkingbans.' Meanwhile, concerns have been raised at the city level about giving hee patking permits to Grand Avenue residents while othex people IivingwiHilnpermrtparking disvicts aze charged $10. said Duane Jagiello oF the <it}+s Departrntnt of Publi< Works. Ye[ another issue W be wozlced out is the number of &ee permits to allow each residence. In most permit pazking districts in SG Paul, a household maypuechase up to fourresident permits and nvovisitorpermits \s J.iY 1YY Y wL1V Y.i �iamond Jirti s MAII • 8Dt 5� Now through A; BeduliCulIlarak; fifr�dreds of and out! umqueLaranvc ¢ealions fr�t a'fl' tIX � ���„ys&7l+ursc 5p�mg Qa�ses- �IOrd4Cr�det F. Nrcqus. FkxaLtAmm�at, Qi- Pasaix6ed Gardeiu Baskers, Slamed Glass, UNque Gfi Re�tOdcDailV! • 672-i52-t q�- ���� T.:, � ���'^ .. ��'� � _e • We invite to examinc lf ywi re lookmg for a dmic w'r emellent and ihe people arc gc give Aspen an examinanon W'c neighborhood Our panent u; �ceptionaf. And we accept mc plans. $o wme in for a 6ee ge� 7]iae's no obliganon A�d cnar great aboyt what you see 1�e have 12 din¢ loceaons, mc Bdndaua�Sqwze,1020 Bandana U�ent Care 541 J011 Eas! Lake SVeet, 3024 S�ellirv �AhinneaPal�s, 728d8D0 High7a�PaxY; 2004 Ford Pkw Weat $t. Pa¢i, t785 S Robert i �" � , f�kr ? h 1 < .��1 e' � �"��' MedicalGro �e What to Do About Yaur Hand Pain when thnt ol¢rai 6ell rings m the mominq, mos[ of us nre cempted to !ut th¢ snooze button a few times. For some of us, ttwt means using hands ond ftngers th¢t ¢re painfW ¢nd stiff. Hnnd pain is �mmmmon in the young, but frequenlly nccompanies ag5nq. It is a dSfACVlt type ofpoin to 3gnom: thexe uren't mnny chings we do ihot don't invoive our hands md finge¢. Far many�peopie, the simple ac[ of griQping a jac lld, or pi up n book, or tumin9 on the s[ove or watei fuucet, is a pnmCW, serious uc[. Attlixi4s is a genem! term for many probtems, but can aeate hand pnin a5 well. Some questions to euk you:self which may prov(de a guide to helping wifh Mnd pnin: • ts there a family hisCOry of nrthntk? • Are my knuticles swo7len, w�m or hot? • ls it painful to grip something or make o fist? • Is the pnin in certain finge�s, oc in my whole hand? • Do I hove sore muscles if I push on the hont ¢nd back of my forenrms? � IF7 mnvP mv nerk in Aitferent pnsittnns kR bei1, 0.0 �Y Pmom have hund pain, parua nnswezed "y�" ro any c above, grve a dator of < ARer o11, momings are 1 vnMOUt hand pain mo! Heo{t!� c fxcept for 75-minu[e limits in front ofbusine5ses—like the one above near Milton Street—Grand Avenue from Oak- land Avenue to Ayd Mill Road wou(d be posted for two- hour parking from 9:00 a.m.to 8:00 p.m.daiiy under a plan approved by the Grand Avenue Business Association and Summit Hili Association. Photo byMikeCong. Oct-03-97 03:18P Wedding Shoppe, Inc. 612.298.9538 P.Ol � � 1 ( �' 1' � � From: Jim and Lois Fri[z Wedding Shoppe, Inc. 1196 Grand Avenue St PaU1, MN 55105 Telephone 298-1144 Fax 298-9538 7'0: Fellow Susiness Members Cancerning: 2 Hour pernrit parldng on Grand Avenue NO MOR� TRIPS TO THE SHOPPING MALL! Approximatety 6 yeazs ago several GABA membeis, myself included, attended a seminar on how Grand Aven� businesses could increase and keep their market share of business in the 90's. TLe speaker aa expert in this area, launched two concepts: 1) Shopping malls are Grand Avenue's comperition, and 2) Giand Avenue should be marketal u one lazge shopping mall. Great concept, the speaker was rewacded with applause! OnIY ane Prob�em, I don't know any shoQping malls ihai have a two honr patking limit, do you? If ow competition is !he malls, why should we as buc;nesses piace ourseives in a distinct disadvantage to our cosnpetiiion. Why �voutd any entrepreneuc in his right mind want to limit the time, potential cvstomets may be in their stoie. Lois and I liace owned the Waddivg Shoppe, since 197?, we l�ave seen Grand Aven� grow from a sWggling business area, w the best in St Paul. We have been a GABA member for 15 yeazs, and tiave supported thett ideas and leadership,1i11 now! We f�] that an imponant issue like 2 honrs pernut parkin8 which di�eclly affects Yrnu nronertv riehts , and more direcUy your bottom line should have been put w a vote afler all opinions, pros and cons were aired. This has rwt bcen the case. In earrly September in a Summit Hill Newsletter, we inadvcrtently found out abont the sp�ific ocdinance and it amicipated passage date of September 24. As of tivs writing we also feel ihe majoriry of residents, property owners, a� maoy busi�ss ownecs have no knowledge or limited knowledge of the ordinance and its potearial ei�'ec2. Consec�uendy, Lois and I have airthored a petition that opposes passage of the proposed ordinance. The purpose of this letter is to open your eyes and thoughts w the following, 1) After ten years o�' worlc, GABA tras adopted a"boiler plate" ordinance for permit parking already used in residential aeighborhaods in St Paul, it is not speci£cally designed for Gratid Avem�e, and its pessage in other neighborhoods has typically required 60% of signature by property owne� and tLau pfesented to the City Cauncil for passage. 2) Two hour pazking wiA create enforcrable uniform parking, tickets will be issued, and your angry customers may ask you to Qay for their parking tickets. 3) Two hour parking may not offer enough time to prescat your produc[ or seivice to your customer. 4) The net result of two hwr parking will move some employees off Grand, but com+ersety it will now allow Gsand Avem�e residents tt�rongh pertnits, to park in azeas they previonsly could not park. snch as one-hour wnes. 5) Two hais parkiag will anger Grand Avenue [esidents who will �mw l�ave to purc2ase $ t 0 parking perniits for the"u car and Slo for vistor parking permits limit of 2, to park on Grand where previously tbis was frce. 6) Two hour parking will folce yow employees ta pazk on Lincoln or Susnmit Avenue presenting a potential legal liab'slity for you to pravide secvtiiy to and irom their r�rs, and it will cause anger in those residenls (who are also your cus[omers) to opt for permit padang on th�e s�reets. Oct-03-97 03:18P Wedding Shoppe, Inc. 612.298.9538 P.02 ° ��`IIG� In ��+++�tion after only 3 hou�s of taking the petition to businesses and residents we have found: 1) Siany-nirn signatures aga�nst t�ave been obtained, af which 60 signers prior to sigring the pdition, were unauare of fhe contents of the pnoposed ordina�xe or the date of the city coancii meeting Sept. 24, 1997 2} FouRcen are buaness ownerslcommerc�al pmPertS' owners who oppose its passage. In other words the number ofbnsinesss and ptoperty owners, residems, etc- tbat oppose passage of this ordinance is growing. Ef yau oppose the passage of this ordinance, Please come sign lhe petition available a[ 1197 gratHi Avem�e, 11:00 am - 6:00 p.m. Mon. Fri. Rega�dless of qour position we encoucage you to call tLe St. Paul City Council at 266-8560 gve your business name, address, and express yonr view point. Don'i de}ay, City Council meetiag is Wednesday, October 8th, City Hall downtown Councit CLantbeis at 5_30pm. Be there, its to late to voice your opnuons after its passage! Thank you fo� listening W aur Qosition. James and Lois Fritz The Wedding Shoppe, I�. Tbe information and opinions expressed hercin are tLat of ihe authorlproperty owner and aze not meant Io be a legal opinion on the effects of H�e proposed parking ordinance. � � � � - � _ �� .� �..�. � I� � � .�. �� �� .' � ! � ��5� � .� �' � � ; ■� �. i"1 � �s�m �.�� sa� � : �'� � � � '� � � � � ... � � � ��' ���;�� i�ii �� . � �, _ ,, _ - - � � � �� � �� � � � ' .� � �' �� � ;� , 'j� �� � � � � � '�■� ;�� � m� � i� � s� � �' � � � ,��i,' � � �� ��� �� � � - - --- --t � a - ' � �__ -- i .-X ' _ J'� r 0 ��_��� m � ( _�_�___ � M � � _ 2 "______ . _'�Q �r ph-. �� S��s► � �+s � � � ��� iui2oi97 09:49 FA% 612 227 1456 GRAND JETE a��-���� TO: ALL C(N GOUNCIL MEMBERS MAYOR NORM COLEMAN RE: QCT�BER 22 VOTE �N 2 HOUR PARKING/PERMiT PARK{NG ON GRAND AVENUE Concerning your October 22 vote on the pr�posed 2 HOURfPERMiT PARKfNG ordinance on Grand Avenue: I strangiy urge you to VOTE A RESOUNDING NO! Why? Because { am a business owner on Grand Avenue who believes the proposed ordinance, while being beneficial to the Summit Hill Association, is not a short or {ong term sviution for Grand Avenue business patron parking. � If passed, the ordinance wiH move some employees off of Grand Avenue, but converse{y, current parking spaces posted as 30 minute, one hour and two hour limit will be lost to residents who with permit, may park for long periods. This ordinance wiil create economic hardship for my business by restricting parking to two hours, and piace me at a d;stinct disadvantage to my competition in malls who have unrestricted parking. Tickets will be issued to my angry customers who will expect me to compensate them for their expenses. Consequently, I believe rather than parking reguiation, Grand Avenue businesses must anaiyze what their parking needs are, on a block per block basis. A plan must be launched for parking tot development with specific users in mind. Further e�cploration of a city-backed municipal parking ramp, using 1276 safes tax for neighborhood development may be explored. Thank you for your anticipated support on this important issue, Sincerely, t � �`'�-�"� f , (aPu6' Name Busine �s Name 9�S'-�.�.- �. Address G� /i�� 2 /� � ���n-��-�j ,��a� o.� � � -°"`��"`� ..��� a�-s.� ,/�,�' or .�-�av ,a�'�- �� �. a��- �� � ���� ���. �c. �-�,�.-�.. ��� � �� -� .��$ �,�-��. �,�.� ,�,��,.�..� �,� �. �� f�0o1 ���—ya tir tiw:tir Wn T0: ALL CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS MAYOR NORM COLEMAN P. 01 �� � � � �J� RE: OCTOBER 22 VOTE ON 2 HOUR PARKING/PERMIT PARKING ON GRAND AVENUE Cancerning yaur October 22 vote on the p�oposed 2 HOUR/PERMIT PARKING ordinance on Grand Avenue: l strongly urge you to VOTE A RES4UND{NG NO! Why? Because I am a business owner on Grand Avenue who believes the proposed ordinance, whiie being beneficiai to the Summit Hill Association, is not a short or long term solution f�r Grand Avenue business patron parking. If passed, the ordinance will move some empfoyees off of Grand Avenue, but conversely, current parking spaces posted as 30 minute, one hour and two hour limit will be lost to residents who with permit, may park for long periods. This ordinance wi11 create economic hardship for my business by restricting parking to two hours, and place me at a distinct disadvantage to my competition in malls who have unrestricted parking. Tickets will be issued to my angry custorners who will expect me to compensate them for their expenses. Consequently, 1 believe r�ther than parking regulation, Grand Avenue businesses must analyze what their parking needs are, on a block per block basis. A plan must be taunched for parking lot deve{opment with specific users in mind. Further exp[oration of a city-backed municipal parking ramp, using 1!2% sales tax for neighborhood development may be explored. Thank yau for yaur anticipated support on this important issue_ Sincerely, �c��r�' �,'�J. ���oCe..t L� C',uC.X��.�GI�� Name Business Nam SL 6 —Sf J ��,/'�`",� v r�c�v ; C� � � .fo U �-G, :l�u ��, J �` Address J', P� �x� 1���� � r�.r! o Z OCT-20-97 MON 08'33 AM BASTA 6904987 P.01 ��� Tta: ALL C1TY C4UNCIL MEMBERS MAYOR NORM COLEMAN �-�� RE: OCT�BER 22 VOTE ON 2 HOUR PARKING/PERM{T PARKING ON GRAND AVENUE a�-��� Concerning your October 22 vote on the pr�posed 2 HOURiPERMfT PARKING ordinance on Grand Avenue: I strongly urge you to VOTE A RESOUNDING NO! Why? Because i am a business owner or� Grand Avenue who believes the proposed ordinance, white being beneficial to the Summit Hill _...:.Association, is..not_a.short or long term.s�alution for Grand Avenue business patron parking. if passed, the ordinance will move some employees off of Grand Avenue, but conversely, current parking spaces posted as 30 minute, one hour and two hour limit wiU be lost to residents who with permit, may parlc for lang periods. This ordinance will create economic hardship for my business by restricting parking to two hours, and place me at a distinct disadvantage to my competition in ma11s who have unrestri�ted parking. Tickets will be issued to my angry customers who will expect me to compensate them for their expenses. Consequently, I believe rather than parking regulation, Grand Avenue businesses must analyze what their parking needs are, on a bfock per block basis. A plan must be launched for parking lot development with specific users in mind. Further explora#ion of a city-backed municipat parking ramp, using 1/2% sales tax for neighborhood development may be explored. Thank you for your antic9pated support on this important issue. Sincerety, � � �. ; �,. ���� �77 ��� Business Name Address CROCUS HILL FLOWER MRRKET Fax � 612-291-0331 Jul 11 06:08 TO: ALL CITY COUNCit MEMBERS MAYOR NORM COLEMAN ��-�1�� RE: OCTOBER 22 VOTE ON 2 HOUR PARKING/PERMIT PARKING Old GRAND AVENUE Concerning your Octaber 22 vote on the proposed 2 HOURiPERM1T PARKING ordinance on Grand Avenue: I strongly urge you to VOTE A RESOUNDING NO! Why? Because I am a business awner on Grand Avenue who believes the proposed ordinance, while being beneficial to the Summit Hiti Association, is not a short or long term solution for Grand Avenue business patron parking. If passed, the ordinance will move some employees off of Grand Avenue, but conversely, current parking spaces posted as 30 minute, one hour and two hour limit will be lost to residents who with permit, may park for long periocis. This ordinance will create economic hardship for my business by restricting parking to two hours, and place me at a distinct disadvantage to my competition in malls who have unrestricted parking. Tickets will be issued to my angry custamers who will expect me to compensate them for their expenses. Consequently, I believe rather than parking regulation, Grand Avenue businesses must analyze what their parking need� are, on a block per block basis. A plan must be launched for parking Iot development with specific users in mind. Further exploration of a city-backed municipal parking ramp, using 1/2% sales tax for neighborhood development may be explored. Thank yau for your anticipated support on this important issue. Sincerely, ! � i / � � i 1� I � _.�lll.. . � _� .; . � / u. _`a ' � 1' % � . , . - - •. - .^ ltl/l.N/YI 12:d6 b 611111NON9 NUVEI ING tll T0: ALL CtTY CDUNCtL MEMBERS MAYOR NORM COLEMAN RE: OCTOBER 22 VOTE ON 2 HOUR PARKiNG/PERMIT PARKING �N GRAND AVENUE q�-ilb� Concerning your October 22 vote on the proposed 2 HOUR/PERMtT PARKING ordinance on Grand Avenue: I strongly urge you to VOTE A RESOUNDING NO! Why? Because I am a business owner on Grand Avenue who believes the prop�sed ordinance, wh+le being beneficial to the Summit Hill Association, is not a short or long term solution for Grand Avenue business patron parking. if passed, the ordinance will move some employees ofF of Grand Avenue, but conversely, current parking spaces posted as 30 minute, one hour and two hour limit will be lost to residents who with permit, may park for long periods. This ordinance will create economic hardship for my business by restricting parking to two hours, and place me at a distinct disadvantage to my competition in malls who have unrestricted parking. Tickets will be issued to my angry customers who wil! expect me to compensate them for their expenses. Consequently, I believe rather than parking regulation, Grand Avenue businesses must analyze what their parking needs are, on a block per block basis. A plan must be launched for parking lot development with specific users in mind. Further exploration af a city-backed municipal parking ramp, using 112% sales tax for neighborhood development may be exp(ored. Thank yau for your anticipated support on this important issue. �, ? p /tnv�� e_�e:c°`_ � i'r.�ll ✓�- Business Name Addres , ., � ; � ;� : �, f �; , h, �� ;� ; , � i' I , ; ; . � �! � � i BILLY'S ON i 3 � � � � . � � ' i , I I . I I j i ' � i TO; ALL'CITY COUNCIL ME� � � MAYOR NORM COL�M� . i ; i � F�E ; OCTO�ER 22 VOT� ON ' ` � ! F'ARKI�VG pN GRAND A' ��: � � . ° ; : Concerning your October HOUR/P�RMIT PARKING ord ' i sf rongly ur�e you to VOTE A . Beaause I am a business ownf � tl7e proposed ordinance, while , �s�'oGi�fi�n,�is, not;a short,or lo bu�in�ss pa�ron parking. �;:; If pass�d, the' ordinance U Gr�r�d Avenue, but conve�sely, 30;minute, ot�e t�our and two hc who with permit, may park for I� cre`ate �cortdmic hardship for rr tp o hourst and place me at c Gb�petitiar� in malls who have i be ;issued to;my angry custome cpr�psrisate;them for their exp� : ; � Co;n�equently; I believe ra� Gr�nd Aven�e businesses mus� are,;on a block per�block basis. parking lat develap'ment with s : ez�lbfation'of a city-backed mu sales ta�C for �neighqorhood dev ` ; ; Th�nK you for;your anticip �ss�e. � , . � � :, � ; , Sin`cere�y, i ' �-- '� - �' , �� 1 9 � � , Business . Y��`�Y , 6122923027 � � I � ,� 1 1 I 1 1 � i3; �I � ' 1 3 � I � . ' j , , �:� � . VUE � � �� vote on tFi� �ce on Grai �;; :;, � ,:. proposed, , r ' n Grand Avenue`who, �e�ng benefiGial to th��Su �g: term soiution.f.or;�Fan� III ,MOVO S0111e emnlrSVer�, rrent parkj�tg sp���s limit will be lo�t �o re periods. �'his or;c�i�a - �� � fo �nrestricted parking'.;'Ticli rs�who will ez'pect me'to, �n es; ; ; ' ; , !h r than parking reg�lati t nalyze what their' P�rki A plan must; �e lau�c�ec e �ificusers �n min .;f�ur't ii � ipal pa�kin� 'r�m�� �sir �Iopment may be e��lor� �t d support;�n this i,mp0 ; ;! � � : ;; ; ,, : ; �� I ; ,' ; , %Y��i��. ,�`, �_� P_01 � � ;Y�-4 L �� :�� i ; s . :� '�I .; .; : i, . , t ' • i , i � �, ' i ; 1T: ; �. ; � � . . � �� ���; �; ; 3 ;j: � � . � '�. `, ; �li�ves '� '� - mit Hill �? $ : � ,1��/et1 U@ �� ' � -_' �� ; �� ; off af s � :� isted as lents' ' i !� , :; , e ,will . � _' , , , ; ;„ ►arking � _ .� e � :, �;' ny, � ;, ; , ,, ts will � ` '� i � �; ;;� � 4 ' i i ' . ;, � i �I'. ; needs,� �? '' ,. or . � ' � �i?, >; �� � � � � , ,,,.t� � 1/2% � ; ; : , , ,. . I i i' � , i � • ;,: ,�. , I '. 0 Aqqr;eSS ! � ' 1' I ��y r � ��"i ��..�2��?��rl � ; � i' ; ; � � � . F I i � � �: �, e ,� 3 � � ;� i �' � � [i 'p '�I �. ,� � � ,, i _� � i , � � :, ,, i ; ;; � � � ,. � i' ,; . , � i ; I �"li � BILLY'S ON G 3 � , I � � � � i i . � � T`0; AL'.L. GITY COUNCIL MEI1 , . � MAYOR NORM COLEMA ; � , , � f�E ; O�TQ�ER 22 VOTE ON � ` � ! PARK(�VG QN GRAND A� ' � i � +, : I . � � ' Concerning your October HOURlP�RMIT PARKING ordi ! sf rorigly ur�e you to VOTE A Beaause ! am a business own� � ttie pr�posed ordinance, while . ,, ;, , ,�s,�,o�i�fic�n, � �s� nat;a_short .or Jo bu�irtesS pa�ron parking. ;;; if pass�d, the ordinance v+ Gr�r�d Avenue, but conversely, 30;minute, oX�e hour and two hc � whti with permit, may park for I� cre`ate ecqrt�mic hardship for n to �iva hours� and place me at r Gol� petitian in malls who have be:issued to;my angry custome car;r�perisate;them for their exp� � ; � Con�equently; I believe ra Gr�nd Aven�e businesses mu� ; are,� on a block per�block basis. parking lat develop'ment with s� '' ex�to�'ation of a city-backed mu � sales ta�C for �neighqorhood dev� -�; Th�nk you for; your anticip; iss�e. • . , ;, � � , . � ; S1n`cere�y, i ' � i. i � C � !G� �( „ ZL�S�� Nan'�e ! / , Business � i ' � � � �rc�� ,, �� : � €, , � r � � p i i ; ' ID 6122921a27 � � �� , �RS � '1i , ;� ;,� � , . � 3 ;;� �� ''. . IOUR PARKINGJRER� VUE � � ' ' � , ;. , �i. � i � , ' � � i i ! 1 � . vote on tFi� proposed,: �ce on Grand Averiue: n C7rand Avenue' ng benefiGial to t� xerm solutinn_f.ar; rove somg emp� rrent park��tg sp� limit will be lost � I periods. ;C'his or� disadvanfaq� to who will expect me;to, ;es` ; � , , �r than parl�ing reg�lati nalyze wh�t theit ��rki plan must;�e launc�ec ific users �n min ?f�urt i ipal pa�kin� ��m�� �sir pment may be e��lor� d support'�n this impo ; ;? ; ; ' �, , ;; i �i 5 � '� / ` I � � � �.a �,���. � � �4'���Gyl � f� l %y �/ � : P"Bl i � ;��- ���� 'j ' 1 � , i +, �� . f� . , ;? ,( , � , �. ,;I; 1T � i• i��' � 1 . ��: ; i i� , ' j ��� , : � ';, ' � �� �: @lie�es '; '�: )mit Hill � ;. q � f ( . s "� venue, �:� �} off of 4 9 ���� isted as � � �� ents � �; i � � i�rill ; i ;' 1� , �arking � t � � ; ; _, � ' � . , ;. ,;,. ts wi11 ;: ,�' : . .,. �; � i i; } , i ; : . �. n" � +��' , , � ;needs,� ;� ' or . � 3 ���: ��� ' ;. ;: j 1%2%: ; . � ; � ; '; ,� �aht ;�; , � :� � � ; . � ',', ,. �: � � � .., 1 1 ;` � � ' ' ,I�c %�'��' ; I __� ._ :'la < i �! i 4�-ll��l TO: ALL CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS MAYOR NORM COLEMAN RE: OCTOBER 22 VOTE ON 2 HOUR PARKING/PERMIT PARKING ON GRAND AVENUE Concerning your October 22 vote on the proposed 2 HOUR/PERMIT PARKING ordinance on Grand Avenue: 1 strongly urge you to VOTE A RESOUNDING NO! Why? Because i am a business owner on Grand Avenue who believes the proposed ordinance, while being beneficial to the Summit Hill Assoei�ation, is not a short oE long term solution for Grand Avenue business patron parking. !f passed, the ordinance will move some employees off of Grand Avenue, but conversely, current parking spaces posted as 30 minute, one hour and two hour limit wi!! be lost to residents who with permit, may park for long periods. This ordinance will create economic hardship fior my business by restricting parking to two hours, and place me at a distinct disadvantage to my competition in malls who have unrestricted parking. Tickets will be issued to my angry customers who will expect me to compensate them for their expenses. Consequentiy, 1 believe rather than parking regulation, Grand Avenue businesses must ana{yze what their parking needs are, on a block per block basis. A plan must be launched for parking lot devetopment with speei�c users in mind. Further exploration of a city-backed municipal parking ramp, using 1/2% sales tax for neighborhood deve(opment may be explored. Thank you fve your anticipated support on this important issue. Sincerely, Name ' Business Name U Address %✓/25. 5.�✓P /YJf?KSOF_ � .T/{ TO: ALL CITY COUNClL MEMBERS MAYOR NORM COLEMAN ��l-1 1 �,� RE: OCTOBER 22 VOTE ON 2 HOUR PARKING/PERMIT PARKING ON GRAND AVENUE Concerning your October 22 vote on the proposed 2 HOUR/PERMIT PARKING ordinance an Grand Avenue: I strongly urge you to VOTE A RESOUNDING NOi Why? Because I am a business owner on Grand Avenue who believes the proposed ordinance, while being beneficial to the Summit Hill Association, is not a short or lang term solution for Grand Avenue business patron parking. If passed, the ordinance wiH move some empioyees off of Grand Avenue, but conversely, current parking spaces posted as 30 minute, one hour and two hour limit will be lost to residents whQ with per►nit, may park for long periods. This ordinance will create ecanomic hardship for my business by restricting �arking to #wo hours, and piace me at a distinct disadvantage to my competition in malls who have unrestricted parking. Tickets will be issued to my angry customers who wi11 expect me to campensate them for their expenses. Consequently, 1 believe rather than parking regulation, Grand Avenue businesses must analyze what their parking needs are, on a block per block basis. A plan must be launched for parking lot development with specific users in mind. Further exploration of a city-backed municipal parking ramp, using 112% sales tax for neighborhood development may be explored. Thank you for your anticipated support on #t�is important issue. Sincerely, �������--�� �r� ����on�,�rs �s� ��-�r f,�.� � � Name Business Name Address TO: ALL CiTY COUNCfL MEMBERS MAYOR NORM COLEMAN Q�-►��� RE: OCTOBER 22 VOTE ON 2 HOUR PARKlNGJPERMIT PARKING ON GRAND AVENUE Concerning your October 22 vote on the proposed Z HOUR/PERMIT PARKfNG ordinance on Grand Avenue: 1 strongfy urge you to VOTE A RESOUNDING NO! Why? Because I am a business owner on Grand Avenue who believes the proposed ordinance, while being beneficial to the Summit Hill Association, is not a short or long term solution for Grand Avenue business patron parking. tf passed, the ordinance wil! move some employees off of Grand Avenue, but conversely, current parking spaces posted as 30 minute, one hour and two hour limit will be Iost to residents who with permit, may park for long periods. This ordinance wilf create ecanomic hardship for my business by restricting parking to two hours, and place me at a distinct disadvantage to my competition in malls who have unrestricted parking. Tiekets will be issued to my angry custamers who will expect me to compensate them for theic expenses. Consequently, I believe rather than parking regulation, Grand Avenue businesses must ana(yze what their parking needs are, on a block per block basis. A plan must be iaunched for parking lot development with specific users in mind. Further exploration of a city-backed municipal parking ramp, using 1/2% sales tax for neighborhood development may be explored. Thank you for your anticipated support on this important issue. � ��C �1�������� ��-�' Business Name Addres ���� ��� TO: RE: HOU I s#ro the prc Associ If ��and 30 min r+vho wi create to finro compe be iss� Grand � are, on� parking ex'ploral sales ta issue. Name Mn.Seasons�Periwinkle _ CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS YOR NORM COLEMAN � 2289675 : 22 VOTE ON 2 HOUR PARKING%PERMIT ON GRAND AVENUE cerning your October 22 vote on the proposed 2 ! =RMIT PARKING ordinance on Grand Avenue: I �, �irge you to VOTE A RESOUNDING NO! Why? I I am a business awner on Grand Avenue who belie� �sed ordinance, while being beneficial to the Surnmii on, is n�t_a_short Q�Long term �olution for Grand Av� patron parking. �ssed, the ordinance will move some employees off �enue, but converseEy, current partcing spaces poste ;, one hour and two hour limit will be lost to resident permit, may park for long periads. This ordinanGe w onomic hardship for my business by restricting park urs, artd place me at a distinct disadvantage to my �n in malls who have unrestricted parking. Tick�ts �n I to my angry customers who will expect me to ate them for their expenses. sequently, I believe rather than parking regulatian, �enue businesses must analyze what their parkirig rn bl,ock per block basis. A plan must be launched for �t develapment with specific users in mind. Further �n of a city-backed municipal parking ramp, using 1/; for neighborhood development may be explored. �k you for your anticipated support on this important �� ��� � Business Name Address q�- P.01 !l�� E;s � Mill ��, nue I , � if I I as � A� TO: ALL CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS MAYOR NORM COLEMAN RE: OCTOBER 22 VOTE ON 2 HOUR PARKING/PERMIT PARKING ON GRAND AVENUE a � l �-� Concerning your October 22 vote on the proposed 2 HOUR/PERMIT PARKING ordinance on Grand Avenue: I strongly urge you fo VOTE A RESOUNDING NO! Why? Because I am a business owner on Grand Avenue who believes the proposed ordinance, while being beneficial to the Summit Hill Association, is not a short or long term solution. foc Grand Avenue business patron parking. If passed, the ordinance wi(I move some employees off of Grand Avenue, but conversely, current parking spaces posted as 30 minute, one hour and two hour limit will be lost to residents who with permit, may park for long periods. This ordinance will create economic hardship for my business by restricting parking to two hours, and place me at a distinct disadvantage to my competition in malls who have unrestricted parking. Tickets will be issued to my angry customers who will expect me to compensate them for their expenses_ Consequently, I belisve rather than parking regulation, Grand Avenue businesses must analyze what their parking nesds are, on a block per block basis. A plan must be launched for parking lot development with specific users in mind. Further exploration of a city-backed municipai parking ramp, using �/2% sales tax for neighborhood development may be explored. Thank you for your anticipated support on this important issue. Sincere(y, / (�) / . � ,r -- --i 7 All AMERICAN AUTO SERVICE 1036 GR4ND AVENUE ST. PAtJI, MIMlES07A 55105 Business Name Address T0'd 00Z6bZZ OlfltlTNtl�I?J3Wtli'7"�tl Summii Hill RssocinciOn 6122221558 Council President Thune City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55f02 November 5, 1997 �ear Councii President Thune and Members of tiie City Council, District 16 Planning Council 860 Saint ClairAvenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�05 relepnone 612-222-tzz2 Fax 612-222-1558 e-mail summit.hill(�stpaul.gov behalf of the Boartl of Directors, the Executive Committee of the Summit Hiil �ociatioNDistrict i6 Planning Council endorse�l the foliowing motion at their regular ating on November 4, 1997: The Summit Hitt Association/District 16 Planning Council supports the lengthy, thoughtfui and open process and `the partnership with fhe Grand Avenue Business Assoclatlon thaf resulted in the Grand Avenue Uniform Parking Plan. We suppdrt .the proposed Ordinance for uniform three hour parking and the creation of a Grand Avenue Permit Parking District. We � ask th8t the Ordinarice go �into effect January 1, 1998 and that the , Department of Public 1Norks review the Uniform Parking Plan in two yeaes. . , a you for your tho.ughtful consideration of and assistance with this matter, cerely, -y� /�aaZ1l:��� Rothchild, President �it Hill Association ;t 16 Planning Council Councilmember Blakey Councilmember Har�is Councilmember Megard Councilmember Coliins Councilm�rimbsr Bostrorii Counoilmember Morton Hill Ass P.02 ��C �i�� ��% ... 11/O5/97 {tiED 16:16 FAX 93374608 RADISSON PLAZA (�j001 ��� � y��u ►2 ��r�tiv� E:D� ��--Te �i- �``r��r� 'a �v --�— - �- - �-���� � �f� i �I � - '� � � � � � �� ` �} �-�-" NiCn"t ��S c� f= CGi i� C.� c.��.� c� C_ t ' LI.Y`�1 i �� ��: ���,�`� ��RTt/V I� ��it ,r� �� � ♦ '�ho.,e� � I�.,l^:��( CX�T� 3 a3� `f � ��� �G�•t i �j �A�-�r�� �� 0� `�`-��d�N7 �E�� �C�-� Cc��°�r p�;T2-- �,�;f�� v� i� C� /�-(_t- . � o�F ���'-r�N7 ,�vC , �,�;ccc_:.��T �}- e.cc.��c�= ��= Is ��n� � i e� ���-� 1 It� F� o�� T C' (- �'..1� C LG�4NC���..�, CT�:- ,,. �t ( V � l,�u G=� /� � ��C Ct=k�o.� " /3- T2_;� �� ��t�u �� ��TN��i�%� l� i�) C�,�aNiT� � T�fF�S �u C� E��t o�ti� i� ?"l� ��,��-a PL���T To C� A � � C� I�-- �" Coti sc s �� � p.,> C E-�-�F�- c,� �, � rs ) . ��-'� ( H �.�'���.o �C" �� � i T� 2/� c,w fi`/�-T � H �'� s�(� �tcrc� <��c� �v� j �T( E_ �C:G �'c.� `" �of� , (�- ��'� �yv� � T��t4 F��- �� c� 1�� �U o T L� �'L '� o rv C P.�-I i� tN� � 1 7"f+e �'�� ('C� /-�- C` 9- c �� J.7 �'� ` r P� P.� �a.�� t V� oPJ � /-�.,� p � �-� ' oN�� `rfFH'7� [.�l �� /-Ftr U� [ �7 f�'i�-� ��vl l�-E- �,7c ��PD(��iz��H�_ g�i�����5 .�` .___- � ��d �.��T (�� 7`-t j�i 4J��5c�' �-E�,e...-/Z..c.�, �t �"�u F'vi C., � 1-4-iS7C I�-('C- � �.�it�"`�,? jiigC- I�J �l G �-�v�2.�-t� � ! �i�tti�.- yoc� l � � �.^ �`�'t�e.��ecY,, - �o��a-l�1 ,3! Council File # qZ,..1� G� Ordinance # Green Sheet Presented By ORDINANCE SAINT PAUL, MINNESO���� � \ ` ��� a` / � Referred To . Date An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative C e Chapter 166 by adding new sections creating a residential s et permit parking district along Grand Avenue betwee ale Street and Ayd Mill Road and which provides for tbe derly administration of the district. The Council of the Ciry of Paul Does Ordain: f� That Saint Paul L,egislative Code Chapter read as follows: Chapter 166.09 Residential Pernut District Sea 166.09.01. Declaration of amended by adding the following sections to -- Grand Avenue Residential Pernut Parking The Council of th� of Saint Paul fmds that•the area adjacent to or near Grand Avenue does not have su cient off-street parking to safely accommodate the residential and commercial parking nee s of residents and nonresidents. Therefore, t encourage reliance on car pools and mass transit, to balance the need for commercial and r idential pazking, to enhance the quality of life in residential areas by reducing noise, a�c hazards and litter, to reduce air pollution and other environmental factors of exc sive automobile commuting, and to preserve the safety of children and other pedesirians d the residenual area from the above-mentioned health and safery hazards, the council o e City of Saint Paul hereby establishes this Residenual Permit Parking Ordinance (Sectio 166.09.01 through 166.09.08). 66.09.02. Restricted residential permit parking areas authorized. 3� �av 7 The following parking regulations shall be in effect along Grand Avenue from one half east of Dale Street west to Ayd Mill Road, and along Dale and Victoria Streets between ��,����� ��\ Grand Avenue and S�mnut Avenues. In addirion, all secrions of any n� between the alleys on either side of Grand Avenue within this area that parking will also be part of this restricted parking area. (A) Except by permit, at duly designated tazi stands, or otherwise posted, all on-street parking within the re. described above shall be limited to�ze-(�}hours fr< to 8:00 p.m. seven days a week. �h�e �(' , azea a.m. (B) Businesses within the restricted area may petiti for The establishment of a 15 minute parking aone in ffect during the normal operating hours of the business wi the director of public works pursuant to Saint Paul Legislarive ode § 159.03. The director shall consult with the appropri e neighborhood and business arganizations to determine extent and duration of the 15 minute parking zone. Sec. 166.09.03 Parking pernuts; eligibility; (a) Application. Application for 166.09.01 through 166.09.08 shall be n department of public works, hereinaftex applicant to furnish his or her name a vehicles, and any additional inform ar provisions. (b) Annual pernzit ten dollars ($10.00) for e cover wsts incurred as a ��-���.�t have timed on or more parking permits authorized under Sections e on a form provided by the director of the efened to as "d'uector", which form may require the address, make, model and license number of his or her which will aid the director in the enforcement of these �ation fee. A non-refundable annual permit application fee of �e of residential parking permit herein shall be required to of the implementation of the residential permit parking plan. (c) Number of p rmits. Up to two (2) residential parking pernuts shall be made available to each resi nt on the basis of one pernvt for each vehicle owned by the resident. In no event shall the n ber of pemuts exceed the number of vehicles owned by the resident. (d) Visito pernzits. Up to two (2) transferable visitor permits shall be made available to each residence r dwelling unit notwithstanding whether or not the resident of the residence or dwelling unit wns an automobile. Provided that no resident of a residence or dwelling unit may use a v' itor pernrit to park a car owned or controlled by the resident in the restricted area, it be' g the intent of Sections 166.09.01 through 166.09.08 that such visitor permits shall be made vailable and used by people not residing in but visiting a resident of the restricted area. (e) Residents, special event permits. Residents within the restricted area, at a cost of o dollar ($1.00) for each pernut, may apply to the directar for nontransferable and dated ecial event permits upon a showing by the resident that during the date and hours for which the permits are to be issued the use of the pernuts shall be for special events. The director shall determine the number of special event pernuts issued and the hours in effect upon the . �����°'��0:1 � .. d'uector's detennination that the percnits issued would not unduly impair traffic safety the effective period of the permits. (� Churches, special event permits; exceptions; notice. Churches within restricted area, at a cost of one dollar ($1.00) far each permit, may acquire from the dire r transferable special event permits; provided that such permits shall be used only in conju 'on with events sponsored by the applicant church. The d'uector shall determine the numb of and effective period of the permits to be issued. Such permits shall not be required fo ordivary chwrch events such as funerals, services, festivals, bazaars, or weddings, wher issuance of such permits would be impracticable. (g) Placement of permit stickers or fickets. Residential p' g permit stickers shall be gertnanently affixed to the outside of the vehicle in the lower r r corner of the left side window closest to the rear of the vehicle. Visitor and speci event pernut stickers shall be placed on the dashboard or at some other conspicuous spot ithin the vehicle where they are plainly visible to enforcement personnel. (h) Permit does not reserve parking space. N pernut issued under Sections 166.09A1 through 166.09.08 shall guarantee or reserve to the older a particular parking space within the restricted area but shall provide general parking ' said area during the time specified in Section 166.09.02 and so posted as required by ection 166.09.07. (i) Lost permits; duplicates. In the e ent any of the pernuts issued under this chapter are lost, duplicates may be obtained from e director at a cost of one dollar ($1.00) per permit; provided, that no such duplicate 11 be issued unless and until the applicant has furnished to the director an affidavit s ting that the resident has lost the original pernut. No person shall apply for a duplicate pe 't unless the original pernut has, in fact, been lost. Sec. 166.09.04. Services, repair/and emergency assistance. Persons who residence are exempt provided that their ex assistance provided. vehicles from obtain� of this chapter. f rfo services, maintenance, repairs or emergency assistance for any >m estricuons unposed under Sections 166.09.01 - 166.09.08, i ion terminates immediately upon the completion of services or �thing in this secrion is intended to prohibit a resident owner of these residential parking permits for same in accordance with the provisions Sec. 166.09.05/ Street maintenance; snow emergency. No emptions or other permits granted herein shall abrogate the scope of parking io imposed as such restrictions relate to street maintenance, parking in one locafion orty-eight (48) hours, or emergencies provided in Chapter 161. 66.09.06. Handicapped parking. - i 1�,*� / Nothiug herein provided shall abrogate the scope of parking privileges granted handicapped persons as established pursuant to this code or statutes enacted by this state. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Sec. 166.09.07. Posting of signs. ��� ��� �\ �, The d'uector shall cause appropriate signs to be posted in the inform an ordinarily observant person of the existence of rules and r these provisions. Sec. 166.08. Penalty. azeas so as to imposed by q'1�\1c,� It shall be unlawful for any person to submit false info ation in any application for a parking permit issued gursuant to Secuons 166.09A1 thro 166_09.08. Violauon of any application requirement shall be grounds far denial or rev arion of the permit and shall be punishable as a misdemeanor. It shall also be unlawful r any vehicle to be stopped, parked or abandoned in violation of these provisions. Any su violation is hereby declared an obstruction of public streets and shall be punishable a misdemeanor and may subject the vehicle to be moved or nnpounded at the cost and pense of the owner in accordance with the ternvs of Chapter 162. `a This ordinance shall take effect and be in publication. / �� r�er s ,<�`� E �� �', �.� : � . . �� !� ��� Adopted by Adoption C Hy: Approved b Sy: � Date by Council Secretary Date thirry (30) days after its passage, approval and Requested by Department of: Sy: Form Appr d y City Attorney By: !r�✓GVtiYG� �—� ' (�I Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ° L'1-111.'1 � C011I1C1S.L DATE {NRIATED GREEN SHEE �O 3 6 4 d 7 CONTACT PEflSON & PHONE � OEPARTMENT DIRECTORµ��AwATE ❑ CITY COUNCIL � D3.VE �1ll11E 266-8620 A���N �CITYATTORNEY �CRYCLEflK MUST BE ON COUNCII AGENDA BV (DATE) RQV� NGFOR O gUDGET DIRECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. OROER � MpypR (OR ASSISTANT) O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACIION REQUE5iED: An ordinance creating a residential permit parking district along Grand Avenue. RECAMMENOpnONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PIANNING fAMMiSS10N _ CIVIL SERYICE COIAMISSION i. Hd5 this per5o�rm ever wolkBd untler a COntract fOr this tlepa�f�leM? - �CBCOMMfTiEE _ YES NO __ STAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DiS7RICT COURT _ 3. Does Mis persoNFilm possess a skill not normally posse55atl by any curteM city employae? SUPPORTS WNICX COUNCIL O&IEGTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on saperate s�eet a�tl attaeh to green sheet INITIATMG PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPP�qNNIT' (Who, Wheq Whan. VJhere, Why): Parking problems in the Grand Avenue area. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO: Progress may he made in alleviating a parking problem. DISA�VANTAGES IF APPpOVFA. None. �il�'i��� °°`?