96-284LL ri ,' I /i Ls' i l � , ��..E � . . . . _.._ OF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Presented By Ordinance # Green Sheet # �� D ORDINANCE �INT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Referred To Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislafive Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoxring maps thereof: WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, STEVE SCRIBNER duly petitioned to rezone 1374 ARCADE STREET, being legally described as Lots 12, 13, and 14, Block 6; Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, from B-3 to R-4 to a11ow an existing commercially used property to be used as a single family dwelling, the petition hauing been certified by the Planning Division on January 2, 1996 as having been consented to by at least 67 percent of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year proceeding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on February 1, 1996 for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to §107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the perition be denied; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on February 9, 1996 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on February 13, 1996 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected properiy and properiy situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WIIEREAS, a public heazing before the CiTy Council having been conducted on February 28, 1996, where all interested parties were heard, the Council having considered a11 the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paui, Sheet Number 6, as incorporated by reference in §60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: � That property with the address of 1374 ARCADE STREET, being more particularly described as: Lots 12, 13, and 14, Biock 6; Lane's Phalen Grove Addition be and is hereby rezoned from B-3 to R-4. Council File # � �� �2 43 44 45 46 96 r �V T Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force tl�irty (30) days from and after its passage, approval, and publicarion. L`� MAY - 4 i99� ��������� Adopted by Council By: Appr By: Requested by Department of: Plannin & Economi evel ent s jL Form Approved by City Attorney BY = � !J Y.ccu.� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: l�/1 ����`2 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 9��-a��✓ i OEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNpL DATE INITIATEO 'v � 3 3 0 4 0 f GREEN SH�� _ CONTACTPERSONSPHONE INRI T INRIAt/DATE �DEPqRiMENTDiRECTOR �CRYCOUNCIL ASS�C+N � CITYA7TOflNEY a� y � CRYCLERK MUST BE O COUNGL AGENDA BY (DATE) „U � O BUDCaET DIflECTO � FIN. & MGT. SEflVICES Dlq. pOUTING ORDER MpYOF (Ofl ASSISTANn � �[dy� TOTAL # OF SiGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALl LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AGTION AEQUESfED: Adopt ordinance to finalize council approval of a petition of Steve Scribner to rezone property located at 1374 Arcade Street from B-3 and R-4 (public hearing held Febraary 28, 1496). FiECOMMENDA710NS: Approve (A) or Reject (F) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTqACTS MUST ANSWER TME FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: � PIANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERYICE CAMMISSION �� Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contrac[ for this tlepartment? - CIB CoMMfTTEE YES NO ��� — 2. Has this persontt'irm ever been a ciTy employee? YES NO _ DISTRICT COUFiT _ 3. Does Ihis person/firm possess a skill no[ normall � y possessetl by any current ciry employee. SUPP�RTSWHIGHCAUNCIlO&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answera on separate sheet antl attech to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPORNNITV (Who, What, When, Where. Why) Finalize council approval of a petition of Steve Scribner to rezone property at 1374 Arcade Street from B-3 to R-4 to allow an existing commercially used property to be used a single family dwelling (public hearing held February 28, 1996). ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. DISADYANTAGES IF APPROVED �� �1AR 0 i 1996 � ay � '� F, ^•' �.� {'�3�Pv ������� .-.� 4. . 9I L DISADVANTAGES IP NOTAPPROVED: y '`'��� yg � p °1 A�= R+.L`b3�k�� �.R�n;'n?S^'�`i ��U�ii�° �'�:,' ` rt �' �i � .�.-..se�CS. ... i.4 � � �vv�'.,A ��:�ft 0 � 1996 ��� A.o,F�, �F��u��` TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUND�NG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FiNANC1AL INFORMATION. tEXPLAIN) pEPARTME�TC OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMIIJT CITY OF SAII�IT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor February 9, 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson CiTy Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: STEVE SCRIBNER 96-002 Rezone properry from B-3 (general business) to R-4 (residential single family) to allow an existing commercially used property to be used as a single family dwelling. 1374 Arcade Street (southeast corner of Arcade & Cottage) � � � �o � Telephone: 612-266-6565 Facsimite: 612-228-3374 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday February 28, 1996 far the foliowing zoning case: Applicant: File Number: Purpose: Address: Legal Descripfion of Property: Previous Acfion: Lots 12, 13, and 14, Block 6; Lane's Phalen Grove Divisron of PZ�mning 25 West Pourth Street SairsF Paul, MN 55102 Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, vote: 15-3, 219f96 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Denial, vote: 4-3, 2/1/96 My understanding is that this puBlid fiea33ng ceqnest wi11 appear on th� agenda for the Febrnary 21;" 1996 City Council meeting and that yoiY �viF( pubiisli notice of the heating in the Saint Paul Legal � Ledger: Please call me at 266-6582 if you have any questions. Si��ly,� � �� Kady Dadlez City Planner Zoning Section cc: File #96-002 Mike Kraemer Donna Sanders �-���:"�� .