97-1166A�.��a��, - ���. € ���57 � � �� j j �' ; 1 MINNESOTA Presented Referred To An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 166 by adding new sections creating a residential street pernut parking district in the Irvine Pazk Neighborhood and which provides for the orderly administration of the district. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: SECTION 1. Council File # ��(�(� GreenSheet# GoGSo Ordinance # Committee Date � ` r L That Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 166 be amended by adding the foliowing sections to read as follows: Chapter 166.10 Residential Permit Parking -- Irvine Pazk Residentiai Pernut Pazking District Sec. 166.10.01. Declaration ofpurpose. The Council of the City of Saint Paul finds that the area adjacent to or near Irvine Park does not have sufficient off-street pazking to safely accommodate the residential and commercial pazking needs of residents and nonresidents. Therefore, to encourage reliance on car pools and mass transat, to balance the need for commercial and residential parking, to enhance the quality of life in residential areas by reducing noise, traffic hazards and litter, to reduce air pollution and other environmental factors of excessive automobile commuting, and to preserve the safety of children and other pedestrians, and the residential area from the above-mentioned health and safety hazards, the council of the City of Saint Paul hereby establishes this Residential Permit Parking Ordinance (Sections 166.10.01 through 166.10.08). Sec. 166.10.02. Restzicted residential permit pazking azeas authorized. The following parking regulations shall be in effect in the Irvine Park neighborhood Except by permit or unless othenvise posted, parking shall be limited to two (2) Hours from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Friday on the following streets: Both sides of Ryan from Eim to Chestnut; The ea�terior side of Irvine Park; Both sides of Walnut from Exchange to the C.M.S.T.P. R.R.; The West Side�of Walnut from West Seventh to Exchange; The East Side of Elm Sireet; The��eof Exchange Street from Chesmut t�-�i;— C3sth S.�1es �J ct\r�v.� w��� ar � � �: rt�.'�C �� 1 -}a ��e.. (�o�-�h S � �. .�, �E c4�c.hv� � S Y e.� � q�-If�G Sea 16610.03 Pazking permits; eligibility; issuance. (a) Application. Application far one or mor parlang permits authorized under Sections 16610.01 through 166.10.08 sha11 be made on a form provided by the director of the depariment of public works, hereinafter refened to as "directoz", which form may require the applicant to fiunish his or her name and address, make, model and license number of his or her vehicles, and any additional information which will aid the director in the enforcement of these provisions. (b) Annual permit application fee. A non-refundable annual pemut application fee of ten dollars ($10.00) for each type of residential pazldng pernut herein shall be required to cover costs incurred as a result of the impiementation of the residential permit pazking plan. (c) Number of permits Up to two (2) residential parking permits shall be made available to each resident on the basis of one pernut for each vehicle owned by the resident. In no event sha11 the number of pernuts exceed the number of vehicles owned by the resident. (d) Visitor permits. Up to two (2) transferable visitar pernuts shall be made available to each residence or dwelling unit notwithstanding whether or not the resident of the residence or dwelling unit owns an automobile. Provided that no resident of a residence or dwelling unit may use a visitor permit to park a car owned or controlled by the resident in the restricted azea, it being the intent of Sections 166.10.01 through 166.10.08 that such visitor pernuts shail be made available and used by people not residing in but visiting a resident of the restricted area. (e) Residents, special eventpermits. Residents within the restricted area, at a cost of one doliar ($1.00) for each permit, may apply to the director for nontransferable and dated special event permits upon a showing by the resident that during the date and hours for which the permits aze to be issued the use of the permits shall be far special events. The director shall determine the number of special event permits issued and the hours in effect upon the director's determination that the permits issued would not unduly impair traffic safety during the effective period of the permits. (fl Churches, special event per�mits; exceptions; notice. Churches within the restricted area, at a cost of one dollar ($1.OQ) for each permit, may acquire from the duector transferable special event permits, provided that such permits shall be used only in conjunction with event sponsored by the applicant church. The director shall determine the