96-893�' ��'`�`I�'� t����� � Presented By ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT �AUL, MINNESOTA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Referred To Council File # 9�- 89 3 Ozdinance # �- Green Sheet # �� \ �` � Committee: Date 37 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code perta.ining to zoning for the City of Saint�Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREA5, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, PIONEER POVJER INC. duly petitioned to rezone 582 HATCH AVENiJE, being legally described as Lots 19-21, Block 14; Como Prospect Addition from 1ZM-2 to I-1 to allow expansion of the business at 570 Hatch Avenue, the petirion having been certified by the Planniiig Division on May 20, 1996 as having been consented to by at least 67 percent of the owners of the azea of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one yeaz proceeding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 20, 1996 for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Plamiing Commission that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on June 28, 1996 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on June 29, 1996 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected properiy and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on July 10, 1996, where all interested parties were heazd, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Pau1, Sheet Number 12, as incorporated by reference in §60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That property with the address of 582 HATCH AVENUE, being more particularly described as: Lots 19-21, Block 14; Como Prospect Addition be and is hereby rezoned from RM-2 to I-1. �z 43 44 45 Section 2. qc.—b'q3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in farce thirry (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. l�?�����`ti���� PIIR�I4urn SEP 211996 BY: '!/.Khb✓N'A�wf�►- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counc� � � By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � ��y_ � . 1—> (r�� � ^ — Approved by Mayor: Dat � �t� gp_ ��lXi ���� � Form Approved by City Attorney q� ��az DEPARTMENT/OFFICEICOUNCIL DATE INITIATED N_ 3 312 2 PL r�r�r o�illi96 GREEN SHE T INITIA INRIAU�ATE CANTACT PERSON & PNONE � DEPAFiTMENT DIRECTOR � CIN CAUNCI� ASSIGN CRYATTORNEY Cm'CLERK ad Dadlez 266-65 2 NUYBERFOR � MUSTBE O COUNCILAGENDA BV (DAT� pOVfING BUDGET DIFECTOR � FIN. & M�T�CES OIR. ORDER MpVOP (OR ASSI5TANn � ossible TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTIpN REQUESTED: Adopt ordinance to finalize council approval of a perition of PIONEER POWER INC. to rezone properry located at 582 HATCH AVENUE from RM-2 to I-1 (public hearing held July 10, 1996). RECOMMENDn7loNS: �pprove (A) or Reject (a) PERSONAL SERV�CE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: � PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEfiVICE COMMISSION �� Hd5 this pe(SO�frt1 CVef WofkeE Undef a CAntf2G1 f0! this tlBpditment ������j CIBCOMMITTEE YES NO ��� = 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? �Ap� YES NO dUL 17 `� _ DISTPIC7 COURi _ 3. Does this person/Firm possess a skill not normall y possessetl by any curtent city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNpLOBJECTIVE? YES NO , . �r �� r �l_•� , Explain ell yes answers on separete shcet and attach to green ��t ��� � f �' .Sob Cv�eo.� ian a�d '�' INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, W�ere, Why): Finalize council approval of a petition of PIONEER POWER INC. to rezone property at 582 HATCH AVENT.IE from RM-2 to I-1 to ailow expansion of the business at 570 Hatch Aveny�������� �� JUL 75 1996 ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: - ���� �\��� �ISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOUHCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) DEPAR7'MENT OF PI.ANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CITY OF SAII�T PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayar June 26, 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: Drvision of Pla'ueing 25 West Fourth Sueet Saint Pau� MN SSIO2 q� Te[ephone: 6I2-266-6565 Facs�eile: 61 Z-228-3314 I would like to confirm that a public heazing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday July 10, 1996 for the following zoning case: Applicant: PIONEER POWER, INC. File Number: #96-0126 Purpose: Rezone property from RM-2 (residential multiple family) to I-1 ( light industrial) to a11ow expansion of the business at 570 Hatch Avenue. Address: 582 Hatch Avenue (south side between Dale & Kent) Legal Description of Properiy: Lots 19-21, Block 14; Como Prospect Addition Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommendation will be made on June 28, 1996 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, vote: 8-0, 6/20/96 My understanding is that this public heazing request will appear on the $` City Council meeting and that e Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6582 if you have any ques ions. Sincerely �L�, �, Kady Dadlez CiTy Planner Zoning Section ca File #96-126 Mike Kraemer Donna Sanders . -- NOTICE OF PIIBLIC HEARING The SainE Paul Cit�Council will conduet a pnbl3chear�ag.on, Wedae@day �-_ July 1Q 1996, to-ronsider the application of Pioneer Pnwer; Snc. - to :rP�rrne,.; properry fiom RbI-2 - (resideatial multipie familyJ to I-1 (tigkf indasYii�xbY'���- allow expansion of the business at 570 Hatch Avenue to"582 Iiatch Ave"nue � [south side between Dale and Kent Streets). - � �� Dated: Jun8�27, 1996 � � NANCYANDERSON � . .,.___ _. Assistant City CouacII Seoretary �� � _ , . � � � � � -- [Jvne 29. 1986) � � � DEPARTIvfENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT q c�—��3 CITY OF SAINf PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor June 28, 1996 Division ofPlanning 15 West Fwrth Seeet Saint Paul, MN 55102 Telephone: 612-266-6565 Facsimile: 612-228-3374 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #96-126: PIONEER POWER INC. City Council Hearing: July 10, 1996 PURPOSE: To consider rezoning property at 582 HATCH AVENUE (south side between Dale & Kent) from RM-2 to I-1 to allow expansion of the business at 570 Hatch Avenue. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL ZOI�TING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL � STAFF RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL SUPPORT: District 6 Planning Council supports the rezoning petition. OPPOSITION: No one spoke. Deaz Ms. Anderson: PIONEER POWER INC. submitted a petition to rezone property at 582 Hatch Avenue (south side between Dale & Kent). The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed rezoning on June 20, 1996. The applicant addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing, the committee voted 8-0 to recommend approval to rezone to I-l. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation for approval on a vote of 16-0 on June 28, 1996. This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heazd by the City Council on July 10, 1996. Please notify me if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, 1��9.�.r � Ken Ford Planning Administrator KF:kd Attachments cc: City Councilmembers �� city of saint paul planning commissia� resolution fiie number 96-36 �te June 28, 1996 WHEREAS, PIONEER POWIIZ INC. file #95-126 has petitioned to rezone 582 HATCH AVENUE, situated on the south side of the sLreet between Dale & Keni, from RM-2 to I-1 to allow expansion of the business at 570 Hatch Avenue; and WHEREf�S, the Zoning Committee of the Plannin� Commission held a pubiic hearing on June 20, 1996, at which ali persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant To said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paui T,egislarive Code; and �VHEREAS, Saint Paul Pianning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public heazin„ as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following f:ndings of fact: �� 1. The applicant owns the properry to be rezoned and operates Pioneer Power, Inc., a mechanical contractor specializing in industriai pipe fabrication. The existing business is S located immediately to the east at 570 Hatch Avenue. They have a significant need for additionat storage. Pioneer Power intends to rezone the properiy to I-1 and plans to construct an addition to the existing building to the east. They intend to begin construction this summer. 