96-894L l- �-. � ;! �. � p y�� i , ;; � .:� t't 1 v'e j"'a 1� L„ Council File # 9 � - ( "t Ordinance # Green Sheet # ��\� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Presented By 3� Re£erred To Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREA5, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, TWIN CITIES HABITAT FOR HiJMANITY duly petitioned to rezone 671-681 JENKS AVENLJE, being legally described as Lots 23-26, Block 14; Arlington Hills Addition, from B-2 to RT-1 to allow the construction of two new single family homes, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on May 20, 1996 as having been consented to by at least 67 percent of the owners of the azea of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one yeaz proceeding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 20, 1996, far the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and WIIEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on June 28, 1996 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, notice of public heazing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on June 29, 1996 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on July 10, 1996, where all interested parties were heazd, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 14, as incorporated by reference in §60301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby fiuther amended as follows: That properry with the address of 671-681 JENKS AVENUE, being more particularly described as: Lots 23-26, Block 14; Arlington Hills Addition be and is hereby rezoned from B-2 to RT-1. 4z 43 44 45 Section 2. ��-�9'� This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval, and publication. d�'? � 3 k`�' R � 9 p P � ° � , p ,:': °.,! �..Ii iya;'��? � SEP 21 i996 By sy: Department of: Form Approved by City Attorney Plmtieurn Requested By: ���,��.�. Approved by Mayor: Date y%� ^ By: ��1� ��� Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Counci� I BY : / vu/� v \� �"^� J Adopt,�on Certified by Council Secretary v DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INRIATED � � � GREEN SH T N_ 3 3121� PED PZ.E�NNINCJ 07/11/96 INITIA �NRIAVDATE CONTACT PERSON & PHONE � DEPAPTMENT OIFiECT � CITYCOUNCiI Kad Dadlez 266-6582 "�'�" �CITYATfORNEY �� �CINCLERK MUSTBE CAUNCILAGENDABY(DAit� flO�N��� UDGET�IRECTO �FIN.&MGT.SEFVIC Dlp. ORDEfl MpyOR (OR ASSISTANn � ��� As soon as ossible TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACT10N RE�UE5TED: Adopt ordinance to finalize council approval of a petition of TWIN CITIES HABITAT FOR �IIJMANITY to rezone properry located at 671-681 JENKS AVENUE from B-2 to RT-1 (public hearing held July 10, 1996). RECOMMENDA710NS: Apprave (A) or tieject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTFAC7'S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWIN ��U � P�NNING COMMISSION _ CML SERVICE CAMMI$$ION �� Has this persoMirm ever worketl untler a contract for this tlepartmenL�`v�l* � _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES �NO � S7AFf _ 2_ H2S this personffifin ever been a city employee? �� t �� �(S(.}p YES NO L '�"�� _ DISTRIC7 CqUFiT — 3. Does this person/hrm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curten[ city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? YES NO �i�F,`���` �ts',�� �,��Cxrdts..�nn(�.- �OJSiV� Explaln all yes answers on separete sheSt antl alteeh to green sheet �� �` INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPP�RTUNI7V (VJho, What, When, Where, Why): Finalize council approval of a petition of TWIN CITIES HABITAT FOR HLTMANIT'I' to rezone property at � 671-681 JENKS AVENUE from B-2 to RT-1 to allow construction of two new single family homes. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ���� _�� V �U�- 15 i996 C��Y A�`7`�R �Y DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE AC7IVITY NUMBER FINANCIAI INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor June 26, 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Reseazch Office Room 310 CiTy Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: Division of Plarsnmg 25 West Fourth Sbeet Saint Paul, MN 55102 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday July 10, 1996 for the following zoning case: Applicant: TWIN CITIES HABITAT FOR I�LJMATIITY File Number: #96-0125 Purpose: Rezone property from B-2 (community business) to RT-1 (residential) to allow construction of two new single family homes. Address: 671-681 Jenks Avenue (north side between Payne & Greenbrier) Legal Description of Property: Lots 23-26, Block 14; Arlington Hills Addition Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommendation will be made on June 28, 1996 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, vote: 8-0, 6/20/96 My understanding is that this public heazing request will City Council meeting and that � Please call me at 266-6582 if you have any questions. Sincer ly,�� K I� Kady D lez City Planner Zoning Section cc: File #96-125 Mike Kraemer Donna Sanders the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. NOTICE OF PIIBLFC HEARING °��-�y Telephone: 672-266-6565 Facsimile: 612-228-33I4 � The Saint Panl City Council will conduct a pubiic heazing oa Wednesday, July 10, 1996, to consider the application of Twia Cities Habitat for Humanity to rezone property from B-2 (community business) to RT-1 (residentiai) to aliow construction of two new smgle family i�omes a[ 671-681 Jenks Aveaue (north side beiweea Payne and Greeabrfer). � � � Dated: June 27, 1996 . . NANCY AIYDERSON AssistantCityCouxicilSeccetatp �-•��� --------- - - _ . � (June 29. 19961 _ � DEPAR'['MEN'I OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVE[APhIEN'C _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nosm Coleman, Mayor June 28, 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Division ofPlanning 25 West Fowth Sveet Telephone: 612-166-6565 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Facsimile: 671-128-3374 RE: Zoning File #96-125: TWIN CITIES HABITAT FOR FIUMANITY City Council Hearing: July 10, 1996 PURPOSE: To consider rezoning property at 671-681 Jenks Avenue (north side between Payne & Greenbrier) from B-2 to RT-1 to allow construction of rivo new single family homes. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMNIENDATION APPROVAL ZONING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL • STAFF RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL SUPPORT: District 5 Planning Council supports the rezoning petition. OPPOSITION: No one spoke. Dear Ms. Anderson: � TWIN CITIES HABITAT FOR HiTMANIT'I' submitted a petition to rezone property at 671-681 Jenks Avenue (north side between Payne & Greenbrier). The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed rezoning on June 20, 1996. The applicant addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing, the committee voted 8-0 to recommend approval to rezone to RT-1. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation for approval on a vote of 16-0 on June 28, 1996. This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heazd by the City Council on July 1Q 1996. Piease notify me if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public heazing. Sincerely, � Ken Ford Planning Administrator KF:kd Atiachments cc: City Councilmembers city of saint paul planning commission resoluticx� file number 96-35 �te June 28, 1996 WfIEREAS, TWIN CITIES HABITAT FOR HUMANITY file #96-125 has petitioned to rezone 671-fi81 JENKS AVENUE, situated on the north side of the sueet between Payne Avenue & Greenbrier Street, from B-2 to RT-1 to allow the construction of two new single family homes; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Conunittee of the Pianning Commission held a public hearing on June 20, 1996, at �,vhich all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.400 of ihe Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing, as substantialiy reflected in the minutes, made the foliowing findings of fact: � The property to be rezoned was recenfly donated to Habitat for Humanity by First • Bank. Habitat for Humanity is an international non-profit organization dedicated to providing affordable homeownership opportunities to fanulies with modest incomes. At its location on Jenks Avenue, Habitat plans to build two two-story Cape Cod style houses with four to five bedmom each. The homes will be located on double lots, be owner occupied, and provide off-street parking. Final plans for the homes wIll be chosen when families are chosen for the sites. Habitat will construct the homes using predominantly donated materials and volunteer iabar, with support from churches, corporations, foundations, and other groups. Construction on one of the homes is expected to begin this summer. 