number of and effective period of the permits to be issued. Such permits shall not be required for ordinary church events such as funerals, services, festivals, bazaars, or weddings, where issuance of such permits would be impracticable. (g) Placement ofpermit stickers or tickets. Residential parking permit stickers sha11 be permanently affixed to the outside of the vehicie in the lower rear corner of the left side window closest to the rear of the vehicle. Visitor and special event permit stickers shail be placed on the dashboazd or at some other conspicuous spot within the vehicle where they are plainly visible to enforcement personnel. (h) Permit does not reserve parking space. No pernut issued under Sections 16610.01 through 16610.08 sha11 guazantee or reserve to the holder a particular parking space within the restricted area but sha11 provide general parking in said area during the time specified in Section 166.10.02 and so posted as required by Section 166.10.07. 2 g^ (I) Lost permits; duplicates. In the event any of the permits issued under this chapter aze lost, du� may be obtained from the duector at a cost of one dollar ($1.00) per permit, provided that no such du�.. shall be issued unless and until the applicant has furnished to the director an affidavit stating that the resi� has lost the original pemvt. No person shall apply for a duplicate permit unless the original pemut has, in i� been lost. Sec. 166.10.04. Services, repair and emergency assistance. Persons who perform services, maintenance, repairs or emergency assistance for any residence aze exempt from restrictions imposed under Sections 166.10.01 - 166.10.08, provided that their exemption teiminates immediately upon the completion of services or assistance provided. Nothing in this secrion is intended to prolubit a resident owner of these vehicles from obta.ii�ing residential parking permits for same in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Sec. 166.10.05. Street maintenance; snow emergency. No exemptions or other permits granted herein sha11 abrogate the scope of pazking restrictions imposed as such restrictions relate to street maintenance, parking in one location beyond foriy-eight (48) hours, or emergencies provided in Chapter 161. Sec.1661Q.06. Handicappedpazking. Nothing herein provided shall abrogate the scope of parking pzivileges granted handicapped persons as established pursuant to this code or statutes enacted by this state. Sec. 166.10.07. Posting of signs. The director sha11 cause appropriate signs to be posted in the restricted areas so as to inform an ordinarily observant person of the existence of rules aud regulations imposed by these provisions. Sec. 166.10.08. Penalty. It shall be unlawful for any person to submit false information in any application for a parking penmit issued pursuant to Sections 166.10.01 through 166.10.08. Violation of any applicafion requirement shall be City Council TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET No a�►- «c�� 60650 ■ u �..�� ���.._ �, ❑ �,.,,�. ❑ m.� — ❑ „�,�� ❑ .,�,�.�a ❑wraecut�samixq � (CIIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR StGNATURE) An ordinance creating a residential permit parking district in Irvine Park neighborhood. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CiVIL SERVECE CAMMISSION Has this Persa�rm eHer waketl under a cont�t for fhis tlepartment'7 VES NO Fias tMS p'-rsoNfirm e�er been a dry empbyee? YES WO Ooesthis P�� P� a sfdU not �w'ma11YD� bY any cwrent cilY �DbY� YES NO Is Nis peisoruhrm a targeted vendoYT YES NO Parking problems in the Irvine Park neighborhood. Progress may be made in alleviating a parking problem. None. Condition wi11 persist. AOWOUNT OF TRANSACTION COSTfREVQIUE BUOQETED (qRCLE ONEj YES NO SOURC@ ACTNITYNUMBER q i����b � � i.��c� u �� ..r � , -.,., e �� .� �� ., '` �� _ �l�: ��:. � ..,. . �... � (�i _�� �� , Amendment ���� �� �' Both sides of Ryan from Elm to Chestnut; The exterior side of Irvine Park; Both sides of Walnut from Exchange to the C.M.S.T.P. R.R.; ��'i'he East Side of Elm Street; � The Both Sides of Exchange Street from Chestnut to Walnut ��-111�, � � , � ���L�"� \q � �o� t�� - I I � � .5 � � ��a� �� a� �_ _ J ��.�.�,a��� - � . . �tc.lna�o�<. �v�e.+e�'�'� � ��t � � °"�"�. W iT� �� � ��+�►i ���q �( � du�* 9 ►o� d� £3�� � �• _-- - _ _ -- _ .___ . ,. _ _ - _ .. _ -. - - A���.a�� - ���. � ����7 � � �,. --� 3 ;.-.. . F Presented Referred To •�� An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 166 by adding new sections creating a residential street pemut parking district in the Irvine Pazk Neighborhood and which provides for the orderly administration of the district. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: SECTION 1. Council File # q�t - l t(�( Green Sheet # G o� 5 a Ordinance # Committee Date �� That Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 166 be amended by adding the following sections to read as follows: Chapter 16610 Residential Permit Parking -- Irvine Park Residential Permit Parking District Sec. 166.10.01. Declazation of purpose. The Council of the City of Saint Paul finds that the area adjacent to or near Irvine Park does not haue sufficient ofF street pazking to safely accommodate the residential and commercial pazking needs of residents and nonresidents. Therefore, to encourage reliance on car pools and mass transit, to balance the need for commercial and residential pazking, to enhance the quality of life in residential areas by reducing noise, traffic hazazds and litter, to reduce air pollution and other environmental factors of excessive automobile commuting, and to preserve the safety of cluldren and other pedestrians, and the residential area from the above-mentioned health and safety hazards, the council of the City of Saint Paul hereby establishes this Residential Permit Parking Ordinance (Sections 166.10.01 through 166.10.08). Sec. 166.10.02. Restricted residential permit pazking areas authorized. The following parking regulations shall be in effect in the Irvine Park neighborhood Except by permit or unless otherwise posted, parking shall be limited to two (2) Hours from 8:00 am. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Friday on the following streets: Both sides of Ryan from Elm to Chestnut; The exterior side of Irvine Park; Both sides of Walnut from Exchange to the C.M.S.T.P. R.R.; The West Side�of Walnut from West Seventh to Exchange; The East Side of Elm Street; The�of Exchange Street from Chestnut t� ! 1'�cslh5ides We.�n.�.'�' w•'�� Qr �c� �:m:'��d 1 -a �-heJ (�o��h S i �. e_. o �- E'K �4�ar� � S-t� t e��- ° MINNESOTA q't-iI�G Sea 16610.03 Parking permits; eligibiliry; issuance. (a) Application. Application for one or mor pazking permits authorized under Sections 166.10.01 through 166.10.08 shall be made on a form provided by the director of the department of public works, hereinafter referred to as "director", which form may require the applicant to fiirnish his or her name and address, make, model and license number of his or her vehicles, and any additional information which will aid the director in the enforcement of these provisions. (b) Annual permit application fee. A non-refixudable annual permit application fee of ten dollazs ($10.00) for each type of residential parking pemut herein shall be required to cover costs incurred as a result of the implementation of the residential permit pazking plan. (c) Number ofpermits Up to two (2) residential parking permits shall be made available to each resident on the basis of one permit for each vehicie owned by the resident. In no event shall the number of permits exceed the number of vehicles owned by the resident. (d) Visitor permits. Up to two (2) transferable visitor permits sha11 be made auailable to each residence or dwelling unit notwithstanding whether or not the resident of the residence or dwelling unit owns an automobile. Provided that no resident of a residence or dwelling unit may use a visitor permit to pazk a car owned or controlled by the resident in the restricted azea, it being the intent of Sections 166.10.01 through 166.10.08 that such visitor permits shall be made auailable and used by people not residing in but visiting a resident of the restricted area. (e) Residents, special event permits. Residents within the restricted area, at a cost of one dollar ($1.00) for each permit, may apply to the director for nontransferable and dated special event permits upon a showing by the resident that during the date and hours for which the permits aze to be issued the use of the permits shall be for special events. The director shall determine the number of special event permits issued and the hours in effect upon the director's deterxninarion that the permits issued would not unduly impair traffic safety during the effective period of the permits. ( fl Churches, special event permits; exceptions; notice. Churches within the restricted area, at a cost of one dollaz ($1.00) for each permit, may acquire from the director transferable special event permits, provided that such permits shall be used only in conjuncfion with event sponsored by the applicant church. The directar shall determine the number of and effective period of the pernuts to be issued. Such pernuts shall not be required for ordinary church events such as funerals, services, festivals, bazaars, or weddings, where issuance of such permits would be impracticable. (g) Placement ofpermit stickers or tickets. Residential parking pernrit stickers shail be permanenUy affixed to the outside of the vehicle in the lower rear corner of the left side window closest to the reaz of the vehicle. Visitor and special event pernvt stickers shall be placed on the dashboard or at some other conspicuous spot within the vehicle where they are plainly visible to enforcement personnel. (h) Permit does not reserve parking space. No pernut issued under Sections 166.10A 1 through 166.10.08 shall guarantee or reserve to the holder a particular parking space within the restricted area but shall provide general parking in said area during the time specified in Section 166.10.02 and so posted as required by Section 166.10.07. 