2. The proposed rezoning is in conformance with the couiprehensive plan for the City. Objectives of the Land Use PIan for industrial iand includes: "encouraae the retention and development of labor intensive light industries" and "assist industries who desire to expand or relocate within Saint Paul" #1 &#2, p.l. Policies of the Economic Development Strategy include: "The City's land use plan should provide adequate land for industrial and commercial development and expansion in order to increase the proportion of commercial/industrial tax base" and "The Ciry should periodically review its zoning regulations and amend them as necessary to keep current with technologic and economic changes affecting the nature of business activity" #{25 & #29, pp. 17 and 18. moved by ���n seconded by in favor U��� against �� �� G, c� —s-�3 � Zoning File #96-126 Page Two of Resolution Finally, goals and objectives of the District 6 Plan include: "To encoura�e and participate in the formulation of appropriate development of vacant land" and "To improve the tax base through better utilization of the land and appropriate development of vacant land," #2 and �{5, p.6. 3. The proposed rezoning is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact on the surrounding�area. This is an extension of an existing industrial area and will ailow the expansion and continuation of a business in the city. 4. The appiicant submitted a sufficient petition signed by two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred feet of the properry to be rezoned consenting to the rezoning (20 parcels eligibie, 14 parcels needed, and 14 parcels signed). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission ihai the petition of PIONEER POWER INC. to rezone property at 582 HATCH AVENUE, more particularly described as I.ots 19-21, Block 14; Como Prospect Addition, from an RM-2 zoning classification to an I-1 zoning classification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and � BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that property located at 582 HATCH AVENUE be rezoned from RM-2 to I-1 in accordance with the petition for rezoning on file with the Saint Paul Planning Division. � ���� � MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMZTTEE CITY COUNCIL CH}1MBER5, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ON JUNE 20, 1996 PRESENT: Mmes. Faricy, Morton and Wencl; Messrs. Chavez, Field, Gurney, Kramer and Vaught of the Zoning Committee; Mr. Warner, Assistant City Attorney; Mmes. Dadlez and Sanders and Mr. Ryan of the Planuing Division. ABSENT Time: 3:40 - 3:45 p.m. The meeting was chaized by Gladys Mozton, Chairperson. Rezone the property from RM-2 (Residential) to I-1 to allow expansion of the business at 570 Hatch Avenue. Kady Dadlez, Planning Division staff, reviewed the sta£f report. No slides were presented due to technical problems. Sta£f recommended approval of the rezoning petition based on findangs 1 throngh 4 of the staff report. The IIistrict 6 Planning Counci2 voted to support the rezoning petition. Mike Neska, 803 Park Place Drive, Mendota Heights, the applicant and president of Pioneer Power Inc., did not have a presentation but was available to respond to guestions. Commissioner Vaught commended Mr. Neska and Pioneer Power Inc. £or expanding their business in the city of Saint Paul rather than a suburban location. The public hearing was closed. Co�issioner Gurney moved approval of the rezoning petition baeed on the ataf£ reco�endation. Co�issioner Fie2d secoaded the motion. The motion carried with a unaaimous voice vote of 8 to 