*s:�i�3 �`>��' �;tn,''s C �,��I DISADVANTAGES IF NOi APPRWED: Condition will persist. ' TOTAL AMOUNT OF TpANSACTION $ COST(REYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES ti0 FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOqMAiION' (EXPLAIN) \ � � 1 `� 7 ._ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _°" _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ' _ " _ _ _ ' _ ' ' _ _ ' ��" � � � I"►' � - - _ / _� �� _ _ _L_ �471 �+` _ _ _ _ _ _ � � , _� . t/� - _ ,�t •� _ �� �+c. �-� . .�..�. ±- _ t��a�cr�--�.���� - - -- - - -- - - �o+t.`r���f .�� - - a �"` �j , -- - _ �.�.� p � �f� o�-�— „y� �'�.. . _ _ - _ ��� - -� � � 1. - - . - _ _ .�.��:� - - - - -- - - - i�� .�.�- �.-- _ _ _ - - ss/as-" - - - - - �- �� � - - - - - - _- - - _- - - - --__ -- - - - - - -�9� ���/ - - - _ ___ _ _ _ - -- - - - - - - S-- - - - � -.�-1�� �- - ���_-��-�- - _ _ ___ _ _ - -. � _ _ _ - - . � - �..�-' � --- �-�- - � u.""`,r.�, - __ _ -. - - - - -�- --- -- - - - - --- - - � - -- - - - - - - � -- - — -� - - - - - - _ __ � -- �� . c� � _ � ts��t ° DATE: October 7, 1997 FROM: JAMES & LOIS FRITZ THE WEDDING SHOPPE, INC. 1196 GRAND AVENUE ST. PAUL, MN 55105 TO: COUNCII,MEMBER MIKE HARRIS RE: PETITION AGAINST PASSAGE OF 2 HOUR PARKING/PERMIT PARKING ON GRAND AVENUE In early September, Lois and I inadvertently discovered, through a Summit Hill A.ssociation Newsletter, that the Grand Avenue Business Association (GABA) and the Summit Hill Association had recommended to the City Council passage of a 2 Hour/Permit Parking ordinance. We were shocked to find an important ordinance that directly affects our property rights, and ultimately, our bottom line was not better communicated by GABA to its members. Two Hour Parking will have devastating economic effects on our business, since our customers often require more than 2 hours to shop. Consequently, we submit a copy of a petition against passage of this proposed ordinance. A review of the petition finds the following; As of 10/7/97, in 12 hoars of Lois presenting the petition, she has accumulated 130 signatures against passage of this ordinance. The relationship of petitioners to Grand Avenue are as follows: � 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Single Family Residents Apartment Tenants Multi-unit Property Owners Commercial Property Owners Business Owners Emp�oyees of Grand Avenue Businesses 36 12 11 1 32 38 More importantly, the question was presented: Were you aware of the contents of this proposed ordinance on the date of the City Council Meeting #430 on Sept. 24, 1997? Out of 130 signatures, only 20 people marked "yes." That means 110 or 85% of the signers knew nothing about this proposed ordinance or its effects. In sum, we feel that this ordinance is unpopular and is not a solution to our parking, but was merely a band aid. Your attention to this matter is appreciated, and a"NO" vote is the answer. Let's roll up our sleeves and meet the real problem of developing more parking spaces, such as a municipal parking ramp vs. more regulation which will create anger, confusion and division. Sincerely, ames M. Fritz ��� 14/7/97 Lois Fritz 10 97 ��, ��� PETITION To: crrY courrc�, oF � crrY o� sa�rr PAt�, An ordinance (a copy of proposed ordinance attached) amending Saint Paul legislative code Chapter 166.09 5ections 166.09.01 through 16b.08 which will add new sections creating a residenriai street permit pazking district along Grand Avenue between Date Street and Ayd Mill Road and, �ce by permit or uniess otherwise posted, all on sfreet parking within the restricted area described above, shall be limited to two (2) hours from S:OQ a.m. to 8:00 p.m. seven days a week. We, the undersigned petitioners, aze opposed to the proposed ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code 166 by adding new sections, c��ating a residential street permit parking district along Grand Avenue between Dale Street an� �.yd M'ill Road, and are further opposed to a two (2) hour limit on parking, Petitioners pray to th� :"ity Council of Saint Paul to postpone or defeat altogether passage of this proposed ordinance for �he following reasons; 1} Special interest groups have offered the aforementioned proposed ordinance to the Council of the City af St. Paul without adequate impact studies and notice of effect on the property rights of the parties affected, namely; (a) �71 single family properry owners on Grand Avenue, Summit Avenue and Lincoln Avenue between Dale Street and Ayd Mill Road (b) all mu}ti-unit property owners and their tenants on Grand Avenue between Dale Street and Ayd Mill Road (c) all commercia7 properry owners and their tenants on C•rand Avenue between Dale Sneet and Ayd l�ll Road (d) all business owners and their emplayees on Grand Avenue between Dale Street and Ayd M"ill Road. 2j Ttre proposed ordinanca without notice and without proving its need, lunits parking of vehicles on Grand Avenue to two (2) hours, thereby mandating single famity residerns and apartmerrt tenants to obtain by application a$10,00 permit to park their vehicles and inconveniences the same for their guests to park their vehiclea 3) The proposed ordinance limits parking on Grand Avenue to two (2) hours, forcing the employees of Grand Avenue businesses to pazk on Snmmit or Lincoln Avenues, which poses a threat to their safety and welfare, particularly at night as they walk unescorted toward their vehietes one to three blocks away. 4) The proposed ordinance, by limiting parking on Grand Avemze to two (2) hours will cause the employees of Crrand Avenue businesses to search for parking on Summit or Lincoln Avenues, creating excessive non-residential parking, pollutioq danger to pedestrians and in general denigrate the health, safety, welfare and integrity of those residents and residentiai areas. 5) The proposed ordinance, by limiting parking on Grand Avenue to two (2) kours, creates an undue economic hardship and restricts commerce to business in this area by reason of the following; (a) several businesses have products or services that require more than two (2) hows of presentation to their customers, (b) the two (2) hours parldng limitation "takes the Meander out of Grand Avenue" and forces customers to cut short their overall Grand Avenue shopping experience to restaurants, shops, health care providers, etc. and places businesses in a distinct disadvantage to azea shopping malls, with no such parking limitations, and finally, (c) Passage of the rivo (2) hours limitation will severely affect the property rights of commercial property owners by restricting the scope of attracting potential tenants and makes resale of said properties less desirable and difficuit, if not impossible. PLEASE READ TI-� ATTACHED COPY OF TF� PROPOSED ORDINANCE. IF YOU OPPOSE PASSAGE OF TI� AFORMENTIONED ORDINANCE, PLEASE SIGN AND ADDRESS TI� PAGES FOLLOWING TI� ORDINANCE. , �-� . � �9���% 97 �� I oppose ihe proposed ordinance amending Cainr Paul legislative Code Cf�apter 166.09 Sec[ions 166.09.01 Uuough 166.08. ll �l'L �a*� G'` t lq l �.9�,�.,� �e J t �� �1i,r,�.,,o,� C�.�e l�l �^�� � j.l �Jfn -ifil� - �: ,� s�: � e �: NUMBER y�� � �'� ��`� ��5� � 3 �'�- / � � � _� i, i � � �-- __1__ � � � Prior to si n�in g tlus petition, were you awaze of the conte�s of this proposed ordinance or the date af the City Couacil Meeting �{430 on September 24, 1997? YESjNO ` /'v � � � �� � N 0 �� „ „ __� � � -� � � << ., �� ,� �� -�- �/ _ �./v N� I certify and verify by oath that each signature was sig�,d by the person purporting to have signed this petition, and the' i�ientity verified by Niinuesota Driver's License or simiiaz picture ID. �, ��+�'^^ ,(/q r7 .f.t 65h /�._ / �� NO � � N�qd1HY P�1� • MINNESO A qAM9EY COUNT' � �3tTimfsslar� ExP�res Jan_ 3t, 2W� .,.�,.,, .. .. �u - RELATIONSFIIP TO GRAND AVENUE 1) Single Family Reside� 2) Apartme� Tenant 3) Multi-unit Property Owner 4) CAmmercial Properiy Owner 5) Biuiness Owner 6) Employee on Grand Avenue 9' 30- 97 I oppose the proposed ordinance amending Saint Paui legislative Code Chapter 166.09 Sections 166.09.02 tfiroagh 166.08. � � ADDRESS RELATIONSH� TO GRAND AVENUE 1) Single Fanuly Resident 2) Apartment Tenant 3) Multi-unit Property Ovuner 4) Commercial Property Owner 5) Business Owner 6) Emp2oyee on Grand Aveaue q5�. Gr��- �1ve � y � �� �� a�� l��l ��r ����r� �' rs a J.�c�,--,�Q ��°� �'�'a, /td �7.� �1�� �z�C �a���� �� 16a �i L �inc.�i� �e � �� ,�, r zd� ������ �a���� c�.� ct�K ���(C� c�36 ��c��( �°�t� , � ����� 3 , �.. . t � ���� .� ,, ,. �.�.: �i1 �- - �i, , • . � ' � NIIMBER � �� � -� �D � -� � � � � / _ � � 3 �t — � 5 � � � Prior to signing this petition, were you aware of the cornems of this proposed ordinance or the date of the City Conncit Meering #434 on September 24, 1997`? YES�NO Na �� -�� — ra ,/r� S �_ �� � �� � C.x7 l /-� �N � -� � �_ �o rJ,� � �� No I certify and verify Iry oath tfiat each signature was signed by the person purporring to have signed this petition, and their idemity verified by Minnesota Driver's License or similaz picture ID. � �MMy�pr� � LUA t?Kte x. �T NOTAF7Y PUBL�C - MINNESOTA - RAMSEYCOUNTY IAv Comm�ss�on Expires dan. 31, ZWO S ATiTRE t��,-..�'� t�R�..�' .� -.�o- g� �� I oppose the proposed ordinance amestding Saint Pani legisIative Code Chapter 166.09 Sections 166.04.01 thraugh 166.08. RELATTONSFIIP TO GRAND AVENi3E 1) Singie Family Resident 2} Apartment Tenam 3) Muki-unif Properry Owner 4) Comniercial Ptoperty Owner 5) Business Owaer fi) Employee on Grand Avemie ADDi2ESS /�� ���a�_ � �_ l�(o_� (�o(��D �e. ���g �� i ��4 C���i����-- { �� ,� � � ��b`i� (��ruS ��'� ! r�5 E �4�5� lgaq ��-�r�v� NIIMBER i �-�--�� � -�-- -�- -�- � � � �l_' ��� - :!, .� ,. 6, 4.� � �LS���-�� � � fl��` � r' ; ��Q� �--�� �., `. .��,� � _ ..,,<�:;; � � �I i •� . ...� • - � � �.:�� � -��- - —� 3 � � � � s .� � � Prior to signing ihis pe[ition, were yon nware of the conteuts of this proposed ordinance or the date of the City Council Meeting ft430 on Septembet 24, 1997? YES�NO __1� —� ��� � � -�� �_ � i e . � �. �. yr.�� � � � �� I certify aad verify by oath that each signacure was signed by the person pmporting to have signed tbis peiiiion, and their idenzity verified by Pvlinnesota Driver's License or simiSaz picture ID. '^""^^^"^^"^^^"""" x G/ �0��� � UA K. �� f � � /��-� NOT �TAqY BUC - MINNESOTA RANSEY COUNTI` -� - My Commisswn Exp�res S.:n. 3%, ZC�O :f+-nr . '- 1�.tMlM' SIGNATURE , �� ��cl � �� � � �, �6 �ra t� fO s� ���,.�Q ra-� ���� �� s��� ��� �/oS� E�r��l� �{��. 1�s G.-� �� � O� �7"a�f'��'� ��J� ` � �0 5� � _,la�! L,hE�/� �d� NDMBER � 3 � � -� — � = -� � � � / / 1 � � lt P� ( �Y� L Pi� .L' E C�.E.v s'�[,� � �^ � � , PItOi t0 SigOlIIg YI11S pe[ition, were you awaze of the contents of ttus piaposed ordinance or the date of the Ciry Council Mceting #430 on September 24, 1447? YEfi � NO �� �i � � �,�� ____��S �✓o ._ �F L� �_ i �_ �_ �1�5 _ ��� ., N o Vo �� n�� �� � I certify and verify by oath that each signatiue was signed by the pecson patporting to have signed��Nh��4d��t9 ve�by Minnesota Driver's License or similaz picture ID. �� K, � r7 tna a�s0�c- � / GJ NOT KSqMSffY Ct�UNTY � � My Gamm�sinn Ex6ires Jzn. 3t _2�0 �� �� 9'7 I oppose the proQosed ordinance ameuding Saint Panl legislative Cade Chapter 166.09 Sections 166.09A1 ttimugh 1b6.08. , � ADDRESS RFT " A7'IONSHIP TO �� GRAND AVENUE 1} Siagle Family Resident 2) Apartmem Tenam 3) Multi-nnit Property Owner 4) Commercial Properry Owner 5} Business Owner 6) Emgloyee on Grand Ave,nne LZoo C2(Zf�r'D {�`fe. I i60�rKZqf�r� �i u - rr %yG� -'✓� � !-!_ � � � � �.�'..� `'.� ��� � � • ��� 6 r b ��c�n�� ADDRESS RELATIONSHII' TO � � GRAND AVENUE 1) Single Family Residen[ � 2) APartmeat Tenant 3) Multi-imit Properry C)wner 4) Commercial Property Owner 5) Business Owner 6) Employee on Grand Avemie � � r I 1 t ,%�,1 : , ,� , �t - . , ; • ' �,.�.--- � / �� _ . i • - .,, 1!a. . r , . , .y.� � . • y , a _ '� � ��� ���- �3.� G� �* ja - t�� � ..�i��,�.� NIIMBER � � � � � � 5 sL -� � � � � � --�-- C o -� � _ � � � Prior to signing this petiflon, were yau aware of the coutems of this proQased ordinance or the date of the City Cauncil Ivlee[iug #434 on September 24, 19977 YES y Pi0 �� � niv I./. �� �?o �� � !(1� �VG �C� , . ._ � . 0 I certify and verify hy aath that each signaNre was signe3 hy tLe person p�nportiug ta t�ave signed this ;' � identity veri5ed by Minnesota Driver's License or similar picNre ID. " NNE D —,� � NOT Y W lC - MIN E Rqtr9SEV C011NTY � My Gommisswn Exprces Jan. 31 : Z000 ` � � J � � � I oppose the proposed ordinance amending SaintPautlegislarive Code CHapter 166.09 Sec[ions 166.09.02 thraugh 166.08. ; � D�� �< g � � I oppose the proposed ordinance amending Saint Panl legislative Code Cl�apter 166.09 Sections 166.09A1 through 166.08. ADDRESS RELATIONSFiIP TO GRAND AVENUE 1) Single Family Resident 2) Apartmem Tenam 3) Multi-unit Property Owner 4) Commercial Properry Owner 5) Business Owner 6) Employee on Grand Avenue �'�f' Gi���i.9� �Y`f ��c� AvE . �� �7ya,K �e 3g�[ �rov�eu - 1`�0� ( �'6� �'i 2��tc� � ,�� , g'7`f ��cu��1/L �� ���J�F� ��`� �nfa �o �� � /ri� � `� i6'S �7 -� a---� ��:.�1� � � �:1 _ � . �� .. � �.fr.,r���: : '�i� � � � NU1V�3ER � �P � � � � S -�- � � � � Rior to signing tlus petition, were you awaze of the contents of this Proposed ordinance or the date of tLe City Conncil Meeting #F430 on September 24, 19977 YES�NO �la _ �� � NO � �� �� � TCS — ��� � 41�/ I certify and verify by oath that each signat�tte was signed by the person pnrporling to Lave signed this peti4ion, and 'r�identity verified by Minnesota Driver's License or similaz picture ID. �..��^^^^^^ N qy� DE � _��—_2� � NO � NOSARY PUBIi� - M1N RAMSEY CO11P1TM q,p,� C�m�.san ExDires Jan, 31,200� � � �� �� � flir� � I oppose the proposed ordinance amending Saint Paul legislative C,ode Chap[er 166.09 Seclians 166.09.01 tLroagh 166.08. � � ADDRESS �.c� �rzr�.��Pi ���- RELATIONSFiIP TO GItAND AVENUE 1) Single Family Resident 2) Apartmeut Tenan6 3) Mnlri-unit Properiy Owner 4) Commercial Pmpeity (hvner 5} Business Owner 6) Employg� on G Aveaue ` �ll5to/j't� _ NDMBEB J 1�1 �7 � � I Prior to signing this peririon, were yon aware of the contems of this proposed ordinance or the dass of the City Crnmcil Meeting #430 oa September 24, i447? YE NO � �� � _t `-' � �fF'S �o ��, .:. _ _ � �/,'��� �l1r�c�-/"/ -�r+�(� �Il<�� �"YtGtl,,i� p�� `�� �,� �� � � � � -�— —�— ��� ����� �� �lI �G� �-h- � �� �t� (� 2� � �s�s���� ��� e ;,� �����������, ,1� �� ���--.� Qv� � ,d� _ 1 1 . �. • i . • . �., ._ - .. � � �` 7 � � 1 � � --t�- � � "'i"'� �_ �� �� av _�_ � � � � xJd 1 _ft.r� � � � � � I certity and verify by oath U�at each signaune was signed by the person purporting to have signed this petitioq and their ide�ty verifieti by Minnesflta priver's L'scensa ar similaz picture ID. NOTARY . ���,�� .. < � L � I opposQ the praposed ordinance amending .�;n+ Paul legislazive Code CLapter 166.09 Secrions 165.09.Olthrongh 166.08. SIGNATURE ���� ��� i/l�ct.ln�� �' R�-.� R.� �� a�� , ADDRESS titi8 �,��,��✓� �ll RELATIONSHIl' TO GRAND AVENUE I} Single Family Resident 2) Apar�ent Teaam 3) Multi-unit Properiy Owner 4) Commezcial Pioperty Owner 5) Business Owner 6) Emplayee on Grand Ave�e . ���. - �,� ��� �_ � ^�-r .� h�-� d4 -�-� ���� �,��,�.� ��' �, Prioc to signing this petition, were you aware of tfie contsnts of tlris proposed ordinance or the daie of the City Cauncil Meeang #R43o on September 24, 1997? 1 ' , . --�— �� I certify and verify by oath that each signature was signed by the persan purparting to have signed t3ris petition, and their identity verified by Minnesota Driver's License or similar picdue ID. � �^�^^^^^^^"�SA`^ � �� '�"l Lt1,f�NE �,� l�_C�� ��. NOTARYPUBLiC-MINNESOTA RAMSEY GOUNT' P�4 C6N!rtl'�51fln ExQrte5 Jan. 3}, 2W0 • . _ �� / ' � • a t Y'�t' i • �� r.• - n a . _.�... , , •-, : �,. .., � �,� .., � . ,, „ - i .� - .�s� 7v �t�nntr,.a< ` r�me. " r ' ••tl�- ��»v �.m' 1 ���i�.ua .i• �i-.tf��nx r..nr �.o���. . i' F nv� • f. ttu. �.n. a�u' .'! ai _ � 1'J�, i 7' 9:� 1 �� �� / �-1 �P�I� . ,s �.+c_ v ' � -_ � _ —� .-. �i�� Q .r / �/I//f i�{ �J!_ ; !�'-./� ; ✓ . � , ' �� ■ � � . � �. �.� :.�_�l�"► � ✓��iir . _�.. �' t� f A�� .. i �i �.i� � l N 4 Lu� 1 , �� �►���. ; - ' � „� � _ . �. , ����� � ' - .�., % • � �' ► c►�� �� . : �� � � . �r , t : !t �[ � � � �' ��� , iY;, + 4 ' R �,4' '; i a s � � i. � / •.� /� ,i 1 . / r :t� � �' � � . �`1.J� 1"���i� �, l � y � ,,, � , , �,�s �i/. �/'�r:n " %` % + ' f � '�� . ��'/1��,�. � � � v � ' • i + f w++� P�!�+�� � � -� . ��'�..�L:t.'R �l � t f � , ,� � � � ,- �.'3Lrf! , , ir 1 i�i'. aL ^ L� � w.. �.. _��� ' � �i � � �. i *t��w `�1'r. � � � ,� � i 1 � �i /_ � 1�:�f�'��.�: y ' , �, , ,. J�'' � � ��`�' __ I ,�, � ; ,✓. L �� �A Q � /� 1 1 1. 4% "�1��� 1 1 tf: ��1�• C.)�� r! 11 � I FN st... . l ' .w.� 'v �� � �v .�•.a ' +, � / �/�� . I � � � , � � . � ,p t� r; �� - � � �� I oppose the proposed ordinance amending Saint Paui legislative Code Cf�apter 166.09 Secrions 166.09.01 Lhrough 166.08. RELATIONSH7P TO GRAND AVENUE 1) Single Family Resident 2) Apartment Tenant 3) Multi-nnit Properry Ovmer 4) Commercial Ptoperiy Owner 5} Business Otvner 6) Employee on Grand Avenue Prior to signing this petition, were you aware of the contents of tlris proposed ordinance oz the daie of the City Council Meering #430 on September 24, 149?? SI6NATURE ADDRESS I3ITMBER � YES�NO `a� I certify and verify by oath that each signature was signed by the person pumorting to have signed ttris perition, and their identity verified by 14iinnesota Driver's License or suuilar picNre D?. NOTARY .�cr-�-1�'37 11 � 47 � r� Counci2 File # �� � ardiaance # Green Sheet # ORDWqNGE CfTY OF SA1T}T PAUL, MINNE50TA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 An ordinance amending Saint Paui LegisIazive Code Chapter I66 2 by adding new sections creating a residential street permit Parktng 3 district slong Cmaad Avenue between T�ale 3freet and Ayd Mill ¢ Road aad which provides for the orderly administrarion of the 5 district, 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 i8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3fi 37 38 The Council of tke City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: SECITON 1. ; That Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 166 be amended by addiag the following sections to read as folIows: Chaptec I46.09 Residential Pemsit Pazking -- Grand Avenue Residentia! Pemiit Parking District Sec. 166.09.4� . Declaration of purpose. The Council of the City of Saint Paul fiads that the azea adjaceut to or near Crrand Avenue does not have sufficient off-street pazking to safely accommodate the residential and commercial pazking needs of residenu aad nonresidents. Thcrcfore, to oacnurasc reliance oa caz gools and mass iransit, to balance the need for commetciat and residential pazking, to enhance the quality of Iife in residential areas by reducing noise, traffic hazards and litter, to mduce air poIlution and othet environmentai facton of excessive sutomobile commuring, and to preserve the safety of chiIdren and other pedestrians, and the resideatiai area from the above-mentioned health and safety hazards, the councii of the City of Saiat Pavi hereby estabtishes this Resideatial Permit Pazking Ozdinance (Sections i66.09_Ql through 1b6.09.08). Sec. 166.Q9.02. Restricted residential permit parking areas authorized. The following garking regutations s8all be in effect along Grand Avenue from one half block east of Dale Street wut to Ayd Ivfill Rosd, and along Date and Victoria Sueeu between Grand Avenve and Summit Avenues. In addition, aii sections of aay northlsouth streets between the atleys on either side of Grand Avenue within this area that cunengy have timed parking wili also be part of this remicted patkin� azea. a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 28 19 2A 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4A 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 SEP-05-199? 11�48 Except by permit ot unless othetwise posted, all on-street pazking within the restricted area described above shall be 2imited to two (2) hovrs from $�00 am_ to 8:� p.m. seven days a week. Businesses tvitYtia tbe restricted area may petition for the establist�ment of a 15 miuute par7dag zone in effect duriag the aornial operating hours of ffie business wi� the director of pvblic workc ptasuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code § 159.03. The director shalI consult with the approgtiate neighborhood and business organiz�tions to deucmine the cxtem and dumtion of the I S minute parking zt�ne_ Sec. 166.09.03 Patidag permits; eligibility; issuance. P.03 Q`�-tt�a� {a) Application. Applieation for one or more �tazking pecmits authorized uadec S�tions IS6.Q9A 1 through 166.49.Q8 shall be made an a foim provided by the dizector of the dapartrnent of public works, hereinafter teferred to as °direetor", which form may require the applicant to fumish his or her name and address, make, model and license munber of his or her vehicles, and any additional informatinn wfiich will aid the director in tke enforcement of these provisions. (b} .4nnva! permft applicarton fee. A non-refundable annuat penait applicarion fee of ten dollazs {$10.00) for each type of residential pazking pe�tit hereia sball be required to cover cosu incurred as a result of the implementation of the residemial pemut parking pIan. (c) Number of permits Up to twa residential gazking permits shall he made avaiIahie to eacfi resideut on the basis of one pezmit for each vehicle owned by the resident In no ev�nt shail the aumbcr of permits exceed the m�mber of vahic3es awned by ttte resident (d) Vis�to� permits. Up ta two (2) transferable visitor permits shall be made availabie to each residence or dwelling unit, notwithstandiag whethez or not the resident of the residence or dwelling unit owns an automobile. Psovided fhat no resident of a iesidcnce or dweiting unit may use a visitor permit io pazk a caz owned or controiled by Yhe resident in the restricted azea, it being tbe intent of Secrioaa 166.Q9.01 thmugh 166.04.08 that such visitor permits shall be made available and used by people not residing in but visifing a resident of the restricted area. (e) Residents, sgecial event permits. Residents within the res�icted azea, az a cost af one doIlaz ($1.00} for each germit, u�ay apply to the director for notaUxnsfezabie and @ate3 special event peimits upon a showing by the residetit that, during the date and hours for which the pernuts are to be issued the use of the permits shaIi be for specia[ events. The ditector shall determine the number of special event permits issued and the ho�s in ef£ect upon the director's determinatioa tfiat the pecmits issucd would nut uadvly imgair Gaffrc safety during the effective period of the permits. (fl Churches, speciai eventpermits; exception€; notice. Chvrcfies within the restricted area, at a cost of one dollar (51.40} for each permit, may acquire from the dsreeWr �ansferable special eveat permits; provided tfiat such peunits shail be used onty in wnjunction with evencs sponsored by the agglicanc church The disector sha12 determinc the mzmber of and offeetive period of the peimits w be issued Such permiu shall not be required for ordinary church events such as funera2s, services, festivais, bazaars, or weddings, where issvance of such permiu would be impracticable. � 4 5 6 7 9 30 2I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 29 20 21 22 23 24 ZS 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4Q 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4$ 49 50 51 5EP-05-1947 11�48 P.04 (g) PJucement o,J"permit srickers or rickets. Residential parking pennit stickers sha!! be (', _���� permanendy affvred to ihe outside of the velucle in the lowcz rear coraer of the tcft side w'sadow ti� closest to the reaz of the velucle. Visittrr ffi,d special eveat permit stickcts shall be pIaced on the dashboard or at some otfier conspiwous spot withia the vehiele wheze they aze plaialy visibte to enforcement pttsonnel. (h) Permit does not reserve p�king sgace. No germit issued under Sectioas 16fi.09.41 tiuough I66.09.Q8 shaii guazant� or reserve to the holder a particular parking space cvithin the restricted area but shall provide generai garking in said area during thc time specified in Section 166.09.02 and so pasted as required by Section 16b.09A7_ {i) Lost permiu; dupticates. Ia the event any of t6e petmits issued under this chapter aze lost, duplicates may be obtained from the director at a cost of one dollar {$1.OQ) per permit; provided, that na suzh duplicate shaU be issned unless and uati2 the appticam has furaished w the dirertor aa affidavit statiag that the msideat has lost che original pennit No pecson shall apply for a dvplicate pezmit unless the original permit has, in fac; beea los� Sec. I66.09.Q4. Services, repair and emergeney assistance. Persans who perform services, maintenance, repairs or emergency assistaaee for any residence are exempt from resaictions imposed uader Secrions 166.Q9.01 - 16G.09.Q8, grovided thax their exemption temiinates immediately ugon the completion of services or assistance provided. Nothing in this sectioa is intended to prohibit a residsnY owner of these vehictes from obtaining residential parking pemvts for same in accordanee with the pmvisions of this chapter. Sec.166.09.Q5. Strcet maintenance; snow emergency. No eacemptions or other permits granted herein shall abrogate ihe scope of parking restrictions imposed as such restrictions relate to street maiatenance, parking in one location beyond Forty-eight (48} hovrs, or emergeacies provided in Chapter 161. Sec. I66.04A6. Handicapped pacSang. Nathing herein provided shali abrogate the scope of pazking privileges granted handicapped persons as established pursuaat to this code or statues enacted by tIus state. Sec. 166.09.07. Postiag of signs. The director shall cause appropriate signs to be posted in the restricted azeas so as to infoim an oxiinazsly obsetvam person of the cyacistence of rules and Tegulations imposed by these provisions. Sec.166.08. Penaliy. It shatl be unlawful fot any persoa to subaut false iaformatioa ia any appticatian for a parldng permit issued pursuaat to Sections I66.09.01 through 166.09.OS. Violation of any agplication requuement shatl be gro�mds for deniai or revocation of the pern�it and shall be punishable as a xnisdemeanor. It shai[ a[so be wtlawful for any vehick W be stopped, partced or abaadoned in violation of these provisions. Any such vioIation is hereby dectared an obsuuction oFpublic s�eets and shal( be pvnishable as a misdemeanor and may subjeet the vehicle to be , 5t.1'—t�S-1997 l i � 49 "�'� q�- � l� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S moved or impounded at the cost and expease of the owner in accordance with the terms of Chapter 162. SECTIOT3 2 This ordinance shall taice effect and be in frnce thirty (3Q} days aRer its passage, appcovai aad publication. Requeated by aepastmeac of: naopaed by Ceuncii: Daee Adoption eazti£ied Ly Couneil Seczetazy SY: Appzavad by xaYCt: Date B Y = By: FOZm app= d by CiCy AttornCy �, .��C,�Cf�- 9- � 97 Appzove8 by Hayor for Submieaicm to Coimcil Byc TOTAL P.05 4n_tl G? Date To: Fr: Re: October 8, 7997 Saint Paul City Council Members Grand Avenue Susiness Association Log of Parking Ordinance Communication Ser�t to Grand Avenue Businesses Attached are copies of the communication sent to Grand Avenue Businesses in district 16 regarding the parking overlay district. *Summit Hitf Association Newsietter: (Mailed to all businesses in district 16) Fal1 `97 Summer `97 Spring `97 Fall `96 Spring `96 Winter `95 Fail `95 Grand Avenue Business Association Newsletter, Business Sulietin & IVleeting: Broadcast Fax 9/30/97 (111 successful faxes to those businesses with fax machines) October `97 (Mai{ed to members only) September `97 (Maifed to all businesses in district 16) August 12 (Informational meeting held at Linwood Rec Center - 6 businesses attended} Summer `97 (Mailed to all businesses) **Grand Gazette: (Delivered to all businesses in district 16) Sept. `97 October '97 April '97 **Highland Villager: ({s not get detivered to district 16, but many businesses have them.) Sept. 24, `97 Sept. 10, `97 Aug. 6-26, `97 March 26-April 8, `97 *The SHA newsletter is aiso delivered to over 5000 households in district 16. **Collectively, the Viliager and Gazette are delivered to 58,000 households on and around Grand Avenue. There are also 17,000 copies on "free" newsstands for shoppers, etc. � , � - ; � � ' �` '° � � � , ��,- 1043 Grand Avenue, # 315 1 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105 Telephone: (612) 699-0029 1 Fax: (612) 699-7775 1 E-mail info.� 1 Website: www.GrandAve.com �� C; Lc���ec 7radi��c� of xeaLLycoaL stuff ':?'.:; . . ���`. .,. - . Q�-1 i � Not a bad newstetter - from a pretty good piace to 1lve! Quarterty, Issue #34 Falt 1997 News from the Grand Avenue Business Association Tmlleys ace Back oo Grand Again! 11+e uolleys are running on Grand Avenue again as Qart of aa ongoiag naaated, l hour to�rofSaintPaul. The2lnlleytoursWrtsat the Minnesota History Museum on tfie hour Tuesday, 7'hurs3ay, Satwday and Sunday fiom 11 azn to 5 pm. However, riders may pin the tour along Grand or in other loca- cions in $a�nt Paui. Rider, may also leave the Troltey at a;desired locatlon w have Iunch or shop and then join a later tour. Costs am �7 for. adults, $f for children 6-12 and senior ad- >ens, and Free of clutge for childmn 5 and under. Reserrapons am not requirtd. Formore information about pick up }�tions & times or other fzcts, Busin�ses Plan "A¢ Evening on Grcnd" Event foi Septembu26, SA PM A g�oup of Grand Avenuebus'v,ess owners have ocganized an event called An Evening Ou Grand schedut¢d for Friday, �eptemixr 26 hom S9 pm, with the missian of show- casing the finest of GmM Avenue's art, food and music The gmup has aaanged for free trolley rides behveen Dale & Syndicate and customa paid racriyge rides. For more infomwtion about tUis event, rall Capital City Troiley at 223-56C0. please cail Tvn Duggan, Itiver Gallery, at 310-Ob89. Other plannpis include Cinda YeUow BikeS Up and Rnnning on Grand Quinn, Sheryl Tuoriia, BrynetW Wrighb We eamumge yov to gM out and enjoy Sennu,and CindyAnderson. Gmnd Avenue on a Yellow Bike! After a y�° successfui kickbtEcelebcacion on Sahuday, (� Two HourPazking D'utrict Oidinance August 16, the Yellow Bikes are now avaii- Update able for riders to 6orrow. Simply stop in at The City attomeys aremaking 6na1 revi- any of the following 6usinesses: Bumet sicns on the oxdinance for Creating a resi- Reaity at Avon, KowalsM's Grand Macket at dentiat stmet pecmit pazking district along Syndicate, Hungry Mind ak Macalester Gtand Averme be!ween Date Street and Ayd StreekGrandPerformanceatPriorand MiLlRoad,The$aintPaulCityCoundlis Whoie tv�s at Fairview. Bikes ue checked planning the public hearing for September out with a librarydike card system, which 24 at 4:30 pm. Cpundl Pcgident Dave inctudes a refundable 510 deposit. If you Thune is sgonsoring tt+e ocdinance, which is need further information about the Yellow endorsed by the Boards oE Wth the Gra� Bikes, call tf�e Yellow Bike Cwiition at 222- Avenue Business qssodatiou and tbe �• � SummitHillAssociationAmeetingwas held on August 13 for alI businesses ro leam Voluateer Writer/Reportec Wanted more about the ordinance arol air tfie'v The Grand Avenue Business AssociaHOn is views. I7ce ordinance wi7{ Provide consu- seekingawlunteareporterforourquar- tent2hourparkingonbothsid�ofthe tuly newsiet[er sent to a17 businesses on Avenue, and adjac�nt stceeFS m the alley CmndAvenueAesponsibilitiesmayinclude (on]ythosewhichcuimnUyhyvetimed membec interviews, stpry writing and parkin�, from 8am to gpm, 7 dsys a week. r�earch. Some writing erperience desired, Residents will be able to pwclias¢ parking but enthusiasm is a must. Please ca71 Char permiu w they can park the'v vehicles fpr Mazon at 699qp7g iEyou aze interested, longer time periods. Sf you luve questions or comments about this mdinance, please all DaveThune's Legislative Aid, Chuck Repke at 266$67A. 25tk� Annual Gnnd Meander Set for December6 Voiuntcers are invited to attend and help with the holiday acpvities and evenu dw- ing the 25th Annuai Grand Meander on Satuxday,Decembu6! Ifyouareintapsted in wlunteering for ilus holiday tradition targeced foi the whole famity, calt the Gmnd Avenue Business Assodation office at 699- ��. Upcoming Baard Meeting Dates The Gand Avenue Business Assodation Bcaid of Director's meetlngs are ;chedule3 Eo� Ne following dates: Tuesday, November il, &W am, Tuesday, December 9, 8:00 am, Cherokce " Bank, 985 Grand Ave. Please call fi93-00]9 if you would like to attend or bring an usue before the Boazd. Seeking Asaocia4an Caordinator- Peimaueat Part 2ime The Gmnd Avenue Business Assodatlon is seeking a permanent part-time Cooldi�ator to work with the Fxevtive Dimmr m a GrzndAvenueoffirn. Youwillbeinvolvedin managing exciting events, projeccs and gener- aiAssaiationassignments. Youw➢lalsodo general adminishative, member services and daca enky. ihe id�l pndida[e will hare computer e�peri¢nce Sor toth PC & Ma�, be familiac with genemi of(ice pcae3um, wri[ing, recotd kreping and have o��a• tional&custpmgrserviceskills. Cae helpfu4 Flecible hours: 75 hrs(wk June-Jan, 30+hrs/wk]an-May. GreatforapersonwiN 35ds In school! Send resume by hx to 699- 7775 or mail to Char Mason, Crznd Avenue Business Assac, 1043 Gmnd Avenue #375, St. Paui� NilV SS]W. Char Mpsom, Eucufive Direcfo� Gr¢nQ Avenue 8usiness Asspciqfion 1043 Grand Ave.5315 St Paui, MN55105 699�CO29 phone 694-7775 tax e-mail: infoBGrandAve.com WebSite: www.GmndAve.mm A Cherished Tradition oFReaLLycooj, stuff g, c i�� As i dose out my ei�hth a��d final year on that City Ha1S pays attention to your neigh- the Gty Counal and have my last opportu- borhood's concerns. n�ty to commw�icate with my friends in the Summ�t Hi41 area through this newsletter, I At the beginning of the month, we had �,�ould first like ro thank you Eor aIl of the another tremendous Grand Old Day. Only ycars oE support. The residents and busi- this time, things were a lot diffemnt from ness o�,=ners u� tlte Summit Fiill neighbor �F'lien I first got on the Councii. This year [ hood are some of the most active in com- received no complaints from the neighbor- munity aF(airs and your advice and guid- hood. It wasn't so long ago that [ was vili- ance have been greatly appreciated. Second, fied for trying to control tlle drinking dur- [ want to compiiment those individuals ing Grand Old Day. Editorials proclaimed �vho have participated on the Summit Hill that my support of the neighbors' conmrns Association Boacd over the past eight years. would bring an end to Grand Old Day. You are the ones who truly make tliis com- �'+jell, it is now bigger and better than ever. munity a great place to ]ive. It is through This brings me ro the current issue in front your efforts that we have made great pf the City Council: a permit parking area progress in tlie past eight years in creating a for Grand Avenue. Several years ago many saFe, livable community ti,ut can coexist of the neighbors on Lincoin and Goodrich with a thriving Grand Avenue. In addition, p�itioned to create a permit parking area in every person who lives or works in this the neighborhood. Tlte issue that stimulated neim�hborhood should 6e awareof the fine the parMng problem then was shocvn to be job that Chris Trost has done in making sure the large number of vehicles that parked in Summit I Association �istrict 16 Planning Counci4 360 St. Clair Avenue �aint Paul, MN 55105 'elephone 612-222-1222 "ax 612-222-1558 -mai l <summit, hi1lC�stpaul.gov> the residential neighborhood for eight straight hours, presumably Grand Avenuc employees. It is clear that problem contin- ues an Grand Avenue today. Tltie proposal I wi4l be bnnging to Council recommends that all of Grand Avenue, from one-half of a block east of Dale to Ayd Miii Road and the adjacent north-south streets !o' the a(leys, become a perm�t parking district It would mean that cars covid not be pazked for mom than two hcurs ar;ryvhere on Grand Avenue Erom 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. without a permit. The impact would be more tumover of the parking spates on Grand Avenue without negativefy impact- ing the residents on Grand Avenue. The plan was developed by the TraFfic and Parking Committee oE the Summit Hill Association and the Grand Avenue Business Association. t am authoring it as an ordi- nance, so there will be no petition process. (Thune continued an p.2) (Thune fmm p.l) This will ensure that, if passed, the permit area �vitl indude tlie entim avenue without any gaps. t believe that in the tong run this s+�li continue to kc�p Crand Avenue thriv- in� and further reduce business and resi- dential fridion. Again, 1 thank you for the pleasure of hav- ing mpresented you for the past eight years. Dnue 77nine St. Paid Cify Counci(, Pres�dent Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PA[D Saint Paul, MN �ermit No.b665 � F � � � x � t . * � :, ; -� �� _ �:i iy � � ''. ��-���7 � �.� , _ — - :� �; t+ r ..= a. ..: .�:: ?he Summit Hii( and Grand Avenue Busmess Associations have cvorked togetlier to develop the followin� pazking pian for Grand Avenue. C9rand �.vencse tlni$orm F�arking f�lcan The Summit Hill Association hereby mquests the City of St. Paul to establish a special Grasid Avenue UniForm Parking Plan along Grazid Avenue Erom one half block east of Dale Street west to Ayd Miil IZoad, and along Dale and Victoria Streets bet���een Grand and Summit Avenues. in additton, a11 sections of any northlsouth streets between the atleys on either side oE Grard Avenue ivitltin this area that Current- 1y have timed parking will also be part of this Uniform Parking Pian. Within this dis- trict, the foliowing parking restrictions should be established: 1 On-sheet parking shall be liinited to 2 hours, from 8am ko 8pm, seven days per week. 2. A1( residen¢s of buildings located in this district shail be entitled to receive, at no charge, parkin� permits as specified in the City Permit Parking Ordinance which shall permit unrestricted parking within any 2liour zone along Grand Avenue. Note: Residents would stili be subjed to the maximum 48 hour on-street parking limit specified by City Ordinance. 3. Any business within the district that requires short term parking may petition for the establishment of a IS minnte parking zone, effective during the normal operating hours of said business. The City of St. Paul shall use its normal review process to handle said petrtions, in consultation with the appropnate neighborhood and business organizations, to determine the extent of the proposed 15 minute zone, the associated hours of operation, and to resolve other issues associated with the mquest. 4. All cab stands within the parking district shail be removed. 5. Prior to the impiementation of the Grand Avenue Uniform Par�ing Plan, alt of the affected property and business owners will be notified by the City of the changes being implemented, and wili receive instructions on how to obtain residential parking permits andlor to request the establishment of 15 minute parking zones. All existing timed parking, except for existing IS minute zones, wiil be converted to 2 hour parking. All existing IS minute zones will mmain as such, if so desired by the abutting businesses. 6. The Summit Hill Assotiation rc�cognizes that residential permit parking is a mechanism to remedy any increase in commercial parking on streets adjacent to Grand Avenue that may result hvm the establishment of a Grand Avenue Uniform Parking Plan. Requests for any deviations from these policies shall be resolved by the standard Cit}' procedures for hand(ing changes to traffic and parking mgulations, in consul- tation with the appropriate neighborhood and business organizations. 