2. The rezoning of this property is in conformance with the comprehensive plan. The Plan For Land Use encourages development of vacant sites suitable for residential use: "Scattered in-fill on smaller sites is possible throughout the city's neighborhoods an vacant lots af varying sizes. These lots provide a ma}or opporiunity to add housing units to the city" Policy (4.1-3) p.23. The rezoning is supported by the District 5 Plan which states: "The Payne/Phalen communiry will work to maintain and improve the existing housing stock and to add new housing units in order to provide moved by t`'�rton seconded by in favor Un��� against C� q�.-�R� � Zonin� File /t96-125 Page Two of Resolution safe, sound housing for ali iu residents," p.5. In addition, the rezoning is supported by the Saint Paul Housing Policy For The 1990s. Ttvo of the main objectives of the plan are to preserve home ownership and to remove the blight of vacant buildings and neglected tand. 3. The rezoning is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse unpact on adjacent properiy. Much of the sunounding land consists of residential use, primarily single family units. Furthermore, the rezoning will concentrate commercial aciivity closer to Payne Avenue and prevent commercial encroachznents in the residential neighborhood. 4. First Bank has adequate space to meet their off-street parking requirement even with the loss of spaces in the lots to be rezoned. There are currently 50 spaces in the three bank parking lots west of the property to be rezoned. The bank properry requires 52 spaces (36.6 spaces for the bank, 14.4 spaces for the office space on the second floor, and 1.2 spaces for the basement storage area). Since the spaces in the parking iots are wider than required, there is ample room in the lots for the spaces to be restriped to meet the off-street parking requirement. � 5. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition signed by two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred feet of the property to be rezoned consenting to the rezoning �20 parcels eligible, 14 parcels required, and 15 parceis signed). NOW, THBREFORE, BB IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Pau1 Planning Commission that the petition of TWIN CITIES HABITAT FOR HUM?.rtITY to rezone property at 671-681 7ENKS AVENUE, more paztzcularly described as I.ots 23-26, Block 14; Arlington Hills Addition, from a B-2 zoning classification to an RT-1 zoning classification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paut Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that property located at b71-b81 JENKS AVENUE be rezoned from B-2 to RT-1 in accordance with the petition for rezoning on file with Yhe Saint Paul Planning Division. � � _. __ - ° ,. � . ��� �� MINCTTES OF THE 20NING CONIMITTEE CITY COUNCSL CfIAt SAINT PA[IL, MINN£SOTA 023 JC1NE 20, 1996 PRESENT: Mmes. Faricy, Morton and Aencl; Messrs, Chavez, Field, Gurney, Xramez and Vaught of the Zoning Committee; Mr, Wamer, Assistant C�ty Attorney; Mmes. Dadlez and Sanders and Mr. Ryan of the Planning Division. ABSENT Time: 3:32 - 3:40 p.m. The meeting was chaired by Gladys Morton, Chairperson. HAHITAT FOR HUMAN2TY. 671-681 Senks Avenue: #96-125. Rezoninc. Rezone the property from B-2 (COmmunity Business) to RT-1 (Residential) to allow the construction of two new single family homes. Kady Dadlez, Planning Division staff, reviewed the staff report. No slides were presented due to technicai problems. Staff recommended approval of the rezoning petition based an findings 1 through 5 of the staYY report. The District 5 Planning Council supports the rezoning petition. Steven Seidel, Executive Director of Ytain Cities Habitat £or Humanity, i168 Laurel Avenue, spoke briefly. Mr. Seidel said that it is their intent to begin constr�ction an one of the two houses yet this summer, either late July or early August, with the help of many volunteers from the 3M Company. Commissioner Kramer referenced the lot elevations and asked what Habitat's plans were with respect to the lots. Mr. Seidel reported that the lots will require bringing some fill into the site, and that the lots are in somewhat of a step format. Because of the topography of the 60 foot lots Habitat felt it would be most efficient and appropriate to build two houses on the two double-width, 80 foot lots. Mr. Seidel