-�..� � ._ _.. � . ..:.. . � �� � u f�, - '' - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ' - � The Saint-Paul Ci[y'Council will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, _ Februarc 28, 1996, at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chasnbers, Thitd-Floor, � Citc Hall, to consider the application of Steve Schribner to rezope properEy ,Cro[n B-3 (general business)� to R-4 (residential single family) fo allow an existing commerciaily used property [o be used as a single family dwelling at 137�# Arcade Street (southeast corner of Arcade and Cottage) Da[ed: February 9, 1996 - � PSAF7CY ANDERSON � � Assistant Caty Couucil Secvefac�� - , _ , . " � , .: . . . . . , ; � = fEebr.uarg_T3.`1936�,- . � . _ . , I DEPARTMENT OF PL.ANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � c� —a�� • CTTY OF SAII�'f PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor rr�r February 20, 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the CiTy Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #96-002: STEVE SCRIBNER City Council Heazing: February 28, 1996 Divirion oJPTarmmg 25 West Fo�vth Street Samt Paul, MN 55101 Telephoue: 612-266-6565 Facsursile: 612-228-3314 PURPOSE: To consider rezoning property at 1374 Arcade Street from B-3 to R-4 to allow an existing commercially used property to be used as a single family dwelling. PLANNING COMNIISSION RECOMI��NDATION APPROVAL ZOI�IING COMMITTEE RECOMI��NDATTON DENIAL • STAFF RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL SUPPORT: The District 5 Planning Council took no position on the rezoning petition. OPPOSITION: None. Dear Ms. Anderson: � STEVE SCRIBNER submitted a petition to rezone property at 1374 Arcade Street. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed rezoning on February 1, 1996. The applicant addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing the committee voted 4-3 to recommend denial to rezone to R-4. The Planni�g Commission overlurned the Zoning Committee's recommendation for denial and voted to recommend approval of the rezoning on a vote of 15-3 on February 9, 1996. This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on February 28, 1996. Please notify me if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, V�'ti Ken Ford Planning Administrator KF:kd Attachments cc: City Councilmembers 9 �- a-� y � city of saint paul planr�g commission resolution file number 96—� OS � ��e February 9, 1996 WHEREAS, ST`EVE SCRTBNER, file {t96-002 has petitioned to rezone 1374 ARCADE STREET, the southeast comer of Arcade & Cottage, from B-3 to R-4 to allow an existing commercially used property to be used as a single family dwelling; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public heariag on February 1, 1996 at which all persons present were given an oppommity to be heazd pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the pubiic hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following fmdings of fact: 1. The applicant owns the property and has been operating a computer repair business from the residential structure for about five years. The business has outgrown the space so • the owner has been trying to sell the groperty for almost one year. There has not been much commercial interest in the properly. Rather, most interest has come from residential buyers. However, the commercial tax rate on the property has scared off residential buyers. Now that the applicant has received an offer to purchase from residentiai buyer he is pursuing the rezoning. The applicant states that although the properry had been used for several years for commercial purposes, the interior of the structure has remained unchanged and is in move-in condition for a residential buyer. 2. The rezoning is in conformance with the comprehensive plan. The housing goal of the Disuict 5 Plan states, the Payne-Phalen community will work to maintain and improve the existing housing stock and to add new housing units in order to provide safe, sound housing for all its residents." p.5. The commercial land use objective of the I.and Use Pian is to "maintain and enhance the city's commercial azeas and to provide the flexibility needed to accommodate new demands and opportunities." p. 24. The Land i3se Plan also states "the city will continue to review its present zoning to ensure that : i) each zoning classification reflecu uses appropriate to the intended application of that district; and 2) each commercial area is appropriately zoned for its intended function. " p.27. moved by Vaught seconded by C_-nrdon • in favor 15 a��(�t 3 (Kramer, Morton, Field) Zoning File #96-002 Page Two of Resolution The rezoning is in keeping with the way the groperty was developed and wiTl not have an adverse impact on adjacent property. The property is adjacent to an e�cisting R-4 zoning district. In addition, current zoning does not allow reasonable use of the property as demonstrated by the applicanYs inability to attract a commercial buyer for almost a yeaz. 4. The applicant submitted a su�cient petition signed by two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the property to be rezoned consenting to the rezoning (15 parcels eligible, 10 parcels needed, and 11 parcels signed). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that the petition of STEVE SCRIBNER to rezone property at 1374 ARCADE STREET, more particularIy described as Lots I2, I3, and i4, Block 6; Lane's PhaIen Grove Addition, from a B-3 zoning classification to an R-4 zoning classification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and • BE IT FURTHER RFSOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that properry located at 1374 ARCADE STTtEET be rezoned from B-3 to R-4 in accordance with the petition for rezoning on file with the Saint Paul Planning Division. • C� 2 a c� - as`{ � PLANNING COMIVIISSION OF SAINT PAUL City Hall Conference Center _ -� .