8. The City of St. Paui shall stricdy enforce ali parking mgulations within the Grand Avenue CJniform Parking Plan. Summit E-dill Association Tra$fic and Parking Poticies Last amended February 13, 1997 If you would (ike a cop y of the SHA Traffic and Parking Policies regarding vehicle traffic, public transit, pedestrians, bicydes, parking, aesthetics thae promote traffic caiming, and physical improve- ments, please call the office at 222-1222. Traffic and Parldng Committee Mission SEatement To study and recommend to the Summi[ Hill Association/District lb Planning Council a neighborhood trafFic and parking plan that assures adeqvate mobility within the neighborhood while mini- mizing negative impacts on the community. Sa�� Dr�vdng �'i�� Automobile traffic on Grand Avenue and throughout our neighborhood has inrreased drnmatically �hrough the years. It is up to us to make our streets as safe as possible for our famffies and for those who visit our neighborhood. The following thme ]aws aze regularly broken: Pedestrians have the right of way when crossing the street in a crosswalic You must stop to a17ow pedestrians to cross the street if they are in a crosswalk when the intersecrion is not controlled with sig- nals. On many of our busy Grand Avenue mtersections, pedesfrians are tak- ing their life in kheir hands when attempting to cross the street. As a driver, begin now to set the example. Remind other drivers to do the same. Pedestrians do not have the right of way when cross- ing in the middle of khe street. As a pedestrian, limik your crossings to a crosswalk. ' Tuming right on red is a privIlege, not a r�uirement. Cars must stop and wait behind the crosswalk at a red light. Pay close attention to ati pedestrians in the mteraection. If you cannot see the oncoming trafFic from this location, wait until your light tums green. Do not honk at the car in front of you to insist that it turn right on red and do not allow the car behind you to insist that you turn right if it is not safe to do so. SHA T�°a��� �n�! Parking �o���ies Committee Mission Statement: To study and recommend to the Summit Hill Associationf Ilistrict 16 Planning Coundl a neighborhood traffic and pazking plan that assures adequate mobility within the neigh- borhood while minimizing negarive impacts on the community. Vehicle Traffic � Edua6on should be used to encourage drivers to voiuntarily reduce vehicle speed, enmurage 2Q mph, reduce trips, use the most direct routes, and under- stand the pemeived and actual effects of these strategies • Signage shoutd be used to alert street users to neighborhood efforts to slow and reduce traffic • Work wiFh the PoGce Department ko develop a plan to dramaticaily increase entorcement • Enmurage greater enforcement on Grand Avenue to achieve sPeed mduction • Encoumge greater enforcement on Lexington Parkway to achieve speed reduction • Encournge rigorous enforcement of the 30 mph speed limit throughout neighbor- hood • Request that tra�c lights be timed no faster than legal vehicle speed Public Transit, Pedestrians, and Bicycles • Estabiish a 25 cent bus zone on Grand Avenue • Instal] pedestrian activated signals at appropriate crosswalks on Grand Avenue • Paint Grand Avenue crosswalks a solid color • Increase the number of bike racks on Grand Avenue Parking • Work with the Police Depaztment to develop a plan to dramatically increase enforeement • Enmurnge use of garages and off-stmet parking • Create a uniform two hour parking zone on both sides af Grand Avenue • Allocv those 6usinesses who need a IS minute zone in frnnt of their business to apply for a 15 minute zone • Eliminate the cab stand on khe northwest corner of Grand and Lexington • Eliminate every other bus stop on Grand Avenue • Enmurage Grand Avenue employ�s to pazk in shamd church lots and not on Grand Avenue , � y Volunteers are needed to implement these �9 policies. Cali the SHA office, 222-1222 if you avouid tike to hetp. � Busses putfing back into the traffic lane Erom a bus stop have the right of way. By law, you must yield to a(Sow them to merge in front of you. t:' �.■ �-.,. . .. . . , , _ _. _ ..,:: ,; - ,. �>:.. s 'tae:home,by TDpm on. ctieek nights and - s age 15'through 17 musf beHqmeby: ited by jpveniie§.occur. after cuifew _ tI�ey arehome on time. ;�; ,; : :,; .; Committee Mtssion Statement: To study ard recornmend to the Sun•�mit Hill Associationf District 16 S'lanning Council a neighborhood traffic and parking plan that assures adequate mobility within the neigli- borhood v.�hile minimizing negative impacts on the community. Vehicle Ttaffic • Education should be used io encourage drivers to voluntarily reduce vehicle speed,encourage 20 mph,reducetrips, use tl,e most direct routes, and under- stand the perceived and actual effects of these strategies • Signage should be used to alert street users to neighborhood efforts to slow and reduce traffic • 4Jork with the Police Department to develop a plan to dramatically increase enforcement • Encourage greater enEorcement on Grand Avenue to achieve speed reduction • Enmurage greater en(orcement on [.exington Parkway to achieve speed reduction • Encowage rigorous enforcement of the 30 mph speed limit throughout neighbor- hood � Recluest ihat traffic lights be Eimed no - faster ihan legal vehicle speed � �a���ng P���ee�s Public Transit, Pedestrians, and Bicycles • Establish a 25 cent bus zone on Grand Avenue � instali pedestrian activated signals at appropriate crosswalks on Crand Avenue • Paint Grand Avenue crosswalks a solid color • Incmase the number of bike racks on Grand Avenue Packing • Work with the Police Department to develop a plan to dramatically increase enForcement • Enmurage use of garages and off-street parking • Create a unlform two hour parking zone on both sides of Grand Avenue • Allow those businesses who need a 15 minute zone in hont oE their business to apply for a 15 minute zone � Eliminate the cab stand on the northwest corner of Grand and Lexington � Eliminate every other bus stop on Grand Avenue • Encourage Grand Avenue employees to park in shazed church lots and not on Grand Avenue Uolunteers are needed to implement these polieies. Call the SHA of6ce, 222-1222 if you would 3ike to help. ��� - � / � ■ � �; � � �.�� • �_ : ► ♦ • ' �(�� �i to benefit � J IHM SE. Lukes and the Summit Hill � Association. Great � selection and prices! Ordez forms available at the Linwood Community Center. Orders due April 15 for May Il pickup. �� -ll� 97-IL�� t�hth the Neti,� Year upon us, many o( t;s are preparing New Yedr's r�solutions WeaEtheSummitHill As;ooation are domg the same. \v"hile the process is ongoing at this hme, ( thought 1 would share with ��ou many of our continuing goals. Pcomote Effective Communication Z�'ithin the Neighborhood. Through ti�is quarkerly newsletter, welcome E.ackets for new neighbors and our column i� the Grand Gazette, we seek to keep you intormed about +ssues affecring our neighborhood. Enliance the Quality of Life in Our Neighborhood. Our support for and parricipaflon in the Living at Home/Block Nurse Program, the C,inwood Community Center and the Neighborhood Crime Prevention Programs help to improve directly the ltves oE individua(s living in our Summit Hill Association District I6 Planning Council 860 Sk. Clair Avenue SainE Pau1, Mi�I 551Q5 Telephone 612-222-1222 Fax 612-222-1558 � neighborhood. We also address issues whidi touch aIl oE us, such as managed business growth on Grand Avenue ai�d traEfic calming and parking issues throughout the neighborhood. Develop Closer Working RelationshipS With the Grand Avenue Business Community. During this past year, significant strides have been made in this area. We have worked with businesses to address parking issues in the Victoria Crossing area. In addirion, we foresee significant changes in Grand Old Day 1995, returning the event to the calmer, family-oriented event oE years past. We have been working closely cvith the business co-thairs of the event to make this a reality. Finally, we are increasing business representation on our Soard. i am very pieased to announce that Peter New Traf�i� and Park�n� �01�i � ��f'e� Formed Quinn, the o�vner of Cafe Latte, has �oined our board Enhance the Aesfhetics in our I�3eighborhood. Becauseofa generous donation from a member of the neighborhood, we are planning and imp(ementing a landscaping plan for Linwood Park. We are also continuing to encourage the °greening of Grand Avenue" and the planring of trees on the boulevards in the neighborhood. Raise Funds for our Community. L��e receive about 35% of our funding from the City of St. Paul. The remainder is raised through events tike the house tours and direcY solicitahons. Our Fall direct solicitation was the most successful ever. Your generous support of our (Reso&rtions continued on p.2} SHA now has a group of neighbors working to proactively develop and implement traffic and parking soluHons within District 16. The committee is seeking a fesv more enthusiasHc members especially neighbors living west of Victoria. Please call the SHA office at 222-1222, Non-ProfiE Org. U.S. Postage PAID Saint Paul, MN Permit No. 6665 � � �� ,. � � � �, � � =� � r ` � ft :1 �� F � � z Z F :I. J 3 � h 4 �� 4 � 'd` � G ' �.,.;t� - � �- Not a bad newsletter - from a pretty good ptace to liae! .: . �, , - - ^: � s- , �; - �; ; � �; � , .�; t The Summit Hill Association's Tra(fic & Parking Committee is curren8y evaluating a proposal to restructure the on-street park- ing regulations aiong Grand Avenue between Dale Street and Dunlop Avenue to improve the avai]ability of parking io.* both Grand Avenue shoppers and residents. Currently, there are s� many conflicting parking zones along Grand Avenue that enforcement is virtnally impossible. As a result, many prime on-street parking slots that should be reserved for residents and shoppers are instead being used by employees of Grand Avenue businesses. The proposal addresses these issues in the following manner: establishment of 75 minute parking zones in Front of their establishments. 3. Grand Avenue Residents wonld be able to buy permits for unreskricted parking in any Grand Avenue 2 hour parking zone. 4. Further increase the avaiiability ot on- street parking by eiiminating every other bus stop. This should also significantly speed np bus traffic and reduce the MTC's Operating costs. 5. Reduce the demand Eor employee pask- ing by instituting a Quarter Zone on Grand Avenue, so that the many students and local residents employed on the Avenue wil� have an economical alternative to dri- ving to work. l. Increase the availabitity of employee parking off Grand Avenue by eliminating unnecessary No Parking zones on the Vorth/South cross streets between Lincoln ind Summit. [ncrease the enEorceability of parking =gulations by establishing a uniform 2 our parking 2one on both sides of Grand s�enue between Dale Street and Dunlop. rovisions would be made to permit ser- ce-oriented businesses to petition for the The SHA Traffic & Parking Committee welcomes any comments on this proposal. For further information, please contact Mike Schumann at 114-0216. Issue 25 Falt 1995 Traffic Calming Traffic caiming is everyone's responsi- bility. Ail of us know the frustraHon and anxiety that comes with our mm- mute to work or trip to the store. The freeways and major arteries seem to be inhabited largely by w�canng drivers much of the time. However, this situa- tion does not need to ex'rst as we leave and approach our homes. Your neighbors urge you to consider your driving habits. Remember that 30 mph is the MAXIMUM speed and that 20 mph or iess is often appropriate when children populate every block. Please remember also that pedestrians have the right of way most oE the time, especia7ly in any marked crosswaik. Beiieve it or not vehicles in some other cities across the counny actually obey the law and stop for a pedesYrian in a crosswalk. Safer streets start with a11 of us. GRAND AVENUE BUSIIVESS ASSOCIATION 1043 Grand Avenue #315 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105 � September 30, 1987 TO: Grand Avenue Business Association Members �ocated in District 16 FR; Bonnie Johnson, President Grand Avenue Business Association RE: Grand Avenue Parking District Vote ��-�i�� , r �^'.�iG<`--� � , -v �(I 6raw ,l',�u,�i°n-v-e� ,�5<..,�E =5�� The clock is ticking! With the heip of �eighborhood residents, businesses, and City Council President Dave Thune, we have a new parking ordinance for Grand Avenue that wiii pe voted on by the City Councii fioliowing the pubiic hearing on Wednesday, October 8. Qther members of the City Council need to hear your voice this week to affirm the solid backing of the business community on this issue. We aie the refail gem of fhe Cify of St. Pau/ and deserve fo have an enforceable parking policy fo ensure our confinued livelihood! A/I you need to do is ca// 266-8560, give your name and business name, and ask the receptionist to forward a message fo ati Councilmembers saying "! support fhe Grand Avenue Parking Districf." Over the past two years you have heard about this ordinance in The Summit, our business association newsletter and Business Bu!(etin, in addition to the Highland Villagerand Grand Gazette. Over the past ten years, we have struggled to find a solution that is acceptable to those who live on and near Grand Avenue as well as those of us who own and work at businesses on this avenue. The Board of Directors of the business association approved this plan. At a member and business hearing on August 12, 1997 there were only two businesses in over 100 who voiced concems. We befisve this may be the solution we have sought for over 10 years and we want to try to make it a success. The fact is simpie: J Parking on Grand Avenue is not enforceabie. The St. Paul Police Department wiil not enforce any of the zones because they are inconsistent and confusing. 7he new ordinance seeks to do the following: 9 Create a uniform parking arrangement that can be enforced. O Provide two hour spots for customers from 8A - 8P each day. This wiil heip keep customer traffic out of the adjacent neighborhood streets. The plan wili be uniform from one block east of Dale Street to Ayd Mfil Road. P Provide a permit for Grand Avenue residents so they can park when, and as long as they want to during the 6A - 8P period when the two hour parking is being en4orced. ♦ Yes! This ordinance will keep employees of our businesses from taking up parking spaces that our customers can use during the time it is in force. The net effeci: ♦ Customers will be able to find more accessible parking because the only people who will be abts to park for long periods of time wili be the Grand Avenue residents. The Executive Committee is pianning testimony for the association at the public hearing along with members of the Summit Hil! Association. If, in addition to your phone call to the Gity Council offices, you can attend, pfease join usl Call Char Mason on Wednesday, October 8 to find out what time we are on the agenda. Please call me before Fsiday, October 3 if you have questio�s (221-1Q57). Because of my business travel through October 7, you may call Dan Parker, White Way Cleaners, (291-1107) Association Vice President after that time. ��Z- l �b� : ������ A Cherished Tradition of ReaLLy Coo�, Stuff ��SSage F��m t�e P��Sident Bor+nie Johnson, Great Harvest Bread Co. President, Grand Avenue Business Association Grand Old Day'97 was a tremendous success for the business associa- iion! 1'his event has matured over the past several years and is creating a good pubiic perception of Grand Avenue. We also count on this as our primary fund raiser each year and I'm pleased to report that it generated the revenue we need to continue providing service to members and pro- moting Grand Avenue as a premier destination for shopping, dining and servicesl Andy Gesell, Cherokee Bank, was an exceptional leader of the volun- teer committee that planned the event. jackie Lunde, Subway, worked dili�endy to create a Family Area that was unbelievablel Our executive director, Char Mason, managed vendors, volunteers, sponsors, promo- tion, anc3 a tough work load. Take a moment to say thanks the next time yoii see these folks and others whose work is so critical to the success of U� Old Day! � Saint Paul City Council President Dave Thune is pre�aring to present an ordinance to the Ciry Council this fall that will create a residential street peru�it parking district along Grand Avenue between Dale Street and Ayd Mill Road. The work on this ordinance was begun over two years agc� by representatives of the Summit Hiil Association Traffic and Yarking Commi�tee and members of the Grand Avenue Business Assaciatiori. It is fully endorsed by the Boards of both organizations. Hours of analysis and discussion have resulted in an ordinance I believe wiil benefit both the people who live along the avenue, and those whose livelihood is integrally tied ±o our customers' ability Co park and come into our businesses. Sii7�ply puC, fhe ordinance will: Provide consistent 2 hour parking on both sides of the avenue, and adjacent streets to the alley, from 8am to Spm, 7 days a week; Establish a system for residents to purchase parking permits so they can park their vehicles for longer time periods. On Tuesday, August 12, there will be an informational meet- ing for Grand Avenne businesses to answer questions and pro- vide more detail on the ordinance. A representative from the public works department will be available along with committee members who worked on drafting the ordinance. The meeting wili be held at 5:30 pm See President... continued on p¢ge 2 The Newsletter Qf The Grand Avenue Business Associafion Summer 199'7 Mar�k YoWr ��lAendat� o� Upco�ing VrG��U iJat�s Grand Avenue Parldng Disfric# Infbrmatianal Mee6ttg Augusti 12, 5:30 gm 860 St. Glair` Ave. Yellow Sikes Premier on Grand . August �6 &oard Meet9ng SeptemUer 9, 8:00 am 985 Grand Ave. Security & Crune Generat Membership Meeting Date TBA Customer Service Generai Membership Meeting Date TBA Grand Meander Aoliday Event December 6 Uvh�t`s Inside Web Pk&e. � -page 2 Grand Otrl Day � page 3 Mac2lester Goupons • page 4 New Mernbers • page 4 Security meeting • page 5 Member Benefzfs • page 6 Yellow Bike Program • page � Gool Stuff For S¢le • page 8 Exe�utive Director Notes �y Char Mason Do you wonder how this Assaciation operates? lust who are the leaders, volunteers and staffl Here's a quick "snapshoY' that may give you some answers: The Grand Avenue Business �ssociation Board of Directors is made up of 21 Grand Avenue business people, just like you, 4vhc make 1-3 year commit- men�s to serve on the Board. The Boarc3's role is to set long range goals, make policy deci- sions, give direction to the com- mittees, manage the staff & approve budgets & spending. The Board is made up of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Immediate Past President, along with three representatives from each of the 5 nodes {geographi- cal segments of Grand Avenue) and one Member at Iarge. Representatives of both the dis- trict counciis, the Summit Hill Association and the Macalester Groveland Communiry Council, also have seats on the Board. As Execurive Director, l fill the staff position for the Association. On the most basic level, i answer your phone calls and manage the Association's day-by-day needs. However, it is also my job to manage commu- nications & volunteers, as well as member & consumer ser- vices. With ourAssociation office acfing as the hub of infor- mation, my position also pro- vides a thread of con:inuity from year to year. It is my role to make recommendations to tlie Board & committees and alert the Board & members to new opportunities which serve the long range goals of the Association. Essentially, the Executive Director's role is designed to compliment the vol- unteer leaders. IYs this unique symbiotic rela- tionship between the Soard, the staff and the �rowing general membership that is enabling this Association to accomplish so mud�. By paging throvgh this issue, you will see how many projects we are undertak- iiag and how much we can achieve together. As always, I welcome you to call me at 699-0029 if you have any ideas, thoughts or quesfions. i�eb �age Upd�te: �rvlrvw.Grandi�ve.com In the two weeks surrounding Grand Old Day, we had aimost 3,000 visitors to our Grand Avenue Web site! As a current member, you are automat- ically listed on the site and have the option to have a 100 word description as we11 as your 6usiness hours, all free of charge. If you have not completed a form with this information, please ca11699-0029 for another copy. Dan't miss this chance to promote your business in Cyberspace! q�- t�� Message From the President... continued frorrz p¢ge 1 at Linwood Community Center, 86fl St Clair Ave. in the Craft Room. Copies of the ordinance will be available that evening or by cali- ing the Business Associatior. office at 699-0029. We encourage you to come and participate in this part of the process! Special thanks to those whose commitment and energy made this a realiry for us! Mike Schumann, Traditions, was vigi- lant in his work over several years to analyze the problem and heip find soluCions! O�her members include Biil Skally, 5kaily Tax Service, and t1�e following neigh- bors from Summit Hill Association; John Siekmeier and Stephen Gadient. Please read through ihis newsietter for other important news and committee updates. I aixa honored to be working witi� an exceptional Board and other vol- unteers who conCinue to make us a stronger and more viable organi- zation! Enjoy your summer! Snow Remo�al Survey Upd�te Because of the abundant number of responses anc3 complexily of the snow removai surveys sent to all Grand Businesses a few months ago, the Membership Committee hopes to have some results to report in the next Business Builetin. �Pag� 2.� Granc! Avenue Business ASSaciation Newsietter '; i � �� � _ � ����� r - --�..�� � r MAKE A DIFFERENCE� Bonnie Johnson, Assaciation President The ctbck is tickina! With the he{p of neighborhood residents, businesses, and City Councii President Dave Thune, we have a new parking ordinance for Grand Avenue that wili be voted on by the City Council foffowing the public hearing on Wednesday, October 8. Other members of the City Councii need to hear your voice this week to affirm the solid backing of the business community on this issue. We are the retail gem of the City of St. Paut and deserve to have an enforceab{e parking policy to ensure our continued livelihood! Aii you need to do is cail the councii offices at 266-8560, give your name and business name, and ask the receptionist to forward a message to ali Counciimembers saying you support the Grand Avenue Parking District. Over the past two years you have heard about this ardinance in The Summif, our bus+ness Association fYewsletterand Business Bulletin, in addition to the Highland Villagerand Grand Gazette. Over the past ten years, we have struggled to find a solution that is acceptable to those who live on and near Grand Avenue as well as those of us who own and work at businesses on this avenue. The Soard of Directors of the business association approved this plan. At a member and business hearing on August 12, 1997 there +vere only two businesses ofi over 100 who ioiced concerns. We believe this may be the >olution we have sought for over 10 years and ve want to try to make it a success. - he Executive Committee is pianning testimony �r the association at the public hearing along °��- i 1�0�7 with members ofi the Summit Hili Association. If, in addition to your phone cal{ to ths City Counci{ offices, you are able to attend, please join us! Gal( Char Mason at 699-0029 on Wednesday, October 8 to find out what time we are on the agenda. If you have questions, piease call me at 221-1057 before Friday, October 3 or Association Vice President, Dan Parker, White Way Cfeaners, at 291-9107 from October 3-7. Saint Paui Nlayoral �a����ate For�m Wednesday, October 8, 7:15 - 8;45 AM Radisson tnn Saint Paul, 411 Minnesota Street You are invited to attend a forum featuring candidates Mayor Norm Coleman and Senator Sandy Pappas to hear what they have in mind for the business community af Sa+nt Paui. This program is sponsored by the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Grand Avenue Business Association as wefl as severai other organizations inciuding the Cathedraf Hi11 Business Association, the Nighland Business Association, the Saint Anthony Park Business Association and the Sneliing-Selby Area Business Association. Members of the Grand Avenue Business Association may attend this meet+ng at the Chamber member price of $8 ($12 for non-members). To attend, send your $8 participation fee to: Saint Paui Area Chamber of Commerce Attn.: Good Morning Saint Paui 332 Minnesota Street, Suite N-205 Saint Paui, MN 55101 If you have questions or would like to call in your reservation, please catl 223-5000. Seating is limited. � � �� ,�-�-�� - _ - _ Two Hour Parking District Ordinance 1lpdate The C+ty attorneys are making final revisions on the ordinance for creating a residential sfreet permit parking district along Grand Avenue between Dale Street and Ayd Mill Road. The Saint Paui City Council is planning the public hearing for September 24 at 4:30 pm. Councii President Dave Thune is sponsoring the ordinance, which is endorsed by the Boards of both the Grand Avenue Business Association and the Summit hilf Association. A meeting was held on August 13 for aif business owners to leam more about the ordinance and air their views. The ordinance will provide consistent 2 hour patking on both sides of the Avenue, and adjacent streets to the a(ley (only those which currentiy have timed parking), from 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week. Residents wi{4 be able to purchase parking permits so they can park their vehicies for ionger time periods. lf you have questions or comments about this ordinance, piease call Dave Shune's Legislative Aid, Chuck Repke at 266-8620. _._._�a,,.___.�,,�_.�ya-. . __ ..-______�.. ■ City adopts Selby Sma11 Area Plan .........p. 6�� r 1 1�� 6L ■ Mural is cause for concem, clapping .....p. 8 ■ Permit parking sought for Grand...........p. 9 ■ Summit-C readies for blocic nursing ...p. 14 ■ Nlusic is medicine at Grand shop .........p. 18 SEPTEMBERi997 Hearing set on proposal to establish parking district on Grand's east end sv��: Mcct,rre A pu6fic hearing on a proposal to create � percmt of the affected property ovmers to sign auniformhvo-hourparkinglimitandaper- apetitionbe(oreanewpermitpar�tingdistri<t mit parking district on the eastem end of wil! be considered. However, Thune is intro- Grand Avenue is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. ducingtheordi�wwittwutgoingthrough Wednesday,5eptember24,bMoretheStPaul theqetilionprocess. City Councii. TFwne recalted Utatwhen he first toak o6 The plan is generating Iittle opposition if an fice in 1990, he received a warning (rom his August 12 Grand Avenue Business Associa- predeceswr, then-Mayor Jim Schei6eL "Iim tion tGABA) general mee6ng is any indiCa- said the one iuue you II never, ever get re- tion. Onty a dozen peopte attended the solved is parking on GrandAvenue," Thune meeting, including two tity staff inembers, said. Fv+o faimer Summit Hi1V Assoriation (SHA) The St. Paul Deparhnent of Pubiic Works board membecs, two GABA board memben supports the proposai, as does GABAand the and Ward 2 City Councii memb¢r Dave SHA'7YSasolution[hatmaynotbepedect, Thune, butiYli heip," said past GASAyruident Srian If approved, Grand Avenue between Ayd Afton. Mili Awd and one-half block east o[ Aale Th¢ permi[ parking distnM is opposed by Strzet—plustheblocksoYhalf-blocksofin- theownersofWillweYSCheidandPNersMor- tenacnng north-south streetr—would be- tuary, 1167 Gmnd Ave., and the Wedding wme St. PaW's 13th residentml permit Shoppe,1201 GrandAve, parkingdistrict.Onlylocalresidentswhase "Bothofourbusmessesaredeali�gwitha veh�des displayed a permit would be allowed different type of customeq" uid Steve Will- co park tor longerthan hvo hours. werscheid ot Willwerscheid and Peters. "Our Areas where parking is already limited to <ustomers are not coming i� to ea[ a sand- less than iwo hours would remain un- wich, they're not coming in to b�y a book. changed. We're dealingwith dtuals here, we're dealing Residents coufd buy parking permits for withlife•changingeventr" $IQperyear.Theyalsocouidbuyviaitorper- Themortuaryprotides95otf-SGeMparking mits and one-day permits for gatherings at spacu for visitors and has additional em- thxir homes. ployee parking behind itr building, he said. Th�ne, the author of the ordinance that The Wedding Shoppe has a handful oP off- woWdcreatethenewpermitparkingd'utrict, streetparkingforemp(oyeesonly. has promised i[ will get through the City Wi(lwerscheidisco�ernedthatthefunernl Council before his term ezpires at the end of home5 parking { wilt be used by shoppers 1997, and the employees of nearby businuses to Thunecalledtheplan"agrea[stepforn�ard" avoidtheon-streetparkingrestrictions.'4t for che neighborhood, beliwing it wiil allevi- can cost qui[e a bit for us to keep unwanted ateparkingcongestiononCraridbydiscour- carsoutofouriot,"hesaid. agingemployeesandothernonresidentsfinm GrandAvenuebusinessownerMikeSchu- pa*'�.ongonthestreetforpurposuothertFun mannaskediftheCUneraihomecouldreceive to patroniz¢ Iocai businessu. an exemption hom the permit parking dis- Pve6eensupportingsomethinglikethis tnckHowever.SheYkaandThunesaidthecity foryears,"saidMel7aMartinotDlvSpaMel{a, isrequiredtotreatallbusi�essesintheume 1204 GrandAve.Martinsaidthereisaparking mannex, shortage in her 6�ock of Crand due in large Summit-University CouncilllTews BOARD SEATS OPEN RESTORATiVE JUSTICE TherecontinuetobeopwingsontheSum- GlenFdwardshasbeenhiredtnrecmitpeo- mit-Umversiry Planning Councii board in plewithintheSumm�FUniversiryandFrog- SubdistrstsA �three spots), B(four), D(one) town communiGU to be trained in mediatlon andF(one).Ntematepovtionsareopenina➢ andfamilygmupconferencing.Tminedciti- otthesubdstrictsaswelt.Thereaisoaremany zenswillthenworkwithvictimsandolfend- o npr ectsandactvitieswthoutjoin- agreementrhavingtodowith tionand ngtheboardFOrit�formation,czl{execudve communityservice.AtraininESessionwiilbe rox mtormaFwn, WI Edvmrds at224.99D4. � � ° �� - �'�s:�� ,., 4VEEDdiSEED 'e= -�`�"`�'"� A Weed & Seed Steering Cummittee is be- � px,s ,- a�' a,, iagcreafaltod¢velopasimtegicplantoim- �:�—�-,' '-s�. - ,_.3��; x ',�'_ ` Arove the phys�cal app¢arance and tn create sso��at 4�� 5 ����'a � GREEtYHOUSE Open 4 Days.9�4'eRk BaMara Stromer. e��..�. Re�fect Becky MOntgOn St. QaU� St "Emm�ng ' . t7e�oqgh a edun °fhanks far,�nur � Ofta�d L euppart• PttpRW vMPadfctbi{hMmtgorrcryvo`w: SuP.utMN5510Z2s Medica( B[II ReducHon Servlces N� 9�,6 Of AIf Hospital . Contain Errors anc ➢W Yours� A AeWtS� Want To Lower Your 8flis or k We Can Heipl No Reco� J011'1 �S .��5 �7e � ;ether In Iesus' t V Saturday )ubilee Servic Sunday Chapel Service Sunday School Sunday Worship Spc<ia{ Mus�c by ematcy a. ca � • Have Lunch in the Markeiplace 11:30 am-= � Take a Tnur of the I,¢arning Genter 71:30 dflt Y����l ,� �Ot�N� �;�... �FC�GK AI .._._._._._._._._._._._. V f l l 1� l � � ww �eu �a+. wiee �..e ., .,. .�.,. ..... __ _ VOLUME 25 permit district in ayearto see ifit is elfective. Supporters of the ordinance admitted that the propoul �arries some nsks.'7nstead of 6e- ing th¢thing that mak¢s us aII happy, itcouid be the thing that makes us all crazy," said GASA president Bonnie Johnson. Still, she saidthat GrandAvenue needs to try the park- �n'd P�an. Despife e{forts to ge[ employees [o park etsewhece, "not everyone seems to get the message;' said Grand Avenne bvsinessma„ SH�1 supports city ordinance creafing permit parking district on east Grand by 3ane McClive There i5 no hee ride under ordinance thatwould create i hmi[s and estahl�h a peCm+t on the eas[ end of f,rand A"a. onJ�ly 10 tos impo5e a hv¢ hom a hzlf bl Mill Road, as streets behvee and the half b�.. on all o[her sti Underiheoi more than 80 hwr zone w< Association (SHA) vot¢d : an ordinance ttutwould parking limit on Grand �st of Dale Street m Ayd u on Dale and Vittoria �d and Summit avenues, orth and south of Grand ithatarea ce, residents living in the seholds within the hyo- e required to purcha5e i the rityfor $10 peryear. 6ow them to park i� the than two hours wRhout The Geand Ayenue Su>iness Association (G.�IBA) wil l tak¢ up the iuue on Augtut 13 be- fore the de0ate makes itr way to Qry Hali. Earlier this year, tf �e GABp and SHA boards voted to suppoK the parking plan, which was three years in themaktng,yt away to provide for 6etter enforcement of garking rutric4ons and to get the vehi<Iu of employees and downtown commu[ers off of Grand and i1s cro5s-streets. Under the ortginal plan, residen[s Iiving in the [wo-hour zone would have received free parking permits. However, concerns were raised at the nty ]evei about giving (ree park- ing to GrandAvenue residents while people hmng within other perm7[ parking districts are charged $10. S!�IA board mxmber David Schultz cast [he lone vote agarns[ the new permiC ordinance on luly 10. "I fad to see how this soivu the D�oblem;' he said. Other SHA board members said the prnrrit d'utrict should be implemenced, at IeasC on a trial CharlesSkrief. "Wewon'tknowwhathapp¢ns unHl we try iG" He asked that the cpmmunity councit and businus associatlon review the Ave�ue in ueing mscussea moroughly before any City Counci� ac[ion. Thune has agreed to introduce an ordi- nance to create the permit park�ng, which eliminates the need to obtain signatures on a petition. At least 60 perCent of Ne property owners on a block usual ly must sign a peti6on before permi t parkmg is allowed by the ci ty. IF approv¢d, the Gmnd Avenue permit parking d'utrict would be the first in the city to be cre- ated by ardinance. Under Ne ordinance, the affected streetr woutd be poued for two-hour parking (rom &:00 am. to 9:�0 p.m. seven days a week. Bus�- nesses coutd petiUon to have 15-minute park- ing spaces during businus hours. Public Works stalf wo�ld workwdh GABA and SHA to determine where the IS-minute zonu �nside the �`azette - t � �� � Rec centers shoat for CIB marbles ........p. S ■ SHA supports permit parking plan ...,....p. 7 ■ Hopefals file for city, school races........p. 10 ■ Bikes provide Grand transportation.....p. 14 ■ Nick Swardson leaves'em laughing.....p. 15 AUGUST1997 � � � x � iUM�R S11I,E� 30•50°�a OFF Selected7�ems d90-3185 • Kitchens • Additions • Restoration • Remodeling Youf Neighborhoad 5peciotist �04� Gtantl Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 r.+mwio ' "L:40�/ff �G , �Oi� �tL2 ff�tc ��i%s siurt� Aug D oR tH!!ss t�ie YOCee poa wrile,r, el�i�l�� �i�w�ur, �u'dde po✓�a a�cade du�i7� ��/� Buiid a summer vaca this great communi avu �n oiner perm�C Da�king districts in the city woutd not be ailowed to pirk on Grand Avenue for rswre than iwo hours at a lime. ; Cifiy, school district agree on plan ; to open police storefront at J.J. Hi11 by lane McClare Offiaaisfrom[heqtyoP54Paulandthe5t. (undsfora PauiPublicSchoolshaveworkedoutaplanto thedistncl sharethecostotprwidingpolicepro[ection ganatund dunagthe193798academicyearatiJ.Hii1 pro�idefo� School,9°ASeibyAve. far,thepa� Selby Avenue will have a police substation toward th� at[heuhoolwhileitrcusr¢nlsRecontinuu timepolim � a4em� out ofthe New Begmmngs Center. 3:09 p.m. 664 Seiby dve. The schnol will cantinue ta pxovide $7, F�.r�� ,rv.ln.��..�. avsmg anC IoDbyin& c2mpaign to �art time police protection. Thvs �b have raised more than 53,000 xtimated $2QDDD cost for part- werage behveen 10:00 a.m. and :hool offiaaVS said they ptan to IOfortheposiGonthroughahud- ,..i 'P6 o n.. � ��i r -n - - - - �. �� � � � ,��y� �� , f t � .I'� , ,su. `,a� I '. � 1 �-� ay � t �-�� � �� �1���."_ �> �� � �� � � .. i ..� �tt`./lYtJla'i'��Q�fCIY�, �� ����� rtri Y Z: � � 'i� 1 � �� _ �l � �m. '� `: , !� �� MUSfC � ART s W, � ��� � Inside the Gazette �7- i l(o� ■ Grand pian for uniform parking .............p. 3 ■ Merchants request Grand beat cop.........p. 7 ■ Interpreters provide }ustice for all........_.g. & ■ Peopte's Choice crusade continues.........p. 9 ■ Love only a parent can provide .............p. 12 VOlUME 25 � �NUMBER 3 p ' PR �� �� SHA, GABA seek uniform tw�o-hour parking limit for Grand's eastern end }yJaneMcCture deatBOnnielohn»n"Stttt,we'rerhrilledW b¢ heading in the right dirution" Aproposaithatwouldcreateuniformpark- Those who would b¢ atfecscd 6y the inglimitsontheeastemendofGrandAve changuwi{IbenotifiedbeforetheCityCwn- nue,andatthesametimeprovidefreepark- tiltake5anyacHon,butithatnotyetbeende- mg permiks for those who live m the area, terminedwhetheriheGrywillbeseeitingthe u now making i[s way ro [hz St Paul City consentof75 percentofall propertyowners, Cauncil. which is required whm utablishing a permi[ Three years in the making, the proposed parkingdistr�ck Schumann said adhering to Grand Avenue narkina nlan was adooied se- tSie ?5 pezcent consenF would prevent the ciation Associa the plax on uaze a�xi ncwna sUeNsbetweenGrandand Summit avenuu, and the n,ock sopth on al, other streets intersecting with 5:00 a.m to 8: seven days a we� ing IS-minu[e zonu would rer , ��� Alle uic�! _Ae is risen_ 9:W � 30:30 am. WorrHip Ce7ebraiims vnA Gaa, dwv. cmparv aM bJlc t5Z3 Famww�Avc :,�✓so-a�.�ew�ww rc�mi Make I�ou s 3fa�s20X� B �6s2460H Pmak&Pav1x14Y.OH TshPmSpeaak � & `'� J� �r�s�swoe �v ^,�e�unsape'1.17!]- .wr.wn. li�33.1997 Business dwble,"hesai8. � the city, "3 jvst don't think that you should give (,� "There's a mishmash of parking limits in the area now and thaYs why there's no enforeement. The people mho fake adnantage ofthatare the employees." stands wautd 6e removed. Proponrnts of the plan say that uniform parking time timiks on Grand will ailow fox better enforcement of parking ruhictions and get the vehicles of employeesand downtown commuters off the sheeGt. "Thue's a mishmash of parking limits in the area now and thaPs why there's no en- forcemeeK," said Mike Schumann, an SHA 'The the more of fiving in !hm the the plan, hut he remainc co�¢med that it will push emPWYee Parking deeper into the neighbm- hqod Grand Avenue em- ployeuandcustomersare already restriMed from us- ing some 300 on•sKeet pa[king spacu in the Vic- toria Crossin? areaas the whUher the new packing plan would be effeo- tive in azeu where parking is al ready ak a pre- mium, such as at Cm�M and Dale. "Permit parking isn't going to help all ttat muth in my area where parking is only aiowed on one side ofDale," uid Bill Skally, an S}3N board member and ov+ner of Slmlly's Tax Service and three apa�etment 6uildings near Grand and Dale. "We recognize thaf this isn't gwng fo he(p al{ that much (at Grand and llaley," Scfiu- mann seid. "We hoye to find other ways to ad- dreu the D+oblems associated with parking bans." Meanwhile. wncems have been raised at wouid atiav residmts to park in the postea Ne ciry areas for more than two hours without 6eing mits tA ti[keted: P�P1e � The Grand Avenue parking plan hit a few are cfia bumps in ihe road before GABA and the 5HA city's D apprmeA GABA board members wanted to Yet a see the parking 2one extended hom Lincoln numbe roSummitavenuesonallswrth-sou[hstreetr_ dence.i "WethinkiPsconfusingthattheparkingreg- Paul,a utac�onsendinmid-hlock,"saidGABAqresi- residen issue to Lloyd's Autornotive receives approval to rezone Grand duplex for parking yy)en¢McCI�v¢ six new repair 6ays, a new otfice and rest rooms. 1H�H.,�a�o)asipnvdneiphho.hnndnetitiem ineteadofbein�setbackfromGrandAw Just in time for Spring... Celebrate the .Season with Wuoltet's Petite Fr-ccit Tarts. I t s the season of celebrations - the beginning of Spring, May Day, � Mother's Day, graduation, anniver- sariea Then there's the seasonal rimals - the inauguration of the backyard deck, the opening of the Iake cabin, the re-acquaintance i of friends and neighbocs aRer a long winter's hibernation. You can make your celebrations blissful � with WnolleYs delicious Pe6te Rmit Tarts, made wiffi a butter short paste erust with bavarian cream, ropped w'xth fresh seasonal fruits. Buy one Petite Fruit Tart 36oa r and get a second one .�'ree! Offergood wi[h triis ad 1oSOc Moaday, March 37, throvgh yyi� µ, Saturday, April 5, 1997. T.imit six free tarts n0r custofi0r.. �26 E. Sol1d Inte I11 I�lgtilC�. � , , . , F ,...: x � �+ g .��� -.� �� �� ��� � s � �� �'i ,..0 � ,�. ,• � , t . r , 3etter 7han tiew! au s tauu �m+� � �l lwn 2 f�ey�a�es, Ivg� Id wtl6 mabae „� � �ot t�e va �Pmrta� StY507 cross� a��c. ����� � �� "r"=.Y,�., ,.. �.. . '�`40� 4f yafte thinking abuut a move, call me for a EREE Market Aitalysis! 696-085 2100 FwdParhm%➢� A201 Q � futons & �� p ' � frames� � its a fali fiock ot �,. . tumnsf+eCla�s '� • mqantlerat ��''}"�� ���„`w ioY npEm+s . �0%oRtw+swl�rs� iow��wrt�m wmzsx m:ua�+�es .m��at0^a �ard+V 5199 Sf� �arcT� u+l 9t9 599 :��a� � � wm�y0eu�rw�sw�� �� c�e�"�vrce% ' �.� depth of_fieid ��� New collectio�� 0 of beautiful, tradi�Gional ceramics Gio of Latin America. � F Fromibnhnu53MYAbqes . j(JgILEE SHOP � Int¢rnational Handcrafts 1�51 Gnnd Avenue., SL Paul Phane 22S10A3 . M ppponents' petitions� � l �.� seek to btock perm�t parking p�a►� for Grand bYlaneM`�I�e hss`hes`9Por.oftheGranc Avenve Suvnws ASSO=iation OPposition has started ro and che 5'unmrt Hill Asso:i- formtoaolxntha[x'ouldes- at`a��ga��onG��c tablishaoetsitparl�n$�S' P tnc: and uniform parking on theblocks oriulf-blocics IimiCSOn:heeasttnzndof oE�ntersecungnor[h-souch CrandAvenue.TheSLPaul s.xeetswheieDacking:une �yyCpuncilv+illholdapub- lunitsazecurrendyposeed lic hearing on The pa�k'°6 YeoQle who live m �.a: planat4:30p.�.Wedi'csd nc' ��dufocSl�pe?yu: Occo6ec8,atCityHa�1. $P JimF*itz,w6oha5owned inordermparkonchesneec. the Wedding Shoppe on Te�ss ndonrd�7p<,�m�s Gcand Avenue sin<e 1977. P a���homes. hulaundsedapetifion� �e ��8"�"e e��i� earldng dir againe[ perma p 6� . °Wdrevnhappy�+'���eF^�� tnctandrn�o-houcnmeLmrt that this is going through a�.