said that they will build on the eastern most lot first. Cortmissioner Vaught asked what the smallest lot size has been that Habitat has built on. ' Mr. Seidel zesponded that the smallest lot that Aabitat has built oa was a 40 £oot lot, which he sai@ was quite small for the &ize of homes that they build, which is always at least 3 bedrooms, oftentimes 4 bedrooms and that the two homes proposed will be 4 bedroom homes. The public heazing was closed. Commisaioner Vaught moved approvai of tha rezoniag petitioa. Commieaioner Field eeconded the motion. The motion carried with a unaaimcue voice vote of 8 to 0. Submi d by: lV� Kady Da z ��� �� Approved by: Gladys Morton Chairperson � � \J �i �. -� y i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ZONING COMMITTSS STAFF RSPORT ______�__�__=__=_____�_______ FILS # 96-125 APPLICANl: TWIN CITIES HABITAT FOR HUMPNITY DATS OF HSARING: 06/20/96 CLASSIFICATSON: RezOniRg LOCATION: 671 JENKS AVENUE (north Side between Payne and Greenbrier) PLI�NNING DISTRICT: 5 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 23-26, BloCk 14; Pslington Hills Addition PR85ENT ZONZNG: B-2 ZONING CODH RSF8R8NC8: §64.400 STAFF INVSSTIGATION AND RBPORT: DAT$ RBCSIVED: 05/20/96 DATB: 6/13/96 BY: Scott Hoelscher/ Kady Dadlez DEADLIN& FOR ACT20bI: 7f18/96 ________________°_____�_______________-------°----°------__________________ -----------�-'------- ________________°_____°__�__�__�__=__�______________�________________________ A. PURPOSE: Rezone property from B-2 to RT-1 to allow construction of two new single family homes. B. PARCEL SIZE: This property has 160 feet of footage on Jenks Street and is 125 feet deep for a total area of 20,000 square feet. � C. EXISTING LAND USH: The 5ite is currently vacant. The lots are paved and were previously used for parking. D. SVRROUNDING LAND USS: North: Single family homes in an RT-1 district. East: Single family homes in an RT-1 district. South: East Side Railing Co. in a B-2 district and two single family homes in an RT-1 district. West: Primarily commercial uses along Payne Ave. including First Bank and First Bank parking in a B-2 zoning district. E. 20NING CODE CITATION: Section 64.400 (a) of the zoning code states, "the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed.�� Section 64.400 (b) states in part that "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67) percent of the area of the property to be rezoned." F. HISTORY/DISCIISSION: There are two previous zoning cases concerning a portion of this property (LOts 25 & 26), One case is from 1972 and involves a petition to rezone the property from residential to commercial to allow a parking lot which was approved. The other aase is from 1973 and involves a permit request to allow a 24-stall parking lot which was approved. � Zoning File #96-125 Page Two G. DISTRICT COIII3CIL RECOD4iENDATION: The District 5 Planning Council supports rezoning petition. H. FINDIDIGS• The property to be rezoned was recently donate@ to Habitat for Hnmanity by First Bank. Habitat for Humanity is an international non- profit organization dedicated to providing affordable homeownership opportunities to families with modest inwmes. At its location on Jenks Avenue, Aahitat plaas to build two two-story Cape Cod style houses with four ta five bedroom each. The homes will be located on double lots, be owner occupied, and provide o£f-street parking. Final plans for the homes will be chosen when families are chosen for the sites. Habitat will construct the homes using predominantly donated materials and volunteer labor, with support from churches, corporations, £oundations, and other groups. Construction of the homes is expected to begin this summer. The rezoning of this property is in conformance with the comprehensive plan, The Plan For Land Use encourages development of vacant sites suitable for residential use: ^Scattered ia-fiZZ on smalZer sites is possible throughout the city's neighborhoods on vacant lots of varying sizes. These lots provide a major opportunity to add housing units to the city^ Policy (4.1-3) p.23. The rezoning is supported by the District 5 PZan which states; ^The Payne/Phalen community will work to maintain and improve the existing housing stock and to add new housing units in order to provide safe, sound housing for all its residents,^ p.5. In addition, the rezoning is supported by the Saint Paul Housing Policy For The 1990s. Two of the main objectives of the plan are to preserve home ownership aad to remove the blight of vacant buildings and neglected land. The rezoning is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse imgact on adjacent property. Much of the surraunding land cozesists of residential use, primarily single family units. Furthermore, the rezoning will concentrate commercial activity closer to Payne Avenue and prevent commercial encroachments in the residential neighborhood. 