2 9�-��(.� (I) Lost permits; duplicates. In the event any of the permits issued under this chapter are lost, duplicates may be obtained from the director at a cost of one dollaz ($1.00) per permit, provided that no such duplicate shall be issued unless and unril the applicant has furnished to the director an affidavit stating tbax the resident has lost the ori�ival permit. No person shall apply for a duplicate permit unless the original perxnit has, in fact, been lost. Sec. 166.10.04. Services, repair and emergency assistance. Persons who perform services, maintenance, repairs or emergency assistance for any residence are exempt from restrictions imposed under Secrions 166.10.01 - 166.10.08, provided that their exemption ternunates immediately upon the completion of services ar assistance provided. Nothing in this section is intended to prohibit a resident owner of these vehicles from obtaiuiug residential pazking pemuts for same in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Sec. 166.10.05. Street maintenance; snow emergency. No exemptions or other permits granted herein shall abrogate the scope of pazking restrictions nnposed as such restrictions relate to street maintenance, pazking in one location beyond foriy-eight (48) hours, or emergencies provided in Chapter 161. Sec. 166.10.06. Handicapped pazking. Nothing herein provided shall abrogate the scope of pazking privileges granted handicapped persons as established pursuant to this code or statutes enacted by this state. Sec. 166.10.07. Posting of signs. The director shall cause appropriate signs to be posted in the restricted areas so as to inform an ordinarily observant person of the existence of rules and regulations imposed by these provisions. Sea 166.10.08. Penalty. It sha11 be unlawful for any person to submit false information in any application for a parking permit issued pursuant to Sections 166.10.01 through 166.10.08. Violation of any applica6on requirement shall be grounds for denial or revocation of the pernut and shall be punishable as a misdemeanor. It shall also be �� "� ti�'� unlawfiil for any vehicle to be stopped, pazked, or abandoned in violation of these provisions. Any such violation is hereby declared an obstruction of public streets and shall be punishable as a misdemeanor and may subject the vehicle to be moved or impounded at the cost and expense of the owner in accordance with the terms of Chapter 162. SECTION 2. This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval, and publication. pifqi IQtieR NOV 2 21997 �������A� Requested by Department oE Adoprion Certified by CouncIl Secretary � Appi � � Form App y Ci Attomey By: �w°H"a" R-<7-9� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � AdoptedbyCouncil: Date l,c� a� ��� City Council : -.. ,.,,:� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 9�-�tc�4 GREEN SHEET No 60650 u��� u��— ❑ �.,,,� ❑ �„� _ ❑ ..,.,�.�.,�a � ❑ .,�,�,,,,� ❑w���..�.w„ ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) An ordinance creating a residential permit parking district in Irvine Park neighborhood. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has this P����m exrxrorked under a wrihact for this tlePertmenl? VES NO Has this Pe«Mfi�m evel been a city emWoYce9 YES NO Does ihis person�finn possess a sltili not normaltypossessetl by anY curteM city emPbyee7 VES NO Is this persoM,m a targeted vendoY7 YES NO dain all ven answers on seoarate shrPt aM attaeh ta areen sheet Parking problems in the Irvine Park neighborhood. Progress may be made in alleviating a parking problem. IFAPPROVED None. Condition will persist. LAMOUNT OFTRANSACTIONf �T/REVENUEBUDQETED�CIRCLEON� YES NO INO SOURCE �IVITY NUMBER (IXPwNJ q i r , --•--- M �� I.EECFi� 8T.-� � ,. � L. �� �1V� � r , �'� ,'i Yi �e ,. � r� ►_�� ;,�, • ., ,.., -, ��� � �- � Both sides of Ryan from EIm to Chestnut; The exterior side of Irvine Pazk; Both sides of Walnut from Exchange to the C.M.S.T.P. R.R.; �� The East Side of Elm Street; � The Both Sides of Exchange Street &om Chestnut to Walnut ��l - I 1 I�( ����� � _ \ L�� � ��� � q�- � ��6 5 � �,,�i�� '��``� .�� g,�� � 1 F��`'` `°� _. , , . �c�t �'C+��'�'���� �°`�c"^� _ w�� �ow�c,l�.� t t1.,t�'.�..,�C. -�4,� Na� g��.Q ��: ��,c. S�". J _ � _ -