�esofemployeesgoffthe wlth so little pubhc mti�e' hesaid. stteets and.Eree up more pgcpupofGrandAvenue pazking spaces fo� cus- cesidents aW i5 ieporcedly romers. circulatingap�itionagainst FntzsaidmanyGrandAv- Chepermitparkingdistrict. enue busmess people anc � � Representadvesofthatgroup rental prope[ty ownezs do ( could not be teached £oc ootunderstandtheimphca- commen4' uonsofcheplan.Hesaid�hae AGityCows<ilheanngon postingpexmrtparkir.gor ihe p�an was schedaled for � Grand wilt only push em- September 24, but was de- ployee pazking onro nearby layed so ciry siaff could re- Lincoln and Summu %�- view the pmposed Qarking enuespromptingtheexpxn- ordinance. If appsoved, the sion of the resident or.l� s�retch of Grand Avenue pnrkingxonetl�z[alreaCvea- from Ayd Mill Road to Dale isu on many btocks m cnz $tree[ would become [he Summ��Hillneighborttood 13thpermiCparl:ingdists�ci Healsoazguedthatehetw:; inSt,Paut,butthefirstesmb- hour limit dces noc aflo'. ' {ished wiChout petitiona ° ack, ho at�u"e�%7 s oree � s�gned by a ma�oiity of af- p P fecredpFOPertyownets. and tat a meal at one o. The qatking p�an, which Grand'smanytescau{ancs U • � • Bancorp /frompa9e 7 *as oi 9IS/97_and subjxt to�change without not'ite � to quali�ed bonowers up to a 60 month term for a limited bme ... s� �� ` �N ' f � i NEW �AR LOANS LAtE MO�EL USED iA1t L4ANS H4�tE I�IAROYEMENt LOA1tS �N° �(ORT�AGE LOA11S PLEASE CALL Lisa, Judy, TonnnP �Q1}IV OT TIITl Qt � pEBfi i4NSOLIgA'ttON LOANS ." � pNY AtHER WORtHWHItE FYRPOSE Y4U MAY HAYE tN MIN{ _ � LIBERTY -= STATE BA1�K -ma fomiM - eaar. space as rvell, accoxding tn former Unisys buildmg am )e�ry Trooien, who boughC ample free pack�ng ke. thebui]ding�lastDecember otherfaciasiniufevor,cn.� Erom Lockheed Mactm foc said. $4.375 mil�ion.Trooien said Tcooien,wlw owns abo: heshouldknow`tinthenoF 3ieullionsquazefrecofcos too-dis�eant fucuce" how mercialrealestateinSt.Pai muchedditionai:paceU � ndollarson en aa: Banmrpwillwant. U.S. Bancoc¢ officials �he£ocmerUmrysbuild�r would no[ speculace as [o Hehaz g��en tl�ebuildmr �owmanyemployeeswil�be suwrlimestonefacade.an� wockingazthenewsireunnl entxanceandnewwindo� thry detecmine just which He has had exrensi�e lar mrporafion functions will scap�ng �u aCO�e be moved there. The com- bu+lding.� d"`B P� pany has been headquar- ingoFabout'JS Vees.'Che rered in Fixst Bank Place in terior of Che building � downrownMinneapolisevex gutted,Tcooiensaid,an since its merger with �is� '�'�1lbeieEvzbished'oy'c Bank System seveeal years himandhisnewtenxnt. ago. It currendy o«upies "k's a wonderfel dea; 640,000 square feei of chai us, thz bank and the c buil&ng�'^'��tontinueto Trooiensaid."Were�ah occupy564,0�Osquarefeet aboutalotoFprnPlem�. thecea&eritsmovetoHig 1DN s of U.S Ban<. t�� I U.S. Eanco�p �o leases move was siow m reac 570,DOOsquazefeetindrn+n- businessownersonn� town St. Paul and anoCher Wesc7ih Stceee.hm Bi. 360,W0 square feet Po� its La¢drzv+ile. owne` dsia n*��es�in¢ cencer on Chammp's bar ana rc ��� � ...� �., ...' � -. .� ,e.,.. _ �.. «-s . �� for any worthwhile purpose..-- �ffers latchkey kids a late afternoon of struetured fun by Leslie Watters nild:en have a newaher-scnool ns:a!I. ar.d ic promises ro be a �: G.xn�uxaba6;rsiaingsecvice. : Recczacion CenttYS new Rec -i.l uaer dai!y yypetvise3 home- n arts anc cafu and reading, srd ga.::ts, Geic .rips, sporrs, '-'ry:-'� ��. Children enrotled 'a will praduct the"s own <on- � zcC cosnex<izts and even �w-n wmmunirvnewsoaper. . �:8i; SheriQan.ive., 35 One of xn�rn:n $cPaW patticipating og: xm, which is open m cLtil- !-5. It w�Il run &om 3:00 to -'^.o o! days. StaEF inanbers Uke d ��form paients when their � snow up. nat a lo� of I;ids getting inro n� rt righc aRer rhey get oat of e<Glas., N.omeaoft's d'¢eaoc. �im, many of cht children are "�mdenu who come home to .e bacausr their parents work .�iurnVOn. er as HomecroFts dimctorlast mmun¢y �mdvemzns, he be- s progcams m tl�at dixection. . <ollaboration with youth di- w�sh Communiry Cznter and Apartmmts eha[ had been rrede<essoq and organized a summerscheduleoffree activitiu. "I grew up when everyone at the rec center knew everyone livmg w�thin �ix blocks on a fixst-name bazis," Glass said. He is hoping to recapture tha[ sense of neighbo:hood at Homecroft and he expects the Rec Check Clubwilihelp. Glasssaidhehazabout$100 W spendeach week on pxognmming, or g3,600 tor rhe year. Szptember's schedule features an hour of homework dailyfor those children who have it. (O[hers will be engaged in table or boacd games.) That is followed by a 90-mmute movie on Mondays, art a cooking dasses on Tuesdays on Wednesdays. theater activiCies on Thurs- days and dance on Fridays. TheschedWewasbasedonthesuggesuora of cnildren who par¢cipated in Homeuo@'s summer pmgam"We didr.'c wanc co spend a iot of cime and money developingprogtarns that 1:ids aren't urteresmL in" Giass said Giass ahopingthatsuch Rec Checkacuw- tiu u plzys and sporling evenis will encour- age parenml involvemen t az weLL Glass said he was nised on che D*ogrnms oi the city's Division of Pazlu and Aecreation, andhasworicad for the divssion for 10 years. He said he ¢ mmmrtred ro a family-li7ce ao- mosphere az Homecroh tnat fosters pusonai development and fun. Glass'aim is co give childcen che chance to derelop skills lilce photography, playwriting, `ICids don [have Co wait unui [he}�re 18 ro work a camera,'he said."Everv�hino wr d� CalGnt Glass is hoping the Aec Check Club m- creases Homecroh's visibility.°I went [o Iet people know that fiomeaoft haz a lot to 06 fer;' he said."The mmmuniry inceres[ and s uppoa is rhe re. Tnece's no ceuon we can't be as populaz as a Hillaest or a Grweland." The Rec Check Club �s &ee ro parcicipants, but Chey need to register for the program everymonih.FOrmoremformation or to reg- ister, call Alec Glass at rhe Home<roft Recre- a4on Centei at 298-994. � for permit parking on Grand drawing little oppasati�r� : }ane McClure mg on a propos�l ro create a u. parkinglurutandapenruc on rhe eastrm end of Grutd �!zcioc4B�p m.Wednesday, eioce che Sc Paul City Coun- �eranng l�tt]e opposition if an d Avenue Business Associa- ceral meehng is any indica. uzzn people a[cended the ing cwo ciry staff inembers, mit I;d} Association (SHA) !wo G.4BA board members ry Ceurcit member Dave :rnnd Avanue 6e�weeo Ayd me-half 6tock east of Dale Slocks ur half-biocks of in- -sourh stmr[s—would be- i3th ms�dential permit Only local residents wlwse vehides displayed a permit would be allowed to park'for longer than two hours. Areas where p9rkingis a(ready timired ro tess ihan ewohou�swou4dremainunchsnged ' Resident5FOU3d�buy paricing permits EPr � 510 peryear.They also muld buyvisiror pei'-"- mits and ong=day permits forgatherings at theirhomesl ; ' Thune, Che author of the o�dinance thzt woufdcrea�z ehe nevrpermrt parkingdisiriq, has peomised it will get through the City CouncilbeEorthu eerm exp¢es this year. 7hune <alled [he pian 'a great step for- ward"for the neighborhood, he(ieving it will alleviareparkingcongution onGcandbydis mui employeu and other nomesidrnts &am pazScing on the atreet for purposes other than to patronize local businessu. "I've been supporting somethinglike this For years:'stid Me11a Martin ofDaySpa Mella, 1204 GrandAVe. biaztin said there is a park- ing shottage in hec blo<k of Grand due in Iarge measure to emp{oyees parkmg on the t e ee ° street. The City Counciiuruatlyrequires at ]east b0 percent of ihe affecCedproperty owners to sign a petition before a new permi[ parking dishictwill beconsidered3iawevepThune is introducing the ordinance wichout gomg through the pecition pcocess, Thune cecafled ihat when he First took of- fice in 1990. he received a warning from his predecessor, Q�¢�_Ma}rorJim Scheibel. "(im said the one issue }rou'(1 never, ever get re- solved ispazking on Gca¢dAvwue; Thune said. The SC Paui Departmrnt of Public Works supporss ihepmposal,as dces GABA and the SHA."IPs a solution Chat maynoc be pedecq but iPll help;'said put GABA presidentBrian Alton. The permit parking discrict is opposed by theownersoFWilhverscheid and Peters Mor tuary, 1161 Grand Ave., and the Wedding Shoppe,120t Grand Ave. "Both ofour businesses are dealingwith a �r you are a woman interested in 6ttpming a mentw for a girl, age 9 to 13, WomenVenture invRes you to meet once a month with a youth and he)p her discover the worid around hec HeID ber mntinue to: • Erplae Casper Opporfunifies • P'actice Communication & Deds7pn Making SkfOs • aiake INans ' for the wtrus �- '�. I 6n6'+ana,,... ��n.. different [ype oF cusromer` sa�d Steve Wdl- werscheid of Willwerscheid and Petets."Our customers are not coming in [o eat a sand- wich, they�ce not coming in to buy a book. We're deatingw¢$ rituals hue,were dea(ing with life-changing eventsP The mortuazyprovides 45 off-inee[ park- Ing spacu forviarors and hu additionai em- Ployee parking behind i�s building he said. The Wedding Shoppe has a handful of off- street pazking far employees only. Willvmrscheidisconcernzdihatihefuneral homesparking lot wil7 be used by shoppers and the employees of nearby busmesses to avoid the m-s[reet parking restriccions "[t can wst quite s hit for us to keep unwanted cazsouiof ouc lot;'he said. GxandAvenue busmess owner Mike Schu- mann asked if the funeral home wuld receive an exemption hom [he permrt parking dis- [rict Howeveb Shetka and Thune said the dty is required to treacatl6usinessu ia the same manner. � � Itt tl'te � �„ a � • ��� 7ooN�decarwotherprt�blems even rzrore wwuscan srartatan ' ear3Y�.5owxsv46'�sthEgn" �unge Pm�'an14(regWartXxN� �ut�oMNM P��l�te¢aziYOa e Most�a x zarei. Eady orlateappo'uv�reNSava�ay�p, - wan<ar�a.��aa,� aed pusonzi¢ea crea4nem �a�s, � - Comxseewcaltuswen -11��1 When Rec Check director Alec Giass (lek) gave Chanel Bell the opiion of homework or uble games,she hesitated a momenc before choosin9 homework Photo byTerryFOUSt. �'m+n8 2-bedxoom near everythiog! . iwoud tioors in dinang roam, newez �en and 6akhrpom Custom destgned � � Fun in the sun . 'pecialsectionisbursting � £ � t wr.h info on Highland Fest ' � 3 � Straight shaoter Marbles tourney aims Co revive childhood game o4days past _ y .. �� Playing hardbati �'' ' i Local Legion baseball reamz resurrettlong-standingrrvairy. � )� . .. , � �- "� '-� �--°----' ,'� u-c.a�zr Summit Hifl Assn. supports crea 0% Off Dry Cieaning �■ coxcx�rE • � pncfudesPrap�;) � s� Z �a� - of permit parking d�strict on Gr; � � and/ar $1,39 Men s Shirts ,� Grand business people to debate the issue Augu< � Beaul'HUiry Launtlered & Pressed on Hanqers � r— F y CG..c� -� 1 We ope2[e Ne finest 7265 NC Dry Clean Machine Wnich � � � j � ausbl5crysblciearperc.Ctearperc=cieanebthes. � �'ZQ�JO p�$(O�j(� byJaneMcClure �seffe<uve. � � Su ortecs of che ocdmance ac � �= ='===,.� '�.�o�.,_�'__'==''�1' M1pWAY � �,. Cleaners & � Shirt Launderers � 1802 St Clair 699•2445 � 224 No. Cleveland b44-498� M1��Y Oeamrz—a part o/S£W WHAT� _ � � � wifh wupon fhru e/31/9l � � � i � I 1 1 � � I � . n � 1 7y�e Gotden Comb I 1 r-m..ar�+o:..nyr g 1 � )I4 5a. develand Ave � 698-8880 L_________.1 Summer Madness � � Great Prices � Great Goods �°' yY a: °• " � G��y � � � � 523-525 Seiby Avenue 290-2939 There u no (ree ride mder a proposed city ordinance ihatxrou�d <reare un�formperking f imits and establish a pecmit pazking dis[rict on the ear end of Grand Avenuc. The Summi[ Hiti Association (SAA) voced on (uly IOrosupportan ordinance thatwould impose a ttvo-hour parking Iimit on Grand from ahaifblock easi of Bale 54eet w Ayd Mill Aoad, as weli as on Da1e and Vmtoria sveeGS between Grand and Summrt avenues, andihe halEbLock nocth and south of Grand onallothersueetsinthatsrea. Undu the ordinance,residenttliving �n tlie more [ha� 800 households within the two- hour zone would be required to Qurchase paxking permits trom the city for SI6 per yeac The perm�4s wouid allow them ro park in the posced area for more [han two hours wiehouebeingdckeced The Gxand Avenue Business Asso<iaCion (GABA) will wke up the issue on August 13 beFore the debatemakes i6 wayfn City Hall. Eazliea this yeac, ehe GABA and SHA boards voted m support the parking p{an, which was three yeazs in che maldng,as a way to pro�ide for betrerenforcement of pazking resttictwns and to gM the vehicles of empl0y- eea and down[own mmmuiers off of Grand anditsaoss-stceecs. Undertheoriginalplan,residentshvingin thetwo-hourmnevrouldhavececeived&ee packing pe[mits. Aowever, concecns wece raised at the city about giving fret pazk- ing to Gcand Avenue residents while people livingwithin other permit paokingdisKic[s azechaxged$10. SHA boerd memb er David Sck�uhz cast the lone vote against the new Permic ordinance on july 10.°t fail m see how this solves the probtem: he said. Other SHA board membexs 5aid the pec- mi[ district should be implemented, a[ least on a v�al buis."I see thu u ao experimen4" said Chartes SkrieE"We wodt know what happens until we try it"He asl:ed that the community coun<d and busmess association review the permit district m a yeaz ro see if it PP the proposat carries some nshs being the thmg thae makes us t couid be the ehmg that makes u sazd GABA pxesidenc Bonme {oF she said ihat Grand Avenue ntec parkingplan. Despire efforts m ge! emplm� etsewhece,"noieveryone seert: measage"said Grand Avenue h� andrental property ownzr Bill S�. City Gaonc$pres�denCDave Th wacd takes in the proposed perr 8isnict, sa[d he was inivally sxe� fhe plan, especia➢y d�e idea of g� Avenue residen[s free garlang ; said his support of the ocdinance being discussed Ynoroughly ber. Council actio�. Thune haz agreed to inirod� nance to aeate the peim¢ pad elimmates the need to obtxin s�g� peti[lon. At least 60 percent of U owners on a block usually must tion befoce pecmit pazking is ail. city.7f apprwed,tk�e Gxand Ave parking distrlct would be [he Hc m be created by ordinance. Undec che ordinance, che a;f: would be pasted for two-ho�r p. 8:00 zm, to 8:00 p.m. uven days e nesses<ouldpeationtahare IS-r ing spaces ducing busmess h< Wotks staff wouVd wock .rIIn SHA eo determ3ne where tne zoneswouldbe. The ordinance would a(low < hofd within the district to bvy r pmnits. Ruidents also would be chase visitor permits for 570 : sQetial-event permiu for Si UO �. The r.ew disicici woutd no: b �isting permit pazWng dutnr rered azou¢d Vcroria Crossmg �� there and in oeher germit pavl a<coss che city would not be zl. on GrandAvenue for moie thxn atime, Ramsey County ups ante for y� h�,�i�P�r with riSP in ice arena fer Publisher's Notes Parking plan is thi right thing to do by �lichael Mischke �7ce Schwnann mus[have known fhere woWd be days ]Dce this.On'e haffof the husband and wifz team t7wt o0erates Traditions on Grand; Schumann is a veteran of pastHill DisGict s`seet fights hzvingta6oredforihebetter ' part of hvo years to 'pexrnead the mnGoversial re[um ofMarshall ynd Daywn a�enuu to iwo-way sheeh. Schi:mann and hu �.ue Swann¢ aze ruidentr of Daycon in the Ramsey Hil nzighbornood. But iCSchumarin [hought DaytonAvenuewas a battle, wiia[ he's fxcingnav on Cmnd Avenue may he more altin to all-ou[ war. A CrandAvenue parkingylan that hu bem three YQNS irt t�l¢ mdicina herame hhe h.ne�..rt.. <_.. � read wscone suaaeniy looked up to iloot on Grand. (When it waz rbusineu owners that her � hnd h¢c business aswciaGon': ie Aazking propnsal in depth ly was, "Oh, l'm too bury to m to [he CrandAvenue �ing i(not pugnacious, lts one but two petition drivu [o poSalLh3tltasthesolid.if aiC ofa IocaL In a nutsh� • Limit pai block east o(. and Vctnria � a:VV p.m.5even tla parking �n a permi • Allow resident Che hvo-hour wne ciry for §10 pu pe� household.Reside� SI O per permit per Derrttits (or$1.00 e ruidenGS arid their more thyn hyo hou Road.The � 8:00 a.m, to illegally renUy $15.00. �eholdswi�in :rmitr hom the »t of hvo per �r permits for s0eciat-ev¢nt aUow ishi<t far 4Ynat alculat ucust ee[15 0l mongi ow is G uMC[i ractica �iicelv �zce I ie city. parking elsewhere. � �e done is mount a az mariy parking 5paces accommodahng the s, who happen to be suuungaca:w p.m. WeMesdaY. �tober 8. inCiryHall. ' 1 mustsay Iwas ambivalentaiwutthe parking pian for many month5—as a GrandAvenue ruiden[and as a busmess owner whose success depends to a large degree on the success o( Crand Avenuz B u t after p Iaying devit's advoca[ewith those on eitherside otthe battle lines, I'm convinced that the pian is boN doable and duirable. The facC is, w�th parking spacu at such a premium, empbyees nwer should have been parking on Gmnd Avenue in the firstplace. But human nature being what it is, they've tak¢n ydvan�ge of a situation that allmved Yhem to parkas close Eo warkaz they possibly could. [don'tnxc�od�.�.,,......._.�_:,._ _ . . . ;► �� f � s t t f c t i t t c C f I : 7 I � r 1 � ( t t f I t � I i � � � � `��`l��P� � � � . � � _a� � , � � � � G �� �y � � � Q .� �. C o�i 3 n' 'i U X � � N � .� C � G O � �� C � i >°'., rt o � � � q _ 3 o � � �� o � � � � C C ,,� � , d � � N �OG rtt G N � � L d O ,Y V � y � � G O 'w 4 �N � ° c, .� U 3 � v o v � F° v� � 0 � � ■ Parking plan has Grand flaws �� -(��� Deat� editor: Pazidng on GrandAvenue can become congested at times and I do believe that something needs to be done. However, tucning the eastern end of Grand Avenue into z pe.-mit parking disuia and creating a uniform two-nour parking zone is not the answer to the problem. The proposal to glve residents permiu but exciude the employees wno work in shops on Grand simply will not work Bydoing this,employees will have to garkon eoads norih and south of Grand that aiready suffer from pazking problems. in a sense, ihe dtywoutd be simpiymoving the problem to a differentarea. The shops and rescaurants on Grand are unique.There are many people who will visit three or four shops and then have iunch or dinner. The last thing they want ro worry aUoue is moving their car out of a nvo-hour zone so they won'tget ucketedAt thai same time, these customers dodt want to park their cars tevo or three blocics away from Gmnd to go shopping. I attend the Universityof St. Thomas and we also have a serious parking problem that seems to get worse every yeaz. Oddly enough,T always seem to find a spot in a one-hour mne everymorning.I reaGza I'm ontysupposedto pazk there for an hout,but I leave mycaz thece for up co eight hours a:. day.The reuon I doxit get a tickeiis because it's so hardto monitor one-hour zones.I would imagine it's even hazdexto monitor a nvo-hour zone. At first the permit plan maywork,but as soon as workers and cus;omers realize there's really no way to monitor a nvo-hour wne, they'll leave their cars there as fong as they pleue and the problem will return. T guess shop owners could repozt the cars thatare parked for more than hvo . houcs,but I don'tthinkthe�lthave too many ceturning" customers i£thac happens: John Seidl Hightand Park .:� � � �1-llb 17 On solid footing Pickin'& grinnin' ^) Hanging tou� Hghtand, MacGroveland host �� Oorrohue CD pays homage L � Teddies bring home : fikh Home Improvement Fair. L� t0 a fingervpickin� vadiUOn. . L fmm s[ate CWSS f,A:. - St. Paut seeks to satisfy Plastics and save tract for new housing City studies alternative sites for manufacturing plant bYianeMcClure Support appears to be buitding in SL Paul City Ha11 to conYert the krmer Kofi-Mo6il fuel tank fazm at West 7 th Street and Otto Avenue to a new residen[iai neighborhood and find an- other locadon for a re7oated Plastics Inc. The Gity CqunciL nn Ma�ch 12 identified ihreepossibie new sites for ihe dow ntown plas- ticsmanufacmrerand asked the Por[AUthority and ciry staffto�puc together plans for mwing Plastics lnc. to one oF tho5e sires. "7(we want to connect [he nver to the people �' �whoGve and workin ourcity,ihis (liousingpro- jecd'u an opportwityrodojust that; said Wazd 3 council member Mike klarri& A$60 million plan was mveiled las[ fall by the West 7th/Fort Road Federation and BrighP on Development w buitd a 4S0-unit housing development on ihe former fue! rank hrm. The proposed River Bluff Vi]lage would entai1256 towohauses and 8Q single-family homes with an avecage value of $200,000, 54 apartroent units for independentseniorcitizensand 90 u- sisted-livingapar�mentunits fortheetderiy. Seven poimtial sites for Plastics Inc. have GtyCouncii/see page 5 �, �1ni�o�rm two-h�ur parking I�mi�t ` sought for eastern end of Grand IryJaneMcClure A proposal thatwould c2eate unifoxm pack- inglimits on the eastun end of Grand Avenue, and at [he same time provide free pulting per- m�ts for those who {ive in the azea,is now mak- ingitswayto the SLPauI CiTyCoundl. Three years in the making,the proposed Gcand Avenut paxking plan was adopted ce- crntlyby the boazds of CheSu:nmit Hill.9ssoci- a[ion ($HA) and Grand Avenue Bnsmess Association (GABAJ. If appwved by tt�e city, the plan woWd aeate unifocm tw0-hour parkmg limits oa GtandAvenue from a half blotk east of Dale Saeet ro A}dMill Road u wellas on Date andYictocia stxeets betxeen Grand and Sum- mit avenues, and the halFblock north and half biocksouch ona(Iotheistccecsin�e�uctingwith Grandinthisarea. Streets would be posted for nvo-ho ur parking fwm SAO am, m 5:00 p,m.,uven days a week. Esisting 15-minute parking zones would re- main during business hours. All cab stands would beremoved. 4roponents of [he plan say that uniform patxing [unelimitson Grand will aUowforbeF terenforcemmtofpazkingres4ictionsand get the vehides oFempfoyees and downcown <om- mutersoffihestreeCS. "There's a mishmash of parkinglimits in the Parki�/see page 3 � � $ICJtl Of Sj3ilil J(YO COM@?�. Horace Mann Crum6le inspects the aocuses cha[ were blossoming abm, schooi bekre Monday s snowstorm. Pharo byMike Long. Legista�ion would strike a better deat for fathers i� byBobGilbect Rebeccz Picazd makes it her business to help divorced fathers remaln a part of their childrens lives. As an advocaee for the Fazlur i ResputteCenta�theLincolnAvenueattorney served on a sia[e Supreme Cour[ task force whose recent report on family Iawhas been incosporated into abill uow before ihe state I.egisletuYe. _ Pirard believesthaesmtelawsgoverningdi- w�ce hinder rathecthw help thecoupkwho aze dissoiving theii mazriage. Though she tonsiders herseif a feminis6 Picard said she believes in the miuion oF che Pathets Resouxce Cemer, whose stanw is pm-fathet but not at tht fxpense of the mothea Tne cenrerpmmotesthe beliefthatwhenfa- thei5 am iowlved in the lives of the¢ chi3dren� allofsocietybene6ts. "The coutt triggers a bc of che emotions that make divmce Mtter by awuding sole physicat custody ofthe children to one par- ent saidPicacd."Itfoscersacustodybattle �atputskidsinthe middte. "Cuscody and visitation are de- meaning rerms tLat do not really de- srnbe che relation- ship benveen a pazmtand a child;'she said °Someofusazenowwozkingon astatutetliat would take �hose tttss out and replace them with a�arrnting plan and a'pazmting schedule.'" Theiegalsystem.i thers."Unlusboin t rodyofthe childrer geting m get it; she s have a realiy good dad most of the um custody to the mor liave been involved � �,�yna,t,u� Bylaw,theparen� Custody and visifation are demeaningferms that do not really describe fhe relationship between a parentand a child. � WEUNESDAY,MAHCH26.199J�...�. ..... .` ............. VIILPGEd . . . . . Parking from pa9e 7 azea now and thaPs why [here's no enforcemenq"said Mike Schumann, an SHA boazd memberand co-own- er of TradiCions on Gra�d. ""Pue people who take ad� vantage of tLat are the em- pioyees" Undex the pazking plan, cesidencs li»ng in the moxe than 80� households within thenvo-hourzonewoaidre- ceive free [esidenaal parking permits from the city. The permiss would ailow resi- dents to park � the pos[ed azeas foc moce than two haueswithoutbeingcicketed. The G�and Avenue pazk- ing plan hic a few bumps in the road before GASA and the SH9 approved it. GABA board members wanted 'w see the parking zone u- tended &om Lincoln ro Sum- mi[ avenues on all north- south stree[s. "We think it's confusing that the parking regulations end in mid- block;'said GABA president Bonnie )ohnson. °Still, we're thriUed to be heading in the right direc[ion." Those wha would be af- fected by the changes wiil be notified before the City Council [akes,anyacUon,but it has not yet been deter- mined whether the cirywi➢ be seeking the conunt of 75 percen[ of all property own- ers, which is required when es[ablishing a p ermit padar�g districc.5chumann said ad- heringtoihe75percentcan- sentwouldpreventiheplan from evetbeingimplement- ed"It isn t doabie,' he said. "I just don't think that }rou shoutd give propmy owners blanketvetopmver." SHA board member )im Lynden, whn owns a hw:e on Gcand Avenue,said he u in Favor oE ehe plan, but he cemains concexned that it will push emptoyee parking deepec mm the neighboc- hood. Grand Avenue em- ployees and cu5toy�ets are aI- ready restricted from using some 300 on-sVeet parlung spaces in the Victoria Cross- ingarea az theres�it ofa resi- dent-only permf[ parking dis¢ict established there in January1993. Some SHA board mem- be� also questioned wherhu the new parkingplan would be effective in areas�where pazking is already at a pre- mium, such as at Gxand and Dale. "Permie parking isdt going to help all thaz much in my area where parking is oniy altowed on one side of Dale," said Bill Skally, an SHA board memberand mvner of Skall�+s Tax Srnice and Chree apartinent buildings near Grandand Dale. "We rewgnize tha[ this isn't going ro help all that much (at Grand and DateJ; Schumann said."Wehope to find other ways m address rhe problems associated with pazkingbans.' Meanwhile, concerns have been raised at the city level about giving hee patking permits to Grand Avenue residents while othex people IivingwiHilnpermrtparking disvicts aze charged $10. said Duane Jagiello oF the <it}+s Departrntnt of Publi< Works. Ye[ another issue W be wozlced out is the number of &ee permits to allow each residence. In most permit pazking districts in SG Paul, a household maypuechase up to fourresident permits and nvovisitorpermits \s J.iY 1YY Y wL1V Y.i �iamond Jirti s MAII • 8Dt 5� Now through A; BeduliCulIlarak; fifr�dreds of and out! umqueLaranvc ¢ealions fr�t a'fl' tIX � ���„ys&7l+ursc 5p�mg Qa�ses- �IOrd4Cr�det F. Nrcqus. FkxaLtAmm�at, Qi- Pasaix6ed Gardeiu Baskers, Slamed Glass, UNque Gfi Re�tOdcDailV! • 672-i52-t q�- ���� T.:, � ���'^ .. ��'� � _e • We invite to examinc lf ywi re lookmg for a dmic w'r emellent and ihe people arc gc give Aspen an examinanon W'c neighborhood Our panent u; �ceptionaf. And we accept mc plans. $o wme in for a 6ee ge� 7]iae's no obliganon A�d cnar great aboyt what you see 1�e have 12 din¢ loceaons, mc Bdndaua�Sqwze,1020 Bandana U�ent Care 541 J011 Eas! Lake SVeet, 3024 S�ellirv �AhinneaPal�s, 728d8D0 High7a�PaxY; 2004 Ford Pkw Weat $t. Pa¢i, t785 S Robert i �" � , f�kr ? h 1 < .��1 e' � �"��' MedicalGro �e What to Do About Yaur Hand Pain when thnt ol¢rai 6ell rings m the mominq, mos[ of us nre cempted to !ut th¢ snooze button a few times. For some of us, ttwt means using hands ond ftngers th¢t ¢re painfW ¢nd stiff. Hnnd pain is �mmmmon in the young, but frequenlly nccompanies ag5nq. It is a dSfACVlt type ofpoin to 3gnom: thexe uren't mnny chings we do ihot don't invoive our hands md finge¢. Far many�peopie, the simple ac[ of griQping a jac lld, or pi up n book, or tumin9 on the s[ove or watei fuucet, is a pnmCW, serious uc[. Attlixi4s is a genem! term for many probtems, but can aeate hand pnin a5 well. Some questions to euk you:self which may prov(de a guide to helping wifh Mnd pnin: • ts there a family hisCOry of nrthntk? • Are my knuticles swo7len, w�m or hot? • ls it painful to grip something or make o fist? • Is the pnin in certain finge�s, oc in my whole hand? • Do I hove sore muscles if I push on the hont ¢nd back of my forenrms? � IF7 mnvP mv nerk in Aitferent pnsittnns kR bei1, 0.0 �Y Pmom have hund pain, parua nnswezed "y�" ro any c above, grve a dator of < ARer o11, momings are 1 vnMOUt hand pain mo! Heo{t!� c fxcept for 75-minu[e limits in front ofbusine5ses—like the one above near Milton Street—Grand Avenue from Oak- land Avenue to Ayd Mill Road wou(d be posted for two- hour parking from 9:00 a.m.to 8:00 p.m.daiiy under a plan approved by the Grand Avenue Business Association and Summit Hili Association. Photo byMikeCong. Oct-03-97 03:18P Wedding Shoppe, Inc. 612.298.9538 P.Ol � � 1 ( �' 1' � � From: Jim and Lois Fri[z Wedding Shoppe, Inc. 1196 Grand Avenue St PaU1, MN 55105 Telephone 298-1144 Fax 298-9538 7'0: Fellow Susiness Members Cancerning: 2 Hour pernrit parldng on Grand Avenue NO MOR� TRIPS TO THE SHOPPING MALL! Approximatety 6 yeazs ago several GABA membeis, myself included, attended a seminar on how Grand Aven� businesses could increase and keep their market share of business in the 90's. TLe speaker aa expert in this area, launched two concepts: 1) Shopping malls are Grand Avenue's comperition, and 2) Giand Avenue should be marketal u one lazge shopping mall. Great concept, the speaker was rewacded with applause! OnIY ane Prob�em, I don't know any shoQping malls ihai have a two honr patking limit, do you? If ow competition is !he malls, why should we as buc;nesses piace ourseives in a distinct disadvantage to our cosnpetiiion. Why �voutd any entrepreneuc in his right mind want to limit the time, potential cvstomets may be in their stoie. Lois and I liace owned the Waddivg Shoppe, since 197?, we l�ave seen Grand Aven� grow from a sWggling business area, w the best in St Paul. We have been a GABA member for 15 yeazs, and tiave supported thett ideas and leadership,1i11 now! We f�] that an imponant issue like 2 honrs pernut parkin8 which di�eclly affects Yrnu nronertv riehts , and more direcUy your bottom line should have been put w a vote afler all opinions, pros and cons were aired. This has rwt bcen the case. In earrly September in a Summit Hill Newsletter, we inadvcrtently found out abont the sp�ific ocdinance and it amicipated passage date of September 24. As of tivs writing we also feel ihe majoriry of residents, property owners, a� maoy busi�ss ownecs have no knowledge or limited knowledge of the ordinance and its potearial ei�'ec2. Consec�uendy, Lois and I have airthored a petition that opposes passage of the proposed ordinance. The purpose of this letter is to open your eyes and thoughts w the following, 1) After ten years o�' worlc, GABA tras adopted a"boiler plate" ordinance for permit parking already used in residential aeighborhaods in St Paul, it is not speci£cally designed for Gratid Avem�e, and its pessage in other neighborhoods has typically required 60% of signature by property owne� and tLau pfesented to the City Cauncil for passage. 2) Two hour pazking wiA create enforcrable uniform parking, tickets will be issued, and your angry customers may ask you to Qay for their parking tickets. 3) Two hour parking may not offer enough time to prescat your produc[ or seivice to your customer. 4) The net result of two hwr parking will move some employees off Grand, but com+ersety it will now allow Gsand Avem�e residents tt�rongh pertnits, to park in azeas they previonsly could not park. snch as one-hour wnes. 5) Two hais parkiag will anger Grand Avenue [esidents who will �mw l�ave to purc2ase $ t 0 parking perniits for the"u car and Slo for vistor parking permits limit of 2, to park on Grand where previously tbis was frce. 6) Two hour parking will folce yow employees ta pazk on Lincoln or Susnmit Avenue presenting a potential legal liab'slity for you to pravide secvtiiy to and irom their r�rs, and it will cause anger in those residenls (who are also your cus[omers) to opt for permit padang on th�e s�reets. Oct-03-97 03:18P Wedding Shoppe, Inc. 612.298.9538 P.02 ° ��`IIG� In ��+++�tion after only 3 hou�s of taking the petition to businesses and residents we have found: 1) Siany-nirn signatures aga�nst t�ave been obtained, af which 60 signers prior to sigring the pdition, were unauare of fhe contents of the pnoposed ordina�xe or the date of the city coancii meeting Sept. 24, 1997 2} FouRcen are buaness ownerslcommerc�al pmPertS' owners who oppose its passage. In other words the number ofbnsinesss and ptoperty owners, residems, etc- tbat oppose passage of this ordinance is growing. Ef yau oppose the passage of this ordinance, Please come sign lhe petition available a[ 1197 gratHi Avem�e, 11:00 am - 6:00 p.m. Mon. Fri. Rega�dless of qour position we encoucage you to call tLe St. Paul City Council at 266-8560 gve your business name, address, and express yonr view point. Don'i de}ay, City Council meetiag is Wednesday, October 8th, City Hall downtown Councit CLantbeis at 5_30pm. Be there, its to late to voice your opnuons after its passage! Thank you fo� listening W aur Qosition. James and Lois Fritz The Wedding Shoppe, I�. Tbe information and opinions expressed hercin are tLat of ihe authorlproperty owner and aze not meant Io be a legal opinion on the effects of H�e proposed parking ordinance. � � � � - � _ �� .� �..�. � I� � � .�. �� �� .' � ! � ��5� � .� �' � � ; ■� �. i"1 � �s�m �.�� sa� � : �'� � � � '� � � � � ... � � � ��' ���;�� i�ii �� . � �, _ ,, _ - - � � � �� � �� � � � ' .� � �' �� � ;� , 'j� �� � � � � � '�■� ;�� � m� � i� � s� � �' � � � ,��i,' � � �� ��� �� � � - - --- --t � a - ' � �__ -- i .-X ' _ J'� r 0 ��_��� m � ( _�_�___ � M � � _ 2 "______ . _'�Q �r ph-. �� S��s► � �+s � � � ��� iui2oi97 09:49 FA% 612 227 1456 GRAND JETE a��-���� TO: ALL C(N GOUNCIL MEMBERS MAYOR NORM COLEMAN RE: QCT�BER 22 VOTE �N 2 HOUR PARKING/PERMiT PARK{NG ON GRAND AVENUE Concerning your October 22 vote on the pr�posed 2 HOURfPERMiT PARKfNG ordinance on Grand Avenue: I strangiy urge you to VOTE A RESOUNDING NO! Why? Because { am a business owner on Grand Avenue who believes the proposed ordinance, while being beneficial to the Summit Hill Association, is not a short or {ong term sviution for Grand Avenue business patron parking. � If passed, the ordinance wiH move some employees off of Grand Avenue, but converse{y, current parking spaces posted as 30 minute, one hour and two hour limit will be lost to residents who with permit, may park for long periods. This ordinance wiil create economic hardship for my business by restricting parking to two hours, and piace me at a d;stinct disadvantage to my competition in malls who have unrestricted parking. Tickets will be issued to my angry customers who will expect me to compensate them for their expenses. Consequently, I believe rather than parking reguiation, Grand Avenue businesses must anaiyze what their parking needs are, on a block per block basis. A plan must be launched for parking tot development with specific users in mind. Further e�cploration of a city-backed municipal parking ramp, using 1276 safes tax for neighborhood development may be explored. Thank you for your anticipated support on this important issue, Sincerely, t � �`'�-�"� f , (aPu6' Name Busine �s Name 9�S'-�.�.- �. Address G� /i�� 2 /� � ���n-��-�j ,��a� o.� � � -°"`��"`� ..��� a�-s.� ,/�,�' or .�-�av ,a�'�- �� �. a��- �� � ���� ���. �c. �-�,�.-�.. ��� � �� -� .��$ �,�-��. �,�.� ,�,��,.�..� �,� �. �� f�0o1 ���—ya tir tiw:tir Wn T0: ALL CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS MAYOR NORM COLEMAN P. 01 �� � � � �J� RE: OCTOBER 22 VOTE ON 2 HOUR PARKING/PERMIT PARKING ON GRAND AVENUE Cancerning yaur October 22 vote on the p�oposed 2 HOUR/PERMIT PARKING ordinance on Grand Avenue: l strongly urge you to VOTE A RES4UND{NG NO! Why? Because I am a business owner on Grand Avenue who believes the proposed ordinance, whiie being beneficiai to the Summit Hill Association, is not a short or long term solution f�r Grand Avenue business patron parking. If passed, the ordinance will move some empfoyees off of Grand Avenue, but conversely, current parking spaces posted as 30 minute, one hour and two hour limit will be lost to residents who with permit, may park for long periods. This ordinance wi11 create economic hardship for my business by restricting parking to two hours, and place me at a distinct disadvantage to my competition in malls who have unrestricted parking. Tickets will be issued to my angry custorners who will expect me to compensate them for their expenses. Consequently, 1 believe r�ther than parking regulation, Grand Avenue businesses must analyze what their parking needs are, on a block per block basis. A plan must be taunched for parking lot deve{opment with specific users in mind. Further exp[oration of a city-backed municipal parking ramp, using 1!2% sales tax for neighborhood development may be explored. Thank yau for yaur anticipated support on this important issue_ Sincerely, �c��r�' �,'�J. ���oCe..t L� C',uC.X��.�GI�� Name Business Nam SL 6 —Sf J ��,/'�`",� v r�c�v ; C� � � .fo U �-G, :l�u ��, J �` Address J', P� �x� 1���� � r�.r! o Z OCT-20-97 MON 08'33 AM BASTA 6904987 P.01 ��� Tta: ALL C1TY C4UNCIL MEMBERS MAYOR NORM COLEMAN �-�� RE: OCT�BER 22 VOTE ON 2 HOUR PARKING/PERM{T PARKING ON GRAND AVENUE a�-��� Concerning your October 22 vote on the pr�posed 2 HOURiPERMfT PARKING ordinance on Grand Avenue: I strongly urge you to VOTE A RESOUNDING NO! Why? Because i am a business owner or� Grand Avenue who believes the proposed ordinance, white being beneficial to the Summit Hill _...:.Association, is..not_a.short or long term.s�alution for Grand Avenue business patron parking. if passed, the ordinance will move some employees off of Grand Avenue, but conversely, current parking spaces posted as 30 minute, one hour and two hour limit wiU be lost to residents who with permit, may parlc for lang periods. This ordinance will create economic hardship for my business by restricting parking to two hours, and place me at a distinct disadvantage to my competition in ma11s who have unrestri�ted parking. Tickets will be issued to my angry customers who will expect me to compensate them for their expenses. Consequently, I believe rather than parking regulation, Grand Avenue businesses must analyze what their parking needs are, on a bfock per block basis. A plan must be launched for parking lot development with specific users in mind. Further explora#ion of a city-backed municipat parking ramp, using 1/2% sales tax for neighborhood development may be explored. Thank you for your antic9pated support on this important issue. Sincerety, � � �. ; �,. ���� �77 ��� Business Name Address CROCUS HILL FLOWER MRRKET Fax � 612-291-0331 Jul 11 06:08 TO: ALL CITY COUNCit MEMBERS MAYOR NORM COLEMAN ��-�1�� RE: OCTOBER 22 VOTE ON 2 HOUR PARKING/PERMIT PARKING Old GRAND AVENUE Concerning your Octaber 22 vote on the proposed 2 HOURiPERM1T PARKING ordinance on Grand Avenue: I strongly urge you to VOTE A RESOUNDING NO! Why? Because I am a business awner on Grand Avenue who believes the proposed ordinance, while being beneficial to the Summit Hiti Association, is not a short or long term solution for Grand Avenue business patron parking. If passed, the ordinance will move some employees off of Grand Avenue, but conversely, current parking spaces posted as 30 minute, one hour and two hour limit will be lost to residents who with permit, may park for long periocis. This ordinance will create economic hardship for my business by restricting parking to two hours, and place me at a distinct disadvantage to my competition in malls who have unrestricted parking. Tickets will be issued to my angry custamers who will expect me to compensate them for their expenses. Consequently, I believe rather than parking regulation, Grand Avenue businesses must analyze what their parking need� are, on a block per block basis. A plan must be launched for parking Iot development with specific users in mind. Further exploration of a city-backed municipal parking ramp, using 1/2% sales tax for neighborhood development may be explored. Thank yau for your anticipated support on this important issue. Sincerely, ! � i / � � i 1� I � _.�lll.. . � _� .; . � / u. _`a ' � 1' % � . , . - - •. - .^ ltl/l.N/YI 12:d6 b 611111NON9 NUVEI ING tll T0: ALL CtTY CDUNCtL MEMBERS MAYOR NORM COLEMAN RE: OCTOBER 22 VOTE ON 2 HOUR PARKiNG/PERMIT PARKING �N GRAND AVENUE q�-ilb� Concerning your October 22 vote on the proposed 2 HOUR/PERMtT PARKING ordinance on Grand Avenue: I strongly urge you to VOTE A RESOUNDING NO! Why? Because I am a business owner on Grand Avenue who believes the prop�sed ordinance, wh+le being beneficial to the Summit Hill Association, is not a short or long term solution for Grand Avenue business patron parking. if passed, the ordinance will move some employees ofF of Grand Avenue, but conversely, current parking spaces posted as 30 minute, one hour and two hour limit will be lost to residents who with permit, may park for long periods. This ordinance will create economic hardship for my business by restricting parking to two hours, and place me at a distinct disadvantage to my competition in malls who have unrestricted parking. Tickets will be issued to my angry customers who wil! expect me to compensate them for their expenses. Consequently, I believe rather than parking regulation, Grand Avenue businesses must analyze what their parking needs are, on a block per block basis. A plan must be launched for parking lot development with specific users in mind. Further exploration af a city-backed municipal parking ramp, using 112% sales tax for neighborhood development may be exp(ored. Thank yau for your anticipated support on this important issue. �, ? p /tnv�� e_�e:c°`_ � i'r.