4. First Hank has adequate space to meet their off-street parking requirement even with the loss of spaces in the lots to be rezoned. There are currently 50 spaces in the three bank parking lots west of the property to be rezoned. The bank property requires 52 spaces (36.6 spaces for the bank, 14.4 spaces £or the office space on the second floor, and 1.2 spaces £or the basemeat storage area). Since the spaces i.n the parking lots are wider tban required, there is ample room in the lots for the spaces to be restriped to meet the off-street parking xegairement. The app2icant submitted a sufficient petition signed by two-thirds of the property awners within one hundred feet of the property to be rezoned consenting to the rezoning (20 parcels eligible, 14 parcels reguired, and 15 parcels signed). STAFF RECO2�NDATION: Based on findings 1 through S staff recommends approval of the rezoning petition. Z � � � PETITION TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE � Department of Planning and Economic Devetopment Zoning Section IZ00 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Pau1, MN SSIO2 266-6589 . ��-�y ��� �;$� a�� � �_: � ��;- : - ��. . ._ - .* , APPLICANT Property Owner� IWt►l liit'►�� ttR,b)�(rtf' j�'( 19L{,}'?'�(� )7 Address 3� � FOIil��"i}1 J � J` � City 11� 1hn1RL�0'i'S St�p Daytime phone -1�1J�l,7 Contact person (if different�l.i� 1� C i AL{ )n 1-�j�t -rda 33 —�. PROPERTY LOCATION Address/Location �P1 � +!�8 I-J en ks Legal description �5 a3t v�� 0.►1Cj Iots a5 �-a[� 3 additional'sheet if � TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Qrdinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues ,Z�t�bi��/-�� ►1an►�.! , the owner of ail the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the abov�scribed property from a gc� zoning district to a�'fi"- �- zoning district, for the purpose of: 31�t.i id in� a, 5ingl�-�fa,n,i 1� homr�5 . Se� a�hmen (attach additional sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required site plan }ffi Consent petition �, Affidavi Subscribed and sworn to before me this ��� day of '�v r! � , 19�. I i , �G�,; � � _ �....r I 1; . ._ . By: _ ee ow er of property • Title: ��� (y� � ;.� ,� - �.z�e hs�ce> ClardriMiOer Page 1 of NO1AYYp�BLIC MINNESpTA : MY COMMISSION EXPIRES `•..••° JANUARY3i,20pp 3 � REZONING SCUP NCUP FIKST SUBMITTED DATE PETITION SUBMITTED: �' 2�` f` DATE OFFICIALLYRECEIVE�: � ��� I G PARCELSELFGIBLE: Z� PARCELS REQUIRED: I 't PARCELS SIGNED: � I ✓ RESUBMITTED DATE PETITION RESUBMITTED: 7 ' � ' `` DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: S' � �� � PARCELS ELIGIBLE: � PARCELS REQUII2ED: �_ PARCELS SIGNED: � � CHECKED BY: - ������i ' � ����i�`� DATE: � � (N � - 1 �o ZC )NING F1�E `��� � r-, � �� ��-�`1 CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING • We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: . 1. A copy of the Petition of (`fCC.L'� 1��4�(� ��� ��� /7��/Cf�l l�l_ / (name of etitioner) � �T 2. A copy of Sections�l�, �"�1� through���, inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a�� District zoning classification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning o£ the property described in the Petition of ���'(,%�t�i{� r IY��C����Ito a ��� District (name of petitioner) � _, ,� /� �� � 1� ; �� , � �; 1 � � %1 �� �; - . . , '� � � Petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after a petition is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of any petition may with " '�� request within � that time. Z ON�ING FILE g���� Page_of_ 5 CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 £eet of the total � contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: � 1. A copy of the Petition of Ha��tat-�rt�u�f1�n�tu (name of petitioner) 2. A copy of Sections �D.