� �'`' 15 West Kellogg Boulevard � �� � � � ' Y �,�� Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 #_ __ q::: � "s,e ' ���� A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Fn , February 9, 1996, at 830 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners Mmes. Bader, Carter, Faricy, Geisser, Maddox, Morton, Treichel and Wencl Present: and Messrs. Field Jr., Gordon, Gurney, Kramer, Lee, Mardell, McDonell, Riehle, Schwichtenberg and Vaught. Commissioners Ms. *Lund-Johnson and Mr. *Chavez Absent: *Excused • • Also Present: Ken Ford, Ptanning Administrator, Jean Birkholz, Kady Dad(ez, Nancy Frick, Allen Lovejoy, Roger Ryan, Larry Soderholm and Lucy Thompson of the Platming Staff. I. Approval of Minutes of January 12, 1996 > .:::.......:._.....:.�:...:,::...._.........��. .....,.. ,,....,:..:_.. TIi�:�riuiiat�s �i� ;�a�i�a�;1�"i�rE;�uia�iit��ius3y<�p�r�ve€� ���vr�ice.viz�e: N. Zoning � #95-249 Sundance Properties - Special condition use permit to ailow an outdoor mazket during the bowling off-season (2245 Hudson Road). #96-�02 Steve Scribner - Rezone from B-3 (general business} to R-4 (residential single family) to allow an existing commercially used properiy to be used as a single family dwelling. �€)'i��r1�T ��+��s�s�ir��er �€atC�ati;riicii�l ���iiia3 xsf � ie�a�•.r�z�m�g �"r�°��;�r� �=?� �ta r� #95-281 Sherman-Forbes Housin¢ - Sign variance: Two sign variances to allow two new identification signs (324 West 7th Street; zoned RM-2). > ..........:.� M . ...... ..:.....:...:. ,.:.: : <:::<..:.:.:.....:,.,.. a�l�t�u�.��g • Commissioner Vaught spoke for those who voted in opposirion to this motion in the zoning committee meeting. He stated that this building was originally built as a residence and is certainly suitable for occupaacy as a residence. He also stated that he does not consider this to be a"spot rezoning" case, nor does he think this case fits the definition of "spot rezoning." It is immediately adjacent to property which is zoned R-4 and it is not isolated from other unrelated wnes. Chair McDonell ruled the amendment as not appropriate. Commissioner Vaught cited point of order. a motion to amend is appropriate at any point and a motion to amend by substitution is absolutely appropriate. If however, it doesn't get a second, then is it dead. Chair McDonell requested clarification. . :� ::.... � .. �ii�m'�ss€oii�r�"::";:::__�<C�ri�issu?xier:.�:.` �s_i�u�oa;t�r�ai�': ......:..:... .....:..:. ....:..?��'....:.:._...._........:_.,...:...:::.::. _,..,,::.:...:.�:..,...........::.:..>,...:.::..:._..,....:,. Commissioner Schwichtenberg clarified tha question. He noted that friendly amendments do not require a vote. Since this was not asked to be a friendly amendment, we'll vote on the • amendment fust and then we'll vote on which ever version of the morion stands. �AZrj��si�iXier��i�t;svitT�reiv:�ie�iii�tiaxt iu;�e�€t€'. Commissioner Gordon spoke in opposition to the motion to deny the requested rezoning on the floor. He agrees with Commissioner Vaught. He acknowledges the need to be sensitive to the guideline referring to spot zoning, however he is concemed when the guidelines takeover and rule and prevent bodies &om doing what othenvise makes sense. Commissioner Field spoke in support of the motion to deny. Commissioner Kramer spoke in support of t6e motion to deny because rewning may devaiue surrounding properties and would also be inconsistent with the other B-3 zoned property along Arcade Street. He also noted that although the property does adjoin an R-4 zoning area, that specific R-4 wning area is the residential neighborhood behind the property sepazated by an alley; all the business on Arcade Street aze in the B-3 zone. Commissioner Treichel spoke in opposition of the motion to deny. She has seen no evidence that rezoning would devalue the property sturounding this property. Commissioner Gurney spoke in opposition of the motion to deny partly because a rezoning to residential use on Arcade will reduce some of the congestion on that street. Commissioner Vaught stated that the deciding factor for him is that the building is so • � �� r1 LJ • • manifestly designed as a residence and seems to be a sturdy building with a useful life. Commissioner Field addressed the issue of land use here. He said he would feel much better if they could rezone allthe buildings which appear to be houses but are actually commercial to a residential use. He fears that this may be seen as a regrettable mistake in the futute and that it couid also be setting a precedent. Commissioner Gordon commented that he could foresee no precedent here; that these particulaz issues aze specific to this case. Commissioner Schwichtenberg asked staff if residential use of this property would be prohibited. Ms. Dadlez responded that mixed commercial and residential uses are allowed in a B-3 zone, but then at least 50 percent of the first floor has to be used for commerciat and the remainder of the structure can be used for residential purposes. Commissioner Gordon asked staff if there was any other way to accommodate this request other than a wning change. Ms. Dadlez answered that there is not. Commissioner Schwichtenberg spoke in opposition to the motion to deny. He feels that holding the property hostage at B-3 does not seem appropriate, and he wonders if B-3 is the appropriate zoning for Arcade Street to begin with. Commissioner Geisser called the question. Commissioner Mazdell commented that being in the business of commercial valuation and consulting over the last twenty years, he thinks that a change in value on surrounding properties resulting from this rezoning would be remote at best. He described the property now in its existent commercial use as being functuatly obsolete. And he commented that the property has been on the market for 11 months in a very active real estate commercial mazket. He feels that rezoning this properly will be a benefit to the neighborhood. Commissioner Field added that he woutd considet rezoning the whole strip there to more appropriately reflect the design of the buildings as opposed to rezoning just this one. 5 Commissioner Kranier asked if the sale of this property falls through, whether the rezoning is then cast in stone. Ms. Dadlez responded that: 1) no conditions can be put onto rewnings, 2) the commission is • jast making a recommendation to the city council; the'u hearing will be in appro�mately three weeks and then it takes a couple of months to make it official. She added that if the seller did not want the rezoning to go through, it could always be held up at the city council. �" " `�': ._.:.;:::�::-;:;<;<�.._..:.:.