�ll ✓�- Business Name Addres , ., � ; � ;� : �, f �; , h, �� ;� ; , � i' I , ; ; . � �! � � i BILLY'S ON i 3 � � � � . � � ' i , I I . I I j i ' � i TO; ALL'CITY COUNCIL ME� � � MAYOR NORM COL�M� . i ; i � F�E ; OCTO�ER 22 VOT� ON ' ` � ! F'ARKI�VG pN GRAND A' ��: � � . ° ; : Concerning your October HOUR/P�RMIT PARKING ord ' i sf rongly ur�e you to VOTE A . Beaause I am a business ownf � tl7e proposed ordinance, while , �s�'oGi�fi�n,�is, not;a short,or lo bu�in�ss pa�ron parking. �;:; If pass�d, the' ordinance U Gr�r�d Avenue, but conve�sely, 30;minute, ot�e t�our and two hc who with permit, may park for I� cre`ate �cortdmic hardship for rr tp o hourst and place me at c Gb�petitiar� in malls who have i be ;issued to;my angry custome cpr�psrisate;them for their exp� : ; � Co;n�equently; I believe ra� Gr�nd Aven�e businesses mus� are,;on a block per�block basis. parking lat develap'ment with s : ez�lbfation'of a city-backed mu sales ta�C for �neighqorhood dev ` ; ; Th�nK you for;your anticip �ss�e. � , . � � :, � ; , Sin`cere�y, i ' �-- '� - �' , �� 1 9 � � , Business . Y��`�Y , 6122923027 � � I � ,� 1 1 I 1 1 � i3; �I � ' 1 3 � I � . ' j , , �:� � . VUE � � �� vote on tFi� �ce on Grai �;; :;, � ,:. proposed, , r ' n Grand Avenue`who, �e�ng benefiGial to th��Su �g: term soiution.f.or;�Fan� III ,MOVO S0111e emnlrSVer�, rrent parkj�tg sp���s limit will be lo�t �o re periods. �'his or;c�i�a - �� � fo �nrestricted parking'.;'Ticli rs�who will ez'pect me'to, �n es; ; ; ' ; , !h r than parking reg�lati t nalyze what their' P�rki A plan must; �e lau�c�ec e �ificusers �n min .;f�ur't ii � ipal pa�kin� 'r�m�� �sir �Iopment may be e��lor� �t d support;�n this i,mp0 ; ;! � � : ;; ; ,, : ; �� I ; ,' ; , %Y��i��. ,�`, �_� P_01 � � ;Y�-4 L �� :�� i ; s . :� '�I .; .; : i, . , t ' • i , i � �, ' i ; 1T: ; �. ; � � . . � �� ���; �; ; 3 ;j: � � . � '�. `, ; �li�ves '� '� - mit Hill �? $ : � ,1��/et1 U@ �� ' � -_' �� ; �� ; off af s � :� isted as lents' ' i !� , :; , e ,will . � _' , , , ; ;„ ►arking � _ .� e � :, �;' ny, � ;, ; , ,, ts will � ` '� i � �; ;;� � 4 ' i i ' . ;, � i �I'. ; needs,� �? '' ,. or . � ' � �i?, >; �� � � � � , ,,,.t� � 1/2% � ; ; : , , ,. . I i i' � , i � • ;,: ,�. , I '. 0 Aqqr;eSS ! � ' 1' I ��y r � ��"i ��..�2��?��rl � ; � i' ; ; � � � . F I i � � �: �, e ,� 3 � � ;� i �' � � [i 'p '�I �. ,� � � ,, i _� � i , � � :, ,, i ; ;; � � � ,. � i' ,; . , � i ; I �"li � BILLY'S ON G 3 � , I � � � � i i . � � T`0; AL'.L. GITY COUNCIL MEI1 , . � MAYOR NORM COLEMA ; � , , � f�E ; O�TQ�ER 22 VOTE ON � ` � ! PARK(�VG QN GRAND A� ' � i � +, : I . � � ' Concerning your October HOURlP�RMIT PARKING ordi ! sf rorigly ur�e you to VOTE A Beaause ! am a business own� � ttie pr�posed ordinance, while . ,, ;, , ,�s,�,o�i�fic�n, � �s� nat;a_short .or Jo bu�irtesS pa�ron parking. ;;; if pass�d, the ordinance v+ Gr�r�d Avenue, but conversely, 30;minute, oX�e hour and two hc � whti with permit, may park for I� cre`ate ecqrt�mic hardship for n to �iva hours� and place me at r Gol� petitian in malls who have be:issued to;my angry custome car;r�perisate;them for their exp� � ; � Con�equently; I believe ra Gr�nd Aven�e businesses mu� ; are,� on a block per�block basis. parking lat develop'ment with s� '' ex�to�'ation of a city-backed mu � sales ta�C for �neighqorhood dev� -�; Th�nk you for; your anticip; iss�e. • . , ;, � � , . � ; S1n`cere�y, i ' � i. i � C � !G� �( „ ZL�S�� Nan'�e ! / , Business � i ' � � � �rc�� ,, �� : � €, , � r � � p i i ; ' ID 6122921a27 � � �� , �RS � '1i , ;� ;,� � , . � 3 ;;� �� ''. . IOUR PARKINGJRER� VUE � � ' ' � , ;. , �i. � i � , ' � � i i ! 1 � . vote on tFi� proposed,: �ce on Grand Averiue: n C7rand Avenue' ng benefiGial to t� xerm solutinn_f.ar; rove somg emp� rrent park��tg sp� limit will be lost � I periods. ;C'his or� disadvanfaq� to who will expect me;to, ;es` ; � , , �r than parl�ing reg�lati nalyze wh�t theit ��rki plan must;�e launc�ec ific users �n min ?f�urt i ipal pa�kin� ��m�� �sir pment may be e��lor� d support'�n this impo ; ;? ; ; ' �, , ;; i �i 5 � '� / ` I � � � �.a �,���. � � �4'���Gyl � f� l %y �/ � : P"Bl i � ;��- ���� 'j ' 1 � , i +, �� . f� . , ;? ,( , � , �. ,;I; 1T � i• i��' � 1 . ��: ; i i� , ' j ��� , : � ';, ' � �� �: @lie�es '; '�: )mit Hill � ;. q � f ( . s "� venue, �:� �} off of 4 9 ���� isted as � � �� ents � �; i � � i�rill ; i ;' 1� , �arking � t � � ; ; _, � ' � . , ;. ,;,. ts wi11 ;: ,�' : . .,. �; � i i; } , i ; : . �. n" � +��' , , � ;needs,� ;� ' or . � 3 ���: ��� ' ;. ;: j 1%2%: ; . � ; � ; '; ,� �aht ;�; , � :� � � ; . � ',', ,. �: � � � .., 1 1 ;` � � ' ' ,I�c %�'��' ; I __� ._ :'la < i �! i 4�-ll��l TO: ALL CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS MAYOR NORM COLEMAN RE: OCTOBER 22 VOTE ON 2 HOUR PARKING/PERMIT PARKING ON GRAND AVENUE Concerning your October 22 vote on the proposed 2 HOUR/PERMIT PARKING ordinance on Grand Avenue: 1 strongly urge you to VOTE A RESOUNDING NO! Why? Because i am a business owner on Grand Avenue who believes the proposed ordinance, while being beneficial to the Summit Hill Assoei�ation, is not a short oE long term solution for Grand Avenue business patron parking. !f passed, the ordinance will move some employees off of Grand Avenue, but conversely, current parking spaces posted as 30 minute, one hour and two hour limit wi!! be lost to residents who with permit, may park for long periods. This ordinance will create economic hardship fior my business by restricting parking to two hours, and place me at a distinct disadvantage to my competition in malls who have unrestricted parking. Tickets will be issued to my angry customers who will expect me to compensate them for their expenses. Consequentiy, 1 believe rather than parking regulation, Grand Avenue businesses must ana{yze what their parking needs are, on a block per block basis. A plan must be launched for parking lot devetopment with speei�c users in mind. Further exploration of a city-backed municipal parking ramp, using 1/2% sales tax for neighborhood deve(opment may be explored. Thank you fve your anticipated support on this important issue. Sincerely, Name ' Business Name U Address %✓/25. 5.�✓P /YJf?KSOF_ � .T/{ TO: ALL CITY COUNClL MEMBERS MAYOR NORM COLEMAN ��l-1 1 �,� RE: OCTOBER 22 VOTE ON 2 HOUR PARKING/PERMIT PARKING ON GRAND AVENUE Concerning your October 22 vote on the proposed 2 HOUR/PERMIT PARKING ordinance an Grand Avenue: I strongly urge you to VOTE A RESOUNDING NOi Why? Because I am a business owner on Grand Avenue who believes the proposed ordinance, while being beneficial to the Summit Hill Association, is not a short or lang term solution for Grand Avenue business patron parking. If passed, the ordinance wiH move some empioyees off of Grand Avenue, but conversely, current parking spaces posted as 30 minute, one hour and two hour limit will be lost to residents whQ with per►nit, may park for long periods. This ordinance will create ecanomic hardship for my business by restricting �arking to #wo hours, and piace me at a distinct disadvantage to my competition in malls who have unrestricted parking. Tickets will be issued to my angry customers who wi11 expect me to campensate them for their expenses. Consequently, 1 believe rather than parking regulation, Grand Avenue businesses must analyze what their parking needs are, on a block per block basis. A plan must be launched for parking lot development with specific users in mind. Further exploration of a city-backed municipal parking ramp, using 112% sales tax for neighborhood development may be explored. Thank you for your anticipated support on #t�is important issue. Sincerely, �������--�� �r� ����on�,�rs �s� ��-�r f,�.� � � Name Business Name Address TO: ALL CiTY COUNCfL MEMBERS MAYOR NORM COLEMAN Q�-►��� RE: OCTOBER 22 VOTE ON 2 HOUR PARKlNGJPERMIT PARKING ON GRAND AVENUE Concerning your October 22 vote on the proposed Z HOUR/PERMIT PARKfNG ordinance on Grand Avenue: 1 strongfy urge you to VOTE A RESOUNDING NO! Why? Because I am a business owner on Grand Avenue who believes the proposed ordinance, while being beneficial to the Summit Hill Association, is not a short or long term solution for Grand Avenue business patron parking. tf passed, the ordinance wil! move some employees off of Grand Avenue, but conversely, current parking spaces posted as 30 minute, one hour and two hour limit will be Iost to residents who with permit, may park for long periods. This ordinance wilf create ecanomic hardship for my business by restricting parking to two hours, and place me at a distinct disadvantage to my competition in malls who have unrestricted parking. Tiekets will be issued to my angry custamers who will expect me to compensate them for theic expenses. Consequently, I believe rather than parking regulation, Grand Avenue businesses must ana(yze what their parking needs are, on a block per block basis. A plan must be iaunched for parking lot development with specific users in mind. Further exploration of a city-backed municipal parking ramp, using 1/2% sales tax for neighborhood development may be explored. Thank you for your anticipated support on this important issue. � ��C �1�������� ��-�' Business Name Addres ���� ��� TO: RE: HOU I s#ro the prc Associ If ��and 30 min r+vho wi create to finro compe be iss� Grand � are, on� parking ex'ploral sales ta issue. Name Mn.Seasons�Periwinkle _ CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS YOR NORM COLEMAN � 2289675 : 22 VOTE ON 2 HOUR PARKING%PERMIT ON GRAND AVENUE cerning your October 22 vote on the proposed 2 ! =RMIT PARKING ordinance on Grand Avenue: I �, �irge you to VOTE A RESOUNDING NO! Why? I I am a business awner on Grand Avenue who belie� �sed ordinance, while being beneficial to the Surnmii on, is n�t_a_short Q�Long term �olution for Grand Av� patron parking. �ssed, the ordinance will move some employees off �enue, but converseEy, current partcing spaces poste ;, one hour and two hour limit will be lost to resident permit, may park for long periads. This ordinanGe w onomic hardship for my business by restricting park urs, artd place me at a distinct disadvantage to my �n in malls who have unrestricted parking. Tick�ts �n I to my angry customers who will expect me to ate them for their expenses. sequently, I believe rather than parking regulatian, �enue businesses must analyze what their parkirig rn bl,ock per block basis. A plan must be launched for �t develapment with specific users in mind. Further �n of a city-backed municipal parking ramp, using 1/; for neighborhood development may be explored. �k you for your anticipated support on this important �� ��� � Business Name Address q�- P.01 !l�� E;s � Mill ��, nue I , � if I I as � A� TO: ALL CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS MAYOR NORM COLEMAN RE: OCTOBER 22 VOTE ON 2 HOUR PARKING/PERMIT PARKING ON GRAND AVENUE a � l �-� Concerning your October 22 vote on the proposed 2 HOUR/PERMIT PARKING ordinance on Grand Avenue: I strongly urge you fo VOTE A RESOUNDING NO! Why? Because I am a business owner on Grand Avenue who believes the proposed ordinance, while being beneficial to the Summit Hill Association, is not a short or long term solution. foc Grand Avenue business patron parking. If passed, the ordinance wi(I move some employees off of Grand Avenue, but conversely, current parking spaces posted as 30 minute, one hour and two hour limit will be lost to residents who with permit, may park for long periods. This ordinance will create economic hardship for my business by restricting parking to two hours, and place me at a distinct disadvantage to my competition in malls who have unrestricted parking. Tickets will be issued to my angry customers who will expect me to compensate them for their expenses_ Consequently, I belisve rather than parking regulation, Grand Avenue businesses must analyze what their parking nesds are, on a block per block basis. A plan must be launched for parking lot development with specific users in mind. Further exploration of a city-backed municipai parking ramp, using �/2% sales tax for neighborhood development may be explored. Thank you for your anticipated support on this important issue. Sincere(y, / (�) / . � ,r -- --i 7 All AMERICAN AUTO SERVICE 1036 GR4ND AVENUE ST. PAtJI, MIMlES07A 55105 Business Name Address T0'd 00Z6bZZ OlfltlTNtl�I?J3Wtli'7"�tl Summii Hill RssocinciOn 6122221558 Council President Thune City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55f02 November 5, 1997 �ear Councii President Thune and Members of tiie City Council, District 16 Planning Council 860 Saint ClairAvenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�05 relepnone 612-222-tzz2 Fax 612-222-1558 e-mail summit.hill(�stpaul.gov behalf of the Boartl of Directors, the Executive Committee of the Summit Hiil �ociatioNDistrict i6 Planning Council endorse�l the foliowing motion at their regular ating on November 4, 1997: The Summit Hitt Association/District 16 Planning Council supports the lengthy, thoughtfui and open process and `the partnership with fhe Grand Avenue Business Assoclatlon thaf resulted in the Grand Avenue Uniform Parking Plan. We suppdrt .the proposed Ordinance for uniform three hour parking and the creation of a Grand Avenue Permit Parking District. We � ask th8t the Ordinarice go �into effect January 1, 1998 and that the , Department of Public 1Norks review the Uniform Parking Plan in two yeaes. . , a you for your tho.ughtful consideration of and assistance with this matter, cerely, -y� /�aaZ1l:��� Rothchild, President �it Hill Association ;t 16 Planning Council Councilmember Blakey Councilmember Har�is Councilmember Megard Councilmember Coliins Councilm�rimbsr Bostrorii Counoilmember Morton Hill Ass P.02 ��C �i�� ��% ... 11/O5/97 {tiED 16:16 FAX 93374608 RADISSON PLAZA (�j001 ��� � y��u ►2 ��r�tiv� E:D� ��--Te �i- �``r��r� 'a �v --�— - �- - �-���� � �f� i �I � - '� � � � � � �� ` �} �-�-" NiCn"t ��S c� f= CGi i� C.� c.��.� c� C_ t ' LI.Y`�1 i �� ��: ���,�`� ��RTt/V I� ��it ,r� �� � ♦ '�ho.,e� � I�.,l^:��( CX�T� 3 a3� `f � ��� �G�•t i �j �A�-�r�� �� 0� `�`-��d�N7 �E�� �C�-� Cc��°�r p�;T2-- �,�;f�� v� i� C� /�-(_t- . � o�F ���'-r�N7 ,�vC , �,�;ccc_:.��T �}- e.cc.��c�= ��= Is ��n� � i e� ���-� 1 It� F� o�� T C' (- �'..1� C LG�4NC���..�, CT�:- ,,. �t ( V � l,�u G=� /� � ��C Ct=k�o.� " /3- T2_;� �� ��t�u �� ��TN��i�%� l� i�) C�,�aNiT� � T�fF�S �u C� E��t o�ti� i� ?"l� ��,��-a PL���T To C� A � � C� I�-- �" Coti sc s �� � p.,> C E-�-�F�- c,� �, � rs ) . ��-'� ( H �.�'���.o �C" �� � i T� 2/� c,w fi`/�-T � H �'� s�(� �tcrc� <��c� �v� j �T( E_ �C:G �'c.� `" �of� , (�- ��'� �yv� � T��t4 F��- �� c� 1�� �U o T L� �'L '� o rv C P.�-I i� tN� � 1 7"f+e �'�� ('C� /-�- C` 9- c �� J.7 �'� ` r P� P.� �a.�� t V� oPJ � /-�.,� p � �-� ' oN�� `rfFH'7� [.�l �� /-Ftr U� [ �7 f�'i�-� ��vl l�-E- �,7c ��PD(��iz��H�_ g�i�����5 .�` .___- � ��d �.��T (�� 7`-t j�i 4J��5c�' �-E�,e...-/Z..c.�, �t �"�u F'vi C., � 1-4-iS7C I�-('C- � �.�it�"`�,? jiigC- I�J �l G �-�v�2.�-t� � ! �i�tti�.- yoc� l � � �.^ �`�'t�e.��ecY,, - �o��a-l�1 ,3! Council File # qZ,..1� G� Ordinance # Green Sheet Presented By ORDINANCE SAINT PAUL, MINNESO���� � \ ` ��� a` / � Referred To . Date An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative C e Chapter 166 by adding new sections creating a residential s et permit parking district along Grand Avenue betwee ale Street and Ayd Mill Road and which provides for tbe derly administration of the district. The Council of the Ciry of Paul Does Ordain: f� That Saint Paul L,egislative Code Chapter read as follows: Chapter 166.09 Residential Pernut District Sea 166.09.01. Declaration of amended by adding the following sections to -- Grand Avenue Residential Pernut Parking The Council of th� of Saint Paul fmds that•the area adjacent to or near Grand Avenue does not have su cient off-street parking to safely accommodate the residential and commercial parking nee s of residents and nonresidents. Therefore, t encourage reliance on car pools and mass transit, to balance the need for commercial and r idential pazking, to enhance the quality of life in residential areas by reducing noise, a�c hazards and litter, to reduce air pollution and other environmental factors of exc sive automobile commuting, and to preserve the safety of children and other pedesirians d the residenual area from the above-mentioned health and safery hazards, the council o e City of Saint Paul hereby establishes this Residenual Permit Parking Ordinance (Sectio 166.09.01 through 166.09.08). 66.09.02. Restricted residential permit parking areas authorized. 3� �av 7 The following parking regulations shall be in effect along Grand Avenue from one half east of Dale Street west to Ayd Mill Road, and along Dale and Victoria Streets between ��,����� ��\ Grand Avenue and S�mnut Avenues. In addirion, all secrions of any n� between the alleys on either side of Grand Avenue within this area that parking will also be part of this restricted parking area. (A) Except by permit, at duly designated tazi stands, or otherwise posted, all on-street parking within the re. described above shall be limited to�ze-(�}hours fr< to 8:00 p.m. seven days a week. �h�e �(' , azea a.m. (B) Businesses within the restricted area may petiti for The establishment of a 15 minute parking aone in ffect during the normal operating hours of the business wi the director of public works pursuant to Saint Paul Legislarive ode § 159.03. The director shall consult with the appropri e neighborhood and business arganizations to determine extent and duration of the 15 minute parking zone. Sec. 166.09.03 Parking pernuts; eligibility; (a) Application. Application for 166.09.01 through 166.09.08 shall be n department of public works, hereinaftex applicant to furnish his or her name a vehicles, and any additional inform ar provisions. (b) Annual pernzit ten dollars ($10.00) for e cover wsts incurred as a ��-���.�t have timed on or more parking permits authorized under Sections e on a form provided by the director of the efened to as "d'uector", which form may require the address, make, model and license number of his or her which will aid the director in the enforcement of these �ation fee. A non-refundable annual permit application fee of �e of residential parking permit herein shall be required to of the implementation of the residential permit parking plan. (c) Number of p rmits. Up to two (2) residential parking pernuts shall be made available to each resi nt on the basis of one pernvt for each vehicle owned by the resident. In no event shall the n ber of pemuts exceed the number of vehicles owned by the resident. (d) Visito pernzits. Up to two (2) transferable visitor permits shall be made available to each residence r dwelling unit notwithstanding whether or not the resident of the residence or dwelling unit wns an automobile. Provided that no resident of a residence or dwelling unit may use a v' itor pernrit to park a car owned or controlled by the resident in the restricted area, it be' g the intent of Sections 166.09.01 through 166.09.08 that such visitor permits shall be made vailable and used by people not residing in but visiting a resident of the restricted area. (e) Residents, special event permits. Residents within the restricted area, at a cost of o dollar ($1.00) for each pernut, may apply to the directar for nontransferable and dated ecial event permits upon a showing by the resident that during the date and hours for which the permits are to be issued the use of the pernuts shall be for special events. The director shall determine the number of special event pernuts issued and the hours in effect upon the . �����°'��0:1 � .. d'uector's detennination that the percnits issued would not unduly impair traffic safety the effective period of the permits. (� Churches, special event permits; exceptions; notice. Churches within restricted area, at a cost of one dollar ($1.00) far each permit, may acquire from the dire r transferable special event permits; provided that such permits shall be used only in conju 'on with events sponsored by the applicant church. The d'uector shall determine the numb of and effective period of the permits to be issued. Such permits shall not be required fo ordivary chwrch events such as funerals, services, festivals, bazaars, or weddings, wher issuance of such permits would be impracticable. (g) Placement of permit stickers or fickets. Residential p' g permit stickers shall be gertnanently affixed to the outside of the vehicle in the lower r r corner of the left side window closest to the rear of the vehicle. Visitor and speci event pernut stickers shall be placed on the dashboard or at some other conspicuous spot ithin the vehicle where they are plainly visible to enforcement personnel. (h) Permit does not reserve parking space. N pernut issued under Sections 166.09A1 through 166.09.08 shall guarantee or reserve to the older a particular parking space within the restricted area but shall provide general parking ' said area during the time specified in Section 166.09.02 and so posted as required by ection 166.09.07. (i) Lost permits; duplicates. In the e ent any of the pernuts issued under this chapter are lost, duplicates may be obtained from e director at a cost of one dollar ($1.00) per permit; provided, that no such duplicate 11 be issued unless and until the applicant has furnished to the director an affidavit s ting that the resident has lost the original pernut. No person shall apply for a duplicate pe 't unless the original pernut has, in fact, been lost. Sec. 166.09.04. Services, repair/and emergency assistance. Persons who residence are exempt provided that their ex assistance provided. vehicles from obtain� of this chapter. f rfo services, maintenance, repairs or emergency assistance for any >m estricuons unposed under Sections 166.09.01 - 166.09.08, i ion terminates immediately upon the completion of services or �thing in this secrion is intended to prohibit a resident owner of these residential parking permits for same in accordance with the provisions Sec. 166.09.05/ Street maintenance; snow emergency. No emptions or other permits granted herein shall abrogate the scope of parking io imposed as such restrictions relate to street maintenance, parking in one locafion orty-eight (48) hours, or emergencies provided in Chapter 161. 66.09.06. Handicapped parking. - i 1�,*� / Nothiug herein provided shall abrogate the scope of parking privileges granted handicapped persons as established pursuant to this code or statutes enacted by this state. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Sec. 166.09.07. Posting of signs. ��� ��� �\ �, The d'uector shall cause appropriate signs to be posted in the inform an ordinarily observant person of the existence of rules and r these provisions. Sec. 166.08. Penalty. azeas so as to imposed by q'1�\1c,� It shall be unlawful for any person to submit false info ation in any application for a parking permit issued gursuant to Secuons 166.09A1 thro 166_09.08. Violauon of any application requirement shall be grounds far denial or rev arion of the permit and shall be punishable as a misdemeanor. It shall also be unlawful r any vehicle to be stopped, parked or abandoned in violation of these provisions. Any su violation is hereby declared an obstruction of public streets and shall be punishable a misdemeanor and may subject the vehicle to be moved or nnpounded at the cost and pense of the owner in accordance with the ternvs of Chapter 162. `a This ordinance shall take effect and be in publication. / �� r�er s ,<�`� E �� �', �.� : � . . �� !� ��� Adopted by Adoption C Hy: Approved b Sy: � Date by Council Secretary Date thirry (30) days after its passage, approval and Requested by Department of: Sy: Form Appr d y City Attorney By: !r�✓GVtiYG� �—� ' (�I Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ° L'1-111.'1 � C011I1C1S.L DATE {NRIATED GREEN SHEE �O 3 6 4 d 7 CONTACT PEflSON & PHONE � OEPARTMENT DIRECTORµ��AwATE ❑ CITY COUNCIL � D3.VE �1ll11E 266-8620 A���N �CITYATTORNEY �CRYCLEflK MUST BE ON COUNCII AGENDA BV (DATE) RQV� NGFOR O gUDGET DIRECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. OROER � MpypR (OR ASSISTANT) O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACIION REQUE5iED: An ordinance creating a residential permit parking district along Grand Avenue. RECAMMENOpnONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PIANNING fAMMiSS10N _ CIVIL SERYICE COIAMISSION i. Hd5 this per5o�rm ever wolkBd untler a COntract fOr this tlepa�f�leM? - �CBCOMMfTiEE _ YES NO __ STAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DiS7RICT COURT _ 3. Does Mis persoNFilm possess a skill not normally posse55atl by any curteM city employae? SUPPORTS WNICX COUNCIL O&IEGTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on saperate s�eet a�tl attaeh to green sheet INITIATMG PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPP�qNNIT' (Who, Wheq Whan. VJhere, Why): Parking problems in the Grand Avenue area. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO: Progress may he made in alleviating a parking problem. DISA�VANTAGES IF APPpOVFA. None. �il�'i��� °°`?*s:�i�3 �`>��' �;tn,''s C �,��I DISADVANTAGES IF NOi APPRWED: Condition will persist. ' TOTAL AMOUNT OF TpANSACTION $ COST(REYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES ti0 FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOqMAiION' (EXPLAIN) \ � � 1 `� 7 ._ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _°" _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ' _ " _ _ _ ' _ ' ' _ _ ' ��" � � � I"►' � - - _ / _� �� _ _ _L_ �471 �+` _ _ _ _ _ _ � � , _� . t/� - _ ,�t •� _ �� �+c. �-� . .�..�. ±- _ t��a�cr�--�.���� - - -- - - -- - - �o+t.`r���f .�� - - a �"` �j , -- - _ �.�.� p � �f� o�-�— „y� �'�.. . _ _ - _ ��� - -� � � 1. - - . - _ _ .�.��:� - - - - -- - - - i�� .�.�- �.-- _ _ _ - - ss/as-" - - - - - �- �� � - - - - - - _- - - _- - - - --__ -- - - - - - -�9� ���/ - - - _ ___ _ _ _ - -- - - - - - - S-- - - - � -.�-1�� �- - ���_-��-�- - _ _ ___ _ _ - -. � _ _ _ - - . � - �..�-' � --- �-�- - � u.""`,r.�, - __ _ -. - - - - -�- --- -- - - - - --- - - � - -- - - - - - - � -- - — -� - - - - - - _ __ � -- �� . c� � _ � ts��t ° DATE: October 7, 1997 FROM: JAMES & LOIS FRITZ THE WEDDING SHOPPE, INC. 1196 GRAND AVENUE ST. PAUL, MN 55105 TO: COUNCII,MEMBER MIKE HARRIS RE: PETITION AGAINST PASSAGE OF 2 HOUR PARKING/PERMIT PARKING ON GRAND AVENUE In early September, Lois and I inadvertently discovered, through a Summit Hill A.ssociation Newsletter, that the Grand Avenue Business Association (GABA) and the Summit Hill Association had recommended to the City Council passage of a 2 Hour/Permit Parking ordinance. We were shocked to find an important ordinance that directly affects our property rights, and ultimately, our bottom line was not better communicated by GABA to its members. Two Hour Parking will have devastating economic effects on our business, since our customers often require more than 2 hours to shop. Consequently, we submit a copy of a petition against passage of this proposed ordinance. A review of the petition finds the following; As of 10/7/97, in 12 hoars of Lois presenting the petition, she has accumulated 130 signatures against passage of this ordinance. The relationship of petitioners to Grand Avenue are as follows: � 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Single Family Residents Apartment Tenants Multi-unit Property Owners Commercial Property Owners Business Owners Emp�oyees of Grand Avenue Businesses 36 12 11 1 32 38 More importantly, the question was presented: Were you aware of the contents of this proposed ordinance on the date of the City Council Meeting #430 on Sept. 24, 1997? Out of 130 signatures, only 20 people marked "yes." That means 110 or 85% of the signers knew nothing about this proposed ordinance or its effects. In sum, we feel that this ordinance is unpopular and is not a solution to our parking, but was merely a band aid. Your attention to this matter is appreciated, and a"NO" vote is the answer. Let's roll up our sleeves and meet the real problem of developing more parking spaces, such as a municipal parking ramp vs. more regulation which will create anger, confusion and division. Sincerely, ames M. Fritz ��� 14/7/97 Lois Fritz 10 97 ��, ��� PETITION To: crrY courrc�, oF � crrY o� sa�rr PAt�, An ordinance (a copy of proposed ordinance attached) amending Saint Paul legislative code Chapter 166.09 5ections 166.09.01 through 16b.08 which will add new sections creating a residenriai street permit pazking district along Grand Avenue between Date Street and Ayd Mill Road and, �ce by permit or uniess otherwise posted, all on sfreet parking within the restricted area described above, shall be limited to two (2) hours from S:OQ a.m. to 8:00 p.m. seven days a week. We, the undersigned petitioners, aze opposed to the proposed ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code 166 by adding new sections, c��ating a residential street permit parking district along Grand Avenue between Dale Street an� �.yd M'ill Road, and are further opposed to a two (2) hour limit on parking, Petitioners pray to th� :"ity Council of Saint Paul to postpone or defeat altogether passage of this proposed ordinance for �he following reasons; 1} Special interest groups have offered the aforementioned proposed ordinance to the Council of the City af St. Paul without adequate impact studies and notice of effect on the property rights of the parties affected, namely; (a) �71 single family properry owners on Grand Avenue, Summit Avenue and Lincoln Avenue between Dale Street and Ayd Mill Road (b) all mu}ti-unit property owners and their tenants on Grand Avenue between Dale Street and Ayd Mill Road (c) all commercia7 properry owners and their tenants on C•rand Avenue between Dale Sneet and Ayd l�ll Road (d) all business owners and their emplayees on Grand Avenue between Dale Street and Ayd M"ill Road. 2j Ttre proposed ordinanca without notice and without proving its need, lunits parking of vehicles on Grand Avenue to two (2) hours, thereby mandating single famity residerns and apartmerrt tenants to obtain by application a$10,00 permit to park their vehicles and inconveniences the same for their guests to park their vehiclea 3) The proposed ordinance limits parking on Grand Avenue to two (2) hours, forcing the employees of Grand Avenue businesses to pazk on Snmmit or Lincoln Avenues, which poses a threat to their safety and welfare, particularly at night as they walk unescorted toward their vehietes one to three blocks away. 4) The proposed ordinance, by limiting parking on Grand Avemze to two (2) hours will cause the employees of Crrand Avenue businesses to search for parking on Summit or Lincoln Avenues, creating excessive non-residential parking, pollutioq danger to pedestrians and in general denigrate the health, safety, welfare and integrity of those residents and residentiai areas. 5) The proposed ordinance, by limiting parking on Grand Avenue to two (2) kours, creates an undue economic hardship and restricts commerce to business in this area by reason of the following; (a) several businesses have products or services that require more than two (2) hows of presentation to their customers, (b) the two (2) hours parldng limitation "takes the Meander out of Grand Avenue" and forces customers to cut short their overall Grand Avenue shopping experience to restaurants, shops, health care providers, etc. and places businesses in a distinct disadvantage to azea shopping malls, with no such parking limitations, and finally, (c) Passage of the rivo (2) hours limitation will severely affect the property rights of commercial property owners by restricting the scope of attracting potential tenants and makes resale of said properties less desirable and difficuit, if not impossible. PLEASE READ TI-� ATTACHED COPY OF TF� PROPOSED ORDINANCE. IF YOU OPPOSE PASSAGE OF TI� AFORMENTIONED ORDINANCE, PLEASE SIGN AND ADDRESS TI� PAGES FOLLOWING TI� ORDINANCE. , �-� . � �9���% 97 �� I oppose ihe proposed ordinance amending Cainr Paul legislative Code Cf�apter 166.09 Sec[ions 166.09.01 Uuough 166.08. ll �l'L �a*� G'` t lq l �.9�,�.,� �e J t �� �1i,r,�.,,o,� C�.�e l�l �^�� � j.l �Jfn -ifil� - �: ,� s�: � e �: NUMBER y�� � �'� ��`� ��5� � 3 �'�- / � � � _� i, i � � �-- __1__ � � � Prior to si n�in g tlus petition, were you awaze of the conte�s of this proposed ordinance or the date af the City Couacil Meeting �{430 on September 24, 1997? YESjNO ` /'v � � � �� � N 0 �� „ „ __� � � -� � � << ., �� ,� �� -�- �/ _ �./v N� I certify and verify by oath that each signature was sig�,d by the person purporting to have signed this petition, and the' i�ientity verified by Niinuesota Driver's License or simiiaz picture ID. �, ��+�'^^ ,(/q r7 .f.t 65h /�._ / �� NO � � N�qd1HY P�1� • MINNESO A qAM9EY COUNT' � �3tTimfsslar� ExP�res Jan_ 3t, 2W� .,.�,.,, .. .. �u - RELATIONSFIIP TO GRAND AVENUE 1) Single Family Reside� 2) Apartme� Tenant 3) Multi-unit Property Owner 4) CAmmercial Properiy Owner 5) Biuiness Owner 6) Employee on Grand Avenue 9' 30- 97 I oppose the proposed ordinance amending Saint Paui legislative Code Chapter 166.09 Sections 166.09.02 tfiroagh 166.08. � � ADDRESS RELATIONSH� TO GRAND AVENUE 1) Single Fanuly Resident 2) Apartment Tenant 3) Multi-unit Property Ovuner 4) Commercial Property Owner 5) Business Owner 6) Emp2oyee on Grand Aveaue q5�. Gr��- �1ve � y � �� �� a�� l��l ��r ����r� �' rs a J.�c�,--,�Q ��°� �'�'a, /td �7.� �1�� �z�C �a���� �� 16a �i L �inc.�i� �e � �� ,�, r zd� ������ �a���� c�.� ct�K ���(C� c�36 ��c��( �°�t� , � ����� 3 , �.. . t � ���� .� ,, ,. �.�.: �i1 �- - �i, , • . � ' � NIIMBER � �� � -� �D � -� � � � � / _ � � 3 �t — � 5 � � � Prior to signing this petition, were you aware of the cornems of this proposed ordinance or the date of the City Conncit Meering #434 on September 24, 1997`? YES�NO Na �� -�� — ra ,/r� S �_ �� � �� � C.x7 l /-� �N � -� � �_ �o rJ,� � �� No I certify and verify Iry oath tfiat each signature was signed by the person purporring to have signed this petition, and their idemity verified by Minnesota Driver's License or similaz picture ID. � �MMy�pr� � LUA t?Kte x. �T NOTAF7Y PUBL�C - MINNESOTA - RAMSEYCOUNTY IAv Comm�ss�on Expires dan. 31, ZWO S ATiTRE t��,-..�'� t�R�..�' .� -.�o- g� �� I oppose the proposed ordinance amestding Saint Pani legisIative Code Chapter 166.09 Sections 166.04.01 thraugh 166.08. RELATTONSFIIP TO GRAND AVENi3E 1) Singie Family Resident 2} Apartment Tenam 3) Muki-unif Properry Owner 4) Comniercial Ptoperty Owner 5) Business Owaer fi) Employee on Grand Avemie ADDi2ESS /�� ���a�_ � �_ l�(o_� (�o(��D �e. ���g �� i ��4 C���i����-- { �� ,� � � ��b`i� (��ruS ��'� ! r�5 E �4�5� lgaq ��-�r�v� NIIMBER i �-�--�� � -�-- -�- -�- � � � �l_' ��� - :!, .� ,. 6, 4.� � �LS���-�� � � fl��` � r' ; ��Q� �--�� �., `. .��,� � _ ..,,<�:;; � � �I i •� . ...� • - � � �.:�� � -��- - —� 3 � � � � s .� � � Prior to signing ihis pe[ition, were yon nware of the conteuts of this proposed ordinance or the date of the City Council Meeting ft430 on Septembet 24, 1997? YES�NO __1� —� ��� � � -�� �_ � i e . � �. �. yr.�� � � � �� I certify aad verify by oath that each signacure was signed by the person pmporting to have signed tbis peiiiion, and their idenzity verified by Pvlinnesota Driver's License or simiSaz picture ID. '^""^^^"^^"^^^"""" x G/ �0��� � UA K. �� f � � /��-� NOT �TAqY BUC - MINNESOTA RANSEY COUNTI` -� - My Commisswn Exp�res S.:n. 3%, ZC�O :f+-nr . '- 1�.tMlM' SIGNATURE , �� ��cl � �� � � �, �6 �ra t� fO s� ���,.�Q ra-� ���� �� s��� ��� �/oS� E�r��l� �{��. 1�s G.-� �� � O� �7"a�f'��'� ��J� ` � �0 5� � _,la�! L,hE�/� �d� NDMBER � 3 � � -� — � = -� � � � / / 1 � � lt P� ( �Y� L Pi� .L' E C�.E.v s'�[,� � �^ � � , PItOi t0 SigOlIIg YI11S pe[ition, were you awaze of the contents of ttus piaposed ordinance or the date of the Ciry Council Mceting #430 on September 24, 1447? YEfi � NO �� �i � � �,�� ____��S �✓o ._ �F L� �_ i �_ �_ �1�5 _ ��� ., N o Vo �� n�� �� � I certify and verify by oath that each signatiue was signed by the pecson patporting to have signed��Nh��4d��t9 ve�by Minnesota Driver's License or similaz picture ID. �� K, � r7 tna a�s0�c- � / GJ NOT KSqMSffY Ct�UNTY � � My Gamm�sinn Ex6ires Jzn. 3t _2�0 �� �� 9'7 I oppose the proQosed ordinance ameuding Saint Panl legislative Cade Chapter 166.09 Sections 166.09A1 ttimugh 1b6.08. , � ADDRESS RFT " A7'IONSHIP TO �� GRAND AVENUE 1} Siagle Family Resident 2) Apartmem Tenam 3) Multi-nnit Property Owner 4) Commercial Properry Owner 5} Business Owner 6) Emgloyee on Grand Ave,nne LZoo C2(Zf�r'D {�`fe. I i60�rKZqf�r� �i u - rr %yG� -'✓� � !-!_ � � � � �.�'..� `'.� ��� � � • ��� 6 r b ��c�n�� ADDRESS RELATIONSHII' TO � � GRAND AVENUE 1) Single Family Residen[ � 2) APartmeat Tenant 3) Multi-imit Properry C)wner 4) Commercial Property Owner 5) Business Owner 6) Employee on Grand Avemie � � r I 1 t ,%�,1 : , ,� , �t - . , ; • ' �,.�.--- � / �� _ . i • - .,, 1!a. . r , . , .y.� � . • y , a _ '� � ��� ���- �3.� G� �* ja - t�� � ..�i��,�.� NIIMBER � � � � � � 5 sL -� � � � � � --�-- C o -� � _ � � � Prior to signing this petiflon, were yau aware of the coutems of this proQased ordinance or the date of the City Cauncil Ivlee[iug #434 on September 24, 19977 YES y Pi0 �� � niv I./. �� �?o �� � !(1� �VG �C� , . ._ � . 0 I certify and verify hy aath that each signaNre was signe3 hy tLe person p�nportiug ta t�ave signed this ;' � identity veri5ed by Minnesota Driver's License or similar picNre ID. " NNE D —,� � NOT Y W lC - MIN E Rqtr9SEV C011NTY � My Gommisswn Exprces Jan. 31 : Z000 ` � � J � � � I oppose the proposed ordinance amending SaintPautlegislarive Code CHapter 166.09 Sec[ions 166.09.02 thraugh 166.08. ; � D�� �< g � � I oppose the proposed ordinance amending Saint Panl legislative Code Cl�apter 166.09 Sections 166.09A1 through 166.08. ADDRESS RELATIONSFiIP TO GRAND AVENUE 1) Single Family Resident 2) Apartmem Tenam 3) Multi-unit Property Owner 4) Commercial Properry Owner 5) Business Owner 6) Employee on Grand Avenue �'�f' Gi���i.9� �Y`f ��c� AvE . �� �7ya,K �e 3g�[ �rov�eu - 1`�0� ( �'6� �'i 2��tc� � ,�� , g'7`f ��cu��1/L �� ���J�F� ��`� �nfa �o �� � /ri� � `� i6'S �7 -� a---� ��:.�1� � � �:1 _ � . �� .. � �.fr.,r���: : '�i� � � � NU1V�3ER � �P � � � � S -�- � � � � Rior to signing tlus petition, were you awaze of the contents of this Proposed ordinance or the date of tLe City Conncil Meeting #F430 on September 24, 19977 YES�NO �la _ �� � NO � �� �� � TCS — ��� � 41�/ I certify and verify by oath that each signat�tte was signed by the person pnrporling to Lave signed this peti4ion, and 'r�identity verified by Minnesota Driver's License or similaz picture ID. �..��^^^^^^ N qy� DE � _��—_2� � NO � NOSARY PUBIi� - M1N RAMSEY CO11P1TM q,p,� C�m�.san ExDires Jan, 31,200� � � �� �� � flir� � I oppose the proposed ordinance amending Saint Paul legislative C,ode Chap[er 166.09 Seclians 166.09.01 tLroagh 166.08. � � ADDRESS �.c� �rzr�.��Pi ���- RELATIONSFiIP TO GItAND AVENUE 1) Single Family Resident 2) Apartmeut Tenan6 3) Mnlri-unit Properiy Owner 4) Commercial Pmpeity (hvner 5} Business Owner 6) Employg� on G Aveaue ` �ll5to/j't� _ NDMBEB J 1�1 �7 � � I Prior to signing this peririon, were yon aware of the contems of this proposed ordinance or the dass of the City Crnmcil Meeting #430 oa September 24, i447? YE NO � �� � _t `-' � �fF'S �o ��, .:. _ _ � �/,'��� �l1r�c�-/"/ -�r+�(� �Il<�� �"YtGtl,,i� p�� `�� �,� �� � � � � -�— —�— ��� ����� �� �lI �G� �-h- � �� �t� (� 2� � �s�s���� ��� e ;,� �����������, ,1� �� ���--.� Qv� � ,d� _ 1 1 . �. • i . • . �., ._ - .. � � �` 7 � � 1 � � --t�- � � "'i"'� �_ �� �� av _�_ � � � � xJd 1 _ft.r� � � � � � I certity and verify by oath U�at each signaune was signed by the person purporting to have signed this petitioq and their ide�ty verifieti by Minnesflta priver's L'scensa ar similaz picture ID. NOTARY . ���,�� .. < � L � I opposQ the praposed ordinance amending .�;n+ Paul legislazive Code CLapter 166.09 Secrions 165.09.Olthrongh 166.08. SIGNATURE ���� ��� i/l�ct.ln�� �' R�-.� R.� �� a�� , ADDRESS titi8 �,��,��✓� �ll RELATIONSHIl' TO GRAND AVENUE I} Single Family Resident 2) Apar�ent Teaam 3) Multi-unit Properiy Owner 4) Commezcial Pioperty Owner 5) Business Owner 6) Emplayee on Grand Ave�e . ���. - �,� ��� �_ � ^�-r .� h�-� d4 -�-� ���� �,��,�.� ��' �, Prioc to signing this petition, were you aware of tfie contsnts of tlris proposed ordinance or the daie of the City Cauncil Meeang #R43o on September 24, 1997? 