�"'� �(� through �(�,�a-� , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a�� District zoning classification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of tne property described in the ``l �- >` � s Petition of t�(�� LLVL TG 71�� a�l� � to a�_ District (name of petitioner) Petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after a petition is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his er name therefrom by written request within � that time. (Z � � page _ of _ ZC����� F[LE 0 q c.-�y • SFPTc OF 2:iy?+ESOTA) ; 55 COUtiZY' OP �°`:SEY ) � �� `� ��' (� , beir.o �irsC duly s::or. , ceposes e^c ste*_es tn�t he/she is tne person c:ho circul��ed tne }ichir.pztition and �f-• nfo;���zc a^Z believes tnzc es; that ilanC 7.s 1 consent, consisting of � p�8 ��� 7.aced the parties c'esciibed are tne o:.-ners respectively or the P im-aedi�tel} before each r.�,z, that affiaat is inforiaed a:c oelieves tnat ezci oi the pa:�'_es described abovz is the o:.�er of property �:�i��lis z'iCeticico:* ieet �rora �Zy prooerty o:.�ec or purchzsed by pz��-tionzr o: so_d by p vithin or.e (1) year precedin� the date o: tnis petition t��ic.^. is con�i�LO_s co tne p=opz=�}' deseribed in th= peticion; tnrchzsedDOr�is pLrc�2sing pza?z=�) none o� tne parcies describzd sbove has p�- ) 5"� fron petitio:�et contiguo�s to tne above described prooercy vicnin one (1 ch of sa:c o£ tne catz of the petitioa; tnzt this consent �:zs si�nzd b}' fl< < e tiz �-�- oc. in tne prese�ce of tnis 2fx"iant, xnd that the sion�tures -r �ad co�rect signaturzs of eech and all o� the pzrties so czsciibed. . �Nw�ww�� ��"��'er MARYFRANCESCLAflDKMILLEfl • � NOTAFYPUBLIC•MINNESOTA - q7 MNCummasiortExpiresJan.37.20W � SubscYibed znd saorr. to beioXO� e t�_s a y <<, �� �P�� , -� �Cc �u �J�Mi✓v�261- � � n-�� Not� j Yublic . Jzn. 1 1991 fo�ro zs to fo� - + p} ��= =n� D=_pzztnzr.t Na�a° lj=��lat'1(� �JTi �_� ess �c � �10 3(�- �R�3� Teleohoz' 2it=°e' ' ZO��[�'G �ILE ��•t25 P�Se ..._- °r — ==' �' "7 CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total , contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one year preceding the date o£ this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: . 1. A copy of the Petition of �{c�b,={�-� (� l �� (name of petitioner) 2. A copy of Seetions b 0• �/� � through � 0- S�-fD , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware oP all of the uses permitted under a R 7 District zoning classification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Petition of }��p r'f0.�' ��� `'" �� to a (c T' � District (name of petitioner) � / �� � ��� : i�` � �j. i �� ;� � � Petition shall not be considered as o£ficially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after a petition is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his ier name therefrom bv wr:rren request within � that time. page _ of _ Z����'�s ���.� �•(25 � °[ � - gay � STPT� ar Y.Iy?+ESOTA) : 55 COU?iT`i 0: F ' `:5 EY ) • � , beir.o �irst duly s-o=r, czPoses a�c c3arba�`a Ne / states tnat he/she is tne p2Z5Oes�r'thatZ�fziana iseinfor1ec s::dtbelieves thz� consent, consisting o£ 1 pa8 � the parties desczibed are tne o:.'neTS zespectivzly oz thz lc�s placed ir��edi�tely befoze each r.a^e, thzt affia�t is inrorcaed ar.c believes tn�:. e�cn o� the pa:ties descxibed above is zhe o:.�zr of proper:.y �'1ic� is �ichin 1C0 ieet z`ror� a�}' prooezty o��2c or purchasee b1 petitioner or sold by pe�icicn=_* petition 4iica is conci��o_s to witnin or.e (1) year przceding the �ate °�RQtle:cceot �or the p�ope_c}' described in the petiLx°T'� .chased or is purchssin� pr�?�=�:`' none of tne parties describzd above has p�- ) }'-�` fron petitioler contiguo�s to tne above describad prooert} ui[nin o�e (1 of tne c�tz oL the petitio�; tnat this consent �'as si�ned by e�ch of saic os.r.ers in tne presence o£ tnis afxiant, znd that the sio��t�tes �re t:�e t=�= znd correct sionatures of e�cti znd all of tne pzrties so czscribed. �, ,���. �1,�-� �- - h��� � . � Subscribed znd saor��oio el � F TR15�_ C�� Ci Nota:'y Public . Eooroved zs to form - Jen. 1, 1991 pi a�zir.g 7=_� . • -� MICHAEL T. JOHNSON � „ - NOTARV PUBLIC MINNESOfA My Comm. Ezqres Jan 31. 20pp ■ � .Y,S� G n•�'-Ezi' f/-r St' SfPa.« //`/.� ssia ?ddress ��� -86s 9 Teleohoa=_ hi=oe'-" ' ZQNlt�G �iLE� - ' t25 pa __ oi _ i_i-51 �� 'i CONSENT OF ADJOZNING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total � contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the £ollowing: . 