�,_:.::<::_;;:<:: ,.,.- ..,.. :..:::::::::::....__:.;, :.,:._;„::. � ,.....>_...,,..::�-.:;:<�.<...:..-:.._.:: :._..::<_,...�_,::,::. , , z� to �p�cs�� th� �� �,��i��s� ��,me:H 3 � #t� ��p� � �iss� ��e ,, , „ .._. _, . ".:�..., ,.. . ... ,.. �}�r� ���;��.< Januarv Minor Zonine Amendments - Roger Ryan " £�'li€�T�i:='����t�i��`Ivi�a�iti;�a��:,:-,..:>, `' €;af: � s �r..:,.._>_,.>::::.«.:�.: : ::..:< ..::.. :..:.:.-<..<..,�� �,-.�,,,.— .::. ... ..... .. �. . .. : -.. . , . �pF�?ya� , . .. . � �ttg �end�enk� ::� � d�ua�` I� Commissioner Vaught spoke in opposition. He said that he does not consider this particulaz part of the zoning code to be broken and in need of fixing. He noted that he recalled bringing up real issues over the last few years regazding the zoning code that needed fixing, such as accessory uses, that have gone unlooked at; instead issues that don't need fixing are addressed. Commissioner Field supports the motion for approval, buY added that there does not seem to be too much problem with this part of the code. He recommended that staff be encouraged to work out those azeas where the code is problemaric. Commissioner Gordon asked staff why this area of the zoning code was picked for fiacing; and he asked Commissioner Vaught if the change makes the matter better or worse than it was. • Mr. Ryan responded that one reason why this group of amendments were chosen was because nonconforming uses aze the most difficuk to deal with, especially from stafl's point of view, because this area of the zoning code is very cumbersome to understand; iYs a confusing mix of regularions and permits maicing it difficult to sort out. He sfated that the purpose of overhauling this area was to make it more comprehensible and more understandable. Mr. Ryan pointed out that there have been requests from the zoning committee for additional amendments having to do with allowing the expansion of nonconforming uses, the principal use part - allowing that to be expanded; and that's been added. Also, there have been requests to add conditions for sunsetting nonconforming uses which haue been added. So, these requesu have been incorporated inYo the zoning wde. Commissioner Vaught responded that he thinks that this change may result in it being a negative change in the long run because it takes the change in use out of the review by the zoning committee and planning commission; a change in nonconfotming use, if delegated to staff, could autorrcarically be allowed to happen without the commission being aware of it because the commission will no longer be deating with a certain type of change. Commissioner Field commented that he feels streamlining is a positive change, it speeds up the process and should be done, if possible. Commissioner Schwichtenberg commented that he likes the language simplificafion aspect of Yhe change. He agrees with Commissioner Vaught regarding the reorganizational aspects • 0 • ` x 4 � i i� 1 , �� � �'x � � v � � MIN[TTES OF THE ZONZNG COMMZTTEE �� CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ON FEBRVARY 1, 1996 `�4� -2�y PRESENT: Mmes. Morton and Wencl; Messrs. Chavez, Field, Gurney, Kramer and Vaught of the Zoning Committee; Mr. Warner, Assistant City Attorney; Mmes. Dadlez and Sanders and Messrs. Ford and Ryan of the Planning Division. � ABSENT• Time: Faricy, excused 3:56 - A:13 p.m. The meeting was chaired by Gladys Morton, Chairperson. �96-002; Rezonina. Rezone the property from B-3 (general business) to R-4 (residential single family) to allow an existing commercially used property to be used as a single family dwelling. Kady Dadlez, Planning Division staff, reviewed the staff report and presented slides. Staff recommended approval of the rezoning petition to allow the property to be used as a single family dwelling, based on findings 1 through 4 of the staff report. Ms. Dadlez pointed out an error in the staff report which states that the District 5 Planning Council voted to support the rezoning. Rather, the District 5 Planning Council did not take a position, and a letter from Carrie • Wasley, Chair of the Community Planning and Economic Development Committee, was distributed to that effect. Commissioner Kxamer asked whether the applicant�s propexty could be occupied as a residence if it were not rezoned. Ms. Dadlez responded that it could not, as it is commercially zoned B-3, with the only legal use of the property being commercial use. Ms. Dadlez pointed out that neighboring residences in the B-3 zoning were likely always residential, never having been converted to commercial. She pointed out that once a conversion to commercial has been permitted that the use cannot go back to residential, and that mixed commercial/residential would be permitted, as long as 50% of the first floor is commercial. 