1 ' , . --�— �� I certify and verify by oath that each signature was signed by the persan purparting to have signed t3ris petition, and their identity verified by Minnesota Driver's License or similar picdue ID. � �^�^^^^^^^"�SA`^ � �� '�"l Lt1,f�NE �,� l�_C�� ��. NOTARYPUBLiC-MINNESOTA RAMSEY GOUNT' P�4 C6N!rtl'�51fln ExQrte5 Jan. 3}, 2W0 • . _ �� / ' � • a t Y'�t' i • �� r.• - n a . _.�... , , •-, : �,. .., � �,� .., � . ,, „ - i .� - .�s� 7v �t�nntr,.a< ` r�me. " r ' ••tl�- ��»v �.m' 1 ���i�.ua .i• �i-.tf��nx r..nr �.o���. . i' F nv� • f. ttu. �.n. a�u' .'! ai _ � 1'J�, i 7' 9:� 1 �� �� / �-1 �P�I� . ,s �.+c_ v ' � -_ � _ —� .-. �i�� Q .r / �/I//f i�{ �J!_ ; !�'-./� ; ✓ . � , ' �� ■ � � . � �. �.� :.�_�l�"► � ✓��iir . _�.. �' t� f A�� .. i �i �.i� � l N 4 Lu� 1 , �� �►���. ; - ' � „� � _ . �. , ����� � ' - .�., % • � �' ► c►�� �� . : �� � � . �r , t : !t �[ � � � �' ��� , iY;, + 4 ' R �,4' '; i a s � � i. � / •.� /� ,i 1 . / r :t� � �' � � . �`1.J� 1"���i� �, l � y � ,,, � , , �,�s �i/. �/'�r:n " %` % + ' f � '�� . ��'/1��,�. � � � v � ' • i + f w++� P�!�+�� � � -� . ��'�..�L:t.'R �l � t f � , ,� � � � ,- �.'3Lrf! , , ir 1 i�i'. aL ^ L� � w.. �.. _��� ' � �i � � �. i *t��w `�1'r. � � � ,� � i 1 � �i /_ � 1�:�f�'��.�: y ' , �, , ,. J�'' � � ��`�' __ I ,�, � ; ,✓. L �� �A Q � /� 1 1 1. 4% "�1��� 1 1 tf: ��1�• C.)�� r! 11 � I FN st... . l ' .w.� 'v �� � �v .�•.a ' +, � / �/�� . I � � � , � � . � ,p t� r; �� - � � �� I oppose the proposed ordinance amending Saint Paui legislative Code Cf�apter 166.09 Secrions 166.09.01 Lhrough 166.08. RELATIONSH7P TO GRAND AVENUE 1) Single Family Resident 2) Apartment Tenant 3) Multi-nnit Properry Ovmer 4) Commercial Ptoperiy Owner 5} Business Otvner 6) Employee on Grand Avenue Prior to signing this petition, were you aware of the contents of tlris proposed ordinance oz the daie of the City Council Meering #430 on September 24, 149?? SI6NATURE ADDRESS I3ITMBER � YES�NO `a� I certify and verify by oath that each signature was signed by the person pumorting to have signed ttris perition, and their identity verified by 14iinnesota Driver's License or suuilar picNre D?. NOTARY .�cr-�-1�'37 11 � 47 � r� Counci2 File # �� � ardiaance # Green Sheet # ORDWqNGE CfTY OF SA1T}T PAUL, MINNE50TA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 An ordinance amending Saint Paui LegisIazive Code Chapter I66 2 by adding new sections creating a residential street permit Parktng 3 district slong Cmaad Avenue between T�ale 3freet and Ayd Mill ¢ Road aad which provides for the orderly administrarion of the 5 district, 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 i8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3fi 37 38 The Council of tke City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: SECITON 1. ; That Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 166 be amended by addiag the following sections to read as folIows: Chaptec I46.09 Residential Pemsit Pazking -- Grand Avenue Residentia! Pemiit Parking District Sec. 166.09.4� . Declaration of purpose. The Council of the City of Saint Paul fiads that the azea adjaceut to or near Crrand Avenue does not have sufficient off-street pazking to safely accommodate the residential and commercial pazking needs of residenu aad nonresidents. Thcrcfore, to oacnurasc reliance oa caz gools and mass iransit, to balance the need for commetciat and residential pazking, to enhance the quality of Iife in residential areas by reducing noise, traffic hazards and litter, to mduce air poIlution and othet environmentai facton of excessive sutomobile commuring, and to preserve the safety of chiIdren and other pedestrians, and the resideatiai area from the above-mentioned health and safety hazards, the councii of the City of Saiat Pavi hereby estabtishes this Resideatial Permit Pazking Ozdinance (Sections i66.09_Ql through 1b6.09.08). Sec. 166.Q9.02. Restricted residential permit parking areas authorized. The following garking regutations s8all be in effect along Grand Avenue from one half block east of Dale Street wut to Ayd Ivfill Rosd, and along Date and Victoria Sueeu between Grand Avenve and Summit Avenues. In addition, aii sections of aay northlsouth streets between the atleys on either side of Grand Avenue within this area that cunengy have timed parking wili also be part of this remicted patkin� azea. a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 28 19 2A 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4A 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 SEP-05-199? 11�48 Except by permit ot unless othetwise posted, all on-street pazking within the restricted area described above shall be 2imited to two (2) hovrs from $�00 am_ to 8:� p.m. seven days a week. Businesses tvitYtia tbe restricted area may petition for the establist�ment of a 15 miuute par7dag zone in effect duriag the aornial operating hours of ffie business wi� the director of pvblic workc ptasuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code § 159.03. The director shalI consult with the approgtiate neighborhood and business organiz�tions to deucmine the cxtem and dumtion of the I S minute parking zt�ne_ Sec. 166.09.03 Patidag permits; eligibility; issuance. P.03 Q`�-tt�a� {a) Application. Applieation for one or more �tazking pecmits authorized uadec S�tions IS6.Q9A 1 through 166.49.Q8 shall be made an a foim provided by the dizector of the dapartrnent of public works, hereinafter teferred to as °direetor", which form may require the applicant to fumish his or her name and address, make, model and license munber of his or her vehicles, and any additional informatinn wfiich will aid the director in tke enforcement of these provisions. (b} .4nnva! permft applicarton fee. A non-refundable annuat penait applicarion fee of ten dollazs {$10.00) for each type of residential pazking pe�tit hereia sball be required to cover cosu incurred as a result of the implementation of the residemial pemut parking pIan. (c) Number of permits Up to twa residential gazking permits shall he made avaiIahie to eacfi resideut on the basis of one pezmit for each vehicle owned by the resident In no ev�nt shail the aumbcr of permits exceed the m�mber of vahic3es awned by ttte resident (d) Vis�to� permits. Up ta two (2) transferable visitor permits shall be made availabie to each residence or dwelling unit, notwithstandiag whethez or not the resident of the residence or dwelling unit owns an automobile. Psovided fhat no resident of a iesidcnce or dweiting unit may use a visitor permit io pazk a caz owned or controiled by Yhe resident in the restricted azea, it being tbe intent of Secrioaa 166.Q9.01 thmugh 166.04.08 that such visitor permits shall be made available and used by people not residing in but visifing a resident of the restricted area. (e) Residents, sgecial event permits. Residents within the res�icted azea, az a cost af one doIlaz ($1.00} for each germit, u�ay apply to the director for notaUxnsfezabie and @ate3 special event peimits upon a showing by the residetit that, during the date and hours for which the pernuts are to be issued the use of the permits shaIi be for specia[ events. The ditector shall determine the number of special event permits issued and the ho�s in ef£ect upon the director's determinatioa tfiat the pecmits issucd would nut uadvly imgair Gaffrc safety during the effective period of the permits. (fl Churches, speciai eventpermits; exception€; notice. Chvrcfies within the restricted area, at a cost of one dollar (51.40} for each permit, may acquire from the dsreeWr �ansferable special eveat permits; provided tfiat such peunits shail be used onty in wnjunction with evencs sponsored by the agglicanc church The disector sha12 determinc the mzmber of and offeetive period of the peimits w be issued Such permiu shall not be required for ordinary church events such as funera2s, services, festivais, bazaars, or weddings, where issvance of such permiu would be impracticable. � 4 5 6 7 9 30 2I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 29 20 21 22 23 24 ZS 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4Q 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4$ 49 50 51 5EP-05-1947 11�48 P.04 (g) PJucement o,J"permit srickers or rickets. Residential parking pennit stickers sha!! be (', _���� permanendy affvred to ihe outside of the velucle in the lowcz rear coraer of the tcft side w'sadow ti� closest to the reaz of the velucle. Visittrr ffi,d special eveat permit stickcts shall be pIaced on the dashboard or at some otfier conspiwous spot withia the vehiele wheze they aze plaialy visibte to enforcement pttsonnel. (h) Permit does not reserve p�king sgace. No germit issued under Sectioas 16fi.09.41 tiuough I66.09.Q8 shaii guazant� or reserve to the holder a particular parking space cvithin the restricted area but shall provide generai garking in said area during thc time specified in Section 166.09.02 and so pasted as required by Section 16b.09A7_ {i) Lost permiu; dupticates. Ia the event any of t6e petmits issued under this chapter aze lost, duplicates may be obtained from the director at a cost of one dollar {$1.OQ) per permit; provided, that na suzh duplicate shaU be issned unless and uati2 the appticam has furaished w the dirertor aa affidavit statiag that the msideat has lost che original pennit No pecson shall apply for a dvplicate pezmit unless the original permit has, in fac; beea los� Sec. I66.09.Q4. Services, repair and emergeney assistance. Persans who perform services, maintenance, repairs or emergency assistaaee for any residence are exempt from resaictions imposed uader Secrions 166.Q9.01 - 16G.09.Q8, grovided thax their exemption temiinates immediately ugon the completion of services or assistance provided. Nothing in this sectioa is intended to prohibit a residsnY owner of these vehictes from obtaining residential parking pemvts for same in accordanee with the pmvisions of this chapter. Sec.166.09.Q5. Strcet maintenance; snow emergency. No eacemptions or other permits granted herein shall abrogate ihe scope of parking restrictions imposed as such restrictions relate to street maiatenance, parking in one location beyond Forty-eight (48} hovrs, or emergeacies provided in Chapter 161. Sec. I66.04A6. Handicapped pacSang. Nathing herein provided shali abrogate the scope of pazking privileges granted handicapped persons as established pursuaat to this code or statues enacted by tIus state. Sec. 166.09.07. Postiag of signs. The director shall cause appropriate signs to be posted in the restricted azeas so as to infoim an oxiinazsly obsetvam person of the cyacistence of rules and Tegulations imposed by these provisions. Sec.166.08. Penaliy. It shatl be unlawful fot any persoa to subaut false iaformatioa ia any appticatian for a parldng permit issued pursuaat to Sections I66.09.01 through 166.09.OS. Violation of any agplication requuement shatl be gro�mds for deniai or revocation of the pern�it and shall be punishable as a xnisdemeanor. It shai[ a[so be wtlawful for any vehick W be stopped, partced or abaadoned in violation of these provisions. Any such vioIation is hereby dectared an obsuuction oFpublic s�eets and shal( be pvnishable as a misdemeanor and may subjeet the vehicle to be , 5t.1'—t�S-1997 l i � 49 "�'� q�- � l� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S moved or impounded at the cost and expease of the owner in accordance with the terms of Chapter 162. SECTIOT3 2 This ordinance shall taice effect and be in frnce thirty (3Q} days aRer its passage, appcovai aad publication. Requeated by aepastmeac of: naopaed by Ceuncii: Daee Adoption eazti£ied Ly Couneil Seczetazy SY: Appzavad by xaYCt: Date B Y = By: FOZm app= d by CiCy AttornCy �, .��C,�Cf�- 9- � 97 Appzove8 by Hayor for Submieaicm to Coimcil Byc TOTAL P.05 4n_tl G? Date To: Fr: Re: October 8, 7997 Saint Paul City Council Members Grand Avenue Susiness Association Log of Parking Ordinance Communication Ser�t to Grand Avenue Businesses Attached are copies of the communication sent to Grand Avenue Businesses in district 16 regarding the parking overlay district. *Summit Hitf Association Newsietter: (Mailed to all businesses in district 16) Fal1 `97 Summer `97 Spring `97 Fall `96 Spring `96 Winter `95 Fail `95 Grand Avenue Business Association Newsletter, Business Sulietin & IVleeting: Broadcast Fax 9/30/97 (111 successful faxes to those businesses with fax machines) October `97 (Mai{ed to members only) September `97 (Maifed to all businesses in district 16) August 12 (Informational meeting held at Linwood Rec Center - 6 businesses attended} Summer `97 (Mailed to all businesses) **Grand Gazette: (Delivered to all businesses in district 16) Sept. `97 October '97 April '97 **Highland Villager: ({s not get detivered to district 16, but many businesses have them.) Sept. 24, `97 Sept. 10, `97 Aug. 6-26, `97 March 26-April 8, `97 *The SHA newsletter is aiso delivered to over 5000 households in district 16. **Collectively, the Viliager and Gazette are delivered to 58,000 households on and around Grand Avenue. There are also 17,000 copies on "free" newsstands for shoppers, etc. � , � - ; � � ' �` '° � � � , ��,- 1043 Grand Avenue, # 315 1 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105 Telephone: (612) 699-0029 1 Fax: (612) 699-7775 1 E-mail info.� 1 Website: www.GrandAve.com �� C; Lc���ec 7radi��c� of xeaLLycoaL stuff ':?'.:; . . ���`. .,. - . Q�-1 i � Not a bad newstetter - from a pretty good piace to 1lve! Quarterty, Issue #34 Falt 1997 News from the Grand Avenue Business Association Tmlleys ace Back oo Grand Again! 11+e uolleys are running on Grand Avenue again as Qart of aa ongoiag naaated, l hour to�rofSaintPaul. The2lnlleytoursWrtsat the Minnesota History Museum on tfie hour Tuesday, 7'hurs3ay, Satwday and Sunday fiom 11 azn to 5 pm. However, riders may pin the tour along Grand or in other loca- cions in $a�nt Paui. Rider, may also leave the Troltey at a;desired locatlon w have Iunch or shop and then join a later tour. Costs am �7 for. adults, $f for children 6-12 and senior ad- >ens, and Free of clutge for childmn 5 and under. Reserrapons am not requirtd. Formore information about pick up }�tions & times or other fzcts, Busin�ses Plan "A¢ Evening on Grcnd" Event foi Septembu26, SA PM A g�oup of Grand Avenuebus'v,ess owners have ocganized an event called An Evening Ou Grand schedut¢d for Friday, �eptemixr 26 hom S9 pm, with the missian of show- casing the finest of GmM Avenue's art, food and music The gmup has aaanged for free trolley rides behveen Dale & Syndicate and customa paid racriyge rides. For more infomwtion about tUis event, rall Capital City Troiley at 223-56C0. please cail Tvn Duggan, Itiver Gallery, at 310-Ob89. Other plannpis include Cinda YeUow BikeS Up and Rnnning on Grand Quinn, Sheryl Tuoriia, BrynetW Wrighb We eamumge yov to gM out and enjoy Sennu,and CindyAnderson. Gmnd Avenue on a Yellow Bike! After a y�° successfui kickbtEcelebcacion on Sahuday, (� Two HourPazking D'utrict Oidinance August 16, the Yellow Bikes are now avaii- Update able for riders to 6orrow. Simply stop in at The City attomeys aremaking 6na1 revi- any of the following 6usinesses: Bumet sicns on the oxdinance for Creating a resi- Reaity at Avon, KowalsM's Grand Macket at dentiat stmet pecmit pazking district along Syndicate, Hungry Mind ak Macalester Gtand Averme be!ween Date Street and Ayd StreekGrandPerformanceatPriorand MiLlRoad,The$aintPaulCityCoundlis Whoie tv�s at Fairview. Bikes ue checked planning the public hearing for September out with a librarydike card system, which 24 at 4:30 pm. Cpundl Pcgident Dave inctudes a refundable 510 deposit. If you Thune is sgonsoring tt+e ocdinance, which is need further information about the Yellow endorsed by the Boards oE Wth the Gra� Bikes, call tf�e Yellow Bike Cwiition at 222- Avenue Business qssodatiou and tbe �• � SummitHillAssociationAmeetingwas held on August 13 for alI businesses ro leam Voluateer Writer/Reportec Wanted more about the ordinance arol air tfie'v The Grand Avenue Business AssociaHOn is views. I7ce ordinance wi7{ Provide consu- seekingawlunteareporterforourquar- tent2hourparkingonbothsid�ofthe tuly newsiet[er sent to a17 businesses on Avenue, and adjac�nt stceeFS m the alley CmndAvenueAesponsibilitiesmayinclude (on]ythosewhichcuimnUyhyvetimed membec interviews, stpry writing and parkin�, from 8am to gpm, 7 dsys a week. r�earch. Some writing erperience desired, Residents will be able to pwclias¢ parking but enthusiasm is a must. Please ca71 Char permiu w they can park the'v vehicles fpr Mazon at 699qp7g iEyou aze interested, longer time periods. Sf you luve questions or comments about this mdinance, please all DaveThune's Legislative Aid, Chuck Repke at 266$67A. 25tk� Annual Gnnd Meander Set for December6 Voiuntcers are invited to attend and help with the holiday acpvities and evenu dw- ing the 25th Annuai Grand Meander on Satuxday,Decembu6! Ifyouareintapsted in wlunteering for ilus holiday tradition targeced foi the whole famity, calt the Gmnd Avenue Business Assodation office at 699- ��. Upcoming Baard Meeting Dates The Gand Avenue Business Assodation Bcaid of Director's meetlngs are ;chedule3 Eo� Ne following dates: Tuesday, November il, &W am, Tuesday, December 9, 8:00 am, Cherokce " Bank, 985 Grand Ave. Please call fi93-00]9 if you would like to attend or bring an usue before the Boazd. Seeking Asaocia4an Caordinator- Peimaueat Part 2ime The Gmnd Avenue Business Assodatlon is seeking a permanent part-time Cooldi�ator to work with the Fxevtive Dimmr m a GrzndAvenueoffirn. Youwillbeinvolvedin managing exciting events, projeccs and gener- aiAssaiationassignments. Youw➢lalsodo general adminishative, member services and daca enky. ihe id�l pndida[e will hare computer e�peri¢nce Sor toth PC & Ma�, be familiac with genemi of(ice pcae3um, wri[ing, recotd kreping and have o��a• tional&custpmgrserviceskills. Cae helpfu4 Flecible hours: 75 hrs(wk June-Jan, 30+hrs/wk]an-May. GreatforapersonwiN 35ds In school! Send resume by hx to 699- 7775 or mail to Char Mason, Crznd Avenue Business Assac, 1043 Gmnd Avenue #375, St. Paui� NilV SS]W. Char Mpsom, Eucufive Direcfo� Gr¢nQ Avenue 8usiness Asspciqfion 1043 Grand Ave.5315 St Paui, MN55105 699�CO29 phone 694-7775 tax e-mail: infoBGrandAve.com WebSite: www.GmndAve.mm A Cherished Tradition oFReaLLycooj, stuff g, c i�� As i dose out my ei�hth a��d final year on that City Ha1S pays attention to your neigh- the Gty Counal and have my last opportu- borhood's concerns. n�ty to commw�icate with my friends in the Summ�t Hi41 area through this newsletter, I At the beginning of the month, we had �,�ould first like ro thank you Eor aIl of the another tremendous Grand Old Day. Only ycars oE support. The residents and busi- this time, things were a lot diffemnt from ness o�,=ners u� tlte Summit Fiill neighbor �F'lien I first got on the Councii. This year [ hood are some of the most active in com- received no complaints from the neighbor- munity aF(airs and your advice and guid- hood. It wasn't so long ago that [ was vili- ance have been greatly appreciated. Second, fied for trying to control tlle drinking dur- [ want to compiiment those individuals ing Grand Old Day. Editorials proclaimed �vho have participated on the Summit Hill that my support of the neighbors' conmrns Association Boacd over the past eight years. would bring an end to Grand Old Day. You are the ones who truly make tliis com- �'+jell, it is now bigger and better than ever. munity a great place to ]ive. It is through This brings me ro the current issue in front your efforts that we have made great pf the City Council: a permit parking area progress in tlie past eight years in creating a for Grand Avenue. Several years ago many saFe, livable community ti,ut can coexist of the neighbors on Lincoin and Goodrich with a thriving Grand Avenue. In addition, p�itioned to create a permit parking area in every person who lives or works in this the neighborhood. Tlte issue that stimulated neim�hborhood should 6e awareof the fine the parMng problem then was shocvn to be job that Chris Trost has done in making sure the large number of vehicles that parked in Summit I Association �istrict 16 Planning Counci4 360 St. Clair Avenue �aint Paul, MN 55105 'elephone 612-222-1222 "ax 612-222-1558 -mai l <summit, hi1lC�stpaul.gov> the residential neighborhood for eight straight hours, presumably Grand Avenuc employees. It is clear that problem contin- ues an Grand Avenue today. Tltie proposal I wi4l be bnnging to Council recommends that all of Grand Avenue, from one-half of a block east of Dale to Ayd Miii Road and the adjacent north-south streets !o' the a(leys, become a perm�t parking district It would mean that cars covid not be pazked for mom than two hcurs ar;ryvhere on Grand Avenue Erom 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. without a permit. The impact would be more tumover of the parking spates on Grand Avenue without negativefy impact- ing the residents on Grand Avenue. The plan was developed by the TraFfic and Parking Committee oE the Summit Hill Association and the Grand Avenue Business Association. t am authoring it as an ordi- nance, so there will be no petition process. (Thune continued an p.2) (Thune fmm p.l) This will ensure that, if passed, the permit area �vitl indude tlie entim avenue without any gaps. t believe that in the tong run this s+�li continue to kc�p Crand Avenue thriv- in� and further reduce business and resi- dential fridion. Again, 1 thank you for the pleasure of hav- ing mpresented you for the past eight years. Dnue 77nine St. Paid Cify Counci(, Pres�dent Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PA[D Saint Paul, MN �ermit No.b665 � F � � � x � t . * � :, ; -� �� _ �:i iy � � ''. ��-���7 � �.� , _ — - :� �; t+ r ..= a. ..: .�:: ?he Summit Hii( and Grand Avenue Busmess Associations have cvorked togetlier to develop the followin� pazking pian for Grand Avenue. C9rand �.vencse tlni$orm F�arking f�lcan The Summit Hill Association hereby mquests the City of St. Paul to establish a special Grasid Avenue UniForm Parking Plan along Grazid Avenue Erom one half block east of Dale Street west to Ayd Miil IZoad, and along Dale and Victoria Streets bet���een Grand and Summit Avenues. in additton, a11 sections of any northlsouth streets between the atleys on either side oE Grard Avenue ivitltin this area that Current- 1y have timed parking will also be part of this Uniform Parking Pian. Within this dis- trict, the foliowing parking restrictions should be established: 1 On-sheet parking shall be liinited to 2 hours, from 8am ko 8pm, seven days per week. 2. A1( residen¢s of buildings located in this district shail be entitled to receive, at no charge, parkin� permits as specified in the City Permit Parking Ordinance which shall permit unrestricted parking within any 2liour zone along Grand Avenue. Note: Residents would stili be subjed to the maximum 48 hour on-street parking limit specified by City Ordinance. 3. Any business within the district that requires short term parking may petition for the establishment of a IS minnte parking zone, effective during the normal operating hours of said business. The City of St. Paul shall use its normal review process to handle said petrtions, in consultation with the appropnate neighborhood and business organizations, to determine the extent of the proposed 15 minute zone, the associated hours of operation, and to resolve other issues associated with the mquest. 4. All cab stands within the parking district shail be removed. 5. Prior to the impiementation of the Grand Avenue Uniform Par�ing Plan, alt of the affected property and business owners will be notified by the City of the changes being implemented, and wili receive instructions on how to obtain residential parking permits andlor to request the establishment of 15 minute parking zones. All existing timed parking, except for existing IS minute zones, wiil be converted to 2 hour parking. All existing IS minute zones will mmain as such, if so desired by the abutting businesses. 6. The Summit Hill Assotiation rc�cognizes that residential permit parking is a mechanism to remedy any increase in commercial parking on streets adjacent to Grand Avenue that may result hvm the establishment of a Grand Avenue Uniform Parking Plan. Requests for any deviations from these policies shall be resolved by the standard Cit}' procedures for hand(ing changes to traffic and parking mgulations, in consul- tation with the appropriate neighborhood and business organizations. 8. The City of St. Paui shall stricdy enforce ali parking mgulations within the Grand Avenue CJniform Parking Plan. Summit E-dill Association Tra$fic and Parking Poticies Last amended February 13, 1997 If you would (ike a cop y of the SHA Traffic and Parking Policies regarding vehicle traffic, public transit, pedestrians, bicydes, parking, aesthetics thae promote traffic caiming, and physical improve- ments, please call the office at 222-1222. Traffic and Parldng Committee Mission SEatement To study and recommend to the Summi[ Hill Association/District lb Planning Council a neighborhood trafFic and parking plan that assures adeqvate mobility within the neighborhood while mini- mizing negative impacts on the community. Sa�� Dr�vdng �'i�� Automobile traffic on Grand Avenue and throughout our neighborhood has inrreased drnmatically �hrough the years. It is up to us to make our streets as safe as possible for our famffies and for those who visit our neighborhood. The following thme ]aws aze regularly broken: Pedestrians have the right of way when crossing the street in a crosswalic You must stop to a17ow pedestrians to cross the street if they are in a crosswalk when the intersecrion is not controlled with sig- nals. On many of our busy Grand Avenue mtersections, pedesfrians are tak- ing their life in kheir hands when attempting to cross the street. As a driver, begin now to set the example. Remind other drivers to do the same. Pedestrians do not have the right of way when cross- ing in the middle of khe street. As a pedestrian, limik your crossings to a crosswalk. ' Tuming right on red is a privIlege, not a r�uirement. Cars must stop and wait behind the crosswalk at a red light. Pay close attention to ati pedestrians in the mteraection. If you cannot see the oncoming trafFic from this location, wait until your light tums green. Do not honk at the car in front of you to insist that it turn right on red and do not allow the car behind you to insist that you turn right if it is not safe to do so. SHA T�°a��� �n�! Parking �o���ies Committee Mission Statement: To study and recommend to the Summit Hill Associationf Ilistrict 16 Planning Coundl a neighborhood traffic and pazking plan that assures adequate mobility within the neigh- borhood while minimizing negarive impacts on the community. Vehicle Traffic � Edua6on should be used to encourage drivers to voiuntarily reduce vehicle speed, enmurage 2Q mph, reduce trips, use the most direct routes, and under- stand the pemeived and actual effects of these strategies • Signage shoutd be used to alert street users to neighborhood efforts to slow and reduce traffic • Work wiFh the PoGce Department ko develop a plan to dramaticaily increase entorcement • Enmurage greater enforcement on Grand Avenue to achieve sPeed mduction • Encoumge greater enforcement on Lexington Parkway to achieve speed reduction • Encournge rigorous enforcement of the 30 mph speed limit throughout neighbor- hood • Request that tra�c lights be timed no faster than legal vehicle speed Public Transit, Pedestrians, and Bicycles • Estabiish a 25 cent bus zone on Grand Avenue • Instal] pedestrian activated signals at appropriate crosswalks on Grand Avenue • Paint Grand Avenue crosswalks a solid color • Increase the number of bike racks on Grand Avenue Parking • Work with the Police Depaztment to develop a plan to dramatically increase enforeement • Enmurnge use of garages and off-stmet parking • Create a uniform two hour parking zone on both sides af Grand Avenue • Allocv those 6usinesses who need a IS minute zone in frnnt of their business to apply for a 15 minute zone • Eliminate the cab stand on khe northwest corner of Grand and Lexington • Eliminate every other bus stop on Grand Avenue • Enmurage Grand Avenue employ�s to pazk in shamd church lots and not on Grand Avenue , � y Volunteers are needed to implement these �9 policies. Cali the SHA office, 222-1222 if you avouid tike to hetp. � Busses putfing back into the traffic lane Erom a bus stop have the right of way. By law, you must yield to a(Sow them to merge in front of you. t:' �.■ �-.,. . .. . . , , _ _. _ ..,:: ,; - ,. �>:.. s 'tae:home,by TDpm on. ctieek nights and - s age 15'through 17 musf beHqmeby: ited by jpveniie§.occur. after cuifew _ tI�ey arehome on time. ;�; ,; : :,; .; Committee Mtssion Statement: To study ard recornmend to the Sun•�mit Hill Associationf District 16 S'lanning Council a neighborhood traffic and parking plan that assures adequate mobility within the neigli- borhood v.�hile minimizing negative impacts on the community. Vehicle Ttaffic • Education should be used io encourage drivers to voluntarily reduce vehicle speed,encourage 20 mph,reducetrips, use tl,e most direct routes, and under- stand the perceived and actual effects of these strategies • Signage should be used to alert street users to neighborhood efforts to slow and reduce traffic • 4Jork with the Police Department to develop a plan to dramatically increase enforcement • Encourage greater enEorcement on Grand Avenue to achieve speed reduction • Enmurage greater en(orcement on [.exington Parkway to achieve speed reduction • Encowage rigorous enforcement of the 30 mph speed limit throughout neighbor- hood � Recluest ihat traffic lights be Eimed no - faster ihan legal vehicle speed � �a���ng P���ee�s Public Transit, Pedestrians, and Bicycles • Establish a 25 cent bus zone on Grand Avenue � instali pedestrian activated signals at appropriate crosswalks on Crand Avenue • Paint Grand Avenue crosswalks a solid color • Incmase the number of bike racks on Grand Avenue Packing • Work with the Police Department to develop a plan to dramatically increase enForcement • Enmurage use of garages and off-street parking • Create a unlform two hour parking zone on both sides of Grand Avenue • Allow those businesses who need a 15 minute zone in hont oE their business to apply for a 15 minute zone � Eliminate the cab stand on the northwest corner of Grand and Lexington � Eliminate every other bus stop on Grand Avenue • Encourage Grand Avenue employees to park in shazed church lots and not on Grand Avenue Uolunteers are needed to implement these polieies. Call the SHA of6ce, 222-1222 if you would 3ike to help. ��� - � / � ■ � �; � � �.�� • �_ : ► ♦ • ' �(�� �i to benefit � J IHM SE. Lukes and the Summit Hill � Association. Great � selection and prices! Ordez forms available at the Linwood Community Center. Orders due April 15 for May Il pickup. �� -ll� 97-IL�� t�hth the Neti,� Year upon us, many o( t;s are preparing New Yedr's r�solutions WeaEtheSummitHill As;ooation are domg the same. \v"hile the process is ongoing at this hme, ( thought 1 would share with ��ou many of our continuing goals. Pcomote Effective Communication Z�'ithin the Neighborhood. Through ti�is quarkerly newsletter, welcome E.ackets for new neighbors and our column i� the Grand Gazette, we seek to keep you intormed about +ssues affecring our neighborhood. Enliance the Quality of Life in Our Neighborhood. Our support for and parricipaflon in the Living at Home/Block Nurse Program, the C,inwood Community Center and the Neighborhood Crime Prevention Programs help to improve directly the ltves oE individua(s living in our Summit Hill Association District I6 Planning Council 860 Sk. Clair Avenue SainE Pau1, Mi�I 551Q5 Telephone 612-222-1222 Fax 612-222-1558 � neighborhood. We also address issues whidi touch aIl oE us, such as managed business growth on Grand Avenue ai�d traEfic calming and parking issues throughout the neighborhood. Develop Closer Working RelationshipS With the Grand Avenue Business Community. During this past year, significant strides have been made in this area. We have worked with businesses to address parking issues in the Victoria Crossing area. In addirion, we foresee significant changes in Grand Old Day 1995, returning the event to the calmer, family-oriented event oE years past. We have been working closely cvith the business co-thairs of the event to make this a reality. Finally, we are increasing business representation on our Soard. i am very pieased to announce that Peter New Traf�i� and Park�n� �01�i � ��f'e� Formed Quinn, the o�vner of Cafe Latte, has �oined our board Enhance the Aesfhetics in our I�3eighborhood. Becauseofa generous donation from a member of the neighborhood, we are planning and imp(ementing a landscaping plan for Linwood Park. We are also continuing to encourage the °greening of Grand Avenue" and the planring of trees on the boulevards in the neighborhood. Raise Funds for our Community. L��e receive about 35% of our funding from the City of St. Paul. The remainder is raised through events tike the house tours and direcY solicitahons. Our Fall direct solicitation was the most successful ever. Your generous support of our (Reso&rtions continued on p.2} SHA now has a group of neighbors working to proactively develop and implement traffic and parking soluHons within District 16. The committee is seeking a fesv more enthusiasHc members especially neighbors living west of Victoria. Please call the SHA office at 222-1222, Non-ProfiE Org. U.S. Postage PAID Saint Paul, MN Permit No. 6665 � � �� ,. � � � �, � � =� � r ` � ft :1 �� F � � z Z F :I. J 3 � h 4 �� 4 � 'd` � G ' �.,.;t� - � �- Not a bad newsletter - from a pretty good ptace to liae! .: . �, , - - ^: � s- , �; - �; ; � �; � , .�; t The Summit Hill Association's Tra(fic & Parking Committee is curren8y evaluating a proposal to restructure the on-street park- ing regulations aiong Grand Avenue between Dale Street and Dunlop Avenue to improve the avai]ability of parking io.* both Grand Avenue shoppers and residents. Currently, there are s� many conflicting parking zones along Grand Avenue that enforcement is virtnally impossible. As a result, many prime on-street parking slots that should be reserved for residents and shoppers are instead being used by employees of Grand Avenue businesses. The proposal addresses these issues in the following manner: establishment of 75 minute parking zones in Front of their establishments. 3. Grand Avenue Residents wonld be able to buy permits for unreskricted parking in any Grand Avenue 2 hour parking zone. 4. Further increase the avaiiability ot on- street parking by eiiminating every other bus stop. This should also significantly speed np bus traffic and reduce the MTC's Operating costs. 5. Reduce the demand Eor employee pask- ing by instituting a Quarter Zone on Grand Avenue, so that the many students and local residents employed on the Avenue wil� have an economical alternative to dri- ving to work. l. Increase the availabitity of employee parking off Grand Avenue by eliminating unnecessary No Parking zones on the Vorth/South cross streets between Lincoln ind Summit. [ncrease the enEorceability of parking =gulations by establishing a uniform 2 our parking 2one on both sides of Grand s�enue between Dale Street and Dunlop. rovisions would be made to permit ser- ce-oriented businesses to petition for the The SHA Traffic & Parking Committee welcomes any comments on this proposal. For further information, please contact Mike Schumann at 114-0216. Issue 25 Falt 1995 Traffic Calming Traffic caiming is everyone's responsi- bility. Ail of us know the frustraHon and anxiety that comes with our mm- mute to work or trip to the store. The freeways and major arteries seem to be inhabited largely by w�canng drivers much of the time. However, this situa- tion does not need to ex'rst as we leave and approach our homes. Your neighbors urge you to consider your driving habits. Remember that 30 mph is the MAXIMUM speed and that 20 mph or iess is often appropriate when children populate every block. Please remember also that pedestrians have the right of way most oE the time, especia7ly in any marked crosswaik. Beiieve it or not vehicles in some other cities across the counny actually obey the law and stop for a pedesYrian in a crosswalk. Safer streets start with a11 of us. GRAND AVENUE BUSIIVESS ASSOCIATION 1043 Grand Avenue #315 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105 � September 30, 1987 TO: Grand Avenue Business Association Members �ocated in District 16 FR; Bonnie Johnson, President Grand Avenue Business Association RE: Grand Avenue Parking District Vote ��-�i�� , r �^'.�iG<`--� � , -v �(I 6raw ,l',�u,�i°n-v-e� ,�5<..,�E =5�� The clock is ticking! With the heip of �eighborhood residents, businesses, and City Council President Dave Thune, we have a new parking ordinance for Grand Avenue that wiii pe voted on by the City Councii fioliowing the pubiic hearing on Wednesday, October 8. Qther members of the City Council need to hear your voice this week to affirm the solid backing of the business community on this issue. We aie the refail gem of fhe Cify of St. Pau/ and deserve fo have an enforceable parking policy fo ensure our confinued livelihood! A/I you need to do is ca// 266-8560, give your name and business name, and ask the receptionist to forward a message fo ati Councilmembers saying "! support fhe Grand Avenue Parking Districf." Over the past two years you have heard about this ordinance in The Summit, our business association newsletter and Business Bu!(etin, in addition to the Highland Villagerand Grand Gazette. Over the past ten years, we have struggled to find a solution that is acceptable to those who live on and near Grand Avenue as well as those of us who own and work at businesses on this avenue. The Board of Directors of the business association approved this plan. At a member and business hearing on August 12, 1997 there were only two businesses in over 100 who voiced concems. We befisve this may be the solution we have sought for over 10 years and we want to try to make it a success. The fact is simpie: J Parking on Grand Avenue is not enforceabie. The St. Paul Police Department wiil not enforce any of the zones because they are inconsistent and confusing. 