4. Submitt� � �� / Kady Da�tlez V Approved by: Gladys Morton Chairperson ORp � � • � �- �q� r 1 LJ � L � 1 2 ZONING C013MITTHB STAPF RHPORT FILS # 96-126 APPLICAN'P: PIONEER POWER INC. DATS OF IiEARING: 06/20/96 CLASSIFZCATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: 582 HATCH AVENUE (south side between Dale & Kent) 4. pLANNING DISTRICT: 6 5. LEGAL DBSCRIPTION: Lots 19-21, Block 14; Como Prospect Addition � 7 PRSSENT ZONING: RM-2 STAFF INVESTIGATION AND RSPORT: ZONING CODS R8FSR8NCB: §64.400 DATS: 6/13/96 BY: Kady D3dlEZ 8. DATE RECEIVED: 05/20/96 DBADLINB FOR ACTION: 7/18/96 ___________�_____ =====A=====_____ � _____=====5=====_____ � _____________________ ______=====P_____________________ __________ A. PIIRPOSE: Rezone the property from RM-2 to I-1 to allow expansion of the business at 570 Hatch Avenue. B. PARCEL SIZS: The parcels to be rezoned have 75 feet of frontage on Hatch Avenue and are 119.56 feet in depth for a lot area of 8,967 square feet. The applicant's existing business, immediately to the east of the property to be rezoned, has 175 feet of frontage on Hatch Avenue. The combined lot area is 29,890 square feet. C. EXISTI2SG LAND USE: The property to be rezoned is vacant. There is a six foot high chain link fence around the property. The property immediately to the east is a single story commercial building occupied by Pioneer Power, a mechanical contractor specializing in industrial pipe fabrication. D. SIIRROIINDING LAND IISE: 23orth: Multi-unit apartment building in an RM-2 zoning district. East: Pioneer Power, Inc. in an 2-1 zoning district. South: One and two-family homes in an RM-2 zoning district. West: An 8-unit apartment building in an RM-2 zoning district. E. ZONING COD$ CITATION: Section 64.400(a) of the zoning code states, "the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed." F G Section 64.400(b) of the zoning code states, "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67) percent of the area of the property to be rezoned." HISTORYlDISCIISSION: There are no previous zoning cases concerning this property. DISTRICT COIINCIL RBCOtAfENDATION: The District 6 Planning Council voted to support the rezoning petition. 1 Zoning File #96-126 Page Two H. FINDINGS• The appli.cant owns the property to be rezoned and operates Pioneer Power, Znc., a mecl�aaical contractor specializing in industrial pipe fabrication. The existing business is 3ocated ie�ediately to the east at 570 Hatch Avenue. They have a significant need for additional storage. Pioneer Power intends to rezone the property to I-1 and plans to canstruct aa addition to the existing building to the east. They intend to begin construction this sua¢ner. The proposed rezoning is in conformance with the comprehensive plan for the City. Objectives of the Land Use Plan for industrial land includes: "encourage the retention and development of labor intensive light industries" and "assist industries who desire to expand or relocate within Saint Pdul" #1 &#2, p.l. Policies of the Economic Development Strategy include: "The City`s iand use plan should grovide adequate land for industrial and cotmrtereial dave3opment and expansion in order to increase the proportion of cotmnercialJiadustrial tax base" and "The City should periodically review its zoning regulations and amend them as necessary to keep current with technologic and economic changes affecting the nature of business activity" #35 &#29, pp. 17 and 18. FinalZy, goals and objectives of the District 6 Plan include: "To encourage and participate in the formulation of appropriate development of vacant land" aad "TO improve the tax base through better utilization of the land and appropriate development of vacant lattd° #2 and #5, p.6. 