4 Commissioner Rramer expressed concern regarding the zoning as it related to the property taxes, and said he Chought that one could homestead commercially- zoned property being occupied as a residence, which would result in tax-rate reductions. Ms. Dadlez said that in advertising the property to potential buyers triat the applicant has been limited to what the current property taxes are as a commercial use, and that it would just be speculation as to what the property taxes would be if it were homesteaded, unless it was clearly rezoned as a residential property. Steve Scribner, the applicant, spoke briefly. Mr. Scribner pointed out that he currently has a purchase agreement in place with a residential buyer, contingent upon the rezoning. The properCy has been on the market for approximately one year, with no commercial buyer interested in purchasing it. Mr. Scribner estimated that the taxes would be about $1,200 per year for a residential use versus the $4400 for commercial use. • Commissioner Wencl asked what the recent history has been £or the property. � Mr. Scribner responded that prior to his purchasing the property, an insurance company occupied it for about one and one ha2f years, beginning in about Z988, • and prior to that it was a residence. Mr. Scribner said it was his misunderstanding when he purchased it that it cauld go residential or commercial, depending on how they wanted to sell it, Commissioner Gurney moved approval of the rezoning petition to allow the property to be used as a single family dwelling. Commissioner Vaught seconded the motion. Commissioner Field said he would vote against the motion as he saw it as a spot rezoning, although he £elt very sympathetic towards the applicant. He believed that if the property had been residential, with a desire to rezone to commercial B-3, due to difficulty in selling the property, that there would likeZy be opposition voiced by the district counci2, which disturbs him, as the district council in this aase has taken no position, despite the fact that he believes it to be a spot rezoning. Commissioner Kramer had no objection to the property being used as a residence, but did not support rezoning it and said that it might be a stretch to say that because the houses behind Arcade Street are zoned residential, that it is not a spot rezoning. He said in looking at Arcade Street, all that area is zoned B-3. Co�nissioner Kramer was concerned that rezoning the property residential, and leaving B-3 zoning surrounding it, would give a false sense of security to anybody who purchases the property, (as an example he said that there is an auto body shop one block south, and a gas station one block north), and suggested that a rezoning would reduce the value of trie B-3 properties immediaLely to the south of it because of setbacks and other requirements of a residential zone. Commissioner Kramer said he did not object to the property being used as a residence, if that were possible without rezoning the property, as he could not support rezoning it. Commissioner Vaught said he would support the motion as the property is contiguous to a property that is zoned residential and that it is clearly suitable for a residence. He further stated that had the property not been contiguous with what the zoning request was, then he would have no trouble concluding that it was a spot rezoning and would not support it. Commissioner Field said that if there were a way to allow the applicant or the purchaser of the property from the applicant, to reside there that didn't involve what he considered to be spot rezoning, that he would clearly be in support of that, He said that it is not the use, but more the spot rezoning that he believes is not appropriate. ' Commissioner Gurney said that he moved the motion, not only because the applicant was in a bind, but because the Zoning Committee has approved many such requests in the past. Commissioner Gurney said he did not believe this to be a spot rezoning, but an addition to an area, and that generally residential use is less disruptive than commercial use. The motion failed on a vote of 3 to 4(MOrtoa, Rramer, Chavez, Field, against). Staff was requested by the committee to determine whether any other means of allowing a residential use were available to the commission. Submi ed by: ����,��- Approved by: Gladys Morton Chairperson • C , J � 01110I1992 21:0H 612-771-4952 SKYLINE EN6INEERING PAGE B1 STEVE ANp BARB SCN.IBNTH 17T5 PELTIER LK. DEt. CENTERVILLE , MINN 55038 971-9824 2 ?T1-4052 FAX DATE - ��- a� 3AINT PAUL PLANNING COAdMIS3ION 1100 CITY FiALL ANNEX 2b W . FOURTH ST SAINT PAVL , MINN 55102 /�i�c% �,1 � I-o 7� DEAR ��. , I OWN TIiE HdME LOCATED AT 1374 ARCAl3E ST. IN ST. PAUL WHICH IS ZONED B-3 COMNCERCIAL. WE`VE OPERATED OUR FAMILY BU3INESS (COMPUTES AEPAIR) FROM TAIS HOME FOB THE LAST 5 YEARS. THE BUSINESS HAS GH�WN GAEATLY IN THIS AMOUNT OF �IINLE AIVA 'i1iE NOW FTND OURSELVES NEEDING A LARGER BIJILDING WITH A LOADING DOCK AND MORE SQUARE FOOTAGE. • MY WIFE AND I GREW UP ON TIiE EAST SiAE AND WANT' TO RELC}CATE SK,YLINE ENGINEERIAIG INC. WITHIAI ST. PAVL PTEAR ITS PRESENT LOCATION. WE 'VE HAD THE IiOUSE AT I374 ARCADE LI5T�b FaR SALE WITH VARIOUS COMMERCIAL AND RES�DENTIAL REALTCfRS FOR il MON'I'HS WITHOUT A SINGLE INTERESTED COMMERCIAL PARTY. S�VERAL W�EKS AGO A FAMILY CAME FORWARD WITH AN OFFER TO SiSY THE IiOME FdB RE3IAENTIAL USE. ANTHONY LOPEZ WITH HIS FIANC�' ANb THREE YOUNG CHILDREN HAVE FALLEN IN LOVE WITH THE HOME AND WOULD LIKE TQ CLOSE A8 BOON AS POSSIBLE AND TAKE OWNERSHIP. WE APPLIED FOR A ZONING CHANGE A1VA ON THURSDAY FEB 1,1996 THE INITIAL �TE QF 'x'HE 8 PERSO�1 20NxNG COMMI'1'TEE WAS '�'O DFNY THE CFiANGE TO R-5k RESIDENTIAL BY A VOTE OF 4 TO 3. THIS DENIAL MAY HAVE BEEN DUE TO MY NOT PROVIDING ENOUGH INFORMATION TO THE VOTING MEMBERS ASOUT THE PROPERTY. 