7he new ordinance seeks to do the following: 9 Create a uniform parking arrangement that can be enforced. O Provide two hour spots for customers from 8A - 8P each day. This wiil heip keep customer traffic out of the adjacent neighborhood streets. The plan wili be uniform from one block east of Dale Street to Ayd Mfil Road. P Provide a permit for Grand Avenue residents so they can park when, and as long as they want to during the 6A - 8P period when the two hour parking is being en4orced. ♦ Yes! This ordinance will keep employees of our businesses from taking up parking spaces that our customers can use during the time it is in force. The net effeci: ♦ Customers will be able to find more accessible parking because the only people who will be abts to park for long periods of time wili be the Grand Avenue residents. The Executive Committee is pianning testimony for the association at the public hearing along with members of the Summit Hil! Association. If, in addition to your phone call to the Gity Council offices, you can attend, pfease join usl Call Char Mason on Wednesday, October 8 to find out what time we are on the agenda. Please call me before Fsiday, October 3 if you have questio�s (221-1Q57). Because of my business travel through October 7, you may call Dan Parker, White Way Cleaners, (291-1107) Association Vice President after that time. ��Z- l �b� : ������ A Cherished Tradition of ReaLLy Coo�, Stuff ��SSage F��m t�e P��Sident Bor+nie Johnson, Great Harvest Bread Co. President, Grand Avenue Business Association Grand Old Day'97 was a tremendous success for the business associa- iion! 1'his event has matured over the past several years and is creating a good pubiic perception of Grand Avenue. We also count on this as our primary fund raiser each year and I'm pleased to report that it generated the revenue we need to continue providing service to members and pro- moting Grand Avenue as a premier destination for shopping, dining and servicesl Andy Gesell, Cherokee Bank, was an exceptional leader of the volun- teer committee that planned the event. jackie Lunde, Subway, worked dili�endy to create a Family Area that was unbelievablel Our executive director, Char Mason, managed vendors, volunteers, sponsors, promo- tion, anc3 a tough work load. Take a moment to say thanks the next time yoii see these folks and others whose work is so critical to the success of U� Old Day! � Saint Paul City Council President Dave Thune is pre�aring to present an ordinance to the Ciry Council this fall that will create a residential street peru�it parking district along Grand Avenue between Dale Street and Ayd Mill Road. The work on this ordinance was begun over two years agc� by representatives of the Summit Hiil Association Traffic and Yarking Commi�tee and members of the Grand Avenue Business Assaciatiori. It is fully endorsed by the Boards of both organizations. Hours of analysis and discussion have resulted in an ordinance I believe wiil benefit both the people who live along the avenue, and those whose livelihood is integrally tied ±o our customers' ability Co park and come into our businesses. Sii7�ply puC, fhe ordinance will: Provide consistent 2 hour parking on both sides of the avenue, and adjacent streets to the alley, from 8am to Spm, 7 days a week; Establish a system for residents to purchase parking permits so they can park their vehicles for longer time periods. On Tuesday, August 12, there will be an informational meet- ing for Grand Avenne businesses to answer questions and pro- vide more detail on the ordinance. A representative from the public works department will be available along with committee members who worked on drafting the ordinance. The meeting wili be held at 5:30 pm See President... continued on p¢ge 2 The Newsletter Qf The Grand Avenue Business Associafion Summer 199'7 Mar�k YoWr ��lAendat� o� Upco�ing VrG��U iJat�s Grand Avenue Parldng Disfric# Infbrmatianal Mee6ttg Augusti 12, 5:30 gm 860 St. Glair` Ave. Yellow Sikes Premier on Grand . August �6 &oard Meet9ng SeptemUer 9, 8:00 am 985 Grand Ave. Security & Crune Generat Membership Meeting Date TBA Customer Service Generai Membership Meeting Date TBA Grand Meander Aoliday Event December 6 Uvh�t`s Inside Web Pk&e. � -page 2 Grand Otrl Day � page 3 Mac2lester Goupons • page 4 New Mernbers • page 4 Security meeting • page 5 Member Benefzfs • page 6 Yellow Bike Program • page � Gool Stuff For S¢le • page 8 Exe�utive Director Notes �y Char Mason Do you wonder how this Assaciation operates? lust who are the leaders, volunteers and staffl Here's a quick "snapshoY' that may give you some answers: The Grand Avenue Business �ssociation Board of Directors is made up of 21 Grand Avenue business people, just like you, 4vhc make 1-3 year commit- men�s to serve on the Board. The Boarc3's role is to set long range goals, make policy deci- sions, give direction to the com- mittees, manage the staff & approve budgets & spending. The Board is made up of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Immediate Past President, along with three representatives from each of the 5 nodes {geographi- cal segments of Grand Avenue) and one Member at Iarge. Representatives of both the dis- trict counciis, the Summit Hill Association and the Macalester Groveland Communiry Council, also have seats on the Board. As Execurive Director, l fill the staff position for the Association. On the most basic level, i answer your phone calls and manage the Association's day-by-day needs. However, it is also my job to manage commu- nications & volunteers, as well as member & consumer ser- vices. With ourAssociation office acfing as the hub of infor- mation, my position also pro- vides a thread of con:inuity from year to year. It is my role to make recommendations to tlie Board & committees and alert the Board & members to new opportunities which serve the long range goals of the Association. Essentially, the Executive Director's role is designed to compliment the vol- unteer leaders. IYs this unique symbiotic rela- tionship between the Soard, the staff and the �rowing general membership that is enabling this Association to accomplish so mud�. By paging throvgh this issue, you will see how many projects we are undertak- iiag and how much we can achieve together. As always, I welcome you to call me at 699-0029 if you have any ideas, thoughts or quesfions. i�eb �age Upd�te: �rvlrvw.Grandi�ve.com In the two weeks surrounding Grand Old Day, we had aimost 3,000 visitors to our Grand Avenue Web site! As a current member, you are automat- ically listed on the site and have the option to have a 100 word description as we11 as your 6usiness hours, all free of charge. If you have not completed a form with this information, please ca11699-0029 for another copy. Dan't miss this chance to promote your business in Cyberspace! q�- t�� Message From the President... continued frorrz p¢ge 1 at Linwood Community Center, 86fl St Clair Ave. in the Craft Room. Copies of the ordinance will be available that evening or by cali- ing the Business Associatior. office at 699-0029. We encourage you to come and participate in this part of the process! Special thanks to those whose commitment and energy made this a realiry for us! Mike Schumann, Traditions, was vigi- lant in his work over several years to analyze the problem and heip find soluCions! O�her members include Biil Skally, 5kaily Tax Service, and t1�e following neigh- bors from Summit Hill Association; John Siekmeier and Stephen Gadient. Please read through ihis newsietter for other important news and committee updates. I aixa honored to be working witi� an exceptional Board and other vol- unteers who conCinue to make us a stronger and more viable organi- zation! Enjoy your summer! Snow Remo�al Survey Upd�te Because of the abundant number of responses anc3 complexily of the snow removai surveys sent to all Grand Businesses a few months ago, the Membership Committee hopes to have some results to report in the next Business Builetin. �Pag� 2.� Granc! Avenue Business ASSaciation Newsietter '; i � �� � _ � ����� r - --�..�� � r MAKE A DIFFERENCE� Bonnie Johnson, Assaciation President The ctbck is tickina! With the he{p of neighborhood residents, businesses, and City Councii President Dave Thune, we have a new parking ordinance for Grand Avenue that wili be voted on by the City Council foffowing the public hearing on Wednesday, October 8. Other members of the City Councii need to hear your voice this week to affirm the solid backing of the business community on this issue. We are the retail gem of the City of St. Paut and deserve to have an enforceab{e parking policy to ensure our continued livelihood! Aii you need to do is cail the councii offices at 266-8560, give your name and business name, and ask the receptionist to forward a message to ali Counciimembers saying you support the Grand Avenue Parking District. Over the past two years you have heard about this ardinance in The Summif, our bus+ness Association fYewsletterand Business Bulletin, in addition to the Highland Villagerand Grand Gazette. Over the past ten years, we have struggled to find a solution that is acceptable to those who live on and near Grand Avenue as well as those of us who own and work at businesses on this avenue. The Soard of Directors of the business association approved this plan. At a member and business hearing on August 12, 1997 there +vere only two businesses ofi over 100 who ioiced concerns. We believe this may be the >olution we have sought for over 10 years and ve want to try to make it a success. - he Executive Committee is pianning testimony �r the association at the public hearing along °��- i 1�0�7 with members ofi the Summit Hili Association. If, in addition to your phone cal{ to ths City Counci{ offices, you are able to attend, please join us! Gal( Char Mason at 699-0029 on Wednesday, October 8 to find out what time we are on the agenda. If you have questions, piease call me at 221-1057 before Friday, October 3 or Association Vice President, Dan Parker, White Way Cfeaners, at 291-9107 from October 3-7. Saint Paui Nlayoral �a����ate For�m Wednesday, October 8, 7:15 - 8;45 AM Radisson tnn Saint Paul, 411 Minnesota Street You are invited to attend a forum featuring candidates Mayor Norm Coleman and Senator Sandy Pappas to hear what they have in mind for the business community af Sa+nt Paui. This program is sponsored by the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Grand Avenue Business Association as wefl as severai other organizations inciuding the Cathedraf Hi11 Business Association, the Nighland Business Association, the Saint Anthony Park Business Association and the Sneliing-Selby Area Business Association. Members of the Grand Avenue Business Association may attend this meet+ng at the Chamber member price of $8 ($12 for non-members). To attend, send your $8 participation fee to: Saint Paui Area Chamber of Commerce Attn.: Good Morning Saint Paui 332 Minnesota Street, Suite N-205 Saint Paui, MN 55101 If you have questions or would like to call in your reservation, please catl 223-5000. Seating is limited. � � �� ,�-�-�� - _ - _ Two Hour Parking District Ordinance 1lpdate The C+ty attorneys are making final revisions on the ordinance for creating a residential sfreet permit parking district along Grand Avenue between Dale Street and Ayd Mill Road. The Saint Paui City Council is planning the public hearing for September 24 at 4:30 pm. Councii President Dave Thune is sponsoring the ordinance, which is endorsed by the Boards of both the Grand Avenue Business Association and the Summit hilf Association. A meeting was held on August 13 for aif business owners to leam more about the ordinance and air their views. The ordinance will provide consistent 2 hour patking on both sides of the Avenue, and adjacent streets to the a(ley (only those which currentiy have timed parking), from 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week. Residents wi{4 be able to purchase parking permits so they can park their vehicies for ionger time periods. lf you have questions or comments about this ordinance, piease call Dave Shune's Legislative Aid, Chuck Repke at 266-8620. _._._�a,,.___.�,,�_.�ya-. . __ ..-______�.. ■ City adopts Selby Sma11 Area Plan .........p. 6�� r 1 1�� 6L ■ Mural is cause for concem, clapping .....p. 8 ■ Permit parking sought for Grand...........p. 9 ■ Summit-C readies for blocic nursing ...p. 14 ■ Nlusic is medicine at Grand shop .........p. 18 SEPTEMBERi997 Hearing set on proposal to establish parking district on Grand's east end sv��: Mcct,rre A pu6fic hearing on a proposal to create � percmt of the affected property ovmers to sign auniformhvo-hourparkinglimitandaper- apetitionbe(oreanewpermitpar�tingdistri<t mit parking district on the eastem end of wil! be considered. However, Thune is intro- Grand Avenue is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. ducingtheordi�wwittwutgoingthrough Wednesday,5eptember24,bMoretheStPaul theqetilionprocess. City Councii. TFwne recalted Utatwhen he first toak o6 The plan is generating Iittle opposition if an fice in 1990, he received a warning (rom his August 12 Grand Avenue Business Associa- predeceswr, then-Mayor Jim Schei6eL "Iim tion tGABA) general mee6ng is any indiCa- said the one iuue you II never, ever get re- tion. Onty a dozen peopte attended the solved is parking on GrandAvenue," Thune meeting, including two tity staff inembers, said. Fv+o faimer Summit Hi1V Assoriation (SHA) The St. Paul Deparhnent of Pubiic Works board membecs, two GABA board memben supports the proposai, as does GABAand the and Ward 2 City Councii memb¢r Dave SHA'7YSasolution[hatmaynotbepedect, Thune, butiYli heip," said past GASAyruident Srian If approved, Grand Avenue between Ayd Afton. Mili Awd and one-half block east o[ Aale Th¢ permi[ parking distnM is opposed by Strzet—plustheblocksoYhalf-blocksofin- theownersofWillweYSCheidandPNersMor- tenacnng north-south streetr—would be- tuary, 1167 Gmnd Ave., and the Wedding wme St. PaW's 13th residentml permit Shoppe,1201 GrandAve, parkingdistrict.Onlylocalresidentswhase "Bothofourbusmessesaredeali�gwitha veh�des displayed a permit would be allowed different type of customeq" uid Steve Will- co park tor longerthan hvo hours. werscheid ot Willwerscheid and Peters. "Our Areas where parking is already limited to <ustomers are not coming i� to ea[ a sand- less than iwo hours would remain un- wich, they're not coming in to b�y a book. changed. We're dealingwith dtuals here, we're dealing Residents coufd buy parking permits for withlife•changingeventr" $IQperyear.Theyalsocouidbuyviaitorper- Themortuaryprotides95otf-SGeMparking mits and one-day permits for gatherings at spacu for visitors and has additional em- thxir homes. ployee parking behind itr building, he said. Th�ne, the author of the ordinance that The Wedding Shoppe has a handful oP off- woWdcreatethenewpermitparkingd'utrict, streetparkingforemp(oyeesonly. has promised i[ will get through the City Wi(lwerscheidisco�ernedthatthefunernl Council before his term ezpires at the end of home5 parking { wilt be used by shoppers 1997, and the employees of nearby businuses to Thunecalledtheplan"agrea[stepforn�ard" avoidtheon-streetparkingrestrictions.'4t for che neighborhood, beliwing it wiil allevi- can cost qui[e a bit for us to keep unwanted ateparkingcongestiononCraridbydiscour- carsoutofouriot,"hesaid. agingemployeesandothernonresidentsfinm GrandAvenuebusinessownerMikeSchu- pa*'�.ongonthestreetforpurposuothertFun mannaskediftheCUneraihomecouldreceive to patroniz¢ Iocai businessu. an exemption hom the permit parking dis- Pve6eensupportingsomethinglikethis tnckHowever.SheYkaandThunesaidthecity foryears,"saidMel7aMartinotDlvSpaMel{a, isrequiredtotreatallbusi�essesintheume 1204 GrandAve.Martinsaidthereisaparking mannex, shortage in her 6�ock of Crand due in large Summit-University CouncilllTews BOARD SEATS OPEN RESTORATiVE JUSTICE TherecontinuetobeopwingsontheSum- GlenFdwardshasbeenhiredtnrecmitpeo- mit-Umversiry Planning Councii board in plewithintheSumm�FUniversiryandFrog- SubdistrstsA �three spots), B(four), D(one) town communiGU to be trained in mediatlon andF(one).Ntematepovtionsareopenina➢ andfamilygmupconferencing.Tminedciti- otthesubdstrictsaswelt.Thereaisoaremany zenswillthenworkwithvictimsandolfend- o npr ectsandactvitieswthoutjoin- agreementrhavingtodowith tionand ngtheboardFOrit�formation,czl{execudve communityservice.AtraininESessionwiilbe rox mtormaFwn, WI Edvmrds at224.99D4. � � ° �� - �'�s:�� ,., 4VEEDdiSEED 'e= -�`�"`�'"� A Weed & Seed Steering Cummittee is be- � px,s ,- a�' a,, iagcreafaltod¢velopasimtegicplantoim- �:�—�-,' '-s�. - ,_.3��; x ',�'_ ` Arove the phys�cal app¢arance and tn create sso��at 4�� 5 ����'a � GREEtYHOUSE Open 4 Days.9�4'eRk BaMara Stromer. e��..�. Re�fect Becky MOntgOn St. QaU� St "Emm�ng ' . t7e�oqgh a edun °fhanks far,�nur � Ofta�d L euppart• PttpRW vMPadfctbi{hMmtgorrcryvo`w: SuP.utMN5510Z2s Medica( B[II ReducHon Servlces N� 9�,6 Of AIf Hospital . Contain Errors anc ➢W Yours� A AeWtS� Want To Lower Your 8flis or k We Can Heipl No Reco� J011'1 �S .��5 �7e � ;ether In Iesus' t V Saturday )ubilee Servic Sunday Chapel Service Sunday School Sunday Worship Spc<ia{ Mus�c by ematcy a. ca � • Have Lunch in the Markeiplace 11:30 am-= � Take a Tnur of the I,¢arning Genter 71:30 dflt Y����l ,� �Ot�N� �;�... �FC�GK AI .._._._._._._._._._._._. V f l l 1� l � � ww �eu �a+. wiee �..e ., .,. .�.,. ..... __ _ VOLUME 25 permit district in ayearto see ifit is elfective. Supporters of the ordinance admitted that the propoul �arries some nsks.'7nstead of 6e- ing th¢thing that mak¢s us aII happy, itcouid be the thing that makes us all crazy," said GASA president Bonnie Johnson. Still, she saidthat GrandAvenue needs to try the park- �n'd P�an. Despife e{forts to ge[ employees [o park etsewhece, "not everyone seems to get the message;' said Grand Avenne bvsinessma„ SH�1 supports city ordinance creafing permit parking district on east Grand by 3ane McClive There i5 no hee ride under ordinance thatwould create i hmi[s and estahl�h a peCm+t on the eas[ end of f,rand A"a. onJ�ly 10 tos impo5e a hv¢ hom a hzlf bl Mill Road, as streets behvee and the half b�.. on all o[her sti Underiheoi more than 80 hwr zone w< Association (SHA) vot¢d : an ordinance ttutwould parking limit on Grand �st of Dale Street m Ayd u on Dale and Vittoria �d and Summit avenues, orth and south of Grand ithatarea ce, residents living in the seholds within the hyo- e required to purcha5e i the rityfor $10 peryear. 6ow them to park i� the than two hours wRhout The Geand Ayenue Su>iness Association (G.�IBA) wil l tak¢ up the iuue on Augtut 13 be- fore the de0ate makes itr way to Qry Hali. Earlier this year, tf �e GABp and SHA boards voted to suppoK the parking plan, which was three years in themaktng,yt away to provide for 6etter enforcement of garking rutric4ons and to get the vehi<Iu of employees and downtown commu[ers off of Grand and i1s cro5s-streets. Under the ortginal plan, residen[s Iiving in the [wo-hour zone would have received free parking permits. However, concerns were raised at the nty ]evei about giving (ree park- ing to GrandAvenue residents while people hmng within other perm7[ parking districts are charged $10. S!�IA board mxmber David Schultz cast [he lone vote agarns[ the new permiC ordinance on luly 10. "I fad to see how this soivu the D�oblem;' he said. Other SHA board members said the prnrrit d'utrict should be implemenced, at IeasC on a trial CharlesSkrief. "Wewon'tknowwhathapp¢ns unHl we try iG" He asked that the cpmmunity councit and businus associatlon review the Ave�ue in ueing mscussea moroughly before any City Counci� ac[ion. Thune has agreed to introduce an ordi- nance to create the permit park�ng, which eliminates the need to obtain signatures on a petition. At least 60 perCent of Ne property owners on a block usual ly must sign a peti6on before permi t parkmg is allowed by the ci ty. IF approv¢d, the Gmnd Avenue permit parking d'utrict would be the first in the city to be cre- ated by ardinance. Under Ne ordinance, the affected streetr woutd be poued for two-hour parking (rom &:00 am. to 9:�0 p.m. seven days a week. Bus�- nesses coutd petiUon to have 15-minute park- ing spaces during businus hours. Public Works stalf wo�ld workwdh GABA and SHA to determine where the IS-minute zonu �nside the �`azette - t � �� � Rec centers shoat for CIB marbles ........p. S ■ SHA supports permit parking plan ...,....p. 7 ■ Hopefals file for city, school races........p. 10 ■ Bikes provide Grand transportation.....p. 14 ■ Nick Swardson leaves'em laughing.....p. 15 AUGUST1997 � � � x � iUM�R S11I,E� 30•50°�a OFF Selected7�ems d90-3185 • Kitchens • Additions • Restoration • Remodeling Youf Neighborhoad 5peciotist �04� Gtantl Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 r.+mwio ' "L:40�/ff �G , �Oi� �tL2 ff�tc ��i%s siurt� Aug D oR tH!!ss t�ie YOCee poa wrile,r, el�i�l�� �i�w�ur, �u'dde po✓�a a�cade du�i7� ��/� Buiid a summer vaca this great communi avu �n oiner perm�C Da�king districts in the city woutd not be ailowed to pirk on Grand Avenue for rswre than iwo hours at a lime. ; Cifiy, school district agree on plan ; to open police storefront at J.J. Hi11 by lane McClare Offiaaisfrom[heqtyoP54Paulandthe5t. (undsfora PauiPublicSchoolshaveworkedoutaplanto thedistncl sharethecostotprwidingpolicepro[ection ganatund dunagthe193798academicyearatiJ.Hii1 pro�idefo� School,9°ASeibyAve. far,thepa� Selby Avenue will have a police substation toward th� at[heuhoolwhileitrcusr¢nlsRecontinuu timepolim � a4em� out ofthe New Begmmngs Center. 3:09 p.m. 664 Seiby dve. The schnol will cantinue ta pxovide $7, F�.r�� ,rv.ln.��..�. avsmg anC IoDbyin& c2mpaign to �art time police protection. Thvs �b have raised more than 53,000 xtimated $2QDDD cost for part- werage behveen 10:00 a.m. and :hool offiaaVS said they ptan to IOfortheposiGonthroughahud- ,..i 'P6 o n.. � ��i r -n - - - - �. �� � � � ,��y� �� , f t � .I'� , ,su. `,a� I '. � 1 �-� ay � t �-�� � �� �1���."_ �> �� � �� � � .. i ..� �tt`./lYtJla'i'��Q�fCIY�, �� ����� rtri Y Z: � � 'i� 1 � �� _ �l � �m. '� `: , !� �� MUSfC � ART s W, � ��� � Inside the Gazette �7- i l(o� ■ Grand pian for uniform parking .............p. 3 ■ Merchants request Grand beat cop.........p. 7 ■ Interpreters provide }ustice for all........_.g. & ■ Peopte's Choice crusade continues.........p. 9 ■ Love only a parent can provide .............p. 12 VOlUME 25 � �NUMBER 3 p ' PR �� �� SHA, GABA seek uniform tw�o-hour parking limit for Grand's eastern end }yJaneMcCture deatBOnnielohn»n"Stttt,we'rerhrilledW b¢ heading in the right dirution" Aproposaithatwouldcreateuniformpark- Those who would b¢ atfecscd 6y the inglimitsontheeastemendofGrandAve changuwi{IbenotifiedbeforetheCityCwn- nue,andatthesametimeprovidefreepark- tiltake5anyacHon,butithatnotyetbeende- mg permiks for those who live m the area, terminedwhetheriheGrywillbeseeitingthe u now making i[s way ro [hz St Paul City consentof75 percentofall propertyowners, Cauncil. which is required whm utablishing a permi[ Three years in the making, the proposed parkingdistr�ck Schumann said adhering to Grand Avenue narkina nlan was adooied se- tSie ?5 pezcent consenF would prevent the ciation Associa the plax on uaze a�xi ncwna sUeNsbetweenGrandand Summit avenuu, and the n,ock sopth on al, other streets intersecting with 5:00 a.m to 8: seven days a we� ing IS-minu[e zonu would rer , ��� Alle uic�! _Ae is risen_ 9:W � 30:30 am. WorrHip Ce7ebraiims vnA Gaa, dwv. cmparv aM bJlc t5Z3 Famww�Avc :,�✓so-a�.�ew�ww rc�mi Make I�ou s 3fa�s20X� B �6s2460H Pmak&Pav1x14Y.OH TshPmSpeaak � & `'� J� �r�s�swoe �v ^,�e�unsape'1.17!]- .wr.wn. li�33.1997 Business dwble,"hesai8. � the city, "3 jvst don't think that you should give (,� "There's a mishmash of parking limits in the area now and thaYs why there's no enforeement. The people mho fake adnantage ofthatare the employees." stands wautd 6e removed. Proponrnts of the plan say that uniform parking time timiks on Grand will ailow fox better enforcement of parking ruhictions and get the vehicles of employeesand downtown commuters off the sheeGt. "Thue's a mishmash of parking limits in the area now and thaPs why there's no en- forcemeeK," said Mike Schumann, an SHA 'The the more of fiving in !hm the the plan, hut he remainc co�¢med that it will push emPWYee Parking deeper into the neighbm- hqod Grand Avenue em- ployeuandcustomersare already restriMed from us- ing some 300 on•sKeet pa[king spacu in the Vic- toria Crossin? areaas the whUher the new packing plan would be effeo- tive in azeu where parking is al ready ak a pre- mium, such as at Cm�M and Dale. "Permit parking isn't going to help all ttat muth in my area where parking is only aiowed on one side ofDale," uid Bill Skally, an S}3N board member and ov+ner of Slmlly's Tax Service and three apa�etment 6uildings near Grand and Dale. "We recognize thaf this isn't gwng fo he(p al{ that much (at Grand and llaley," Scfiu- mann seid. "We hoye to find other ways to ad- dreu the D+oblems associated with parking bans." Meanwhile. wncems have been raised at wouid atiav residmts to park in the postea Ne ciry areas for more than two hours without 6eing mits tA ti[keted: P�P1e � The Grand Avenue parking plan hit a few are cfia bumps in ihe road before GABA and the 5HA city's D apprmeA GABA board members wanted to Yet a see the parking 2one extended hom Lincoln numbe roSummitavenuesonallswrth-sou[hstreetr_ dence.i "WethinkiPsconfusingthattheparkingreg- Paul,a utac�onsendinmid-hlock,"saidGABAqresi- residen issue to Lloyd's Autornotive receives approval to rezone Grand duplex for parking yy)en¢McCI�v¢ six new repair 6ays, a new otfice and rest rooms. 1H�H.,�a�o)asipnvdneiphho.hnndnetitiem ineteadofbein�setbackfromGrandAw Just in time for Spring... Celebrate the .Season with Wuoltet's Petite Fr-ccit Tarts. I t s the season of celebrations - the beginning of Spring, May Day, � Mother's Day, graduation, anniver- sariea Then there's the seasonal rimals - the inauguration of the backyard deck, the opening of the Iake cabin, the re-acquaintance i of friends and neighbocs aRer a long winter's hibernation. You can make your celebrations blissful � with WnolleYs delicious Pe6te Rmit Tarts, made wiffi a butter short paste erust with bavarian cream, ropped w'xth fresh seasonal fruits. Buy one Petite Fruit Tart 36oa r and get a second one .�'ree! Offergood wi[h triis ad 1oSOc Moaday, March 37, throvgh yyi� µ, Saturday, April 5, 1997. T.imit six free tarts n0r custofi0r.. �26 E. Sol1d Inte I11 I�lgtilC�. � , , . , F ,...: x � �+ g .��� -.� �� �� ��� � s � �� �'i ,..0 � ,�. ,• � , t . r , 3etter 7han tiew! au s tauu �m+� � �l lwn 2 f�ey�a�es, Ivg� Id wtl6 mabae „� � �ot t�e va �Pmrta� StY507 cross� a��c. ����� � �� "r"=.Y,�., ,.. �.. . '�`40� 4f yafte thinking abuut a move, call me for a EREE Market Aitalysis! 696-085 2100 FwdParhm%➢� A201 Q � futons & �� p ' � frames� � its a fali fiock ot �,. . tumnsf+eCla�s '� • mqantlerat ��''}"�� ���„`w ioY npEm+s . �0%oRtw+swl�rs� iow��wrt�m wmzsx m:ua�+�es .m��at0^a �ard+V 5199 Sf� �arcT� u+l 9t9 599 :��a� � � wm�y0eu�rw�sw�� �� c�e�"�vrce% ' �.� depth of_fieid ��� New collectio�� 0 of beautiful, tradi�Gional ceramics Gio of Latin America. � F Fromibnhnu53MYAbqes . j(JgILEE SHOP � Int¢rnational Handcrafts 1�51 Gnnd Avenue., SL Paul Phane 22S10A3 . M ppponents' petitions� � l �.� seek to btock perm�t parking p�a►� for Grand bYlaneM`�I�e hss`hes`9Por.oftheGranc Avenve Suvnws ASSO=iation OPposition has started ro and che 5'unmrt Hill Asso:i- formtoaolxntha[x'ouldes- at`a��ga��onG��c tablishaoetsitparl�n$�S' P tnc: and uniform parking on theblocks oriulf-blocics IimiCSOn:heeasttnzndof oE�ntersecungnor[h-souch CrandAvenue.TheSLPaul s.xeetswheieDacking:une �yyCpuncilv+illholdapub- lunitsazecurrendyposeed lic hearing on The pa�k'°6 YeoQle who live m �.a: planat4:30p.�.Wedi'csd nc' ��dufocSl�pe?yu: Occo6ec8,atCityHa�1. $P JimF*itz,w6oha5owned inordermparkonchesneec. the Wedding Shoppe on Te�ss ndonrd�7p<,�m�s Gcand Avenue sin<e 1977. P a���homes. hulaundsedapetifion� �e ��8"�"e e��i� earldng dir againe[ perma p 6� . °Wdrevnhappy�+'���eF^�� tnctandrn�o-houcnmeLmrt that this is going through a�.�esofemployeesgoffthe wlth so little pubhc mti�e' hesaid. stteets and.Eree up more pgcpupofGrandAvenue pazking spaces fo� cus- cesidents aW i5 ieporcedly romers. circulatingap�itionagainst FntzsaidmanyGrandAv- Chepermitparkingdistrict. enue busmess people anc � � Representadvesofthatgroup rental prope[ty ownezs do ( could not be teached £oc ootunderstandtheimphca- commen4' uonsofcheplan.Hesaid�hae AGityCows<ilheanngon postingpexmrtparkir.gor ihe p�an was schedaled for � Grand wilt only push em- September 24, but was de- ployee pazking onro nearby layed so ciry siaff could re- Lincoln and Summu %�- view the pmposed Qarking enuespromptingtheexpxn- ordinance. If appsoved, the sion of the resident or.l� s�retch of Grand Avenue pnrkingxonetl�z[alreaCvea- from Ayd Mill Road to Dale isu on many btocks m cnz $tree[ would become [he Summ��Hillneighborttood 13thpermiCparl:ingdists�ci Healsoazguedthatehetw:; inSt,Paut,butthefirstesmb- hour limit dces noc aflo'. ' {ished wiChout petitiona ° ack, ho at�u"e�%7 s oree � s�gned by a ma�oiity of af- p P fecredpFOPertyownets. and tat a meal at one o. The qatking p�an, which Grand'smanytescau{ancs U • � • Bancorp /frompa9e 7 *as oi 9IS/97_and subjxt to�change without not'ite � to quali�ed bonowers up to a 60 month term for a limited bme ... s� �� ` �N ' f � i NEW �AR LOANS LAtE MO�EL USED iA1t L4ANS H4�tE I�IAROYEMENt LOA1tS �N° �(ORT�AGE LOA11S PLEASE CALL Lisa, Judy, TonnnP �Q1}IV OT TIITl Qt � pEBfi i4NSOLIgA'ttON LOANS ." � pNY AtHER WORtHWHItE FYRPOSE Y4U MAY HAYE tN MIN{ _ � LIBERTY -= STATE BA1�K -ma fomiM - eaar. space as rvell, accoxding tn former Unisys buildmg am )e�ry Trooien, who boughC ample free pack�ng ke. thebui]ding�lastDecember otherfaciasiniufevor,cn.� Erom Lockheed Mactm foc said. $4.375 mil�ion.Trooien said Tcooien,wlw owns abo: heshouldknow`tinthenoF 3ieullionsquazefrecofcos too-dis�eant fucuce" how mercialrealestateinSt.Pai muchedditionai:paceU � ndollarson en aa: Banmrpwillwant. U.S. Bancoc¢ officials �he£ocmerUmrysbuild�r would no[ speculace as [o Hehaz g��en tl�ebuildmr �owmanyemployeeswil�be suwrlimestonefacade.an� wockingazthenewsireunnl entxanceandnewwindo� thry detecmine just which He has had exrensi�e lar mrporafion functions will scap�ng �u aCO�e be moved there. The com- bu+lding.� d"`B P� pany has been headquar- ingoFabout'JS Vees.'Che rered in Fixst Bank Place in terior of Che building � downrownMinneapolisevex gutted,Tcooiensaid,an since its merger with �is� '�'�1lbeieEvzbished'oy'c Bank System seveeal years himandhisnewtenxnt. ago. It currendy o«upies "k's a wonderfel dea; 640,000 square feei of chai us, thz bank and the c buil&ng�'^'��tontinueto Trooiensaid."Were�ah occupy564,0�Osquarefeet aboutalotoFprnPlem�. thecea&eritsmovetoHig 1DN s of U.S Ban<. t�� I U.S. Eanco�p �o leases move was siow m reac 570,DOOsquazefeetindrn+n- businessownersonn� town St. Paul and anoCher Wesc7ih Stceee.hm Bi. 360,W0 square feet Po� its La¢drzv+ile. owne` dsia n*��es�in¢ cencer on Chammp's bar ana rc ��� � ...� �., ...' � -. .� ,e.,.. _ �.. «-s . �� for any worthwhile purpose..-- �ffers latchkey kids a late afternoon of struetured fun by Leslie Watters nild:en have a newaher-scnool ns:a!I. ar.d ic promises ro be a �: G.xn�uxaba6;rsiaingsecvice. : Recczacion CenttYS new Rec -i.l uaer dai!y yypetvise3 home- n arts anc cafu and reading, srd ga.::ts, Geic .rips, sporrs, '-'ry:-'� ��. Children enrotled 'a will praduct the"s own <on- � zcC cosnex<izts and even �w-n wmmunirvnewsoaper. . �:8i; SheriQan.ive., 35 One of xn�rn:n $cPaW patticipating og: xm, which is open m cLtil- !-5. It w�Il run &om 3:00 to -'^.o o! days. StaEF inanbers Uke d ��form paients when their � snow up. nat a lo� of I;ids getting inro n� rt righc aRer rhey get oat of e<Glas., N.omeaoft's d'¢eaoc. �im, many of cht children are "�mdenu who come home to .e bacausr their parents work .�iurnVOn. er as HomecroFts dimctorlast mmun¢y �mdvemzns, he be- s progcams m tl�at dixection. . <ollaboration with youth di- w�sh Communiry Cznter and Apartmmts eha[ had been rrede<essoq and organized a summerscheduleoffree activitiu. "I grew up when everyone at the rec center knew everyone livmg w�thin �ix blocks on a fixst-name bazis," Glass said. He is hoping to recapture tha[ sense of neighbo:hood at Homecroft and he expects the Rec Check Clubwilihelp. Glasssaidhehazabout$100 W spendeach week on pxognmming, or g3,600 tor rhe year. Szptember's schedule features an hour of homework dailyfor those children who have it. (O[hers will be engaged in table or boacd games.) That is followed by a 90-mmute movie on Mondays, art a cooking dasses on Tuesdays on Wednesdays. theater activiCies on Thurs- days and dance on Fridays. TheschedWewasbasedonthesuggesuora of cnildren who par¢cipated in Homeuo@'s summer pmgam"We didr.'c wanc co spend a iot of cime and money developingprogtarns that 1:ids aren't urteresmL in" Giass said Giass ahopingthatsuch Rec Checkacuw- tiu u plzys and sporling evenis will encour- age parenml involvemen t az weLL Glass said he was nised on che D*ogrnms oi the city's Division of Pazlu and Aecreation, andhasworicad for the divssion for 10 years. He said he ¢ mmmrtred ro a family-li7ce ao- mosphere az Homecroh tnat fosters pusonai development and fun. Glass'aim is co give childcen che chance to derelop skills lilce photography, playwriting, `ICids don [have Co wait unui [he}�re 18 ro work a camera,'he said."Everv�hino wr d� CalGnt Glass is hoping the Aec Check Club m- creases Homecroh's visibility.°I went [o Iet people know that fiomeaoft haz a lot to 06 fer;' he said."The mmmuniry inceres[ and s uppoa is rhe re. Tnece's no ceuon we can't be as populaz as a Hillaest or a Grweland." The Rec Check Club �s &ee ro parcicipants, but Chey need to register for the program everymonih.FOrmoremformation or to reg- ister, call Alec Glass at rhe Home<roft Recre- a4on Centei at 298-994. � for permit parking on Grand drawing little oppasati�r� : }ane McClure mg on a propos�l ro create a u. parkinglurutandapenruc on rhe eastrm end of Grutd �!zcioc4B�p m.Wednesday, eioce che Sc Paul City Coun- �eranng l�tt]e opposition if an d Avenue Business Associa- ceral meehng is any indica. uzzn people a[cended the ing cwo ciry staff inembers, mit I;d} Association (SHA) !wo G.4BA board members ry Ceurcit member Dave :rnnd Avanue 6e�weeo Ayd me-half 6tock east of Dale Slocks ur half-biocks of in- -sourh stmr[s—would be- i3th ms�dential permit Only local residents wlwse vehides displayed a permit would be allowed to park'for longer than two hours. Areas where p9rkingis a(ready timired ro tess ihan ewohou�swou4dremainunchsnged ' Resident5FOU3d�buy paricing permits EPr � 510 peryear.They also muld buyvisiror pei'-"- mits and ong=day permits forgatherings at theirhomesl ; ' Thune, Che author of the o�dinance thzt woufdcrea�z ehe nevrpermrt parkingdisiriq, has peomised it will get through the City CouncilbeEorthu eerm exp¢es this year. 7hune <alled [he pian 'a great step for- ward"for the neighborhood, he(ieving it will alleviareparkingcongution onGcandbydis mui employeu and other nomesidrnts &am pazScing on the atreet for purposes other than to patronize local businessu. "I've been supporting somethinglike this For years:'stid Me11a Martin ofDaySpa Mella, 1204 GrandAVe. biaztin said there is a park- ing shottage in hec blo<k of Grand due in Iarge measure to emp{oyees parkmg on the t e ee ° street. The City Counciiuruatlyrequires at ]east b0 percent of ihe affecCedproperty owners to sign a petition before a new permi[ parking dishictwill beconsidered3iawevepThune is introducing the ordinance wichout gomg through the pecition pcocess, Thune cecafled ihat when he First took of- fice in 1990. he received a warning from his predecessor, Q�¢�_Ma}rorJim Scheibel. "(im said the one issue }rou'(1 never, ever get re- solved ispazking on Gca¢dAvwue; Thune said. The SC Paui Departmrnt of Public Works supporss ihepmposal,as dces GABA and the SHA."IPs a solution Chat maynoc be pedecq but iPll help;'said put GABA presidentBrian Alton. The permit parking discrict is opposed by theownersoFWilhverscheid and Peters Mor tuary, 1161 Grand Ave., and the Wedding Shoppe,120t Grand Ave. "Both ofour businesses are dealingwith a �r you are a woman interested in 6ttpming a mentw for a girl, age 9 to 13, WomenVenture invRes you to meet once a month with a youth and he)p her discover the worid around hec HeID ber mntinue to: • Erplae Casper Opporfunifies • P'actice Communication & Deds7pn Making SkfOs • aiake INans ' for the wtrus �- '�. I 6n6'+ana,,... ��n.. different [ype oF cusromer` sa�d Steve Wdl- werscheid of Willwerscheid and Petets."Our customers are not coming in [o eat a sand- wich, they�ce not coming in to buy a book. We're deatingw¢$ rituals hue,were dea(ing with life-changing eventsP The mortuazyprovides 45 off-inee[ park- Ing spacu forviarors and hu additionai em- Ployee parking behind i�s building he said. The Wedding Shoppe has a handful of off- street pazking far employees only. Willvmrscheidisconcernzdihatihefuneral homesparking lot wil7 be used by shoppers and the employees of nearby busmesses to avoid the m-s[reet parking restriccions "[t can wst quite s hit for us to keep unwanted cazsouiof ouc lot;'he said. GxandAvenue busmess owner Mike Schu- mann asked if the funeral home wuld receive an exemption hom [he permrt parking dis- [rict Howeveb Shetka and Thune said the dty is required to treacatl6usinessu ia the same manner. � � Itt tl'te � �„ a � • ��� 7ooN�decarwotherprt�blems even rzrore wwuscan srartatan ' ear3Y�.5owxsv46'�sthEgn" �unge Pm�'an14(regWartXxN� �ut�oMNM P��l�te¢aziYOa e Most�a x zarei. Eady orlateappo'uv�reNSava�ay�p, - wan<ar�a.��aa,� aed pusonzi¢ea crea4nem �a�s, � - Comxseewcaltuswen -11��1 When Rec Check director Alec Giass (lek) gave Chanel Bell the opiion of homework or uble games,she hesitated a momenc before choosin9 homework Photo byTerryFOUSt. �'m+n8 2-bedxoom near everythiog! . iwoud tioors in dinang roam, newez �en and 6akhrpom Custom destgned � � Fun in the sun . 'pecialsectionisbursting � £ � t wr.h info on Highland Fest ' � 3 � Straight shaoter Marbles tourney aims Co revive childhood game o4days past _ y .. �� Playing hardbati �'' ' i Local Legion baseball reamz resurrettlong-standingrrvairy. � )� . .. , � �- "� '-� �--°----' ,'� u-c.a�zr Summit Hifl Assn. supports crea 0% Off Dry Cieaning �■ coxcx�rE • � pncfudesPrap�;) � s� Z �a� - of permit parking d�strict on Gr; � � and/ar $1,39 Men s Shirts ,� Grand business people to debate the issue Augu< � Beaul'HUiry Launtlered & Pressed on Hanqers � r— F y CG..c� -� 1 We ope2[e Ne finest 7265 NC Dry Clean Machine Wnich � � � j � ausbl5crysblciearperc.Ctearperc=cieanebthes. � �'ZQ�JO p�$(O�j(� byJaneMcClure �seffe<uve. � � Su ortecs of che ocdmance ac � �= ='===,.� '�.�o�.,_�'__'==''�1' M1pWAY � �,. Cleaners & � Shirt Launderers � 1802 St Clair 699•2445 � 224 No. Cleveland b44-498� M1��Y Oeamrz—a part o/S£W WHAT� _ � � � wifh wupon fhru e/31/9l � � � i � I 1 1 � � I � . n � 1 7y�e Gotden Comb I 1 r-m..ar�+o:..nyr g 1 � )I4 5a. develand Ave � 698-8880 L_________.1 Summer Madness � � Great Prices � Great Goods �°' yY a: °• " � G��y � � � � 523-525 Seiby Avenue 290-2939 There u no (ree ride mder a proposed city ordinance ihatxrou�d <reare un�formperking f imits and establish a pecmit pazking dis[rict on the ear end of Grand Avenuc. The Summi[ Hiti Association (SAA) voced on (uly IOrosupportan ordinance thatwould impose a ttvo-hour parking Iimit on Grand from ahaifblock easi of Bale 54eet w Ayd Mill Aoad, as weli as on Da1e and Vmtoria sveeGS between Grand and Summrt avenues, andihe halEbLock nocth and south of Grand onallothersueetsinthatsrea. Undu the ordinance,residenttliving �n tlie more [ha� 800 households within the two- hour zone would be required to Qurchase paxking permits trom the city for SI6 per yeac The perm�4s wouid allow them ro park in the posced area for more [han two hours wiehouebeingdckeced The Gxand Avenue Business Asso<iaCion (GABA) will wke up the issue on August 13 beFore the debatemakes i6 wayfn City Hall. Eazliea this yeac, ehe GABA and SHA boards voted m support the parking p{an, which was three yeazs in che maldng,as a way to pro�ide for betrerenforcement of pazking resttictwns and to gM the vehicles of empl0y- eea and down[own mmmuiers off of Grand anditsaoss-stceecs. Undertheoriginalplan,residentshvingin thetwo-hourmnevrouldhavececeived&ee packing pe[mits. Aowever, concecns wece raised at the city about giving fret pazk- ing to Gcand Avenue residents while people livingwithin other permit paokingdisKic[s azechaxged$10. SHA boerd memb er David Sck�uhz cast the lone vote against the new Permic ordinance on july 10.°t fail m see how this solves the probtem: he said. Other SHA board membexs 5aid the pec- mi[ district should be implemented, a[ least on a v�al buis."I see thu u ao experimen4" said Chartes SkrieE"We wodt know what happens until we try it"He asl:ed that the community coun<d and busmess association review the permit district m a yeaz ro see if it PP the proposat carries some nshs being the thmg thae makes us t couid be the ehmg that makes u sazd GABA pxesidenc Bonme {oF she said ihat Grand Avenue ntec parkingplan. Despire efforts m ge! emplm� etsewhece,"noieveryone seert: measage"said Grand Avenue h� andrental property ownzr Bill S�. City Gaonc$pres�denCDave Th wacd takes in the proposed perr 8isnict, sa[d he was inivally sxe� fhe plan, especia➢y d�e idea of g� Avenue residen[s free garlang ; said his support of the ocdinance being discussed Ynoroughly ber. Council actio�. Thune haz agreed to inirod� nance to aeate the peim¢ pad elimmates the need to obtxin s�g� peti[lon. At least 60 percent of U owners on a block usually must tion befoce pecmit pazking is ail. city.7f apprwed,tk�e Gxand Ave parking distrlct would be [he Hc m be created by ordinance. Undec che ordinance, che a;f: would be pasted for two-ho�r p. 8:00 zm, to 8:00 p.m. uven days e nesses<ouldpeationtahare IS-r ing spaces ducing busmess h< Wotks staff wouVd wock .rIIn SHA eo determ3ne where tne zoneswouldbe. The ordinance would a(low < hofd within the district to bvy r pmnits. Ruidents also would be chase visitor permits for 570 : sQetial-event permiu for Si UO �. The r.ew disicici woutd no: b �isting permit pazWng dutnr rered azou¢d Vcroria Crossmg �� there and in oeher germit pavl a<coss che city would not be zl. on GrandAvenue for moie thxn atime, Ramsey County ups ante for y� h�,�i�P�r with riSP in ice arena fer Publisher's Notes Parking plan is thi right thing to do by �lichael Mischke �7ce Schwnann mus[have known fhere woWd be days ]Dce this.On'e haffof the husband and wifz team t7wt o0erates Traditions on Grand; Schumann is a veteran of pastHill DisGict s`seet fights hzvingta6oredforihebetter ' part of hvo years to 'pexrnead the mnGoversial re[um ofMarshall ynd Daywn a�enuu to iwo-way sheeh. Schi:mann and hu �.ue Swann¢ aze ruidentr of Daycon in the Ramsey Hil nzighbornood. But iCSchumarin [hought DaytonAvenuewas a battle, wiia[ he's fxcingnav on Cmnd Avenue may he more altin to all-ou[ war. A CrandAvenue parkingylan that hu bem three YQNS irt t�l¢ mdicina herame hhe h.ne�..rt.. <_.. � read wscone suaaeniy looked up to iloot on Grand. (When it waz rbusineu owners that her � hnd h¢c business aswciaGon': ie Aazking propnsal in depth ly was, "Oh, l'm too bury to m to [he CrandAvenue �ing i(not pugnacious, lts one but two petition drivu [o poSalLh3tltasthesolid.if aiC ofa IocaL In a nutsh� • Limit pai block east o(. and Vctnria � a:VV p.m.5even tla parking �n a permi • Allow resident Che hvo-hour wne ciry for §10 pu pe� household.Reside� SI O per permit per Derrttits (or$1.00 e ruidenGS arid their more thyn hyo hou Road.The � 8:00 a.m, to illegally renUy $15.00. �eholdswi�in :rmitr hom the »t of hvo per �r permits for s0eciat-ev¢nt aUow ishi<t far 4Ynat alculat ucust ee[15 0l mongi ow is G uMC[i ractica �iicelv �zce I ie city. parking elsewhere. � �e done is mount a az mariy parking 5paces accommodahng the s, who happen to be suuungaca:w p.m. WeMesdaY. �tober 8. inCiryHall. ' 1 mustsay Iwas ambivalentaiwutthe parking pian for many month5—as a GrandAvenue ruiden[and as a busmess owner whose success depends to a large degree on the success o( Crand Avenuz B u t after p Iaying devit's advoca[ewith those on eitherside otthe battle lines, I'm convinced that the pian is boN doable and duirable. The facC is, w�th parking spacu at such a premium, empbyees nwer should have been parking on Gmnd Avenue in the firstplace. But human nature being what it is, they've tak¢n ydvan�ge of a situation that allmved Yhem to parkas close Eo warkaz they possibly could. [don'tnxc�od�.