3. The proposed rezoning is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact on the surrounding area. This is an extension of an existing industrial area and will allow the expansion and continuation of a business in the city. The applicant submitted a suf£icient petition sigaed by two-thirds of the property owaers within one hundred feet of the property to be rezoned consenting to the rezoning (20 garcels eligible, 14 parcels needed, and 14 parcels signed). STAFF RECOffi�ffi�IDATIOA: Based on findings 1 through 4 staff recommends approval of the rezoning petition. u � � 2 U PETITION TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE Department of Planning and Economic Development Zoni»g Secfion 1100 City Ha[I Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 266-6589 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION ,: ,,,:-. :.; � (�-�93 za���$ �� �� ��� - ��� � ::_��j":�� . F�zs 4� k �'i J: ° �3: 5�--; Terttative #tesrirt� datQ ���nt �`. �. �`�`�'{� Property Owner k��onEEYZ. �i�ti+lBrL �c.. Address �Fs.�. �F}XtT'G.t1 1'�vE City ST� F'/au� St._Zip 5511 Daytime phone �/88 Contact person (if different) Wl�c�-ihe ) li✓� I�ES�V 1�1 i9 � (attach additional sheet rf necessary) s, . ��.�,,�l� r� � TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Pau{ Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, �cn Err �ivw'�rt. 2r,a• , the owner of ail the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a �YYI.� zoning district to a 2 I zoning district, for the purpose of: Erecting an enclosed free standing storage facility adjacent to our existing office/shop building for storage of our tools and equipment. See attached preliminary site plan. r� � (atfach additional sheef(s) ff necessa ) .�/ / Attachments: Required site plan � Consent petition L+� Affidavit LlY Subscribed and swom to before me this a7'�� day of /Li a i-�l, , 19� � i, i i n.i , i i i r nnnnnnnMnMMM a Notary Public �� GERALD R. SIVERSON xoiaRY PUBLIC-M�NNESO7A ���� RAMSEV COUNTY Ny Comm. Explraa Jan.31, 2D00 1 � By: /���� Fee owner of property Title: �✓BSio�e-vY+ Page 1 of �� 3 570 HATCH AVE. � ST. PAUL, MN 55777 0(672) 488-5561 p FAX: (612) 488-2652 � �� PIONEER POWER IN� � City of St. Paul PED 25 West 4th Street, l lth Floor St. Paul, MN 55102 Attn: Kady Dadlez Re: Rezoning and Storage Facility Deaz Kady: May 9, 1996 Pioneer Power, Inc. is a mechanical contracting company located at 570 Hatch Avenue, St. Pau1, MN 55117. We have been located at this address since the mid 1960's. Our current facility e�sts of office space with an attached pipe fabrication shop, a detached storage building and some outside storage. Our business has grown aver the last couple of years to the point at which we desperately need additional storage capabilities for our tools and equipment. We very much want to remain at our current location, but we are convinced to do so would mean additional storage, immediately adjacent to our e�cisting facility, is a must. Our request at this time is really two fold: Rezone Pioneer Power owned lots #19, 20, and 21 from residential to industrial. 2. Approve building pernuts for a new storage facility on lot #19, 20 and 21. Your prompt attention in this matter will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Sincerely, PIONEER POWER, INC. / � � II l% � Michael W. Neska President ��: / f -= p A F F. R 2? !l^' 9 F C i . �;_;: � �., ? y : � 6� l2� �? •'bf� ti G R E 4 4 } �t4'�� Y G 12G' i � "AN EQUAI OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER" � �' �-�� � 0 ZONING PETITION SiTFFICIENCY CHECK SHEET ZONTNG SCUP NCUP FIRST SUBMITTED • C� DATE PETITION SUBMITTED: �_v ��"' DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: PARCELS ELIGIBLE: � PARCELS REQUIRED: ( � PARCELS SIGNED: _� DATE PETITION RESUBMITTED: 5•Ib.�` DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: � � Z � � � � PARCELS ELIGIBLE: �� PARCELSREQUIRED: �`T PARCELS SIGNEA: �� CHECKED BY: /G���� DATE: �i - Za •9� ZONING F�LE 9 ���� s , COhSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING • k'e, the undersigned, oxners of property within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate owned, purch�sed, or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, �cknowledge that we have been {urnished with th2 {oilowina• 1. A copy of the Pet�tion of 2. A copy of Sections through St. Paul Zoning Code; and �w =� : .