96-834� �- �Rl�I���� ORDI Presented By Referred To i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 i4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Council File # ���� � Ordinance # q Green Sheet # 3�7167 AUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date �' - An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 17443, approved March 17, 1987, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to parking meter zones. THE COUNCI� OF THE CITY OF SA{NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 17443, approved March 17, 1987, is hereby amended by removing the following meters: LOCATION Second Street SIDE OF STREET �f�C.7i�i1 piIQI Ieu[n AUG 311996 FROM Kellogg Blvd. TO Jackson Street Requested by Department of: Public Works g �� Ld:G(iv I /uL� Adopted by Council: Date e � � Form A ppro d by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ����-.. /� By: BY� �- �\ �^'�"^ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date ? ' J �G " ///,{ /� < !��0.// � n, � /f,( � g : 4 �/ � C fA�UA/� By: �VV� �w.uW�so Works - Traffic ' PERSON & PHONE MUST BE ON COUNGL AGENDA BY (DA7E) June 26, 1996 1 (CLJP ALL LOCATONS FOH SIGNANRE) GREEN SHEET C(TY ATTORNEV r(/ " BUDGEf DIRECTOR MAYOFi (OR ASSI5fAM] ASSOCIATE c y N0. 67�� INI77AUDATE _ 6 MGT. SERVICES DIR DEP�. AGCOUMANT Ordinance removing parking meters on Second Street between Kellogg Boulevard and Street MMtNUHf10N5: A�J(l�OVO (A) O! H2)0C1 q PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER 7tiE FOLIAWIN6 QUES710NS: PI.ANNWG COMMfSS10N �� COMMISSION �. �s this persoNfirtn ever worketl under a coMrac[ for this tlepartmenC? — YES NO Cis COrnhfmEE 2. Has this personffirtn ever been a city employee? ��jj� YES NO s7AFF ""� 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current ciry — employee? DISTRICTCAUNCIL YES NO ____..�.._.. __...._.. __ __511''f(S32'S t1�Elf7'F Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach m green sheet It is apparent that many city employees (inspectors) park at meters near the Courthouse throughout the day. There is a plan to remove parking meters on Second Street to create Tax Exempt Vehicle Permit Parking. This will allow public use of the meters near the Courthouse. Meter revenues should increase, because Second Street meters are 4-hour meters (25¢/hr.), and meters around the Courthouse are 1-hour meters ($1.00/hr.). ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Public will be able to park at many more meters near the Courthouse and library. City employees will have a designated area on Second Street. Meter revenues should increase as the public will able to use meters in this area; whereas, ciry employees did not put money in the meters because police gave immunity to vehicles with city employee identification. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: City employees walk further to Courthouse offices than before in a more threatening area. Mayor's Complaint Office and LIEP are creating a tax exempt permit parking system and deciding distributio of permits to appropriate parties. Also, some business employees will lose 4 hour meter parking on Second Street. ., DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: One hundred-plus city employees will continue to park at meters near the Courthouse each day which will prevent the general public from using those meters. ������� �01t�3Cl� �'��?L�S4�1 G�?���' 3f ��� � � � JUL 09 1996 �a R4_ �Li T.�'�� � �{ .. � _3� `$ � ��;i d�' �a �'- �'Y �a+ �` @ fOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ COS7/REVENUEBUUGE'fED(CIRCLEON� YES No FUNDING SOURCE FINANCIALINFORMAi70N: (EXPWN) ACINfTY NUMBER � q�-� 2nd Street Meter Removals issue: Remove 38 parking meters (.25 per hour - 4 hour maximum) on 2nd St. from Kellogg Bivd. to Jackson St. Impact: Revenue (loss) from removal of ineters on 2nd St. 38 meters x$2.00 per day x 303 days (no Sun. or Holidays) =$24,467 per yr. Revenue (gain) from assumed 75 exempt City vehicies parked at meters within downtown core area. When asked how many city vehicle permits needed for 2nd Street, 140 permits were requested. However, not allo�these requests would be parked all day at meters, so assumed 75 vehicles. 75 meters x$8.50 per day x 251 days =$160,012 per year. Result is $160,012 - $24,467 = $135,545 increase Other Impacts: Creates more parking spaces for downtown businesses Creates more parking for residents coming to City Hall, Public Library, ect... in downtown core area. Some area employees and others must find alternative areas to park.