9 H1/1011992 21:00 612-771-4052 SKYLINE ENGIh�ERING PAG'E 82 ' THE PURPOSE OF TFFIS LETTER. I3 TO PROVIV� THE 21 PF•ItSON PLANNING COIdMISSION BETTER BACKGROUND INFOBMATION NEEDED TO MARE AN IIVFf�RMED CHOICE iVHEN THE NEI{'f VOTE FOR REZQNING TASES PLACS ON FRIDAY FEH 9TA. • 1374 ARCADE IS A SEAUTIFUL BRICK AND TILE HOME BUILT IN I933. ALTf10UGH VPE'VE HAD OUR BUSINESS THERE FOR 5 YEAltS WE'VE TAKEN GREAT PAINS TO PRSSERVE IT'3 RESIDENTIAL APPEARANCE INSIDE AI3D OUT. KITCHEN APFLIAAICES,CARPETING , BEDROQM DECOR ,WASHER/DRYER ,FINISHED BABEMEN'T AAE ALL INTACT. THE BUILDING IS , IN EVERY WAY , A BESIDENTIAL HOME. THE HUUSE IS 83 YEA$S OLD AND HAS BEEN OCCUPIED FOR 56 OF THOSE YEARS AS A RESIDENCE. THE ADdACENT PROPERTIES ON THBEE SIDE3 ARE OCCt3PIED AS RESEDENTIAL HOMES. EVERY NEIGHBOR SU$ROUNDING dUB HDUSFs WA5 HAPPY TO SIGN THE PETITION FOA THIS ZONING CHANGE RETURNING THE HOME TO FAMILY U3E AND LOOK FORWABD TO IVIEETING NEW NEIGHBORS. AS A COMMERCIAL BUILDING IT HAS A NUMBER OF PAOBLEMS. FORENIOST BSING THE TWO FLIGFiTB OF STEPS GOING FROM BIDEWALR LEV�I. TO FR.ONT DOOR. THESE � STEPS MAK� THE BUILDING UNUSABLE BY BUSINESSES SERVING HANDICAPPED ,INJURED, SICK t�R ELAERLY PEpPLE. THE STEPS ELIMINATE TRAVEL AGENCIES , CHIROPRACTOR , HAIR SALONS , MOST IlYSURANCE AGENCIES , DOCTOR3 , DENTISTS , LAWYERS ,ETC• SECONDLY , SF14II TRAILE&.S ARE VNABLE TO CiET INTO THE ALLEY iN BACR. BECAUSE OF THIS , SEMI'S MUST BE IAADED AND UNLOADED BX HAND DIRECTLY ON A&CADE ST. T'HIS EXPOSES OUR III�LOYEES A13D GUSTOMERS TO DANGEROUS AHCADE STItEET TRAFFFC OFTEN DURIIVG THE RUSH AOUR . AS RECENTLY AS LAST WEEK A CAR NARROWLY MISSEA RAbIl4IING TAE BACK OF A TRUCK BEING UNLOADED IN THIS FASHION. OUR £MPLOXEE WA5 NEARLY INdURED IN THSB MISHAP- • THE RESULT IS , UNLESS WE CAN FIND A VERY iTNUSUAL COMMExCIAL BUYER , WE ARE STUCK iYITH A BUILDING �OC>RLY 3UITED FOR CE)NINlEHCIAL U3E. (d 01/10/1992 21:00 612-171-4052 SKYLINE EN6INEERING PAGE 03 ` THE ST. PAUL PLANI3ING COMMI53ION HAS AI3 OPPORTUNITY TO DQ TWO GOOD THINGS BY ALLOWING A ItEZONiNG OF THIS PH4PLRTY. �� � I • ONE , ALLf3W A FAMILY TO MOVE IIdTO A AQME THEY HAVE A PURCHASE /�,GREEMENT ON AND ALBEADY LOVE VEFiY MUCH. TWO , ALIAW A SMALL BUSINESS (3HYLINE ENG.) TO GROW A1JD FLOUAISH WITFiIN THE CITY OF ST. PAUL BY 1tEMdVING ROAD BI�CK3 TO ITS EXPAN3ION. MOVING OUR BUSINESS TO MORE SUI4`ABLE SURROUNAINGS WILL ALLOw US TO ULTIMATELY ADD J085 AND REVENUE TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL THANK YOV VERY MUCH FOR TAKING THE TIME TO READ THIS ATVU THANK YOU FOR ANY CONSIAERATION YOU CAN GIVE TO THIS MA'TTEFt. STEVE SCRISNER � POTENTIAI, BUXER - ANTHONY LOPEZ 495 E. ARLINGTON AVE 5T. PAUI,,MINN 55101 REALTY CO.- PARKVIEW REAL ESTATE 2270 MAPLEWOOD DR. MApLEM►OOI3,MINN 55109 • �� ZONING CODmSITT88 STAFF RBPORT • ______�_____________________ FILB # 96-002 1. AEPL'LCANT: STEVE SCRIBNER DATS OF HEARING: 02/01/96 2. CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: 1374 ARCADE STREET (south east corner of Arcade & Cottage) .}, pLANNING DISTRICP: 5 5, LEGAL DBSCRIPTION: Lots 12, 13, and 14, Block 6; Lane's Phalen Grove Addition 6. PRSSSNT ZONING: B-3 ZOI�ING CODB R8F8R8NC8: §64-400 7. STAFF ZtIVSSTIGATION AgID RBPORT: DATB: 1/25/96 SY: Kady Dadlez 8. DATB R8C8IV8D: O1/03/96 DSADLINE FOR ACPION: 3/2/96 _________�__________________________________________�____________________=___ __ ______ _____ ____ ______________________________ 3 A. PIIRPOS$: Rezone the property from B-3 (general business) to R-4 (residential single family) to allow an existing commercially used property to be used as a single family dwelling. g, pAxCBL SIZB: This corner property has 133 feet of frontage on Arcade Street and 125 feet of frontage on Cottage Avenue for a total lot area of • 16,625 square feet. C. 8%ISTING i.AND IISS: The property is occupied by a single family home and two-car detached garage. The property is being used commercially as a computer repair shop. D. SIIRROIINDING LAND IISB: North: Coimnercial uses and parking in B-3 and P-1 zoning districts. East: Predominantly one and two-family homes in an R-4 zoning district. South: Commercial uses in a B-3 zoning district. West: Commercial uses along Arcade Street in a B-3 zoning district. E. ZONZIiG CODS CITATION: SeCtion 64.400(aj states "the council may, frOm time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed." Section 64.400(b) states "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67) percent of the area of the property to be rezoaed." F. HxSTORYlDISCIISSION: There are no previous zoning cases conceming this property. G. DISTRICT COIINCIL RSCOL�➢?NDATION: The District 5 Planning Council voted • to support the rezoning petition to allow residential use of the property. tti 33 ��-a�`� • Zoning File #96-002 Page Two H. FINDINGS• 1. The applicant owns the property and has been operating a computer repair business from the residential structure for about five years. The business has outgrown the space so the owner has been trying to sell the property for almost one year. There has not been much commercial interest in the property_ Rather, most interest has come from residential buyers. However, the commercial tax rate on the property has scared off residential buyers. Now that the applicant has received an of£er to purchase from residential buyer he is pursuing the rezoning. The applicant states that although the property had been used for several years for commercial purposes, the interior of the structure has remained unchanged and is in move-in condition for a residential buyer. The rezoning is in conformance with the comprehensive plan. The housing goal of the District 5 Plan states, the Payne-Phalen community will work to maintain and improve the existing housing stock and to add new housing units in order to provide safe, sound housing for all its residents." p.5. The commercial land use objective of the Land Use Plan is to "maintain and enhance the city's commercial areas and to provide the flexibility needed to accommodate new demands and opportunities." p. 24. The Land Use Plan also states "the city will continue to review its present zoning to ensure that : 1) each zoning classification reflects uses appropriate to the intended applicaCion of that district; and 2) each commercial area is appropriately zoned for its intended function.