�r! c:, - name of petitioner; inclusii-e of the acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a '�� District zoning classification and we are z+aare tfiat any of these uses can be established upon City Councii appro•ral of �he rezar.ing; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the property descri6e i ,�/ ,� � fiY�� Petition of ��iVI�i.Lt2 s'G�u L_ to a lf District. �name of p2t tioncr • IJ�+m�: � ADDITION RE - �` �//QT ou � N � ��rd � ��Ohne � (la,ks r � �� Z � e� i r` c E � ���,� �" � , l F t' _ _"� � y � f, A412 1 /(� Y �7/� _. ;7 � — n � m9h � 3 a�. i�= SI6NATURE `/ �! � �C% � ✓�� l N �✓ � .a�� --; � G� 'EIPI� • { i� -e� 7 % �� i � l.i.tiii � ; _ � �, . ✓� � r � � _ � _. � � .� ,.� i�'/ ' L � %;•`-�/ � �j -.:Z 3 -��, � � ���� Q 3 Z3-�(o �rcSa -- -z �--r(� , +/I t]" 2�. � Z ? '7 - i'� -� �-+ < � Petitions sha11 not be tonsidered as officially filed until the lapse of 7 working dzys after a petition is received in the Zoning Office. Any sig�ator of any petition may � withdraw his name therefrom b written re uest with that time. ZQNING FILE � �b 12�o Page 2 of � � Y w CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPER7Y OWNERS TO REZONING `� �� � • M'e, the undersigned, owners ofi property within 100 feet of the total contiouous �=_scriptions of real estzte owned, purchased, or so7d by Petitioner within one yezr preceding the da�e of this petition, acknowledoe tnat we hzve been furnished with the following: 7. A copy ofi the ?etition of ty� )Gt-'�Yt , � r�G-- n�ae of �etitiener 2. A cooy of Sections through , inclusi��e of the St. ?aul Zoning Code; znd acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a T� District zoning classificztion and we are zware thzt any of these us2s can be estab7ished upon City Council aparoval of the rezoning; znd we hereby consent to th2 rezoning of the propert�e Q t� n C/j�GtL� �Qi .,,� ?etition of lrfph�i�t'� Y 6uJG�ft L_ to a tt� District. �ame of pzt tioner ' ��+me. L�K ADDI7ION RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE OATE .��, n r I. �., /�.��;>v I/� ,��'e 3 �� -� 1;� 1 I `�/ L ' � G �' �, V�% ( ✓l- rr� i 1 �' - '��� � � � L � _�� i j • c .�'/ C' i _ _� 3 �- . ,��-�` ,�'` � Z 3 -y'� �_��, �i« ' �1, � (Saa ' 3 �1 � �e � �.e�� _ � t / / � � � ���2 � ' � �'L'/✓/ \ . �i:, � . . ,. �t. , / I � � -. 3S , � �Z `i'7�';' ;-� ` ? ,Z _� �; % 3 � - Z- a ,6 �t -2 - �� Petitions shali not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of 7 working days after a petition is received in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any petition may �thdraw his name therefrom by written request witbin thzt time. 3 d ZC�h�1�G FILE �b��2�o i Page'� of ,�„ � 7 CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: . � -« T�� c� �: .:�-, , r �� ��- 1. A copy of ths Petition of 2. A copy o£ 3ections through , inclusive of the Saint Yaul 2oning Code; and acknowledge that we axe aware of all of the uses permitted under a �1 District zoning classification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Petition of YWrIF,e.1 �aLl��Q-� �L (�i�' l�E���o a �� District � e of et;ti e ����v � �� � J • s/96 � Petition sha11 not be considered as o£Picially filed until the lapse of seven (7} working days after a petition is received by the Planning Division. Any signator • of any petition ma " raw his/her name therefrom by written request within that time. ����- � ���� � page��'�c i �a L : � 5 � �i `�' u ! L �z ' � i3 _�. i ��} „ � 0 Pezitfon sha11 not he considered as officially filed until the lapse oE seven <7) • working days a£ter a petition 3s received by the Planning Division. Arty signator o� any p¢tition may v his/her name therefzom by vritten rpag that time. �� ���� � s � � :,� RPR 24 '96 16�12 FR PIONEER POWER INC 612 468 2652 TO 3369701 P.03iO4 � �- �q� CONSENT OF AATOZNING YROPERTY OS7NF�ts TO REZONING We, the uadersigned, owners of the propezty o*ithin 100 feet of the tota7. contiguous