1. A copy of the Petition o£ f� F�� f€ r� l �oR r(vM�! rJ ( TY (name of petitioner) 2. A copy of Sections �ia.�-(�1 through �Q ,s20 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and aclmowledge that we are aware o£ all of the uses permitted under a District zoning cZassification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning o£ the property described in the Petition of �"��� � � 1'c� �OK �(�A1��`l�� to a �T- i District (name of petitioner) `1, � � Petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after a petition is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his/her name there£rom by written request within • that time. page _ of _ �fl���� ���.� `��'(2 � y I� z q �,-�9 `i C�NSENT OF ADJOZNING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING ! We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet o£ the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner c�ithin one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been £urnished with the following: . 1. A copy of the Petition of r/ E}�� 1�l �02 r(uNtA+J t"rY (name of petitioner) 2. A copy of Sections (� O, 4/�D through CA ��2 �, inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of aII of the uses permitted under a District zoning classification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Petition of ��.� � 1�e� �OQ �C�A��`�`� tc a ��( - 4 District (name of petitioner) 1 `� ; ! '2;9; �: .' �' ,�' n �� Petition shall not be considered as officially £iled until the lapse of seven (7) working days after a petition is received by the Planning Division. Any signator � of any petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request within that time. page_of ZQt����' FDLE �c• �25 L y � i� CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total : contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been £urnished with the following: . 1. A copy of the Petition of Ha,���a,t - F�rt�lu.rrJ�+.�iti,1 (name of petitioner) 2. A copy of Sections �D.�"� �(7 through �b.5(�-� , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknawledge that we are as�are of a1Z of the uses permitted under a�-� District zoning classification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approvai of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning o£ the property described in the Petition of �(,1,�{ ���r� ��� i. � to a��_ District (name of petitioner) .� -�. �- 1 ��� '� ' Petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after a petition is received by the Ylanning Division. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his/her name there£rom by written request within � that time. page _ of _ �.������ ���.� �•l25 � ,L q� .g9y C . L MQ �.-At�( i7 > beir.o first duly sco:. , C2D05e5 z::c • I�ont!kt.D O. Q A st�tes tnat he�she �s tne person �:ho circulated tne 5:itni^.pe[ition anc consent, coasisti.ng of � pages; that s£SianL is i.n�or: zc z::d Uelieves tnzC the pzrties c'esctibed are tne o:.'ners xespectively oz` the lcts plzced eacn jt�;iediately befoxe each r�c:a, that aftia�t is �-IIro era 2 of the pz:ties described sSove 1s Lhe o:.:zer af 2 p �tioner o: sold by peticicner £eet �rora s�y p=ooerty o:. or purchzsed by p , t.ritnin or.z (1) year precedin� the date of tnis petition 4iic^ is con�i�uo_= to tne p=ope=�y dzscribed in zh= petition; tn Y c hesed or�is p�rcn=sin� p=pj none of tne parties described above has pu_ fro❑ peCitionet contiguous Co tne above cescribed prooer:.y t�icnin a�= < �'=�' s�ic of tne cate oi the petitio:t; tnzt this cor.se;�t �zs 57-��« bLres thz `=�` oU in tne preseace o£ tnis afsiant, and that the si ' and correct sio atures o£ e�ch and all of the pzrties so dzscribed. 52P.TE OF Y.I`�?�ESOTA) : SS COUi+h OF R.=..`:SEY ) � . Subscrioec znd s'aof �to be�ole��� t^'-s !�, cay cf reJ > j' 1 / 0�2'_'�� pL'OZ1G . f.00roved zs to �or� - Jzn. 1, 1991 pl�r�ir.g D=_pz'.tnzr.t � ������s ���.� ��� l25 • ��-�, ,1��..�.� ,�f � x�,�_ D�NN rs �� +� ?vo4 L � wE M��.l =` $ , st ( b . •SZ' (�r4U1." ?_edress (Cor2��J`� ""�ephoa� 2�L^oer . • wM++/>a^-^_�' �� KRISTEN l. CORNELIUS a .Y�-�=`"�''";? q 07qRYPUBUC - MINNE SOTA �,�.y- .�� ' uesJan3 ��`_ -�` Ab Comt'; ss�.an =x ��.