�� p.27. • 3. The rezoning is in keeping with the way the property was developed and will not have an adverse impact on adjacent property. The property is adjacent to an existing R-4 zoning district. In addition, current zoning does not allow reasonable use of the property as demonstrated by the applicant's inability to attract a commercial buyer for almost a year. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition signed by two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the property to be rezoned consenting to the rezoning (15 parcels eligible, 10 parcels needed, and 1i parcels signed). STAFF RHCOl�+NDATION: Based on findings 1 through 4 staff recommends approval of the rezoning petition to allow the property to be used as a single family dwelling. C� �% 3U PETITION TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE Department of Planning and Economic Development Zoning Section 1100 City Flall Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 26b6589 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION Property Owner S'TL-✓C SGRi[3N�2 Address / 77� PEL T/.� � L� D� City �EN��'.ev���� St�^�Zip SSo phone 77 �" 9 6d�/ Contact person (if different) 3� Legal AD.E C� additiona! sheet if necessary) • 70 THE HOMORABZE MAYOR AND CITY COUNClL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues Sf eve. SG�i 6ne (r , the owner of ail the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a 6-3 zoning district to a R� zoning district, for the purpose of: /J .� �CS .' c%t .t// � cL � �`�"--2.� ' �p o C G ✓�� (aftach additional sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required site plan ❑ Consent petition ❑ Affidavit ❑ Subscribed and swom to before me this �� of Notary Public 7 9!�.� By: � _ ��� Fee owner of property Tit�e: OGtI/�/G / L • .� ,.,,, , .,.., , . ,, �...,.,:,,., RC:°':•�_•- c �.- � > : ^=�=r, _ > r�c�,..; .: "..._,. ._„ � (� - - � . , .:.��crr, R..i'a. )'rr, ..TY Nry Co.-^a. ErPLes Jan, 3., EG00 � YWw\'�vo.. ✓.�. ....,�.'vbW� Page 1 of �� , • G�-��` SUFF CHECY SHEE2 ONING S Y NGUP ZTIONS • FIRST SUBMITTED RESUBMITLED DATE PETITIOV SUBMZT2ED: I Z� Z�� I S DATE SUSHITTED: DATE OFFICZALLY RECEIVED: I� 2��� DATE RECEIVED: PARCELS ELIGIBLE: '� pARCELS N£EDED: / � PARCEL SIGVED; �/ PARCELS ELIGSBLE: PARCELS NEEPED: PARGELS SIGtiED: CHECXED BY: , DATE: / � r �� zoN��� �i�E e�oo a CJ �� 3� � � �� / S ' � ., g' /� �' CONSENT OF AA70ZNING PROPERTY OWI3ER5 TO REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, ar sold by petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: � 1. A copy of the Petition of S'�e+�e d 13 ct� �� ll� 6.lE.C- / (name of getitioner) 2. A copy of Sections C�Q, y through �iC}, �a . inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and ' acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a — District zoning classification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Yetition of S'�eve d I��e� S�ri bne,� to a �, District (name of petitioner) • > i� r� i ! � ' - r1 LJ 3� Petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after a petition is received by the Ylanning Division. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request within that time . page _ of _ �� �- � �, � STP.Tt. OF Y.I�+?iE50iA) : SS COUtiIY 0� I��..`:SEY ) • . �TF_ �� �GR�($N�� , being £irst c'uly s-o:n, daoos_s z::c states tnat he/she i.s the pzTa�es�hthatTSffiant zseinfonz c�adtbelieves tnzt consent, consisting of ` p S � the parties described zre tne o«-ners respzctively of rhe lcts placed j.r�;cediately before each nac:e, that affiazt is inT ze=d 2�r�.°ibcl�s`��itnin�lCOc� of the pzrties descr�bed sbovz is the a��er of P P � i etiticr.z� x"eet frora ��y prooerty o� or purchzsed by petitione_ or so_d by p �ritnin or.e (1) year pracedin� the date o� this petitio:� {%;11C:1 is conti��o-` Lo tne pxopz=t} dascribed in thz peticion; thst exceot �ar �=o�e:c� none o£ zhe parties describzd �bove has putchased or is p�rcn�sin� p £ron petitioneY contiguous to tne above described prooerty hichin o�e (1) �=�'-' of tne date of the petition; tn�t this consent F zs signzd b} e�ch o£ saic oc.r.ers in the preseace of tnis zfiiant, and that the sioaatures are tne ���= znd corract signatures of e�ch �nd all o:: tne parties so d=_scribea. � Subscribe znd saorn to� ig ae tnis �=Y of��/(,� � / a- �_/_/ , � /, I_� � /��a —��� � 1 �r��� S�cR�B/✓Cl� . 137�{ ��AdE �� Fddress �7�-9Ea� Telephon=_ 2�L=oer • , ..nr:,n ■h,4�/:�N+hWl,.JJe^.N�.4/�^1Ppi�...,V.....:.. ' �?� � NJ'eY.P.�{`t".aL'� � i�'...`en Z � �� ,y .: � `� }� gTLeS`_YCO_,"TY . 1 V ` - cs.laa.3t,-G00 ) � MY Com:�. �xpir _ JV�.V JVYVV�i\'�. . a'�/ V� 1 _ . ,.___ �pproved zs to forn - Jan. 1, 1991 � ,QN��� FILE � Yla�zing Dzoart�znt . • ►1 page _ �f _ 1 3S STEVE SCRIBNER 1374 ARCADE ST. ST. PAUL , MINN 55106 ?71-9624 PHONE 771-4052 FAX 12/20/95 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPT OF PLANNING /ECON DEVELOPMENT 25 W. 4TH ST ST. PAUL,MINN 55102 ATTN - KADY DADLEZ SUBJECT - APPLICATIOIV FOR REZONING KADY , PLEASE FIND AfiTACAED THE PETITION FOR REZONING SIGNED BY ADJOINING RESIDENTS. ALL THE RESIDENTS WERE HAPPY TO HERE TfiE PROPERTY AT 1374 ARCADE MAY BE RETURNED TO RESIDENTIAL STATUS SO WE HAVE GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD SUPPORT. THE HOUSE HAS BEEN LISTED ON THE COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL MARKETS FOR APPROXIMATELY 9 MONTHS AND HAS BEEN UNABLE TO ATTRACT ANY KIND OF COMMERCIAL OFFER. THE PEOPLE VIEWING THE PROPERTY HAVE , IN ALMOST ALL CASES , BEEN RESIDENTIAL FAMILEES. ON MONDAY OF THIS WEEK WE RECEIVED AN OFFER FR.OM A RESIDENTIAL BUYER AND WOULD LIKE TO PROCEED WITH THE REZONING PROCESS TO RESIDENTIAL STATUS. THE HOUSE AT 1374 ARCADE HAS BEEN HOME TO OUR. COMPUTER REPAIR BU5INESS FOR ABOUT 5 YEARS AND WE'VE COMPLETELY OUTGROWN THE SPACE. NOTHTNG IN THE HOUSE HAS BEEN CHANGED AND IS STILL COMPLETELY LIVABLE. THE KITCHEN , BATHROOMS , APPLIANCES , CARPETING , ETC. ALL REMAIN ENTACT FOR RESIDENTIAL USE. WE AAE HOPING FOR THE QUICKEST POSSIBLE ROUTE TO A ZONING CHANGE SO IF THERE IS ANYTHING MORE YOU NEED FROM ME JUST CALL AT THE ABOVE NUMBER. THANK YOU. �,"��� � �� �� � � �� ? sTSvE� ��., ____------ � � � • J 39 . / � / / / / 'A Fumily Tru�litmn Sinca 1955 V Ray Hitchcock Maplewood Ofifice 2966 White Bear Ave. Maplewood, MN 55109 Dir: 779-2448 Bus: 770-1775 Res: 484-1281 Fax: 779-2628 $98,900 CLASSIC DESIGN! Zoned 63, this huge all brick rambler is currentiy being utilized as a computer repair business, but can be a single family home. Features include three bedrooms on the main level, formal dining room, eat-in kitchen, hardwood floo�s, sunroom that walks out to a patio, fireplace in the living room, two bathrooms and old worid charm galore! Perfect for accountant, insurance agent, attorney, travef agent, etc . . . 1374 Arcade St., St. Paui �_ ��-:�.- ROOM DIMENSIONS Main Leve/ Living Room............16' x 15' Dining Room...........15' x 12' Kitchen ...................16' x 12' Suncoom ...................15' x 8' Bedroom .................12' x 10' Bedroom .................12' x 11' Bedroom .................12' x 10' Full Bath LowerLevel Rec Room ...............31' x 14' 112 Bath HOME INFORMATtON Year Built .....................1933 Foundation Sq. Ft.......1,529 Finished Sq. Ft............1,963 Corner Lot Size...133' x 125' 1995 Tax ...................$4,375 Brick Exterior Clay Tile Roof Security System Hardwood Fioors Patio 2 Car Detached Garage plus off street parking City Water / City Sewer Hot Water/ Gas Heat School District 625 INCLUDED IN SALE Refrigerator � Range LVItl�l�9� ��3�� ��� Dishwasher �1 ER 975 4p �� A� 3 (612) 771 - 1590 FAX (672) 777 - 0437 � MESABI CONTROL ENGtNEERING LTD - 1350 ARCADE STREET - ST. PAUL, MN 55106 U.S.A.� In Control SysTems RECEIVED January 25, 2996 JAN 26 1996 Z4�Ntl�� Zoning Committee 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: 1374 Arcade Street To Whomever This Niay Concern: We have no objection to the proposed rezoning of this property from general business to residential single family. � Best Regards, obert Lange President • Za P.02 p����@ i7 t�U��?��r� District Five Planning Council • 1 �14 Payne Ave., Samt Pau4, M4� 55101 {612) 774-5234 � (� -a� L'ebYttary �, 1996 RECEIVED FEB 011996 �- � Gladye Cha3.r Zoning 25 W. Sain� Mo=�on ColnmiCtee 4th 5tteet Paul, NIl9 55102 Dear Chair Morton & Committee memberso re: Rezoning fxom 8-3 to R-4 1374 Arcade Street ZONING We wi�sh to infoxm you tbat "nn action" by our Soard was '�aken regarding the aforementioned property at 1374 Arcade. The stat� reporl. uantains a atatemant that the DistriCfi. 5 Board approved the rezoninq. The notice arrived �oo late for ns to properly notify reeidents snd buniness�es pri.or to oui Community Planning and Bconomic Develagment Committee {CPED} and tk►us was nat paxt of tt►e aqendd. F��av�r, �hc Committee w�es informed ss an "fyi" and the general concensus seemed favorable. ;f your Committee wishes to delay action on this rezoning, we CPEDaCommitteetforVWednesclay, Pebruaxyul4th.hparinq before �he Sincerely, �-CJ�� arzie Wasley Chair CPED Commit�.ee Z� � � 1. SUNRAY-BATTI.ECREEK-HIGHWOOD 2. HAZEL PARK HADEN-PROSPERITY HILLCREST 3. WEST SIDE 4. DA ' UFF 5. PAYNE-PHALEN . NOR 7. THOMAS-DALE 8. SUMMIT-UNIVERSTTY 9. WEST SEVENTH 10. COMO 21. HAMLINE-A�WAY 12. ST. ANT�IONY PARK 13. MERRIAM PARIK LEXiNGTON HAMLINE-SNELLING HAMLINE 14. MACALESTER GROVELAND 15. HIGHI.AND 16. SUMMIT HILS. 17. DOWNTOWN ZONING FILE �°°� zZ �i CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNING DISTRICTS �. - a i �:�a = :;� ::, � r--r-� >' � _ i f:� 11f � l� �� 7� � _� ��_ , � � O ���� � ' ��� � F �� p H♦ L E n (� � �.-J L J V I F F � _""' a� U� � LJ � � � S � S �,.� '� ' �� � � � - _.�. , � ::::: � (� `. , ii - ��� � � fs_" _' � � � i ��� � •�; ��;:,'-'J � �:�� � � �'��. �..... �\� � � � - ����I���—� � � � ��, 1 � � A���O���� _ � �� c�� ..- - � a�r °� �� ��� � LJ L1� � �I ��CC�1� !N _ �ZONi�G ..FtLE 6 -0DZ � _ 2 � _ -_ _ y� ; io =b���l, '�'' ' �� � .'� ` O ;i O � �.. • O � •: ;� : :,>,_ .. .w_ ,�: � • • � .+�: � .-� f + �`T �- �. - i �-: - , ,- 1. _- � --+'�- — �O}}NZa�1 H/GN SCtFoo1� � � �-� ., 'Cy{!'1 �'•�[Y�Of O�t3fQ�::i.Sy,. � :E : 'C-f ` o`�� � ''o�lY'' �`•:,� =•<'�' `.,:-" �'s C' Lu . !� , < <f � - _. � •- -- .. . ��.� s�{.:� ,�"P`°rz' � � t`, .y r �1'<t' + �'..J a .�'t•:�`� _ �%�l��i r �e� d '_ ,.x.:'r`.. `4 E:%...r.' '4'_ �l ;� �:��-- E-�.- � '.:•+'ti '��..i �� �•'+���. � O QI _ -,�c`JSr+ �' ��''-= . i .' . _ t "".�'-'4�: L' + ' � U � � ::. ° t fi! ¢ ,0 4�d�_. ;; (.;'+�i .. �,� _ ��,� � t � �. _ ' � . .. J-� -� �,,\.: [). � • 1- , �i'� r.I ...(�r .. . � ^.' F�, is ��� '��' p �"4J� ^ �. 4. � e�l+' %'a �i G. 4y L� t� C ` � `• � . ' .� � `, O � r�� . ti . � M1 _ .�..t `.�•� �� � � � � :�• = OO O.OIO .O. _ D . .� ` � - � - ��s;=. - �x .. - i; - � -.. - ' '-` '� � - -- _ �, " �. . � ..: , r. �. .: . . : -`-.�`�,�-_�- -'` � _ . :., j� .._,i�..:;.4:ir -- _ , � �� y¢' �s: ��Q V 0 a ��0 �;�f� .n . t- t .� � �� .it •. . . � ;..i _ " ._ .. �; "�" ` • , ' � - ' . ±. : ii ' " " - ��:. . � V ''' � 0 0 � � � � �, Q 0 :�' t �♦-` ��b'� . _ .. _ .. .." t .. � . . : _� ...� x=,......�,,� �.�-.�-.., F,.--, ._... : _ - " .=�:-`' - ..�- � Rp°, -p.U0=0 IJO�O�00 n. � ;° ,( �•� - - - - � � . ;� _« F ��i �>. F`'r-sl' ��..= ' •.� _ � " � I ! o,410i O' Of� I Of�l�� � � Q' . � � • �J i u ���� n�a���ao s . • s • • • • • • • O • ���� � � � J � �m� ������ � • • • � � �� • • • • r/� � `� — � • • • • •'• • • • • � �!��u�s 00 - FARNSWORTN � �1 L r �a� �plG�� Q O O� �.; � ; ; , 1T�T o'o o:ao o ac — --=,-_---_� APPLICANT ��� �� ��� LEGEND PURPOSE ��t pl' 3' �'� �� zoning district boundary FILE # � � ' � L DATE � � � ' �� � subjeci property : PLNG. DIST 5 MAP # � o one family ••^ oommere�at � two famiy ♦ � � industrial ! SCALE 1" = 40Q' �� q�j �¢ Q�I�ipte family V vacarrt s��� • • y3