�.,,......._.�_:,._ _ . . . ;► �� f � s t t f c t i t t c C f I : 7 I � r 1 � ( t t f I t � I i � � � � `��`l��P� � � � . � � _a� � , � � � � G �� �y � � � Q .� �. C o�i 3 n' 'i U X � � N � .� C � G O � �� C � i >°'., rt o � � � q _ 3 o � � �� o � � � � C C ,,� � , d � � N �OG rtt G N � � L d O ,Y V � y � � G O 'w 4 �N � ° c, .� U 3 � v o v � F° v� � 0 � � ■ Parking plan has Grand flaws �� -(��� Deat� editor: Pazidng on GrandAvenue can become congested at times and I do believe that something needs to be done. However, tucning the eastern end of Grand Avenue into z pe.-mit parking disuia and creating a uniform two-nour parking zone is not the answer to the problem. The proposal to glve residents permiu but exciude the employees wno work in shops on Grand simply will not work Bydoing this,employees will have to garkon eoads norih and south of Grand that aiready suffer from pazking problems. in a sense, ihe dtywoutd be simpiymoving the problem to a differentarea. The shops and rescaurants on Grand are unique.There are many people who will visit three or four shops and then have iunch or dinner. The last thing they want ro worry aUoue is moving their car out of a nvo-hour zone so they won'tget ucketedAt thai same time, these customers dodt want to park their cars tevo or three blocics away from Gmnd to go shopping. I attend the Universityof St. Thomas and we also have a serious parking problem that seems to get worse every yeaz. Oddly enough,T always seem to find a spot in a one-hour mne everymorning.I reaGza I'm ontysupposedto pazk there for an hout,but I leave mycaz thece for up co eight hours a:. day.The reuon I doxit get a tickeiis because it's so hardto monitor one-hour zones.I would imagine it's even hazdexto monitor a nvo-hour zone. At first the permit plan maywork,but as soon as workers and cus;omers realize there's really no way to monitor a nvo-hour wne, they'll leave their cars there as fong as they pleue and the problem will return. T guess shop owners could repozt the cars thatare parked for more than hvo . houcs,but I don'tthinkthe�lthave too many ceturning" customers i£thac happens: John Seidl Hightand Park .:� � � �1-llb 17 On solid footing Pickin'& grinnin' ^) Hanging tou� Hghtand, MacGroveland host �� Oorrohue CD pays homage L � Teddies bring home : fikh Home Improvement Fair. L� t0 a fingervpickin� vadiUOn. . L fmm s[ate CWSS f,A:. - St. Paut seeks to satisfy Plastics and save tract for new housing City studies alternative sites for manufacturing plant bYianeMcClure Support appears to be buitding in SL Paul City Ha11 to conYert the krmer Kofi-Mo6il fuel tank fazm at West 7 th Street and Otto Avenue to a new residen[iai neighborhood and find an- other locadon for a re7oated Plastics Inc. The Gity CqunciL nn Ma�ch 12 identified ihreepossibie new sites for ihe dow ntown plas- ticsmanufacmrerand asked the Por[AUthority and ciry staffto�puc together plans for mwing Plastics lnc. to one oF tho5e sires. "7(we want to connect [he nver to the people �' �whoGve and workin ourcity,ihis (liousingpro- jecd'u an opportwityrodojust that; said Wazd 3 council member Mike klarri& A$60 million plan was mveiled las[ fall by the West 7th/Fort Road Federation and BrighP on Development w buitd a 4S0-unit housing development on ihe former fue! rank hrm. The proposed River Bluff Vi]lage would entai1256 towohauses and 8Q single-family homes with an avecage value of $200,000, 54 apartroent units for independentseniorcitizensand 90 u- sisted-livingapar�mentunits fortheetderiy. Seven poimtial sites for Plastics Inc. have GtyCouncii/see page 5 �, �1ni�o�rm two-h�ur parking I�mi�t ` sought for eastern end of Grand IryJaneMcClure A proposal thatwould c2eate unifoxm pack- inglimits on the eastun end of Grand Avenue, and at [he same time provide free pulting per- m�ts for those who {ive in the azea,is now mak- ingitswayto the SLPauI CiTyCoundl. Three years in the making,the proposed Gcand Avenut paxking plan was adopted ce- crntlyby the boazds of CheSu:nmit Hill.9ssoci- a[ion ($HA) and Grand Avenue Bnsmess Association (GABAJ. If appwved by tt�e city, the plan woWd aeate unifocm tw0-hour parkmg limits oa GtandAvenue from a half blotk east of Dale Saeet ro A}dMill Road u wellas on Date andYictocia stxeets betxeen Grand and Sum- mit avenues, and the halFblock north and half biocksouch ona(Iotheistccecsin�e�uctingwith Grandinthisarea. Streets would be posted for nvo-ho ur parking fwm SAO am, m 5:00 p,m.,uven days a week. Esisting 15-minute parking zones would re- main during business hours. All cab stands would beremoved. 4roponents of [he plan say that uniform patxing [unelimitson Grand will aUowforbeF terenforcemmtofpazkingres4ictionsand get the vehides oFempfoyees and downcown <om- mutersoffihestreeCS. "There's a mishmash of parkinglimits in the Parki�/see page 3 � � $ICJtl Of Sj3ilil J(YO COM@?�. Horace Mann Crum6le inspects the aocuses cha[ were blossoming abm, schooi bekre Monday s snowstorm. Pharo byMike Long. Legista�ion would strike a better deat for fathers i� byBobGilbect Rebeccz Picazd makes it her business to help divorced fathers remaln a part of their childrens lives. As an advocaee for the Fazlur i ResputteCenta�theLincolnAvenueattorney served on a sia[e Supreme Cour[ task force whose recent report on family Iawhas been incosporated into abill uow before ihe state I.egisletuYe. _ Pirard believesthaesmtelawsgoverningdi- w�ce hinder rathecthw help thecoupkwho aze dissoiving theii mazriage. Though she tonsiders herseif a feminis6 Picard said she believes in the miuion oF che Pathets Resouxce Cemer, whose stanw is pm-fathet but not at tht fxpense of the mothea Tne cenrerpmmotesthe beliefthatwhenfa- thei5 am iowlved in the lives of the¢ chi3dren� allofsocietybene6ts. "The coutt triggers a bc of che emotions that make divmce Mtter by awuding sole physicat custody ofthe children to one par- ent saidPicacd."Itfoscersacustodybattle �atputskidsinthe middte. "Cuscody and visitation are de- meaning rerms tLat do not really de- srnbe che relation- ship benveen a pazmtand a child;'she said °Someofusazenowwozkingon astatutetliat would take �hose tttss out and replace them with a�arrnting plan and a'pazmting schedule.'" Theiegalsystem.i thers."Unlusboin t rodyofthe childrer geting m get it; she s have a realiy good dad most of the um custody to the mor liave been involved � �,�yna,t,u� Bylaw,theparen� Custody and visifation are demeaningferms that do not really describe fhe relationship between a parentand a child. � WEUNESDAY,MAHCH26.199J�...�. ..... .` ............. VIILPGEd . . . . . Parking from pa9e 7 azea now and thaPs why [here's no enforcemenq"said Mike Schumann, an SHA boazd memberand co-own- er of TradiCions on Gra�d. ""Pue people who take ad� vantage of tLat are the em- pioyees" Undex the pazking plan, cesidencs li»ng in the moxe than 80� households within thenvo-hourzonewoaidre- ceive free [esidenaal parking permits from the city. The permiss would ailow resi- dents to park � the pos[ed azeas foc moce than two haueswithoutbeingcicketed. The G�and Avenue pazk- ing plan hic a few bumps in the road before GASA and the SH9 approved it. GABA board members wanted 'w see the parking zone u- tended &om Lincoln ro Sum- mi[ avenues on all north- south stree[s. "We think it's confusing that the parking regulations end in mid- block;'said GABA president Bonnie )ohnson. °Still, we're thriUed to be heading in the right direc[ion." Those wha would be af- fected by the changes wiil be notified before the City Council [akes,anyacUon,but it has not yet been deter- mined whether the cirywi➢ be seeking the conunt of 75 percen[ of all property own- ers, which is required when es[ablishing a p ermit padar�g districc.5chumann said ad- heringtoihe75percentcan- sentwouldpreventiheplan from evetbeingimplement- ed"It isn t doabie,' he said. "I just don't think that }rou shoutd give propmy owners blanketvetopmver." SHA board member )im Lynden, whn owns a hw:e on Gcand Avenue,said he u in Favor oE ehe plan, but he cemains concexned that it will push emptoyee parking deepec mm the neighboc- hood. Grand Avenue em- ployees and cu5toy�ets are aI- ready restricted from using some 300 on-sVeet parlung spaces in the Victoria Cross- ingarea az theres�it ofa resi- dent-only permf[ parking dis¢ict established there in January1993. Some SHA board mem- be� also questioned wherhu the new parkingplan would be effective in areas�where pazking is already at a pre- mium, such as at Gxand and Dale. "Permie parking isdt going to help all thaz much in my area where parking is oniy altowed on one side of Dale," said Bill Skally, an SHA board memberand mvner of Skall�+s Tax Srnice and Chree apartinent buildings near Grandand Dale. "We rewgnize tha[ this isn't going ro help all that much (at Grand and DateJ; Schumann said."Wehope to find other ways m address rhe problems associated with pazkingbans.' Meanwhile, concerns have been raised at the city level about giving hee patking permits to Grand Avenue residents while othex people IivingwiHilnpermrtparking disvicts aze charged $10. said Duane Jagiello oF the <it}+s Departrntnt of Publi< Works. Ye[ another issue W be wozlced out is the number of &ee permits to allow each residence. In most permit pazking districts in SG Paul, a household maypuechase up to fourresident permits and nvovisitorpermits \s J.iY 1YY Y wL1V Y.i �iamond Jirti s MAII • 8Dt 5� Now through A; BeduliCulIlarak; fifr�dreds of and out! umqueLaranvc ¢ealions fr�t a'fl' tIX � ���„ys&7l+ursc 5p�mg Qa�ses- �IOrd4Cr�det F. Nrcqus. FkxaLtAmm�at, Qi- Pasaix6ed Gardeiu Baskers, Slamed Glass, UNque Gfi Re�tOdcDailV! • 672-i52-t q�- ���� T.:, � ���'^ .. ��'� � _e • We invite to examinc lf ywi re lookmg for a dmic w'r emellent and ihe people arc gc give Aspen an examinanon W'c neighborhood Our panent u; �ceptionaf. And we accept mc plans. $o wme in for a 6ee ge� 7]iae's no obliganon A�d cnar great aboyt what you see 1�e have 12 din¢ loceaons, mc Bdndaua�Sqwze,1020 Bandana U�ent Care 541 J011 Eas! Lake SVeet, 3024 S�ellirv �AhinneaPal�s, 728d8D0 High7a�PaxY; 2004 Ford Pkw Weat $t. Pa¢i, t785 S Robert i �" � , f�kr ? h 1 < .��1 e' � �"��' MedicalGro �e What to Do About Yaur Hand Pain when thnt ol¢rai 6ell rings m the mominq, mos[ of us nre cempted to !ut th¢ snooze button a few times. For some of us, ttwt means using hands ond ftngers th¢t ¢re painfW ¢nd stiff. Hnnd pain is �mmmmon in the young, but frequenlly nccompanies ag5nq. It is a dSfACVlt type ofpoin to 3gnom: thexe uren't mnny chings we do ihot don't invoive our hands md finge¢. Far many�peopie, the simple ac[ of griQping a jac lld, or pi up n book, or tumin9 on the s[ove or watei fuucet, is a pnmCW, serious uc[. Attlixi4s is a genem! term for many probtems, but can aeate hand pnin a5 well. Some questions to euk you:self which may prov(de a guide to helping wifh Mnd pnin: • ts there a family hisCOry of nrthntk? • Are my knuticles swo7len, w�m or hot? • ls it painful to grip something or make o fist? • Is the pnin in certain finge�s, oc in my whole hand? • Do I hove sore muscles if I push on the hont ¢nd back of my forenrms? � IF7 mnvP mv nerk in Aitferent pnsittnns kR bei1, 0.0 �Y Pmom have hund pain, parua nnswezed "y�" ro any c above, grve a dator of < ARer o11, momings are 1 vnMOUt hand pain mo! Heo{t!� c fxcept for 75-minu[e limits in front ofbusine5ses—like the one above near Milton Street—Grand Avenue from Oak- land Avenue to Ayd Mill Road wou(d be posted for two- hour parking from 9:00 a.m.to 8:00 p.m.daiiy under a plan approved by the Grand Avenue Business Association and Summit Hili Association. Photo byMikeCong. Oct-03-97 03:18P Wedding Shoppe, Inc. 612.298.9538 P.Ol � � 1 ( �' 1' � � From: Jim and Lois Fri[z Wedding Shoppe, Inc. 1196 Grand Avenue St PaU1, MN 55105 Telephone 298-1144 Fax 298-9538 7'0: Fellow Susiness Members Cancerning: 2 Hour pernrit parldng on Grand Avenue NO MOR� TRIPS TO THE SHOPPING MALL! Approximatety 6 yeazs ago several GABA membeis, myself included, attended a seminar on how Grand Aven� businesses could increase and keep their market share of business in the 90's. TLe speaker aa expert in this area, launched two concepts: 1) Shopping malls are Grand Avenue's comperition, and 2) Giand Avenue should be marketal u one lazge shopping mall. Great concept, the speaker was rewacded with applause! OnIY ane Prob�em, I don't know any shoQping malls ihai have a two honr patking limit, do you? If ow competition is !he malls, why should we as buc;nesses piace ourseives in a distinct disadvantage to our cosnpetiiion. Why �voutd any entrepreneuc in his right mind want to limit the time, potential cvstomets may be in their stoie. Lois and I liace owned the Waddivg Shoppe, since 197?, we l�ave seen Grand Aven� grow from a sWggling business area, w the best in St Paul. We have been a GABA member for 15 yeazs, and tiave supported thett ideas and leadership,1i11 now! We f�] that an imponant issue like 2 honrs pernut parkin8 which di�eclly affects Yrnu nronertv riehts , and more direcUy your bottom line should have been put w a vote afler all opinions, pros and cons were aired. This has rwt bcen the case. In earrly September in a Summit Hill Newsletter, we inadvcrtently found out abont the sp�ific ocdinance and it amicipated passage date of September 24. As of tivs writing we also feel ihe majoriry of residents, property owners, a� maoy busi�ss ownecs have no knowledge or limited knowledge of the ordinance and its potearial ei�'ec2. Consec�uendy, Lois and I have airthored a petition that opposes passage of the proposed ordinance. The purpose of this letter is to open your eyes and thoughts w the following, 1) After ten years o�' worlc, GABA tras adopted a"boiler plate" ordinance for permit parking already used in residential aeighborhaods in St Paul, it is not speci£cally designed for Gratid Avem�e, and its pessage in other neighborhoods has typically required 60% of signature by property owne� and tLau pfesented to the City Cauncil for passage. 2) Two hour pazking wiA create enforcrable uniform parking, tickets will be issued, and your angry customers may ask you to Qay for their parking tickets. 3) Two hour parking may not offer enough time to prescat your produc[ or seivice to your customer. 4) The net result of two hwr parking will move some employees off Grand, but com+ersety it will now allow Gsand Avem�e residents tt�rongh pertnits, to park in azeas they previonsly could not park. snch as one-hour wnes. 5) Two hais parkiag will anger Grand Avenue [esidents who will �mw l�ave to purc2ase $ t 0 parking perniits for the"u car and Slo for vistor parking permits limit of 2, to park on Grand where previously tbis was frce. 6) Two hour parking will folce yow employees ta pazk on Lincoln or Susnmit Avenue presenting a potential legal liab'slity for you to pravide secvtiiy to and irom their r�rs, and it will cause anger in those residenls (who are also your cus[omers) to opt for permit padang on th�e s�reets. Oct-03-97 03:18P Wedding Shoppe, Inc. 612.298.9538 P.02 ° ��`IIG� In ��+++�tion after only 3 hou�s of taking the petition to businesses and residents we have found: 1) Siany-nirn signatures aga�nst t�ave been obtained, af which 60 signers prior to sigring the pdition, were unauare of fhe contents of the pnoposed ordina�xe or the date of the city coancii meeting Sept. 24, 1997 2} FouRcen are buaness ownerslcommerc�al pmPertS' owners who oppose its passage. In other words the number ofbnsinesss and ptoperty owners, residems, etc- tbat oppose passage of this ordinance is growing. Ef yau oppose the passage of this ordinance, Please come sign lhe petition available a[ 1197 gratHi Avem�e, 11:00 am - 6:00 p.m. Mon. Fri. Rega�dless of qour position we encoucage you to call tLe St. Paul City Council at 266-8560 gve your business name, address, and express yonr view point. Don'i de}ay, City Council meetiag is Wednesday, October 8th, City Hall downtown Councit CLantbeis at 5_30pm. Be there, its to late to voice your opnuons after its passage! Thank you fo� listening W aur Qosition. James and Lois Fritz The Wedding Shoppe, I�. Tbe information and opinions expressed hercin are tLat of ihe authorlproperty owner and aze not meant Io be a legal opinion on the effects of H�e proposed parking ordinance. � � � � - � _ �� .� �..�. � I� � � .�. �� �� .' � ! � ��5� � .� �' � � ; ■� �. i"1 � �s�m �.�� sa� � : �'� � � � '� � � � � ... � � � ��' ���;�� i�ii �� . � �, _ ,, _ - - � � � �� � �� � � � ' .� � �' �� � ;� , 'j� �� � � � � � '�■� ;�� � m� � i� � s� � �' � � � ,��i,' � � �� ��� �� � � - - --- --t � a - ' � �__ -- i .-X ' _ J'� r 0 ��_��� m � ( _�_�___ � M � � _ 2 "______ . _'�Q �r ph-. �� S��s► � �+s � � � ��� iui2oi97 09:49 FA% 612 227 1456 GRAND JETE a��-���� TO: ALL C(N GOUNCIL MEMBERS MAYOR NORM COLEMAN RE: QCT�BER 22 VOTE �N 2 HOUR PARKING/PERMiT PARK{NG ON GRAND AVENUE Concerning your October 22 vote on the pr�posed 2 HOURfPERMiT PARKfNG ordinance on Grand Avenue: I strangiy urge you to VOTE A RESOUNDING NO! Why? Because { am a business owner on Grand Avenue who believes the proposed ordinance, while being beneficial to the Summit Hill Association, is not a short or {ong term sviution for Grand Avenue business patron parking. � If passed, the ordinance wiH move some employees off of Grand Avenue, but converse{y, current parking spaces posted as 30 minute, one hour and two hour limit will be lost to residents who with permit, may park for long periods. This ordinance wiil create economic hardship for my business by restricting parking to two hours, and piace me at a d;stinct disadvantage to my competition in malls who have unrestricted parking. Tickets will be issued to my angry customers who will expect me to compensate them for their expenses. Consequently, I believe rather than parking reguiation, Grand Avenue businesses must anaiyze what their parking needs are, on a block per block basis. A plan must be launched for parking tot development with specific users in mind. Further e�cploration of a city-backed municipal parking ramp, using 1276 safes tax for neighborhood development may be explored. Thank you for your anticipated support on this important issue, Sincerely, t � �`'�-�"� f , (aPu6' Name Busine �s Name 9�S'-�.�.- �. Address G� /i�� 2 /� � ���n-��-�j ,��a� o.� � � -°"`��"`� ..��� a�-s.� ,/�,�' or .�-�av ,a�'�- �� �. a��- �� � ���� ���. �c. �-�,�.-�.. ��� � �� -� .��$ �,�-��. �,�.� ,�,��,.�..� �,� �. �� f�0o1 ���—ya tir tiw:tir Wn T0: ALL CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS MAYOR NORM COLEMAN P. 01 �� � � � �J� RE: OCTOBER 22 VOTE ON 2 HOUR PARKING/PERMIT PARKING ON GRAND AVENUE Cancerning yaur October 22 vote on the p�oposed 2 HOUR/PERMIT PARKING ordinance on Grand Avenue: l strongly urge you to VOTE A RES4UND{NG NO! Why? Because I am a business owner on Grand Avenue who believes the proposed ordinance, whiie being beneficiai to the Summit Hill Association, is not a short or long term solution f�r Grand Avenue business patron parking. If passed, the ordinance will move some empfoyees off of Grand Avenue, but conversely, current parking spaces posted as 30 minute, one hour and two hour limit will be lost to residents who with permit, may park for long periods. This ordinance wi11 create economic hardship for my business by restricting parking to two hours, and place me at a distinct disadvantage to my competition in malls who have unrestricted parking. Tickets will be issued to my angry custorners who will expect me to compensate them for their expenses. Consequently, 1 believe r�ther than parking regulation, Grand Avenue businesses must analyze what their parking needs are, on a block per block basis. A plan must be taunched for parking lot deve{opment with specific users in mind. Further exp[oration of a city-backed municipal parking ramp, using 1!2% sales tax for neighborhood development may be explored. Thank yau for yaur anticipated support on this important issue_ Sincerely, �c��r�' �,'�J. ���oCe..t L� C',uC.X��.�GI�� Name Business Nam SL 6 —Sf J ��,/'�`",� v r�c�v ; C� � � .fo U �-G, :l�u ��, J �` Address J', P� �x� 1���� � r�.r! o Z OCT-20-97 MON 08'33 AM BASTA 6904987 P.01 ��� Tta: ALL C1TY C4UNCIL MEMBERS MAYOR NORM COLEMAN �-�� RE: OCT�BER 22 VOTE ON 2 HOUR PARKING/PERM{T PARKING ON GRAND AVENUE a�-��� Concerning your October 22 vote on the pr�posed 2 HOURiPERMfT PARKING ordinance on Grand Avenue: I strongly urge you to VOTE A RESOUNDING NO! Why? Because i am a business owner or� Grand Avenue who believes the proposed ordinance, white being beneficial to the Summit Hill _...:.Association, is..not_a.short or long term.s�alution for Grand Avenue business patron parking. if passed, the ordinance will move some employees off of Grand Avenue, but conversely, current parking spaces posted as 30 minute, one hour and two hour limit wiU be lost to residents who with permit, may parlc for lang periods. This ordinance will create economic hardship for my business by restricting parking to two hours, and place me at a distinct disadvantage to my competition in ma11s who have unrestri�ted parking. Tickets will be issued to my angry customers who will expect me to compensate them for their expenses. Consequently, I believe rather than parking regulation, Grand Avenue businesses must analyze what their parking needs are, on a bfock per block basis. A plan must be launched for parking lot development with specific users in mind. Further explora#ion of a city-backed municipat parking ramp, using 1/2% sales tax for neighborhood development may be explored. Thank you for your antic9pated support on this important issue. Sincerety, � � �. ; �,. ���� �77 ��� Business Name Address CROCUS HILL FLOWER MRRKET Fax � 612-291-0331 Jul 11 06:08 TO: ALL CITY COUNCit MEMBERS MAYOR NORM COLEMAN ��-�1�� RE: OCTOBER 22 VOTE ON 2 HOUR PARKING/PERMIT PARKING Old GRAND AVENUE Concerning your Octaber 22 vote on the proposed 2 HOURiPERM1T PARKING ordinance on Grand Avenue: I strongly urge you to VOTE A RESOUNDING NO! Why? Because I am a business awner on Grand Avenue who believes the proposed ordinance, while being beneficial to the Summit Hiti Association, is not a short or long term solution for Grand Avenue business patron parking. If passed, the ordinance will move some employees off of Grand Avenue, but conversely, current parking spaces posted as 30 minute, one hour and two hour limit will be lost to residents who with permit, may park for long periocis. This ordinance will create economic hardship for my business by restricting parking to two hours, and place me at a distinct disadvantage to my competition in malls who have unrestricted parking. Tickets will be issued to my angry custamers who will expect me to compensate them for their expenses. Consequently, I believe rather than parking regulation, Grand Avenue businesses must analyze what their parking need� are, on a block per block basis. A plan must be launched for parking Iot development with specific users in mind. Further exploration of a city-backed municipal parking ramp, using 1/2% sales tax for neighborhood development may be explored. Thank yau for your anticipated support on this important issue. Sincerely, ! � i / � � i 1� I � _.�lll.. . � _� .; . � / u. _`a ' � 1' % � . , . - - •. - .^ ltl/l.N/YI 12:d6 b 611111NON9 NUVEI ING tll T0: ALL CtTY CDUNCtL MEMBERS MAYOR NORM COLEMAN RE: OCTOBER 22 VOTE ON 2 HOUR PARKiNG/PERMIT PARKING �N GRAND AVENUE q�-ilb� Concerning your October 22 vote on the proposed 2 HOUR/PERMtT PARKING ordinance on Grand Avenue: I strongly urge you to VOTE A RESOUNDING NO! Why? Because I am a business owner on Grand Avenue who believes the prop�sed ordinance, wh+le being beneficial to the Summit Hill Association, is not a short or long term solution for Grand Avenue business patron parking. if passed, the ordinance will move some employees ofF of Grand Avenue, but conversely, current parking spaces posted as 30 minute, one hour and two hour limit will be lost to residents who with permit, may park for long periods. This ordinance will create economic hardship for my business by restricting parking to two hours, and place me at a distinct disadvantage to my competition in malls who have unrestricted parking. Tickets will be issued to my angry customers who wil! expect me to compensate them for their expenses. Consequently, I believe rather than parking regulation, Grand Avenue businesses must analyze what their parking needs are, on a block per block basis. A plan must be launched for parking lot development with specific users in mind. Further exploration af a city-backed municipal parking ramp, using 112% sales tax for neighborhood development may be exp(ored. Thank yau for your anticipated support on this important issue. �, ? p /tnv�� e_�e:c°`_ � i'r.�ll ✓�- Business Name Addres , ., � ; � ;� : �, f �; , h, �� ;� ; , � i' I , ; ; . � �! � � i BILLY'S ON i 3 � � � � . � � ' i , I I . I I j i ' � i TO; ALL'CITY COUNCIL ME� � � MAYOR NORM COL�M� . i ; i � F�E ; OCTO�ER 22 VOT� ON ' ` � ! F'ARKI�VG pN GRAND A' ��: � � . ° ; : Concerning your October HOUR/P�RMIT PARKING ord ' i sf rongly ur�e you to VOTE A . Beaause I am a business ownf � tl7e proposed ordinance, while , �s�'oGi�fi�n,�is, not;a short,or lo bu�in�ss pa�ron parking. �;:; If pass�d, the' ordinance U Gr�r�d Avenue, but conve�sely, 30;minute, ot�e t�our and two hc who with permit, may park for I� cre`ate �cortdmic hardship for rr tp o hourst and place me at c Gb�petitiar� in malls who have i be ;issued to;my angry custome cpr�psrisate;them for their exp� : ; � Co;n�equently; I believe ra� Gr�nd Aven�e businesses mus� are,;on a block per�block basis. parking lat develap'ment with s : ez�lbfation'of a city-backed mu sales ta�C for �neighqorhood dev ` ; ; Th�nK you for;your anticip �ss�e. � , . � � :, � ; , Sin`cere�y, i ' �-- '� - �' , �� 1 9 � � , Business . Y��`�Y , 6122923027 � � I � ,� 1 1 I 1 1 � i3; �I � ' 1 3 � I � . ' j , , �:� � . VUE � � �� vote on tFi� �ce on Grai �;; :;, � ,:. proposed, , r ' n Grand Avenue`who, �e�ng benefiGial to th��Su �g: term soiution.f.or;�Fan� III ,MOVO S0111e emnlrSVer�, rrent parkj�tg sp���s limit will be lo�t �o re periods. �'his or;c�i�a - �� � fo �nrestricted parking'.;'Ticli rs�who will ez'pect me'to, �n es; ; ; ' ; , !h r than parking reg�lati t nalyze what their' P�rki A plan must; �e lau�c�ec e �ificusers �n min .;f�ur't ii � ipal pa�kin� 'r�m�� �sir �Iopment may be e��lor� �t d support;�n this i,mp0 ; ;! � � : ;; ; ,, : ; �� I ; ,' ; , %Y��i��. ,�`, �_� P_01 � � ;Y�-4 L �� :�� i ; s . :� '�I .; .; : i, . , t ' • i , i � �, ' i ; 1T: ; �. ; � � . . � �� ���; �; ; 3 ;j: � � . � '�. `, ; �li�ves '� '� - mit Hill �? $ : � ,1��/et1 U@ �� ' � -_' �� ; �� ; off af s � :� isted as lents' ' i !� , :; , e ,will . � _' , , , ; ;„ ►arking � _ .� e � :, �;' ny, � ;, ; , ,, ts will � ` '� i � �; ;;� � 4 ' i i ' . ;, � i �I'. ; needs,� �? '' ,. or . � ' � �i?, >; �� � � � � , ,,,.t� � 1/2% � ; ; : , , ,. . I i i' � , i � • ;,: ,�. , I '. 0 Aqqr;eSS ! � ' 1' I ��y r � ��"i ��..�2��?��rl � ; � i' ; ; � � � . F I i � � �: �, e ,� 3 � � ;� i �' � � [i 'p '�I �. ,� � � ,, i _� � i , � � :, ,, i ; ;; � � � ,. � i' ,; . , � i ; I �"li � BILLY'S ON G 3 � , I � � � � i i . � � T`0; AL'.L. GITY COUNCIL MEI1 , . � MAYOR NORM COLEMA ; � , , � f�E ; O�TQ�ER 22 VOTE ON � ` � ! PARK(�VG QN GRAND A� ' � i � +, : I . � � ' Concerning your October HOURlP�RMIT PARKING ordi ! sf rorigly ur�e you to VOTE A Beaause ! am a business own� � ttie pr�posed ordinance, while . ,, ;, , ,�s,�,o�i�fic�n, � �s� nat;a_short .or Jo bu�irtesS pa�ron parking. ;;; if pass�d, the ordinance v+ Gr�r�d Avenue, but conversely, 30;minute, oX�e hour and two hc � whti with permit, may park for I� cre`ate ecqrt�mic hardship for n to �iva hours� and place me at r Gol� petitian in malls who have be:issued to;my angry custome car;r�perisate;them for their exp� � ; � Con�equently; I believe ra Gr�nd Aven�e businesses mu� ; are,� on a block per�block basis. parking lat develop'ment with s� '' ex�to�'ation of a city-backed mu � sales ta�C for �neighqorhood dev� -�; Th�nk you for; your anticip; iss�e. • . , ;, � � , . � ; S1n`cere�y, i ' � i. i � C � !G� �( „ ZL�S�� Nan'�e ! / , Business � i ' � � � �rc�� ,, �� : � €, , � r � � p i i ; ' ID 6122921a27 � � �� , �RS � '1i , ;� ;,� � , . � 3 ;;� �� ''. . IOUR PARKINGJRER� VUE � � ' ' � , ;. , �i. � i � , ' � � i i ! 1 � . vote on tFi� proposed,: �ce on Grand Averiue: n C7rand Avenue' ng benefiGial to t� xerm solutinn_f.ar; rove somg emp� rrent park��tg sp� limit will be lost � I periods. ;C'his or� disadvanfaq� to who will expect me;to, ;es` ; � , , �r than parl�ing reg�lati nalyze wh�t theit ��rki plan must;�e launc�ec ific users �n min ?f�urt i ipal pa�kin� ��m�� �sir pment may be e��lor� d support'�n this impo ; ;? ; ; ' �, , ;; i �i 5 � '� / ` I � � � �.a �,���. � � �4'���Gyl � f� l %y �/ � : P"Bl i � ;��- ���� 'j ' 1 � , i +, �� . f� . , ;? ,( , � , �. ,;I; 1T � i• i��' � 1 . ��: ; i i� , ' j ��� , : � ';, ' � �� �: @lie�es '; '�: )mit Hill � ;. q � f ( . s "� venue, �:� �} off of 4 9 ���� isted as � � �� ents � �; i � � i�rill ; i ;' 1� , �arking � t � � ; ; _, � ' � . , ;. ,;,. ts wi11 ;: ,�' : . .,. �; � i i; } , i ; : . �. n" � +��' , , � ;needs,� ;� ' or . � 3 ���: ��� ' ;. ;: j 1%2%: ; . � ; � ; '; ,� �aht ;�; , � :� � � ; . � ',', ,. �: � � � .., 1 1 ;` � � ' ' ,I�c %�'��' ; I __� ._ :'la < i �! i 4�-ll��l TO: ALL CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS MAYOR NORM COLEMAN RE: OCTOBER 22 VOTE ON 2 HOUR PARKING/PERMIT PARKING ON GRAND AVENUE Concerning your October 22 vote on the proposed 2 HOUR/PERMIT PARKING ordinance on Grand Avenue: 1 strongly urge you to VOTE A RESOUNDING NO! Why? Because i am a business owner on Grand Avenue who believes the proposed ordinance, while being beneficial to the Summit Hill Assoei�ation, is not a short oE long term solution for Grand Avenue business patron parking. !f passed, the ordinance will move some employees off of Grand Avenue, but conversely, current parking spaces posted as 30 minute, one hour and two hour limit wi!! be lost to residents who with permit, may park for long periods. This ordinance will create economic hardship fior my business by restricting parking to two hours, and place me at a distinct disadvantage to my competition in malls who have unrestricted parking. Tickets will be issued to my angry customers who will expect me to compensate them for their expenses. Consequentiy, 1 believe rather than parking regulation, Grand Avenue businesses must ana{yze what their parking needs are, on a block per block basis. A plan must be launched for parking lot devetopment with speei�c users in mind. Further exploration of a city-backed municipal parking ramp, using 1/2% sales tax for neighborhood deve(opment may be explored. Thank you fve your anticipated support on this important issue. Sincerely, Name ' Business Name U Address %✓/25. 5.�✓P /YJf?KSOF_ � .T/{ TO: ALL CITY COUNClL MEMBERS MAYOR NORM COLEMAN ��l-1 1 �,� RE: OCTOBER 22 VOTE ON 2 HOUR PARKING/PERMIT PARKING ON GRAND AVENUE Concerning your October 22 vote on the proposed 2 HOUR/PERMIT PARKING ordinance an Grand Avenue: I strongly urge you to VOTE A RESOUNDING NOi Why? Because I am a business owner on Grand Avenue who believes the proposed ordinance, while being beneficial to the Summit Hill Association, is not a short or lang term solution for Grand Avenue business patron parking. If passed, the ordinance wiH move some empioyees off of Grand Avenue, but conversely, current parking spaces posted as 30 minute, one hour and two hour limit will be lost to residents whQ with per►nit, may park for long periods. This ordinance will create ecanomic hardship for my business by restricting �arking to #wo hours, and piace me at a distinct disadvantage to my competition in malls who have unrestricted parking. Tickets will be issued to my angry customers who wi11 expect me to campensate them for their expenses. Consequently, 1 believe rather than parking regulation, Grand Avenue businesses must analyze what their parking needs are, on a block per block basis. A plan must be launched for parking lot development with specific users in mind. Further exploration of a city-backed municipal parking ramp, using 112% sales tax for neighborhood development may be explored. Thank you for your anticipated support on #t�is important issue. Sincerely, �������--�� �r� ����on�,�rs �s� ��-�r f,�.� � � Name Business Name Address TO: ALL CiTY COUNCfL MEMBERS MAYOR NORM COLEMAN Q�-►��� RE: OCTOBER 22 VOTE ON 2 HOUR PARKlNGJPERMIT PARKING ON GRAND AVENUE Concerning your October 22 vote on the proposed Z HOUR/PERMIT PARKfNG ordinance on Grand Avenue: 1 strongfy urge you to VOTE A RESOUNDING NO! Why? Because I am a business owner on Grand Avenue who believes the proposed ordinance, while being beneficial to the Summit Hill Association, is not a short or long term solution for Grand Avenue business patron parking. tf passed, the ordinance wil! move some employees off of Grand Avenue, but conversely, current parking spaces posted as 30 minute, one hour and two hour limit will be Iost to residents who with permit, may park for long periods. This ordinance wilf create ecanomic hardship for my business by restricting parking to two hours, and place me at a distinct disadvantage to my competition in malls who have unrestricted parking. Tiekets will be issued to my angry custamers who will expect me to compensate them for theic expenses. Consequently, I believe rather than parking regulation, Grand Avenue businesses must ana(yze what their parking needs are, on a block per block basis. A plan must be iaunched for parking lot development with specific users in mind. Further exploration of a city-backed municipal parking ramp, using 1/2% sales tax for neighborhood development may be explored. Thank you for your anticipated support on this important issue. � ��C �1�������� ��-�' Business Name Addres ���� ��� TO: RE: HOU I s#ro the prc Associ If ��and 30 min r+vho wi create to finro compe be iss� Grand � are, on� parking ex'ploral sales ta issue. Name Mn.Seasons�Periwinkle _ CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS YOR NORM COLEMAN � 2289675 : 22 VOTE ON 2 HOUR PARKING%PERMIT ON GRAND AVENUE cerning your October 22 vote on the proposed 2 ! =RMIT PARKING ordinance on Grand Avenue: I �, �irge you to VOTE A RESOUNDING NO! Why? I I am a business awner on Grand Avenue who belie� �sed ordinance, while being beneficial to the Surnmii on, is n�t_a_short Q�Long term �olution for Grand Av� patron parking. �ssed, the ordinance will move some employees off �enue, but converseEy, current partcing spaces poste ;, one hour and two hour limit will be lost to resident permit, may park for long periads. This ordinanGe w onomic hardship for my business by restricting park urs, artd place me at a distinct disadvantage to my �n in malls who have unrestricted parking. Tick�ts �n I to my angry customers who will expect me to ate them for their expenses. sequently, I believe rather than parking regulatian, �enue businesses must analyze what their parkirig rn bl,ock per block basis. A plan must be launched for �t develapment with specific users in mind. Further �n of a city-backed municipal parking ramp, using 1/; for neighborhood development may be explored. �k you for your anticipated support on this important �� ��� � Business Name Address q�- P.01 !l�� E;s � Mill ��, nue I , � if I I as � A� TO: ALL CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS MAYOR NORM COLEMAN RE: OCTOBER 22 VOTE ON 2 HOUR PARKING/PERMIT PARKING ON GRAND AVENUE a � l �-� Concerning your October 22 vote on the proposed 2 HOUR/PERMIT PARKING ordinance on Grand Avenue: I strongly urge you fo VOTE A RESOUNDING NO! Why? Because I am a business owner on Grand Avenue who believes the proposed ordinance, while being beneficial to the Summit Hill Association, is not a short or long term solution. foc Grand Avenue business patron parking. If passed, the ordinance wi(I move some employees off of Grand Avenue, but conversely, current parking spaces posted as 30 minute, one hour and two hour limit will be lost to residents who with permit, may park for long periods. This ordinance will create economic hardship for my business by restricting parking to two hours, and place me at a distinct disadvantage to my competition in malls who have unrestricted parking. Tickets will be issued to my angry customers who will expect me to compensate them for their expenses_ Consequently, I belisve rather than parking regulation, Grand Avenue businesses must analyze what their parking nesds are, on a block per block basis. A plan must be launched for parking lot development with specific users in mind. Further exploration of a city-backed municipai parking ramp, using �/2% sales tax for neighborhood development may be explored. Thank you for your anticipated support on this important issue. Sincere(y, / (�) / . � ,r -- --i 7 All AMERICAN AUTO SERVICE 1036 GR4ND AVENUE ST. PAtJI, MIMlES07A 55105 Business Name Address T0'd 00Z6bZZ OlfltlTNtl�I?J3Wtli'7"�tl Summii Hill RssocinciOn 6122221558 Council President Thune City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55f02 November 5, 1997 �ear Councii President Thune and Members of tiie City Council, District 16 Planning Council 860 Saint ClairAvenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�05 relepnone 612-222-tzz2 Fax 612-222-1558 e-mail summit.hill(�stpaul.gov behalf of the Boartl of Directors, the Executive Committee of the Summit Hiil �ociatioNDistrict i6 Planning Council endorse�l the foliowing motion at their regular ating on November 4, 1997: The Summit Hitt Association/District 16 Planning Council supports the lengthy, thoughtfui and open process and `the partnership with fhe Grand Avenue Business Assoclatlon thaf resulted in the Grand Avenue Uniform Parking Plan. We suppdrt .the proposed Ordinance for uniform three hour parking and the creation of a Grand Avenue Permit Parking District. We � ask th8t the Ordinarice go �into effect January 1, 1998 and that the , Department of Public 1Norks review the Uniform Parking Plan in two yeaes. . , a you for your tho.ughtful consideration of and assistance with this matter, cerely, -y� /�aaZ1l:��� Rothchild, President �it Hill Association ;t 16 Planning Council Councilmember Blakey Councilmember Har�is Councilmember Megard Councilmember Coliins Councilm�rimbsr Bostrorii Counoilmember Morton Hill Ass P.02 ��C �i�� ��% ... 11/O5/97 {tiED 16:16 FAX 93374608 RADISSON PLAZA (�j001 ��� � y��u ►2 ��r�tiv� E:D� ��--Te �i- �``r��r� 'a �v --�— - �- - �-���� � �f� i �I � - '� � � � � � �� ` �} �-�-" NiCn"t ��S c� f= CGi i� C.� c.��.� c� C_ t ' LI.Y`�1 i �� ��: ���,�`� ��RTt/V I� ��it ,r� �� � ♦ '�ho.,e� � I�.,l^:��( CX�T� 3 a3� `f � ��� �G�•t i �j �A�-�r�� �� 0� `�`-��d�N7 �E�� �C�-� Cc��°�r p�;T2-- �,�;f�� v� i� C� /�-(_t- . � o�F ���'-r�N7 ,�vC , �,�;ccc_:.��T �}- e.cc.��c�= ��= Is ��n� � i e� ���-� 1 It� F� o�� T C' (- �'..1� C LG�4NC���..�, CT�:- ,,. �t ( V � l,�u G=� /� � ��C Ct=k�o.� " /3- T2_;� �� ��t�u �� ��TN��i�%� l� i�) C�,�aNiT� � T�fF�S �u C� E��t o�ti� i� ?"l� ��,��-a PL���T To C� A � � C� I�-- �" Coti sc s �� � p.,> C E-�-�F�- c,� �, � rs ) . ��-'� ( H �.�'���.o �C" �� � i T� 2/� c,w fi`/�-T � H �'� s�(� �tcrc� <��c� �v� j �T( E_ �C:G �'c.� `" �of� , (�- ��'� �yv� � T��t4 F��- �� c� 1�� �U o T L� �'L '� o rv C P.�-I i� tN� � 1 7"f+e �'�� ('C� /-�- C` 9- c �� J.7 �'� ` r P� P.� �a.�� t V� oPJ � /-�.,� p � �-� ' oN�� `rfFH'7� [.�l �� /-Ftr U� [ �7 f�'i�-� ��vl l�-E- �,7c ��PD(��iz��H�_ g�i�����5 .�` .___- � ��d �.��T (�� 7`-t j�i 4J��5c�' �-E�,e...-/Z..c.�, �t �"�u F'vi C., � 1-4-iS7C I�-('C- � �.�it�"`�,? jiigC- I�J �l G �-�v�2.�-t� � ! �i�tti�.- yoc� l � � �.^