96-979Council File # �I G- 9 � 9 Green Sheet # 3 C 3 7? ORDINANCE OF Presented by Referred To � An ordinance amending Chapter 41 of the Legi Sepazation of Storm Drainage from Sanitary give the director of public works the discretion to � variance for structures built prior to 5 Sec. 41.01. Separate system required. � "� � �ge, to a permanent 1988 Date 6 In all buildings and premises, except one- and two-family wellings hereafter (September 20, 1971) 7 erected, the stormwater drainage from such building or premise shall be run in an entirely sepazate system of 8 piping from the sanitary sewerage and shall be carried in the ilding storm drain and the building storm sewer 9 to the public storm sewer in the street, alley, easement or th oughfare where a public storm sewer exists or 10 shall be run out separately to the properry line and there c mbined with the buildmg sanitary sewer where a 11 combined sewer only exists in the street, alley, easeme or thorough£aze, when approved by the division of 12 housing and building code enforcement of the dep ent of community services and the department of public 13 warks. This connection will not be allowed for one d two-family dwellings. The invert of the building storm 14 sewer sha11 not be deeper than five (5) feet at the roperry line. 15 Sec. 41.02. Connections prohibited; one- d two-family dwellings. 16 Rain leaders or other connectio s for stormwater drainage from all one and twafamily dwellings 17 hereafter (December 3, 1979) erecte shall not be permitted to be connected to the public combined or sanitazy 18 sewer system. 19 Sec. 41.03. Disconnection o stormwater and clearwater connections. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 (a) Rain leaders d other connections for stormwater and clearwater (as defined in section 76.26) from a11 buildings and pre ' es, which buildings and premises are connected directly or indirectly to the public combined or sani sewer, shall be disconnected from the combined or sanitary sewer system no later than December 31, 198 . All rain leader downspouts shall drain to the back and/ar to the front roof lines with no downspouts to allowed in the existing side yards where two (2) adjacent homes are separated by ten (10) feet or less. `�°°" - , '" . _ = - an extension of time to comply with this se 'on may be granted by the director of the public works department upon application of the affected property er, and upon the director's determination that the disconnection as not prudent nor feasible. PAUL, MINNESOTA �� �� c��� (b) If a���� �"���-an extension of time is granted by the director, the property will e billed an annual chazge for the stormwater entering the sewer system through the rainleader or other connecfion. The annual charge for one- and two-family buildings shall be the current sewer service charges rate for the first one hundred (100) cubic feet of water consumpfion (as established by the city council pursuant to section 77. 2) multipiied by the factor of twenty-five (25). The annual charge for all other buildings or premises shall�the current sewer service chazges rate for the first one hundred (100) cubic feet of water consumpfion m}x�tiplied by the factor of 0.025 and the product thereof mulriplied by the number of square feet of the buildin oof azea and/or ground area contributing rainwater to the public sanitary or combined sewer system. Th annual chazge shall be added to the water bills for the properties and collected with and in addifion to the w er charges for 10 water services. 11 (c) If an appeai is not granted by the director of public works, the property o er may appeal that 12 decision to the boazd of appeals and review, which appeal shall be governed by the rocedures set forth in 13 section 18.02. The board of appeals and review shall consider the appeal and the eternunation of the director, 14 and shall issue a written decision within the time period specified in section 18 2. The boazd of appeals, with 15 the approval of the city council, �a�;���3����i���'€v�,�""a�t�`��may gr or modify the appeal for 16 eaftension of time. Persons aggrieved by the final decision may seek revie of the appropriate court as provided 17 in section 18.03. �� ��� � � � ��� �� Absent Blakey Bostrom Guerin Hanis Megazd Rettman Thune Adopted by Co il: Date Adoption Ce ' ied by Council Secretary By: Approve y Mayor: Date By: Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Suhmission to Council � �� ��R DEPCryECNlT/OUFUF`,I�FJCOUNCIL oAT g�6/96 � GREEN SHEE N_ 36377 CANTACT PERSON fi PHONE IN�TIAVDATE INITIALNATE O DEPAflTMENi DIRE O CRY COUNCII Councilmember Mike Harris (68630} pg$�GN O CITV ATTORNEY O CRY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNQL AGEN�A BY (OA'f� NUYBER FOP � BUDGET DIflECTOFi O FlN. & MGT. SEFiVICES �IR. ROUTING ONDEP � MpYOR (Ofl ASSISTANT) O TOTAI # OF SIGNATURE GAGES (CL{P ALL LOCA71041S FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED: An ordinance amending chapter 41 of the Legislative Code, Sepazation of Storm Drainage from Sanitary Sewage, to give the director of public works the discrerion to grant a permanent variance for sm�cmres built prior m January 1, 1988. RECOM'nENDA7lON5: Approve (A) or Fieject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEfi THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PIANNING COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �- HdSlhis pBf50Nfirtn eYef wOfk2d undef 3 COntr3Ct ftl� thi5 d0p8rtment? - _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _�� 2. Has this perso�rtn ever bee� a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTRIC7 COUFi7 — 3. Does this personMirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curreM ciry empioyee? SUPPORTS WHICN COUNCIL OBJECTIVET YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and ettach to green sheet INITIATING PNOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOFiTUNRY (Who, Whet, When. Wnere, Why): Many instituGons and private homeowners have been unable to comply with this ordinance because tlteir home or building was constructed long before Uvs ordinance and have some interior drainage leading to sanitary sewers. In many cases, it has not been financially or structurally feasible to complete the disconnections. ADVANTAGESIFAPPRpVED: The director of public works woutd have the discreGon to gant a permanent vaziance and homeowners/businesses would not be forced to make structural changes that aze not feasible nor financially prudent. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO: None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: The system would stay as it currenfly is structured. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COST/NEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �.._. ����2� From: Timothy Marx To: COUNCIL:NANCYA, COUNCIL:GERRYS Date: Sl21/965:46pm Subject: CF 96-979 Nancy and Gerty, I visited with Mike Harris and he understands that CF 96-979 should not appear on ne�ct week's agenda (#39 on this week's agenda) because it is not approved to fortn by this office nor is there a statement as to its deficenoy on file with the City Clerk. These are requirements of the administrative code and must be satisfied before an ordinance can be introducted. AC 3.02 (3). Please cail if you have any questions. Tim Manc CC: WARNER, COUNCIL:MIKEH, COUNCIL:TONYS