description of real esraee ovned, purchased, or sold hy petitioner rrithin one year preceding the date of this petition, aeknowledge that we have been furnished with the followinQ= • 1. A copy of the Petition of 2. A copy of Sectioas through , inclusive oz tne Saint Paul 2aning Code; and r aclmoo*Iedge that ve are awaze o£ aIl of the uses peYmitted under a J--� District zoning classi£ication and we are avaze that any of these usss can be establ3shed upan City Council approva7. of the rezaning; and we heraby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the � Petiition of �Wrt.it 7 Y L{fiP� �t�+'. `m%✓"� ���f° � � District /�/�iw( f l�/ ��l,!✓T ) J 23/96 � 9 S7ATE OF Mit;tiESOTA) . SS COU�iTY OF RF3'�SEY ) ///Gl�/%0� ��� be;ng i 1f5� C�'U�j' S:�GtP� 2c'�GSES cf1� Si2t�5 �}1c� �E l5 �4e pc7 Wn0 CiTC��c�c� ��+E .47i��"t�i9 yc=lt:Q7Y 23� CCTS'c71�� CDn51St7Jia 9T __ �cCES� �hct c7i12tiL 15 inror-ed "cnd �E�'IEYES i'�c� i�iQ �cT�lES descr lbE� are the G'�'f1Er5 rESuELi�VE�y pT ih2 �0�5 Q�EC°_'� l�E`����°�`.� �-0�r°- EcCf1 r,ame, t}1Z� c771ctIL 15 in;or�:.ed and belie `JES ih2i E-G'!1 0� th2 �ariies GESCf:t3=� cDC.2�7<_thE Gw'Et OT propercy whiyh�is 100 ;e=_t frc� sry proger�y c�ne3 or purc..�_�d hy p_tition..r or old b =='tior�* ,�ithin one (1) YE=r pr=�=�ing t�e tia�=_ os th�s petit�cn wn�ch is ccnticuous to the �Ypfc:"if �cSCI"IbE� 1T1 tFl? ;etitien; ��l EYL��L i0Y . ' ttOnE 0'i the par� c�strib_3 8bOV2 hc5 purcnased Ot' l5 pL�+'c*�as�ra a7'0'yEl'Ly'+t0� pe+_ition�r COTI[lC a i.D LT+E e�ovc descri?�ed �rorer�Y W1�}17A OfiE !�� yE3t Oi i}S2 Qc�E _ pf the petition; 't718� ifI75 CL•IISc!li. 1:cS Si�+•�� by EcCh OT Sdid 05+'�EfS lit tie prese;,ce c 7 i.h�5 27ilct7Z� 2T1{� �het ihe s+ara�ures ar2 t`e true cnd COPrEC� sienatures 07 EcC�I cfld zll of the p�rties so described. � 570 ���i o9r/c . �� Y�awP �^'il� ss��7 Address / � ��'�' � Tele�hone Nunber Su�scribed and sxorn to be�ore r�e this �2, day oT ,�tros-�l, > >9�6 / %%, . ... � �. � - . .niwv�� .. . ..........� ,,, . , , . , �vv�niv�nnnni., �. � GERALD R.SIVERSON MOTARY PUBLIC-NINMESOTA RAMSEYCOUNTY My Comm. Explrea Jna 81. 2000 t • ������� F6�E q6 I2,h Approved es to rorm - Feb. 85 Plann;ng Depar�ment P aae �� of � • � � ! '// i / / /:' /;' ;/ ,' i : � �,; �;,�,.::,. �;;- ; ;; �, �� ��,'i ��/ /;' i�/i% v' y' I �✓ . � � / BLACK TOP AREA a `�� i � —�- ��T.22 LCT.21 � � u 1� � Vi IX � W \\ \ , � > a� � �; � REVIAON OESCRIPTION PIONEER P�WER IiVC naavtnt rrn r ST. PAUL PLANT 1996 M�DIFICATIpN U I _� 1 W I L �J � z 105'-0' H v, X I LOTp20 W I I 4 I � �_or#�5 I � � t� District 6 Planning Council 1055 North Dale Street � St. Paul, Minnesota 55117 Phone: (612) 488-4485 Fax: (612) 488-0343 March. 1996 i�E���V�C� APR O 1 1996 Department of Planning & Economic Development Zoning Section ZO�!+�`� 1100 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth St. St. Paui, Mi3 55102 The District 6 Planning Counci! received a request from Pioneer Power (Michael W. Neska) at 582 Hatch Ave_ ta rezane Como Prospect Addition Lots 19, 20, 21, Block 14 from Residential to I-1. A sight plan was also introduced. � On Wednesday, March 27th the Land Use Task Force of the District 6 Planning Council moved, seconded, and approved the request for the above mentioned rezoning. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call. Executive ZO�It�G FEL� c�' l2� � � 1 �- vl� -��{ 3 . 1. SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HIGHWOOD 2. FiAZEL PARK HADEI�i-PROSPERITY HILLCREST 3. WEST SIDE 4. DAYTON'S BLUFF 5� - EN NORTH 7. THOMAS-DALE 8. SUMMIT-iJNIVERSIT'Y 9. WEST SEVENTH 10. COMO 11. HAMI.INE-MIDWAY 12. ST. ANTHONY PARK 13. MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNET.LING HAMLINE 14. MACALESTER GROVELAND 15. HIGHI.AND 15. SUMMIT HII.L 17. DOWIVTOWN ZON{NG FILE ��' �3 CTITZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNING DISTRICTS ,-�� � _ ,._.�� _ � , f J -- ��y_��:�� � - = �� ;r'`� '� _I , .-�r _T� � �:�_-���r� ��=-T� . 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