96-418L L (, �,1 �� p C� Council File � �` O rT \ �^,s �;;s 2 , � ' -. , S � S q (o ordinance � _ . . _ . . . . . ___ P�-� � �. S Green Sheet # � s � � ORDlNANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUI., MIIVNESOTA � g 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Presented By Referred To THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAA'T PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Chapter 411.04(b) of the Saint Pau1 Legisiative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 411.04. Licensing requirements. (b) Noti�cation requirements; consent of neighboring property: (1) Notice of hearing: At least thirty (30) days before a public hearing on an application for a license, the department of finance and management services shali notify by mail all owners and occupants who own property or reside within three hundred fifty (350) feet of the main entrance of the establishment to be licensed and all community organizations that have previously registered with such department of the time, piace and purpose of such hearing, such three hundred fifty {350) feet calculated and computed as the distance measured in a straight line from the nearest point of the building where into�cating liquor is sold, consumed or kept for sale to the nearest point of the property line owned, leased or under the control of the resident. Prior to the hearing date, the office of license, inspections and environmental protection shall submit to the city council a list of the namas and addresses of each person or organization to whom notice was sent, and certification of such list by the clerk shali be conclusive evidence of such norice. (2) Consent of owners and occupants w�thin three hundred feet: The applicant sha11 present with his or her application for a Ctass B or Class C license a statement in writing with tke signatures of as many of the owners and occupants of private residences, dwellings and apartment houses located within three hundred 8fty (350) feet of such premises as he or she can obtain to the effect that they have no objection to the granting of the class of entertainment license sought or the operation of the business of conducting entertainment of the class of license sought at the location proposed. If the applicant obtains the signatures of ninety (90} percent or more of such persons, the council may grant the license. If the applicant obtains the signatures of siYty (60) percent to ninety (90) percent of such persons, the council may gant the license upon finding tnat issuance of the Ordinance to amend Chapter 4I 1 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to entertainment; allowing the City Council to grant licenses outside of the current petirion requirement under certain circumstances. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ra��t�c'o - Sl��q� P•Z.OrZ °16-`-\l8' license would not interfere with the reasonable use and enjoyment of neighboring property and residences and would not bear adversely on the health, safery, morals and general welfare of the community. Such findings shall be based on the following considerations if the license were to be granted: a. b. c. d. e. The effect on the surrounding community and institutions; Noise and likelihood of adverse effect on residential occupants; The possibility of increased traffic; The character ofthe neighborhood; Other like uses in the neighborhood. If the applicant fails to obtain the signatures of "r?;; . � u, i . shall not in anv case be �,ranted;=�ii[�;::�� � of such persons, the license „ �rtRr rcucn JUN °'� i996 ��r� „� �,��_,�� Requested by Department of: Office of License Insoections and Environmental Protection Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council ( B y : ______ Form Approved by City Attorney BY. � cA.. � . � �-�-�-- B y' ^�C�/k�����rcP� Approved by Mayor: Date ���Y Aprroved y Diayor for Submission to Council B y' L" " � B �l� �u-�b0 OFFICE OF LIEP Date: 4/10/96 GRE E N S H E E T � N° 35157 Robert Ressler 266-9112 - 1 EPARTMENT DIRECTOR g sxr cour,cxL ITY ATTORNEY ITY CLERK ust bE Ori COtlricil Ag2IId8 by : DIX'+ET DIRECTOR N. s MGT. SVC. DIR. S� 3 OR (OR 11SSISTANT) OTAL # OF SIGNATIIRE YAGBS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: ordinance amending chapter 411 of the LC pertaining to entertainment; allowing the City Council to grant licenses outside of the current petition equirement under certain circumstances. COIMIENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) OIAL SBRVIC6 CONYNACTS NOST ANS1�[2 4'� ��� PLANNZNG CQ`MIISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has the person/firm ever worked under a contraet for this department? CIB COMMITTEE YES NO STAFF Has this person/firm evet been a City employee? DISTRICT COURT YES NO Ibes this peisonlfirm possess a skill not norsally possessed by any UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE3 Current City employee? YES NO lain all YPS ansaera on a sepazate sheet and attacL. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): he City of Saint Paul prohibits the issuance of entertainment and extended service licenses unless the applicant can obtain 60� of neighboring residents' signatures on a petition. This will allow council to override this equirement if it so chooses. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: elp streamline the license process. ��,��� ;�s��?'�`t ���� ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: t�6 �], 7 t��6 ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: icense processes will continue to be cumbersome and labor intensive in certain cases. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I'7 18 19 20 21 a. b. c. d. license would not irneffere with the reasonable use and enjoyment of neighboring prop and�� residences and would not bear adversely on the heaitb, safety, morals and general welfare of the community. Such findings shall be based on the following considerations if the license were to be granted: / The effect on the susounding community and institutions; Noise and likelihood of adverse effect on residential occupan The possibility of increased traffic; The character of the neighborhood; e. Other like uses in the neighborhood. If the applicant fails to obtain ihe shall not in anv case be �ranted:�;� „ _'-; ;-z 8 ^ t � i f<, � ' � . E '�.' � : `� .'°° �`.� Date Requested by Department of: Office of License Ins�ections and Environmental Protect�on Adopted by Council Adoption Certifi d By: Approved Mayor: By: _ of si of such persons, the Hcense by Council Secretary Date L/[.��►.� �'� � Form Approved by City Attorney gy: ``7�9� � � Gu'n�-i/� CJ Approved by Mayor for Submission to CounciZ B (�`U