�,�w 4�'.1NA pzge � oi ? i j3 � Petition to Amend the Zoning Code Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity Atts€hmeni 1 Habitat for Humanity is an inter��anal gon-profrt organization dedicaied to providing affordable homeownership opporYunities Lff favn'9ies with mt�dest mcomes. With support from churches, corporacions, foundations, and other groups, Habitat for Humanity constructs or rehabs homes using predominantly donated materials and volurneer labor. Habitat homebuyers comribute to the construction process by worlang for 350 hours on their houses or other Habitat houses. This 350 hours represents the homebuyers' sweat eguiiy in the honse. Hahitat for Humanity built its 25th St. Paut home in 1945. In 1996, we plan to build or rehab an additional 15 homes. We work tfiroughout the city of St. Paul, but in the past few years have worked eatensively on St. Paul's East Side. We propose to build two new homes on the sites at 671 and 681 Jenks. Initial plans are for a two-story, Cape-Code style house, with 4-5 bedrooms, and 1 bathroom. We will choose final plans for the homes when families for chosen for the sites. We gBan ta begin cmnsuvction in late summer, 1996 and finish in eazly 1997. � � Z����$� ��LE 6�12� I � tH 9 �.-��►y � � � c ,� � � i �� I +� ' � t � �� t v �� _��__�_' __��_�`\ � � � �� 0 � N z ll � �SZ� 'I � � 1°' — -- QJ � -- i� � � a a ..° ' Z � o � � ��a ; ¢1 I � � � Y, k �. J y q 1� l� N - N e o � .N N N� lil �� � Z N s �n � Y � � � H� 7 .� }tl\ ' od �I �a �j � /� ( I � � II I Q I W � � � � f � �I 1 i D d ? Y Q d "s ,P- 6L r p F �� J a` � N S �z �o Z od J< t \ � _ ��O-�PZ � \' � ` ' � S � � �� � Z , m � O .. n ui w QZ N � Y� WZ� W �a� J Z' 4 � � W � w Q Q � � Y J 0 W z� � � Q �� � ��� „a-, � � � `o .� 0 � i 1 I ' I � ' � �o � � I i � 1 � I � � � � , ` � I � � �o I � I � / / / � � � N % � � � Q � � �1 �' o n Y 'Mw -�SZ � Z � � '0 � � S _ � _ / i / — — ,O'SZI — — — —� � � � zQ���� F��..� °I(�•l2S � 15 p�aa�r�� � pl��a��� District Five Planning Council 1014 Payne Ave., Saint Paul, MN 55101 (612) 774-5234 March 8, 1996 Ms. Julie Guggin 9Q3 Mound Street Saint Paul, MN 55106 Dear Julie: This letter will serve as confirncation of our approval of numerous projects Habitat for Humanity will be involved with in our community. The District 5 Board unanimously endorsed at its February 27 meeting the foZlowing: 1)rezoning of two lots on Jenks(behind First Sank East);2irehabbing of 1685 Case; and 3}new build on e vacaat lot at 754 Cook. We thank you for continuing to look within our community for redevelopment efforts. We look forward to a long teru, partner- ship with Habitat for Humanity. If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call on us. Sincerely, 'r ` ��xC� �'���`s� Greg Co�ian President � �Vi��fVl� {'��G l� l2s � �. � . l� 9 � -�q y 1. SLTNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HIGHWOOD 2. HAZEL PARK HADEN-PROSPERTTY HILLCREST 3. WEST SIDE 4. ' Li7FF 5. PAI'NE-PHALEN 6. NORTH END 7. THOMAS-DALE 8. SUMMIT-UNIVERSTTY 9. WEST SEVENTH 10. COMO 11. HAMLINE-MIDWAY 12. ST. AN'I'HONY PARK 13. MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNELLING HAMLINE 14. MACALESTER GROVELAND 15. HIGEiLAND 26. SUMMIT HII.L • 17. DOWNTOWN ZONING FILE � �LS� �� CTITZEN PAFtTICIPATION PLANNING DISTRICIS � � � _� �C�N1tVCi --t-tLt - r� - �ZS Ig -�--L1-- �- ,—T; —r t ; i I i � ¢�¢�¢, � � ;f�K _� � � • i I v � �°;�i�� -� ,. H Ll ' v �J � i� _� 1 s 1 (— 11.1 _L_! i.1 L 1 r�l �l i 1 i►� i'� 1 , ; , � rl� - ����Q���o �o?ob:o.aoo,o'�� , �� � • � � � • • � �, � �� �� � � !� � ��� -� ' �� � ! ;��0 �. � ,,c, }.� Y� . � j 4''� `'C , : � I i i �.s* : , . � ( i_. : : � � � S ' � r� .4 � U ; i - !! I �' -� I'f�l i i i i �■�� � � , �a � �►: o ' o �o � � G71 �O 0 ! - � � , �-- n � OQ !�i �i � O A � �w � ; �. ; o; , ;o: � i_ 1 -1-- l" T'T. ����- ` �__L- __ 1 ;� � � � i i i , , � ; � p � � ' ' I4 � I � 1 I , � i I � ;b��0'QOO 'b �j���� �o ,� � i �VF - - - r---r-�- . y � '�, ¢ 0 ¢ O v 4� p;�'U�� • — � . _ . . ' ��-: � i N y T - � � �•. U O'O�¢'C�-4�(��O�U : - �n'¢��:¢ � � � `� AV E . -�������`�'''�� , °°o��,°�'�j _ � ,_,--_— .__�_ . . : ; �—�_�- � « � � . APPLICANT ��µ�� •"" �� � ����� LEGEND PURPOSE �`''�Z°'�� 8 �� a T- � � zoning district boundary � # � � � ( LS DATE S " ' �� � subject property n�'� PLNG. DIST. MAP # � 1 o one family ••� commercial � � rivofamily � �� industrial SCALE 1" = 400' �� � j,�-� Q multipie family V vacant fC� � L � � p � p � '� � � U,C�U O� Q�/E. � �;� � � O, Y!OiO �i0 O � O , ,,�, _l.� ._L�_L. � __ _ _ r -� � -� - � '��o�� �����'��� �� � o; Q ; � �I la � • • ��